CORRESPONDENCE Page 1 of 1 Rumpf, Michael From: LFGI@aol.com Sent: Tuesday, January 31,20064:36 PM To: RumpfM@cLboynton-beach.f1.us Cc: bradyandbradylaw@bellsouth .net; BrightL@cLboynton-beach.fl.us Subject: Re: FW: Call from Warren Bloom Michael, Sorry for any confusion Mr. Bloom has caused. There is no purchase contract as I own Boynton Associates through my entities, Affordable Housing, LLC and HOB Investors, LLC. Additionally, I am the registered agent for Boynton Associates. Of course, all this can be verified by going to the Florida Department of State, Division of Corporations web site. The following link will take you directly to the Boynton Associates page. http://www . su n b iz. org/scripts/ cordet. exe? a1 =DETFIL&n1 =A 13193&n2=NAMFWD&n3=0000&n4=N&r1 =&r2=&r3=&r4=BOYNTONASSOCIA TES&r5= Please don't hesitate to contact me should you need further information. LaIVUf 7~ 561-736-9790 561-423-2432 fax In a message dated 1/31/2006 11 :35:04 A.M. Eastern Standard Time, RumpfM@cLboynton-beach.f1.us writes: Larry, After a review of the file, the absence of a purchase contract was noted as a deficiency in the completeness review but not pursued. Unless there is evidence of ownership/contract dated prior to application submittal, the application could be jeopardized. We are contacting the agent of record for same. Please respond by the end of the week at which time I will take the issue to our City Attorney's office. I should not take this up with your attorney without first involving our legal staff, so hopefully this document exists enabling resolution without those additional contacts. Sincerely, Michael Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach, FL 561-965-0647 1/31/2006 Mar 05 21 11: 18a Doughert~ & Chavez 8506505882 p.2 Dougherty + Chavez ARCHITECTS PA Lie. P98000096544 March 4,2004 City of Boynton Beach Attn: Timothy Large, Quintus Green, and Jay Brunn 100 East Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, FT, 33425 The following are the exterior color selections and material manufacturers. Apartments (Buildings 6, 7, 8, 9,10,12,13,14,15,16): 1) Roof-Southeastern Metals 5V crimp (AZ-55 Galvalume) 2) Stucco - Sherwin Williams (Dormer Brown SW2050) 3) Vinyl Siding - Alcoa Quest3 series dutch lap (Colonial Yellow) 4) Vinyl Soffits - Alcoa Pro-series vented (White) 5) Fascia Wraps and Gutters - Alcoa Gutter Coil (White) 6) Guardrails, Handrails, Entry Doors, and Stairs - Benjamin Moore (Florida Keys Blue #2050-40) 7) Window and Door Trim and Corner Boards - Sherwin Williams (White SW2123) Single family residence (Buildings 1,2,3,4, 5, 11): 1) Roof - Southeastern Metals 5V crimp (AZ-55 Galvalume) 2) Stucco - Sherwin Williams (Dormer Brown SW2050) 3) Vinyl Siding - Alcoa Quest3 series dutch lap (Colonial Yellow) 4) Vinyl Soffits - Alcoa Pro-series vented (White) 5) Fascia Wraps and Gutters - Alcoa Gutter Coil (White) 6) Entry Doors - (Florida Keys Blue #2050-40) 7) Window and Door Trim and Corner Boards - Sherwin Williams (White SW2123) Community Center 1) Roof-Southeastern Metals 5V crimp (AZ-55 Galvalume) 2) Stucco - Acrocrete [Upper (Hacienda AC-216), Lower (Sand Bar AC-228), Accent Bands (Colonial White A-2)] 3) Vinyl Soffits - Alcoa Pro-series vented (White) 4) Fascia Wraps and Gutters - Alcoa Gutter Coil (White) 5) Entry Doors - Benjamin Moore (Florida Keys Blue #2050-40) 6) Window and Door Trim and Corner Boards - Sherwin Williams (White SW2123) Security Fence 1) Aluminum Fence - Sherwin Williams (Wrought Iron SW2105) 2) Stucco - Acrocrete (Sand Bar AC-228) 35008 Emerald Coast Parkway - Suite 301 - Destin, FL 32541 telephone 850.650.5881 telefax 850.650.5882 email dcarch.net DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Memorandum #PZ 02-305 TO: Wilfred Hawkins Assistant City Manager THROUGH Quintus Greene ~ Director of Developmentu ( ~ f Michael Rumpf\'A- - Planning & Zoning Director FROM: DATE: December 19, 2002 RE: Boynton Terrace Apartment Proposed modifications and review Pursuant to your request, this memorandum is intended to summarize the status of this project, which began in January of 2001 with the issuance of a parking space variance. The variance was requested as part of an effort to obtain competitive tax credit dollars earmarked for extensive site and building improvements. As you know staff conducted a pre-application meeting yesterday with the current representative for the project, Mr. Jeffrey Williams, to review the proposed site modifications that include the improvements that were made conditions of the parking space variance. The proposed improvements generally include, as shown on the plans presented at this meeting, the addition of a community building, erection of a perimeter fence, installation of a security surveillance (camera) system, reduction and movement of project entrances, new dumpster locations, and building renovations (to include interior and exterior remodelinglrenovations). Although the building facades are to be renovated, detailed elevations including colors, were not prepared at the time of the pre- application meeting. Landscaping improvements are also planned for the project but were also not prepared at this time (staff provided some input on species as well as for consistency purposes, an excerpt of the landscaping plan of the modification to the nearby First Baptist Church). According to Mr. Williams, the plans could be completed and ready for submittal within one to two weeks. With respect to process, based on the information provided, it appears the project could qualify for processing as a minor modification. In general, for processing as a minor modification, the proposed project should represent an increase in square footage of approximately 5% or less of the total project size, should not negatively alter building elevations, and maintain compliance with all local development regulations including the conditions on which the parking space variance was approved. Compliance with the above-described criteria will be confirmed at time of review for minor modification. Minor modification review is initiated, in part, with the submittal of four sets of site plans, is coordinated by the Planning & Zoning Division, and takes between one (1) to two (2) weeks. to complete. I would assume that the longer time period will be necessary for this review due to the magnitude of site changes being proposed, which will warrant the reviews by most TRC members. Page 2 Boynton Terrace Apts. Additional time could be required depending on the issues identified and to be resolved prior to the filing for permits, and the time taken by the applicant for plan revisions. In summary, the minor modification process requires only administrative review and approval. As for the updating of the Commission on project status, assuming the drawings are completed within one or two weeks, they could be presented to the Commission on January 21st as part of a project update. I do understand that time is of the essence to the developer, and staff will therefore expedite any reviews as permitted by ultimate timeframes and staff workloads. Given the uncertainty of when the plans will be completed and submitted, and the approaching deadline for items (January 6th), I recommend that we process an agenda item request form for that January 21st Commission meeting, and react accordingly to the ultimate submittal of plans, and the applicant's availability to attend. Lastly, as for public involvement, pursuant to a condition of the parking space variance, the developer is responsible for coordinating with the residents and informing adjoining neighbors relative to project progress, and is to "Provide the city with copies of correspondence exchanged with subject parties and documentation of meetings held and agreements made". I would recommend that this public involvement plan be submitted as part of the minor site plan modification request. I trust I have adequately responded to your request. Please confirm the understandings described herein, and advise relative to the necessary responsibilities and steps that are prerequisites of a presentation before the Commission. S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIBoynton Terrace Apts. (ZNCV)lmeeting follow-up- Hawkins.dot j ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Hawkins, Wilfred Thursday, December 19, 2002 10:56 AM Rumpf, Michael; Greene, Quintus DeCarlo, Dan; Weise, Carisse Boynton Terrace Importance: High Gentlemen, Please provide me with a brief summary of the pre-application meeting held yesterday. This should cover the decided minor modification approval process, the agreed upon informational meetings for the tenants, CRA, and City Commission (Jan. 21,2003 meeting). Please provide this to me by tomorrow noon, let me know if this is a problem. Thank you. Wilfred 1 0- (J)f/le ~Vlk1 ~\ Q b- coA. 5~ L.L-~/t - S~ ,;} ~72 xu 2.11 &:::c iLL ,/ '< , t2,,""( C 2dc" o. . r'~ ...LG~ A_.::...- ~t"~(~'.':.:'.,, Q, ()v ~ ~ 1lR flc~ MlP w ~ L4 t1v t{pjZRM ~ U. '..d;u 2;i.J(. '( +~H ? I.t'l,,( U!l '~k ; rJ 2./_ :'.'.',- ,? I l,. "-" 0/ f;S ~ '6 !1.c!:J f""iC~