CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-212 TO' Maxime Ducoste-Amedee, Planner, Planning & Zoning FROM' Laurinda Logan, P.E , Senior Engineer, Public Works/Engineering DATE' October 22, 2002 RE Fookes Variance ZNCV 02-014 Easements Max, In response to your request of 10/21/02 for confirmation regarding allowable use(s) within utility easements I can offer the following o The LOR, Chapter 7 5, Article I, Section 18.1 give public utilities the authority to remove any trees that interfere with utility services, either in utility easements or public rights-of-way. o The Utilities Engineering Design Handbook & Construction Standards, Chapter 1, Article I, Section E.2 states that "Easements should allow unhindered access to all Department facilities and mains" I also spoke with Pete Mazzella, Assistant Director, Utilities, who tells me that he is unaware of any specific written prohibition in the Code or LOR regarding construction within an easement. He went on to say that it is only common sense that construction of a structure within a right-of-way is a direct conflict and that Utilities has never allowed it. As you also know they are selective about the vegetative matter that is allowed in utility easements. I hope this was of help Please let me know if you have any additional questions LUck Xc: Jeff Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Director, Utilities H David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P SM., Utility Engineer, Engineering (via e-mail) File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Fookes Variance. doc 7--<-_ .-} DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses · Community Redevelopment December 9,2002 Hitchmg Post 4013 W. AtlantIc Delray Beach, FL 33445 Subject: Zoning and Permlttmg ReqUIrements - CIty of Boynton Beach Fookes Shed Vanance - 3220 Canal Dnve, Boynton Beach To busmess owner or manager: The CIty of Boynton Beach recently processed a variance request for a shed wlthm our municIpal limits at 3220 Canal Dnve. This vanance was necessItated due to a storage shed bemg placed within the mlmmum sIde and rear yard setbacks. If the shed was 7 feet hIgh or less, and 100 square feet or less, the setbacks are only 3 feet as long as no easements are encroached. However, the shed, we understand to have been purchased from thIS source, was erected at 8 Y2 feet m heIght thereby subJectmg it to the full structure setbacks of 25 feet rear and 10 sIde, and was placed withm an easement. The City was mformed that the seller of thIS shed had informed the buyers, Mr. and Mrs. Fookes, that a permit would not be reqUIred. Had a permIt been sought, the applIcable size limitatIOns and setback reqUIrements as mdicated in the CIty'S zonmg regulatIOns would have been realIzed pnor to the structure bemg erected. Although the detaIls of your commumcatIOn with the buyer is Irrelevant at thIS time, I feel It is necessary to mform you of the CIty'S permlttmg and zoning reqUIrements. Per Flonda BUIlding Code 2001, all bUIldings and structures shall meet the 140 mph wmd load requirement. Our wmd zone per Chapter 15 IS 140 mph (SectIOn 553.73 (8.H) Flonda Statutes), and specIfically reads "Storage sheds that are not desIgned for human habItatIOn and that have a floor area of 720 sq. ft. or less are only exempt from bemg reqUIred to comply with the mandatory wmd-bome-debns-Impact Standards of the Flonda Buildmg Code". Please note that Section (8.H) does not exempt sheds from permlttmg reqUIrements. ThIS sectIon only states that wmdows and doors need not be prOVIded WIth shutters or other humcane deVIces. WIth respect to local zoning regulatIOns, you may VIew them at the city's web SIte at http://www.boynton-beach.org/ (pull down "NewsIPublIcations" and select "Ordmances"). I realize that you cannot be expected to understand the many dIfferent zomng regulatIOns City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., PO. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561\ 742-6350 . www.ci.bovnton-beach.or Page 2 December 6, 2002 HItchmg Post enforced throughout your sales area; however, I hope that you always encourage your buyers to 1) first check for applIcable local zomng regulatIOns and 2) assume a permIt IS reqUIred untIl confirmed otherwIse by the respectIve local mumclpal offiCIal. I commend you If such commumcatIOns are conveyed by your sales team. Please contact me should you have any questIOns or need further clanficatIOn. Smcerely, -r//!r? -- {'-Yf..i/.C- Michael W Rumpf DIrector ofPlannmg and Zonmg cc: Don Johnson, BUIldmg OfficIal Attachments MR S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPICORRESPICorresp A thru LIHitching Post.dot ~~atutes->VIew Statutes->2002-: 0553->SectlOn 73 flsenate gov Page 1 of7 R(f' <;17 VjewS!:atut~~ Select Year: 12002..:J Search Statutes Constitution Information ~ L[]obyist Center .JmI!Im]D..lnformation Laws of Fionda Order fJ sen a te.gov Welcome Session Comm ittees Senators ~ The 2002 Florida Statutes Tit1~_ XXXlII REGULATION OF TRADE, COMMERCE, INVESTMENTS, AND SOLICITATIONS Cllapter553 BUILDING CONSTRUCTION STANDARDS View _Entire c:::hapt!!r 1553.73 Florida Building Code.-- (l)(a) The commission shall adopt, by rule pursuant to ss 1_2.0.53~(1) and 120 5A, the Florida Building Code which shall contain or incorporate by reference all laws and rules which pertain to and govern the design, construction, erection, alteration, modification, repair, and demolition of public and private buildings, structures, and facilities and enforcement of such laws and rules, except as otherwise provided in this section (b) The technical portions of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction shall be contained in their entirety in the Florida Building Code The civil rights portions and the technical portions of the accessibility laws of this state shall remain as currently provided by law Any revision or amendments to the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction pursuant to 2part V shall be considered adopted by the commission as part of the Florida Building Code Neither the commission nor any local government shall revise or amend any standard of the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction except as provided for in 2part V (c) The Florida Fire Prevention Code and the Life Safety Code shall be referenced in the Florida Building Code, but shall be adopted, modified, revised, or amended, interpreted, and maintained by the Department of Insurance by rule adopted pursuant to ss 120.53~Q(1) and 120.54. The Florida Building Commission may not adopt a fire prevention or Iifesafety code, and nothing in the Florida Building Code shall affect the statutory powers, duties, and responsibilities of any fire official or the Department of Insurance (d) Conflicting requirements between the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code and Life Safety Code of the state established pursuant to ss 633.022 and 63~lt2~ shall be resolved by agreement between the commission and the State Fire Marshal in favor of the requirement that offers the greatest degree of lifesafety or alternatives that would provide an equivalent degree of lifesafety and an equivalent method of construction If the commission and State Fire Marshal are unable to agree on a resolution, the question shall be referred to a mediator, mutually agreeable to both parties, to resolve the conflict in favor of the provision that offers the greatest Iifesafety, or alternatives that would provide an equivalent degree of lifesafety and an equivalent method of construction (e) Subject to the provisions of this act, responsibility for enforcement, interpretation, and regulation of the Florida Building Code shall be vested in a specified local board or agency, and the words "local government" and "local governing body" as used in this part shall be construed to refer exclusively to such local board or agency (2) The Florida Building Code shall contain provisions or requirements for public and private buildings, structures, and facilities relative to structural, mechanical, electrical, plumbing, energy, and gas systems, existing buildings, historical buildings, manufactured buildings, elevators, coastal construction, lodging facilities, food sales and food service facilities, health care facilities, including assisted living facilities, adult day care facilities, and facilities for the control of radiation hazards, public or private educational facilities, swimming pools, and correctional facilities and http.//www flsenate gov/statutes/index cfm? App _ mode=DIsplay _ Statute&Search ~ Stnng=&. 12/2/2002 statutes->VIew Statutes->2002-: .0SS3->SectI011 73 flsenate gov Page20f7 enforcement of and compliance with such provisions or requirements Further, the Florida Building Code must provide for uniform implementation of ss5J5 25, 515 2l, and 515 25l by including standards and criteria for residential swimming pool barriers, pool covers, latching devices, door and window exit alarms, and other equipment required therein, which are consistent with the intent of s 515-'..2~_, Technical provisions to be contained within the Florida Building Code are restricted to requirements related to the types of materials used and construction methods and standards employed in order to meet criteria specified in the Florida Building Code Provisions relating to the personnel, supervision or training of personnel, or any other professional qualification requirements relating to contractors or their workforce may not be included within the Florida Building Code, and subsections (4), (5), (6), and (7) are not to be construed to allow the inclusion of such provisions within the Florida Building Code by amendment This restriction applies to both initial development and amendment of the Florida Building Code. (3) The commission shall select from available national or international model building codes, or other available building codes and standards currently recognized by the laws of this state, to form the foundation for the Florida Building Code The commission may modify the selected model codes and standards as needed to accommodate the specific needs of this state Standards or criteria referenced by the selected model codes shall be similarly incorporated by reference If a referenced standard or criterion requires amplification or modification to be appropriate for use in this state, only the amplification or modification shall be specifically set forth in the Florida Building Code The Florida Building Commission may approve technical amendments to the code after the amendments have been subject to the following conditions (a) The proposed amendment has been published on the commission's website for a minimum of 45 days and all the associated documentation has been made available to any interested party before any consideration by any Technical Advisory Committee, (b) In order for a Technical Advisory Committee to make a favorable recommendation to the commission, the proposal must receive a three-fourths vote of the members present at the Technical Advisory Committee meeting and at least half of the regular members must be present in order to conduct a meeting, (c) After Technical Advisory Committee consideration and a recommendation for approval of any proposed amendment, the proposal must be published on the commission's website for not less than 45 days before any consideration by the commission, and (d) Any proposal may be modified by the commission based on public testimony and evidence from a public hearing held in accordance with chapter 120. The commission shall incorporate within sections of the Florida Building Code provisions which address regional and local concerns and variations The commission shall make every effort to minimize conflicts between the Florida Building Code, the Florida Fire Prevention Code, and the Life Safety Code. (4)(a) All entities authorized to enforce the Florida Building Code pursuant to s 553,80 shall comply with applicable standards for issuance of mandatory certificates of occupancy, minimum types of inspections, and procedures for plans review and inspections as established by the commission by rule Local governments may adopt amendments to the administrative provisions of the Florida Building Code, subject to the limitations of this paragraph Local amendments shall be more stringent than the minimum standards described herein and shall be transmitted to the commission within 30 days after enactment. The local government shall make such amendments available to the general public in a usable format. The State Fire Marshal is responsible for establishing the standards and procedures required in this paragraph for governmental entities with respect to applying the Florida Fire Prevention Code and the Life Safety Code (b) Local governments may, subject to the limitations of this section, adopt amendments to the technical provisions of the Florida Building Code which apply solely within the jurisdiction of such government and which provide for more stringent requirements than those specified in the Florida Building Code, not more than once every 6 months A local government may adopt technical amendments that address local needs if. http://www flsenate gov/statutes/index.cfm? App _mode=DIsplay _ Statute&Search _ Stnng=&.. 12/2/2002 statutes->VIew Statutes->2002-::: 0553->SectIon 73 flsenate gov Page 3 of7 1 The local governing body determines, following a public hearing which has been advertised in a newspaper of general circulation at least 10 days before the hearing, that there is a need to strengthen the requirements of the Florida Building Code The determination must be based upon a review of local conditions by the local governing body, which review demonstrates by evidence or data that the geographical jurisdiction governed by the local governing body exhibits a local need to strengthen the Florida Building Code beyond the needs or regional variation addressed by the Florida Building Code, that the local need is addressed by the proposed local amendment, and that the amendment is no more stringent than necessary to address the local need 2 Such additional requirements are not discriminatory against materials, products, or construction techniques of demonstrated capabilities 3 Such additional requirements may not introduce a new subject not addressed in the Florida Building Code 4 The enforcing agency shall make readily available, in a usable format, all amendments adopted pursuant to this section 5 Any amendment to the Florida Building Code shall be transmitted within 30 days by the adopting local government to the commission The commission shall maintain copies of all such amendments in a format that is usable and obtainable by the public. Local technical amendments shall not become effective until 30 days after the amendment has been received and published by the commission. 6 Any amendment to the Florida Building Code adopted by a local government pursuant to this paragraph shall be effective only until the adoption by the commission of the new edition of the Florida Building Code every third year At such time, the commission shall review such amendment for consistency with the criteria in paragraph (7)(a) and adopt such amendment as part of the Florida Building Code or rescind the amendment. The commission shall immediately notify the respective local government of the rescission of any amendment. After receiving such notice, the respective local government may readopt the rescinded amendment pursuant to the provisions of this paragraph 7 Each county and municipality desiring to make local technical amendments to the Florida Building Code shall by interlocal agreement establish a countywide compliance review board to review any amendment to the Florida Building Code, adopted by a local government within the county pursuant to this paragraph, that is challenged by any substantially affected party for purposes of determining the amendment's compliance with this paragraph If challenged, the local technical amendments shall not become effective until time for filing an appeal pursuant to subparagraph 8 has expired or, if there is an appeal, until the commission issues its final order determining the adopted amendment is in compliance with this subsection 8. If the compliance review board determines such amendment is not in compliance with this paragraph, the compliance review board shall notify such local government of the noncompliance and that the amendment is invalid and unenforceable until the local government corrects the amendment to bring it into compliance The local government may appeal the decision of the compliance review board to the commission If the compliance review board determines such amendment to be in compliance with this paragraph, any substantially affected party may appeal such determination to the commission Any such appeal shall be filed with the commission within 14 days of the board's written determination The commission shall promptly refer the appeal to the Division of Administrative Hearings for the assignment of an administrative law judge The administrative law judge shall conduct the required hearing within 30 days, and shall enter a recommended order within 30 days of the conclusion of such hearing The commission shall enter a final order within 30 days thereafter. The provisions of chapter 120 and the uniform rules of procedure shall apply to such proceedings The local government adopting the amendment that is subject to challenge has the burden of proving that the amendment complies with this paragraph in proceedings before the compliance review board and the commission, as applicable Actions of the commission are subject to judicial review pursuant to s 120 68. The compliance review board shall determine whether its decisions apply to a respective local jurisdiction or apply countywide http.//www flsenate gov/statutes/index.cfm? App _ mode=Dlsplay _ Statute&Search _ Stnng=&. 12/2/2002 statutes->VIew Statutes->2002-:: 0553->SectIon 73 flsenate gov Page 4 of7 9 An amendment adopted under this paragraph shall include a fiscal impact statement which documents the costs and benefits of the proposed amendment. Criteria for the fiscal impact statement shall include the impact to local government relative to enforcement, the impact to property and building owners, as well as to industry, relative to the cost of compliance The fiscal impact statement may not be used as a basis for challenging the amendment for compliance 10 In addition to subparagraphs 7 and 9 , the commission may review any amendments adopted pursuant to this subsection and make nonbinding recommendations related to compliance of such amendments with this subsection (c) Any amendment adopted by a local enforcing agency pursuant to this subsection shall not apply to state or school district owned buildings, manufactured buildings or factory-built school buildings approved by the commission, or prototype buildings approved pursuant to s 55_J 77(5) The respective responsible entities shall consider the physical performance parameters substantiating such amendments when designing, specifying, and constructing such exempt buildings (5) The initial adoption of, and any subsequent update or amendment to, the Florida Building Code by the commission is deemed adopted for use statewide without adoptions by local government. For a building permit for which an application is submitted prior to the effective date of the Florida Building Code, the state minimum building code in effect in the permitting jurisdiction on the date of the application governs the permitted work for the life of the permit and any extension granted to the permit. (6) The commission, by rule adopted pursuant to ss 1.20.53Q(1) and 12J)~4, shall update the Florida Building Code every 3 years When updating the Florida Building Code, the commission shall consider changes made by the adopting entity of any selected model code for any model code incorporated into the Florida Building Code, and may subsequently adopt the new edition or successor of the model code or any part of such code, no sooner than 6 months after such model code has been adopted by the adopting organization, which may then be modified for this state as provided in this section, and shall further consider the commission's own interpretations, declaratory statements, appellate decisions, and approved statewide and local technical amendments A change made by an institute or standards organization to any standard or criterion that is adopted by reference in the Florida Building Code does not become effective statewide until it has been adopted by the commission Furthermore, the edition of the Florida Building Code which is in effect on the date of application for any permit authorized by the code governs the permitted work for the life of the permit and any extension granted to the permit. Any amendment to the Florida Building Code which is adopted upon a finding by the commission that the amendment is necessary to protect the public from immediate threat of harm takes effect immediately (7)(a) The commission may approve technical amendments to the Florida Building Code once each year for statewide or regional application upon a finding that the amendment 1. Has a reasonable and substantial connection with the health, safety, and welfare of the general public. 2 Strengthens or improves the Florida Building Code, or in the case of innovation or new technology, will provide equivalent or better products or methods or systems of construction 3 Does not discriminate against materials, products, methods, or systems of construction of demonstrated capabilities. 4 Does not degrade the effectiveness of the Florida Building Code Furthermore, the Florida Building Commission may approve technical amendments to the code once each year to incorporate into the Florida Building Code its own interpretations of the code which are embodied in its opinions and declaratory statements Amendments approved under this paragraph shall be adopted by rule pursuant to ss 120 536(1) and 1_20 54, after the amendments http://www.flsenate gov/statutes/index.cfm? App _ mode=Dlsplay _ Statute&Search _ Stnng=&. 12/2/2002 statutes->VIew Statutes->2002-: 0553->SectlOn 73 flsenate gov Page 5 of7 have been subjected to the provisions of subsection (3) (b) A proposed amendment shall include a fiscal impact statement which documents the costs and benefits of the proposed amendment. Criteria for the fiscal impact statement shall be established by rule by the commission and shall include the impact to local government relative to enforcement, the impact to property and building owners, as well as to industry, relative to the cost of compliance (c) The commission may not approve any proposed amendment that does not accurately and completely address all requirements for amendment which are set forth in this section (8) The following buildings, structures, and facilities are exempt from the Florida Building Code as provided by law, and any further exemptions shall be as determined by the Legislature and provided by law' (a) Buildings and structures specifically regulated and preempted by the Federal Government (b) Railroads and ancillary facilities associated with the railroad (c) Nonresidential farm buildings on farms. (d) Temporary buildings or sheds used exclusively for construction purposes. (e) Mobile or modular structures used as temporary offices, except that the provisions of 2part V relating to accessibility by persons with disabilities shall apply to such mobile or modular stru ctu res (f) Those structures or facilities of electric utilities, as defined in s. 366.02, which are directly involved in the generation, transmission, or distribution of electricity (g) Temporary sets, assemblies, or structures used in commercial motion picture or television production, or any sound-recording equipment used in such production, on or off the premises. (h) Storage sheds that are not designed for human habitation and that have a floor area of 720 square feet or less are not required to comply with the mandatory wind-borne-debris-impact standards of the Florida Building Code (i) Chickees constructed by the Miccosukee Tribe of Indians of Florida or the Seminole Tribe of Florida As used in this paragraph, the term "chickee" means an open-sided wooden hut that has a thatched roof of palm or palmetto or other traditional materials, and that does not incorporate any electrical, plumbing, or other nonwood features With the exception of paragraphs (a), (b), (c), and (f), in order to preserve the health, safety, and welfare of the public, the Florida Building Commission may, by rule adopted pursuant to chapter 120, provide for exceptions to the broad categories of buildings exempted in this section, including exceptions for application of specific sections of the code or standards adopted therein The Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services shall have exclusive authority to adopt by rule, pursuant to chapter 120, exceptions to nonresidential farm buildings exempted in paragraph (c) when reasonably necessary to preserve public health, safety, and welfare The exceptions must be based upon specific criteria, such as under-roof floor area, aggregate electrical service capacity, HVAC system capacity, or other building requirements Further, the commission may recommend to the Legislature additional categories of buildings, structures, or facilities which should be exempted from the Florida Building Code, to be provided by law (9)(a) In the event of a conflict between the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code and the Life Safety Code as applied to a specific project, the conflict shall be resolved by agreement between the local building code enforcement official and the local fire code enforcement official in favor of the requirement of the code which offers the greatest degree of http://www flsenate gov/statutes/index.cfm0 App_mode=DIsp1ay _ Statute&Search _ Stnng=&. 12/2/2002 -statutes->Vlew Statutes->2002-~ '0553->SectlOn 73. flsenate.gov Page 60f7 lifesafety or alternatives which would provide an equivalent degree of lifesafety and an equivalent method of construction (b) Any decision made by the local fire official and the local building official may be appealed to a local administrative board designated by the municipality, county, or special district having firesafety responsibilities If the decision of the local fire official and the local building official is to apply the provisions of either the Florida Building Code or the Florida Fire Prevention Code and the Life Safety Code, the board may not alter the decision unless the board determines that the application of such code is not reasonable. If the decision of the local fire official and the local building official is to adopt an alternative to the codes, the local administrative board shall give due regard to the decision rendered by the local officials and may modify that decision if the administrative board adopts a better alternative, taking into consideration all relevant circumstances In any case in which the local administrative board adopts alternatives to the decision rendered by the local fire official and the local building official, such alternatives shall provide an equivalent degree of lifesafety and an equivalent method of construction as the decision rendered by the local officials (c) If the local building official and the local fire official are unable to agree on a resolution of the conflict between the Florida Building Code and the Florida Fire Prevention Code and the Life Safety Code, the local administrative board shall resolve the conflict in favor of the code which offers the greatest degree of lifesafety or alternatives which would provide an equivalent degree of Iifesafety and an equivalent method of construction (d) All decisions of the local administrative board, or if none exists, the decisions of the local building official and the local fire official, are subject to review by a joint committee composed of members of the Florida Building Commission and the Fire Code Advisory Council. If the joint committee is unable to resolve conflicts between the codes as applied to a specific project, the matter shall be resolved pursuant to the provisions of paragraph (l)(d). (e) The local administrative board shall, to the greatest extent possible, be composed of members with expertise in building construction and firesafety standards (f) All decisions of the local building official and local fire official and all decisions of the administrative board shall be in writing and shall be binding upon all persons but shall not limit the authority of the State Fire Marshal or the Florida Building Commission pursuant to paragraph (1) (d) and ss 663.01 and 633.161. Decisions of general application shall be indexed by building and fire code sections and shall be available for inspection during normal business hours (10) Except within coastal building zones as defined in s. 161.54, specification standards developed by nationally recognized code promulgation organizations to determine compliance with engineering criteria of the Florida Building Code for wind load design shall not apply to one or two family dwellings which are two stories or less in height unless approved by the commission for use or unless expressly made subject to said standards and criteria by local ordinance adopted in accordance with the provisions of subsection (4) (11) The Florida Building Code does not apply to, and no code enforcement action shall be brought with respect to, zoning requirements, land use requirements, and owner specifications or programmatic requirements which do not pertain to and govern the design, construction, erection, alteration, modification, repair, or demolition of public or private buildings, structures, or facilities or to programmatic requirements that do not pertain to enforcement of the Florida Building Code Additionally, a local code enforcement agency may not administer or enforce the Florida Building Code to prevent the siting of any publicly owned facility, including, but not limited to, correctional facilities, juvenile justice facilities, or state universities, community colleges, or public education facilities, as provided by law History.--s 4, ch 74-167, s 3, ch 75-85, s 1, ch 77-365, s 225, ch 79-400, s 1, ch 80- 106, s 6, ch 82-197, s 2, ch 84-273, s 1, ch 85-97, s. 33, ch 86-191; s. 1, ch. 87-287, s. 1, ch. 88-142, s. 1, ch. 89-369, s. 2, ch. 91-172; s 41, ch 91-220; s 49, ch 95-144; s 1, ch 97- 177, ss. 39,40,65, ch 98-287, s 61, ch 98-419, ss 73,74,75, ch 2000-141, s 62, ch 2000- 154, ss 25,34,35,36, ch. 2001-186, ss 2,3,4,5, ch 2001-372; s. 86, ch. 2002-1; ss. 1, 14, http://www.flsenate.gov/statutes/index.cfm? App ~ mode=DIsplay _ Statute&Search _ Stnng=&.. 12/2/2002 statutes->Vlew Statutes->2002 'h0553->SectlOn 73. flsenate gov Page 7 of7 ch 2002-293 lNote.--Section 68, ch. 98-287, repealed s 5.~~Q, Section 68, ch. 98-287, was subsequently amended to change the repeal date by s. 108, ch. 2000-141, s 39, ch 2001-186, and s 8, ch 2001-372 However, s 28, ch 98-419, amended s 553.Q6 by adding subsection (4) Subsection (4), as added by ch 98-419, reads. (4) All installations, improvements, maintenance, or repair relating to tubing, pipe, or similar conduit used to transport gaseous or partly gaseous substances for medical purposes shall be governed and regulated under National Fire Prevention Association Standard 99C (Standard on Gas and Vacuum Systems, latest edition) Notwithstanding the prohibition of s 553.11, no county or municipality is exempt or excepted from the requirements of this subsection. 2Note.--Redesignated part II incident to the compilation of the Florida Statutes 2002. W:~Lc:::ome . ~i~ssion . CommitteJ!~ . Senators · Information Center · $tatl,Jj:es and Constitution · Lobbyist Information Disclaimer' The information on this system is unverified The journals or printed bills of the respective chambers should be consulted for official purposes. Copyright @2000-2002 State of Florida Contact u_~, Privacy Statement http://www flsenate gov/statutes/index.cfm? App _ mode=Dlsplay _ Statute&Search _ Stnng=&... 12/2/2002 l(!rJ.;~ /?rsr Y'013 J 0.. *-r~~ c 1l2:k.-- D~(~ &~ ~ PC / ij z/6 <-- YJ';:t_eJO?? ,~Jj 4Ji:j:~, d0d/ ~<tL 4!tI~ ~J . 0~~-4IL AIIuL dL /~{J 4/-1 t:Lk~~~LUA.'?r21 , 1t~~d~pvf!jjj/6:1/7J/~~/Af , (f~~s-sf73d~J;f. -t!i:;./ G--^/J :5f'=;f--<'b 0' 1'\ ) J'/I I~S/~#/; au4d(lerf/Jv~ . .. :J/-(A ~ih/-"'(~ -/w A~u",t?-- ~c~,. ~c:.)~// '" 6-V~~. .tML. ~~~~dL4UA CZL~7ff:~ wdL~,~a~l'1k 'a/~~L -. ..~/<U'''' -L#t~ .s}f~ud; i ~ #~AdM(J tU, 1/ * f..A-SC, ..nofeY-(.t. . l I C:K~ r . : ~ S~1~ r~H ~CZ-~I ,~:~3 (~#~. rj s J2 ~~ pc..r . + - L~ 1'hi:O~q,..J t L . -//..L ~ ." ~^'C:~1~7a L/41!{ ILhJ~ " .' j... (1i~A:1lJ.L,h,~A~~,( tla ())lJ/zM oV dk-Gkw,c~ tlt>tJ.tLUJ .- ~ti'-f~,i~,,"~j lA :L,.' .2,L-9..+~, ;&~ :i)<--r,~ K rr~c.es.s ~ Qf {6.\I-C:-y\c..~ ~ 6.c_f]~ .p. t?f... ",.(2 rI'/S. ~eI~ 0{ J22a Ca-,,--( V-r,'v~ ,!/( ~ ...L..1fr -rt::.. c:? '-'<<-s Inp-~ ~-r FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd POBox 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO' 4 N Nil :fo-Dk E1 MAX/Me ])lAcerSr ~ / / NUMBER OF PAGES (including OA TE. () I I q 2-f51) G cover) I I RE: f/ 1f/21 ftN ~ Af/) fA 'cA l' '0,.) M(S. pOfYl(~, FAX. 1 J G - '1 :; oLj FROM: 1 4> j IN ~ (4?1I'eN~11& 7'lt? Affb.'u.r'DJ.Jj .I ftb r4:7J ~r If /r fJtf :> I '6~ eljH.cft- 1 ru. ~s ~ bIZ. l ~ ~ t/u S fJIJ. N f), D(lfr!<- () Nt? ;J'/'l L tMv '" T! S,6tJ rrc Air fA u..--T ON !3Erte-~ JH~ ;;:100 'Or Tf'E /<-{ D/UTff . A LSo I .J. f ,1/ eel) 151< T ~ r'/fIlJ lNuf TH""T 'I tf& I/-u ~-:l7I"'" 6' p!./o W,'.,J 6- f-t ct;77tv6S M]) c 0 rJ t/ a-S' A r '0 ~ I ffltll-C-;fAO 011 'r y rn (L J L1) f3AN?J . -- fEEL f(2kE r Cl>NplT YVlc I rr 16 (/ rftt-ic ANY tfUt-Jr'D/J.J. r1AX iHC; d)HV> ~ ' :::~~;i:~::;~ a;h:;6f;r i~2~~~c;{O.o~~~~:r~~:~e trouble with transmission, please notify our office .. SIlP-20-02 10:33am Frcm-REPATH Mc~' I WOODS LLC T-929 P 01/02 F-386 Date: 09/20/02 REPATH MCAULEY WOODS LLC 1801 Centrepark Drh/e East West Palm Beach. FL 33401 .~_ .~. 561.61~~O,.:;,,-~.. t;. .o-.'i ~q ~ r \'.. ffi ~ \\, ,- --.\ ,\\\r;~? G FAX Number of pages including cover sheet 1 To: Maxime Ducosfe Company: City Of Boynton Boach Office of Planning & ZoninL Fax No: 561-742-6259 From: Anna Fookes Re: Kevin & Anna Fookes 3220 Canal Drive Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone 561.615.5517 Fax Phone 561.712.9304 afookes@rmwins.com [ I Dear Maxima, Attached is the last page of the Variance ApPlication, which is now signed. We need to know the date that we are to met,1 before the board and if there is any other information that we will need to bring with us. Under the information that you had filled in rE"arding the Regulation Chapter, you indicated that this is a Tool Shed. It also com,lins Personal Storage Items. Please note the file that this Shed was at a cost of $1800:;0 it is not shabby looking. And that we do not have a garage or attic space to put any Sll ,rage items in. We certainly can not put the lawn equipment and tools inside the resich mce. Thank you in advance for all of your help on lllis. Anna Fookes .. Sep-20-02 10: 33am F rom-REPATH Me' . WOODS LLC T-929 P 02/02 F-386 --" '-" Zoning Cede Variance Application 6. An application fee in the amount of $400.00 plu';, postage, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application. The $400.00 application fee ,covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. See~ 01g relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $100.00 for each addrlional Code section. 1. Name and address of owner. \<:e.\l' h,) "\' ~,......."" ~~~.\ ~ ~"'\ ~\-: . ~..."'_ Q,.~o....\~~ "at.:\I.I.'!s 8. Name of applicant '\<€\J \~... ~~ ~,',~~ 9. Applicant's address: '$o"Q ~~, ~.... ,~~"-Ct-"'- ~~~\ ~'- ~3~3S Applicant's phone#: 5\0\ - ".~\ ~d.\d:!. (\ .. Date: ~ -\~-~~ _ Signature of Api,licant.. ._~~ 10. Representative of the project must ~ preSf~'lt at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development Board or Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission meetings held to review this proJed. CERTIFICATION TO THE: BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGe AND BEUE:F, THI- ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT UST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPL1C~S PROPERTY. .All applications ~eived by the City of Boynton Beach shan be acCOmpa"led by the list with nar.a.n and add.r=es of all property OWDk$ within four h1mdred (400) :feet ofth~ subjc~t property, and addres'.1 d envelopea. App1icatio~ will not be accepted without lhes" mailing labels, CONTACT~PALM BEACH COVNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE ATTN: MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida Phone: (561) 355-2881 FAX: (581) 355-3881 updatad 10116101 J:\SltIClATA.\PIannI"lJlStlAAeD\WP\FORUSWP\.ICAnDl\lS\2NCVIZNCV IppIt~ lIIIIIt fI( rl.doc: 3