APPLICATION . City'Codes Accessed Via Website - www.bovnton-beach.org www.amlegal.com/boynton_beach_fl , Has applicant atte!1ded a pre-application meeting? ~QS -.' -I ' l' :-. ,..-' - ,............ t1 '.1 ,-7 _, \,0....- --c.",,,,,,,.' -,- ........~-- !.}.,,~_y0 \,i ,. ~. . ,e ( Date I ~ - (} \.J - 0 ( CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION CODE VARIANCE APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: SEE SCHEDULE OF DATES FOR BOARD MEETINGS AND SUBMITTAL DATES: Please Print (in ink) or Type Submittal Date: The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the City Of Boynton Beach to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to existing code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Block StJ\J~$- Plat Book ,;).\ Lot(s) ~ U~Jr~('\Fs~-~~ Page~~ or otherwise described as follows: Property involved is described as follows: 'iV\ Subdivision Property Address PCNNumber Oq-~~~DID"~ D3.'10 Variance requested including code chapter and section, existing code standards (i.e. setback distance, number of required parking spaces etc.), requested standard and the "_ ~riance (existing ,code standar~ minus ~uested standard). ~ ~~ ~e.r ~ ;)e.c..~O n ~::c.~ ~,a. ~eo.:r ~ '~ " CblV\." 1"'t4lY\ JS' ' lO The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1. Two sealed surveys by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: A. B. C. D. E. F. G. H. I. All property lines North arrow Existing structures and paving Existing elevations Rights-of-way, with elevations Easements on or adjacent to the site Utilities on or adjacent to the site Legal Description Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre JtlJ 2 8 2001 L_. , --", .,._1 11+5, ~ \- v-K ~r I _ ~ IZ?- ).-G cl~ it \ \ J (' j \ ;/ i) \ , \. -. r..; /\c\ \ \ \ \,- / \ () " Zoning Code Variance Application / J. Location sketch of property / K. Surveyor's Certificate ,j Two site plans properly dimensioned and to scale showing: / A. All proposed structures ..-- ~eJJI,_C\'d G f 0' 'J:' ~-\\f 5 B. All existing structures that are to remain on site C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of structures D. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways / F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse, including a tax map showing placement of 400 feet boundary. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate, as well as addressed envelopes and postage (1st c1ass--stamps or payment for required postage). 2. 3. / Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an aQent is submittinQ the petition. a notarized copy of a letter desiQnatinQ him as such must accompany the petition. 4. /' Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or ~ 5. ,/A. C. /0. B. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. E. F. 2 ......., Zoning Code Variance Application 6. An application fee in the amount of $400.00 plus postage, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application. The $400.00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $100.00 for each additional Code section. 7. Name and address of owner: Je~ lN~kr I m~L.~,^ d ~ , ~ ~ 4:- h.8---e. ~ i01- N ~ 1<6'-\-'" s\-r, V e\ ~i '\SCh FL ~ -S ~ Y LJ 4- 8. Name of applicant: .' --s-e:r+= \,tJ cu S\-er (yV\ C"'-L: "'" 6. ~'- VV\ t;..;.-\- '^ f.A.. -€- 'J 9. Applicant's address: Applicant's phone #: s;-~ \ - ~y--q - q ( ct 0 Illl Date: ~:L- J- <6 - 0 ~ Signature of Applicant: ~ f tJ- [,-)&ee~- Representative of the project must be present at all 'cal Review Committee, Planning and Development Board or Community Redevelopment Agency Board and City Commission meetings held to review this project. 10. CERTIFICATION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. All applications received by the City of Boynton Beach shall be accompanied by the list with names and addresses of all property owners within four hundred (400) feet of the subject property, and addressed envelopes. Applications will not be accepted without these mailing labels. CONTACT:PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE ATTN: MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida (561) 355-3881 updated 10/16/01 J :ISHRDA T AIPlanninglSHAREDlWPIFORMSIAPPLlCA TIONS\ZNCV\ZNCV application with PCN.doc 3 ., .R PARnES:Georaa Bomriob & eeeilia Kamr~ch. husband. w1t. ~ 664 North ~o.d. BO,yton ~.&ch, wlor1da 33435 (Phone) and J.f!~rlilv Wooster. II. 81210'1. man. 1& MaUnda Kathaey. a airlel. woman ('8uyer") of {Phnnel . hereby agree 1het Sefter shall sell 'l'ld Buyer shall buy the following described real property and personal property (colleotIvely "Property") pursuant to the wrrrn; anC1 conditions of this Contract for Sale and PUrehas9 and any riders and addenda ("Con1ract")' l oesCR1PTlON: . (8) Legal description of the Real Property located in Palm. Beaeh County. Florida: Lot 39, anc1 the Meat :t.S F.et of the East 110 peet of Lot 43, of HAUOR EST.A~St acco:d.ing to the Plat. thereot r.Qo~4.a in Pl~t ~eok ~1. Page 98. of the public Reco~ds of P~lm Reach CoUft~v. Florida. ~I of is: (e) POI'fonal Property: I 5 coconut palm tre.. and thatch palm tn~s T.lurll'Uant tel Saet.:i.on 3 of the ADDlnlDUK ar.tll.cbed he:.to. II. PURCHAse PRICE: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ PAYMENT: (a) DeposIt held in .5CroW by Rodrigv.OI " MQ'elo. P .A. (Escrow Agent) in the amount of , . , . . . , . . . . . . , . . . . . , . . . . , . . . , . . . . . . . . . , . , , . . , . . . . . . . , . . . , . . . . $ (b) Additional escrow depa6it to be made to Est:fOW Agent within days after Eff$cti\llt Oats (see Paragraph "I) In the amount of . . . . . , , . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . . .. , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , .. $ (1:) Subject to AND assumption of existing mortgege in good atanding in favor of having an epproxlmate present I'tino~l billance of $ (d) New mortgage financing with a Lender (see Paragraph IV} In the amount of . . - . . . . . , . . . . . , , . . $ (e) Pure/'Il..' mQl19Y mortgage and Mta to Seller (see rider fClrter~) in the amount of . . . . , . , ,. . . ,$ ------- (1) Othelr; . . , . . . . . . . . - - . . . . .', . . , . . . . . . . . . . , . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . $ (g) Sel.nee to dose by U.S. cash Or LOCAl.L Y ORAWN cashler'3 or official bani< CMck($), $lJbject 10 adjustments or prorations . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . , , . . . , . , . , . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $ C'SeUer"), 300.000.00 20,1)00.00 1130,000.00 III. TIM! FOR ACCEPTANCE OF OPFER; EFFECTIVE DATE; FACSIMILE: If thi5 offer is not executed by and delivered to all partas OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicabild in writing between the partie. on or before 1 4ys :::om. offer . ti'I& deposit{t1) .,.,!II, at Buy~r. option, be returned and this offer withdrawn. For purposes of delivery or notice of execution, parti8$ include Buyer and Seller or each of the respectlvc bl'OkElr~ or attorneys. The date of Contract ("I:ffective Date") will blt the date when the last one of the Buyer and Seller has signed this offer. A facsimile copy of this Contract and any signatores hereon shall be considered for all purpOS9S as an original. IV. fiNANCING: ," II (Ill) Ti'l~' i3 a cash .transact!on with no continQe~cies for financing; ONLY ONE): Q a fixed;;:J .n adJu$1'able; orQ a fixed or adj~lJ rat. loan in the pril'i'Clpiir.mountof $ initial int8rest rate not to exceed %, di$iXlunt and origination fe&e not to exceed principal amount, ilIl'1d for I term of ~ years. Buyer wHI make awllcation within _ days (5 days if I after EffactiV9 Date and UM resiOnable diligence to obtain a loan commitment and, ttlerelfter. t(l satisfy terms and con .. Of the corrmitment and close the loan. Buyer shall pay III loan expenses. If Buyer fail$ to obtain a commitment or fells to . uyel's rights under this sub(:laragraph within the time for obtaining a commitment or, after diligent effort, fails to meet the t d condItions of the oomrnitt'lwnt by the clOSing cltte. then either Part'l thereafter. by written ncUce to lt1e other, may c:gn ntract aM Buyer sh.n be Tifunded tt1e deposit(S); or o (c) ihe exlstlng mortgage. described in Paragraph lI{c) abOve . a variable interest rete; or 0 a fixed interest rate of -- % per annum. At time Of title tranefer. some fixed intereet 8ubiect to increase: if Increased I the rate shall not exceed % per annum. seller inlsh a statement from each mortgagee statil'lg the prtncipal balance, Method of payl'l'lt!lnt. inter_ rate and status of or authorize Buyer or C10$ing Agent to obtaln the 8ame. If Buyer has agreed to aS$UlT1e a mortgage whICh requires appro r by thG mortgagee for assumption. U1en Buyer ahall promptly obtain the neeM~'ry application and diJigently complete rn it to the mortgagee. Arri mortgagee chargers). not to exued $ (1% of amount B$$\lmed if Ie ), shall .. peid bv Buyer. If Buyer is not accept9d by mortgagee or the requirements for assumptlOfl ars not in acca with ~e terms, of this Contract or mo~ag~ make. B charge in ~~ of. t~e etated amount. Seller or ~ may rescind . . V. TlTLI EVIDENCE: _ (CHECK ONLY ONE); 0 SeUer shall, at Seller's expense, dewar 10 Buyer or Buyer'$ atIDmey; or II Buyer shaI at Buy"~ expense 0 In (CHECK ONLY ONE): a abstract of ti~: or il 006 insurance commltm8nt (with legIble copies of ins1lW'nents listed exceplions attached thereto) end, after dosing, an owner's poIico; of title Insurance. Wt~'^ -tN. ~~C.+,'Q^- Pu.-.,J.. VLCLO$ING DATE: This transtetion thall be closed cIosil'lg dor;uments dell\iered QIl 1 . mod~Other provi~cns of thiS Contract. Buyer and SeKer I c.. W \ acknowledge receipt of . c;opy of this page. FAAfaAA~ Rev, Bill6, Licensee 110 Altt Star, u.&6f R\lgf: 1OrIraItIn, III J r SoIIware, Inc.(30I) ZTSoIItt t. R I' ~' A. tatemen~ u.s. Department of Housing and Urban Development ~ ,r OMB No, 2502-0265 pe 0 oan 1.0 FHA 2.0 FmHA 3. ~ Cony. Unins 6. File Number \7. Loan Number : 8. Mortgage Insurance Case Number 4.0 VA 5.C Cony. Ins. ..010729 j 6555456 I C. N E: 1S form is rnished to give you a statement of actual settlement costs. Amounts paid to and by e settlement agent are sown. Items marked "(p.o.c.)" were paid outside the closing; they are shown here for informational purposes and are not included in the totals ADDRESS OF SELLER: 664 North Road, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 '--~"'fmS["~"'1\~~~~~-e-~~~~-""'~"'-~~'~---"--"~"~'''-'---~---_.' i:;.;,;!Y,"'.'.....'.'. ..:-.'......'.... '.~~.:. '.-:-:;.;...?'.}.'.' .\..........'...'-~.....:..:y.". ...............~..........~..<N!~.,L+..,:..'^.'..~.'.:'.:.'~.',~.y:.:~..',:'......."_.:.\..,~...'.,:.'!(~.w::.:....'.""'.,.'.'~-....~...'~~.......'..'.;:'....:;.~-(.."'''.~ >.,-~.:..t......,............. '.. '.:..::.....'.:._i.,......'........:... ", .. ..... . ....::.- "::" , , - . .' ....'t'~ro~\~~~~t)t,~Jjfi'Rf~0JZ,.~~p~q~~tt.li~;~:t$a~~li:.2c1___"~__~~,,__,_:.~:~__~., ._..c._~ Boynton Beach, FL 33435 ,;~Lt 3,~-4%A ROSS 0 101.Contract sales rice l02.Personal property 103.Settlement charges to borrower (line 1400) 104. 105. Adjustments for items paid by sener in advance 106.Cit /town taxes to 107.Count taxes to 108.Assessments to .------- 109, to 110. to -~-------~ Ill. to 112, to 120.GROSS AMOUNT DUE FROM BORROWER ~ .GROSS AMOUNT DUE TO SELLER 40] .Contract sales price 402.Personal property 5,364.36 403. 404. 405. Ad'ustments for items paid by seller in advance 406. City/town tliXes' to ~. 407. County taxes to 408.Assessments to 409. to 4~. ----- to 411. to 412. to 205,364.36 420.GROSS AMOUNT DUE TO SELLER 200,000.00 ~ 200,000.00 .AMOUNTS PAID BY OR IN BEHALF OF BORROWER 201.Deposit or earnest money_ 202.Principal amount of new loan(s) 203.Existing loan(s) taken subject to 204. ,REDUCTIONS IN AMOUNT DUE TO SELLER 20,000.00 50l.Excess deposit (see instructions) ----f 60,000.00 502. Settlement charges to seller(line 1400) 50iExisting loan(s) taken subject to --,- '504.Payof'f of first mortga e loan 156,00 205, 505. Payoff of second mortgage loan 206.Principal amount of seller financing 207. 208. 209. 209a 209b AdJustmentsfOf'ffems unpa1d by seller 2I0.City/town taxes to 211.County taxes to 212.Assessments to 213.Count Taxes 0390 1/1/01 to 214.County Taxes 0434 1/1/0~_ 215, to 216. to 217. to 10/26/0 I 10/26/01 1,616.29 512.18 506.Princi a! am~:mt of seller financing 507. 508. 509. 509a 509b Deposit DirectTytoSeller Adjustments for 1tems unpaId by seller-- 510.City/town taxes ------- to 511. County taxes _____to 512.Assessments to 513.County Taxes 03~- 1/1/01 to 10/26/01 514.Count .Taxes 0434 "'--1;1IoT-to-'10126/01 515. to 516-:----- to 'i17 tn _ 20,000.00 1,616.29 512.18 to )Ill. to . - .,~_____._~__~ ~_'~_~_n to to 519. .. 22,284.47 303.CASH ~ From [-:-J To BORROWER .. 23,235.89 603.CASH ~ To [J From SELLER .. 177,715,53 iJ2000 Di.play Sy,tenu, lno, (863) 763.5555 - La.er Generated PAGE 1 HUD.} (3-86) RESPA, HB 4305.2 f.-om: J~mes DeM~rs To: t-:indy Wooster 1111111/ n I~Hllli r, ~ Ii III H ~ n~ ~i ~ I I ~ I) ; ~II i i j ~ ~ I ~ 'I I~ i . II ~I I !, I t! I ~ IIII' I I! II '~I 'I II 1 <:, , I ~ I I : ' I :)lli!1 I ~II " ' :, I ',- , I ji~itI~1 ~ ,,: I i Im( ~ ~ ~~~~ !ULu g ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I m~ \ [ J )\ ! ( ~ \ ( i I I \ ~=1 I i ~ ~I 11 -$~- Date: 12/26(2001 Time: 2:21:26 PM I! ~ ~ r ~ ~- - t' - -, - - - ~..n~'~- - ~ t - - - - -; ,i I I ~ , : ~ ! I I I' I ",...Of~' ~ ) F~T==:~fc"~~ -~:~:~~~2:~~~~~~,~~?r-- _____n_ n-c~/1 M I' ~""i' ,~, ',','" 'fl"''':' <J 'I I , I 1.1 ri""'II>>':',-,] i! ~~ ':.~ h~:2~ :~~'it>;~:~::?,,:::'-:j 'I I I I' ~><~~;<."'Jt~'~<<<>"'~'>;~~ i 1 'I ~ ~ ""-"""'.'1l'''''''-''-'''~"':',~<<,L- ! " ;: \ ~'-',:.,,:,......:..;,..-:...'~ 1.,1---'" I r-H -h~~~';~~>~'a:<"~ n c.J~~I!iU 1 +-~ N~'-'~<~'~'~'>:'.':'Jt<,:~~-~,-. 5 ~jj t~@! ! I I r:==', <~,,<,>,'V,'<:.' i<l" ' I I!: '-->,: "'.'><<\-,>>~,':r<,~<\>~2,:t~ ,.~;: ' " I" 1'1' ",', " '~", ','" "~, "'''.', ',jj \ II, , I i~ I~ I' : i i ::'~':::::J<>:::_:<::,,:jl ~ J' ~~~ ~ Ip ~:I II. )~ II ',I,' ~lw":""""'I:"',,'i<'::,<,:,,,,, ',['I ~, ~I'.i,' 'i I! 'I: I~I h ~:,~~<" ><>\1!~ ,/" ~, 1 i" !: < 1'1:; ~ I>:.~::", <~:J:<'J~/ ~ ,i II ! , :~ ,::::'- ,'.' "1 ~~ b I. I, ,II <'x" '- '-,". 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From: James DeMars To: ""'indv Woos!:er Date: 1212612001 Time: 2: 192.0 PM Page 2of2 I ~ ~ "l ~ I ~ = -'-TI--t------ . ~---'-'-_, I ! I l : RIt:'I'IliiFm'....lt I II 1 : !~~. . i Y-i>&-t'uni:.:.o<-! i'=-==~= ~-",=-~~.",...., ....""~ ..; : <" <,' '<<i">\>~">>'<'~::~J' : :1L~k~\%,~~g~~!~~\~~1 ~ ' '\ iiI1:.>. ,>>~;K>~t<<~<\,'.~: At7S i 'Ii !~ r;<' ~>~<>K::':,\;~~:;;'::;': ',',~ ",,-,',-,' I' lics,.,,,-.,.(l\,>,,,~,,,-\,_,'_'~pl 1:8?-~>-f :.:. i1jj;\>,:,",-:<'t~~:<>':<:<'<{',\'.<'j:, : i! nl :~~~~y I +.!: tt~',,---:,;:<~.~~,~~: ':.~~,~<>:~2'~.~~~:::~~>-:<-:~~~: ! I i;~~ "(::;'0-v I' I~'\'" ,'. -"""'.<,1 ,-', ~-,-~>\'" -, "","',-' "'-'-', ')Y I ! II rrt~~ ".,:\,^'~"":-->Y : p".<,~-,,:,<,',''''( .'-""", , "'\,,'-..--,' ",,--,.,'f1~' - .t.;:II' <':.:' v > < I 'h'" -'< " '._ /;';~~$>( /"i I r---+: ' ',>, >,".'l':' >" ,,' I~ , ~~ : /.:~:(:~>/ \ I I""" ' "~--- ~'-'i1';' 'I' >>';,' < , illi <:'-:::-~>'.7 I .. r- I":: I" ,,'" 14~i i,;~~r \' II,," ' II!, i iif! ~~ ! 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HAVE iJU SPOKEN TO AN':{ STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAJVIE: tl/1tP ~J;u~ · LO ATION OF rROPERTY (CROS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) 6f) tf fl-(l/117tJ U . Il- g 2. ,., .J. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION. CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE CO~ERCLALPROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRlAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNOvV THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? ~ 4. TIME Al'ID DATE PREFERRED 5. HO\V MAl'N PEOPLE vVILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department wi/! call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................. . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to dateltime of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or Lusia. . IHeetine:s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 :30 a.m. and 2:30 p,m. S; \P lann i ng\P lann ing\Pre-applicati oncon tactquesti 0 ns, doc baoo! TE/G -~/2./ I'/N cE- PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG I TIlYIE: = ~b 111,4 PHONE~ :. !B - Ilt/o NAtvIE OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: ,. ?>23t! I FA)(: I c - 6/28' PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPA1."iCY: DATE SUBIVIITTAL RECEIVED: I DATE DE~lED: COlYlivIENTS: J:\SHRDA TA\PIJ.nning\SH.-\RED\\VP\PROJECfS\PRE APPUC.-\. TIO,'\S :>lEETL'\C LOCS\Pre-.-\.pplicJ.rion ;\{~e!in~ Log,doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT lYIEETINGDATE: 1();IfJ~2-. TIME: . .11: ,0 ( 0-.".' 1: ATTENDINGFORAPPLICAl~T: II M,'}Jpy /Vtfl6fR ~ f/V"fA..AiVA 1-iIJNt/oLo. NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not , binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attending Staff ~ -A ' I-A~,~ i1U""V1 Lo I~ M, W OOSf.e,Y" I I I I I I I I I ~ J:'.SHRD.-\. T A\PLA.'1l"I;';G\SH.-\RED\ \\'P\FOR.\IS\PRE-A,PPL l\IEET[\;G-SIG:'i C" SHEET.DOC PlZE-APPLICA nON CONTACT QUES1 ~ONS 'iV, ~ ~IV' p", TOEl (2.~'-f II-tG. 2L=-$Z DATE:I/~c:lt - 01 YOUR NAME# , Applicant Name ~ tn~ LOCATION 05 P~OPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS): ~..39 ~~ f 3.WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? 0 t-~" D NEW PROJECT JO.L D BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION: D CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? D IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? 0' VARIANCE TYPE~ D POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE - D COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? D RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? D INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? D DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNA nON? [g] 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED: [g] 5. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? NOTE: TELL THE PERSON THAT SOMEONE FROM THE DEPARTMENT WILL CALL THEM BACK TO CONFIRM MEETING. [g] [g] Phone # 070/- e:l.;-f}- 1/90 1. HAVE YOV~ SPOl\EN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? 5?J-YES ,~~ (IF YES HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE-APP MEETING.) NAME: DNO 2. D ** PRE-APPLICA nON MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE (1) HOUR TIME MODULE. ** PRE-APPLICA nON MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO DATE/TIME OF MEETING. IF AN URGENCY IS SENSED, DISCUSS WITH MIKE OR LUSIA. ** NO PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR THE FRIDAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED TRC AND P & D BOARD MEETING; MONDAY MORNINGS; THURSDAY AFTERNOONS; ON FRIDAY, NO MEETINGS UNLESS TOLD. ** LUSIA IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR MEETINGS ON TUESDAY MORNINGS, AND MIKE IS UNAVAILABLE MONDAYS BETWEEN 11:30 A.M. AND 2:30 P.M. J, ** UPDATED 10/19/01 J\SHRDA T A\PLANNlNG\S~O\WP\SPECPROJ\PRE-APPLlCA TONS LOG-IN FOLDER\CONT ACT QUESTIONS FOR APPLlCANT.OOC ~ /~-Y .... I vc'"'r J 9 PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG MEETING DATE: TIME: /z APPLICATIONS: ZONING DISTRICT: I ..4-4 PROJECT NAME: t<..~tl- 5 ~4-c.K.. ~h~ fIl.4'lHtJ l..€ ATTENDING STAFF: M rt-x..;",,€ ~ ATTENDING AS APPLICANT: t1,'",D MA- PHONE: FAX: NAME OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: Lo 81 ~6~ B PHONE: FAX: PROJECT ADDRESS: / I h l5D A-1I1 l';.AAJ ,i) PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPANCY: DATE SUBMITTAL RECEIVED: DATE DE~lED: COMMENTS: J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\PRE APPLICA TIO:'>'S MEETL'G LOGS\Pre-Application ;\[ecting Log.doc "'. I/uh1 {;$~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: /2.. /4 r.,/-z-.--c / TIME: /1 '0-0 ;1- ""'" ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendina Staff /~~ J:ISHRDATA\PLAi"lNL'iGISHARED\WP\FOR.\IS\PRE-APPL l\lEETIi\G-SIGN I;'{ SHEET.DOC Request for rear setback variance. Statement of special conditions, hardships and reasons justifYing the requested exception variance. A. The 25ft. existing rear setback would impose an undue hardship on the use ofthe land. The home would only be able to be 30ft. in depth therefore making it not functional and bring down the overall value ofthe property. With the setback reduced to 10ft. the home could be built to 45ft. in depth and allow for better use of the land and home bringing up the property value. B. The setbacks were imposed by the city and do not result from the actions ofthe applicant. C. There are a total of 40 total lots within the development of Harbour Estates and 18 have applied and been granted the rear setback reduction to 10ft. versus 25ft. Therefore, the granting of the variance requested would not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district. D. If the variance would not be granted the applicant would be unjustly deprived of the rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. Because 18 other lots in the development have been granted this same setback variance they enjoy larger more functional homes and better views. E. This variance, if granted, is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use ofthe land, building or structure, maximizing the functionality of the home as well as the water views. F. The granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose ofthis chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. Instead, expanding the rear setback will add to the community with a larger and more valuable home and allow for a more aesthetically pleasing front elevation. 'Ii..o 2 8 20uI