CORRESPONDENCE ~ mo~)c ro N €> CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Division January 27,2003 Land Design South Attention: Bradley J. Currie 2101 Centre park West Drive, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 RE: Request for Administrative Waiver Parking Stall Size Hampton Court (NWSP 02-023) Dear Mr. Currie: Per your correspondence of January 8, 2003, this letter is to serve as approval for your request to 1) allow "tandem" parking spaces at 8 ft. x 18 }'2 ft, and 2) revise guest parking standards to 9 }'2 ft. x 18 }'2 ft. with a 25 ft. backup distance. The proposed "tandem" spaces are being allowed, as they are adjacent to individual garages and are not strictly intended for guest parking. A 25 ft. backup distance is provided which is in line with proposed changes to the engineering standards that currently require a 27 ft. backup distance The proposed 8 ft. width is a nominal measurement and in fact the plans show an actual available width at each garage 10ft. The second revision was provided at the request of the Engineering Division If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6488 or Laurinda Logan, P E , Senior Engineer, at (561) 742-6482. Sincerely, .\ I' HDK.LLlck Xc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./P.S M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Michael Rumpf, Director, Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, AICP, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning File America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6480 Fax: (561) 742-6285 ~~,\,y 0,- mo~,..~J TO N €> CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Division January 24, 2003 Land Design South Attention: Bradley J. Currie 2101 Centrepark West Drive, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 RE: Request for Administrative Waiver Driveway Width Hampton Court (NW5P 02-023) Dear Mr. Currie: Per your correspondence of January 8, 2003, this letter is to serve as approval for your request to allow a fifty foot (50') wide driveway from Golf Road (SW 23rd Avenue) into the Hampton Court subdivision. The LOR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section H.1 and Ordinance No. 02-033 limit driveway widths to a maximum of 36 feet, measured at the right-of-way line, unless otherwise approved by the City Engineer. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6488 or Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer, at (561) 742-6482. Sincerely, ~'1("'- , , ) I -. . / -{/(~,~", H. David Kelley, Jr., City Engineer HDK:LL/ck Xc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Michael Rumpf, Director, Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, AICP, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning File America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6480 Fax: (561) 742-6285 ~"'...~\'\ '." 0..' . L, ' mo · .)c7 ).. '" /'?" "'., ~>'v O;--.J v CITY OF BOYNTON B'EACH DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS Engineering Division January 24, 2003 Land Design South Attention: Bradley J. Currie 2101 Centrepark West Drive, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 RE: Request for Administrative Waiver Gated Vehicle Egress Points Hampton Court (NWSP 02-023) Dear Mr. Currie: Per your correspondence of January 8, 2003, this letter is to serve as approval for your request to provide gated emergency vehicle egress points in lieu of a cul-de-sac, etc. for the east and west driveways within the subdivision. Florida Fire Prevention Code Section 3-5.2 requires a cul-de-sac, wye or tee turn around, or shunt turn around for dead-end streets in excess of 150 feet. Hampton Court proposes the use of grass block over stabilized subgrade to link the "dead-end" driveway to Golf Road (SW 23rd Avenue). The egress point would be gated for emergency use only. The applicant shall adhere to the following criteria as part of this approval: o The emergency access roadway(s) shall be firm and unyielding, with a bearing value of not less that LBR 40; o Provide, at the time of permitting, details and product information for review and approval; o Stabilized subgrade shall meet all applicable sections and standards of the City of Boynton Beach; and o Provide a Knox Box at each access point for emergency vehicle use If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6488 or Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer, at (561) 742-6482. Sincerely, ~.,/() - ~. ......... H. David Kelley, Jr., City Engineer HDK:LUck Xc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Michael Rumpf, Director, Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, AICP, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning File America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6480 Fax: (561) 742-6285 ... January 2, 2003 Mr. & Mrs. Roger P. Berger, Sr. 2324 SW 13th Street Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Boynton Beach Mayor Gerald Broening Boynton Beach City Commission Boynton Beach Planning & Development Board RE: Proposed Hampton Court Development SW 23rd Avenue East of Congress Ave Immediately East of Homewood ACLF Dear Mr. Mayor, Members of the City Commission, the Planning & Development Board; Issues with the proposed Hampton Court project are as follows: I. Traffic Concerns- A 66-unit development will generate approximately 462 total vehicles per day (approximately 7 vehicle daily trips per unit) which will ingress and egress an already overburdened SW 23rd Avenue. This is a lot of traffic for a local residential road. In the past year the amount of traffic has increased tremendously and this will only add to the existing problem. All of our neighbors agree with the fact that SW 23rd Avenue is already a congested street. The proposed Hampton Court site plans show a main entrance with two unpaved emergency side paths. These "side paths" should be required to be paved and used for more than emergency vehicles. Paving would also allow sanitation trucks and for egress and ingress of the residents and their guests. Paving these "side-paths" should provide for less traffic congestion especially during peak traffic times. The proposed site plans show a wall along SW 13th Street, this wall should not be open for traffic to and from SW 13th Street. The street is simply not large enough to allow handling that much traffic. We request an independent traffic study be done by other than the developer or the City. 2. Flooding Concerns- Flooding is a major fear of ours. Until the ACLF was built, SW 13th Street did not have a flooding problem. Even the heavy rains that fell in a short time in the spring of 1979 did not flood our street. We had ankle deep water that leached into the ground rapidly. There are storm drains on SW 24th Avenue that carried the water (even though there has been sand in them since we moved here in 1978) somewhere, no one seems to know where, and therefore there were no problems until the ACLF was constructed. That project either blocked something or removed something and when Hurricane Irene came through the water was 1/3 up our drive and up to the knees of our 6' tall sons, a dog had to swim across the road and part of our drive to get to me. Now we do have a problem. When Hurricane Irene came through SW 23rd Avenue was free of standing water while we had to wait 2 days for the water to go down on SW 13th Street. We have been paying monthly for storm drains that we still do not have. Although we are aware the developer is not responsible for other than his or her property we are requesting the developer be required to install storm drains for SW 13th Street. Without the road (SW 24th Avenue), due to the wall and construction, the water from the rains, from SW 23rd Avenue, and possibly run ofIfrom Hampton Court, will be worse than when Hurricane Irene came through. We have discovered that there are only 2 storm drains (on the sidewalks) on SW 23rd Avenue between the entrance to Golfview Harbour (on the west side ofI-95) and Congress Avenue. SW 13th Street has a much lower elevation than SW 23rd Avenue which, we are sure, contributed to the flood problem with Hurricane Irene. The residents of SW 13th Street may be required to obtain flood insurance because these issues were not addressed <as it should have been when the ACLF was proposed). We request an Independent study be done by other than the developer or the City. . 3. DrainageIPollutant Concerns- The site plans show drainage from Hampton Court will be going into the canal. Since most of the rain that falls will not be allowed to leach into the ground, whatever drains into the canal will contain many pollutants. If the canal fills up during a storm, will there be backup causing additional flooding? Where will the water from SW 13th Street go? If drainage from SW 13th Street goes into the canal, again what will happen if the canal fills up with water? Will there be backup? Will there be additional problems? What about additional pollutants from SW 13th Street? Our canal is pretty clean, very little if any algae. We want it to remain that way. We request an independent study be done by other than the developer or the City concerning the possible contamination of the canaL 4. Noise Concerns- The recreation area, dry retention area, pool and dumpster of Hampton Court are shown on the site plans to be located directly on the opposite side of the proposed wall facing our property. I llllderstand that dry retention areas are a good thing. We request these be moved into a more centralized area within the development. We wonder if we were to get heavy rains over a short period oftime what happens to the water. How many developments have drainage into lakes and have flooded so badly that people have had to use a boat to get to their houses. Can this happen with retention areas and with draining into canals? We request an independent study by other than the developer or the City. 5. Privacy Concerns- I feel it is more than enough that the new residents, with 2nd floors, will be able to either sit on their balconies or look out their windows right into our front rooms. Perhaps you should drive on Homewood Blvd. in Delray Beach and look at Woodside development from the road. There is no noise and you can barely see the buildings or the wall, no 2 story buildings facing the existing homes on Homewood Blvd. The developer and City cared enough about the existing homeowners to listen to their valid concerns and do something about them. I could not get all of the facts for this particular development but know the homeowners fought the development for a long time before an agreement was reached. Woodside is similar to the Meadows in that there are townhouses, villas, condos and single-family houses. The acreage is much more (although I could not get the exact number of units or amount ofland from the Delray building department) than Hampton but the end result would be the same, which is privacy for the existing houses. There is a good set back, landscaping on the outside of the wall with grass, and recreation areas within the development. But then, that developer did not try to get all the llllits he could possibly squeeze in. All we will see is the 2nd story and an empty wall, practically in our front yards. I strongly suggest that there be better planning for the good of all. Just consider if this were where you live, would you welcome this development directly across from your house? The 2 story units should be placed elsewhere on the property or stay with single story units. We request that this not be allowed as shown on the site plans. 6. Zoning Change- For what possible reason does this developer want the Zoning to be changed? To enable the building of more llllits than what is allowed under the present Zoning? If that is the reason this should say something to all of us. With the last zoning change there was an agreement as to what the property would be used for and that would be the last zoning change. Since then we have had requests for zoning changes on the Northeast comer ofSW 23rd Avenue and Congress (which was not approved) and now we are back to yet another request but for across the street. Whether the zoning is changed or not the density for this development is too high for either zoning and for the area. This same developer obtained the LaNotte property on North Federal Highway and is trying to do the same thing here that he has been approved to do there, get all that he can get, with no thought or consideration to the environment or the existing property owners. But here he is definitely on top of single family houses and is using the canal for his dumping grounds. Too many units on too little property can only bode ill for the future as well as the present. The Planning & Zoning Division had misgivings on the Federal Highway project but were overruled, the developer won. We request the zoning remain an R3 and not be changed to a PUD. I have been told I cannot see the "Big Picture". From what I read, hear and see it seems we just keep going forward to see how fast we can use up the water, deface the land and kill the wildlife. The "Big Picture" scares me as I wonder what will happen in future years with decisions we are making now out of greed or ignorance. This is a time that everyone best take a good look at the "Big Picture" and see what, if any, effects it will have not only on the present but the future? Developments such as this should not be solely up to associations, City Commissions or Boards of any kind. These developments impact people directly and these are the people that should have the right to be heard and listened to. The people should be taken into consideration and every concern evaluated before any final answers are given. Hampton Court developers have already assigned addresses to the buildings. I must inquire as to how they can be so positive about the project starting when it has not, to our knowledge, received approval. Have we, the existing homeowners. missed something that this developer can show such a positive attitude of having the zoning changed and the project approved? It seems the developer knows what is in the future. In conclusion the existing residents would like to see: Independent traffic, flooding, drainage and noise studies. The "paths" made into actual paved streets. The rec area, pool, dwnpster and retention areas moved to a more centralized location or to the ACLF side of the property. Lower density. No 2 story buildings directly across from our homes. More footage required for setbacks. Landscaping on our side of the wall along with a grassy area. No zoning changes. The GHHA really failed in their approval of this development. It is very disturbing that we, who are directly impacted by the Hampton Court Development, were never notified of the meeting conducted August, 2002, at which time a vote for the development was held. It is also disturbing that we never received the August 2002, September 2002, or the October, 2002 Harbour Lights newsletters. No vote should have been taken at that meeting unless the majority of the directly impacted homeowners (e.g. those immediately adjacent to or opposite of) were given appropriate notice and the opportunity to attend and be heard. We may not be the majority but we should have a voice in what directly impacts us. Hopefully the GHHA have not done us as much hann as I feel it may have and we may still have the time to have our say and be listened to, not just heard. As Mr. Ryland has stated "we will be here long after the developer is gone and those now seated on the City Commission and Planning and Development Board have left their seats behind" It has already been stated that the valuation of our houses will go down and we would probably have a difficult time selling our houses if the development is approved as the site plans show. Again I ask you "walk a mile in our shoes and see where you would go." Cordially, _____ - '-~ \~ QT ~ \~<~~ Mr. & Mrs. Roger P. Berger xc: Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Richard Philpott, GHHA President Rumpf, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Thursday, October 10, 2002 8 42 AM Cherof, James Galav, Lusia, Hudson, Dick (Orran) Alhambra Square settlement and density Jim, Just a "heads up" to you that Atty Mike Weiner will be calling you for a meeting to discuss the density/units allowed for this next generation project proposed by Centex. We all met yesterday and my position was that the units allowed on this property cannot be converted from the 200 and some bed figure for an ACLF included in the original settlement. I said that this would by my opinion until you interpreted it otherwise, or a revised settlement clarified same I do not have a problem with them using that density from the settlement if is deemed the intent and is legal We are talking about 60 some units rather than 40 some units Also, PUD should work for this site Mike . 1 10/02/2002 15:46 561272F~11 WEINER & ARONS,......I PA c 0 V E R s To: Fax #: Subject: Date: Pages: H E E T Michael Rumpf 742-6259 Centex Our File No.: CENH003 O~r2J2002 ~, Including this cover sheet. As we discussed. The information contained In this transmission Is attorney- client privileged and confidentIal. It is Intended only for the use of the individual or entity named above. If the reader of this message is not the Intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any dissemination, distrIbution or copy of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have receiVed this communication in error, please notify us immediately by telephone, collect, and retum the original message to us at the above address via U.S. Mail, we will reimburse you for postage. Thank you. PAGE 01 FAX From the desk of... Michael S. Weiner Esquire Weiner & Aronson, P.A. 102 N. Swinton Avenue Oelray Beaoh, FL 33444 (561) 265-2666 Fax; (561) 272-6831 J ---~ Lc _.~/17/2002 13: 43 561272F~"1 WEINER & ARONsr" PA PAGE 02 WEINER Be ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: delraylaw@bellsouth.net MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF OF COUNSEL. R08ERT MARC SCHWARTZ, p,A. Rorlda 13ar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer September 17, 2002 Via Teleeopier James Cherof, Esquire City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Mr. Michael Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Centex Homes; Conversion of ACLF Our File No.: CENT003 Dear Jim and Michael: Enclosed, one for each of you, is a copy of the proposed Joint Motion and Agreed Order, Agreed Order, and Stipulation and Settlement Agreement Addendum. Also enclosed are additional copies of the letters of consent from Golfview Harbour Homeowners' Association, Inc. and Golfview Harbour Estates Homeowners' Association, Inc. Lastly, I am enclosing a copy of the legal description for the property in question. In speaking with Michael, it is my understanding that the appropriate zoning is "R -3" and not "R-3 PUD." Please confirm this with me. I would also like to confirm that the property at issue is the property described in the legal description which forms part of our survey. Could this be part of the stipulation? 09/17/2002 13:43 55127?r 11 WEINER & AROW-" PA PAGE 03 Mr. Michael Rumpf James Cherof, Esquire September 17, 2002 Page 2 Please understand the nature of this inquiry. I am sure we want the settlement to be technically: orrect. I look forward to hearing from you. Enclosures cc: Keith C. Austin, Jr., Esquire (w/endosures) Mr. Kevin Borkenhagen (w/enc1osures) G. \CENT003\Lettl1r Cherof-Rumpf.Sept17.wpd. 09/17/2002 13 43 ~.'2726831 WEINER & ARONSON P~ SEP 16,2002 9:40AM .ITH AUSTIN ,. U j~ PAGE 04 IV IN THE CIRCUIT COlmT OF nIB 15TH JUDICL\L CIRClJlT IN AND FOR PALM HEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE l\O CL 89-6178 AN MILNOR CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; NoRMAN J. MICHAEL and BLISHKA E. MICHAEL, his wife, Plaintiff, Vll. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida Mumcipal corporation. Defendant. J:QJNT MOTION AND AGREED ORDER The Plaintiffs, RSPB, LLC, a Florida limited liability company ("RSPB'1 and THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEA.CH, FLORIDA, a Florida municipal corporation (''BOYNTON BEACH"), by and through their undersigned attorneys, hereby joindy request consent from this Court to l?roceed with zoning approvals and lIS grounds thetefore statE 1. RSPB and Bovnton Beach are parties to a certain Sti.,ulation and Settlement Agreement last da.ted October 31, 1989; 2, The Agreement was approved by the Court by Order :10 October 2, 1990; 3. The court retains subject matter jurisdiction of this action, 4. The original Stipulation and Order specified a land dBsignation and :zoni.t1.S classification described in paragraph 11.1:1. oftb.e Settlement Agreement; 5 RSPB desires to request from the City of Boynton BE~h a certam modification to the use and development conditions on the property describe:!. as Albambra Square ACLF To that end, RSPB has made a request to the City COlU1Iission of the City of Boynton Beach for reconsideration of the land use zoning and use limitations on the property Speoifically, RSPB requests the zoning designation ofR-;PUD; 6. 'The City Commission has expressed a willingness to allow RSPB to submit their request for amendment through the City's Planning and ])evdopment Board., which acts as an adviso!)' board to the City Commission on such matt,~s, provided that the submissjon for the request for amendment is not construed llIl either i violation oftha Court Order refe~ced herein or wai,ver of the City to insist upon contir;luing enforcement of the Court Order. 09/17/2002 13'43 ~~12726831 -SEP 16.2002 9'41AM JTH AUSTIN 'J, O::Jtl PAGE 05 r, I I WEINER & ARONSON PA I . _ ...... 7. The parties by this Stipu.l.atiOn., request only that the City be given leave from the Court Order to accept the request for amendment, conduct a.dministrative review thereof, and allow the City's Planning and Development Board to Nview the request in a p\1blic setting. By' DATED' MURPHY, REID, Pll..OTfE, ORD AND AUjTIN, PA. Attomey for Plaintiff(s) 340 Rays.:. Palm Way Suite 100 PalmBea~ori 334 (56~) 6 ~060 Flori :U' By. DATED" JAMES A. CHEROF, ESQ City Attorney for the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida. 33435 (561) 375-6050 Florida BarNo. 291846 AGREED ORDER 'The Court having considered the Joint Motion of the parties set forth above and being otherwise duly advised in the premises, it is hereby Ordered a:td Adjudged thl!.t: 1 The City of Boynton Beach is grauted leave to accept Plaintiff's application for amendment to the land use, zonms and use restriotions hUposed by this Court's Order of Ocrober 2, 1990. 2. If, upon completion of review of Plaintiff s application for amendment, the PlaintiffhBs obtained a fa1torable recommendation from the Planning & Development Board, the parties may jointly petition the Co1.1rt for modifications to the Agreement. 3. This Joint Motion and Agreed Order does not Jbligate the City of Boynton Beach to enact land use amendments, zoning charges. or use amendments inCOIlJistent with those set forth in this Court's Oowber 20 1990 Order. The sole purpose and intent of this Joint Motion and Agrel'!d Order h to allow the City of Boynton Beach to m.ore fully consider the amendments being requested by the Plaintiffs. DONE AND ORDBRED a.t West Palm Beach, Palm 3each County, Florida, this -- day of --' 2002. Circuit Court Judge Copiee to: James Olerof, &q" JOsias, Ooren, ete" 3099 E. CoIIlmeroial Blvd" Sui~ 200, 'Pt. Lauderdale, FL 33308 Keith C. AIlltU1, Jr., Bsq" Mw:phy, Reid, PilQtte, ard 8r. AWJtin, 1'.A., 34') Roylll Palm Way, Suite 100, Palm BelIoh, FL 33408 09/17/2002 13 43 ~c'2726831 SEP, 16.2002 9.41AM JTH AUSTIN WEINER & ARONSON P~ ). V)O IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICL\1. CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASENO CL 89-6178 AN MILNOR CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; NORMAN J MICHAEL and ELISHKA E. :MICHAEL, his wife, Plaintiff, VS. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, Defendant STIPULA~ON AND SETTLEMENT AGREICMENT ADDENDUM RSPB, LLC, a Florida linrited lia.bility coIporation ("RSPB") and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (a Florida municipal corporation), by and through their attorney's hereby atnend that certain Court Order dated October 2, 1990 as follows: 1. Paragraph 11 b. is he,:eby lUU.cuded to reflect R-3PUD; 2. Boynton Beach acknowledges receipt of letu:rs from Golf-View Harbour Homeowners Association. me, and OolfView Harbour Estates, lrte., copies of which at'eI attached as Exhibit "A" and 'B", respectively, agreeing to this ZODing modification; 3. The parties shall forthwith inform the court that a Sett1tlment has been reached and the tellrul oithe Stipulation and Settlement Agreement as liIllended are fully completed and effectuated. AT such time, the parties shall jointly seek an order from the Court confirming and r8.tifying this Stipulation and Sett1emex: t Agreement Addendum. The Court shall at all times have and retain jurisdictio~ Ove.r this cause and the parties to ensure that the terms and conditions herein are adhered to 'by the parties, JAMES A. CHBROF, ESQ City Attorney for the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 (561) 375~6050 Florida Bar No. 291846 MURPHY, REID, PTI..OTTE. ORD AND AU:nIN, PA Attotney Jor Plaintiff(s) 340 Royal Palm Way, Suite 100 Palm BeaI~ori 480 (5~1) 6 ,'WoO :l~ri BlfN. 61801 DA D'. By: DATED' PAGE 06 I., 09/17/2002 13 43 5~12726831 u5 ~SEP 16,2002 - 9 41AM EITH AUSTIN WEINER & ARONSON P~ 5814342., ~O.O:Jtl PAGE 07 I jl'"- co OF Cll\.1Iol5 PliILIP H. Bml. JR. LOIS IWII aJJMalTE Murphy, Reid, Pilotte. Ord 51. Austin A rARlNBlSlllP OP PROPESSlONAL ASfit)Q1i. 0005 A~AT'/.AW SUlT1ll00 3-40 .....OYIIl PAlM 'flAY PAlM '85ACH. H.ORII'JA lJ.t8O.43-47 ~(S61) &5$M6D l'IlJ( (~~1) 65U801 PLI!ASE l.l.EPI.Y 1'00 PALM BEACH 0I'l'lCB l'LANTA11G1 IV.2A 6606 2A7l'H lm\llIIT VEI\.O DACH. aOP.lOA 32966.7901 p,o. Dll.AWIll).1. VER.O~. ~3~!I6I.30U 'I1il9HON1($61l S67~ VQO FAX (56l) S62..ouO I:JilTH C, AlJS'T/l'oI.Jll. P.A. I\l.JOENll W. ~,JP,., p.A. GIiOII.OE P. O1ID.I',A. TASHA K. PEPf'Illt.D\CICINSON" FRANIC 1: PILCITE, P.A. "1J!1J "O~ IN NOJmI Co\I.CII.MA. June 28, 2002 Richard Phillpott Association Presiden1 GoIMew Harbour Estates Homeowners Association, lAc. 1361 SW 27th Avenue Boynton Beil/:h, Florida 33426 Dear Mr. Pbillpott: The undersigned is writing to you on behalf of RSPB, L.t.C., tbe owners of the 4.6 approximate aeres lOCllted just off Golf Road and Congress Avenue. Please )e advised. that this property was re-zoned. on or about October 1989, through a Stipulation Ag1'l~ent to Adult Congregate Living Flldlity. We are nOW requesting that the zoning be refor mcd from ACLF to the original underlyil1i density and zoning ofR-3 (multi-family). The City of Boynton Beach has requested that we transmit this Information to your Associations and request that the AssociatioD$ acknowledge and accept the proposed change to the property If YQI1,l' desire any fwthm- infol:1I14tio.lt or discll88ion, pleue feel fi ee to contact us. In order to reflect thllt this modIfication is acceptable to your aHsoclmon, plC2Se execute below as reflected. AQREED TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY HOMEOWNERS By' , . 09/17/2002 13 43 ~-'~726831 HUe.: S E P 16. 2002' I 9' 4 1 AM , E 1TH AU S TI N WEINER & ARONSON P' 5614S"t~' ~U. Uj~ ,. PAGE 08 Ii t'... mIlt c, AUSTIN,]lt, RA. iIJGIiNE w.. MUlU'HY.)R.. P..A. GEORaI> ~ 0Jl.t), P,A, T,6J!HA1C.~. l'RAl<<'T.l'lWITE. P,A. Murphy, Reid, Pilotte, Otd ~l. Austin AI'~C'I~ASSOCIATIONS ATr~}JLRII sum 100 ).40 ROYl\1.l'oM-M WAY PALM BUCH, PLOlmA 3M8Q.-4.34r 11!LEPl'loNI ~I.) tiSS-4060 FAX (5/iIl6SS-lllIl1 lUASE lUll'Ly T01 PALM BiAQt OFFJC:E nANTATION I'I.AU\ ~1OTasnur 'IJI!l0 BIOAC.K. fLO[l.ItlA )296/i.'/9m. 20, CllAwa M vao IlB\OL ROlUPA 32961-3012 11lI".I.PHONE (561) 567.6480 ViJ() FAX (561l561-{1'llO Clf~ PHlLlP H _ RBm, ~ LOlS Rl!lD a.EMiNT8 .~ !\IMnEI) INNOJ:tK CAR.CJLIN.\ June 28, 2002 Jo~ephine DeSantis Trea,uter Golt'view Harbour EsWes Homeowners Association, Inc. t 360 SW 27'" Avenue Boynton. aeach, Flocida 33426 Dear Ms, DeSantis~ The unders1~ is writing to you on behalf of RSPB, L.L.C., the ownetS of the 4.6 &Pl'l'olCimate acres located just off GolfR.OII4 and Congress Avenue. Please. be advised that this property was re-zoned, 011. 07: about October 1989, through a Stipulation ,4,grccment to Adult Congregate Living Facility. We are now requesting that the zoning be rEformed fiom ACLF to the original underlyiIig density and zoning ofR.3 (multi-family), The City of Boynton Reach bas requested that we trenSmit this infotmation to your A$socia1ions and request that the Associations acknowledge m:I accept dle propooed change to the property. It yom desire any furthM infonnation or discuoion, please fed free to contact us. In order to refll'lct that thi& modification is acceptable to YQllI" association, pll!lllSe execute below as reflected. AOflEED TO AND ACKNOWLEDOBD BY: GOLFVmW HARBOUR ESTATES HOMEOWNERS ASSO,~~ATION, lN5/7 ,I /) (J, I BY'~U ~./4,<,L- tN : ~""".J.("fJA / AI./:--, /) ])L:rS.l.W76 ..-- 09/17/2002 13'43 ~-'2726831 SEP 16. 2002C10 04A~:EITH AUSTINf GqLF' VIEW HARBOUR '.)1'(/7 SECT/ON' ...., " (p,W BOOK JO, PAGl' 119 ~ 120, P80R) g::' I ~ 0 I 1-_________ __~___:--" PRM """'P,'s. ,I PG. ~ R f LB LS <t +.'\ '? R/w RCP :Q: 6499B + 16 77 LEGAL DESCRIPTION: WEINER & ARONSON P" PAGE 09 :~r:=.~i:I'(,~;f.]~~fngle) ,.NO:Y~~.p ::>1,/;;~. ~l ~ ,~, II.... ........,.u 'I hl.,!,l . I " I ':l.W I ';;C \ II:;:: - I '=:! () q;"R ~ljnr~ Book "9" I' " ,; "', I N .. everhKld Mire' ~ ' ' t..) ul i~ , I \ _ Ifh i , . Clqo:: :: Set 1 2 Ir"Il Pipe IV oap ~, w'<;1; LB #5610 ,~EXCEPT AS NOTEQ) ~ ~i~ ~ Q . '" Permanent F1efe~nce Uonumuf . ,.::\1' Q) .: ~r <5 ~ ,::\ · PlOt BDOk ' tJ ' wt::g iill '~2 .. Pog. tz !89~ ::;; Radiut ~ r "',..\. :; U,ensed Bl1sinHl1 '" ~ :c,li; =, UCM8ed Sllrveyor 0 => ~:,.., .. c.nt.rllfl' ~ f: lII'i = rl~at1on Puint a: "!ii'I""" ;;: RighI of W,lY . "JI ! ','i =' R.inforc.d Concrete Pip. N ~: = ",.fal Light Pole . ' : ". Tree locotf(,n point I: Tag Numb.r : I ::;; Sign I : . I I: I I. ; l -...- ThflICI1!l1 584.88 fut of Tract 4, C;OLF VIEW HARBOUR :3rd S[CTlOj~, City of 8oynton Beach, F'torldtJ, tJccordlng to the Plat thereof recl,lrClsd i" Plat Book 30, IPogos 119 and 120, Fubllc R'(Iorc/. of Palm Beoch County, Florida, luss and: not inclurfrng 11'11: following described parcels: Comm.nD. at the Southeast com fir of Trr:et 4, as shown on th. Plof entitled GOLF VIEW HARBOUR 3dJ SECTION, City of Boynton Bea!;h, Florida, according to the Plat thflrflof a. rel:/Qrd,d In Plet Book 50, Page 119, Public R,flCQrdS of Palm 8.Ql:/h County, F'lor/do: thenefl N 2'21'56" W, alo"9 the [ast lin. of said Treat 4, 0 dlsftlnce of 104.29 fssf to the PoInt of Beginning of t,fJ Right Qf Way to b. h.rein des:cribed; thence continufJ Norlherly, along the sam, cour!e, (J dlttane. of 92.69 feet to a point of fangMcy of Q curve conc>:we to the NortnwHl having a central angle of 88"75'44'" and a radius of 15 feet; th.ne. Southerly and Westerly along the arc of .aid curve, a dis/lfnce Df 25. , 1 teet to 0 point of reverse cu,.,afllrt; thenDe Westerly, South erly and Ea.terly, along the arc of a CUf'YD concave to the fast having a central angle of 197'4J'52- and a radius of 40 feet, a disfance of 158.04 fe~t t.l the Point at Beginning. Begin at the SouthfIQ:;f .comer of salet Tract 4. thence N 2'21'36" W, on a Plat bearing. along the rast line of sl1/d TrQct 4. a distance of i 04.29 feet to an intflrncfion with a curve I;Dncave to the North, said curve /lelng a cui-de-sac as rfll;orded in Official R,cord Book 2584, Pages 479 M~ 480, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. Florida, a radial line f-om said interned/on bflaring N 21'49'44" Wi thellC. WfllItflrly along the rig, tf of way of ~Id cul-de-sac clnd along sold curve, hcw/ng a rC1dills of 40.00 f.et, a cflntral angle of 29'OJ'12~, and an arc I.nyth of 20.28 flJet to en Inml'3ectlon with 0 line being 20.00 f..t W." of, as measured at right ongl", and parallfl/ with the said fa'" lin' of Tract 4, thonGe S 2'21'36" r, alcmg soid parol/el line, a distance of 102.56 feet to an Intersection with thn South line of sold Trtr~ 4; thence N 8.,.5B':24" C, along said South line, Q :fl"ance of 20.00 feet to the said Southea!l1 comer of Trt:lt;lf of and the Point of Be9inning. CERTIFIED TO: L.&.. III Z ~ oc 0 >- W > a::: ~ U1 u ::r: a.. <( Ct: ~ 0 a.. 0 I- ~ >- a:: <:( 0 :z :::J 0 ~ CD CENTEX HOM~S, INC, CERTIFICATION': . ~_~:~_~Br CERTIFY thot the aff&l:~~~, Sk",tch of Survey Is true and l~ ~I o I"l 0........ (Q 0 iI' ~ t;': ... i' , , I; i I ~ I 1 ,J o w z c [!j CI Ii ~ ::r:', ""'- 4 ID .. ..... ....... Cl If) ~ (;j () ~Lo. ~ :::J'<i <.) VlC:: Z o I- o lLJ -::tU1~ I-oii u0:::9 <(!'()L.&.. 0:: '-a::~ lL..=>U og~ X a::fD UJ Z<( ~I OI 8 I--- ...... ~ 13~; ~ 'a..~O >CD z o I- Z >- o CD , I.L.. ..J "0 "1:0;, 'li Rug 08 02 04:46p K@nn@mer 5614342939 p.2 KEITH C, AUSTIN, IR" P.A, EUGENE W. MURPHY, JR., P.A. GEORGE P. ORn, p.t\. TASHA K. PEPPER-DICKINSON. FRA"iK 1. PlLOITE, P.A. Murphy, Reid, Pilotte, Ord & Austin A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS ArrORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 100 340 ROYAL PALM WAY PALM BEAG!, FLORIDA 33480-4347 TELEPHONE (561) 655.4060 FAX (561) 655.8801 PLEASE REPLY TO: PLANTATION PLAZA. 6606 20TH STREET VERO BEAm, FLORIDA 32966.7902 P.O. DRAWER M VERa BEACH, FLORIDA 32961.3012 lELEPHONE (561) 567-6480 VERO FAX (561) 562-0220 OF COUNSEl PHILIP H REID, JR. LOIS REID CLEMENTE PALM BEACH OFFICE . ALSO ADMITTED IN NORTH CAROLINA June 28, 2002 Richard Phillpott Association President Golfview Harbour Estates Homeowners AssocIation, Inc. 1361 SW 2]lh Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Dear Mr Phillpott: The undersigned is writmg to you on behalf ofRSPB, L.L.e., the owners of the 4.6 approximate acres located Just off Golf Road and Congress A venue. Please be advised that this property was re-zoned, on or about October 1989, through a Stipulation Agreement to Adult Congregate LlVIng Facility. We are now requesting that the zomng be refolmed from ACLF to the anginal underlymg density and zoning ofR-3 (multi-family), The CIty of Boynton Beach has requested that we transmIt this information to your Associations and request that the Associations acknowledge and accept the proposed change to the property. If your desire any further informahon or discussion, please feel free to contact us. In order to reflect that this modification is acceptable to your association, please e)o,ecure below as reflected. AGREED TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY. By: HOMEOWNERS f>1-41 L '4:)T 11Z't?"~ {o<?,7T Au~ 08 02 04:46p Kennemer 5614342939 p.3 KEIll-l C AUSTIN, JR,. 1'.A. EUGENE W MURPHY, JR.. P,A. GEORGE P. ORD. PA, TASHA K, PEPPER-DICI<INSON- FRANK T PILOTTE, P.A. Murphy, Reid, Pilotte, Ord & Austin A PARTNERSHIP OF PROFESSIONAL ASSOCIATIONS ATIORNEY5 AT LAW sum 100 340 ROYAL PALM WAY PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 3H80.434i TELEPHONE (561) 655-4060 FAX (561) 655-8801 PLEASE REPLY TO: PLANTATION PLAZA 6606 zorn STREET VERO BEACH, FLORIDA JZ966.7902 P.O, DRAWERM VERO BEACH, FLORIDA 32961.3012 TELEPHONE (561) 557-6480 VERa FAX (561)562-0220 OF COUNSEL PHILIP H REID, JR. :"015 REID CLEMENTE PALM BEACH OfFICE 'ALSO ADMITl'EO IN NORTH CAROLINA June 28, 2002 Jos~phine DeSantis Treasurer Golfview Harbour Estates Homeowners Association, Inc. 1360 SW 27th Avenue Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 Dear Ms. DeSantis. The undersIgned is writing to you nn hehalf of RSPB, L.L.C " the owners of the 4.6 approximate acres located Just off Golf Road and Congress A venue, Please be advised that thiS property was re-zoned, on or about October 1989, through a StipulatIon Agreement to Adult Congregate Livmg Fac.;ihty We are now requesting that the zoning be reformed from ACLF to the original underlying density and zoning ofR 3 (multi-family) The CIty of Boynton Beach has requested that we tranSITut thiS information to your Associations and request that the AssociatIOns acknowledge and accept the proposed change to the property If your desire any further information or discussion, please feel tree to contact us. In order to reflect that thIS modification is acceptable to your <lssoclatioo, please execute below us reflected. AGREED TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY, UOLFVIEW HARBOUR ESTATES HOMEO\\lNERS ASSOCIATION, rN7...., .1 /7' By; '- t: .~ Ill'; ~,/j4.?1 E ~. t N r-1P..( ~ h / /JI ?- - ......) .!y..:- (/jA/ /-:--6 Rumpf, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Cherof, James Tuesday, September 17, 20024.01 PM 'delraylaw@bellsouth,net' c-' Rumpf, Michael, Bressner, Kurt I ,/\ft;/.. Centrex Homes f ( rc- ,. Michael S Weiner In response to your 9/17/02 letter' 1 You are correct. There is no R-3PUD I mentioned that to Keith Austin when he drafted the joint motion If the Commission authorizes me to move forward, I will correct the pleading to reflect a zoning classification consistent with the proposed project (if they contemplate townhouses, they need to make application to re-zone to PUD, not R-3) Let me know and I will correct the Joint Motion and return it to Keith or to you if you so request. 2 I cannot confirm the legal description and I see no reason to ask City staff to undertake that responsibility at this time I have moved this matter forward based on Keith's representation that RSPB is the successor in interest to the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement from 1990 Perhaps you can confirm that for me by providing new language for the stipulation which covers RSPB's standing Keep in mind that the only thing the Commission is doing this evening is granting authority to ask the Court to allow the City to accept an application to rezone No representations regarding the outcome of that application are being made by the City 1 Memorandum To: Mike Rumpf, Director ofPlanmng and Zoning CC: Jim Chernft', City Attorney From: [ngrid Kennemer, Coldwell Banker Commercial Date: 7/9102 Re: Golf Road parcel RSPB, LLC O'Mler Golfview Harbour Estates, Inc response. Gregory Brown, President response 7/8/02 cc: Keith Austin Kevin Borkenhagen 1 2'd LSOO-E:v2-19S epl"...e lit2s:ao 20 SO tnc ... ~ul 08 O~ \O:~2_ l'Il...vida ~bl-/.jt:l-b"~U 561'243-0097 CT"f'r,;or~ Brown "'''ITH C. MlS1lN. JIl,. "^ ElJODil W.MURl'HT.JIl., rA. r.~0R0l p. ~I), f',~. 'fA$HA IC. '2I'tta.flIClCI~. ~"* T. I'llDl'TI. r.^ Murphy. Reid. Pilotte, Ord & Austin ... rAknfBtSltll' (If ~(1ft..~10lW. AS$OOATJONS A~""1~Kr LA" ~10ll J40f.orAl. PAl.M "'Il'i PALM I'lEACH. A.I..'''\ll~^ ))410.4.141 TIl.r;~OON!;nill ~S~ UJeCUI)6'i,.llftC)1 r~~"f. ll.~l'I.y TO. PALM III""'''' ~IL'1i "H~ tHILlrN llF.lo.~. L~ RElD a1M(lII'I'I .~ A1>>lfT11J) IIf lOOtml <:AM'lLI!!" June 1~ 200'2 (ire80f)' R rowl) Associa1ion ~ide"t Oolfvicw Harhour E~1:\1t!', 'ne. 1446 SW 25'. t\1I\."fI\lC, Me Boynton Beach. florid" ))426 lk.v Mr 8'(lwt' PlA"'T^11Ol'I PtA%A 6Ml6 IC1lt ~TI\fET VJ,1l0 ...An...., ('lII1""" ,_1<<1: ~o.~..u Jot VEaO 1EA0l. R.nRrOA )1'161-1011 nLll'ttONE (\4\1, !61.HIt\ v!JtQ fhlt ~Ll ~t..o210 The U1\dcnip'cd is writina to YOIJ on behalf of RSPB. ltC, the owners oCtile 4,6 approximate ~cm ~d jlKt off Oolf Rood and COtlyc!~ A"OI'l~'~, PICll$\: be llclviscd t1...t th~ pl'Opcl'ty waf, reo7,oned, on ot about October 1989, 'brol1Ch 3 SbpulaaiM Agreement Iu Adult ConlP'c~te L.lvin& Fucilil}/. WII! are now reQuesting that lhe 10lliflt be rdClrmed fT(~m AC1.F 111 tilt! orij;inill un~f'Y'ng l.k"sll)' aM zuning afR.) {multi family). Tlw Ci,y of Doy"l'tO'" R~h hll:> f.,q\lcG,~d UlG' we trllIlGlltll chi:; Il\fotmlltioft to yo", A.,,~iolion!l and request rhlllt the: A~oc:iations adcnowleclgc and accept the proposed "lMISe to ,he propcny If you desire any further information (If disc\JSS1(ln. plcl.l~c f~l t~e to contllCt us. In order tu rdlec:t chat this ItlOdific:tlion IS ~ceplablc to your Ali~OClatioll. ple~3\i (UCloltte ~l()w a~ renccted. AU~L> TO AND ^CKNOWL~D<..;F.D BV' f.jOLfVlEW UAIIROUR ESTATES.1NC / .~~~ B) . /..'~/l I "..>...:.:.:;!,_. ..... - .- Pnl'lt NIlmt:!'_(<Ffiu'-+ 7.~.J - ('''/02. E'd LSOO-E92-199 e'p~o"I..le ,... . p.l:! e'E9:ao 20 60 In(' Jul 08 02 11:51a al"'vida 561-243-0097 p.2 Memorandum To: Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zonmg CC: Jim Chcroff, City Attorney From: IngrId Kennemer, Coldwell Banker Commercial Date: 7/8/02 Re: OolfRoad parcel RSPB, LLC' owner We have made contact with both Golfview Harbour Estates. Ine (GHE) and Golfview Harbour Estates Homeowner Assodation, Inc. (GHEHA). We expect to have an answer back from the Townhomes section. GHE, in the next couple days. The single family section. GHEHA. will not be meeting WItH August. Enclosed are a copy of the correspondence with both groups for your records. cc: Keith Austin Kevin Borkenhagen 1 Jul 08 02 11:51a a...vid~ 561-243-0097 F'.3 Memonmdum From: Date: Re: Richard Philpott & Josephine DeSantis Keith Austin Kevin Borkenhagen Ingrid Kennemer 7/8/02 RSPB, LLC. Golf Road Property To: cc: Per OlW conversation, I am confirming that your Home Owner Association will be meeting on August -;n and that your Board of Directors will be meeting the following Wednesday August 14th. At those meetings you all wil be discussing the attached letter. Should you desire an additional informatiOn or for a representative of the Buyer or Seller to come to el1her or both d these meetings to help clarify the issue before you please feel free to contract me at my office 561-243-0096. We look forward to your response. 1 Jul 08 02 11:51a al'"'vida 561-243-0097 ",.4 KEITH C. AUSTIN, JR.. P.A. EUGENE w, MURPHY. 'fl.., P.A. GEOIl.GS P. Ollt\ p ~ TASHA K. PEPPER.DICKINSON'" FRANK T PiLOHE. FA Murphy, Reid, Pilotte, Ord & Austin A PARTNERSHIP OF I'\l.OFF$..'lIONAL ASSOCIATIONS A1TO~NEYS AT LAW SUITE 100 HO ROYAL PAJ.M '7.iAY PALM BEAa-!. FLORIDA 33480.4H7 TEI,EPHONE (561) 655.40k) fAX (5~1l 655.8IlDl PI.EASE REPLY TO: PLANTATION PLAZA 6606 20m STREET VERO BEN:!!, FLOR1DA 32\166.7902 PO. DRAWERM VERO BEACH. FLORIDA 329&1.3012 nFCOUNSEL PHILIP H RF.In, JR. LOIS REIn CLEMENTE PALM BEACH OPPlrF TElErllO}-lJ} (561) S~7-6'r80 VERO FAX (561) 562.0120 ....LSO ^nMITr~D IN NOl\T1' C,.R()UNA June 28, 2002 Gregory Brown Association Pre~idcnt Golfvicw lIarbour Estat~s, Inc. 1446 SW 2St" Avenue, #C Boynton B~ach, Florida 33426 Dear Mr Brown: The undersIgned is writing to you on hl:half of RSPB, LtC, the owners of the 4 6 approximate acres locate;;u jU:;l off Golf Road and Congrc:,s Avenue. Please be advised that this property Wlii; re.zoned, on or about October 1989, through a Stipulation Agreement to Adult Congregate Living Facility. We arc now requesting that the zomng be reformed from ACLF to the original underlying denslly and ZODlng of R.3 (multi fami!)) The Ci I)' uf Boynton Bc~~b has rcqul.:sled thot we transmit thls information to YOllr A <:~ociati()n~ and request that the Associations acknowledge and accept the proposed change to the propert)'. If yOU desire any further information or diSCUSSIOn, please l~el free to contact us. In order to reflect that this 111~)dificatlon is acceptable to your ASSociatIOn, please exeClltc below a::; reflected. AGREED TO AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY: GOLFVIEW HARBOlJR ESTATES. INC By, .. Pnnt Name WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. AlTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone. (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail.delraylaw@bellsouth.net MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF October 2, 2002 Via Overnight Mail Mr. Michael Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Golfview Harbour Our File No.: CENT004 Dear Michael: OF COUNSEL. ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer sed please fin the draft of the plan that we previously discussed. ve~\ yo~sA ~ . \ .\~ ~\l.1 \ ~ Mi~akl S. Weiner MSW:vf Enclosures G. \CENT004\Letter Rumpf.Oct2.wpd WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: delraylaw@bellsouth.net MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF OF COUNSEL. ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer October 14, 2002 James Cherof, Esquire City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Golfview Harbour Our File No.: CENT003 Dear Jim: In advance of our meeting, I would like to discuss with you the Stipulation and Settlement in Milnor Corporation v. The City of Boynton Beach. As you know, there is a Joint Motion And Agreed Order. A copy is enclosed. It presumes that an application shall first be made to the City of Boynton Beach. We believe that application would allow for sixty-seven (67) units to be built on the property based upon a conversion of the unused "beds" to residential "units." Enclosed is a copy of the calculations. These calculations have been done in concert with the staff at the City of Boynton Beach's Planing and Zoning Department. As the Agreed Order states, the application to the City should not be inconsistent with those matters set forth in the Court's Order of October 20, 1990. We do not believe that this request is inconsistent. We also do not believe that this request is inconsistent with the present Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The Planning and Zoning staff has asked me to bring these matters to your attention so that they may receive comfort from you with respect to receiving this application and processing it. Would you please telephone me so we can discuss these issues and I would hope we could be prepared to finalize any matters in our meeting on October 18, 2002. 0[. ! t 2002 James Cherof, Esquire October 14, 2002 Page 2 ank you in a vance for your assistance. cc: Mr. Kevin Borkenhagen (w/enc1osures) Mr. Michael Rumpf (w/enc1osures) G:\CENT003\Letter Cherof.Oct14.wpd '..:. , ..... " ~ . .... IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO: CL a9-~178-AN MIUlOR CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; NOnMAN J. MICUAEI. and ELISUKh E. MICHAEL, his wife, Plaintiff, vs. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida Municipal corpor.ation, Defendant. I ~~IPULATION ~ND SETT~EMENT AGREEMENT MILlIOR CORI'OnATION, a Florida corporation ("MILNOR"), NORMAN J. MICHAEL and ELISH~'\ E. MICHAEL; 'hi~ wife (IIHIClIAELlI); and the cITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida M~nicipal Corporation (tlBOnfTON. BEACH"), by and throuqh their undersigned attorneys hereb~ stipulate and agree as follows: 1. MILNOR OWns that certain parcel of real property located within the municipal limits of BOYNTON BEACH and being ~ site of approximately 1\.01 acres situated at the northeast intersection of Congress Avenue and Golf Road (Southwest 2Jrd Avenue), which real property is more p~rticul~rly described in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto nnd made a pnx:t hereof, ~nd which real property shall hereinafter be referred to as "Alhambrn Square North." I 2. HICn1\EL owns that certnin parcel of real property locntmd within the municipal limits of BOYNTON DEACH and beinq a site of approximately 9.45 acres situated at the southeast intersection of Congress Avenue and Golf Road (Southwest 2:lrd AVC!I1UCl). This roal property shall be referred to as two parcels, tho first pnrcel being an approximnte 4.45 acre parcel situated , closest to the intersection of Congress Avenue and Golf Rond (Southwest 23rd Avenue), and more particularly described in the 1 EXHIBIT , A ., . .- r' . E~h.1.bit ItB" attnc:hed hereto and made a part hereof, and which real p;operty shall hereinatter be reterred to all "Alhambra Square South. It The second parcel, being immediately adjacent to and east of Alhombra Square North and consisting of approximately 5. 0 ac~es, and more particularly described in the Exhibit lie" attacheC! hereto and mude a part hereOf, and which real property shall h!!reina!tar be referred to as the "Alhambra Square ACLF." J. The Alhambra Square North, Alhambra square South, and , the Alhambra Square ACLF parcels of real property shall hereinatter be sometimes collectively referred to as the "Alhambta Parcels." 4. The Alhambra Parcels are presently subj ect to the follow!ng Comprehensive Plan and Zoning designations by BOYNTON BUCll: Future Land Pt\rcels Use Element. Zenina Alhambra Sqttare north Moderate density R-IM(PUD) residential Alhambr$. Square South Lew density R-IM (single residential family residential) Alhambra Square ACLF Low density R-1AA (single residential family residential) s. On or nbout September 30, 1988, MILNOR for the Alhambra North and MIClIAEL for the Alhambra South and Alhambra ACLF parcels submitted applications (the "Applicationslt) to BOYNTON BEACH tor amendments to the futur.e land usa element of the Comprehensive Plan, and for rezoning of the A1hambra Parcels, as follows: Future Land Intended Parcel~ Element Reauest Rezonina Reauest Yu Alhambr$. Square Office Commercial C-l (Office Office/ North Professional) Medical Alhambr$. SqUAre Office Commercial C-l (Office Office/ South PrOfessional) MedicAl/ Banking: Alhambra Square Mul ti-family R.-3 (Multi- Adult ACLF residential family) conqreqate Living' Facility ~ commission. On October :J, 1989, the City Commission heard and. considered public input and postponed consideration of this stipulation and. Settlement Agreement until its regular meeting of r October 17, 1989. sinc!! that time, M:IWOn and M:ICHAEL have modified their requested land use changes to those set. forth in paragraph 11, below. 10 . On October 17, 19 B 9 , a t its regular City Commiss ion meeting, the city COllUllission of BOYNTON BEACH considered the terms and conditions of this stipulation and SetUement Agreement, the further input from MIWOR and H:IOIAEL, the further publi~ input, and by a motion duly made, the city Commission, by a vote ot four in favor, none opposed (council-person Arline Weiner absent), approved the terms and conditions ot this ~ Stipulation and. Settlement Agreement and authorized and dir8~ted the city Attorney to execute this stipulation and Settlement Agreement. 11. The Fu ture Land Use Element 'and Zoning of the AlhQmbra Parcels shall be: . r ." Parcel Future Land Use Element Zenina Alhambra Square North Office COllUllercial C-l (Office Professional) ~lhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF MUlti-Family Residential R-3 (MUlti-Family) ACLF with no less than 248 units In connection with the development of the Alhambra Parcel.s, and as an inducement to BOYNTON.BEACH to enter into this stipulation . and Settlement Agreement, M~LNOR and MICHAEL agree to the fOllowing developmental limitations, I which developmental limitations shall apply regardless ot ownership of the Alhambra Parcel!J: a. ~]hambra Sauare North: (1) Building Height not to exceed two stories: (2) All dumpsters to be located away trom adjacent rQsidential areAS: (J) construction of the siX-foot zoning boundary wall shall be coordinated with the governing association ot the 4 I. 6. ThG App'licatJ.ons wera considered by the Planninq and zoning Board of UOYNTON BE}\CIl at a duly constituted ami duly noticed public hE!ll.rinq on December 15, 1988, a.t which time the I"lanninq and Zon! ng S'oard recommended denial of the ApplicAtions to the City Comminsion. 7. On Janui:lry 4, 1989, at a duly constituted and a duly noticed Special Hoeting of the city Commission of BOYNTON BEACI, the City Commission of BOYNTON BEAClI heard ana considered the , Applications and by motlon declined to submit the Applications f for review by the state of Florida Department ot Community Affairs and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Agency. 8. On or about June 20, 1989, MILNOR and MJ:CUAEL filed the . instant action seeking to invalidate the current Comprehensive ~ Plan designationc and zoning classifications of the Alhambra Parcels, seekinq to require BOYNTON BEACH to grant the Applications and seeking damages. 9. On September 14, 1989, Robert A. Eisen, Esquire, attorney for MILNOR and MICHAEL,' delivered to Raymond Rea,' Esquire, City Attorney for BOYNTON BEACH, a letter offering a settlement of tho instant action wherein BOYNTON BEACH vould grant the Comprehensive Plan designations and zoning classifications requested in the Applications and MICHAEL and MILNOR would relnase BOYNTON BEACU from any and all claims for damage. At its regular meeting of September 19, 1989, the City Commission considered the request for settlement, and by a vote, . three votes in favor, two opposed, directed the City Attcrney, Raymond Rea, to negotiate the terms o~ a Stipulation and Settlement Aqrecment vith the representatives of MILNOR and !UCUAEL and 'proscmt that Stipulation and Settlement Agreement for npproval by the City Commission at its meetinq of October J, 1989. The City Attorney was further directed to give public notice of the cnnsideraticn of the Stipulation and Sett.lement Aqreament and that the consideration of the Stipulation and Settlement AqrElement should be a pUblic hoaring so that input from tho public could be taken and considered by the City J . I ,;. adjacent residential property and the existing buffer hedge shall bo removed and replaced with sod and landscaping to the specifications of ~he governing association and at no cost' to the governing associationT (4) Parking lot lighting shall be shaded so as not to shine directly into residential areas, and parking lot lighting shall not be illuminated after ~l:oa P.M.: b. Alhambr~ Sauare South and ~lhambra Sauare ~CLF: , (1) Building Height not to exceed two storiesT (2) Roof pitch not to be steeper than 4/12: p) All dumpstcrs to be located away from adjacent residential areas, and at least one hundred feet from the south :.:. property line of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Squ~re ACLF Parcels; (4) Parking lot lighting shall be shaded and shielded so as not to shine directly into adj acent residential areas: parking lot lighting shall not be illuminated after 11:00 P.M.: parking lot lighting poles shall be at the minimum height permitted or allowable by BOYNTON BEACH; (5) Use of the property shall be. limited to an Adult congregate Living Facility; (6) A combination of landscaping and wall (the "Wall") shnll be constructed on the south property of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF parcels. The plan and design of the Wall shall be coordinated with and approved by the governing ~ssociations of' the adjacent residential property. Approvnl of the Wall shall not be unrea~onably withheld by the governing asso~iations. The Wall shall be constructed at no cos~ or expense to the governing associationsT (7) At such time as building plans are presented to BO'iNTON ElEACn for permit, copies of the Wall plan and site plan shall be submitted to the governing associations; , (8) No parkinq spaces or improvemants except landscaping shall be constructed or installed in the Lake Worth , c p ,. . . ~, Drainage District ~iqht-of-wnv south of the ^lhambra Square South and A1hambra Square ACLF Parcels; and \~) Deceleration entry. lanes shall be pr~vided at Gl1ch .(lnt:-<:lnce if deemed necessary by BOYNTON BEACH. The foregoinq developmental limitations shall be set forth in a Declaration o~ Covenants and Restrictions (the "Declaration"), vhich shall provide that they cannot be Modified vithout the consent of BOYUTON BEACH, and the Declaration shall be rec,orded amonq the public records ot Palm Beacb County, Florida,. shall run with the land, and shall be bindinq upon the successors and "assigns of MILNOR and MIOIAEL. The Declaration shall be prepared and distributed to. the governinq associations by November 1, 1989. A recordable Declaration signed by MILNOR and MICHAEL shall be delivered to the City Attorney prior to the first public hearinq on tha rezoning and Comprehensive Plan amendments described in pa~agraphs 12 and 1J, below. The Declaration shall be recorded by the City Attorney where all actions necessary to effectuate' this StipUlation and Settlement Agreement have been duly enncted by BOYNTON BEACH. The Declaration is for the benefit o~ the followinq governinq associntions of the adjacent residential arens: (a) Boynton Leisurevil1e Community Association, Inc. as to the Alhambrn No~th Parcel; and (b) Golfviaw Hnrbour and Colfview Harbour Estates as to tho Albambra South and. Alhambra ACLF Parcels. 1,2. BOYFTON BEAcn Aqrees to sUPlJlement or amend its ComprehonsivQ Plan by December 31, 1,9S9, to permit use and development of the Alhambra Square Parcels as set forth in paragraph 11, above, subject only to the limitations set forth in this Settlement and StipUlation Agreement and other usual and customary site related conpitions of development. 13. BOYNTOn BEACII agrees, within thirty days of the date of , this StipUlation, to rezone the Alhambra Square Parcels to permit the development set forth in paragraph 11" above, subject only to completion of all procedural requirements under Florida Statutes, I ~ , ~ ,~. . Sec. 163,3184, the limitations set torth in this stipulAtion and Settlement-Agreement, and other usual and customary site related conditions of development ot general application in BOYNTON BEACH. 14. To the extent that ordinances or resolutions are required. to implement any of the tems of this Stipulation and Settlement Agraement, BOYNTON BEACH agrees to prepnre and adopt any and. all such ordinances and. resolutions necessary to ~ implement the terms of this Stipulation and. Settlement ~qreement. 4 15. simultaneous with the execution of this Settlement StipUlation, MIUlOR and MICIAEL shall deliver to BOYNTON BEACH a ful1 and complete release on behalf of itself, its officers, directors, sharaholders, employees, agents, and representatives ~ as to any and all actions, suits, damages, Claims, which it or they may have against BOYNTON BEACH or any of its officia1s, employees, consultants, agen~s, elected. officials, or appointed officials in connection with or related to any action or inaction :;. regarding ~e Applications and the ~lhambra Parcels. The general releases shall be held in escrow by City Attorney, Raymond Rea, until all actions necessary to effectuate this Stipulation and Settlement Agrl!ement have been duly enacted and then shall be delivered to BOYNTON BEACH. 16. MILNOR and MICHAEL shall further agree to defend. BOYNTON BEACH at MILNOR and MICHAEL's expense, any suit or administrative action pursuant to Chapter. 163, Florida statutes, initiated by third parties arising out of any actions taken by BOYNTON SEACH under the terms ot this hgreement. 17. MILNOR and MICIlAEL agree that BOYNTON BEACH's " Obligations under this StipUlation and Settlement Agreement shall at all times be subj ect to Depart1llent at Community Affairs' approval. MIIJtOR and MICHAEL further acknowledge that BOYNTON BEACH shall not be responsible for any other Governmental Agency1s action related to the development of the hlhambra Square Parcels. 7 I , ." ,. --.. I 18. The parties shalJ.. forthwith inform the CO\.l.... Co that. a settlement has boon reached and all proceedings in the suit shaJ..J.. :be abated until the terms of this stipulation and Settlement Agreement are fully and completely effectuated. At such time, the parties shall jointly seek an Order from the Court confirming and ratifying this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. The Court shall at all times have and retain jurisdiction over this cause and the porties to ensure that the terms and conditions herein are adhered to by the parties. RhYMOND PEA, ESQ. City Attorney for the CXTY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corp. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33481 (407) 7:18-7405 Florida Bar No. 348880 BY: ~~~- RAYMOND REA, ESQ. r r DATED: ~ 3\,lq~- pldq 06/pldq linN , LAW OFFICES OF nODERT A. EISDI Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) 4700 Northwest Boca Raton Blvd. suite 103 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (407) 994-2090 Florida Bar No. 180136 BY: ~~ ROBERT A. EISEN, ESQUIRE DATED: &'C\n~'-I(,~J I) \~('Cb I 8 , ~ ~ . . . '. - 4- ,. j' (-' 55 25 feet'" 45 feet, not to exceed four (4) stories . *When abutting residential districts, side and/or rear yard shall be thirty (30) feet. Minimum rear yard Maximum structure height 3. Off-street parking: As provided in Section ll-H hereinafter. K. PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS. Chapter 2.5 of the Land Development Regulations is hereby incorporated by reference into these zoning regulations, and all planned unit developments shall be consider~d zoning districts on the official zoning map. Chapter 2.5, and all planned unit developments approved in accordance with Chapter 2.5, shall be subject to all applicable provisions of these zoning regulations, except as otherwise provided for in Chapter 2.5. Section 6. commercial district regu1ations and use provisions. A. C-l OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. These district regulations will provide appropriate space for office and professional uses, located to provide ready access to such services for all. 1. Uses permitted. Within any C-l office and professional zoning district, no building, structure, land or water, or any part thereof, shall be erected, - altered or used, in whole or in part, except for one (1) or more of the following specified uses (single- family occupancy when incidental and necessary to main use is permitted). Those uses, however, which are listed in lA. below shall require conditional use approval, and those uses which are indicated under lB. below shall require an environmental review permit, prio~ to the establishment of these uses: a. Churches and other places of worship and attendant accessory uses. Day care centers, primary and secondary schools, seminaries, and colleges and universities shall not be construed to be an accessory use to a place of worship, however. Financial institutions, including drive-through facilities. Funeral homes. Funeral home with Crematorium.'" Government facilities, including public community centers, excluding uses which have extensive storage or maintenance facilities, or storage or maintenance as their principal nse. Hospitals. 1 b. c. d. e. f. f. EXHIBIT Adopted April ... l'U. orlHaenee 0"- 02 2-25 ~. . ... \ .. .' ....... ( coo 56 I Medical and den~al offices and clinics. Nursing and convalescent homes. Pharmacies, medical and surgical supplies; orthopedic, invalid and convalescent supplies; eyeglasses and hearing aids. Professional and business offices. -veterinary offices and clinics, excluding outdoor kennels, or keeping of animals for purposes other than treatment, and excluding on-site disposal of animals. . Reserved. Nursery schools, day care centers, and other preschool facilities* (See Section 11.C.) . Instruction or tutoring, with a gro~~ floor area of less than two thousand (2,000) square feet, limited to instruction for' office occupations, or academic tutoring, and specifical~y excluding art, recreational, trade, or industrial instruction. Instruction or tutoring, with a gross floor area of two thousand (2,000) square feet or more, limited to instruction for office occupations, or academic tutoring, and specifically excluding art, recreational, trade or industrial instruction. * Academic schools, regardless of floor area, including primary and secondary schools, seminaries, colleges, and universities. Copying service. Print shops shall be allowed subject to obtaining an environmental review permit in accordance with Section 11.3. Restaurants,* subject to the following conditions: (1) No restaurant is to be allowed in an office building or complex of less than twenty-five thousand (25,000) square feet. (2) No restaurant shall occupy mere than five (5) per cent of the total square footage of the off~ce building or structure. (3) No signage for the restaurant shall be placed on any freestanding sign for the office building or complex. (4) Hours of operation shall be limited from 6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (5) Seating shall be limited to forty (40) seats or less. Barber shops, beauty salons, manicurists, tailors and dressmakers.* Dental laboratories.* o. p. q. r. s. t. lA. Conditional uses allowed. These uses specified above in subsection 6.A.l. which are followed by an asterisk (*) shall be deemed to be conditional uses, Adopted April 4. 1"1, Ordinance 0'5-03 2-26 Zo( . ,~"'" "'Ill: ! ",...~ II { Ul III I oi 111 Ct ! I ~!S. n lil~( Ii ih i · :~~ ; d.thi "in ::I. 1...." "'~.. & 1"""""1 trt Hiott ~... :lUisH nu -.: !:(:I :: - -.! I - '-i i: IJ~!H 1111 I ~ ~ HIli Jdcj . !If :; : I t:! -- '<l . Z ~ ~!Jll:! .. ;lIp , !Ji < :2: "'t · t.-'-n - 111 1 II: ~I.i :::: ~ ... ~1.:! I...,.. c ~....,... ~ = ~ ~ < Vi ::3 < ~ . .J . - h ~ -. 1 II i' .. --- .- ,- i~ tll i. ~f 'I h ,. . ~ · '~i~ I i ,j :I l = rL~ 3....4 Hi!' .ti'..; t 1I~ '14 I1H~~ tl PIS , I~HH I hH~.. . '.. 0.. ...' _ i HI It I1i j .. .:. '.. ! \ f 7'::';;. 'f,\" .', .....,; , .~.. :...~. ~ --- I"" .. Cl I~ '0:: . 'Ie.. . ..,<'-] 5' ,. '. b 1'- .!oJ I~ i~ . "'t . I c:i , ") 0:: ",..:..~-+..~ Ill:: "j iii I I I ~: ~;~ ~> ... ". ~ ~ .' ....-..-- ..~.t..... ._,-,,~._,_.-._._.-:_._._. ._._._.._.-._.._.~, 3nN3A If SS3~!)NOt) EXHIBIT If It \ i , - I \, , i i ~ 1 jt' · . .If 4) 1 } 1; Ii' j II I I ~ 1411 i~ t 11 ~ ti1J~1111 J 1 I fi .sf-Ih 1 ~ l:lt tHt-"l~ ! l · 'I Il!ib 1 ~ uttblijltllPl1 jll' !p 1!' · 1 . 'llfalII,dHh. ~,. . ,11 Hlflfhl1ff'liJ '1 J tlhllUli fj a ! ;J! ;1!;t;2;;i[l . , J.... .. " ;: ~. '.'..: . ... .011 . , a =& ! ih . .1iI~ 1.. I" _I ., -.ii 1:1_ ~.. ".~ "i ..~ ~i ~'f :ll~ il: . I . I! I~ p~1 . ~c _ill /. Ilia' " r:f J :i- ll! ili! ~{o r.l! :: a~f I Ii ,~\. I it i:;~.' r~ J .. '1 ; .! il!r .~."..... 4 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15lH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA MILNOR CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; NORMAN J. MICHAEL and ELISHKA E. MICHAEL, his wife, CASE NO.: CL 89-6178 AN CIVIL DIVISION Plaintiff, vs. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida Municipal corporation, Defendant. / JOINT MOTION AND AGREED ORDER The Plamtiffs, RSPB, LLC. a Florida lImited company, ("RSPB") and THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA, a Florida Municipal corporation ("Boynton Beach") by and through theIr undersigned attorneys, hereby jointly request consent from this Court to proceed with zoning approvals and as grounds therefore state: 1. RSPB and Boynton Beach are parties to a certain Stipulation and Settlement Agreement last dated October 31, 1989; 2. The Agreement was approved by the Court by Order on October 2, 1990. 3. The Court retained subject matter jurisdIction of this action. 4 The origmal Stipulation and Order specified a land designation and zomng classification described in paragraph 11.b. of the Settlement Agreement. 5. RSPB desires to request from the City of Boynton Beach a certain modification to the use limitations and other development conditions on the property described as Alhambra Square ACLF. To that end, RSPB has made a request to the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach for reconsideration of the land use, zoning, and use limitations on the property. Specifically, RSPB requests the zoning designation ofPUD; 6. The City Commission has expressed a willingness to allow RSPB to submit their request for amendment through the City's Planning & Development Board which acts as an ~ j, .. . CASE NO.:CL 89-6178 AN advisory Board to the City Commission on such matters, provided that the submission of the request for amendment is not construed as either a violation of the Court Order referenced herein nor a waiver on the part of the City to insist upon continuing enforcement of the Court Order. 7. The parties, by this Stipulation, request only that the City be given leave from the Court Order to accept the request for amendment, conduct administrative review thereof, and allow the CIty'S Planning & Development Board to review the request in a public setting. JAMES A. CHEROF, ESQ. City Attorney for the CITY OF B0YN1:0N BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 (561) 375-6050 Florida Bar N . l\1URPHY, REID, PILOTTE, ORD and AUSTIN, P.A.Attorney for Plaintiff(s) 340 Royal Palm Way, Suite 100 Suite 100 Palm Beach, Frida , (561) 658- 60 Florida ar No.361 AGREED ORDER The Court having considered the Joint Motion of the parties set forth above and being otherwise duly advised in the premises, it IS hereby Ordered and Adjudged that: 1. The City of Boynton Beach is granted leave to accept Plaintiffs application for amendment to the land use, zoning and use restnctions imposed by this Court's Order of October 2, 1990. 2. If, upon completion of review of Plaintiffs application for amendment, the Plaintiffhas obtained a favorable recommendation from the Planning & Development Board, the parties may jointly petition the Court for modificatIOns to the Agreement. 3. This Joint Motion and Agreed Order does not obligate the City of Boynton Beach to enact land use amendments, zoning changes, or use amendments inconsistent with those set forth in this Court's October 20, 1990 Order. The sole purpose and intent of this Joint Motion and Agreed Order is to allow the City of Boynton Beach to more fully consider the amendments 2 ~ ;, , l CASE NO.:CL 89-6178 AN being requested by the Plaintiffs. DONE and ORDERED at West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida this day of ,2002. SIGNED AND DATED OCT 1),.7 2002 Stephen A. Rapp Circuit Judge Circuit Court Judge Copies to' James Cherof, Esq" Goren, etc., 3099 E. CWl1l1ercial Blvd" Ste. 200, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 Keith C. Austm;Jr., Et;th Mmphy, Reid,PilcUe, Ord & A\lstiP..., F ,A.; 340;Royal Palm Way, Suite 100, Palln Beach, FL 33408 , 3 ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Ferrara, Lynn (Iferrara@cityatty com] Thursday, November 07,2002319 PM 'delraylaw@bellsouth.net' Rumpf, Michael, Bressner, Kurt Golfview Harbor - Attention Michael Weiner Confirming our telephone conversation, staff will not prejudge your client's application for amendment to the land use zoning and use restrictions imposed by the Court's Order of October 2, 1990 The City will review the application in its totality Issue regarding density or the number of units to be built will be evaluated as part of the review process The City is ready to proceed in accordance with the Joint Motion and Agreed Order (Order dated October 7, 2002). James A Cherof City Attorney Lynn M Ferrara Legal Assistant Goren, Cherof, Doody & Ezrol, P A This e-mail and any files transmitted with it are confidential and intended solely for the individual or entity to whom they are addressed If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify the sender by return e-mail Thank you 1 ~ A \ q ~o-.~h--ot Tow~\-)ouses ,~ PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS ApplIcant's Name: LA- N r) 7) F S ,'8 Ai .so U 11-1 Phone . / (CiNDV) ~; 0 0 P. M . ,ill' Time and Date ofMeetmg WEr) OCT- 1, rOO;J... Those attendmg meetmg' ' V ic/(. J/-u 'PSoAI. Ef?,Jc ~HNS8N i-. u St'A 6At..fh/' ;n, k!~ (/ tvtff / ~ 'f7t-6~()) 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO A1'N STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No ~ (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NANIE: 2. 3. WHAT ~OULD YOU LIKE TODO? v NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CO.M:MERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? ll{DUSTRlALPROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? c., 4. TIMEANDDATEPREFERRED /011 5. HOirV MA1'N PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? l Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................. . Pre-apphcanon meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour tune module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days pnor to date/tIme of meeting, If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or LUSla. . Meetine:s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m, meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. S \P I ann i ng\P lann ing\Pre-applicationcontactquestions.doc # PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG ! PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPAl'iCY: DATE SUBIVIITTAL RECEIVED: I DATE DE~lED: COl\1J.vlENTS: I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I , I I ~ I TE\1E: -;2' ATTENDING STAFF: I ATTENDING AS APPLICAL'IT: PHONE: i I F~'X: , NA1Y1E OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: : ADDRESS: I PHONE: I PROJECT ADDRESS: I ! I F.L\.X: I J"\SHRDATA\PI:tnning'.5H."...!'{.ED\WP\PROJECfS\PRE APPLICATIO:-;S :l-IEETL"G LOGS\Pre-Applic:ltion ~[cc!in;:: Lo;:: doc @ 1-~ ,4L/:J/tI'J/1fI8~ qw IV ffo",tL..{' kl}M~cXtJnI-., ;rA8 .eEOS. 1: 7 *,. ;!. ... /<? t r . i. .{ t'..,I~ j 6lJ - ;:bP. ..~~ ~&7~_ ~~ ~ff~tW.s:IJYJ 1; /aIG ;).; .Is f11j)f . ~p~ IttJtdO ~G tkrJi!Jt/tMI - cCkr)JtAH ~R/~ ~M /M NaJ [jilr ~ fl;eJ$j/J IJiIj/'ST.#I.P 9;1ir. . -? 1JrJ~ a? ~/~&;C- ~A- Jfc /I- /~~ ~.-4'0 ~.~~ . . ~~ ~-vP >r~ ~~~ It c#~ . .. - " . fVJe1v /f,/tJT 7$ ~ 11/2. ~.~Lf L$~S ~If{ur ~ IfJPiuJll 3??G d".r~() ~/ tkw/~7~ I!c~ -- 41cr Re ffrlf/M; ~rrae cfJj~ 17: ~.~re:J ~ HU'/ laMr\ ~t){)- .. ~ \i\!1\1~) ~ ~ot 1JWW~P ( ;?Ktr/l~;a /oJftl- Density Calculation for RSPB Property Settlement Agreement = 248 "Units" 248 - 93 existing beds = 155 Beds 155 / 2.3 (Beds to Units Conversion) = 67.39 or 67 units 4,.. S ~f?-F~ IO.ct Ju/~ - S-h~~~vJ ,~~ Yv,,-4 & (' (~;I aAtol jcv recT7-Pzecf prlD! t) 11{,(.~\-~ t-fD~. z:t:1 Ote..KE5 ~ 50'1! I Ja-v1CWap) iZ.e.z.~ - ~~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT lYIEETING DATE: TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICA.L~T: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attending Staff ~\"" ..#-III,.} ~-=-N <; J'\SHRDA T A\PLA.."I/NL" G\SHARED\ WP\FOR.\IS\PRE-APPL 4\IEETf.',G-SIG:'t' C'i SHEET.DOC Duncan, Arlette Subject: Location: Centex Property - South Side of Golf Road, east of Congress P&Z Conference Room Start: End: Wed 10/9/20022'00 PM Wed 10/9/20023'00 PM Recurrence: (none) Meeting Status: Meeting organizer Required Attendees: Hudson, Dick (Orran); Johnson, Eric; Galav, Lusia, Rumpf, Michael Land Design South - (Cindy) 478-8501 requested this pre-app meeting 1 WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 o ') Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: delraylaw@bellsouth.net MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLEJ.ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF OF COUNSEL. ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer October 30, 2002 Via Overnight Mail James Cherof, Esquire City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Alhambra Square South; Golfview Our File No.: CENT003 Dear Jim: Enclosed are the following: 1. A copy of my letter dated October 14, 2002; 2. A copy of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement in the case of Milnor Corporation. et at vs. The City of Boynton Beach, Case No. CL 89-6178-AN; and 3. A copy of the Joint Motion and Agreed Order in that same case. It is important for my clients to be able to proceed on a particular schedule since this property is subject to a contract with time deadlines. Accordingly, we appreciate enlisting your help in making certain that the appropriate procedures are followed. Therefore, we need your assistance on the following matters: 1. Would you please contact Mr. Michael Rumpf and discuss with him our calculations for the sixty-seven (67) units. Mr. Rumpf would like to have the opinion of the City Attorney with respect to these calculations and that we may proceed based upon a density of sixty-seven (67) units. We believe this is correct, but the Planning and Zoning Department is asking for confirmation from you. James Cherof, Esquire October 30, 2002 Page 2 2. You will note that the original Order had certain conditions attached to development. Some of those conditions do not apply to a residential development and should be changed. For example, no wall on the southern boundary should be required. This is the boundary with the canal. 3. Since the Court has retained jurisdiction to look at the final applications as approved by the City of Boynton Beach, we would like to discuss with you a joint petition after favorable approvals to modify the Court Order to eliminate these inconsistent conditions. As I have said, time is of the essence. I know you understand the urgency of this matter for g,private developer and I appreciate the efforts that you are making for us. / ,/ very. : yo!, ~\ ~;" \\ \ \\ . .,~ ' \\ ./ Mid\ael S. ein. ~ MSW:vf Enclosures cc: Mr. Kevin Borkenhagen (wienclosures) Mr. Michael Rumpf (wienclosures) G:\CENT003\Letter Cherof.Oct30.wpd I I f ~ ~ "\ WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Aorida 33444 i. . _..:i- Telephone: (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: delraylaw@beflsouth.net MICHAEL S. WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON S. MANKOFF OF COUNSEL: ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P .A. Ronda Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer October 14, 2002 James Cherof, Esquire City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Golfview Harbour Our File No.: CENT003 Dear Jim: In advance of our meeting, I would like to discuss with you the Stipulation and Settlement in Milnor Corporation v. The City of Boynton Beach. As you know, there is a Joint Motion And Agreed Order. A copy is enclosed. It presumes that an application shall first be made to the City of Boynton Beach. We believe that application would allow for sixty-seven (67) units to be built on the property based upon a conversion of the unused "beds" to residential "units." Enclosed is a copy of the calculations. These calculations have been done in concert with the staff at the City of Boynton Beach's Planing and Zoning Department. As the Agreed Order states, the application to the City should not be inconsistent with those matters set forth in the Court's Order of October 20, 1990. We do not believe that this request is inconsistent. We also do not believe that this request is inconsistent with the present Land Development Regulations of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The Planning and Zoning staff has asked me to bring these matters to your attention so that they may receive comfort from you with respect to receiving this application and processing it. Would you please telephone me so we can discuss these issues and I would hope we could be prepared to finalize any matters in our meeting on October 18, 2002. ; ,. " ~ , James Cherof, Esquire October 14, 2002 Page 2 ank you in a vance for your assistance. cc: Mr. Kevin Borkenhagen (w/enc1osures) Mr. Michael Rumpf (w/enc1osures) G: \CENT003\Letter Cherof.Oct14.wpd .. I .. IN THE CIRCUIT counT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUI~ IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO: CL 89-E178-AN MIUIOR CORPORATION, a Florida corporation: NOIlMAN J. MICHAEl. anc1 ELISJlKh E. MICHAEL, his wife, Plaintiff , vs. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida Municipal corpor.ation, Defendant. I ~~IPULATION ~NO SETTL~MENT AGREEMENT MIIJIOR CORI'ORATION, a Florida corporation ("MILNOR"), NOmwr J. MICHAEL and ELISHK4'\ E. MICHAEL; hiS; wife (IIMICltAEL"); and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida M:1nicipal Corporation ("BOYllTON. BEAClI"), by and through their undersigned attorneys hereb) stipulate and agree as follows: 1. MILNOR owns that certain parcel of real property located within the municipal limits of BOYNTON BEACH and being ~ site of approximately 4.01 acres situated at the northeast intersection ot Congress Avenue and Golf Road (Southwest 2Jrd Avenue), which rea.l property is more particulnrly described in the Exhibit "A" a ttached hereto and made a pax:t hereof, and which real property shall hereinafter be referred to as "AlhaJllbra Square North." r 2. MICHAEL owns that certain parcol of real property lccatmd with!n the municipl\l limits of DOYNTON DEAcn and being a site of approximately 9.45 acres situated at the southeast intersection of Congress Avenue and Golf noad (Southwest 2Jrd hvenua). This real property shall be referred to as t-wo parcels, the first pl1rcal being an approximnte 4.45 acre parcel situated , closest to the intersection of Congress hvenue and Golf Road (Southwest 2Jrd hvenue), and more particularly described in the 1 EXHIBIT J A .t Exhibit "5" attnc:hed hereto and made a part hereot, Imd. which real p;operty shall hereinafter be referred to as "Alhambra Square South." The second parcel, being immed.iately adjacent to and east of Alhambra Square North and consisting of approximately 5.0 aC1:les, and 1'I10re particularly described in the Exhibit lie" attached hareto and JIlude a part hereof, and which real property shall h.reinaftor be referred to as the "Alhambra Square ACLT." J. The. Alhambra Square North, Alhambra Square South, and , the Alhambra Square ACLF p~rcels of real property shall hereinatter be sometimes collectively refarred to as the "Alhumbta Parcels." 4. The Alhambra Parcels are presently subject to the fOllowing Comprehensive Plan and Zoning designations by BOYNTON BEACU: Future Land Pi'lrcels Use Element. Zonina Alhambr* Sq\lare north Moderate density R-l.AA(PUD) residential Alhambra Square South Low density R-1J\A (single rasidential family residential) Alhambra Square ACLF Low density R-1AA (single residential family residential) 5. On or nbout September JO, 198B, MILMOn for the Alhambra North and MIClI1\EL for the. Alhambra South and Alhambra ACLF parcels submitted applications (the "Applications") to BOYNTON BEACH .tor amendments to the futur.e land usa element of the. Compreh~nsive Plan, and tor rezoning of the Alhambra Parcels, as followst Future Land Intended Pl!lrcel~ ~lement Reouest Rezonina Reauest un Alhambra Square Office Commercial C-l (Office Office/ North Professional) Medical Alhambra Squa.re Office Commercia.l C-l (OfUce Office/ South Profess'iona.l) 'Medical/ Bankinc; Alhambra Squaro Multi-family R-J (Multi- Adult ACLF residantial family) Congreqate Living' Facility 2. commission. on October J f 1989, the City commissicn heard and considered public input and postponed consideration of this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement until its regular meeting of r October 17, 1989. since! that time, M:ILNOn and M:ICH.AE:L have modified their requested land use changes to those set. forth in paragraph 11, below. 10. On october 17, 1989, at its regular City Commission meeting, the city c01lUllission ot BOYNTON BEACH considered the terms and conditions of this Stipulation and setUement Agreement, the further input from MILNOR and MICIAEL, the further public input, and by a motion duly made, the city commission, by a vote of four in favor, none opposed (council-person Arline Weiner absent), approved the terms and conditions of this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement and authorized and directed the City Attorney to execute this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. 11. The Future Land Use Element 'and Zoninq of the Alhambra Parcels shall be: . r ~ Parcel Future Land Use Element Office Commercial Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF Multi-Family Residential Zenina C-l (Office PrOfessional) R-3 (MUlti-Family) ACLF with no less than 248 units Alhambra Square North In connection with the development of the Alhambra Parcels, and as an inducement to BOYNTON ,BEACH to enter into this stipulation and Settlement Aqreement, H~LNOR and M:ICHAEL agree to the fallowing developmental limitations" which developmental limitations snall apply regardless of ownership ot the Alhaml:lra Parcels: A. Alhambra Sauare North: (1) Building Heiqht not to exceed two stories: (2) All dumpsters to be located away from adjacent residential ara8S; (J) Construction of the six-foot zoning boundary wall shall be coordinated with the governing association ot the 4 I. 6. The hppl icat.ians wera considered by the Planninq and zoninq Board of nOYNTON BEACH at a duly constituted ami duly noticed pUblic hp.l\rinq on December lS, 1988, at: which time the rlo.nninq nnd Zoninq n'oard recommended denial of the Applico.tions to the city cOm1llinsion. 7. On January 4, 1989, at a duly constituted and a duly noticed Special Moeting of the city Commission of BOYNTON BEACII, the City commission of BOYN'I'ON BEAClI beart! and. considered. the , , Applications and by motion declined to submit the Applications . for review by the state of Florida Department ot Community Affairs and the Treasure Coast Regional Planninq Agency. 8. On or about June 20, 1989, MILNOR and M:IClIAEL tiled the , instant action seeking to invalidate the current Comprehensive \ Plan desiqnationc and zoning classitications of the Alhambra Parcels, seekinq to require BOYNTON BEACH to qrant the Applications and seeking damages. 9. On September 14, 1989, Robert A. Eisen, Esquire, attorney for HILNOR and HICII1l.EL,' delivered to Raymond Rea,' Esquire, City Attorney for BOYNTON BEACH, a letter offering a settloment of tho instant: action wherein BOYNTON BEACH would grant the Comprehensive Plan designations and zoninq classifications requested in the Applications and MICHAEL and MILNOR would relnase BOYNTON BEACIl from any and all claims for damage. At its regular meeting of September 19, 1989, the City Commission considered the request for settlement, and by a vote, , three votes in filvor, two opposed, diractf3d the City Attorney, Raymond Rea, to negotiate the terms o~ a stipUlation and Settlement Aqrecment with the representatives of MILNOR and HICUAEL and 'prascmt that Stipulation and Settlement Aqreement for npproval by the City Commission at its meeting of October J, 1989. The City Attorney was further directed to give public notice of the cnnsideration of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement and th01t the consideration of the Stipullltion and Settlement Agreement should be a public hoaring so that input from tho public could be taken and consiclered by the City :3 .' - ,,:. " adjacent residential property and the existinq buffer hedge shall ~a removed and replaced with sod and landscaping to the specifications of ~he governing association and at no cost' to the governing association: (4) Parking lot lighting shall be shaded so as not to shine directly into residential areas, and parkinq lot liqhting shall not be illuminated after l~:OO P.M.; b. Alhambr~ Sauare South and ~lhambra Scuare ACLF: , (1) Buildinq Height not to exceed two stories; (2) Roof pitch not to be steeper than 4/12; p) All dumpsters to be located away from adjacent residential areas, and at least one hundred feet from the south " ... property line of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Squ~re ACLF Parcels: (4) parkinq lot lighting shall be shaded and shielded so as not to shine directly into adj acent residential areas; parking lot lighting shall not be illuminated after 11:00 P.M.; parking lot lighting poles shall be at the minimum height permitted or allowable by BOYNTON BEACH; (5) Use ot the property shall be limited to an Adult conqreqate Living Facility: (6) A combination of landscaping and wall (the "Wall") shall be constructed on the south property of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF parcels. The plan and design of the Wall shall be coordinated with and approved by the governing ~ssociations of. the adjacent rasidential property. 1\pprovl11 of the Wall shall not be unrea~onably withheld by the 90verning assoroiations. The Wall shall be constructed at no cos~ or expense to the governinq associations: (7) At such time as building plans are presented to BOYNTON E1E1I.Cn for permit, copies of the Wall plan and site plan shall be submitted to the governing associations; , (0) No parking spaces Or improvements except Inndscapinq shall be constructed or installed in the Lake Worth ,., , Drainage District ~iqht-of-vnv south of the ^lhambra Square South and A1hambra Square ACLF Parcels: and \~, Deceleration entry' lanes shall be pr~vided at el1ch ,e!ntrl:lnce if deemed nBcessary by BOYNTON BUCIl. The foregoing developmental limitations shall be set forth 1n a Declaration o:f Covenants and Restrictions (the "DeClaration"), which shal1 provide that they cannot be modified without the consent of BOYUTON BEACH, and the Declaration shall be rec,orded among the public records of Palm Beacb County, Florida,. shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the successors and "assigns of MILNOR and MICJ~EL. The Declaration shal1 be prepared and distributed to the governinq associations by November 1, 1989. A recordable Declaration signed by M:II..NOR and. MICHAEL ( . shall be delivered to the City Attorney prior to the first public hearing on tha rezoninq and Comprehensive Plan amendments described in pa~agraphs 12 and 1J, below. The Declaration shall be recerded by the City Attorney where all actions necessary to effectuate' this StipUlation and Settlement Aqreement have been duly enl:lcted by BOYNTON BEACH. The Declaration is for the benefit at the followinq governinq associations of the adjacent residential arens: Ca, Boynton Leisureville Community Association, Inc. as to the Alhambrn No~th Parcel: and (b) Golfview Harbour and Colfviev Harbour Estates as to thQ Alhambra South and Alhambra ACLF Parcels. 12. BOY1lTON BEAcn aqrees to sup'Plement or amend its ComprehansivQ Plan by December 31, 19S9, to permit use and development of the Alhambra Square Parcels as set forth in PQraqraph 11, above, subject only to the limitations set forth in this Settlement and stipulation Agreement and other usual and. customary site related conpitions of development. 13. BOYNTOn BEAcn agrees, within thirty days of tJle date of , Ulis Stipulation, to rezone the Alhambra Square Parcels to permit the development set forth in paragraph 11, above, subject only to completion of all procedural requirements under Florida Statutes, " , ~ , Sec. 163,3184, the limitations set forth 1n this Stipulation and Settlement. Agreement, and other usual and customary site related conditions of development at qaneral application in BOYNTON BEACH. 14. To the extent that ordinances or resolutions are required to iJIlplement any at the terms of this StipUlation and Sett~emant Aqraement, BOYNTON BEACH agrees to prep~re and adopt any and all such ordinances and resolutions necessary to ~ implement the terms of this Stipulation and Settlement ~qreement. 4 15. simultaneous with the execution of this Settlement StipUlation, MIL..'iOR and HICIlAEL shall deliver to BOYNTON BEACH a full. and COrl1plete release on behalf of itself, its officers, :;. ~ directors, shareholders, employees, aqents, and representatives \ as to any and all actions, suits, damages, clairl1s, which it or they may have against BOYNTON BEACH or any of its officials, employees, consultants, agen~s, elected ofticials, or appointed officials in connection with or related to any action or inaction regarding ~he Applications and the Alhambra Parcels. The general releases shall be held in escrow by City Attorney, Raymond Rea, until all actions necessary to effectuate this Stipulation and Settl.ement A9rasrI1ent have been duly enacted and then shall be delivered to BOYNTON BEACH. 16. MILNOR and MICHAEL shall further agree to defend BOYNTON BEACH at MILNOR and M:ICHAEL's expense, any suit or administrative action pursuant to Chapter, 16J, Florida statutes, initiated by third parties arising out of any actions taken by BOYNTON BEACH under the terms of this Aqreement. 17~ MILNOR and MICU~EL aqree that nOYNTON BEACH'S, Obligations under this Stipulation and Settlement Aqreement shall at all times be subj ect to Department of Community Affairs' approval. MIIJIOR and MICHAEL further acknowledqe that BOYNTON BEACH shall not be responsible for any other Governmental Agency's action related to the development of the Alhambra Square Parcels. 7 I 18. The parties shall fcrthwith inform the CO""... Co that. a settlement has been reached and all proceedinqs in the suit shall be abated until t.he terms of this Stipulation and Settlement Aqreement are fully and completely ef.fectuated. At such time, the parties shall jointly seek an Order from the Court confirming and ratifying this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. The Court shall at all times have and retain jurisdiction over this cause and the porties to ensure that the terms and. conditions herein are adhered to by the parties. R~YMOND PE^, ESQ. City Attorney for the C:ITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corp. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 3~481 (407) 738-7405 Florida Bar No. 348880 BY: ~~~- RAYMOND REA, ESQ. r: C" DATED: ~ 3\ ll~~- pldg 06/pldq l/RN , LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT 1\. EISEU Attorneys for Plaintiff(S) 4700 Northwest Boca Raton alvd. suite 10~ Boca Raton, Florida 334~1 (407) 994-2090 Florida Bar No. 180136 BY: ~~ ROBERT A. EISEN, ESQUIRE DATED: ~)C.~~'\.l{,I\-J I) \~rCO i 8 , ~ ~ I _' . .. . (' 55 25 feet* 45 feet, not to exceed four (4) stories . *When abutting residential districts, side and/or rear yard shall be thirty (30) feet. Minimum rear yard Maximum structure height 3. Off-street parking: As provided in Section 11-H hereinafter. K. PUD PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPMENT DISTRICTS. Chapter 2.5 of the Land Development Regulations is hereby incorporated by reference into these zoning regulations, and all planned unit developments shall be consider~d zoning districts on the official zoning map. Chapter 2.5, and all planned unit developments approved in accordance with Chapter 2.5, shall be subject to all applicable provisions of these zoning regulations, except as otherwise provided for in Chapter 2.5. Section 6. Commercial district regulations and use provisions. A. C-l OFFICE AND PROFESSIONAL COMMERCIAL DISTRICT. These district regulations will provide appropriate space for office and professional uses, located to provide ready access to such services for all. 1. Uses permitted. Within any C-1 office and professional zoning district, no building, structure, land or water, or any part thereof, shall be erected, - altered or used, in whole or in part, except for one (1) or more of the following specified uses (single- family occupancy when incidental and necessary to main use is permitted). Those uses, however, which are listed in ~. below shall require conditional use approval, and those uses which are indicated under lB. below ~hall require an environmental review permit, prio~ to the establishment of these uses: A4opt8d April 4. 1"5. ordla8nc8 0"-02 a. Churches and other places of worship and attendant accessory uses. Day care centers, primary and secondary schools, seminaries, and colleges and universities shall not be construed to be an accessory use to a place of worship, however. Financial institutions, including drive-through facilities. Funeral homes. Funeral home with Crematorium.* Government facilities, including public community centers, excluding uses which have extensive storage or maintenance facilities, or storage or maintenance as their principal use. Hospitals. J b. c. d. e. f. f, EXHIBIT 2-25 n .' \ .. ,.."""'" t (' S6 I Medical and den~al offices and clinics. Nursing and convalescent homes. Pharmacies, medical and surgical supplies; orthopedic, invalid and convalescent supplies; eyeglasses and hearing aids. Professional and business offices. -veterinary offices and clinics, excluding outdoor kennels, or keeping of animals for purposes other than treatment, and excluding on-site disposal of animals. . Reserved. Nursery schools, day care centers, and other preschool facilities* (See Section 11.C.) . Instruction or tutoring, with a gro~R floor area of less than two thousand (2,000) square feet, limited to instruction for- office occupations, or academic tutoring, and specifical~y excluding art, recreational, trade, or industrial instruction. Instruction or tutoring, with a gross floor area of two thousand (2,000) square feet or more, limited to instruction for office occupations, or academic tutoring, and specifically excluding art, recreational, trade or industrial instruction. * Academic schools, regardless of floor area, including primary and secondary schools, seminaries, colleges, and universities. Copying service. Print shops shall be allowed subject to obtaining an environmental review permit in accordance with Section 11.3. Restaurants,* subject to the following conditions: (1) No restaurant is to be allowed in an office building or complex of less than twenty-five thousand (25,OOO) square feet. (2) No restaurant shall occupy more than five (5) per cent of the total square footage of the off~ce building or structure. (3) No signage for the restaurant shall be placed on any freestanding sign for the office building or complex. (4) Hours of operation shall be limited from 6:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. (5) Seating shall be limited to forty (40) seats or less. Barber shops, beauty salons, manicurists, tailors and dressmakers.* Dental laboratories.* o. p. q. r. s. t. ~. Conditional uses allowed. These uses specified above in subsection 6.A.l. which are followed by an asterisk (*) shall be deemed to be conditional uses, Adopt.d Ap~il 4, 1"5, O~din.ac. 0'1.03 ., .,t: . . .1 . I . ..~ f I ., j Hi ! i!!~ n ;. ita.. n1~ -;n nu i ~ I HI :I. It.tl.c1 1111111 i,U:;U !a:!iE - 1;1111 ~ j,flU :- ~! J J l : ! , .s...I-Cl . ~ ~1..:!I!... I HJ.j ~H ;. ~tlh (II - qUI II: .."I.; .. ;,1.....,. .- .- '" ; '11 h 'I h ,. , ~ 'J~i~ i . :: ~ .i = I. ~ r]= · 3....11 'f~l lid:;: lUlU Ht'P . ubI ; --::':-.. . ~ - "iI~ ;in.. -- .' '.. .~ ... ...- - 1o~.~. ~. \ , ~"- .~? :, , .:'4r; ~ , , . , 't. -':". ..::; '. .- ..;~ ~: '.. ~. ". ....... -- 1- I ., I I ....4..... .-.-.~. ----.-.---- : ---- , 31W3A '" SS3~!JNOD EXHIBIT If >t .... . "'!II: :, ~I~ II ~~r c: tilt.: I; ~;t ~! ,. X" I ~.. .. - E 25 z < :::: = ~ ~ ::3 < ~ ~ ~ ~ Vi It \ i ~ - f ~ . . - ) ~ i 1 Jp · . JI ~l 1 }1 ~ I)" II I I: f~ll i~ t 1f i 11j!11fl I 1 I fl.tI-III L 'Ii I..t 11,,'-.111' ! · 'I IHib i i1it!jJi{i'l111JI I 1.11 ...111).1..}1 . Illf!!ill"~I~!l. . .. .. t ,n H. ,.... , .11 '1I'lf1Ulffltl '1 'tll,IIJllJ ~ S ! ;j! ;.l!;f;J;~Vl ~'t.." ~ ~: j- '.- - ..- ., .,. .'" .' . 0" :'. ~ ;a ! ii. l i:i. 11& I.- 'i 181 ~i~l(- ~. ...:;J ;! e.1 III -1. .ad I~ Ii.. q;1 .{. ;1; ~I; aM IW iln t~ Ii' :: 1I:f! E .- ~ Iti!~. , '--1 ,- .II! ! i a~! ~ .11 Il~,r " . " ~ Policy 1.16.3 The ~ity shall continue to enforce the land development regulations to enforce and ~l~ent the policies which regulate the use and intensity, and other charaCtenstics for the development. of specific areas, as set forth in the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section of the support documents for this element. Those recoD1IIlendatlons contained in the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section Shall apply, regardless of the status of the City's development regulations, and are hereby incorporated by reference into the Goals, Objectives, and Policies of this Plan. 8.c. PrQperty on Southeast Corner of Golf Road and ~pngress Ave. ~ this parcel occupies approximately 8.5 acreS and was formerly shown in the Low Density Residential lanQ use category and R-1AA zoning district. ~s property is shown in the High Density Residential land u!!Je category,. ,,' on.the Future Land Use Map, in accordance with the Settlement and Stipulation AgreemeIit between Milnor Corporation and th~ City (see . " Appendix "0" to the Futur~ Land Use Element Support Documents). 'nlis agreement specifies that the property is to be developed as an adult congregate living facility (ACLF), and includes ~pecific conditions for tJ1e use and development of the property. The land use, ~oning, and the use and development of this property s.hall be in accordance with the above-mentioned Settlement and Stipulation Agreement. .... IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CIVIL DIVISION CASE NO: CL 89-6178-AN MILNOR CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; NORMAN J. MICHAEL and ELISHKA E. MICHAEL, his wife, Plaintiff, vs. THE CITY OF BOYl/TON BEACH, a Florida Municipal corpor.ation, Defendant. ~ / ~- STIPULATION AND SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT MIllIOR CORPORATION, a Florida corporation ("MILNOR"), NORMAN ( J. MICHAEL and ELISHKA E. MICHAEL, his wife ("MICHAEL"); and the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida M~nicipal Corporation ("BOYNTON BEACH"), by and through their undersigned attorneys hereby stipulate and agree as follows: 1. MILNOR owns that certain parcel of real property located within the municipal limits of BOYNTON BEACH and being a site of approximately 4.01 acres situated at the northeast intersection of Congress Avenue and Golf Road (Southwest 2Jrd Avenue), which real property is more particularly described in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and which real property shall hereinafter be referred to as "Alhambra Square North." , 2. MICHAEL owns that certain parcel of real property located within the municipal limits of BOYNTON BEACH and being a" site of approximately 9.45 acres situated at the southeast intersection of Congress Avenue and Golf Road (Southwest 2Jrd Avenue). This real property shall be referred to as two parcels, the first parcel being an approximate 4.45 acre parcel situated closest to the intersection of Congress Avenue and Golf Road (Southwest 2Jrd Avenue), and more particularly described in the 1 - , Exhibit "B" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and which real property shall hereinafter be referred to as "Alhambra Square South." The second parcel, being immediately adjacent to and east of Alhambra Square North and consisting of approximately 5.0 acres, and more particularly described in the Exhibit "C" attached hereto and made a part hereof, and which real property shall hereinafter be referred to as the "Alhambra Square ACLF." 3. The Alhambra Square North, Alhambra Square South, and the Alhambra Square ACLF parcels of real property shall hereinafter be sometimes collectively referred to as the "Alhambra Parcels." 4. The Alhambra Parcels are presently subject to the following Comprehensive Plan and Zoning designations by BOYNTON ;;. ~ BEACH: . Future Land Parcels Use Element Zonina Alhambra Square North Moderate density R-lAA(PUD) residential Alhambra s,quare South Low density R-11\A (single residential family residential) Alhambra Square ACLF Low density R-1AA (single residential family residential) 5. On or about September 30, 1988, MILNOR for the Alhambra North and MICHAEL for the Alhambra South and Alhambra ACLF parcels submitted applications (the "Applications") to BOYNTON BEACH for amendments to the future land use element of the Comprehensive Plan, and for rezoning of the Alhambra Parcels, as follows: Future Land Intended Pa rcel s Element Reauest Rezonina Request yg Alhambra Square Office Commercial C-I (Office Office/ North Professional) Medical Alhambra Square Office Commercial C-l (Office Office/ South Professional) Medical/ Banking Alhambra Square Multi-family R-J (Multi- Adult ACLF residential family) Congregate Living Facility 2 , 6. The Applications were considered by the Planning and zoning Board of BOYNTON BEACH at a duly const'ituted and duly noticed public hearing on December 15, 1988, at which time the planning and Zoning Board recommended denial of the Applications to the City Commission. 7. On Janunry 4, 1989, at a duly constituted and a duly noticed Special Meeting of the City Commission of BOYNTON BEACH, the City Commission of BOYNTON BEACH heard and considered the Applications and by motion declined to submit the Applications for review by the state of Florida Department of Community Affairs and the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Agency. 8. On or about June 20, 1989, MILNOR and MICr~EL filed the ", ... instant action seeking to invalidate the current Comprehensive .. Plan designations and zoning classifications of the Alhambra Parcels, seeking to require BOYNTON BEACH to grant the Applications and seeking damages. 9. On September 14, 1989, Robert A. Eisen, Esquire, r .- attorney for MILNOR and MICHAEL," delivered to Raymond Rea, Esquire" City Attorney for BOYNTON BEACH, a letter offering a settlement of the instant action wherein BOYNTON BEACH would grant the Comprehensive Plan designations and zoning classifications requested in the Applications and MICHAEL and MILNOR ....ould release BOYNTON BEACH from any and all claims for damage. At its regular meeting of September 19, 1989, the City Commission considered the request for settlement, and by a vote, three votes in favor, two opposed, directed the City Attorney, Raymond Rea, to negotiate the terms o~ a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement with the representatives of MILNOR and " MICIrAEL and present that stipulation and Settlement Agreement for approval by the City commission at its meeting of October J, 1989. The City Attorney was further directed to give public notice of the consideration of the Stipulation and Settlement Agreement and that the considerntion of the stipulation and Settlement Agreenent should be a public hearing so that input from the public could be taken and considered by the City J - , commission. On October 3, 1989, the City Commission heard and considered public input and postponed consideration of this stipulation and Settlement Agreement until its regular meeting of October 17, 1989. since that time, MILNOR and MICHAEL have modified their requested land use changes to those set forth in paragraph 11, below. 10. On October 17, 1989, at its regular City Commission meeting, the City Commission of BOYNTON BEACH considered the terms and conditions of this Stipulation and settfement Agreement, the further input from MILNOR and MICHAEL, the further public input, and by a motion duly made, the City Commission, by a vote of four in favor, none opposed (Council-person Arline Weiner absent). approved the terms and conditions of this stipulation and Settlement Agreement and authorized and directed the City Attorney to execute this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. 11. The Future Land Use Element and Zoning of the Alhambra Parcels shall be: Parcel Future Land Use Element Office Commercial Zoninq Alhambra Square North C-1 (Office Professional) Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF MUlti-Family Residential R-3 (MUlti-Family) ACLF with no less than 248 units In connection with the development of the ^lhambra Parcels, and as an inducement to BOYNTON BEACH to enter into this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, MILNOR and MICHAEL agree to the following developmental limitations, , which developmental limitations shall apply regardless of ownership of the Alhambra Parcels: a. Alhambra Square North: (1) Building Height not to exceed two stories; (2) All dumpsters to be located away from adjacent resid~ntial areas; (J ) Construction of the six-foot zoning boundary wall shall be coordinated with the governing association of the 4 , ~ r i , I I adjacent residential property and the existing buffer hedge shall be removed and replaced with sod and landscaping to the specifications of the governing association and at no cost to the governing association; (4) Parking lot lighting shall be shaded so as not to shine dire8tly into residential areas, and parking lot lighting shall not be illuminated after 11:00 P.M.; b. Albambra Sauare South and Alhambra Sauare ACLF: (1) Building Height not to exceed two stories; (2) Roof pitch not to be steeper than 4/12; (J) All dumpsters to be located away from adjacent ::. residential areas, and at least one hundred feet from the south property line of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Squ~re ACLF Parcels; (4) Parking lot lighting shall be shaded and shielded so as not to shine directly into adjacent residential areas; parking lot lighting shall not be illuminated after 11:00 P.M.: parking lot lighting poles shall be at the minimum height permitted or allowable by BOYNTON BEACH; (5) Use of the property shall be limited to an Adult Congregate Living Facility; (6) A combination of landscaping and wall (the "Wall") shall be constructed on the south property of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF parcels. The plan and design of the Wall shall be coordinated with and approved by the governing associations of the adjacent residential property. , Approval of the Wall shall not be unreasonably withheld by the governing associations. The Wall shall be constructed at no cos~ or expense to the governing associations; (7) At such time as building plans are presented to BOYNTON BE1\CH for permit, copies of the Wall plan and site plan shall be submitted to the governing associations: (8) No parking spaces or improvements except landscaping shall be constructed or installed in the Lake Worth 5 - Drainage District right-of-way south of the Alhambra Square South and Alhambra Square ACLF Parcels; and (9) Deceleration entry lanes shall be provided at each entrance if deemed necessary by BOYNTON BEACH. The foregoing developmental limitations shall be set forth in a Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions (the "Declaration"), , which shall provide that they cannot be modified without the consent of BOYNTON BEACH, and the Declaration shall be rec,orded among the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, shall run with the land, and shall be binding upon the successors and assigns of MILN(\R and MICHAEL. The Declaration shall be prepared and distributed to the governing associations by November 1, 1989. A recordable Declaration signed by MILNOR and MICHAEL shall be deliver.ed to the City Attorney prior to the first public hearing on the rezoning and Comprehensive Plan amendments described in paragraphs 12 and 13, below. The Declaration shall be recorded by the City Attorney where all actions necessary to ( .. effectuate this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement have been duly enacted by BOYNTON BEACH. The Declaration is for the benefit of the following qoverning associations of the adjacent residential areas: (a) Boynton Leisureville Community Association, Inc. as to the Alhambra North Parcel; and (b) Golfview Harbour and Golfview Harbour Estates as to the Alhambra South and Alhambra ACLF Parcels. 12. BOYNTON BEACH agrees to supplement or amend its Comprehensive Plan by December 31, , 1989, to permi t use and development of the Alhambra Square Parcels as set forth in paragraph 11, above, subject only to the limitations set forth in this Settlement and Stipulation Agreement and other usual and customary site related conditions of development. 13. BOYNTON BEACH agrees, within thirty days of the date of , this Stipulation, to rezone the Alhambra Square Parcels to permit the development set forth in paragraph 11, above, subject only to completion of all procedural requirements under Florida Statutes, 6 ~ Sec. 163,3184, the limitations set forth in this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, and other usual and customary site related conditions of development of general application in BOYNTON BEhCH. 14. To the extent that ordinances or resolutions are required to implement any of the terms of this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement, BOYNTON BEACH agrees to prepare and adopt any a~d all such ordinances and resolutions necessary to , implement the terms of this Stipulation and Settlement Agreement. 15. Simultaneous with the execution of this Settlement stipulation, MILNOR and MICHAEL shall deliver to BOYNTON BEACH a full and complete release on behalf of itself, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents, and representatives ~ as to any and all actions, suits, damages, claims, which it_ or they may have against BOYNTON BEACH or any of its officials, employees, consultants, agents, elected officials, or appointed officials in connection with or related to any action or inaction regarding the Applications and the Alhambra Parcels. The general releases shall be held in escrow by City Attorney, Raymond Rea, until all actions necessary to effectuate this stipulation and Settlement Agreement have been duly enacted and then shall be delivered to BOYNTON BEACH. 16. MILNOR and MICHAEL shall further agree to defend BOYNTON BEACH at MILNOR and MICHAEL's expense, any suit or administrative action pursuant to Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, initiated by third parties arising out of any actions taken by BOYNTON BEACH under th_ terms of this Agreement. 17. MILNOR and MICHAEL agree that BOYNTON BEACH's ......... obligations under this stipulation and Settlement Agreement shall at all times be subject to Department of Community Affairs' approval. MILNOR and MICHAEL further acknowledge that BOYNTON BEACH shall not be responsible for any other Governmental Agency's action related to the development of the Alhambra Square Parcels. 7 ~ '" ./ - J 18. The parties shall forthwith inform the Court that a settlement has been reached and all proceedings in the suit shall be abated until the terms of this stipulation and Settlement Agreement are fully and completely effectuated. At such time, the parties shall jointly seek an Order from the Court confirming and ratifying this stipulation and Settlement Aqreement. The Court shall at all times have and retain jurisdiction over this cause and the parties to ensure that the terms and conditions herein are adhered to by the parties. RAYMOND pEA, ESQ. city Attorney for the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corp. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33481 (407) 738-7405 Florida Bar No. 348880 BY:~~ RAYM D REA, ESQ. '- ,. DATED: ~ 3l)\Cl.~ pldg 06/pldg l/RN , ~ LAW OFFICES OF ROBERT A. EISEN Attorneys for Plaintiff(s) 4700 Northwest Boca Raton Blvd. suite 103 Boca Raton, Florida 33431 (407) 994-2090 Florida Bar No. 180136 BY: ~~ ROBERT A. EISEN, ESQUIRE DATED: &\C~~'\.~,,--J '7) f('b I 8 " , '" ~- p IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA MILNOR CORPORATION, a Florida corporation; NORMAN J. MICHAEL and ELISHKA E. MICHAEL, his wife, CASE NO.: CL 89-6178 AN CIVIL DIVISION Plamtiff, vs. THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida MUnIcipal corporation, Defendant. / JOINT MOTION AND AGREED ORDER The Plaintiffs, RSPB, LLC, a Flonda lImited company, ("RSPB") and THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH FLORIDA, a Flonda MUnIcipal corporation ("Boynton Beach") by and through their undersigned attorneys, hereby jomtly request consent from this Court to proceed with zoning approvals and as grounds therefore state: 1. RSPB and Boynton Beach are partIes to a certain StIpulation and Settlement Agreement last dated October 31, 1989; 2, The Agreement was approved by the Court by Order on October 2, 1990. 3. The Court retamed subject matter junsdictIOn of this actIOn, 4. The ongina1 Stipulation and Order specified a land deSIgnatIOn and zonmg classification described in paragraph l1.b, ofthe Settlement Agreement. 5. RSPB deSIres to request from the CIty of Boynton Beach a certain modification to the use limitations and other development conditions on the property described as Alhambra Square ACLF. To that end, RSPB has made a request to the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach for reconsideration of the land use, zoning, and use limitations on the property. Specifically, RSPB requests the zoning deSIgnatIOn ofPUD; 6. The City Commission has expressed a willingness to allow RSPB to submit their request for amendment through the City's Planning & Development Board which acts as an ... , CASE NO :CL 89-6178 AN advIsory Board to the City CommIssion on such matters, provided that the submission of the request for amendment is not construed as eIther a violatIon of the Court Order referenced herein nor a waiver on the part of the City to insist upon contmuing enforcement of the Court Order, 7, The parties, by this StIpulation, request only that the City be given leave from the Court Order to accept the request for amendment, conduct administrative review thereof, and allow the City's Planning & Development Board to review the request in a public setting. JAMES A. CHEROF, ESQ. City Attorney for the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 (561) 375-6050 Florida Bar N . 91846 I\fURPHY, REID, PILOTTE, ORD and AUSTIN, P,A.Attorney for Plaintiff(s) 340 Royal Palm Way, Suite 100 Suite 100 Pahn Beach, F ,rida (561) 658- 60. Flonda ar No.361 DATED: AGREED ORDER The Court having considered the Joint MotIon ofthe partIes set forth above and being otherwise duly advised m the premIses, It IS hereby Ordered and Adjudged that: 1, The City of Boynton Beach IS granted leave to accept Plaintiff s application for amendment to the land use, zoning and use restrictions imposed by this Court's Order of October 2, 1990. 2. If, upon completion of review of Plaintiff s application for amendment, the Plamtiffhas obtained a favorable recommendatIon from the Planning & Development Board, the parties may jomtly petItion the Court for modificatIOns to the Agreement. 3, This Joint Motion and Agreed Order does not obligate the City of Boynton Beach to enact land use amendments, zoning changes, or use amendments inconsIstent with those set forth m this Court's October 20, 1990 Order, The sole purpose and intent of this Joint MotIon and Agreed Order is to allow the City of Boynton Beach to more fully consider the amendments 2 , , .. ~ CASE NO,:CL 89-6178 AN being requested by the Plaintiffs. DONE and ORDERED at West Palm Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida this day of ,2002. SIGNED AND DATED OCT Q,.7 2002 Stephen A. Rapp Circuit Judge CircUIt Court Judge Copies to' James Cherof, Esq" Goren, etc" 3099 E, Counnercial Blvd" Ste. 200, Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 Keith C, Austll1.,Jr" Ef,q;, Murphy, Reid,PilcUe, Ord & Austin, P ,A,; 340 Royal Palm Way, Suite 100, Pah*1 Beach, FL 33408 3 Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Subject: Johnson, Eric Thursday, January 16, 2003 5'00 PM Coale, Sherie RE Hampton Court2 thank you -----Original Message----- From: Coale, Sherie Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 2,23 PM To: Johnson, Eric Cc: Galav, Lusia; Rumpf, Michael Subject: RE. Hampton Court2 The mailing list included Golfview Harbors Homeowners Assn & I sent a notice via US mail to the President of BB Leisureville yesterday Sherie m--Original Message--m From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 11'26 AM To: Coale, Sherie Subject: FW Hampton Court2 Well that's better news. Maybe we should ask Dan DeCarlo? m--Original Message----- From: Galav, Lusia Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 11.15 AM To: Johnson, Eric Subject: RE: Hampton Court Keep in mind you are only notifying the Homeowners Association, not all the homeowners. Lusia -----Original Messagem-- From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Thursday, January 16, 2003 10 53 AM To: Coale, Sherie Cc: Hudson, Dick (Orran); Galav, Lusia Subject: FW. Hampton Court Sherie, Let's get together and discuss Mike's request. I suppose we can use the mailing list from Dick's land use amendment application. Perhaps we can discuss this issue with Lusia too, as this will be the first time for "informal" public notification for a site plan Thanks -----Original Message--m From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Tuesday, January 14, 2003 9'17 AM To: Johnson, Eric; Coale, Sherie Cc: Galav, Lusia Subject: Hampton Court Eric, please work with Sherie to see that the HOA reps are notified of this project per the new informal notification requirements from the City Manager I would include the HOA for Boynton Beach Leisureville, Golfview Harbor Estates and the Golfview Harbor Townhomes I would recommend first that you check the rezoning property owner listing to see if they were included, if so, consider it done If not you should be able to easily obtain them from Dan DeCarlo The same letter/notice to them if they have a local address should suffice Thanks, MR. 1 Jan 21 03 06:16p 01'21/2003 10:43 Lan1 Desi~n South 561495 4 561 ;..78 5012 LAKE WORTH DRAIt _ p.2 PAGE 01/01 1." Board of eUS:8rviao~ C, Stanley Weaver Kermit Dell John I. Whitworth III Murray R, Kalish C. David Goodlett 5ecc'9tlry1\.4oi1l"1~gcr William G. Winters A""t.tant MIlOager Ronald L Crone AllOl'll9y Perry & Kern, P.A. LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT 13081 MILITARY TRAIL DELAAY BEACH, FLORIDA 33484 January 21, 2003 Brad Currie Land Design South Congress Business Center 1280 N, Congress Ave" Suite 215 West Palm Beach. Florida 33409 Re' Hampton Court Property (SE Quad of Congress Ave. & SW 23rd Ave.) LDS File No, NWSP 02-023 LWDD Lateral No. 27 Canal (portion afTract 4. Galfview Harbour 3Td Sec, Plat Book 30 Page 119) LWDD Project No, 03-7027P.OI Dear Mr. Currie: This project is located on the North Side of the District's Lateral No. 27 Canal. I have reviewed the proposed site plan dated 1/14/03 and it appears to be within the guideline of the Lake Worth Drainage District Operating Policies. Jerry A. David with the Engineering Department has reviewed the proposed drainage plans dated 1/13/03 and they also appear to be within the guidelines of the Lake Worth Drainage District Operating polices If you have any questions or concerns please contact Jerry A. David or myself at this office. Sincerely, LAKE WORTH DRAINAGE DISTRICT /#~~ Lisa A Kraus Right-of-Way Technician .lak Oelrey Beach 8. Boca Raton (S6l) 498-5363. Boynton Beach & West Palm Beach (561) 737-3835. Fax (561) 495.9694 Webslte: www,LWDD,nllt Johnson, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Hallahan, Kevin Tuesday, January 21,2003343 PM Johnson, Eric RE. Hampton Court bird's nest Eric, When the Australian Pine tree is removed, then the Osprey will use any other on or off site tree that is tall enough to hold the weight of the bird and a fish! (freshly caught) The applicant would not be able to preserve the Australian Pine tree because that species of tree is required by City Code to be removed during the clearing and grubbing operation If the tree in question was a native Slash Pine tree containing an Osprey nest, then the applicant would have to preserve the tree in place and reconfigure the site If you have any additional questions, contact me Thanks Kevin -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 1 26 PM To: Hallahan, Kevin Cc: Rumpf, Michael Subject: RE: Hampton Court bird's nest You've determined that the Ospreys use another nearby tree Is the nearby tree on or off-site? What kind of tree is it? In your opinion, do you think the applicant can preserve the tree and not jeopardize the proposed configuration of buildings and pavement? These are questions that the Board and / or Commission may ask at the public meetings Thanks Eric -----Original Message----- From: Hallahan, Kevin Sent: Tuesday, January 21, 2003 8:56 AM To: Johnson, Eric Subject: RE: Hampton Court bird's nest Eric, The environmental assessment did mention that an Osprey bird was using the Australian Pine tree noted as a feeding site when eating captured fish The Osprey is not an endangered bird species, and by our City Code of Ordinances the Australian Pine trees must be removed from the site during the clearing and grubbing operation The Osprey birds generally use another nearby tall tree as a feeding site Let me know if you have any additional questions Thanks Kevin -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 3,37 PM To: Hallahan, Kevin Cc: Rumpf, Michael, Galav, Lusia Subject: Hampton Court bird's nest Kevin, Mr Peter Reyland was in the office today to review the environmental assessment report and the revised site plan for the Hampton Court project. Mr Reyland noted that an on-site Australian Pine contained a nest that may be the home to an eagle or some other "important" bird I responded to him that you had visited the site and determined that the wading birds occupied areas within the canal right-of-way and not within the boundaries of the subject property Any comments or suggestions regarding the on-site Australian Pine tree with the eagle's nest? Did the environmental assessment identify this tree? Thanks EJ 1 .... Johnson, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Hallahan, Kevin Tuesday, January 21,2003856 AM Johnson, Eric RE. Hampton Court bird's nest Eric, The environmental assessment did mention that an Osprey bird was using the Australian Pine tree noted as a feeding site when eating captured fish The Osprey is not an endangered bird species, and by our City Code of Ordinances the Australian Pine trees must be removed from the site during the clearing and grubbing operation The Osprey birds generally use another nearby tall tree as a feeding site Let me know if you have any additional questions Thanks Kevin -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Friday, January 17, 2003 3'37 PM To: Hallahan, Kevin Cc: Rumpf, Michael, Galav, Lusia Subject: Hampton Court bird's nest Kevin, Mr Peter Reyland was in the office today to review the environmental assessment report and the revised site plan for the Hampton Court project. Mr Reyland noted that an on-site Australian Pine contained a nest that may be the home to an eagle or some other "important" bird I responded to him that you had visited the site and determined that the wading birds occupied areas within the canal right-of-way and not within the boundaries of the subject property Any comments or suggestions regarding the on-site Australian Pine tree with the eagle's nest? Did the environmental assessment identify this tree? Thanks EJ 1 LAN D , t~~~s~I~~~i~~chitecture DES I G N Environmental Consultation SO UTH 561-478-8501 FAX 561-478-5012 2101 Centrepork West Drive Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 January 14, 2003 LIsa Kraus Lake Worth DraInage OISt. 13081 MilItary Trail Oelray Beach, FL 33484-1105 RE: Hampton Court Property F!le Number' NWSP 02-023 Dear Mrs, Kraus, Thank-you for talkIng wIth me thIS mornIng regardIng the potentIal Lake Worth DraInage OIstnct (L WOD) issues wIth t he above-referenced proJect. A s dIscussed, the property 1 s currently under reVIew by the CIty of Boynton Beach for approval of a 66-umt resIdentIal proJect. We recently receIved a comment from the CIty'S Forester/Environmentalist, KevIn Hallahan, requestIng that we prOVIde an envIronmental assessment regardIng the proposed draInage outfall Into the L WDO Canal Number 27. Attached to thIS letter IS a copy of the proposed sIte plan and prelImInary draInage plans for the property As you can see, the proposed outfall will be located between bUIldIngs 5 and 6 Our office IS In the process of provIdIng the requested assessment to the CIty, The purpose of thIS letter It to request L WOO provIde a letter statIng that as shown on these plans, the proposed development IS consIstent WIth the standards and objectIves of the L WOO. Weare not requestIng approval form L WOO, we are merely attemptIng to provIde written InfOrmatIon for the City to understand that we are not askIng for anythIng out of the ordInary If you have any questIons regardIng thIS letter, or the request, please contact our office We appreciate you takIng the tIme to dISCUSS the proJect. SIncerely, LAND DESIGN SOUTH Bf:!JLt;:: Semor Project Manager JAN I 5 2003 cc Enc Johnson (Letter Only) KeVIn Borkenhagen (Letter Only) Enclosures N'\AdminCM\Cindy\Lelters\Brad C\I Kraus Hampton Court LWDD Issues.doc File # 389.57C Page 1 of2 Johnson, Eric From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Wednesday, January 08, 2003 9 31 PM To: 'CRosello@aol com' Cc: Johnson, Eric Subject: RE Hampton Court Mr Rosello, Thank you for your input. Similar comments have been received from your neighbors and applicable comments have been reviewed by staff and incorporated into our analysis Such issues include compliance or proper modification of the settlement agreement, traffic and environmental characteristics Of course traffic is quantifiably evaluated according to the Countywide Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, based on anticipated trips, existing background trips on the roadway and the capacity/shortage using the adopted level of service standard With respect to the public involvement method used by your association, I can only mention that this is a private matter; however, all comments from the public will be heard by the City Commission at the public hearing despite the vote by the association I am copying this message to the planner handling this review, Eric Johnson I encourage you to continue your involvement in this process and let us know if you need further information Sincerely, Michael Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director -----Original Message----- From: CRosello@aol.com [mailto:CRosello@aol.com] Sent: Wednesday, January 08,20039:22 PM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: (no subject) Mr Mike Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach Dear Mr Rumpf" I live at 1321 SW 25th Avenue in Golfview Harbour My property is on the south side of the L-27 Canal directly across the location where the pool and cabana of the proposed Hampton Court on S W 23rd Street. I have lived in this area for less than two years and have truly enjoyed the amenities offered by the City of Boynton On August 7,2002, a meeting was held on 24 hour notice We were advised that a vote would be taken by the home owners on the proposed development. Also on the agenda was information about the opening of Cross Pointe Elementary School It was ironic that while one of the major concerns about the school was the traffic and safety of the children, we would vote in allowing sixty- six, three and four bedrooms townhouses with parking for 160+ cars to be built less than one half mile from the school on S W 23rd Avenue, a road which is already heavily traveled and serves as quick access for emergency vehicles traveling from Congress to Bethesda Hospital Nevertheless, the vote was taken and passed 24 to 14 I estimate that only four or five of the affected contiguous residents to the proposed development were present at this 24 hour notice meeting In addition, we were advised at the meeting that the developer would apply for a water feature and access to the canal I cannot foresee having sixty-six units with access to our canals and lakes I enjoy watching the families and children who visit the north side of our canal for a day of fishing and 1/9/2003 Page 2 of2 .. relaxation I also enjoy watching ospreys, falons, ducks, herons and other wildlife from my backyard Haven't we polluted our waters and destroyed wildlife habitat enough? Are we so greedy that we are willing to build on every inch of space without consideration for the well being and safety of our children? I understand from neighbors who have lived in this location for many years, that the area is approximately 4 0+ acres I also understand that an agreement exists with the owner and the City of Boynton Beach which allowed for ACLF usage only The Centex proposal would certainly be a violation of this agreement in addition to being a violation of PUD requirements by allowing 66 townhouses in 4 0+ acres In the past two years, Cross Pointe Elementary, Freedom Shores Elementary, Odyssey Middle School and Boynton Beach High School have been built within the City of Boynton Beach These are all great additions to our city, however, some of these have already reached or exceeded their student capacity With the recently passed class size restrictions and the current overcrowding of these schools, we will soon experience overcrowded facilities and fields of portables in our schools This is not necessarily a good selling point for the City of Boynton Beach I am not so naive as to request that the 4 0+ acres would be purchased by the city and be made into a small wildlife park for families to enjoy and children to learn about environmental preservation That would be too radical and healthy for our "21 century" way of thinking, however, this would be an ideal location for such a radical and innovative idea for a growing city to implement. But to allow a developer to build 66 townhouses adjacent to a canal full of native wildlife, less than half a mile from an elementary school, on a busy road used by emergency vehicles to and from a hospital, near overcrowded schools is not only irrational but irresponsible Please feel free to call me if you any questions or wish to discuss this letter My home number is 732-6759, work number is 434-3397 Sincerely, Carlos Rosello 1/912003 LAND. Land Planning Landscape Architecture DES I G N Environmental Consultation SOUTH 561-478-8501 FAX 561-478-5012 2101 Centrepark West Dnve Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 January 8, 2003 John Wildner Parks & RecreatIOn Department CIty of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Flonda 33435 .)AN - 9 2003 RE'. .I. '. Hampton Court Park & Recreation Impact Fees Dear Mr. Wildner: The purpose of this letter is to identIfy the umt make up for the Hampton Court property currently under TRC review. As we dIscussed yesterday, the project contams both multi- famIly umts and single famIly attached umts, The followmg table Identifies the unit mix for the project: - Umt Type Number ofUmts Smgle Family Attached 24 MultI-Family 42 Total 66 Please reVIse comment number 72 in order to reflect the correct umt mIX, We will add a note to the site data on the site plan to clearly identIfy that there are two separate types of units. If you have any questions regardmg thIS project, please do not hesItate m contacting our office. Smcerely, LAND DESIGN SOUTH Brl:!!r L~ Semor Project Manager cc' Kevin Borkenhagen Enc Johnson N'\AdminCM\Cindy\Letters\Brad C'J Wildner Hampton Court Parks & Rec Fees.doc File #. 389.57C , WEINER & ARONSON, P.A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW The Clark House 102 North Swinton Avenue Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Telephone, (561) 265-2666 Telecopier: (561) 272-6831 E-mail: delraylaw@bellsouth.net MICHAEL 5. WEINER CAROLE J. ARONSON JASON 5. MANKOFF OF COUNSEL. ROBERT MARC SCHWARTZ, P.A. Florida Bar Board Certified Real Estate Lawyer January 7, 2003 Via Hand-Delivery Mr Michael W Rumpf, Chairman Director of Planning & ZOning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: Hampton Court Our File No.: CENT004 10) ~ @ ~ n WI ~1~ I W 1 ..wi - 1'IIXl3 k) i L------1 J ----ru:.rmING ANn ZONING Q(PT . Dear Mike This justification is in response to Comment No 82 of the 1 sl Review Comments for Hampton Court dated December 16, 2002, This comment states that the High Density Residential (HDR) underlYing land use allows for 108 dwelling units per acre, but the proposed density is 14 dwelling Units per acre The Comprehensive Plan justifies the approval of 66 units and is not inconsistent with this development plan, To understand why 66 Units should be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, it is important to understand the history of the property This property was involved in litigation in which a settlement was reached in a Stipulation and Settlement Agreement ("Agreement") dated October 31, 1989 This Agreement zoned the property R-3 (multi-family) ACLF with no less than 248 units, Since this property has been subject to litigation, there are unique circumstances specific to this property which support the approval of 66 Units Policy 1 16,3 of the Future Land Use Element states that the City shall continue to implement the recommendations as set forth in the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section of the support documents for the Future Land Use Element. This policy indicates that the recommendations contained in this section shall apply "regardless of the status of the City's development regulations" Section 8 c of the Land Use Problems and Opportunities section discusses the property on the southeast corner of Golf Road and Congress Avenue and clearly states that the land use, zoning and the use and development of the property shall be in accordance with the Agreement. Therefore, the conversion of the remaining 155 units to 66 dwelling Units IS clearly supported by the Mr Michael W Rumpf January 7, 2003 Page 2 rnr;; . '~ , - Comprehensive Plan and support documents. A copy of Future Land Use Element Policy 1 16 3 and support document Section 8 c are attached Since only 93 of the 248 "beds" were developed, 155 remaining "beds" converts to 66 dwelling units based on the previous Comprehensive Plan, EAR, Page 36 Housing Chapter which states that "densities for group homes in PUD's should correspond to the average number of persons per household for the City as a whole, which would be equivalent to 2 3 beds times the number of dwellings allowed under the Future Land Use Plan" Accordingly, the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan for the City of Boynton Beach MSW:ab O.\CENT004\Letter Rumpf.Jan07.2003.wpd LAND . DESIGN SOUTH Land Planning Landscape Architecture Environmental Consultation 561-478-8501 FAX 561-478-5012 2101 Centre park West Drive. Suite 100 West Palm Beach, Florida 33409 January 7, 2003 Lynn Hays BUIldIng DlVlslon CIty of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Blvd, PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: Hampton Court Addressing Plan Dear Mrs, Hays The purpose of thIS letter IS to request a reVIew of the above referenced proJect-addressIng plan. As we spoke about In our telephone conversatIOn on Monday, January 6, 2003, we are In the process of reCeIVIng SIte plan and rezomng approval for thIS property. We receIved an EngIneenng comment regardIng the name of the subject property and ItS closeness to another property wIthIn the CIty, The comment stated that the subject property's name, Hampton Court, may be too close to an eXIstIng use In the CIty, Hampton Inn. Please reVIew the plan and the name to make sure that there will be no confusIOn between the tWo (2) propertIes for the Emergency Departments wIthIn the CIty, The property will be a "for-sale" development. Each umt will have a separate owner. The attached SIte plan IS compnsed of a total of seven (7) buildIngs, BuildIng One (1), Umt One (1) will have an address of 101 Hampton Court. BuildIng One (1) has a total of ten (10) umts so the addresses will be from 101 to 110 BuildIng Two (2) WIll be 201-210 Hampton Court, The remaInder of the buildIngs will follow the same numbenng, Each umt will be located on Hampton Court. Please call our office If you have any questIOns, Once all of the reqUIred dIVISIons have revIewed the plan and addresses, please provIde our office WIth a letter stating that the name will not cause any confusIOn WIth the 911 system In the CIty Please call our office If you have any questtons regardIng thIS request. SIncerely, LAND DESIGN SOUTH B~.Ic:: Semor Project Manager cc LaurInda Logan KeVIn Borkenhagen Enclosures - AddreSSIng Plan N.\AdminCM\Cindy\Letters\Brad C\l Hays Hampton Court Addressing Letter.doc File #. 389.57C CENTEX HOMES Southeast Florida Division 8198 Jog Road, Suite 200 Boynton Beach, Florida 33437 December 4, 2002 Phone. (561) 536-1000 Fax: (561) 536-1060 www.CentexHomes-SEFlorida.com Mr. Michael We mer, Esq. Wemer & Aronson, P.A. 102 North Swinton A venue DeIray Beach, FL 33444 Dear Mr. Weiner: RE: Hampton Court (a.k.a. RSPB) Property Please find enclosed a copy of the approval letter signed offby the neIghbonng HOA. I still have not heard back from the townhome HOA, but thIS one was the assocIation that we had to go before their Board. We have submItted our sIte plans and are antIcipatmg all approvals m March 2003. Please call me wIth any other mformatIon that you may need. Thank you Sincerely, Centex Homes KevI M. orkenhagen Vice President, Urban & L'1-Fill Redevelopment Southeast Florida DivlSlon cc: Scott Mullen, CENTEX HOMES Southeast Florida Division 8198 Jog Road. Suite 200 Boynton Beach. Florida 33437 November 8, 2002 / / Phone: (561) 536-1000 Fax: (561) 536-1060 www.CentexHomes-SEFlorida.com Mr, Richard PhIl1pott ASSocIation President Golfvlew Harbour Homeowners Association, Inc, 1361 SW 27th Ave. Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr, Ph1llpott: RE: Hampton Court I wanted to follow up with you on the progress of our approval for the approximately 4.7 acre parcel located off Golf Road adjacent to Golfvlew Harbour, We are proceeding with our site plan approval process through the City and anticipate approval by April 2003, Part of this process includes the removal through the Courts of the settlement agreement that was reached between the original landowner and the City that designated the property for an ACLF only. At the August 7,2002 Association meeting the Board approved you to SIgn off the Boards acknowledgment of our proposal to change the settlement agreement to allow the property to be used for a residential use. I need to clarify once more wIth you, on what our intentions are and have you verify that this IS what you understood was our proposal and that this IS what I presented at the August 7, 2002 meeting. The Association aclmowledges and agrees with Centex Homes proposal to: . Build a (66) unit for-sale reSIdentIal multi-family dwelling community . Two story condommium product with a 5/12 pitch roofline, . Will have streetlights WIthin the pnvate streets that wIll function like all street lights from dusk to dawn, . Use the City's PUD zonmg. . We do not plan on walling the southern boundary, but wIll wall the east, west and northern boundary. It is our intent to have views of the canal, and apply for a permit to provIde a water feature facility on the water, . We would submit to the County for approval for traffic, and would comply WIth the requirements set forth 10 the County's traffic approval gUIdelines, Please review the above noted Items and acknowledge your agreement that this is what was shown to the Board and was acceptable to by the Board, Thank: you in advance for your assistance with this matter. Please call me with any questions that you may have (561-536-1032). Sincerely, Centex Homes Kev . Borkenhagen Vice President, Urban & In-Fill Redevelopment Southeast Florida Division cc: Scott Mullen, Michael Weiner, Esq. Boynton Beach AGREED TP AND ACKNOWLEDGED BY: GOLFVIEW HARBOUR HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC, ~/~7b 77 - f?.c.)>{ t:Je.., 'ic.:-I/I4. Department of Engineering and Public works PO. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H. Newell, Chairman Carol A. Roberts, Vice Chair Karen 1. Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony Masilotti Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman "An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper December 16, 2002 Mr Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 rn ~ @ ~ 0 ~7 l fnl /I Ii : DEe , A 20D? Ii! i I I L_ I "- -.--....---.1 j rL!~\ !!I! i . , " RE: Hampton Court - RSPB Property TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Michael: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the project entitled, Hampton Court, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code The project is summarized as follows Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips. Build-out: South side of 23rd Avenue, east of Congress Avenue Boynton Beach None 66 MF Residential Units 462 2004 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030 Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENG!NEER //Y) CC Yvonne Ziel - Traffic Consultants Inc. File General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F \TRAFFIC\ma\Adrnin\Approvals\021203 doc f' , r. ... Peter M. Ryland. 1311 s. W. 25th Avenue. Boynton Beach. FL 33426 l? ~'- Mike Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach Boulevard, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mike; Last Friday I reviewed the plans and submissions for Hampton Court, the proposed development on 4.67 acres on S. W, 23rd Avenue, just east of Congress. My property is contiguous to the southeast comer of the proposed development, across the Lazy Lake Canal. I understand this project is up for preliminary comments on December 12th, a Traffic meeting on January lih , Planning on January 28th, and the City Commission on February 4th. The property in question is one of the last of the open areas in the "green corridor" which runs along S,W.23rd from Military Trail to Seacrest. It abuts the lazy lake canal on the south, across from which are some of the most expensive homes in Golfview Harbour. The Lazy Lake Canal is unique in its width connection to Lazy Lake and the main drainage canals between Lake Ida and Lake Osborne. Because the canal essential ends at Congress and is in a quiet residential area, it is home to large Bass, White, blue and green herons and a host of visiting birds, including Mallards, Cardinals, Scrub Jays, etc, It has been even reported to me that Eagles were seen nesting in the trees on the property. COMMENTS My comments are as follows: . The proiect is in violation of an agreement made between the City and the landowner which permitted only ACLF usage with restrictions on refuse containment areas, traffic, lighting, and separation from residential areas by walls berming, and landscaping, Only the homeowner's associations of Leisureville and Golfview Harbour could allow exceptions. . Permission from Golfview Harbour was gained in an unfair manner. On August 6th, between 9 and 10PM, I found a notice of a meeting to be held the following night specifically on this development. Due to the short notice, I estimate that less than 4 of the 15 contiguous property owners were present. A total of 40 Golfview Harbour homeowners were present, 36 of who were not contiguous property . owners. The President of the association took a general vote, which was 26 for the development and 14 against (all of the contiguous owners present voting against). . The proiect is inconsistent with surrounding zoning, Three sides of the project are bordered by private, single family homes. The ACLF usage was allowed with restrictions only because there was a need for assisted living facilities at the time and it was felt that, with the restrictions, a legal problem could be avoided with a low visibility facility (little noise or traffic, both vehicle and pedestrian). . The proiect is too high in density. Even if the project were allowed to be downgraded to PUD, it violates the maximum of 10.8 units per acre by 3.24 units, or 15.13 units on 4.67 acres, In round numbers, I calculate that to be 50 units maxImum. . The recreational facilities are located where they will be disturbing to neighboring homes. Located in the Southeast comer of the property, the recreational facilities, which primarily consist of a pool and cabana, are located less than 100 feet from the nearest private residence. Although separated by a planned wall on the east, there is no such wall on the south. The proposed plantings are 3' high and therefore do not help, leaving several houses overlooking what can be a very noisy facility with upwards of 50 people swimming and partying on weekends, With an average of2,3 per household, there could potentially be 152 people using the facility, plus an untold number of guests. The Southeast comer is now the quietest and most private area of the property, The addition of a recreational facility in this area (plus a potential "water feature") would make it the busiest and noisiest portion of the property, just the opposite of what it is now and what the legal ACLF agreement was intended to do. . The current design directly overlooks private residences. The buildings are situated so that residents have a direct view into the yards of private homes on the south and east. The buildings are situates with a minimum 25' setback and the second story units have large picture widows (with an optional widow seat) which is at a height equal to or higher than the roofline of the surrounding houses. The houses across the canal on the south have back yards that are fully exposed, leaving them no privacy at all. I estimate 10 units overlook back yards on the south and 8 on the east. . The proposed development further burdens an already deteriorated traffic condition. The traffic study submitted with the plans indicates that that area of S.W. 23rd is already rated as "D" by the state as of2001. On the comer ofS.W. 23rd and Congress there is a Medical Professional Building going up, which is expected to generate additional traffic (you have the figures on that). The proposed development is expected to add 462 cars a day to S.W. 23rd, a commuter route heavily used to avoid traffic on Woolbright. . . The planned development would adversely affect the Lazy Lake Canal. As proposed, there would be a major runoff directly into the canal. 57.8% of the development is impervious. The draining system runs directly into the canal,. In addition, the land is sloped so that surface drainage will also run into the canal. The result would be the potential addition of pollutants directly into the water, aside from displacement of current wildlife. To make matters worse, the President of the Golfview Harbour Homeowners Association reports that; "There will be views of the canal. and Centex is applying for a permit to provide a water feature facility on the water," This will further increase water traffic and noise on the canal. add pollution, and damage the seawalls of the private homes on the south side. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Disallow the proiect outright. · It does not comply with the legal agreement · Barring that: 2, Continue the current Legal restrictions · Concerning, but not limited to refuse containment areas, traffic, lighting, and separation from residential areas by walls berming, and landscaping · Barring that: 3. Reduce/ revise the proiect · Require an inspection and cataloguing if indigenous wildlife by a reputable, independent third party · Reduce the project to a maximum of 50 Units. 25 are preferable, · Relocate buildings to avoid overlooking private houses. 50' setback preferable, · Relocate recreational facilities to reduce noise/visibility from private homes (central location, surrounded by buildings preferable) · Require wallslberming between project and private homes on east and south with 6 foot minimum height · Ban specific usage/ development of the canal · Require approval of any changes to submitted plans by majority of contiguous property owners, not Golfview Harbour Homeowners Association · Provide for monetary fines and penalties for non-compliance to approved plans with remedy requirements on developer If you have any questions, please call me on my cell phone at 561-801-1640. Sincerely, Peter Ryland DEPA RTM EN T 0 F DEV ELO Rv1 EN T Aanning and Zoning Divison . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Ucenses . Community Redevelopment November 22, 2002 Mr Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works POBox 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re Traffic Study' Hampton Court NWSP 02-023 Dear Mr Atefi The enclosed traffic generation statement, prepared by Yvonne Ziel Traffic Consultants, Inc. was recently received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and I with your written response If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260 Sincerely, -}fJJZ- Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWRlsc S:IPlamingISHAREDIWPIPROJECTS\Hampton CourtINWSP 02-023ITraffic letter to Palm Beach County.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.cLboynton-beach.f1.us DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02-294 TO TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Protection Engineer Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H David Kelley Jr , Utilities Department Timothy K, Large, Building Division Ken Hall, (Engineering) Public Works-General John Wildner, Parks Division Laurinda Logan, Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Planning & Zoning Division THRU Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning FROM Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Planner DATE December 11 , 2002 RE Hampton Court NWSP 02-023 1 ST Review - New Site Plan Project Hampton Court Location - East of Congress, south of SW 23 Avenue Agent Jennifer Liszak, Land Design South Attached, you will find a letter from Peter M Ryland to Mike Rumpf regarding the above referenced townhouse project. Mike had asked me to forward this letter to all TRC members that may have a concern with the contents of the letter and use it as "information only" Your site plan comments are due tomorrow (December 5, 2002) You may have already returned your comments and sets of plans to Planning & Zoning, which is to be expected However, we just wanted to let all TRC members know that this project may unpopular with some of the area's residents As you know, the Technical Review Committee meetings are "open" to the public and therefore, we may have visitors at the TRC meeting on January 7, 2003 Thank you for your consideration in this matter CC Michael W Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning MWR.elj Attachment(s) Ryland letter Rumpf email S'\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\Hampton Court\NWSP 02-023\TRC Memo doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02-294 TO TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Protection Engineer Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H, David Kelley Jr" Utilities Department Timothy K. Large, Building Division Ken Hall, (Engineering) Public Works-General John Wildner, Parks Division Laurinda Logan, Engineering Department Lusia Galav, Planning & Zoning Division THRU Michael W Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning FROM' Eric Lee Johnson, AICP Planner DATE' December 11, 2002 RE Hampton Court NWSP 02-023 1 ST Review - New Site Plan Project Hampton Court Location - East of Congress, south of SW 23 Avenue Agent Jennifer Liszak, Land Design South Attached, you will find a letter from Peter M Ryland to Mike Rumpf regarding the above referenced townhouse project. Mike had asked me to forward this letter to all TRC members that may have a concern with the contents of the letter and use it as "information only" Your site plan comments are due tomorrow (December 5, 2002), You may have already returned your comments and sets of plans to Planning & Zoning, which is to be expected However, we just wanted to let all TRC members know that this project may unpopular with some of the area's residents As you know, the Technical Review Committee meetings are "open" to the public and therefore, we may have visitors at the TRC meeting on January 7,2003 Thank you for your consideration in this matter CC Michael W Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning MWR.elj Attachment(s) Ryland letter Rumpf email S'\Planning\Shared\Wp\Projects\Hampton Court\NWSP 02-023\TRC Memo doc , Peter M. Ryland. 1311 S. W. 25th Avenue. Boynton Beach. FL 33426 Mike Rumpf Planning & Zonmg Director CIty of Boynton Beach P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach Boulevard, Florida 33425-0310 Dear Mike; Last Friday I revIewed the plans and submIssions for Hampton Court, the proposed development on 4,67 acres on S,W, 23rd Avenue, Just east of Congress. My property IS contiguous to the southeast comer of the proposed development, across the Lazy Lake Canal. I understand thIS project IS up for prelImmary comments on December 1ih, a Traffic meetmg on January 1ih , Planmng on January 28th, and the CIty CommISSIon on February 4th, The property m question IS one of the last of the open areas m the "green comdor" whIch runs along S.W.23rd from Military Trail to Seacrest. It abuts the lazy lake canal on the south, across from which are some of the most expenSIve homes m Golfview Harbour, The Lazy Lake Canal is umque in ItS WIdth connectIOn to Lazy Lake and the main drainage canals between Lake Ida and Lake Osborne. Because the canal essentIal ends at Congress and is m a qUIet residentIal area, It IS home to large Bass, White, blue and green herons and a host of visiting bIrds, includmg Mallards, Cardmals, Scrub Jays, etc. It has been even reported to me that Eagles were seen nesting in the trees on the property. COMMENTS My comments are as follows: · The prolect IS m VIOlatIOn of an agreement made between the CIty and the landowner which permItted only ACLF usage with restnctions on refuse contamment areas, traffic, lIghting, and separation from reSIdential areas by walls bermmg, and landscapmg. Only the homeowner's aSSOCiatIOns of LeIsureville and Golf VIew Harbour could allow exceptIOns. · PermissIOn from Golf VIew Harbour was gamed in an unfair manner. On August 6th, between 9 and 10PM, I found a notIce of a meetmg to be held the followmg mght speCIfically on thIS development. Due to the short notice, I estimate that less than 4 of the 15 contiguous property owners were present. A total of 40 Golf VIew Harbour homeowners were present, 36 of who were not contiguous property ~ owners, The President of the assocIatIon took a general vote, WhICh was 26 for the development and 14 against (all ofthe contiguous owners present voting against), · The proiect IS mconsistent WIth surroundmg zomng. Three sides ofthe project are bordered by private, smgle famIly homes. The ACLF usage was allowed with restnctions only because there was a need for assisted lIvmg facilitIes at the time and It was felt that, wIth the restnctIons, a legal problem could be avoided with a low vIsibility facilIty (little noise or traffic, both vehIcle and pedestnan). · The proiect IS too high m densIty. Even If the project were allowed to be downgraded to PUD, It vIOlates the maximum of 10.8 units per acre by 3.24 umts, or 15.13 units on 4.67 acres. In round numbers, I calculate that to be 50 umts maXImum. · The recreational facilitIes are located where they wIll be disturbmg to neighbonng homes, Located m the Southeast comer of the property, the recreational facIlItIes, whIch pnmanly consIst of a pool and cabana, are located less than 100 feet from the nearest private residence. Although separated by a planned wall on the east, there is no such wall on the south. The proposed plantings are 3' high and therefore do not help, leavmg several houses overlookmg what can be a very nOIsy facilIty with upwards of 50 people swimming and partymg on weekends, With an average of 2.3 per household, there could potentIally be 152 people using the faCIlIty, plus an untold number of guests. The Southeast comer IS now the qUIetest and most private area of the property, The addItion of a recreational facility m this area (plus a potentIal "water feature") would make it the busiest and noisIest portIOn ofthe property, just the OpposIte of what It IS now and what the legal ACLF agreement was intended to do. · The current deSIgn directly overlooks pnvate resIdences. The bUIldmgs are situated so that residents have a direct view mto the yards of pnvate homes on the south and east. The buildmgs are situates with a minimum 25' setback and the second story umts have large pIcture wIdows (wIth an optional widow seat) WhICh IS at a heIght equal to or higher than the rooflme ofthe surroundmg houses, The houses across the canal on the south have back yards that are fully exposed, leavmg them no pnvacy at all, I estimate 10 umts overlook back yards on the south and 8 on the east. · The proposed development further burdens an already deteriorated traffic condition. The traffic study submitted with the plans mdicates that that area of S.W, 23rd is already rated as "D" by the state as of 2001. On the comer of S.W. 23rd and Congress there is a Medical ProfessIOnal Building going up, WhICh is expected to generate additional traffic (you have the figures on that). The proposed development is expected to add 462 cars a day to S,W. 23rd, a commuter route heavIly used to avoid traffic on Woolbright. . . The planned development would adversely affect the Lazy Lake Canal. As proposed, there would be a major runoff dIrectly mto the canal. 57,8% of the development is impervIous. The drammg system runs dIrectly into the canal,. In additIon, the land is sloped so that surface drainage will also run into the canal. The result would be the potential addition of pollutants directly into the water, aside from dIsplacement of current wildlife. To make matters worse, the President of the Golf VIew Harbour Homeowners Association reports that; "There will be VIews of the canal, and Centex IS applying for a pennit to provide a water feature facIlIty on the water," This wIll further mcrease water traffic and noise on the canal, add pollutIOn, and damage the seawalls of the pnvate homes on the south sIde. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Disallow the proi ect outright. · It does not comply with the legal agreement · Bamng that: 2, Contmue the current Legal restrictions · Concernmg, but not limited to refuse contamment areas, traffic, lightmg, and separatIOn from reSIdential areas by walls bennmg, and landscapmg · Barring that: 3, Reduce/ reVIse the proiect · ReqUIre an inspection and cataloguing if indIgenous wildlIfe by a reputable, mdependent third party · Reduce the project to a maXImum of 50 Units. 25 are preferable. · Relocate bUIldings to aVOId overlooking pnvate houses. 50' setback preferable, · Relocate recreatIOnal facilities to reduce nOIse/visibility from pnvate homes (central location, surrounded by bUIldmgs preferable) · Require walls/bennmg between project and private homes on east and south WIth 6 foot minimum heIght · Ban speCIfic usage/ development of the canal · ReqUIre approval of any changes to submItted plans by majonty of contIguous property owners, not Golf VIew Harbour Homeowners Association · ProVIde for monetary fines and penalties for non-compliance to approved plans WIth remedy reqUIrements on developer If you have any questIOns, please call me on my cell phone at 561-801-1640. Smcerely, Peter Ryland Tucker, Patricia From: Sent: To: Subject: Ryland, Peter [pryland@benjaminschool com] Monday, December 09, 2002 12 50 PM Tucker, Patricia FW Hampton Court _ -' ~~,~.tI C (IV <0 {. I D~ - c:;.J< " l~ \ (' J. J)~ ~ 1~ ,..-Qt ~"t ,{ -(~ .,~'/~ [uY .~G/ ~ ~ ,-(") C~i l/",Gv( ~~ A l~ CJ 1 r ~ tit c--Q"'" ",., ~ 1 0---.rS. ~ ~e-~ fP" . 1> cP it t-(Y-( A'tfZ- ~ P&ZL T120702.doc The same here. Peter Ryland > -----Original Message----- > From: Ryland, Peter > Sent Monday, December 09, 2002 11 53 AM > To: Mike Rumpf (E-mail) > Subject: FW: Hampton Court > > > Mike- > > The email address on the website does not work I have corrected it, > Peter Ryland > > -----Original Message----- > From: Ryland, Peter > Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 11:03 AM > To: 'rumpfm@www.ci boynton-beach fl us' > Subject: Hampton Court > > > Mike- <<P&ZLT120702.doc>> > > This is a letter to you concerning Hampton Court, I know you have a 1st > review on the 12th and I want to make sure you get this in time It is a > lot of work, but this is a lot of development which I have to live with > for a long time I plan to give a copy of my letter and the schedules and > statistics to other contiguous private property owners. > > This should not be happening. > Peter Ryland > 1 , , Tucker, Patricia From: Sent: To: Subject: Ryland, Peter [pryland@benjaminschool com] Monday, December 09,20021249 PM Tucker, Patricia FW ~ P&ZL T120702.doc Pat- Let's try this again, Peter Ryland > -----Original Message----- > From: Ryland, Peter > Sent: Monday, December 09, 2002 12:11 PM > To Mike Rumpf (E-mail) > Subj ect : FW: > > Mike- > > Ditto I have spread the word with the other people who live around the > development- they are appalled, One of them thought it was a done deal I > gave them your website phone # and (faulty)address If you want me at the > 1st review, I can make it as long as it is in the AM, > > Two other comments- > * The runoff from the chemically treated pool (cleanings, etc) can be > expected to wind up in the canal and pollute it further, > * The two pools in the Golfview Harbour townhouses are located next to > Congress-why couldn't this pool be situated on 23rd? > > > Peter Ryland > > -----Original Message----- > From Ryland, Peter > Sent: Saturday, December 07, 2002 11:15 AM > To Mike Rumpf (E-mail) > Subject: > > > <<P&ZLT120702 doc>> > Mike- > > Sorry-I misspelled your name! > I assume the 1st review is private, Is that correct? > Peter Ryland > 1