CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses · Community Redevelopment April 30, 2002 Mr Robert Matson POD Management, Inc. 3700 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, FL. 33436 Re: Hunter's Run - Storage Shed MMSP 02-030 Dear Mr. Matson. In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of the modification proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the storage shed shown on the revised plans date stamped 04/17/02 is "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review The enclosed storage shed will replace an existing open air storage area. This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subject to the following conditions: 1 If the scope of the project demands removal of plant material then the new plant material is subject to review and approval ofthe City Forester / Environmentalist; Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. cJ;i:'4~v Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Jose Alfaro, Planner s\p]anningISHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\Hunld, Run\MMSP 02-]0 $lor:lge Sbed\ApprO\'al leu., doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.fl.us .. PUD MANAGEMENT, INC. April 17,2002 Mr. Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department POBox 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Dear Mr. Rumpf, The POD Management Board of Directors hereby requests from the City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Board a minor site plan modification. The POD Management Board of Directors requests approval for a site plan modification for the installation of a storage shed to be installed on the property as per plans submitted. If you have any questions III regards to this letter, please do not hesitate to contact us at 561-734-5000. Thank you. Respectfully, /#;7~ -~ ,~ U) r~- ! [~ ri I " , 7 Robert K. Matson Senior Property Manager POD MANAGEMENT, INC. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this / 7~y of ~ 2002 by Robert K. Matson, Senior Property Manager of POD Management, Inc., State of Florida. He is personally known to me and did not take an oath. F orms\BBSitePlanMod.ltr-POD ~~ 0( '777c~_/ Notary Publi Marcy 1. McFaul Commission #CC871377 ~ MARCY L. MCFAUL kil"'oj MV COMMISSION I CC 871377 ~'__' . EXPIRES: September 14,2003 ~. r.(l~tiedThruNolaryPublJcUndelwril.ts t.":. 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 33436 . Telephone o<j{-<f2.-4G-()/-04 -lUl0-0eJ11 (561) 7345000 FAX (561) 734-468] POD MANAGEMENT INC. It -r J-h;,N7'"e7<. S RUN .... J ......Ullll __A."""'\ COPy April 17, 2002 Mr Michael Rumpf City of Boynton Be~ch Planning and Zonmg Dep~rtlJ1e!1t P O. Box 31G Boynton Be~ch, FL 3342& DearMr Rumpf. Thc POD Management Board of Directors hercbJ req'crcsts from the City of 30yntoll Beaoh PlilJ'l11ing Jnd Zoning BOi.ird a minor Silt: plan modlficJ.ti(ln. The POD Man;;lgcrncnt Board uf Directors requests appnwal for a site plan modllic<ltlon for Lhe :l1stallation of a storaze siler! to be installed on the ploperty ~s per plr:ns submitted. If YDU htive any quesl.Jcns in regmds to this lettc.r, plcasi.: do not h',;sltatc to C(lntact klS aL 561-734-5000 Th:rnk you. Respectfully, -, ., .-'/~'...--r- <: ,///., ,,",v,r. Robcrt K. Matson Senior Propcrty M:rnager POD MA.J."iAGEMENT, TNC. STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH Thc forcgolllg Instrument "as acknowledged Defore r.1C this / 7Y;:fay of ':~lJ"-i,:{L",,,-2002 by Robert K. M~tS()n, Senior PropCt1y Mal1;lgcr of POD Munagemcnt, Inc., State of Florid'1. He is personally known to me and did not take an oath. Fonns\BBSitePbn MoJ.llr- PO D "--~}) :'.ct./_c..ki (;( -///~..lq-!,..J..- Nota:-y PubliCl:/ Marcy 1. McFaul CommisSion #CCf;71377 li::~,:,~:ra,)',:'c " "'.' MIJICY -L~'MC~Ati . .,- ~I;i~~~.~~ ';:'1 "", ~o~r.~l~(ir\' ~ ~~ a~~~n I ~,..,\".~.:",J. F.l\,',~,_s ...CP!CrJlt.C. ,'- .:003 J ~! ~.:.i1~:~~;::'.,_~"'J'NTllIlJlwl,V,. ','b,:'" i,lr,J.,or."...",; ;':-''''''P'~....._"._;:,;.~. . 37'u:..' (~:Il:)il. ,,,if;' L..;:.-.;. i. ,rr B.:,..~ ( .1 'r:,t.~I, "-;.,.r~'Fi~'H;; - l' ~"~.ii!\-~l j i.vl 2'01 189j,-j,EL-19S ou I '~uawa'euIiil'W aOd oILE:20 20 Ll ..olio! POD MANAGEMENT 3700 Clubhouse Lanc, Boynton Beacl1, Florida 33436 FAX COVER SHEET -- "PLEASE NOTIFY US 1I\1MEDlATEL'\: IF NOT RECEIVED PROP~:RL Y" 561.734-5000 561-734.4681 (FAX) DATE. tf f '7/0~ _ TIME ,;{ ; 3. c::; p rn NUMBER OF PAGES. INCLUDING COVER SHEET .?-- TO: <::.' . ~J:LeJr (j COMPANY NAME. C'0 e::; 13.13 1i.fJ... - ~ ;),Sq PIa tin In5.4_Z::OIJ ;iJS FAX 1'.1JMBER. TELEPHONE h'UMBER. FROM: M~.CfJ rn~L COMMENTS P4 'YheAr~ P!eAS(O +,'~f e-- C--8-f ~~~ %-e (eJ-!-e/ -h,y "-H.!::- __._______.H_SOJ:l--'\;-:,~-p 10vV\ uY\'1 cd_!fr<zph ~ ~ to ( (e;uJ '-~ _.AetoJW.;.At H-unT-er5 ~ c~'Vlk~~ .~ CONFIDEj\;TIALITY NOTICE: 111t: :1.lJlcmJs L:ncloj..;cu wiLh thi::. !'aclOlmilt:: tntnsmi~ion c pnvd!e and confdcntiill and arc the propcr.:y of the ,I;cndc:, Tbc infomlOJtion contained in the material is 'lvilct(C'd ;.;.r.J is intended only fm the U!=lC of the individu.11(sl or entity(ies) nnn:cd ahove_ If you ~re n()t the intended recipient. b.: .:J.dvj!'~d t11at ;.ny llnoZluthori7.ed disclosure, copYIng, d~~wibution or raking l)f nny action lil retlnnce on the contents of this teJecopied information i$ strIctly prohi;,tted. If you have received this f<lcsimjle tr~ms.\nisslon in errOl' plense immc<1ialdy notif): us b)' lelc:pbone to Jn~mge. for the return of the fOf'\"Vilrdcd dOl;umcnL~ to us. l-cI 189j,-j,EL-19S ou I . ';a.u.wa'el.llirW aDd oILE'20 20 Ll ..cl8 PROJECT NAME: Hunte. s Run POD LOCATION: 3700 Clubhouse Lane PCN: 08-42-46-01-04-000-0011 I FILE NO.: MMSP 02-030 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Hunter's Run Golf & Raquet Club Robert Matson, Senior Property Manager PHONE: 561-734-5000 POD Management, Inc. FAX: PHONE: 561-734-5000 ADDRESS: 3700 Clubhouse Lane FAX: 561-734-4681 Boynton Beach, FL. 33436 ADDRESS: 3700 Clubhouse Lane Boynton Beach, FL. 33436 Date of submittal/Proiected meetiol! dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 4/17/02 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: New Storage Shed S:\Planning\sHAREDIWP\PROJECTS\Hunter's Run\POD MMSP 02-030\2002 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc f;\J l!lACT IC. 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