REVIEW COMMENTS 7 .F .2 BOYNTON BEACH CANCER CENTER (NWSP 03-029) NEW SITE PLAN DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 04-044 STAFF REPORT TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Development Board and City Commission FROM: Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director Eric Lee Johnson, AICP. ((~~ Planner U February 18, 2004 THRU: DATE: PROJECT NAME/NO: Boynton Beach Cancer Center (fka Woolbright Medical Building) / NWSP 03- 029 REQUEST: New Site Plan PROJECT DESCRIPTION Property Owner: Boynton Beach Real Estate, LLC Applicant: Mr. George G. Gentile with Gentile, Holloway, O'Mahoney & Associates, Incorporated Agent: Mr. George G. Gentile with Gentile, Holloway, O'Mahoney & Associate, Incorporated Location: Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Southwest 22nd Street (see Exhibit "A" - Location Map) Existing Land Use/Zoning: Office Commercial (OC) / Office and Professional (C-1) Proposed Land Use/Zoning: No change proposed Proposed Use: 6,851 square foot medical office building Acreage: 0.39-acres (16,946 square feet) Adjacent Uses: North: Right-of-way for Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD) Canal L-26, then farther north is developed residential (Leisureville) with an underlying Moderate Density Residential (MoDR) land use designation, zoned Single-family Residential (R-1AA); South: Right-of-way for Woolbright Road, then farther south is developed commercial (Woolbright Professional Building) with an Office Commercial (OC) underlying land use designation, zoned Office and Professional (C-1); Staff Report - Boynton Beach Cancer Center (NWSP 03-029) Memorandum No PZ 04-044 Page 2 East: Right-of-way for Southwest 22nd Street, then farther east is developed residential (Venetian Terrace) with an underlying High Density Residential (HDR) land use designation, zoned Multi-family Residential (R-3); and West: A portion of a canal, then farther west is vacant commercial property with an underlying Office Commercial (OC) land use designation, zoned Office and Professional (C-1). BACKGROUND Proposal: In May of 2000, the original owner, Dr. Mark Freeman, submitted a new site plan request (NWSP 00-008) to construct a 7,380 square foot medical office building. The City Commission approved Dr. Freeman's site plan request on November 8, 2000. A development order for a site plan is valid for one (1) year. Unable to secure a building permit, Mr. Steve Utrecht, agent for the property owner submitted a request for site plan extension (SPTE 01-002) in December of 200l. The City Commission approved Mr. Utrecht's site plan time extension request on January 2, 2002. The validity of the site plan was extended to November 8, 2002. Again, unable to secure a building permit, Mr. Utrecht submitted a second request for site plan time extension (SPTE 02-002). The City Commission approved the second site plan time extension request on January 7, 2003. The site plan was valid until November 8, 2003. No building permits were secured and the site plan subsequently expired. According to public records, the present owner purchased the property in April of 2003. Mr. George Gentile, agent for the owner(s) submitted a request for new site plan approval for the construction of a 6,851 square foot medical office building. A medical office is a permitted use in the C-1 zoning district. The construction of the building, parking lot, and all other site improvements would occur within one (1) phase. Site Characteristic: The site is a small, vacant, rectangular-shaped lot with overgrown grass and with no other vegetation of significance. The rear (north) of the property abuts up to the Lake Worth Drainage District's Canal L-26. Therefore, a large portion (20 feet) of the property is dedicated to the District. A finger canal bounds the property to the west side while public streets abut it to the south (front) and east side. The survey shows the site contains broken asphalt in the front of the property and a 10- foot wide by 22-foot long concrete slab, located at the southwest corner. ANALYSIS Concurrency: Traffic: A traffic impact statement for this project was submitted and sent to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for their review and approval. The Division sent the following statement: The Year 2002 build-out date on the previous approval has passed, and since the project is expected to generate more than 20 peak hour trips, it is required to submit a new traffic study (not just a trip generation statement) and address all TPS requirements. The study must include a new build- out date, which will be used as the basis of the new traffic analysis. Be advised Staff Report - Boynton Beach Cancer Center (NWSP 03-029) Memorandum No PZ 04-044 Page 3 that the Palm Beach County TPS requirements was modified in April 2003, and all TPS related traffic analysis are now peak hour based. At this time, the project is still under review and staff has not received confirmation from the Traffic Division that it meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits would be issued until staff receives this confirmation from the County (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). Drainage: Conceptual drainage information was provided for the City's review. The City's concurrency ordinance requires drainage certification at time of site plan approval. The Engineering Division is recommending that the review of speCific drainage solutions be deferred until time of permit review, when more complete engineering documents are required (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). The on-site drainage system shall be accomplished via a combination of green swales, exfiltration trenches, and dry retention. The drainage design shall conform to the requirements of the City of Boynton Beach, South Florida Water Management District, and the Lake Worth Drainage District (LWDD). School: School concurrency is not required for this type of project. Driveways: A driveway is proposed on Southwest 22nd Street. The opening would be 25 feet in width and allow for vehicular ingress and egress. This opening allows for vehicles to access the under-story parking. Parking Facility: Medical offices require one (1) parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. The site plan (sheet A-1) tabular data indicates that a large portion of the building is "inhabitable space", such as the stairwell and a thickness of the walls of the X-Ray room. To be consistent with the previous approval (NWSP 00-008), the parking methodology was based on 5,400 square feet of building office area, and therefore, a total of 27 parking spaces would be required. The site plan shows that 27 parking spaces would be provided. On December 8, 2003, the applicant requested an administrative waiver from Engineering Drawing K1 in order to allow the proposed parking lot to comply with the parking lot dimensions of Engineering Drawing B98007. On December 10, 2003, the Engineering Division of Public Works granted the waiver from Drawing Kl. The site plan shows that 90-degree parking spaces would be dimensioned nine (9) feet in width by 18 feet in length. The 90- degree handicap space would be 12 feet in width with five (5) feet of striping by 18 feet in length. As proposed, the vehicular back-up distance is 27 feet in width. The parking lot lighting is shown on the photometric plan (sheet ES1). According to the photometric plan, the proposed lighting levels near the north sides of the property would be minimal. It should have no adverse affect on the neighboring residential properties. Landscaping: The proposed pervious area of the parcel equals 3,798 square feet or 22.5% of the total site. The landscape plan (sheet L-1) indicates that 28 or 100% of the palm trees would be native. Likewise, 84% of the shade trees and 54% of the shrubs would be native. Originally, the site plan (NWSP 00-008) that was approved in 2000, proposed a five Staff Report - Boynton Beach Cancer Center (NWSP 03-029) Memorandum No PZ 04-044 Page 4 (5) foot wide front landscape buffer along Woolbright Road. Subsequent to approval, the buffer width requirements changed to seven (7) feet wide along rights-of-way. To comply, the applicant significantly revised the landscape plan in order to provide a seven (7) foot wide landscape buffer along Woolbright Road. The buffer would contain five (5) Cabbage palm trees and one (1) Live Oak tree. A row of Redtip Cocoplum and Ixora Nora Grant is also proposed within the buffer. Although not scaled, the width of the east (corner side) landscape buffer would vary between 10 feet and 24 feet. This buffer would contain Royal palm, Cabbage palm, and Purple Glory trees. The proposed hedge and groundcover material include the following species: Lirope, Indian Hawthorne, Ixora Nora Grant, and Coral Plant. The south (rear) landscape buffer would be at least 20 feet in width. This is the buffer that would separate the building from the residences to the north. North of this landscape buffer is 60-feet of the LWDD right-of-way. The landscaped version of the north elevation (sheet L-3) shows that the proposed plant material would soften the impact of the medical building on the residences to the north. The proposed plant material within this rear landscape buffer would include the following: Live Oak, Cabbage palm, Redtip Cocoplum, Ixora Nora Grant, and Fakahatchee Grass. The west (side) landscape buffer would be two and one-half (2112) feet in width. It would contain a row of Redtip Cocoplum hedges and Silver Buttonwood trees. Building and Site: The maximum height allowed for new buildings in the C-1 zoning district is 30 feet. The proposed building is designed as a flat-roofed, one (l)-story structure with under-story parking. The top of the parapet wall would be 30 feet in height. The elevation (sheet A-3) indicates that the ceiling is proposed at 22 feet - 10 inches in height. The required front setback in the C-1 zoning district is 30 feet; the building would be setback 30 feet. The required side setback in the C-1 district is 10 feet; the building would be setback 10 feet on both sides. The required rear setback is 20 feet and the project provides 20 feet. No dumpster enclosure is proposed since a trash room has been provided to store small, portable containers in lieu of a dumpster. Design: The proposed design is compatible with the surrounding built environment and will generally enhance the overall success of the Woolbright Road corridor. The elevations (sheet A-3) show that the main building color, which would contain the greatest portion of mass, would be tan (Sherwin Williams #1344 - Fortune Cookie) and the accent color would be cream (Sherwin Williams #1347). The proposed building colors are compatible with other buildings in the area. Score lines and accent squares have also been incorporated into the design of the building in order to enhance its overall appearance. Signage: No wall signs are proposed. The site plan (sheet A-1) shows that a freestanding monument sign is proposed at the southeast corner of the property. According to the sign detail (shown on sheet A-4), it would be eight (8) feet in height and painted to match the building. The site address would be placed near the top of the structure. According to the sign note, the sign would be an internally lit, double-faced sign with red acrylic letters. Since no setback dimension was provided on the site plan, at the time of permitting, the rectified plan must show Staff Report - Boynton Beach Cancer Center (NWSP 03-029) Memorandum No PZ 04-044 Page 5 that it would be setback 10 feet from the south and east property lines (see Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval). RECOMMENDATION: The Technical Review Committee (TRC) has reviewed this request for new site plan approval. Staff recommends approval, contingent upon successfully satisfying all comments indicated in Exhibit "C" - Conditions of Approval. Any additional conditions recommended by the Board or City Commission shall be documented accordingly in the Conditions of Approval. S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Beach Cancer Center\NWSP 03-029\Staff Report.doc 1=)('-11 IT "A" , ~ V ~ - ... "" - 1 in. = 265.3 feet ~ , ~ 1 "' .- ~ \, ---- ~ " I V - ~\ t--- or ~ /" i--- I-- \.. ~ lyr~] ~J , t--- - NCONGRES~ 1 - -- ~ ~\.. - \ , --....... 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I!' ."1.1 I@I FJt~t " ,~:J 'f \_ ~----rl I, l\" "I~ i : ---"--' : r C'J'nnON 6EACr' CA1-:CER CENTER -\l t WOOLBRIGHT ROAD & SW 22ND STREET 't f BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA t \ --_.--~----r,;j r'_..~~lnhr ?non All rkJnb reserved. ........~,~..':~ CIl o c: -4 % 1ft &; -4 ., rs 0 ~~. 1',.:8\' I r ' ~ nl.lIE, 1m! o il II~-l :1: 1Jl-. _ ~~ ~~~~ 11 i Everett H. Je,';ner, A.LA. ,~. Architecture Pl,mning ',nlenor Design ~ ~ '2.64.1 NW 41st Street 8[,,"1 HatOtl. FL 33434 ;::. t. -;~:,Si'~~, ';:,~~,~::~:~~,::~::":.~~~;_~:: 1~ ~ '- '- -"; 1 I ~ !. ~ r !; ~ . .,. > t ~ ! ~ I / ) , ~/ I~ ~ ~ ~ ~ EXHIBIT "B" 1;:""1 ii .$ ~i ~; H 1- i f~ ~" ~~ * I ~ ~ . ~ .J 1 , , \ . , . I . i ~ t\ ~ , , EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Approval Project name: Boynton Beach Cancer Center File number: NWSP 03-029 Reference: 2nd review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a February 6. 2004 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard Drawing "K" series. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 2. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. 3. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 4. Paving, Drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. 5. On the site plan, staff recommends labeling the southernmost parking spaces as designated for "employee parking" due to the lack of a "bump-out" in the design of the parking lot. UTILITIES Comments: 6. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. COA 02/18/04 2 " DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 7. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 8. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application FIRE Comments: 9. Prior to Fire Department approval of a building permit, new construction projects must provi~e the results of a hydrant flow test indicating a fire flow not less than 1500 gpm @ 20 psi above domestic use. This applies to new or existing hydrants within the required 200 feet of the facility. 10. On Water & Sewer Plan (sheet 5 of 8) an existing ten (10) inch WM is shown coming from the south with a ten (10) inch x six (6) inch tap for the hydrant supply. The existing WM coming from the north is shown as an eight (8) inch. Show the location of the reducer. POLICE Comments: None , BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 11. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. 12. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 13. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design. COA 02/18/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 14. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. 15. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. 16. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34): . The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. . The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. 17. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. 18. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi- family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted. 19. Sheet A-I - Light Pole Detail- The design of the light pole shall be designed to withstand 140 mph wind load as mandated in 2001 FBC, Section 1606. Submit calculations to verify compliance. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 20. The Details sheet section on this page should include a line indicating where the height, caliper @ DBH, and clear trunk (ct) area of the shade tree will be measured at time of planting and inspection. 21. The applicant should show on Sheet L-2 on the elevation cross-section detail the actual heights of the proposed landscape trees and vegetation at the time of planting to (proper scale) visually buffer the proposed driveway / parking COA 02/19/04 4 " DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT lot facility from the Woolbright Road and S. W. 22nd Street rights-of-ways. PLANNING & ZONING Comments: 22. A traffic impact statement for this project was submitted and sent to the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for their review and approval. The Division sent the following statement: The Year 2002 build-out date on the previous approval has passed, and since the project is expected to generate more than 20 peak hour trips, it is required to submit a new traffic study (not just a trip generation statement) and address all TPS requirements. The study must include a new build-out date, which will be used as the basis of the new traffic analysis. Be advised that the Palm Beach County TPS requirements was modified in April 2003, and all TPS related traffic analysis are now peak hour based. At this time, the project is still under review and staff has not received confirmation from the Traffic Division that it meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits would be issued until staff receives this confirmation from the County. 23. The configuration of the parking lot must be consistent on all plans. 24. The detail of the outdoor freestanding lighting fixture (shown on sheet ES-l) should indicate the material and dimensions of the structure. This should be shown on the plan at the time of permitting. 25. On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities match between the tabular data and the graphic illustration. 26. The freestanding monument sign must be setback at least 10 feet from the east and south property lines (Chapter 21, Article III, Section 5.). ADDITIONAL PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS: Comments: 27. To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: 28. To be determined. MWRlelj S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Beach Cancer Center\NWSP 03-029\COA.doc DEVELOPIl ..,;"T ORDER OF THE CITY COMM~ ~ION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PROJECT NAME: Boynton Beach Cancer Center (fka Woolbright Medical Building) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Mr. George G. Gentile - Gentile, Holloway, O'Mahoney & Associates, Incorporated APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 1907 Commerce Lane, Suite 101 Jupiter, FL 33458 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: March 16,2004 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Request new site plan approval for the construction of a 6,851 square foot building on a 0.39-acre parcel in the C-1 zoning district. LOCATION OF PROPERTY: Northwest corner of Woolbright Road and Southwest 22nd Street DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby _ GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other DATED: City Clerk S:IPlanning\SHAREDlWPIPROJECTSlBoynton Beach Cancer CenterINWSP 03-029\OO.OOc 1st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan ~\ct~ Project name: Boynton Beach Cancer Center File number: NWSP 03-029 Reference: 1 streview plans identified as a New Site Plan with a December 17. 2003Planning and Zoning Deoartment date stamo marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- \/ 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance / Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. 3. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard ~ Drawing "K" series. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be / reflected on all appropriate sheets. 5. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not / ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. -' 6. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets. v 7. Show all existing utilities on Site Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, ./ Section 7.A.3). 8. Please provide photometries as part of your TRC plan submittals. ./ 9. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, ./ Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b). A conflict is noted between the proposed light pole on the south end of the parking lot and a Silver Buttonwood. 10. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there / shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). / 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the v 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT LDR, Chapter 6, Article N, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 12. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof / (LDR, Chapter 6, Article N, Section 5.A.2.g). 13. Revise Note #2 on Sheet 3 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard / Drawings "D" series. 14. Paving, Drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction / acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES Comments: 15. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article N, / Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). 16. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be / paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 17. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable / water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Indicate irrigation source on the plans. 18. The City's maintenance responsibility ends at the water meter. Revise the .J proposed easement to include the water meter within the easement but exclude the RPZ. 19. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department / has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 20. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction / acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application FIRE 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 21. Prior to Fire Department approval of a building permit, new construction projects must provide the results of a hydrant flow test indicating a fire flow not less than 1500 gpm @ 20 psi above domestic use. This applies to new or existing hydrants within the required 200 feet of the facility. 22. On Water & Sewer Plan (sheet 5 of 8) an existing ten (10) inch WM is shown coming from the south with a ten (10) inch x six (6) inch tap for the hydrant supply. The existing WM coming from the north is shown as an eight (8) inch. Show the location of the reducer. POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 23. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall ~/ openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. 24. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with / approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2. 25. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or / structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 26. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and ,/ forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design. 27. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents / the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject request. / 28. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the / proposed construction. 29. Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and floor / plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors to the building, 2001 FBC, Sections 11-4.1.2, 11-4.1.3, and 11-4.3. 30. As required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7, submit a floor plan drawing. The / building plans are not being reviewed for compliance with the applicable building codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawinj:!; titled Floor Plan found on sheet A-2. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 31. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may V not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available. 32. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that V utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. 33. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the foIiowing information shall be / provided at the time of building permit application: a) The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. b) The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article IT, Sections 26-34) 34. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting l/ shall meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time of permit application. 35. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for ~ review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. 36. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction 1/ documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi- family, then all addresses for the particular buildinJl; type shall be submitted. / 37. Sheet A-I - Site Data - Plan notes building ground floor area as 1,998 -7 square feet and also as 1,021 sq. feet. Clarify and list the correct square footaJ!e of the buildinJ!. 38. Sheet A-I - Light Pole Detail- The design of the light pole shall be / designed to withstand 140 mph wind load as mandated in 2001 FBC, Section 1606. Submit calculations to verify compliance. 39. Submit a photometric plan for the site lighting. A lighting plan shall be ~. submitted per CBBCO, Chapter 4, Section 7(B). 40. Sheet A-2 - Clarify the use of the room identified as "machine" on the V second floor per BBA to the 2001 FBC, Section 104.2.1. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: Landscaoe Plan-Plant List Sheet L-l \/ 41. The landscape design should include 2 City signature trees (Tibochina ID"anulosa) at the project inJl;l"ess/eJl;l"ess location. These trees must meet the 1ST REVmW COMMENTS 01/13/04 5 7 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT minimum tree specifications. (Environnemental. Regulations, Chapter. 7.5, Article IT Sec. 5.C.3, N.] 42. The Details sheet section on this page should include a line indicating where / the height, caliper @ DBH, and gray wood area of the palm trees will be measured at time of planting and inspection. 43. The Details sheet section on this page should include a line indicating where / the height, caliper @ DBH, and clear trunk (ct) area of the shade tree will be measured at time of planting and inspection. 44. The Details sheet on this page should include a line indicating where the / height and spread of the shrubs hedges and accent plants will be measured at time of planting and inspection. 45. The Jatropha multifida plant specification should include a height and plant spacing dimension. ~ 46. The applicant should add a note that all utility boxes or structures (not currently known or shown on the plan) should be screened with Coco plum /' hedge plants on three sides. 47. The applicant should show on Sheet L-2 on the elevation cross-section detail the actual heights of the proposed landscape trees and vegetation at ~. the time of planting to (proper scale) visually buffer the proposed driveway / parking lot facility from the Woolbright Road and S. W. 2200 Street rights- of-ways. Irrieation Plan 48. There is no irrigation system design included with the site plans. The ,/ irrigation design should be low-flow for water conservation. All shade and , palm trees should receive irrigation from a bubbler source. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article IT Sec. SA.] 49. Turf areas should be limited in size. Landscape (bedding plants) areas / should be designed on separate low-flow zones with proper time duration for water conservation. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article n Sec. 5. C.2.] PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 50. Medical offices require one (1) parking space per 200 square feet of gross ./ floor area. The total floor area of a building or a use occupying part of a building, measured from centerlines of partitions and exterior of outside walls. Gross floor area shall included all floor area occupied by the main or 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 6 DEPARTMENTS principal use, plus any area occupied by accessory uses such as storage rooms, maintenance rooms, offices, lounges, restrooms, lobbies, basements, mezzanines and hallways. Were the stairwells and elevator shafts included within the gross floor area? K The site plan tabular data (sheet A-2) is incorrect because of the required rear setback is 30 feet, not 20 feet (Chapter 2, Section 6.A.3.). Z. 52. If the "total floor area" is 6,874 square feet but the parking was based on 5,186 s uare feet, where is the remainin 1,688 s uare feet? .)( >( An updated traffic impact analysis with a new build-out year is required prior to the Technical Review Committee meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2). It must be approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for concurrency purposes prior to the issuance of any building permits. The vehicular back-up distance and parking stall dimensions are subject to the En . eerin Division of Public Works' review and a roval. Each survey should be signed and sealed (Chapter 4, Section 7.A.). Copies are not ermitted. X Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the Technical Review Committee meetin Cha ter 4, Section 7.D.2. . Include color swatches. k Place a note on the site plan that all above ground mechanical equipment such as exterior utility boxes, meters, transformers, and back-flow reventers shall be visuall screened Cha ter 9, Section 1O.C.4. . On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities must match between the tabular data and the a hic illustration. W'The landscape buffers adjacent to Woolbright Road must be seven (7) feet ~ in width. This strip of land shall be comprised of the following elements: The first outside layer shall be a combination of colorful groundcover plants and a minimum of two (2) colorful shrub species. The next layer shall consist ofa continuous hedge or decorative site wall (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.D. . A signature tree (such as a Yellow Elder, Tibouchina Granulsola, or Bouganvillea) is required at both sides of each project entrance on Southwest 22nd Street. The signature trees must have eight (8) feet of clear trunk if placed within the safe-sight triangle (Chapter 7.5, Article 2, Section 5.N.). Alternative plant material maybe substituted if the above referenced plant material is not available or undesired. Any substitution of plant material (for the signature tree requirement) will be subject to the City Forester I Environmentalist review and a roval. INCLUDE REJECT ~ / ~ t/ v v v v 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 7 ~ DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT All project signage is subject to review and approval of the Planning & Development Board. Any wall signs proposed now or in the future? On the elevations, indicate the cumulative area of all wall signage (if any) to ensure that it complies with Chapter 21, Article 4, Section C.). In addition, indicate the si e, letter colors and si material. Re Provide a detail of the proposed monument sign. Include the exterior finish, dimensions, si area, si e, letter colors, and si materials. The X-Ray/Equipment room has too many blank wall elevations. Score lines, cornices, spandral glass and other architectural features should be utilized to enhance each elevation. Tree spacing on the west perimeter should be 30 feet on center. It is graphically depicted as 33 feet, but when scaled, it is actually 38 feet. This would allow the addition of one more cano tree alon this erimeter. MWR/sc S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Beach Cancer Center\NWSP 03-029\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS,doc &( s.~~~Th ~ fu $f~~ c~ etf th v ~ .. .- GENTILE HOLLOWAY O'MAHONEY Gt;;orge L7 C:;enti!e, t=ASL,\ M. Troy Hol!:Jw.;w. .'\:-:;~_^ Ernily.UMilhIJtlf:Y, l,~]:"'A , Ldrltl,_.,Cdre Arc htect0 and Envirortrnt;ntal >W'll!t;;nb ' l C 0000177 February 2,2004 Ms. Sherie Coale City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division' 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 RE: Project name: Boynton Beach Cancer Center File number: NWSP 03-029 Dear Ms. Coale, \ ' Please find below our responses to the Staff comments for the above referenced project. PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. Response: This item will be completed prior to permitting. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. ' Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. Response: Please find attached a traffic analysis. 3. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard Drawing "K" series. Response: Please refer to Sheet 4 of 8 for note. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate sheets. I Response; Understood. 1907 C{mH1lPrCf~ Lan(:, SuiU 101 Jupiter, Hf1rid21 33458 5h1-57:j-855'.7 56;-575-5200 FAX www.iandsGClpe-architeGts.com ~ . Page 2 of 12 5. Please note that changes or reVISIOns to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ensure that additional comm-ents may not be generated by the Commission and at permit reVIew. Response: Understood. 6. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets. Response: Written and graphic scales have been provided on all sheets. 7. Show all existing utilities on Site Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A.3). Response: The Site Development plan has been revised to show all existing utilities. I 8. Please provide photometries as part of your TRC plan submittals: Response: Please refer to photometric plan in submittal package. 9. It may be ne~essary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.b). A conflict is noted between the proposed light pole on the south end of the parking lot and a Silver Buttonwood. Response: The landscape plan has been revised to eliminate the conflicts between the canopy trees and the proposed light poles. .f 10. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). Response: The Landscape Plan has been revised to indicate this note. 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. Response: This item will be completed prior to permitting. 12. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g). Response Letter-1st Review Comments i Page 3 of 12 ..... Response: T!te engineering plans have been revised to indicate this note. \ .., 13. Revise Note #2 on Sheet 3 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard Drawings "D" series. Response: Please refer to Sheet 3 of 8 for revised not. 14. Paving, Drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this ,time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. Response: This item will be completed prior to permitting. UTIUTIES Comments: 15. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). Response: Fire flow calculations were submitted to the Engineering Department on January 13, 1004. 16. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. Response: A capacity reservation fee was paid on January 13,1004. 17. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Indicate irrigation source on the plans, Response: The irrigation plan indicates the irrigation water source to be the canal or if necessary, a welL Response Letter-1st Review Comments Page 4 of 12 18. The City's maintenance responsibility ends at the water meter. Revise the proposed easement to include the water meter within the easement but exclude the RPZ. Response: An easement has been added. 19. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. Response: Acknowledged. .. 20. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. Response: This item will be completed at permitting. FIRE. Comments: 21. Prior to Fire Department approval of a building permit, new construction projects must provide the results of a hydrant flow test indicating a fire flow not less than 1500 gpm @ 20 psi above domestic use. This applies to new or existing hydrants within the required 200 feet of the facility. Response: This item will be addressed at permitting 22. On Water & Sewer Plarl (sheet 5 of 8) an existing ten (10) inch WM is shown coming from the south with a ten (10) inch x six (6) inch tap for the hydrant supply. The existing WM coming from the north is shown as an eight (8) inch. Show the location of the reducer. Response: The water and sewer plans have been revised to show the location of the reducer. POLICE Comments: None Response Letter-1st Review Comments Page 5 of 12 BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 23. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. Response: A note has been added to the elevation drawing. Please refer to attached calculations. 24. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2. Response: Please refer to attached calculatiqns. 25. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. Response: Structural drawings address this comment completely. 26. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design. Response: Structural drawings address this comment completely. . 27. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject . request. Response: The limits of construction have been added to the site development plan. , 28. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. Response: This item will be completed prior to permitting. Response Letter-1st Review Comments .' c, -, Page 6 of 12 29. Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors to the building, 200 I FBC, Sections 11-4.1.2, 11-4.1.3, and 11-4.3. Response: Refer to plans for symbol identifying the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors. 30. As required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7, submit a floor plan drawing. The building plans are not being reviewed fOI: compliance with the applicable building codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheet A-2. . Response: "Conceptual" has been added to the floor plans. 31. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available. Response: Water for irrigation is to be drawn from the canal to the west. 32. A w&ter-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. . Response: This item will be completed prior to permitting. 33. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: a) The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. b) The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) Response: The capital facility fees have been paid. The Utility Department has approved. 34. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time of permit application. Response Letter-1st Review Comments Page 7 of 12 Response: The Site Development Plan has been revised to indicate this note. 35. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. , Response: This item will be completed prior to permitting. 36. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted. Response: This item will be completed prior to permitting. 37. Sheet A-I - Site Data - Plan notes building ground floor area as 1,998 square feet and also as 1,021 sq. feet. Clarify and list the correct square footage of the building. Response: The site data on the Site Development plan has been revised. The site data includes a gross building area and an adjusted building area. The adjusted building area does not include the stairwells, elevators, cart room or exceptionally thick walls for the x-ray room. These are areas which do not occupy people and will not require parking. 38. Sheet A-I - Light Pole Detail- The design ofthe light pole shall be designed to withstand 140 mph wind load as mandated in 2001 FBC, Section 1606. Submit calculations to verify compliance. Response: Please refer to photometric plan for light pole information. 39. Submit a photometric plan for the site lighting. A lighting plan shall be submitted per CBBCO, Chapter 4, Section 7(B). Response: A photometric plan is included in the submittal package. 40. Sheet A-2 - Clarify the use of the room identified as "machine" on the second floor per BBA to the 200 I FBC, Section 104.2.1. Response: This space is solely used for the elevator machine. Response Letter-1st Review Comments r '-T Page 8 of 12 PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: Landscape Plan-Plant List Sheet L-l 41. The landscape design should include 2 City signature trees (Tibochina granulosa) at the project ingress/egress loc~tion. These trees must meet the minimum tree specifications. [Environnemental. Regulations, Chapter. 7.5, Article II Sec. S.C.3, N.] Response: The Landscape Plan has been revised to indicate two City Signature Trees meeting the minimum tree specification. 42. The Details sheet section on this page should include a line indicating where the height, caliper @ DBH, and gray wood area ofthe palm trees will be measured at time of planting and inspection. Response: -" Please refer to revised landscape specification & details sheet for the above information. 43. The Details sheet section on this page should include a line indi~atmg where the height, caliper @ DBH, and clear trunk (ct) area of the shade tree will be measured at time of planting and inspection. Response: Please refer to revised landscape specification & details sheet for the above information. 44. The Details sheet on this page should include a line indicating where the height and spread of the shrubs hedges and accent plants will be measured at time of /" planting and inspection. Response: Please refer to revised landscape specification & details sheet for the above information. 45. The Jatropha multifida plant specification should include a height and plant spacing dimension. Response: Response Letter-1st Review Comments Page 9 of 12 Please refer to revised landscape specification & details sheet for the above mformation. \ 46. The applicant should add a note that all utility boxes or,structures (not currently known or shown on the plan) should be screened with Coco plum hedge plants on three sides. Response: Please refer to revised Landscape plan for the above note. 47. The applicant should show on Sheet L-2 on the elevation cross-section detail the actual heights of the proposed landscape trees and vegetation at the time of planting to (proper scale) visually buffer the proposed driveway / parking lot facility from the Woolbright Road and S. W. 22nd Street rights-of-ways. Response: Please refer to revised elevations for trees and shrubs shown at actual heights at time of planting. Irrigation Plan 48. There is no irrigation system design included with the site plans. The irrigation design should be low-flow for water conservation. All shade and palm trees should receive irrigation from a bubbler source. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. SA.] Response: Please refer to attached irrigation drawings for your review. , 49. Turf areas should be limited in size. Landscape (bedding plants) areas should be designed on separate low-flow zones with proper time duration for water conservation. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5. C.2.] Response: Please refer to attached irrigation drawings for your review. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 50. Medical offices require one (1) parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. The total floor area of a building or a use occupying part of a building, measured from centerlines of partitions and exterior of outside walls. Gross floor area shall included all floor area occupied by the main or principal use, plus any area occupied by accessory uses such as storage rooms, maintenance rooms, Response Letter-1st Review Comments Page 10 of 12 offices, lounges, restrooms, lobbies, basements, mezzanines and hallways. Were the stairwells and elevator shafts included within the gross floor area? Response: The site data on the Site Development plan has been revised. The site data includes a gross building area and an adjusted building area. In order to calculate parking requirements for the site, we calculated an adjusted building arfa. This area does not include the stairwells, elevators, cart room or exceptionally thick walls for the x-ray room. These are areas which do not occupy people and will not require parking. 51.' The site plan tabular data (sheet A-2) is incorrect because of the required rear setback is 30 feet, not 20 feet (Chapter 2, Section 6.A.3.). Response: 20' is the correct rear setback and consistent with the prior approvaL 52. If the "total floor area" is 6,874 square feet but the parking was based on 5,186 square feet, where is the remaining 1,688 square feet? Response: The remaining square footage is in the areas determined not to be included in the uses that contribute to occupancy and thus to requirements for parking, i.e. stairwells, elevators and access, elevator machine, utility rooms and thick walls required for shielding the x-ray equipment that are unique to this building. 53. An updated traffic impact analysis with' a new build-out year is required prior to the Technical Review Committee meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2). It must be approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for concurrency purposes prior to the issuance of any building permits. Response: Please find attached an updated traffic impact analysis. - 54. The vehicular back-up distance and parking stall dimensions are subject to the Epgineering Division of Public Works' review and approval. Response: Engineering has approved the spaces as delineated on the plans. 55. Each survey should be signed and sealed (Chapter 4, Section 7.A.). Copies are not permitted. Response: Please find attached signed and sealed surveys. 56. Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the Technical Review Committee meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.0.2.). Include color swatches. Response Letter-1st Review Comments , ... t Page 11 of 12 Response: Please find attached a colored elevation and color swatches. 57. Place a note on the site plan thl:lt all above ground mechanical equipment such as exterior utility boxes, meters, transformers, and back-flow preventers shall be visually screened (Chapter 9, Section 1O.C.4.). Response: Please refer to revised site development plan for the above note. 58. On the landscape'plan, ensure that the plant quantities must match between the tabular data and the graphic illustration. Response: The landscape plan and the plant quantities are consistent. 59. The landscape buffers adjacent to Woolbright Road must be seven (7) feet in width. This strip of land shall be comprised of the following elements: The first outside layer shall be a combination of colorful groundcover plants and a minimum oftwo (2) colorful shrub species. The next layer shall consist of a continuous hedge or decorative site wall (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section ?D.). Response: The landscape plan has been revised to provide a seven (7) foot wide landscape buffer adjacent to Woolbright Road. The buffer consists of a combination of colorful groundcover plants and a minimum of two colorful shrubs. The next layer is a continuous hedge. 60. A signature tree (such as a Yellow Elder, Tibouchina Granulsola, or Bouganvillea) is required at both sides of each project entrance on Southwest 22nd Street. The signature trees must have eight (8) feet of clear trunk if placed within the safe-sight triangle (Chapter 7.5, Article 2, Section 5.N.). Alternative plant material may be substituted ifthe. above referenced plant material is not available or undesired. Any substitution of plant material (for the signature tree requirement) will be subject to the City Forester I Environmentalist review and approval. Response: The landscape plan has been revised to add two signature trees. 61. All project signage is subject to review and approval ofthe Planning & Development Board. Any wall signs proposed now or in the future? On the elevations, indicate the cumulative area of all wall signage (if any) to ensure that it complies with Chapter 21, Article 4, Section C.). In addition, indicate the sign type, letter colors and sign material. Response Letter -1 st Review Comments . ," ......... ~, Page 12 of 12 Response: The project is not proposing wall signs. The only required directional signage will be on the building. 62. Provide a detail ofthe proposed monument sign. Include the exterior finish, dimensions, sign area, sign type, letter colors, and sign materials. Response: Please find attached a detail for the proposed monument sign. 63. The X-Ray/Equipment room has too many blank wall elevations. Score lines, cornices, spandral glass and other architectural features should be utilized to enhance each elevation. Response: Please refer to revised building elevation for additional scoring. The additional scoring added is consistent with the established design theme. 64. Tree spacing on the west perimeter should be 30 feet on center. It is graphically depicted as 33 feet, but when scaled, it is actually 38 feet. This would allow the addition of one more canopy tree along this perimeter. Response: / Please refer to revised landscape plan. Additional plant material has been added. Feel free to contact our office with additional comments for concerns. Sincerely yours, 10M tcj \ 11 C1,~ Wendy J. W;, ASLA Landscape Architect CC: Mr. Jeff Moore Mr. Clark Bridgman Mr. Everett Jenner J Response Letter-1st Review Comments 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 5 \<~! 3 .o'f DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT minimum tree specifications. [Environnemental. Regulations, Chapter. 7.5, ~ Article II Sec. 5.C.3, N.] 42. The Details sheet section on this page should include a line indicating where the height, caliper @ DBH, and gray wood area of the palm trees will be ~ measured at time of planting and inspection. -- 43. The Details sheet section on this page should include a line indicating where the height, caliper @ DBH, and clear trunk (ct) area of the shade tree will be ~ measured at time of planting and inspection. 44. The Details sheet on this page should include a line indicating where the height and spread of the shrubs hedges and accent plants will be measured V at time of planting and inspection. 45. The Jatropha multifida plant specification should include a height and plant spacing dimension. V' 46. The applicant should add a note that all utility boxes or structures (not currently known or shown on the plan) should be screened with Coco plum ~ hedge plants on three sides. 47. The applicant should show on Sheet L-2 on the elevation cross-section detail the actual heights of the proposed landscape trees and vegetation at the time of planting to (proper scale) visually buffer the proposed driveway / V parking lot facility from the Woolbright Road and S. W. 2200 Street rights- of-ways. Irrieation Plan 48. There is no irrigation system design included with the site plans. The irrigation design should be low-flow for water conservation. All shade and ~ palm trees should receive irrigation from a bubbler source. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5A.] 49. Turf areas should be limited in size. Landscape (bedding plants) areas should be designed on separate low-flow zones with proper time duration ~ for water conservation. [Environmental Regulations, Chapter 7.5, Article II Sec. 5. C.2.] PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 50. Medical offices require one (1) parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. The total floor area of a building or a use occupying part of a building, measured from centerlines of partitions and exterior of outside walls. Gross floor area shall included all floor area occuoied by the main or ~~. A~vtP ~Ct/.~ .. Project name: Boynton Beach Cancer Center ~ ~ File number: NWSP 03-029 ~ . / /t Reference: 1 streview olans identified as a New Site Plan with a December 17. 2003Planning and Zoning U ,;Jf 3 (J 4 Deoartment date stamo markinlZ. / 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. 3. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard Drawing "K" series. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate sheets. 5. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. 6. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets. 7. Show all existing utilities on Site Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A.3). 8. Please provide photometries as part of vour TRC plan submittals. 9. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.l.b). A conflict is noted between the proposed light pole on the south end of the parking lot and a Silver Buttonwood. 10. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the - . 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 21. Prior to Fire Department approval of a building permit, new construction projects must provide the results of a hydrant flow test indicating a fire flow not less than 1500 gpm @ 20 psi above domestic use. This applies to new or existing hydrants within the required 200 feet of the facility. 22. On Water & Sewer Plan (sheet 5 of 8) an existing ten (10) inch WM is shown coming from the south with a ten (10) inch x six (6) inch tap for the hydrant supply. The existing WM coming from the north is shown as an eight (8) inch. Show the location of the reducer. POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 23. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. V Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. 24. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with V approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2. 25. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that V are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 26. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and / forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design. 27. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents ~ the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subiect request. 28. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the L/ proposed construction. 29. Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible ~ entrance doors to the building, 2001 FBC, Sections 11-4.1.2, 11-4.1.3, and 11-4.3. 30. As required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7, submit a floor plan drawing. The v// building plans are not being reviewed for compliance with the applicable building codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheet A-2. Of 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan ~;(o~ ~~~/ Project name: Boynton Beach Cancer Center File number: NWSP 03-029 Reference: 1 streview plans identified as a New Site Plan with a December 17. 2003Planning and Zoning D cia ki enartment te starnn mar np'. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. 3. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard Drawing "K" series. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate sheets. 5. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. 6. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets. 7. Show all existing utilities on Site Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A.3). 8. Please provide photometrics as part of your TRC plan submittals. 9. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A. 1. b). A conflict is noted between the proposed light pole on the south end of the parking lot and a Silver Buttonwood. 10. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 21. Prior to Fire Department approval of a building permit, new construction projects must provide the results of a hydrant flow test indicating a fire flow not less than 1500 gpm @ 20 psi above domestic use. This applies to new or existing hydrants within the required 200 feet of the facility. 22. On Water & Sewer Plan (sheet 5 of 8) an existing ten (10) inch WM is shown coming from the south with a ten (10) inch x six (6) inch tap for the hydrant supply. The existing WM coming from the north is shown as an eight (8) inch. Show the location of the reducer. POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 23. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. 24. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2. 25. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 26. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design. 27. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject request. 28. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. 29. Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors to the building, 2001 FBC, Sections 11-4.1.2, 11-4.1.3, and 11-4.3. 30. As required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7, submit a floor plan drawing. The building plans are not being reviewed for compliance with the applicable building codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheet A-2. .. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 4 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 31. CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may ~ not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available. 32. A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that t/ utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. 33. If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: / a) The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. b) The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) 34. Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting / shall meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time of permit application. 35. Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for J review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order ( and approved by the City Commission. 36. The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction / documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi- ,# familv, then all addresses for the particular buildinl1; type shall be submitted. 37. Sheet A-I - Site Data - Plan notes building ground floor area as 1,998 V square feet and also as 1,021 sq. feet. Clarify and list the correct square foota12:e of the buildin12:. 38. Sheet A-I - Light Pole Detail- The design of the light pole shall be t/ designed to withstand 140 mph wind load as mandated in 2001 FBC, Section 1606. Submit calculations to verify compliance. 39. Submit a photometric plan for the site lighting. A lighting plan shall be ~ submitted per CBBCO, Chapter 4, Section 7(B). 40. Sheet A-2 - Clarify the use of the room identified as "machine" on the / second floor per BBA to the 2001 FBC, Section 104.2.1. PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: NONE FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: Landscape Plan-Plant List Sheet L-l 41. The landscape design should include 2 City signature trees (Tibochina granulosa) at the project in2fess/e2fess location. These trees must meet the .. 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan Project name: Boynton Beach Cancer Center File number: NWSP 03-029 Reference: 1st review plans identified as a New Site Plan with a December 17. 2003Planning and Zoning D d kin eoartment ate stamo mar llZ. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- ; l': l.~:r '~ 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. , . ' ; PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance " .. i...:" Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. . 3. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate complia.."'1ce with City Standard 1;,,; Drawing "K" series. . , . . .\ \ \, ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be 1- _" .......... reflected on all appropriate sheets. ' i' 1- , -, 5. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional ~': comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not. \i':t. /1 ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. \ 6. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets. 'to 7. Show all existing utilities on Site Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, I - '1. Section 7.A.3). - ~,......-..\ '. . . ~1 \ 8. Please provide photometrics as part of your TRC plan submittals. !~. .. \ .. ~.;J" ' \ 9. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, \ Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b). A conflict is noted between the ,. proposed light pole on the south end of the parking lot and a Silver Buttonwood. 10. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). " 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the . \;4--"- \ ":-\ ' .~ ,/ " .1 1- '1 .. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT LDR, Chapter 6, Article N, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 12. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof V11' , (LDR, Chapter 6, Article N, Section 5.A.2.g). \ ;.. , \ ' i \. 13. Revise Note #2 on Sheet 3 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard J , Drawings "D" series. ,r- \ 14. Paving, Drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction ;:i~" acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in , accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES Comments: 15. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code . + .~ .#-- ,. requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article N, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is m-eater (CODE, Section 26-l6(b)). 16. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature ! , on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of site plan , approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 17. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable .' water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed .... .. for irrigation. Indicate irrigation source on the plans. i 18. The City's maintenance responsibility ends at the water meter. Revise the proposed easement to include the water meter within the easement but exclude the RPZ. .- , 19. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department ,'" ,~ has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to \1,.1'-"\ ' . service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 20. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction , \ acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design " Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application FIRE ., , ~;( ot.{ y~~/ .. 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan Project name: Boynton Beach Cancer Center File number: NWSP 03-029 Reference: 1 streview plans identified as a New Site Plan with a December 17. 2003Planning and Zoning Deoartment date stamo marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. 3. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard Drawing "K" series. ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate sheets. 5. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. 6. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets. 7. Show all existing utilities on Site Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A.3). 8. Please orovide ohotometrics as part of your TRC plan submittals. 9. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b). A conflict is noted between the proposed light pole on the south end of the parking lot and a Silver Buttonwood. 10. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT Comments: 21. Prior to Fire Department approval of a building permit, new construction projects must provide the results of a hydrant flow test indicating a fire flow not less than 1500 gpm @ 20 psi above domestic use. This applies to new or existing hydrants within the required 200 feet of the facility. 22. On Water & Sewer Plan (sheet 5 of8) an existing ten (10) inch WM is shown coming from the south with a ten (10) inch x six (6) inch tap for the hydrant supply. The existing WM coming from the north is shown as an eight (8) inch. Show the location of the reducer. POLICE Comments: NONE BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 23. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. 24. Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with approved opening protectives oer 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2. 25. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads). Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 26. Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604.1. Indicate the live load (ost) on the nlans for the building design. 27. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subiect request. 28. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. 29. Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors to the building, 2001 FBC, Sections 11-4.1.2, 11-4.1.3, and 11-4.3. 30. As required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7, submit a floor plan drawing. The building plans are not being reviewed for compliance with the applicable building codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheet A-2. 1 st REVIEW COMMENTS New Site Plan Project name: Boynton Beach Cancer Center File number: NWSP 03-029 Reference: 1 streview plans identified as a New Site Plan with a December 17. 2003Planning and Zoning ki Denartment date stamn mar 'n~. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742- I "" ", err", 6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. ' . \ . " , PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance ty:"~ Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. I 3. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard 1;:-.. Drawing "K" series. ,- ~ " ' '1 "' . I \ \ ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be ~ ~ .,' reflected on all appropriate sheets. ~..\ . ; , . -) 5. Please note that changes or revisions to these plans may generate additional ~: comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ..~ ,-1 ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission \. '~J and at permit review. '\ 6. Provide written and graohic scales on all sheets. -to 7. Show all existing utilities on Site Development plan (LDR, Chapter 4, _ \,2.: ____ ", Section 7.A.3). \ '..~. 8. Please provide photometrics as Dart of your TRC plan submittals. t' ~ \"'" . ;,J.-o' \ . . 9. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light "\ " fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, I Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b). A conflict is noted between the t. ; proposed light pole on the south end of the parking lot and a Silver Buttonwood. 10. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above " the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). " , 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the I - ~r --' "V"'" \ n /-\.. l ) .j 1- 1 .. 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS 01/13/04 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 12. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof I \11'1' (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g). \. ~'; , \. ~ 13. Revise Note #2 on Sheet 3 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard I' Drawings "D" series. .i- I 14. Paving, Drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction !.i ~.~ , acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in +.t "f' . accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES Comments: 15. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code ' ," ." .. requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). 16. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature f , on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon fmal meter size, or expected demand. 17. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable " water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed .. . '< for irrigation. Indicate irrigation source on the plans. I 18. The City's maintenance responsibility ends at the water meter. Revise the , proposed easement to include the water meter within the easement but exclude the RPZ. .~ , 19. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department .... ~. has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to \1"7-"\ , ; service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 20. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design ... Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application FIRE ') BOYNTON BEACH CANCER CENTER (fka FREEMAN MEDICAL OFFICE) NWSP 03-029 1st Review Planning January 9, 2004 Medical offices require one (1) parking space per 200 square feet of gross floor area. The total floor area of a building or a use occupying part of a building, measured from centerlines of partitions and exterior of outside walls. Gross floor area shall included all floor area occupied by the main or principal use, plus any area occupied by accessory uses such as storage rooms, maintenance rooms, offices, lounges, restrooms, lobbies, basements, mezzanines and hallways. Were the stairwells and elevator shafts included within the gross floor area? The site plan tabular data (sheet A-2) is incorrect because of the required rear setback is 30 feet, not 20 feet (Chapter 2, Section 6.A.3.). If the "total floor area" is 6,874 square feet but the parking was based on 5,186 square feet, where is the remaining 1,688 square feet? A drainage statement is required prior to the Technical Review Committee meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2.). An updated traffic impact analysis with a new build-out year is required prior to the Technical Review Committee meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.F.2). It must be approved by the Palm Beach County Traffic Division for concurrency purposes prior to the issuance of any building permits. The vehicular back-up distance and parking stall dimensions are subject to the Engineering Division of Public Works' review and approval. Each survey should be signed and sealed (Chapter 4, Section 7.A.). Copies are not permitted. Include a color rendering of all elevations prior to the Technical Review Committee meeting (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.2.). Include color swatches. Place a note on the site plan that all above ground mechanical equipment such as exterior utility boxes, meters, transformers, and back-flow preventers shall be visually screened (Chapter 9, Section 10.CA.). On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities must match between the tabular data and the graphic illustration. The landscape buffers adjacent to Woolbright Road must be seven (7) feet in width. This strip of land shall be comprised of the following elements: The first outside layer shall be a combination of colorful groundcover plants and a minimum of two (2) colorful shrub species. The next layer shall consist of a continuous hedge or decorative site wall (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section S.D.). A signature tree (such as a Yellow Elder, Tibouchina Granulsola, or Bouganvillea) is required at both sides of each project entrance on Southwest 22nd Street. The signature trees must have eight (8) feet of clear trunk if placed within the safe-sight triangle (Chapter 7.5, Article 2, Section 5.N.). Alternative plant material may be substituted ifthe above referenced plant material is not available or undesired. Any substitution of plant material (for the signature tree requirement) will be subject to the City Forester / Environmentalist review and approval. All project signage is subject to review and approval of the Planning & Development Board. Any wall signs proposed now or in the future? On the elevations, indicate the cumulative area of all wall signage (if any) to ensure that it complies with Chapter 21, Article 4, Section C.). In addition, indicate the sign type, letter colors and sign material. Provide a detail of the proposed monument sign. Include the exterior finish, dimensions, sign area, sign type, letter colors, and sign materials. S:\Planning\SHARED\WPIPROJECTSlPylon Interstate PlazalPlanning 1st Review.doc Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P.O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION to: George Gentile fax #: 575-5260 date: January 13,2004 from: Sherie Coale re: 1::>1 REVIEW COMMENTS FOR Boynton Beach Cancer Center Please find attached the first review comments for your project. To stay on the current review schedule, please do the following steps listed below, and bring all documents to the TRC scheduled for Tuesday, Janaury 27,2004. 1. Revise your plans incorporating all comments listed herein, including the addition of notes on plans to confirm response to general statements/ comments, and bring 10 copies to the TRC review meeting (full sets including all pages originally submitted); 2. Submit the additional information as requested within the attached comments; ( i.e. traffic analysis, engineering certification, etc.) 3. Prepare a written response (7 copies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each comment has been addressed on the revised plans or with the supplemental information including location on the plans ( this promotes an expeditious 2nd review by staff and your project representatives during the TRC meeting );and 4. Submit reductions (8 12 X 11) for the proposed site plans, elevations and landscaping plan (this is required for the final report and public presentation). Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 The applicant should not attend a TRC (2nd review) until all documents have been revised and copied for staff 742-6260 Fax: 742-6259 r \ TRANSMISSION '.IERIFICATIOt: REPOH J TI~E 01/13'2004 :5:~? ~ltl~E Ftlx TE_ ~E~ # BR(iE:! 141j'34c< DATE, TIME FAX NO./NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 01/:.3 15: 4~ 915fI5755~50833:5 00:1'5:09 0'3 01< STAIDARD EeM DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 03-283 Lis! \cronvms/Abbreviations: ASL,~ - American Society of Civil Engineers BBA - Boynton Beach Amendments CBB - City of Boynton Beach CBBCO - City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances CBBCPP - City of Boynton Beach Comprehensive Plan Policy CFR - Code of Federal Regulations EPA - Environment Protection Agency FBC - Florida Building Code FIRM - Flood Insurance Rate Map F,S, - Florida Statutes LDR - Land Development Regulations NEC - National Electric Code NFPA - National Fire Prevention Assn NGVD - National Geodetic Vertical Datum of 1929 SFWMD - South Florida Water Management District TO: Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning FROM: i~~~~~b~~;~~ildin~ DATE: December 26,2003 SUBJECT: Project - Boynton Beach Cancer Center File No. - NWSP 03-029 - 1 sl review We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits. Building Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Timothv K. Large (561) 742-6352 1 Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the exterior wall openings and exterior wall construction comply with 2001 FBC, Table 600. Submit calculations that clearly reflect the percentage of protected and unprotected wall openings permitted per 2001 FBC, Table 600. 2 Every exterior wall within 15 feet of a property line shall be equipped with approved opening protectives per 2001 FBC, Section 705.1.1.2, 3 Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum wind loads of 140 mph, Wind forces on every building or structure shall be determined by the provisions of ASCE 7, Chapter 6, and the provisions of 2001 FBC, Section 1606 (Wind Loads), Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application. 4 Every building and structure shall be of sufficient strength to support the loads and forces encountered per the 2001 FBC, Section 1601.2.1 and Table 1604,1. Indicate the live load (pst) on the plans for the building design, 5 Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject request. 6 At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction. 7 Add to the building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors to the building, 2001 FBC, Sections 11-4.1.2, 11-4,1.3, and 11-4,3. S:\Development\Building\ TRC\ TRC 2003\Boynton Beach Cancer Center Page 1 of 2 I 8 As required by LDR, Chapter 4, Section 7, submit a floor plan drawing. The building plans are not being reviewed for compliance with the applicable building codes. Therefore, add the words "Floor plan layout is conceptual" below the drawing titled Floor Plan found on sheet A-2. 9 CBBCPP 3.C.3.4 requires the conservation of potable water. City water may not, therefore, be used for landscape irrigation where other sources are readily available. 10 A water-use permit from SFWMD is required for an irrigation system that utilizes water from a well or body of water as its source. A copy of the permit shall be submitted at the time of permit application, F.S. 373.216. 11 If capital facility fees (water and sewer) are paid in advance to the City of Boynton Beach Utilities Department, the following information shall be provided at the time of building permit application: a) The full name of the project as it appears on the Development Order and the Commission-approved site plan. b) The total amount paid and itemized into how much is for water and how much is for sewer. (CBBCO, Chapter 26, Article II, Sections 26-34) 12 Add a general note to the site plan that all plans submitted for permitting shall meet the City's codes and the applicable building codes in effect at the time of permit application. 13 Pursuant to approval by the City Commission and all other outside agencies, the plans for this project must be submitted to the Building Division for review at the time of permit application submittal. The plans must incorporate all the conditions of approval as listed in the development order and approved by the City Commission. 14 The full address of the project shall be submitted with the construction documents at the time of permit application submittal. If the project is multi-family, then all addresses for the particular building type shall be submitted. 15 Sheet A-1 - Site Data - Plan notes building ground floor area as 1,998 sq. ft. and also as 1,021 sq. ft. Clarify and list the correct square footage of the building. 16 Sheet A-1 - Light Pole Detail - The design of the light pole shall be designed to withstand 140 mph wind load as mandated in 2001 FBC, Section 1606. Submit calculations to verify compliance. 17 Submit a photometric plan for the site lighting. A lighting plan shall be submitted per CBBCO, Chapter 4, Section 7(B). 18 Sheet A-2 - Clarify the use of the room identified as "machine" on the second floor per BBA to the 2001 FBC, Section 104.2.1. bf S:IDevelopmentlBuildingl TRCI TRC 20031Boynton Beach Cancer Center Page 2 of 2 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA INTER-OFFICE MEMORANDUM TO: Michael W. Rumpf DATE: Dir. of Planning & Zoning 1/8/04 FILE: NWSP 03-029 FROM: Off. John Huntington Police Department CPTED Practitioner SUBJECT: Boynton Beach Cancer Center REFERENCES: Site Plan ~/ ENCLOSURES: I have viewed the above building plans and have the following comments: No Comments / CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Fire and Life Safety Division 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd, P,O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PLAN REVIEW COMMENTS For review of: NWSP 03-029 1st review Project Name and Address: Boynton Beach Cancer Center 2375 W. Woolbriqht Road . ~ Rodqer Kemmer, Fire Protection Enqineer Reviewed by: Department: Fire and Life Safety Phone: (561) 742-6753 Comments to: Sherie Coale by email on 12/31/03 Code Requirements Prior to Fire Department approval of a building permit, new construction projects must provide the results of a hydrant flow test indicating a fire flow not less than 1500 gpm @ 20 psi above domestic use. This applies to new or existing hydrants within the required 200 ft. of the facility. On Water & Sewer Plan (sheet 5 of 8) an existing 10" WM is shown coming from the south with a 10" x 6" tap for the hydrant supply. The existing WM coming from the north is shown as an 8". Show the location of the reducer. cc: Steve Gale Bob Borden /' ~.'..'.'..\\"i..C)' " !. ..---..,~ 0/\ 0\ ),j Lt .. "~.,<~:,. I C) ;,,-j \;:') DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 03-241 TO: Michael W. Rumpf, Director, Planning and Zoning FROM: Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer DATE: December 29, 2003 RE: Review Comments New Site Plan - 1 st Review Boynton Beach Cancer Center File No. NWSP 03-029 The above referenced Site Plans, received on December 18, 2003, was reviewed for Public Works, Engineering, and Utilities against the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Following are our comments with the appropriate Code and Land Development Regulations (LOR) referenced. PUBLIC WORKS - GENERAL 1. Prior to permit application contact the Public Works Department (561-742-6200) regarding the storage and handling of refuse. PUBLIC WORKS - TRAFFIC 2. Provide a traffic analysis and notice of concurrency (Traffic Performance Standards Review) from Palm Beach County Traffic Engineering. 3. Revise the note on Sheet 4 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard Drawing uK" series. ENGINEERING 4. All comments requiring changes and/or corrections to the plans shall be reflected on all appropriate sheets. 5. Please note that changes or revIsions to these plans may generate additional comments. Acceptance of these plans during the TRC process does not ensure that additional comments may not be generated by the Commission and at permit review. 6. Provide written and graphic scales on all sheets. 7. Show all existing utilities on Site Development plan (LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A.3). 8. If possible please provide photometries as part of your TRC plan submittals - it is much easier to identify and correct any deficiencies now than while you are waiting on a permit! Department of Public Works, Engineering Division Memo No. 03-241 Re: Boynton Beach Cancer Center, New Site Plan - 1 st Review December 30, 2003 Page 2 9. It may be necessary to replace or relocate large canopy trees adjacent to light fixtures to eliminate future shadowing on the parking surface (LDR, Chapter 23, Article II, Section A.1.b). A conflict is noted between the proposed light pole on the south end of the parking lot and a Silver Buttonwood. 10. Indicate, by note on the Landscape Plan, that within the sight triangles there shall be an unobstructed cross-visibility at a level between 2.5' and 8' above the pavement (LDR, Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.H.). 11. Full drainage plans, including drainage calculations, in accordance with the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 will be required at the time of permitting. 12. Indicate by note that catch basin and manhole covers shall be bicycle proof (LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5.A.2.g). 13. Revise Note #2 on Sheet 3 of 8 to indicate compliance with City Standard Drawings "D" series. 14. Paving, Drainage and site details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All engineering construction details shall be in accordance with the applicable City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawings and the "Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" and will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. UTILITIES 15. Fire flow calculations will be required demonstrating the City Code requirement of 1,500 g.p.m. as stated in the LDR, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 16, or the requirement imposed by insurance underwriters, whichever is greater (CODE, Section 26-16(b)). 16. The CODE, Section 26-34(E) requires that a capacity reservation fee be paid for this project either upon the request for the Department's signature on the Health Department application forms or within 30 days of site plan approval, whichever occurs first. This fee will be determined based upon final meter size, or expected demand. 17. Comprehensive Plan Policy 3.C.3.4. requires the conservation of potable water. As other sources are readily available City water shall not be allowed for irrigation. Indicate irrigation source on the plans. 18. The City's maintenance responsibility ends at the water meter. Revise the proposed easement to include the water meter within the easement but exclude the RPZ. 19. A building permit for this project shall not be issued until this Department has approved the plans for the water and/or sewer improvements required to service this project, in accordance with the CODE, Section 26-15. 20. Utility construction details will not be reviewed for construction acceptability at this time. All utility construction details shall be in accordance with the Utilities Department's "Utilities Engineering Design Handbook and Construction Standards" manual (including any updates); they will be reviewed at the time of construction permit application. Department of Public Works, Engineering Division Memo No. 03-241 Re: Boynton Beach Cancer Center, New Site Plan - 1 sl Review December 30, 2003 Page 3 LUck Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Peter V. Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E.I P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Boynton Beach Cancer Center, New Site Plan 1st Review,doc