APPLICATION ~.- . . APPLICATION ACCEPTANCE o'J.\lE:( j J J. ~ J f) I . . / I , FEE PAID: cJ/5c27'5D RECEIVED BY .;fAFF MEMBER: ~ RECEIPT NUMBER: 0 J~ ~';;D7)ODD t SUBMITTAL DEADLINE: SEE SCHEDULE OF DATES E SUBMITTAL DATES: ~ CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Please Print Submittal Date: ;3 /d6/Df I The undersigned owner(s) hereby respectfully petition(s) the Planning and Development Board to grant to petitioner(s) a special exception or variance to the existing Zoning or Sign Code of said City pertaining to the property hereinafter described and in support thereof state(s): Property involved is described as follows: Lot(s)Aft-n~F lo-r<r4- ~ '5 (~A-r-rAa.ko ~Wl Block "'/1- , Subdivision ~A"""" p)f2D\.\lJoJ JIZ. ~OlV'~\C~ Plat Book ..:tli Page :I: $ l or otherwise described as follows: Property Address vAt:.A.~ u..,...:U? J,...A.rtQ ~ ,12-e(;'. C~2.J "ZdN'tH'1 ~e,". f;D,C.~. 1""p A.U-D~ t:'!rVS1..DK6J1SC' 0 F A c.~ Variance requested PA,PTt M A CA~ ~ F~IL..rt',,( '''1'-1.; . ~<p8~F: 11'1 L.\s.U Of'" -nJE tS,ooo.fGP ~~ul..oe.t:::> ~~ -rue- Zo~\~C.c:>Pa-. The following documents are required to be submitted with this application to form a single package. Incomplete package will not be accepted: 1. Two sealed surveys by a registered surveyor in the State of Florida, not over six (6) months old, indicating: t/ A. All property lines "B. North arrow .., C. Existing structures and paving v D. Existing elevations v E. Rights-of-way, with elevations v F. Easements on or adjacent to the site \ v G. Utilities on or adjacent to the site v H. Legal Description v I. Number of acres to the nearest one-hundredth (1/100) of an acre v J. Location sketch of property i/K. Surveyor's Certificate 2. Two site plans properly dimensioned and to scale showing: Page 2 Zoning Code Variance Application r/ A. All proposed structures B. All existing structures that are to remain on site (~Id& v C. Setback lines for all structures drawn perpendicular from the property lines to the closest vertical wall of structures vD. Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) vE. Use of adjacent properties including right-of-way lines for all streets and alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways v F. Elevations of the lowest finished floor of all structures on the site 3. Certified list of names and post office addresses of property owners and legal descriptions of their property within 400 feet of subject property, as recorded in the County Courthouse, including a tax map showing placement of 400 feet boundary. Such list shall be accompanied by an Affidavit (see attached) stating that to the best of the applicant's knowledge, said list is complete and accurate, as well as labels or addressed envelopes and postage (1st class-- stamps or payment for required postage). 4. Proof of ownership of property by petitioner(s), such as deed or purchase contract agreement. If an aqent is submittinq the petition, a notarized coPy of a letter desiqnatinq him as such must accompany the petition. 5. Statement of special conditions, hardships or reasons justifying the requested exception or variance. Respond to the six (6) questions below (A-F) on a separate sheet (Please print or type) : A. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district; B. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant; C. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special . privilege that is denied by this Ordinance to other lands, buildings or structures in the same zoning district; D. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this chapter would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the Ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant; E. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building or structure; F. That the granting of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. 6. An application fee in the amount of $400.00 plus postage, payable to the City of Boynton Beach, must accompany a completed application. The $400.00 application fee covers a request to vary one (1) section of the Code. Seeking relief from more than one section of the Code will require payment of $100.00 for each additional Code section. Page 5 Zoning Code Variance Application CERTIFICATION TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF, THE ATTACHED LIST IS A TRUE AND CORRECT LIST OF PROPERTY OWNERS WITHIN FOUR HUNDRED (400) FEET OF THE APPLICANT'S PROPERTY. ,'ktu.: hv~ APPLICANT/AGENT NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR REZONING AND/OR LAND USE ELEMENT AMENDMENT CONDITIONAL USE APPROVAL ZONING CODE VARIANCE All applications received by the City of Boynton Beach after August 1, 1985 shall be accompanied by mailing labels with the names and addresses of all property owners within four hundred (400) feet of the subject property. Applications will not be accepted without these mailing labels. CONTACT -- PALM BEACH COUNTY PROPERTY APPRAISERS OFFICE A TTN: MAPPING DIVISION 301 North Olive Avenue West Palm Beach, Florida (561) 355-3881 S:IPLANNINGISHAREOIWPIFORMSIAPPS\zNCv\zNCV.APP Junel, 1997 .' Prepared by and return to: DANIEL L. MONAHAN HARVEY, WADDELL & MONAHAN 101 North J Street Lake Worth, Florida 33460 561-585-4631 File No.: LOTZ/MAROUF Will Call No.: 23 [Space Above This Line For Recording Data] Warranty Deed This Warranty Deed made this 23rd day of June, 1999 between NEVENKA LOTZ, a married woman whose post office address is 6511 High Ridge Road, Lantana, Florida 33462 grantor, and ZUHAIR MAROUF whose post office address is 1142 Grand Cay Drive, Palm BeachGardens, Florida 33418 grantee: (Whenever used herein the terms "grantor" and "grantee" include all the parties to this Instrument and the heirs, legal representatives. and assigns of individuals, and the successors and assigns of corporations, trusts and trustees) WITNESSETH, that said grantor, for and in consideration of the sum of TEN AND NO/100 DOLLARS ($10.00) and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee, the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained, and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida to-wit: A part of Lots 4 and 5 of SAM BROWN, JR. HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISION as recorded in Plat Book 1, page 81, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, said part being more particulary described on Exhibit "A" attached and made a part hereto. Parcel Identification Number: 08-43-45-15-03-000-0043 SUBJECT TO zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed by governmental authority; restrictions and matters appearing on the plat or otherwise common to the subdivision and public utility easements of record. Grantor warrants that at the time of this conveyance, the subject property is not the Grantor's homestead within the meaning set forth in the constitution of the state of Florida, nor is it contiguous to or a part of homestead property. Grantor's residence and homestead address is: 6511 High Ridge Road, Lantana, FL 33462. TOGETHER with all the tenements, hereditaments and appurtenances thereto belonging or in anywise appertaining. TO HAVE AND TO HOLD, the same in fee simple forever. , , ANO the grantor hereby covenants with said grantee that the grantor is lawfully seized of said land in fee simple; tha.ttheQrantor has g~od right and lawful authority to selland convey saId land; that the grantor hereby fully war~antsthetjtle to saidJand and.~i11 defend the same against th~ lawful qlaims of all persons whomsoever; and theit~sld land is free of all encumbral1ces, except taxes accruing subsequent to December 31, 1998 . IN WITNeSS WHEREOF', grantor haS hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: ~ ~~:N STATE OF Florida COUNTY OF Palm Beach r/ The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this:23 day of June, 199 personally known to me or has produced a Driver's License as identifi ,I " 1/ ,. I /. .' / / I, . " .(.( , '. ~-- .. ',,-- . -,~ NEVENKA LOTZ , /, /'l_.\ ." ~/ ./ /- --... .....-: /- . l.. / i, ! !}_ (Seall [Notary Seal] LOTZ, who is ~,\,\\\lllllllllll';: . ~\\... .. "s:.\.A S t1tt IIIIiI. ~(")",';oI'.....0~. ~..A,~ ;f "...~,^\SS/ON 0.:[4- ~ .::::> o. "Ci 25 ~ . ~ .;:: .,>.. ~\.'{ '<a~" ~ ~ :~ ':) fb ~~ : :::*: . ::. :2: .... :*::: ~o,..~ #GC56120B :'!'f::; ......-, . 0: ~ .~.:::-- ~;;P;.~-:fr<9o"ded\'ll~~ ~"'rj2~ ~, ..o/..:'''blic uo\\t~...~~"" '11J<i/9( :.....~ \)<( ,~ II'"IC, ST,x,\.o ",\ , 1/IIIJllI\\\\\\\ EXHIBIT "A" LEGAL DESCRIPTION A pa:r't of Lot:s 4 and 5 01 SAM BROWN~ JR. HYFOLUXO SUBDIVISION as :l'ec:orded in Plat Bo! l".1?age 81" PubliaReoo:t'ds of Palm Beach County" Florida, said part being more part i- ou~ary dSl3criped a$ fol'L01iJs: Commencing at the Nort17LJest corner of said Lot 4 of SAM BJ/f)'!nI JR. 8JJBDIVISION, thence l!;asterly, along the North line of said Lot 4, a distan, of231~79 feet tq an intersection with a 'Lin~ 137.0 feet East qf, as measUI'~d along the sal.,d North .l1-ne of Lot 4~ and parallet wl.,th the Easterly :l'l.,gnt of way Zl,.'YW '?f State Road No. 5 (U.S. No.1) as shown in Road Plat Book 3~ Page 43 of the Publ1-c Reoords of Palm Beach County.. Florida, said intersection being the POINT OF BEGINNINC thenoe continue Easter~ along said North line of Lot 4, a di~tance of 63.57 feet to the Nort~est corner or Lot 1 of Las Palmas Park as reoorded 1-n Plat- Book 25.. Page 2~ oJ: the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence Southe:l'ly along the West l1-ne of said Lot 1 of Las PaZmas Park~ a distance of 114.62 feet to the Southwest c~rner of.said Lot 1; thenoe Southwesterly and Westerly along the North ri~ht of wa~ l1-ne of V1-sta Hermosa as shown on the said Plat of Las Palmas Park to an l.,ntersectl.,c with t~e previously ~scribed line being 137 feet East of and parallel with the E~t- erly rl.,ght of way ""line of State Road No.5 (U.S. No. 1J, thenoe Northerly along sa'l-d paralZel Zine~ a distance of 153.65 feet to the Point of Beginning. LEGAL DESCRIPTIOl\ TIIAT CERTAIN PIECE, PARCEL, OR TRACT OF LAND LYING, BEING, AND SITUATE IN PALM BEACH COU~Y, STATE OF FLORIDA AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; @ Ga-5 S r-cl- t,'~~1 A PORTION OF LOT 4, OF SAM BROWN JR'S HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISION, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 1, PAGE 81, OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; ~. ~, AND \j: =<. ~ @ COMMENCING AT TIlE NORTIlWEST CORNER OF LOT 4, SAM BROWN JR. ~. ,,SUBDIVISION; THENCE EASTERLY ALONG TIlE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4, A ll~ P~r-onIST. J\NCE.OF 231. 79 FEET, TO TIlE INTERSECTION WITII A LINE 137.00 FEET EAST OF, -t.J Cc.-. AS MEASURED ALONG THE SAID NORTH LINE OF LOT 4, AND PARALLEL WITH THE ~().,.kih EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO.5, (U.S. IDGHWAY NO.1), AS ~ SHOWN ON ROAD BOOK 3, PAGE 23 OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH " COUNfY, FLORIDA, SAID INTERSECTION BEING THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE 'i:: CONTINUE EASTERLY ALONG lHENORTH LINE.OFLOT 4, A DISTANCE OF 63.57 FEET ~ . TO THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF LOT I"OF LAS PALMAS PARK, AS RECORDED IN : PLAT BOOK 25 PAGE 242 OF TIlE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUN1Y, ~ i FLORIDA; THENCE SOU1lIERL Y ALONG TIlE WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 1 OF LAS PALMAS PARK, A DISTANCE OF 114.62 FEET TO TIm SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID J LOT I, THENCE SOUTHWESTERLY AND WESTERLY ALONG TIm NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF VISTA HERMOSA, AS SHOWN ON SAID PlAT 9F L.AS.~~ PARK. TO AN INTERsECTION WITH THE PREVIOUSLY DESCRIBED LINE BEING 137 FEET EAST OF AND PARAU.EL WITH TIm EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF STATE ROAD NO. 5 (U.S. IDGHWAY NO.1); TIiENCE NORTHERLY ALONG SAID PARALLEL LINE A DISTANCE OF 153.65 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID LOT 4; THENCE RUN S. 89 59' 27" E., ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 94.78 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING OF TIlE FOLLOWING DESCRIBED PARCEL OF LAND; TIIENCE CONTINUE S. 89 59' 27" E., ALONG TIlE NORTH LINE OF SAID LOT 4, FOR A DISTANCE OF 137.00 FEET TO A POINT; THENCE RUN S. 7 20' 55" W., PARALLEL TO TIIE SAID EASTERLY RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF U. S. lllGHW AY NO.1, FOR A DISTANCE OF 153.61 FEET TO A POINT ON THE NORTII RIGlIT OF WAY LINE OF VISTA HERMOSA AVENUE ( NOW CALLED LAS PALMAS AVENUE AS SHOWN ON TIlE PLAT OF LAS PALMAS PARK. RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 25, AT PAGE 242, OF lHE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE RUN WEST ALONG THE SAID NORTH RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF VISTA HERMOSA A VENUE FOR A DISTANCE OF 123 .5 FEET TO A POINT OF CURVATURE OF A CIRCULAR CURVE TO TIlE RIGHT; THENCE RUN NORTHWESTERLY AND NORTHEASTERLY ALONG TIlE ARC OF SAID CIRCULAR CUR VE TO THE RIGHT, WHOSE ELEMENTS ARE A RADIUS OF 12 FEET, AND A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 97 20' 55" FOR AN ARC DISTANCE OF 20.39 FEET TO A POINT OF TANGENCY wrrn THE, EASTERLY RIGHf OF WAY LINE OF SAID EASlERL Y RIGHT OF WAY LINE OF U.S.lllGHW AY NO.1, FOR A DISTANCE OF .140.00 FEET MORE OR LESS TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. !f L1 -:: I 5 C> 5 q , 3 0 t. L-:,Z9.3/ ---- ADDRESS; ,)'ll!:..n ""'TnD~ ~T"-r"'n ..... y......_.__...__ ZONING ~()DE VARIANCE A ~ART OF LOTS 4 & 5 SAM BRO\\lN _,K, SUBDIVISION IO-T ^ TlT A rl:; l' 'T T U...... r: ,\ 'T'l:;n!AV 'Tl:;"~ J\ "0- ~T ,\ 'Tl~r,1" ,,;?, '1-;':;'!'o 1'1 rl:!\r.n .\ 1 THTl'(~TH'A1 A 'c' '-' l''\U" n,\.... wJ'Il ,_tl\lwVl J ll...J.LV'\.\.- jJ fil \_h'\l~","_Vvl'll,r.o..>UCl'\.J->.L Jv...n.l B Special conditions and circumstances do exist and are not from the results of I-thi'''' artl'v~Tll;;: v"+! thl'~ ann1'1"ran It... t}"'If' 7~vn'1"nrr rpnlli-lPlm'e~l.tc "iJlTP-iF' .l"'l~nrrpd' ~rlUc-l rrv::l.1~ T11"'1nvf(> ..l,"' 'tir'... l.7 '" ....""' i-'.t"'~ '"" . " I. ..I.,,"' L.i.1....t o. ..........1"';..1. "', ..1..1" .l.;..J orT~' ..,.- ...' .1.~':'.lb";" -u..r. .1..1.1UU"" :1 '" ~t";n~f"~~ tn-o- ::.Ci.-r tt~~~ n--Uf'rt.. \iV::'<;; H(jr-rJ r '1 ~ !..!!-'"-p~l!!" lUlle ~ltt;-",,- _11!~ l--"JVl ~~ty ~':~t.J ".~,,,--!-,"-!l::~ ,=--J ~ I . ,~ .~ ....:__ ...t....._ ....... .~____ __l....-........ ...~;11 _ ... ......_-t''''r..- __....1- ___1':__ +- -_..~....... .............;_1 '-Jran.l.!11e tl1;;; va.flall\,:;;; rt;:y-ut;~;. 'V"~1!11.!Ot ~'Vll-,,-~! 011 tIle aVIJ!l\.:an.t all)' ;:)p~t....:!a..!. priviledge denied by this ordinance to other lands in the same zoning district. By denying the appli'~ant the use or this land is unconstitutional- or in plain english The government requires taxes from the applicant \vithout u viable use of his own land. n .Ll Th~ 1:~ _~1; ~ ---t.-t.~~- ~!~t~- -- . ~~~- ~ -!"~~~~ ~t.~ t.--..1 --~..- t1~ __ l~ .tH..ela.l1nt.e_!!)!c:~a -1;'111 v ~!!~ !.J10V1~1~Jn.;' VI till:.'; \..:ll'lD..Cl UertJl1V1; _lie . . ' applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant for the same reasons listed in paragraph. C. ,. Tt...- ~-~_.---- ",$-'..1__ ""'-1"---- ...~H ~~L_ --C'~l"t.l- t.Ln r-,.,~~-nt.t- ..-e _!"..t..._ _L 11~ l~;)Ua!.!\':t.;, VI !..Il~ val 4_tH...:C: "'Vll111!ap....~ l_l"-J~~...!...JIC 11~ C:U;:'V.!la.UIC: u.~ ' VI t.I!t: land for the applicant. 17,' r:hT ar~ntlrlg thf' ,rar1un('f' f"r thF' <lnnll" f'<lnt the lanurlllsf' \;\Till hp h~rnl0f'l10U;;: ~.) e'" ----......--"... .............. ~ ",-..L""""_ .............. ........ - ......l""r-.. '""'(_....... "'... ""-... - - .. ........... .....-- ... -....... .......& ~ with the general intent and purposes of this chapter, and such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare as say a neighborhood store that is allowed in this zoning that stays open late at night and Spll~ bop- Tl.p r5lrn,,~sl~ ..rill ~nl.. ~pp""'''p dori.~{T ,.15\..t. ol.t honr~ , "'-.I. ~ f;....l. .J. i1"" 'tj;'1.4.J. ;'fa- .al 1''f'.l~ V .:..lY V ~lal.... tl.1..1.LI1Q U-u.J ;.1b11~ J..'l. '-'...:.:;. ~i'" ' ." - .h" ..._ I_.~.... ~ _,.." _,..,. ......... ~ ........... +-..-. ..__.i-.......... 1 Ttanl.'~ ,Ou l(h VOUl \.on:'lderatlv1! 11"1 u !~ luaw::L .. J ' ~" . 01nc.erel)/ j . , ... 'J i ! " / i /', / J /f ,. _., . / .j ,_ I I ~,;- (... L/ ,,. L. / ['L-.- 1 j/ I... L'" 2 C-~~, ( '7 n 4< '" !_" / :-. II _____________~______ ----~---------~-~---LJal~.-----------------~- ~~'~Atc ;ofto'(lcAft G;R;~~~,FLOR 0 f'.' "..' t~~t.~~: .',i.'.',. . 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'ftAME Wood ,. "',". .C~lock ' fll,- :':'}~~::{ ". B,ICk' ""/" Slon.'" Ri:-Co"crtl. I' PLUMBING "'7 Non. :-;:- , f1.lu,. Toil.1 '. 2 fl., ,,-;TOii., 2 Fi,lu" Bolh ) 'Iaturt Balh ' 4 Fhturt 80lh TII. ,,_ ......, 1/2 TlI. '11'011,; Full TII. Woll, io ~: ~i~'i:-i 't-~.o:;,; .ifl~ ~i Not.- . '''\<,.-N'''', '... HEATING Non. Chlrnno. '/,..' Firtoloc. SttOm Hot Wott. Fon:.d Hot AI. Hot Air -.; SHEATHING V.. I Non. I I EXTEPlIOR WALLS Unflni.h.d .. Wood- Roll -,' .,; ,Jh'.I''(;, ,.', S/I~ltt '~. y , -c;;;.,o"iion' 101"01' , A.bttlo. '. Stucco" ~,B'lck Foe. Brick Ston. NOI" INTERIOR WALLS Unlinl.~td '11'011 Boo,d ',. _~!iI.I~l' .,:.;' Pla.t" ".;d0{J Pon.1 800rd!' pj~Wood PIn. pcn.1 ''1'- HQrdwood Pan, . Not.. ELECTPlICIf'l' V.. I Non. ." I I [OUI PMENT Yon F..', .... Air eO"d~ ,-"', otlo-'" .' ," Natrs Not.. INTERIOR II I I I I I -- FURRING I I 1 I 1 ho. ~~..d1tion Not... Nolt. V.. Non. ACRES ,;, OU'~VJ.!RlnION YPI ". .' .x.' ,;!r",'j.,d'(. r", .':;';"':~( ? :;;'<~'oi'''',\ I. 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NIKOLITS, CFA I Owner Name ISUAU ENTERPRISES INC Owner Information II Situs Address 112360 N FEDERAL HWY Confirmation Information II Parcel Control Number 1108-43-45-15-03-000-0042 Subdivision: !BROWN SAM JR SUB II BOOk:IIJ0179II page:IIJ977 ! Sale !DeC-1997! Date: Mailing 110218 ALLAMANDA BLVD I~ BROWN SAM JR SUB W 137 FT Address: OF PAR IN LTS 4 & 5 I I L YG N OF VISTA HERMOSA AVE & E OF US HWY 1 & MARKED NOT PALM BEACH GARDENS FL 33410 INCLUDED ON PL OF LAS 5206 PALMAS PARK IN OR1260P173 2000 Certified Appraisal I Improvement value:l! $81,55311 Number ofUnits:11 I Land value:11 $205,50011 Total Sq. Ft:11 \ Market value:11 $287,05311 Acres:11 I Use Code:11 2600 II Description:IISERV STATIONS 2000 Certified Tax 2000 Assessed & Taxable values Ad valorem:11 Non ad valorem:11 Total:1I $6,988.1711 $905.3111 $7,893.4811 Assessed value:11 Exemption amount:11 Taxable:11 $287,053.001 $01 $287,053.001 http://www.co.pa1m-beach.fl.us/papa/detai1_info.asp?p _ entity=08434515030000042 04/27/2001 P'!lm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Search System Page 2 of2 2000 Exemption I DescriPtion:11 I Exemption Holder:11 II cOde:ID II percentage:\ I Sales Date II Book II Page II Price IIInstrument IIOwner I I Dec-1997 1881 $3 -0 ooollw ARRANTY IISUAU ENT lNe I ), DEED I Oel-1994 1881 Ilw ARRANTY II I $195,900 DEED I Dec-1988II 06226 18 $1,801,000 Iw ARRANTY II I DEED I Jul-1987 II 05376 II 0296 II $10011w ARRANTY II I . DEED Sales Information rn Please send comments to : propapp@t:o.palm-beach.jl.us> Copyright @ 2000 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved LLL_ 11_____._ __ _~1~ 1...M~1... +1 ""t...."...."tr1"'t'l;l ;l1fn ~(m?n p.ntitv=OR414515030000042 04/27/2001 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Search System Page 1 of2 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA Owner Information I Owner Name IMAROUF ZUHAIR II Situs Address IIFEDERAL HWY II Parcel Control Number 1108-43-45-15-03-000-0043 Confirmation Information Subdivision: \BROWN SAM JR SUB II Book: 111120411 page:lll 972 II D~~~~IIJ un-1999I Mailing 11142 GRAND CAY DR I~ BROWN SAM JR SUB TH PT OF Address: LTS 4 & 5 E OF US 1 I I LYGNOFVISTAHERMOSA& W OF LT 1 & MARKED NOT INCLUDED IN PALM BEACH GARDENS FL PL OF LAS P ALMAS PARK (LESS 334188400 W 137 FT) 2000 Certified Appraisal I Improvement value:11 $01 Number of Units: I I Land valne:11 $28,77011 Total Sq. FI:11 I "Market value:11 $28,77011 Acres:11 I Use Code:lllOOO II Description:IIVACANT COMM 2000 Certified Tax 2000 Assessed & Taxable values Ad valorem:11 Non ad valorem:1I Total:11 $700.4011 $0.0011 $700.4011 Assessed value:11 Exemption amount:11 Taxable:11 $28,770.00\ $01 $28,770.00\ http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us/papa/detai1_info.asp?p _ entity=08434515030000043 04/27/2001 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Property Search System Page 2 of2 2000 Exemption I DescriPtiOn:11 I Exemption Holder:11 II cOde:ID II Percentage:1 Sales Information I Sales Date II Book II Page II Price IIInstrument IIOwner I I J nn-l999 1881 Ilw AR.RA..NTY II I $25,000 DEED I Oct-1982 18EJI I[w ARRANTY II I $22,000 DEED [ Jan-1975 II 02433 181 $8,000[ WARRANTY I I DEED rn Please send comments to : propapp@l:o.palm-beaclt.fl.us> Copyright @ 2000 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.palm-beach.fl.us/papa/detail_info.asp?p _ entity=08434515030000043 04/27/2001 Palm Beach County Property Apnr:'lic;;er Property Search System Page 1 of 1 Palm Beach County Property Appraiser Public Access System GARY R. NIKOLITS, CFA Owner Information I Owner Name IMAROUF ZUHAIR II Situs Address IIFEDERAL HWY II Parcel Control Number 1108-43-45-15-03-000-0043 01 Desc:lllOOO IlcOMMERCIAL I I Unit Value:11 $3.001 IZoning:IIC3 I I Front:11 .0011 Depth:11 .001 I Units:11 9,590.0011 Type:IIS II Land Value:11 $28,7701 Detailed Land Information rn Please send comments to : pmJlJ"pp@f:J!.]lJllm:::l)~a(;h..fl.l/,s? Copyright @ 1997 by Palm Beach County Property Appraiser All Rights Reserved http://www.co.pa1m-beach.fl.us/papa/1and _ detail. asp? entity jd=08434515030000043 04/27/2001 \, H/\,JI n to: (enclose self-addressed stamped enV6.,-d) ..........- ~ c~~. WILLIAM M. WINKEL, P.A. W^RRANTY DEED lFROM CORPORATION' RAMeo FOftM 33 Md,_: 7301 s. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33405 ! i Ii Mdl_: 7301 s. Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, FL 33405 i .. ! " z J This Instrument Prepared by: WILLIAM M. WINKEL, P.A. Property Appraisers Parcel Identification (Folio) Number(s): SPlICE "!lOVE THIS LINE FOR PROCESSING OAT" SPlICE "BOVE THIS LINE fOR REWflDINll OAT A - ! Grantee(s) S.S.#(s): It. ]l~ rr t 1l\tMd .L \ lay of If) EL E(Y) /3E7, D. 199 n hy niS wa an y ;~.. Made and (,xl'cIlI('d 11.e......J a J\. I ANGELO I S TEXACO, INC., a Florida corporation a corporafion exisling lIlIder 11le laws of state of Florida , and ltaPing ils principal place of lJUsiness 012360 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, FL 33435 1wreinafll'r called the wanlor, to SUAU ENTERPRISES, INC., a Florida corpora'tion wlwse posloffice cu[dress is 10218 Allamanda Blvd., Palm Beach Gardens, FL 33410 Iw/'C.inafll'r calleJ Ille g/'{lnlee: ("'fh('n~V("T turd hen-in ,he terms "g,"antor" and f(~rafltee" include aU lhe pani("~ to lhi'i imtnllnenl 3.nd the hrin, 'f'.'tal represe-nlatives and assigns of individuah, and th~ succu!';or~ and assigm or (:orporalions) If!titn~sseth: TIlCIl Ill{! wanlor, for nnd in consideration of III(' slim of $ 1 0 .00 ancl olll(.r ualunl,le consideralions, receipl ud,ereof is llC'rel>y acknowledgeJ, l,y tllC'se presC'nls does grunl, lJargain, sell, a!ic!Tl, remise, release, co/weyand confirm IInlo Ihe wardee, all I IICI I ('erlain land sihlClte in Palm Beach Counly, Florida, fJiz: Legal description attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Togdher wise apperlaining. J 0 Itaoc and to willt all tIle lenemenls, l1C'redilamenls and appur!enallces t1!Creto ',elonging or in any- Mold, tlte same in fee simple forel1er. Rnd lite gran lor IwrelJY cOl1enants willt said f1ronlee 1110t it is lawfully seized of said lqnd in fee simple; that if Itas good righl und lawful authority 10 ~ell cwd convey said land; tllOt iI Iwrel,y fully war- rants lite tille 10 said land and will defend !TIC! same hgainsl ,Tle lawful c!uims of all persons wllOmsoelJer; and tltal said land is free of all encurn(mHlces lite f/mnfor Iws nlllsC'c/ l!tese presenls 10 I,e execuled in its /lame, and its corporale senllo lw Il('rC'lmlo uffixC'd, l,y its (! p",p'>' olf;"", ,he"""lo .1,,1, o",I",d~,>.I> ,I,e do, "".I ,eo, (;", "1,0<,, ""ill.., ATrEsTf)lan.4:~_..I&a..tz.~;;.... ANGELO I S TEXACO, INC. Maria Balasis Secrelary t;d, Sf! led and cleliuered in tlw prl'sence of: (~~~/~~/f7""'" ';:~)~:0~~~7"""" "."~.:,, ,,\ In Witness lltJhereof (CORPORATE SEAL) .9~.J~t ( .L.r;J By......l........... ........... Angelo lasis ..6t~:~_"?..___..___ rT~!',jdrnt I IIERF.IlY CERTIFY that Oil thi, day, berMe me, an officer dilly authorhed in the Stale and County alore,aid to take ai:knowted;(nirnt., } p~n(Jnalll apPf'3nd Angelos Blasis and Maria Balasis Wf'lI kno.....n to me to be th(' President and Secretary respectively of the corporacion named 3! grantor in thr: rore~oin'{ dt'f'd. and that tht'y 5t'"venlly acknowled.':;'ed ~x~("uliryK the 53me in the prt'sence of two suh~crihinf{ witnus('" fret.}y and voluntarily uodu aUlhority duly vestf:d in tlwm h)' ~aid corporation and that the !l.eal affixed therelo i!o the true COfporatt' ..eal <<I{ ~aid coqlOca1ioll. WIT~ESS my h . yo '{jat seOFI'tCIM. ""'MY~ta e O",t'- 8(~ JOSE. R'VERA ~ ~ (1 coeM.... MUlII!R 11 . J ~ CC581035 "y,-': , cR MY ca.uss1ON EmRE8 f:' ~_ _, (1 t!!It:I!lT 4ft -.nnft la,t aroma;d Ihi, 31 st day uf December .A[)I<J97 rf~iif ~ , ~ , , \". Exhibit 1\ That certain piece, parcel or tract of land lying, being and si tuate in Palm Beach County, state of Florida and being mor~ particularly described as follows: A portion of Lot 4 of SAM BROWN JR's HYPOLUXO SUBDIVISION, as recorded in Plat Book 1,- at page B1, of the Public Records of Palm Beach county, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: Commence at the NW corner of said Lot 4; thence run s. B90 59' 27" E., along the North line of said Lot 4, for a distance of 94.78 feet to a Point of beginning of the fallowing described parcel of land: thence continue s. B90 59' 27" E. along the North line of said Lot 4, for a distance of 137.00 feet to a point; 'thence run S. 70 20' 55" W, parallel to the said Easterly Right-of-way line of U.s. Highway #1, for a distance of 153.61 feet to a point on the north right-of-way line of vista Hermosa Avenue (now called Las Palmas Avenue) as shown on the Plat of I~s Palmas park, recorded in Plat Book as shown on the Plat of Las Palmas' Park, recorded in Plat Book 25,' at page 242, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida: thence run West, along tn.e said N~rth right-of-way line of vista Hermosa Avenue for a distance of 123.35 feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve.,to the right: thence run Northwesterly and northeasterly along the arc of said circular curve ,to the right, whose elements are a radius of 12 feet and a central angle of 970 20' 55" for an arc distance of 20.39 feet to a point tangency with the easterly right-of-way line of U. s. Highway, 1#1; thence run N. 70 20' 55" E., along the said Easterly right-of-way line of U. s. Highway #1, for a distance of 140.00 feet to the point of beginning. PROJECT NAME: Zuhair MaroufVariance LOCATION: A part of lots 4 & 5 of Sam Brown Subdivision COMPUTER ID: 01-82000008 PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: ZNCV 01-008 I T~E OF APPLICATION: Zoning Code Vanance AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: N/A OWNER/APPLICANT: Zuhair Marouf PHONE: N/A PHONE: 561-740-0606 FAX: N/A FAX: N/A ADDRESS: N/ A ADDRESS: 2360 N. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Date of submittal/Projected meetin~ dates: SUBMITT AL / RESUBMITT AL 03/28/01 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: 04/23/01 TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): 05/04/01 PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD 05/08/01 CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 05/15/01 COMMENTS: J :\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Zuhair Marouf Variance\200 I PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc