CORRESPONDENCE ~..'\ ..1 .,i 0,,' (" -----~' '- ( ,. \ ,~ - 1 ", \ ! I, ,:"j\. l...' / r~ /', 1 I 0 ~\2J" DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION · Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment February 10, 2003 Mr. KIrk Swmg Art Sign Company 835 Northwest 6th Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33311 Re: Quarterdeck - Monument Sign / Wall Sign MMSP 03-006 Dear Mr. Swmg: In response to your request for the admmIstrative reVIew and approval of the modificatIOn proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the changes as shown on the revised plans date stamped 02/04/03 are "mmor", as defined WIthin the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review. The proposed changes are as follows: · RelocatIOn of monument sign; · Site address on monument sign moved down to the base; · Extra wall sign on south bUilding elevatIOn. This project may continue to be processed by the Building DIvision as a permIt subject to the following conditions: 1. If the scope of the project demands removal of plant material then such plant material must be relocated to an area subject to approval of the City Forester; 2. The collective area of all wall signage shall comply with Chapter 21, ArtIcle II, SectIOn 2.C and the Wal-Mart Center Master Plan DeSIgn Standards; and 3. On the monument sign, ensure that the foundatIOn landscapmg WIll not screen the sIte address. Be adVIsed that the proposed changes may require a modificatIon to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 If you have addItIOnal questIons. Se~elY, ~~ #dc{J Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Enc Lee Johnson, AICP, Planner Karen Main, Plan ReVIew Analyst S: IPlanninglSharedl WplProjeclSIQuarterdeckIMMSP 03-0061Approval Leller.ooc City of Boynton Beach . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 74N1350 . www.cl.boynton-beach.f1.us 835 N.W. 6th AVb.l.iUe · Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33311 (954) 763-4410 · Fax (954) 763-2736 c.c. - 84-CESM-65X BROWARD COUNTY'S OLDEST BUSINESS IDENTIFICATION SYSTEMS SINCE 1947 NATIONAL - REGIONAL -INTERNATIONAL SIGN PROGRAMS February 3, 2003 The CIty of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning DIvision 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Attn The Administrator for (LuSIa Galav) Minor Modification Process Job site Quarterdeck Restaurant 3280 Old Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida @ r'!J~ ~ n nn ~J~ In, Ii' ;, ~tb. 11 I..! 1.1 , - " L j Changes from original site plan approval A) Relocate monument sign B) Add an illuminated reverse channel letter sign for the South elevation of the building. Dear Administrator, I am lettering the answers to the questions that have been asked in your minor modIfication criteria package I'm enclosing a small tidbit of additional informatIon about the South elevation wall sign. Here are the answers to the criteria questionnaire A) The modification does not change the size of the building. B) Does not affect parking. C) Does not change the development standard. D) Does not have any adverse affect on the adjacent on near by property E) Does not affect the elevation design or reduce the overall design of the structure F) The modifications meet the con currency requirements of the Boynton Beach comprehensive plan. G) Does not modify or alter the site layout as far as its resemblance Note We are Just relocatmg the monument sIgn do to a large electncal box feed. I've enclosed a photo of the electrical box feed. Please see attached. We are proposing a reverse channel letter SIgn for the South elevatIOn. We feel It'S important to reach the people that are patronizing the Wal-mart store and the rest of the busmess at the complex. This sign IS well under the maXImum size that allowed under your code If you have any questions please feel free to contact me smc~ KIrk Swing vh ~" CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT 1 00 East Boynton Beach Blvd POBox 31 0 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS PLEASE NOTE THAT THE EFFICIENCY BY WHICH YOU RECEIVE YOUR PERMIT DEPENDS ON YOUR RESPONSE TO THE CONTENTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. IT IS RECOMMENDED THAT YOU CAREFULLY READ AND CORRECTLY RESPOND TO ALL ASPECTS OF THIS DOCUMENT. COMMENTS: For permit application number' Project Name or Address REVIEWED BY: 03-0063 Quarterdeck Restaurant Department and/or Division' Planning and Zoning Name of Reviewer: Karen Main Trade Phone # (561) 742-6260 ext. 6757 Fax # (561) 742-6259 Date Started Heview' 1/9/03 Type of Review' Signage [2] 1st D 2nd D 3rd D 4th D Other _ Which RevIew' COMMENT DISTRIBUTION: Person identified on the application to receive comments Name Phone # Fax # (area code.561) (area code:561) ext. 0 Date(s) reviewer called Person who received the call THE FOLLOWING AREA SHALL BE FILLED-IN IN THE PRESENCE OF THE PLANS ANALYST AND/OR PERMIT CLERK. COMMENTS/PLANS PICKED UP: Comment(s) reed. by print name and date: OR Plans/Comments reed. by print name and d te: , J .. Page 2 of 2 151 2nd 3rd 41h Plan Review Comments for Permit Application h d- Your permit application and supporting documentation do not comply with the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Prior to receiving a permit to construct or install the requested improvements the plans and documents shall be amended to show compliance with the below listed comments. Questions regarding the comments may be directed to the reviewer named above. If a conference is necessary, please schedule an appointment with the reviewer. Please note that additional comments may be generated following staff review of the amended plans. Timely approval of your project is dependent upon your prompt and correct response to the information provided in this document. 1- No wall siqn on the South Elevation was approved bv the Commission. This additional siqnaq.e constitutes a modification to/the approved site plan. Please contact Lusia Galav. Principal Planner: Planninqand ZoninqDivision, at 561-742- 6260. to initiate the minor site plan modification process. Karen 2 Q\.)~~~c..k 1Z.Q.5~f:\~tN ~ ,7& Ot~ 6o~~ /Z..c fOO~A.) +eN (6Q..Ach.., So~~ S"'-<1N .. .e\Q.\J ~ -\-\~~ tA-o c... ,....~ t)~ .' , .. I Qv <:>.Q.+€LOecJ< RC?sl..'lI'\.>"':> \ '3 ~ %0 Ol..d) {3<:::, '\ d-\"'~ ICe (bCl""-6.J~~ "ClA.c.,).,. ~\c.. 04Z-\i\~.,."., ~""C)6>O.sQ.d P(Cl~I;>,-\-1~ ~A.... . f-<.ONv ........0-<..) -\- 'S ''7-''l INO"'~ p^o-rc Sho..... s ~...... ~ ~~ 9\~ c:....~'''' ~~ --'-~~P\-..t~ ~~~. " . ~ / l ... ~ (, 1 (/I 1 I:> I dS ~ l E" f "1 m OJ y Cl.- - "t If) fJ ~.~ 10' 6 ~ ~- Q ~ -I ~~-(J.,.lp .. . J...\#o.)~ PROJECT NAME: Quarterdeck LOCATION: 3280 Old Boynton Road PCN: 08-43-45-19-05-045-0010 I FILE NO.: MMSP 03-006 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Minor Modification to Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Quarterdeck Properties, L.C. Kirk Swing PHONE: 561-748-5825 PHONE: 954-763-4410 FAX: 561-748-9739 FAX: 954-763-2736 ADDRESS: 658 Indiantown Rd. ADDRESS: 835 N.W. 6th Avenue Suite 204 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33311 Jupiter, FL. 33458 Date of submittal/Proiected meeting: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 2/4/03 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY"BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A . COMMENTS: Monument sign relocation . S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Quarterdeck\MMSP 03-006\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO. doc