TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY (AUG 2000) .... - - TRAFFIC IMPACT STUDY - - Prepared for: - - VILLA DEL SOL Boynton Beach, Florida lkIlilf - :iiiItilIIf Prepared by: "4 Tinter Associates, Inc. 3303 W. Commercial Blvd., Ste. 201 Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 (954) 484-3633 .... - August 2000 - - 00-2062 .... ..... - IIIINTRODUCTIONIII This is a traffic impact study for the development of an apartment complex on a currently vacant site. The project is located at the northwest corner of Old Dixie Highway and U.S. 1 (Federal Highway) in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. Figure 1 illustrates the location of the proposed Villa del Sol apartment complex site in southern Palm Beach County. The office of Tinter Associates, Inc. has been retained to analyze the transportation impacts associated with the development in accordance with Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code, the Traffic Performance Standard. Based on the analysis completed and summarized in this report, it is the professional opinion of this office that the development of the facility will meet all the guidelines as set forth in the Traffic Performance Standard of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code. Page 1 804 BOYNTON BEACH BLVD LAKEIDARD OCEAN AVE WOOLBRIGHT RD S.E. 23 AVE o :J PJ f-< en ~ to<: U <<: >tJ en N.E. 8 ST VILLA del SOL 804 S.E.15 AVE ~ ..J ~ >tJ o ~ ~ : : : i i : i m ~! ! g' ! f f GEORGEBUSHBLVD! ! ~ t Tinter Associates, Inc. Transportation Engineers 3303 W. Commercial Blvd. Ste. 201 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309-3412 . (9?4) 484-3633 Fax: (954) 484-9612 Emall: alanltm@aol.com Web: www.tinter.com Location Map Q N.T.S. ~ g u ~ ~ ~ FIGURE 1 IIIDEVELOPMENT PLANIII The proposed Villa del Sol project is located at the northwest corner of U.S. 1 and Old Dixie Highway in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. The proposed development will entail the construction of 312 apartment units on the currently vacant site. The development is proposed to have a single gated entrance onto Old Dixie Highway. This driveway will provide for full access. The anticipated buildout for the development is expected to occur by the end of 2001. Since the base data for most of the traffic volumes cited in this report was collected in 1999, a buildout period of 24 months will be examined and this report assumes that the total traffic impacts will occur during this buildout period. Page 3 IltrRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARoIl1 The Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code under Article 15 sets forth the criteria which evaluate the potential traffic impacts associated with proposed development in Palm Beach County through the Traffic Performance Standard. The requirements for the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard consist of two tests, both of which must be satisfied in order for a site-specific development order to be issued. These criteria include: . Test One - An evaluation of the roadway network on a daily and peak-hour basis at the buildout of the Villa del Sol project, and . Test Two - An evaluation of the long-range network model. If both of the tests can be satisfied, the project can be given development approval. Page 4 IIIEXISTING ROADWAY CONDITIONsj II The foundation for the analysis of traffic impacts for the proposed development of the Villa del Sol property is the existing conditions on the adjacent roadway system. Table 1 presents existing traffic conditions for the adjacent roadway network. Existing daily traffic volumes were taken from the 1999 Palm Beach County Metropolitan Planning Organization traffic volume count map. In two instances, link base traffic volumes were not collected or not available on the 1999 map. These two links are Boynton Beach Boulevard, east of U.S.1 and Woolbright Road, east of U.S. 1. For these links, 1998 volumes, increased by a one-year growth rate of 1.5%, were used for existing daily traffic volumes. Also shown on Table 1 are the peak-hour conditions. Peak-hour volumes were calculated by applying a "K" factor of 0.093 to the daily traffic volumes. This is the accepted "K" factor, as indicated in the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard. Roadway capacity service volumes are also presented in the Traffic Performance Standard. They include the following thresholds: Laneage Daily Peak-hour (VPD) (VPH) Two lanes, undivided 14,900 1,390 Two lanes, one-way 19,500 1,810 Four lanes, divided 32,500 3,020 Six lanes, divided 48,900 4,550 The v/c ratios shown in Table 1 are calculated by dividing the volume by the capacity. If the ratio is one (1.00) or less, then the volume on the roadway is at, or better than, Level of Service "D", which is acceptable as defined by Palm Beach County Standards. Table 1 indicates that all of the roadway segments within the study area operate within acceptable levels of service under existing conditions, with the exception of Woolbright Road, east of 1-95. Page 5 o en >> ~ .~ :> II) I: o E "C I: o ....0 Gl U :ale cu cu I- ... I- Cl I: ~ II) .)( W II) 'iij >- ili I: <( ... ::I o ::I: ~ cu Gl 0. Cl.2 1:- .- cu 1;)~ .)( U W> C Gl (f)E 0::1 ...Jo~ Cl>o. I:Gl> .- U '"'" .... .- .!!! t= >< CI) W(/) ClCl) .5 E ~ 1;).:0. .- 0 > ~>~ Cl.2 1:- .- cu 1;)~ ')( U w> II) 'iij >- ili I: <( ~ 'n; c c CI) en E 0::1 ...J00' Cl>o. I:CI)> .- U '"'" .... .- .!!! t= >< CI) W(/) ClCl) .5 EO' 1;).:0. .- 0 > ~>c. CI) Cl cu CI) I: cu .J >- cu ~ "C cu o ~ ..-CO ~..- 00 00 NN 00 c<)'c<)' 00C'".l C'".ll"'- N."<t ..- ..-CO "<t..- 00 00 00 LOLO C\iC\i C'".lC'".l LO..- "-00 C'".l.o C'".l . ..-LO 00 -1-1 "<t"<t - u.i > <( Z <( W t) o - o ~ m I t) <( w..-..- m uj , Z .00 O=>:::) 1-.......... Z ~ 0 >- > . O>W m ..-C'".lN ,,:q~ 0..-0 000 Il)NN LOOO ~c<)'c<)' NO'>"<t ~~(O c<)'c<)'0'> ..-C'".lN ,,:q~ 0..-0 000 000 O'>LOLO exiC\iC\i "<tC'".lC'".l ..-..-CO COC'".lCO 00"<tC'".l ~c<)'ci C'".l C'".l ..- 000 -I -I -I CO"<t"<t - u.i ~ Il) ..- ~ ~ o 0::: l- I ..- Q~LOuj 0:::2.9:::) m.....;;::..... -1000 8s:u.iu.i :s: I"'-C'".ll"'- I"'-I"'-"<t 000 000 0'>0'>0'> C'".l.C'lC'l ..- ..- ..- C'".l000'> I"'-OLO o.q,co ..- ..- I"'- C'".l 00 ":":~ 000 000 000 0'>0'>0'> ~~~ ..- ..- ..- O'>"<tN C'".l"<t00 LO.OO.O ..-0 . ..-..-1"'- =>=>=> -1-1-1 NN N cD "C ~ ffi II) ..... II) en ~ ~ W g>LO g ~8~~ ~'O'Oo u.iu.iu.iu.i 00 - o > -I m I 00 :J m w (9 0::: o w..- (9 . -00 ~:::) 00..... 00 0 u.iu.i Z 00 ~ o I"'- 0'> ~~ 00 o 0'> C'".l. ..- 00 NN 00 C'".l C'".l 00 CO CO N"<t C'".l00 "<t. 1"'-_ 00 ~ o 1"'-0'> ~~ 00 o o 0'> ~ ..- 00 00 LO Il) NN C'".l C'".l I"'- 00 ..- ..-N 000 "<t. ..-. Il) 0'> ..- ..- I"'- => -I N 00 -I -I "<t"<t - w ~ N W z-o-o -0:::0::: O. ..... ...... .J::.J:: >C>C> ...J.C ";:: m:9:9 I- 0 0 0000 w~:S: 0:::.......... t) 0 0 LiSzcri 00 00 I"'-N"<tC'".lOON LO CO 1"'-00 CO LOCO 0000000 0000000 NNNNN..-..- 000000000 c<)'c<)'c<)'c<)'c<)''':..-. O..-C'".l 00 1"'-..-00 (o..-I"'-C'".lOIl)..- 1"'-0..-1l)0'>0..- ":C\iC\iC\i":":": 00 I"'-N"<tC'".lOON ~~l"'-OO(OIl)CO 0000000 0000000 0000000 Il)LOLOLOLOIl)LO C\iC\iC\iC\iC\icrlcrl C'".lC'".lC'".lC'".lC'".lT"""- LONOONC'".l(oO'> NN(OO'>OO'>..- O'>COC'".lNIl)NO exi":c<)'r-:ci":C\i ..-NNNN..-..- 0000000 -1-1-1-1-1-1-1 "<t"<t"<t"<t"<tNN mm OOZ "C"C I I > > --:-mm -g-g ~-5-5-o-o mm I~~O:::O:::cD~~ -Imm:E:E>::I:::l <( C>Cl<(mm 0::: 5 5 .C .C C'".l Q) Q) Wc......:9:9N~~ o>-~ggu.ioo woo>> .Q)Q) u..mm>>OO(9(9 "'-''+-'+-'+-'+-'+-'+-'+- ..-0000000 0zcrizcricricricri => - . <:("C-o .,....:0:::0::: . ...... ...... <(.J::.J:: -C>C> ci~ :g >00 -I 0 0 m~~ z.......... <( 0 0 w . . t)zoo o CO I"'- 001l) 00 00 0'> 0'> C'".l. C'".l. ..- ..- NC'".l 00'> N.I"'- ..- 1"'-1"'- OC!~ 00 00 00 0'>0'> ~~ ..- ..- cJ = - ,;; QJ ..... COd ..... CJ o C'-l C'-l -< - QJ ..... = ..... ~ 0(0 C'".lN O'>.LO N . ..-00 :J:J -1-1 NN !IIFUTURE CONDITIONSIII Before evaluating the relative traffic impacts associated with the Villa del Sol project, the future conditions on the adjacent roadway system without the proposed project were established. These conditions are described by the future traffic volumes expected by the end of 2001, the anticipated buildout year for the project. The Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard allows that assured roadway projects may be considered as a capacity enhancement when analyzing future traffic conditions. An examination of the Palm Beach County second quarter fiscal year 2000 roadway production report as compiled by the Department of Engineering and Public Works indicates that there are no major roadway improvements on the studied roadway links. Another component that is used in determining the future conditions of the roadway network is an assessment of the approved major developments in the area. According to the Traffic Performance Standard, a major project is any project that is: . A development of regional impact. . A project that generates more than 7,000 net trips. . Any project of any type or size which is contractually, or by condition of approval, bound to financing or constructing any portion of a major thoroughfare which is not site-related. An examination of the County's list of major projects revealed there were no developments of regional impact or major projects in the study area. In order to assess roadway capacity at the buildout of the project, future traffic volumes were formulated. Palm Beach County provides compounded growth rate data in their Compound Growth Rate Analysis - Year 1999, Page 7 The following roadway segments used compounded growth rates verbatim from the 1999 report: . Woolbright Road -1-95 to U.S. 1 -1.81 %, . S.E. 23 Avenue - Congress Avenue to Seacrest Boulevard - 0.71%, . Seacrest Boulevard - Boynton Beach Boulevard to Woolbright Road - 1.11 %. . U.S. 1 - Boynton Beach Boulevard to S.E, 23 Avenue - 1.57%, . U.S, 1 - Southbound - South of George Bush Boulevard - 1.93%. . U,S. 1 - Northbound - South of George Bush Boulevard - 1.32%, The report also notes that where negative or extraordinarily high growth rates are indicated, engineering judgement should be used in determining what growth rate to use. The quoted growth rates for Boynton Beach Boulevard, N.E. 8 Street and Ocean Boulevard were deemed unreasonable for the reasons cited above. In these instances, an area growth rate of 1.50% based on the other segments in the network was applied to the roadways. Table 2 presents the future traffic conditions for the adjacent roadway network on both a daily and peak-hour basis. These volumes represent the volumes anticipated by the buildout of the project at the end of 2001. The volumes include the compounded growth rates but do not include the anticipated traffic from the proposed development of the property. Page 8 o Cf' Q) c ~ :> II) I: o E "C I: N 0 GlO - U .c .- CU:::: I- CU ... I- Gl ... ::I - ::I u.. II) 'iij >- ili I: <( ... ::I o J: .lIl: CU Gl 0. Gl .2 ...- ::I CU ....~ ::I U u.._ > C E en ::I 0-- ...J >0 J: 0. ~B~ -5 .~ u.. CI) en ~E~ ::I '5~~ u..>c:. o ~.. ::I CU ....~ ::I U u.._ > II) 'iij >- ili I: <( ~ 'n; c CI) C E en ::I OOc ...J>o. GlCl)> 5 .~ c:. '5 t= u..~ Gl CI) - "'EO' ,3::10. ::10;:- u..>- CI) Cl cu CI) I: cu .J >- cu ~ "C cu o 0: NCO d; 00 NN o. o. C'".l C'".l CO I"'- 1"'-00 C\!."<t ..- NCO ~..- 00 00 00 LOLO NN C'".l C'".l 1"'-10 "-C'".l I"'-.N C'".l . ..-10 00 -1-1 "<t"<t w ~ Z <( W t) o - o ~ m I t) <( w..-..- m cri . Z .00 O=>:::) 1-.......... Z~o >- > " O;:>W m "<tl'-C") ":C!~ 0..-0 000 LONN 10 0 0 ..fc<)'c<)' 0C'".l0l CONOl C'".l.N.Ol C'".lC'".l "<tl"'-C'".l ":C!~ 0..-0 000 000 Ol. LO. LO. OONN "<tC'".lC'".l "<tNLO C'".lLO"<t ..-COI"'- cD..fo C'".lC'".l..- 000 -1-1-1 <O"<t"<t - u.i ~ LO ..- ~ 00 - o 0::: l- I ..- S2~LOcri o:::...!..q>:::) m.....::..... -1000 8~u.iu.i ~ 00"<t00 ":":~ 000 000 0l0l0l ~~~ ..- ..- ..- 00C'".l00 OONCO O. o. co ..- ..- 0l"<t00 I"'-I"'-"<t 000 000 000 0l0l0l ..f..f..f ..- ..- ..- C'".l0lC") 00100 I"'-.Ol...- ~~,..: =>=>=> -1-1-1 NNN Q) -0 ~ ~ II) ..... (/) (/) Q) Q) .... .... wo>o >I:LOro o Ol Q) <(t)",!"OO ~ooo u.iu.iu.iu.i 00 - o > -I m I 00 :J m w <.9 0::: o w..- <.9 " -(/) r-=:::) 00..... 00 0 u.iu.i z o ~ o 00 0 ~<'! 00 o Ol C'".l. ..- 00 NN qq C'".l C'".l Ol 00 CO "<t"<t CON "<t.~ ..- ..- o 10 o 000 ~<'! 00 o o Ol ..f ..- 00 00 IO.~ N N C'".l C'".l "<t o "<t ,..: LOO "<t..- I"'-CO l6al ..- ..- => -I N 00 -1-1 "<t"<t - w ~ N u.i z-o-o -0:::0::: 0:E:E >O>Cl -I "C "C m.o.o 1-00 ~~~ 0:::.......... t) ~ ~ <(ZOO w 00 00l"<t1"'-100C'".l <,!<,!I"'-OOCOCOCO 0000000 0000000 NNNNN..-..- 000000000 c<)'c<)'c<)'c<)'c<)'''-:''-: CO"<tNOlI"'-..-1"'- ..-1"'-"<t..-COOl"<t OOONCOOlO..- "-:C\iC\iC\i"-:"-:"-: 00l"<t1"'-100C'".l CO<,!I"'-OOCOCOCO 0000000 0000000 0000000 LOLOIOLOLOLOLO C\iC\iC\iC\iC\ialal C'".lC'".lC'".lC'".lC'".l..-..- "<tCOOO<ON<OOO NOOLOLOC'".lC'".l 1OC'".l..-..-..-I"'-C'".l alC\i..fcx:i"-:"-:C\i ..-NNNN..-..- 0000000 -1-1-1-1-1-1-1 "<t"<t"<t"<t"<tNN mm OOZ -0-0 I I >~ --:-aim ~~ ~.c.c aiai :s:UO-o-o I ro roO:::O::: ..c.c Q) Q) Q) (/) (/) -Imm:E:E>::I::I <( O>o><(mm 0::: 5 5 'C "C C'".l Q) Q) Wc.....,fLQN ~~ o>-~ggu.ioo woo>> .Q)Q) LLmm>>oo<.9<.9 '-"'t-~'+-'t-'+-'+-'+- ..-0000000 0zcrizcricricricri => Ol Ol CIC!~ 00 00 0l0l ~C'".l. ..- ..- ~I"'- N"- . 00 ..- 0l0l CIC!~ 00 00 00 Ol.q "<t"<t ..- ..- c; = l-I riJ ~ .... ~ .... CJ o fI) fI) < l. ~ .... = E::: "-"<t NOO ~I"'- C'".l . ..-00 =>=> -1-1 NN - . c:(-o-o " 0::: 0::: ..- c:(:E:E -0>0> . ot: "E:: 0.0.0 >00 -100 m~~ z.......... <( 0 0 w " . t)Z(/) o .!ltrRAFFIC GENERATIONIII Traffic generation is the method by which the amount of traffic or the number of trips to and from a proposed site is estimated. Typically, two standard sources are used to estimate traffic generation - Institute of Transportation Engineers (I.T.E.), Trip Generation report, 5th Edition and the Impact Fee Ordinance of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code. The 5th Edition ITE Report was used as the 6th Edition ITE Report has yet to be adopted by County Ordinance, Table 3 summarizes the traffic generation for the Villa del Sol project on daily, A.M. peak hour and P.M. peak hour bases. As noted from Table 3,2,184 new daily trips are expected from the proposed development. Of those, 188 new peak-hour trips are expected in the P.M. peak hour while 158 new peak-hour trips are expected in the A.M. peak hour. From a peak hour standpoint, the remainder of the peak hour analysis will focus on the P,M. peak hour, which is the highest peak-hour generator. Page 1 0 o en Qi "C .!!! :> I: o ~ cu C") ; CI) I: - CI) .gO I- (,) lE cu ... .... I _a. u ')( <: ._ W 0 := a. f! > '; I -...a. .- C1)..., en_<... 1:0 Wa. > I Gl ,~ a. _:t:<: enf!o I-a. > I: o ~ CU ::I C" c.W 'i: I: .... 0 ~ f! CI) I: Gl o Gl N en II) - '2 ::::) ~ o Cl CI) - cu o "C o 'i: Gl 0. N 0> q ..- N 0> o. ..- "<t 00 ..- N x - o o ~ l"'- II I- N ..- C'".l c :J Cl .5: Q) == o en C Q) E 1:: ro a. <( ~ .co o C'".l C'".l ..- N co 1.0 N co N ..- 00 1.0 ..- 00 00 ..- 00 C'".l C'! C'".l + X - C'".l "<t r-: 00 ..- + X - ~ = ~ ,;; QJ .... eo; .... CJ o ell ell -< .. QJ .... = E::: I"'- 0> ~ o II I- ..- "<t 1.0 o II I- N ..- C'".l N ..- C'".l :!:: C => Cl .5: Q) == Cl ..... I: :J Cl .5: Q) == o II) ..... c Q) E 1:: ro a. <( en ..... c Q) E 1:: ro a. <( L. ::I o I oX: ro Q) a. ~ c:{ L. ::l o I oX: ro Q) a. ~ a. IIIDISTRIBUTION AND ASSIGNMENljl1 The distribution and assignment phase of the analysis involves allocating the traffic generated as a result of the proposed Villa del Sol project to the roadway network. Traffic distribution is the pairing of trip ends from the subject site with other land uses in the area. Figure 2 illustrates the percentage of traffic assigned to the roadways in the study area. Page 12 OCEAN AVE WOOLBRIGHT RD N.E. 8 ST LAKE IDARD 8 = PERCENT OF DISTRIBUTION VILLA del SOL PROJECT DISTRIBUTION o :J PJ f-< en ~ to<: U <<: ~ en ~ t Tinter Associates, Inc. Transportation Engineers 3303 W. Commercial Blvd. Ste. 201 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309-3412 . (9?4) 484-3633 Fax: (954) 484-96l2 Emml: alanltm@aol.com Web: www.tinter.com Q N.T.S. ~ u o u ~ ~ ~ FIGURE 2 1IIsIGNIFICANCE OF IMPACl1l1 The significance of impact associated with the projected traffic from a project is measured in terms of the amount of existing capacity absorbed by the project traffic. The proposed Villa del Sol project is expected to generate 2,184 new daily trips. Accordingly, based on the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard, a maximum radius of development influence (RD.I.) of two miles was established. For this project, the Traffic Performance Standard requires that roadway links be addressed according to the following thresholds: for links that are within a one-half mile radius, the threshold is meet when the net project traffic exceeds 0.5 percent of the existing Level of Service "D" service volume; for links that are beyond a one-half mile radius, but are within the two mile RD.!., the threshold is met when the net project traffic exceeds 1.0 percent of the existing Level of Service liD" service volume. Table 4 shows all roadway links within the maximum RD.I on a daily basis. Those roadway links that carry project traffic in an amount greater than their respective thresholds have been highlighted on Table 4. These roadway links are subject to detailed analysis according to the Traffic Performance Standard. Page 14 o 00 a; c :!!! :> - u cu c.. .5 "<t'O ~ Gl ..c u cu I: I- ~ 5 I: Cl en ('00 :!::"C::!2 II) Gl 0 GlGlJ: o U II) c~! J: I- "C cu- ._ 0 ...J: ~II)~ 'i: ! OJ: I- - CI) 5i c E U (/) ::I ~Oo 0..J>~ _ Gl CI) 0 ~ J:.~ .... - t= e'OGl 0. en I: _.2 u- CI) ::I ......c ~ 0.- 0 ... ... 0.1;) C Gl Cl cu CI) I: cu ...J >- cu ~ "C cu o a:: o 0 I: C qq ..- ..- 00 NN 00 (0 co (0 co cf??ft. C'".) C'".) 00 -I -I "<t"<t - W ~ Z <( W o o - o > -I m I t) <( w..-..- mOO " Z . 00 O=>:j 1-0..... Z "0 >- > " O>W m 000 C I: I: qqq ..- ..- C'".)I"'-"<t 0" IX! L!':! 00 co"<tLt) co~~ cf?cf?';;{i:. C'".)~~ 000 -I -I -I co"<t"<t - w ~ Lt) ..- ~ 00 - o 0::: l- I ..- c.9~I.OCI.i (2..l.~:j m............... -1000 o " O~u.iu.i ~ cD ~ II) (/') Q) '- 0> ~CLt) <(8~ ~oo u.iWW 00 o 0 I: I: qq ..- ..- o C'".) C":!~ 00 "<to> "<to cf?cf? NLt) :J:J -1-1 NN - o > -I m I en :J m W c.9 0::: o w..- c.9 . -00 "'=:j 00..... 00 0 u.iu.i Z o I: o 0 I: I: q qq ..- C'".) I"'- o "<to '<"':C\! 00 0> o ..- "<tco "<tco ';;{i:. o Lt) cf?cf? NC'".) => -I N 00 -I -I "<t"<t - w ~ N u.i z-o-o -0:::0::: O. - - .c.c >0>0> -I "i:: "i:: m::9::9 I- 0 0 0000 w~~ 0:::.......... t) ~ ~ <(zoo W 00 -0-0 > > ~Ci5Ci5 ~i3i3 I~~ -Imm ~ 5 5 Wee 0>->- woo LLmm -.......... ..-00 0zCl.i => o 0 I: I: qq "<tl"'- C":!CC! 00 0>00 0..- ..-N ';;{i:.cf? o 0 1.0..- 00 -I -I "<t"<t o 0 C I: qq ..- ..- 00 00 1.0 Lt) 00 1"'-1"'- 00 00 c; = - cf?cf? "<t"<t " rI) ~ - ~ .... Cj o rI) rI) < ""' ~ - = .... ~ =>:J -I -I NN <(-0-0 ....;0:::0::: <(1::1:: -0>0> ..C .r:: 0.0.0 >00 -100 m~~ z.......... <(00 W " " t)zoo o IIICAPACITY ANAL YSlsj II The Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard requires that a capacity analysis must be performed on all impacted roadway links, as have been identified in Table 4. For the Villa del Sol project, based on the required threshold criteria, there are seven links that must have their roadway capacity conditions examined. The existing and future conditions on the roadway network in the area of the site have been presented in Tables 1 and 2. Table 5 presents the total future traffic conditions for all of the links impacted by the project on both a daily and peak-hour basis. The volumes represent what is expected on the roadway by the end of 2001 , including both the background growth component and the expected project traffic. The primary policy determination in the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard is that all impacted links within the RD.I must operate within acceptable levels of service at buildout of the proposed project. As Table 5 indicates, all impacted roadway segments within the RD.1. for this project will operate within acceptable levels of service. Therefore, the proposed project is in compliance with Test One. Test Two of the Traffic Performance Standard involves an examination of the County long-range transportation model. As noted previously, the entire project is expected to generate 2,184 daily trips, Under the Test Two standard, a model maximum radius of development influence (model R.D.!.) of one mile is established, Palm Beach County provides a map of the Test 2 Network Projected to be Over Capacity with Existing and Committed Development Traffic, The latest map revision is dated November 1999. Since none of the Test Two model RD.!. links for this project are found on the deficient roadway map, the project is in compliance with Test Two of the Traffic Performance Standard. Page 16 o 00 G) "C .!! :> II) ~ I: ::J "C Gl - U cu a. .5 I: o II) It) g C1)~ :a:c cu I: I- 0 o u == cu ... I- Gl ... ::I - ::I LL ili - o I- II) 'iij >- ili I: <( ... ::I o ::I: ~ cu CI) 0. o ili~ _ cu o~ I- u > Gl C E en ::I 00:;::- ...J>ii: ~.~ ~ '5 t= LL CI) en CI) iliE~ -::10. 0-> I-~,-, o S:; oa: I- u > en 'iij >- ili I: <( ~ 'n; c C E en ::I 006 ...J>o. GlCl)> ... u~- ::I .- - '5 t= LL CI) en CI) iliE6 '0':0. I-~~ Gl Cl cu CI) I: cu ...J >- cu ~ "C cu o a: - rJ) ~ WO > ro <(~ C'".l..... N 0 u.iW 00 o LO o l.()OO)OOC\lLO I'-;~~~~~ 000000 o 0) C'".l 000000 NNNN........- 00000000 c<)'c<)'c<)'c<)''''':'''': o 0) co l.()COI"'-COC\lOO 1"'-..-00"<tC\l1"'- N. 1"'-. o. O. ....... ..-. NNNN........- o l.() o l.()00)00C\ll.() r--O)tOCO~~ 000000 o o 0) ..,f ..- c.i = ..... <Ii Q,l .... ~ .... C..l o CI.l CI.l -< .. Q,l .... = E:: 000000 000000 l.()l.()l.()LOl.()LO C\iC\iN-C\i0>0> C'".lC'".lC'".lC'".l........- C'".l N "<t ,..: 1"'-"<t..-"<t"<ttO LO o"<t 0 tOtO "<tN"<tOOtO ..,fo>C\iC\iC\iC\i NNNN..-..- => -I N 000000 -I-I-I-I...J-I "<t"<t"<t"<tC\lN "0 > in "Omm >OOZ in I I _.c:"'O"O o rJ) > > C. .Q):Jinin ::;: "0 "0 .0' m IO:::O:::....Q)~~ __a. O>:J:J <t-a-a.8omm 0::: 'C'C . Q) Q) Q) w,Q,Q~(9f?f? 00000<(000 W -Q)Q) LL~~~t5(9(9 ............ ~ '+- (1) '+- '+- ..- 0 Ou.iBO 0 . . . s... . . 0Z 00000. 0000 => IIIcONCLUSIONs] II The foregoing analysis has addressed the relative traffic impacts associated with the proposed Villa del Sol project. Specifically, these are: · The proposed plan is expected to generate 2,184 daily trips and 188 peak- hour trips. · The traffic associated with the proposed development is in compliance with Test One and Test Two of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standard, Page 18