REVISED PUBLIC NOTICE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT ORDER In Re: ISLES OF HUNTER'S RUN . Application of Home Development Corp. of South Rorida for Rezoning, Land Use Designation and Master Plan Approval f I This matter came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Rorida on November 7, 1995. The app6cant, Home Developmenl Corp. of South Rorida, as contract purchaser and Summit Assodates, Ud., seek application for rezoning, land use designation, and Master Plan approval for real property more particularly described in the Settlement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit nAn. Based upon the testimony and evidence presented-by the applicants, the City staff, and members of the public, the City Commission of th~. City of Boynton Beach, Florida grants the following: -' 1. The Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry aI Agreed Order attached hereto as Exhibits "A" and "B" respectively are hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. 2. The City Attorney is directed to execute the Stipulation for Entry of Agreed Order and to submit the Stipulation and the Agreed Order to the Palm Beach County Circuit Court for approval. 3. The application for rezoning of the property is hereby granted and the property is rezoned to a Planned Unit Development (PUD), limited to single family usage and a LUI rating of 4.00. 4. The application to amend the land use designation is hereby approved and the land use designation is changed to low density residential. 5. The Master Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit nc. is hereby approved subject to the following specific conditions: A. Home Development Corp. of South Rorida shall, as a condition precedent to the issuance of further development orders or building permit, submit to tho City proof and documentation that the Isles of Hunter's Run has been approved for inclusion in the Hunter's Run community of associations and, file with the City documentation, in a fonn acceptable to the City Attorney, evidencing rights of cross access with the existing Hunter's Run community. The documentation shall be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the access, drainage, and recreational amenity issues EXHIBIT \'fJ II . ' otherwi~required for dBveIopment 01 a ,....._ unit development in Boynton Beach, Aorida. f B. Applicant shall pay a fee in lieu of land dedicaliln for recreational amenities as odBwise determined by Artid'l V of Chapter 1 of the City's Land Development Regulation. C. Building setbacks shal be maintained as follo_ 15 feet front, 10 feet rear (building), 7 feet rear (pools, J~f, whirlpools), 5 feet rear (saHl1ed encfosures), 10 fesside (non-zero side - minimum IlJifding separation), 3 fe9lside (non-zero side - screened endosures), five feet side (nolliBro side - pools), and a building height of two stories (lit to exceed 30 feet). D. The applicant wiff place a note-'on the.master plaathat indicates the maximum floor area will be submitted It the Building Department on a lei by lot basis as part of perniling to monitor land use intensity. The information shall be indlart form and submitted with each building permit requ85ting square footage that is incfuded in floor area 1Bti0 computations. The chart shall verify that the maximum allred square footage for the projeais not exceeded. The chartshall identify the maximum allowed square footage for the Eire development as allowed bytIIJ LU.f., the total number mlDts in the project, the subject ooilding permit number, howlllnY square feet are deducted fromthe maximum allowed floorarea with the subject permit request and the balance remaiing. The chart shall track all previous permits by permit r11IIIber and include floor area computations. Following apprOlllll of the last building permit, the total allowable square footaga1hat remains unbuilt will be divided equally between the 56krts. Each lot will be only entitled to add up to that spedied maximum number of square feet of living area. 5. This Development Order shal be deemed final upon i Attorney and the City Clerk. Issued this ;<0 day of Ir/oYc//1.t5f t.. . 1995. ce by the City ~ ~~J~'__ Sue Kruse, City Clerk .PEC -05-' 95. TUE 17: 21 ID: V I LDAY ,~~ ASSOC TEL NO:407-689-2592 1:1295 POi In "'t om QF BOYNTOH DEVII..OPMIHT ORa; ...... OF HUN'rIIWIR"'" '" ~~ofHWM~~ for ~d,., ....., UN a..fM"o" .nrI MItt., PlInI\tMVt'eI O:,....J.;..,~.~~@"'R-~rl.-i1n---"-"'> D.. rL?"'4JJLJ3~.:L...tJL, r~;) i nIt r ~ i J .: I ~ 1 , . ' , if f i ,. , .. 1,-,,' - ~.~ L""".....;c_,._.~ t!kr.lllb Fllorlda l 07t'V.... / ~ m. fftCtDr ClII1'II on 10 a. ". "fOT1l U. CIJ ..i tfM ~." ~ !Mdt. FIMril on NawtmlT 7. 19M. n. ap~ Ha ~~.nI: Co$. of Iouth ~1dII. _ arirw:t ~ sncS.sumn<< NIJ.~..... .1Ik 1I(~~n tar rwMRI, I.nd u. dNlgtrdon, and MIlt., Plan ~flllor Pf1'.."" more p&nI~1 ".;rfIJtd In the s.nItment ~l ~ t'.MO ~t -A-.. ... UFJm me1lMfrmnr lI1'I-.,.IdInCe ~ th8 ~~ .,. C'J:: art. tlWrMl'I Of m. ~ ~. C1t1 Ovtnm**'" at City at Haymon BHOh. ..._ V1I1010W1n;: . '0 Thl Sa1knwl'lt Ag1MfTl(Hrt .mt " 110' EIIby at ~ 0rdIr ~ ~ at f!.tnib'ta "1'.- and "8" ~dh-ti)'.... ..~ ..PRMd llI'd iIWI MlJOr and Car CJIrIc Irt auttIJrtad to IJICU1t ..,.,. on b Qf tftt OUy. 2. Thl CIIp.ltWM, Ie drlCtad to.... ~on lor InIrJ crt AgrMd Order Met to u.nll". .puldet'\ and the Aglwd to~. Palm BItah Covrtr Graul CkMt for 4WfOWII. . S. 1l'te 1Ip~0Ct 1=r nlCa.niTG of ,.,. .. hl,t"8D1 ",.- .. IMt ~"~1I!Id"<< ~ Untl; ~pmtn'f t"u ).1rnttIId,1O slngM~ ..-p .... . W fling gr..oo. 4. ThI ~1D UImd th8 JIM.. iN lMd ...1f.IIiOMIo" II ehInpcI to (aw d..~ ~ TN tLJ.""'1IId.a ""* a "'- ...$WIftt.,.....~~ A. .Hon I)n........re Oetp. 01' J!mrldlll.a. · · oondld;n ~-.c tD tt1I fltUMOt q1 dlwftpmtnt ...... It ~tng ,.m.Itr.... tit ~ ,.- .ntJ ~aacn ,. tn 1tIf. d """ hi.. "1\ .IiPP'O'M foI lncIUIton . tf18 1iunIr. " IJGmn"l,1nity '" . 1..1JMIIgn. end.'~ wfth \hi Ctty \Mu ~ In - farm ..... lilt N CRY AaomIJy. .. of CII'OM a,,"" .... the .... ~ I\m ."......:)'0 Thl 4~"'" De ~ W --'."..1.... with" _". ~, ..d .......~ ..... .-en tt: I'tMCr ~1'VVWd and Ii "a' II ~~ wtIjIIIat " j " tOJ ;I '. 'fil. ..m . PFGI.tJI III ~.. .,-,.,._~ _'" L ' DEC-0S-'9S TUE 17:22 ID:VILDA\" c\! ASSOC TEL HO:407-E89-2S92 j:129S P02 ~ ...rwitI ,.,.,,* far dlWIIogmtnt . ,planulId unit ........'" 9tJrnto" tMIeh. Aadda. It. Appbnt IfId _~ a _ In I'''' at d..,-*"' fwr . r.a..... ~...1f'MII cflf;tmll ~~,y, ~.~. V cf Ch.,.r' afltlw Clt)t. L.anct o.vtla"..,.nt - ... c. 8&Aldnv"'&' =......... .,,.... .... fJ'OM.1Q.......... ~rw)11"" (p'-' ~" ~), & "" ..... ,...._ . ru)~ 10 ,Nt .. (tIDMefD MdI . mn.n.u" tNtlclrtg ). 9 1" ... (_~".~l8d~},1MJ -*(JlOn"ftra .. . pM"). lWId a buking MIght of ....( (ncd tg . ~ lid .. fIII)~ ,D. Tl'lI~wlJ*ce."GlIt . 'nil,.. the R.-4ftMn tlaot area wi: ~~unalotbrW . ~.., tM Jr.-.4it). ThB II..... leTlT! and ..,..d will -=i\ ~G . "'a.t._ ...... ~ hi " ind&Md 1ft ttaot ..... JatJo ~ .".. ~1InII venti.. ftIIIIrUIIlftNId .... ,..,. tQf" PfOtId It net TN ...IMH I~'YN ~~ ~... ,., tf'ti. ... ~..-c '" 1bI l..UJ...1ho .......1It...... In .. ~ ... .~ ~ f'8"'* U!11btr, he,," "'." ......... dIdIJtWd tam,. ...,.,.. ft:J01.... w1th.ttJ, UJnC""'" UQ.1......., '* _nlllnhJI. The .... aNII ...... ell ~ i'I1 ,..,. ~.I' tlnd '.....1IBOr ... .~ore. lA:1lWtI Of _I'" D61rv""'" '- '*' I\Il:Anb6I .. 10.118 '* ~ Ui\WM 'RIll -. ~iI>>d MpIIIf U. . ... Itch IGt .wi.. aftlr ....rJ1H to IllId 10 thlt ..-oIhd maJnNm lU'ftblt _.....,..-IMI .. Tnta o.w-.p'lUInt 0dIf IhaU -. MMnlJ ntn. QIIJ ~ tI...tD..It-.. of PM'WI-' J lIK .;. ~..rJ!j) T N)J a '. .:44 3tlJS'77t~.. flG.1D IIllfl TDTFl. ME." _ - J I' "rot~ p,e3 i I, MINUTES "-' SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 15, 1996 F. Variance Appeal. Summit Associates, Ltd.. Request for relief from Section 4.J.2 of Chapter 2 of the City's Land Development Regulations to allow construction of a 10 foot high, pre-cast masonry buffer wall for a distance of approxima~ly 230 linear feet along the north property line of the ISles",Hunters Run PUD el)'JA cA5~~ :A/Ii Kieran Kilday. agent for the applicant. advised that this is an appeal to a decision of the Board of Zoning Appeals. The Isles of Hunters Run is a residential project fronting on Congress Avenue in an area that was originally designated commercial. This project was the subject of many years of litigation between the City of Boynton Beach and the property owners. Residential was never considered a viable use. However, the final settlement was amended to add residential. This appeal involves a small walled area located at the north of the property next to WXEL television station property containing satellite dishes in their backyard. There was no problem with these satellite dishes until now because there is an office use to the south. However, from a residential standpoint, they cause a major problem. Mr. Kilday displayed photos depicting the view of the satellite dishes from the Isles of Hunters Run property. This view led to the request for a variance to increase the wall height from 6' to 10' on the portion of this wall which is on the north property line. Mr. Kilday advised that there was a motion to approve the appeal at the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting, however, the motion failed by a 2.3 vote. Mr. Kilday reviewed the criteria required for the granting of a variance: 1. Special conditions and circumstances are peculiar to the land and are not applicable to other lands in the same district This property was designated for commercial, and decisions were made regarding adjacent properties assuming there would be no residential. If they had known in advance that residential would be developed on this property, it is almost certain that considerable screening would have been required. 2. Conditions do not result as a result of the applicant This is an issue that predates the applicant. 3. Granting of the variance will not confer on the applicant a special privilege denied elsewhere in the Ordinance 3 ) ( . MINUTES ......... SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 15, 1996 In looking at the existing chain link fence, it appears it is at least 8' talf with three strands of barb wire above that eight feet. This is a situation where the applicant is interfacing two zoning districts. 4. A literal interpretation of the Code would deprive the rights currently enjoyed by other property owners in the district In this case, a 6' waif will not be sufficient; however, the 10' waif accomplishes what needs to be buffered. 5. The granted variance is the minimum variance. In determining the area for the variance, the applicant went onto the north property line and sighted WXEL's building. That view was not objectionable. The waif off C9pgress is 6'. The 10' begins and wraps around the corner which is due south of the area of the satellite dishes. The applicant limited the requested variance to the smallest area possible to achieve the goal. Mr. Kilday explained how the determination for a 10' wall was made. By going to a 10' wall the line of vision extends. 6. The variance must be in harmony with' general intents and purpose of the Code and not injurious to the welfare of the general public. This 10' wall will have no affect on the satellite dish side of the waif. For the residents, they will find that the 10' wall is desirable as opposed to the sight of the satellite dishes. This wall is within the community and far back off Congress Avenue. The Board of Zoning Appeals members who voted against the wall felt a 10' wall would be unsightly. This will not be a bare wall. There will be a full landscape treatment including trees, which are 20' to 25' on center, and a hedge along the wall. The applicant feels this variance is extremely important. If the applicant did not feel the satellite dishes would be a detriment to the project, he would not have gone through this effort. This is a situation where there is an interface between a residential area and commercial area. He urged the Commission to consider the issues and support the request for variance. In response to Mayor Taylor's question, Attorney Cherof advised that this proceeding is not quasi-judicial in nature since it is an appeal. Mr. Kilday confirmed for Commissioner Jaskiewicz that this 10' wall will not front on 4 .. MINUTES ",~ SPECIAL CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 15, 1996 f! Congress Avenue. It will only border the satellite dish area. James Miriana. Chairman of the Board of Zoning Appeals, advised that the board felt no hardship existed. In addition, he felt there had been a misrepresentation by the applicant with regard to how the determination of the need for a 10' wall was derived. In his opinion, a 10' waif will not serve the purpose for which it is intended. He feels large trees would do more to obscure the view of these dishes. Commissioner Jaskiewicz questioned the distance of the homes to the 10' wall. Mr. Kilday explained there is no home on that side of the street because there would be no way to block the view from second story windows. There are five lots which are the most critical lots. He again explained the geometry involved in determining the wall height needed to block the view of the satellite dishes. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve a 10' high pre-cast masonry waif along the northern property line of a distance of 230 linear feet to screen adjacent communications facility at the Isles P( Hunters Run. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion. U Mayor Pro Tem Matson stated that it is always important to be cognizant of property rights. When homes are being sold for upwards of $350,000, it would be a hardship having to look at these satellite dishes. The bottom line is that the reason the Board of Zoning Appeals meets is to grant variances to the Code. Their job is not to go by what the Code states. Mayor Pro Tem Matson is content that the applicant has proven a hardship exists. Vice Mayor Bradley feels it would be a hardship for a person buying a $50,000 home to have to look at these dishes. He sees this as a hardship on the developer, and he will support the variance request. Commissioner Jaskiewicz does not feel a 10' wall will have a negative effect on the public. Furthermore, she would prefer to see a 10' wall on Congress Avenue rather than looking at the satellite dish on the ITV property. It is a horrendous site. Mayor Pro Tem Matson feels the 10' waif will be an enhancement to this property. Mayor Taylor agreed with the remarks that were made by the other Commissioners. The motion carried unanimously. 5 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOP:\IENT BOARD BOY~TON BEACH. FLORIDA '- FEBRUARY 13. 1996 5. CO'I~Il~ICATIONS A..'iD A~'NOL'NCEMENTS A. Report from the Planning and Zoning Departmel!lt (1) Final disposition of last month's agenda items Ms. Heyden reponed on the following: Islet~Hunters Run Site Plan Approval - The Board recommended approval. subject to deletion of three comments. The City Commission concurred with the Board I s recommendation. Romano's Macaroni Grill - The Board recommended approval, subject to all staff comments and working out some elevation changes. That entailed not accepting the shared parking study. At the City Commission. meeting, the applicant proposed a plan to add the parking spaces that they were short. Those parking spaces are going to be added to the rear of the shopping center. Therefore, that negated the need for the shared parking study. With respect to the elevation changes. the applicant and staff were able to work out the color of the building. and also the color of the awnings. However, they could not reach an agreement on eliminating the stone. The City Commission agreed to allow the stone. Whipowill Arms Time Extension - The City Commission approved this, subject to all staff comments. 8. COMMENTS BY MEMBERS Chairman Dube suggested that Ms. Heyden look at the red color OD Hops in the daylight. Chairman Dube advised that former Commissioner Rosen commenred to him after the last Board meeting about the lights at the Amoco station. Ms. Heyden agreed that the lights under the canopy are blinding. She advised that there is a minimum amount of foot candles required. but there is no maximum. However, they cannot produce glare. Mr. Rosenstock suggested that the Code be revised to include a maximum. Ms. Heyden will pass this information on to the City Engineering Department. Chairman Dube reminded the members of the Board whose terms expires this April to resubmit an application if they desire to continue to serve on the Board. 23 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETI~G BOY~TON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 16, 1996 City Manager Parker clarified that when a COLA adjustment is made. the entire pay range is adjusted. including the minimums and maximums. Therefore. employees at the old maximums will go to their new maximum. giving them an increase. In response to a question from Commissioner Jaskiewicz. City Manager Parker stated that we did not recommend a COLA adjustment for this contract. Vice Mayor Bradley pointed out that we have done so in the past and we will in the future. He stated that when he sees an ad in the newspaper for a salary range of $40.000 to $60.000. he thinks that when he gets to the top. he will be making 560.000. If there is a COLA on top of that. that is icing on the cake. Motion Commissioner Rosen moved that there be no pay plan cap through September 30. 1996. In response to a question from Commissioner Jaskiewicz. Sgt. Kuss advised that this will only affect two lieutenants this contract year. Both of those lieutenants are in their 23rd year. The motion died for lack of a second. :\Iotion Mayor Pro Tern Matson moved to approve no pay plan cap for the run of this contract, which is September 30. 1997. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion, which carried 3-2. Mayor Taylor and Vice Mayor Bradley cast the dissenting votes. Motion Since a 2 percent COLA was not granted, Mayor Pro Tern Matson moved to leave in the additional eight hours of non-accrued leave per officer during the next contract year. Commissioner Rosen seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. Mayor Taylor declared a recess at 8:47 p.m.. The meeting resumed at 9:00 p.m. VIII. DEVELOPMENT PLANS A. Project Name: Agent: Applicant: Isles of Hunters Run Kieran J. Kilday. Kilday & Associates. Inc. Home Development Corporation 27 MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 16, 1996 Location: West side of Congress Avenue. approximately 500 feet north of Summit Drive Request for site plan approval for common area landscaping. decorative wall. project signage and a guardhouse in connection with development of 56 zero lot line. single-family detached dwelling units. Description: Mr. Kilday agreed to all the conditions in staff's report. He advised that the plan was amended to move the trees outside of the area to address the Utility Department's concern. Tambri Heyden. Planning and Zoning Director. asked if Mr. Kilday is agreeing to the original wording in comment number 2. Mr. Kilday answered affirmatively. Motion Vice Mayor Bradley moved approval of the Isles of Hunters Run site plan, subject to all staff comments, Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion, which carried 5-0. Ms. Heyden clarified that this includes the revisions to comment numbers 7 and 23. but not to number 2. B. Project Name: Agent: Applicant: Location: Description: Romano's Macaroni Grill at the Catalina Centre Roscoe L. Biby, P.E. c/o Kimley-Horn and Associates Kevin Connell, Brinker International 1501 Congress Avenue Request to amend the previously approved site plan to alter the exterior of the outparcel building (formerly Marie Calendar's restaurant) at the Catalina Centre Plat No.1, increase seating from 205 to 248 and revise the shared parking study for a new restaurant. The site plan and elevations were displayed during these presentations. Barbara Hall. an attorney with Greenberg Traurig, represented Mutual New York, the owner of the Catalina Centre. and Brinker International, the owner and operator of the Macaroni Grill , 28 , r MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 9, 1996 code is structured to allow easements as part of the lot size. Therefore, in reality, a lot of the lot sizes have not increased. The biggest change was the reduction in the number of lots and the increase in some of the setbacks around the perimeter, which is in keeping with what this board and the homeowners wanted. Ms. Heyden explained that since me Land Development Regulations were changed, revised plans are not sent back to the Planning and Development Board unless the Commission decides to remand them back to this board. At Mr. Wische's request, she will convey this board's concerns to the City Commission. In response to Mr. Beasley's questions about the preserve area, Ms. Heyden said the entire preservation area has become easements on private lots. Vice Chainnan Golden felt that when people own property, they take the attitude that it is their property and they want to do what they want to do with it. In Ms. Heyden's opinion, it does not even qualify for an easement because an easement is an encumbrance on a piece of property. It does not take away all your rights for the use of that property, whereas a preservation easement would. 6. OLD BUSINESS None. 7. NEW BUSINESS A. Site Plans New Site Plan (1) Project Name: Agent: Isles of Bunten Run Kieran I. Kilday Kilday and Associates, Inc. Home Development Corporation West side of Congress Avenue, approximately 500 feet nonh of Summit Drive Request for site plan approval for common area landscaping, decorative wall, project signage and a guardhouse in connection with development of S6 Applicant: Location: Description: 4 , . MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 9, 1996 zero lot line, single-family detached dwelling units. Mr. Haag advised that the Planning and Zoning Departtnent recommended approval of this site plan request, subject to the comments included in Exhibit C. The deficiencies identified in this exhibit shall be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. Mr. Kilday displayed an aerial showing the location of this land. He said this is a commercial parcel of land located at the front of Hunters Run, fronting on Congress Avenue just north of the main entrance of Hunters Run. It was in litigation with the City for a number of years for its right to develop as a commercial retail facility. However, after settling the litigation, the owner entered into a contract with Mr. Kilday's client to develop single-family residential homes on the site. Mr. Kilday displayed and reviewed the proposed site plan. The existing lake area is going to be enlarged to wrap around and provide a substantial buffer between Congress A venue and the units, and to provide as many lake front units as possible. Mr. Kilday reviewed comment numbers 2, 7, and 23 of Exhibit C. These were the only conditions he had a problem with. Comment 2 requests that the trees be shifted out of the easement area. Mr. Kilday said he has accommodated that to every extent possible, with the exception of one area located at the north 250 feet of the project. He agreed to the condition to not plant any trees in the easement. However, some of the trees are probably going to overhang the easement. The easement is an underground utility easement, and it is unlikely that utilities would have to get to it. The last sentence in.comment number 2 requires the applicant to relocate those trees. Mr. Kilday said a wall will be put in along the road, as well as a heavy landscape area. The lake area is beyond that. He pointed out that according to the code, the Utility Department has the right to remove trees that are within an easement. He asked that it be made clear that as long as we keep the trees outside the easement, they can be adjacent to the easement. Mr. Beasley asked if the trees already exist. Mr. Kilday advised that the trees that he is talking about a~e trees that will be planted, and the Ficus will be removed. Comment 7 states that sidewalks are required on both sides of all local and collector streets. Mr. Kilday stated that the intent is to provide sidewalks on both sides of the streets in front of all the lots through this whole area (he pointed to an area on the site plan) up to the point on s ""=-~~----^""""",-""","--,~-..,-".._--.. -- J MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 9, 1996 the "T". At this point. he requested that it be switched to an eight foot walkway on one side to come down the side of the entrance road. He stated that in this panicular area, there are no units that would be opening up to it, and it provides a better landscape entry feature and a better look. From this point forward, a taper to a five foot sidewalk will be extended, which will tie into the Hunters Run sidewalk. He requested that provision be made that the area which does not abut the front of lots be an eight foot walk on one side of the street. He stated that this board has the right to recommend that the City Commission grant a waiver. Mr. Wische asked if there are any homes to the right of it. Mr. Kilday stated that the walk will come along the side of one of the homes. Chairman Dube asked if this would require a variance. Mr. Kilday read the following from the code: A required sidewalk may be waived by the Technical Review Committee in platted or unplatted subdivisions when it is determined that adequate pedestrian circulation is provided by bicycle/pedestrian paths. Comment 23 regards the location of a handicapped parking space. Mr. Kilday wanted to add the following to that comment: Staff has indicated that if the security system is part of the overall Hunters Run security staff, which has its own separate parking lot, we would not have to provide the space here and would be able to make use of this space in the existing staff parking lot, which is around the comer from us. . Mr. Haag said if the City Attorney has agreed that this panicular development is pan of the Hunters Run Association, then he would have no objection to omitting that comment. Mr. Rosenstock stated that the Board of Governors of Hunters Run Golf and Racquet Club and the property owners association, which are two separate corporations, have passed resolutions saying that upon the development, approval, etc., and acquiring of the site by the developer. it would be accepted as pan of Hunters Run Golf and Racquet Club. Mr. Kilday agreed to provi~e documentation to the City Attorney. 6 MINUTES PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JANUARY 9, 1996 Motion Mr. Wische moved to accept the Hunters Run application for Isles of Hunters Run, subject to the staff comments. Mr. Kilday's concerns regarding comments 2, 7, and 23 will have to be worked out with staff. Mr. Golden seconded me motion, which carried 7-0. Mr. Kilday asked for clarification on comment number 2. He asked if the trees ~an be planted next to the easement. Chairman Dube advised that the board has no objection to this; however, it has to be approved by the Utility Department. Major Site Plan Modification (2) Project Name: Romano's Macaroni Grill at the Catalina Centre Roscoe L. Biby, P.E. clo Kimley-Hom and Associates Kevin Connell, Brinker International 1501 Congress Avenue Request to amend the previously approved site plan to alter the exterior of the outparcel building (formerly Marie Calendar's restaurant) at the Catalina Centre Plat No. i, increase seating from 205 to 248 and revise the shared parking study for a new restaurant. Agent: Applicant: Location: Description: Chairman Dube stated that the only real controversy seems to be the shared parking. Mr. DeCarlo stated that the Catalina Centre Shopping Center, the Holiday Inn, the subject restaurant, and the future unbuilt 75,000 square foot office complex building to be located immediately west of the Holiday Inn were approved under a shared parking agreement and cross access agreements. The shared parking study for the center has been revised many times in the past as part of the development of the propeny and changes in the building occupants. With the exception of the future office building previously mentioned, the property is pretty well built out.. The shared parking study was last revised in 1994 to allow conversion of the former Flagler Bank building within the center to a Boston Chicken Restaurant. The shared parking study approved at that time indicated that the peak parking demand for the overall center was 8:00 p.m. weekdays, and provided the required 10 percent buffer. The study used 7 J JAN-02-' 96 TLE: 16: 44 ID: TEL NO: t:*222 P01 " Kilday . ~..oclat.. Lcndscape Architects/Planners 1551 Forum Ploce Suite 1 aOA West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fox:( 407) 689-2592 .~ FAX TRANSMISSION M,i<~ /J~ FAX NUMBER: 1::.75' - ~7 0 DATE: ~ FROM: 5.v-l;oIt- TO: == SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: ... .... _ FP:I. COpy WILL BE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT ORIGINAL DOCUJfNT TO FOLLOW IN MAIL NUMBER OF PAGES: (INCLUDING THE COVER SHEET) CUENT NAME~ PROJECT NUMBER: ~J. ...,. e:.. ..'_...._,~._.. ~ ,. ... ...'.......- ,.-----...,-,. o.te: From: KRdIIy ... Awv "'1$4. \.eft.... .....hItBtaJ P1al\MI'I 1&61 Forum PIIl:lO Sui" ,OOA Wilt ,"'" '.n flarldB Dlcn 14011 &-&&22 . FIX: 10407) .. _2 MEMORANDUM January S, 1906 C-. Lindsey A. walter, Jon Schmidt; Kilday & Associates ~~ Extended Page 1. 1 To: City of Boynt"aeech, Plaming and Development [ rd " Subject: Islea at Hunters Run PUD Site PI., Approval- NWSP 95-010 Our File No.: 1247.2 The Petitioner requests that the folloWing COmments be either amendecl or deleted .. indicated below. prior to the City Planning and Development Board acting on thiS project. The propoRIKi d'lange8 are al follows: Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. "..003 C~nditlon No 2: "No trees or oVQrhang of large trees 81li permitted within utilities easements. Although $Ome portions of the landecape berm along congress Avenue has been shifted, the northern section still encroaches on the existing utilities easement which contains a 3611 diameter sewage force main. One or two trees along the northern property line must also be deleted or relocated,1I (Section 7.5-16,1) ResponDe: The applicant is asking for Condition Ne, 2 to be deleted. The applicant understands that trees which interfere With utility services may be removed wihtout permit. Ninety percent (90%) of the trees have been relocated to comply with Utilities Department's request for additional separation between existing utilities and proposed troeo wherever poeelblG. Due to area constraints near the northem property line, we art' requesting reliaf elQ('lQ this 250 foot 8rGa. The buffer's purpole is for physical and VIsual separation of COngress Avenue. Tho proposed trees are a.Jrrently not planted within the easement. By not allowing planting of these trees along the buffer, inadequate screening of Congress Avenue, 8S well as buffering for residents of Hunte"'s Run, cannot be 88tsblished. JRN-02-'96 TUE 15:46 ID: TEL NO: **222 P02 Memorandum January 9, 1996 Page - 2 - Condition NO.7: I'SldewalkS are required on both sidea of allloeal and collector streets, Chapter 6, Article III. Section 11A, Page 6-8." R91~nse; This section of the Code requires sidewalKs to be constructed on bOth aides of en local end collector streets. and on one side of marginal access streets In all areas. Pursuant to Chapter 6. Article III, Section 11 A, Page 6--3, a required sidewalk may be waivod by the Technical ReviQW Committee In platted or unplatted subdivision' when it determines that adoquate pedestrian circulation Is provided by bicycle pedeStrian paths. The applicant Is proposing to construct an B foot wide sidewall<lblcycle petl"l from within the PUD from the .T' intersection to the proposed guardhouse. This sidewalK will be located on tho west side Of Westlake DrIve. The Ap~icant Is also proposing to construct an 8 foot wide sid.....,alklblke path from the guardhouse with a taper to five feet in width to Summit Drivo. The applicant ia proposing one eldewalklbike path on one side of Westlake Drivo far the following roeaona: Q, The subject PUD contains only 56 detached single family units. One 8 foot wide sidewalk/bike path it adequate to aceommodat& the proposed pu~ out to Summit Drive. Typiooliy, G four (4) foot wide path is required by the code, hoWever, the applicant will place a larger size path on only one side of the road. b. The applicant will connect the proposed sidewalk and bike path off sIte to an existing path located within the Hunters Run PUD approximately 1,200 feet to the we.t of this project. c. The control, Jurl5dlctlcn and maintenance obligation of the propoMd bicycle/pedestrian path (not located within the publIc rlght-af-w-ay) shall be maintained by the property owners' asSOCiation for this project. The bicycle/pedestrian path will be constructed concurrently with other required Improvements, Condition No. 23: "Show and dim9nsion on Sheet 0-1 the locWlon of the handicap adaptable parking space required for the guard house, or provido written verification from the Department of Community Affaire stating that they accept the handicap parking JRt+-02:-' 96 TLE 16: 46 ID: TEL NO: 1:*222 P03 Memorandum January 9. ,9ge Page - 3 - space for the Isles at Hunters Run to be located off..site on the adjacent prop.ny." Response: s. Handicap adaptable parking space will be accctz5t'ible for the proposed guardhouse within the Hunters Run PUD, specifically. at the main guardhouse entrance. S:NT BY: . 1-12-96 9:25AM Boynton Bch tax.... ~ ,) ;~ (. 4/ , '.....,.; .~- / C. ~--- ,..-t":-.~;7 !fli >, / ~ '..' PLnmING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT Iii, MEMORANDUM NO. 96-017 Agenda Memorandum for I I r January,' 16, 1995 City commission Meeting -.p'- Carrie '. '1'0: Parker City Manager FlteM. Tambri J, ReYderrJJg~' Planning and Zonf Director -JI;' .inr, 'i DATIl January 11, 1996 \: 'il' SUBJECT I Isleat~p"mterS 'Run t CF:i:le Nd " NWSP x95 - 010) "'j -- Site plan ~=: ,- tl , New "'" n, Please place the above-referenced request underDevelopment Plans for the January 16, 1995 City Com~i8sion agenda. I'JI DESCRIPTION: The above reques~ for Isles at Hunters Run has been submitted by Kilday & Associates, =~c., agent for Home Development corporation. Isles at Hunters Rutl. is to be 'ia. 56 uni t" 1 sil1gle family dwelling project located at the west side of Congress Avenue, approximately 500 feet north of su~mit Drive. Site plan approval isrequeSited fo~ the common a'l:.-ea improvements that include landscaping in open space tracts - a.ndv, a'round lakes, a site wal~" along Congress Avenue and approximately 66% of the north property line starting at ~he Congress Avenue corrter, projeqt signag~ and a 215 square foot g~a17dhouf3e building \ ' Nt.~ " I . . RECOMMENDATION: The Planning Cind unanimous vote, recommended approval staff commJ~mts in Exhibit ItCII, with C01'l".ment 2, 7 and 23-:' ... 'I,::.." .W AU' . III . Development Board, with of this request, subject the following revisions a to to 2. No trees are permitted within utility easements, however overhang of large trees will be permitted, rather than prohibited, within utility easements. 'lliJf . 7. Sidewalks are required on both sides of all local an~ collector streets, unless a sidewalk waiver is requested II,~ and granted by the 'Techr;,icalReview Committee. JJ 23. A handicap space located at the guardhouse is required unless verification is provided that the Isles at Hu~ter Run isa part of the Hunters Run pun master property owners' association. , J " ,':' ' Staff accepts the revisions to comment 7 and 23 I however the IV utilities department strongly cbjects to allowing the large trees proposed to overhang into the utility easement chat enve~ops a main utility trunk system along Congress Avenue. TJH:'ffim '..l , Ii xc: Central Fi~e .. : CCAg c1rnem, ill Post-i~~ Fax Note Date ." I ,d\'h 'i \: - " __l"_'L- 2-96 TUE 15=25 HUNTERS RUN P _ 121 2 This document prepared by and r.tur~ to. GMY A. KORN, ESQ. BEDZOW. KORN {, !<AN, P.A. Suita 200 20803 BiBe.yoa Boulevard Aventura, Florida 33180 Mai1in8 Ad4re... P.O. 80x 8020 Hallandale, Florida 33008-8020 Phone. (305) 935-6888 (Dade) (305) 523-6001 (Broward) Pax :~o, (305) 93'-9502 PROPERTY INCLUSION AGREEMENT BETWEEN HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD., A FLORIDA LIMITED PARTNERSHIP AND HUNTERS RUN PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION. INC. APPEARED this L day of June, 1996, HUNTERS RUN PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not-for-profit corporation ("Association") and HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD., a Plorida Limited Partnership ("HDC"), and entered into this Property Inclusion Agreement ("Agreement"). WIT N E SSE T H: WHEREAS, the Association is the entity responsible for maintaining and administering the property known as Hunters Run ("Hunters Run"), located on Congress Avenue in Boynton Beach, Florida, and more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached hereto; and WHEREAS, HDC is the owner of the property which abuts Hunters Run to the East. and has heretofore been known as the "Commercial Tract", shall hereafter be known as The Isles at Hunters Run ("Isles") and is more particularly described in Exhibit "B" attached hereto; and WHEKEAS, the parties des~re i:O include the Isles as part of Hlmters Run; and WHEREAS, the parties intend that the Isles be subject to the provisions of the Declaration of Covenams, Restrictions and Easements for Hunters Run and all exhibits thereto filed for record in Official Records Book 3195, at Page 1107, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida (the "Declaration"); and WHEREAS, the parties intend that the rights and obligations of Isles and of the Association regarding the Isles and the property around the Isles, shall be governed by the Declaration, except where modified by this Agreement; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the recitals set forth above, and other good and valuable consideration, the parties hereby agree as follows: 1. The recitals set forth above are true and correct and shall be incorporated herein by reference. 2. The Isles shall be considered "Developed Property" as that term is defined in Article I, Section l(g) of the Declaration, and shall be subject to the terms and conditions of the Declaration. 3. The Isles shall be developed as a residential community comprised of 56 single family residential dwelling units. The Isles shall also be subject to either a Declarntion of Condominium or a Declar..tion of Covenants and Restrictions, which shall be recorded prior to the closing of the first residential dwelling unit within the Isles. 4. HDC shall be responsible for the construction of a 6' high concrete perimeter wall along the north and east boundary of the Property, to be constructed on top of a to be built 6' high berm. The berm and wall shall be constructed in a manner consistent with the appearance of Hunters Run, as reasonably determined by the Association. The Owner(s) of the Isles shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of said perimeter wall and berm. Subsequent to the construction of the berm and wall, HDC shall instal11andscaping OAIC. .,)19)OOOO\SJ91..\061.96 BtOZOW. KORN . ICAN. P,A., 20803 BISCAYNE BOULEVARD. SUITE 200, AVENTURA, FLORIDA 33180 . (305) 9315.11888 _JUL- 2-'96 TUE 15=26 HUNTERS RUN P_0=-5- outside the wall in a manner consistent with the appearance of Hunters Run. as reasonably determined by the Association. The Association shall be responsible for the maintenance of the landscaping (including. but not limited to, shrubs. trees, grass) and the irrigation of the areas outside of the perimeter wall. 5. The Owner(s) of the Isles shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of any road(s) within the Isles. The Association shall continue to maintain West Lake Drive. 6. HOC shall construct a golfcart and walkway path from the Isles connecting to the existing golfcart and walkway path in a configuration as shown on Exhibit "C" attached hereto. HDC and the Association shall execute cross easements allowing for access to and from the Isles and the other portions of Hunters Run over the golfcart and walkway path. 7. The Association shall provide security patrols within the Isles similar to patrols provided elsewhere within Hunters Run. 8. HDC shall construct a guardhouse for the housing of one security guard. which structure shall include. but not be limited to, electrical, heating and cooting services, electronic and scanning equipment necessary for the performance of the guard's normal duties, security equipment compatible with existing Association security equipment, toilets and plumbing facilities necessary to house at least one security guard. Upon an issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the guardhouse, and the closing of the sale of at least one single family home within the Isles, to a purchaser other than HDC or another builder, the Association shall bear the expense of one security guard in the guardhouse, for 16 hours per day, 7 days per week. If on March I, 1998. there are less than ten (10) completed residential dwelling units (which shall mean a Certificate of Occupancy has been issued) that are sold to third party purchasers other than builders. then the Association shall no longer be responsible for the expenses of a security guard. If that shall occur, then the Association will commence paying the expense of the security guard, only after the 28th dwelling unit is completed. sold and closed to a third party purchaser. 9. HDC shall provide a home alarm system within each single family home constructed within the Isles. to enable each home to be hooked up to electronic monitoring services of the homeowner's choice. HDC shall also install a perimeter alarm system around the perimeter of the Isles. 10. With regard to covenants for assessments, notwithstanding the provisions of Article VI of the Declaration, effective March I, 1996, HOC shall be responsible for regular Association assessments as follows: a. On any lot that has not been sold and closed to a thirty party purchaser, HDC shall pay $30.00 per month per lot. Payment on these lots shall accrue from March 1, 1996, until the first residential dwelling unit within the Isles is sold and closed to a third party purchaser, at which time, all accrued and unpaid assessments for all lots within the Isles, shall be due and owing to the Association. Thereafter, assessments on such lots shall be paid monthly, on the first day of the month. b. On any lot that has been sold and closed to a third party purchaser, said owner shall pay the regular Association assessment. plus $25.00 per month per lot. If and when the Association assessment increases beyond its March I, 1996 amount. then, at such time, the $25.00 additional assessment shall proportionately be increased. By way of example. if the monthly assessment increases from $200.00 on March I, 1996 to $300.00 on March 1. 1997, then beginning on March I, 1997, the $25.00 amount shall increase to $37.50. c. If more than two or more lots are (:.ombined to form one lot, such lot shall owe assessments on each lot prior to being combined. 11. Lot Owners within the Isles shall be eligible to join the Hunters Run Golf and Racquet Club. upon payment of the required Equity Membership fees and dues to the Hunters Run Golf and Racquet Club. -2- OAK 1\3193,ClfJOC1\$4914\06II96 RIDU)W. KOlIN . ~ P.A.. aoeo3 _YIE ____. SUITE ZOO. A~ ~ 331180 . C306IIt3~ JUL- 2-96 TUE 15:28 HUNTERS RUN P _ 0.:1- 12. The rights and obligations of the Association and HDC as set forth herein shall run with the lands known as Hunters Run and the Isles and described on Exhibits .. A" and .. B", and shall inure to. and be binding upon, the successors and assigns of each party to this Agreement. 13. The lake within the Isles, will be connected to the other lakes within Hunters Run and shall be operated and maintained by the Association. in a manner similar to the operation and maintenance by the Association of the other lakes within Hunters Run. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties have set their hand and seal Lite date first above written. WITNESSES: HUNTERS RUN PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not-for-profit corporation By: I{J,{~ President Print Name:-=t. c;~i$<--l- \\ \ ,'\(7 I' I ~~~~~ _I ~~ Print Name;~I(k'lj 13uctLuv ~---~ C ~i~~~:~ A IC:{~ 14ft/c-d~~ 9. ~~~ Print Name:.hL~~~ /1. ~vfrl"'-uu Secretary ~)oC'J ~Lu.\.~.,,",~ L,..v<l:.. ~ ~_ "" 1.. IW. L. -=Fl. ~& ~S'" HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership By: HOME'DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF SOUTH FLORIDA I, a Florida corporation. its ral Partner, By: Address: 3581 N.W. 61st Circle Boca Raton, Florida 33496 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) S5: COUNTY OF ()1J/,~J~4-';'1... ) -:roily The execution of the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of Nile, 1996. by ----1!1 II tv f.../l e d ..,u /h It d, and -reA,v J/ ~ (11 e +A , the President and Secretary, respectively, of HUNTER3 RUN PROPERTY OWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.. a Florida not-for- profit corporation, who are personally known to me and who d~ot take an oath. My Commission Ex ires: /k~~( -==-- ....""!al~ RUSSELL c. EDELSTEIN State of Florida at Large ~'f"] .~ MY COMMISSION' co 4OO8OS j EXPIIlES: DecemIIIr 18. 1188 n /' I C ,--:- I I -r. , lIandId lbnI NolIrY NIllc ~ Print Name:-.-J { \. S 5 e I . t.:: <.::I.e .5 I e I rv -3- OUtUM .OOOO\:S49 1"'061 "0 IEOZOW. XOIW . IUUII. P..A... 20803 IItSCAYNE IIOUUVARD. sunE 200. AYI'II1URA. ~ 33180 . (3061 936-68R11 ~J'-..IL- :2-96 TLIE 15=30 HUNTERS RUN po _ (2) 5 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: ) COUNTY OF DADE The execution of the foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this ~ day of June. 1996, by ANDREW STEINBERG, President of HOME DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF SOUTH FLORIDA I. a Florida corporation, the General Partner of HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD.. a Florida Limited Partnership, who is personally known to me and who did not take an oath. My Commission Expires: ~ Print Name: ~~~r;-lfOTA"Y "AI. o ~ GARY A KORN ~ ~~~ ~JI ~ COMMISSION NUMBER ... ~~ <C CC216068 ~<" <f? MY COMMISSION expo OF ,\.0 .JULY 22 1996 -4- GAK 1\:\'M.(JI(IO(P"mI4\OM 196 IllEDZOW. .~ . 1lAN. P.A.. 20803.-cAYM: ~ARD. &UITE zoo. ,,~...- u,ea . 1306) e:!rHl888 _.T ,_, L -- 2-96 TUE 15:31 HIJ"'~TERS F.:IJN F" _ c:..; 16".> EXHmIT "A" Legal Description ALL THOSE CERTAIN parcels of land which are the subject of that certain "Summit Plat No. I" recorded in Plat Book 36, pages 48 et seq., Public Records. Palm Beach County. Florida and "Summit Plat No.2" recorded in Plat Book 37, pages 114 et seq.. Public Records, Palm Beach County. Florida. GMC1Il'I'J).0000\61911\061196 8EDZOW. kORN . IlAN. P.A.. 20803 81SCAVNE BOULEVARD. SUITE 200. AVENTUAA. FLORIDA 33180 - (3061836-8888 _I '_I L -- :2.- <3 6 T U E 1 5 = 2'> 1 H LI t~ T E R '=- R LI t-~ po _ (37' EXHmIT "B" Legal Description A parcel of land lying in Section 6, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida and being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at the northeast comer of said Section 6; thence, South 00000'08" East, along the East line of Section 6, a distance of 2263.81 feet; thence, South 90000'00" West, departing said East line, a distance of 60.00 feet to the intersection thereof with the West right-of-way line of Congress Avenue for a Point of Beginning; Thence, South 00000'08" East, along the West right-of-way line of said Congress Avenue, a distance of 757.68 feet; thence, South 00000'09" West, continuing along said West right-of-way line, a distance of 1041.10 feet to the intersection thereof with the boundary line of Summit Plat No.1. according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 36, Page 48, Public Records, Palm Beach County, Florida; thence, South 90000'00" West, along the boundary of said Plat of Summit Plat No.1, a distance of 743.07 feet; thence, North 00000'00" East, continuing along said plat boundary, a distance of 1687.50 feet; thence, North 90000'00" East, departing said plat boundary, a distance of 380.00 feet; thence, North 00000'00" East, a distance of 111.28 feet; thence, North 90000'00" East. a distance of 363.09 feet to the Point of Beginning. OAk"IJJj..IJOUO\~OOIII6 _T I_I L -- 2-96 TUE 15:32 HUNTERS RUN P _ (21 8 BEDZOW/KORN Jun 27'96 BEDZOWf KORN & KAN, P. A. ^TTORNEYS A1' LAW Sl.IlTI! 100 :10803 DISC A YNB DO\.JLE'" ARP ....VENTUIlA. FL01l1DA 33180 T81-Bt'ltOl'lli (105) 9)5.68K8 Q.1!1'1.. \' TO. p.O. BOX /1010 H"LI.^l'l\)...L1~. l'LOlUO^ :lJCll' TEL:932-6043 16:35 No.033 P.01 ~ MICHAEL BeDz,oW GAAY A. 1CD"1oI QI'JlY ..... B1l0W'N JlJCHAJ't> C. WOLl-!, 1'....\11. 11.. Vt"lcnlo O6O\!.OI> ,.., MINS!(\ ALJd'l D, SCIINl!IOt'Jl PA""OC. J"c.o9~N H!J'IM\1'BlI. \.Il"'''' NEAJ,. I. SKJ,..i\" MICHI:UJ! A. MA\lActl'l' t'U.>........."...Q 1.. OON:U-LIn IJJfI [UNl8lNGfAl (",,,nW"f<P) (9~.) S21.MlOl Exh;h;/-- c... Tt::I.l!.CU",e~; MAlH ()U'l 936-9501 lU'.AI. &<<ATI:. (305) 931-6041 Lr\'lO^"\10Jol (30:;) 93(1.2195 ~ --. AI.AN J. ~N (1947 I~I ....Stf COUJoISn, MARCY S. llasNtK June 27, 1996 Yia..btiimUe ~61/994-4-4i2 Ste....en L. Daniels, Esq. 301 Yamato Road, Suite 4150 }Joca Raton. FL 33431 Re: Agreement between Home Development of Hunters Run Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership and Hunters Run Property Owners A.ssociation, Inc.. a Florida not-tor-profit corporation Dear Steve: Our client, Hoane Development of Hunters Run Ltd.. a Florida Limited Partnership, the Developer of The Isles at Hunter Run, will construct a 6' wide asphalt cart path. This path will begin at the proposed Guard Tower along the West side of Westlake Drive going South to Summit Drive. At summit Drive. the cart path bends to the West and continues along the Northern boundary of Summit Drive connecting into the existing Hunters Run cart path just to the east of the Village of East Gate. Our client will also be erecting a monument sign at the western corner of Summit Drive and Westlake Ddve. 'thank you for your continued assistance. GAKlrsp cc: Mr. Oreg Smith (Fax No. 407/7344681) Mr _ Andrew Steinberg OiAtC.I\J.cxa:.J"MU741\lVtI1t'O ENGINEERING MEMO #96-037 lOOn rn@ rn ~ w rn rn! u . ! II . · .lf1.N l 1!9S5 1 , ! I j j J PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DATE: January 30, 1996 TO: BILL CAVANAUGH, FIRE PREVo OFF. ROBERT EICHORST, P. W. DIR. SGT. MARLON HARRIS, P.D. T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLAN. & ZONING DI * SKIP MILOR, UTIL. CHIEF FIELD INSP.* AL NEWBOLD, DEPUTY BLDG. OFF. JOHN WILDNER, PARKS SUPER. & KEVIN H LIHAN, FORESTER FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. PLANS CHECK/INSPECTOR -6283 ~ SUBJECT: T.R.C. REVIEW/SIGN-OFF - ISLES OF HUN R'S RUN _ PLAT AND REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS. THE SUBJECT PLAT AND REQUIRED IMPROVEMENTS VE BEEN REVISED TO ADDRESS YOUR COMMENTS. IF YOU HAD NO COMME4' T, OR IF YOUR COMMENTS HA VE BEEN SATISFIED, PL.EASE SIGN OFF ON THE ST ~ED SET OF PLANS LOCA TED IN THE ENGINEERING DIVISION. IF THERE ARE STILL ITEMS REQUIRING PLAN REVISIONS, PLEASE PROVIDE US ITH YOUR CONCERNS. IN EITHER CASE, PLEASE RESPOND BY FEBRUARY TH. THANKS. KRHlkrh < l ~ , '" . ~ /I / t.( Ii (1 "1. ./ ~, J;! IJ. ~I. I~/ \L~' rl/' tl1) .~ \) . 11' .J:fi '.' Iv'" y ~iUtJ J/J> \'.)~" ~ J;r ~ ~ c: William HukilL Dev, Dir. - isles of HR PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-124 TO: William Hukill City Engineer Tambri J. HeYden~ Planning and ZOning~ector Michael E. Haa~ Current PlanningrE9ordinator March 8, 1996 THRU: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run - Review of plat documents File No. PLAT 95-010 Please be advised of the following comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced request: 1. 6Nb. The master plan shall receive unconditional sign-off by.~ x.e..chn~Revicw COInmittcc -member~. 2. Modify the paving and drainage plans and, where applicable, the water & sewer plans and plat drawings to show a handicapped adaptable parking space at the guardhouse / ~. ovide legal verification that the proposed Tract "A" of . sles at Hunters Run is tied to Tract "X" of Summit Plat No. , 1 (P.B. 36,pgs. 48-51) and further verify that there is at "t ,~. . least one (1) surplus parking space located' at the existing \)1/ A i/ gate house site (located in Tract "X") to accommodate the ~ J~/ parking need for the new gate house. vA 0~ / It is recommended that Section 6 of Article VIII of the Home r,~ K b" Owners Association (H.O.A.) documents be modified by omitting \. V W ~ the text that identifies the specific setbacks approved for ~,,'J ^y~, the project. Insert language referencing the setbacks listed a~y~'~ t, on the City approved master plan for Isles at Hunters Run, ~f' ~ which governs the location of the buildings, pools and screen . ,\ ~ roof enclosures within the project and that other improvements ~ ~~'~Jj; not identified on the master plan shall follow the regulations :.J "~~ ~J!.~ I of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. It is ~, \ believed, stating in the H.O.A. documents that the setbacks are established on the master plan rather than identifying the setbacks in the document, will eliminate a conflict if the setbacks are changed in the future. or ~~. A recreation fee for 1.008 acres is required. 5. A resolution regarding the lack of landscaping in the ~ landscape easement along the south and west property lines, ~. L Whi,Ch is contrary to City Commission approval, is pending. f#: "YUr~~ ~ ) Lo~ d-1.ClN~ en-- ~ IA~I3I2/ ~ t4BD'/c. ~/"T? ~-v~ A/?-k i MEH: dim (l.Q4/~, ,~ J-4~~. j / J J)/. ~ / . - () :57iL.0 a...it-.srJIVDJA.Jl. ~/L -rJJ..f r ~ 0 (-- xc: Central File /1 a: PIa tIs Ie . 2 -cs- 45' 4- T #.-/I'.Jtt:Y2-S BU/lj , /ftI6 ~ e tV r A,vtj &G If- fd; U>,kt) //I./OIC/)7e J1jdr Q..oIJ1,m~1V rr oz r /I/lJ~ S- ;-J41./~- "stk./U ,/ 0,41/112< ~ . :z S- 7Jks T/6V6? /I( J ~ {J, " 'I/J ~ ~ , JUN. 5.1996 10:04AM KILDAY & ASSOCIATES . r'10.700 P. 1/6 Kllcllly ., AIIOCl..... L8ndlc~ Architectsl Plannenl 1661 Forum PIece Suite 100A W..t P,lm e..ch, Florid. 33401 (4071 689-6522 . FIx: 14071 688-2592 MEMORANDUM Date: June 6,1996 ':;l,s-. Kieran J. Kilday Carrie Parker: City Manager Isles at Hunters Run Recreation Department Project No.: 1247.2 From: To: Subject: Attached please find my previous correspondence to you of February 26, 1996, regarding the Isles at Hunters Run recreation requirement. Also attached you wIll find two memos from John Wildner, one dated October 26, 1995 and the other dated October 31, 1995. Both of the memos afe identical except for the total unit count used in calculations. In any event, both of the memos concluded that there was no further recreation dedication requirement. Based upon my memory of the several meetings that we had on this project, these memos are reflective of the issue as we discussed It. At the time of those meetings, we discussed the fact that the Hunter Run master plan included the dedication of a thirty acre park site to the City. At the time of that dedication, the master plan included many more units than were actually constructed. While the City's records were unclear as to how many units were totally approved, we do know that at one time 3,536 units were approved. Subsequently, Hunters Run Planned Development built out at the much lesser density and the 1989 Comprehensive Plan listed a total unit count of 1,650 units. We have contacted the Hunters Run Condominium Association (see attachment) and found that the actual build~out was 1,596 units. However, utilizing the Slightly larger number of 1,683 units calculated in John Wildner's memo of October 26, 1985, the total dedication requirement of 25,344 acres would result. Our additional 56 units would require an additional dedication of 1.008 acres, making the total dedication of requirement (without any credit for private recreation being 26.352 acres). And, in fact, we know that the actual dedication to the City was 30 acres. Based upon these calculations, the park dedication met all requirements for Hunters Run Planned .Unit Development, even including our additional 56 units, which is still well under the original approved amount. Therefore, Mr, Wildner made the conclusion that no further recreation dedication6 were required. Our clientl Mr. Andrew Steinberg, is very close to finalizing financing on this project. This matter has become an outstanding issue as it seems to neVer have had a finsl resolution. -- DCEIVED ." 1M !:; f996 CITY MANAGEIfS OffeCt JUf1. 5.1996 10:05Af'1 VILDA\' &: R3S0CIATE3 f'j(J. 700 P. 2/6 Memorandum June 5, 1996 Page ~ 2 - Please call me so that we can discuss the matter. J do distinctly remember that we discussed these calculations in a meeting that was attended by you, Mr, Cherat, Mr. Steinberg, myself and the Planning Staff. It was, in fact. my suggestion that we look at the act'uaf build-out versus VVhat was approved to make a determination whether any recreation was required. Everyone at that time was in agreement that we should investigate this issue. As shown above, the investigation has bome out that the park dedication satisfies the City's recreation requirement entirely through land dedication without the need for any private recreation credit for any of the units in Hunters Run PUD. Attachments cc: Andrew Steinberg Mike Haag; Planning and Zoning William Hukill; City Engineer John Wildner: Parks & Recreation Tambri Heyden; Planning and Zoning Director James Cherof, Esq.; City Attorney JU~~. 5. 1996 10: 05AM KILDA'{ 8.: A-::SOCIATES riO. 700 F' . 3/6 '~ k' . ~. '....., IeUd., It A........ Lendlcl pe Archltec;:t8/ P1tlnnerll 1651 Forum PIQce Suite 100A We5t Palm ee.ch, FlorIda 33401 14071 689.552,2 . FIx: (4071 689.2592 MEMORANDUM Date: February 26, 1996 From; Kieran J. Kilday To: Ms. Carrie Parker, City Manager City of Boynton Beach Isles at Hunter's Run, Park Dedication and/or Recreation Fee Requirement Our File No.; 1247,2 Subject: Carrie, you and I have not discussed this matter in some time. However, the Isles ~t Hunter's Run is rapidly approaching final plat approval and I am not sure whether this matter ever got formally resolved. The last time you and I discussed the matter, we were both still under the impression that the park dedication and/or payment of fees was an outstanding item. When I mentioned this matter to my staff, I was told that they thought the issue had been reeolved pursuant to the memo prepared by John Wildner on October 26, 1995 (attached), After reading this memo, I agree with them, Based on this matter, I am going to proceed under the assumption that this matter has been settled and there is no additional land dedication or recreational fees due to the City of Boynton Beach as a result of the Isles at Hunter's Run approval, Should you disagree with this conclusion, please let me know as we are trying to finalize this issue. Attachment KJ K1k'1j/dp8rker.2:22 JUt~. 5. 1996 . 10: 06RI"1 '~I.I'" Sy.' .,;. J(;,111 . ,:;t . .. ....I;~. I' I);:l~t . ~:\,~',~' f<ILDR'{ & RS:::OCIATES NO. 700 F'.4/6 ~';J8 " l f~' , . ) t...;;....- . ., \ ~ . -..1 : ce,. Z:T' L .,.....~. .....~ t1':.' :':':}~:~i:;'. _?'T .....~ ..L - ",,-,~"""'t~.' -,~ ....~ .,.....~, ........~...._"""""""'(r.. - ,- RECRJiATION & PARK M.E:\IORA.J.'IDUM #95.498 TO: Ta.m.bri Heyden. rl~iog & Zow~g DLrector JOM WildneJ', Parks Super.:.ntendent )Jv.l Chatle. C. l'rc<leriok, Director \:' j Recrea.tion & P~k Department "-~ . I. ~ l~esofHuntetsRun FROb!: THROUGH: RE: DATE: October 26, 1995 The Recreaticll a.lld Park Di!partmem h.:.s reviewed LlJe 2nd s'lbmitta1 of me lsks Df Hunter's Run !oI..aster Plan. The followillg revised COlT'...m,eors are s'.:.orr.ined, 1. The origiD.a.l ipproved master plan for H-J!l t~rS Run tou.ls; 1,650 multi.family units 33 &iogle family 'Units A. Blned OD ,01.3 acre5 x 1,650 l"!",:.:.ltl.farni\y units:: 24.75 acres ~ .Olil acres x 33 sing]e family ullits '= 594 acres TCltal recre'!\Pon req~irl!m1e!lts = 25.3'44 acre!; I, ~. (!, .--- B. Allowing on<:-ob,:Jj credit for private recrea.tion t',....:>#" 25.344 divided by 2 ::; 12,672 acres 2. Ad~iDg S 6 single fatrJly homes for t!le Isl~s of Hunt~r's Run brings the total recreation requirement to 56 S.F.H, X ,018 acres = 1.008 acres';' 12.672 acre = 13,68 acr,es, 3. Since ~unters ~un deveiopers dedic;ned 30 acres ofl~d to the Cii)' Ior ucreancD pu.rpOiies (Congress Avec.ue Cor.nrn.\:1lity Park!, th~y have met '.be ttlten~ of o'.:.r recrea:i::lo. dedication requirement and the J;sles of Hunters RUIl develop ers w01.4:d n:lt ba ve any fJ!'".cer recrea~io~ dedication requirCID(:nt. .J\V': ad ". r-"';yJI,u,~. ,~. 1:96 I'. . '.,:' .. . ~.' '"1 . i ~."j' " {,:,.,i . \' -(:) U I" ;1' I~' 10; 05Af1 f<ILDA'( ['~ ASSOCIATES NO. 700 F'.5/5 "-" --- ""'- -" TO: Tambri Heyden. Plannillg 8& Zenina Diredor John Wildnc:r, Parks SUPCritltend:tt Charles C. Frederick, Director Q ~ Rccreatioo . Park DepllIUnc:ut ' ~ Isles of HaDter's RUD FROM: THROUGH: HE: DATE: October 31, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the 2nd submittal of the Isles of Hunter's Run Master Plan. The following revised comments are submitted: 1. The original approved master plan for Hunter's Run totals: 3,504 multi.family units 32 single family units A. Based on .015 acres x. 3,504 multi-famDy units = 52.56 acres .018 acres x 32 single family units = .576 acres Total recreation requiremmts = 53.136 acres B. Allowing ooe--half credit for private RCreation . 25)'44 divided by 2 = 26.568 acres 2. Adding 56 single family homes for the Isles of Hunter's Run brings the total recreation requirement to 56 S.F.H, X .0 l8 acres = 1.008 acres + 26.568 ac:re = 27.576 acres. 3. Since Hunters Ruu develop~ dedicated 30 aaes ofland to the City for recreation purposes (Congress Avenue Community Park), they have met the intent of our recreation dedication requirement and the Isles of Hunters Run developers would not have any fu.rtber recreation dedication requirement. ." JW:ad .,1 JUN s 19q6 li2l:0-(H"ryl KTLDA" ,-, Ar'--~-~TE(""' . -. -' ""~.' "'6 FRr,_,'I'1J. _,~ 6: ,;:,.::>I.)I._,.l.H .::> . ,~, >.:"5-103-1 '996 ""~.." - ... I TO i,r:-1p. ?~~592P. 6/6~3 -.. ~NDOl\.flNIQMS AT fl1J1\"TE2i.RUN MSOClATIO)f TiPI OJ UNI't' Nt!MBP OJ' tt11I'rS ItnOD !00L8 '. SIUS\rOL \ CAMBRIDGE CAXBRIDGE II t!AS'I'GATE EASTGATE II VILLAS nOMDS VILtAS VILLAS APTS APTS 44 E1Z 36 50 110 lOa \ " 1 1- 1 1 1 o "VILLAS OF BRmtTWOOD l!JGsax VJ:LLAS 56 l ESTATES GLENS EAST GLENS WEST HAMPSHIRE VILLAS 01" HAMPStilRE VILLAS or NORTHWOOOS NO~'1'HWOODS NORTKWOOOS II o~s SOtJTHFOR1' S'1'RA't'JORO .." .. WESTGATE WINOSO'R WOODS , . PAtIO aOMES 48 1 , PA'I'IO HOMES 29 VILLAS 30 PAT:O HOKES 30 V1LLAS 30 1 , 1 o VIL:AS 32 PATIO' aOMES 48 PATIO HOMJ:S ~5 PATIO HOMES 24 APTS 237 AP'I'S 304 APTS 176 1 , 1 1 1 1 2 1 VILU\S 4-0 1 ~AT!O HOMES sa 1 l;lO~OWNERS ASaoCIATJON AT HUI\"TERS RUN SOTTON PUCE CUD'rOM HOMES 19 u qreg2 \ cc:mdQs .ltr << /1 J \\ ;P~ I "- ~of~ ::~F F- .~: i.:.. -"; qq.L. .~: :I /.1. :-Z z -.... --*1' 1...1. _ _, ..., 1" -.l .. ...,. F m 7' b - ..... -; -Z -'4., -=' .-.DP'\ 9 ~ ,....... p ~ ~ -_. "'--= . _...".,%.... \I. '. r."-"- ",".. ... ..... 1:".... . . - . . - -"T. _ . _ --..J. :I .J J Ji II !lIiiill i I I. HI i i III EASEMENT THIS INDENTURE made this 03 day of Sept. ,A.D., 1996' by The Hunters Run Property OWners Associ i'lTi on Tn!' , a corporation existing under the laws of Florida and having its principal place of business at 3700 Clubhouse Ifne first party, to the City of Boynton Beach, a political subdivision of the SLate of Florida, second party: (Wherever used herein, the terms, "first party" and "second party" shall include singular and plural, heirs, legal representatives and assigns of individuals and the successors and assigns of corporations, wherever the context so admits or requires. ) WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the first party is the owner of property situate in Palm Beach County, Florida, and described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT "A" (Attached Hereto) ~, and, WHEREAS, the second party desires an easement for water and sewer utilities and/or other appropriate purposEs incidental Lhereto, on, over and across said property, and, WHEREAS, the first party is willing to grant such an easement, NOW, THEREFORE, for and in consideration of the mutual covenants each to the other running and one dollar and other good and valuable considerations; the first party does hereby grant unto the party of the second part, its successors and assigns, full and free right and authority to construct, maintain, repair, install and rebuild facilities for above stated purposes and does hereby grant a perpetual easement on, over and across the apove described property for said purposes. The second party, ltS successors and asslgns snall be responsible for damage to the areas abutting the easerrent area caused by the water and sewer lines located wi thin the eaasrrent area. l' ORB 94 3 fig 386 IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the first party has caused these presents to be duly executed in its name and its corporate seal to be hereto affixed, attested by its proper officers thereunto duly authorized, the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: (CORPORATE SEAL) BY ~0 fl f~;~iI> CVv;a PRESIl!~b<~" : . ~ : ~.. <;;;S OJ ,0'. ~ o' ,;: ~l-Q-, . ~ - ".~) :: C' ,. 'c.... ill,... CC : :: - "~ t ...,., .!. () .~, - ATTEST:::; \ c.- <.I.) ~~"" .:~ ~: SECREn,F ... "".:'~'~>~ ~ ./ V,JI '.~.--1f."'/'~" ...' '. .:t cJH"j c., " """ 'IJ".;"-;"Il'\""'\ STATE f1~ OF-tA ' OF \~- ~ //J COUNTY I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State and Co y afor take acknowledgements, personally appeared well known to me to be the President and respectively, of the Corpora named as firs arty in foregoing Easement and that they severally acknowledged executing the same in the presence of two subscribing witnesses freely and voluntarily, under authority duly vested in them by said Corporation, and that the seal affixed thereto is the true Corporate seal of said Corporation. WITNESS my hand and official Sta~e last aforesaid this ~day 199&. . seal ~~he County of .o.LJ'f . , ~ /1 and A.D., My commission expires: ~~~~~ l YNN DOWNfR.OOSS f.rA"' MY COMM~, CC.688884 ,~ EXIWS. July 8.2000 ''J.<<.tli. BondIlI11InI ~ fItJIlID ~ l' ORB 9453 r9 387 LAWS~.\I, NOBLE & WEBB, ~~C. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LAND PLANNERS, SURVEYORS 420 COLUMBIA DRIVE, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA PHONE (407) 684-6686 EXHIBIT IIAII - LEGAL DESCRIPTION: UTILITY EASEMENT BEING A STRIP OF LAND LYING IN TRACT 20, SUMMIT PLAT NO.1, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, PAGES 48 THROUGH 51 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCE AT THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID TRACT 20; THENCE NORTH 90000'00" WEST ALONG THE NORTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 20, A DISTANCE OF 10.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING; THENCE CONTINUE NORTH 90000'00" WEST, ALONG SAID NORTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE SOUTH 00000'00" WEST, ALONG A LINE PARALLEL WITH AND 25.00 FEET WEST OF THE EAST LINE OF SAID TRACT 20, A DISTANCE OF 481.42 FEET TO A POINT ON THE SOUTH LINE OF SAID TRACT 20; THENCE NORTH 45000'00" EAST, ALONG SAID SOUTH LINE, A DISTANCE OF 21.21 FEET; THENCE NORTH 00000'00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 466.42 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. CERTIFICATION: I HEREBY CERTIFY THAT THE DESCRIPTION AND ATTACHED SKETCH OF DESCRIPTION WERE PREPARED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE SURVEYING STANDARDS, CHAPTER 61G17-6, FLORIDA ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, SET FORTH BY THE FLORIDA BOARD OF LAND SURVEYORS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 472.027, FLORIDA STATUTES, AND IS TRUE AND CORRECT TO THE BEST OF MY KNOWLEDGE AND BELIEF. UNLESS IT BEARS THE SIGNATURE AaEJ.bRIGINAL RAISED SEAL OF A FLORIDA LICENSED SURVEYOR AND MAPPER, THIS DRAWING, SKETCH, P T 'j..AAP IS FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT VALID. ~ - .- /.L NOTE: THIS IS NOT A SKETCH OF SURVEY, BUT WILBLfR F. DIVINE ONLY A GRAPHIC DEPICTION OF THE DESCRIPTION REG. LAND SURVEYOR NO. 4190 SHOWN HEREON. THERE HAS BEEN NO FIELD STATE OF:j:FLORIDA WORK, VIEWING OF THE SUBJECT PROPERTY, OR g ~O J a 1_ MONUMENTS SET IN CONNECTION WITH THE DATE: lj lip PREPARATION OF THIS INFORMATION SHOWN HEREON. REVISIONS-UPDATES DATE BY CK'D NOTE: LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR RIGHT-OF-WAY AND/OR EASEMENTS OF RECORD. JOB NO.: A013X BY: WFD I CHECKED: WFD F.B. --- PG. -- I SHEET 1 OF 2 JHJ\SRVY\A013\DESCRIP,829 ,_i KtI "7' ..... J ..-"> r"3 ....:) b 0 Ml"\rp"t."'f:\" H IIT~ K""~' "' """U.- 1:1: .....t-lIft,'....'1~ _1 U!Ji"':V i ri'f I.. ill, L t{", ~-'Ltr<t\ rc: i..:~jlJI~! 'f, rL LAv"sor~, NOBLE & WEB...." INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS, LAND PLANNERS, SURVEYORS 420 COLUMBIA DRIVE. WEST PALM BEACH. FLORIDA EXHIBIT "All PHONE (407)684-6686 SKETCH TO ACCOMPANY DESCRIPTION R::>\U1 o~ ~IUt..J 1~C:1 Uc:!JC).oolao"\AJ J c:5 .c:x:::> I \-..lO\2T'U L-II0E. ~ 12b.C.... 20 I I~ o Q "2 ~ I-: ~ ~ ~ ~ J~ ~~~ \. PzIVI=- SEE SHEET I OF "2 FOR DESCRIPTION JOB f't). t:..o/:3" BY' C.~ ~I~-r oF' C<:::.t-'tME:tJCE:ME.w, tJ.c:=., Co121....lS2 oF" -n:;2.A.C..T 20 ~L.Jr-.A. M ,..,- PlAT 100. I (p~-r e.oo~ ou:>, ~ 6q" ~e,-CSI) I ~~~~ I .~ \::), C). ~" lv . S:c.1:..Le..: \"-=&0' I I I \0 L..niL.-rry ~~T lOPr::IC'~ ,::;zE:COl<D e.~ "2€:a';!' ~E. 134-0) , I I 1'2 U-rIL-I"'T'Y GA-~10l L R..A- -r F.3oc;::.... =3(q. AlOeS 4e.c;:;O I I .. ~ & ~ ~12 -:2 ~ 8 4 ^.J 45- 21 2 001 '~/ . I' --...J E:. r,~:~~c 0,: ~~;~. s :"~l ~'/I'J: L;~~j:~:-~i ot dcsu:Tlent L;i.~J~,~factvry \V~:':;:l fccf:iv;:d. THIS IS NOT A SURVEYI SHEET -z OF "2- OA TE' BI;Z"f!>/~ CHECKED' F.B.- PG.- \ ~ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-----r \ \ \\ .........\ ..-<'\ r + ~ ~ . .' t ,. , ,.,.."" , .~ -...J .t> 0J r-... -I N :;0 0 0.J1'\)~ (oJ . I ~_9 ~ IN '-'" )> 0 o ' 7~..r-nc . t J i:.:- v' /~~t1//'/'i ,..;---- . ..... ...- ~ ("J N ~ en '-J ~1 ("J ..... OJ U1 UI N lO ... ("J ("J ~ ("J ("J 0 ... ~: -10 N (,l , ..... U1 i..... ("J IN ..... en 1-.,) IIUl ("J ..... ,~~r'..f .... \ . . II ~ . -:- .t 1r ; . ,; ~ . . \ MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 96- 061 r"~::;"- 'W(F: ~4D~ 1m PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director TO: Grady Swann, Finance Director DATE: February 13, 1996 SUBJECT: Reservation fee for Isles at Hunters Run Enclosed is check no. 1064 from Home Development Corp. of South Florida in the amount of $7,761.60 as the reservation fee for the proposed 56 single family homes to be built in the Isles of Hunters Run P.U.D. located on Congress Ave. in Boynton Beach. Please deposit this check in the appropriate account. You may refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM bc: Peter Mazzella xc: Tambri Heyden, Planning Director File "ill Kilday & Associates Landscape Architects/ Plal;'ners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 100 rn @ m 0 Wi ~,": fill i DEG I - 1995 t~ CJY;P ~,</~# ~J/ (.-/Co~n-00 ~>z~ ZONING OEPT. ATT. ~p~ ~~ WE TRANSMIT: {/ ~EWITH 0 UNDER SEPARATE COVER VIA THE FOllOWING: o PRINTS 0 SPECIFICATIONS 0 ADDENDUM DTRACINGS/SEPIAS ~MITTALS 0 CHANGE ORDER o SHOP DRAWINGS OCOpy OF LETTER 0 THIS IS TRANSMITTED TO YOU: ~ APPROVAL 0 FOR REVIEW & COMMENT o FOR yOUR USE 0 AS REOUESTED DATE /..;;2- /- ~5 PROJECT NAME ~e ~'7t2f-~ AF^-,l PROJECT NUMBER /;;2.4::r &:- / ' ACTION CODE: A REVIEWED B NOT REVIEWED C REVIEWED & NOTED D RESUBMIT E 00 NOT RESUBMIT F RESUBMIT FOR FILES NO OF DATE DRAWING DESCRIPTION/REMARKS ACTION COPIES OR ITEM NO ~~d/~~A.:~ CODE ~oU~ ~{:/j~LJU~'/ ~~~. ,~~V~ .. ..~ ~~Cp<<U ./~~-'a_>b_~/ ~ y . / Yv .... ed ~ #.Jta/~'1~ IF ENCLOSURES ARE NOT AS NOTED. KINDLY NOTIFY US AT ONCE COPIES TO WITH ENCLOSURE D o D D o FILE CODE SHOP DRAWING DIV SIG~..-oCVy/ O. Uc,-.MeJ /' !~.~ ~9.tl t ' ' ,;;" j U,;;,:3 t, B. '; "i ... '" ,.,:,ana 'ub....,~. ,~,-- .... i' 'tt ,. 'rfQ/1f Thomas Frankel,Vice President ~tI~ //-3075 ~ IljrYf!Q0- Thomas Frankel,Vice President ;/ f~.l'< ~C:r..~ ~ i\: Si t.~:.Plcin N~U-29-'95 WED 10:30 ID:KII nqy & RSSOC TEL ~J:407-689-2~~? t:t 1 E:::3 pel? ( S') III. caRTIf!CATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the peJ:'manent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above .tat.menta and any atatementa or ahowlnV8 in any papers or plane submitted berewith a~e ~ru. to the b.at o! (mv) (OUt) knowledge and bellet. ~hll applicat10n ~ill not be aao.pted unl... 8igned aooQ~41ng to the in.t~uotlon. below. /- 1I1Io.tu~ or Trustes, of Authorized prinaipal if property ia owp.~ by . aorPQ~At1on or other bu.ln... entit.y. Thomas Frankel, Vice President 1f/29/1S" I Date IV. o or AGENT S gnat:ure 0 tOr.: 18 "Kieran' .r, ay Ki1 ay (I) (We) hereby designate the above .1gned person a8 (my) (ourt Authorized agent in regard to thia applicationa f iI ~O -- n'" ,- -- L17~ )~a\e r.._. S go.ture o~t Trustee, ~t Dr Authorized Prinoipal if property 1s owned by a corporation ot other business entity. Thomas Frankel, Vice President //-3CJ-:Y5 Date !!beE BELOW TpIS ~l~~ FOR OFrICS U~~ otl~~ Review soh_dula. Date Received Teahnlaal Review BOI~d Planning , Zoning Boa~d Community App..~.na. Baard city Commi..lon St1pulat1ons of Final Approvals Date Date Date Dat.. <I .1 lIT v- Otbe~ Government ~genaie8/Par8one to be oontacted. Additional Remark.1 - VIP' PLANNING' ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 1'.1 si tePlan t CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid: Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will not be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: The Isles at Hunters Run 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Summit Associates, Ltd. Address: 200 Admirals Cove Boulevard Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: (407)744-1700 Fax: (Zip Code) (407)744-8889 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates, INc. Address: 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (407)689-5522 Fax: (Zip Code) (407)689-2592 4. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Summit Associates, Ltd. Address: 200 Admirals Cove Boulevard Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: (407)744-1700 (Zip Code) Fax: (407) 744-8889 5. Correspondence to be mailed to:* Same as Applicant and Agent. * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A:SITEPLAN ( 2 ) 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (Owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) ()\vner I 7. Street address or location of site: ~~ West side of Congress Avenue approximately 500 feet no~th of Summit Drive. B. Property Control II 08-43-46-06-00-000-1040 Legal description of sitel See attached Exhibit "A" 9. Intended use (s) of site: 56; zero lot line dwellinq units 10. Developer or Builder: Home Development Corporation of South Florida. 11. Arch! tect: Rodriguez - Lichi & Associates 12. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates, Inc. 13. Site Planner: Kilday & Associates, Inc. 14. Engineer: Lawson, Noble & Webb, Inc. 15. Surveyor: Benchmark Land Surveying & Mapping, INc. 16. Traffic Engineer: Simmons & White, Inc. 17. Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? no 18. Estimated construction costs of froposed improveman~. .hown cn this site plana to be determine PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SltePlan .~-_.- -'- EXHIBIT :JAil LEGAL DESCRIPTION .;-.... ~.~..,;- ~-. , .y'" . (- LEGAL DESCRIPTION HUNTER'S RUN PARCEL A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTION 6 -:-CYNNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING 1\'10,::;:= PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST COn';cR OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08" EAST, ALONG THE EAST Li<:= C= S:=CTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 2263.81 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 90000'00. WEST, DE:;.~,::::-\;G SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION THERcOr://ITH THE WEST RIGHT-OR-WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE FOR A POINT OF BEGINNING (P.O.B.) THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08" EAST, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID CONGRESS AVENUE, A DISTANCE 0:: 75768 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08" WEST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID \'/ES-;- RIGHT-OR-WAY LINE,' A DISTANCE OF 1041.10 FEET TO THE INTERSECT:C,', -~:=REOF WITH THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SUMMIT PLAT NO, 1, ACCORDII\~G -=:; -~:= PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 36, PAGE 48, PUBLIC ::::cC::;::;OS, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; THENCE, NORTH 90000'00. WES: ;:l..C'\G THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT OF SUMMIT PLAT NO.1, A DISTANCE=:'= ~.~3 07 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 00000'00" EAST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID p_.:," :=:::: Ji\iDARY, A DISTANCE OF 1687.50 FEET: THENCE, NORTH 90000'00. EAST, D:==....::::- '<G SAID PLAT BOUNDARY, A DISTANCE OF 380.00 FEET; THENCE NORTh = = = = =:Y' EAST, A DISTANCE OF 111.28 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 90000'00. EAST, ADS: ANCE 363.09 FEET TO THE POINT OF II. fCONT~:~~:~~:::P~:.:~S' MORE OR LESS. "<SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS, EASEMENTS AC,C) RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD. - !- ,i1.~ '1'" : '-;r~ ." . i1~" :~~, ~~ - .. ~~.~~: t"; 1'[' "A,.. ~'5~.~-, .~<;. l{~.~. ;~~.. ~,~t--~-~ II. SITE DATA ( 3 ). The following informat~on must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. L!nd U~e CategQ~hown in Low Density Residential the Comprehensive Plan 2. Zoning District prIO Planned Unit Development 3. Area of Site 29.71 acres 1,294,167.6 sq. ft. .A. Land Use -- Acrea~e Breakdown 19.699 66 , of site A. Residential, including acres surrounding lot area of grounds b. Recreation Areas * 0 acres 0 \ of site (excluding water area) c. Water Area 6.261 acres 21 \ of site d. Commercial 0 acres 0 \ of site e. Industrial n acres 0 \ of site f. Public/Institutional 0 acres 0 \ of site g. PUblic, private and Canal rights-of-way 3.75 acres 13 !Ii of site h. Other (specify) acres \ of site i. Other (specify) acres \ of site j . acres Total area of site 29.71 100 \ of sit( · including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft.! 5. Surface Cover a. acres b. c. Ground floor building 5.94 area ("building footprint") 6.261 20 \ of sitE 21 Water area , of sitE acrel' Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 5.88 20 acres , of sitl d. 61 Total impervious area 18.0~ acres , of sit, e. o \ of sit, Landscaped area inside of parking lots 120 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). o acres PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTNENT - November, ]991 ( 4) . 8.87 30 iii of site f. Other landscaped areas, acres g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding 2.76 9 iii of site water areas acres h. Total pervious areas 11. 63 acres 39 \ of' site .' 29.71 " of site i. Total area of site acres 100 6. Floor Area Residential 258,746.4 sq. ft. a. b. Commercial/Office 0 sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse 0 sq. ft. d. Recreational 0 sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional 0 sq. ft. f. other (specify) 215 sq. ft. guardhouse g. other (specify) sq. ft. 258,961.4 sq. ft. h. Total floor area 7. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-family detached 56 b. Duplex 0 c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) ( 1 ) Efficiency 0 ( 2 ) 1 Bedroom 0 ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom 0 ( 4 ) 3+ Bedroom 0 d. Total mUlti-family 0 e. Total number of dwelling units dwelling Bq~x~~ units sq. ft. dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units 56 8. Gross Density 1. 88 dwelling units per acre 9. ~lmum b!!9ht gf Btr~ctqr_s on s!tA 30 f.et 2 .torie: 10. Reguired off-street parking a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan 2 spaces x 56 d.u. = 112 spaces ~2 total spaces ( 2 spaces provided per lot) PLANNTNG ~ ?nNTNG T1EP h P'T'r'mtJ'T' .- Hnupmnp r 1 q q 1 ( 5) III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. ,',.,',* Slgnature of OWner(s) or Trustee, of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date IV. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT ~4",,)LJ_ Li/d:>' <:l<<;/ Signature, ~/Au~ orize Agent Kieran J. Kl~Y; Kllday & SSOclates (I) (We) hereby designate the above (our) authorized agent in regard to //;d'-~7 Date ' signed person as (my) this application. 'k')..;~ Signature of OWner(s) or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. *** See Settlement Agreement in City Attorneys Office SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Date Review Schedulez Date Received Technical Review Board Planning , Zoning Board Community ~ppearance Board City Conunission Stipulations of Final ~pprovall Date Date Date Date Other Government ~gencies/Persons to be contactedz ~dditional Remarksz PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan EXHIBIT "A" RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other partiEs designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allowing the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. READ, ACKNOWLEDGED L1 ,/0 ~/ ..2~'t/ L\~ X-,(~\C~ Lu ~1~lC :6rS~:J, ~ \ - f7..t-- x.J.)!it ~ik "- /Witness ~ AND AGREED TO this ,7;3 day of , 19 )?~ g~-,JcT ~~.4 -). Applicant ~/V"~ Kieran J. Kilday; Kilday & Associates, Inc. /U-v. r,~ .P~N - -:Ek..s iJII~ ,eN .. ~~ f J CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid: Receipt Number: This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Department. Twelve complete, sequentially numbered and assembled sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. An incomplete submittal will not be processed. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: The Isles at Hunters Run 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): Summit Associates, Ltd. Address: 200 Admirals Cove Boulevard Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: (407)744-1700 Fax: (Zip Code) (407)744-8889 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Kieran J. Kilday/Kilday & Associates, INc. Address: 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Phone: (407)689-5522 Fax: (Zip Code) (407)689-2592 4. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Summit Associates, Ltd. Address: 200 Admirals Cove Boulevard Jupiter, FL 33477 Phone: (407)744-1700 (Zip Code) Fax: (407) 744-8889 5. Correspondence to be mailed to:* Same as Applicant and Agent. * This is the address to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be mailed. PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November 1991 A:SITEPLAN ..' . ( 2 ) ~ , 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (Owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) O,vner I 7. Street address or location of site: ~~ West side of Congress Avenue approximately 500 feet no~th of Summit Drive. 8. Property Control II 08-43-46-06-00-000-1040 Legal description of sitel See attached Exhibit "A" 9. Intended use (s) of site: 56; zero lot line dwelling units 10. Developer or Builder: Home Development Corporation of South Florida. 11. Architect: Rodriquez - Lichi & Associates 12. Landscape Architect: Kilday & Associates, Inc. 13. Site Planner: Kilday & Associates, Inc. 14. Engineer: Lawson, Noble & Webb, Inc. 15. Surveyor: Benchmark Land Surveying & Mapping, INc. 16. Traffic Engineer: 17. Has a site plan been previoUSly approved by the City Commission for this property? no Simmons & White, Inc. 18. Estimated construction costs of froposed imprQveman~s shown on this site plan. to be determine PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan EXHIBIT :IAII LEGAL DESCRIPTION I ~1~' ~.... LEGAL DESCRIPTION HUNTER'S RUN PARCEL A PARCEL OF LAND LYING IN SECTIOi"~ '3 'OVVNSHIP 46 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, AND BEING\;C==::: :JARTICULARL Y DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: COMMENCING AT THE NORTHEAST CO?\:ER OF SAID SECTION 6; THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08" EAST, ALONG THE EAST L'\:::== S:::CTION 6, A DISTANCE OF 2263.81 FEET: THENCE, NORTH 90000'00. WEST, D:::2;.==- '~G SAID EAST LINE, A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO THE INTERSECTION THE?,:::C=,'/iTH THE WEST RIGHT-OR-WAY LINE OF CONGRESS AVENUE FOR A POINT OF B:::GINNING (P.O.B.) THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08" EAST, ALONG THE WEST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF SAID CONGRESS AVENUE, A DISTANC::: 0= 75768 FEET; THENCE, SOUTH 00000'08" WEST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID ':/:::S7 RIGHT-OR-WAY LINE,' A DISTANCE OF 1041.10 FEET TO THE INTERSEC~=' " _.::: REOF WITH THE BOUNDARY LINE OF SUMMIT PLAT NO, 1, ACCOROi:\G - ~ ~--'::: PLAT THEREOF, AS RECORDED I:'; PLAT BOOK 36. PAGE 48, PUBLIC ==:::====OS, PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA, THENCE, NORTH 90000'00" WES' ,:.. ~C\.G THE BOUNDARY OF SAID PLAT OF SUMMIT PLAT NO, 1, A DISTANC::: C = -':3 07 FEET; THENCE, NORTH 00000'00" EAST, CONTINUING ALONG SAID p~;. -. :::= ""NDARY, A DISTANCE OF 1687.50 FEET: THENCE, NORTH 90000'00. EAST, 0:::2.\:::~\;G SAID PLAT BOUNDARY, A DISTANCE OF 380.00 FEET; THENCE NORTH::: = C == =::r EAST, A DISTANCE OF 111.28 FEET: THENCE, NORTH 90000'00" EAST, A D,ST ANCE 363.09 FEET TO THE POINT OF I"':' ift<1' BEGINNING (P.O.B.) . , fCONTAINING, 29,71 ACRES, MORE OR LESS '--. ''''~~SUBJECT TO RESERVATIONS, EASEME~,rs ~"<D RIGHTS-OF-WAY OF RECORD, '':' ~ ,. - - '~~ .~-. r-" ... ~ ~" :~!~. ~t;,: 'I.: ~. "." .- '-. .. ',. ;1; ~,~ .'~ ~~, ~.' ..,t~~ ~ .~~~-:.' ,ft~ '. i.~ ~~:!. ,~'''h ., .:. ,~;~( ~..:'ll't ~ . ( 3 ). I~. SITE DATA f The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Category shown in Low Density Residential the Comprehensive Pla~ 2. ~oning District PTTn Planned Unit Development 3. Area of Site 29.71 acres 1,294,167.6 sq. ft. .Ii . Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown 19.699 66 \ of sit B. Residential, including acres surrounding lot area of grounds b. Recreation Areas * 0 acres 0 \ of sit (excluding water area) c. Water Area 6.261 acres 21 \ of sit d. Conunercial 0 acres 0 \ of sil e. Industrial n acres 0 \ of sil f. Public/Institutional 0 acres 0 \ of si' g. Public, private and Canal rights-of-way 3.75 acres 13 % of s1 h. Other (specify) acres \ of s1 i. other (specify) acres \ of s1 j. acres 100 \ of s1 Total area of site 29.71 · including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. acres b. c. 20 \ of sj Ground floor building 5.94 area ("building footprint") 6.261 21 Water area \ of sj acref' Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots' driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. 5.88 20 , of s acres d. Total impervious area 18.0R 61 acres , gf 8 e. Landscaped area inside of parking lots (20 sq. ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). o o acres \ of s PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, ]991 ( 4) . 8.87 30 site f. Other landscaped areas, acres 'Ii of g. Other pervious areas, including golf courses, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding 2.76 9 of site water areas acres % h. Total pervious areas 11. 63 acres 39 \ of site . . . 29.71 i. Total area of site acres 100 \ of sitE 6. Floor Area Residential 258,746.4 sg. ft. a. b. Commercial/Office 0 sg. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse () sq. ft. d. Recreational 0 sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional 0 sq. ft. f. other (specify) 215 sq. ft. guardhouse g. other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total floor area 258,961.4 sq. ft. 1. Number of Residential Dwelling Units a. Single-family detached 56 b. Duplex 0 c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) ( I) Efficiency 0 ( 2 ) 1 Bedroom 0 ( 3 ) 2 Bedroom 0 ( 4 ) 3+ Bedroom 0 d. Total multi-family 0 e. Total number of dwelling units dwelling Bq~x~~ units sq. ft. dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units dwelling units 56 8. Gross Density 1.88 dwelling units per acre 9. HJ!jmum ~ Q~ &~rHa~yr~8 on s~ 30 feet 2 stor: 10. ,eguired off-street parking a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-street parking space I provided on site plan 2 spaces x 56 d.u. = 112 spaces -112 total spaces ( 2 spaces provided per lot) PT.ANNTtIn r.. 7.nNnm T1F.Ph H'l'f.1RtJ'1' .- tlnupmhp ,- 1 Q q 1 .. ( 5) , III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Board. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewith are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. ~hls application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. *i't:* Slgnature of OWnerfiB) or Trustee, of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date IV. //~70- )/7 Date ' signed person as (my) this application. *1\;~ Signature of OWner(s) or Trustee, Date or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. *** See Settlement Agreement in City Attorneys Office SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received Technical Review Board Planning , Zoning Board Community Appearanoe Board City conunission Stipulations of Final Approval: Date Date Date Date Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: PLANNING & ZONING DEPARTMENT - November, 1991 A:SitePlan T EXHIBIT "A" RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans" specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submi tted with this application for review by the City of i Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allowing the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. day of Kieran J. Kilday; Kilday & Associates, Inc. . . ..I..;..'UV .!.-;\....~l..h_> U:. U\..ll\.L.,. l .."'i.~ 01~1000~t~{O..~ ,i l~ I . . :~ SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT THIS SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT entered, into this 71''' day of A I /.,,-.:> /t: f c mt:X /.. , 1995, between the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA (hereinafter "CITY), SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTO. (hereinafter "SUMMIT") and HOME DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF SOUTH FLORIDA, a Florida Corporation (hereinafter "BUYER"). WHEREAS, SUMMI'r owns real property located in the jurisdiotion limits of the City of Boynton Be.aoh (hereinafter referred to as "Property") and more particularly described as: See Exhibit "A", Legal Description WHEREAS, the CITY, SUMMIT, and SUMMIT I S predecessors in title have engaged in litigation regarding land use and zoning designations which affect the Property. The oases which affect the CITY and SUMMIT are city of Boynton Beach v. Summit Associates, Ltd. Palm Beach County Circuit Court Case No. CL-91-7257 AN and ~ Robert Johnston. et al. v. Ci tv of Boynton Beach and Palmland DevelopmeD..:t Corp, Case No. 72-C-6624 consolid~tE!d with Case No. 73- 579 CA (L) 01; and WHEREAS, the June 3, 1994, Order of the Palm Beach County circuit Court (Case No. 91-7257 AN) which affects the Property ratified the 1973 Judgment and Agreement and designates the Property as a land use of local retail commercial and C-3 zoning; and 11/1/95 11- ~-o0. l~;Jb ;JU~lA~ & GOREN. F.A.~ 812155647278:# 8/10 WHEREAS, the June 3, 1994, Court Order declares that the parties are bound by the 1973 Judgment which contains, in part, language barring "residential uses"; and WHEREAS, SUMMIT has entered into a Purchase and Sale Contract with BUYER. BUYER intends to build single family homes on the property which would require rezoning and land Use amendment: and WHEREAS, the CI'l'Y, SUMMIT and BUYER wish to enter into an Agreement which would accommodate the BUYER's development concept, result in modification of the controlling Court Orders, expedite CITY approval of the proposed project, and bring to an end all pending or threatened litigation between the parties, and, to do so in a manner which will not be prejudicial to any right, claim or interest of any party in the event BUYER fails to close on the Property. NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants expressed herein, the parties agree as follows~ 1. The foregoing WHEREAS clauses are true and correct and are ratified by the parties. 2. An application for a land Use amendment and a rezoning of the Property consistent with the BUYER's proposal to develop the Property as a PUD limited to single family residential development has been submitted to the CITY. The sUbmission includes a proposed Master Plan. 3. The CITY and SUMMIT shall submit a Stipulation for Entry of Agreed Order and an Agreed Order, copies of which are attached hereto as Exhibit "B" and "e" respectively. 1111/95 2 ... ~_ '__:lJ U 'w' ~ L. ..~. _I. U",../.4\.~.'. I.. .1.. u~~~~~U~t~10,~ 0: ~U 4. Approval of this Agreement by the City Commission and entry of the Agreed Order referenced in paragraph 3 above shall, subject to the revocation provision of the Agreed order, operate to: A. Rezone the Property to a planned unit development (PUD) I limited to single family usage and a LUI rating of 4.00. , B. Amend the land use designation to low density residential. C. Approve the Moster Plan subject to conditions as may be set forth in a development order attached to the Stipulation for Entry of Agreed Order as Exhibit "BU. 5. In addition to the regular fees associated with application for development approval, EUYER shall pay an administrative fee of $3,200.00 which represents CITY tees incurred for expedited staff and legal review incurred in conjunction with the preparation of this Agreement and the related settleme!nt documents or CITY approvals. 6. This Agreement shall be binding upon the parties hereto, their successors and assigns. 7. This Agreement is to be construed in accordance with the laws of the state of Florida and venue is acknowledged as proper in Palm Beach County, Florida. B. In the event of any litigation arising out of this Agreement, each party shall bear its own costs and attorney fees. 11/1195 3 SEi'liT BY.: 11- 2-3.5 12:~O ;JOSIAS & GORE~. F,A.~ 3121S56~7273:#lO/lO 9. This Agreement is binding and enforceable upon execution by the parties but is subject to revocation as set forth in the stipulation for Agreed Order and the Agreed Order referenced herein, which provides that if the property is not conveyed by SUMMIT to BUYER on or before January 30, 1995 (SUMMIT and BUY~~ have agreed to close the transaction on January 5, 1996), the Agreed Order is null and void and has no force and effect. In the event of revocation, this Settlement Agreement shall not constitute an admission by any party with the respect to the propriety with respect to the zoning, land use or Master Plan referenced herein. ATTEST: CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~~~~L~ CIT CLERK (".1 0' I LTD. By:. ()ue rnCtt~1 ckv~ wi tn es s /2{) s. e rr-./x'r' I e La vn.o n h.P-.- ~C//~ wi tness H1+,-z.rUV7 . / dPL!'i GEtw.n SUMMIT ASSOCIAT By: f~1~ HOME DEVELOPMENT CORP. OF SOUTH FLORIDA By:~ witness Witness JAC/lms 910370 AGMT.2 11Jl/9S 4 section 6, 45 East, section 1, 42 East, section 1, acres. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Township 46 South, Range and the East half of Township 46 South, Range less three parcels of totaling approximately 20 EXHIBiT \t A " -\ . " IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT OF FLORIDA, IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY. CIVIL ACTION CASE NO: CL 91-7257 AN FLORIDA BAR NO: 291846 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation Plaintiff, vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., A Florida limited partnership, Defendant. / STIPULATION FOR ENTRY OF AGREED ORDER Plaintiff, . CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, and Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., move for the entry of a Stipulated Order, a copy of which is attached hereto as Exhibit "A" and as grounds would state: 1. The parties, joined by Home Development Corp. Of South Florida, a Florida Corporation, (a contract purchaser of the real property which is the subj ect of this action) have amicably negotiated and reached a settlement of all disputes, claims and -1- ;IXHIBI'"f \' jj" actions pending or threatened. 2. The City Commission of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Florida has met in public session and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Settlement Agreement. 3. The sole contingency and condition subsequent to the rezoning, land use amendment, and approval of Master Plan and the Development Order in connection therewith, is a real estate closing between SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., and Home Development Corporation of South Florida, a Florida corporation scheduled to occur on or before January 30, 1996 (SUMMIT and BUYER have agreed to close this transaction on January 5, 1996). 4. The parties hereto request entry of the Agreed Order attached hereto as Exhibit ftA" and approval of the Master Plan and the Development . Order in connection therewith attached hereto as Exhibit "B". CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Attest: By: L.4.-4 G~e~~l~ Acting Deputy Clerk By: -2- SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD. By: ) , JI . / i~ l..- I I I '/tJ. f~'J b~/~ By: JOSIAS & GOREN, P.A. Attorneys for Plaintiff 3099 East Commercial Blvd. Suite 200 Ft. Lauderd FL 33308 (305) 771- BURMAN, CRITTON & LUTTIER Attorneys for Summit 712 U.S. Highway One Suite 300 North Palm Beach, FL 33408 (407) 842-2820 - \\ ' . MICHAEL B -3- IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: CL 91-7257-AG CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Plaintiff vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Defendant. / AGREED ORDER THIS CAUSE came on to be heard on the Joint Stipulation of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Plaintiff and SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., Defendant. The Court having considered the Stipulation of the parties and being otherwise fully advised in the premises orders: 1. Subject to the provisions for nullification as set forth in paragraph 3 below, the real property owned by SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., which is the subject of this litigation is: A. Provided a land use designation of low density residential. B. Zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) , limited to single family usage with a LUI of 4.00. 2. The Master Plan attached to the Stipulation for Entry of Agreed Order as Exhibit "B", subject to the Development Order in connection therewith, is hereby approved and shall be binding on the CITY, the Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., their successors 11/1/95 EXHIBIT \'A JJ or assigns, subject to later modification as is otherwise authorized by the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Land Development Regulations. 3. In the event that the real property which is the subject of this litigation is not conveyed by Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., to Home Development Corporation of South Florida, a Florida corporation on or before January 30, 1996, this Agreed Order shall be null and void and have no force and effect and this action shall continue with the zoning and land use remaining unchanged, and the master plan and related Development Order of no force or effect. 4. If closing occurs on or before January 30, 1996, and, following notice thereof as required by this Order, this action shall be dismissed with prejudice with each party to bear its own costs and attorney fees. 5. Counsel for Plaintiff and Defendant are ordered to submit a joint notice to the Court informing the Court if the closing of the transaction.occurred or did not occur. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Palm Beach County, Florida, this day of , 1995. CIRCUIT JUDGE copies furnished to: James A. Cherof, Esquire J. Michael Burman, Esquire 11/1/95 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH DEVELOPMENT ORDER In Re: ISLES OF HUNTER'S RUN Application of Home Development Corp. of South Florida for Rezoning, Land Use Designation and Master Plan Approval / This matter came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Aorida on November 7, 1995. The applicant, Home Development Corp. of South Aorida, as contract purchaser and Summit Associates, Ltd., seek application for rezoning, land use designation, and Master Plan approval for real property more particularly described in the Settlement Agreement attached hereto as Exhibit "A". Based upon the testimony and evidence presented by the applicants, the City staff, and members of the public, the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida grants the following: 1. The Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Entry of Agreed Order attached hereto as Exhibits" Anand liB" respectively are hereby approved and the Mayor and City Clerk are authorized to execute same on behalf of the City. 2. The City Attorney is directed to execute the Stipulation for Entry of Agreed Order and to submit the Stipulation and the Agreed Order to the Palm Beach County Circuit Court for approval. 3. The application for rezoning of the property is hereby granted and the property is rezoned to a Planned Unit Development (PUD), limited to single family usage and a LUI rating of 4.00. 4. The application to amend the land use designation is hereby approved and the land use designation is changed to low density residential. 5. The Master Plan, attached hereto as Exhibit ncn is hereby approved subject to the following specific conditions: A. Home Development Corp. of South Florida shall, as a condition precedent to the issuance of further development orders or building permit, submit to the City proof and documentation that the Isles of Hunter's Run has been approved for inclusion in the Hunter's Run community of associations and, file with the City documentation, in a form acceptable to the City Attorney, evidencing rights of cross access with the existing Hunter's Run community. The documentation shall be sufficient to demonstrate compliance with the access, drainage, and recreational amenity issues EXHIBIT \'/j II qtherwise rt:#quired for development of a ph:hfned unit development in Boynton Beach, Florida. B. Applicant shall pay a fee in lieu of land dedication for recreational amenities as otherwise determined by Article V of Chapter 1 of the City's Land Development Regulation. C. Building setbacks shall be maintained as follows: 15 feet front, 10 feet rear (building), 7 feet rear (pools, Jacuzzi, whirlpools), 5 feet rear (screened enclosures), 10 feet side (non-zero side . minimum building separation), 3 feet side (non-zero side - screened endosures), five feet side (non-zero side - pools), and a building height of two stories (not to exceed 30 feet). D. The applicant will place a note on the master plan that indicates the maximum floor area will be submitted to the Building Department on a lot by lot basis as part of permitting to monitor land use intensity. The information shall be in chart form and submitted with each building permit requesting square footage that is included in floor area ratio computations. The chart shall verify that the maximum allowed square footage for the project is not exceeded. The chart shall identify the maximum allowed square footage for the entire development as allowed by the L.U./., the total number of lots in the project, the subject building permit number, how many square feet are deducted from the maximum allowed floor area with the subject permit request and the balance remaining. The chart shall track all previous permits by permit number and include floor area computations. Following approval of the last building permit, the total allowable square footage that remains unbuilt will be divided equally between the 56 lots. Each lot will be only entitled to add up to that specified maximum number of square feet of living area. 5. This Development Order shall be deemed final upon i Attorney and the City Clerk. Issued this ~tJ day of IJoJ///!..8E L I 1995. ~ ~~~~~-' Sue Kruse, City Clerk ili ii '1 II II t.. f f' II I It I r I I II I ,! , !l I ~ I I 1 t t I I · .: lUn \' I Ilf i;~ · Ilill !1!I \111 ti lilq, 1\ lW11!! i' It lh. ,tll il Ii) I. I'iI Ii .1 1\1' ~Ii !t,: : i:.~ I' 'l'~ ~ i. II .- 1..1 II r -llE . '111111 !t ,! i'l ,aI. lJ llh II Il. II I! I1II III'~II il'III i~f n !il!., II I II .11 f l, · ,I I "I II I' 'Il II '11'1 II!! I t!. h I h I' I"~ I IIr il .11 If ., '! u I JI ., ,l r I,' I . I I I I .... ,. I J 'Ill' itl~l1Jllll,1 "I I .1' I. I ~lll (tl ill, till ~P.lldl ii(J,llt t ~111'1' . !1~tfiJ; thl; ;i ! ~l \i" ~iI alii l'!!~ll'! Ii I II J} I~! l' III I Ii l I;. ";'1 Ih.I' . I 'I' '~I' ,il · i I "'Ii ....t l'~~ 1\ , :. I. , II I ~r! Oct 27 16: 17.40 1995 ST4 is ,I II ~~ 11;1 I'A . II I C Hi: . .,: ; r . ~ !i .Is, p' . ~if , . ( , I I , , I ~ @its .'S." .... led ~ : J 7 .. I . I~_ -.---;.-- I ~ I ' r--r-" - -'- , ~. -.....-r .~_._. I . ."i) . I - ......~.- . .Y: f-..--.,-- - ' I: @ \ .. . ~ ~ G tll~ I ! I ~ lH '. ~ I' g Ii I . r I 'illnll :! lill:. :1 hl~l~ 1 !I!hl j Ii. ~i, . . "~I I · l-" ~.-s , t.!; j 1 · ;~ . } & ;1 ~ I ! 'J -; i " i 1i1~ S I!_j . ~', ! i iii Ii II', ~ ! I ";1 ,- 'e ili 1_ ~ ~I ii, fit !!,II ; ~ II~.' il,j it ; ~ . -II I ~l ,i., . I~I' I 'lor Ii ll~ I. .1 III alGI i 1 \ d'j' ....' .... -. ... ~ Ii Imy iili II! ',11ti I 1 i~~.8 :"I'~ I ~~~ IDllllii. I il;lli;~ !I~~I' I I!I~IIII I! ;:,1 ! 11:11 i 1111 ..' i I ~~ i -===> ( ~ll. J,t il . Ii; i' t ~ ll~ ~ ~ 8J'81: . \.>l , . 8 ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN PUD _~a;..1..lDQ:. . - O.te Q2'~ " Or,,"" 9T rlle:'lll Z&~ . Drawln. So - Palh ru.Dame beel ~Of Boynlon Beach, "oriel. Wasler Plan EXHIBIT \\ ~ I' . . us nH lit U~ 1;1 Uli 1:1 i~ 'II ..4 I' Iii :11 III I- I' i i iUI i II ;;;i I ."~.I ~... ~~ .:....:. I' ; !fl,il i III ~ ~.t ~ ~ i i ,,:1 "ill hJi ~ .tll G 'I' ~ 1'1 ~ 'l & 1111 i'd' !~l f 1'1 i II 'I I. .1 II 11 " 1!~lmll : II~il ' la I > Iii 'I a II ~ i ~ IS' i ~ &n ~ ~~ ~ 'i- ~ 1\ G ~ II - Kilday a Alu:lat. lOl\dlcope ArcIln.cN/;'.""'" ~~t ~ Wd'r' PIa" wert I'olm ....d!. flof1M 13401 (&07) .1t-!l!l22 "0.,(&07) ....2512 IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: CL 91-7257-AG CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Plaintiff vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Defendant. I AGREED ORDER THIS CAUSE came on to be heard on the Joint Stipulation of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Plaintiff and SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., Defendant. The Court having considered the Stipulation of the parties and being otherwise fully advised in the premises orders: 1. Subject to the provisions for nullification as set forth in paragraph 3 below, the real property owned by SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., which is the subject of this litigation is: A. Provided a land use designation of low density residential. B. Zoned Planned unit Development (PUD), limited to single family usage with a LUI of 4.00. 2. The Master Plan attached to the Stipulation for Entry of Agreed Order as Exhibit "B", subject to the Development Order in connection therewith, is hereby approved and shall be binding on the CITY, the Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., their successors 11/1/95 EXHIBIT ,\ tV or assigns, subject to later modification as is 'otherwise authorized by the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Land Development Regulations. 3. In the event that the real property which is the subject of this litigation is not conveyed by Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., to Home Development corporation of South Florida, a Florida corporation on or before January 30, 1996, this Agreed Order shall be null and void and have no force and effect and this action shall continue with the zoning and land use remaining unchanged, and the master plan and related Development Order of no force or effect. 4. If closing occurs on or before January 30, 1996, and, following notice thereof as required by this Order, this action shall be dismissed with prejudice with each party to bear its own costs and attorney fees. 5. Counsel for Plaintiff and Defendant are ordered to submit a joint notice to the Court informing the Court if the closing of the transaction occurred or did not occur. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Palm Beach County, Florida, this day of , 1995. CIRCUIT JUDGE copies furnished to: James A. Cherof, Esquire J. Michael Burman, Esquire 11/1/95 J-!SiE'S2C ::-r: Oct 27 16.17 40 1995 514 I (~..... ';l 'lH ~I I ~al . ~- p g g H ~ : 1 . !'A 'J'-" ! !liil i ~ $ ~ I' .1 "~ . r- :ii! ~ ail ! ;1 j , fJU ..f ~ & Ii 1111 !I ", . ; If ~~ ' IJ' I , ~ t I ' '1 [I I -I t II ' I ')" If I ~ I~ I I ~ I 1~lJi I ft ~. t -4 '( . : !I ! !II i . . . II I ~ 11 I I JI 1i:1 I' II I '. 111 I I II ;i i ~ I , I I ,! -d, 6 I I I I II t I' en , I ' ~ IiI i , I ( I 1 I t ! I f I I . . "II' I II ~ \IW "11 · I" 'I I I I I i I 'I' !II Ii I : 'Ii I Hi, i'!,!I!!I! li~ I ~ ill! ili! jl Iii. 11. I!!! jll'I' !II ~,I'iI.!l ,I i i!l ;, eii3 IIU III t: I l:ll~ If 'lu" 'I II . . S&'. 'IU . . 3 !i P! i:j Iii. i!!1 i il~ Ii illi! il il i II .. c_ .. . i 1 ;, '~I II '111 'Irl ~i! f 1'11. I t II , I, ,I !II !\t. !;" n ""Ii I! .t' II IIi! ,.!! " I.... I I, !, ii I" : III il III If rI '1 It U J[ tr ,I Ir , r I ; , ,I \ I I I i' . ! .. .. .. ~ I J 'IIi 11111" Jlf,l.j ~ - 'c 'II ::2 . 0" III I I I( It I tll 1'}1 Rf I If! II ~~ f t ,I ~Ir i! rllllt l!1~1 51 I ~ II t tl .' .:11 ItJ~ fI: ; :r ;1 r- 1;,11,1111111:1 Irl!. rl I' ?( Ii i U thj '1~!lr! l;i:ll! I' ~ .. II I 8 I 1;1 '~II rhlll I I I ',r I r ,il ' ~ lil~ i I 'Ii '11.; "311~ ~ I~'i &: 111 l~! '" i~ r II ~ ':. I ~ .) Ii Imu ili,i II! 91111& I I ~~~d;:lal.'~ I ~il~ IU' Ihii I ;1~lls;~i !I~U! I I!I~~ 1'111. illl ! I~:K 5 illl ;. 1 i ~ I.I~ z ~ r- 00 m ;Q -, N -i o ]8 L q \.>l o ... 0 1 ~! I -==::> ( .1~ . ~ll t ~9 · 'i~ ~,i SIft' .... -- .,. i I.; ii UII uii i IIII Ii n Ii Ii il", ~ ~:I .- 'e Iii. : ~~ ql' ;1 N Illi I ~ : I I; 'II I!! I ;~: II il~ ilii ; ~ o :11 I :11 {I ) ; I~:I "'I". ,i . Illl'l Ii i~1 ; J .11 PT' I 11' nl :11 u~ e 1I!j 1;1 11.;' II' u"; ! ~ Iii lit Iii I" II ~ i s;g; i d "I\~" I II ih~ I .,~ I "a... "r;Il ..:...:, , 0 allll II rni ~ii I ~ .lilll ~ill ~ Iii 1'1 II ! Ii ~ I~ I .~ IQ ~ ",,1\ ! "1\ E ~ , ~ II _ ~..' _1. : lllo.:. - Dole_i.Z.:.~ Or.....n Br--~- .- r,le ~o 241 1 Drawln. So ~ ... Poth ~ Yo\,[ DDl.ll _. fileaeme S~ dwC beet --L.. 01 Boynton Beach, norld. Waster Plan , ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN PUD EX H (1-.....' :!j'':'''' \\ Lt I , '. .~~:~~ ~:j~.Jl~ l:.l KRday * AnooIatM Londacopa Are""aeta/Plo,,"_ '''' fONm Pktce i~ ~= 8eoc". fler1clo 3~ 1 (407) "'-5522 .fol:(407) 1ft-2512 - IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: CL 91-7257-AG CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Plaintiff vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Defendant. / AGREED ORDER THIS CAUSE came on to be heard on the Joint Stipulation of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Plaintiff and SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., Defendant. The Court having considered the stipulation of the parties and being otherwise fully advised in the premises orders: 1. Subject to the provisions for nullification as set forth in paragraph 3 below, the real property owned by SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., which is the subject of this litigation is: A. Provided a land use designation of low density residential. B. Zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD) , limited to single family usage with a LUI of 4.00. 2. The Master Plan attached to the Stipulation for Entry of Agreed Order as Exhibit "B", subject to the Development Order in connection therewith, is hereby approved and shall be binding on the CITY, the Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., their successors 11/1/95 EXHIBIT \\ tV or assigns, subject to later modification as is 'otherwise authorized by the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Land Development Regulations. 3. In the event that the real property which is the subject of this litigation is not conveyed by Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., to Horne Development Corporation of South Florida, a Florida corporation on or before January 3D, 1996, this Agreed Order shall be null and void and have no force and effect and this action shall continue with the zoning and land use remaining unchanged, and the master plan and related Development Order of no force or effect. 4. If closing occurs on or before January 3D, 1996, and, following notice thereof as required by this Order, this action shall be dismissed with prejudice with each party to bear its own costs and attorney fees. 5. Counsel for Plaintiff and Defendant are ordered to submit a joint notice to the Court informing the Court if the closing of the transaction occurred or did not occur. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Palm Beach County, Florida, this day of , 1995. CIRCUIT JUDGE copies furnished to: James A. Cherof, Esquire J. Michael Burman, Esquire 11/1/95 Board of County Commissioners K~n L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A. Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman October 24, 1995 Department of Engineering and Pub . \ ~~U-l,~\ i \ II . Ij II ,-,-":: \ .' : Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN PUD ~~~ ..., ," Dear Ms. Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled Isles at Hunters Run PUD, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The proposed project will consist of 56 single-family residential dwelling units. The project will generate 560 daily trips. The build-out for the project is 1997. The project adds traffic to two segments of Lake Ida Road which have traffic volumes that exceed LOS D. These roadway segments are eligible for additional project traffic, on a first come first serve basis. We will reserve trips for this project on the following roadways. If the project does not receive a development order, please inform me so that the trips can be used by other projects. Lake Ida Road from Congress Avenue to Swinton Avenue Lake Ida Road from Congress Avenue to Barwick Road 60 trips 90 trips The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the requirements of the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~.~~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer cc. William Hukill, P.E., Director Boynton Beach Department of Development File: TPS - Mun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn55 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 .;-\,)..r;"";,,,::,_, fJJU City of 'Boynton 'Beach 4'.~' . /,' - !J ~",,;;- ~ g~ 100 T.. 1Joyaon tJJuWr.1Joultvarri ~.o.1Jo'C310 1Joynton 1Jeat4 %nUfD. 33425-0310 City:JfD/I:. (407) 375-6()()() ~;U: (407) 375-6090 October 10, 1995 Mr. Dan Weisberg, Senior Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Enqineering and public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-21229 Re: Traffic statement: Isles at Hunters Run PUD File No. LUAR 95-005 .. Dear Mr. Weisberg: The enclosed traffic impact study, dated September 25, 1995, prepared by Simmons << White, Inc. was received by the Planning and Zoning Department recently for the above-referenced application. Please review for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (407) 375-6260, otherwise please send me your written comments/ approval to the above address, with a copy of your written response to Bill Hukill, Director of Development Department, also at the same address. Very truly yours, '~;;''''-~L · P rJUjL Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning. Director TJH:dim CC: Bill Hukill w/attachment Central File JtTTrerUas (jateway to tlie (juifstream SIMt10NS & WHITE, I NC:' Engineers. Planners · Consultants September 25, 1995 Job No. 95-91 TRAFFIC IMPACT STATEMENT Isles at Hunters Run P.U.D. Boynton Beach, Florida SITE DATA The subject parcel is generally located in the northwest quadrant of Congress Avenue and Summit Drive (the southerly access to Hunter's Run P.U.D.) approximately one mile north of Lake Ida Road and contains 30 acres. Proposed site development on the currently unimproved parcel consists of 56 single-family dwelling units with an anticipated project build-ouc of 1997. Site access is proposed via a single full-access driveway connection to Summit Drive aligning with an existing median opening just west of Congress Avenue. For addicional information concerning site location and layout, please refer to t,he site plan prepared by Kilday and Associates. PURPOSE OF STUDY This study will analyze the pr.oposed development's impact on the surrounding thoroughfares within the proj ect' s radius of development influence in acsordance with the Palm Beach County Land Development Code Article 7, Section 7.9 Traffic Performance Standards. The Traffic Performance Standarda require that a proposed development meet two "tests" with regard to traffic. Test 1, or the Link/Buildout Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would, during the buil~-out period of the project, add project traffic at any point on any major thoroughfare link within the project's radius of development influence if the total traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic or peak hour traffic volume that exceeds the adopted threshold level of service during the build-out period of the project. Test 2, or the Model Test, requires that no site specific development order be issued which would add project traffic to any link within the project's model radius of development influence if the total model traffic on that link would result in an average annual daily traffic volume, as determined by the model, that exceeds the adopted level of service. For the purposes of this analysis, the constructio~ co~templated in the Modified 2010 Plan shall be used. This study will verify that the proposed development's traffic impact will meet the above Eerformance Standards. 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 95-91 September 25, 1995 - Page Two TRAFFIC GENERATION The traffic to be generated by the proposed 56-unit residential development may be calculated in accordance with the traffic generation rates listed in Table 10.8-1 Fair Share Road Impact Fee Schedule of Article 10: DETACHED HOUSING (56 D.U.s) 56 D.U.s x 10 tod D.U. = 560 tpd RADIUS OF DEVELOPMENT INFLUENCE Based on Table 2A and 2B of Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards, for a net trip generation of 560 trips the radius of development influence shall be one mile for Test 1 and the directly accessed link (Congress Avenue) for Test 2. EXISTING TRAFFIC Existing average annual daily traffic volumes for the links within the radius of development influence were available from the Metropolitan Planning Organization of Palm Beach County 1994/1995 Annual Traffic Volume Map. Background traffic, consisting of historical growth allowances furnished by Palm Beach County, major project traffic, and anticipated development in the area was also considered. The following table calculates the 3 year historical growth rate for each of the applicable count stations within the project's radius of development influence: TABLE 1 HISTORICAL GROWTH RATE CALCULATION LINK A. CONGRESS AVENUE : l. South of 23rd Avenue 2 . North of Lake Ida Road B. LAKE IDA ROAD: l. West of Congress Avenue 2 . East of I-95 91/92 94/95 3: 25,454 23,784 27,698 23,150 2.9% 0% 18,358 13,782. 20,358 13,913 3.5% Use 1% Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 95-91 September 25, 1995 - Page Three EXISTING TRAFFIC (CONTINUED) Congress Avenue from the L-30 to the L-28 Canal (at Hunter's Run) is currently under construction as a six-lane roadway. This link has therefore been shown as a six-lane roadway in Figure 1. The major projects in the area, Delray Park of Commerce, Congress Park South, Quantum Park and Motorola are not anticipated to generate over 4500 tpd (ten percent of capacity for a 6-lane roadway) on Congress Avenue from 23rd Avenue to Lake Ida Road during the build-out period of the subject parcel. The project is expected to be built-out in 1997 and background traffic was projected to that time. Please refer to Figure 1. TRAFFIC ASSIGNMENT/DISTRIBUTION Based upon the existing and proposed geometry of the roadway network, a review of the existing and historical travel patterns, as well as a review of the proposed development and improvements in the area, the following generalized traffic distribution was assumed for trips generated by the proposed development: North East South West 30% 18% 30% 22% The distributed traffic for the project at full build-out of the development was assigned to the links within the project's radius of development influence and can be seen in Figure 1. Based on the projected total daily traffic volumes and threshold volumes for the links within the project's radius of development influence as shown in Figure 1, this project meets the applicable Average Daily Traffic Volume Link Performance Standards listed under "Test One" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards on all links within the project's radius of development influence. Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 95-91 September 25, 1995 - Page Four PEAK HOUR TRAFFIC VOLUMES The net external P.M. peak hour traffic volumes to be generated by the proposed development may be calculated as follows in accordance with the rates provided in the ITE Trip Generation Manual, 5th Edition: USE NET EXTERNAL DAILY TRIPS P.M. P.H.F. P.M. PEAK HOUR TRIPS Single-Family 560 10.58% S9 The existing average peak hour traffic has been determined by factoring the 1994/1995 average annual daily traffic by a "K" factor of 9.1% and can be seen in Figure 2. The project's net external P.M. peak hour traffic volumes, the peak hour background traffic, and the total peak hour traffic volumes are also shown in Figure 2. Based on the Level of Service "0" Average Peak Hour Threshold Volumes shown in Table 1A of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards and the total peak hour volumes shown in Figure 2, this proj ect meets the applicable Peak Hour Traffic Volume Link Performance Standards listed under "Test One" of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS The A.M. and P.M. peak hour turning movement volumes and directional distributions at the project entrance for the proposed development may be calculated as follows: Traffic Impact Statement Job No. 95-91 September 25, 1995 - Page Five SITE RELATED IMPROVEMENTS (CONTINUED) The A.M. and P.M. peak hour turning movements at the proposed project entrance to Summit Drive may be summarized as follows: Westbound Entering Right Turn Eastbound Entering Left Turn Southbound Exiting Right Turn Southbound Exiting Left Turn A.M. 11 o o 32 P.M. 38 o o 21 The proj ect entrance aligns with an existing median opening on Summit Drive. Summit Drive is a four-lane divided roadway in the vicinity of the project entrance. Based on the anticipated volumes calculated above and the Palm Beach County Engineering guideline used in determining the need for turn lanes of 75 right turns or 30 left turns in the peak hour, no additional turn lanes or site related improvements appear required. A single lane exiting the project appears adequate. MODEL TEST Modified Table 5, Projected Network Deficiencies for the future network, does not presently indicate that the applicable links within the project's radius of development influence will be over capacity. Therefore, this project meets the Model Test. CONCLUSION This proposed development is expected to generate a total of 560 trips per day at project build-out in 1997. Based on an analysis of existing and project traffic characteristics and distribution, as well as the existing and future roadway network geometry and traffic volumes, this overall project meets the Link/Buildout Test and the Model Test as required by the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards. ~ G OLr" -en 5c Z3/CJ:) Ave. ( SIMKoNS & WHITE, INt: Engineers. Planners · Consultants 6/7C ~ Z7:~~8 ~ Z80 20'70 3q 048 46,000 Su/YJ/YJ/ r D/C. V) \f) lU ~ \{) ':( \) \.\ Z3, /50 Z80 o Z .3, 4 :3 0 4-5, 000 .....--. () ....... \::, LcGcA-/O ~/GUeE / Z3, /50 /994//995 ..4ADT ;?CjO P.eOJ€Cr ASS/C7A//YJ€.ur o t3AC~G~UA./.o TeA~r/C 23,4-80 -rOTAL 7eA,r~/C ~5; 000 ,,4LJOP7eO rHee..:5#c)~C> VZJt..U/>1€ L4~e ..z:DA (30) /CD. (cpo) (ZL (30) LESS T#~A/ /% -4SS/oA./h'7c,uT tJ//Ee 7z /J1?/~~ ~RC)M .s/T~ ISLeS /-9T #v,ur€R:5 RUA./ ~~,<. ,e.r=Ae" 95- 9/ 9- 25-.9S- 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, F!orida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 SIMKoNS & WHITE, IN~ Engineers. Planners · Consultants t':.EOCMO c/07' /3.94//9.35 4vC;. ~/7? r='~ #..e: VOLU/Yl€ Z3 //RCJJECT ~SS /GA.//YJcA../r o 8;4C-t::' G EZJ UA/..o ;7 eA...c,;t::" /C 2/ 3 Co 70T/9L ~/YJ. p/G HR. TR~",c".c-/C 4 / 00 p~ hI'€ 5TAA/O~eo GOLr:- eo. / 5& " " ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ SITe: 5U/YlMI/ o,e. V\ '" ~ ~ ~ '\J IOA Zgeo .4ve. z 252/ 30 1~8 Z73~ 4/00 2/07' Z!3 t) Z/3CD 4/00 RLJ, (ZL ~ ,c/GuetE Z ..zSLc:5 AT HUA../TeeS euA.../ Pv.f:, .;e,:,e 95- ~I ~-Z5-.:35 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, Florida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 . ( -- Engineers. Planners · Consultants SIMKoNS & WHITE, INC: 6/Te \ij ~ tJ(o) 3Z(Z/) ~ ~ L ~ ~ I I M ~ u(/~) (/I) a~ f 11(3fj) V) ~ 15(/~) 1M ~ (/0) ~ 6U/YJ/YJIT De I VtE' ~ \) \) PEA/~ Houe /uRA//,uG /,/OLt//YJ€5 L.c=GE,uO .5 4/Yl. pe.HR.{/aLUh7€ (/9) /?ffJ. ~~ /-/R. V'OLUn?€ fSLes AT #uA./rER5 RUff ~t/,LJ ,e."c ,e 95 - :3 I ~- Z:5 - 9<<S 4623 Forest Hill Boulevard, Suite 112, West Palm Beach, ~Iorida 33415 Telephone (407) 965-9144 .'- RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #96-355 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Department John Wildner, Parks SUPerintenden~ Isles of Hunter's Run - Recreation Dedication Requirement FROM: RE: DATE: July 30, 1996 r . lli @ ~ n \in ,.} 5 G'. .~ II \il :~' c'.' rno -?~. '.-i?-,__..~_;_..,. '. i: : o '''I' I' '.' , ! I 0 1("16 l ~. U I "'L' 4. Ju J ..... PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. This memo is to confirm that the Isles of Hunter's Run has met the recreation dedication requirements through previous dedication as a part of the original Hunter's Run development. This project may continue through the normal review process. JW . '--~ rn rn ~ rn ~ \fl ii I,,: . 11111 JuL J 0 IS~S ~ RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #96-355 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Department John Wildner, Parks SUPerinrenden~ Isles of Hunter's Run - Recreation Dedication Requirement FROM: RE: DATE: July 30, 1996 This memo is to confirm that the Isles of Hunter's Run has met the recreation dedication requirements through previous dedication as a part of the original Hunter's Run development. This project may continue through the normal review process. JW ..JI) .,9t Q II tI TO: FROM: DATE: RE: Mike Haag, City of Boynton Beach Planning Department Ron Last July 30, 1996 THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN L.N. & W. PROJECT NO. A013 Please find the enclosed responses to your comments regarding the third review of the above referenced project: 1. o ~ ~~0P \'"r ~. ~~ {. k,t- ~" ;? ~~ ~'J ~v \L.' 2 IL bl\ . V.,-- V ....Joooo" )0 I ' aflj./ }C\u '( .~ /l(.,t- , t--' ? ~/' \~ It is recommended that Section 6 of Article VI\I of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Isles at Hunters Run be modified by omitting the text that identifies the specific setbacks approved for the project. Insert language i the document referencing that the building, pool and screen roof enclosure setbacks are listed on the City approved master plan for Isles at Hunters Run. Also indicate in the document that all other improvements, not identified on the master plan, shall comply with the regulations of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Stating in the Home Owners' Association documents that the setbacks are established on the master plan rather than identifying the setbacks in the document, will eliminate a contact if the setbacks are changed in the future. See attached revised H.O.A. document. provide verification that the recreation fee for 1.008 acres has been submitted to the Development Department. The Parks and Recreation Department is to contact your office that this condition has been satisfied. Specify on the construction plans the type of finsh and color of the retaining wall found on Sheet 6 of 6 of the paving, grading and drainage improvements plans, dated April 17, 1996. 3. e ~, ( 'X'V~) -!t? \) '-l' ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ \'" o \0 0 l,'\P-v See revised construction plans. (;, ~ / } \,}I "I() ) "\" II" ~\ ~fJ JHJ\LAND\A013\HAAG.730 _ _ ""-I.&.J . Y USJ--""" ""'M Ii 1996 CITY MANAGEIlS OfFtC[ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96~ '-:? 'J 7 FROM: William Hukill City Engineer Tambri J. HeYden~ Planning and zoning,p~ector Michael E. Haa~~~~ Current Planning'tyordinator March 8, 1996 TO: THRU: DATE: SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run - Review of plat documents File No. PLAT 95-010 Please be advised of the following comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced request: fJ/b. 1. The master plan shall receive unconditional sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members. 'n I.Jo;.-' 10'" tJ~Jj2D 2 . Modify the paving and drainage plans and, where applicable, the water & sewer plans and plat drawings to show a handicapped adaptable parking space at the guardhouse or provide legal verification that the proposed Tract "A" of Isles at Hunters Run is tied to Tract "X" of Summit Plat No. 1 (P.B. 36,pgs. 48-51) and further verify that there is at least one (1) surplus parking space located at the existing gate house site (located in Tract "X") to accommodate the parking need for the new gate house. 3. It is recommended that Section 6 of Article VIII of the Home Owners Association (H.O.A.) documents be modified by omitting the text that identifies the specific setbacks approved for the project. Insert language referencing the setbacks listed on the City approved master plan for Isles at Hunters Run, which governs the location of the buildings, pools and screen roof enclosures within the project and that other improvements not identified on the master plan shall follow the regulations of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. It is believed, stating in the H.O.A. documents that the setbacks are established on the master plan rather than identifying the setbacks in the document, will eliminate a conflict if the setbacks are changed in the future. 4. A recreation fee for 1.008 acres is required. 5 . .... A resolution regarding the lack of landscaping in the landscape easement along the south and west property lines, which is contrary to City Commission approval, is pending. ,/ l\IlEH : dim xc: Central File a:PlatIsle.2 Wi':OIl- ,; /-- q.~'.J'VII ,j.y/:Z I-:-~ , ('~~ '.~' A. 2,750 square feet - for a I-story residence B. 1,400 square feet - for a 2-story residence (exclusive of open or screen or roofed porches, terraces, patios and garages), and shall not exceed two stories and twenty-five (25') feet in height, shall have a private and enclosed garage for not less than two (2) cars. Whether a one (1) story or two (2) story dwelling, no residence shall contain less than 2,750 square feet of livable enclosed floor area (exclusive of open or screen or roofed porches, terraces, patios, and garages.) Unless approved by the ARB as to use, location and architectural design, no garage, tool or storage room may be constructed separate and apart from the residential dwelling, nor can any such structure(s) be constructed prior to construction of the main residential dwelling. 3. Roof: The composition of all pitched roofs shall be tile, cedar shake shingle, slate or other composition approved by the Architectural Review Board. The minimum pitch of each roof shall be six (6) to twelve (12). 4. Garages: In addition to the requirements stated in Paragraph 1 hereinabove, all garages shall have a minimum width of twenty (20') feet for a two-car garage, thirty (30') feet for a three-car garage, or fony (40') feet for a four-car garage, measured from the inside walls of the garage. All garages must have either a single overhead door with a minimum door width of sixteen (16') feet for a two-car garage, or two (2) sixteen (16') foot doors for a four":car garage, or two, three, or four individual overhead doors, each a minimum of eight (8') feet in width, and a service door. No carports shall be pennitted. 5. Drivewav Construction: All dwellings shall have a paved driveway of stable and pennanent construction, with a minimum width at the entrance to the garage at least two (2 ') - feet wider than same and designed to provide easy access thereto. Unless prior approv~l is obtained from the ARB, all driveways must be constructed with concrete or other impervious material, except asphalt. 6. Set-backs: Each sL"1gle-famiIy residence shall be set back twenty-five (25') feet from any street, seven and one-half (7 1/2') feet from the side of each Lot (not facing a street), and twenty-five (25') feet from the rear of each Lot. Swimming pools, spas, jacuzzis, hot-tubs and the like, as well as screened enclosures, shall be set back ten (10') feet from the rear of each Lot. 7. Games and Play Structures: All basketball backboards and any other fixed games and play structures shall be located at the rear of the dwelling, or on the inside portion of comer Lots within the setback lines. No platfonn, dog house, playhouse or structure of a similar kind or nature shall be constructed on any part of a Lot located in front of the rear line of the residence constructed thereon, and any such structure must have prior approval of the ARB. 8. Fences and Walls: The composition, location and height of any fence or wall to be constructed on any Lot shall be subject to the approval of the ARB. The ARB shall require the composition of any fence or wall to be consistent with the material used in the surrounding homes and other fences. GAl: 113793.00:0 J I :-:7'.0 I 04% 12 C';. r.-.., ( : 9. Landscaping: All Lots are required to have installed a standard underground sprinkler system which irrigates and maintains the entire Lot, including the portion of the Lot between the street pavement and the right-of-way line and/or the sidewalk. Full sodding shall be required in all yards. 10. Swimming Pools and Tennis Courts: Any swimming pool or tennis court to be constructed on any Lot shall be subject to the requirements of the ARB, which shall include, but shall not be limited to, the following: A. Composition shall be of material thoroughly tested and accepted by the industry for such construction; B. No screening of pool area may stand beyond a line extended and aligned with the side walls of the dwelling unless approved by the ARB; C. Pool screening shall not be visible from the street in front of the dwelling unless approved by the ARB; D. Location and construction of tennis or badminton courts must be approved by ARB; E. Any lighting of a pool or other recreation area shall be designed so as to buffer the surrounding residences from the lighting. If one owner elects to purchase two (2) adjoining Lots and use one for recreation purposes, the Lot used for recreation purposes must be adequately screened by landscaping and/or walls or fences on both the front and side as required by the ARB. It shall be the intent of the ARB to screen any such use from public view. 11. Window Air ConditioninS?: Units: No window or wall air conditioning units shall be permitted without approyal of the ARB. 12. Mailboxes: No mailbox or paperbox or other receptacle of any kind for use in the delivery of mail or newspapers or magazines or similar material shall be erected on any Lot unless and until the size, location, design and type of material for said boxes or receptacles shall have been approved by the ARB. If and when the United States Mail Services or the newspaper or newspapers involved shall indicate a willingness to make delivery to wall receptacles attached to dwellings, each property owner, at the request of the ARB, shall replace the boxes or receptacles previously employed for such purpose or purposes with wall receptacles attached to dwellings. 13. Utilitv Connections: Building connections for all utilities including, but not limited to, water, electricity, telephone and television shall be run underground from the proper connecting points to the building structure in such a manner to be acceptable to the governing utility authority. CAX 113793.lIaX1 J I =77\0 10496 13 . . ' f"";"; 0:..-'" 14. Docks. Boat Houses. Waterfront Construction. Boats and Shore Contours: No docks, seawall or bulkheads, moorings, piling, boat houses or boat shelters of any kind or any construction shall be erected on or over waterways of and within the Properties without the prior written consent of the Association and the Master Association, which consent may be withheld in their sole discretion. The area, if any, between the rear lot line of any Lot and the water's edge of any lake or other water body shall be landscaped, sodded and maintained by the Owner of said Lot as if said area were a portion of the Lot owned by said Owner. 15. Exterior Appearances and Landscaping: The paint, coating, stain and other exterior finishing colors on all buildings shall be maintained as originally installed by the Developer without the necessity for obtaining the prior approval of the Architectural Review Board, but prior approval by the Architectural Review Board shall be necessary before any such exterior finishing color is changed. The landscaping, including, without limitation, the trees, shrubs, lawns, flower beds, walkways and ground elevations, shall be maintained, as originally installed by the Developer, unless the prior approval for any substantial change is obtained from the Architectural Review Board. ARTICLE IX. GE~r:RAL RESTRICTIVE COVENANTS 1. Boats and Motor Vehicles: No trucks or commercial vehicles, campers, mobile homes, motor homes, boats, house trailers, boat trailers, or trailers of every other description shall be permitted to be parked or to be stored at any place on any Lot, except only during the periods of approved construction on said Lot, and except that they may be stored within garages. The term commercial vehicle, for Lhe purpose of this paragraph 1, shall include all automobiles, trucks and vehicular equipment, including station wagons, which bear signs or shall be printed on the same or some reference to any commercial undertaking or enterprise, or vehicles of ~ore than six (6') feet in height or twenty-five (25') feet in length. No maintenance or repairs shall be performed upon any boat or motor vehicle upon any Lot, except within a building where totally isolated from public view. 2. Automobile Storage Areas: No automobile garage shall be permanently enclosed or converted to other use without the substitution of another enclosed automobile storage area upon the Lot. 3. Garbage and Trash Containers: No Lot shall be used or maintained as a dumping ground for rubbish, trash or other waste. All trash, garbage, and other waste shall be kept in a sanitary container and, except during pick,llp, all containers shall not be visible from adjoining Lots or public areas. 4. Temporary Structures: No structure of a temporary character, whether a trailer, mobile home, recreational vehicle, tent, shack, garage, barn, or other such building, shall be placed on any Lot at any time, provided, however, a temporary storage or out-building for materials and supplies may be used in connection with and during the construction of a dwelling and shall be removed immediately upon the completion of such construction; and further CAlC 113m. <XX>> .512'"7\010096 14 f'" , i.: ..:.. '~':.> I . '... ..-J provided that any Lot may be used by Developer as a sales office and/or storage area for materials and equipment during the development of the Properties. . 5. Artificial Vegetation: No artificial grass, plants or other artificial vegetation shall be placed or maintained upon the exterior portion of any Lot, unless approved by the ARB. 6. Clothes Drying Area: No portion of any Lot shall be used as a drying or hanging area for laundry of any kind, it being the intention hereof that all such facilities shall be provided within the building to be constructed on a Lot. 7. Animals: No animals, livestock or poultry of any kind shall be raised, bred, or kept on any Lot, except that dogs, cats and other household pets may be kept on Lots, so long as they are not kept, bred or maintained for commercial purposes. No pets shall be permitted to roam-unattended away from the Lot on which it is kept. The keeping of pets shall be subject to all rules and regulations which may be adopted by the Association. 8. Outside Transmitters and Receivers: Radio, television, and other types of electronic antennas, aerials or satellite dishes used for the transmission or receiving of electronic signals shall not be erected or mail1.tained on the Properties, provided, however, the Developer, its successors and assigns, including, but not limited to, the Association, reserves the right to erect and maintain such antennae, aerial, and/or satellite dishes upon the Properties or the Common Areas for the common use and enjoyment of the Owners. 9. Nuisances: Nothing shall be done or maintained on any Lot which may be or become an annoyance or nuisance to the neighborhood or to any Ou.1er Lot Owner. In the event of a dispute or question as to what may be or become a nuisance, such dispute or question shall be submitted to the Board of Directors, which shall render a decision in writing, which decision shall be dispositive of such dispute or question. 10. Oil and Mining Operations: No oil drilling, oil development operations, oil refining, quarrying or mining operations of any kind shall be permitted upon or in the Properties, nor shaH oil wells, tanks, tunnels, mineral excavations or shafts be permitted upon or in the Properties. No derrick or other structure designed for use in boring for oil or natural gas shall be erected, maintained or permitted upon any portion of the Properties. 11. Signs: Except in connection with development or sales of Lots by Developer, its agents or assigns, no signs, advertisement or notices of any kind shall be displayed to the public view on any Lot; provided, however, that each Owner may display on the day(s) of showing only, one (1) professionally designed and prepared Open House sign of not more than two (2) square feet for the purpose of resale of the Lot; provided, however, such sign complies with the Master Declaration. 12. Ordinances: No immoral, improper, offensive or unlawful use shall be made of any Lot, dwelling house, or other improvements and all valid laws, zoning ordinances and regulations of all governmental bodies having jurisdiction shall be strictly observed. CAK 1\3793. ocw J 1!17I0100<)6 15 r:z-,., ....-_..-~.~ ;.. . .~ 13. Weeds and Underbrush: No weeds, underbrush or other unsightly growths shall be permitted to grow or remain upon any Lot, and no refuse pile or unsightly objects shall be allowed to be placed or suffered to remain anywhere thereon; in the event that any Owner shall fail or refuse to keep the Owner's Lot free of weeds, underbrush or refuse piles or other unsightly growths or objects, then the Association may enter upon said Lot and remove the same at the expense of the Owner, and such entry shall not be deemed a trespass. Provided, however, that any portion of the Properties not yet developed by the Developer shall be maintained in a clean condition, but shall not be expected to be maintained in a manicured condition. ARTICLE X. SALE. RENTAL AATO OTHER ALIENATION In order to maintain a community of congenial residents who are financially responsible and thus protect the value of the Lots, the transfer of a Lot by any Owner other than the Developer shaH be subject to the following provisions, which provisions each Owner covenants to observe: 1. Transfer Subiect to Approval: A. Sale or Lease: No Owner may transfer a Lot or any interest in a Lot by sale or lease without written approval of the Association. Each Lot may be leased only one (1) time during each calendar year, and each lease shall be for a term of not less than six (6) months . B. Corporations. Partnershios and Trusts: Changes of beneficial ownership of a Lot through sale or acquisition of stock in a corporation, change in corporate officers, change in rights in a partnership or trust shall constitute a transfer, and occupancy and continuance of ownership of the Lot shall be subject to approval of the Association. If a LOt is owned by two (2) or more persons or by a corporation, partnership, trust or other entity, the Owner(s) shall designate one (1) family as the resident of the Lot, and other occupants shall be treated as lessees or guests. C. Application Form and Fee: All applications for approval of transfer shall be submitted to the Association on the form prescribed by the Association. A processing fee of Fifty Dollars ($50.00) may be charged to the transferor of the Lot, which fee shall accompany the application. This fee may be increased or decreased at any time, in the discretion of the Association. .~~ . 2. Aoproval of the Association: The approval of the Association that is required for the transfer of ownership of Lots shall be obtained in the following manner: A. Sale or Lease: A Lot Owner intending to make a bona fide sale or lease of the Owner's Lot, or any interest in it, shall give to the Association notice of such intention, in writing, together with the name and address of the intended purchaser or lessee and such other information concerning the intended purchaser or lessee as the Association may reasonably - require, together with an executed copy of the proposed sales contract or lease. GAK1\3793 cxmJt=7710100~ 16 " , ' . . B. Failure to Give Notice:If the above required notice to the Association is not given, then, at any time after receiving knowledge of a transaction or event transferring ownership or possession of a Lot, the Association, at its election and without notice, may approve or disapprove the transaction or transfer of ownership. If the Association disapproves the transaction or ownership, the Association shall proceed as if it had received the required notice on the date of such disapproval. The Association may take such action at law and/or equity to divest the unauthorized owner, lessee or occupant of record title and/or possession of the Lot. 3. Certificate of Approval: Certificate of Approval shall be given in the following manner: A. Sale or Lease: If the proposed transaction is a sale or lease, then, within thirty (30) days after receipt of such notice, completed application and other reasonably required information, the Association must either approve or disapprove the proposed transaction. If approved, the Board of Directors shall cause a Certificate of Approval to be executed by any officer of the Association. 4. Exceptions: The foregoing provisions of this Article shall not apply to a gift, devise, inheritance, or a transfer to or purchase by an institutional mortgagee that acquires its title as the result of owning a mortgage upon the Lot concerned, and this shall be so, whether the title is acquired by deed from the mortgagor, his successors or assigns, or through foreclosure; nor shall such provisions apply to a transfer, sale, or lease by an institutional mortgagee that so acquires its title. Neither shall such provisions require the approval of a purchaser who acquires title to a Lot at a duly advertised public sale with open bidding provided by law, such as, but not limited to, execution sale, foreclosure sale, judicial sale, or tax sale, nor shall such provisions apply to any transfer by the Declarant. 5. Transfer Void: Any sale, lease, or other transfer not authorized pursuant to the terms of this Declaration shall be void unless subsequently approved by the Association. 6. Gift. Devise or Inheritance: Other Transfers: Notwithstanding the foregoing, a..'lY person who has obtained title by gift, devise or inheritance. or by any other manner not previously mentioned. shall give the Association notice of the acquisition of title, together with any other information as the Association may reasonably require, and a certified copy of the instrument evidencing the individual's interest. ARTICLE XI. MASTER ASSOCIATION I 1. Master Declaration: By taking title to a Lot, each Owner becomes subject to the terms and conditions of the Master Declaration. Among other things, the Master Declaration provides that an Owner shall become a member of the Master Association, and shall become subject to the assessments of the Master Association, which assessments may be collected by the Association upon the request of the Master Association. GAX 1\3793 .lXW.512171O 10496 17 t".;;:::.i 1':-: ~. ....: .::; F'.:. c..:.:, _:" 2. Notice to the Master Association: Copies of amendments to this Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, and the By-Laws of the Association, and any easements or conveyances affecting the Common Areas, shall be promptly forwarded to the Master Association. 3. Membership in the Master Association: In accordance with the Master Declaration, all Owners shall be members of the Master Association and shall comply with the terms, conditions, covenants and restrictions as contained in the Master Declaration. ARTICLE XII. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1. Duration and Remedies for Violation: The covenants and restrictions of this Declaration shall run with and bind the Properties, and shall inure to the benefit of and be enforceable by the Developer, the Association, the Master Association or the Owner of any Property subject to this Declaration, their respective legal representatives, heirs, successors and assigns, for a term of fifty (50) years from the date this Declaration is recorded, after which time said covenants and restrictions shall automatically be extended for successive periods of ten (10) years each, unless an instrument signed by the then Owners of two-thirds (2/3) of the Lots has been recorded, agreeing to change or terminate said covenants and restrictions in whole or in part. Violation or breach of any condition, covenant or restriction herein contained shall give the Developer and/or the Association, and/or the Master Association, and/or the Owner(s), in addition to all other remedies, the right to proceed at law or in equity to compel compliance with the terms of said conditions, covenants or restrictions, and to prevent the violation or breach of any of them, and the expense of such litigation shall be borne by the then Owner or Owners of the subject Lot, provided such proceeding results in a fmding that such Owner was in violation of said Covenants or Restrictions. Expenses of litigation shall include reasonable attorneys' fees incurred by Developer and/or the Association and/or Master Association in seeking such enforcement. 2. Notices: Any notice required to be sent to any Owner under the provisions of this Declaration shall be deemed to have been properly sent when mailed to the last known address of the person who appears as Member or Owner on the records of the Association. 3. Severability: Invalidation of anyone of these Covenants and Restrictions by judgment or court order shall in no way affect any other provisions which shall remain in full force and effect. .j' 4. Amendment: This Declaration may be amended at any time and from time to time by the Association, upon the affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the Owners entitled to cast a vote at a meeting of the Association, either in person, by proxy, or by absentee ballot, provided that so long as the Developer is the owner of any Lot, no amendment will be effective without the Developer's express written joinder and consent. Notice of any meeting at which such amendment is to be considered shall contain a copy of the proposed amendment and shall be given not more than ninety (90) days and not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the date of such meeting. Any amendment made by the Association shall be executed by the President and CAK 113m. CXXX1 j 1 :n\OI 0496 18 6?-. .-~ .':' ...... . '.r ~,' .' Secretary. Notwithstanding the foregoing, the Developer may amend or modify this Declaration without the consent of the Owners, provided the Developer owns at least one (1) Lot. 5. Enforcement: Every Owner shall comply with the restrictions and covenants set forth herein and any and all rules and regulations from time to time adopted by the Board of Directors of the Association. The covenants and restrictions contained in this Declaration may be enforced by the Developer, the Association, the Owners, and by any institutional first mortgagee in any judicial proceeding seeking any remedy recognizable at law or in equity, including an action or suit seeking damages, injunction, specific performance, or any other form of relief, against any person, firm or entity violating or attempting to violate any covenant ~r restriction herein. The failure by any party to enforce any covenant or restriction contained herein shall in no event be deemed a waiver of such covenant or restriction or of the right of such party to thereafter enforce such covenant or restriction. The prevailing party in any such litigation shall be entitled to reasonable attorneys' fees and court costs at all trial and appellate levels. In addition to all other remedies, in the sole discretion of the Board of Directors, a fine or fmes may be imposed upon an Owner for failure of an Owner, his family, guests, invitees, tenants, or employees to comply with any covenant, restriction, rule or regulation contained herein or promulgated pursuant hereto, provided the procedures as set forth in the By-Laws of the Association are adhered to. 6. Indemnification: The Association covenants and agrees that it will indemnify and hold harmless the Developer and the Master Association from and against any and all claims, suits, actions, causes of action and/or damages arising from any personal injury, loss of life, and/or damage to property sustained on or about the Common Areas and from and against all costs, expenses, counsel fees, expenses and liabilities incurred by the Developer and t.'I)e Master Association arising from any such claim, the investigation thereof, or the defense of any action or proceeding brought thereon, and from any and against any orders, judgments and/or decrees which may be entered thereon. The Association shall also indemnify the Developer and the Master Association for any expense the Developer and the Master Association may incur in bringing any suit or action for the purpose of enforcing the rights of the Developer and/or by the Master Association under this Declaration or of compelling the specific enforcement of the terms, conditions and covenants contained herein to be kept or performed by the Association or the Owners. The costs and expenses of fulfilling the covenant of indemnification set forth in this Paragraph 6 shall be an expense of the Association. 7. Captions: Articles and paragraph captions inserted throughout this Declaration are intended only as a matter of convenience and for reference only and in no way shall such captions or heading define, limit or in any way affect any of the terms or provisions of .this Declaration. . j 8. Usa2:e: Whenever used, the singular shall include the plural and the singular, and the use of any gender shall include all genders. GAIC rJm. occo..s: ~n..OI04'l6 19 I"';'~ ,..-...... ~ t:--:.JC"",: ~ ;~, 9. Effective Date: This Declaration shall become effective upon its recordation in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Developer has executed these presents as of the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of: HOl\1E DEVELOPl\1ENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership By: Print Name: Address: Print Name: STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 199_, by , as of My commission expires: . NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Print Name: :,;!, CAlC 1'.3193. D:XXl\51277\O 104CJl\ 20 I.~: t . ~ ',' w" (::;; r' '...'" . . ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOl\1EOWNERS ASSOCIATION. INC. A FLORIDA CORPORATION NOT-FOR-PROFIT In order to form a corporation not-for-profit under and in accordance with the provisions of Chapter 617 of the Florida Statutes, the undersigned hereby incorporate, by the Articles of Incorporation of THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. (hereinafter the n Articles"), this corporation not-for-profit for the purposes and with the powers set forth herein. The undersigned, for the above-stated purposes, certify as follows: ARTICLE I. DEFTh1TIONS 1. All terms which are defined in the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for The Isles at Hunters Run (hereinafter the "Declaration") shall be used herein with the same meanings as defined in said Declaration. 2. "Corporation" as used herein shall mean THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation not-for-profit, the corporation formed by these i\rticles, its successors or assigns. The Corporation is not a condominium association. ARTICLE II. NAME AND INITLU PRINCIPAL OFFICE The name of this Corporation shall be THE ISLES A T HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC. , hereinafter sometimes referred to as the "Association n . The initial principal office of the Association is located at or at such other location from time to time as the Board of Directors may deem advisable. ARTICLE III. PURPOSE The Association does not contemplate pecuniary gain or profit from the Members thereof, and the general nature, objects and purposes of the Association for which it is formed are as follows: 1. To promote the health, safety, and social welfare of the Owners of Property within that area referred to as THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN in the Declaration of Covenants CAK 1\]1'93 00>>.51 ~710 104\16 1 f".. \...'... ... and Restrictions for The Isles at Hunters Run recorded or to be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. 2. To maintain and/or repair landscaping in the general or common areas, structures, and other improvements in THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN for which the obligation to maintain and repair has been delegated and accepted. 3. To control the specifications, architecture, design, appearance, elevation and location of and landscaping around all buildings and improvements of any type, including walls, fences, swimming pools, screened enclosures, antenna, sewers, drains, disposal systems, or other structures constructed, placed or permitted to remain in THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN, as well as any alteration, improvement, addition and/or change thereto, whether the same is owned by a Member or is considered to be a portion of the Common Area. 4. To provide for private security, and such other services, the responsibility for which has been or may be accepted by the Association, and the capital improvements and equipment related thereto. 5. To provide, purchase, acquire, replace, improve, maintain and/or repair such buildings, structures, street lights and other structures, landscaping, paving and equipment, both real and personal, related to the health, safety and social welfare of the Members of the Association, as the Board of Directors in its discretion determines necessary, appropriate and/or convenient. 6. To operate without profit for the sole and exclusive benefit of the Association's Members. No part of the Association's net earnings, if any, shall inure to the benefit of any Member of the Association or any individual person, firm, or corporation. 7. To administer and enforce all of the terms and conditions of the Declaration recorded or to be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County affecting the real property therein described or thereafter made subject to the Declaration. 8. To perform all of the functions contemplated for the Association and undertaken by the Board of Directors of the Association, in the Declaration. ARTICLE IV. POWERS :~~~ The Association shall have the following powers reasonably necessary to implement the purposes of the Association, including but not limited to, the following: A. To hold funds solely and exclusively for the benefit of its Members for purposes set forth in these Articles of Incorporation. B. To promulgate, adopt and enforce rules, regulations, By-Laws, and agreements to effectuate the purposes for which the Association is organized. CAK 11l793.00>>.51~ 71010496 2 ,-::..... t::'::' C. To delegate power or powers where such is deemed in the interest of the Association. D. To purchase, lease, hold, sell, mortgage or otherwise acquire or dispose of, real or personal property, except to the extent restricted hereby, to enter into, make, perform or carry out contracts of every kind with any person, firm, corporation, association, or other entity; to do any and all acts necessary or expedient for carrying on any and all of the activities and pursuing any and all of the objects and purposes set forth in these Articles and not prohibited by the laws of the State of Florida now in existence or hereafter amended. E. To operate and maintain the Common Areas which may include but is not limited to surface water management systems. F. To fix, collect and enforce assessments to be levied against the individual lots within THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN to defray expenses and the cost of effectuating the objects and purposes of the Association, and to create reasonable reserves for such expenditures, and to authorize its Board of Directors, in its discretion, to enter into agreements with management companies and other organizations for the collection of such assessments. G. To sue and be sued. H. To charge recipients for services rendered by the Association and any user for any use of Association property when such is deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors of the Association. I. To pay taxes, utility, maintenance, and other charges, if any, on or against property owned or accepted by the Association. J. To borrow money. K. To contract for the management of the Association and to delegate to the party with whom such contract has been entered the powers and duties of the Association except those which require specific approval of the Board of Directors or Members. L. To make, establish and enforce By-Laws and reasonable rules and regulations governing the use of the Common Areas or any portions thereof, as well as the conduct of Members, their family, visitors, guests, and lessees, and to provide for the operation and formal administration of the Association. ,. M. To exercise all of the powers and privileges and to perform all of the duties and obligations of the Association and to enforce all the terms and conditions as set forth in the Declaration, applicable to the Property and recorded or to be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, and as the same may be amended from time to time as therein provided, said Declaration, and all defined terms therein, being incorporated herein as if set forth at length. CAK 113m .00>>-51 ~7I0104'l6 3 ~.,:'_..1 ", ' \..;1:;:...""' N. In general, to have all powers conferred upon a corporation by the laws of the State of Florida, not in conflict with the terms of these Articles and the Declaration, necessary to implement the purposes of the Association. ARTICLE V. :MEMBERS 1. "Developer", "Owner", "Lot", "Member" and any other defined terms used herein, and elsewhere in these Articles, are used with the definitions given those terms in the aforesaid Declaration. 2. The Members shall consist of the owners of Lots in THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN, the Property comprising THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN being described in Paragraph E of this Article, and all such owners of Lots shall be Members of the Association. There shall be two (2) classes of Members, as follows: A. Class A Members: Class A Members shall be all owners of Lots other than the Class B Member. Owners of such Lots shall automatically become Class A Members upon acquisition of fee simple title to a Lot at THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN and shall terminate upon divestment of title to said Lot. B. Class B Members: The Class B Member shall be HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD., a Florida Limited Partnership or its designee, successor or assignee, as Developer of THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN. The .Class B membership shall terminate upon conveyance of the last Lot owned by the Developer to a Class A Member. C. Change in membership will be established by recording in the pUblic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a deed or other instrument establishing record fee title to a Lot. D. The share of a Member in the funds and assets of tJle Association cannot be assigned, hypothecated, or transferred in any manner except as an appurtenance to a Lot. E. THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN consists of that certain real property situated in Palm Beach County, Florida, describe as (ollows: (1) All of THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN, according to the ,Plat thereof recorded or to be recorded in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. i (2) Such additional land as may be added by the Developer to the scheme of the Declaration for THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN. CAK 113m. 00>>.51 ~710104\16 4 '. . ,-:_~ ~:.,.-.:.. , ~.~.:... 'f ARTICLE VI. VOTING AND ASSESSl\1ENTS 1. Subject to the restrictions and limitations hereinafter set forth, each Member shall be entitled to one (1) vote for each Lot in which such Member holds the interest required for membership. When one or more persons ~old such interest or interests in any Lot, all such persons shall be Members, and the vote for such Lot shall be exercised only by the one Member who shall be designated in a written instrument, executed by or on behalf of all record owners of such interest, filed with the Secretary of the Association. In no event shall more than one (1) vote be cast with respect to any Lot. Except where otherwise required under the provisions of these Articles, the By-Laws, the Declaration or by law, the affirmatIve vote of the Owners of a majority of Lots represented at any meeting of the Members duly called and at which a quorum is present, shall be binding upon the Members. 2. The Developer shall have the right to appoint a majority of the Board of Directors so long as it owns at least one (1) Lot in THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN or until the Developer turns over control of the Association to the Class A Members. 3 . Voting of the Members shall be in person or by proxy appointed by an instrument in writing subscribed by the Member designated to vote as provided in paragraph 1 above, or by written absentee ballot signed by a Member as duly designated to vote. ' 4. The Association shall have the right to suspend any Member's right to vote (other than the right of the Developer) for any period during which any assessment levied by the Association against such Member's Lot shall remain unpaid for more than ten (10) days after the due date for the payment thereof. 5. The Association shall obtain funds with which to operate by assessment of its Members in accordance with the provisions of these Articles, the By-Laws, and the Declaration relating thereto. 6. The By-Laws of the Association shall provide for annual meetings of Members, and may make provision for regular and special meetings of Members in addition to the annual meetings. The presence at any meeting of Members, in person or by proxy or by written absentee ballot, of Members entitled to cast a majority of the votes of the entire membership shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. ARTICLE VII. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. The property, business, and affairs of the Association shall be managed by a Board of Directors. The first Board of Directors shall have three (3) members. As of the first Annual Meeting of Members, the Board of Directors shall have five (5) members. So long as Developer shall have the right to appoint a majority of the Board of Directors, Directors need not be Members of the Association and need not be residents of the State of Florida; thereafter, Directors shall be Members of the Association and residents of the State of Florida. There shall CAK Illm.CXXX1.5I~71010496 5 I"::,:'~ ':- \~~ be two (2) Directors elected by Members so long as the Class B Member has the right to appoint a majority of the Board of Directors. Elections shall be by plurality Vote of a meeting at which a quorum of the membership of the Association is voting in person, by proxy or by written absentee ballot. At the first annual election of the Board of Directors, the term of office of the elected Director receiving the highest plurality of votes shall be established at two (2) years; the other elected Director shall serve for a term of One (1) year. In addition, the Class B Member shall select two (2) Directors to serve for terms of two (2) years and one (1) Director to serve for a term of one (1) year. Thereafter, as many Directors shall be elected and appointed, as the case may be, as there are regular terms of office of Directors expiring at such time, and the term of the Director so elected or appointed at each annual ejection shall be for two (2) years expiring at the second annual election following their election, and thereafter until their successors are duly elected and qualified, or, as to a Director elected by the Class A Members, until removed from office with or without cause by the affirmative vote of a majority of the Class A Members. Iu no event shall a Board member appointed by the Class B Member be removed except by action of the Class B Member. Any Director appointed by the Class B Member shaIl serve at the pleasure of the Class B Member, and may be removed from office, and a successor Director may be appointed, at any time by the Class B Member. 2. The names aud addresses of the members of the flfst Board of Directors who shall hold office until the flfst Annual Meeting of the Members and until their successors are elected or appointed and have qualified, are as follows: A. B. C. If any of these original Directors shall resign before the flfst annual meeting, the remaining Directors shall elect a successor to fill the vacancy. If a Director elected by the membership shall for any reason cease to be a Director, the remaining Directors may elect a successor to fill the vacancy for the balance of the unexpired term. ~: A majority of the Directors in office shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business. The By-Laws shall provide for meetings of Directors, inclUding alUlUal meetings. CAK Illm.am.51 ~710 10496 6 ,.., .. r .. .. /' ., /"" '.. f' . . \:.-."J~'.' ......~..... t."'-i:.l \"..;"',,,,,"' ARTICLE XVll. REGISTERED AGENT That GARY A. KORN, Esquire, 20803 Biscayne Boulevard, Suite 200, Aventura, Florida 33180, is hereby named Registered Agent for this corporation to be its agent and to accept service of process within the State of Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned incorporators have caused these Articles to be executed by law this _ day of , 199_. STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) of The foregoing Articles of Incorporation were acknowledged before me this ,199___,by and day My Commission Expires: Notary Public, State of Florida Print Name: CAKIIl1'93.00>>" 1~7I0104'l6 11 Kilday & Assoclat.. landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 :UUl1I11 July 26, 1996 Mr. Mike Haag, Planning Coordinator City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Isles at Hunters Run Master Plan Approved by City Commission on November 7, 1995 Your File No. LUAR 95-005 Our Project No.: 1247.1 Dear Mr. Haag: Please accept this letter as a request to modify the previously approved model locations. The current lot locations are lot numbers 15, 16, 40 and 41. We would request that they be relocated to lot numbers 6, 7, 48 and 49. Due to construction phasing and scheduling, this new model location will allow for dry model construction to proceed without additional unforseAn delays. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. Please feel free to contact this office if you have any questions or require further information. Sincerely, JES/kfj cc: Andrew Steinberg Bill Hukill; Engineering Department, City of Boynton Beach Ron Last; Lawson, Noble & Webb, Inc. JES/kfj/dhaag.725 ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-379 TO: William Hukill City Engineer ~)~I.-1.];tL Tambrl J. Heyden, AICP f)h-.. '/ A ;t.;' Plnnnlng and Zoning Dlrecto"'{-- tJ Micbael E. H~~ Cnrrent Planning -Cfior July 15, 1996 THRU: Fl~OM: DATE: SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run - Review of plat documents File No. PLAT 95-010 Please be advised of the following comments regarding the third review of the above- referenced request: 1. It is recommended that Section 6 of Article VIII of the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for Isles At Hunters Run be modified by omitting the text that identifies the specific setbacks approved for the project. Insert language in the document referencing that the building, pool and screen roof enclosure setbacks are listed on the City approved master plan for Isles at Hunters Run. Also indicate in the document that all other improvements, not identified on the master plan, shall comply with the regulations of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Stating in the Home Owners' Association documents that the setbacks are established on the master plan rather than identifying the setbacks in the document, will eliminate a conflict if the setbacks are changed in the future. 2. Provide verification that the recreation fee for 1.008 acres has been submitted to the Development Department. 3. Specify on th~ construction plans the type of finish and color of the retaining wall found on sheet 6 of 6 of the paving, grading and drainage improvements plans, dated April 17, 1996. MEH:dim xc: Central File a:3rdlsle.Plt/Mfl4 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-708 " TO: William Hukill City Engineer THRU: Tambri J. Heyden . I ~ Planning and Zoning (Di0ret!~~~ Michael ~ Current 'nator DATE: December 12, 1995 FROM: SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run - Review of plat documents File No. PLAT 95-010 Please be advised of the following comments regarding the first review of the above-referenced request: 1. The master plan shall be modified to receive unconditional 'sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members. Three sets of the rectified master plan documents which show compliance with the conditions of approval for the project are required to be submit~ed to the Planning and Zoning Department. 2. Please note that association documents are required for the project. The documents are reviewed by staff and the legal department and required prior to final plat approval. [Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2.5 Planned Unit Development, Section 2. D.] 3. Submit for review copies of the IILake Area Management Planll and IIGeneral Maintenance Guidelinesll that are referenced on the plat. 4. Show and label on the plat the common ground tract shown on the site plan and the other infrastructure drawings in Westlake Drive located in front of lots 1 and 2. 5. Modify the water and sewer plans, paving and drainage plans and, where applicable, the plat drawings to show a handicapped adaptable parking space at the guardhouse. MEH:arw a:PlatIsle.MEH /.~_. . / ... J' / ,/ ,/ {D)mmmowrn~ lJl) DEe I 4 1995 ~ ENGINEERING / Page 5 Memorandum No. 95-706 Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 28. The master plan shall be modified to receive unconditional sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members. Three sets of the rectified master plan documents which show compliance with the conditions of approval for the project are required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department. 29. Modify the color elevation view drawing (previously submitted) of the guardhouse building to include a method of identifying the type of exterior material(s) and color(s) of th. material_. The color (s) by color name, color designation (letters and/or numbers) and manufacturer of the color shall be identifie~ on the color elevation drawing. On sheets L-3 of 11, L-4 of 11, L-5 of 11 and L-6 of 11 remove from the perimeter setbacks the following text II/Landscape tractll, "10' Landscape Easement", II / Landscape Buffer with 51 Berm" and II / Landscape Tract & Berm". There is no requirement to identify or have a landscape easement within common ground or at the rear of the west lotB that do not have a requirement for the installation of landscaping. Easements in these areas may be removed from the site plan, master plan and plat drawings. MEH:dim xc: Central File C:ISLES.NSP .'2 Jh- J~ /1 aj9s- Ron, please add the following comment as a recommendation to my plat comments (Planning and Zoning Department Memorandum No. 95- 708) : There is not a city requirement to show or dedicate a landscape easement along the east, north or west sides of the project. These easements may be removed at your discretion. ~~ oe~ /4ul/Atl /~//'I/9s d~/~ (J 16M!: Ii- 00 -1'J}t..c ~ rT,kZrJ,~f) C~)I'VI,Ai!^,r7P ~y }'t~r C4J""';Vl~Ncr 1U-6/YlO 9S - 7/.>~. /J/#/,v,q , .e/..t, ~r. :L. (A"t...^o 71.Jd,lrl/(.r;;I.:!) (~ ) (j-fy/f{ TV ~ t<J oS" ;.oYlf/j tJ II t-i/J( .< '(prJI 1.c;LO~o/ (1U/J/'1't.'4...:;{//(J/Jit(.v) /?.A.... I SI'I/'- / I MICHAEL BEDZOW GARY A. KORN GARY L. BROWN RICHARD C. WOLFE PAUL R. LIPTON GEORGE A. MINSK! ALAN B. SCHNEIDER DAVID C. JACOBSON JENNIFER LEVIN NEAL 1. SKLAR MICHELE A. MARACINI FLORENTINO L. GONZALEZ JAN! KLINE SINGER OF COUNSEL MARCY S. REsNIK BEDZOW, KORN & KAN, P. A. ATTORNEYS AT LAW SUITE 200 ~- 20803 BrSCA YNE BOiR AVENTURA,FLOro ~ TELEPHONE (305) 9 . iio r: \ I mr&&&nwr2r~ \ n - 'U U I . f I ()r>(' L 1.'.:i.~O I ENGiNEERING-1 ! @ ~~ 0 w 1(1~.\ MAR?' . ..~~ REPLY To: P.O. Box 8020 HALLANDALE, FLORIDA 33008 (BROWARD) (954) 523-6001 PLANN\NGEAp~TD !J t;..... ZONING D ..-(}-YV TELECOPIERS: MAIN (305) 936-9502 REAL EsrATE (305) 932-6043 LITIGATION (305) 936-2795 ALAN J. KAN (1947 - 1994) March 20, 1996 Mr. Ken Hall Engineering Aide City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 Re: The Isles at Hunters Run Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida corporation not - for-profit Our File No.: 3793.0000 Dear Mr. Hall: Pursuant to your request, enclosed please find copies of the following: 1. Proposed Articles of Incorporation for The Isles at Hunters Run Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida corporation not-for-profit; and 2. Proposed By-Laws for The Isles at Hunters Run Homeowners Association, Inc., a Florida corporation not-for-profit. Subsequent to the acquisition of title to the subject parcel of real property by Home Development of Hunters Run, Ltd., a Florida Limited Partnership, we shall then provide, to your attention, the Certification of Common Ownership with respect to the common areas within The Isles at Hunters Run. Thank you. -~ ~./ . GAKlbak 56940 Enc. i I "-;'/71/011_ ''),- ~I...: TT:SrH S L <{ 2 'f --rk l'j l-\ t\ /'/1> . OG' l-ll- 6((90 C:.:S ~-r--':;- ..<. l -_' '.' \...::-,,"-, -l\ -:-:-~ G \-= ,=- t -..:::...:;::- LH (J I),--=l t' ~'- I..- I..- ~ . c .' I" - 1 ~ . -I -+,..\.:.::- ~t':;".,.' it\ \" ~ i ~. \~'::5\4 t,,:::. J ~~- "\.'~~"'" -L. I"..... ''-c \ () bv-c l.3--l:I.-.:):> ~v i;- ;:r....>( l";'-.J c ~-'\ 5' i::: . (Ji I. .\-..~, I 'V...... \. '"- .... :,., (:~ ... .,....... '--- - L..::-: U'~ G r:/ l. G ,f ~ \.kS (~)QG{.3.. p~-c D~~ 't BY-LAWS OF THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION. INC.. A FLORIDA CORPORATION NOT-FOR-PROFIT ARTICLE I. DEFINITIONS 1. All terms used herein which are defmed in the Declaration of Covenants and Restrictions for The Isles at Hunters Run (the "Declaration.) shall be used herein with the same meaning as defined in said Declaration. 2. "Association" shall mean and refer to THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation not-for-profit. 3. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any plot of land shown upon any recorded plat of THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, with the exception of the Common Areas designated thereon. 4. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of the fee simple title to any Lot, but excluding those having such interest merely as security for the performance of an obligation. 5. "Member" shall mean and refer to those persons entitled to Membership as provided in the Articles of Incorporation and the Declaration and "Membership" shall mean all of the Members. r- ARTICLE ll. LOCATION OF PRINCIPAL OFFICE The principal office of the Association shall be located at or such other place from time to time as the Board of Directors may deem advisable. ARTICLE Ill. VOTING RIGHTS AND ASSESSMENTS 1. Membership: Every person or entity who is a record fee simple owner of a Lot, including the Developer at all times as long as it owns any property subject to the Declaration shall be a Member of the Association, provided that any such person or entity who holds such interest only as a security for the performance of an obligation shall not be a Member. Membership shall be appurtenant to, and may not be separated from, ownership of any Lot which is subject to assessment. 2. Suspension of Voting Rights: Assessments and installments thereon not paid when due shall bear interest from the date when due until paid at the rate set forth in the Declaration and shall result in the suspension ~f voting privileges during any period of such non-payment. CAK 113m. OOXlIS 11531 122895 1 Upon payment of such assessments and installments, voting privileges shall be automatically restored. Non-compliance with the Declaration and Rules and Regulations promulgated and adopted by the Board of Directors regarding the use of the Property subject to the Declaration and the conduct of Members, their families, guests, invitees, and tenants shall result in suspension of voting privileges during any period of such non-compliance. 3. Quorum: A majority of the Membership shall constitute a quorum, whether their presence is in person, by proxy, or by written absentee ballot, to transact business at any meeting of the Membership, and the action of the majority present at a meeting which a quorum is present shall constitute the action of the Membership, unless otherwise provided in these By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation, or the Declaration. ARTICLE IV. BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. Election: The Directors of the Association shall be elected at the Annual Meeting of the Membership as specified in the Articles of Incorporation. 2. Nominations: The Developer shall, within forty-five (45) days of the date set for the Annual Meeting of the Membership, notify the Secretary and the Nominating Committee of the names of the Directors the Developer is appointing to the Board of Directors. Within forty (40) days of such annual meeting date, the Nominating Committee shall notify the Secretary of the names of the candidates nominated for election to the Board of Directors. The Nominating Committee shall make as many nominations for election to the Board of Directors as it shall in its discretion determine. In addition to nominations made by the Nominating Committee, petitions for nominees shall be accepted if signed by two (2) Class A Members. Such petitions shall be delivered to the Secretary within forty (40) days of the date set for the annual meeting. Further, nominations from the floor at the annual meeting shall be accepted. All elections to the Board of Directors shall be made on written ballots which shall (a) describe the vacancies to be filled by Class A Members, and (b) set forth the names of those nominated for each vacancy by the Nominating Committee or by petition for such vacancy and the names of those appointed to the Board by the Developer. The Secretary shall prepare and mail or hand-deliver ballots to the Members, along with a notice of the annual meeting at least ten (10) days, but not more than thirty (30) days, in advance of the date set for the meeting. 3. Voting: Upon receipt of such ballots, the Members may, in respect to each vacancy, cast as many votes for the persons nominated as they are entitled to exercise under the provisions of the Articles of IncorporatiOn and these By-Laws. Voting shall be in person, written absentee ballot, or by proxy appointed by an instrument in writing subscribed by the Member designated to vote. The completed ballots shall be returned to the Secretary at the address of the Association, or at such other address as designated upon each ballot. Upon receipt of each ballot, the Secretary shall immediately place it in a secure place until the date of the Annual Meeting of the Membership. At the annual meeting, the ballots, including those cast in absentia, shall be turned over to an election committee which shall consist of three (3) Members appointed by the Board of Directors or be counted by the Secretary if the Board has not appointed an election committee. \ GAK I \3793.0000\512531122895 2 4. Commencement of Term: The Members of the Board of Directors elected or appointed in accordance with the procedures set forth in thiS Article shall be deemed elected or appointed as of the date of the Annual Meeting of the Membership. 5. Quorum: A majority of the Board of Directors in office shall constitute a quorum to transact business at any meeting of the Board, and the action of the majority present at a meeting at which a quorum is present shall constitute the action of the Bo~d of Directors, unless otherwise provided in these By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation, or the Declaration. 6. Removal: Any director may be removed from office at any time with or without cause by a majority vote of the Association's Membership, except that the directors elected or designated by the Class B Member may be removed only by the Class B Member. 7. Organizational Meeting: The first meeting of a newly elected Board of Directors, for the purpose of organization and election of officers, shall be held immediately after the Annual Meeting of the Membership, provided the majority of the Members of the Board elected are present. Any action taken at such meeting shall be by affirmative vote of a majority of the entire Board. If the majority of the Members of the Board elected shall not be present at that time, or if the directors shall fail to elect officers, the meeting of the Board to elect officers shall then be held within thirty (30) days after the Annual Meeting of the Membership upon at least three (3) days' notice in writing to each Member of the Board elected, stating the time, place, and object of such meeting. 8. Regular Meetings: Regular meetings of the Board of Directors may be held at any place or places on such days and at such hrurs as the Board of Directors may, bysesolution, designate. No notice shall be required to be given of any regular meeting of the Board of Directors. 9. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Board of Directors may be called at any time by the President or by any two (2) Members of the Board. Notice of each special meeting of the Board of Directors, stating the time, place, and purpose or purposes thereof, shall be given by or on behalf of the Secretary, President, or Vice-President, or by or on behalf of any two (2) Members of the Board to each Member of the Board not less than three (3) days by mail or one (1) day by telephone or telegram. Special meetings of the Board may also be held at any place and time without notice by unanimous waiver of notice by all the Directors. The Board of Directors may act by unanimous written consent in lieu of a meeting. 10. Waiver and Consent: The transaction of any business at any meeting of the Board of Directors however called and noticed, or wherever held, shall be as valid as though made at a meeting duly held after regular call and notice, if a quorum is present and, if either before or after the meeting, each of the Directors not present signs a waiver of notice or a consent to the holding of such meeting, or an approval of the minutes thereof. All such waivers, consents, and approvals shall be filed with the corporate records and shall be made part of the minutes of the meeting. \ GAKI13793.<XlOOIS 1253\ 1221l9S 3 11. Minutes: Minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors shall be kept in a businesslike manner and be available for inspection by Members at all reasonable times. The Association shall retain the minutes of the meetings for a period of not less than seven (7) years. ARTICLE V. POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1. The Board of Directors shall be responsible for the affairs of the Association and shall have all of the powers and duties necessary for the administration of the Association's affairs and, as provided by law, may do all acts and things as are noted by the Declaration, by the Articles of Incorporation, or by these By-Laws directed to be done and exercised exclusively by the Members. In addition to the duties imposed by these By-Laws or by any resolution of the Association that may hereafter be adopted, the Board of Directors shall have the power to and be responsible for the following, by way of explanation, but not limitation: A. Prepare and adopt an annual budget in which there shall be established the contribution of each Member to the common expenses; B. Establish, levy and assess, and collect the assessments necessary to operate the Association and carry on its activities, and to create such reserves for extraordinary expenditures as may be deemed appropriate by the Board of Directors; C. Provide to the operation, care, upkeep, and maintenance of all areas which are the maintenance responsibility of the AssN;iation~_ D. Call meetings of the Members; E. Appoint and remove at pleasure all officers, agents, and employees of the Association, prescribe their duties, fIx their compensation, and require of them such security or fidelity bond as it may deem expedient. Nothing contained in these By-Laws shall be construed to prohibit the employment of any Member, Officer, or Director of the Association in any capacity whatsoever; F. Designate, hire, and dismiss the personnel necessary for the operation of the Association and, where appropriate, provide for the compensation of such personnel and for the purchase of equipment, supplies, and material to be used by such personnel in the performance of their duties; G. Collect the assessments, deposit the proceeds thereof in a bank depository which it shall approve, and use the proceeds to administer the Association; H. Open bank accounts on behalf of the Association and designate the signatories required; \ GAK 1\3193.0000\5 1253\ 122895 4 I. Enforce by legal means (including, but not limited to, the imposition of fines) the provisions of the Declaration, these By-laws, and the rules and regulations adopted by it, and bring any proceedings which may be instituted on behalf of the Association; J. Obtain and carry insurance against casualties and liabilities, as well as directors' and officers' liability insurance and fidelity bond coverage, all as provided in the Declaration, and pay the premium cost thereof; K. Adopt and publish rules and regulations governing the use of the Common Area and the personal conduct of the Members, their families, and their guests thereon, and the supervision of such use; L. Authorize and cause the Association to enter into contracts for the day to day operation of the Association and the discharge of its responsibilities and obligations; M. Exercise for the Association all powers, duties and authority vested in or delegated to the Association except those reserved to Members in the Declaration or the Articles of Incorporation of the Association. 2. It shall be the duty of the Board of Directors: A. To cause to be kept a complete record of all its acts and corporate affairs. B. To sUIJervise all Officers, agents and employees of this Association and see that their duties are properly performed. ,- C. With reference to assessments of the Association: (1) To fix the amount of the assessment against each Member for each assessment period at least thirty (30) days in advance of such date or period; (2) To prepare a roster of the Members and assessments applicable thereto which shall be kept in the office of the Association and which shall be open to inspection by any Member; (3) To send written notice of each assessment to every Member subject thereto not later than fifteen (15) days after fixing the date of commencement thereof; and (4) To issue or cause an appropriate officer to issue, upon demand by any person, a certificate setting forth whether any assessment has been paid. Such certificate shall be prima facie evidence of any assessment therein stated to have been paid. D. With reference to fines levied by the Board, the Board shall not impose a fine (a late charge shall not constitute a fine) unless and until the following procedure is' followed: \ GAK I 1]793.0000\5125]1122895 5 (1) Written demand to cease and desist from an alleged violation shall be served upon the alleged violator specifying: (a) the alleged violation; (b) the action required to abate the violation; and (c) a time period, not less than ten (10) days, during which the violation may be abated without further sanction, if such violation is a continuing one, or a statement that any further violation of the same rule may result in the imposition of a fme, if the violation is not continuing. The Board or its designee may demand immediate abatement in such circumstances which, in the Board's determination, pose a danger to safety or property. (2) If the violation continues past the period allowed in the demand for abatement without penalty, or if the same rule is subsequently violated, the Board may, upon notice, impose a fme. The notice shall state: (a) the alleged violation; (b) that the alleged violator may, within ten (10) days from the date of the notice, request a hearing regarding the fme; (c) that any statements, evidence, and witnesses may be produced by the alleged violator at the hearing; and r' (d) that all rights to have the fine reconsidered shall be waived if a hearing is not requested within ten (10) days of the date of the notice. (3) If a hearing is requested, it shall be held before the Board in executive session, and the Member shall be given a reasonable opportunity to be heard. The minutes of the meeting shall contain a written statement of the results of the hearing. (4) In the event the Board shall impose a fine against the Member, the amount of the fine shall be determined based upon the nature of the violation and shall be imposed on a non-discriminatory basis. Fines shall be treated as an assessment otherwise due to the Association, shall be paid no later than thirty (30) days after notice of the imposition or assessment thereof, and shall be collected pursuant to provisions of Article V of the Declaration. The imposition of fines pursuant hereto shall not be construed to be an exclusive right or remedy; and the right to impose such fines shall exist in addition to all other rights and remedies to which the Association may otherwise legally be entitled. ARTICLE VI. OFFICERS 1. The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, a Secretary and a Treasurer, each of\whom shall be elected by the Board of Directors at the annual CAI< 113793.0000\512531 122895 6 meeting of the Board of Directors, which shall be held immediately following the Annual Meeting of the Membership. Such other officers and assistant officers and agents as may be deemed necessary may be elected or appointed by the Board of Directors from time to time. Any two or more offices may be held by the same person provided, however, that neither the offices of President and Vice-President, nor the offices of President and Secretary shall be held by the same person. Any officer may be removed at any time by the affmnative vote of a majority of the Board of Directors at any duly called regular or special meeting of the Board. Each officer shall hold office until his successor shall have been duly elected and qualified. 2. The President shall be the chief executive officer of the Association. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Members of the Association and of the Board of Directors. He shall have the general powers and duties of supervision and management of the Association which usually pertain to his office, and shall perform all such duties as are properly required of him by the Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall elect one Vice-President, who shall generally assist the President and who shall have such other powers and perform such other duties as usually pertain to such office or as are properly required of him by the Board of Directors. In the absence or disability of the President, the Vice-President shall perform the duties and exercise the powers of the President. 3. The Secretary shall issue notices of meetings of the Membership of the Association and the Directors in accordance with law and these By-Laws. The Secretary shall keep the minutes of the meetings of the Membership and of the Board of Directors. The Secretary shall keep the records of the Association. The Secretary shall record in the book kept for that purpose all of the names of the Members of the Association, together with their addresses as registered by such Member. If the Board of Directors elects or appoints one or more assistant secretaries, such assistant secretaries shall, in the absence or disability of the Secretary, perform the duties of the Secretary in such order as shall be determined by the Board of Directors. 4. The Treasurer shall have the care and custody of all the monies and securities of the Association. The Treasurer shall enter on the books of the Association, to be kept by the Treasurer for that purpose, full and accurate accounts of all monies received by the Treasurer and paid by the Treasurer on account of the Association. The Treasurer shall sign such instruments as require his signature and shall perform all such duties as usually pertain to such office or as are properly required of the Treasurer by the Board of Directors. The Treasurer shall cause an annual internal audit of the Association's book to be made at the close of each fiscal year and shall prepare annual balance sheet and income statements. In the event the Association enters into a management agreement, the duties and functions of the Treasurer may be delegated to the managing agent to the extent such delegation is determined to be appropriate by the Board of Directors. 5. Vacancies in any office arising from any cause may be filled by the Board of Directors at any regular or special meeting of the Board of Directors. 6. The compensation, if any, of all officers and other employees of the Association shall be fixed by the Board of Din~ctors. GAK 113793.0000\512531 122895 7 ARTICLE YD. MEETINGS OF MEMBERS 1. Annual Meetings: Each Annual Meeting of the Membership shall be held on the second Tuesday of the month of December in each year at such time and place as shall be determined by the Board of Directors, except that the Board of Directors shall have the right to change the date of the Annual Meetings. The purpose of the Annual M~eting of Members shall be to hear reports of the Officers, elect members of the Board of Directors, and to conduct any other business authorized to be transacted by the Members. 2. Special Meetings: Special meetings of the Members for any purpose may be called at any time by the President or the Vice-President. In addition, a special meeting of the Members shall be called as directed by resolution of the Board of Directors or upon the written request of the Members who have the right to vote one-third (113) of the votes of the Class A Membership, except that a special meeting of the Members to recall or remove a Member of the Board of Directors (other than a director elected or designated by the Class B Member) shall be called either as directed by resolution of the Board of Directors or upon the written request of the Members who have the right to vote one-fourth (1/4) of all the votes of the entire Membership. 3. Notice of Meetings: Notice may be given to the Member either personally, or by sending a copy of the notice through the mail, postage thereon fully paid, to his address appearing on the records of the Association. Each Member shall register his address with the Secretary, and notice of meeting') shall be mailed or hand-delivered to him at such address. Notice of any meeting, regular or special, sMll be mailed or personally delivered at least ten (10) days but not more than thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting and shall set forth the general nature of the business to be transacted. Proof of notice of a meeting shall be given by affidavit of the person giving the notice. The notice shall state the time and place of such meeting and the object for which the meeting is called. 4. Waiver of Notice: Waiver of notice of a meeting of the Members shall be deemed the equivalent of proper notice. Any Member may, in writing, waive notice of any meeting of the Members, either before or after such meeting. Attendance at a meeting by a member, whether in person or by proxy, shall be deemed a waiver by such Member of notice of the time, date and place thereof, unless such Member specifically objects to lack of proper notice at the time the meeting is called to order. 5. Quorum: The presence at the meeting of Members entitled to cast a majority of the votes of the entire Membership shall constitute a quorum for any action governed by these By-Laws. If a quorum is present, the vote of a majority of the Members who are present or represented at the meeting and entitled to vote on the subject matter, shall be the act of the Membership. However, if the subject matter is one which by express provisions of the Articles or the Declaration requires a vote other than such majority vote, then such express provision shall govern and control the required vote on the decision of such subject matter. Absentee ballots received by the Secretary by the time of the meeting and Members present in person or by a duly authorized proxy shall ~e used in determining a quorum. GAK I \3793.0000I512531122895 8 6. Adiournment: If at any meeting of the Membership there shall be less than a quorum present, the majority of those present may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present. Any business which might have been transacted at a meeting when originally called may be transacted at, any adjournment thereof. In the case of the adjournment of a meeting, no notice to the Members of such adjournment shall be required other than announcement at the meeting of the time and place of the adjourned meeting. 7. Proxies: Voting rights of Members shall be as stated in the Articles. Such votes may be cast in person, by proxy, or absentee ballot. "Proxy" is defmed to mean an instrument containing the appointment of a person by a Member to vote for him and in his place and stead. Proxies shall be in writing and shall be valid only for the particular meeting designated therein and any adjournment thereof if so stated. A proxy must be filed with the Secretary before the appointed time of the meeting or at the particular meeting in order to be effective. Any proxy may be revoked prior to the time a vote is cast pursuant to such proxy. No one person shall be permitted to hold more than five (5) proxies. 8. follows: Order of Business: The order of business at all annual meetings shall be as A. Election of Chairman of Meeting; B. Roll Call; C. Proof of Notice of Meeting; D. Adoption of Minutes of Previous Meeting; E. Reports of Officers; F. Reports of Committees~,-. G. Election of Directors; H. Unfinished Business; I. New Business; and J. Adjournment. The order of business of all special meetings shall be as determined by the President of the Association. 9. Rules of Order: Except as may be otherwise provided herein, Roberts Rules of Order (latest edition) shall govern the conduct of all meetings of the Members of the Association when not in conflict with the Declaration, the Articles of Incorporation, these By-Laws, or the Statutes of the State of Florida. 10. Minutes of Meetings: Minutes of all meetings shall be kept in a businesslike manner and shall be available for inspection by the Members at all reasonable times. The Association shall retain the minutes of the meetings for a period of not less than seven (7) years. \ GAK I 1379HOXl\5 I 253\ 122895 9 ARTICLE VID. COMMITTEES 1. The Standing committees of the Association shall be: The Nominating Committee The Maintenance Committee The Architectural Review Board (the "ARB") Each committee, other than the ARB, shall consist of a chairman and two (2) or more Members and shall include a Member of the Board of Directors. The Committees (except the ARB) shall be appointed by the Board-of Directors within thirty (30) days after each annual meeting of the Board of Directors, to serve until succeeding committee Members have been appointed. The Board of Directors may appoint such other committees as it deems advisable. 2. By-Laws. The Nominating Committee shall have the duties and functions described in these 3. The Maintenance Committee shall advise the Board of Directors on all matters pertaining to the maintenance, repair or improvement of the property in THE ISLES AT. HUNTERS RUN, and shall perform or seek the performance of such other functions as the Board in its discretion determines. 4. The Architectural Review Board shall have the duties and functions described in the Declaration. "'. ARTICLE IX. BOOKS AND RECORDS The books and records of the Association shall, during reasonable business hours, be available at the office of the Association for the inspection of any Member of the Association upon at least seven (7) days' prior written request given by such Member to the Association. ARTICLE X. CORPORATE SEAL The Association shall have a seal in circular form having within its circumference the words: "THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC.", a Florida corporation not-for-profit. ARTICLE XI. FISCAL MATTERS 1. Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of the Association shall begin on the' first day of January and end on the last day of December, provided, that the Board of Directors shall be \ GAK IIlm. 0000I5 12531 12189S 10 authorized to change the fiscal year at such time and from time to time as the Hoard of Directors shall deem it advisable. 2. Depositories: The funds of the Association shall be deposited in one or more savings and loan associations or banks in Palm Beach County, Florida, under resolutions duly approved by the Board of Directors, and shall be withdrawn only over the signature(s) of the officer(s) authorized to withdraw funds by such resolutions. 3. Reports: The Board of Directors shall present at each annual meeting, a full and clear statement of the business and condition of the Association. ARTICLE XII. AMENDMENTS: CONFLICT 1. Subject to the provisions of paragraph 2 hereof, these By-laws may be amended at any regular or special meeting of the Members, by the affirmative vote of four-fifths (4/5) of the entire Membership present in person or by proxy, or by written absentee ballot. The notice of such meeting shall expressly state that such amendment will be considered at the meeting. 2. Notwithstanding anything to the contrary contained herein, no amendment to these By-Laws shall be made without the written consent of the Developer for so long as the Developer is the owner of any Lot. 3. A copy of these By-Laws and of any subsequent amendment thereof shall be recorded among the Public Records of Palm .!leach County, Florida. 4. In case of any conflict between the Articles and these By-Laws, the Articles of Incorporation shall govern and control. In case of any conflict between the Declaration and these By-Laws, the Declaration shall govern and control. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, We, being all of the Directors of the THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida Corporation, not-for- profit, have hereunto set our hands this _ day of , 199_. (CONTINUED ON PAGE 12) \ CAK 11]793.0000\512531 122895 11 STATE OF FLORIDA ) ) SS: COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this _ day of , 199_, by . , , the Directors of THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, on behalf of the Corporation. My commission expires: NOTARY PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA Print Name: . CERTIFICATION I, the undersigned, do hereby certify that I am the duly elected and acting Secretary of the THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, INC., a Florida corporation not-for-profit, and, that the foregoing By-Laws constitute the original By-Laws of said Association.~s duly adopted at a meetirm of the Board of Directors thereof, held on the _ day of ,199_ IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said Association this _ day of , 199_ \ \ GAK 113793.0000\S 12S3\ 122895 12 ._..--.-_.. ,- I ..~--''''~ ....:-.-' .J~'_"'_'w ..........,. "-,,,. ! :1 "1 ~ 'II i, 1WW! DEP ARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT I L ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-004 PLANNN~ ;:D ZON!NG DEPT......~,,_~_ TO: Tambri 1. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director w,urIun ~ukill, P .E. ~ngmeer FROM: DATE: January 2, 1996 RE: ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN - MASTER PLAN COMMENTS On November 7, 1995, the City Commission approved a master plan for subject project referred to as Exhibit C in the Development Order. Four conditions are also listed. The most recent master plan we have on file was last revised on November 7, 1995. If that drawing is in fact Exhibit C (and therefore a rectified master plan) it is deficient in that Condition D is not noted on the plan. We also do not know if Conditions A or B have been complied with. Condition C has been satisfied. \.f \ 9~~~!" ~ ~,(1');<'~-' Since no Engineering conditions were included in the Development Order, we have nothing further to review in that Division, and you may therefore consider this as Engineering master plan approval. WVH/ck xc: Mike Haag, Zoning/Site Administrator C:ISLES@HR.MPR a! DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-004 f",,''''''~~'~''''''~-'r;:7:~~r'ore::'>''''';;;~.c''-'-;- PLf\i\IW'i\.1 i'd ZONiN~, QE~'L...~,..~"...~.. >_....,,~,_ ,W"1 ~ TO: Tambri 1. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director w.urIun ~uki1l, P .E. ~ngmeer FROM: DATE: January 2, 1996 RE: ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN - MASTER PLAN COMMENTS On November 7, 1995, the City Commission approved a master plan for subject project referred to as Exhibit C in the Development Order. Four conditions are also listed. The most recent master plan we have on file was last revised on November 7, 1995. Ifthat drawing is in fact Exhibit C (and therefore a rectified master plan) it is deficient in that Condition D is not noted on the plan. We also do not know if Conditions A or B have been complied with. Condition C has been satisfied. Since no Engineering conditions were included in the Development Order, we have nothing further to review in that Division, and you may therefore consider this as Engineering master plan approval. WVH/ck xc: Mike Haag, Zoning/Site Administrator C:ISLES@HR.MPR ENGINEERING MEMO #96-237 m. ~ @ ~ ~,ln rn1 U1 ..... 8 1:':;:;;0 ~ PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT. DATE: July 18, 1996 TO: BILL CAVANAUGH, FIRE PREVo OFF. ROBERT EICHORST, P.W. DIR. SGT. MARLON HARRIS, P.D. T AMBRI HEYDEN, PLAN. & ZONING DIR. SKIP MILOR, UTIL. CHIEF FIELD INSP. AL NEWBOLD, DEPUTY BLDG. OFF. JOHN WILDNER, PARKS SUPER. & KEVIN HALLIHAN, FORESTER FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. PLANS CHECK/INSPECTOR 375-6283 @ SUBJECT: T.R.C. FINAL PLAT REVIEW AND APPROVAL, ISLES OF HUNTES RUN ATTACHED IS THE FINAL PLAT FOR COMMISSION APPROVAL AND THE REVISED PAVING AND DRAINAGE PLANS. IF YOUR COMMENTS HAVE BEEN MET, PLEASE SIGN OFF ON THE FINAL PLAT AND ALL CONSTRUCTION PLANS BY AUGUST 2,1996. IF THE PLAT OR PLANS DO NOT REFLECT YOUR COMMENTS, PLEASE ADVISE ENGINEERING PRIOR TO THE ABOVE DATE. PLEASE RETURN YOUR PLANS TO ENGINEERING FOR COMMISSIONER DISTRIBUTION. A STAMPED SET OF THE CONSTRUCTION DRAWINGS AND THE PLAT WILL BE ON OUR REVIEW TABLE FOR YOUR SIGNATURES. IMPORTANT! OUR MEMO REGARDING THE FINAL PLAT APPROVAL FOR NAUTICA SOUND, PLA T TWO INDICATED THAT NO FURTHER SIGN-OFF WAS NECESSARY HAD YOU DONE SO PREVIOUSLY. WE ASK THAT YOU ALL SIGN OFF ON A SET OF THE FINAL PLANS AND THE PLAT FOR RECORD KEEPING PURPOSES. YOUR COOPERATION IS APPRECIATED! KRH C: William Hukill, Dev. Dir. and to file! SLESHR.PL T :i6- ./ u Z1 ..~ ('l~,J,L . ~.~ DATE: September 23,1996 TO: SUE KRUSE, ENGINEERING MEMO # 95-296 PETE MAZZELLA FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. AIDE ~ SUBJECT: RECORDED PLAT - ISLES OF HUNTER'S RUN Attached is your copy of the subject plat. KRHlkrh platout.ils W["". ';,'\~_,a ~J ~",@~ ---''1 1 . I ,i..,. ...._ I PL \, ",'. .-;;-;----1 l",,:,';I:\I\11'.NiJ ZI',';"I""" L''W''[ I y', ~'d.l IC(I J' '~ -... .... Kilday It Aaoclet.. Landscape Architects/ Planners 1551 Forum Place Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 (407) 689-5522 · Fax: (407) 689-2592 rn 0 W I In. I U < I.OU ' I lJ I; JI - 3 915 PLANNING AND , ,~",-"""....~...- June 27, 1996 Mr. Mike Haag Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Re: Isles at Hunters Run Our Project No.: 1247.2 Dear Mr. Haag: This letter is in response to the outstanding handicap parking issue included on your recent comment and review letter for the final plat approval. The handicap parking space issue was resolved at the January 9, 1996, Planning and Development Board meeting. The record clearly shows that all parties were in agreement that once Isles at Hunters Run had become part of the entire Hunters Run PUD, the parking spaces at the main guardhouse could be utilized. Enclosed please find a transcript of the verbatim minutes of the January 9, 1996, Planning and Development Board Meeting, and Memorandum 96-017 dated January 16, 1996, amending Condition No. 23 to provide for a handicap parking space located at the main Hunters Run PUD guard house if Isles of Hunters Run was accepted into the Master Property Owners Association. These Conditions received unanimous approval by the City Commission on January 16, 1996. Also enclosed please find the affidavit verifying that Isles of Hunters Run is part of the Master Property Owners Association, which would fulfill the requirement of Condition No. 23. I believe that this should resolve this outstanding matter and allow for final plat approval to proceed. Please contact me should any further information be necessary to resolve this matter. on Schmidt Kilday & Associates Attachment cc: Bill Hukill; City of Boynton Beach Ron Last; Lawson & Noble Andy Steinberg; Homedevco ;!I/o Kieran J. Kilday Committee Member Kieran J. Kilday Committee Member Voice Kieran J. Kilday Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member Committee Member( s) Committee Member And would it really provide the documentation from the City Attorney. Kerry, is that the only three objections that you had, alright, not necessarily objections... They are only adjustments that you need to. . . Is there any questions of the applicant or staff in regards to staff? If not, is there a motion? I'll make the motion to accept the Hunters Run application for the Isles of Hunters Run subject to the three staff comments that were just discussed which are numbers 26, we'll go back to, 23... 7 and 2. Okay, I know that I mentioned that, Kerry. In regards to what, you are saying that we approve it subject to the meeting the conditions of the Staff comments again. Is there a second? Second. Any discussion? Those in favor signify by aye. Aye. Opposed? ,,' Transcript Planning and Development Board Meeting ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN Request for Site Plan Approval January 9, 1996 Kieran J. Kilday And then the last item is item #23. And #23 is really a code provision that I was going to bring to your attention. We have been meeting with City staff. That's regarding the location of a handicap parking space adjacent to our new gate house. It is really just, I guess I want to add one thing to it, not really change it, but say that: Staff has indicated that if the security system is part of the overall Hunters Run security staff which has its own separate parking lot and then brings the security staff out to the various locations; we will not have to provide the space here as we will be able to make use of the space in the existing security staff parking lot which is around the corner from us. And I think that this is acceptable to staff. Mike Haag A little bit rewording for that. If the City Attorney has agreed that this particular development is part of the Hunters Run Association, then I can see omitting that comment, because then its just like Sutton Place and [another development name] development, so if the City Attorney can verify that it is part of the Hunters Run then I have no problem omitting that comment. At this point I haven't discussed that with him. Jim Cheroff, City Attorney Didn't I read somewhere that it was a part of the master? That it was going to be a part of the Master Association? Mike Haag If there is a problem doing that, I think that Kerry can probably give us some updated information on that. I think that there were working towards that, I don't know exactly where they are on that. Judge will you. . . Committee Member Yeah, Board of Governors of Hunters Run Golf and Racquetball Club and the Property Owners Association, which is a separate property owners association, which are two separate corporations, have passed resolutions saying that upon the development, approval and so on, and the acquiring of the site by the developer, it will be accepted as part of Hunters Run Golf and Racquetball Club. So there is no problem there. ENGINEERING MEMO # 96- 038 r,::::;' ........'-~-;J rn II , \Vl I:;' l' i\) '. . ,,., is I~~-:' l ~ PLANNING ANO ZONING DEPT. DATE: January 30, 1996 TO: JAMES CHEROF, CITY ATTORNEY FROM: KEN HALL, ENG. PLANS CHKJINSP~ SUBJECT: ISLES OF HUNTER'S RUN H.O.A. DOCUMENTS - REVIEW/APPROVAL. A TT ACHED IS THE DECLARATION OF COVENANTS AND RESTRICTIONS AND THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION FOR THE SUBJECT DEVELOPMENT. PLEASE REVIEW THEM AND ADVISE US AS TO THEIR ACCEPTABILITY FOR DEVELOPMENT PURPOSES. THANKS. KRHIkrh C: William Hukill, Dev. Dir. Mike Haag, Zon/Site Admin, with document. islesdoc.JC PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-632 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag Site and Zoning Development Administrator DATE: November 2, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run PUD - LUAR 95-005 2nd Review Comments for Master Plan Approval of 56 single-family detached zero-lot-line units on platted lots in connection with a rezoning of 29.71 acres from C-3 to PUD. Please be advised of the following comments relative to the review of the Master Plan for the above-referenced project: MASTER PLAN COMMENTS: I 1..--1 0\ . ,,,,}.- 2. \/ l '--, \ 3 . / lfJ / ,q /_./ V'I^ I' ,'-.. (Jr' ',))1 ; ( \,':' " ,-."~, \.. {,:;- \1\\ l{' :l' ,'" l.l r l(Yl\'\~. ',,'," \ IJ'\lf) / ,f)~ ), ,'I ,I . \J l)v j) ,,~v ~r V (y \ \;1 \ \'. \,5:) Extend the setback along the south property line to the east property line. Indicate on the master plan the maximum gross density (dwelling units per acre) proposed for the project. Identify on the master plan a tract designation for the proposed tracts along the east and north property lines and around lake Tract 1 and 2. Also delineate the tract boundaries. It is recommended that the proposed front building setback of 15 feet and the proposed rear building setback of 10 feet be both changed to 25 feet. It is further recommended that the non-zero side building setback be changed from 10 feet to 15 feet. The recommended setbacks would create a 120 foot by 40 foot, 4,800 square foot/building and area/footprint on a minimum size lot that is 170 foot deep by 55 foot wide and with 9,350 square feet. Please note the following setbacks and regulations that are established for the Sutton Place project which is a single-family platted lot subdivision located within the Hunters Run PUD: Front: Rear Side : Side : Maximum Lot Coverage: 25 feet 25 feet 7.5 feet* 7.5 feet* 45% * Side setback 6.0 feet for golf cart garages only. One golf cart garage allowed per lot. Based on the master plan the minimum lot size is 9,350 square feet and the typical maximum buildable area as defined by the proposed setbacks equals 6,525 square feet. This proposes a 69% lot coverage for the minimum size lots which does not include the percentage of lot coverage for the larger irregular shaped lots or the deep lots proposed along the west property line. Based on a 4.0 L.U.I. the maximum floor area of 4,622.00 square feet would be allowed per each of the proposed 56 lots in the proj ect . The ratio between the maximum floor area allowed per lot of 4,622.00 square feet and the minimum lot size of 9,350 square feet, a 49% lot coverage is created. The floor plans and colored perspective drawings submitted do not substantiate the need for a 69% lot coverage and do not illustrate the actual setbacks that will result when units are constructed adjacent to one another, i.e. '" Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-632 Isles at Hunters Run PUD LUAR 95-005 ./\, 6y / ....' , fji~' ~ ". ~},~ I ' )\ \;\.<' . 'ty'" ') X rf' VI....' , ..\. " .-:i' .,1)' . ,Iv ,~ \t.~ ,,,,'I' 1\" ~~,' ~, ,kF( , ,Fl' It'\'' J~ >' ,,1 "I tYl y':;. it'" V r\,' -1 r:,y \? ~ 'f'- i \-(t/ V" \ . f\') .~ ~ .~ ~ ,0 ~ >l.\ 'V' ~.~ \::: "" (\.~ ~J '~ " .".."6 .~ \t~ -1-> ...... ~ 'ill ~ \~ "-I K' e'Y 7. \1 .~ 8. "/' .v 9. 'V~/ /. , , J (') -<; ",) . drawings illustrate only one unit and not adjacent units. If the Commission accepts the 69% lot coverage in item 5 above, place a note on the master plan that indicates the maximum floor area will be submitted to the Building Department on a lot by lot basis as part of permitting to monitor land use intensity. The information shall be in chart form and submitted with each building permit requesting square footage that is included in floor area ratio computations. The chart shall verify that the maximum allowed square footage for the project is not exceeded. The chart shall identify the maximum allowed square footage for the entire development as allowed by the L.U.I., the total number of lots in the project, the subject building permit number, how many square feet are deducted from the maximum allowed floor area with the subject permit request and the balance remaining. The chart shall track all previous permits by permit number and include floor area computations. Provide data showing compliance with Land Development Regulation, Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3. M. regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth. Also, add a note to the master plan regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth as described in the afore- mentioned code section. Compliance with this comment is required prior to forwarding the request. The City Engineer shall determine compliance with this comment. Homeowners' association documents are required to be submitted prior to plat approval. The documents are subject to review by the city's legal staff, Engineering Division and Planning and Zoning Department. Submission of a rectified master plan will be required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department in triplicate prior to platting and site plan review of the project. 10. It is not recommended that half credit for private recreation be granted since access to the Hunters Run private recreation amenities will be only available to those residents of this project who agree to pay a membership fee. MEH:dim xc: Central File a:2NDISLES.Com .,i')/11,'~:')1 ;-'!'..J 6'IfJYVN-':: ;: " A, ,(' ~ ~ ~jlvt) ,") ~' .A/ J / I! -;r /-.y /; //2/1<1 Ifl<)~~ \' '7D'(j,- 1/,~12J.j IfJC :.z;Ct/U ,. ( ~ /'7 I f' . . /11lA _',' / Wi' ,../p.-r J- h. " D,"""J 77),::,: /c)<.. r- ~.'_ C" i. I ~J~__ <:"', f),{" :t / (rr ~ ' '<C..'r.. r C' /v'" ;<, /V~""''''i.,,:: ~ / . ,/I fie 'C';I It~ / 7:': .'\... r-y f;: k!:5 f:J,:'Nrt,t;.) dIU !lei/" "'''M(l Kc:p4r::.s: WicrJ, 1J..I,.,-;{i'C.,//,.~\;. !:P. f"'J.., (s d~..~~S ,~ /.' V '-" ~ /:} . r tJ2,1^tE:.nJ'....... ~'t:n__7<1.C''''-.s (;IVt..{ "jJJKC or- /,' // ....:-0/;;; r e A-z:::..j<;.,.) I}(}"_ ,;'" () , ^ . " . . r' ........ '-t.... /,,"-' 'oJ .~::: u... 't: /~, -'-P' , / I) t \ . "1<.,,'J:f-- ,__~t"J /1 ;~ I. 10 t:.' ("",\.7/ V <:4 n- ~ --~Y /2r'I-?1_r'Z1. /r.:::xr 1-/:.-6."1' Irc I~"'" ,,"'l_" If~_~' ~ <)..~-:: ''-"j... I.. <. ..s i /~~-t.......,.... S,t ,..(J <1(;< Ii/ol?!...::.' CIJ':'5 r / /~'JI fj'<jJ:-.-t,,'y (,/',._ {- It.h p'if,J . f ft'1';;O:r; I., ,.,I'::: - 1'( JI / { /e ~ (jdL~, ,/!,J.dJSC-q(" Act r i "/l..IJ..1) ()S("t':-/J! 1R Ar r - / /" '--.. ()p /7),;, A..()'~'IJ rf..,/j,r; lll't..':, R ,.. t.. .. / .''< i'. J JJ<' 1 (_)./A,/l./H~ IiJ,":' J.u r,',',t.;>,/J7C!i'(,>" /~nj.L/..'.~',:" :':'cJf.;,1.{..!( ,.(.".."d '~j/ . /...;; ,', c:;;.(.5 Ii ,tJ J ~t..cf !11d; N IL!)~ P> 0: ~S" . . " / .. II. !/ . /./ IJ _.77(\ _ "-'/..1\/1",;7 -tF t?, ','7,(,.(, /f~5'Ylr., /f1/ /)A.lr.L'jf\>,(I, 1;t:'/I//JLLy :\,(,") -,)//!- ,':),/ J/",<, 1("4.._ IS 1'::'7'v'II<'..:'7 I~.),!I::O- P..'.. ' '-I. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-632 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag Site and Zoning Development Administrator DATE: November 2, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run PUD - LUAR 95-005 2nd Review Comments for Master Plan Approval of 56 single-family detached zero-lot-Iine units on platted lots in connection with a rezoning of 29.71 acres from C-3 to PUD. Please be advised of the following comments relative to the review of the Master Plan for the above-referenced project: MASTER PLAN COMMENTS: 1. Extend the setback along the south property line to the east property line. 2. Indicate on the master plan the maximum gross density (dwelling units per acre) proposed for the project. 3. Identify on the master plan a tract designation for the proposed tracts along the east and north property lines and around lake Tract 1 and 2. Also delineate the tract boundaries. 4. It is recommended that the proposed front building setback of 15 feet and the proposed rear building setback of 10 feet be both changed to 25 feet. It is further recommended that the non-zero side building setback be changed from 10 feet to 15 feet. The recommended setbacks would create a 120 foot by 40 foot, 4,800 square foot/building and area/footprint on a minimum size lot that is 170 foot deep by 55 foot wide and with 9,350 square feet. Please note the following setbacks and regulations that are established for the Sutton Place project which is a single-family platted lot subdivision located within the Hunters Run PUD: Front: Rear Side : Side : Maximum Lot Coverage: 25 feet 25 feet 7.5 feet* 7.5 feet* 45% * Side setback 6.0 feet for golf cart garages only. One golf cart garage allowed per lot. 5. Based on the master plan the minimum lot size is 9,350 square feet and the typical maximum buildable area as defined by the proposed setbacks equals 6,525 square feet. This proposes a 69% lot coverage for the minimum size lots which doea not include the percentage of lot coverage for the larger irregular shaped lots or the deep lots proposed along the west property line. Based on a 4.0 L.U.I. the maximum floor area of 4,622.00 square feet would be allowed per each of the proposed 56 lots in the proj ect. The ratio between the maximum floor area allowed per lot of 4,622.00 square feet and the minimum lot size of 9,350 square feet, a 49% lot coverage is created. The floor plans and colored perspective drawings submitted do not substantiate the need for a 69% lot coverage and do not illustrate the actual setbacks that will re 1~ when units are constructed adjacent to one another, i. Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-632 Isles at Hunters Run PUD LUAR 95-005 drawings illustrate only one unit and not adjacent units. 6. If the Commission accepts the 69% lot coverage in item 5 above, place a note on the master plan that indicates the maximum floor area will be submitted to the Building Department on a lot by lot basis as part of permitting to monitor land use intensity. The information shall be in chart form and submitted with each building permit requesting square footage that is included in floor area ratio computations. The chart shall verify that the maximum allowed square footage for the project is not exceeded. The chart shall identify the maximum allowed square footage for the entire development as allowed by the L.U.I., the total number of lots in the project, the subject building permit number, how many square feet are deducted from the maximum allowed floor area with the subject permit request and the balance remaining. The chart shall track all previous permits by permit number and include floor area computations. 7. Provide data showing compliance with Land Development Regulation, Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3. M. regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth. Also, add a note to the master plan regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth as described in the afore- mentioned code section. Compliance with this comment is required prior to forwarding the request. The City Engineer shall determine compliance with this comment. 8. Homeowners' association documents are required to be submitted prior to plat approval. The documents are subject to review by the city's legal staff, Engineering Division and Planning and Zoning Department. 9. Submission of a rectified master plan will be required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department in triplicate prior to platting and site plan review of the project. 10. It is not recommended that half credit for private recreation be granted since access to the Hunters Run private recreation amenities will be only available to those residents of this project who agree to pay a membership fee. MEHldim xc: Central File a:2NDISLES.Com LAWSON,NOBLE & WEBB TEL:4076841812 Jul 31 '96 15:05 No.025 P.01/02 ,!,,? !,i) ""',1'1 ?; ~, \! ill" . ,? ,:1) l5 ~ U LNW . ~c ii~-:I 19oo I . ... . . . . _ \ :.J PLANNING AND 1 LAWSON, NOBLE & WEBB, INC. ZONING DEPT. FA.~ COVER SHEET HIGHLIGHTS OF SERvlCES ENGll\"EERING: SURv~YING: ResfdentieI and Commercial Site Development Municipal/Public Works Engineering Construction EngIneering Inspection Public and Private Highway Design Stormwater Mar.~geme!lt Systems Services District Engineers VV<:lter Dis1rfbutlon Systems Sanitary Sewer Systems C"l - =0 ..... I 'l:r QO 1,0 R C) ~ .. X < ~ Right-of-Way Research/Map PreparatIon - omeowners/Condominium Documents '\C ~ Boundary cnd Topographic Surveys IQ I BuildIng Construction Surveys ~ \: Expert Witness Testimony ConstructIon Layout g Plat Preparation :::: .. Title Res6arch ~ . 8 'fir f"::i t'"l 1/;/ /1'- I , TOTAL NWASER OF PAGES INCLUDING THIS COVER PAGE: COpy TO FOllOW IN MAIL j( YES 0 NO TO: U-ry (F ~Y.tl~;.~ PL~NAi.uu. ATTN.: FROM: C I+r-,(t.,~ ."Jf.,tJ-nUf PROJECT #: DATE; FAX #; )1~- 0()~o Z Ate. Mlk.e 4~/ Sf:- I~~ /2tL...., ~/,J; MESSAGE: /lfr.ce 77-fc rJ7Yrk~ PE7.1'Ut'- / S . $"'~~...... / 1 . jJAf '5:d~7::;r" 6 CJF TrtP; ?Av'r~ rr c>e.4i-N.JIfI.4~- J>4'1N$ P~~""lP~ By tJ~.Il!' ~~rce. 4/~ HnD~ '7""'Jh;: :S.J>~/~/C"n7""'t!,-"J ~C 7"~ L:.fI.4-{..~ I ttt/t""'C- ~c~,ep (2) ?~Xf6 /" 13'LU~RI-'X-rr Th y~u -z't,~d~-k.> - E _ / S/~.A./~ 15~~ Bv ~ &l./4-{N~ ~F e~~KP. - ... ": - :.. ..s ~ .. ... (J ~ '" = ::= ... - e: ... ~ ~ .. :: ,.... -- c' -= = - '0 U o C'i "If . LRWSON.NnBLE & WEBB TEL:4076841812 ]ul 31'96 15:05 No.025 P.02/02 "- .- IIiI <<I&J ~l:I.I::; I f'fM J.' ~ fJ3:Df W 1)d V..:l !lI85lo( 1;1 ~ 'U LlItlo iSI 3Hl. . zt.nS rm /a' 96/01/11 N';)llJ3S 3m ~W rct) :QJO QJt'JIIn:II :a:E:7O:I ...... to . -op .JE. - 'T(~ TWM.~..l.3ti ~W OW':.J:C ~~ *SC:afiV1d. ( , J"Cl::) ovr $6It/l t UVia.;~W !i;6 N:Ji. =3.l'VQ -:)UI 'qq.. . } "OOh\fcJ }{) .1S 3.!.W ~ 30i ~VOS i ii~.; ~... i ~ _Ill ... B~ a is ~ "iiQ~ ~.. i ; ~;n ~~ l'oi ~ a ~~ii ! ~ If lelS ~~~ ~ ~j~~ ~m ~ ~ r ~5 ~q \ r! I : I i J \\ ~ ~! ~ ~ ~~ 11 _ ~ \ J la, ~ II '( ~~ .. 1":.... ,.- .l .:+:+_ IE a:: .~- ~ J+.'.~ \ ;, ~ ~::~. ~\ """i: ';%i'~J. / "::::.. \ ~ A: 1-- \ N d \ i . \ :H111~ I 1 .. < t- it;1 g~ fEll! .J < ~ ~ .... N ~ oi ... ~ - a5 1r,! a i .- i ...1$ . ~i;. ~'Ir;f ~i~1 '" I I 1- I <~ ;~~ o ~ . r n-SCLARATION OF COVENANTS AND \,... , ,:-t~ RESTR~~TIONS FOR THE ISLES AT HUI\''j;RS RUN THIS DECLARATION (the "Declaration"), made this _ day of 199_, by HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD., a Florida limited partnership {the "O"iveloper"), who declares that the real property hereinafter described, which is owned Developer (hereinafter referred to as "The Isles at Hunters Run") is and shall be transferred, sold, conveyed and occupied subject to the covenants, restrictions, eas charges and liens (sometimes hereinafter referred to as the "Covenants and Res hereinafter set fonh. lVHEREAS, Developer is presently the owner of the pr hereof, and intends to subject said property to the covenants and each and all of which is and are for the benefit of said prope owner thereof or of any part thereof, and shall inure to the benefit and each and every part thereof, and shall apply and to bind every said property, or any part thereof, and their and each of the representatives and assigns. \V I T N E SSE T H : The following word shall have the following (unless the context shall prohibit), 1. Associatio Restric . "By- Isles at Hunters Run Homeowners is is the Declaration of Covenants and Incorporation (the "Articles"), and By-Laws (the made a part hereof, as Exhibits A and B respectivel~. nters nil or "Property" or "Properties" shall mean and refer nd addit thereto, as are subject to this Declaration, and shall ed hereafter in Article II. 3. I shall mean and refer to all existing properties and additions thereto which are is Declaration and which are for the common use or enjoyment of the members of t iation and are to be maintained by the Association. The Common Area consists of Trac and such drainage easements which have been dedicated, all as shown on the Plat for The Isles at Hunters Run, as recorded in Plat Book _' at Page _' of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, together~ith any improvements on such Tracts including, without limitation, all structures, sidewalks, street lights, entrance features, walks, landscaping, and irrigation systems and appurtenances, excluding however, any public utility installations thereon, all of which are to be maintained by the Association. In addition, the Common Area shall include all lakes for which the maintenance responsibility is to be shared between the Association and the Master Association (as herein defined). GAK J\J1'93 .00>>.51:771010496 IDJ m @ m n w ~ fn/: IJI) . 241996 IU: "_ ENGiNEERI~\'G ., , . I . ~ ,.;.,. 4. "Developer" shall mean and refer to HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD., a Florida limited partnership, and its successors or assigns, if any such successor or assign acquires the undeveloped portion of The Isles at Hunters Run from the Developer for the purpose of development and is designated, in writing, as such by HOME DEVELOPMENT OF HUNTERS RUN LTD., a Florida limited partnership 5. "Lot" shall mean and refer to any lot or other parcel in The Isles at Hunters Run, together with any and all improvements thereof, as shown on the Plat for The Isles at Hunters Run, recorded in Plat Book _ at Page _' of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, on which a residential structure could be constructed whether or not one has been constructed. 6. "Owner" shall mean and refer to the record owner, whether one or more persons or entities, of the fee simple title to any Lot. 7. "Master Association" shall mean Hunters Run Property Owners Association, Inc., a Florida not-for-profit corporation, its successors and assigns. 8. "Master Declaration" shall mean the Hunters Run Declaration of Covenants, Restrictions and Easements as recorded on December 17, 1979 in Official Records Book 3195 at Pages 1107 through 1123 inclusive, Public Records, Palm Beach County, Florida. ARTICLE II. PROPERTY SUBJECT TO THIS DECLARATION 1. Le~al Description: The real property which is and shall be held, transferred, sold, conveyed, used and occupied subject to the covenants and restrictions with respect to the various portions thereof set forth in the various Articles and Paragraphs of this Declaration, is located in the County of Palm Beach, State of Florida, and is more particularly described as follows: All lots owned by Developer and comrnon areas dedicated to the Association in that recorded Plat known as THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN, recorded in Plat Book _ at Page _ of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, which is more particularly described in Exhibit C attached hereto and made a part hereof, hereinafter referred to as the "Property". 2. Mer~er or Consolidation: Upon a merger or consolidation of the Association with any other association as provided in its articles of incorporation, its properties, rights,~and obligations may, by operation of law, be transferred to another surviving or consolidated association or, alternatively, the properties, rights and obligations of another association ~ay, by operation of law, be added to the properties, rights and obligations of the Association or another association as a surviving corporation pursuant to a merger. The surviving or consolidated association may administer the covenants and restrictions established by this Declaration within the Properties, together with the covenants and restrictions established upon any other property as one scheme. No such merger or consolidation, however, shall effect any revocation, change, or addition to the covenants and restrictions established by this Declaration CAK 1131'93.00>>.5127710 10496 2 , . " . '- \.. ~'.- ~.:" - ~ " (-::." ".~ '-,' within the Properties. Any such merger or consolidation shall require the affirmative vote of two-tlllids (2/3) of Owners entitled to cast a vote. ARTICLE III. l\1El\tBERSHIP AAro VOTING RIGHTS IN THE ASSOCL.\. TION 1. Membership: Every person or entity who is a record fee simple Owner of a Lot, including the Developer, at all times as long as it owns all or any part of the Property subject to this Declaration, shall be a member of the Association, provided that any such person or entity who holds such interest merely. as security for the performance of an obligation shall not be a member of the Association. Membership shall be appurtenant to, and may not be separated from, ownership of any Lot which is subject to assessment. 2. Classes and Voting: The Association shall have such classes of membership, which classes shall have such voting rights, as are set forth in the Articles of the Association. 3. Suspension of Voting: RiQ:hts: Notwithstanding the provisions hereof, the Association shall have the right to suspend any Member's voting right (other than the right of the Developer) for any period during which any assessment or installment thereof shall remain unpaid for more than ten (10) days after the due date for the payment thereof. 4. Powers of the Association: The Association shall have all of the powers, duties and obligations as set forth in this Declaration, the Articles, and the By-Laws. 5. Termination of the Association: In the event the Association is terminated or shall no longer continue to exist for any reason whatsoever, the Master Association may maintain all Common Areas and is hereby authorized to assess all Owners the costs of such maintenance, provided that the Board of Directors of the Master Association has given its prior consent. ARTICLE IV. PROPERTY IN THE COl\tMON AREAS 1. Ownership: Developer may retain the legal title to the Common Areas so long as it owns fee simple title to at least one Lot in the Properties. On or before conveyance by Developer of the last Lot which it owns in the Properties (or sooner at the Developer's option), the Developer, or its successors and assigns, shall convey and transfer the record fee simple title to the Common Areas to the Association, at the expense of the Association, and the Association shall accept such conveyance, subject to taxes for the year of conveyance and to mortg~ges, restrictions, limitations, conditions, reservations, and easements of record. Commencing with the date this Declaration is recorded, the Association shall be responsible for the maintenapce and administration of the Common Areas in a continuous and satisfactory manner and for the payment of taxes assessed against the Common Areas and any improvements and personal property thereon accruing from and after the date of such recordation. Such taxes shall be prorated between the Developer and the Association as of the date of such recordation. Developer shall have the right from time to time to enter upon the Common Areas during CAK 1131'93.00>>.51:7710104116 3 ,...:.-.;,.: r~.'.. ,I.' rG:."" ~'~~ , !-4 periods of construction upon adjacent properties and for the purpose of construction of any f:1cilities- on the Common Areas that Developer elects to build. 2. Members' Easements: Each Member of the Association and each tenant, guest, and invitee of such Member shall have a permanent and perpetual easement for ingress and egress for pedestrian and vehicular traffic over and across the walkways, private streets, sidewalks and driveways from time to time laid out on the Common Areas for use in common with all other Members, their tenants, guests and invitees. The portion of the Common Areas not used, from time to time, for walkways, private streets, sidewalks or driveways shall be for the common use and enjoyment of .the Members of the Association and each Member shall have a permanent and perpetual easement for the use of such portion of such lands as common open space in such manner as may be regulated by the Association. The foregoing easements are subject to the following: A. The right and duty of the Association to levy assessments against each Lot for the purpose of maintaining the Common Areas in compliance with the provisions of this Declaration and with any restrictions on the plat or plats of the Properties from time to time recorded. B. The right of the Association to suspend any Owner's voting rights for a period not to exceed sixty (60) days for any infraction of its lawfully adopted and published rules and regulations. . C. The right of the Association to adopt and enforce rules and regulations governing the use of the COlIh'110n Areas and all facilities at any time situated thereon. D. The right of the Developer or the Association to dedicate or transfe~ all or any part of the Common Areas to any public agency, authority or utility for such purposes and upon such conditions as may be agreed to by the Members, provided, however, that no such dedication or transfer by the Association shall be effective unless approved by the Developer, so long as the Developer owns at least one Lot within the Property and by 4/5ths of entire membership at a regular or special meeting of Members duly called and regularly conducted in accordance with the By-Laws. E. The right of an Owner to the use and enjoyment of the Common Areas and facilities thereon shall extend to the members of his immediate family who reside with such Owner, subject to the regulations from time to time adopted by the Association in its lawfully adopted and published rules and regulations. The easements provided in this Paragraph 2 spall be appurtenant to and shall pass with the title to each Lot. 3. Utilitv Easements: Public utilities may be installed underground in the Common Areas when necessary for the service of the Property. All use of utility easements shall be in accordance with the applicable provisions of this Declaration. CAK 113m. 00>>.5127710 10496 4 I;,'.';.~' t.. p ,.-;.. 4. Public Easements: Fire, police, health, sanitation and other public service personnel and vehicles shall have a perpetual, non-exclusive easement for ingress and egress over and across the Common Areas. 5. Easement for Unintentional and Non-Negli!!ent Encroachments: If any other building or improvement shall encroach upon any portion of the Common Areas or upon an easement by reason of original construction or by reason of the non-purposeful or non-negligent act of Developer or of any other owner of such building or improvement, then an easement for such encroachment shall exist so long as the encroachment exists. Such easement shall include the right of ingress and egress during reasonable times of day for the purpose of maintaining and repairing the encroachment. Any exercise of the right of ingress and egress for maintenance and repair shall not be deemed a trespass. 6. Association Easement: For the purpose solely of performing its duties and responsibilities authorized by this Declaration, and in addition to any other easements granted to it, the Association, through its duly authorized agents, employees or independent contractors, shall have the right, after reasonable notice to the Owner, to enter upon any Lot at reasonable hours of any day except Sunday. In the event of an emergency, such right of entry shall exist, without notice on any day, including Sunday. Each Owner hereby grants to the Association, its duly authorized agents, employees or independent contractors such easements for ingress_and egress, across the Lots and through the improvements constructed upon the Lots, as may be reasonably necessary to effect and perform the Association's duties. 7. Additional Easements: The Developer (during any period in which the Developer has any ownership interest in the Property) and the Association (during such period as the Developer no longer has any interest in the Property) shall each have the right to grant such additional electric, telephone, gas, sprinkler, irrigation, cable television, or other utility easements, and to relocate any existing utility easement in any portion of the Property and to grant access easements and to relocate any existing access easements in any portion of the Property, or any portion thereof, for the general health or welfare of the Owners or for the purpose of carrying out any provisions of this Declaration; provided that such easements or the relocation of existing easements will not prevent or unreasonably interfere with the use of the Lots for dwelling purposes. 8. Master Association Easement: In the event the Association, for whatever reason, fails to fulfill its maintenance obligations pursuant to Article IV of this Declaration, then the Master Association is hereby authorized, however, shall be under no obligation, to maintain the Common Areas and Lots in accordance with the provisions of this Declaration upon approval by the Board of Directors of the Master Association. If such approval is granted, the Master Association is hereby granted a non-exclusive, perpetual easement over the Properties to perform such maintenance obligations and to conduct such maintenance activities as may be required by the Master Declaration. The Master Association shall have the right pursuant to the Master Declaration to assess the Association for the Master Association's costs in performing such maintenance and shall be entitled to a lien on the Common Areas for the non-payment of same. CAK IllmOO>>-512TT10104\16 5 ! --' . 9. Maintenance of Common Areas: Commencing with the date this Declaration is "recorded among the Public Records of Palm Beach County I Florida, the Association shall at all times maintain in good repair, and shall replace as often as necessary, any and all improvements situated on the Common Areas (upon completion of construction by Developer) including, but not limited to, landscaping, sprinkler pipes and systems, irrigation pipes, pumps and systems, paving, drainage structures, walkways, common parking facilities, street lighting fixtures and appurtenances, entrance features, perimeter walls, gates and planters, and other structures, except public utilities, all such work to be done as ordered by the Board of Directors. Maintenance of the street lighting fixtures shall include the fIxtures within the Common Areas and shall further extend to payment for electricity consumed in the illumination of such lights. The Developer or the Association may repair, change, replace or restore the walls and fences that are on any of the Lots or Common Areas within the Properties as the same are designated on the Plat for The Isles at Hunters Run. All work pursuant to this Section and all expenses hereunder shall be paid for by the Association through assessments imposed in accordance with Article V hereof. Such assessments shall be against all Lots equally; provided, however, that the cost of any maintenance, repair or replacement caused by the negligent conduct of a Member or by the failure of a Member to comply with lawfully adopted rules and regulations shall be levied as a special assessment against such Member. Any such special assessment, and the lien rights, if any, arising from such assessment, shall be governed by the provisions of Article V herein. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments for s,uch maintenance by non-use of the Common Areas or by abandonment of the Owner's right to use t.l}e Common Areas. 10. Developer's Ril!ht to Common Areas: Developer shall have t.lJe right from time to time to enter upon the Conunon Areas during periods of construction upon adjacent properties and for the purpose of construction of any facilities on the Common Areas that Developer elects to build. ARTICLE V. COVENANTS FOR MAlJ\T'fENANCE ASSESSMENTS 1. Creation of the Lien and Personal Oblil!ation of Assessments: The Developer, for each Lot owned by it within the Properties, subject to Paragraph 4 of this Article V, hereby covenants, and each Owner of any Lot by acceptance of a deed therefor, whether or not it shall be so expressed in any such deed or other conveyance, including any purchaser at a judicial sale, shall hereafter be deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association all annual assessments or charges for the maintenance of the Common Areas and such reasonable reserves as the Association may deem necessary; and each Owner of a Lot, by such acceptance, shall hereafter be deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association any special assessments for capital improvements or major repair; such assessments to be fixed, established and collected from time to time as hereinafter provided. All such assessments, together with interest thereon from the due date at the rate of eighteen percent (18.00%) per annum and costs of collection thereof (including reasonable attorneys' fees), shall be a charge on the land and shall be a continuing lien upon the Lot(s) against which each assessment is made, and shall also be the personal obligation of the Owner. No Owner may waive or otherwise escape liability for the assessments provided for herein by non-use of the Common Area or by abandonment. By acceptance of the CAK 113m .00>>.5121710 I 0496 6 --- " deed of conveyance to a Lot, each Owner shall have acknowledged the creation of a contractual lien for-the assessments prior to the establishment of any homestead exemption from foreclosure and forced sale in the event of nonpayment of the assessments. 2. Puroose of Assessments: The annual and special assessments levied by the Association shall be used exclusively for the purpose of promoting the recreation, health, safety and welfare of the residents of the Properties and in particular for the improvement and maintenance of the Common Area described above and any easement in favor of the Association, as well as for the operation and administration of the Association, including, but not limited to the cost of taxes, insurance, labor, equipment, materials, management, maintenance, and other supervision thereof, as well as for all other purposes which are permissible activities of, and undertaken by, the Association. 3. Uniform Rate of Assessment: All regular and special assessments shall be at a uniform rate for each Lot in the Properties. Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event the Board of Directors reasonably determines in good faith that the cause of a Special Assessment shall not be borne equally by all of the Lots, the Board may assess a Special Assessment upon certain but not all of the Lots, or may assess unequal shares of a Special Assessment upon the Lots. 4. Special Assessments for Caoital Imorovements and Maior Repairs: In addition to any annual assessments, the Association may levy in any assessment year a special assessment, applicable to that year only, for the purpose of defraying, in whole or in part, the cost of any construction, reconstruction, unexpected repair or replacement of a capital improvement as approved by the Board of Directors of the Association, including the necessary fixtures and personal property related thereto, provided ttiat ~'1y such assessments shall have the assent of two-thirds (2/3) of the entire membership voting in person, by proxy, or by wrJtten absentee ballot at a meeting duly called for this purpose, written notice of which shall be provided to all Members at least thirty (30) days in advance and shall set forth the purpose of the meeting. The due date of any special assessment shall be fixed in the resolution of the Board of Directors authorizing su~h assessment. 5. Date of Commencement of Annual Assessments Due Date: The assessments for which provision is herein made shall commence on the date or dates (which shall be the first day of a month) fixed by the Board of Directors of the Association to be the date of commencement. The due date of any assessment shall be fixed in the resolution authorizing such assessments, and any such assessment shall be payable in advance in monthly, quarterly, semi-annual or annual installments, as determined by the Board. 6. Duties of the Board of Directors: The Board of Directors of the Association shall fix the date of commencement of the assessment period, and the amount of assessments, at least thirty (30) days in advance of such date or period and shall, at that time, prepare a roster of the Lots and assessments applicable thereto which shall be kept in the office of the Association and shall be open to inspection by any Owner. Written notice of the assessment shall be sent to every Owner subject thereto not later than fifteen (15) days after fixing the date of commencement thereof. The Association shall, upon demand at any time, furnish to any Owner liable for said CAKI\3m OXO.512171010496 7 assessment a cenificate in writing signed by an officer of the Association, setting forth whether said assessment has been paid as to the Lot owned by the Owner making request therefor. Such certificate shall be conclusive evidence of payment of any assessment therein stated to have been paid. The Association, through the action of its Board of Directors, shall have the powers to enter into an agreement or agreements from time to time with one or more persons, firms or corporations for management services. The Association shall have all other powers as may be provided in its Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws. The Board of Directors shall also purchase officers' and directors' liability insurance and cause all officers and directors having fiscal responsibilities to be bonded, as the Board of Directors may deem necessary. 7. Effect of Non-Pavment of Assessment: The Lien. the Personal Obligation. Remedies of Association: If any assessment is not paid on the date when due, such assessment shall then become delinquent and shall, together with interest thereon and the cost of collection thereof, become a continuing lien on the Lot(s) against which such assessment is made and shall bind such Lot(s) in the hands of the Owner(s), his heirs, devisees, personal representatives, successors, and assigns, against whom the assessment is levied. No lien for unpaid assessments arising hereunder shall be effective until the Association shall have recorded a claim of lien in the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. Any individual who acquires title to a Lot upon the death of an Owner or by operation of law shall be personally liable for unpaid assessments with respect of such Lot. In any voluntary conveyance, the grantee shall be jointly and severally liable with the grantor for all unpaid assessments made prior to the time of such voluntarj conveyance, without prejudice to the rights of the grantee to recover from Ll}e grantor the amounts paid by the grantee therefor. If the assessment is not paid within fifteen (15) days after the due date, the assessment shall bear interest from the date when due at the rate of eighteen percent (18 %) per annum and the Association may bring an action at law agains~ the Owner personally obligated to pay the same or may record a claim of lien against the Lot(s) on which the assessment is unpaid and may foreclose the lien against the Lot(s) on which the assessment is unpaid, in like manner as a foreclosure of a mortgage on real property, or pursue one or more of such remedies at the same time or successively, and there shall be added to the amount of such assessment, attorneys' fees and costs of preparing and filing the claim of lien and the complaint in such action, and in the event a judgment is obtained, such judgment shall include interest on the assessment as above provided and a reasonable attorneys' fee to be fixed by the court, together with the costs of the action, and the Association shall be entitled to attorneys' fees in connection with any appeal of such action. It shall be the legal duty and responsibility of the Association to enforce payment of the assessments hereunder. 8. Rental Pending Foreclosure: In any foreclosure of a lien for assessments if the Lot subject to the lien is being rented, the Association shall be entitled to apply to a court of competent jurisdiction for the appointment of a receiver to receive the rentals and apply them to the amount owed to the Association. 9. Subordination of Lien to Mortl!ages: The lien of the assessments for which provIsion is herein made, as well as in any other provision of this Declaration, shall be subordinate to the lien of any institutional mortgage recorded prior to the recordation of a claim CAXlllm 00>>.51:17.0104% 8 . , . , r:;. .....'.,...~--- l~~.~ of lien for unpaid assessments. Such subordination shall not apply to assessments which become due and payable subsequent to a sale or transfer of such Lot pursuant to a decree of foreclosure, and in any other proceeding in lieu of foreclosure of such mortgage. No sale or transfer shall relieve any Lot from liability for any assessments thereafter becoming due, nor from the lien of any such subsequent assessment. The written opinion of either the Developer or the Association that the lien is subordinate to a mortgage shall be dispositive of any questions of subordination. 10. Effect on Developer: Notwithstanding any provision that may be contained to the contrary in this Declaration, for so long as Developer is the Owner of any Lot, the Developer shall not be liable for assessments against such Lot, excluding special assessments, provided that the Developer shall fund any deficit in operating expenses of the Association. Developer may, at any time, commence paying such assessments as to all Lots that it owns and thereby automatically terminate its obligation to fund deficits in the operating expenses of the Association. 11. Exempt PropertY: The Board of Directors shall have the right to exempt any of the Property subject to this Declaration from the assessments, charges and liens created herein provided that such part of the Property exempted is used (and as long as it is used) for any of the following purposes: A. Any easement or other interest therein dedicated and accepted by a lOCal public authority and devoted to public use; B. All Common Area as defmed L'1 Article II hereof; C. Any of the Property exempted from ad valorem taxation by the laws of the State of Florida, to the extent agreed to by the Association. Notwithstanding any provisioI?S of this Paragraph 11, no Lot (or any part thereof), land or improvements devoted to dwelling or related use shall be exempt from said assessments, charges or liens, except as provided in Paragraph 10 above. 12. Annual Budget: By a majority vote of the Board of Directors, the Board of Directors shall adopt an annual budget for the subsequent fiscal year of the Association which shall provide for allocation of expenses in such a manner that the obligations imposed by this Declaration must be met. 13. Trust Funds: The portion of all regular assessments collected by the Association as reserved for future expenses, and the entire amount of all special assessments, shall beheld by the Association in trust for the Owners of all Lots, as their interests may appear. ARTICLE VI. EXTERIOR MAINTENANCE AND ASSESSMENT 1. Bv the Owner: Each Owner shall maintain and repair all areas of the Owner's Lot and any structures thereon which are not required to be maintained or otherwise cared for by the Association as set forth herein; provided, however, that the Association reserves the right CAK 113m .lXXXI.5 ,.77,0104\16 9 \' '-:, - ,--' to maintain such areas, if, in its sole discretion, the Association deems it desirable. Each Owner -shall maintain, repair and replace all Owner-installed improvements and landscaping. If any Owner fails to maintain any area required to be maintained by the Owner under this section, the Association may, at its option, provide such maintenance service. 2. Assessment of Costs: The cost of such maintenance shall be assessed against the Lot or Lots upon which such maintenance is performed or, in the opinion of the Board of Directors of the Association, benefitting from same. The assessment shall be apportioned among the Lots involved in the manner determined to be appropriate by the Board of Directors of the Association. If no allocation is made, the assessment shall be uniformly assessed against all of the Lots in the affected area. The exterior maintenance assessments shall not be considered a part of the annual or special assessments. Any exterior maintenance shall constitute a lien on the Lot and be the personal obligation of the Owner and shall become due and payable in all respects, together with interest and fees for the cost of collection, as provided for the other assessments of the Association, and shall be subordinate to mortgage liens to the extent provided by Paragraph 9 of Article V hereinabove. . By acceptance of a Deed, each Owner of any Lot shall hereafter be deemed to covenant and agree to pay to the Association the assessment described herein, shall have acknowledged the creation of a contractual lien for the assessment prior to the establishment of any homest~ad exemption from foreclosure and forced sale and shall have waived said exemption from foreclosure and forced sale in the assessment. 3. Access at Reasonable Hours: For the purpose of performing the maintenance authorized by this Article, the Association, tllfough its duly authorized agents or employees, shall have the right, after reasonable notice to the Owner, to enter upon any Lot or the exterior of any improvements thereon at reasonable hours on any day except Sunday. ARTICLE VII. ARCHITECTURAL CO~TTROL 1. Architectural Control: No building, wall, fence, or other structure or improvement of any nature including, without limitation, swimming pool, screened enclosure, permanent barbecue pit, mailbox, lamppost, landscaping, or landscaping device, shall be erected, placed or altered on any Lot until the construction plans and specifications and a plan showing the proposed location of the structure and landscaping as may be required by the Architectural Review Board (ARB) have been approved in writing by the ARB named below. Each building, wall, fence, or other structure or improvement of any nature, together with the landscaping, shall be erected, placed, or altered upon each Lot only in accordance with the plans and specifications and plot plan so approved. Refusal of approval of plans, specifications, and 'plot plan, or any of them, may be based on any ground, including purely aesthetic grounds. Any change in the exterior appearance of any building, wall, fence, or other structure or improvements, and any change in the appearance of the landscaping, shall be deemed an alteration requiring approval. The ARB, which shall consist of three (3) members, who need not be members of the Association, shall have the power to promulgate such rules and regulations as it deems necessary to carry out the provisions and intent of this paragraph. The ARB shall CAK I'Jm.lXX>>.j I :77',0 10496 10 't...... (>. "-:'7-'''' . . be appointed by the Developer as long as it holds title to a Lot and, thereafter, by the Association. The address of said Board shall be that of the Association. 2. Architectural Review Board: A majority of the ARB may take any action the ARB is empowered to take, may designate a representative to act for it, and may employ personnel and consultants to act for it. In the event of death, disability or resignation of any member of the ARB, the Board of Directors of the Association shall designate a successor. The members of the ARB shall not be entitled to any compensation for services performed pursuant to this Article VII. 3. ARB Reports: The ARB's approval or disapproval of plans and specifications shall be delivered in writing to the Board of Directors of the Association and to the Owner submitting same. In the event the ARB fails to approve or disapprove plans and specifications within thirty (30) days of submission thereto, approval will not be required and the related criteria shall be deemed to have been fully complied with. 4. Powers and Duties of the ARB: Any party aggrieved by a decision of the ARB shall have the right to make a written request to the Board of Directors of the Association, within ten (10) days of such decision, for a review thereof. The determination of the Board upon reviewing any such decision shall in all events be dispositive. 5. Master Association Approval: No plan or specification shall be submitted to the Master Association for approval, unless and until it has received the written approval of the Architectural Review Board, whose approval, notwithstanding the foregoing, shall not be deemed fInal until such plans and specifications are also approved in writing by the Master Association. In the event the Association is delegated any and all powers of the Master Association concerning architectural control then, to the extent provided in the resolution making $uch delegation, the requirements as forth above and elsewhere in this Declaration as to the approval of the Master Association shall be waived. ARTICLE VIII. RESTRICTIONS 1. Land Use: The Property subject to this Declaration may be used for residential living and for accessory uses as defmed by the Code of Ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach and for no other purposes. No business or commercial building may be erected on any Lot and no business may be conducted on any part thereof, provided that this is not intended to preclude the Developer from the construction and use of sales models. No Lot shall be divided, subdivided or reduced in size. No dwelling or other structure or improvement shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any site not including at least one (1) fully platted Lot according to the recorded Plat of The Isles at Hunters Run or the plat of any portion of the Property . 2. Building Type: No building shall be erected, altered, placed or permitted to remain on any Lot within the Properties, other than one detached single-family dwelling containing a fully enclosed first floor area of not less than: CAX 113793 00>>.51277,01 0496 11 ;tf!.' "', 2. juiI~ Type: No building ~hall be erected. altered~ 'p~ or p::rmitted. to on any Lot within the Properties, other than one detached sUlgle-famUr dwclliDg ~jning a fully enclosed first flour area of not leas than: '1 A. 1;400 square feet . for a l-story residence B. 2,750 square feet. ~ for a 2-story residence exclusive of open or screen or tooted porches, tctI11Ce8, patios and suases) , u;:d shall not xceed two stories am thirty (30') feet in height, shall have a private and encl~' garage for t less than two (2) cars. \\tl1ether a one (1) story or two (2) story d.welling, no ~)kllCC shan in less than 1 ~400 square feet of liv~hJe enclosed floor area (exclusive of ope~ or screen or roofed porches, terraces, patios, aud garag~.) Unless approved by the ARBl as to use, location and architectural design, no ~w'age, tool or .stOrage room may be construc:ed separate and apart fmm the residential dwellin~. nor can any such structure(s) be COnstl'Uc:ed prior to cOJJStn1ction of the main p:sidential dwelling. . i 3. Roof: The oowposition of all pitched roofs shall be tile, cedar shake s~lingle. slate or other composition approved by the Architectural ReYicw Board. The minimum pltch of ~c.h roof Ahall be five (5) to twelve (12). I J . 4. furages: In addition to the requirements stated in Paragraph 1 herejnabove, all garages shall bav" a minimum width of twenty (20') feet for a two-ar earage, thiJ:ty (30') feet for a three-car garage, or forty (40') feet for a fuur-car larage, measured from the1nside walls of the iaraee- All gara,2es must have either a single overhead door with a minimunll door width of ,sixteen (16') feet for a two-car garage, or two -(2) sixteen (16') fcocO-oors fc.r a four-car g~t:, or two, th1ec, or four individual overhead doors, each a minimwn of sevef.[ (7') feet in 'width, and a service door. No carports shaJ1 be permitted. 5 - nrivew~ ConstructiQll: All dwellings shall have a paved driveway i;tf stable and pennanent constrUction, with a minimum width at the entrance to the garage at It:a:~t l wo (2 ') - feet wider llw1 same and designed to provide easy access ther~to_ Un Jess priot! approval is ubtained from the ARB, all driveways must be constructed with concrete or othet impervious material, except asphalt. I 6. Master PIon: All setbacks (including, but not limited w, building, sw::lIIl1riing pool. and screc.m roof enclO3UJC sctbacb) shall bo in a~ordance with th.e City of Bcf.vnton Beach approved Ml1Ster Plan (the "Master Plan") for the Property. as amended :from time:to time. All other improvements on the Property, not identified on ~ Master :Plan, sha)l be in full compliance with the regulations of the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinance". 7. G~es and Play Structures: All basketball backboards and any otbe{ fIXed iames and play structures shall he located at the rear of the dwelling, or on the inside port~on of comer Lots within tbe setback lines. No platform, dog bouse, playhQu~ ur Stl1:1CtuI'e of & similar kind or nature slulll ~ constructed on any part of a Lot located in front of the Iea~l' line of the -deuce constructed thereon, and all)' such structure must have prior a.pproval c( the ARB. \ j-r; \E6 · ~d'~ A'!~\~V;~ r. ~ I e\ v \) j ~lumGlOQlJ~ 12 TOTAL P.03 . "'~, Ii 1996 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 7, 1995 This item will remain on the table. c. PROJ ECT NAME: Papa John's.... ....................................._....................... TABLED APPLICANT REQUESTED TO BE TABLED UNTIL NOVEMBER 21, 1995 AGENT: Interplan Practice, Ltd. OWNER: Papa Johns USA LOCATION: Northeast corner of N.W. 7th Court and Boynton Beach Boulevard DESCRIPTION: NEW SITE PLAN: Request for site plan approval to construct a 1,142 square foot take-out pizza store on .22 acres This item will remain on the table. Mr. Kilday requested that Item X-D.l be moved up on the agenda to accommodate people in the audience. Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to move up Item X-D.l. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried unanimously. x. LEGAL D. Other 1 . Approval of Settlement Agreement with Summit Properties and Master Plan approval for Isles of Hunters Run Attorney Cherof advised that the City has been engaged in litigation of the Summit Properties for many years. In 1991, the City sought declaratory relief from the Orcuit Court with respect to development rights. The Court held that an earlier stipulation and court order from 1973 or 1974 locked in specific land uses and zoning for the property that fronts on Congress Avenue just north of Hunters Run. Within the body of the stipulation and final judgment was a prohibition against residential use on that property. Over time, it appears that the desires of the developer have changed with regard to what should occur on that property. We have engaged in negotiations with Summit Properties and the potential buyers of the property to process a rezoning, land use amendment and approval of a master plan. The settlement agreement would require that the application to rezone the property to PUD would be granted provided it is limited to single-family usage and an LUI rating of 4.00. The 23 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 7, 1995 application for a change in land use designation would be approved, and the designation would be changed to Low Density Residential. With respect to the master plan, there are issues with respect to access, drainage, and recreational amenities which can be resolved if this community is taken in under the umbrella of the Hunters Run Master Association. The master plan could be aplM>ved with the following conditions: 1. Approval of the adjacent Hunters Run community to include the "Isles" as one of their associations with equal rights with respect to access, drainage, and recreational amenities. The City must be provided with documentatioo of that approval. The Hunters Run community will not be able to formally vote on this until some time in December. 2. There are issues relative to proposed setbacks. The prop~1 would be that there would be 15' front setback, 10' rear building setback, 7' rear building setback when there are pools, jacuzzis, or whirlpools,S' rear screen endosure setback, 10' side minimum building separation, 3' setback on the side where there is a non-zero side screen enclosure,S' side setback when there is a non-zero side pool, and a building height of not more than 30'. There would be an appropriate notation made on the master plan indicating the maximum floor area that would be submitted to the Building Department on a lot-by- lot basis as far as permitting to monitor land use density. That information shall be charted on the face of the document. If there is an excess amount of square footages left over based upon the LUI calculation, all of the approved units will share in the excess. If approved, the settlement agreement will be outlined in the development order which would be signed by the City Attorney and the City Clerk, recorded, and submitted to the court with the stipulation. Maurice Rosenstock, One Villa Lane, was authorized to appear this evening to advise the Commission that when this project is approved, Hunters Run has every intention of allowing the Isles of Hunters Run to have all the privileges and access that all of the other 21 condominium associations are allowed at the present time. He urged the Commission to support this project. Mayor Taylor pointed out that these homes will cost approximately $350,000 and above. This will be quite an attraction to our housing stock. 24 MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA NOVEMBER 7, 1995 Kieran Kilday advised that he will be coming in with site plans very shortly. This project is on a very tight time frame because of financial and contractual obligations. He is hopeful that this project will receive final approval from the Commission during the first week in January. Motion Vice Mayor Bradley moved to approve the settlement agreement contained in the package, and authorize the Mayor, City Attorney, and City Clerk to execute the appropriate documents. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Attorney Cherof advised that without the assistance of the developer and representatives of Summit Properties, the City would not have been able to fast-track this matter and bring it to an amicable conclusion. THE COMMISSION RETURNED TO THE REGULAR ORDER OF THE AGENDA. D. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: Tara Oaks PUD ............................................................. TABLED Ki Iday and Associates Bill Ray Winchester Northeast corner of Woolbright Road and Knuth Road extended Request for approval to modify the previously-approved master plan to change access points, recreational amenities, unit type from apartments to townhouses and use acreage City Manager Parker advised that at the last meeting, there was a debate about the road closure of SW Congress Boulevard The applicant has researched this issue and located a stipulated order from DCA that was made part of the record with the map that was referenced at the earlier meeting showing the road closure that was sent up to DCA. That map indicated the open space to. be located just north of the north right-of-way line of SW Congress Boulevard. The applicant was notified this morning that it was staff's intention to recommend that since there was a stipulated order from DCA, the back portion of the open space area is to be limited to recreation facilities, open space and water management tracts. Currently, the site plan shows a 12-unit building in that area considered by staff to be a problem. The applicant has not had the opportunity to relocate that building on site. They would like to switch the location of the pool into the open space area and see if they can still fit the 12-unit building in the remaining site area. At this point, the total unit count is not available, nor is there a density number for this project. Mayor Taylor said he researched the issue of the road closure. His concerns have been satisfied, and he does not have a problem with the road not going through. He does, however, have a concern relative to the number of units. 25 . lW PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-584 TO: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag ~/vz.c.. . Q y:k;:j'd0L/ 0-2- Site and Zoning Development'~dmiftistra~ DATE: October 12, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run PUD - LUAR 95-005 1st Review Comments for Master Plan Approval of 56 single-family detached zero lot line units on platted lots in connection with a rezoning of 29.71 acres from C-3 to PUD. Please be advised of the following comments relative to the review of the Master Plan for the above-referenced project: MASTER PLAN COMMENTS: 1. The final determination from Palm Beach County Traffic Division regarding the project meeting the traffic performance standards shall be on file with the city and reviewed by city staff prior to forwarding the project. 2. Add to the survey and show on the master plan the location, size and type of all existing easements located on the property. Indicate on the plan what your intentions are regarding retaining or omitting the easements. [Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2 - Zoning, Section 6. F. 8. a. (2) (c) and Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3.H.I. and L.] 3. Label on the master plan the perimeter setback for the east and south sides of the project. 4. Indicate on the master plan whether the streets within the project and leading to the project are public or private. If the streets leading to the project are private, provide for staff review of an unsigned cross access easement agreement between both property owners. 5. Specify on the master plan the minimum lot frontage,' minimum lot width and minimum lot depth. 6. It is recommended that the front setback be increased to no less than 25 feet (regardless of type of unit) and specify on the master plan that the lot coverage shall not exceed 45 percent. 7. Add a note to the master plan indicatin9 th.t the projeet i. subject to fu'ture platting and site plan review prior to permitting. 8. Change the title of sheet 2 of 3 from Master Site Pl.n to Master Plan. Omit ah.et 1 of 3 and incorporate all applicable data on the site titled Master Plan. Add to sheet 3 of 3 the lot and street layout. 9. To clarify the setbacks indicate on the master plan the front of lot 56. Page 2 Isles at Hunters Run PUD 1st Review Comments for Master Plan 10. It is recommended that a 10 foot wide landscape tract be shown on the master plan at the rear of lots 27 and 2B. Clearly indicate on which tract the perimeter buffers and landscape easements are located, i.e. -- does the easement behind lots one (1) through 27 encumber lots one (1) through 27 or lake tract one (1) or two (2)? 11. Provide data showing compliance with Land Development Regulation, Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3. M. regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth. Also, add a note to the master plan regarding subsurface soil conditions and groundwater depth as described in the afore- mentioned code section. Compliance with this comment is required prior to forwarding the request. The City Engineer shall determine compliance with this comment. 12. Add a statement to the master plan that all utili ties are available and will be provided by the appropriate agencies. Compliance with this comment is required prior to forwarding the request. The City Engineer and Utilities Department shall determine compliance with this comment. [Land Development Regulations, Chapter 3 - Master Plan, Article IV, Section 3. P. ] 13. Homeowners' association documents are required to be submitted prior to plat approval. The documents are subject to review by the city's legal staff, Engineering Division and Planning and Zoning Department. 14. Specify on the master plan that the maximum floor area will be submitted to the Building Department on a lot by lot basis as part of permitting to monitor land use intensity. 15. Submission of a rectified master plan will be required to be submitted to the Planning and Zoning Department in triplicate prior to platting and site plan review of the project. 16. Comments relative to completeness of the application, beginning with the respective application item number, are as follows: 1.2 As the request must also include a request for a land use amendment, item "C" must be checked rather than item "A"; I.B The proposed zoning district, Planned Unit Development, should also include the proposed land use intensity; 1.14 The application should indicate the current land use category as Local Retail Commercial, not Office commercial; 1.15 The application should be revised to also request an amendment of land use plan to Low Density Residential, and this proposed classification should be shown here; Include the number of dwelling units proposed on the master plan; 1.16 II.C.l The application lacks endorsement (written consent) by property owner ( s) . The application shall be signed by all parties. A separate letter from property owner(s) can be faxed or mailed; Page 3 Isles at Hunters Run PUD 1st Review Comments for Master Plan C.3 The application lacks consent by property owner(s) authorizing agent to process request; h(3) Although due to size of the proposed Planned Unit Development, phasing information is not imperative to the application; however, the application does require timing or phasing information; and IV./V. As indicated above, the application lacks the signature of both property owner(s) and agent (see Item II.C.1 above). In conclusion, the applicant has agreed to modify the plans to show compliance with the comments made by staff relative to master plan approval and return same by 5:00 PM on October 17, 1995. The amended plans will be distributed to staff by the Planning and Zoning Department and the project will be placed on the October 24, 1995 Technical Review Committee meeting for second review. If a rectified master plan (no comments outstanding) is achieved by November 1, 1995, the project is planned to be presented to the City Commission on November 7, 1995. MEH:dim xc: Central File .: lSTISLIS. COli RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-468 I. ". :;i. ..... ~". .1. [)....'. ......I~ D' \:!' \~ . ..1. ! I 0 J 11;.Jl~ :~_._"~~_w, · \ I n\ ~... ;\G~.-I1.'-r' ')~ ~ 3' ~ i piLl . ~I I \ . ; I ~,.~~...~w.."."__li l l--:-,"q'I'.:1' ^'I~j a . PL,I"li.., ,:1." L.rnnl . 70i'!!;;\; L::l.L.._, ..... .-,..,'.""......_--'--'..,'......, "' TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist ,zd{f RE: The Isles of Hunters Run - Site Plan DATE: October 13, 1995 The applicant has submitted an existing tree plan which is attached to this memo. The trees will be incorporated with the landscape plan. I will coordinate the plan with the site clearing permit. KH:ad Attachment SEP-l9-'95 TlE 11:34 ID:KILT"'"'Y &1 ASSOC TEL I'D: 407-689-2592 ~143 P01 ... ....., It A........ Llindea8pt Ar;h1.../PlMlntl'l 1&61 POf'um PIau 8u1ta100A Wilt Pllm ..;h, fIlorld. a:M01 14071 ..aazz · f..: 14071 _-2!12 PhOne . Fill . FlU MEMORANDUM DATE: September 16, 1 SS5 TO: Kevin Hallahan; City of Boynton Beach Forester FROM: Karyn I. Janssen \<\ ~ RE: The Isles at Hunters Run. Site Visit OUR PROJECT NO.~ 1247.1 =============~~~~~~;~~~~~~------=========~-=~=-~ As we identified on our site visit on Wednesday, September 13, 1995, the site Is predominately covered with exotic vegetation consisting or ear Leaf ACaOIa Trees, Australian Pinesl Melaleuca, and Brazllllan Pepper. There are some native trees on site that would count towa.rds the no net loss requirement of the City. There are approximately thirty (30) Mahogany trees located directly adjacent to Congress Avenue and planted about thirty feet on center. There are an additional Seven (7) Mahogany Trees which are planted around the Jewish Federation center, Four (4) Sabal Palms and one (1) Slash Pine were located throughout the rest of the site. Of the native trees noted above, the deslre of the City would first be to preserve them In place. the next option would be to relocate them on.site. If this Is not possible, then 8 third option Is to relocate the trees off-site and the last option would be to mitigate. Mitigation consists of replaclne one tree that would be removed with one new tree In the common area of the new Site PI~n. After appraising the plant material on site. there are four Mahogany Trees which are highly shaded by five (5) large Flous Trese on the east of the Jewish Federation Building. Therefore, we will be mitigating for thea" four (t4) tree.. The four (4) SClbal PCllm$, due to their IOC&1ion. will most likely need to be relocated on site If the Site Plan Incorporates Sabal Palms In the design. The one (1) Slash Pine will simply be mitigated due to the fact that It can not be preserved In Its looatlon nor relocated due to the low survivability of a relocated pine, With the double row of Mahogany TreM located along CongrGGs Avenuo, there Ie the opportunity to design theso troc5 Into tho Site Plan If the client so desires to preserve these trees In place and If the site grading necessary Will permit their preservation. There are several missing Mahogany Trees along Congreee Avenue and the three (3) Mahogany Trees that are In healthy cond ition located adjacent to the Jewish Federation Center Are 8pproximately the same size. These trees could be relocated to Congress Avenue to fill In the holes of the missing Mahogany Trees. Relocation of the three (3) Mahoganies adjacent to the Jewish federation will depend on theIr close proximity to the building and the cost which could be prohibitive due to their size. _____ SEP-19-'95 TUE 11:35 ID:KIl~~Y & ASSOC . k -... TEL NJ:407-689-2592 1:1143 P02 Mr. Kevin Hallahan September 19, 19Se Page 2 Of 2 Behind the Mahogany trees along COngress Avenue. there is an approximate five foot borm and on top of the ben'll, Oleanders have been plaoed. The Oleanders have not been malntainod and will probebly be removed during lilt. oonetruotion duo to the fact that the berm will be reshaped. As we discussed, there are additional requirements of the City regarding landscape on this site. There are two medians adjacent to the property however. due to the fact that these medians have already been designed and grant monies have already been applied for to pay for the cost of the materlells and the Installation, this requirement will need to be further discussed wltn the City Manager. Cue to the fact that there are two lakes that are proposed to be dug on the property, the last landscape requirement tor this site would be littoral planting plans. The one lake that is adjacent to the west and south property line of the site Is proposed to be enlarged with a finger-like extension Into the property. It Is my understanding that only that portion of the lake that fall. within our property should be subject to the littoral planting requirements. The lakes at Hunters Run are existing and have already had to comply with the Littoral Plandng Plan requirements of the City. The property owner of this site should not be responsible for any additional plantlngs required off-alte. If you should have any questions or ooncerns regarding the Information discussed above, please feel free to call me at (407) 089-5622. 00: Andy Stllnbwg . '. FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-358 WDC ,I \ i: i, I' 1',1' I:: i , t i..! , " I' I 11'1 . i Ii: , III ,i'.;'! l I : lill IWI I'j !l!!) ulJ! . ~ ~I..J L,.,~-~_~,__l PLP.iHlIWl MJ[) /I.. .I ZOiJiNG I1FPf. 1.}7?'l.e/ _.-:_,_ W- "fll lP'l _""'" TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department Dl\TE: October 12, 1995 RE: Isles at Hunters Run Follow the attached Fire Department guidelines on security gates. Enlarge the ninety foot (90') cul-de-sac to one hundred feet (100'). The minimum distance between buildings shall be fifteen feet (15'). Detached structures, trellises, etc., must leave a minimum of five feet (5') of clear width to Fire Department access. /~~~~~-t William D. Cavanaugh, FPO I cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File SECURITY GATES AND EMERGENCY ACCESS: The Fire Department continues to have the opinion that security gates are detrimental to Fire and Rescue operations. The minimum performance for security gates is as follows: 1- Gates shall be openable by telephone, with a call from central Dispatch Center. 2- When the gate is opened by the call from central Dispatch, it shall remain open until the emergency is over; at which time central Dispatch will be told, by Officer in charge, to close the gate. 3- In case of a power failure the gate shall open automatically. 4- Appropriate "Hold Harmless" agreement re: damage to gates equipment, etc. PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-716 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Al Newbold, Building Division William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Bill Hukill, Deve~pmTnt Department Michael E. Ha-:;y/:),;.,)-MI~' Site and Zoning ~evelopment Administrator December 13, 199~~ Isles at Hunters Run PUD - Master plan Modification (sign-off) - File # LUAR 95-005 FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: The amended master plan for Isles at Hunters Run PUD has been submitted for final sign-off by the Technical Review Committee. Five (5) sets of plans, each requiring your unconditional signature, are available for review in the Planning and Zoning Department. A copy of the originally reviewed plans, staff comments and City Commission approval of the Master Plan Modification will be available for your use to perform the review. Please review and sign-off each of the five (5) sets of plans, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., DECEMBER 20, 1995. If the plans are not in compliance with your staff comments or City regulations, sign the plans "subject to memo". To facilitate the sign-off process, please resubmit written comments addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., DECEMBER 20, 1995. It should be noted that the applicant is preparing plat documents that will be processed through the Development Department. The plat and construction documents shall coincide with the signed-off Master Plan, any major deviation desired by the developer must be approved by the Technical Review Committee. Thank you for your prompt response to this request. MEH:bme cc: Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Central File a:wlsignof.ISL ." PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-716 TO: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Al Newbold, Building Division William Cavanaugh, Fire Prevention Officer Sgt. Marlon Harris, Police Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Clyde "Skip" Milor, Utilities Chief Field Insp. Sill Hukill, Deve p:;:;nt Department 2 Michael E. Haag . Site and Zoning evelopment Administrator FROM: DATE: December 13, 199 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters-Run PUD - Master Plan Modification (sign-off) - File # LUAR 95-005 _b... The amended master plan for Isles at Hunters Run PUD has been submitted for final sign-off by the Technical Review Committee. Five (5) sets of plans, each requiring your unconditional signature, are available for review in the Planning and Zoning Department. A copy of the originally reviewed plans, staff comments and City Commission approval of the Master Plan Modification will be available for your use to perform the review. Please review and sign-off each of the five (5) sets of plans, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., DECEMBER 20, 1995. If the plans are not in compliance with your staff comments or City regulations, sign the plans "subj ect to memo". To facilitate the sign-off process, please resubmit written comments addressed to the Planning and Zoning Director, NO LATER THAN 5:00 P.M., DECEMBER 20, 1995. It should be noted that the applicant is preparing plat documents that will be processed through the Development Department. The plat and construction documents shall coincide with the signed-off Master Plan, any major deviation desired by the developer must be approved by the Technical Review Committee. Thank you for your prompt response to this request. MEH:bme cc: Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Charles Frederick, Recreation & Parks Director Thomas Dettman, Police Chief John Guidry, Utilities Director Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director Pete Mazzella, Assistant to Utilities Director Steve Campbell, Fire Department Central File a:wlsignof.ISL (-:---'-"--+- OCT-23-'95 I'D'l 15: 13 ID:KY QAY &1 ASSOC lid.,. ..oci.t.. Landscape ArehiteetsjPlonners 15~1 Forum Plcce SUite 1 aOA West Polm Beach, Florida 33401 407 689-5522 -Fo><: 407 669-2592 TEL t~:407-889-259? 1:1632 P01 t:. '_1' , , . /' .! i J !~1 /t; r5J -~ _ "'-. ~...~->:--,>>'-- ,I,., /, 1/ n.. Y.. I~ ,..., . ,. 5 I ' i . '-~"7 {fll i ; 'I II ! 1 t .. i ~""hj I '''-"-..,... , FAX TRANSMISSION ;:~~M/ ~0//d#J?ff/ ~/::d DATE: ~.5):3~ _~OM: ~~4 L;~~-=, SPECIALINSTRUC~'ONS: ~,e ~~ - 4. ~F7 ~~rJ~'15=~Z /r{,t!7"'"..9 r:~_f Z /?'.R~d # J5..~J>~/~H1.,t..,el'~3 ~~.... ~ COF'Y WILL.' BE OR1GINAL'DOCUMENT _ ORIGINAL DOCUMENT TO FOl.l.OW IN MAIL NUMBeR OF PAGES: "9 (INCLUDING THE COVER SHEET) CUENTNAME: ~ PROJECT NUMee~~ ~~. 1............._....'.~ .... ,~, /) u 1:*532 P02 1~~'='2 F .01 toe.lIP NWIIe ~~--:- OCT -23-' 95 11OI-l 15: 13 ID: KILDAY & ASSOC CCT-Z~-1i'5 0'131 F~OM '.. ~...... .';Ii U TEL ND:407-689-2592 TO . ....... .. ... --"'... ~.... .... UlmJI_ ....,.,.- ...".,..... , -..... .'......e ........mst .. ..It"...... ....,.,. .. .,....., "'r.lr1fM & ,.......,.. ~.,...,...,. .. _'W "'11I61' ....,... II. .,.... ........trtD.....~ MIll T..... ........", ~ ... ....Ift. *' ...... ~"'".. ., ~Dtlt- *'"- II. ..... .... ~ ............ """~ . ..... ~. ........1. _ __.. ___....fl.., ... S.CBS ~ S...x. P.A. ..""0-"11:', ," ~" alM'l'. .&... - "15'''''11I'I_ T"..._WIIlI ...,-.- .... ...... ,...-... ..... - 2: fE DJ ~ .b~ -,...- -....... ..... ... .,..., .... ....'tOt&. ~..... ........,.11 .... "1M~l;It;t 011O'I......... 'Cl.ICiOI'IlClr ..." .......... -.. - Oat~.~ 20, 1"5 .,..~ ..."..1Io4MI . "'''11.', """" J'~ ....DIrLB - JqJJI7:1-,Glj Z~ln, Ibiaoft, I.~r. BeMlS", ICIAnIWl, UJitOISOli UD C.NWI 20'0 8. _i.aap. 'lvt;1" h.it. 10'0 .to.L~ .loc1dA "111 a.. . hQ....5. ilw:a ~/C;am:rDtlrU1al 'l~.Ctt 0u.~_.1l1. IIn........1:' I 1 StJl~ .91 D..I' 7.1:"" Pur.u-.m: 'to CtUI:' ....~.i.A9 of Qc'tOber 11. 1915 ~~a.z'(U.ni' tb- aI>>oYe"r.f.rlmaed ..tt.~, pl.... 1010 ..dviafltd o%: the follow1a9; 1. Xy eli.fit, ~b. l\Ulte:. I.M 'l'4?P4Irty OWl).lra A...ocJ."~ion, aO""Cltl to "tb. ~.. of tile n... W~. X.l.. .t lunt.J:I IUza, toa ~. Ula<< 1w .YOur olia2)t to:' ~. ~..U.,.t:.i.l cJevelo,_nt of tbe eo..rolal fraot. 2, "' c11.n.t wilL 8XeC'llte ceo.. .......to. ,,'1t.b your olot,nt f.. tJ1t v... u: tr~ct J with1b lul.'lter. hn, ~o '~'CI1; 6Clr;:e... ~o YOQZ g11.n~" ~oj.ct, J. lOur alieDt will be allowed ~o ic.t~l Jl'~.9. at W.lt 14M &at Iwrrau.t, whieh i. .i.,ilar ta otJuu. .itJ:lily. v.i'thin \fat ._1:.~. IuQ COIDUuty.. .. 'Wig &--,u4 'to th. 11... of tit.. ~.oltt...t:j~CtD..l ...u.&.....t.. wl..Ia.;&." htl\er. wu, Jil...e be advi..d t.hAt ., clic1'lt. a:r:. pl:'.pui~ ~oiO 1\0:111 . aUlbu.b.1p "Qte to allow you~ olt.eu't r. pr:'o)ect. ~o ~. i_ca:cpt~.".4 i.ft.tlo t;h. lIu.n~.r. .u.n .tn). While I canriot. Wuant.. " f.~~ibl. ~..~-, .1.... ~. Adv18ea t~.t th* S~~~ ,~f Dlr.otQ~. at t~. a..ociatlen 1. .\~.a,l, ~eQ~.A4!Dg th.t the 3~.~.hip vot. 1ft t..,o~ 01 il'1C,'lu.loA of t.n. CO....,t'o1.1 'l'l:'acrt i.,,'t.o ':1:14 Bl.Lftteli. alan ...,. ....~J ~;',~--l. OCT-23-'95 MJt-,j 15: 14 ID:KILDAY & ASSOC v u **632 P03 14~?'i;~59~ P.~ 1'0. .a? ........ ,. DCT.21-139~ 0'1~Z ~~OM -. 111IIIII .'., TEL NO:407-689-2592 TO ~.'I ~.v~.. aa,~rrf BIQU~Ma OQ'.,;r; to, lll! I.p :I 1".1.".. Quo. ....it. Q.f the U~D~.:r. R.aA 'zoo"...., ~h. .t.taQ~ =.. clu'. .c "ft. C:~g:l.al. ~..<=t., ~L1J. ~h.n lot. .n1;J.1:o1ec:l ",0 ~oh.... ....~.bip. :i.1l. ~. .u:rct:..~... 1lu:Q Coun't.r}' C1~, aDd .~11 them..lve. af all the rB~r..tion ~itie. cu~.~tly availab1e to other 1:..id.Dt. gf IIUnter. Itun who aX'. 88111])o:r. cf the COllntrJ CluJ). 1'MIla '" tJa~u;h 4 uo.., ara c:rOAditioned upe'lI rouz eli.At'. puou.. and cl..,.loaaeat of the .c~z::eial ':ract II ... a xeeidaJ)t.l.l i!&.._lcpaaDt whh 110 JIOre than SI unita. I' YO\& hay. pY ClUe..~loc. ~1I91l1:d.iD" t.... J.epr.'.Dtation8, p1..'8 40 ~ot b..it.~. to co~t&~ n.. '0.1' t.tij17 r~:., -..en , W., 'IA. Q,J) t (Ill IttvllA 1,.. ~111'11. 001 .\aD1;er:. I\IU1 1'J:'~Z'ty 0Wnu-. Aalooat:icn,rna. ., .. ......... . .-. . 1'<0 ......... ..... ........"',..,. -. ... N. ."11.' . _... _-. If.. ._......... ....._~ ljIIa" ....__ . ......._...~..., ._"... \ \ i , : t MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 95 - 332 JYfyf/ TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Direc FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director DATE: October 26, 1995 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunter's Run - Master Plan - 2nd submittal We offer the following comments on this project: 1) Indicate the points of connection to the off-site water and sewer mains that will serve this project. There is an existing water main proximate to the southeast corner of the parcel, which should be one of the connection points rather than the main on Summit Drive, as previously indicated. 2) Be advised that trees, other than palm trees, are not permitted within utility easements. Shrubs are permitted. (Section 7.5-18.1) 3) Permits for the water and sewer system installation will be required from the Palm Beach County Health Unit. Please coordinate the engineering plan approval through this office. (Section 26-12) 4) Be advised that City water will not be provided for irrigation of the common areas. (Comp. Plan policy 3C.3.4) We have no objection to this plan proceeding through the approval process. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. JAG/PVM xc: Skip Milor File RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-498 U.. I J. 0,.., I _{; Ih TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent .JJ Charles C. Frederick, Director \,,,1 Recreation & Park Department ' <)~ , ~ FROM: THROUGH: RE: Isles of Hunter's Run DATE: October 26, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the 2nd submittal of the Isles of Hunter's Run Master Plan. The following revised comments are submitted: I. The original approved master plan for Hunter's Run totals: 1,650 multi-family units 33 single family units A. Based on .015 acres x 1,650 multi-family units = 24.75 acres .018 acres x 33 single family units = .594 acres Total recreation requirements = 25.344 acres B. Allowing one-half credit for private recreation 25,344 divided by 2 = 12.672 acres 2. Adding 56 single family homes for the Isles of Hunter's Run brings the total recreation requirement to 56 S.F.H. X .018 acres = 1.008 acres + 12.672 acre = 13.68 acres. 3. Since Hunters Run developers dedicated 30 acres of land to the City for recreation purposes (Congress Avenue Community Park), they have met the intent of our recreation dedication requirement and the Isles of Hunters Run developers would not have any further recreation dedication requirement. JW:ad FIRE PREVENtION MEMORAN1)lJM NO 95-366 WDe TO: Planning Department to LUlL \!l I? T; . '" " ' 'j '.. ) .' ~"'- .~~,I _. , PLANNING AND --- ZONING om J l<"ROM: Fire Department DATE: October 30, 1995 RE: Isles of Hunters Run The following guidelines still apply: 1. Maintain fifteen feet (15') between buildings. 2. Maintain five feet (5') clear width on zero side to allow laddering by the Fire Department. -./,' , ,./ ' ~ ,/ / [-de: C{"l lJ-c- (I- William D. Ca anaugh, FPO I () cc: Chief Jordan FPO IT Cambpell ( I I :'l :: I, 1 \\ I !l~ f.., '.:1 I ~ " <. I ~ \: I :.\ I 1 .1 BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-395 '.' ,1. I].{" AP- , October 27, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRC COMMENTS - THE ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN MASTER PLAN REVIEW - 2nd SUBMI'ITAL The Building Division has reviewed the above referenced plans and the applicant's written response to our first review comments. We still have a problem with the setbacks as shown. Because of these setbacks a building area would be approved that exceeds the 40% lot coverage and if approved and developed as shown, would exceed the floor area ratio (FAR) and would not be consistent with the City's Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2.5 - Planned Unit Developments, Section 5. In responding to my first set of comments regarding the large amount of lot coverage, the applicant stated that they propose to construct guest houses and golf cart garages. If this is a single family P.U.D., guest houses meeting the requirements of a dwelling unit cannot be permitted nor can they be called an accessory use, accessory building or structure. The applicant would like to proceed to Commission for approval of 15' front setbacks to the garages and 20' setbacks to the front of the houses and side setbacks as shown on the plans. The Building Division requests that both our first set of comments (attached) and this memorandum be sent to Comm1,~ign so that they may be aware ot the large building area proposed and the potential problems we may have. ~/ AI..N . bold AN: bh Attachment XC: William V. Hukill, P.E. ISLBS , ii \':j Iii , I 1'1 BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-382 B r" t ,~ October 12, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRe COMMENTS ISLES AT HONTBR I S RUN - MASTER PLAN REVIEW After reviewing the plans for the above referenced project, it is not clear if we should comment on a master or site plan approval. However, the Building Division offers the following suggestions and comments to be added to the list from Planning: 1. Remove all sheets and notes from the master plan that belong on the site plan. This would permit TRC members to make master plan comments and hold site comments for site plan review. 2. Setbacks on such deep lots should be more than 15 feet front and 10 feet side and lot coverage should be a maximum of 40%'. -- 3. All temporary sales trailers and signs should be on applicant's property, not off site. Al~JP: AN: bh xc: William V. Hukill, P.E. ISLJlS DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-412 DATE: October 23, 1995 ~~AJ1~Wg~~D FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director Mlf~~am ~ukill, P.E. ~W Englneer (:(J} !. J'" , I, TO: RE: ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN - 2ND MASTER PLAN REVIEW We have again reviewed subject plan and find as follows: A. Items from Memo 95-402 which are satisfied; # 2 # 4 # 5 #12 #13 B. Items from Memo 95-402 which were advisory, and which related to future reviews; # 1 # 6 # 7 # 8 #10 #14 #15 #16 #17 #18 C. Items form Memo 95-402 which have not been resolved: # 3. Provide signed agreements for use of name "Hunter's Run"; road access; golf bridge; temporary trailer; POA membership; sign; lake access; recreations amenities access; etc. # 9. Provide certification by Developer's Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec. SA. pg. 6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 #11. Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5B, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 WVH/ck C:ISLES@HR.2ND TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks superintende.ntUJ Charles C. Frederick, Director Ge/! h Recreation & Park Department .~ -~ FROM: THROUGH: RE: Isles of Hunter's Run DATE: October 31, 1995 The Recreation and Park Department has reviewed the 2nd submittal of the Isles of Hunter's Run Master Plan. The following revised comments are submitted: 1. The original approved master plan for Hunter's Run totals: 3,504 multi-family units 32 single family units A. Based on .015 acres x 3,504 multi-family units = 52.56 acres .018 acres x 32 single family units = .576 acres Total recreation requirements = 53.136 acres B. Allowing one-half credit for private recreation 25,344 divided by 2 = 26.568 acres 2. Adding 56 single family homes for the Isles of Hunter's Run brings the total recreation requirement to 56 S.F.H. X .018 acres = 1.008 acres + 26.568 acre = 27.576 acres. 3. Since Hunters Run developers dedicated 30 acres ofland to the City for recreation purposes (Congress Avenue Community Park), they have met the intent of our recreation dedication requirement and the Isles of Hunters Run developers would not have any further recreation dedication requirement. JW:ad FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-401 ': i fU: I') 'j O- w I (_! I L--.__".___"" P1.J~;'.]NI(~~ i\\;f) , ., 7.0N!:\i!} DEPT. -tJ.ty7.J , ~'''''''''''''''''''''.'--~;:'',"""""~........_,^,,.,-~,- TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: December 20,1995 RE: Isles at Hunters Run /LUAR 95-005 NWSP 95-010 We have no further comments. ( cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File ,r~;7-~ m" ~- n'~~~j~~" In) u D ~ r---'" lIjli DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT I UUL'" 3 , :~ l: i ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 96-004 f;l~JIT!i;~,::,'7r--'- ~'. ~=~~~,.J~J,'~~,[",fL~~,t~-~"~~--""~ TO: Tambri 1. Heyden Planning & Zoning Director w.. ~ukill, P.E. ~ngmeer FROM: DATE: January 2, 1996 RE: ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN - MASTER PLAN COMMENTS On November 7, 1995, the City Commission approved a master plan for subject project referred to as Exhibit C in the Development Order. Four conditions are also listed. The most recent master plan we have on file was last revised on November 7, 1995. If that drawing is in fact Exhibit C (and therefore a rectified master plan) it is deficient in that Condition D is not noted on the plan. We also do not know if Conditions A or B have been complied with. Condition C has been satisfied. Since no Engineering conditions were included in the Development Order, we have nothing further to review in that Division, and you may therefore consider this as Engineering master plan approval. WVH/ck xc: Mike Haag, Zoning/Site Administrator C:ISLES@HRMPR . OCT-~3-'95 MON 15:17 lI""lLDAY & ASSOC TEL 1'D:407-689-2~"'J 1:1633 P01 .--- ',:f23I005 @ FAX TRANSMISSION TO: ~cM-/ ~,47/ M#Am ~A;(jI FAA NUMBER: '-/ , DATE: ~ 0?3 /~ FROM: , ~d L17~ SPECIAL INSTRUc-nONS: ~~.~ ~ ~ ~ 1 6r7 ~.4?"""'.:;?: ~Z /:t:i/!? 016-1 0~'" Z ~/1?'.#- Y5-~J~//eA?#~,I~~3 ~7~-;~~~~ ~~~~'a~:;::~ ,~~~.. ~ cOPY WILL.' BE ORIG1NAtoOCUMENT ORIGINAL DOCU~NT TO FOl.l.OW IN MAIL NUMBER OF PAGES; (INCLUDING THE coveR SHEET) ."-_.'''-.'-. ._-....~. PL (;; ~riD~' ~ ~. I~.. _ ,~~.....",~ "_" CUENTNAME: ~ PA~I!CT NUMB.A: .". . .. L 00-23-'95 MON 15:18 !D" "'-DAY & ASSOC OCT-21-19~ a~I~1 FROM .... I...". ..aa U TEL NO:407-689-250~ TO 1:l633 P02 l4076S92592 p.el NO.lZ? '*~ u .....'" .. ~ .....-.. .. tMnf..... ....tlIMW_ ........--.- ' -..... .'oVl..... .............. -......... ........ .....~, ~fMl6. ...........~ ......,.,.... .... ".....y NIM ........ ....~... .......... "a.. ........1#0.... ~ ...."...- AIn'M.... .. .......... ..... .. ..... .... ...".. lilt.......... 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'.'_Q~' "r1Ul 'ou~ c11'J)~ foe the ".. of 'U'.c~ . ..1t)l1b Iullt81" Rim, to ie.at: 1IOc:... to YDIlr gl1ent'l ~O~tet. S" %~ o~ieat will b. allowed to 1G.t_ll.Lta... at W.lt Lllke aJacl SWllll1t, "tell .i. .i",U.J:' tog o\ae% .i'li:ay. ".l~h1. u.. aU'l:H. ho C~tJ. .- "i~ 1'.,..... '0 t:IIe ... Of th. ...Ii".~J~oza..t "'D.ltt.. .4..""" _lite:&'. ~.l .1.... be adviHCI t.bat -.r olt...,. .Joe pr:.~i!'f 'to hold . a.-.r.Ia.{p Yot. to. .Uow )'wr olt.ut r. P~o~.o" 'to ~. tuqpozo..... Lat. tb.. aua'.r. aula .em. Wh11, % a.IlIIClt: ,tsar.tlt.. a f."or&bl. lE'."u1~1 .1.... t-. tldvi.. tAU. ~b. ao.t:cI -:at D~I"t:'o&'. of ,~. ~'ooi.t1oR · .tl'06117 r:~~n4iD9 t_.t the J~.r.bi~ yot. in I..or: of Jcelu.lon ~, tn. C~"'~oi.l ~.ot 1h~O .;~ .~t.~. ~U~ OCT-il-l~ 0'1~2 FROM .. I........ ., sa \...I TO **533 P03 1407GS92592 P.02 tC.~ ~~ _..~_ OCT-23-'95 MON 15:18 lD~ '.mY &< ASSOC TEL t.[): 407-689-25"''' u ,.v~ .IlIMOl'J, 180~M OtlIta'J: 20, lJJS r.p 3 '1'-1.0.. Otac. ...~. 01 ~he .I\all~.r. JWA 'I'O'_~, t.he '"tue-e ra. cI.Zlt. ot ~b. COIIUJ:a.ial hact, "ill then b. enti1:1ecl to rurobu. aod~.hi.. .io U&. a..:nt..s:. Jtu:u CO'-1n't;.ry Club, aAd .vail th...alv.. ~ all ~ .recZ'..t.lon mgii!e. c1U~Z"Il,tly avulab1. to otbez' to..U.rat. gf lUn~rll .un who arll II.~X' ()f the countJ:Y Club. I~' " UU:'Gup . ~, u. o.,u.'Cloned UpOD lour elL'D~'. p\ln~... ud ~.".1C1~t o~ 'th. .C~l:chl 'l'zoact. .. . r:eciclenti.l cs.....lo;oaut with no .,.-=_ thaD $6 unit.a. I' 10\1 b&.,.. .Y qv..t.1DoI raop~di~ tM" ~:.pr".Dt&tioft', '1.... dO kot ~..it.~. to eOBt&u~ >>.. '.'q: t.~ull row:', JaC.I , 1aI,. I'.A. Itn.1s 1,. DaaLe,l. SrAUeU, eel .utUI laD l':roperty OWar. ",.oo!et:.1en, tne. \ ......... . ....... .. 4Ilo. ....... .....-"...-...... .., ....,...w. -..-..... ........... 'I'c~s._c"'.., _1_..' ~C"&lCIf'......,,._.y.. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-184 TO: Mike Haag, Zoning Site Administrator FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Hunters Run DATE: October 10, 1995 t-... /i~'1 I L i,.":) ,'i//; ''''-_ l (. f~A~~~"-""" . it. ../;, ------lOf'; ;:.;.)..lrG -.AND~-f\lh.l( ....;.;.;;,:~,i . .... I The Public Works Department needs Cui Da Sac's to be enlarged at the above site. The recommendation is 100'. Call me if you have any questions. R ert Eichorst Public Works Director RE/cr BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT I! ,.\' f:'~rh-' \:,,'W-\f~-.\ "-1 II [i ! ~. i ~ . 11..: ' Ii 1 \ TO: T AMERI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR FROM: SGT. MARLON HARRIS, POLICE DEPARTMENT DATE: 9 OCTOBER 95 REF: ISLES OF HUNTER'S RUN MEMO # -. .:1 ~;rJ I have reviewed the above plans and find no problems at this time. Respe~~~ ~rlon Harris Police Department BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-382 "'-~"".-._"~~ ~-. ~ . I~'~ ~ ~ rn n ~7 rn II ~IJ,,'--~,'-'''--''._,',,''-J rn" ! : ill nfT I 3 IC~C\::' U . u U ' l/..J "..- I . , . ; .._,........-.~... ~-,'....''t.-....."..,".-......._.........._ "1 . '"I''''' ~,,~ .J.r.I..;\/1r;fJl) n , ',~'i:;'q ;-!t?r. ~(./~ "..-'....-......_..~. -.....- -' -..........,-,.-'.~-",....,_.'~....., October 12, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRC COMMENTS ISLES AT IIDNTER'S RUN - MASTER PLAN REVIEW After reviewing the plans for the above referenced project, it is not clear if we should comment on a master or site plan approval. However, the Building Division offers the following suggestions and comments to be added to the list from Planning: 1. Remove all sheets and notes from the master plan that belong on the site plan. This would permit TRC members to make master plan comments and hold site comments for site plan review. 2. Setbacks on such deep lots should be more than 15 feet front and 10 feet side and lot coverage should be a maximum of 40%. 3. All temporary sales trailers and signs should be on applicant's property, not off site. ~ Al Ne 01 AN: bh xc: William V. Hukill, P.E. ISLIIS RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-482 f'--~~'.n' '-'-'---"--- Ir~ lli ~ [~ ~ \~ m U"\ 'Uur~~~.~~;.~ll~ PLAiJNING AND 0"" ZON!~~ DEET. ~ .. TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent P Isles At Hunters Run - Master Plan FROM: RE: DATE: October 16, 1995 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the master plan for Isles at Hunters Run. The following comments are submitted: 1. Based on 56 single family homes x .018 acres = 1.008 acres recreation requirement. 2. Developer must demonstrate that residents will be eligtble to use a minimum of five recreation elements in Hunters Run (or supply five separate elements) if he is to qualify for one-half credit toward the recreation impact fee. 3. Assuming the developer qualifies for one-half credit then: .lJillR acres = .504 acres recreation requirement 2 JW:ad TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. ....--- ') r~rn@rnnwrn[' 9S-402[]] oor"1119!I:i' ~ I UU I ~L:NN1NG AND L.. / L...JilNG DEPT. VTT~ Tambri J. Heyden, Planning Vt~~a~ Hukill, P.E., City October 16, 1995 & Zoning Director Engineer ISLES AT HUNTER'S RUN - MASTER PLAN We have 1. 2. 3 . 4. 5. 6 . 7. 8 . 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. ~lU@f~.MP reviewed subject proposed master plan and find as follows: All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. These permits include, but are not limited to the following; site lighting, paving, drainage, curbing, landscaping, irrigation and traffic control devices. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Verify which roads require naming (for mail delivery) with U.s. Postal Service. Provide signed agreements for use of name "Hunter's Run"; road access; golf bridge; temporary trailer; POA membership; sign; lake access; recreational amenities access; etc. The master plan is subject to the provisions of Chapter 2 of the LDR Sec.9C, pg.2-80. Provide a master stormwater management plan. Chap. 3, Art. IV, Sec.3T, pg.3-6 Site plan review & approval required. Chap.4, Sec.2, pg.4-1 Include a statement on the plat that no buildings shall be placed on any easements. Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.1D10, pg.5-7 Establish deed restrictions providing for a property owners association to pay for the operation of a street light system within the development. Chap.6, Art.III, Sec.14, pg.6-4 and Chap.5, Art.V, Sec.2A4, pg.5-9 Provide Certification by Developer,s Engineer that drainage plan complies with all City codes & standards. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 Minimum 15" pipe must be used in storm sewer. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5A, pg.6-7 Inlets must be in grassy areas unless otherwise approved. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.5B, pg.6-8 and Chap.23, Art.IIF, pg.23-8 Provide easement to lake Tract 2 for access. Chap. 6, Art. IV, Sec.6B, pg.6-9 Minimum cul-de-sac ROW diameter is 100'. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.10D, pg.6-12 Need SFWMD & LWDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 County and/or State permits required for construction in R.O.W. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 Applicant's attention is directed to Chap. 7, Pg. 7-1 regarding surety requirements. All swales, detention areas & disturbed areas must be sodded. If not irrigated, use bahia sod. Chap.7.5, Art.II, Sec.5C6, pg.7.5-15 Excavation and/or fill permits will be required. Chap.8, Art.I, Sec.2, pg.8-1 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 95-742 FROM: Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director --/'I ~ ~~, Michael E. Haag ]"l~: \J Current Planninudlnator January 5: 1996 - TO: DATE: SUBJECT: New Site Plan - 2nd Review Project: Isles at Hunters Run Location: West side of Congress Avenue approximately 500 feet north of Summit Drive Agent: Kilday and Associates File No.: NWSP 95-010 The following is a list of comments regarding the second review of the above-referenced proj ect. It should be noted that the comments are divided into two (2) categories. The first category is a list of comments that identify unresolved comments either from the first review or new comments as a result of the second review. To show compliance with these comments will not substantially alter the configuration of the site and design or the building. The second category is a list of recommendations I believe will enhance the aesthetics and function of the project. All comments and recommendations can be rectified on the plans at time of permitting if the site plan request is approved. The applicant must understand that additional comments may be generated upon review of the documents and working drawings submitted to the Building Division for permits for the proposed project. I. SITE PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS: The following comments are generated by a review of each sheet and the drawings referenced on the sheet: SHEET L-l of 11 1. On sheet L-l of 11 change the text in general note :i:: 2 2 (incorrectly identified as 21) found on sheet L-I0 of 11 to include the following text regarding planting trees in easements; "No trees shall be installed within utility easements without prior approval from the City of Boynton Beach utili ties Department". This note will match the reference to planting trees in easements found on the plat drawings. SHEET L-2 of 11 2. To ensure that the proposed guardhouse complies vlith the established perimeter setbacks f add to sheet L-2 of 11 the approved south perimeter building setback dimension. SHEET L-3 OF 11 3. On sheet L-3 of 11 change the "Model Center Parking Area II note regarding subsequent permits by changing the word minimum to minor. The model center area work may be processed as a minor site plan modification and permitted separately from the permanent common ground improvements. SHEET L-5 OF 11 4. On sheet L-5 of 11 change the note regarding subsequent permits for the work at the proposed construction office by changing the word minimum to minor. The model center area work may be processed as a minor site plan modification and permitted separately from the permanent common ground improvements. Page 2 Memorandum No. 95-742 Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 5. On sheet L-5 of 11 identify the specie and method of installation for the lawn grass proposed for the north side of the buffer wall located along the north property line. 6. On sheet L-5 of 11 change the 20' perimeter setback note to 25 I . SHEET L-6 OF 11 7. On sheet L-6 of 11 identify the results of the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting (BOAV 95-015 case # 214) regarding the special exception to increase the site wall from 6 feet to a maximum of 10 feet. The special exception is for the portion of the site wall located along the north property line that exceeds six (6) feet in height. Also, reference on the plans the case number and approval date. If the appeal is denied modify the plans to show compliance with the maximum wall height of six ~6) feet. 8. On sheet L-6 of 11 remove from the perimeter setback note the following text II/Landscape Tractll. Also identify the purpose of the dashed line symbol that is located at the rear of lots 1, 2 and 3. SHEET G-l 9. show and dimension on sheet G-l the location of the handicapped adaptable parking space required for the guardhouse or provide written verification from the Department of Community Affairs stating that they accept the handicapped parking space for the Isles at Hunters Run to be located off- site on the adjacent property. 10. Add to sheet G-l the following information regarolng the color and type of exterior finish material for the guardhouse: i. Manufacturer I s name, color name and color des igna t ion (letters and/or numbers), and type of material proposed for the decorative window sill located on the north elevation of the building; ii. Manufacturer I S name, color name (letters and/or numbers) for columns. and color designation the pre-cast coquina 11. On sheet G-1 place a north arrow on the floor plan drawing. Also, add compass directions to the elevation view drawings. 12. On sheet G-l identify the overall height of the guard-house building (Note; overall height shall not exceed 2 stories or 30 feet). II. GENERAL COMMENT(S): 13. On sheet L-8 of 11 identify the results of the Board of Zoning Appeals meeting (BOAV 95-016 case # 215) regarding the special exception to increase the size of the off-premise sign from 16 square feet to 20 square feet. The sign is located at the intersection of Summit Drive and westlake Drive. Also, reference on the plans the case number and approval date. If the appeal is denied modify the plans to show compliance with the maximum sign size of sixteen (16) square feet. Page 3 Memorandum No. 95-742 Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 14. Compliance with the outstanding issues related to the Development Order dated November 20, 1995 and signed by Jlm Cherof (City Attorney). More specifically 5. A. and 5. B. of the order regarding proof that the Isles at Hunters Run has been approved for inclusion in the Hunter's Run community of associatlons, file documentation acceptable to the City Attorney to demonstrate compliance with access, drainage and recreational amenity issues otherwise required for development of a planned unit development and payment of fee in lieu of land dedication for recreational amenities. 15. The rectified master plan shall receive unconditional sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members prior to permits being issued for the project and prior to the zoning district being changed from Community Commercial C-3 to Planned Unit Development PUD w/LUI=4. 0 and the land use classification being changed from Local Retail (LRC) to Low Density Residential (LDR) with maximum density of 4.84 D.U./Acre. MEH:dim xc: Central File !StgS2nd.NS1? PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #95-211 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director ~. JUUI 1 FROM: Robert Eichorst, Public Works Director SUBJ: Site Plan Modification - 2nd Review - Isles of Hunters Run DATE: December 19, 1995 / v' ~ '~,po ~_,,-. ......""'--.., ___ Lice 2 0 1995 ... !; J~ PZLANNING AND ONING DEPI The Public Works Department has no problems with the above site. The project should be forwarded to the Planning & Development Board/Community Redevelopment Advisory for consideration. RElcr MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT. NO. 96 - 002 "'-'- I ~:i ;! H I ;~ .~..,...J TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning Dire or FROM: John A. Guidry, Utilities Director \\ o i. \j DATE: January 2, 1996 SUBJECT: Isles at Hunters Run - Site Plan, 2nd submittal Most of our prior comments were not fully addressed on the resubmittal. We therefore repeat those as follows: 1) City water will not be supplied for irrigation of the common areas. Please show the proposed irrigation source and location on the site plan. (Comp. Plan policy 3C.3.4) 2) No trees or overhang of large trees are permitted within utilities easements. Although some portion of the landscape berm along Congress Avenue has been shifted, the northern section still encroaches on the existing utilities easement which contains a 36-inch diameter sewage force main. One or two trees along the northern property line must also be deleted or relocated. (Sec. 7.5-18.1) 4) The proposed buffer wall, and a planter wall are shown cross utilities easements in several locations . Special construction standards and hold harmless letters will be required as conditions of approval. (App. C, Art. VIII, Sec. 9) 5) A capacity reservation fee of $7,761.60 will be required within thirty (30) days of City Commission approval, or upon request for my signature on the HRS/DEP permit applications. (Sec. 26-34(E)) We have no objection to this plan proceeding through the approval process once the conflict between the landscaping and the utilities easements in the northern section of the project are corrected to our satisfaction. Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. Attachments JAG/PVM xc: Skip Milor File ./' FIRE PREVENTION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-401 I..' i . I !lli i""" .. l IUllj I I . i! : Ii '" I' , _.-........~.~.~,. " ~ P!.Al,lNIi'!l~ A~!i, n . ZOrllf-!G DEPT. -(~ IYI1 _......'.........,.<:..:;......"'-l..'.~___.,. .._. TO: Planning Department FROM: Fire Department DATE: December 20,1995 RE: Isles at Hunters Run LUAR 95-005 ,/N'wSP 95-010 We have no further comments. ( cc: Chief Jordan FPO II Campbell File :.- RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #95-589 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director John Wildner, Parks Superintendent .!HJ Isles of Hunters Run - New Site Plan~odification FROM: RE: DATE: December 20, 1995 The Recreation & Park Department has reviewed the new site plan modification for the Isles of Hunters Run. No further recreation related comments remain outstanding. We recommend that the plan continue through the normal review process. JW:ad ~~\ ..~.,.--~.....,. '1 ~ . \.' \ " n \ \' RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #96-001 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Director .",~~~----- ':,"'1 f5 rj)~~ -~ ~1t l.J...U. i f-!~~ l~7 5 0 nw' -"-':-. ........ r< i" ^"! -'-'" LOJ , 'e: : f:ij\} ~L. /r "' .'/ ; ''''''~.~~.. t1 .t Il ') if FROM: Kevin 1. Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist RE: Isles of Hunters Run DATE: January 2, 1996 The applicant will be submitting a revision to the Tree Management Plan for the landscape sheets as submitted on the site plan. The project should continue in the normal review process. K.H:ad , v BOYNTON BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT TRAFFIC UNIT TO: FROM: DATE: REF: TAMBRI HEYDEN, PLANNING & ZONING DIRECTOR SGT. MARLON HARRIS 20 DECEMBER 95 ISLES OF HUNTERS RUN - SITE PLAN-2nd REVIEW MEMO #0198 I have reviewed the above plans and fiq9.::~q:l}{obl~;;j~~ii:'t4j.s.Ji.ple. ::::;;.:::';;:::::::::::':;:!!:::::.:::;:'.':::::.:....:::::::.t......::: .:::::::;;::::::::::::::::,:;;::::::::~: ., .n ... .. ".... .. Ii! ~ It n r-'72'm ~ l!9 ~ u~i 12 nEG ? n-~~;~l ~ :" ,;..'.';.;'.;,' "':"',. ::...."'.;.;.;.;';...'...'.';',:.v, 1~}iarliO TO: FROM: DATE: RE: DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-482 ..,./ Tambri J. Heyden, Planning & zoning Director O(~am Hukill, P.E., City Engineer December 19, 1995 ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN - SITE PLAN REVIEW We have recently completed staff review of documents associated with platting for subject project, and have attached a summary of comments for you to review. Some of those comments apply to the site planning process. Our additional comments are as follows: ,,/ 'it.~ 1 LI_e. t:.,.1<i I'll ' J (fl :'1,11{ ~ 4. R !-IV,"I;) ] 1/' ftL, ~7 tI/tl,f, ;q~ . !/ ,1 ; , , " 1/ W~L( ~ pe~ ". 111'1<' ~ 9. fJ 11'4!., ti '7 / I 10. ; j~" I; .' ?t/l.. i~ /_ 11. O/l'~ rq-- f I l' l~" 12. WVH/ck A:ISLES@HR.SPR l. 2. Revise documents to reflect all comments. All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with your permit request. Sjdewalks are required on both sides of all local and collector streets. Chap.6, Art.III, Sec.11A, pg.6-3 Parking lot section must conform to City code. Chap.6, Art.IV, Sec.10F, pg.6-12 Need SFWMD & LWDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. Chap.6, Art.VII, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 Designate areas of sodding and seeding. Chap. 7 .5, Art.II, Sec.5c(6), pg.7.5-15 Freestanding monument sign cannot exceed 6 feet in height (Chap.21, Art.IV, Sec.1D, pg.21-15) measured from the crown of the road. Variances up to 25% subject to Board of zoning Appeals (Chap.21, Art.II, Sec.IB, pg.2I-5). Any damage to existing pavement edge caused by temporary drive shall be repaired by applicant. Chap.22, Art.II, Sec.71 & 7K, pg.22-4 & 22-5 Parking lot dimensions, striping, aisles, stalls, radii, signs, landscaping, etc. must conform with City codes and standards. Chap.23, Art.II, pg.23-6 Provide stop signs and stop bars in accordance with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices". Chap.23, Art.IIB2, pg.23-7 Wheel stops or curb required, all stalls. Chap.23, Art.IIE, pg.23-7 Provide 27' backup area, all stalls. Chap.23, Art.II,II, pg.23-9 3. 5 . 6. 8 . BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 95-449 i'i:~~~-~f"~-'-~ U ~7 ~ r~~\ ! I U ,-- --~~"~~"""="-'i., I,ll !, I~ filii ~ I. ", ~ () 1 '; 'j' '~ " IU _..0 2 11995 ;__: I PLA"'r'~''''; '~D ,1! l !" ~h':lll'.. 1'1,,' ,.-1 L.,,,~ ZONING DEPT. ~'. ,~ December 21, 1995 TO: Tambri Heyden Planning & Zoning Director v' FROM: Al Newbold Deputy Director of Development RE: TRC COMMENTS - ISLES OF HUNTERS RUN SITE PLAN - 2nd REVIEW The Building Division has reviewed the plans for the above subject project and is requesting that our comments from the first review (see attached) be forwarded to the City Commission unless a variance for the sign and wall is approved before the site plan goes to the Commission. r~IL Since the master plan was approved with setbacks that would permit a larger buildable area than )ill ,1' .ejJ0 the FoAoR. or L.UoI. that was approved at the time the PUD zoning was approved, we need some At. ~~jI --kind of note on the site plan or mas~er plan that wo~l~ control thisyroject after it is. completed or !.! I 'fIR when the owner of the homes submIts plans for addItIons after theIr C.O. has been Issued, We , ' addressed this problem previously but no solution has been found to cover additions after CoO. ~'~~ "'~? k'., :.L,;.,.i4:;~r;;p ,,' L.' ..,,',,, ~,c/ Al Newbo!d'/V' .,/"~ AN:bh Attachment XC: William V. Hukill, PoE. ISLES M - " BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO~ 95-434 1. The project identification sign is located on the subject property, does not exceed a maximum of sixteen (16) square feet of sign face area and will comply with Article III, Sec. C5 of the City of Boynton Beach Sign Code. The applicant will be requesting a variance to allow for a twenty (20) square foot off premise directional sign pursuant to Article III, Section 6.C.S of the City Sign Code. 2. The applicant will be requesting a variance for the buffer wall height on the north property line. 7.A.1 Isles of Hunters Run SITE PLANS New Site Plan PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM #96-003 SITE PLAN REVIEW STAFF REPORT FOR PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD AND CITY COMMISSION January 9, 1996 DESCRIPTION OF PROJECT: Project Name: Isles at Hunters Run Applicant: Home Development Corporation Agent: Kilday & Associates Location: West side of Congress Avenue approximately 500 feet north of Summit Drive File No.: NWSP 95-010 Land Use Plan Designation: Local Retail Commercial - Low Density Residential land use is pending as part of a revised Summit Properties settlement agreement. Zoning Designation: Community Commercial, C-3 - Planned Unit Development, PUD w/LUI=4.00 zoning is pending as part of a revised Summit Properties settlement agreement; PUD master plan was approved by City Commission in November 1995. Type of Use: Common ground improvements associated with 56 lots for single-family detached zero-lot-line units located on a private road Number of Units: 56 units, however not part of this application since site plan approval is not required for single family dwellings. Square Footage: Site Area: 471,754.8 acres) square feet (10.83 Building Area: 215 square feet (guardhouse) excludes dwelling units. Surrounding land uses and Zoning District: See Exhibit "A" - location map North - WXEL television studio, zoned Recreation (R) South - "Hunters Run" PUD East Congress Avenue and farther east industrial property, zoned Industrial (M-1) West "Hunters Run" PUD Existing Site Characteristics: The site is predominately vacant property with a commercial building and associated parking and landscaping located in the northeast corner of the site. Implementation of the tree management plan will provide a no net loss of existing healthy trees located on the site during construction. The tree management plan also includes replacement and relocation of existing trees. I Page 2 Memorandum #96-003 Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 Proposed Development: A court order entered May 10, 1973 between the City of Boynton Beach and Summit Associates Ltd. designated the property as commercially zoned. The city's 1989 comprehensive plan changed the land use of the property to a less intensive commercial designation. On June 3, 1994, Palm Beach County Circuit Court (Case no. 91-7257 AN) ratified the May 10, 1973 court order and required the land use of the property to revert to the property's land use designation prior to the 1989 comprehensive plan. On November 9, 1995 the City entered into a settlement agreement with Summit Associates Ltd. The approval of the agreement was subject, in part, to the following: A. Rezone the property to a planned unit development (PUD), limited to single-family usage and a LUI rating of 4.00. B. Amend the land use designation to low density residential. C. Approve the master plan subject to the conditions set forth in the development order. As previously stated the master plan consists of 56 lots for single-family detached zero-lot-line units. The lots shall front on a private road. Platting is currently in progress. This request for site plan approval is for common area improvements that include landscaping in open space tracts and around lakes, a site wall along Congress Avenue and approximately 66% of the north property line starting at the Congress Avenue corner, project signage and a 215 square foot guardhouse building (see Exhibit "B" - proposed site plan and master plan) . Concurrency: Traffic Palm Beach County Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the requirements of the Traffic Performance Standards. Drainage - Insufficient drainage information has been submitted for the Engineering Division to certify compliance with the City's drainage levels of service at the time of site plan approval, when it is required. The Engineering Division is recommending that this be postponed to time of permit review. However, during the platting process drainage will also be reviewed. Driveways: Access to the proj ect from Congress Avenue is via Summit Drive and Westlake Drive which are private roads located within Hunters Run. Westlake Drive is to be extended into Isles At Hunters Run and the portion located in Isles At Hunters Run is a private road and part of the Isles At Hunters Run property. Westlake Drive has a cul-de-sac at each end and all 56 lots front on this 50 foot wide private right-of-way. Parking Facility: Not Applicable Landscaping: The proposed landscaping consists of trees and hedge/ shrub material located In open space common areas located east and north of the single-family lots. Littoral zone planting is shown around the two lakes. The open space and lake areas are to be tracts ~ Page 3 Memorandum #96-003 Isles at Hunters Run NWSP 95-010 dedicated to the Homeowners Association for maintenance purposes. Building and Site Regulations: The guardhouse is perimeter setbacks master plan. located within the as established on the project's approved Community Design Plan: The architecture of the guardhouse resembles a spanish design with an "S" tile roof and stucco walls with raised bands around the cornice and windows. The walls of the building are an earth tone color and the color of the roof is a terracotta blend. Signage: The proposed sign package includes a monument type identification sign located at the intersection of Summit Drive and Westlake Drive. A project monument sign is also proposed south of the guardhouse near the south property line of the project. RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this site plan request, subject to the comments included in Exhibit C - Administrative Conditions. The deficiencies identified in this exhibit shall be corrected on the set of plans submitted for building permit. MEH:dim xc: Central File STFRPPD. ISL 3 E X H I BIT "A" if. L0CATION MA~ ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN PUD E X H I BIT "B" b ( en . r- .m ~ J: C Z ~ m ~ ~ Z I )> ""C ""C :.tJ ~ m C .. UI~ 3: ~ Ii · ~ '~II. rri i;! :.tJ ""C > Z - (J) C ~ \ ~ d c ~ m 5 ""C 3: m z ~ o ::c c m :.tJ - 'i:i'I',I'JI I~ Is .1 1111.1'1' .1 ,I., .: I d!lll. II lIj' f ,I. J. t..li'I'. 2 ' ..." . .IJtl~i .~ . ) I i ~ : I ~ ., ~~ ! H'~ ti : . $1 ~H- ,- s.; :~i, ; j . 'II ~I If ... '! ~ ; . . ~Ii i I!!! i!111 . II! E~I I' I ~" I I I ~ I l Jl Nftt lilt.. --..~ f~;! -~.:=> c____... ~h~ ~a C l;f ~ ~.p ~ fi'r.- ,}, '10 ;J, .0.. 0 z. . FI' 0 0 ~ rn. ~.... .~; '10 i~ o 0 'Q lJJ o o ;7 :.. U> o ~ ~ ___________ -/- MA fCH LI Nt: 'A' t ... r '" X (j) --I Z (;) ~ .... !1' , )> f'. '" ~:p-< -f2~ i!~v> ,"'.... <:00 ~clHl Y>i!~ xll' :i0 N '" ~Xl E5il "'~ ~~ ';0 l{1c; ~~ .... ~ V> () J Cl! U> ~ 0( ~ til ~ .1: ~~ '" " lS !i\~ gj F ~~ ~ .... Vl~ "1 ~ ~Vl '" .... .... > : ~~ .... '" ......> '" 0( j~ ~ () z: 2 " 7Q '" r \Jl \Jl J> '" <: '" X z z C) c - .... (j) '" '" 70" --I 7G~7G, - c. ~:p ~ z z)>otJ .... 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I I i : i Q I,. 1 () (, 2 ~ c I':' I " :j ~ !::: ~ tI' -I \Jl -< i \Jl 1\1 " )> )> I <: Vl 1\1 1\1 e ~ tI' Z ....; E ~~ .~Q os ~3 ~ MArCH LINE 'A' ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN Klldoy .t "..oclot.. la"dscope Archltedl/Plonne~s 1551 rol'"uI""I Plaefl Sui1e 1'0" W.,l PO;rT' S.och. f lorido 33..0' (407) 689 5522 "a.,(407) 689-2592 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA LANDSCAPE PLAN MAIN ENTRY q' IE l<<~ 01;;\ lj R'" . ~ 0 U> 0 "'2 ~ 02 -, ~r . N Q 5 G, --- No. ~ .... ~ ... CONG12E:SS AVE:NUE: SEE- SHEET L-4 F-OR CROSS SE-CTION OF- BERM EXISTINC 10' UTILITY EASEMENT ORB 2523, PC 1340 I I I I I I , ,r@ @ :r )> -\ () I :r )> -\ () I PROPOSED LITTORAL PLANTING AREA SEE SHEET 7 r r ~ ~ <i I ,O:! I I I I I I I ............ : "- PRCl'OStO LITTO<!AL P\.ANTINC ~A SEr ~T L-7 I 8' SIDEWALK/BIKE-PATH, TYP.: , _______I ('<XI) , 1 '.... I .... I D!:NOfES ZERO LOT Llr-E SID!: I , I I I I ~I I I I I I I I I ..... UTILITY EASEMENT @ ~O'-,- 25' @ @) @ 1- 10 fYP. T .L TEt"F'ORARY I / 17 MaJfl ~fR PAl1<INC ASlEA T (ML.~1 50 12/ MODE:L MODa 6.. MOoa LOTS * 15,16.40,41 1I""oy _ .....oclal.. land,cope .rc"'l'ect./PlonI"l8rl 1551 r'O"\.Im Place SuIte , OOA Weet FOlm Beech, florldc 33401 ('07) 689 5522 ,rO.,(,o7) 689 2592 ~""" "~_~~_-=___~m ~---=~~--=---~=-1 I --...- 4' SID!:'WAIJ(. TYP. SA~E SICHf CO<!r-ERS TYPICAL 17.11. file ~ ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA LANDSCAPE PLAN CONGRESS AVE. LANDSCAPE llUn'SR IL 3S Peitn:TM tUl.Dl*, ~ ------------------------------~-------------- MATCH LINE: '0' . ~ I I I I . I I ... ~ ~ .~. ~ i<~ ~l~ iil ..... ,...". l*-/ ......_yl*- ;(ll{1 ~'" " ~~ q o~ !:, ....1 ...." ~h f:ltl ..... ~n o I ~ :~~ l B . 5 cale: ,. . Date' Dr..n rue No. Dr.win No. - P.lh: rUen e: r D. r .j:>.' . }> ()T- mil' GJ-I }>~ ()}> ~() Il'-I Vl "-l () Cl Z rJ /\) II' Vl Vl }> <:::: II' Z C I II' j U~~~i I~ [~'I~'I "'0 : I ~ '.1/ ,,=; , ~ ~~ 'c) "0' flS ~t~ ~r ~~ C)~ '" ". Kl ~ z .... ~...- ... @j p'i id ~ Klldoy " .....oclal.. LO\"ldscope Arc"llecls!Planner'.'!l 1551 rNurr D:OCf Suit. 1 CO! Wu. Polr'"'1 Beech, r10rida 33.(0' (407) 689-5522 'Fox:(407) 689-2592 ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN iCe BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA LANDSCAPE PLAN CONGRESS AVE. BUFFER II I ~ I !! ~ i '\) 70 ~ ~ C\ 1- "', '" ~ I ~ o ~I ----, (Ii=;, l"'J~' ~ ., '" )> Vl '" fJ z. [t~1 ~! ~__ i ----...... =-----.J ~ .' -..... --- -- .............. ....................... I //- ~/ '-. I I 1\ I ,!l2 C) a z (;) 7\) IT' (j) (j) )> <: IT' z C IT' o ~i~~~ I:~ i~ ~S,i Fi"'~ n~ ~~ '" Ii! iCl ,. g ~ ~ ~ ~ I . I ~l; II! ~~ ~~ F ,- ~~ '" ...." tt5 ...~ "~ 2~ Rl- ~~ :~~ 5 ,- )> 7" '" ""' 70 )> () ""' U> o 1> fn ~ r-1A T CH LI Nt: 'D' I 35. Pf:R11'''HfR 8LOG:. SfoTMCl(. csJ.: - ' O.t.: Ora"", "11. No. Or.wi. No. - Path: filename' eel' Of. lUl'e TlfClXl"ftorf'5 ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN KJtdoy " A..oclol.. Landscape .rehlt.ets/Plo!"H'\~r! 1551 :orum Plecp Suite 1 CO'" W.,l PcJrr 380C~, rlori::c 534C' (407) 669-5522 .ro:(<o7) 669-2592 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA LANDSCAPE PLAN CONGRESS AVE., NOllTHfX," BliFTER ji J '" ,. /i'l ~ I I " *~~ *~C\I ~ 1ft"' I I ~ ~~~ ~~ ! ! ~ ~()i' . t: ~~ t I G'\ J .erN\) ~ ~~ i i . ....~ I ><.J>2- ~~ ~.... I l' ~Ei-~ ~~ i i ~ ;= 0( I ;;Hii ~ ~ !i\ ~~ ~ I I ~~I " ~CR:J~ Ii j · ~ I f' r", I I: z '" OJ ~ ~ ~ I :Sl~~ I I I I I , , , ~7O()Z ~ "'-r-- - -- --1 I 1 I a",)IJ-I r Z()",a )lJJ>Z I f tl! 1.1l"'-IOJ : -IJ>~", , C-I J> , i () S1c; () ~~ f ; a Z I to !. J> r ~~ g! .... ~ ! N "10'00'00' ~ 380,00' I 1 . . 8 . . I 1 8 . . . 0) @ ///~ / 0 ~ ;' / I 1 @ ----i , I -~- ----------------------, ~~i"'Q I ",r ~ I Cl~ ;= I ~~""3 I ~ ~ I I.1l I '" '" -I 7'< '" -< .'1 'j cue: Dale: Drawn rue No. Dr..-tn No. Palb: filename: e : 1- ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN Klldoy I: ...oclol.. Loncsccpe A'chltects/Plcnnen 155' forum Place Su:te 1 DCA West Palm Beach, FloriOQ ~J4C 1 (.07) 689-5522 .ro,,(.07) 689-2592 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA L.\NDSCAPE PLAN NORTHERN BUFFER L )3 ... 1- .... Vl '" \) :j 2 -\ I 70 . . ~ II r I , -\ 2 )> r ~ )> z ::j ~ / MATCHLINE- "A" THIS SHE-E-T ....:...i........l........ r ..... ~r;; '.0.... ".70 ,," 70" "'~ ll) '" rJ~, L~~ , ~ I--~I , :p ?;; . . I i -\ )0 :p (') .... N ~ I ! . . 11; !~ .. lj ~. ~ i I !'0);: :<I" Cll'" :pill 2 :p U;~ il i ! t J ~ I~ ~ , .. ........ ~~ ~~ g~ ~~ 99 .... f'f' ;~ 13" .~ 13- () I II ~ ill~ ~~ /! + /! JI' V'J ~ ~~ ~~ ' 'J II I ~ .I~ \TI '" ;;<~ ~~ ~ C5~ ~ 'II n \TI ~ " 00 ~ > 1\"""" ~ 'I --; ~ WW II " e, ~ "" ,'1" ;Jl .A" ;Jl i 7' a ~ .....j.-..J ..~ ~" > ~C5 ~ --..-- i\l GG <e:, ~ -< ~ Ii1Ii1 Ill" 11; " - 0 :il I ~ i\l~ ~i\l iii (f) ~ ~ e", e~ 0 ~;p i\l> ~> )> l>l ~ 0 0 z ~ I~~i I fTI 0 ~ III ~ ...., 0- ~ ~~:~ i ~ 0 -l r I~J~ . Q "f~ ":e 8 ~Sii ~ ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN "lIdoy " Alloclol.. LQn<!lcaOf ",.chitec.s Iplonn.r~ 1551 FOrum Place Suite 100.. Wtst Polrr Beach. r1oddo 3340~ ('07) 8e9-5522 .ro,,('o7) 6~9 2592 Boynton Beach. Florida Lilloral Plan Ii( T1 :JJ o Z -I (I) o > r- m m r- m < )> -f - o z ... '. .a:. ~ II ~ I o .. y ;-",'//' '/, "/'... /,/ "<'~V' '", '/ /,~'//)'/ -{,/"',/,:::" ,.,., />, / / / ,"/ / / ;' / ':: (~,<~< Y>""(/'~;;, : ,(,,<''',,/,'< -: " ,"'<'v,~,,'/ (,~(,<.//~,<> .> '~/",'/ ///.///,/ '~""';<' ',,- "', './)../,~, :/ ~"'..< ... '~, ,,'., '<'i' ~~,.>,//',~/ /' ,~/ ,'-.:...._'-'<: '_.;;>~~/ >~/', :.: /'''<''-'': '. /,.,).. /'</ ~~?t;;/ /""'//'/' ... , , . / .', .-,'<' : <....., '\. I //>':,.:." "./ .',' 'k'.', I )/?:~:r?: " /', 1- u. I ::' ::'>.<~":-,' , ". '}-" ' I <;~<,.:<<' i ,,'<'J'<' I :':.> ><i~~~< I '/:-. ", ';.... I ~~<,1<S" I ':: <<" ,J<" I ',',"'. -'.1'.-',', '/<//,{,'-':'. I ", ":'}' " '. ')>.'~~'/}'>.- <<',"{-", ::">.~.'/y>;' ':"'~'~'<::~' I "'.,;/" '/ ~/.~.~, '>.~ .... ~/ >"/:"") <//'::>,,, I """" ,.," '. ~ /', ':<( I ~<~~~/;:' . ".. ,,' ','.. ". '//~"':'~~<', .~ ":/> ',": , , '. .,.... '~:'fD~ >:.,.~,,/ <'/ ,//').../.">, >/~'~''-;~'(~>: ~ifi~ ~:.:' ;,'~ >~~ / ~<%"';,~;.' ,',"' ,">>'/ [~~t1;~ ,/- ~~/".,\.)>.. ~~'>~~"/': " , ,,' " ,~~ ...., ", "',-', './ "" >'> "< ' //~'" - ~<'~,<>>~> 2:~,,~<.,;. -',', ~'.. ..";' 'I -.' .' . <::~~;}:::' ~ ~:~l .:>~" ",,~' ~,~; ,:'~>' <.:,." IS- ~c~ J lC] ~ ~ fF1 [fsl tdJ ~@ ~ . 8 ~ E X H I BIT "C" /~ EXHIBIT "C" Administrative Conditions Project name: Isles at Hunters Run File number: NWSP 95-010 Reference: 15 sheets submitted by Kilday and Associates identified as 2nd Review with Planninq and Zoninq Department December 14, 1995 date stamp markinq I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I I PUBLIC WORKS I I I Comments: NONE UTILITIES Comments: 1. City water will not be supplied for irrigation of the common areas, Please show the proposed irrigation source and location on the site plan. (Comp. Plan policy 3C.3.4) 2, No trees or overhang of large trees are permitted within utilities easements. Although some portion of the landscape berm along Congress Avenue has been shifted, the northern section still encroaches on the existing utilities easement which contains a 36-inch diameter sewage force main. One or two trees along the northern property line must also be deleted or relocated. (Sec.7.5-18,l) 3, The proposed buffer wall, and a planter wall are shown across utilities easements in several locations. Special construction standards and hold harmless letters will be required as conditions of approval. (App.C, Art, VIII, Sec. 9) 4, A capacity reservation fee of $7,761.60 will be required within thirty (30) days of City Commission approval, or upon request for Utility Department signature on the HRS/DEP permit applications, [Sec. 26-34 (E)] I FIRE I I I Comments: NONE I POLICE I I I Comments: NONE ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 5. Revise documents to reflect all comments. 6 , All plans submitted for specific permits shall meet the City's code requirements at time of application. Permits required from agencies such as the FDOT, PBC, SFWMD and any other permitting agency shall be included with any request for permit. 7. Sidewalks are required on both sides of all local and collector streets. Chap.6, Art, I I I , Sec.11A, pg.6-3 Page 1 of 4 /7 I DEPARTMENTS I INCLUDE I REJECT I 8. Need SFWMD & LWDD acceptance prior to Engineering approval. Chap.6, Art. VI I, Sec.4B, pg.6-24 9. Designate areas of sodding and seeding. Chap,7,5, Art. I I , Sec.5c(6) , pg.7.5-15 10, Any damage to existing pavement edge caused by temporary drive shall be repaired by applicant, Chap, 22, Art. I I , Sec,71 & 7K, pg,22-4 & 22-5 11. Provide stop signs and stop bars in accordance with the "Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices" . Cha p , 23 , Art.IIB2, pg.23-7 BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 12. The project identification sign is located on the subject property, does not exceed a maximum of sixteen (16) square feet of sign face area and will comply with Article III, Sec.C5 of the City of Boynton Beach Sign Code. The applicant shall request a variance to allow for a twenty (20) square foot off premise directional sign pursuant to Article III, Section 6.C.5 of the City Sign Code. 13, The applicant shall request a variance for the buffer wall height on the north property line. I PARKS AND RECREATION I I I Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 14. Submit a revision to the Tree Management Plan for the landscape sheets submitted with the site plan, PLANNING AND ZONING 15. On sheet L-1 of 11 change the text in general note #22 (incorrectly identified as 21 ) found on sheet L-10 of 11 to include the following text regarding planting trees in easements; "No trees shall be installed within utility easements without prior approval from the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department". This note will match the reference to planting trees in easements found on the plat drawings. 16. To ensure that the proposed guardhouse complies with the established perimeter setbacks, add to sheet L-2 of 11 the approved south perimeter building setback dimension. 17, On sheet L-3 of 11 change the "Model Center Parking Area" note regarding subsequent permits by changing the word minimum to minor. The model center area work may be processed as a minor site plan modification and permitted separately from the permanent common area improvements, Page 2 of 4 /'~.! ./ I DEPARTMENTS 18, On sheet L-5 of 11 change the note regarding subsequent permits for the work at the proposed construction office by changing the word minimum to minor. The model center area work may be processed as a minor site plan modification and permitted separately from the permanent common area improvements. 19. On sheet L-5 of 11 identify the specie and method of installation for the lawn grass proposed for the north side of the buffer wall located along the north property line. 20. On sheet L-5 of 11 change the 20' perimeter setback note to 25' . 21, On sheet L-6 of 11 of the permit drawings identify the results of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision (BOAV 95-016 case # 215) regarding the portion of the site wall located along the north property line that exceeds six (6) feet in height. Also, reference the case number and approval date, If the appeal is denied, modify the plans to show compliance with the maximum wall height of six (6) feet, 22, On sheet L-6 of 11 remove from the perimeter setback note the following text: "/Landscape Tract". Also identify the purpose of the dashed line symbol that is located at the rear of lots 1, 2 and 3, 23, Show and dimension on sheet 8-1 the location of the handicapped adaptable parking space required for the guardhouse or provide written verification from the Department of Community Affairs stating that they accept the handicapped parking space for the Isles at Hunters Run to be located off-site on the adjacent property. 24. Add to sheet 8-1 the following information regarding the color and type of exterior finish material for the guardhouse: i. Manufacturer's name, color name and color designation (letters and/or numbers), and type of material proposed for the decorative window sill located on the north elevation of the building; ii, Manufacturer's name, color name and color designation (letters and/or numbers) for the pre-cast coquina columns, 25, On sheet 8-1 place a north arrow on the floor plan drawing. Also, add compass directions to the elevation view drawings. 26. On sheet 8-1 identify the overall height of the guardhouse building (Note: Overall height shall not exceed 2 stories or 30 feet), Page 3 of 4 /1 I INCLUDE I REJECT I I DEPARTMENTS 27. On sheet L-8 of 11 identify the results of the Board of Zoning Appeals decision (BOAV 95-016 case # 215) regarding the request to increase the Slze of the off-premise sign from 16 square feet to 20 square feet. The slgn is located at the intersection of Summit Drive and Westlake Drive, Also, reference on the plans the case number and approval date. If the appeal is denied modify the plans to show compliance with the maximum sign size of sixteen (16) square feet. 28. Comply with the outstanding issues related to the Development Order dated November 20, 1995 and signed by Jim Cherof (City Attorney) ; specifically 5. A. and 5, B. of the order regarding proof that the Isles at Hunters Run has been approved for inclusion in the Hunter's Run community of associations, file documentation acceptable to the City Attorney to demonstrate compliance with access, drainage and recreational amenity issues, otherwise required for development of a planned unit development and payment of fee in lieu of land dedication for recreational amenities, II. GENERAL COMMENT(S): 29. The master plan shall be modified to receive unconditional sign-off by all Technical Review Committee members prior to permits being issued for the project and prior to the zoning district being changed from Community Commercial (C-3) to Planned Unit Development PUD w/LUI=4.0 and the land use classification being changed from Local Retail (LRC) to Low Density Residential (LDR) with maximum density of 4.84 D.U./Acre. MEH/dim a: ComDept , ISL/p&d Page 4 of 4 ~-J c I INCLUDE I REJECT I Lt:.~ \(C>~v fJJie City of tJ3oynton tJ3eacli 5, 1996 . .,...... -'~'~'."-"'" (;.. -rt)./'-o' ... t ",~1 v)./ I' ! if':" il I,J'w Ii ..' t' . I' ".) Y ,1,. ff . ",.)"#)t P rv ,,1V \"'+.}. ;) . ;\.).." .. -T \ .it? I ~L..! t~,J ' ~ ~r , i 0' ~ '~J " o '~ t.' U 1 f Ii' .J, .\ {,l (jf\ .~ i \t''> II ';U ..........., 100 'E. 'Boynton 'B.& 'Boukvara P,O, 'B~310 'Boynton 'Beadi., 1Tmi/a 3.3425-0310 City:J{Q{[: (407'J 37j.(jfJ()(J :JJ4X: (407) >>U09O Roscoe L, Biby ,~,--" c/o Kimley- n...,..&r"'Associates Inc 4431 Emb cagero Drive West mBe"ach, Floida 33407 ,,' ....,..~' ,~1 .,0'".".,.. I~"" _,_.",," Ma OD1. Gr1.11 ?E"'-Catal1.na C~nt'er cation: .~Sal Congress"Av~nue MSPM 95:,008 ~,~.-" Re: ,-t""''''''' ~ Dear Mr, Biby: .._,r' The attached package will be presented to the Planning and Development Board on January 9, 1996 (see attached agenda) and then to the City Commission the following week (January 16, 1995). The applicant must understand that the permit plans shall be amended to comply with the final determination of the request alld that additional comments may be generated by staff following their review for technical compliance of permit documents that are required to be submitted for development of the project. For the applicant's convenience, attached is a list of documents required for permit submittal. An approval of the site plan by the City Commission shall be valid for one (1) year, unless a building permit from the Building Department is secured. If the applicant fails to secure a building permit in that time, all previous approvals shall become null and void, Very truly yours, Y-;'J~~'4 ;f~el E, Haag ~ing and Zoning Administrator MEH:dim attachments xc: Central File a: P&.Dpkgltr, Rom ;<Imniazs (jateway to tlU (julfstream DE:P.AR."I'"M'"~ OF DEVBLO~ BU:I....-DING DIVIS I 0... .. SUBMITIAL DOCUMENTS NOVEMBER 1995 ill 12 :'U rs LS ,..") b n \If! u \.. ~ 1m NOV 2 I 1995 Congratulations on receiving Site Approval for your proposed construction within We appreciate your choosing to build within our City, In order to ensure timely permitting, submit 2 sets of the following documents: I. A signed and sealed survey (not over six months old) by a Florida registered surveyor indicating: A, All property lines B, North arrow C, Existing structures and paving 0, Reference elevations E, Rights-of-way F, Easement and/or utilities, including fire hydrants on or adjacent to the site G, Legal description H, Area to the nearest one-hundredth of an acre I. Location sketch of property II. A site plan in conformance with LDR Chapter 4, properly dimensioned and to scale showing: A, All proposed structures _ B, All existing structures that are to remain on site C, Setback lines from the property lines to closest vertical wall of all structures 0, Use of each structure (or uses within multiple occupancies) E, Use of adjacent properties, including streets, alleys, sidewalks, turn lanes and driveways F, Elevations of the lowest finished floor of each structure on site G, Location of existing utility lines on or adjacent to the site H, Location of dumpster enclosure and details of construction III. A paving plan in conformance with LDR Chapter 23, indicating: A. The number of required parking stalls (See LDR Chapter 2, Sectiori 11 H) 8, Cross sections of proposed construction C, Curbing and striping meeting City Standards G, D, Conformance with LOR Chapter 22, Streets and Sidewalks IV. A drainage plan for the site, including: A, Finish grade and pavement elevations B, Drainage calculations E, Handicapped parking stalls F. Dimensions of stalls, back-up areas, driveways and traffic lanes Traffic control devices and signs C, Details of drainage system, If site area exceeds 1/2 acre, plans must be certified by a Florida engineer (Continued) RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #96-355 TO: Tambri Heyden, Planning & Zoning Department John Wildner, Parks Superintendent 1': Isles of Hunter's Run - Recreation Dedication Requirement FROM: RE: DATE: July 30, 1996 rn rn@~~\i7 JuL c 0 IS~"J PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT. This memo is to confirm that the Isles of Hunter's Run has met the recreation dedication requirements through previous dedication as a part of the original Hunter's Run development. This project may continue through the normal review process. JW 12 1)'" ~lW ,%e, City of 'Boynton 'Be~1i 100 'E. 'Boynton 'Btadi 'Bou1evartl P.O. 'Bmc310 'Boynton 'Buuli., :Jfmitla 33425-0310 City 1fa[[: (407) 375-6000 :TfitX: (407) 375-6090 November 29, 1995 Kilday and Associates, Inc, 1551 Forum Place, Suite 100A West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Attn: Kieran Kilday RE: Isles at Hunters Run - File No. NWSP 95-010 Acceptance - Site Plan Review Application & Submittal Documents New Site Plan Dear Mr. Kilday: On November 28, 1995, your submittal for Site Plan Review of the above-referenced project was reviewed for completeness. It has been determined that the submittal is substantially complete and accepted for further processing. Michael E, Haag, Current Planning Coordinator, within the department will be reviewing and coordinating your application through the remainder of the Site Plan Review process and can be contacted if you have questions, The next step in the review process is for the Technical Review Committee to review the submittal for compliance with the review standards identified in Part III, Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4, Site Plan Review, Section 8 and all applicable sections of the Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. The results of the review will be available to you on December 11, 1995. If I can be of further assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at (407) 375-6260. Very truly yours, J~ .0, Kkflhq, Tambri J. Hey~ Planning and Zoning Director TJH:bme a:lstAcptLtr,isl 5fmerUa's (jateway to tlie (julfstream ~ %e. City of iBoynton ~eacli 100 'E, 'Boynton 'Beacfr.. 'Boulevara P.O, 'Bo~310 'Boynton 'Becufr.., 1"foritfa 33425.0310 City 1faJI: (407) 375-6000 1"5U: (407) 375-61J9O July 31, 1996 --=- Mr, Robert Pennock, Chief Bureau of Local Planning Div, of Resource Planning and Management State of Florida Department of Community Affairs 2555 Shumard Oak Boulevard Tallahassee, FL 32399-2100 RE: Comprehensive Plan Amendments - #96-2 Proposed Amendment - Quantum Park PID/PCD Center (LUAR 96-009) Adopted Amendment - Isles at Hunter's Run (LUAR 95-005) Dear Mr. Pennock: Enclosed you will find six (6) copies (individual copies have been simultaneously sent to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council, the FDOT-District Four, the South Florida WMD, and the Department of Environmental Protection) of the required transmittal documents for the above-referenced map amendments. The proposed amendment consists of one map amendment for 14 acres of property that is being processed in connection with the forthcoming Notice of Proposed Change to the Quantum Park DR! (which is being amended to allow commercial and industrial uses on the subject site). Based on the projected minimal impact of this proposed amendment, and since it is considered to be consistent with surrounding land uses as well as with all goals, objectives and policies of the City's Comprehensive Plan, the City is requesting that this amendment not be reviewed. With respect to the adopted amendment, The Isles at Hunter's Run PUD, this amendment has occurred pursuant to a court-ordered amendment of an original (1973) court order which stipulated commercial land use and zoning designations on this 30-acre parcel, The results of the historic litigation between the City of Boynton Beach and Summit Associates Ltd. is documented within Appendix "D" of the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Support Document and referenced by footnote on the Future Land Use Map. The necessary legal proceedings were finalized on June 17, 1996, which effectuated the amendment of the Future Land Use Map to Low Density Residential land use. Since the DCA did not have an opportunity to review the Isles at Hunter's Run amendment as a "proposed amendment", information required in conjunction with transmittal of both a proposed and adopted amendment is provided below for the adopted amendment. Where it is necessary below to distinguish between the two amendments, the respective response will include either "proposed" or "adopted" to identify whether the response corresponds with the proposed amendment or the adopted amendment, respectively. Furthermore, attachments which correspond with the 5lmerial's (jateway to tfu (julfstream To: Mr. Robert Pennock -2- July 31, 1996 proposed amendment are labeled alphabetically, and those corresponding with the adopted amendment are labeled numerically. The proposed amendment was reviewed, and approved for transmittal, by the City Commission (who became the Local Planning Agency in 1995) on July 2, 1996. With respect to adoption, staff anticipates that the ordinance will be adopted in November or December of the current year. In accordance with the requirements of Rule 9J-l1.006, please be informed that the subject amendments are not in areas of critical state concern or the Wekiva River Protection Area, and nor are they related to a proposed development of regional impact or to be adopted under a joint planning agreement. Furthermore, as indicated by the certifying letters included within Attachment "A" of the amendment package 94-1 as submitted on July 6, 1994, the Comprehensive Plan and related support documentation was previously provided to other reviewers and they were informed that said documents would be updated by all subsequent amendments. Should you have any questions on the subject amendments, please contact Michael Rumpf, Senior Planner at: City of Boynton Beach, P, O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Tel: (407) 375-6260 With respect to the remaining submittal requirements outlined in the amended Rule 9J-l1.006 which are required to accompany a proposed amendment, the following has also been provided for your information; (1)(b)(1) Proposed - Six copies of one (1) map indicating the existing and proposed future land use map designation, property boundaries and their relation to the surrounding street and thoroughfare network are included in Attachment "A"; (1)(b)(2) Proposed - The present land use designations of the subject site and adjacent properties are shown on the map in Attachment "A"; (1 ) (b) N/ A as no amendments to the text of the Plan are proposed; (1)(b)(3) Property sizes for the proposed and adoDted amendments are 13.93 acres and 30 acres, respectively; (1)(b)(4) The availability of, and demand on public facilities related to the proposed amendment is summarized in the staff report within Attachment "B" and verification of service availability for the proposed amendment is within Attachment "C" (The analysis of traffic impact was not acceptable therefore requiring staff to place condition on project that County standards of review and impact must be met). Similar information for the adopted amendment is within Attachment #2 (only relative to traffic impact; no analysis for other services was conducted as the adopted amendment represents a To: Mr. Robert Pennock -3- July 31, 1996 deintensification of the site and therefore impacts on services will be reduced below that which had been originally assessed in the Comprehensive Plan); (1)(b)(5) Information regarding compatibility of the proposed map amendment with the Comprehensive Plan, and other information relative to the basis of the recommendation is provided in the excerpt of the staff report (see Attachment "B"), and is summarized below; (1)(c) Staff recommendation for the proposed amendment is indicated in the staff report within Attachment "B", and the recommendation of the local planning agency/local governing body (City Commission) is indicated in the excerpt of meeting minutes included in Attachment "D"; and (2) NA The following information summarizes, or is in addition to that provided by the staff report which indicates, in part, the basis on which the amendment is proposed, and further justifies the amendments with respect to compliance with S.163, F.S" Rules 9J-5 and 9J-11, F.A.C" and the City's Comprehensive Plan: 1, For a brief explanation of the prol'osed amendment, please refer to page 1 of Memorandum #96-313. For documentation relative to consistency of the proposed map amendment with the Comprehensive Plan, please refer to page 2 of Memorandum #96- 313 (see Attachment "B"). A justification for the adopted amendment is found within the legal documents in Attachment #1; 2. Neither the proposed or adopted amendments involve property containing environmentally sensitive or native features worthy of consideration in the City's Comprehensive Plan or the County's inventory of native ecosystems, Lastly, the sites of the proposed and adopted amendments contain no historic features recognized by the City or County, 3, With respect to the elimination or reduction of land uses inconsistent with the City's character and, the need to increase or decrease the intensity of land uses, see the analysis of the proposed amendment on pages #2 and #3 of the staff report excerpt in Attachment liB"; 4. The sites of the proposed and adopted amendments are located within the "C" and "A-9" flood zones, respectively; 5, With respect to Traffic Circulation Element analysis requirements, the only relevant policies in the Plan that currently apply, which regard maintaining levels of service standards, will ultimately be complied with. 6, With respect to Housing Element analysis requirements, the proposed amendment does not affect the supply of residential land, and the adopted amendment, theoretically, will increase housing opportunities as it represents the addition of 30 acres to the supply of land classified for residential use. However, as only 56 units have been approved by master plan, anticipated impact is minimal. TQ: Mr. Robert Pennock -4- July 31, 1996 7, With respect to Infrastructure Element analysis requirements, see Attachment "C" for verification of utility service supply/impact in connection with the proposed amendment. 8, The Coastal Management Element is not applicable to the proposed and adopted amendments as the subject properties are not within the coastal management area. 9, The Conservation Element is not applicable to either amendments, see paragraph 2; 10. With respect to Recreation Element analysis requirements, a specific analysis of impact on recreation resources was not conducted as the prooosed amendment does not involve residential land uses, and the adopted amendment is projected to increase population by only 140 persons who will not be combined with the inventory of residents relying on public recreation resources as future residents of this project will have access to the private recreation resources of an existing, large planned unit development located adjacent to the subject site. The recreation amenities of this private neighborhood exceed those of a typical public neighborhood park and include three, 18-hole golf courses, 21 tennis courts, a swimming pool, and indoor recreation and meeting facilities. With respect to impact on district park level of service, the surplus of district park space was calculated in excess of 13 acres on July 6, 1994. According to the level of service standard for district parks, 2.5 acres per 1,000 persons, this surplus will serve an additional 5,504 residents, It should be noted that BEBR estimated that the City's permanent population grew by 237 persons between 1994 and 1995, Even if post-1995 growth is accounted for, the total increase in population is likely less than 400 persons. The 56 additional units (or 140 persons) related to the adopted amendment are insignificant given the current surplus in district park acreage. 11, The Intergovernmental Coordination Element analysis requirements have been satisfied as proper notifications have been sent and availability of facility analyses have been requested; 12. With respect to Capital Improvements Element analysis requirements, there are no impacts upon capital facilities that have either not been projected within the analysis of the Comprehensive Plan, or would result in levels of service to be exceeded. Therefore, levels of service are met and all other related policies are complied with; and 13, With respect to consistency with the State Comprehensive Plan and the Regional Comprehensive Policy Plan, the above statements, along with that information provided within the staff report address pertinent issues and topics within such plans. Such issues and topics include housing, natural systems, endangered species, levels of service, intergovernmental coordination, public facilities, historic resources, and transportation. With respect to remaining submittal requirements outlined in Rule 9J-l1.011, the following information applicable to the adopted amendment is also provided: (5) Five copies of the amended Future Land Use Map (oversized); (5) One (1) copy of the court orders/agreements which represent, in place of a ordinance, the official amendment to the City's Future Land Use Map (Attachment #1); To: Mr. Robert Pennock -5- July 31, 1996 (5)(a) N / A, as this amendment occurred without processing as a proposed amendment and following standard amendment review process through the DCA; (5)(b) The rationale behind or purpose for this amendment (list of findings on which approval of this amendment are based) is indicated by the legal documents in Attachment #1; (5)(c) N/ A, as an ORC report was not processed; (5)(d) N/A; (5)(e) N/A, as only map amendment processed; (5)(t) The new cumulative table of contents of all amendments to the Comprehensive Plan is within Attachment #3; and (10) The amendment was effectuated by court order rather than ordinance. If you have any questions concerning this amendment package, please do not hesitate to contact this office. Very truly yours, /rU_ G.?t- ~ Tambri J. Heyden, AICP Planning and Zoning Director TJH:mr Enclosures cc: Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council Florida Department of Transportation-District Four South Florida Water Management District Florida Department of Environmental Protection MISCXI : 96-2DCA ,LET ATTACHMENT "A" MAP WITH SUBJECT AND ADJACENT PROPERTY LAND USE DESIGNATIONS ., . ATTACHMENT "B" STAFF REPORT EXCERPT (MEMO NO, 96-313) LAND WE DESIGNATICNS '0 1----.1 tll u;.; : ~D f :--:;,,-,' ~ rl ~ /~~~~ .' .....: ..... ~ "!II:: '7..... ~- . :M~ 7f1.-. " ....'" ~ llTI I 'J.' r.7 JnT ~'j;; '/..... 'T I 7-. ~ ,; ::::- 'J-i. i '~L.-/ . 1= ,~h f:::. J 1-fk:J1. 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" ", ~ PPLI 6ATIOlv':, 'j 4'- PRESENT LAND USE: SITE: PROPOSED LAND USE: (}) . 7-% Pt.ANIJJNt:. Off, OFFICE COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL LOCATION MA:' .QUANTUM PARK - PCD liIJ.f~1 7 R., AAi ~ I . 1,-~~I1nf~.. ~9~ ~ra I. ']'" :m; ~_. II _: ~- ' j: if .:-: - - .- - i .,.., .. ' \- - ''I f NO.... IN CITV ( , \ .1 " '- - -- - - -- -- ---- -.-------. --. ") /----- / / R1AA II] , 'I I "I ~..d.. . PAGE 3 QUANTUM PARK PID/PCD CENTER capacities of these facilities. Impacts upon utilities have been analyzed and indicate that capacity, and flow are sufficient to serve potential impacts to be generated from the proposed amendment. However, the analysis excluded a review of impact on the corresponding pump station, which is necessary to completely verify system capacity. This additional analysis should be conducted prior to consideration of ordinances. With respect to road impact, the petitioner submitted a traffic impact study which was reviewed by Palm Heach County who detennined that it did not adequately meet the requirements of the County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, Additional data is currently being assembled by the petitioner and must be acceptable to the County prior to ultimate adoption of ordinances, This data, along with a revised master plan will be provided to the Planning and Development Board at the next regular meeting when the associated amendment to the master plan is presented for review in connection with the pending DR! amendment. e) COMPAl1BILITY OF REZONING WITH NEARBY PROPERTIES AND IMPACT ON VALUES As indicated above, the subject request represents a land use classification and zoning district that would be consistent with adjacent and nearby properties, is distant from residential properties, and would therefore have no negative impact on existing property values. l) PHYSICAL AND ECONOMICAL DEVELOPABILITY OF SUBJECT PROPERTY There are no known significant physical or economical factors relevant to the development of this site, g) RELA110NSHIP BETWEEN SCALE OF PROPOSED REZONING AND NEEDS OF NEIGHBORHOOD AND CITY Given the adequate supply of land within the City that would allow office uses (to offset the decrease caused by the proposed amendment), and since the size of the subject parcel is less than 14 acres, the proposed amendment does not exhibit negative characteristics relative to the needs of the City and adjacent neighborhoods, h) A VAILABILITY OF ALTERNATIVE SITES ADEQUATE FOR THE PROPOSED USE At the present time, the only use proposed at this site is used car sales, which is to occupy only approximately 4 acres of the subject site, with the remainder of the use to occupy the adjacent 13 acres of property currently within the PID and known as Lots #76, #77, #78, and #79 (see the excerpt of the amended Quantum Park PID master plan in Exhibit "C"), Since this proposed use is not contingent upon the proposed request, and given that the reason for the proposed request is based on a statutory requirement rather than to solely accommodate a use other than that which would be allowed under the existing land use and zoning, a more thorough analysis under this criteria has not been conducted. MASTER PLAN As previously mentioned, concurrent with the subject request is the processing of an amendment to the existing Quantum Park Development of Regional Impact, encompassing a master plan modification, Both processes require an amended master plan which, in general, establishes land use categories for the subject properties which further define specific uses for individual parcels within the PID. While the Future Land Use Map merely reflects the site as "Industrial", the master plan, if the proposed amendment is approved, would further designate the subj~ct lots (known l\S Lots #80, #81, I\nd #82) as "Industrial/Commercial" (see Exhibit "C"). As indicated above, this revised master plan is scheduled to be reviewed at the Planning and Development Board's next regular meeting. RECOMMENDATION The Planning and Zoning Department recommends that the request submitted by James G. Willard, Esquire for Quantum Associates be approved subject to the conditions in Exhibit "D", based on the following: a. the incorporation of the subject property into the Quantum Park PID is pursuant to PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-313 FROM: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board IfG~~ Tambri J, Heyden, Planning and Zoning Director ,4tJtL-- Michael W. Rumpf Senior Planner TO: THRU: DATE: June 7, 1996 SU8JECT: Quantum Park/PCD Center (LUAR 96-009) Request for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning INTRODUCTION James Willard, Esquire, agent for Quantum Associates, property owner, proposes to change the land use and zoning on 13.93 acres of property located at the southwest comer of 1-95 and Gateway Boulevard (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map). The current land use and zoning on this parcel is Office Commercial and Planned Commercial Development (PCD), respectively. The applicant requests the subject properly be reclassified to Industrial, and rezoned to Planned Industrial Development (PID). The necessity for this amendment, which was realized during the 1994 amendment to the Quantum Park PID master plan (to add a future high school into Quantum Park), is pursuant to state law which requires that property adjacent to a development of regional impact (DRI), which is owned by the entity who owns the DRI, be incorporated into the DRI. Quantum Park, which is a DRI, is adjacent to the subject property. As a condition of this 1994 amendment to the Quantum Park development order (DO), the DO must be further amended, within one (1) year of approval of the previously amended DO, for the purpose of including within the Quantum Park DRI the subject property which is also referred to as the PCD Center, The PCD Center is a former approval for a planned commercial development which is undeveloped. This amendment to the DRI, as well as a use approval request (a modification to the current list of approved uses for the Quantum Park PID master plan to allow for automobile sales) is being process concurrently with the subject request. LAND USE PLAN AMENDMENT PROCESS The subject request affects property in excess of 10 acres, and therefore represents a large-scale amendment to the Comprehensive Plan. Prior to City adoption, a large-scale amendment must undergo a consistency review by the Florida Department of Community Affairs (DCA), followed by the ultimate review for compliance, The entire process, from the time of transmittal, takes approximately 6 to 8 weeks for the ordinances to become effective. ADJACENT LAND USES AND ZONING The land uses and zoning in the surrounding area varies and are presented in the table that follows: Direction Zoning Land Use North N/A 1-95 Interchange ROW East N/A 1-95 right-of-way South PID undeveloped West N/A Park Ridge Boulevard Farther West PID undeveloped ISSUES/DISCUSSION Pursuant to Section 9,C.7 of the zoning code, the Planning and Zoning Department shall evaluate land use amendment/rezoning applications with respect to the following criteria: PAGE 2 QUANTUM PARK PID/PCD CENTER a) CONSISTENCY WI111 APPLICABLE COMPREHENSIVE PLAN POLICIES The Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan addresses land use plan amendments and specifically, conversions involving commercial land use classifications, The following Comprehensive Plan objectives and policies, which are included in their entirety in the attached Exhibit "B", relate to the subject requests and are therefore analyzed below: Policy 1.4.13 - ".. .oppose requests for changes in land use which are in conflict with the City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan."; With respect to Policy 1.4.13, the proposed request conflicts with the Future Land Use Map; however, as indicated beluw this amendment is not inconsistent with any Comprehensive Plan goal. ohjectlve, or polley. Obiec!iy~I.17 - "Minimize nuisances, hazards, and other adverse impacts to the general public, propl.:lly values,.... by preventing or minimizing hazards. "; Policy 1 .17.1 -" Discourage additional commercial and industrial uses beyond those shown which are currently shown on the Future Land Use Map, except where access is greatest and impacts on residential land uses are least.". Policy 1,17,1 and the corresponding Objective 1.17 attempt to prevent negative impacts from additional commercial and industrial uses by minimizing impacts upon residential areas and conditioning such changes upon maximized access. The proposed amendment is not inconsistent with these requirements of the Plan as there are no residential properties adjacent to the subject property, and in general, access is greatest given its proximity to Gateway Boulevard and Park Ridge Boulevard. For further details regarding access, see item d) "COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH PUBLIC FACILITIES". Policy 1.19,2 -".. ,allow for industrial acreage which can accommodate the approximate industrial employment which has been projected in the Future Land Use Element." The proposed amendment would reduce the land designated as Office Commercial by approximately 14 acres, and shift this available acreage into the Industrial land use classification. With respect to this shift, or an increase in industrial land, this change may partially offset the previous decrease in industrial land within the Quantum Park PID which occurred when 46.4 acres of land designated as "Research & Development Industrial" where changed to "Governmental/ Institutional" to accommodate the planned high school. This statement is contingent upon the subject site being ultimately used, or partially used fur industrial land uses. With respect to the decrease in land designated for office uses within this area, this change would likely be relatively insignificant given that the "Office" land use category within the Quantum Park PID, which consists of over 130 acres, occupies the greatest portion of land within the PID. b) CONSISTENCY OF REZONING WITH ESTABLISHED LAND USE PATTERN The proposed change does not represent a unique land use within this vicinity. With the exception of the planned high school, which is located on the opposite side of the PID from the subject prop~rty, nil uses dCliignated for the PID are relUlonably compatible. The proposed amendment and rezoning is therefore consistent with this geographic area's established land use pattern, c) DESIRABILITY OF REZONING DUE TO CHANGED OR CHANGING CONDITIONS The general or simple rationale for this amendment, which is the requirement to aggregate adjacent parcels under similar ownership with the DRI, presents the necessity to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map and rezone accordingly. d) COMPATIBILITY OF REZONING WITH PUBLIC FACILITIES The two principle types of fucilities iml'ucted by commercial or Industrial developments Include utilities and roads, and therefore this amendment has been reviewed for any potential impacts upon the PAGE 4 QUANTUM PARK PID/PCD CENTER statutory aggregation requirements; b. the proposed amendment to reclassify the subject property to the Industrial land use classification would not be inconsistent with any comprehensive plan goals, objectives or policies; c. the proposed land use classification, Industrial, would be consistent with the established land use pattern on adjacent properties; d. the analysis of traffic impacts will ultimately comply with requirements of the Palm Beach County Traffic Perfonnance Standards Ordinance and in connection with the review of the amended DRI, be acceptable to the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council (see Exhibit "D"); and e, an analysis of impact on the corresponding pump station will be conducted and determined that capacity exists to serve that demand to be anticipated from the proposed amendment (see Exhibit "D"). Attachments xc: Central File MlSCXIII:QPCD,REP , ' J PLANNING AND ZONING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 96-323 Agenda Memorandum for June 18, 1996, City Commission Meeting FROM: Carrie Parker City Manager Tambri J. Heyden Planning and Zoning Director June 13, 1996 TO: DATE. SUSJaCTI Quantum Park/~CD Center (LUAR 96-009) Request for Land Use Amendment/Rezoning '.. , The above-referenced item has been advertised for public hearing at the June 18, 19996 City Commission meeting, However, the applicant has requested postponement to the July 2, 1996 City Commission meeting, Therefore, the item must appear on the June 18th agenda under Public Hearing and noted as continued to July 2nd, DESCRIPTION: James Willard, Esquire, agent for Quantum Associates, property owner, is requesting an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Office Commercial to Industrial and rezoning from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) to combine the property with the Quantum Park PID, The 13,93 acres of property are located at the southwest corner of 1-95 and Gateway Boulevard, RECOMMENDATION: The Planning and Development Board, with 7-0 vote, recommended approval of this request for land use amendment/ rezoning, subject to the comments in the attached Exhibit D - Conditions of Approval. TJH:dim Attachments xc: Central File il:CCilqJ.llI\R.'1Uil ./ ~( r PAGE 9 QUANTUM PARK PIO/PCO CENTER ,~:~ " ~{ EXHIBIT "D" Conditions of Approval Project name: Quantum Park PID/PCD Center Land Use Amendment/Rezoning File number: LUAR 96-009 R.fore"CllComplete review of proposed master pitt" Is being conducted In conjunction with the review pC the 80lel1dment to the Development of Re8toQallmpoct (DRIA 96-002), For this report, comments l)ave only been 2enerated by the Plannln~ and Zoning Dept. , DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PLANNING AND ZONING 1. The analysis of traffic impacts will be revised to comply with requirements of the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance and in connection with the review of the amended DR!, requirements of the Treasure Coast Regional Planning Council. 2. An analysis of impact on the corresponding pump station shall be conducted which will determine that capacity exists to serve that demand to be anticipated from the proposed amendment. ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS 3. None, ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 1. To be determined. ?: ~ ~' i ;f\ i~ ;1. IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CXRCU1T IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: CL 91-7257-AG CITY OF BOYNTON 8EACH, a Florida municipal corporation, Plaintiff VB. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, ~TO., . Plorida limi~ed partnership, Derendant. I AGREED OROEB THIS CAUSE came on to be heard on the Joint stipulation of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Plaintiff and SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., Defendant. The Court having considered the Stipulation of the parties and being otherwise fully advised in the premises orders: 1. SUbject to the provisions for nullification as set forth 1n paragraph 3 below, the real property owned by SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., which 1s the subject of this litigation 1s: A. Provided a land use designation of low density residential. B. Zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD), limited to single faMily usage with a LUI ot 4.00. 2. The Master Plan attached to the stipulation tor Entry of Aqreed Order as Exhibit "B", SUbject to the Development Order in connection therewith, is hereby approved and shall be binding on the CITY, the Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., their successors 1111/95 EXHIBIT "f} II or assigns, subject to later modification' as is otherwise authorized by the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Land Development Regulations. J. In the event that the real property which is the aUbject of this litigation is not conveyed by Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., to Home Development corporation ot South ~lorlda, a Florida corporation on or before January 30, lItE, this Aqr..d Order shall be null and void and have no force and effect and this action shall continue with the ~onlng and land use remalnln9 unchanged, and the master plan and related Development Order of no force or effect. 4. If closing occurs on or before January 30, 1996, and, following notice thereof as required by this Order, this action shall be dismissed with prejudice with each party to bear its own costs and attorney fees. 5. Counsel for Plaintiff and Defendant are ordered to submit a joint notice to the court informing the Court if the closing of the transaction occurred or did not oceur. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Palm Beach County, Florida, this day of , 1995. CIRCUIT JUDGE copies furnished to: James A. Cherot, Esquire J. Michael Burman, Esquire 11/1/95 LEGAL D~~CRIPTION Section 6, Township 46 South, Ranqe 45 East, and tbe East halt ot Section 1, Township 46 South, Ran,. 42 last, Ie.. three parcele of section 1, totaling approxiaately 20 acr... EXHIBIT \I A " , Uf THE CIRCUIT .1RT OF TIm FIFTEENTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIt OP FLORIDA, IN AND FOR PALM 8&:ACH COUNTY. CIVIL ACTION CASS NO: CL '1.7257 AN FLORIDA JAR NOI 2'184' CITY 01' BOY!ITOII IBACH, . plorida municipal co~r.t1on Plaintiff, V8. SUMMIT ASSOCIATB8, LTD., A Plo~ida liMited partner.hip, Defendant. I IITI.1JLATIOH I'OR mrrRY O. A.mtQR pRDJdl Plaintiff, CITY or BOYNTON BEACH, and Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., move for the entry of a stipulated order, a copy of which is attached hereto a8 Bxhibit -A. and a8 grounds would .tate. 1. The parties, joined by Home Development Corp. Of South Florida, a Florida Corporation, (a contract purchaser of the real property which is the subject of this action) have amicably negotiated and reached a settlement of all dleputes, claim. and .1. EXHIBIT \' ~ II actions pending : threatened. 2. 111e City Commie.ion of the CITY OF BOYNTON 82A01, Florida ba. met 1n public session and authorized the Mayor and City Clerk to execute the Settlement Agreement. 3. The 801e QontinSJenClY and condition sub..quent to the r..oning, lan4 u.. amendment, and .pp..oval of Maet... Plan an4 the Development ~er in conneQtion therewith, 'is a real ..tate closing between SUMMIT ASSOCJATBS, LTD., and Rome Development Corporation of Soutb Florida, a Florida co~ratlon scheduled to occur on or before January 30, 1996 (SUMMIT and BUYER have agreed to olose this tranl.otlon on January 5, 1"'). 4, The parties hereto request entry of the Agreed Order attached hereto a. Bxhibit -A- and approval of the Master Plan and the Development Order in connection therewith attached hereto a8 Exhibit -8-. CITY OF BOYNTON BBACH Attest: By: Lf-~ - Q~'~~l~ AetlQI Deput, Cl.~k By ,A MAYOR Byt CITY MANAGSR w2- SUMMIT ASSOCIATBS, LTD. By: . t't-- :/,~ . f~ ,. j (r.J~ f~ Bya JOSIAS' )REN~ P.A. Attorney. for Plaintiff 1099 East commercial Blvd. suite 200 FC. Lauderd rL 33308 (305 171- BURMAN, CRl'J"'l"Olf" LUTTIBIl Attorney. for SUmmit 1" U... .i,h.., On. Suite 300 North ,.1. Beach, 'L 33401 140?) 841,\\ 'I.. . MICHABL 8 -3- A TT ACHMENT #2 AVAILABILITY OF FACILITY ANALYSIS t:c c:t=> J:D.. OC ::::J za: Oct) U)i.. -Q) a:_ c:tC D..::::J :eX 0- 0: t-Q) Ow c:t- D..Q) :!;.c _t- ~ ;:i<< ~ ~? E W::""".,. a. C>", :i iii, "0 WY< Q) a:<> c: c'[" ::J ~,...!.j.!:. .9 bH:(' fa tHHn';Hi: ~ ~....~...... fB a:z ~\~ "0 "0 a. a. 0> 0> 0 0 C\I 0 .- "'- II ~ Ll) .- .- ...- ~ ....(/) II II 00 .c <~ 0 0 ~ a.. a.. 00. CJ CJ ...-(/) as x.... 0 0 m ,0 ~ ~ ~< U) "OS >< >< fBLl) ~ :i "0 "0 co co Ll) Ll) 8 II m COQ)_ cD 0> 0> o as.... C't)....as ~O>:l "'->0- o II U (/) o o 0>0 CO"Of'-. Ll)- - - [l) co ~~~ XLl) C\I mx a: U < o C't) lit=" II IIR II "0 a. =0 '(ij ...- 0> 00> ~$ IDOO ~<o f'-. xC't) o:(/) O:X<o ...- a. -+'C\f .- - - .t: .<0 0.... 00>C't) 0<:\1 .... +,0> X ~ 0> >- 0>- 0>= 0> 0> ID -as - .... .c 0>0 0> as 0> u .... .... :l - ~ as 0> as 0- ~ 0 :l 0> :l (/) O-e! 0-0 as :l m (/) a> (/)0 0- o > Of'-. (/) en 0< o - f'-._o f'-.<o 0 _<:\I 0 ~gJ <oC't) f'-._ C\I C't) ~ C't) <0 0> <:\I C't) a: w ~ ~ 0.' ii: LL c:t a: t- (/) c: o l!! ~ I~ ~FJ~fB~ a> ...- a.. ~~~ + <(. .Ll) o...-Ll) C\I . z o ~ => D.. o 0... C W b w .., o a: 0.. '0 ~ ~~ ~ as (/)+' 55 ~ u16 , .... .c mB [l)~ c: N ~:~ ~ ~~ J2 (/)"0 C 0 ::s.c o a> u~ (/) 0 :l..c: (/).... . c: a> (j) 0> a. ID U 0> O(/).c mC:(/) ~~as EO>a; o 0.0 ':=Ll)"O ~Nffi ,S ..: (/) s:: a> c t: > 0 O>O>~ ID;:j'g ......o::s '-' ..c: u "0 - c: ~as as:gu ~~a ....a>~ .- (/) as :l:l- o-o:l U.co. as 0 c....a.. o a> ~ o.~ as(/),C E c u .... 0 as Q(/):s:: .S ID as co.a> o 0> .- <0 (/) .......co- as . 0> :l .- .... o.(/)~ [~lf= :> as a> > u > Za>u~ c as .. ,- ~ ~C't)(/) o ~ C Z<oo . <0 U ....... ..c u ~ 0> ....... C :l ..c - .c :.::::::' ('t') ~ :3 Boar'" of COUJ1ty Commissioners Ken L. Foster, Chairman Burt Aaronson, Vice Chairman Karen T. Marcus Carol A, Roberts Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Maude Ford Lee County Administrator Robert Weisman October 24, 1995 Department of Engineering and ~~r~ 1"'"'::.:. fa ~ fa \\ ~~. \i.- \ , \ \!i \!!J \!i \L--;.--" . \U,-~ 'Ii \ \.~ -.-........'. Ms. Tambri Heyden, Director Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 RE: ISLES AT HUNTERS RUN PUD Dear Ms. Heyden: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic impact study for the project entitled Isles at Hunters Run PUD, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 7.9 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The proposed project will consist of 56 single-family residential dwelling units. The project will generate 560 daily trips. The build-out for the project is 1997. The project adds traffic to two segments of Lake Ida Road which have traffic volumes that exceed LOS D. These roadway segments are e11gible for additional project traffic, on a first come first serve basis. We will reserve trips for this project on the following roadways. If the project does not receive a deve 1 opment order, please inform me so that the tri ps can be used by other projects. Lake Ida Road from Congress Avenue to Swinton Avenue Lake Ida Road from Congress Avenue to Barwick Road 60 trips 90 trips The Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the requirements of the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030, Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~ Jt,~ Dan Weisberg, P.E. Senior Registered Civil Engineer cc, William Hukill, P.E., Director Boynton Beach Department of Development File: TPS - Hun. - Traffic Study Review g:\user\dweisber\wp50\tps\boyn55 "An Equal Opportunity - Affirmative Action Employer" P1 -: -' :"flflted cr: '~I.T'eC :'.lcer Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416-1229 (407) 684-4000 A TT ACHMENT #3 UPDATED PLAN AMENDMENT RECORD ATTACHMENT "C" AVAILABILITY OF FACILITY ANALYSIS MEMORANDUM UTILITIES DEPT, NO, 96 - 201 ----~--~.. ----..--..- - FROM: ~ ~ PLANNfNG AND ZONING DEPT TO: Mike Rumpf, Senior PlalUler John A. Guidry, Utilities Direct~ June 7, 1996 JlH, o. DATE: SUBJECT: Quantum Park - Utility Analysis We have reviewed the analyses of impacts on the utility system provided by Kimley Horn and Associates, and have detennined that the water and wastewater treatment plants have sufficient reserve capacity to accommodate the increased demand, The gravity sewer mains are also sufficiently sized to meet the additional demand, However, we will require additional information on the location of the fire flow test, and also an analysis of the impacts on the sewage lift station before we can make a final determination on this matter, Please have the applicant provide us with this information at your earliest convenience, Please refer any questions on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office, JAG/PVM xc: Skip Milor Tambri Heyden File ATTACHMENT "D" LPA RECONIMENDATIONS (EXCERPT FROM JULY 2, 1996 MINUTES) ~~ l MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JULY2'1996~~ \ Commissioner Bradley would have liked to seen more concession in the area of the buffer. He would have preferred a single-family project: however, he respected the neighbor's desires. Mayor Taylor was concerned about the pool being close to the adjacent development. What he heard tonight is that people supported this because they preferred single-family over multi-family. He pointed out that they were not asked about the buffer, Also. to get the 2.5 feet, the applicant has cut some of the lots, and they are already small enough. Michael Morton appreciated the Commission's reconsideration of this project. He disagreed with Gary Lehnertz. He said the neighl;>orhood has spoken and he has heard a consensus against single-family and the 12.5 foot buffer. He thanked the Commission for giving him the opportunity to go back to the neighborhood. He said he will come back with a plan with another design in the future, Ms. Cottrell withdrew this application, At this time, the parties involved in the Quantum Park projects returned and those items were discussed next. t VI. PUBLIC HEARING A, Project Name: Quantum ParklPID/PCD Center Applicant requested continuance to July 2, 1996' Agent: James G, Willard, Esquire Owner: Quantum Associates Location: 13,93 acres of property at the southwest corner of 1-95 and Gateway Boulevard Description: Land Use Element Amendment/Rezoning: Request to amend the Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Map from Office Commercial to Industrial and rezone from Planned Commercial Development (PCD) to Planned Industrial Development (PID) to add into the Quantum Park PID Ms, Heyden advised that an agreement was reached to proceed with the land use element amendment/rezoning, Therefore, we need an action to transmit this to the Department of Community Affairs, The only change is the use as office rather than commercial. 32 ) , '-'''~'f:'''i''~'~'ItY~~r'''''''V'''' /' MINUTES CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA / JULY 2,1996 Mr. Willard said the reason we are going forward with that is because it retains consistency with the underlying Comprehensive Plan. We can bring those three lots into the DRI, but we are going to simultaneously submit a Comprehensive Plan request to DCA to change it from office to industrial. Ms, Heyden advised that we will process a subsequent development order to change it back to commercial. There are also two staff conditions in Exhibit 0 that are still applicable. One pertains to the pump station upgrade, and one pertains to the traffic. Until we have FOOT's comments, the latter condition needs to remain. With regard to the comment regarding the pump station upgrade, City Attorney Cherof advised that even though this was incorporated in th~ ordinance, the comment still needs to be included. It will end up being satisfied immediately upon the adoption of the ordinance if that language is changed. Motion Commissioner Titcomb moved to approve, subject to the conditions in Exhibit 0, and also the condition that the use on the master plan for these lots be changed to office. Vice Mayor Jaskiewicz seconded the motion, which carried 5-0, " B, Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: See discussion under Item VI.A, , . Quantum Park PID James G. Willard, Shutts & 80wen Quantum Associates - West side of the intersection, of Interstate 95 and Gateway 80ulevard Master Plan Modification: Request to amend the previously approved PID master plan in connection with an amendment to the DRI to add 13.17 acres (the PCD Center subdivision) to the PiD boundaries and change the use designation from office to commercial/industrial use, add the option of commercial use to the existing use designated for lots 65A, 658, 66, 67A, 678, 67C, 68A, 688,69,70, 72, 73A, 738, 74 - 79,83 - 85 and 91, and change the use designation of lots 58, 59, 60 and 61 from commercial to industrial/research and development/office 33 _....~,....~.. i~~'t~~'~~"'~'!J"'~'>'fo ' ATTACHMENT #1 COURT ORDER AND AGREEMENT CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, a Florida municipal corporation, IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE 15TH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT IN AND FOR PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA CASE NO: CL 91-7257-AG Plaintiff vs. SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., a Florida limited partnership, Defendant. / FIFTH AMENDED AGREED ORDER THIS CAUSE came on to be heard on the Joint Stipulation of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, Plaintiff and SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., Defendant. The Court havinq considered the Stipulation of the parties and beinq otherwise fully advised in the premises orders: 1. Subject to the provisions for nullification as set forth in paraqraph 3 below, the real property owned by SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., which is the subject of this litiqation is: A. Provided a land use designation of low density residential. B. Zoned Planned Unit Development (PUD), limited to sinqle family usaqe with a LOI of 4.00. 2. The Master Plan attached to the Stipulation for Entry of Aqreed Order as Exhibit "B", subject to the Development Order in connection therewith, is hereby approved and shall be bindinq on the CITY, the Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., their successors or assigns, subject to later modification as is otherwise authorized by the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Land Development Regulations. 3 . In the event that the real property which is 'the subj ect of this litigation is not conveyed by Defendant, SUMMIT ASSOCIATES, LTD., to Home Development Corporation of South Florida, a Florida corporation on or before June 30, 1996, this Agreed Order shall be null and void and have no force and effect and this action shall continue with the zoning and land use remaining unchanged, and the master plan and related Development Order of no force or effact. 4. If closing occurs on or before June 30, 1'96, and, . following notice thereof as required by this Order, thls action shall be dismissed with prejudice with each party to bear its own costs and attorney tees. 5. The CITY further agrees to accept a surety bond in lieu of a letter of credit as security to assure that the subdivision improvements, with respect to the real property which is the subject of this litigation, will be completed and paid for. 6. Counsel for Plaintiff and Defendant are ordered to submit a joint notice to the Court informing the Court it the closing of the transaction occurred or did not occur. DONE AND ORDERED in Chambers at Palm Beach County, Florida, this day of , 1996. CIRCUIT JUDGE Copies furnished to: James A. Cherof, Esquire Sherry Lefkowitz Hyman, Esquire J. Michael Burman, Esquire ~ ~ - ... ~ . : 910370 ORDERS . All) I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' ID 00 -.J 0'1 U1 "" W '" I-' H -.J 0'1 U1 "" W '" I-' 0 >-3 tJj ~ ~ >-3 txl ~ :s: ~ n txl :s: .fj ~ ~ .fj ~ ~ ti' n III 0 tj. 0 0 0 I-' 0 Ii B I-' ~ ~ i 't:l 't:l 't:l 't:l '< ~ I-' I-' III rt n I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' I-' ..... , 0' rt ::r ::r Ii ....' ....' ..... ..... ....' ....' ITJ Ii ~ Ii 0 0 CD n ~ 0 n n n n n n I-' CD ....' ....' III l:l ~ m 0 l:l III III III III III III 0 ::r l:l lQ (;' 0 rt 9 CD rt rt rt rt rt rt :E; CD ::r tIl txl III lD l:l !Z: ....' ....' ..... ....' ..... ....' , l:l txl rt CD 0- Ii CD m R g g 0 0 g g t:" m ..... 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