LEGAL APPROVAL The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org September 18, 2003 Ms. Lisa B. Leonard, E.!. Creech Engineers, Incorporated 203 West 3rd Street Stuart, Florida 34994 Re: Boynton Terrace Apartments - Site Improvements MMSP 03-007 Dear Ms. Leonard: In response to your request for the administrative review and approval ofthe modifications proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the site improvements proposed on the plans, date stamped 09/09/03 are "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review. This proj ect may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subj ect to the attached Conditions of Approval. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, 151 E~J~tp Planner Cc: Michael Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Ed Breese, Principal Planner Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst SIPlanninglSharedlWplProjectSlBo)1lton Terrace AptslMMSP 03-007\Approval Letter.dot MINOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Conditions of Approval Project name: Boy11ton Terrace Apartments File number: MMSP 03-007 Reference: 3rd review plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a September 9. 2003 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEP ARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 1. Drawing Tl - Project information. Wind load criteria shall comply with 200 I Florida Building Code Table 1606.1.6.1 and figure 1606. 2. Repairs and alterations of existing structures shall comply with the 2001 Florida Building Code Sections 3401.7.2 through 3401.7.3. Valuation documentation that compares the ratio of percentages of the value of the repairs to the value of the existing building (excluding the land) shall be submitted for review. The buildings may be required to conform to the requirements for a new building contingent upon the required documentation. See 2001 Florida Building Code Section 3401.7.2.6. 3. If existing egress windows are replaced, the new windows shall comply with COA 09/18/03 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT the requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code Sections 3401.2.1, 3401.7.2.4, 1005.4.2 to 1005.4.4. 4. The laundry area in the community center shall be handicap accessible per the 2001 Florida Building Code Section 4-1.1 (1 )(A). 5. Clearly show the dimensions of the accessible toilet rooms in the community center. The size of the toilet rooms shall comply with the 2001 Florida Building Code Section 11-4.22. 6. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the wall openings and wall construction comply with Table 600 of the 2001 Florida Building Code. 7. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed construction 8. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story pool/clubhouse, provide the following: Submit a notarized affidavit on the letterhead of the property owner, company or association. The letter shall list and contain an answer to the following questions. a) Will the pool/clubhouse building be restricted to the residents of the entire project only? b) Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfare to get to the pool/clubhouse/recreation building? c) Will there be any additional deliveries to the site? d) Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the site? Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant should request that the county send the City a copy of their determination of what impact fees are required for the pool/clubhouse/lease office building PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: COA 09/18/03 3 II DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT I 9. Revise the site plan tabular data (sheet C-2 of 16) to indicate that Parcel "I" would provide 82 parking spaces rather than 83 parking spaces. 10. Revise sheet Al 00 to include the proposed fence height to ensure that it would be no higher than 6 feet. 11. Provide one (1) additional signature tree on the north side of the entry drive on Parcel "2" (sheet L4 of 4). 12. Ifused as a tree, the Oleander must be installed at least 12 feet in height. 13. The elevations (for new work) shall include the manufacturer's name and color code for all paint and exterior finishes, including the roofing material (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.1.). 14. Provide security cameras at entrances and selected perimeter locations. The number and location of these cameras will be determined by the applicant. 15. At the entrances, provide "key card" access rather than "key pad" access for both pedestrians and vehicles. 16. The following material and colors shall be used for the project: Roof- Ga1va1ume 5V Crimp Stucco Wall fence and column - Oregano #530 Vinyl siding - colonial yellow Window! door trim and comer boards - white Guardrails, handrails, aluminum fence and entry doors - Florida Keys Blue #1050-40. Staff recommends using a color that is more in keeping with the ,I ~=>".2" :~)f 2<:-:,-::t'~r: E,;;~;.:1:~~ tlt:.: (te::::) c~~:,~:-. T~:~3 1:j-~:: (:~21; ::.~:(r :'.~~__ b~ i I i chosen during the permitting process but must be approved by the Director of Development. MWR/e1j S:IPlanninglSharedlWplProjectslBoynton Terrace AptslMMSP 03-007ICOA.doc 09/88/2003 09:36 5613647382 BOYNTON BEACH FIRE PAGE 03 ~~ g'ead -?Vte ~~ FLOW TEST Request Date: 8128/03 Company: Creech Engineers, Inc. Requested From: Lisa Leonard 203 West Third Street Telephone Number: 772-283-1413 Facsimile Number: 772-220-7881 Stuart, FL 34994 Location: Boynton Terrace Apartments - Weat Side of Seacreat Boulevard * DIAGRAM · (Include direction, street names, hydrant locations, intersections and main sizes) i 5 N W 8TH AVENUE E A C N H#. R BOYNTON TERRACE APTS E S Building .. T H#. B L I V Building .10 I D Hydrant 1: Hydrant 2: Static Reading: 62 psi Flow Reading: 38 psi = 1037 gpm Residual Reading: 58 psi Assign Date: 8/29/03 Tested By: F F II Aaron Test Date: 9/4/03 Time Tested: 15:00 hours AVAILABLE GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL: 3,701 gpm 09/08/2003 09:36 5613647382 BOYNTON 8I:.ACH J- 11'<1:. ~Al.:ll:. ~L g'~ ~ead 'lUte ~e4e<<e FLOW TEST Request Date: 8128/03 Company: Creech Engineers, Inc. Requested From: Usa Leonard Telephone Number: 772-283-1413 Facsimile Number: 772-220-7881 203 West Third Street Stuart, FL 34994 Location: Boynton Terrae. Apartmente - East Side of S..crest Boulevard * DIAGRAM * (Include direction. street names. hydrant locations, intersections and main sizes) i s E N E 7TH AVENUE A C N R H#. E S T BOYNTON TERRACE APTS B L V HI. D Hydrant 1: Hydrant 2: Static Reading: 62 psi Flow Reading: 34 psi = 981 gpm Residual Reading: 58 psi Assign Date: 8129/03 Tested By: FF II Aaron Test Date: 9n/03 Time Tested: 10:00 hours AVAilABLE GPM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL: 3,501 gpm Sep 17 03 02:07p AMERICAN COMMUNITIES 3107~80274 lv', t-,. ' I (..", (( - i p. 1 Amorican Communities 250 N. Harbor Drive. Suite 319 Redondo BeaCh. CA 902n 310.798.5656 Tel 310.798.0274 Fax e-mail: info@americnncommunitles.net nmERi[OnC [OmmUnlTIES Fax To: lourinda Logan Date: September 17, 2003 Compcmy: City of Boynton Beach from: Mary Coringal ~ Fax: 561-7 42~6285 Phone: 310.798.5656 Page$ (Incll.d1g cover): 2 Fax: 310.798.0274 Re: Boynton Terrace o Urgonf o For Review o Please Comment o Please Reply This was sent to Dan Weisberg via regular mall. ?ep 17 03 02:0Bp AM~RICAN COMMUNITIES 310' 130274 p.2 OmERi(OnO [OmmUnlTIES 250 North Harbor DriWl. SUite 31 9 Redoodo Be8ch. C-' 90277 Phone: 3l0.'108.S656 flaX; 310.7'98.02740- WWW.amert<::ancornmaes.net September 17. 2003 Don Weisberg. P .E. Traffic Engineer 160 Australian Avenue West Palm Beach, FL 33406 Re: Boynton Terrace Apartments Dear Dan: City of Boynton Beach Staff has recommended that I contact you regarding our efforts to redevelop the Boynton Terrace Apartments. an existing 89-unit apartment complex located at 700 North Sea crest and 801 North Seacrest in the City of Boynton Beach. The project was built in 1983 and consists of 2 and 3 bedroom units. During the redevelopment plan we will be building a 2.500 square foot clubhouse on the western parcel. Once completed. the new clubhouse will feature a Community Classroom, computer learning center and several other amenities which will draw children from the eastern portion of the project. As a result, the pedestrians crossing Seacrest will increase dramatically and it is for this reason that we write to request that you review the project with on eye towards upgrading the existing crossing to inClude a crossing light. Please let us know what we can do to expedite your review. We look forward to hearing from you soon. SinCerelY~ ~alfl1er ~-r- NMJ cc: Laurinda Logan (via focsimile 561-742~6285) Cindy Michels DOUgherty + Chavez ARCHITECTS PA Lie. P98000096544 September 15, 2003 G:j-.;-;:'r' '."'f' City of Boynton Beach Attn: Eric Johnson 100 E Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425-0310 . .._."".~ _I Dear Eric: Listed below are the final color selections we discussed at the Sept. 9,2003 TRC meeting. Please do not hesitate to call me at (850)650-5881 if there are any questions. Color selections: 1) Roof - Galvalume 5V Crimp (sample at your office). 2) Stucco wall fence and column - Oregano #530 (see attached sample). 3) Vinyl siding - colonial yellow (see attached sample). 4) Window/ door trim and comer boards - white (see attached sample). 5) Guardrails, handrails, aluminum fence and entry doors - Florida Keys Blue #2050-40 (see attached sample). Respectfully, Dougherty + Chavez Architects Dennis Chavez, AlA Architect Cc : John Cichon :project manager 35008 Emerald Coast Parkway - Suite 301 - Destin, FL 32541