CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION · Bui/ding · Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment February 28, 2002 Kenneth W. Eppert, General Manager Village Royale on the Green 2502 Northeast 2nd Court Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Re: Village Royale on the Green - Monument Sign (Replacement) MMSP 02-012 Dear Mr. Eppert: In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of the modification proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the monument sign replacement as shown on the revised plans date stamped 02/26/02 are "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review. This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subject to the following conditions: I. The double-faced entrance (monument) signage area must comply with Chapter 21, Article IV Section l.D. 2. If the scope of the project demands removal of plant material then the new plant material is subject to review and approval ofthe City Forester / Environmentalist. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. s~5Je~y, J e>{U$-J4 :Kfa-4 ~ Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Jose Alfaro, Planner Eric Lee Johnson, Planner S:\Plannlng\SHARED'WP\PROJECTS\Vill~gc Royale on the Grem\MMSP 02-012. Monumall Sign\Approval Ldter,doc City of Boynton Beach · 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.{)310 Phone: (561) 742~350 · www.ci.boynton-beach.fI.us '.:trA \lI 'DEPARTMENT OF DEVEL'OPMENT BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA TION Date: ~ _ IS - O..:l. Master Permit # "'-/5-lw-L~ ,i:x::o ..0010 /o'3-"3'4S~ 1:5-0'7 -();)..fo-{)/ID . \J f<. C1 Own~v-.s La..CH u eTVlc... 'i, ; 5D5 E,;t c...OLLY-+ 1 6o~n+vn r3e.a.c..h Fee Simple Title Holder's Name Fee Simple Title Holder's Address City/State/Zip (Palm Beach County Property Control #) , :~!!tbWhe\"siPilpnEl'tt\,j 5& 1- '13:1. - q i-{ If q ~}JdU';:j.;: h;~t::;:/},""~:::;;X;;,,',,:;!i,,;}::' ';:'_~'_)"",', l;iIH;;,t~t~~~ r:L ~~![~18i!.gg9~ii,1 .33 tf 35 (If other than owner's) (If other than owner's) ljl!1~2mR~!Rg"Etpw~9\~,im,'i! 5& J - 13,;,), ~ q 'J J/ 1 '1 Pager/Fax# Bonding Company Bonding Company Address City/State/Zip ArchitecUEngineer's Name ArchitecUEngineer's Address City/State/Zip I Mortgage Lender's Name Mortgage Lender's Address City/State/Zip (Check one below) Single Family ~i;Blr~~~~~I~~f!;irJ&l~f1W~~' " 0/1 G 1 (Check Revie Electrical Zoned Multi-Family L Hotel Retail Office Industrial i den +,'J;'CCl. f, 'ov') SI n Plumbing Structural Fire Other Application is hereby required to obtain a permit to do work and installations as indicated. I certify that no work or Installation has commenced prior to the issuance of a permit and that all work will be performed to meet the standards of all codes, laws, rules and regulations governing construction in this jurisdiction. I understand that a separate permit must be secured for, ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING, SIGNS, WELLS, POOLS, FURNACES, BOILERS, HEATERS, TANKS and AIR CONDITIONING WORK, ETC. OWNER'S AFFIDAVIT: I certify that all the foregoing information is accurate and that all work will hI" rlnn", in f"nrnnH~Mn ...:H; _II " . '~ ~ ~OR~~ ..l' ~~~L" et-'" DESIGN C'!!!RTlFICA nON FOR BUILDING CObttt' COMPLIANCE THIS FORM TO BE USED FOR CERllFICA llON OF ALl BUILDINGS AND STRUCruRES, FORM IS NOT REQUIRED FOR PRODUCTS, COMPONENTS, AND CLADDING LISTED, LA8ELEDOR CERTIFIED BY RECOGNIZED MODEL CODE OR EVALUATION AGENCY. PROJECT NAME AND ADDRESS: VluA-c)C/ f-01A-t- ON.----~ /I\~t:v P.R. NUMBER OCCUPANCY [SFD; MULTI-FAMILY; COMMERCIAL; INDUSTRIAL. DESCRIBE]: t:.o/'-lt,c;i\.J!t-L ~ S!~A] STATEMENT rREFER CHAPTER 471 AND 481 FLORIDA STA TUTES]: I certify that, to the best of my knowledge and belief. these plans and specifications have been designed to comply with the applicable structural p~rtions of the Building Codes as amended, adopted, and enforced by the Palm Beach County Planning, Zoning & Building Department, Building Division. I also certify that the structural components, systems, and related elements provide adequate resistance to wh1d loads and forces specified by the current Code provisions. CODE EDITION ){.SBC 1997, AS AMENDED BY PBC 0 ASCE 7.95 [EXPOSURE CONDITION,INDICATE J BUILDING DESIGNED AS: 0 PARTIALLY'ENCLOSED )(ENCLOSED 0 OPEN 0 TESTED [WiND TUNNEL] BUILDING HEIGHT ~ 5: 60 ft. [MAY USE LOW RISE PROVISIONS OF SSC 1606.2] 0> 60 ft (MUST USE ASCE 7] I I' MEAN ROOF HEIGHT [FOR LOW RISE BLDG. WITH SLOPED ROOFS) 7 - CJ IMPORTANCE FACTOR rDETERMINED BY BUILDING USE/OCCUPANCY 1.0 REf'ER TO SBC TABLE 1606, OR ASCE TABLE 6-2 BASIC WIND VELOCITY PRESSURES: VERIFY APPROPRIATE POSITIVE/NEGATIVE PRESSURE COEFFICIENTS HAVE BEEN APPLIED TO MAIN WINO FORCE RESISTING SYSTEM, OR BUILDING ENVELOPE COMPONENTS AND CLADDING, AS APPLICABLE: SBCCI1606 WINO SPEED Il 0 WINO SPEED (FASTEST MILE) BASIC VELOCITY PRESSURE Z4.7 PSF ASCE 7-95 (3-SEC. GUST) BASIC VELOCITY PRESSURE PSF As witnessed y y seal, I hereby certify that the above infonnation is true and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief. DATE , . ~ l .0"2 NAME CERTIFICATION # AI....... 0 O!:,~ S dr ADA ALTERNATIVE DOCUMENT AVAILABLE BY CALLING (561) 233-5100 100 AUSTRALIAN AVE WEST PALM BEACH, FL 33406 PHONE (561) 233.5100 FAX 233-5020 SEAL FORM # 100 PBO.09S (peF #- 0024.A) REVISED 6/99 , I ~' ~ 1S\fu ,d ? (f!Su (if\)) '~o 00 d ~ 00 ~" ~ 00 x=,m i15~~ x- (. ~~ ((1 ~ 00 ~ o ~ m ~ 00 00 ~ = F g ~ ~ =il ~ m ~ o g: ~ ~ m g: ~ \QJ '0~ r2jU ~~o ~ ~ ~ \Qill ~ 00 \Q\ ~ ~ '00 00 r' ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~~ ~9~ 18J~ ~ ~ ~ (~ ~~ ~ ~~ ,,>~/' rr= ",^", u DCA rn c c ~rn rncQ5'2J oo~ ~~w grn m ,,,0 ~~ w ~ ~ ~ ~ (S21 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Q o @ ~~ ~o~ Q~~~ >S' ~nPi= ~~~ ffig~' o~~ ~AJ~~ ~o;;lQl =l::E:5:m o ~. ro C ::j ). ;;g ~o)> ~:r:;&:w >~~ oo~g~ rgC-=1 . m)im :xl;io .:!-=1 m~oo d"'-lO "",,--om i\iJmm ...--, ?.... ....:n"U n"" m~m 1ii1::!:;;!iJ . i\iJ;iQJ got) !TI~ [M)oc C'J>> e-D ro ~ OJ ,,~ m ~m mOO ~:b %:IF 'l,o~=l i::. g ~ F g:1~=l qmJ:m ~ro8F :x~xm m'-" =l iF.li""'~-l :x' m ~ga ~ fi1 -< -l ?iJ -l -~ g(I ~ ". ~ ~ a d ~ w p:> m ~ COLOR OF MONUMENT WALL, GATEHOUSE AND ENTRANCE WALL TO THE NORTH OF THE SIGN. L Summer Dawn 69 681~1 681~1 I ,',,' ~". ,.' /"~ ~~'.,.. I ~" ;,If'. ,/ J'" '; ",' ..!};'<' ,/ft // f I ~dtach:rnent B EXHIB IT E-l DESCRIPTION OF THE RECREATION AREA ON THE WEST SIDE OF VILLAGE ROYALE ON THE GREEN PARCEL l: Commence at the point of intersection of the North and West boundary lines of Block 32 a~ shown on the Amended Plat of Boynton Ridge, recorded in Plat Book 24 on page 2B, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence,' N. 890 54' 10" E. (assumed). along the said North line of Block 32 and its Westerly extension, a diB- tanceof276 feet; thence, S. 00 05' 5011 E. a distance of 165 feet; thence S. 20 11130" E, a distance of 120 feet; thence, S. 870 481 3011 W. J a distance of 80 feet; thence, S. 20 11' 30" E. a distance 'of 80 feet; thef\ce. S. 740,10' 00" E., a distance of 73.05 feet; thence, N. 870 4EJ' 3011 E.. a distance of 92.21 feet; thence, S. 20 11' 30" E. a distance lJf 80 feet; 'thence, S. 870 48' 30" W. a dls- tance of 179 feet; thence S. 20 11' 30" E. a distance of 190 feet; thence S, 320 30' OD" E.. a distance of 178.78 feet; thence, N. ByD 48' 3D" E.. a diBtance of 81.41 feet to the point of beginning of . .,' /~. "':, .1'/ 'I. ..Ift ; I, 11- ~ II /r '" .I' ,,- ~ ,/ EXHIBIT E-l (Con'tinued) A-...:achl.Uent B DESCRIPTION OF THE GOLF COURSE WEST BIDE OF VILLAGE ROYALE ON THE G~EEN PARCEL 2: Commence at the point of intctr.ec t ion 0 f the Nor th and \ves t boundary linea of block 32. AI shown on the Amended Plat of Boynton Ridge recorded in Plat Book 24 on gage 28, Pub lie Recorda of Palm BelAch County. Florida; thence N I 89 S4 I 10" EI (06J sumed) J along the lIaid North line of Block 32 and lts Westerly extenaion, a di~tance of 276 feet; thence~ S. 00 OS' 50" E. a distance of 165 feet to the point of beginning of the parce 1 to be herein described; thence, S. 20 11' 30" E.. a diBtance af 120 feet; thence, SI 870 48' 3D" W.. a di.tance of 80 feet; thence, S. 20 111 30" E., & distAnce of 80 feet; th<ence, S. 740 10' 00" E. a distance of 73.05 feet' thence, N. 870 48' 30" E. a diBtance of 92.21 feet; thence S. 26 11' 3D" E. a distance of 80 feet; thence S. 87.0 48' 30" W. &l diltance of 179 feet; thence S. 20 11' 30/1 E. A distance of 190 feet; thence, S. 320 30' 00" E. a diBtance of 17B.78 feet; thence N. 870 48' 30" E. a diBtance of 81.41 feet; thence NI 20 11' 3D" WI a distance of 106.67 feet; thence N. 89030' DO" E. a distance of 230 feet j thence S. 560 35 I 20" E. a distance of 103.10 fe~t) to A point in a curve concave to th~ Southeast, having a radius of 560 feet and a centra 1 angle of 100 52 I OS"; thence Northeasterly alon~ the arc of tla1d curve,a distance of 106.22 feetJ thence N. 31 00'30" W. a distance of 66.28 feetci thence S. 89 54' 10" W. a distance of 405.74 feet i thence, N. 2 11' 3011 WI' a distance of 65 feet; thence, N. 890 DO' 00" E. a distance of 200 feet; thence N. 20 11' JOII W. a distance of 115 feet: thence S. 740 la' .00" E. adilltance of 7S feet; thence, N. n ,,0 c- I. I 1 n.. LI </!'/'" j", yo ." ;::i:: )'i/" ;7,,:";')/;- . :.1 . ..' , .t' I I A.'~ ",achlUent B EXHIB IT E-l (Continued) DESC HI['.' I L..J:.j OF THE k.t.1... HE AT ION ARF.. /IN ' EAST ,', d)f OF VILLAGE tlOYALE ON 'I1i[ :t;.:~ ',' PI\l{(EL jl Commence at tile intarBect~on 0f the North anj Edst Lines BOYNT~ Ii 'Jf Block 51 as shown on the Amende;} Plat l t Boynton Ridgej\a.'3 recorded in Plat BOok 24 on page 281 Public Record~ of Palm Beach County, Florida; thence s. 8~0 541 10. We& along the said North f.lrHj :Jf Bl.ock'5. and .;".'::.6 ""'fl'.:v,el:ly ExtL~IH).LOn, a diDtanc<;j of 861.15 feet; thence s. 00 5' 50' .~ d':'::lranc"J ('IE 500.0 teet. to a point of c,urvature of a curve Concave '-0 thu -'\1orthw8st said point at curvature also being the J?oint of BeYHlf . 1Ig of the parcel t~ be herein deacribedl thence Southwesterly q,long the arc of a curve having a radius of 310.0 feet and a central angle of 360 S'I' '}':J'. a distance of 199.66 feet; thence s. 470 471 20" 'l!.. E., .a. d~l;lr.c1n-'U ct 136.92 feetJ thane,.,. s. 00 5 I 50" E.. 0. distance of 1.21. ,-. ' ~...t: thence N. 8Yo ';..' ".:" :::., a distance of 130.85 feetr the_"ltl:-.I. 005150" W., a ;~':-':._'.:-,....;j of 300.0 feet; thence ;" ...l;J:::' ')4' .:..,'., W., d distan(e of . "~:." !:et:t; tllenCE: t~. 00 50" W., a distance of 100.0 feet to tr.-~ Point of Beginning a.fore _, du ~cr ilied. **** .'" lrr . ..":~// ' ",:,;: :",i#f.. (;, ,~/" . fl tT' : ");;'"1''' ::~} . ).I ," " A" ,..achlUent B . . E:XHIBIT c-l (Continued) GOLF COU1<.SE DESCIUPTION (Ease Side Village Royale an the Green) PA RC EL tl CUffiIlwnce at thl" intersection of tht:! No"rch and East Lines L1[ Block 5 as shown on the Amended Plnt of BDynton H.idge) as re- eunJcd in Plat Book 24, on page 28, Public Recorda uf Palm Beach Cuunty, Florida; Thence S. 10 53120" E.) along said East line uf Block 5, a distance of 139.74 feet; Thence S. 890 54' 1011 W.) a distance of lL~7.20 feet; 'I:hence S. Ou 5' 50" E.) a distancE: of 120.0 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel to be herein described; THence S. lO 53' 20" E., a distAnce of 60.0 feet; Thence S. 88 06140" W., a distance of l80.0 fe~t; Thence N. lO 53' 20" W. a distance of 15.0 feet; Thence S. 880 061 40" W., a distance of 45.0 feet; Thence S. 10 53' 20" E.) a distance of 90.0 feet; Thence N. 880 06' 40" E., a distance of 225.0 feet; Thence S. 10 53' 20" E., a distance of 173.97 feet; Thence N. 770 47' 20" W., a distance of 280.67 feet; Thence N. 120 l21 40" E., a distance of 152.8l feet; Thpncp. N La 51' 20" 'rl., a distance of 66.49 feet:" l'h811CL! S. '813u Ob -jlJ 11., a disUlllCC of 111.0 feet; Thence S, 150 26' 13" W" (] distance of 525.20 feet; Thence S. ISo 07' 0" E., a ditit.:1l1ce of 130.0 feet; Thence S. 740 53'011 W., a distance of 70,0 feet, Thence S. 1So 07' a" E., a distance of 136.33 feet; Thence S.: 120 12' 4011 .W., a distance of 67.16 feet; Thence N. 770 47' 20" W., a distance of 285.0 feet; Thence N. 120 12' 40" E., a distance of 105.0 feet; Thence S. 470 47' 20" E., a distance of 90,0 feet; Thence N. 42012' 40" E.) a distance of 105.0 feet; Thence"N. 470 47' 20" W., a distance of B3.53 feet; Thence N. 00 5' SO" W., a distance of 6.77 feet; Thence N. 89054110" E., a distance of 130.85 feec; Thence N. 00 5' 50" W., a distance of 300.0 feet; Thence S. 890 54' 10" W., a distance_..qf 30.0. feet; Thence N. 00 5' 50" W.) a distance of l70.0 feet; Thence N. 890 54' lO" E.) a distance of l80.0 fectd Thence N, 00 51 50" W., a distance of 100.0 feet; Thence S. 89 54' 10" W., a distance of 170.0 feet; Thence N. 00 5' 50" W., a distance of 75.0 feet; Thence N. 890 541 10" E., a distance of 85.0 feet;.Thence N. 440 54' 10" E., a distance of 33,0 feet; Thf'nce N.. 00 5' 50" W., a distance of 95.0 feet; Thence N. 890 541 10" E., a distance of 270.0 feet; Thence S. 00 5' 50" E., a distance of 83.0 feet; Thence S.' 440 54' 10" E., a distance of 56.57 feet; Thence N. 890 54' 10" E., a distance of 150.0 feet to the Paine of Beginni~g aforedescribed. or less. ~ The above described parcel contains 4.9 acres, more ***** PROJECT NAME: Villag'i':Royale on the Green LOCATION: 2505 NE 2nd Court PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 02-012 I TYPE OF APPLICATION:Minor Modification AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Village Royale on the Greene Kenneth Eppert, General Manager Owners League, Inc. PHONE: 561-732-9449 PHONE: FAX: 561-732-9491 FAX: ADDRESS: 2505 NE 2nd Court ADDRESS: Boynton Beach, FL. 33435 Date of submittal/Projected meetine: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 2/26/02 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: Monument sign to replace existing wooden entrance sign. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ViJlage Royale on the Green\MMSP 02-012\2002 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc