CORRESPONDENCE The City of Boyntr)n Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DMSON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Aorida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org December 5, 2003 Mr. James M. Hoffman, R.A. TEKTONICA 14984 Roan Court Wellington, Florida 33414 Re: Two Georges Building "B" Elevation Modifications MMSP 03-110 Dear Mr. Hoffman: In response to your request dated October 31, 2003 for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced approved site plan, depicting the following: · Modification of Building "B" elevations through the addition of a window on the south side and elimination of two doors on the north side (as depicted on the attached drawings) . Please be informed that the proposed changes on the revised date stamped 11/03/03 are "minor" as defined within the Development Regulations, Chapter 4 Site Plan Review. project may continue to be processed by the Building Division permit application. plan Land This as a Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, Principal Planner Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst Documentl TEKTONICA The Art & Science of Construction "c~.:.;'; , '-,,", ,1"\. -... .. , ,. ~,"" .:. .' \ l City of Boynton Beach Department of Development Planning and Zoning Division c/o Michael W. Rumpf 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 October 31, 2003 14984 Roan Court Wellington, Florida 33414 (561) 801-3861 Re: Two Georges Restaurant Building "A" and "B" Improvements Boynton Beach Permit No. 03-3824 Request for Minor Site Plan Modification James Hoffman, R.A. Jmh66@msn.com Dear Mike, Please find my request for a minor site plan modification. Building "B" was constructed with some minor elevation changes. We added a window on the south elevation and eliminated to doors on the north elevation. All other characteristics of the building are as originally approved. Thank you for your assistance. Florida License AR15729 ~- '1 :-- --~l ~ " [ ! I North Carolina License No. 8576 NCARB Certification No.51133 NOV 3 ; "'.'- -.- -' . . i, ,--... I;~ (.I : -. "vv Y~'7-d'9~- ~-'-0'\. it (J FACSIMILE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH City Hall, West Wing 1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 (561) 742-6260 (561) 742-6259 Fax From the office of Planning & Zoning TO: Steve Caroccio, 3rd Street Signs FAX: (561) 374-8605 FROM: Michael Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director NUMBER OF PAGES: (including cover) 3 DATE: June 24, 2002 Applicable Code requirements no discussed during pre-application meeting RE: held on June 6. 2002 I apologize for not communicating this previously. Please call if you have a question. J:\SHRDATA\Planning\Planning Templates\P&Z Fax\P & D Blank Fax.dot If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office immediately, at (561) 742.6260. Thank you. 12 Boynton Beach D. Non-illuminated identification signs shall be permitted on the rear door of business establishments, provided they are limited to three (3) square feet in area. E. One (1) real estate sign advertising AFor Sale/Rent/Lease@, may be placed on the premises and shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, nor six (6) feet in height. One (1) such sign is permitted for each street frontage. _ (Ord. No. 00-78, , 2, 1-2-01) Sec. 5. Signs allowed in industrial zoning districts. The following signs are permitted and regulated in industrial zoning districts: A. One (1) real estate sign advertising that a premises is for sale, rent or lease may be placed on the premises and shall not exceed thirty-two (32) square feet in area, nor six (6) feet in height. One (1) such sign is permitted for each street frontage. B. One (1) freestanding sign, not exceeding sixty-four (64) square feet in area, advertising activity occurring on the premises. This sign shall be predicated on the basis of one half (2) square foot of sign area for each one (1) linear foot of street frontage, with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. C. One (1) or more fixed projecting or flat wall sign(s) which advertises activity occurring on the premises, provided that for the projecting sign, the sign and its supports shall not extend more than three (3) feet beyond the face of the wall, nor shall either sign extend above the parapet of the building or beyond the building corner. The maximum area for this signage shall be one (1) square foot of area for each one (1) foot of linear building frontage. E. A directory sign, not exceeding eighteen (18) square feet in area, is permitted. This directory sign can not exceed a height of six (6) feet and must be placed within the building setback area. F. Lots which have uses which front on 1-95 may be permitted additional flat sign(s) subject to the limitations imposed in Article IV, Section 5. C if the building is designed to front on 1-95. For purposes of clarification, fronting in this section means that the building entrance faces 1-95 and no garage doors are visible from the Interstate. Additionally, the area between the use and the Interstate must be landscaped as if it were fronting on a street. G. Directional signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, nor five (5) feet in height, with a limit of four (4) signs per lot, located at points of parking lot ingress and egress. H. Temporary business identification signs shall be permitted instead of other wall signs permitted in this section. One (1) temporary sign for a maximum of thirty (30) days, can be permitted when a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued pending the approval of a sign application, if at the time of the Certificate of Occupancy, an application for a sign permit has been submitted to the development department. (Ord. No. 00-78, I 2, 1-2-01) Sec. 6. Signs in the central business district. The following signs are permitted and regulated in the central business district (CBD): A. One (1) real estate sign advertising that a premises is for sale, rent or lease may be placed on the premises and shall not exceed sixteen (16) square feet in area, nor six (6) feet in height. D. Non-illuminated identification signs shall be/~~J permitted on the rear door of business establishments, One (1) freestanding sign, not to exceed provided they are limited to three (3) square feet in e' ty (80) square feet in area, advertising activity area.~~~~___----~ occurring on the premises. The maximum area for <, - /1 i S this sign shall be one (1) square foot of sign area for (,if '; ') J). <.'-). each one and one half (1-1/2) linear feet of street /' .w,}'! frontage, with a maximum height of twenty (20) feet. ,>7' J_ -t {'rY' . , 1Y'V f..... \,-(',L.S jJ. .'1 ~ /.t ':, \d J. ", U Yl ~ f\ (', HtC-- 71':-f\'i'?n 5J J, ~",a/ . 2001 S-15 '. d 5 '~YI~c:t . <y U, ~ ~ ~- ,(1.z- (11'1 /5 . I~j). f."~ Jf f r9 (' yYl' Id- . O' "'i .J_.. I ,fe. YI S .IJ;-.. f\ -f (~ 6' ~ \o~_l , C. One (1) or more fixed projecting or flat wall sign(s) which advertises activity occurring on the premises, provided that for the projecting sign, the sign and its supports shall not extend more than three (3) feet beyond the face of~, nor shall either sign extend above the parapet of the building or beyond the building corner. The maximum area for this signage shall be one (1) square foot of area for each one (1) foot of linear building frontage. . . D. Directional signs, not exceeding four (4) square feet in area, nor five (5) feet in height, with a limit of four (4) signs per lot, located at points of parking lot ingress and egress. E. Where a covered walkway is present, each store shall be permitted one (1) under canopy sign not to exceed three (3) square feet in area. This sign shall be placed in front of each occupancy under the covered walkway and shall not be less than ninety (90) inches from the walkway, with a rigid mounting. F. Identification signs shall be permitted on the rear door of business establishments, provided they are limited to three (3) square feet in area. G. Temporary business identification signs shall be permitted instead of other wall signs allowed in this section. One (1) temporary sign for a maximum of thirty (30) days, can be permitted when a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued pending the approval of a sign application, if at the time of the Certificate of Occupancy, an application for a sign permit has been submitted to the development department. (Ord. No. 00-78, I 2, 1-2-01) Sec. 7. Signs permitted in planned districts. The following are the general requirements for signs in planned districts (PUD, PCD and PID); for specific allowable signage, see the regulations for each regular zoning district. A. Purpose and intent. The purpose of this section is to encourage continuity for signage in the planned districts, while allowing for flexibility with 2001 S-15 Signs 13 respect to type, color, number, location (exclusive of setbacks) and design of signs. The general requirements for each planned district can be found in the corresponding regular zoning district in this sign chapter. The approval of signs in planned districts require the submission of a sign program for the entire project as part of the site plan approval process. B. Sign program. All requests for approval of a sign program shall be filed as part of the original site plan approval process or as a modification to the approved site plan. All applications shall be filed by the sign owner or his agent, with the appropriate fee and shall describe and set forth the following: 1. The type and number of signs or sign structures. 2. The area per sign and dimensions of structures. 3. Three (3) certified copies of the site plan showing sign location, sign elevations and construction details, such as materials, colors, wind resistance requirements and structural details. 4. In addition to the above, one (1) set of colored sign elevations with all copy shown in the type style to be used. (Ord. No. 00-78, I 2, 1-2-01) TRANSMISSION VERIFICATION REPO~ TIME OS/24/2002 15:45 NAME BOVNTON BEACH P & Z FAX 5513755259 TEL 5513755250 DATE,TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE OS/24 15:43 93748505 00:02:13 03 OK STANDARD PROJECT NAME: Two t.-corges . LOCATION: PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 03-110 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: James Hoffman, R.A. - Tektonica ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 14984 Roan Ct. PHONE: Wellington, FL 33414 FAX: PHONE: 561-801-3861 FAX: - none given Date of submittal/Proiected meeting: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 11/3/03 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: S:\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Two Georges\MMSP 03-110\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc / '3 - 1 " 3 /, ~ II Time and Date of Meeting . 0 c;:.I- _ u '1 (p Thos~atte~ ~ding _meetinj: . ~ ~ .~. _~ ",- }/'J\.I)L II / / IV~ _ o PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS Applicant's Name: ~c~ Phone: ~l5 - 0011-.. 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes ~ No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING?, 2. ~~ LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETSIINTERSECTIONS) 1A/~-buH ~ ~ IV'- ~ , ~a~~~~l~~ STAFF MEMBERS NAME: 3. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION. CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: ~ l POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSYRE - o. 3 v" COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNOvV THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? \, 4. TllvfE AND DATE PREFERRED 5. HO\V M.A.NY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the person that someone from the Department will call them to confirm tlte meeting. .................................................................................. . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or Lusia. . Meetine:s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11 :30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. s: \P I ann i ng\P lann ing\Pre-applicationcon tactquestions.doc TWo Ge~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG IHEETING DATE: 4? -0 --0 L- APPLICATIONS: ZN0V ZONING DISTRICT: PROJECT NAME: 11 o. G~eD ATTENDING STAFF: ATTENDING AS APPLIC I TIME: I : '30 ' 2 'r 30 PHONE: '51 L po 9 Ii l NAi\'IE OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: FAX: PROJECT ADDRESS: I 7z.S CA5A L&jVl1l--g~v~ ~vlhLP PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPA.~CY: DATE SUBMITTAL RECEIVED: DATE DEl'IIED: CO~D~ENTS: ro~ \, cC I I I I J:\SHRDATA\P13nningISHARED\WP\PROJECfS\PRE APPUCATIO"S :\lEETL\'C LOCS\Pre-Applic:llion :\[ecting Log.doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT G -(p -oZ lYIEETING DATE: TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: 3j2D AY~ s {7P S NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codeS' ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not . binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant AttendinG Staff E-12-lG- :TD hPSo0 CI'9~J&fee;/tl ~ J:\SHRDA T A\PLA.'1i'iL'\G\SHARED\ WP\FOR.\IS\PRE-APPL l\IEETI:"G-SrGi'i I;'; SHEET.DOC e e o e o e o e -- e