APPLICATION City Codes Accessed via Website www.bovnton-beach.org www.amlegaLcomlboynton_beach_fl us Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? / ~. Date: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORID PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION If ~ {5 ,.02 NOTE. ThIS form must be filled out completely and accurately and must accompany all applIcatIOns submItted to the Planmng DIviSIOn (two (2) copIes of applIcatIOn reqUlr;;) /, () PROJECT NAME. hnr(?(~ lhAA ~~. Vte...- X\l'Ie.O'< =t1 (' AGENT'S NAME. DzN JNI~ ~~e: -tA-u~) 4~4{ iJt ~NV N~ /0tE. I PHONE: ~~. S~~ I O~O FAX: '/;)6'5' 12770. l o~ I OWNER'S NAME~ou\VC l<eoJ) ((JTh.kJ)~~p I ~(lL, ~ ~~~e;~: qD1 ~liO..ll U~WN~ I'YJ~ ~~ fL-.1.11'-V3S PHONE: ~i) 1S 1-- ttq q C) rw:r. - . 3lI ill PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT ADDRESS: 'Z6~D 17l10/~ ~t- 3J/Sr / FAX. PROJECTLOCATION 0\1 N. (cJ~ UcsLw~ ~~'\7;tiLh 0. '!1~3~ (not legal descriptIOn) PCN NUMBER: \fO -Lt~ -4<)..2\;- 'b~~ LO\ ~ 0 \ ~O CORRESPONDENCE ~DRESS: * ~10CO ~&1D '\)rl~lYL (If dIfferent than agent or owner) ~1\blv\ hdv\. 0- 1J,'14'?JJ *This is the only address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. . " J Date Submitted: \1...... L{--.... 2r.xfL- ApplIcant' S Name: ~Q.1'e.Q LL l\AA t {J..JIt. ~ ApplIcant's Address: ~1~~ L~o UylA!-v ~~ ~ ~ 3'14-3::] Phone. ($~ l) '11; l} .; Fax: Legal Description: ~ \11 \'? ~ \ L\. 'tidK.. \ )l.tJ&Md lktJrt 1 ..do ~ubd('ilSWh ot ~cJr\A ttllth~, .~e.corcl~ ~ ~lat &ext~ on ~ tM- fu V~RLLL ~1kl ~~ ik CtA~ ~ t#v W ~D(1ottV\ ~ CD, ~dtJ~ I-tWldld w.. iJlcJ-~u1L Il, 'V6~1 Project DescnptlOn: ';}1~JpL~ 1C< Yt ~~ - ~~ SCtuJ C~2f The Owner has hereby deSignated the above-signed person to act as hiS agent m regard to this petitiOn. (To be executed when Owner deSignates another to act on hiS behalf.) 2 I. GENERAL INFORMATION a. All property owners located wIthm (400) four hundred feet surroundmg the subject parcel shall be notIfied. b The ownershIp of all surroundmg propertIes as submItted by the applIcant, shall be reviewed by the CIty Clerk, who shall notlfy the owners by regular mall of the date and purpose of the public heanng held m cOnjUnctIOn wIth the condItlonal use applIcatIOn. c. Notlce of the publIc heanng shall also be advertIsed in a newspaper published m the CIty at least ten (10) days m advance of the heanng. d. At the publIc heanng held by the Planmng and Development Board and Commumty Redevelopment Agency Board (CRA), eVIdence for or against may be presented. e The Plannmg and Development Board or CRA may recommend, approval wIth modIficatIOn or demal of the applIcatIOn subject to the standards provIded m Ordmance No 76-46. A wntten report of the Board's findmgs shall be forwarded to the CIty CommIsSIOn. f. At a regular meetmg, the CIty CommIsSIOn may approve, approve WIth modIficatlon or deny the applIcatIOn subject to the standards provIded m Ordinance No. 76-46. g. Each new applicatIOn for condItional use approval shall be accompamed by a fee payable to the City of Boynton Beach as per the fee schedule, as well as addressed envelopes for property owners to be notlfied. h. Each applicatIOn for an extenSIOn m time of a conditIOnal use approval shall be accompanied by a fee payable to the CIty of Boynton Beach for one hundred and twenty- five ($125) dollars. Such applIcatIOn shall be submItted to the Planning DIrector not less than 45 days prior to the expIratIOn of the approval. 1. Representativ~ of the project must be present at all TechnIcal RevIew CommIttee, Plannmg and Development Board, or CRA, and CIty CommIsSIOn Meetmgs held to reVIew this project. II. CONTENTS OF THE CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION ApplIcatIOn for condItlonal use shall contain two (2) copIes of the followmg items: a. Statement of the applIcant's mterest m the property to be developed, mcludmg a copy of the last recorded Warranty Deed, and a certIficate from an attorney-at-law or a tItle Insurance company certIfymg who the current fee sImple tltle holders of record of the subject property are, and the nature and extent of theIr mterest therem, and: 1. If Joint and several ownershIp, a wntten consent to the development proposal by all owners of record, or 3 2 If a contract purchase, a copy of the purchase contract and wntten consent of the seller/owner, or 3 If an authonzed agent, a copy of the agency agreement and wntten consent of the prinCIpal/owner, or 4. If a lessee, a copy of the lease agreement and wntten consent of the owner, or, 5. If a corporatIOn or other busmess entity, the name of the officer or person responsible for the applIcatIon, and wntten proof that said representatIves have the delegated authonty to represent the corporatIOn or other busmess entIty, or m heu thereof, wntten proof that he IS m fact an officer of the corporatIOn. b Legal survey, prepared by a surveyor regIstered m the State of Florida, showmg an accurate legal descriptIOn of the subject property, and the total acreage computed to the nearest one-hundredth (1/1 00) of an acre (these two surveys are m addItIon to the surveys required on page 6 of thIS applicatIOn, Sec. III. 19 .). c. VicmIty map, showing the locatIOn of the subject property m relatIOn to the surroundmg street system. d. Drawmg showmg the locatIOn of all property lymg four hundred feet (400) adjacent to the subject parcel, and a complete hst of the property owners' names, mailing addresses and legal descnptIOns. The owners of property shall be those recorded on the latest offiCIal County tax rolls Such lIst shall be accompamed by an affidaVIt statmg that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said hst IS complete and accurate. Contact: Palm Beach County, Property Appraisers Office, Attn: Mappmg DIVISIOn, 301 North OlIve Ave., WPB, FL. III. SITE PLAN REQUIREMENTS Twelve (12) complete, assembled and stapled sets of plans shall be submitted. All drawings shall be scaled and the maXImum SIze sheet shall be 24" X 36". The followmg site mformatIOn shall be shown on the submItted plans or where applIcable, separately submItted. Incomplete site plans WIll not be processed. (Please check) 1. Boundaries and dimensions of the parcel. 2. Scale, graphIC scale, north arrow, and date. 3. Adjacent properties or land uses 4. Pavement edge and/or nght-of-way lInes for all streets, alleys, SIdewalks, turn lanes, dnveways and ummproved nghts-of-way wIthm one-hundred (100) feet of the SIte. Also, names of adjacent streets and nghts-of-way 5. LocatIOn of all proposed structures, and any existing structures that are to remain on the SIte. 6. Setbacks of all structures (over 3 ft. in heIght) from property lInes. 4 7 Use of each structure, mdIcated on the sIte plan. 8. Number of efficiency, I-bedroom, 2 bedroom, etc, dwellmg umts m each resIdentIal structure, to be mdIcated on site plan. 9 IndIcatIOn of heIght and number of stones of each structure. 10. Indication of structures, eqUIpment, etc., above 45 foot heIght, mcluding height in excess of 45 ft. 11 Floor plans or typIcal floor plans for all structures. 12. FImsh floor elevatIOns of all structure 13. Uses wIthm each structure, mdIcated on floor plans. 14. ElevatIons or typIcal elevatIOns of all structures; includmg matenals, surfaces, mcludmg roofs 15. IndicatIon of the numbers and types of recreatIOnal facilitIes to be provided for reSIdentIal developments. 16 IndIcatIon on SIte plan of locatIOn, onentatIOn, and heIght of all freestanding SIgnS and wall signs. 17. LocatIOn of walls and fences, and indicatIOn oftheir heIght, matenals, and color. 18. A landscape plan, showmg conformance wIth the Landscape Code and Tree Preservation Code, and showmg adequate watering facIhties. Plants must be keyed out according to speCIes, size and quantity. 19. A sealed survey, by a surveyor regIstered m the State ofFlonda, and not older than six (6) m~nths, showmg property hnes, includmg beanngs and dImensions, north arrow, date, scale, existmg structures and pavmg, eXIsting elevatIOns on SIte, rights- of-way and easements on or adjacent to the SIte, utIlitIes on or adjacent to the SIte, legal description, acreage to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre, locatIOn sketch, and surveyor's certIfication. Also, SIzes and locations of eXIstmg trees and shrubs, mcluding common and botamcal names, and mdIcatIOn as to whIch are to be retained, removed, and relocated, or replaced. 20. LocatIOn of eXIstmg utihty lines on or adjacent to the property to be mdIcated on the site plan, m addItIOn to bemg shown on the survey. Also, locatIOn of eXIstmg fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site. 21. Location of addItIonal fire hydrants, to meet standards set forth m ArtIcle X, SectIon 16 of the SubdIVIsion and Plattmg RegulatIOns. 22. FIre flow calculatIOns justifymg line size for both on/off site water lines. 5 23. Sealed engmeenng drawmgs for proposed utIhtIes, as per CIty specIficatIOns. 24 InformatIOn regardmg form of ownershIp (condommIUm, fee sImple, lease, etc.) 25 LocatIon and orientatIOn of garbage cans or dumpster facIhtIes. All garbage dumpsters must be so located to provIde dIrect access for the CIty front-endloaders, and the dumpster area must be provIded wIth adequate wIdth and heIght clearance The site must be so desIgned to elimmate the necessIty for the front-end loader to back mto any street. If any use reqUIres the disposal of wet garbage, a ten foot by ten foot (10' x 10') concrete slab shall be provIded. All dumpsters must be screened and landscaped m accordance wIth the CIty Landscape Code (see Sec. 7.5-35(1)). A minimum 10- foot wIde opening IS reqUIred for dumpster enclosures. 26. A parkmg lot desIgn and constructIOn plan showing conformance to the City Parkmg Lot RegulatIOns, and includmg the followmg mformatIOn. Any exceptIOns to the Parkmg Lot Regulations that are proposed for that are continued will reqUIre an apphcatIon for vanance to the Parkmg Lot RegulatIOns a. LocatIon of all parkmg and loadmg facIlItIes. b A parkmg lot layout plan, mcluding curbs, car stops, and double stnpmg. c. A cross-sectIOn ofmatenals to be used m the constructIOn of the parkmg lot. d. A hghtmg plan for the buIlding exterior and site, includmg extenor security lightmg, and hghtmg for dnveways and parkmg lots; to mclude the locatIon of hghting standards, dIrection of hghtmg, fixture types, lamp types and SIzes, and average IlluminatIOn level(s) m foot candles. e Information showing conformance with the City Street and Sidewalk Ordmance, mcludmg constructIOn of sIdewalks along adjacent pubhc streets. f. Locati~n of eXIstmg and proposed publIc and private streets, mcludmg ultImate rights-of-way. g. On-sIte traffic plan, includmg arrows and other pavement markmgs, traffic SIgnS, and stop SIgnS at eXIts. h. LocatIOn of handicap parkmg spaces, plus SIgnS and access ramps, consIstent WIth the State HandIcap Code. 1. A dramage plan for the entire SIte, includmg parkmg area, to mclude fimsh grade and pavement elevatIOns, drainage calculations, and details of the dramage system. If the total impervIOus area on SIte exceeds twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet, then dramage plans and calculatIOns must be prepared by an engineer registered m the State of Florida, and must be sealed. Percolation tests must by provIded with drainage calculatIOns. 6 j. EXlstmg elevations on adjacent propertIes, and on adjacent nghts-of-way. 27 Where conformance wIth the County's EnvIronmentally SensItIve Lands Ordmance IS reqUIred, an ApplIcation for Alteration of EnvIronmentally SenSItIve Lands (Environmentally Impact Study) must be submItted to the Palm Beach County Department of EnvIronmental Resources Management (copy to City) pnor to or concurrent wIth the submIttal of the SIte plan to the CIty 28. Submit a traffic Impact analYSIS for the proposed use. The analysIs shall comply wIth the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordmance. SIX (6) copies of the analysIs shall be submItted wIth all conditIOnal use applIcatIOns NOTE: FaIlure to submIt traffic Impact analYSIS m the manner described above may delay approval of the SIte plan applIcatIOn. 29. In additIOn to the above reqUIrements, the followmg Items shall be submItted to the Plannmg and Zonmg DIVIsion no later than the site plan deadlme. a. One copy of colored elevatIOns, not mounted, for all bUIldmgs and sIgnage to be constructed on SIte. These elevatIons must be of all sides of each type ofbuildmg and sIgnage proposed and the colors proposed must be accompanIed by a numencal code from an establIshed chart of colors. b. ElevatIOns must also mclude mformatIOn related to bUIldmg matenals. All elevatIOns must be submItted on 24" X 36" drawings. BUIldmgs constructed wIll be inspected on the basIs of the elevatIOns submitted to the CIty and approved by the CIty Cormmssion. Failure to construct bUIldmgs conSIstent with elevatIOns submItted will result in the CertIficate of Occupancy being wIthheld. c. A transparency of the SIte plan (maximum size of 8-112" X 11 It) or 8-112" x 11" reductions of submItted plans to be used at publIc heanngs. However, the Plannmg and Zomng DIVIsIOn WIll not be responsible for poor qualIty transparencIes WhIch result from the submIssIOn of poor qualIty SIte plan bluepnnts, and poor quality transP3!encles will not be presented to the Plannmg and Development Board or CRA and CIty Comrmssion. d. Colored photographs of surroundmg bUIldmgs (mmimum SIze 8" x 10"). 30 Any other engmeering and/or techmcal data, as may be reqUIred by the Technical Review CommIttee to determme compliance with the provisIOns of the CIty'S Code of Ordmances. Any of the above reqUIrements may be Waived by the TechnIcal Review CommIttee, If such mformation is deemed to be non-essentIal by the CommIttee. IV SITE DATA The following informatIOn must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copIes of the site plan. 7 Land Use Cate20rv shown on the ComprehensIve Plan Future Land Use Map: C:ENe.~L G::M-AA-e.~tAL 2. Zonin2 District c4 3 Area of Site Tbpl\t: '2 S <0 0 0 S--F ffi-~ I . 1 ~000 sF' Land Use - Acrea2e Breakdown: (o.57Ac. "- o. ~8 AC 4 a. ResIdential, mcluding - sIte surroundmg lot area or grounds %of acres b. RecreatIOn Areas * (excludmg water area) acres % of sIte c. Water Area acres ~ R-V\s€ I Sf) acres 15 d. CommercIal 0.15 (2/24 G I Industnal ~ e. acres f. PublIc/InstitutIOnal acres g. PublIc, Pnvate, and Canal RIghts-of-Way ~{ acres ':2 h. Other (specIfy) - acres o 57 (2.So00 Sf' ) acres lOO% of SIte 1. Total area of SIte . % of SIte % of SIte % of SIte % of SIte % of site % of SIte Including open space sUItable for outdoor recreatIOn. and havmg a mmimum dImensIOn of 50 ft. bv 50 ft. Surface Cover f r~-t",$l Ground Floor BUIldmg -1-/_ ?-,r2 -+(0 I ' ("buildmg footprint") sq. ft. IS % of sIte Area 5. a. b. Water Area sq ft. % of SIte ~ c. Other Impervious Areas, includmg paved area of public & pnvate streets, paved area of parking lots and driveways (excluding landscaped areas)and sIdewalks, patios, decks, and 8 6. athletic courts sq ft. % of sIte d. +/ - c;, 4- 2 9 / sq. ft. ----4 s 0(0 % of sIte Total ImpervIous Area e. Landscaped Area InsIde of Parkmg Lots 120 sq. ft. per mtenor parkmg space reqUlred--see Sec 7.5- 35(g) of Landscape Code). +/- (t,/o '2-'5:> sq. ft 42 /,0 % of sIte f. - sq. ft. % of sIte Other Landscaped Areas, excluding Water Area g. Other PervIOus Areas, includmg Golf Courses, Natural areas, Yards, and Swales, but excludmg Water Areas sq ft. ---... % of sIte h. Total PervIous Areas f:G>/ ~ 1- S sq. ft. ..J?- mA <ZE I ~ t 1Scx=:c=> Total Area of SIte /f" / 4 z 'a/a % of sIte 1. sq. ft. 100% of sIte Floor Area a. ResIdentIal b. CommercIal/Office c. Industrial/Warehouse d. Recreational e. PublIc/InstItutIOnal f. Other (specIfy) g. Other (specIfy) h. Total Floor Area sq. ft. -f-/_ '2/ '2 4~ Sf' sq. ft. sq ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq. ft. sq ft. +/~ 1( :24-~ SF sq. ft. 7 Number of Residential Dwelling Unit.s a. Smgle-FamIly ResidentIal .,.-- dwellmg umts b - dwellmg umts Duplex c. MultI-famIly (3 + attached dwellmg units I) EffiCIency dwellmg umts 2) I Bedroom dwelling umts -- 3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units 9 4) 3+ Bedroom dwellmg umts d. Total MultI-FamIly dwellmg umts e Total Number of Dwellmg Umts 8. Gross Density dwellmg umts per acre 9. Maximum Hei!!ht of Structures on Site \0 feet \ stones 10. Required Off-Street Parkin!! CalculatIOn of Required Parkmg Spaces Off-Street Parkmg Spaces Number of Off-Street Parkmg Spaces Provided on Site Plan t 5P /"00D ST Gf<.~ 6 j c; 'f" ~ Sf ~ sp CINeoL. \ wi~) RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersIgned as applicant for Final SIte Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specificatIons, drawmgs, engmeering, and other data submItted wIth thIS applIcatIOn for reVIew by the CIty of Boynton Beach shall be revIewed by the vanous boards, commISSIOns, staff personnel and other parties desIgnated, appointed or employed by the CIty of Boynton Beach, and any such party revIewmg the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change m any Item submItted shall be deemed matenal and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specificatIOns, drawmgs, engineenng and other data which may be approved by the CIty of Boynton Beach, or ItS boards, commISSIons, staff or deSIgnees shall be constructed m stnct compliance WIth the form in WhICh they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant m VIOlatIOn of thIS applicatIOn and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applIcant agrees to allow the CIty of Boynton Beach all nghts and remedIes as provIded for by the applIcable codes and ordma~ces ofthe CIty of Boynton Beach to bnng any VIOlatIOn mto complIance, and the applIcant shall indemnIfy, reImburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, lIabIlity or any actIOn whIch may anse due to theIr enforcement of the same. ~ 10 NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL BOARD OF ZONING APPEALS VARIANCE All applIcatIOns receIved by the CIty of Boynton Beach shall be accompamed by the lIst of names and addresses of all property owners wIthm four hundred (400) feet of the subject property ApplicatIOns wIll not be accepted without these mailmg labels and addressed envelopes CONTACT: PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE ATTN: MAPPING DIVISION 301 North OlIve Avenue West Palm Beach, Flonda (561) 355-3881 AFFIDAVIT ST ATE OF FLORIDA ) ) ) S S. COUNTY OF PALM BEACH BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALL Y APPEARE~~.4tb, WHO BEING DULY SWORN, DEPOSES AND SAYS: That the accompanymg Property Owners LIst IS, to the best of hIS knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mal ling addresses and legal descnptIOns as recorded m the latest offiCial tax rolls m the County Courthouse for all property wIth Four Hundred (400) feet of the below described parcel ofland. The property in questIOn is legally described as follows' SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SA YETH NOT Sworn to and subscribed before me thIS -L day of 11 ,!\.i c.. r A.D., 20 0-<. /' ~ // IfbTA-r-Y /-2 fr?2- ,{/ -- , ID. pL.. D,Lle. Notary PublIc State of Flonda at Large My CommIssIon ExpIres ",'~~~;:I" Pierre Frappier fiiI~Comml.IIlion iI CC 967099 :cn! .:: li'.m-. Oct. 24 2004 """.-ol\ .~_ ElAf!LLI(JD , ~1?;~~ ~;: Bonded Thru 20 "'IIf,~IW\\''{I' AlJ~ijtle Bending Co;, Ine. NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR APPROVAL OF LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS OR PERMITS Please be advIsed that all applIcatIOns for the following land development orders and permIts WhIch are submItted on or after June 1, 1990 wIll be subject to the CIty'S Concurrency Management Ordmance, and cannot be approved unless public facIlItIes (potable water, samtary sewer, dramage, solId waste, recreatIOn, park, and road facIlItIes) would be avaIlable to serve the proJect, consIstent WIth the levels of servIce whIch are adopted m the City's ComprehensIve Plan: Building permIt applIcations for the constructIOn of improvements WhICh, m and by themselves, would create demand for public facilItIes. ApplIcatIOns for sIte plan approval. ApplIcations for conditIOnal use approval. ApplIcations for subdivisIOn master plan approval. ApplIcatIOns for prelimmary plat approval. ApplIcatIOns for final plat approval. ApplicatIOns for rezo!lmg to planned zomng dlstncts. ApplIcations for revisions to any of the applIcatIOns lIsted above, whIch would mcrease the demand for any public facilIty. Any other applIcatIon WhICh, m and by Itself, would establish the density or mtensIty of use of land, or a maXImum densIty or mtensIty of use of land. * ApplicatIOns for development orders and permIts submItted after February 1. 1990 and which generate more than 500 net vehIcle trips per day. must comply wIth the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. unless exempt from that ordmance. Please be adVIsed, however, that the following applIcatIOns wIll be exempt from the Concurrency Management Ordinance, pending final approval of this ordinance by the City CommissIOn: 12 ApplIcatIOns for the development of property whIch was platted on or after January 13, 1978 and eIther the final plat or the prelIminary plat and Palm Beach County Health Department permIt applicatIOns were submItted or approved prior to June 1, 1990; and the use of the property IS conSIstent with the general use whIch was intended for the property at the time of plattmg. ApplIcatIOns for the development of property whIch was platted prior to January 13, 1978, the area of the platted lots does not exceed 2 acres, and the proposed use would not generate more than 500 net vehIcle tnps per day. ApplicatIOns for bUIldmg permIt, If a sIte plan or conditIOnal use application was submItted pnor to June 1, 1990 and subsequently approved and the sIte plan or conditIOnal use has not expIred. ApplIcatIOns for the development of property wlthm an approved Development of RegIonal Impact, and WhICh are consistent with the approved DR!. Applications for approval of final plats, If the prelimmary plat and applicatIOn for Palm Beach county Health Department permIts for utilItIes have been submItted prior to June 1, 1990. ApplIcatIOns for reVlSlons to previously approved development orders or permIts, WhIch do not increase the demand for any public facility. Please be advised that these exemption rules are tentative and will be subject to final approval by the City Commission. If you have any questions concerning the proposed Boynton Beach Concurrency Management Ordinance, please contact the Boynton Beach Planning Division at (561) 742-6260) Rev 10/16/01 J \SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPLICATIONS\COUS\Revised Conditional Use app-03-26-01 doc 13 '-" PI"DE~ T~OOTMfi" CO"SOLTI"G. I"c. Transportation Planners and Engineers December 2, 2002 2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H West Palm Beach, FL 33406 (561) 434-1644 Fax 434-1663 www pindertroutman com Ms. Teresa Milano 9788 Lago Drive Boynton Beach, FL 33437 Re: Boynton Beach Day Care - #PTC02-185 Dear Ms. Milano: The purpose of this letter is to provide a traffic statement for the above referenced project to determine if the proposed development meets the requirements of Article 15, Traffic Performance Standards, of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code (ULDC). It is proposed to construct a 2,264 SF Day Care Center on Federal Highway, north of Boynton Beach Boulevard, in the City of Boynton Beach. Attachment 1 provides the daily, AM and PM peak hour trip generation for the proposed project. Based on the daily trip generation of 125 new trips, the Test 1 and Test 2 radius of development influence are both the directly accessed link. The directly accessed four (4) lane divided link of Federal Highway north of Boynton Beach Boulevard has a current (2001) annual average daily traffic (MDT) volume of 20,242 and a peak hour volume of 1,883 (9.3% of 20,242). Available histone traffic data for the last 2.5 years shows a growth rate of 4.37% per year on this link. The projected 2004 volumes are shown below. No Major Project is projected to have a 10% impact by buildout of this project. Existing (2001) Background Growth Project * Total (2004) LOS 0 Service Volume Meets Standard Federal Highway North of Boynton Beach Boulevard Daily AM Peak PM Peak 20,242 1,883 1,883 2,771 258 258 75 12 13 23,088 2,153 2,154 32,500 3,020 3,020 Yes Yes Yes * Project traffic is based on a maximum assignment of 60%. Leiter Milano 02-185 12-02-02 Ui Ms. Teresa Milano Re: Boynton Beach Day Care - #PTC02-185 December 2, 2002 Page 2 This analysis shows that the directly accessed link is projected to operate at adopted level of service standards; therefore the requirements of Test 1 are met. The directly accessed link of Federal Highway is not a Test 2 deficiency, therefore the requirements of Test 2 are met. This development is in compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Sincerel; __ ) 7P! 1~ttkmIJl/V- - n ea M. Troutmar.E. ;1" Iz./z-/CY2- A T/ldr Attachment Letter Milano 02-185 12-02-02 Ui ... l.f") NOT"'"" IX) 0 '-,,+- ~M~O 8NN U"-N ~ ~ ..- '" 0.. l/'l0- 'It: c:o ..- N o c ~ a. oS ~ ... lIS U >- lIS o c "5 0 -lISi .... ~ ... ~ CO ~ E c ~ .c.8(,J ~~Q.. =:: 0 oa: <CO!- ~ Lr) U, N N ...... ..- 'iU c ... eu fI) ~ C- u.I '': ~ I- eu Z ....... #- ...... 0 - l""l fI) C- '': l- S ~ -.:t Lr) u, . fI) fI) lIS 0- CJ'\ Q'\ r-... r-... ...... ...... fI) C- o.: I- .IS 0 I- ....... ..- - eu ~ I.L. tfl C 0 0 0 ; 0, lU ...... ... eu - c \.0 eu "! ~ CJ'\ C- r-... .;:: I- I.L. ~ tfl 'iij ~ C \.0 eu "!.. +"' C N - eu ~ fI) :J .S:l "C c: Q) c U lU .... Q) ~ U ~ 0 c o ~ ... ~ C ~ (,J 0 0 "iU N N '0 I- fI) C- O 0 .;:: ...... l- +"' ...... :::I ~ 0 eu Z 0 0 ..- ...... C - ....... #- ..- 0 - l""l fI) C- "i: I- >- CJ'\ CJ'\ ..Q I fI) fI) lU 0- S CJ'\ CJ'\ N N 0 I- fI) C- ~ ~ ";:: +"' ...... ...... I- :::I ] 0 0 Lr) Lr) I- ...... ...... c r:::::- fi ~ - l""l ~ ~ +"' ~ I.L. tfl C 0 0 0 ~ 0, ... ...... eu - c ...... ~ r-... ~ N C- ...... ..: I- I.L. ~ tfl oiij ~ C \.0 eu "!.. +"' C N - ~ ~ fI) ::l .S:l "C c: Q) c U j ~ ~ lU .... U ~ ~ 0 0 I- oa: !- ... :::I o ~ .;;t lIS ~ Q. ~ c o ~ ... CU C ~ (,J ...... ...... "iU N N '0 I- o~ N N ... +"' ...... ...... I- :::I ~ 0 eu Z CJ'\ CJ'\ C - ....... * ... 0 - l""l fI) C- .;:: I- >- CJ'\ CJ'\ ..Q . fI) fI) lIS 0- .IS 0 0 l""l l""l 0 I- fI) C- \.0 \.0 '': +"' ...... ...... I- :::I .IS 0 0 ~ ~ I- ...... ...... C - l""l fi Lr) - r-... eu :::!:- +"' ~ I.L. tfl C 0 0 0 ; q lU ...... ... ~ - C N ~ l""l ~ ...... C- .;:: I- I.L. ~ tfl 'iij ~ C \.0 eu N +"' C N - eu ~ fI) ::l .S:l "C c: Q) c U j Q) ~ ~ lU .... U ~ ~ 0 0 I- 0': !- ... :::I o ~ .;;t lIS ~ Q. ~ Q. 0 0 ...J ::) CIJ 'U 0 U ... c CIJ E a. 0 ~ it 0 'U C '" ...J 'U CIJ <;:: '<: ::::J c: C- o c :-e :> 0 'U U u.J ~ -:S u <..0 '" I CIJ a:l E -;;; 0- CIJ -:S '+- 0 CG <l> W u.. !::: t '" ~ a. CIJ E CIJ C 'U . Oil '" c 0 u.J Q! c \!! 0 '.;::i '" t! ~ V) ~ ~ 'r;; C u.. ~ c:o' ~ 0 '+- 0 c 2 0 :> "tj .... ".;::i '" CIJ -= V) a, a, I:! I:! :> :J 0 0 V) trJ :s ~ TERESA MIlANO 9188 lAGO DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH. fL 33437 (561) 134-2406 PROJECT NAME: fOOTPRINTS DAY CARE & PRE-SCHOOL aNTER PROJECT lOCATION: 817 N. FEDERAL HIGHWAY, BOYNTON BEACH fL CONDiTIONAL USE APPUCATION - STATfMENT Of APPUCANTS INTEREST To: Members of the Boynton Beach Planning & zoning Division My name is Teresa Milano and I em a resident of Boynton Beach for two years and of Palm Beach COunty for ten. I respectfully submit this application to you in the hopes that the location listed above be approved for a Day careJPre-school Center. I believe that the location is Ideally suited to this purpose and that the center will benefit the residents of Boynton Beach. In addition. the improvements that I plan to make to this property will considerably improve the face of that area of federal Highway, which in turn benefits Boynton Beach as well. 1 thank you in advance for your consideration and time. Teresa Milano --....... .. g;~'~ ATTORNEY AT 2424 NORTHEAST 22n STREET POMPANO BEACH, FL 3 062-3099 Nov mber 9, 1998 TELEPHONE (954) 781 80qo (954) 781800,1 (954) 781.8008 (954) 781.8115 FAX (954) 946.0569 ALSO ADMITTED IN NEW YORK BOARD CERTIFIED CIVIL TRIAL LAWYER Mr. Matthew Giacomino, Jr. 8345 North Coral Circle North Lauderdale, Florida 3306 Re: fro Phoenix Real Estate Bauer Dear Matt, , Following up my packages Of~IAugust 26th and September 11th, enclosed please find your original deed with proof of recording in the Courthouse p acing Lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 1, Lake Addition into the name of Phoenix Real Estate Investment Group, original owner's title policy i as you own the property. with best regards, I am along with your your title as long At this time there being n thing further required to be done, and so we are closing ut our file. If we can ever be of ser future, or those whom you may please do not hesitate to conta you again in the recommend to us, PMBjsgp Enclosure .. '- (American Land T" Il.ssociation Owner's Policy - 0-17-92) (With I ida Modifications) . OVVN}'''R'S TITLE INSUR'[tNCE POLICY Attorneys' Title Insul ance Fund, Inc. ORLANDO) FLCRIDA SUBJECT TO THE EXCLUSIONS FROM CO\tERAGE, THE EXCEPTIONS FROM COVERAGE CONTAINED IN SCHEDULE BA NDTHE CONDITIONS AND STIPU- LATIONS, ATTORNEYS' TITLE INSURANCE FUND, INC , a Flonda corporation, herem called The Fund, insures, as of Date of Pc hcy shown m Schedule A, agamst loss or damage, not exceedmg the Amount ofInsmance stated m Schedule A, sustallled or lllcurred by the msured by reason of: 1 Title to the estate or mterest descnbec m Schedule A bemg vested other than as stated the rem, ') Any defect m or hen or encumbrance )11 the htle, 3. U nmarketablhty of the tItle, 4 Lack of a nght of access to and from tl eland. The Fund Will also pay the costs, attorneys' fees and expenses mcurred m defense of the tItle, as insured, but ollly to the extent prOVIded m the COnditIOnS and Stlpula- hons In Witness Whereof, ATTORNEYS' TITLE INSU RANCE FUND, INC has caused thIS pohcy to be sIgned and sealed as of Date ofPoh y shown in Schedule A, the pohcy to become vahd when countersIgned by an authcnzed SIgnatory ,,,,tiIHUU,,, ."..~ ~.tii"1a: :l~"\ .~"~ ~ . --aPOoLo "" . !e or'-'~ ~\ = z p.- ~ :- t~ SEAL ~l \...." '')1 '...., " ..,......~ """''?-,j?:~l'\'''''''' At orneys' Title Insurance Fund, Inc. By ~~ Charles J. Kovaleski President SERIAL OPM - 1612771 01- FUND FORM OPM (rev 3/98) ,ll' .' 1 tt\'-- l~l>. \: '(\ VU.\..L~l- ~,'on ul LI...' - \" lhe I:. :)l~lL\. I \n\t:lt'~lll ll\1;agcgwcn lY \\'l.bihty by IO~ -.----".-'~MP1_1IND OWNER' FORM \\10ncY nlO A ~h"V h,,-'ie ' ~,...,~ .."c",\"'P Policy No.. OPM-1612771 Effechve Date: 8-27-98 3:38 p. Agent's File Reference: BAUER/ PHOENIX REAL ESTATE Amount of Insurance: $22 ,000.00 1 Name of Insured. PHOENIX REAL ESTATE INVESTME T GROUP, INC., a Florida corporation 2 The estate or interest in the land described herein and w . ch is covered by this policy is a fee simple (if other, specify same) and is at the effective date hereof vested in the named insured as shown by instrument recorded in Official Records Book 10606 , Pa e 272 , of the Public Records of PALM BEACH County, Flori a. 3 The land referred to in this policy is described as follow . Lots 12, 13, 14, 15 and 16, Block 1, LAKE AD ITION, a subdivision of Palm Beach County, Florida, according to the Plat thereof on fi e in the office of the Clerk of the Circuit Court in and for Palm Beach County, lorida, recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71. LESS the following described parcel of land: BEGINNING at a point on the North line of an 82.85 feet S 89025'30" E of the NW corner of said Lot 12, run S 08012'00" W a d'stance of 91.61 feet to the beginning of a curve to the left; thence Southerly on aid curve, having a central angle of 09006'45" and a radius of 1960.08 feet, a di tance of 109.78 feet, through an angle of 03012'32", to a point on the South line of said Lot 15; thence S 89025'30" E along said South line a distance of 14.05 feet to the SE corner of said Lot 15; thence N 08012'00" E along the East line of said Lots 15, 14, 13 and 12, a distance of 200.00 feet to the NE corner of said Lot 12; thence N 89025'30" W on the North line of said Lot 12 a distance of 17.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING, said parcel containing 0.075 of an acre, more or less. /~/ /' ISSUING AGENT - ATTORNEY OR FIRM OF ATTORNEYS AGENT NO. ROBERT B. REED, JR. 4272 630 East Ocean Avenue MAILING ADDRESS Boynton Beach CITY , Florida 33435 ZIP FUND Form OPM-SCH. A (Rev 1/98) [486] FUND OWNER' FORM Schedule B Policy No OPM-1612771 This policy does not insure against loss or damage by reason f the following exceptions. 1 Taxes for the year of the effective date of this policy and taxe or special assessments which are not shown as existing liens by the public records. ~xxRi:gkt:xXlXx~orlxpactie5xiR)}ro~~~~kJ{ '~XOCRJXbi,x 3;.x~~>>xedaF~*,~roxN~~~~~~~R)Z M@~~,<<wj{lx}@)t~~~sed.'-byxm261rotIXat(X XXXSUt-myXimll1~Mgpe~m>tkQ(premtsex. ~Xx&lsl!!mtIDt:9Cmxll'1ximsXJt~Rbixrok~~~' J6\:c.mis:; ~XxA1't)K~E~rightX(l[XX:ilm;2tmxse~xabo~Xl[xoo:terI>ak 1&IHf<>>>'X~k~:M~at)4.m:pnseM~Xaucxm:k xxxFlQ{~~~5L)fll@C~~)f~~ ~.xX);n:y<:~~~~tHi?)(:~~}{~~~~N~~y<l(i ~'tlt~Q{~yc~~>tkeckrnatscmsur~ XX~~~C:Im~mgX&"@~llg~ifll~~)g1\~~Mlf~~ny<~ ta~~'C\tl{Ya>>Mgc~re:tOOx:tt:I~kln~x 2. As to all lands, there is reserved unto the State of Florida the title to an undivlded one-half of all petro~eum products and tltle to an undivided three-fourths of all other linerals which may be found on or under the said land, together with th privilege outside any municipality, this date, to explore for and to mine and develope same. Said privilege to explore, mine and develope is to b conducted on and under lands inslde any municipality, this date, only wit the consent of the surface owner. 3. Any lien provided by Ch. 159, Fla. St t. in favor of any municipality or authority for unpaid charges for s rvices by any water, sewer or gas system to the lands herein descri ed. NOTE: Easement from Rosa A. Bauer Trustee U A Dated 6/18/91 to City of Boynton Beach covering portlon of 20 foo~ all yway, recorded September 4, 1998 in Offlcial Record Book 10620, Page 1 67, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. NOTE: Resolutionof the City Commission of t e City of Boynton Beach recorded September 14, 1998 in Official Record Book 10635, Page 1788, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida FUND Form OPM-SCH B (rev 5/94) [486J DISTRIBUTION TOP iPY to client. MIDDLE copy to The Fund BOTTOM copy for your files Jl1strument was prepared by: - .me REED, GRIFFITH ..ddress 630 East Ocean Boynton Beach, ROBERT B. REED, ) MORAN Avenue Florida 33435 ESQ. H\,lQ-27-i998 03:38pl 98-33557 1 -ORB 1121606 Pg 272 Con 225,000.00 Doc 1,575.00 1111111111 II IIi 11111111111111111 UllIllllllllllllllllli Return to.ROBERT B. REED, ESQ. Name REED, GRIFFITH AND MORAN Address P.O. DRAWER 10 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Grantee #1 5.s. No. Grantee #2 5.s. No. Property Appraiser's ~-- ~ Parcel Identification No. \ 0 8 4 3 4 5 21 3 2 0 0 1 0 12 OJ \. 08 43 45 21 32 001 0160 ___ / ~~_.- ~~ ----- ~"'---"-~----.._-~--- WARRANTY DEED (STATUTORY FORM - SECTION 689.02, F.S.) . ~')j~f ThIS Indenture, made this i':"''1 1"--- day of August ROSA A. BAUER, AS TRUSTEE U/A DATED JUNE 18, 1991* 1998, Between whose post office address is 617 NE 8th Avenue, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 of the County of PALM BEACH , State of FLORIDA , grantor"', and PHOENIX REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT GROUP, INC., a Florida corporation whose post office address is 31 West Commercial Boulevard, Fort Lauderdale, FL 33334 of the County of BROWARD , State of FLORIDA , grantee", Witnesseth that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN & 00/100 ($10.00) ---------------------------------------------Dollars, and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in PALM BEACH County, F1orida, to-wit: SEE EXHIBIT "A" ATTACHED HERETO SUBJECT TO reservations, restrictions and easements of record, if any; zoning regulations of applicable governmentaJ. authori.ty and real property taxes for 1998 and subsequent years. *WITH THE POWER AND AUTHORITY TO PROTECT, CONSERVE, AND TO SELL, OR TO LEASE, OR TO ENCUMBER, OR OTHERWISE TO MANAGE AND DISPOSE OF THE REAL PROPERTY CONVEYED BY THIS DEED. and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against lawful claims of all persons whomsoever. . ....Grantor.. and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. In WItness Whereof, grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed, and ~9vered ilt.~ur presence: I, '\.---f/ " - _,,(/ ':"C--t~( _ .ii-/..--"A-r:.-tL.,. . .~i.'-? -....-/ \ '---- (First Witness) . Prin~ or typed name: ,VIVIAN ROCHA FAWKS ( '~i let ( /;j (L/lte.i> ,../ '-- / (Secon Witness) , Printed or typed name: CAROL WALLACE I) .' - ( /" ,)" , , b /<----- l_ '-1;( (., .\._l ( ,; ! - "" 'J Grantor Printed or typed name: ROSA A. BAUER, (Seal) TRUSTEE (Seal) Grantor Printed or typed name: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH THE FOREGOING INSTRUMENT was acknowledged before me this 19 98,by ROSA A. BAUER, TRUSTEE hasproduced personally known ". 'J Sf- cy J-- day of August , who is (or are) personally known to me or who as identification. \ I . ,\., l i. / ,\,,'t~n~fj,!, , ~ ~_( , ",/ / b i \\~ , \0, ""I .- .--..-' ....-. ':>..~\\ s()L i\/-U "'/ .-/ - ~'\.r.~....''"'.~c'/ -:- Notary !?ublic l/ . i :'~." ~rinted, typed, or stamped name: ~" t" "~)\i. ~ ~ c. . l/~ T ..Jt1~-)~!J" . 't ~ 1;i::',~.:~. 'C'ill')' >.<~~~~: ~~:I({)'[!'i,~.~~i>,~. I~~.,:;..~ '!II' " S ,Alt. .\\' . It!{ ;Hlm;:H~\' My commission expires: (Serial Number, if any) F-762 (rev 11/93) [486] ".lFE~ TO PURCHASE REAL EST . 1:1 TO: ~\ (1<e.oJ ~~ lw. G.rvup l~ DateTh.c.LMhtL 4-, ').a)1.- ~ ~r; Re,Tbcpropaty.. ~( ~c-liH)_._ rt We hereby ofler to buy the Premises subject to the following terms and conditions: I. We will pay for the Premises S ;J?;C4rl '1) . aJ of which (a) $ ~. (i) is paid herewith as a deposit to validate this Offer; (b) S '5ao. <.X) is to be paid as an additional deposit upon the execution of the Purchase and Sale Agreement provided ,., fur below; and (c)$~ I ~ (~). (i) is to be paid at the time of delivery of the Deed. 2. This Offer is good until S'.UQ P.M. on~ 0'2- at or before wbic:b time . c:opy of this OtJer must be signed by you and returned to us or this Offer shall be void and the money paid with thi3 Offer shall be returned to us immediately. 3 The Closing shan take place at <1', cO A.M. on v..-tNU.{t ? ~ ~ at the appropriate Registry of Deeds 4 If this Offer is acc:epced by you, tbcn our obliptioo to buy the Pranises is subject to 8IId conditioned upon: (a) Obtaining. on or before (JI days from your acceptance of this Offer, an inspection ofthc Premises satisfactory to us; and (b) Execution by you and us, on or befo~ 14 days from your acceptance of this Offer, of a mutually satisfactory Purchase and Sale Agreement setting fanh all of the terms and conditions of this transaction. which shall then become the aareement of the perties; and (e) Our ~ on or before ."..., days ftom the e?tecution, of the Purchase ~~ A~ a SIlisfactory com,mitment letter from an institutional ~ first mortgage loan not In excess of S~;"a2 ~ at prevailing rates and terms 3345<"" (the "PreolllCS") If the above conditions.-e not satisfied after the ea:cptance of this Offer, this agreement shan terminate, you shaH refund our deposit, and neither pmy shall have fiu1ber recourse against each other. j If we do not fulfill our obligations under this Offer after it has been accepted by you., the deposit shall immediately become your property without further liability by US to you. Tune is of1be e$sence of this otTer. NmlCE: This is a legal document. Consult an attorney. Upon acceptance by the SeUer, it constitutes a binding agreement on both J*ties. Both perries ack:no th8t they have offCftld the opportUnity to seek and confer with lepl COUD5CI of their c:boice prior tu signing this 18ftlCmCnt. Buyer (or spouse). Adcftss of Buyer. , . A EfTANCE 'Xo.OO lllls Offer IS hereby accepted upon the foregoing terms and conditions and the receipt of the deposit of t.of. n.i.lO is hereby ~~ . --. ~~ Seller (01' spouse) Seller: AddressofSellcr: Qo1 t:ed~ ' fJ~ fL 33'8) ~~ 4 .2002 RECEIPr FOR DEPOSIT -vcdfimnBuyertl1e,umofS t:L(~:~~g(1"ft~._.-V~L~ PROJECT NAME: Footp7ints Daycare & Preschool Center' LOCATION: 817 N. Federal Highway PCN: 08-43-45-21-32-001-0120 I FILE NO.: COUS 02-008 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Conditional U se/ New Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Phoenix Real Estate Investment Andre Faulkner, DZN Corp., Inc. International PHONE: 561-752-4995 PHONE: 305-576-1080 FAX: FAX: 305-576-1031 ADDRESS: 907 Federal Highway ADDRESS: 4141 NE 2nd Ave. Suite 203 D Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Miami, FL 33137 Date of submittal/Proiected meetine: dates: SUBMITT AL / RESUBMITT AL 12/4/02 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 12/20/02 PUBLIC NOTICE: tflJ/gJ ~JOII03 TRC MEETING: 1/21/03 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 2/11/03 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 2/18/03 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Footprints Daycare & Preschool Ctr\2002 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc PrDgcT A8I1N)6/J E.1) A._ ~ (. ., ;S. I~ · '{4 */7/ to (J ~/llll Time and DateofMeetmg MON)R1J, ,/IIrll 't (11 i'~Of2-!y/ Those attendmg m~tmg t11 '1JiJ~ ff T,' fl1 LA12GEJ voSli ilL {AICO ,,/' Appltcant's Name PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS 1 E.f? eS/J M,' L f) I'f 0 Phone ~ ,) 73 tf- ;2 'fa fa 2. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO AL'N STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes V No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFFMElvIBERS NALvlE' 111. Ku MP ( LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETSIINTERSECTIONS) 1(;7 j~~_~~~L HrJJ'f (SeCON0 ~110iC~) 3. \VHAT \}OULD YOU LIKE TO DO? v NEW PROJECT BillLDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION CHAl"IGE IN PRlOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURREr-.'TL Y VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: / POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE V CONiMERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNO\V THE ZONIN'G CODE DESIGNATION? <, 4 TINlli AL'ID DATE PREFERRED 5 HO\V M.AJ.'N PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETlliG? I Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................. Pre-applicanon meetings should be scheduled for a rrurumum of one (1) hour nrne module, and should be scheduled 10 less than two (2) days poor to date/nme of meeting. If urgency IS sensed, dISCUSS Wlth Mike or LusIa. I\Ieetinl!s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mormngs Note' LUSIa IS not avaIlable for Tuesday a.m. meetIngs, and Mike IS not available on Mondays between 11 30 a.m. and 2.30 p,m. j \ P! ann i ng' P lann mg\P re-app I ieatlo neon taetquesti 0 ns, doc ~ / "';i{J I ~ ') 7 ~-<'.l' L-e--<.- PRE-APPLICA..TION IVIEETING LOG l'rIEETING DATE: 1/ - . '-o~ A..PPLICATIONS: Chfr-^ ZO~lNG DISTRICT: C ..~ PROJECT NA.ly1E: py-;., Jk- -\TTEI't ING STAFF:f /1 .,. c..."J,2 -\TTENDING AS APPLICAJ.'{T: --r." _/1. /' ~ r~~ OL. c:.Lr (t>--n 0 ?HO~"E: I F.i\..:X: ~ 11 0. o.Cc- .-..~Ae ..I- <"'CAJ.-L 'L-'\1vlE OF APPLICAJ.'iT/CONTACT: illDRESS: ?HONE: I F.-\..X: )ROJECT ADDRESS: I VOl .s r;;J2. HEt JROPOSED TYPE OF US OCCUPA.l'iCY: )ATE SUBrYUTTAL RECEIVED: I DATE DENIED: ~OM,Ly1ENTS: (V/) nor h-1ok'. l' ~"'c~<;... e r fa. < Yl<?.L"J C:U':;'E f2fQ0\UD; T-tit=-(4::f=o~ )JO /'1f,vOR f-'\..o'\). AJ'ii=-E'Df5-Z). I I I i I I I I ~s~~ ~ ~ /.z~~~=H ~u2!f' $~ -, ;, ~ 4, .- z/PeJ 0<- ~ ~ ~- 'c_ ~r- ~ I / ~ I ~ ~ .... -(- CLC:..-.,.. Il~-' t? _ ~I, ~~ /fi~~ ZOu-=-;(;ce: r~ ::c(~~c ~ d-~~rd.~=k y.;:~ i"~::; ~-t"~...k'=< ~~ e:;':i ~~ ...y,,, I ~ ~ ~ fH= r <.:~~ ~v t-}r <J:..,e"... ' I I I I I I I I ~ 5HRDA T .1.\.Pi:lnnir:g'.5a.,I,.RED\ \VP\PROJECTS\.PRE .1.PPUc..1. TIO,"S ;\[EETL" G LOGS\P.e-AiJpli'::ltion .\[~~:i.,; La; do_ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT lYlEETING DATEtlOi/ - / b --02- TThIE: rO: 00 fM ATTE~"DING FOR ~4..PPLICA1~T: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applic:mt to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass rel:1ted to the proposed development and to discuss site pl:1n review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual !ans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attending Staff (?o I ~~JUi lfJAfJ I~..~I I ~ I I I ~ I I I I I J".5HRD -\, T A\PL-\.. 'i:'o'L" C\SHARED\ WP\FOR.\IS\PRE-APPL ;',IEETf.', G-SIG:'i C" SHEET.DOC ~Iey, Judith From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Copley, Judith Wednesday, November 06, 2002 10:17 AM Rumpf, Michael Alfaro, Jose Milano Day Care Fed Hwy - Pre-App Fri 11/8 The project architect, Andre Faulkner, called this morning - wants to discuss the approval process ('Do we need a site plan for a change of use?') before they have the meeting on Friday Wants to 'speed up' the process He said they had lost a week because the pre-app was rescheduled from Tuesday (11/5) to this Friday Mike, he would like you to call him at 305- 576-1080 :/lLdfJ 1 '\ ? ~ - (; ') ,- o~ 7 - <0" 1-- L.. 30 TIme and Date of Meetl1.s OM lie ~ (- Those attendIng meetIng "^!!J--~ - ~ i ~ j L 1((' ~ H tt II ApplIcant's Name ION CONTACT QUESTIONS Phone ~(- 73 f- zyt:lc 2 HAVE yoy SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT') Yes ,,/' No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAL\;IE ~ LOCATION OF PROPERTY ~ROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) S c.f E {) ~L-~ t't--tJ--L- - C 0 V...r .., .) WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO') NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION V' CHANGE IN PRlOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARlANCETYFE: . ~ POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE ~ '?J (c~ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? t/ RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY') INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY') DO YOU KNOvV THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION') ~ 4 TIME Al'ID DATE PREFERRED 10-1'-01, I do ~uI~:-r- 5. HOW MAL'fY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING') Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting, .................................................................................. . Pre-apphcatlOn meetmgs should be scheduled for a rmrumum of one (I) hour tIme module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days pnor to date/time of meetmg. If urgency IS sensed, diSCUSS with Mike or LusJa. . l.\Ieetinl!s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday morrnngs Note' Lusia is not available for Tuesday a,rn. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 30 a.rn. and 2 30 p.rn. S \P I ann i ng\P lann mg\Pre-app licationcon tactquestl ons. doc ~d fy~ ,GlUJ-' ~7~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG IHEETING DATE: IV /6 0,"- APPLICATIONS: ]) A" CJ::.~ ZONING DISTRICT: C - 2- PROJECT NAME: I TI!YIE: -:: I I i I ATTENDING STAFF: ATTENDING AS APPLICA1~T: .-.- ~ ) '/ ev.....o I FA.:X: IJ 1ZE=-..3> -A.. .M I L- p.... tJ 0 PHONE: 15 '_ ZYCb NAlvIE OF AJ>PLICAl'fT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: I FA..X: Avd PROJECT ADDRESS: 5'0 p .ODf=f'>-..AJ PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPAl'1CY: DATE SUBIVIITTAL RECEIVED: , DATE DEl'ilED: COl\tlMENTS: ., J'\SHRDA T ~J'I~nning\SHAH.ED\WP\PROJEcrS\PRE -\PPLlCA TIO:--'S \U::ETL" G LOGS\Pre-Applic:Hion \(cc!in~ Lo~ doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT IYIEETING DATE: IO!lb/c>Z- TIME: F~ ,~ ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference sh:J.Il be for the st:J.ff and applicant to discuss over:J.Il community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attending Staff E- r~~lV '-MlL OS-<.. h&,c; ~ ~tf Cu1 0 I I I I I I I I I I I ~ J".5HRD.-\ T A\PLA.'1" L" G\SHAREDI \VPIFOR.\ISIPRE-APPL L\IEETD G-SIG, r:-; SHEET.DOC (REST BLVD I ~ ~~~~ J ...., <:1 tr;~r-,.;b' ~r--:--i fq ~ ~~ ~ :b: '\5 ~ !"l ,.... ~ ~< ~ .... ~ '11~ ~ h r-,.; ~ ~ ~ '>l 0, V, , ~ ~ ~ ~ O'h'~~~ O~""'<:1~ :I>~,..., - Vlt;;'""~~ ~~:i~~ :) '<l"'" ,.... ~ '<l~ t:; -: ~ \ ~ :1><;- ~ ~, ""'1 ~. 11<> '?~ ;:t ~~ ~ VI ~ <." ." ~~ ~:b: ,""VI ~ I, "" ~~ I ~~ cl~\ !'1<>" ~ l?o ~ A v-. 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