CORRESPONDENCE Rumpf, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Meacham, Barbara Wednesday, July 26, 20008:37 AM Rumpf, Michael Wildner, John Isles of Hunters Run In reviewing the site plan for the Isles of Hunters Run, I researched our files to see if there was any documentation of a cooperative agreement with Hunters Run for the Isles of Hunters Run to use their recreation facilities, as was stated on the plans. I was not able to find such a document. At the suggestion of John Wildner, Parks Director, I am inquiring of you if you have a record of such an agreement in your files, or if you think we should make a request for documentation, or if you think we should not make any comment at all on this issue. Thanks. 1 !'. . /THE .ESTATES AT . . Hu~ I\!,H Condominium Associatiok1., lLue. \ \ July 3, 1996 Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Jingoli 54 Wilson Road Lambertville, NJ 08530 RE: 21 ESTATE DRXVE ESTATES AT HUNTERS RUN BOYNTON BEACH, FLORXD]t.~__ Dear Mr. & Mrs. ~ingoli: Please be advised that the Board of Directors has ap~roved your request to add concrete and extend the side pat~o screened enclosure of rour home. This approval is granted with the following cond~tions: .-=-'.- , i 1. That you Element area addition may survey. 2. That the addition be made according to the attached sketch and submitted to the Board of Directors on your behalf. limit your construction adjacent to ~our home. exceed the Lim~ted Common to the Limited Common No portion of your Element shown in your 3. That the owner is responsible for the action of their contractor and is to advise their contractors of all applicable terms and conditions contained within this approval letter. 4. That all changes and/or variations from approved plans must be resubmitted to the Board of Directors for their review and approval. 5. That copies of any permits required by the City of Boynton Beach be submitted to the Board of Directors prior to any work commencing. 6. That the home owner agrees to landscape this new addition accordin9 to the existing landscaping requirements in Estate~ Condomin1um Association, Inc.; that the home owner is responsible to replace any existing landscaping that may be damaged during the course of this work.__ , .." ~_I-:::, :-:_,..,.... 7. That the home owner is responsibl-e-' ".to ,:"'repair any area to ~~~st~~~~io~~ grounds damaged (:~urin~. ,"the:< ~urse of this (~~."" '., r 'tl i -., (~~ ,\.'.. - . .. , '~ ' .' -"'\ ~~ '. / . -::;">-. . 'I>:", C', ,,' ' . . ":J ,,, n.' - 3700 Clubhouse Lane, Boynton Beach, Florida 3343~Telephone: (407) 734-5000 I ____- '"......,,-....... ! ~ 8. That the home owner is res~onsible to maintain, repair, replace and adequately insure th~s improvement to the home and is responsible to repair any damage to the original building caused by this addition being constructed. 9. That should any foundation or new concrete slab work be needed for these improvements that rou contact Bug-Weiser and have them treat for subterranean term~tes so as to maintain th~ bond between the Condominium Association and the pest control company. Very r1Y yours, Ke~g President ESTATES BOARD OF DIRECT Ildg Attachment: Sketch russell\21estate.app -...... '/ I _..~ ~ r J II .. . . , -I :, ! \". ~ ~ ~ ~ " :' :. ! _ < 0 ~ r. ! ~ n :t i.. 0 )i~'~ u ~ ,m, , ; ; ; ::; ~!;;I 1 ; ~ ~ I ~; ~ .-j~c , l ; ,," ~ c u ~ ; ~ ~ ~ ';,'1 ~:~~ f~:" -1~ ~i.HUi~ 'LJ' 111;~1' ~~~~ ~ ~J / /l,J ("" ~f ~ " "~~ ~ ;':\t. · 0 I . 0 \ , \ ..t{." Y I. H 0 I H A 0 . hi n t:J "'.8 1.;J 3 1. 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II .. <?O::<l / j. (~ PI:~. 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi. 'Boukva.rtf P.O. 'Bo;C31O 'Boynton 'Btalli, 1'foritla 33425-0310 City:Jfaf{: (407) 375..(j()()(J 1'JU: (407) 375-6090 June 6, 1996 Kieran J. Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Re: Isles at Hunters Run File No. : LUAR 95-005 (Master Plan Modification to change land use designation to Low Density Residential) Dear Kieran J. Kilday: As the applicant for the above-referenced project, enclosed is your requested three (3) copies of th~ rectified copy of the modified master plan approved by the City Commission on November 7, 1995. This is being sent to you for your files as it has been rectified and staff comments have been addressed, and accurately represents the approved master plan for Isles at Hunters Run. Sincerely, r-' ~ / . ~ r-, ,,) (I I \~ ".- ~ ~d~L(">L^- (;LY ~f ~ Tambri J. Hey~n . Planning and Zoning Director Attachment TJH:bme c:mpapprov.isl ~merU:a's (jateway to the (julfstream MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 2, 1996 February 2, 1996. City Attorney Cheraf answered affirmative. He said the Association and the developer had committed to each pay one-half of the cost before the study was ordered. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz asked if any costs were incurred by the City with regard to that study. City Attorney Cherof advised that the City did not incur any costs with regard to the study. Mayor Taylor asked if the other parties have agreed to this settlement. Don Baron, the President of the 300 Properties Association, agreed with all points in the document and can live with the settlement. Larry Portnoy, Vice President of GL Homes, agreed with Mr. Baron. The motion carried 5-0. VII. PUBLIC AUDIENCE (\ ~ 1}j;L i '.J/.:'>' . / }!,/, Burt Frankenberger, Jr., a resident of Hunters' Run, advised that a petition signecf by approximately 249 residents was rendered to the City, requesting that the City c.p,n~J~f.the environmental impact of cutting down the trees for the Isles af1-funters' Run ~fb~ He said the community is in favor of this project. However, the birds nest in the trees on this site. In addition, they help control mole crickets, which can cause severe damage to the golf course, snakes, grubs, and mice. If these trees are cut down, the birds will find new roosting and nesting areas and would have no reason to return to this area. He said Morton Smith suggested planting appropriate trees in the area of the present bird habitat for the birds to nest in prior to cutting down the existing trees. He stated that former Commissioner Sid Rosen said that the City would protect these birds and habitat and require appropriate habitat. Mr. Frankenberger circulated six photographs of the nesting areas and birds at Hunters' Run. City Manager Parker referred to Mr. Smith's March 29,1996 letter which was received Mondayafternoon. She said City Forester Kevin Hallahan and the Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission visited the site. She asked him to address the Commission. Mr. Hallahan advised that the property purchased by the new developer extends into the water's edge approximately five to seven feet. Therefore, the new property owner actually owns that portion of the lake, which includes the trees in question. The residents of 14 Rev BY: 5-20-96 :11:20AM ;JOSIAS & GOREN, P,A,-+ Boynton Bch fax:# DATE: JOSIAS, GOREN, CHEROF, DOODY & EZROL, 3099 East Commercial Boulevard Suite 200 Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33308 (954) 771-4500 Facsimile No. (954) 771-4923 Hay .20, 1996 F:'~;~ !!~ ~; ~ ~ \ll ~ rm P'~'ir.::;. ~ l~ >>---"PL{~i'iNiNG ANO ZONiNG DEPT. RECIPIENTS FAX NO. 1-407-375-6090 TO: Jose - Planninq Dept. FROM: James A. Cherof, city Attorney This transmission oontain~ three (J) poge(s) including this cover. FILE NO: 910370 PILE REFERENCE: Boynton Beach v. summit Associates COMMENTS: Attached is a copy of the Fourth Amended Agreed order regarding Summit Associates. The informatfon l;ontainl!d lr\ thIs 'fllcairni La mo~CQ90 and tl!~ pegu follQwinlJ ore attorney prfvlleglt~ and confidential information Intended Dnly for the US~ of the individual or ~ntitv nan~ Above. If tho ~oQdu~ of this ID@ssage Is net th@ inttnded recipi~nt. y~u are hereby notified that any dissemin8tion. distribution, or GOpy of thf~ corrmunlt.atlon Is strictly prOhibited. If you have received this communicetlQn in errorj please imm.diataly notify ~a by telephQ~e a~d retur~ the ori9in~l me5ssge to us Dt ~he ebove Ba~re$$ Via the U.S. Postal S!rvi~e. Thank yo~. If any problems occur in receivinq this mQssage, plaAse call this office at (954) 771-4500. Thank you. MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 2, 1996 Hunters' Run that do not want the trees cut down do not live on this property; however, they can see it from across the lake. The trees in question are all exotics (Australian Pine, Florida Holly, and Melaleuca) and are normally removed from properties pursuant to City Ordinance because they tend to crowd out all the native plant material. When removed, they generally grow back. This site was cleared many years ago, and mined of some of the sub soil. The entire lake edge is once again Australian Pine, Florida Holly, Melaleuca, and other volunteer trees. Mr. Hallahan explained that roosting is when the birds alight on the trees at night to sleep. Nesting is when they build nests in the trees to create young birds. If the birds are classified to be endangered, threatened or protected, and they are nesting in the trees, then the trees become protected. The Game and Fresh Water Fish Commission has determined that the birds are just roosting. Only one species on the site, the wood ibis, is classified as protected. However, since they are not nesting in those trees, the trees are not protected under the State guidelines. The site plan was presented to the City Commission, and because the birds were not nesting there, the developer wanted to remove the trees and provide the homeowners visual access to the lake edge. - With regard to Mr. Smith's suggestion to plant more desirable trees along the lake edge if the trees are removed, Mr. Hallahan stated that if a lake is created by a developer, the developer is required to plant shrubs and trees along the Jake edge for the benefit of the wildlife and fish. However, because this lake already exists, this is not required. The developer is planning to build two lakes further inland on the property. On those two lakes, he will plant trees and shrubs for the benefit of the birds and fish. Mayor Taylor stated that since he has heard from Mr. Smith, he looked into this matter. He said the Commission was lobbied very heavily for this project. It is a very upscale project with homes in the range of half a million dollars. The prior zoning of this property was commercial, and this was a chance to bring in a very upscale project. He pointed out that the removal of those trees will give the people who buy those homes a nice view across the lake onto the golf course. He also pointed out that the Commission has already approved the site plan. He said Commissioner Rosen was also in favor of the site plan, and was the torch bearer for this project. He even told the Commission that Hunters' Run 15 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA APRIL 2, 1996 was totally behind this project. Mayor Taylor advised that the developer will be putting in all the landscape required by the City. -- -~._- --- -... Christine Liberti asked the members of the Commission to reconsider the decision they made at the March 19th meeting with respect to Brady Osborne and the Boynton Beach Mausoleum. She said the Commission previously gave her their support to put a photo emblem on her daughter's crypt. Now that support has been retracted because Mr. Osborne said photo emblems are distasteful and offensive. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz had empathy for Mrs. Liberti. She said the Commission appealed to Mr. Osborne, but he was adamant about not changing the rules. He said it would set a precedent for other people to make requests that maybe would not be in as good taste as Mrs. Liberti's request. She stated that the Commission cannot force Mr. Osborne to change a document that was signed by the purchasers. However, she said she would not give up trying to persuade Mr. Osborne to change his mind. Mrs. Liberti stated that Mr. Osborne has a book of emblems, but does not allow every emblem in that book to be placed on the front of the crypts. She said the only agreement she signed stated that only one emblem is allowed. This has s!nce been changed to allow two emblems. She pointed out that photo emblems are allowecfin other mausoletims and on headstones in cemeteries. She did not know why Mr. Osborne could not subcontract with Lake Worth Monument to provide photo emblems to people. Commissioner Bradley stated that there is nothing we can legally do to convince Mr. Osborne. He said Mr. Osborne is required to provide any of the emblems in the book. He said he would be happy to write to Mr. Osborne, call him, and help in any other way he can. Vice Mayor Jask.iewicz said she will also send a letter to Mr. Osborne. Mrs. Liberti stated that City Manager Carrie Parker had suggested putting an etched, bronze emblem on the front of the crypt. Mrs. Liberti pointed out that the photo emblems come with covers that can be picked up or slid to the side. They look like the plain, bronze emblems that Mr. Osborne supplies. She felt this would resolve the issue of Mr. Osborne feeling that photo emblems are offensive. She advised that Mr. Osborne will not talk to her. Mayor Taylor stated that he did not take anybody's side on this issue; hence, he did not withdraw any support. He said he told Mrs. Liberti to see if she could work something out 16 SEE: PLAN AMENDMENT FILE #96-2 MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 96 - 016 i S ~ * :-' ~ ~=pL;:[,!i:ii1~Gt;~J5'~ I lOt\J!NG DEPT. ~ I '~"-"~~"'-'~"-""~.,-..~ f~ G~~ ._""~~" FROM: Tambri Heyden, Planning DO or~ John A. Guidry, Utilities Director tv TO: DATE: January 11, 1996 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run PUD Response to Kilday and Associates request of Jan. 9, 1996 In their memorandum, the representatives from Kilday and Associates state their client's objection to our condition prohibiting the placement of large, canopy-type trees either in or overhanging the existing utility easement along the eastern property line of their project. Please be advised that we stand by our original recommendation for the following reasons: 1) The large tree species in question, Live Oaks, were selected for their ability to provide screening to the new development. Live Oaks are well known for their widespread canopy. The proposed location for the trees would extend that canopy over the utility easement, and prohibit the use of our backhoes without severely pruning the trees. Similarly, the trees' root systems also spread laterally, and would encroach into the easement, eventually going over, under, or around the force main. This would severely damage the main in the event the tree is blown over during a hurricane or other storm event, and result in a large scale sewage spill. 2) The easement in question is particularly sensitive, for it contains the sewage force main that carries all of the City's sewage (approximately 8 million gallons per day) to the Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant. Any damage to the force main at the project location would immediately discharge large quantities of sewage into the project, and Congress Avenue. For both of the reasons cited above, we continue to recommend the trees be relocated away from the easement, or replaced with various species of palms so as to achieve a similar effect. I hope this memo satisfies your request. If not, please refer any additional questions to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM xc: Carrie Parker, City Manager Skip Milor File C:IWPWIN601 WPDOCSVANFEB%IIHRRESP. WPD ~' PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-742 TO: FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director Michael E. Ha~,~~_~ Current Plann~:~dinator January 5, 1996 DATE: SUBJECT: New Site Plan - 2nd Review Project: Isles at Hunters Run Location: West side of Congress Avenue approximately 500 feet north of Summit Drive Agent: Kilday'and Associates File No.: NWSP 95-010 The following is a list of comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced proj ect. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first review or new comments as a result of the second review. To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and design of the building. The second category is a list of recommendations I believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans at time of permitting if the site plan request is approved. The applicant must understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the Building Division for permits for the proposed project. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: The following comments are generated by a review of each sheet and the drawings referenced on the sheet: SHEET L-l of 11 1. On sheet L-l of 11 change the text in general note #22 (incorrectly identified as 21) found on sheet L-I0 of 11 to include the following text regarding planting trees in easements; "No trees shall be installed within utility easements without prior approval from the City of Boynton Beach utilities Department". This note will match the reference to planting trees in easements found on the plat drawings. SHEET L-2 of 11 2. '1'0 ensure that the proposed guardhouse complies \flith the established perimeter setbacks, add to sheet L-2 of 11 the approved south perimeter building setback dimension. SHEET L-3 OF 11 3. On sheet L-3 of 11 change the "Model Center Parking Area" note regarding subsequent permits by changing the word minimum to minor. The model center area work may be processed as a minor site plan modification and permitted separately from the permanent common ground improvements. SHEET L-5 OF 11 4. On sheet L-5 of 11 change the note regarding subsequent permits for the work at the proposed construction office by changing the word minimum to minor. The model center area work may be processed as a minor site plan modification and permitted separately from the permanent common ground improvements. Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-742 Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 5. On sheet L-5 of 11 identify the specie and method of installation for the lawn grass proposed for the north side of the buffer wall located along the north property line. 6. On sheet L-5 of 11 change the 20' perimeter setback note to 25 I . SHEET L-6 OF 11 7. On sheet L-6 of 1ti identify the results of the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting (BOAV 95-015 case # 214) regarding the special exception to increase the site wall from 6 feet to a maximum of 10 feet. The special exception is for the portion of the site wall located along the north property line that exceeds six (6) feet in height. Also, reference on the plans the case number and approval date. If the appeal is denied modify the plans to show compliance with the maximum wall height of six ( 6) feat. 8. On sheet L-6 of 11 remove from the perimeter setback note the following text "/Landscape Tract". Also identify the purpose of the dashed line symbol that is located at the rear of lots 1, 2 and 3. SHEET G-1 9. show and dimension on sheet G-1 the location of the handicapped adaptable parking space required for the guardhouse or provide written verification from the Department of Community Affairs stating that they accept the handicapped parking space for the Isles at Hunters Run to be located off- site on the adjacent property. 10. Add to sheet G-1 the following information regarding the color and type of exterior finish material for the guardhouse: i. Manufacturer I s name, color name and color des ignation (letters and/or numbers), and type of material proposed for the decorative window sill located on the north elevation of the building; i1. Manuf acturer I s name, color (letters and/or numbers) columns. name and color designation for the pre-cast coquina 11. On sheet G-1 place a north arrow on the floor plan drawing. Also, add compass directions to the elevation view drawings. 12. On sheet G-1 identify the overall height of the guard-house building (Note; overall height shall not exceed 2 stories or 30 feet). II. GENERAL COMMENT(SI: 13. On sheet L-8 of 11 identify the results of the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting (BOAV 95-016 case # 215) regarding the special exception to increase the size of the off-premise sign from 16 square feet to 20 square feet. The sign is located at the intersection of Summit Drive and Westlake Drive. Also, reference on the plans the case number and approval date. If the appeal is denied modify the plans to show compliance with the maximum sign size of sixteen (16) square feet. Page 3 Memorandum No. 95-742 Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 14. Compliance with the outstanding issues related to the Development Order dated November 20, 1995 and signed by Jim Cherof (City Attorney). More specifically 5. A. and 5. B. of the order regarding proof that the Isles at Hunters Run has been approved for inclusion in the Hunter's Run community of associations, file documentation acceptable to the 'City Attorney to demonstrate compliance with access, drainage and recreational amenity issues otherwise required for development of a planned unit development and payment of fee in lieu of land dedication for recreational amenities. ,.:".fr~':.- 15. The rectified master plan shall receive unconditional sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members prior to permits being issued for the project and prior to the zoning district being changed from Community Commercial C-3 to Planned Unit Development PUD W/LUI=4. 0 and the land use classification being changed from Local Retail (LRC) to Low Density Residential (LDR) with maximum density of 4.84 D.U./Acre. MEH:dim xc: Central File ISL!S2nd.HSP Kilday & Aaocl.t.. landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 " , ,'~''"l ! l~ ;;!l , []':('. 1,41991: ' !.- _.u J PLANNING i\"iD ZONiNG DEPT. December 14, 1995 Ms, Tambri J, Heyden, Planning Director Mr, Michael Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Isles at Hunters Run (File No. 95-010) Amended Site Plan Review Plans - Technical Review Committee Follow-up Our Project No.: 1247,1 Dear Ms, Heyden and Mr, Haag: Please find attached twelve (12) sets of revised Conceptual Landscape Plans addressing those issues raised at the December 12, 1995 Technical Review Committee and those items included within the Technical Review Committee Comments Memorandums subsequently issued by each reviewing Department. F or your information, actual Site Plan Review Application is not being revised in conjunction with the TRC Comments, Therefore, the application currently on file is still considered the original application, This resubmittal does not include colored photographs of existing buildings as the existing building on site will be used on a temporary basis for construction trailer purposes, Additionally, please find included with this revision 8 1/2" x 11" transparencies of the landscape site plan for overhead projector purposes at the upcoming Board Meetings, The following is a summary of the Comments included in the latest Technical Review Committee's Comments Letters and how they have been addressed by the Project Team in this submittal: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, 95-380 1, Source of irrigation will be from the proposed lakes. The location of the pump site will be determined by the irrigation contractor, 2. Water, sanitary sewer and drainage plans have been provided for review and comment. Revised plans were resubmitted on December 13, 1995 and hand delivered by Lawson & Noble, Engineers, Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Michael Haag December 14, 1995 Page - 2 - Revised plans were resubmitted on December 13, 1995 and hand delivered by Lawson & Noble, Engineers. 3. The proposed wall and trees have been relocated to the west where sufficient open space is available. However, the proposed wall and trees in the north end of the east property line have not been relocated due to the fact that insufficient open space exists. Every effort will be made to locate the tree trunks outside of the utility easement. 4. The applicant has discussed this comment with the Utilities Department and will provide Hold Harmless letters as required. 5. The applicant acknowledges this comment. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-197 Pursuant to Memorandum No. 95-197, the Public Works Department has no problems with the above site. RECREATION AND PARKS MEMORANDUM NO. 95-567 The Parks and Recreation Department has indicated no recreation related comments at this time. FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-388 The Fire Department has no additional comments since their original memo. Their original memo include additional setbacks which were superseded by the Development Order approved by the City Commission. POLICE DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 0188 The Police Department has no problems with this project. Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Michael Haag December 14, 1995 Page - 3 - PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-706 1. With regard to the detailed drawing of the entry wall referenced on sheet Ll of 11 and as detail 1 of Sheet LB, the inconsistency has been corrected. 2. Exterior Finishes and Material Colors and Manufacturer's Name: the wall and column and all other components have been included on all the required drawings. (See attached paver system brochure) 3. Sheet Ll has been corrected to read the width of pavement as being 22' wide. Additionally, Westlake Drive has been revised to be indicated as a private road. 4. A 10' utility easement has been located on the west side of Westlake Drive to comply with this comment. Additionally, a note has been added on Sheet LI0 regarding the installation of landscape materials in said easement. 5. Sheet L2 has been corrected which references detail 3A and 3B on Sheet LB. Therefore, the inconsistency has been corrected. 6. Sheet L9 has been revised to include identification of the color name, color designation and manufacturer of color for the wall and column components. 7. L4 sheet has been revised to reflect the location of overhead power lines on the detail drawing. The proposed wall and perimeter trees have been relocated to the west. 8. The spacing of the affected perimeter trees has been revised to meet a 30' on center spacing requirement. 9. Please refer to sheet G 1 for Guardhouse layout and building setback dimensions. 10. Sheet L2 has been revised to indicate Westlake Drive as a private street. 11. Please refer to comment no. 2 above. 12. A note regarding sod has been added to sheet L3. 13. Please refer to response to this comment on Item No.6 of this letter. This comment has been corrected pursuant to Item No.2 above. 14. Sheet L3 has been revised to include a note that the Model Center parking area is temporary and the construction of the area will be processed as a minor site plan modification and permitted separately from the permanent common ground Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Michael Haag December 14, 1995 Page - 4 - improvements. 15. An 8' wide sidewalk/bike path is not being proposed on the north side of Westlake Drive. However, as indicated on sheet L3, an 8' sidewalk/bike path is called out on the south side of Westlake Drive and is properly identified. 16. References to detail drawing no. 1 on Sheet L7 has been deleted to reference sheet L4 for the subject cross section of the Congress Avenue Buffer. 17. Sheet L7 has been revised to reflect the location of overhead power lines located in the utility easement identified along Congress Avenue. Additionally, proposed trees have been relocated to comply with FPL standards of "Plant the Right Tree in the Right Place." (see comment no. 7) 18. The note on sheet L7 (section through Congress Avenue Buffer) has been revised to reflect sheet L 7 as opposed to sheet U. 19. Sheet L5 has been revised to include a note that the existing building, existing parking area and existing hedge are temporary and will be removed. Additionally, a note has been included which states that the proposed modifications in this area will be processed as a minor site plan modification and permitted separately from the permanent common ground improvements. 20. Sheet L5 has been revised to include and identify the type of landscaping materials proposed for the north side of the buffer wall. 21. Sheet L5 has been revised to include a note that the portion of the lake maintenance easement on common ground that is adjacent to the lake are not shown as having littoral and upland landscape materials should be covered with sod. 22. Sheet L6 has been revised to identify the area of the proposed wall that exceeds 6' in height. The plan has been revised to indicate a length of 230' of wall that exceeds 6' in height. The applicant will be requesting a variance to the zoning code regarding height of walls, as this site is adjacent to an existing commercially zoned property on the north side. (See attached precast wall brochure) 23. Sheet L6 has been revised to identify the type of landscaping material proposed for the north side of the buffer wall. 24. Sheet L9 has been revised by adding detail drawing 3A and 3B. 25. The plant list on sheet L11 has been revised to include sod. Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Michael Haag December 14, 1995 Page - 5 - 26. The applicant has obtained approval from the Hunter's Run Homeowners Association to utilize the existing handicapped adaptable parking space adjacent to the existing guardhouse. Therefore, sheet G 1 has not been revised to reflect this comment. 27. Sheet G1 has been revised to include information concerning the color and type of exterior material for the guardhouse. (See attached roof brochure) 28. The rectified Master Plan was modified pursuant to the City Commission approval and was submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department on December 13, 1995. 29. The colored elevation drawing of the guardhouse building has been modified to include a method of identifying the type of exterior materials and colors of the materials. 30. Sheets L3, U, 15 and L6 have been revised to delete references to landscape tracts, easements, and berms within common ground, or at the rear of the west lots that do not have a requirement for the installation of landscaping. Easements in these areas will be removed from the plat drawings. ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-467 Site Development Plan is included on six separate sheets and does cover the entire site. The Conceptual Drainage Plans were submitted separately by Lawson & Noble, engineers. The Master Plan was approved subject to a condition that Home Development Corporation of South Florida provide documentation, including access to existing lakes on the adjacent PUD. The Homeowner's Association has approved these agreements and will be forthcoming to the City. All information concerning paving will be provided with the final application. BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-434 1. The project identification sign is located on the subject property, does not exceed a maximum of sixteen (16) square feet of sign face area and will comply with Article III, Sec. C5 of the City of Boynton Beach Sign Code. The applicant will be requesting a variance to allow for a twenty (20) square foot off premise directional sign pursuant to Article III, Section 6.C.5 of the City Sign Code. 2. The applicant will be requesting a variance for the buffer wall height on the north property line. Ms. Tambri J. Heyden Mr. Michael Haag December 14, 1995 Page - 6 - RECREATION AND PARK MEMORANDUM NO. 95-572 No additional comments were included. RECREATION AND PARK MEMORANDUM NO. 95-574 The existing mahogany trees located adjacent to Congress Avenue will not be preselVed in place for several reasons. The two rows of trees as they are currently located would not meet FPL's "Planted in the Right Place" guideline. Additionally, the design of the landscape buffer adjacent to Congress Avenue incorporates a berm. The beginning of the berm begins at the property line and has slopes up to 5' in height; therefore, the trunks of the trees would be buried in the berm. Every attempt will be made to relocate the mahogany trees, however, due to their size, experts in the field have suggested that they need to be root pruned for six months. The current construction schedule suggests the clearing of the site will occur within one to two months. Therefore, relocating these mahoganies is somewhat questionable at this point in time. If the trees cannot be relocated, the landscape plan has been designed to accommodate the no net loss requirement of the City. As indicated in the Utilities Department's Comments, revised Engineering Plans were resubmitted to the City on December 13, 1995. We would request that these plans also be reviewed for comments, enabling an expeditious approval process, together with the site plan application. This office will be happy to review this letter and revised plans with you at your earliest convenience, however, if you have any questions or comments concerning these plan changes, or any other items, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately. Sincerely, ~aiJ~ Kilday & Associates LAW /kfj cc: Andrew Steinberg Carrie Parker; City Manager . '(, ~ r~ p~tv \\~\~j, BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-449 r-:;-~- ., ,.. ..,"",,--,~,-- '~-~-'''-'''--I 10) [~.~~~ ~~'" ~ ~ lJl1 Lu.1 2. I b9J ~ PLANNING A~[) l1'i1-t' / ZONING DEPT. 'J December 21, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRC COMMENTS - iSLES OF HUNTERS RUN SITE PLAN - 2nd REVIEW The Building Division has reviewed the plans for the above subject project and is requesting that our comments from the first review (see attached) be forwarded to the City Commission unless a variance for the sign and wall is approved before the site plan goes to the Commission. Since the master plan was approved with setbacks that would permit a larger buildable area than the F.A.R. or L.U.I. that was approved at the time the PUD zoning was approved, we need some kind of note on the site plan or master plan that would control this project after it is completed or when the owner of the homes submits plans for additions after their C.O. has been issued. We addressed this problem previously but no solution has been found to cover additions after C.O. j~// ~~0d/At ,?/ Al Newbo AN:bh Attachment XC: William V. Hukill, P.E. ISLES ,. '" - BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-434 1. The project identification sign is located on the subject property, does not exceed a maximum of sixteen (16) square feet of sign face area and will comply with Article III, Sec. C5 of the City of Boynton Beach Sign Code. The applicant will be requesting a variance to allow for a twenty (20) square foot off premise directional sign pursuant to Article III, Section 6.C.S of the City Sign Code. 2. The applicant will be requesting a variance for the buffer wall height on the north property line. 14r. Kilday, please remove page 4 from planning and zoning Department Memorandum No. 95-706 and insert this revised page 4. Comment number 22 was revised per the direction of the director of the department. .tI.I , " .1.......... --1<: IIHJ. -1)./1'11'15 ~:~~r~ndum No. 95-70~~ Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 upland landscape material shall be covered with sod. SHEET L-6 OF 11 *22. On sheet L-6 of 11 identify the area of the wall that the height exceeds 6 feet. Any point that the wall exceeds six feet in height a variance to the zoning code regarding height of walls will be required. Delineate on the plan the length of the wall that exceeds six feet in height. 23. On sheet L-6 of 11 identify the type of landscaping material proposed for the north side of the buffer wall. 24. On sheet L-9 of 11 add to detail drawing 3A the exterior finish material and finish color by; color name, color designation (letters and/or numbers) and the manufacturer of the color for cast stone cap, center of the planter wall and sand finish stucco base. SHEET L-l1 OF 11 25. Add to the plant list found on sheet L-ll of 11 the specie of sod. SHEET G-l 26. Show and dimension on handicapped adaptable guardhouse. sheet parking G-1 the location space required of for the the 27. Add to sheet G-l the following information regarding the color and type of exterior material for the guardhouse: 1. color name, color designation numbers) and manufacturer of the concrete ball; (letters and/or color for the ii. manufacturer's name and color designation (letters and/or numbers) for the buttercup blend antique spanish "s" roof tile (2 company brochures acceptable); iii. manufacturer's name and color name for the coquina stucco band; iv. manufacturer's name and color name for the coquina quions; v. manufacturer's name, color name and color designation (letters and/or numbers) for the smooth stucco special blend; vi. manufacturer's name, color designation (letters and/or textured stucco special blend; name and color numbers) for the vii. manufacturer's name, color name and color designation (letters and/or numbers) for the pre- cast keystone and columns special blend; viii. type of material, manufacturer's name, color name and color designation (letters and/or numbers) for the window frames, door frames and soffit of the drive-through area; '" %e City of 13oynton 13eac/i 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beach 'Boukvara P.o. 'Boi(31O 'Boynton 'Betuh, 110ritfa 33425-0310 City:Jla[[: (407) 375-6()()() ~.5U: (407) 375-6090 December 12, 1995 Kieran Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Initial Review Comments - Isles at Hunters Run File No. NWSP 95-010 Dear Mr. Kilday: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above-referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial. A recommendation for denial will be made if there are maj or comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. 5'l me rica s (jateway to tlie (ju(fstream Page 2 Isles at Hunters Run Initial Review Comments In order for the site plan review request to be presented to the Planning and Development Board on January 9, 1996, a complete second review submittal shall be turned into the Planning and Zoning Department on December 14, 1995 before 5:00 P.M. A checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review is attached to help faciltate the second review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Michael E. Haag, who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Very tf:J;'f,:r::..rs, .,~' ..(),J-~ " l( 'I J ~/)t-. ~~~~i ;. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme Atts. A:lstComLtr.isl Page 3 Isles at Hunters Run Initial Review Comments CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: Isles at Hunters Run (File No.95-010) 1. Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. 2. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 5" by 7". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. 4. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do not submit on board of any kind. Page 4 Isles at Hunters Run Initial Review Comments 5. Submit a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-197 TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: New Site Plan Review - Isles of Hunter's Run DATE: December 1, 1995 The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site. RElcr . \ ~@m[i\;7ffir;) J '-.. '''''', tn, ,,:! ; ') I! Ii [ , P i:'{' _ . InnI: i iJ I : J U LI ._..:::J l-l I~ , PLMm:::; : Nl if' ::.:.-::Jj" ZO,;,Nu L".:,.".,~..... ,,"'.ori RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-567 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ~ J1 / --/ Isles at Hunters Run FROM: RE: DATE: December 8, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the plans for Isles at Hunters Run. There are no recreation related comments. The plan may continue through the normal review process. JW:ad FlRE PREVENTION MEMORANTI1JM NO. 95-388 TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: November 30, 1995 RE: 1'PNSP 95"010 Isles of Hunters Run The original memorandum still applies (FPM 95-366 WDC). PLA-;-;:---- tv....I"" 4'. -~, "'--?JJ.wi8ltiL:.-<' -- rC /"7' " '1' ,1/.. /'/ // .1 " _ /( tdlic:L.-- (iu ,nv ~c0- . William D, Ca anaugh, FPO I.,. CC: Chief Jordan FPO IT Ca.f!lpbell File FlKE PREVENuON MEMORANTIUM NO 95-366 \Vue TO: Planning Department ~r:- ~ o~~~~~~~~/ I PLANNING AND 'J L: '- ZONING DEPT. ~ FROM: Fire Department DATE: October 30, 1995 RE: Isles of Hunters Run The following guidelines still apply: 1. Maintain fifteen feet (15') between buildings, 2, Maintain five feet (5') clear width on zero side to allow laddering by the Fire Department. dt " J 'I .'V' ( J l . /. /f M .' ~ '/ /{d{/di{ ().iej,/ William D. Ca anaugh, FPO I () cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Cambpell BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT II~D- ~.. ~~.~ Iml j,U c=_u L1~, ',' /', ~:~~J i' r. ",,~lfj I I , -~"~ .--1 ,~ ',',.", PlANNli'!G A!\JD ,A, ~ ~~,_,,---1.Of:J!P.!1i IJEPT. ~VYYl~:f "'~.J" ..!...._. TO: FROM: DATE: REF: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS 1 DECEMBER 95 ISLES OF HUNTERS RUN- I st SITE PLAN MEMO #0188 ..:.............,..:.;.. I have reviewed the above plans and find",fl(:r'~roblerri~~at this,time. x::'::'::::.::::::::;::::::::;:::::;:::::::::,:":,;::::;:' :[...",:::: ,::,,:,"':,:,:;~:';.;:'~::::,',::::/:;:i;:::;::::::::::;: .::' 'N.:;:~:..:;"., ,.::::.- .-..,:~' ;.:. ":':"~"'" ReSpccti\ll~(l1v,\ Itm~ .' :..... .....;:.;::-. ;:';';':';';':';';':';""":":''':- '. ....... ....;.... .... .: -..;.:...;-.:-..:0;0;.... ,,:.. :: ,: SgtlMarldd Ha~~:: ~j;;:::::::~::::.:.;::;::;...< ~[ .~ } l ~~:.): t:.::~:::;:;:;:;::::::::~:::~~;:>i' PU:H)I 'sS::;l::>old M.::;l~A::;ll IUUUOU ;:nn u~ ::;lnu~luo::> Plnoqs P::;lfOld::;lllL 'SlU::;lurwO::> Iuuo!l~Ppu oN 'JMl"" ,,-..----"''' 'j,d3U D\'~i!~OZ (iI (" ') tY" I'd 'Iij ld ',.,".'"'_._....::.::.~;:~'"O.",' .,' " S661 Z I ~F!Q ill ! II II ~~ID&fi~@~ Q ~661 'II l::;lqur::;l::>::;la :3.1Va U8(d ans - UOll S.lalUOH JO Sa(SI -H ~ lSHmU;;nUU01~AU3/1::;llS::;llO.':l 'UUqUUUH 'f U~::;l)l :0 :WO~H lOp::;ll~a 8u~oZ W 8u~UUBld 'U::;lP,(::;lH !lqunU :0.1 'lLS-S6# WnaNVllOW3.W )Il:IVd 1t7 NOI~VO:>O MEMORANDUM Utilities # 95- 380 . -,--. <~,-, ~ \. ~2 r ;\ i: i ; ':if I''; '1'"""'\ ' ,I" ,., I. " "I l , t l', \,.IJ '-'~J U _ t. _ _1 :J j'_:':'''-~-<.';''''''''~'.-'-'-l ~ I \ '\ I ; Ill! ; n i L' -I' , 2 It\nI: 1 tJ I dU "I I~. ~",,,..,, .~ PLANNING Ar..JD ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Direct~or .I ) J~hnA. Guid~,.. /~ "'"w DIrector ofUtdItlesy-t'"fl / G~ ::['0 FROM: Date: December 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run, New Site Plan First Review Staff has reviewed the above referenced project and offer the following comments: 1, City water will not be supplied for irrigation, Please show proposed source and location on the plan, (City Compo Plan, Policy 3C,3.4), 2, Provide water, sanitary sewer and drainage plans to this office for review and comment. 3, No trees, or overhang of large trees, are permitted within Utility Easements, (Sec. 7.5-18.1). Several of the proposed trees along Congress Ave. are located on the easement line, with the limbs, at planting, overhanging the easement thereby preventing our access to the 36-inch diameter force main within the easement. This situation is unnacceptable. There appears to be sufficient open space west of the wall and berm to allow relocation of the trees (with wall and berm) so that they will not overhang or otherwise intrude into the easement. 4. No structures or appurtenances shall be allowed in utility easements. The proposed Buffer Wall is shown crossing existing and proposed utility easements in several locations. Special construction standards and hold harmless letters may be required, (App, C, Art. VIII, Sec. 9). 5. A Capacity Reservation Fee will be required within thirty (30) days of City Commission approval, or upon request for my signature on the HRS/DEP permit applications. The fee amount will be determined based upon meter size or expected demand, (Sec. 26-34 [E]). It is our recommendation that the plan proceed through the review process, but only if the landscaping modifications can be incorporated into the second plan submittal without causing major changes to the rest of the site plan. If you have any questions regarding this subject, please contact Skip Milor at 375-6407 or Peter Mazzella at 375-6404. sm xc: Clyde "Skip" Milor Peter Mazzella File isles I site JHN-01-'96 MON 15:59 ID: 1~N ae '96 14:~7 F~ SCHANTl SCHATZM~N TEL NO: IU88 P02 305 371 2e24 TO a79~~e.~~*01~14Z P.32/~~ ......... I. ."'.. IOIHb1IW1I1, 1>i1Ol.'folil.a ....... Clll....''''.. -..,." "". ,....'10" """. "I...,.,.. fl. .'.,........,. ,"," A."""'.. ,. N'. "''''1''1 ft~I" 1.0.,.,.111.. W11o~UIoM .... ".".11:,".. ~.. 1I''''I'Pt.. ... ..... ,,'f".'" .,lilt.. ... Clh...a ."'0 ...."''''.. I. lfiCNIG"OI ",iii '0'-. .en...... ... "1.1:1" ...._ .............. tN ....,. .............. .' ....\iIIft1ellol -"jIIl" !Il. .~. .~. .......,... ,It IllllolfOW-""" ....... .. ....... -.. II-"""lIv ,....no TO.... ".CHCCIIl M. IIAli S...CIl5 & SAX, P.A. ...~"....,.. ,.'f VIIW au'''a .... .. JiIO.,...Il:... ,..,.... ....... .01 'l'......wr. ~. , ._ ..."0.., ."..,.- ",-5& '~ I , ,,"'..... .....~ ~.. ._ ..M!I- ..tA IM'tIII. "",..IM .......... ~-.a...t. ." ....-.a. ",-"ICOjlt..,.Io69?1 ........ - .:JanUAry 8, 1~96 .." _10111II.... IEM.JMt.1I .. .......DIf'. .I", VIA ~!&JJM!LI · 3051371-~Q2' X~lhq Sh~g~t. .squire ICBAH~I, DCBATZMARf AARONSON MD~ 200 ~. ai.c.y"- alvd" 8ai~e 1050 M1~, Fl0~Ld& 33131 ~8: Dun~.~. ~un POA/~.le. ot Hun~.r. ~~n pur ril, Nnm~8rl 1158fi~~ DOAr ::tXVI wi~b ~.j..d ~g ~he .~gv.-.cferancod mAt~.r, thi. letter .h.l1 Qgn~1r.m to you the fQl1Qwin9; 1. =h. ~~mb.~&hip Q: ~ne Prcpo~y Owners A8.oc1.tion vo~84 .~ ft D.c.mbe~ 1', 1995 M..~1nq, by 4 '/4 major1ty_ to authorize the Ru~t.oJ:'. Flun ;Pro1?crri;~ OWneXil ASBct:'la.to.i.on, %nc. BeArd. of PJ.,xBctor. to pl:'.p":l:'e Q.A ^qrec;ncnt with the: Cgnile...i.l Tr.t;:t. OWnl!r ('$%.1':8 at R\ln-ceZ'. n\lft") .clcU!lg it 'tg the; !)'Ult.a.. loUD Ollclar.tLgn. Tbls A!~CDm.nt wLl1 40Ql .~th ~a.tG~n ~~RtenaDQ. rB8po~aib~liti.. .n~ oilive.tiona, betw..n tho PrlJp.z;ty OwIle+'. A..o~1&t1on and you: clie:nt, and. m~.t include illlllu.;r;ance that the property will ba zoned and dev.loped for nQ mo~e than 56 .ingle family r..14eft~1al unit.. 2. upon execution an~ recoldlD9 ~ha Agraament, the Islel o~ aun~.r. aun p~ojec~ ~111 have u.. at th. rl!cr..~1cn ~.eil~~1e. wit.hin Bun4:lllra Run, wbiClh tacili".i... are malnt;a1ner:i by, 0: are undex th. gQn~~o~ Qf, the BQnt.~. Run Country Club. 3. My cliwn~ h.. A~~ee~ ~Q .X.Q~ta ~~g.. .eQ..~ .a.c"D~. with your c1i.n~, for .ceo.. ~c .n~ from th. Ill.. o~ .~n~.r. Agn and the %emt o! ~h. H~nte~~ aUn prcj.~t, .g 19n9 .8 y~ client ..eQu~aa ~..Lf..=Ql .....cnt ~9r.~.ntD, JRN ee j!le 1~. 2'i' P-JiUE.e2 "'-:',.. 1_ , JAN-01-'96 ~10t-..j 15:59 ID: TEL NO: 1:1188 P03 ..' j' .. 'the lak. "it.nin ~h4!! 1.1.. C1f RUlltol!!r. llun p::o~.c't., ....ill b. eonnect.d to the Q~h.~ l.kes wi~hi~ th~ Bnnt.~. Run ~~u~i~y and will b. ~i~taift.d h~ th. Run~.r. .un 'rop.r~y own.r. A.80fti.~ioft, .~la~ to the mainteft&noa by ~h. ~..oeiatioh of the o~h.r lake. w!~hln .~nt.~. Ruft. I hep. thi. letter a..Let. yo~ in finalizing yo~ ~.v.l~n~ Or4.r with the City of Boynton Beach. If tb.~. 1. any ~~rth.r info~~ion or ..rlt~cAtion you n.ed fram~7 office, ,lea.. da no~ b..itate to ~ontact me. Vert "':&"\ilr 7o~Z'., SLD~ch ~:~.A-- L. Da~1.i. -- -- co: Bunters tun ~raperty OWner- A880ciationt Inc. .-... Ii iIoC.." . ...... ...... .1J'Te -Ita, )01 ""'11I6"'0.0.. . ~O' 10. .1l:lO~' . .ce", ....'t(\.. IP\ "".. II.. ""'n . ..., ._...,..'......1 .............. , -.. ........... '..... --. ...... ".AN ee '9' i3l'a"? PAI:E.B3 . ..."... ** TOTAL P':'GE. 03 ** .._.....,""',.,"',,','-.',", ' : "," ~ ',. ' t '~ :'~~ ',',",'~,,' ',' . , ',."" , J :~'j; ,:,:J .' :.l~ ",\~~:I""', ~.:i.,.. ~ ,\'." , " , i-;~~ '" <, ....' , , I,' ~: '" ;. %e City of 'Boynton tJ3eacn 100 'E. 1Joynton 1Je.adi 1Joufevart{ P.O.1Jo'(31O 1Joynton 1Je.adi, !Jforlda 33425-0310 City Jfal[: (407) 375-6000 !T.9lX: (407) 375-6090 December 12, 1995 Kieran Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 RE: Initial Review Comments - Isles at Hunters Run File No. NWSP 95-010 Dear Mr. Kilday: The City of Boynton Beach has completed its first review of the documents submitted for the above-referenced project. Attached are comments made by the reviewing departments during their initial review of your project. In order to complete the review process, the site plan and documents must be amended to comply with these comments within 90 days of the date of this letter. (If amended plans are not submitted in 90 days, a new application fee will be required.) When there are comments made by the reviewers that you feel are not applicable to the approval of the project or will be addressed separately and you have not amended the plans to comply with the comment(s), you must prepare written explanation for each comment stating why the comment is not applicable and return the explanation with the amended plans and documents. After amending the plans and documents, please submit twelve (12) complete sets (including surveys) of the plans to the Planning and Zoning Department. When the amended plans and documents have been submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department, they will be distributed to the reviewing departments for second review and recommendation to the appropriate boards for approval or denial. A recommendation for denial will be made if there are maj or comments that have not been addressed on the resubmitted plans. 5lmem:a's (jateway to the (julfstream Page 2 Isles at Hunters Run Initial Review Comments In order for the site plan review request to be presented to the Planning and Development Board on January 9, 1996, a complete second review submittal shall be turned into the Planning and Zoning Department on December 14, 1995 before 5:00 P.M. A checklist that contains information regarding the second submission of the plans and documents for review is attached to help faciltate the second review. If you should have any questions regarding the comments or the approval schedule, please feel free to call Michael E. Haag, who is coordinating the review of your site plan for the Planning and Zoning Department. Very t~~~ ];:;rs, /.::::""l .c)J., ',' I l( 1} V)(C ~~~i ;. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme Atts. A:lstComLtr.isl Page 3 Isles at Hunters Run Initial Review Comments 6/ $0\ ~ \~ \ ~~ Y CHECKLIST The following list and information is provided as a checklist to ensure that the submittal of amended plans and documents is substantially complete for review. Turning in this list and the appropriate plans and documents will enable the submittal to be efficiently checked prior to being accepted by the Planning and Zoning Department. Project Name: Isles at Hunters Run (File No.95-010) ) 1., (' ~'&::( \\&' "\ '\i.}l~" , ~ \~,~~\\~ \ ~J J2. /3. wi' 4. Submit an amended Site Plan Review/Conditional Use application form that reflects the changes that were made as a result of amending the plans and documents to comply with the Code of Ordinances and the Technical Review Committee comments. A copy of the original form with a distinguishable symbol identifying the change(s) may be submitted or a completed new form with the changes identified. If there are no changes required to be documented on the application form, a letter from the applicant stating same must be turned in with the amended submittal. Submit twelve (12) assembled and complete sets of plans and documents, including surveys that show compliance with the Code of Ordinances and comments made by the Technical Review Committee. Two (2) of the sets shall have the appropriate legible raised seal and signature of the designer responsible for the drawing(s). Plans and documents shall be assembled in twelve (12) individual complete packages with the title of the project on all pages and/or sheets and each page or sheet numerically numbered such as the following example: 1 of 3, 2 of 3, 3 of 3. Submit color photographs of the buildings on the site that are to remain in their existing condition and photos of existing buildings that are located on the sites that abut the perimeter of the subject property. The minimum size is 5" by 7". Each photograph shall be labeled to identify the location of the existing structures with respect to the location of the proposed project. Submit colored elevation view drawings - a colored duplicate copy of all drawings of the elevation views of each side of all buildings and signage associated with the project. The colored elevation views shall match the elevations shown in the documents that were submitted for site plan review. The applicable exterior surfaces as identified above shall be colored with the color name and associated color reference number identified. The type of exterior surface material shall be identified next to the associated color. The colored elevation drawings shall have compass direction or title of the side of the building identified. The title block of the original drawing shall be shown. The maximum size is 24" by 36". Do not submit on board of any kind. . . Page 4 Isles at Hunters Run Initial Review Comments 5. Submit a 8 1/2" x 11" transparency of the landscape site plan drawing to ~ be used on an overhead projector at board meetings. TRACKINC 0G - SITE PLAN REVIEW SUB TTAL PRuJl::C'l' 'I'l'I'LE: llJ::tiCRIP'l'ION: 'l'YPF::: X DA'l'E REC I D : ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN NEW SITE PLAN NEW SITE PLAN 11/28/95 AMOUNT: FILE NO.: NWSP 95-010 MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 1500.00 RBCBIP'f NO.: 10365 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS RBC'D: 11/28/95 1lb,Y'Jcis:- , (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Planniqg Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: ACCEPTED 11/28/95 DENIED DATE: DATE OF LET'fER TO APPLICANT IDENTIFYING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMIT'I'AL ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEP'l'ANCE LE'f'I'ER: REVIEWER'S NAME: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , (Label TRC uepartments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. DATE SEN'l': !/pr; RETUkN DATE: /4// MEMO NUMBER: '15" G7& 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANS MEMO # / DATE / "C" PLANS MEMO # / DA'I'E / II ell util. 9"1=- a l () / IJ./r ~ / r> Planning '7Z';' ., ? l),: ' / IrJ I":.' / -L:.- -- (.j5- '135" P.W. '::\--:t,'1 / i<>~/ t' / ," Building Y / /(J. /!!1 / <:' / ' . ~._; ~ l' i I 1$ 'S(.~'l / , 'l(..~' 'ft:.-7 Parks --=F 1J.lf /~ Engineer / ( <}../1:0 / ('/ .....1 ....,( E'ire /lS" -r-;-:-i / (1J .y) / I~ Engineer / /- - -'-5)< il o -:r"". Police Y 01?7 j . I'" - Y / f ;"-11 / C/ j <7.{ J /~ Forester 'IS / L~ d 5'7'1 (;;. - \)- e/ 'fYPE OF VARIANCE(S) DA'fE OF MEETING: DA'l'E OF LE'fTf::R SENT TO APPLICAN'f IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: /;)2/7.,5" (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. << checklist sent out w/ comments) NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLETE SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC I D: MEMO SENT TO ,!:RC T2- PERFORM 2nd RE"2iE!I ~ "1':::- DA'l'E SENT: 1t"T, -, /,";- IS- MEMO #: 1.."~ -L-'<J RETURN DATE: /~~~~~ 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL Uti!. P.W. Parks Fire Police P~~NS Y y r MEMO # / DATE /"R/D" '~~...o.o ^ / {2.. :Jt / (,.. '-L-t)j/ / I.J!''-' /~ 'I f,~'7l) / /),/~~ / r:-- 9'5.-(J/cJ / .<;:: /c-:~C / ,!-- '-oll? / a)~c / c., Planning Building Engineer ~f Forster PLANS Y NO . MEMO # / OATS /"R/O" q ~-- '/y.,,( / / /~':'/;/./ C' ~s - I.f'f(:j / pi;, / ' / /~ \!Jr~) / 12/1"/ / C-/ / / --:\/ i ' ") "'L)l~" / j.." /', ' LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INSTALLED: SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD f /... ~. CC/CRA " ., ')b DA'!'!:: APPROVAL LE'l'TER SENT: A: 'I' RACKING. tiP PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-725 FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director Al Newbold, Deputy Building Official Bill Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utility Dept. Chief Field Insp. Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist wil iq~'Hukill, Director Department of Development <: ;;n~# f!;?tr, . ~ Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director 15, 1995 TO: DATE: De File No.: Plan Modification - 2nd Review Isles of Hunters Run West side of Congress Avenue approximately 500 feet north Drive Kieran J. Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. NWSP 95-010 of Summit SUBJECT: New Site Project: Location: Agent: Attached is the amended site plan submittal for the above referenced project for your final review and recommendation. We would ask that you review this amended site plan submittal to determine if the plans have been adjusted to satisfy comments previously made by your department. If your comments have been satisfied or if your comments can be met at time of building permit, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. If your comments have not been met, please advise the Planning and Zoning Department in writing. Finally, we would ask that you include in your memorandum a recommendation as to whether the project should be forwarded to the Planning and Development Board/Community Redevelopment Advisory for consideration. Please return your memorandum and the amended plans to the Planning and Zoning Department by 5:00 P.M. on December 26, 1995. If you should have any questions regarding this plan, please feel free to call Michael E. Haag at Extension 6260, who is coordinating the review of this project. cc: Carrie Parker, City Manager (Plans) (Memo Only) Floyd Jordan Charlie Frederick Tom Dettman John Guidry a:2ndRevwm.isl PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-648 ,I l: TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board Tambri J. HeYden,~ Planning and Zoning Director THRU: FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Senior Planner DATE: November 9, 1995 SUBJECT: The Hills at Lake Eden (REZN 95-002) Request to Rezone to Planned Unit Development INTRODUCTION Gentry Engineering & Land Surveying Inc. agent for Newport Properties, Inc., property owner, is proposing to change the zoning on 15.45 acres of property located on the west side of the intersection of Seacrest Boulevard and Gulfstream Boulevard (see attached location map in Exhibit "A"), from R-1-AAB (Single Family Residential) to Planned Unit Development with a Land Use Intensity of 5 (PUD w/LUI=5). The proposed Hills at Lake Eden PUD provides for the construction of 62 single family detached homes with a gross density of 4.0 units per acre (see attached copy of reduced master plan in Exhibit "B"). The future land use classification will remain as Low Density Residential, and continue to limit the area to a maximum gross density of 4.84 units per acre. PROCEDURE Pursuant to the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Section 9 (Administration and Enforcement), when a rezoning request does not require an amendment to the Future Land Use Map, staff analysis is not required to include an evaluation of the project using the eight (8) criteria under Section 9(C) (7). Since this request is only for rezoning, the above-described analysis is not required. The analysis conained herein evaluates the performance of the proposed master plan and include selected portions of the above-described criteria which pertain to impact upon municipal services, and consistency with the Comprehensive Plan and adjacent neighborhoods. ADJACENT LAND USES AND ZONING The land uses and zoning in the surrounding area varies and are presented in the table that follows: Direction Zoninq Land Use North R-2 St, Joseph's Church/School East n/a Seacrest Boulevard Farther east R-l-A Single family homes Southeast (Delray Beach) R-l-AA Vacant Southwest (Delray Beach) R-l-AA Lakeview Baptist Church West n/a N, Swinton Avenue Farther West R-l-AAB Single family homes PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT (see proposed master plan - Attachment "B") The applicant is proposing to rezone the subject property from R-1-AAB (Single-Family Residential) to Planned Unit Development with a Land Use Intensity of 5 (PUD w/LUI=5). As defined within Chapter 2.5- Planned Unit Developments of the Land Development Regulations, a "planned unit development: The Hills at Lake Eden -2- November 9, 1995 Is land under unified control, planned and developed as a whole in a single development operation or an approved programmed series of development operations for dwelling units and related uses and facilities; Includes principal and accessory uses and structures substantially related to the character of the development itself and the surrounding area of which it is a part; Is developed according to comprehensive and detailed plans which include streets, utilities, lots, building sites and the like and site plans, floor plans and elevations for all buildings except for single family homes intended to be located, constructed, used, and related to one another, and detailed plans for other uses and improvements on the land related to the buildings; Includes a program for full provision, maintenance, and operation of such areas, improvements, facilities, and unit development, but will not be provided, operated, or maintained at public expense. II Due to intended differences between PUD developments resulting from appropriate and harmonious variety in physical design tailored to the specific site, submittal of a site development master plan is required at the time of request for zoning to PUD. This master plan is attached to the zoning of the land and sets forth specific guidelines for future development of the parcel. The proposed use of the PUD is detached single-family dwellings. The dwelling units are to be located on 62 platted lots, fronting on a private roadway of which access is to be limited to N. Swinton Avenue. The site contains common property which includes two preservation tracts. The uses proposed for the site, and the acreage and percent devoted to each, are as follows: Single-family lots: 467,874.32 (square feet) 10.74 acres 69.52% Common property including preservation area: 96,731.33 (square feet) 2.22 acres 14.37% Private right-of-way: 108,396.35 (square feet) 2.48 acres 16.11% Total 673,002.00 (square feet) 15.44 acres 100.00% The 15.4-acre site with 62 single-family units yields a gross density of 4.01 units per acre. The following building and site regulations proposed for the project are as follows: Minimum lot area: 6,727.50 square feet Minimum lot frontage: not all specified on plan 47 lots at 63.75 feet 15 irregular-shaped lots at 30 feet Minimum lot width: 63.75 feet Minimum building setbacks: Front Side Side (corner) Rear 22.5 feet 7.5 feet (both sides) 12.5 feet 7.5 feet The Hills at Lake Eden Maximum lot coverage: Maximum structure height: Maximum net density: Pool and Screen enclosure: Front setback: Side setback: Rear setback: -3- November 9, 1995 None. From the proposed LUl, staff has determined a maximum floor area of 4,327.89 square feet. However, unlike lot coverage, floor area excludes garages, screened enclosures, pools and storage areas. 35 feet 5.77 units/acre 22.5 feet 7.50 feet (both sides) 3.50 feet The building and site regulations of the current zoning on the property (R-1-AAB) are as follows: Minimum lot area: Minimum lot frontage: Minimum building setbacks: Front Side Side (corner) Rear Minimum living area: Maximum lot coverage: Maximum structure height: Maximum net density: Screen enclosure setbacks: Front Side Side (corner) Rear Pool setbacks: Front Side Side (corner) Rear Note: above ground pools 9,000 square feet 90 feet-regular lots 67.5 feet-irregular-shaped lots 25 feet 10 feet (both sides) 12.5 feet 25 feet 1,800 square feet 35 percent 25 feet 4.84 units/acre 25 feet 10 feet 12.5 feet 8 feet 25 feet 8 feet (both sides) 12.5 feet 8 feet shall comply with the building setbacks. Utili ties: Sewer - The developer is proposing to serve the site with an eight (8) inch sewer line to be linked with two (2) existing sanitary sewer mains located on the east side of Seacrest Boulevard and on the west side of N. Swinton Avenue. The connection with the main on Seacrest Boulevard will be made just north of S.E. 35th Avenue, and the other at the intersection of N. Swinton Avenue and S.W. 34th Avenue. Water - The developer is proposing to serve the site with an eight (8) inch water line to be linked with an existing six (6) inch main located on the west side of N. Swinton Avenue, and with a twelve (12) inch water main to be installed by the developer along the west side of Seacrest Boulevard. The connection with the main along N. Swinton Avenue will be at the intersection with S.W. 34th Avenue, and the other to be connected at the intersection of Seacrest Boulevard and S.E. 35th Avenue. ~ The Hills at Lake Eden -4- November 9, 1995 Drainage: A conceptual drainage scheme has been provided which includes a network of grass swales and catch basins that are located in the 40 foot wide private right-of-way. The grass swales provide pretreatment of the stormwater prior to entering the drainage infrastructure. Concurrency certification for drainage is required at time of master plan approval. There is insufficient information to certify for drainage concurrency at this time. Access and Internal Traffic Flow: The internal road network consists of a 40 foot wide private right-of- way with 24 feet of asphalt pavement. Each dwelling unit has direct access to the internal road with no direct access to Seacrest Boulevard or N. Swinton Avenue. The project has a single ingress/ egress onto N. Swinton Avenue. The access point is located in the northwest corner of the project and provides two lanes for each ingress and egress. The project entrance is gated and includes a gate house. In lieu of ingress/egress onto Seacrest Boulevard, emergency access into the project is provided for fire, emergency rescue and police vehicles from Seacrest Boulevard. The entrance limited to emergency use is a 20 foot wide tract of land dedicated for emergency access between lots 27 and 28. The roadway meanders along the sides of the natural terrain which includes two prominent ridges that run in the north and south directions near the center of the project. The road forms a loop around twelve lots located in the east portion of the project and returns to the entrance at N. Swinton Avenue. Recreation: No private recreation facilities are proposed for this project, and as a consequence, the developer will pay the full parks and recreation fee as required by the City's Land Development Regulations when partial credit is not awarded in connection with the provision of minimum private facilities. This fee is to be paid when the project is platted, which will contribute toward public park improvements to serve this vicinity. For a specific review of public recreation facilities within this area, please refer to the section below titled COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH PUBLIC FACILITIES-Neighborhood Parks. Topography, Soils and Vegetation: The topography of the site features two prominent ridges running north and south near the center of the site. The grade elevations of N. Swinton Avenue at the north and south ends of the site are 14.67 feet and 14.90 feet, respectively. The grade elevations of Seacrest Boulevard at the north and south ends of the site are 22.06 feet and 27.45 feet, respectively. The elevation of the site increases from the adjacent right-of-way elevations to an elevation of 32 feet along the north-central portion of the site and 27 feet along the south- central portion of the site. With respect to soil characteristics, the soil borings performed at the site indicated medium-fine sand to a depth of 15 feet. Information relative to the environmentally-sensitive characteristics of the subject site is provided below under the section ISSUES/DISCUSSION. Schools: Pursuant to Comprehensive Plan Policy 8.22.1, staff notified the Palm Beach County School Board of the subject request, and provided them with the information on the proposed residential project necessary to conduct an analysis of the impacts of future residents on the racial balance of affected schools. A response from the school board had not been received at the time of report completion. ISSUES/DISCUSSION A) CONSISTENCY WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES Provided below are complete, or excerpts of objectives and policies taken from the Comprehensive Plan that are applicable to the proposed request. These objectives and policies were taken from the Future Land Use, Traffic Circulation, and Conservation Elements. The Hills at Lake Eden -5- November 9, 1995 Policy 1.17.8: "Maintain and improve the character of existing single-family and lower-density neighborhoods, by preventing conversions to higher densities." (For an analysis of the applicability of Policy 1.17.8, see the examination below under CONSISTENCY OF REZONING WITH ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN.) Objective 1.15: "Encourage planned development projects which are sensitive to characteristics of the site and to surrounding land uses, and..." Pol-icy 1.16.2: "Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to allow planned unit developments up to the maximum density shown on the Future Land Use Plan, if all other Comprehensive Plan policies and development regulations are complied with, and the proposed PUD is compatible with surrounding land uses." See analysis below under CONSISTENCY OF REZONING WITH ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN-Gross Density for application of Objective 1.15 and Policy 1.16.2. Policy 1.11.14: "Subsequent to Plan adoption, modify the land development regulations to provide for open space preservation by requiring the preservation of 25% of all "A", "B", and "C" rated sites of 10 or more acres, as designated in the Conservation Element Support Document...." Objective 4.4: "The City shall, to the maximum extent feasible, protect all remaining areas of substantial native upland and wetland vegetation..." Policy 4.3.3: liThe City shall establish a Density Bonus program or other incentives in the City Plan and/or appropriate support regulations to preserve natural areas i II Policy 4.4.1: ".. .the City shall require subsequent to Plan adoption, a detailed flora and fauna survey on any "B" and "C" rated site subject to a development proposal and any site greater than 10 acres in size. Based on survey results, micro-preserves may be required oriented to preservation of a minimum of 25% of all native plant communities which occur on-site. Habitat shall be preserved with intact canopy, understory and ground cover. II For purposes of identification and preservation, all native habitat, or Florida Scrub areas within the County have been rated on a relative scale from II A" (highest quality or of most importance to biological corridors) to "D" (lowest quality or not representative of ideal scrub habitat). Florida Scrub is a desert-like native ecosystem dominated by sand pine, several species of oaks, saw palmetto, other shrubs, and provides habitat and food for recognized fauna such as the Gopher Tortoise, Florida Scrub Jay and Eastern Indigo snake. The Comprehensive Plan Conservation Support Document includes a map and list of these natural areas which have also been adopted into the Conservation Element (see attached Table #2 and map in Exhibit "C") As indicated on Table #2 of the Conservation Support Document, the subject property is a "C" rated site, and as required pursuant to policies 1.11.14 and 4.4.1, a minimum of 25% of the property occupied by the environmentally sensitive ecosystem (as defined by a current flora and fauna survey) must be preserved. The preserve for this project is proposed as two similarly sized "micro-preserves" which total 1.28 acres. This total represents 32% of the total scrub habitat which is indicated as being 4.2 acres in the applicant's environmental assessment (flora and fauna survey). The only "observed" animal specie on the site is the Gopher Tortoise, and all tortioses have already been properly relocated through the required permitting process of the Florida Game and Freshwater Fish Commission. Although the character of the natural area present on this site The The Hills at Lake Eden -6- November 9, 1995 warrants only a "C" designation, and consists of only a total of 4.2 acres, the Comprehensive Plan still requires that a minimum of 25% of such "C" rated ecosystems be preserved. The location of the two (2) areas proposed to be preserved by the applicant, which are consistent with the recommendation within the environmental assessment, are along the higher elevations of the site, atop the site's two natural ridges. Surrounding the preserve tracts are proposed residential lots near the center of the project. Within these upland areas of the site are the least disturbed habitat exhibiting features of the greatest quality relative to the entire site. Furthermore, the higher elevations naturally provide sun exposure and hydrologic conditions apparently necessary for the continued existence and growth of typical Florida scrub. With respect to staff review of these preserves, the City's environmentalist/forester concurs with the location and size of the proposed preservation tracts (see Recreation and Parks Department Memorandum #95-517 within Attachment "D'!). Lastly, the level of natural degradation of the Florida scrub could be further increased as a result of impacts from development activities and abuse by owners of adjacent properties unless properly managed, including permanent preservation without encroachment of any buildings, proper site design relative to drainage which is reflective of the preserve areas and their sensitive characteristics, the regular removal of exotic plant species, and by preventing the dumping of garbage, trash or vegetative matter into the preserve. If such preserves are not kept free of exotic and invasive plant and tree species, as well as other of debris, this non-renewable native ecosystem will continue to degrade. These practices and other appropriate mechanisms to protect the preserve should be established within the project's tree management plan, documented and demonstrated within subsequent construction drawings, and ultimately incorporated into the project's maintenance rules and regulations. Such a tree management plan was submitted at the time of finalizing this report and is pending review by the city's environmentalist/urban forester. Objective 2.2: liThe City shall implement the future Traffic Circulation Plan on a priority basis and shall coordinate same with the City's Future Land Use Plan. II Policy 2.2.9: "The City shall cooperate with Delray Beach and support efforts to extend S. 36th Avenue (Gulfstream Boulevard) between Swinton Avenue and Seacrest Boulevard." The Comprehensive Plan Traffic Circulation Element and Support Document recommend the extension of S. 36th Avenue from Seacrest Boulevard to N. Swinton Avenue, and specifically recommends coordination between the City and the City of Delray Beach as necessary to support this project. However, the proposed master plan proposes the development of that area over which this road would be extended. Although the logical reason for this road extension is the connection of two (2) county collector roads (Seacrest Boulevard and N. Swinton Avenue) and the extension of a city collector which provides direct access to u.S. I, the support document contains no narrative which specifically explains or justifies this recommendation. The City of Delray Beach was notified of this issue; however, staff had not received comments ~rior to completing this report. It should be noted that if the City approves the proposed master, staff should be directed to process a comprehensive plan amendment to remove this recommended improvement from the Traffic Circulation Element. B) CONSISTENCY OF REZONING WITH ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN As indicated above, land uses that abut the proposed project include the St. Joseph's Church and School (north), Seacrest Boulevard (east), vacant residentially-zoned property and the Lakeview Baptist Church within the City of Delray Beach (south), and Swinton Road (west). The only two built residential areas immediately adjacent to the project are to the east and west, and consist of single family detached homes within the R-l-AAB zoning district (west) and the R-1-AA zoning district (east). A comparison of the principle development The Hills at Lake Eden -7- November 9, 1995 characteristics of the adjacent neighborhoods with those of the proposed master plan and with the zoning regulations of the existing and adjacent zoning districts are indicated in the following two tables: Table #1 COMPARISON OF TYPICAL DEVELOPMENT CHARACTERISTICS NEIGHBORHOOD LOT DIMENSIONS LOT AREA NET DENSITY VALUE West (R-1-AAB) 100'x 165' 16,500 sqft 2,05 du/acre $150,000 East (R-1-A) 73'x 130' 9,490 sqft 3,5 du/acre $74,000 Proposed PUD 65'x 110' 7,150 sqft 5.77 du/acre >$150,000 Note: Prlce for proJect unlts obtalned from appllcant Table #2 COMPARISON WITH ZONING DISTRICT REGULATIONS DISTRICT LOT FRONTAGE LOT AREA LIVING AREA SETBACKS (f/r/s) R-1-AAB (west) 90' 9,000 sqft 1,800 sqft 25' 25' 10' R-1-A (east) 60' 7,500 sqft 1,250 sqft 25' 25' 7.5' Proposed PUD 65' 7,150 sqft 1,800 sqft 22,5' 7,5' 7,5' Note: Table #2 represents mlnimum requlrements of the respectlve zonlng dlstrlct, and those measurements typical within the proposed project, The subject project exhibits characteristics relatively typical of most larger projects reviewed by the City over the past five years, as the proposed project has relatively small lots, side and rear setbacks 10 feet or less, and units with a living area ranging between 1,800 and 2,000 square feet. Whereas the area of the dwelling unit, and front setback (of the proposed project) is comparable to the minimum required within the existing zoning district, the lots, and particularly the side and rear setbacks are significantly smaller and shorter than the minimum required within the R-l-AAB zoning district. The Hills at Lake Eden PUD master plan would meet only one (1) of the above-selected design standards of the existing (R-l-AAB) zoning district (living area), and two (2) standards of those minimum requirements of the lesser stringent, R-I-A district which borders the subject property to the east (lot frontage and living area) . With respect to evaluating the proposed project's compatibility with, or impact upon values of adjacent properties, staff has considered the consistency of the request with the maximum density of the Low Density Residential land use classification, the consistency with Comprehensive Plan Objective 1.15 and Policy 1.16.2, and current factors which predominantly determine land values within the adjacent neighborhoods and impacts of the proposed project. As the project proposes a density less than the maximum density allowed within the Low Density Residential land use classification, 4.84 units per acre, the project would be consistent with the Future Land Use Map which is the predominant residential classification within the area surrounding the subject property and, specifically consistent with Comprehensive Plan Objective 1.15 and Policy 1.16.2 (see CONSTENCY WITH APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES above). These Comprehensive Plan recommendations ,generally allow for planned unit developments up to the maximum density of the corresponding future land use classification and in particular, when combined with a site with unique characteristics (e.g. scrub habitat) . As the proposed project would meet or exceed most development restrictions of the R-I-A district, the subject request and master plan would have no negative impacts upon this area to the east. As for the neighborhoods west of N. Swinton Avenue, these homes are The Hills at Lake Eden -8- November 9, 1995 located on Lake Ida, the L.W.D.D. E-4 Canal, or "finger" canals of the E-4 Canal. The proximity of these homes to such water courses has been a prinicple factor in the establishment of this neighorhood's relatively high-valued real estate. Although the proposed master plan contains smaller lots and shorter setbacks than typical within this waterfront subdivision, the size and intended price of the planned units (in excess of $150,000), the quality of the project produced by unique features related to buffering, varying topography, security (i.e. locked entrance gate, limited or single point access, etc.), will all produce a project with character which will likely be incapable of negatively affecting the remaining adjacent residential properties. Further reinforcing this assumption is that which is indicated within the Future Land Use Support Document, which states that it does not appear that lot size affects the cost of single family housing in current projects as much as the floor area, features, and type of construction of the unit. Therefore, the lot sizes proposed, which are smaller than those of the surrounding single-family neighborhoods, will not likely have a negative effect on the property values of adjacent and nearby properties. However, regarding the differences in setbacks and lot frontage of the R-l-AAB district to the west and the subject PUD, staff is recommending that the front building setback be reduced from 22.5 feet to 21 feet, the rear building setback be increased from 7.5 to 9 feet, the rear screen enclosure and pool setback reduced from 3.5 feet to 5 feet and the lot frontages of the irregularly-shaped lots be increased from 47.81 feet to 63.75. These recommendations are more in line with recent PUD approvals and are more sensitive to rear structures adjoining or abutting properties and the preserve are. Furthermore, specifically consistent with Objective 1.15 is the design of the project. Having the effect of both minimizing the project's impact upon adjacent properties and affects of adjacent properties upon this planned community, is the inward orientation of the units, and the placement of a landscaping buffer on those sides of the property that abut adjacent roadways and residential neighborhoods. -, However, with respect to circulation design, which will likely be considered an attribute to future project residents (due to increased security), this design will require all project traffic to use N. Swinton Avenue. The traffic study determined that all roadway levels of service would be maintained despite added traffic from the proposed project; however, all of the 620 daily projected project trips would be limited to N. Swinton Avenue rather than being lessened through the provision of access onto Seacrest Boulevard. At the cost of an additional gated entrance, project traffic could be better distributed within this residential area, therefore reducing the volume of traffic required to traverse the N. Swinton Road corridor and the adjacent residential areas. Two possibilities are recommended to address this in lieu of complying with Comprehensive Plan 2.2.9 regarding extending S. 36th Avenue adn adding an entrance onto the extended road. They are adding an entrance onto Seacrest Boulevard that aligns with S.W. 35th Avenue or one that aligns with S.W. 36th Avenue which is signalized. C) COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH PUBLIC FACILITIES At the time of master plan approval, a review for conc~rrency certification must occur for drainage, neighborhood parks and traffic facilities. Concurrency certification is issued after the determination that adopted levels of service standards are currently met, and will be maintained despite impacts of the proposed project. The facilities, along with the respective evaluations, are as follows: Drainage: The project engineer has indicated on the master plan ultimate compliance with drainage regulations of both the City and South Florida Water Management District; however, as previously the m~ster plan is deficient of neeessary drainage details which have been requested from the applicant. Neighborhood Parks: The levels of service standards (LOS) for the twenty (20) neighborhood planning areas are twofold (acreage LOS and The Hills at Lake Eden -9- November 9, 1995 walking distance LOS) and tiered. With respect to being tiered, the LOS for those planning areas with original LOS less than the targeted standards (2.5 acres per 1,000 persons and 1/2 mile walking distance) improves with time (planning periods) as planned parks are built. The subject property is within Neighborhood Park Planning Area #17, which had original (1987) standards of 1.2 acres per 1,000 persons and 1 mile walking distance, as indicated on Table 2 of the Recreation & Open Space Support Document (see Table #2 in Exhibit "Ell). To improve this acreage deficiency within Area #17, with the goal of eventually attaining the target acreage LOS of 2.5, the City had assumed development of the Girl Scout Park by the 1995 planning period. As this neighborhood park has not been constructed, the LOS adopted for the }~95 planning period is not acheived. The City's Comprehensive Plan precludes the approval of any development if concurrency is jeaporidized. As a consequence of this deficiency, if new development within this area is to be approved, the City must take immediate actions that either increase the surplus of neighborhood park resources or lower the adopted level of service. Alternative actions to increase the supply of parks within this park planning area include: 1) commit to initiating the construction of Girl Scout Park prior to issuing development permits for the subject project; or 2) succes~fully implement Comprehensive Plan Policy 5.7.1 which intends to pro~ide a park alternative within Planning Area #17. Policy 5.7.1 reads as follows: "By 1992, the City shall negotiate with St. Joseph's School in an attempt to formulate, at a minimum, a policy regarding the temporary use of the School's recreation facilities by adjacent residents" . It should be noted that the need for future neighborhood park resources within this planning area also continues to rise, and specifically as a result of the inability to receive the anticipated park dedication from the development of the Seacrest Scrub natural area (which was instead acquired through a joint City/County effort) . Although development of the Girl Scout Park would provide park space sufficient to meet LOS until the Year 2000, it is now projected that the LOS to take effect in the Year 2000 will be further unattainable as a result of the public acquisistion of the Seacrest Scrub property. A third alternative to this deficiency, unrelated to park supply, is the lowering of adopted standards. The adopted levels of service could be changed through the comprehensive plan amendment process, and if so directed, staff would recommend the LOS be revised to reflect both the current construction plan for the Girl Scout Park project, and the loss of the planned dedicated, S. Seacrest Boulevard site from the data and analysis within the Recreation and Open Space Support Document. This alternative to amend the levels of service standards through the resceduling of the Girl Scout Park project is the recommended alternative of the Recreation and Parks Director (see Recreation and Parks Department Memorandum #95-521 in Exhibit "D") Lastly, it should be noted that the analysis of neighborhood parks within the Comprehsive Plan excludes those developments which contain private recreation amenities generally equivalent to a neighborhood park. Therefore, if private recreation f~cilities were provided within the subject project, the future residents would be directly supplied with recreation resources, and this project could be certified for concurrency for neighborhood parks. Roadway Capacity Analysis: As indicated in the section above titled PROPOSED DEVELOPMENT, the traffic analysis submitted by the applicant was reviewed by Palm Beach County who determined that the project would meet the requirements of the Palm Beach Countywide Traffic Perfomance Standards Ordinance. The County does not comment on local design issues such as the circulation plan proposed in the master plan which limits ingress/egress to N. Swinton Avenue. The Hills at Lake Eden -10- November 9, 1995 CONCLUSIONS/RECOMMENDATIONS The applicant has satisfied a unique requirement on the development of this property by preserving slightly over the minimum percentage of native habitat existing on-site. Also, although the lot sizes proposed are smaller than both that required by the current zoning district and existing within adjacent residential areas, the lots are larger than lot sizes approved within several projects approved within the newly devevoping areas of the City. By allowing this design the City is in effect providing an incentive for the preservation of native scrub habitat which action furthers Comprehensive Plan Policy 4.3.3 while the project, as claimed by staff within this report, is also consistent with Objective 1.15. Pursuant to Section 10.B.2, Chapter 2.5-Planned Unit Developments of the Land Development Regulations, the Planning and Development Board shall determine (and advise the City Commission) whether that plans, maps and documents subbmitted meet the requirements for Lur standards, unified control, locational and PUD standards and establish that: a} The tract for the proposed PUD is suitable in terms of its relationships to the city comprehensive plan and that the area surrounding the proposed PUD can continue to be developed in coordination and substantial compatibility with the PUD proposed, including overall dwelling unit density and peripheral transactions in such density; b) That the desirable modifications of general zoning PUD regulations as applied to the particular case, justify such modification of regulations and meet to at least an equivalent degree the regulations modified, based on the design and amenities incorporated in the site development plan; and c} That increased open space is provided for the occupants of the proposed PUD and the general public, and desirable natural features indigenous to the site are preserved in the development plan presented. The Lur and unified control documentation have been submitted with the application materials. The city attorney's acceptance of the unified control documentation is forthcoming. The remaining requirements as outlined above have been met or will be satisfied if this project is approved subject to those outstanding comments included within Attachment "D", and if the City appropriately address the deficiency in neighborhood parks using one of the alternatives described by staff, or an alternative action which is also consistent with city concurreny regulations. Based on the analysis and discussions contained herein, this request is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and the Land Development Regulations (subject to staff comments), and compatible with current and future uses of surrounding properties and would not create an isolated district unrelated to adjacent or nearby properties. Therefore, staff recommends approval of the Hills at Lake Eden PUD rezoning request, subject to staff comments within Exhibit liD". TJH:mr Attachments xc: Central File MISCX:LEDEN.REP -~ .~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-637 \..~~ DATE: Jim Cherof City Attorney Tambri J. HeYden~~ Planning and Zoning Djrector ~tl~ Michael E. Haag p,' L Current Planning Co rdinator November 8, 1995, TO: THROUGH: FROM: SUBJECT: Hills of Lake Eden - Unified Control Documents (City Attorney Approval) File No. REZN 95-002 I '- As a requirement for rezoning application to PUD, unified control documents are required (Chapter 2.5, Section 6 of Land Development Regulations) . Instead the applicant has submitted draft homeowner's association documents. Is this acceptable? The property is being rezoned from R-1AAB to PUD. The rezoning request is being advertised for review by the Planning and Development Board on November 10, 1995, and the City Commission on November 17, 1995. Since what has been submitted is homeowner's association documents, finalization including appropriate exhibits and recording of same with Palm Beach County does not occur until the City Commission approves the plat. The final version of the plat and master plan will not be of record until the applicant addresses comments and conditions approved by the City Commission. with regards to the documents submitted, the Planning and Zoning Department has the following comments: 1. Since these documents can't be finalled now, should the usual unified control documents be submitted prior to ordinances to satisfy the rezoning requirements? 2. Article III, Section 1, add the following sentence as the last sentence in the section: Whenever the regulations and requirements of this document are at variance with the city approved master plan, plat of record and/or lawfully enacted and adopted rules, regulations, ordinances or laws of the City of Boynton Beach, the city approved master plan, plat of record and the lawfully enacted and adopted rules, regulations, ordinances or laws of the City of Boynton Beach shall apply. 3. The document references two (2) "A" exhibits one as the Articles and By-Laws and the other as the legal description. Amend the exhibits and references accordingly. Also reference the legal description as the plat of record. '" j: "--, 4. Article VII, Section 3, add the following sentence as the last sentence in the section: Structural modifications or alterations to a building will require a buildinq permit from the City of Boynton Beach. - 5. Article VII, Section 4, change the first two sentences to read as follows: Buildings shall be located in conformance with the approved master plan of record in the City of Boynton Beach, County of Palm Beach, Florida. Whenever a modification to a location is granted according to the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances, said modification is hereby adopted as an amendment to this section and any future city approved modifications shall constitute an amendment of this section. 6. Appropriate signatures are required on the city approved document. ,'" Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-637 Hills of Lake Eden File No. REZN 95-002 7. All exhibits shall be attached to the city approved document. Please forward your determination of the acceptance of the documents to the Director of the Planning and Zoning Department prior to November 14, 1995. This department will forward the unresolved issues to the applicant for correction. Upon receiving the corrected document we will forward the document to you for final review. This department will hold the city approved document until the appropriate exhibits are added. The applicant will have the responsibility to record the document and return a copy of same to the Planning and zoning Department prior to the issuance of a land development permit to start construction of the project. Thank you for your prompt response. MEH:dim Attachments xc: central File a:HillsUCD.Att #" I . "'- Klldey I't AaocIetee Landscape Architectsl Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 .-618) PLANNING AND MEMORANDUM Date: November 6, 1995 Karyn Janssen, Kilday & Associates \Z l j From: To: Joyce Costello, City Manager's Office Subject: Isles at Hunters Run - Additional Information for City Commission Meeting on November 7, 1995 The attached memorandum should be distirbuted to the following: City ManaQer Carrie Parker City Attorney James Cherof, Esq. City Commissioners Gerald IIJerryll Taylor, Mayor Matt Bradley, Vice Mayor Lynne Matson, Mayor Pro Tern Shirley Jaskiewicz, Commissioner Sidney Rosen, Commissioner TRC Staff Members Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Department Mike Haag, Planning & Zoning Department John A. Guidry, Utilities Department John Wildner, Recreation and Park Department Kevin Hallahan, Recreation and Park Department William D. Cavanaugh, Fire Department AI Newbold, Building Division William Hukill, Engineering Division Marlon Harris, Police Department Bob Gibson, Public Works Department a: KIJ/kfj/players.mem PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-643 Agenda Memorandum for November 7, 1995 City Commission Meeting TO: FROM: Carrie Parker City Manager Tambri J. Heyden 7<ftJ Planning and Zoning Director DATE: November 2, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles of Hunters Run PUD - File No. 95-005 Land Use Amendment/Rezoning - revised Summit Properties stipulated settlement agreement Please place the above-referenced item on the November 7, 1995 City Commission meeting agenda under Legal - Other. DESCRIPTION: The above request for land use amendment and rezoning has been submitted by Kilday and Associates to revise the stipulated settlement agreement between the City of Boynton Beach v. Summit Associates, Ltd., to achieve the following: a) delete from the stipulated settlement agreement the exclusion of single-family residential usage of the 29.71 acre parcel located on the west side of South Congress Avenue, across from Neptune Drive (see attached location map) ; b) change the comprehensive plan future land use map designation of the parcel from Local Retail Commercial to Single Family Residential, allowing a maximum gross density of 4.84 dwelling units per acre and rezone the parcel from C-3 (Community Commercial) to PUD (Planned Unit Development) with an LUI = 4.00; and c) receive approval of the attached PUD master plan allowing 56 single-family, detached, zero lot line units having a minimum lot size of 9,350 square feet, setbacks of 15 feet front, 10 feet rear (building), 7 feet rear (pools, jacuzzies, whirlpools), 5 feet rear (screened enclosures), 10 feet side (non-zero side - minimum bUilding separation), 3 feet side (non-zero side - screened enclosures), 5 feet side (non-zero side - pools) and a bUilding height of two stories (not to exceed 30 feet). "<- RECOMMENDATION: The Technical Review Committee last reviewed the master plan on October 24, 1995 and recommends approval, subject to the attached staff comments from the Utilities Department (Memorandum No. 95-332), Recreation and Parks Department (Memorandum No. 95-498), Fire Department (Memorandum No. 95-366), BUilding Division (Memorandum No. 95-382 and 95-395), Engineering Division (Memorandum No. 95-402 and 412) and Planning and Zoning Department (Memorandum No. 95-632). tjh Attachments A:IslesHR xc: Central File I ~;;~ u ~ H ~ It= rE ~!l ! ~r ~ I!i ~J ' !i.. "',,, !j2 :l _ g m J" liP' !ti~ m rl ~ r 'I If I; ! ~ Ij i II t.. lil l> ~h ~ (I : !l ! I fI n i ~ !! ! - It li:1 i ,i n r; i 1 i{ II I Ii i~11 CIl I I !Iti ~ f I t ,! Iii 6 f I I t ~I 11_ en , I ( ~ Ii: ~ J I I I j ~ I!(~ I t l I I f I I · .. l'f! 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I sf I.. ~1i1d:1 S!!"j 't ~~ ~ Ii ; n thl t~!lr! h(flh ill ~ ,~ I~ i g 1 [;1 1':111 ill 'I i I I ~ fr h"" ';11 _ i I In ai'l~ 113} t: &: Iii H! , fl I 12.1'ISTE\S2C Frl Oct 27 16: 17 40 1995 514 ei~3 S~' · ~,~~ ... .~ t ';' ; ~ , ~~i; ',,: :.'] ... ~ d ,t~, ,$~' ;~)'t j , '~ ~i H ~~ \ @ -~ - ... ....-... I @ . Ii J ~;. l r~'T ~~-, I:., L T "~d": !-, L __m~'__' " I : @: t" i~d T'~- ,- I I 0 4-1-.- ~I @J: I' @J : I l----, ' ! I' 'iJ I 11-_+_ -i-.- ~_ ___ I I' @: K ~ ~ e " Ii '~!~i~~il'a~ I ~~~~;' 8~ ~t~ i~~\1 !! Ilm!~! =1 ;~!* ~ ~~~hl J. ja.5.g ~ ~~~~,;! " i1~<J~r ~ ..~~<. ! ~~r~ ~ , .~ I '1 r.." ~ rf d,~ ~ 3 'I ; ~ ," i I:, . @ \ @ I ~ . . ~1''=-:;''-- / ( mi i ~ U~g bl.1li ""' U,~ i::1 E ~ ~~~I I ~ ~ lot i ~ ~. II ~ ~ \ .~ III Sb S.It1If Dlltvt JWW,. IIIW ~~ -===:> ( '~8 2~. a~< ~j ~. :) Ii !m~i ili~i u~ ii~l! B ~ ~ ~~U lib! b!l ~~I I !~~ ill! lid~ i =i~11 ~iil "I i8111 ~III~ ~i 1C ~~u I I!II: ~lli I~ ~1C;! ! !~:il 5 II~II i 10 ~ I' (5 z ~ fn 00 ~ -; l'J -1 8]8 r . Ul _. 0 o ill; i i UI~ Ili~ i !II" : ~~; h:i 1';1 ~ R i Iii 8 j ~ 1~li I.... : ~~I ;d!L '~I ; ~ I ~~y Ii !.~ II~I : 1 ~ ~d ~ ~Ri ~i 'I . I i:l9 !~ l!' i ~ ~ ~.~ ~ ~~~ . tg ~ ' l ~ i~~ R U. II' II~I ,ili m i! . -I r; ~ !<< I~ ~ 1C Boynton Beach, Florida Master Plan ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN PUD . . u~ ug ,Iia ib~ .1 II'~ Ill.ltl I I!":: ii ~.J !.~ llill ~I! I~~ f" il ~~ Ii ltll!i!i II ~ rlli ~ii ~ I~II Iii II 5 II ;1 !i ~ !i~~; ~ ~ r;r;~r; ~ jfj~ I ~ I~; Ii lIi~ ~Q ~ ~r;r; ! 2r; E ~ i Om! ~~r;r; I ~..t II ~ ~ Kilday .t Alloclat.. Lancllcap, ArehH.""'/Plann,.. 1551 'Qrum "Ia~. Suit. 100A West Palm Beach, florlda 3340 1 (407) 689-5522ofax:(407) ll89-25112 LGCATION MAp" ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN PUD - .f) ?=""'( /" !~~,.:: j: to. i \ R:~ . .~~,.~~: ;J) / -' d ,:14.1 ,".") . ~"ry:TTT)'nrt~~ ~,~~~ ~j ~\ =;~ . , " T ~ .0,,' flUL'lr~"~"I;lt~~~~~', " ~ l. -..--/, II.~~.' \ m, 0 .0 ,. '~4t. .Lff~'!t JII r--'::::::::- fl ~\ ,: ~(i' -. . . . c..; ,,-: ::::s ~ , -r l' ~~: --'--..-.----! lJ~~"'''1.dt<\~:: 191 C1 , "~r',l .. lL;" ";~<~--!~P ":':. =.Il>~~~~:r:...~ "', . R3 _ 1~UJ l. ,.1 LJ.~.il , , ; -, ,.!7 ,_ __ - '~\' J'j -rTT 1 I I.L!umt1 ~ ~ w__ =n .L_~jjTJi .~~ ~ lIJI1:.. tJ " ' ;'rIiJJJJ. /1',,1fl 11), ',LIIJPP" C.A,~_~* ';~~~-TL.~,:~~, "'~~~~~'~-':1 JT: ; , ,.!.-l--i'- '0""" -, '. " 'U' l'1'U, ' , J' C' 'r , ... . ~ -- 'Z(, -, ~vk II~ ..,...,,' ~ = ~ jl!il~i/~l .(., '~~R1\. I ~~! - :' '[J:; /" - ,- ~ f ~ 'J -r~!"~-~" ',-, ..';:',- "1; 't.', l ' ... /\ -. ., - l'l 'l.. ' r ! \ - I, " '0 ;=l ~ . ~i~:". ."....oi~ = > '""'" f:.,dHJT1'J:: .'J j C ~:- --'-, '. ~!! \'~ - ~~: L' '" .~_ I... -- jl" r1~.!.'A ~tiL L ~_~.:J 11 '-'"" (~ .' \ [. .: ~ j , \) ,.- , I::: , -~1 ~8i ':1 ~ := -;~ ~~~' .!!li. . ,.m. . ,~~,!!!_!q ~~. tD:, ----: <jIl;( .."t.,!j. 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Haag Site and Zoning Development Administrator DATE: November 2, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run PUD - LUAR 95-005 2nd Review Comments for Master Plan Approval of 56 single-family detached zero-lot-line units on platted lots in connection with a rezoning of 29.71 acres from C-3 to PUD. Please be advised of the following comments relative to the review of the Master Plan for the above-referenced project: MASTER PLAN COMMENTS: 1. Extend the setback along the south property line to the east property line. 2. Indicate on the master plan the maximum gross density (dwelling units per acre) proposed for the project. 3. Identify on the master plan a tract designation for the proposed tracts along the east and north property lines and around lake Tract 1 and 2. Also delineate the tract boundaries. 4. It is recommended that the proposed front building setback of 15 feet and the proposed rear building setback of 10 feet be both changed to 25 feet. It is further recommended that the non-zero side building setback be changed from 10 feet to 15 feet. The recommended setbacks would create a 120 foot by 40 foot, 4,800 square foot/building and area/footprint on a minimum size lot that is 170 foot deep by 55 foot wide and with 9,350 square feet. Please note the following setbacks and regulations that are established for the Sutton Place project which is a single-family platted lot subdivision located within the Hunters Run PUD: l Front: Rear Side : Side : Maximum Lot Coverage: 25 feet 25 feet 7.5 feet* 7.5 feet* 45% * Side setback 6.0 feet for golf cart garages only. One golf cart garage allowed per lot. 5. Based on the master plan the minimum lot size is 9,350 square feet and the typical maximum buildable area as defined by the proposed setbacks equals 6,525 square feet. This proposes a 69% lot coverage for the minimum size lots which does not include' the percentage of lot coverage for the larger irregular shaped lots or the deep lots proposed along the west property line, Based on a 4.0 L.U.I. the maximum floor area of 4,622,00 square feet would be allowed per each of the proposed 56 lots in the proj ect . The ratio between the maximum floor area allowed per lot of 4,622.00 square feet and ~he minimum lot size of 9,350 square feet, a 49% lot coverage ~s created. The floor plans and colored perspective drawings submitted do not substantiate the need for a 69% lot coverage and do not illustrate the actual setbacks that will result when units are constructed adj acent to one another, i. e. Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-632 Isles at Hunters Run PUD LUAR 95-005 drawings illustrate only one unit and not adjacent units. 6. If the Commission accepts the 69% lot coverage in item 5 above, place a note on the master plan that indicates the maximum floor area will be submitted to the Building Department on a lot by lot basis as part of permitting to monitor land use intensity. The information shall be in chart form and submitted with each building permit requesting square footage that is included in floor area ratio computations. The chart shall verify that the maximum allowed square footage for the project is not exceeded. The chart shall identify the maximum allowed square footage for the entire development as allowed by the L.U.I., the total number of lots in the project, the subject building permit number, how many square feet are deducted from the maximum allowed floor area with the subject permit request and the balance remaining. The chart shall track all previous permits by permit number and include floor area computations. 7. Provide data showing compliance with Land Development Regulation, Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3. M. regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth. Also, add a note to the master plan regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth as described in the afore- mentioned code section. Compliance with this comment is required prior to forwarding the request. The City Engineer shall determine compliance with this comment. 8. Homeowners' association documents are required to be submitted prior to plat approval. The documents are subject to review by the city's legal staff, Engineering Division and Planning and Zoning Department. 9. Submission of a rectified master plan will be required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department in triplicate prior to platting and site plan review of the project. 10. It is not recommended that half credit for private recreation be granted since access to the Hunters Run private recreation amenities will be only available to those residents of this project who agree to pay a membership fee. MEH:dim xc: Central File a:2NDISLES.Com ~~," ,,;, ,11- i-i~ ,1,.U~~,~ ; doY~ton ~:h ~ax" H))-e~_'~ i.S) 12:2'"" "'l;KIL.tI1" c' CiSSQC TEL. /'01 ~-6ElS-~ r m 0 VI rn rml tlOV-l. .1~)Jl =.J"': PLANNING AND L I ZONING DEPT. _" ,vc-l6::j FAX TRANSMISSION TO' ~1I1 1411 ~j II M', h .w..i1I.1' IAI 1,/.'. ( f'~ deJi-.c1'- , . ~I"~'~' Uv,t1~ nelll"TC.Y ~~rl'1 IIAXNUMIER: ~'r1.lo040 _~~, OATE: NO\'. I, \~q~ FROM: Ka~V'l Jt1Irl~ ' SJl!ClAl.INtTRucnON!: --p1~/1CL ~\A~W ~(J1~ c.evtif,c.a.-h~ \~~. '11.1~ ~v~lhaJ w~Lld.. iV1 +M V'1t~l/. ~A)( COfI'i Wll.l. BE ORIGINAl. OOCUMENT y'ORiG1NAL. gCCUMENT :0 FOw..OW IN MAIL NUMeER orr ~AQcS: Z:... (INCLUCING TI-lE COVER SHEeT) CUM NMiE: ~'n~ PROJECT NUMi;R: '2. . r, . _to. . _ .a., ~.......-- Kilday & Auoclat.. Landscape Architects! Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 MEMORANDUM Date: April 1, 1996 From: Karyn I. Janssen; Kilday & Associates \< I J To: Carrie Parker, City Manager; Boynton Beach Isles at Hunters Run Master Plan Our File No.: 1247,1 Subject: In regards to your conversation with Jon Schmidt on Thursday, March 28, 1996, I have completed the research to answer any questions that you might have regarding the subject of the ten foot landscape easement adjacent to the west perimeter of the property behind lots one through twenty-seven, The ten foot landscape easement was first shown on the plans that were submitted on September 25, 1995 for the master plan approval process. At that time a note appeared below the ten foot landscape easement indicating that no vegetation was proposed in order to maintain an unobstructed view of the golf course and lake. This note has been carried onto all superseding plans and there has never been a representation that anything but sod would be located within this ten foot landscape easement. This landscape easement was again shown when we resubmitted the plans on October 17, 1995, following our first TRC meeting on October 10, 1995, and following the second TRC meeting on October 24, 1995. On November 7, 1995, the City Commission approved the project showing the ten foot landscape easement with the note indicating that no vegetation was proposed, .I, Following approval of this project, Mike Haag contacted our office on December 14, 1995, to let me know that there were several issues that needed to be rectified on the master plan, One of the issues was to erase the ten foot landscape easement along the west property line. The reason for eliminating this easement, as Mr. Haag indicated, was that due to the fact that since no vegetation was proposed and only sod would be provided, the lots should not be encumbered by having an easement. Mr. Haag stated that the only time the City requires an easement is if vegetation is going to be provided within the easement. The City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations do not require that a residential project provide a landscape easement on the perimeter of the property; however, we were being consistent with other projects our office has submitted to the City by providing a ten foot landscape easement. The only difference in this circumstance was that we were not planning on providing any vegetation except for sod, In regards to the homeowners at Hunters Run, neither our office nor the developer of this project approached the home owners at Hunters Run regarding the landscape to be Memorandum April 1, 1996 Page - 2 - provided within the development. This is the most accurate record of events according to our files. If you should have any questions or concerns regarding the above information please feel free to call me at (407)689-5522. cc: Andy Steinberg Mike Haag KIJlkfjldparker,329 " Kilday & Auoclat.. Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 MEMORANDUM Date: November 6, 1995 From: Karyn Janssen, Kilday & Associates Y \ J To: City Commissioners, Boynton Beach TRC Staff Members Subject: Response to Staff Comments Our File No.: 1247.1 Please be advised that the Master Plan attached includes two revisions that were made in response to City Staff comments received following the second TRC meeting on October 24, 1995. The following revisions are as follows: Planninq and Zoninq Memorandum No. 95-584. Comment NO.2 After reviewing the current title commitment, the survey was updated to show that the existing ten foot wide utility easement in the south east corner of the property runs the full length of the property adjacent to the east property line. This change is reflected on the revised Master Plan. Utilities Department Memorandum No. 95-332, Comment NO.1 The points of the connection to the offsite water, sanitary sewer, and force mains have been indicated on the Master Plan. An 8" water main exists on the south side of the property. A 12" water main exists on the north side of the property, along with a , 6" force main and an 8" sanitary sewer pipe, If'you have any questions or concerns in regard to these plans or any other items contained herein, please do not hesitate to contact me, cc: Chuck Justice, Lawson, Noble & Webb Andy Steinberg, Home Development Corp, KJjkfj/citycomm.no6 Z6C;Z-6B9 (LOV):XOj. ZZC;c;-6B9 (LOv) L01>>:>: OP!JOIj 'LpOGS LUIOd 159M ';rCO l "1!"5 a:>old WnJO j l <;;<;; I ;,9UUD'd/ SpaH4QJ';r adD:>SpUOl S.~OI:>OSS'9' Jg AOPII>l ~I ~:;! ~ 8 ~ a ~i/~ I~ ~ ~~~ I( ! 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IOlC '10 layn~n leIoh, florid. 33435.03'0 AmI MI, Wlllllm HUkill, !t,!. City !nolnelf All JILl' AT HUNTERS RUN L.N. . W. ProjllC't A013 DW Mt. Hukllll Th. ml.t.r plan 'I In oomDlIlI"ICt with C1\IPter 3, ArtIaIe N, SIC110n 3 of till City of BoVntotl ".01'1 LInd DtvelDPmlnt IIllaulatlana for the muttr DI.n requlrtll'llnta. If you r.vll{rf quN1lon. or conoem., pl.... do not hMlw~. to oantect rM. . ,- j ""'''~'j': ' JiJJ.... ~~)'. , . p~ MInI.., , , . ::'r -=... ~~ ftM.llhl ec: Klran JI.,..ln. KlldlY a AUOCII\II ~wuw.1.IO' ~...., ........ _ 0IIwlIlIIIa OM' WIIl~" ....... ~ .... (.on ....... 'II ~ ""1'. a.-. __ & _ _ _ _ -.I!I.... .. _ II, I.l<M. I"L a.IllI'lolO7lllll.i1te. ~ /4fI'l.,.,1II o -!- '7 r---- ~ V. I I /\ ! \ o o "--- Kilday & Assoclat.. Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 October 17, 1995 Ms. Tambri J. Heyden, Planning Director Mr, Mike Haag, Zoning and Site Development Administrator City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: The Isles at Hunter's Run P.U.D. Master Plan Submittal/Technical Review Committee Follow-up Our File No.: 1247.1 Dear Ms. Heyden and Mr. Haag, Attached, please find twelve (12) sets of revised plans addressing those issues raised at the TRC meeting of October 10, 1995 and subsequent items included in the TRC comments memorandum issued by each reviewing department. The following is a recap of the comments included in the TRC comments letters and how they have been addressed by the project team in this resubmittal. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-584 1. Pursuant to a discussion with Michael Rumpf, the final determination from Palm Beach County Traffic Division regarding the project meeting the traffic performance standards will be forwarded to Planning and Zoning prior to the City Commission Public Hearing scheduled for November 7, 1995. 2, The applicant has obtained a current title commitment which was forwarded to the land surveyor. The one existing 10' utility easement has been identified on the survey and on the Master Plan. This easement will be retained. 3. The perimeter building setbacks for the east and south sides of the project have been labeled on the Master Plan. The perimeter setback for the east side is 35' and the perimeter setback on the south side is 10'. 4, Summit Drive and Westlake Drive are both private streets and are identified on the Master Plan. An unsigned Cross Access Easement Agreement between both property owners will be provided as soon as one is available. o o Ms. Tambri Heyden Mr. Mike Haag The Isles at Hunter's Run P.U.D. October 17, 1995 Page 2 5. The minimum lot frontage is 41', the minimum lot width is 55' and the minimum lot depth is 170' and all these minimum dimensions have been specified on the Master Plan. 6. The applicant would like to proceed to City Commission for review of the project showing a 15' front setback to a side loading garage and to the front of a house and a 20' front setback to a front loading garage. The units that are proposed for this site are upscale homes and the homes are proportionately large to the large lots on which they are situated. Large outdoor living spaces, guest houses and golf cart garages are proposed for these units. 50% of the units proposed are courtyard homes where the useable outdoor living space is on the side of the unit; therefore, the units run the full distance of the lot from front setback to rear setback with a large side yard. Half of the units have side loading garages therefore, the architectural features of the house will face the street as opposed to the garage door. This will allow for a more attractive streetscape. The units as proposed meet the lot coverage required in the City's Land Development Regulations Chapter 2.5, Section 4. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for a PUD with Land Use Intensity 4.0 is 0.20 when multiplied by the lot area (29.71 acres) the maximum permitted floor area is 5.94 acres. The FAR of the largest unit proposed, excluding the garage area and golf cart area which are considered parking areas in the definition of FAR, is 4,433 s. f. If this unit were to be built on all 56 lots the total proposed floor area would be 5.69 acres which falls within the maximum allowable floor area for PUD's with Land Use Intensity 4.0. Therefore, the proposed units are consistent with the City's Planned Unit Development Requirements and there is no need to further limit lot coverage. 7. A note has been added to the Master Plan indicating that the project is subject to future Platting and Site Plan Review prior to permitting. 8. The title of sheet 2 of 3 has been changed from Master Site Plan to Master Plan. Sheet 1 of 3 has been omitted and all the applicable information has been incorporated on the sheet now titled Master Plan. Sheet 3 of 3, which is the Conceptual Landscape Plan indicates the individual lot and street layout. 9. This comment is no longer applicable as the lot layout has been redesigned. o o Ms. Tambri Heyden August 2, 1995 Page 3 10. A 10' landscape easement has been shown on the west property line. On the north property line, 25' and 20' landscape tracts have been shown. On the east property line, a 35' landscape tract has been shown. On the south property line, no landscape tracts or easements have been shown. No vegetation has been proposed in this area in order to maintain an unobstructed view of the golf course and the lake. Lots 29 and 28 are adjacent to a lake tract at Hunter's Run; therefore, landscaping will not be necessary as this area will always be maintained as a lake. 11. Data showing compliance with Land Development Regulation Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3. M. will be provided. 12. A utility statement has been added to the Master Plan indicating the appropriate agencies that will be providing service to this site. 13. Association documents will be provided at the appropriate time. 14. The units as proposed meet the lot coverage required in the City's Land Development Regulations Chapter 2.5, Section 4. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for a PUD with Land Use Intensity 4.0 is 0.20 when multiplied by the lot area (29.71 acres) the maximum permitted floor area is 5.94 acres. The FAR of the largest unit proposed, excluding the garage area and golf cart area which are considered parking areas in the definition of FAR, is 4,433 s. f. If this unit were to be built on all 56 lots the total proposed floor area would be 5.69 acres which falls within the maximum allowable floor area for PUDs with Land Use Intensity 4.0. Therefore, the proposed units are consistent with the City's Planned Unit Development Requirements and submission to the Building Department on a lot by lot basis is not necessary. The only arithmetic necessary is the fOllowing: 4433 s.f. x 56 lots = 5.69 acres 15. Submission of a Rectified Master Plan will be provided at the appropriate time. 16, The application has been amended and is complete. RECREATION AND PARK MEMORANDUM NO. 95-468 No comments to respond to. o o Ms. Tambri Heyden August 2, 1995 Page 4 FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-358 WDC 1. The cul-de-sac has been enlarged to 100'. 2. The applicant would like to proceed to City Commission for review of the project showing a minimum separation of 10' between buildings. A 10' separation between Zero Lot Line Units is an industry standard for most Municipalities in South Florida. The proposed houses meet all City Building Codes and Fire Rated Codes for buildings with a 10' separation. 3. The screen enclosures on the courtyard houses will be setback 3' from the side property line to allow for a 3' drainage and maintenance easement. If necessary, the Fire Department would be able to easily break through a screen to fight a fire in the rear of a property. BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT No comments to respond to. BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-382 1. All sheets and notes from the Master Plan that belong on the Site Plan have been removed. 2. The applicant would like to proceed to City Commission for review of the project showing a 15' front setback to a side loading garage and to the front of a house and a 20' front setback to a front loading garage. The units that are proposed for this site are upscale homes and the homes are proportionately large to the large lots on which they are situated. Large outdoor living spaces, guest houses and golf cart garages are proposed for these units. 50% of the units proposed are courtyard homes where the useable outdoor living space is on the side of the unit; therefore, the units run the full distance of the lot from front setback to rear setback with a large side yard. Half of the units have side loading garages therefore, the architectural features of the house will face the street as opposed to the garage door. This will allow for a more attractive streetscape. The units as proposed meet the lot coverage required in the City's Land Development Regulations Chapter 2.5, Section 4. The Floor Area Ratio (FAR) for a PUD with Land Use Intensity 4.0 is 0.20 when multiplied by the lot area (29.71 acres) the maximum permitted floor area is 5.94 acres. The o o Ms. Tambri Heyden August 2, 1995 Page 5 FAR of the largest unit proposed, excluding the garage area and golf cart area which are considered parking areas in the definition of FAR, is 4,433 s, f. If this unit were to be built on all 56 lots the total proposed floor area would be 5.69 acres which falls within the maximum allowable floor area for PUDs with Land Use Intensity 4.0. Therefore, the proposed units are consistent with the City's Planned Unit Development Requirements. 3. The temporary sales trailer located off-site has been deleted from the Master Plan. Pursuant to a conversation with Phil Sy, the identification sign located off-site is permittable under Chapter 21, Section 6.C.5. RECREATION AND PARK MEMORANDUM NO. 95-482 1. The recreation requirement of 1.008 acres is indicated on the Master Plan. 2. The developer is drafting a cooperative agreement for the Homeowner's Association of Isles at Hunter's Run to use Hunter's Run's recreational amenities. Hunter's Run has five (5) recreational amenities including, a clubhouse with meeting room, a tennis court, a swimming pool, a walking trail, and an exercise facility. These five amenities will qualify the developer for 1/2 credit toward the recreation impact fee. 3. The developer understands that he will need to pay the fair market value for 0.504 acres in lieu of a park and recreation dedication. DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 402 1. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's Code Requirements at the time of application. 2. The name for the entry road into the project, Westlake Drive, will be maintained throughout the project site and will be verified by the U.S. Postal Service at the appropriate time. 3. Signed agreements for the use of the name Hunter's Run; road access; POA Membership; sign; and recreation amenities access; will be provided. 4. The Master Plan will comply with the provisions of Chapter 2 of the LOR Section 9C, Page 2-80. 5. A Master Stormwater Management Plan has been provided on the Master Plan and is indicated by flow arrows. o o Ms. Tambri Heyden August 2, 1995 Page 6 6. The developer understands that Site Plan Review and approval is required. 7. A statement on the plat that no building shall be placed on any easements will be provided at the appropriate time. 8. Deed restrictions providing for a Property Owners Association to pay for the operation of a street light system within the development will be established at the appropriate time. 9. Certification by the Developer's Engineer that the drainage plan complies with all City Codes and Standards will be provided once the soil boring has been completed. 10. The minimum pipe size for the Storm Sewer System will be 15". 11. Valley gutter inlet grates and catch basins have been provided. 12. Lake access easements have been provided to Lake Tract 1 and 2 for access. 13. A minimum cul-de-sac right-of-way diameter of 100' has been provided. 14. The developer understands that South Florida Water Management District and Lake Worth Drainage District acceptance is necessary prior to Engineering approval. 15. County and/or State permits will be applied for at the appropriate time. 16. The Developer will comply with the surety the requirements of the City. 17. All swales, detention areas and disturbed areas will be sodded. If these areas are not irrigated, Bahia Sod will be used. 18. Excavation and/or fill permits will be applied for when applicable. PUBLIC WORKS MEMORANDUM No Memorandum was provided to respond to. I I . I I o o Ms. Tambri Heyden August 2, 1995 Page 7 I would appreciate an opportunity to review this response letter and the revised plans with you prior to the October 24, 1995 TRC Meeting. If you have any questions or concerns in regards to these plans or any other items contained herein, please do not hesitate to contact me immediately. Sincerely, Ka~:~ Kilday & Associates, Inc. cc: Chuck Justice, Lawson and Noble Andy Steinberg, Home Development Corp. - %e City of $oynton $elUh o o 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Beadi.'Boukvartf P.O. 'Bo~31O 'Boynton 'Beadr., 1'foritia 33425-0310 City jfaIl: (407) 375-6000 1'.9lX: (407) 375-6090 October 4. 1995 Mr. Kieran J. Kilday Kilday & Associates. Inc. 1551 Fonun Place, Suite 100 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 RE: THE ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN APPLICATION FOR REZONING Dear Hr. Kilday: Please be informed that this office is in receipt of the above-referenced application. and has initiated the review process beginning \vith an evaluation for completeness. Althow~,h this completeness review has not been concluded, at this time you should be notified that the application fees are deficient, and the application must be revised to include a request for a land use change. The correct application fees include $1,750 for the land use amendment request (an additional $500 will be owed if the application is approved for transmittal for State review), and $1,500 for a request for rezoning to a planned development district. As the fees submitted total $3,000, an additional $250.00 is owed. \Vith respect to the land use change, it is necessary that this application be modified to include a request for an amendment to the City's Future Land Use Element. Please note that the current future land use classification on the subject property is Local Retail Commercial. and that in accordance with the proposed modification to the existing court order/stipulation, the proposed classification should be Low Density Residential. So that we may expedite the review of your requests, please address these deficiencies as soon as possible. When I can be of further assistance to you, please contact me. Sincerely, flt-/.4./. 7~ Michael W. Rwnpf Senior Planner attachments FAX: Linsdey Walter (407)689-2592 HISCI:~S~EKILD.LET 5fmemas (jateway to t~ (julfstream !~omeejij#Iy!'t~~bfdltinear I_;:\,-: ~.t1 ~~?\.J" _~ :'~:-... . . _ I .).;1); .,. :lloynton~golfcom~':}!lJ.ty ... (C'ommissioners' '.':' };~;T\f:-':"" .;, ' ' ;~entatively approve a': "f\': " :proposal to change ttle';, >, .zoning of 30 acres next . ,'.;~ :t~ Hu...nters RUr:\. W,I'_"'" ,,',' "~_"!, . .' 'J-~ oF ~r---.s tuL...:. By CHUCK McGINNESS ,:( ,', , P~lm Beach Post Staff Writer , ' 1 , " BOYNTON BEACH ,- Up- s~e single-family homes rather -.;': t1.t~ a shopping, center may be ~udt on 30 acres adjacent to the. city's premier golf community.:;-F. , City commissioners on Tues-' " : day tentative~y endorsed, a propos:':, : ,al by SummIt Associates Ltd. to ' , ' , , change the zoning of its property ,,/ ""1;;'1~ next to Hunters Run. The coinpa- ,:.' ,,,t' ';' . ' , , ny previously went to court to stop,..i;and~?cp~nsIve court battle, the i .the city from imposing a more~:::~~".lnll~sI.<?n sought a court opin- \ restrictive land use. ,; .~"", I!Jn. LaSt year; 'a: judge-ruled the \ :, Attorneys for Summi{rAss~~ ' ,city was bound by the 1973 agree- I ''Oates did not return calls Wednes-' ;ment.., :" ' ~',; i: ':day, but others close to the case " Tuesday, City Attorney James ~ .,:said the company couldnot market C~e~of recommended' the com- ;ft1e land' for commercial, develop~' '~ss~<?n procc::ed with a rezoning :':ment. '" 'J~:.";';:, ; ,<:rand, ge~ pubhc <;omment before :t In the past few months, the'" prese~ting a new . agreemr~t to ".company talked' to at .least two '~e co~.; , ' " ~:residential,developers. Under one'" "A '; group representing the ::j>lan, 50 to 55 homes selling for 1,540 homeo~ers in Hunters :.$350,000 to $400 000 would be Run has not discussed the issue :,:built and become part otHunters and may not take a'position, attor- <Run. ney Lawrence Markell said; ~: The zoning dispute- once 'The homeowners' group ap- ~' ::called "Son of Tradewinds" be- felalethd last year's ruling because it f .:.cause of similarities to, another Ie t e co~ s~o.ul~ have given t , ::~se that ~~ded with the city pay- more con~Ideration to, growth in ~ 4,mg $8 mdhon to a developer -'- . the Clfea smce the zonmg was set " , ::.::goes back more than 20 years. / 22 years ago. The appeal was later ;: After annexing the property in droI?,ped. . ':'. the early 1970s, the city tried to We ~ant hom~s ,~n ~at area, ~,remove the owners' right to build n~ q~estion. about It, satd Com- ,~, a shopping plaza. Summit sued " mISSIoner SId Rosen, who lives in :> and ~ 1973 won a settlement t~ Hunters Run. I :~' keep itS commercial zoning., ; I For the next 16 years, the laild , . sat idle as homes, condominiums ': and golf courses were built around > it. f 1 ,,' ,! Madman or genius? The life and passions of Vincent Van Gogh. In 1989, the commISSIOn : ~hanged the zoning to an office use " : m updating its future' land-use , : plan. A year later, Summit Asso- . : ~ates said it was not told of hear- , " mgs on the plan and demanded the :, : zoning be changed back to com- , : mercial. Facing the threat of a lengthy e e TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ,~ Charles C. Frederick, Director 0~/- Recreation & Park Department "K FROM: THROUGH: RE: Isles of Hunter's Run DATE: October 31, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the 2nd submittal of the Isles of Hunter's Run Master Plan. The following revised comments are submitted: 1. The original approved master plan for Hunter's Run totals: 3,504 multi-family units 32 single family units A. Based on .015 acres x 3,504 multi-family units = 52.56 acres .018 acres x 32 single family units = .576 acres Total recreation requirements = 53.136 acres B. Allowing one-half credit for private recreation 25,344 divided by 2 = 26.568 acres 2. Adding 56 single family homes for the Isles of Hunter's Run brings the total recreation requirement to 56 S.F.H. X .018 acres = 1.008 acres + 26.568 acre = 27.576 acres. 3. Since Hunters Run developers dedicated 30 acres ofland to the City for recreation purposes (Congress Avenue Community Park), they have met the intent of our recreation dedication requirement and the Isles of Hunters Run developers would not have any further recreation dedication requirement. JW:ad o e FIRE PREVENuON MEMORANDUM NO 95-366 wue TO: Planning Department mm&mU\Um OCT ~ 0 1995 ~ FROM: Fire Department DATE: October 30, 1995 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. RE: Isles of Hunters Run The following guidelines still apply: 1. Maintain fifteen feet (15') between buildings. 2. Maintain five feet (5') clear width on zero side to allow laddering by the Fire Department. cc: Chief Jordan FPO IT Cambpell BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-395 . lID) ffi @ ~ffi n WI ffi ~ I~J OCT 2'1J119S5 W I PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. , o October 27, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRC COMMENTS - THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN MASTER PLAN REVIEW - 2nd SUBMITl'AL The Building Division has reviewed the above referenced plans and the applicant's written response to our first review comments. We still have a problem with the setbacks as shown. Because of these setbacks a building area would be approved that exceeds the 40% lot coverage and if approved and developed as shown, would exceed the floor area ratio (FAR) and would not be consistent with the City's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2.5 - Planned Unit Developments, Section 5. In responding to my first set of comments regarding the large amount of lot coverage, the applicant stated that they propose to construct guest houses and golf cart garages. If this is a single family P.U.D., guest houses meeting the requirements of a dwelling unit cannot be permitted nor can they be called an accessory use, accessory building or structure. The applicant would like to proceed to Commission for approval of 15' front setbacks to the garages and 20' setbacks to the front of the houses and side setbacks as shown on the plans. The Building Division requests that both our first set of comments (attached) and this memorandum be sent to Commission so that they may be aware of the large building area proposed and the potential problems we may have. ~ AN:bh Attachment XC: William V. Hukill, P.E. ISLBS o .e [[0) rn @ -rnn ~r rn-Ir~l' wl ocr 211 ""~ I ' r.lw~NNIN-GAtiu J, _-:-. / I ~j~9~-, MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 95 - 332 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Direc FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: October 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunter's Run - Master Plan - 2nd submittal We offer the following comments on this project: 1) Indicate the points of connection to the off-site water and sewer mains that will serve this project. There is an existing water main proximate to the southeast corner of the parcel, which should be one of the connection points rather than the main on Summit Drive, as previously indicated. 2) Be advised that trees, other than palm trees, are not permitted within utility easements. Shrubs are permitted. (Section 7.5-18.1) 3) Permits for the water and sewer system installation will be required from the Palm Beach County Health Unit. Please coordinate the engineering plan approval through this office. (Section 26-12) 4) Be advised that City water will not be provided for irrigation of the common areas. (Comp. Plan policy 3C.3.4) We have no objection to this plan proceeding through the approval process. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM xc: Skip Milor File o (7 r~ ~ @_ ~ _U I!l l5 -1Iill OCT 2 7 '~2~ I~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-498 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. ~ TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent ;JJ Charles C. Frederick, Director "'/ Recreation & Park Department ~ Isles of Hunter's Run FROM: THROUGH: RE: DATE: October 26, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the 2nd submittal of the Isles of Hunter's Run Master Plan. The following revised comments are submitted: 1. The original approved master plan for Hunter's Run totals: 1,650 multi-family units 33 single family units A. Based on .015 acres x 1,650 multi-family units = 24.75 acres .018 acres x 33 single family units = .594 acres Total recreation requirements = 25.344 acres B. Allowing one-half credit for private recreation 25,344 divided by 2 = 12.672 acres 2. Adding 56 single family homes for the Isles of Hunter's Run brings the total recreation requirement to 56 S.F.H. X .018 acres = 1.008 acres + 12.672 acre = 13.68 acres. 3. Since Hunters Run developers dedicated 30 acres of land to the City for recreation purposes (Congress Avenue Community Park), they have met the intent of our recreation dedication requirement and the Isles of Hunters Run developers would not have any further recreation dedication requirement. JW:ad - ~ .~- ,..... ..--..,.......--..-- - RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-498 : ,~~\ !( ". d U)' r~~'" "..,. ., !l " ~ n \ 'U'/.J -, , I,. ! Ul ..', '-. L:=-~~_._._----" ' rgi;Jr1r) L~) t' ''''1,.'1: "",;, 0,.".",-/ .\..1 ~.l .,._ ._.. .{; r' --"'~~.~c.'.~"'''''-'''''- /, 1. ..\" {It) B(2.', ft~ bt'~ /( ~ tf' p,O) 1)1 ,~I:tO ,~l . (U t~S ~ I .;rf'- I Ol(,ll ~/\ ,J ~ D I rfJ \A I il'''' ";"~, {~. ,kt)jll'> . J ~.,~ 0, ~b IT nf ~ jJCAf The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the 2nd submittal of the Isles of Hunter's Run,~ /. ~ Master Plan. The following revised comments are submitted: /~l' I ? TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent JJ Charles C. Frederick, Director 0/' Recreation & Park Department ~ Isles of Hunter's Run FROM: THROUGH: RE: DATE: October 26, 1995 A. Based on .015 acres x 1,650 multi-family units = 24.75 acres .018 acres x 33 single family units = .594 acres Total recreation requirements = 25.344 acres ,: 1. The original approved master plan for Hunter's Run totals: 1,650 multi..family units 33 single family units 2. ~ Allowing one-half credit for private recreation 25,344 divided by 2 = 12.672 acres - ,fo requirement to 56 S.F.H. X .018 acres = 1.008 acres + 12.672 acre = 13.68 acres. Since Hunters Run developers dedicated 30 acres of land to the City for recreation purposes ,~ " (Congress Avenue Community Park), they have met the intent of our recreation dedication requirement and the Isles of Hunters Run developers would not have any further recreation dedication requirement. B. 3. JW:ad \ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-412 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director ~lf~~am ~ukill, P.E. \Stl~ Englneer " I ,U 1-;; UV ()(;I 2 3 i, .' "-',.J DATE: October 23, 1995 ~~~W8E~~D FROM: RE: ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN - 2ND MASTER PLAN REVIEW We have again reviewed subject plan and find as follows: A. Items from Memo 95-402 which are satisfied; # 2 # 4 # 5 #12 #13 B. Items from Memo 95-402 which were advisory, and which related to future reviews; # 1 # 6 # 7 # 8 #10 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 C. Items ~m Memo 95-402 which have not been resolved: # 3. Provide signed agreements for use of name "Hunter's Run"; road access; golf bridge; temporary trailer; POA membership; sign; lake access; recreations amenities access; etc. # 9. Provide certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage pJ complies with all City codes & standards. lp.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A. pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Ar .~_, pg.23-8 #11. Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5B, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 WVH/ck C:ISLES@HR,2ND DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-412 DATE: October 23, 1995 ~W1~Wgf~~D TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & zoning Director WiLliam ~ukill, P.E. ~Englneer DCI 23" :" '''''",J FROM: RE: ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN - 2ND MASTER PLAN REVIEW We have agaln reviewed subject plan and find as follows: A. Items from Memo 95-402 which are satisfied; # 2 # 4 # 5 #12 #13 B. Items from Memo 95-402 which were advisory, and which related to future reviews; # 1 # 6 # 7 # 8 #10 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 C. Items form Memo 95-402 which have not been resolved: # 3. Provide signed agreements for use of name "Hunter's Run"; road access; golf bridge; temporary trailer; POA membership; sign; lake access; recreations amenities access; etc. # 9. Provide certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. 5A. pg. 6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 #11. Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5B, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 WVH/ck C:ISLES@HR,2ND ~. ...; . OCT-23-'95 MON 15:17 ID:KILDRY & RSSOC TEL t'-D:407-689-2592 ~633 P01 .no ., . #tlAocdat.. Landscape Architects/Planners 15~' FQ.rum Ploce SUit. 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407 689 5522. Fc)(: 407 689-2592 ,~ @ Ill' ""T 2 3 inJ 1\, /995 I FAX TRANSMISSION~p[;s~'i3jLjj~~J TO: ~cMeL ~t:f7/ /d~m ~~/(/ F~ NUMBER: ~ , DATE: ~Q7~~ FROM, ~ ~ ~L2~ t?.A'~~ , , SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ~,t€2 ~ /3..: ~ ~-"'?",~.r:2i~Z /frp?#-J r;~'. Z ~.n?~.# 5'5-::rJ~,;/e"'1~~,I~~~ _~./~fA,~" ~ ~~." ~ COpy WILL' BE ORIGINAtoOCUMENT ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TO FOLLOW IN MAIL NUMBEA OF PAGES; ~ (INCL.UDING THE COVER SHEET) CUENTNAME: ~ PROJECT NUMeER~ ~ Z' . OCT-23-'95 MON 15:18 ID:KILDAY & ASSOC OCT-21-19~ 0~IJl FR, · '" .......", .... U TEL NO:407-689-2592 TO ~633 P02 14076892392 p,e. NO. lZ? Pee<<~ u .....'" .. ~ "'...... .. bllnf.... .......... .........--.- ' _.... ..""...... -............ - ....... ...,... r.. .....WI ....,.... ~. -.......... ..... ".....' """""....~ ....~... .....".. ... ,-- ................. ..... ...."". 1Il_ AImt...... ~ ..... .. ..... .......".. .'Mltellll... JIlrft" .. ....... , .............. __It ~It..._ S.CH. ~ S...x. P.A. A"'O__... .., '-loW .-. .... . ..IrT"1i_ ........ ...... ... -..-.. MlCfl ....... .."~",,,.~ 2 m b1 ~ ~~ ".,.- -".... ..w, ... ....., ... ..,. P\1ItI. .........:w - ,.W'~..,. .......... 'CYlOolOlP...,........... _.. OctOb.~ 20, 1"5 0' __I. _&M.I_, ."''''.''. "'" VD.. ""DULl: - IOIJI'U-2Glt Z~'d.n. Ih~Cf, ..CJU.1r. ICIUIII, .~, UlOB8ml go CMM 200 ." .1M.Ift. alvei., luit.. 10$0 .~. rlorldA JJ1)1 ~.,' lhin1:tiI&l. _ilia lOAicCllllienial "~.Cf1: ou.~ ."1_ f1h'~Z:1 1'.'.01 DNI' Ine Pu.....1; tD ou~ _KiDlJ of October 1. , 1 '~5 ~~a."1At' t.b. &bov.-~.h~4Id aattea:-, plea.. J. .dvi.... of the fQJ,lowin9' 1. Ky Clli8nt, ~ Itlnt.r. au '''lIMn)' o-m..rA A....,.,1.."....., GO.....,. ~. 'tobe ca. 01 the ftUl. ~he le1.. .t lUll till'. aun, t.o b, u... 2Iri. xwr oll.At ~Ol' tb. r..ldMt1.al 4evelop111en\. of the CoM,.rolal rr...t. ' 2. ,., el1at will exewte oro.. ...._t. 1I'1t1a you~ Gl.t.n~ foe the ".. 0' ,",act If tritb1.a Iunt.I" RWl4' to 1:-.11<<: ace... to yo~ glLen~-. pro~,~~. . 3. %oucol1eat vill b. allowed ~o 19.t~1.1tDAt. at V.at Llu &Acl 5\&.1111d.t, wtu.e" t. .:i",Ua2:' t:g oUo .1g.t~aye ".11:h1~ ua. .UD'I:.. ho CCIIIhJI!ty. ., "it.b ~.,arcl to the 11.. or ~h. J""Ii...'tJ~Cl:D.al lUl\.g.l~i.. w"'kl" hlltel:" ~., .1.... be a4vi..d ~bat . oli...t. .,... pl:"S*K'i~ 'to hold . a..-r.up "'ot. 1:0 ..Uow YWZ o1!,.ut r. PI:'O~'o" 'to ~. iDCDqIOI"'" Lat. t:~. .&late... I\UJa ,em. Wh11. % aan.raot 9tsat-.nt.. a f."orabl. E'..uJ.~i .1.... .... ...v~._ ea." "II. .e_" ,.t 1>>"'1'....... of t~. Aa'''i.t1.~ . .tl'a.llJ ~..~.~4tD1 ~-.t t~. J~.r'bJ., vot. tn 1..05 of taelu.lon o. ~. C~"'~oL.l ~.ot 1b~O 'a~ .~t.z. .~ft .. ' OCT-~l-l~ 0~13c FRG .. I..... .'S) \..,I TEL tD: 407-689-2592 TO t::533 P03 14076e92S92 P.02 ~. un p.,.... __________ OCT-23-'95 MON 15:18 ID:KILDAY & ASSOC u '.YI. ullIHOl'J, lsonu 09t~.~ 20, 1"5 tr.,. 3 ,&-ojeoc. Chace ...._. of ~h.. Ipul'. IWA "~.'_" t.h. '",'uce r..l4aD't. ot ~"'. COIIUftlal haec, \till t.'hen ". entitled to l"Uob.... aOIIIb.....hi.. i.o Ua. bnt..2:. ~ CO'-In.t;.rl' Cl\&b, aDd ava!.l th.....lv.. GI all ~. .recl"oat.1on meAitiee c"~Z'.Il,t1y av.....l.b1.. to 01:* ~..U.~n:. $II! lUA~r. .un who al'l .....Nor. of the country Club. I... J. Uu:,oup 6 above, are csoed1'tlcme4 U~ClD 70u~ cli..D~'e punh... uel ..v...lClJeMt oC 'to "C~l:cial 'l'Z'aDt'" .. . J:esideQtl.l a.v.lo,..~t with no ~. than $6 unit.. If ,. h~Y. MY qU..t1DO. r:~t'diUl tM" ~:.pr...Dtation., pl.... dO aa'l>t 1la.~ t.t.. to c:: Ollt&~t. ne. 'fer:J' t~\&ll 'OW:,, ucla' Ul, 1'.&. m:.Dloh It........ 1,. n.n.lc,l. eel .aDtet. llIm JlJ:apert)f Cwtler. ,....oc1.e'ticn, tne, " \ ......... . .. ,.110. ........... -"....-..-. ..' .........w. _...-..... ......._.... 'I'c....."O"c "'." _1_.. . 'U"51DfO_...."._.~.. DEVELOP~ DEPARTMEBT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUH NO. 95-402 ...-~_.,~~-,_........ --..-_.,-~--' ._-_.._--,.-~~ iD~\ ~ ~1l1 ocr; i PLhi~NIi'IG lii'jQ I ZON!~G DEtT. rr"'./ 0) P i'j ;'7 is f' !In I~ I ", IS ,'\ "::!---=.:2~-~'_~ ; : 1 , q Ii. ,J ~ t; : ~ U j ~ ~-~ l . TO: Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & zoning Director ~4~a~ Hukill, P.E., City Engineer October 16, 1995 t// FROM: DATE: \, V,}1- "',~, 'l- (""- }/i l. . 9);\ J,i~~; ~ ~(, blt11. . ;\y'V~ ~\, ",' 'rJJ~ :"';; I ,P " IJ" ISLES AT ~ER'S RUN - MASTER PLAN , .-' lit" '5 /4:1 .. I!t , ~~~ve -4viewed subject proposed master~an and find as follows: . ~'1,'" \~ All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code J XD ~ requirements at time of application. These permits include, but ,~' ' j7 are not limited to the following; site, lighting, paving, drainage, .? curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. p Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any ,,~' \ , other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. . 2. Verify which roads require naming (for mail delivery) with u.s. , Postal Service. . Provide signed agreements for use of name "Hunter's Run"; road " access; golf bridge; temporary trailer; POA membership; sign; lake ~' \ access; recreational amenities access; etc. ,\ -r-4 ,~::,~", The master plan is SUbjectZo t~-i'ffOV:isi.',~n"",s, of Chapter 2 of the lVl' ~, ~I,LDR Sec.9C, pg.2-80.< ,;~~\. ,,5 ~f"".,,' ,~/provide a master stormwat \, managem, en_t P, Ia~ "li,' ~,h '~, 3 '", "Art. IV'j LV ~,: ".\' S~c. 3T, pg. 3-?",_, C:" ' .. _,r' t~~4"lp6t} IJ ~6 tJ ,\\ Sl te plan reVlew & approval requ1red. Chap. ',~ e , pg. 4-..J~ 7~~ Include a statement on the plat that no buildi s shall be placed on any easements. Chap.S, Art.V, Sec.1DI0, pg. 7 Establish deed restrictions providing for a roperty owners association to pay for the operation of a stree light system within the development. Chap.6, Art.III, Sec. 14" pg.6-4 and Chap.S, Art.V, Sec.2A4, pg.5-9 Provide Certification by Developer,s Engineer thattlrainage pIa complies with all City codes & standards. Chap. 6, A -, VS pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 Minimum 15 II pipe must be used in storm sewer. Sec.5A, pg.6-7 Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5B, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 Provide easement to lake Tract 2 for access. Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec.6B, pg.6-9 Minimum cul-de-sac ROW diameter is 100'. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.10D, pg.6-12 Need SFWMD & LWDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 County and/or State permits required for construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 Applicant's attention is directed to Chap. 7, Pg. 7-1 regarding surety requirements. All swales, detention areas & disturbed areas must be sodded. If not irrigated, use bahia sod. Chap.7.S, Art.II, Sec.5C6, pg.7.5-15 Excavation and/or fill permits will be required. Chap.8, Art.)>, Sec.2, pg.8-1 ;/, M~.I;Lfl),...)~C"J:.:-r.""M ___ ~ ,..-<:,l wvu / c k H ' '>, , r, r"",1'- Oc-t.A./ /,'- / t':I~ttt>@l~,MI' P'P.Ifl.T P.&.iJltJ.J '-,-" / ,,,,,.,,,s '~r p-1J!l 1~'. -.,}~,..A'.: {l-c..r:J .." , .-1'1,.:.. a.r..ll 1-' c.;, t: A ,:J ;'.} :,. (',flt"~ -. ' ,_I' r"I~I'ijf1"'J, p, fJ> /r"" p - .llN" "", tr ,,", . ,~,/"J't.i.J (.... T.I "",,..:", I} l--i;oJl~\W r.:.,,/Ai"" Nfl ,). "'I.' t." P.M'''\' ~ t:.^" Ar rV'fU ;:1I.;~iN) - f;;f.J'lI'S, RE: \J 8. Chap.6, Art. IV, 15, 16. 17. 18. TO: FROM: DATE: RE: brVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. , '? r;) f? 11 fry [r~ r"'\! i D ~ ~J;.~.il'l~~t~ =.J,jl~"~l,llll 95-402 ! rtd 8tR' IIR il U,l i, ,Ull ," r:J PlAi\!i\q~lr. !'>NO I~^,^ J ZOW'~lG'[jE?T. tiT" Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & zoning Director Vt4~a~ Hukill, P.E., city Engineer October 16, 1995 ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN - MASTER PLAN We have 1. 2 . 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9 . 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ~lM~~.MI' 3 . reviewed subject proposed master plan and find as follows: All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Verify which roads require naming (for mail delivery) with U.S. Postal Service. Provide signed agreements for use of name "Hunter's Run"; road access; golf bridge; temporary trailer; POA membership; sign; lake access; recreational amenities access; etc. The master plan is subject to the provisions of Chapter 2 of the LDR Sec.9C, pg.2-80. Provide a master stormwater management plan. Chap. 3, Art. IV, Sec.3T, pg.3-6 Site plan review & approval required. Chap.4, Sec.2, pg.4-1 Include a statement on the plat that no buildings shall be placed on any easements. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.1D10, pg.5-7 Establish deed restrictions providing for a property owners association to pay for the operation of a street light system within the development. Chap.6, Art.III, Sec.14, pg.6-4 and Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.2A4, pg.5-9 Provide Certification by Developer,s Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 Minimum 15" pipe must be used in storm sewer. Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5B, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 Provide easement to lake Tract 2 for access. Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec.6B, pg.6-9 Minimum cul-de-sac ROW diameter is 100'. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.10D, pg.6-12 Need SFWMD & LWDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 County and/or State permits required for construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 Applicant's attention is directed to Chap. 7, Pg. 7-1 regarding surety requirements. All swales, detention areas & disturbed areas must be sodded. If not irrigated, use bahia sod. Chap.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5C6, pg.7.5-15 Excavation and/or fill permits will be required. Chap.8, Art.I, Sec.2, pg.8-1 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-482 i ,---,;:,-~ :-:;l I~ 1 i ! ' ',' f"'l. ! 'i Uj i i uU l OCT ~ 6 . PLr ';"IVP ,''','~j, nl~.',j I. J ,~l; 0 _.A _ r ZOl-lli\!G D;~PT. ~ TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent P Isles At Hunters Run - Master Plan - f/ f)IAf!~~, '.~ fu F; ~ A l~,~G iff; '1' ~\~ H f J~, h/ U\--M~ . LLJ.-VU f /2 ~I FROM: RE: DATE: October 16, 1995 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the master plan for Isles at Hunters Run. following comments are submitted: 1. Based on 56 single family homes x .018 acres = 1.008 acres recreation requirement. The ~~Io -&~{ 2. Developer must demonstrate that residents will be eligible to use a minimum of five recreation elements in Hunters Run (or supply five separate elements) ifhe is to qualify for one-half credit toward the recreation impact fee. 3. Assuming the developer qualifies for one-half credit then: 1.008 acres = .504 acres recreation requirement 2 JW:ad i' , !< ", OCT I , ~ ~ , ~~<~,,,,..,.."...-,-__=l : fj~ r...I\,.:;:,\'1 r~~i"i"t ~ ! r......,,,... ' ,",," ( r_"_'_---1S}~N~f;:.fl)I~eI ,'.-J RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-482 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent P Isles At Hunters Run - Master Plan FROM: RE: DATE: October 16, 1995 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the master plan for Isles at Hunters Run. The following comments are submitted: 1. Based on 56 single family homes x .018 acres = 1.008 acres recreation requirement. 2. Developer must demonstrate that residents will be eligIble to use a minimum of five recreation elements in Hunters Run (or supply five separate elements) ifhe is to qualify for one-half credit toward the recreation impact fee. 3. Assuming the developer qualifies for one-half credit then: 1.008 acres = .504 acres recreation requirement 2 JW:ad OCT \ 3 RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-468 It ., l. ,0 .~ .-ry _ / I. . ". TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist I-df RE: The Isles of Hunters Run - Site Plan DATE: October 13, 1995 The applicant has submitted an existing tree plan which is attached to this memo. The trees will be incorporated with the landscape plan. I will coordinate the plan with the site clearing permit. KH:ad Attachment ,........ ~ - :1 -_.-- 1";': r~,- _'C'"- ,,-, ,"""<~ '-. ~ BUILDING DIVISION-c,d--.cd,--,-" MEMORANDUM NO. 95-382." 2.;~" October 12, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRC COMMENTS ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN - MASTER PLAN REVIEW After reviewing the plans for the above referenced project, it is not clear if we should comment on a master or site plan approval. However, the Building Division offers the following suggestions and comments to be added to the list from Planning: 1. Remove all sheets and notes from the on the site plan. This would pe~' master plan comments and hold site c review. master plan that belong TRC members to make ents for site plan .. 2. Setbacks on such deep lots should be more than 15 feet front and 10 feet side and lot coverage should ~ a maximum of 40%. ~ Al Ne 1 ShOU1\ be on \ \ \ 3. All temporary sales trailers and signs applicant's property, not off site. AN:bh xc: William V. Hukill, P.E. ISLES ., ~., ~ \J \~)J tY \~I 00< ,~ ~v cl\~~ V'( -J ~ \# ^? \;,~~~ )( I, if ') JY 'i. ) ~}~ ~ ,~^o;/ W /. ! {lJ \jJ\)' ~\~ \ , '-, r{~ r~~ rl r~-l ,I! ! . ti; : I; 1 ~_ ';c""..Ji OCT I 3 BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-382 October 12, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRC COMMENTS ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN - MASTER PLAN REVIEW After reviewing the plans for the above referenced project, it is not clear if we should comment on a master or site plan approval. However, the Building Division offers the following suggestions and comments to be added to the list from Planning: 1. Remove all sheets and notes from the master plan that belong on the site plan. This would permit TRC members to make master plan comments and hold site comments for site plan review. 2. Setbacks on such deep lots should be more than 15 feet front and 10 feet side and lot coverage should be a maximum of 40%. 3. All temporary sales trailers and signs should be on applicant's property, not off site. ~~ Al Ne 01 AN:bh xc: William V. Hukill, P.E. ISLES ! ., ...~ 13 L:t..7;'- FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO, 95-358 WDC TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department Dl....TE: October 12, 1995 RE: Isles at Hunters Run Follow the attached Fire Department guidelines on security gates. Enlarge the ninety foot (90') cul-de-sac to one hundred feet (1 DO'). The minimum distance between buildings shall be fifteen feet (15'). Detached structures, trellises, etc" must leave a minimum of five feet (5') of clear width to Fire Department access, /~rZ~H/ William D. Cavanaugh, FPO I cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell ~~1~ 111"- II "j 11.. ./' (,!T"T!",t, FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-358 WDC TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: October 12, 1995 RE: Isles at Hunters Run Follow the attached Fire Department guidelines on security gates. Enlarge the ninety foot (90') cul-de-sac to one hundred feet (100'), The minimum distance between buildings shall be fifteen feet (15'), Detached structures, trel1ises, etc" must leave a minimum of five feet (5') of clear width to Fire Depal1ment access, -- cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File - ~- ~~,;'/ 44?Z .- - !r~a+<~ William D. Cavanaugh, FPO I <~ .\:: ) l / ._ c \Jv~jvj f n 'VI'''' tJJ:~," (1/1 Y Iryi . ~ ~Jd Cl fG'P . A. ~~trv'. /jrJlI' . ~ . /1) J ~.~ t.- ,J.L rd\, 'I~yl '"L~ \" It l'v . die" \J ";)l , flU ) J ~j:/ r v r rJ~(L~ p~/' ;'\ '?, \ ~!'Jt . jJ li .1 [j} ~ i-') ,~ ~ * I}) ( J t~. J; J.- - 1/ I) ~ r\ -, ., V ~' , JX; ~"y.k" r,' (j~) ~ ~ - ~ l )tv I f~r; ,f U J \'l" NY " /)J., f /Gtf \) I,~ <~l ~vJ ,. f'J\yJi \, , \;( . I j 1 .~. . \~j; ! ,I I . SECURITY GATES AND EMERGENCY ACCESS: The Fire Department continues to have the opinion that security gates are detrimental to Fire and Rescue operations. The minimum performance for security gates is as follows: 1- Gates shall be openable by telephone, with a call from central Dispatch center. 2- when the gate is opened by the call from Central Dispatch, it shall remain open until the emergency is over; at which time central Dispatch will be told, by officer in charge, to close the gate. 3- In case of a power failure the gate shall open automatically. 4- Appropriate "Hold Harmless" agreement re: damage to gates equipment, etc. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-584 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag ~/vz!. ' Q )!k~h~t./ 0~ Site and Zoning Developmen~AdmiKistra~ DATE: October 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run PUD - LUAR 95-005 1st Review Comments for Master Plan Approval of 56 single-family detached zero lot line units on platted lots in connection with a rezoning of 29.71 acres from C-3 to PUD. Please be advised of the following comments relative to the review of the Master plan for the above-referenced project: MASTER PLAN COMMENTS: 1. The final determination from Palm Beach County Traffic Division regarding the project meeting the traffic performance standards shall be on file with the city and reviewed by city staff prior to forwarding the project. 2. Add to the survey and show on the master plan the location, size and type of all existing easements located on the property. Indicate on the plan what your intentions are regarding retaining or omitting the easements. [Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 6. F. 8. a. (2) (c) and Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, section 3 . H . I. and L.] 3. Label on the master plan the perimeter setback for the east and south sides of the project. 4. Indicate on the master plan whether the streets within the project and leading to the project are pUblic or private. If the streets leading to the project are private, provide for staff review of an unsigned cross access easement agreement between both property owners. 5. Specify on the master plan the minimum lot frontage; minimum lot width and minimum lot depth. 6. It is recommended that the front setback be increased to no less than 25 feet (regardless of type of unit) and specify on the master plan that the lot coverage shall not exceed 45 percent. 7. Add a note to the master plan indicating that the project is subject to future platting and site plan review prior to permitting. 8. Change the title of sheet 2 of 3 from Master Site Plan to Master Plan. Omit sheet 1 of 3 and incorporate all applicable data on the site titled Master Plan. Add to sheet 3 of 3 the lot and street layout. 9. To clarify the setbacks indicate on the master plan the front of lot 56. Page 2 Isles at Hunters Run PUD 1st Review Comments for Master Plan 10. It is recommended that a 10 foot wide landscape tract be shown on the master plan at the rear of lots 27 and 28. Clearly indicate on which tract the perimeter buffers and landscape easements are located, i.e. -- does the easement behind lots one (1) through 27 encumber lots one (1) through 27 or lake tract one (1) or two (2)? 11. Provide data showing compliance with Land Development Regulation, Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3. M. regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth. Also, add a note to the master plan regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth as described in the afore- mentioned code section. Compliance with this comment is required prior to forwarding the request. The City Engineer shall determine compliance with this comment. 12. Add a statement to the master plan that all utili ties are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. Compliance with this comment is required prior to forwarding the request. The City Engineer and Utilities Department shall determine compliance with this comment. [Land Development Regulations, Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3. P. ] 13. Homeowners I association documents are required to be submitted prior to plat approval. The documents are subject to review by the city's legal staff, Engineering Division and Planning and Zoning Department. 14. Specify on the master plan that the maximum floor area will be submitted to the Building Department on a lot by lot basis as part of permitting to monitor land use intensity. 15. submission of a rectified master plan will be required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department in triplicate prior to platting and site plan review of the project. 16. Comments relative to completeness of the application, beginning with the respective application item number, are as follows: I.2 As the request must also include a request for a land use amendment, item "C" must be checked rather than item "A"; I.B The proposed zoning district, Planned Unit Development, should also include the proposed land use intensity; I.14 The application should indicate the current land use category as Local Retail Commercial, not Office Commercial; LIS The application should be revised an amendment of land use plan Residential, and this proposed should be shown here; to also request to Low Density classification I.16 Include the number of dwelling units proposed on the master plan; II. C. 1 The application lacks endorsement (written consent) by property owner (s) . The application shall be signed by all parties. A separate letter from property owner(s) can be faxed or mailed; '" Page 3 Isles at Hunters Run PUD 1st Review Comments for Master Plan C.3 The application lacks consent by property owner(s) authorizing agent to process request; h(3) Although due to size of the proposed Planned Unit Development, phasing information is not imperative to the application; however, the application does require timing or phasing information; and IV./V. As indicated above, the application lacks the signature of both property owner(s) and agent (see Item II.C.l above). In conclusion, the applicant has agreed to modify the plans to show compliance with the comments made by staff relative to master plan approval and return same by 5: 00 PM on October 17, 1995. The amended plans will be distributed to staff by the Planning and Zoning Department and the project will be placed on the October 24, 1995 Technical Review Committee meeting for second review. If a rectified master plan (no comments outstanding) is achieved by November 1, 1995, the project is planned to be presented to the City Commission on November 7, 1995. MEH:dim xc: Central File II: l&TISLES. Com PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-184 r;:.::::;~.~ /,/0 it..fl (fj R n n,?--". f ,.. '< J ~ IS U llf r:.' !I!!!l ~'-? f' '. 1/ ! if ~>'''-, ,J..,'_-I ! ',' 'I ...... ~. [''',t,! 2 TO: Mike Haag, Zoning Site Administrator ,........-.....~.,~,.- "~;,._,,~ __ . p(,~~7;i';:;;~':~~~~.~--,,_~ "''''''''''''>0- lrw'.,,"\IJ I'Nn -'W1"~ .. '~~~".L;.~.J , ~ ' "'""""""",y} FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Hunters Run DATE: October 10, 1995 The Public Works Department needs CuI Da Sac's to be enlarged at the above site. The recommendation is 100'. Call me if you have any questions. R ert Eichorst Public Works Director REier BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT '..t/l""/' TO: T AMERI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR FROM: SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: 9 OCTOBER 95 REF: ISLES OF HUNTER'S RUN MEMO # I have reviewed the above plans and find no problems at this time. Resp~~~ ~lon Harris Police Department !; !; !,' !' I I:: n ..-., . \:7 R fi"'" Ii, I~ 'II \ '-"ll I 'Ill , t, ~ 'f BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-382 .. , . ",; i' ..J~,A..., October 12, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRe COMMENTS ISLES AT HONTKR' S RON - MASTER PLAN REVIEW After reviewing the plans for the above referenced project, it is not clear if we should comment on a master or site plan approval. However, the Building Division offers the following suggestions and comments to be added to the list from Planning: 1. Remove all sheets and notes from the master plan that belong on the site plan. This would permit TRC members to make master plan comments and hold site comments for site plan review. 2. Setbacks on such deep lots should be more than 15 feet front and 10 feet side and lot coverage should be a maximum of 40\. -- 3. All temporary sales trailers and signs should be on applicant's property, not off site. Al~ AN: bh xc: William V. Hukill, P.E. UL.. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-184 ~ I~ fW~~.. I .. ') , ! ~ < >':- f~' PLANf'IN--:-- I. ZONlrJr. DG/WD -1th ~. TO: Mike Haag, Zoning Site Administrator FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Hunters Run { (t' . . -: ,~jv'v'WA.lj~ -~ .cL4;t .Y / DATE: October 10, 1995 /j<1:"u d ' tb' C/"v- The Public Works Department needs CuI Da Sac's to be enlarged at the above site. recommendation is 100'. The Call me if you have any questions. R ert Eichorst Public Works Director REier MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA --:j-- SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 Motion Commissioner Rosen moved to table this until the next City Commission meeting on Monday, October 2, to give everyone a chance to look at the areas involved. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion, Vice Mayor Bradley felt that Senator Wexler did a good job of summarizing the condition. He realizes that no one is in favor of billboards. When Vice Mayor Bradley had lunch with the two gentlemen involved, they explained the situation to him in detail. The bottom line is whether or not the City's Ordinance can be enforced. He suggested directing the City Attorney to continue to pursue his investigation not only with surrounding cities and governmental entities, but go nationwide because this is an issue which is being debated on a national scale. The motion carried unanimously. Senator Wexler offered to meet with each of the Commissioners and any group of citizens between now and October 2, 1995. Commissioner Rosen questioned whether or not the Commissioners could take a bus trip to the locations of the billboards. Attorney Cherof advised that the Commissioners can have a bus trip as long as it is noticed and the public and press can also be accommodated. Vice Mayor Bradley recommended tabling this issue until the October 17 meeting to allow time for the City Attorney to do the necessary research. Attorney Cherof suggested leaving the date at October 2nd, and if there is difficulty getting the information by that date, the issue will be moved to October 17th. Substitu1e.Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to table this item until October 17. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. The City Manager's Office can arrange for a bus tour for the Commissioners. D. Other 1. legal opinion on Board of Adjustment duties and responsibilities .......................................................... ..... ................................... TAB lED This item was stricken from the agenda earlier in the meeting. 2. Entering into a stipulated agreement between the City of Boynton Beach v. Summit Associates, ltd. 34 .:J's ~ s a..+ ~'fej ~ ./:-7 I "-t.<"''-- "- e~ . . MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA SEPTEMBER 19, 1995 2. Entering into a stipulated agreement between the City of Boynton Beach v. Summit Associates, Ltd. Attorney Cherof advised that this item is conceptual in nature, and he was not requesting authorization to execute the stipulation since it might be premature. In 1972, the City was engaged in litigation with the predecessor entitled to the party known as Summit Properties. They owned the tract of land which is on Congress Avenue in front of and north of Hunters Run. There has been litigation within the last several years over changes in the proposed use of the property. That action was set aside by the court at the insistence of Summit Associates. The law of that most recent case was that the City and Summit Properties were bound by the 1973 court order which treated the property as C-3 and specific uses were carved out of the C-3. One of the uses not allowed in C-3 is any form of residential use. It is the City's understanding that Summit Properties has several people interested in developing the property from a residential perspective. In a letter received from the attorney for Summit Property sends a proposed amendment to the 1973 court order which would permit, in addition to the C-3 zoning, a clarification that residential would be permitted. City Attorney Cherof requested a consensus of the Commission that they are interested in pursuing the amendment to the court order. If that is the case, there are some modifications of the final judgment City Attorney Cherof would like to see made to make it more specific and detailed relative to use. Because the court order would be a rezoning of the property, he feels it should come back before the City Commission at a public hearing. As Commissioner Rosen recalled the situation, Summit said that what the court declared, only the courts could resolve. Attorney Cherof agreed this is their position, and was their position in the litigation. They are now requesting that we agreed to go with them to the court and advise the court that we have reached an agreement. In 99 cases out of 100, the court will ratify what the parties in the litigation have agreed to. Attorney Cherof further advised that Planning staff has not had an opportunity to provide input on this property. He will speak directly with representatives of Summit, and explain the process we will follow which will include fine tuning the modification of final judgment and processing it through a public hearing process before it reaches the court. Consensus There was a consensus of the Commission to accept City Attorney Cherof's recommendation. XI. UNFINISHED BUSINESS: None XII. CITY MANAGER'S REPORT: 35 SEP-19-'95 TUE 11:34 ID:KILDAY & ASSOC TEL NO:407-689-2592 t:t143 P01 .- Cl)JCtIlI, Phlm'll if Fill 41 1871 Dati I"nIm 00. ICIIdIIy It A.M. IIlItIIII LendoGepe Ar;hItM:M/PlaIlMrt 1&&1 I=Ofum PIta. Sultl100A w., Pllm BlIGh, I'lorld. aa401 14071 -.1lDZZ . fa: lell _._Z Phone . falt , MEMORANDUM DATE: September 16, 1995 Kevin Hallahan; City of Boynton Beach Forester TO: FROM: Karyn I. Janssen \(.\ ~ RE: The Isles at Hunters Run. Site Visit OUR PROJECT NO.: 1247.1 =============~~~~~~~~~~~~~----~-=======~~~~=~=-~ As we identified on our site visit on Wednesday, September 13, 1995, the site Is predominately covered with exotic vegetation consisting Of car l..eaf AcaCia Trees, Australian Pinesl Melaleuca, and Brazllllan Pepper. There are some native trees on site that would count towards the no net 10$$ requirement of the City. There are approximately thh1y (30) Mahogany trees located directly adjacent to Congress Avenue and planted about thirty feet on center. There are an additional Seven (7) Mahogany Trees which are planted around the Jewish Federation center, Four (4) Sabal Palms and one (1) Slash Pine were located throughout the rest ot the site. Of the native trees noted above. the desire of the City would first be to preserve them In place. the next option would be to relocate them on.sit&. If this Is not possible, then a third option is to relocate the trees off-site and the last option would be to mitigate. Mitigation oonslsts of replaolne one tl'eCJ that would be removed with one new tree In tho common area of the new Site Plan. After appraising the plant material on site. there are four Mahogany Trees which are hl9h1y shaded by five (5) large Flous Tre. on the ear.t of the Jewish Federation Building. Therefore, we will be mitigating for theao four (04) trees. The four (4) SClbal PCllm~, due to their loca1ion, will most likely need to be relocated on site If the Site Plan incorporates Sabal Palms In the design. The one (1) Slash Pine will Simply be mitigated due to the fact that It can not be preserved In Its looatlon nor relocated due to ths low survivability of a relooated pine. With the double row of MaI'Iogany Trees located along Congrees Avenuo, there Is the opportunity to design thoso tro~ Into the Site Plan If the client so desires to preserve these trees In place and If the site grading necessary Will permit their preservation. There are several missing Mahogany Trees along Congrees Avenue and the three (3) Mahogany Trees that are In healthy condition located adjaoent to the Jewish Fedemtlon Center are approximately the same size. These trees could be relocated to Congress Avenue to filii" the holes of the mla.lng Mahogany Trees. Relooatlon of the th",o (3) Mahoganies adjacent to the Jewish federation will depend on their close proximity to the building and the cost which could be prohibitive due to their size. SEP-19-'95 TUE 11:35 ID:KILDHY & RSSOC TEL NO:407-689-2592 l:l143 P02 Mr. Kevin Hallahan September 18, 1S9CS page 2 Of 2 Behind the Mahogany trees along Congress Avenue, there is an approximate five foot berm and on top of the b8n111 Oleanders have been plaoed. The Oleanders have not been maintained ~nd will probebly be removed during site oonetrucrtion due to the fact that the berm will be reshaped. As we discussed, there are additional requirements of the City regarding landscape on this site, There are two medians adjacent to the property however. due to the fact that these medians have already been designed and grant monies have already been applied for to pay for the cost of the materlcls and the Installation, this requirement will need to be further discussed w1tn the City Manager. Cue to the fact that there are two lakes that are proposed to be dug on the property, the last landscape requirement tor this site would be littoral planting plans. The one lake that is adjacent to the west and south property line of the site Is proposed to be enlarged with a finger-like extension Into the property. It Is my understanding that only that portion of the lake that fall. within our property should be subject to the littoral planting requirements. The lakes at Hunters Run are existing and nave already nad to oomply with the Llttof111 Planting Pllln requirements of the City. The property owner of this site should not be responsible tor any additional plantlngs required off-alte. If you should have any questions Qr ooncerns regarding the Information dls.cus.sed above. please feel free to call me at (407) 089-5522. 00: Andy Steinberg . " TRACKiNG J )G - SI'l'E PLAN REVIEW SUBl ''}'AL .. PRUJ BC'I' 'l'l'l'LE: . DE::iCRIPTION: 'l'YPE: DArl'E REC I D: THE ISLES OF HUNTER'S Land Use Amendment NEW SI?E PLAN x 9/25/95 AMOUNT: RUN '95-005' FILE Nu.: LTTAR (1i: _))~ MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 1,500.00 RECEIPT NO.: 02877 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * TWELVE (12) SETS SUBMITTED: COLORED ELEVATIONS REC'D: '112s- A~- (Plans shall be pre-assembled. The Planning & Zoning Dept. will number each sheet of their set. The Plannil1g Dept. set will be used to check the remaining sets to ensure the number and type of sheets match.) * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * APPLICATION & SUBMITTAL: DATE: ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE OF LET'rER TO APPLICANT IDENTIF'YING SUBMISSION DEFICIENCIES: 2nd SUBMIT'}'AL ACCEPTED DENIED DATE: DATE: DATE OF SUBMITTAL ACCEPTANCE LETTER: REVIEWER'S NAME: * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * , (Label TRC Departments on each set of plans) DATE AND MEMO NUMBER OF MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM INITIAL REVIEW. DATE SENT~e~/O"DRETURN DATE: ~~3 MEMO NUMBER: 1st REVIEW COMMENTS RECEIVED PLANS MEMO # I DATE I "C" Af'.")':;,;'>' I 1_ B=/, <t I~/-OL. '5 . I Ei..JJL.-I (l~ /:'/:'~~~f ~ ;;X; j ~ PLANS 'y' Planning Building Engineer Engineer Forester ~ MEMO # I DATE I "C" '75 -s-e'l I 1<;)/1;;7>7 )c('.) 90-3i:J.. I J 011111'1\-1 C- <Js->40.2.. I 10 /ll+S- I---CL- I 1_ ~f)"'sfi.P I 10113 I ~ util. P.W. Parks Fire Police v TYPE OF VARIANCE(S) DA'fE OF MEETING; DATE OF LETTBR SENT TO APPLICAN'f IDENTIFYING TRC REVIEW COMMENTS: (Aesthetic Review App., dates of board mtgs. & checklist sent out wi comments) NINETY DAY CALENDAR DATE WHEN APPLICATION BECOMES NULL AND VOID: DATE 12 COMPLE'l'E SETS OF AMENDED PLANS SUBMITTED FOR 2nd REVIEW: (Must be assembled. Reviewer shall accept amended plans & support documents) COLORED ELEVATIONS REC I D: MEMO SENT TO TRC TO PERFORM 2nd REVIEW. DATE SENT: MEMO #: RETURN DATE: ..-;,!./ v' /1 MEMO'#' I DATE I"R/D" ":"<-3, J. I it)/,).(: I /' /' I I I Gf6--11t: I~I ('- 95- :1 (p (P I -.iQJ.3{LI ('___ I I 2nd REVIEW RECOMMENDATION/DENIAL Util. P.W. Parks Fire Police PLANS '/ PLANS Planning Building Engineer -Engineer Forster \, y' y MEMO # I q(J-tP9;) I 1~-\3?:;..'5" I q~J--l( f " I I I I"R/D" I 1'/ / (~ I r_ I I y LETTER TO APPLICANT REGARDING TRC APPROVAL/DENIAL AND LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS PLACED AT THE PROPERTY DATE SENT/SIGNS INSTALLED: SCHEDULE OF BOARD MEETINGS: PAD CCICRA DATE APPROVAL LETTER SENT: A: 'I'RACKING. SP