20" ",est 3rd Street. Stuart, Florida 34994
(772) 283.1413. Fax: (772) 220-7881
September 9, 2003
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Mr. Mike Rumpf
Director - Planning and Zoning Department
City of Boynton Beach
1 00 E. Boynton Beach Blvd
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
Via Hand Delivery
RE: Boynton Terrace Apartments
TRC First Review Comments
City of Boynton Beach File No. MMSP.007
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
Creech Engineers, Inc. respectfully submits the following responses to your first review
comments for the above referenced project:
1. Please provide the following plans:
a. A current (not older than six months) signed and sealed survey (LOR,
Chapter 4, Section 7.A);
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets S-1 and S-2. These sheets are the
Boundary and Topographic Survey, by O'Brien, Suiter and O'Brien, Inc.
b. Site plan including, but not limited to, proposed traffic control, handicap
parking, lighting, solid waste management (dumpster location), easements and
utilities (existing and proposed);
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets C-2 and C-3. These sheets are the Site
Plan, by Creech Engineers, Inc.
c. Landscape plan; and
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4 and LS-1. These sheets
are the Landscape Plan, by A. Grant Thornbrough and Association.
d. Drainage plan.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-5. This sheet is the Paving, Grading and
Drainage Plan, by Creech Engineers, Inc.
2. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than 20 psi, a
fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required.
Please see the enclosed Fire Flow test results, dated September 4, 2003 and
September 7,2003.
231 03-00-02-Ltr-CBB-Rumpf-Resp T oCmnts-082203.doc
Tallahassee' 707 East Park Avenue, Tallahassee, Florida 32301 . (850) 841 1705. Fax: (850) 841.1 706
Melborne . 4450 West Eau Gallie Boulevard, Melborne, Florida 32934 . (321) 255.5434 . Fax: (321) 255.7751
Jupiter. 880 Jupiter Park Drive, Suite 16, Jupiter, Florida 33458 . (561) 745.4495 . Fax: (561) 741.1791
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 2 of 10
3. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be provided,
must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in service prior to
construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code, (2000) Section 29-2.3.2.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-7. The information requested has been added
as note #15.
4. Pursuant to City Ordinance 9-3F, the Fire Marshal has developed an Administrative
Order dated May 9, 2001, that provides the minimum performance for all security
gates and emergency access.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet A 100. The minimum performance of all security
gates and emergency access will comply with City Ordinance 9-3F.
5. Drawing T1 - Project information. Wind load criteria shall comply with 2001 Florida
Building Code Table 1606.1.6.1 and figure 1606.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet T-1. Wind load for new community center will be
140 mph and will comply with 2001 Florida Building Code Table 1606.1.6.1 and figure 1606.
Upgrading of existing apartment unit roofs will consist of additional nailing to existing roof
decking, as well as providing a five v-crimp pre-painted metal roof with 140 mph wind rating.
6. The applicable codes in effect are:
· 2001 Florida Building Code
· 1999 National Electrical Code
· Florida Fire Prevention Code (2000 edition of NFPA 1 and 101)
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet T-1 for reference to applicable codes.
7. Repairs and alterations of existing structures shall comply with the 2001 Florida
Building Code Sections 3401.7.2 through 3401.7.3. Valuation documentation that
compares the ratio of percentages of the value of the repairs to the value of the
existing building (excluding the land) shall be submitted for review. The buildings
may be required to conform to the requirements for a new building contingent upon
the required documentation. See 2001 Florida Building Code Section 3401.7.2.6.
Refer to attached valuation documentation provided by American Communities.
8. If existing egress windows are replaced, the new windows shall comply with the
requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code Sections 3401.2.1, 3401.7.2.4, 1005.4.2
to 1005.4.4.
The existing windows will not be replaced. The existing aluminum windows will be repaired
as necessary to be operable and watertight.
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 3 of 10
9. Accessible parking shall be provided for all common areas (community center, picnic
area, tot lot, volleyball court, etc.). Size and number of accessible parking spaces
shall comply with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(A) of the 2001 Florida Building Code.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets C-2 and C-3. Accessible parking has been
provided and dimensioned for all common areas (sheet C-3). In addition, the number of
accessible parking spaces is also provided (sheet C-2).
10. The laundry area in the community center shall be handicap accessible per the
2001 Building code Section 4-1.1(1)(A).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet A101. The laundry area in the community center
will comply with Florida Building Code Section 4-1.1 (1) (A) for handicap accessibility. In
addition, the existing laundry room on east parcel will also be upgraded to comply with
FBC2001-Section 4-1.1 (1) (A).
11. Indicate the square footage of each building on the site plan.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets A 100 and C-2. The square footage of each
building has been listed.
12. Clearly show the dimensions of the accessible toilet rooms in the community center.
The size of the toilet rooms shall comply with the 2001 Florida Building Code
Section 11-4.22.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets A 101 and A201. Elevations 13 and 14 show
dimensions and toilet accessory legend for mounting heights of accessories.
13. Sheet T1 notes the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" as being the applicable
accessibility code. If this project is receiving Federal financial assistance then the
"Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" apply. If not, then Chapter 11 of the
2001 Florida Building Code will apply. Submit documentation for the correct
accessibility standard to be utilized.
The project is not receiving Federal financial assistance; therefore the "Uniform Federal
Accessibility Standards" do not apply. Drawing T-1 has been revised to reflect this
modification. Because the project was constructed prior to the Fair Housing Act and
American Disabilities Act the project is not required to comply with Fair Housing and ADA
'" ,-
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 4 of 10
14. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum
wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be
determined by the provisions of Chapter 6 of ASCE 7, and the provisions of Section
1606 (Wind Loads) of the 2001 edition of the Florida Building Code. Calculations that
are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the state of Florida shall
be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
Existing apartment building's roofs are to be upgraded to new wind load of 140 mph and a
tighter nailing pattern is required refer, to demolition drawings; however the rest of the
building/structure is to remain with no upgrades.
15. Add to each building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and floor plan a
labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance doors
to each building. Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction,
Section 4.1.2, 4.3
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-3. The handicap accessible entrance has been
16. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that identifies the location of the
handicap accessible parking spaces. The quantity of the spaces shall be consistent
with the regulations specified on the Florida Accessibility Code for Building
Construction. The accessible parking spaces that serve a use shall be located on the
shortest safely accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an accessible
entrance. The Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction states that
buildings with multiple accessible entrances shall have accessible parking spaces
dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrance. Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction, Section 4.1.2(5), 4.3, 4.6.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets C-2 and C-3. Accessible parking has been
provided for all common areas (sheet C-3). In addition, the number of accessible parking
spaces is also provided (sheet C-2).
17. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates the path
of travel for the accessible route that is required between the accessible parking
spaces and the accessible entrance doors to each building. The symbol, required to
be installed along the path, shall start at the accessible parking spaces and terminate
at the accessible entrance doors to each building. The symbol shall represent the
location of the path of travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other
pavement markings. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user to
travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles. Identify on the plan
the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width required by the code is
forty-four (44) inches). Add text to the drawing that would indicate that the symbol
represents the accessible route and the route is designed in compliance with
Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6 (Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the
Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. Please note that at time of
permit review, the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 5 of 10
will verify that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations specified in
the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. This documentation shall
include, but not be limited to, providing finish grade elevations along the path of
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-3. The accessible path has been shown and
labeled. In addition, the width of the accessible path is shown. The accessible path does
not direct the user behind parked vehicles.
18. On the drawing titled site plan, identify and label the symbol that represents the
property line.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-3. The property line has been labeled for the
east and west parcels.
19. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the wall openings and wall
construction comply with Table 600 of the 2001 Florida Building Code.
The existing wall openings and wall construction of apartment buildings are to remain as
currently built. The Community Center will comply with 2001 Florida Building Code.
20. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the proposed
Please see the enclosed plan sets. All sheets have been signed and sealed.
21. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pool/clubhouse, provide the following:
Submit a notarized affidavit on the letterhead of the property owner, company or
association. The letter shall list and contain an answer to the following questions.
a. Will the pool/clubhouse building be restricted to the residents of the entire
project only?
b. Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfare to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
c. Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
d. Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent to
the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant
should request that the county send the City a copy of their determination of what
impact fees are required for the pool/clubhouse/lease office building.
Please see the enclosed notarized letter from Michael Hornbrook, dated August 26, 2003.
This letter addresses each comment in a-d.
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 6 of 10
22. Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed perimeter wall.
Identify the type of the wall material and the type of material that supports the wall,
including the typical distance between supports. Also, provide a typical section view
drawing of the wall that includes the depth that the wall supports are below finish
grade and the height that the wall is above finish grade. The location and height of
the wall shall comply with the wall regulations specified in the Zoning Code.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet A 100 for specific information.
23. Add to the drawing the calculations that were used to identify the minimum number of
required handicap accessible parking spaces. Also, state the code section that is
applicable to the computations.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-2. The code and section that were used to
calculate the required number of accessible parking spaces is listed under the "Parking
Calculations. "
24. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates the path
of travel for the accessible route that is required between the accessible units and the
recreational amenities that are provided for the project and other common area
elements located at the site. The symbol shall represent the location of the path of
travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement markings
required to be installed along the path. The location of the accessible path shall not
compel the user to travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles.
Identify on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width
required by the Code is 44 inches). Add text that would indicate that the symbol
represents the accessible route, and the route is designed in compliance with
regulations specified in the Fair Housing Act. Please note that at time of permit
review, the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify
that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida
Accessibility Code for Building Construction. This documentation shall include, but
not be limited to, providing finish grade elevations along the path of travel.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-3. The accessible path has been shown and
labeled. In addition, the width of the accessible path is shown. The accessible path does
not direct the user behind parked vehicles.
25. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the location
and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject request.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets A 100 and C-2. Sheet A 100 shows the limits of
new construction. All existing buildings are to have renovation work only. The limits of
construction for the site work have been addressed as note #14 on sheet C-2.
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 7 of 10
26. Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor area. The
area breakdown shall specify the total area of the building covered area outside,
covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated for the clubhouse and other
uses located within the building. Specify the total floor area that is air-conditioned.
Label the use of all rooms and floor space.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet A 101. The requested areas have been shown.
27. The applicant should identify all of the existing trees/landscape improvements by
species and caliper sizes that will be preserved, relocated or removed/replaced on the
site. This should be tabulated and included on a landscape sheet. An additional
symbol(s) should be used on the landscape sheets to delineate these trees.
[Environmental. Regulations, Chapter.7.S, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4 and LS-1. All existing trees
have been identified and a table has been provided to depict the trees affected by the
28. The applicant should indicate all newly proposed landscape/irrigation improvements
throughout the site. [Environmental. Regulations, Chapter.7.S, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4, LS-1, IR-1, IR-2 and IR-3. All
proposed landscape and irrigation improvements have been identified.
29. The site plan (sheet S-1) shall indicate the height, dimensions and setbacks of all
proposed structures (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.1.).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets C-2 and C-3. The height dimensions and
setbacks of all proposed structures have been shown.
30. The site plan (sheet S-1) shall show the proposed off-street parking spaces,
driveways and sidewalks, including location, dimensions and setbacks, traffic control
markings, and signage (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-3. All proposed off-street parking spaces,
driveways, sidewalks and traffic control signage and markings have been shown, labeled
and dimensioned.
31. Provide a detail of the proposed "crash gate," security gate, and perimeter wall,
including its dimensions, setbacks, height, and material (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.3.).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet A 100. Details for the crash cases have been
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 8 of 10
32. The site plan shall indicate the location of all existing and proposed outdoor
freestanding lighting fixtures (Chapter 4, Section 7.8.4).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-3. All existing outdoor freestanding lighting
fixtures have been shown. All proposed fixtures are on the Site Lighting Plan.
33. The plans must indicate the method of irrigation (Chapter 4, Section 7.C.3.).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets IR-1, IR-2 and IR-3. The method of irrigation has
been shown.
34. The site plan (sheet S-1) shall indicate the dumpster(s) location (Chapter 4,
Section 7.8.5.).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-3. All proposed dumpsters have been shown
(four on the east parcel and four on the west parcel).
35. The site plan (sheet S-1) tabular data shall indicate the total gross project area- by
acreage and square footage (Chapter 4, Section 7.E.).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-2. The total gross project area and breakdown
have been provided (in square feet and in acreage) in tabular form.
36. The new impervious area must be considered in a required drainage plan (Chapter 4,
Section 7.F.). The drainage plan is subject to the Engineering Division's review and
Please see the enclosed Drainage Statement and the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-5.
Treatment has been provided for the net new impervious area.
37. Provide tabular data on the site plan (sheet S-1). The tabular data shall indicate the
total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open space, vehicular
use areas, paved areas, building coverage, parking requirements (Chapter 4,
Section 7.E.4.). Parking information shall include existing, required and provided
parking. The new recreation/office building will require at least five (5) parking
spaces (Chapter 2, Section 11.H.16.e. (12).).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-2. The total gross project area and breakdown
have been provided (in square feet and in acreage) in tabular form. In addition, parking
calculations have also been included. Six additional parking spaces have been provided for
the new recreation area (five spaces for the recreation area and one space for
administrative personnel).
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 9 of 10
38. The elevations (for new work) shall include the manufacturer's name and color code
for all paint and exterior finishes, including the roofing material (Chapter 4,
Section 7.0.1.). Staff understands that the new roofs should be the same type/color
of the existing roofs to be removed.
Please see the enclosed plan sets. Exterior siding is to be vinyl siding. The manufacturer
information is shown on the drawings. In addition, the manufacturer for the new metal roof is
also shown on drawings. We are willing to fine tune the colors with the Neighborhood
39. Provide a landscape plan and indicate the proposed landscape material. It should
clearly illustrate proposed trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation, including the
height, size and type of plant by common and botanical name (Chapter 4,
Section 7.C.). Also, show all relocated or removed landscape material. All removed
or relocated landscape material will be subject to the City Forester/Environmentalist's
review and approval.
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheets L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4 and LS-1. A plant list with
specifications as to name, size, height, etc. has been included. In addition, all relocated and
removed landscape material has been shown.
40. The site plan (sheet S-1) must identify and differentiate between Type A and Type B
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet C-2. The unit type (A or B) has been provided, in
tabular data, for each building.
41. Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress shall be
used and maintained for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.8.).
Please see the enclosed plan sets, sheet LS-1. The requested note has been added.
42. The appearance of the buildings is very important to staff. Staff recommends
coordinating with the City's Planner/Urban Designer (Margelly Beltran @ 742-6263)
and Neighborhood Specialist (Dan DeCarlo @ 742-6028) to finalize proposed building
colors, exterior finish, and roof type.
Appearance of building was discussed at last meeting; final stucco color selections are to be
determined in field with mock-up samples. We will notify neighborhood specialist of location
and time to approve final selections.
Mr. Mike Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
Boynton Terrace Apartment - Response to Comments
September 9, 2003
Page 10 of 10
We trust this satisfactorily completes the review process. If you should have any questions or
require any additional information, please feel free to contact me at our Stuart office,
(772) 283-1413.
)VJU rbYr2iJ/Y(L
Lisa B. Leonard, E.1.
Project Engineer
Creech Engineers, Inc.
IleonardCiUcreechinc. com
c: With Enclosures
Mark Walther - American Communities (Three copies)
John Cichon - Bing Contracting, Inc.
Bob McGoldrick - Consultech and Associates
Dennis Chavez - Dougherty and Chavez Architects, P.A.
Grant Thornbrough - A. Grant Thornbrough and Associates
Skip Harvey, P.E. - Creech Engineers, Inc.
9090 Wilshire Blvd.
Suite 201
Beverly Hills, CA 90211
August 27,2003
To Whom It May Concern:
Please let this letter serve as authorization for Creech Engineers, Inc. to act as authorized
agents for Boynton Associates, Ltd. concerning all permitting applications and issues for the
Boynton Terrace project.
Boynton Associates, Ltd.
By: Rosew od Corporation, general partner
Senior Vice President
Sworn to and subscribed before me this 28th day of August, 2003, by Michael J. Hornbrook_who
is Senior Vice President for Rosewood Corporation, as general partner of Boynton Terrace
Associates, Ltd., He is personally known to me or who has produced -d.hvt>Y5 license..
as identification. ~ (j Cflv.J2)
ten/seD. C)a-rk.
Printed Name
Notary Public State of I-I t " "'- at 3
My Commission Expires 3 - d~ - ~ 0
X ~
B ~
g State of califOrnia} g
g ss. g
g County of Los ~ng-pl PR g
g g
~.Ii On Sept. 3 'D~e003 before me, Mar ia Martinez, Notary publ i~ ~.. :
(:1 Name and Title of Officer (e.g., "Jane Doe. Notary Public") :~
~, personally appeared Mir'hrlpl ,T. Hornbrook ~:
~; Name(s) of Signer(s) ,:).
~.: xxwersonally known to me p
(': 0 proved to me on the basis of satisfactory ::<>
g evidence g
~ to be the person(s) whose name(s) is/are ~
J:1 subscribed to the within instrument and g
~ acknowledged to me that he/she/they executed g
g: the same in his/her/their authorized g
~ capacity(ies), and that by his/her/their g
~ signature(s) on the instrument the person(s), or g
~ the entity upon behalf of which the person(s) ~
~ lfi..- ::"':,:.:E:ff::72 ~ J acted, executed the instrument. g
.~ i Noby PubIc. oem f g
~; J "AngIIII~-
~ J. - '_~""''''7 -..l
)<j ~--""!"",---_.~,~;,-~ k'i
BB. . ',: Though the information below is not required by law, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent ~
. , fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. k'i
~ Description of Attached Document ~
~ Title or Type of Document: Boynton 'T'prrrll'p Apts., Notarized Affidavit~
~ g
~ Docomeol Daleo Augu st 26, 2 DD 3' None Nombe, of Page" 1 ~: :
('I Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: :?)
~ g
~ ~
~ Capacity(ies) 91,irred iW1S' n r ~. I
('1 Signer's Name: ~)J\ ~_ _ ,?)
~ ~
.~ 0 Individual Top of Ihumb here 1
~ x~ Corporate Officer _ Title(s): Sr. Vice Pres ident g
g 0 Partner - 0 Limited 0 General 1
~;'. 0 Attorney-in-Fact ~,
(:; 0 Trustee .?)
p 0 Guardian or Conservator g
B 0 Other: g
~ Signer Is Representing: Rosewood Corporation ~
~'6(.'G(;<<c<;c<;<';<:6:... "C,<~uf-^~<"-^:u, <",~ ''''>(/:<<:."'~o~;<<,<<<:..z.'c;:.;<::,(;<X~'G(;G<)(:Y~:<';:''<<'0..,.v::..z.<<,<::..(x:;:..<<<<<<<../" v'"j ~
@ 1999 National Notary Association. 9350 De Soto Ave., P.O. Box 2402 . Chatsworth, CA 91313-2402 .
Prod. No. 5907
Reorder: Call Toll-Free 1.800-876-6827
Boynton Associates, Ltd.
9090 Wilshire Boulevard. Suite 201. Beverly Hills. CA 90211
August 26, 2003
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, CA 33425-0310
Re: Boynton Terrace Apartments: Notarized Affidavit
File Number: MMSP 03-0047
Response to First Review: Comment #21
To Whom It May Concern:
Please accept this letter as our notarized affidavit in which we answer the
referenced comment as follows:
1. Will the pool/clubhouse building be restricted to the residents of the entire
project only?
2. Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfares to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
Yes - Tenants will need to cross North Seacrest Boulevard to access the
to-be-built clubhouse.
3. Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
No - Deliveries to the clubhouse and laundry facility will only be those in
the ordinary course for an 89-unit apartment complex.
4. Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide services to the
No - The only employees will be those required by the property
management company. Specifically, the management agent will employ
an onsite property manager and a maintenance man.
Michael J. H rnbrook
Senior Vice President
Boynton Terrace Apartments
Drainaae Statement
Subiect PrODertv:
- --
Boynton Terrace Apartments
East Side of Seacrest Boulevard - 4.39-acres
West Side of Seacrest Boulevard - 3.44-acres
The Subject Property is located at the southeast corner of Seacrest Boulevard and NE
ih Avenue (east parcel) and at the southwest corner of Seacrest Boulevard and NW 8th
Avenue, within the incorporated area of the City of Boynton Beach.
The Subject Property is within the Lake Worth Drainage District jurisdiction.
The existing surface water management system (complete on-site retention) serving the
existing apartment complex was constructed and has been in operation since 1982,
pursuant to permits from the City of Boynton Beach and the South Florida Water
Management District.
Some existing pavement and sidewalks will be removed on both the east and west
parcels. Additional pavement and concrete areas will be constructed on the east and
west parcels. In addition, a Community Center will be constructed on the west parcel.
Treatment will be provided in additional on-site retention for the net new impervious
areas for the east and west parcels. The finished floor elevation for the proposed
Community Center will be set at or above the minimum existing finished floor elevation
for the west parcel.
Florida Registration No. 21642
Creech Engineers, Inc.
Board of Professional Engineers -
Certificate of Authorization No. 5139
203 West 3rd Street, Stuart, FL 34994
(772) 283-1413, (772) 220-7881 FAX
23103-00-02-Drainage Statement-090903.doc
Creech Engineers, Inc.
Professional Engineers, Surveyors & Mappers
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Minor Modification to Site Plan
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Project name: Boynton Terrace Apartments
File number: MMSP 03-007
Reference: 151 review plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a Planning and Zoning
Department date stamp marking.
1. Please provide the following plans:
a) A current (not older than six months) signed and sealed survey (LDR,
Chapter 4, Section 7.A.);
@ Drainage plan.
3. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be
provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in
service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code,
(2000) Section 29-2.3.2.
4. Pursuant to City Ordinance 9-3F, the Fire Marshal has developed an
Administrative Order dated May 9,2001, that provides the minimum
performance for all security gates and emergency access.
Drawing Tl - Project information. Wind load criteria shall comply with
2001 Florida Bui1din Code Table 1606.1.6.1 and fi re 1606.
The applicable codes in effect are: ~t.c..Ub~E WI u.. JJ
· 2001 Flo~da Buildin~ Code S/~~: ~6""Pt...!J' ,e J./!tIf.W<<S>
· 1999 NatIOnal Electnca1 Code JI.U. Sf'llU;t.erutJ..,l,<..- ,.~ lIEl.JJtiJ ~~
· Florida Fire Prevention Code 2000 edition ofNFPA land 101) /.JEw) Ctme-&
Repairs and alterations of existing structures shall comply with the 200 1 ~
Florida Building Code Sections 3401.7.2 through 3401.7.3. Va1uatio~ 'M.E-7itrt.
documentation that compares the ratio of percentages of the value of the Ir ,T"
repairs to the 'value of the existing building (excluding the land) shall be m.. TlJI'E
submitted for review. The buildings may be required to conform to the /J€V
requirements for a new building contingent upon the required
documentation. See 2001 Florida Building Code Section 3401.7.2.6.
8 If existing egress windows are replaced, the new windows shall comply with
the requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code Sections 3401.2.1,
3401.7.2.4, 1005.4.2 to 1005.4.4. /taU, tII.O:T Ne:22 ~ I':
9. Accessible parking shall be provided for all common areas (community
center, picnic area, tot lot, volleyball court, etc.). Size and number of
accessible parking spaces shall comply with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(A) of the
2001 Florida Building Code.
10. The laundry area in the community center shall be handicap accessible per
the 2001 Florida Building Code Section 4-1. 1 (1)(A).
11. Indicate the s uare foota e of each bui1din on the site 1an.
12. Clearly show the dimensions of the accessible toilet rooms in the
community center. The size of the toilet rooms shall comply with the 2001
Florida Building Code Section 11-4.22.
13. Sheet Tl notes the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" as being the
applicable accessibility code. If this project is receiving Federal financial
assistance then the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" apply. Ifnot,
then Chapter 11 of the 2001 Florida Building Code will apply. Submit
documentation for the correct accessibili standard to be utilized.
14. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 m h. Wind forces on eve buildin or
~nrmJ (JEt/At(,lr ~ ~,.. ~ c,..,u IJe /~u.€1) hUbTl.- TlJ ~ ~,
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structure shall be determined by the provisions of Chapter 6 of ASCE 7, and
the provisions of Section 1606 (Wind Loads) of the 2001 edition of the
Florida Building Code. Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design
professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review
at the time of permit application
15. Add to each building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and
floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap
accessible entrance doors to each building. Florida Accessibility Code for
Building Construction, Section 4.1.2, 4.3. ~ A)~ Fs/'l. ~~ ,.. €)f) ~~ .
16. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that identifies the location of
the handicap accessible parking spaces. The quantity of the spaces shall be
consistent with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. The accessible parking spaces that serve a use
shall be located on the shortest safely accessible route of travel from
adjacent parking to an accessible entrance. The Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction states that buildings with multiple accessible
entrances shall have accessible parking spaces dispersed and located closest
to the accessible entrance. Florida Accessibility Code for Building
Construction, Section 4.1.2(5), 4.3, 4.6.
17. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates
the path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the
accessible parking spaces and the accessible entrance doors to each
building. The symbol, required to be installed along the path, shall start at
the accessible parking spaces and terminate at the accessible entrance doors
to each building. The symbol shall represent the location of the path of
travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement
markings. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user to
travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles. Identify on
the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width
required by the code is forty-four (44) inches). Add text to the drawing that
would indicate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route
is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6
(parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review, the
applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify
that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations specified in
the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. This
documentation shall include, but not be limited to, providing finish grade
elevations along the path of travel. ~ l11 AJ8-V,AJtJ7 ex/& i1 AJ6-.
18. On the drawing titled site plan, identify and label the symbol that represents
the property line.
19. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the wall
openings and wall construction comply with Table 600 of the 2001 Florida
Building Code.
20. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
proposed construction
21. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pool/clubhouse, provide the following:
Submit a notarized affidavit on the letterhead of the property owner,
company or association. The letter shall list and contain an answer to the
following questions.
a) Will the pool/clubhouse building be restricted to the residents of the
entire project only?
b) Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfare to get
to the pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
c) Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
d) Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide
service to the site?
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will
be sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit
review, the applicant should request that the county send the City a copy of
their determination of what impact fees are required for the
pool/clubhouse/lease office building
22. Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed
perimeter wall. Identify the type of the wall material and the type of material
that supports the wall, including the typical distance between supports.
Also, provide a typical section view drawing of the wall that includes the
depth that the wall supports are below finish grade and the height that the
wall is above finish grade. The location and height of the wall shall comply
with the wall regulations specified in the Zoning Code.
23. Add to the drawing the calculations that were used to identify the minimum
number of required handicap accessible parking spaces. Also, state the code
section that is applicable to the computations.
24. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates
the path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the
accessible units and the recreational amenities that are provided for the
project and other common area elements located at the site. The symbol
shall represent the location of the path of travel, not the location of the
detectable warning or other pavement markings required to be installed
along the path. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user
to travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles. Identify
on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width
required by the Code is 44 inches). Add text that would indicate that the
symbol represents the accessible route and the route is designed in
compliance with regulations specified in the Fair Housing Act. Please note
that at time of permit review, the applicant shall provide detailed
documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in
compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. This documentation shall include, but not be f
A ~,~, I .LJJ~I .J ,...:"2..' .
limited to, providing finish grade elevations along the path of travel. (PIJL1f ~ ,~ .....~ ~ fV~
25. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents
the location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the
subject request.
26. Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor
area. The area breakdown shall specify the total area of the building,
covered are outside, covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated
for the clubhouse and other uses located within the building. Specify the
total floor area that is air-conditioned. Label the use of all rooms and floor
- . .
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27. The applicant should identify all of the existing_trees / landscape
improvements by species and caliper sizes that will be preserved, relocated
or removed / replaced on the site. This should be tabulated and included on
a landscape sheet. An additional symbol (s) should be used on the
landscape sheets to delineate these trees. [Environmental. Regulations,
Chapter. 7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
28. The applicant should indicate all newly proposed landscape / irrigation
improvements throughout the site. [Environmental. Regulations, Chapter.
7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
. '"'~, ~ I~ ,
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29. The site plan (sheet S-I) shall indicate the height, dimensions, and setbacks (
of all proposed structures (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.l.). oo~.'1 ~ AJe;"I<) ~
30. The site plan (sheet S-I) shall show the proposed off-street parking spaces,
driveways and sidewalks, including location, dimensions and setbacks,
traffic control markings, and signage (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.).
31. Provide a detail of the proposed "crash gate", security gate, and perimeter
wall, including its dimensions, setbacks, height, and material (Chapter 4,
Section 7.B.3.).
32. The site plan shall indicate the location of all existing and proposed outdoor
freestanding lighting fixtures (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.4.).
33. The plans must indicate the method of irrigation (Chapter 4, Section 7.C.3.).
34. The site plan (sheet S-I) shall indicate the dumpster(s) location (Chapter 4,
Section 7.B.5.).
35. The site plan (sheet S-I) tabular data shall indicate the total gross project
area- by acreage and square footage (Chapter 4, Section 7.E.).
t'c-4N .
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36. The new impervious area must be considered in a required drainage plan
(Chapter 4, Section 7.F.). The drainage plan is subject to the Engineering ..
Division's review and approval
37. Provide tabular data on the site plan (sheet S-I). The tabular data shall
indicate the total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open
space, vehicular use areas, paved areas, building coverage, parking
requirements (Chapter 4, Section 7.E.4.). Parking information shall include
existing, required, and provided parking. The new recreation / office
building will require at least five (5) parking spaces (Chapter 2, Section
38. The elevations (for new work) shall include the manufacturer's name and
color code for all paint and exterior finishes, including the roofing material
(Chapter 4, Section 7.D.1.). Staff understands that the new roofs should be
the same type / color of the existing roofs to be removed.
39. Provide a landscape plan and indicate the proposed landscape material. It
should clearly illustrate proposed trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation,
including the height, size and type of plant by common and botanical name
(Chapter 4, Section 7.C.). Also, show all relocated or removed landscape
material. All removed or relocated landscape material will be subject to the
City Forester / Environmentalist's review and approval.
40. The site plan (sheet S-l) must identify and differentiate between Type A
and Type B units.
41. Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress
shall be used and maintained for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article
II, Section 5.C.8.).
42. The appearance of the buildings is very important to staff. Staff
recommends coordinating with the City's Planner / Urban Designer
(Margelly Beltran @ 742-6263) and Neighborhood Specialist (Dan DeCarlo
@ 742-6028) to finalize proposed building colors, exterior finish, and roof
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Terrace Apts\MMSP 03-007\1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc
TO: Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning and Zoning
FROM: Timothy K. Large ~
TRC Member/Building Divisi~
DATE: April 15, 2003
SUBJECT: Project - Boynton Terrace
File No. - MMSP 03-007 - minor modification
We have reviewed the subject plans and recommend that the request be forwarded for
Board review with the understanding that all remaining comments will be shown in
compliance on the working drawings submitted for permits.
BuildinQ Division (Site Specific and Permit Comments) - Timothv K. LarQe (561)
1. Drawing T1 - Project information.
a) Wind load criteria shall comply with 2001 Florida Building Code Table
1606.1.6.1 and figure 1606.
2. The applicable codes in effect are:
a) 2001 Florida Building Code
b) 1999 National Electrical Code
c) Florida Fire Prevention Code (2000 edition of NFPA 1 and 101)
3. Repairs and alterations of existing structures shall comply with the 2001 Florida
Building Code Sections 3401.7.2 through 3401.7.3. Valuation documentation that
compares the ratio of percentages of the value of the repairs to the value of the
existing building (excluding the land) shall be submitted for review. The buildings
may be required to conform to the requirements for a new building contingent upon
the required documentation. See 2001 Florida Building Code Section 3401.7.2.6.
4. If existing egress windows are replaced, the new windows shall comply with the
requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code Sections 3401.2.1, 3401.7.2.4,
1005.4.2 to 1005.4.4.
5. Accessible parking shall be provided for all common areas (community center,
picnic area, tot lot, volleyball court, etc.). Size and number of accessible parking
spaces shall comply with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(A) of the 2001 Florida Building Code.
S:IDevelopmentlBuildinglTRCITRC 20031Boynton Terrace MMSP 03-007
Page 10f4
6. The laundry area in the community center shall be handicap accessible per the
2001 Florida Building Code Section 4-1.1 (1 )(A).
7. Indicate the square footage of each building on the site plan.
8. Clearly show the dimensions of the accessible toilet rooms in the community
center. The size of the toilet rooms shall comply with the 2001 Florida Building
Code Section 11-4.22.
9. Sheet T1 notes the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" as being the
applicable accessibility code. If this project is receiving Federal financial assistance
then the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" apply. If not, then Chapter 11 of
the 2001 Florida Building Code will apply. Submit documentation for the correct
accessibility standard to be utilized.
10. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the minimum
wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or structure shall be
determined by the provisions of Chapter 6 of ASCE 7, and the provisions of
Section 1606 (Wind Loads) of the 2001 edition of the Florida Building Code.
Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design professional registered in the
state of Florida shall be submitted for review at the time of permit application.
11. Add to each building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and floor plan a
labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap accessible entrance
doors to each building. Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction,
Section 4.1.2, 4.3.
12. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that identifies the location of the
handicap accessible parking spaces. The quantity of the spaces shall be
consistent with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for
Building Construction. The accessible parking spaces that serve a use shall be
located on the shortest safely accessible route of travel from adjacent parking to an
accessible entrance. The Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction
states that buildings with multiple accessible entrances shall have accessible
parking spaces dispersed and located closest to the accessible entrance. Florida
Accessibility Code for Building Construction, Section 4.1.2(5), 4.3, 4.6.
13. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates the
path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the accessible
parking spaces and the accessible entrance doors to each building. The symbol,
required to be installed along the path, shall start at the accessible parking spaces
and terminate at the accessible entrance doors to each building. The symbol shall
represent the location of the path of travel, not the location of the detectable
warning or other pavement markings. The location of the accessible path shall not
compel the user to travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked
vehicles. Identify on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The
minimum width required by the code is forty-four (44) inches). Add text to the
drawing that would indicate that the symbol represents the accessible route and
the route is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6
S:\DevelopmentIBuildingITRCITRC 20031Boynton Terrace MMSP 03-007
Page 2 of 4
(Parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code for
Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review, the applicant shall
provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible
route is in compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility
Code for Building Construction. This documentation shall include, but not be
limited to, providing finish grade elevations along the path of travel.
14. On the drawing titled site plan, identify and label the symbol that represents the
property line.
15. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the wall openings and
wall construction comply with Table 600 of the 2001 Florida Building Code.
16. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
proposed construction.
17. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pool/clubhouse, provide the following:
Submit a notarized affidavit on the letterhead of the property owner, company or
association. The letter shall list and contain an answer to the following questions.
a) Will the pool/clubhouse building be restricted to the residents of the entire
project only?
b) Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfare to get to the
pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
c) Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
d) Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide service to the
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will be sent
to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit review, the applicant
should request that the county send the City a copy of their determination of what
impact fees are required for the pool/clubhouse/lease office building
18. Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed perimeter
wall. Identify the type of the wall material and the type of material that supports the
wall, including the typical distance between supports. Also, provide a typical
section view drawing of the wall that includes the depth that the wall supports are
below finish grade and the height that the wall is above finish grade. The location
and height of the wall shall comply with the wall regulations specified in the Zoning
19. Add to the drawing the calculations that were used to identify the minimum number
of required handicap accessible parking spaces. Also, state the code section that
is applicable to the computations.
20. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates the
path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the accessible units
and the recreational amenities that are provided for the project and other common
area elements located at the site. The symbol shall represent the location of the
path of travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement
S:IDevelapmentlBuildinglTRCITRC 20031Bayntan Terrace MMSP 03-007
Page 3 af 4
markings required to be installed along the path. The location of the accessible
path shall not compel the user to travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind
parked vehicles. Identify on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The
minimum width required by the Code is 44 inches). Add text that would indicate
that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route is designed in
compliance with regulations specified in the Fair Housing Act. Please note that at
time of permit review, the applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the
plans that will verify that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations
specified in the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. This
documentation shall include, but not be limited to, providing finish grade elevations
along the path of travel.
21. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents the
location and perimeter of the limits of construction proposed with the subject
22. Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor area. The
area breakdown shall specify the total area of the building, covered are outside,
covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated for the clubhouse and
other uses located within the building. Specify the total floor area that is air-
conditioned. Label the use of all rooms and floor space.
S:IDevelopmentlBuildinglTRCITRC 2003\Boynton Terrace MMSP 03-007
Page 4 of4
MMSP 03-007
1st Review Planning
April 11, 2003
The site plan (sheet S-l) shall indicate the height, dimensions, and setbacks of all proposed structures
(Chapter 4, Section 7.B.1.).
The site plan (sheet S-l) shall show the proposed off-street parking spaces, driveways and sidewalks,
including location, dimensions and setbacks, traffic control markings, and signage (Chapter 4, Section
Provide a detail of the proposed "crash gate", security gate, and perimeter wall, including its dimensions,
setbacks, height, and material (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.3.).
The site plan shall indicate the location of all existing and proposed outdoor freestanding lighting fixtures
(Chapter 4, Section 7.BA.).
The plans must indicate the method of irrigation (Chapter 4, Section 7.C.3.).
The site plan (sheet S-l) shall indicate the dumpster(s) location (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.5.).
The site plan (sheet S-l) tabular data shall indicate the total gross project area- by acreage and square
footage (Chapter 4, Section 7.E.).
The new impervious area must be considered in a required drainage plan (Chapter 4, Section 7.F.). The
drainage plan is subject to the Engineering Division's review and approval.
Provide tabular data on the site plan (sheet S-l). The tabular data shall indicate the total project site,
including areas proposed for landscaped open space, vehicular use areas, paved areas, building coverage,
parking requirements (Chapter 4, Section 7.EA.). Parking information shall include existing, required, and
provided parking. The new recreation / office building will require at least five (5) parking spaces (Chapter
2, Section 11.H.16.e.(12).).
The elevations (for new work) shall include the manufacturer's name and color code for all paint and
exterior finishes, including the roofing material (Chapter 4, Section 7.D.1.). Staff understands that the new
roofs should be the same type / color of the existing roofs to be removed.
Provide a landscape plan and indicate the proposed landscape material. It should clearly illustrate proposed
trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation, including the height, size and type of plant by common and
botanical name (Chapter 4, Section 7.c.). Also, show all relocated or removed landscape material. All
removed or relocated landscape material will be subject to the City Forester / Environmentalist's review
and approval.
The site plan (sheet S-l) must identify and differentiate between Type A and Type B units.
Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress shall be used and maintained
for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article II, Section 5.C.8.).
All above ground mechanical equipment such as exterior utility boxes, meters, and transformers shall be
visually screened (Chapter 9, Section 10.C.4.). Equipment placed on the walls of the building shall be
painted to match the building color. Place a note on the site plan (sheet S-l) indicating this requirement.
Show the new hedge material on the landscape plan.
On the site plan (sheet S-l), staff recommends "clouding" the new 1 proposed site improvements.
S:IPlanningISharedIWplProjectslBo)1lton Terrace AptslMMSP 03.007IPlanning 1st review.doc
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Eric Lee Johnson, AICP, Planner, Planning and Zoning
Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer
April 4, 2003
Review Comments
Minor Modification
Boynton Terrace Apartments
File No. MMSP 03-007
The above referenced Site Plans, forwarded on March 24, 2003, were reviewed against the requirements
outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Although, for administrative purposes, this
project is shown as a "Minor Modification" the scope of work seems to fall in the realm of a "Major
Modification". Accordingly the applicant should provide the same information as that which would be
required for a new site plan (LOR, Chapter 4, Section 9.F.2.) Following is a list of the information this
office needs in order to make an evaluation of the proposed site improvements (with the appropriate
Code and Land Development Regulations (LOR) referenced).
A current (not older than six months) signed and sealed survey (LOR, Chapter 4, Section l.A.);
Site plan including, but not limited to, proposed traffic control, handicap parking, lighting, solid waste
management (dumpster location), easements and utilities (existing and proposed);
Landscape plan; and
Drainage plan.
Upon receipt of the above requested information a review will be conducted and comments prepared for
the applicant.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to give me a call at x6482.
Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail)
Peter Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities
H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division
Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste
Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
S:IEngineeringlKribslBoynton Terrace Apartment Minor Mod. Review Comments.doc
fRC Memorandum
Page 1 of 1
Johnson, Eric
From: Hallahan, Kevin
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 10:29 AM
To: Coale, Sherie
Cc: Galav, Lusia; Johnson, Eric
Subject: 03-Plan.doc
Planning Memorandum: Forester / Environmentalist
Lusia Galav, Principal Planner
Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist
Boynton Terrace Apartments
Technical Site Plan - 1 st Review
NWSP 03-007
March 31, 2003
There are no landscape and irrigation improvement plans submitted with the site plans.
1. The applicant should identify all of the existing trees /landscape improvements by
species and caliper sizes that will be preserved, relocated or removed / replaced on the
site. This should be tabulated and included on a landscape sheet. An additional symbol
(s) should be used on the landscape sheets to delineate these trees. [Environmental.
Regulations, Chapter. 7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
2. The applicant should indicate all newly proposed landscape / irrigation improvements
throughout the site. [Environmental. Regulations, Chapter. 7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
City Hall, West Wing
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425
(561) 742-6260
(561) 742-6259 Fax
From the office of
Planning & Zoning
IN I tl la/"it S
TO: Jeffrey Kammerude
g { ?J - (10 g r I <? II
FAX: 321-799-0233
FROM: Sherie Coale
NUMBER OF PAGES: (including
RE: Boynton Terrace Apartments
Please review the following comments and provide four (4) new sets of plans reflecting the requested
changes. In addition, you should also provide a written response to the comments. If you have any
questions please call me at (561) 742-6265.
J:\SHRDATA\Planning\Planning Templates\P&Z Fax\P & D Blank
If you receive this fax in error, or experience trouble with transmission, please notify our office
immediately, at (561) 742-6260. Thank you.
Minor Modification to Site Plan
Project name: Boynton Terrace Apartments
File number: MMSP 03-007
Reference: 1 streview plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a Planning and Zoning
Department date stamo marking
1. Please provide the following plans:
a) A current (not older than six months) signed and sealed survey (LDR, ~
Chapter 4, Section 7.A.);
b) Site plan including, but not limited to, proposed traffic control, handicap
parking, lighting, solid waste management (dumpster location), easements
and utilities (existing and proposed);
c) Landscape plan; and
d) Drainage plan.
2. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than ~
20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required.
3. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be
provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in ~
service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code,
(2000) Section 29-2.3.2.
4. Pursuant to City Ordinance 9-3F, the Fire Marshal has developed an ~
Administrative Order dated May 9,2001, that provides the minimum
performance for all security gates and emergency access.
5. Drawing Tl - Project information. Wind load criteria shall comply with 7
2001 Florida Building Code Table 1606.1.6.1 and figure 1606.
6. The applicable codes in effect are: /
. 2001 Florida Building Code
. 1999 National Electrical Code
. Florida Fire Prevention Code (2000 edition ofNFPA land 101)
7. Repairs and alterations of existing structures shall comply with the 2001 /
Florida Building Code Sections 3401.7.2 through 3401.7.3. Valuation
documentation that compares the ratio of percentages of the value of the
repairs to the value of the existing building (excluding the land) shall be
submitted for review. The buildings may be required to conform to the
requirements for a new building contingent upon the required
documentation. See 2001 Florida Building Code Section 3401.7.2.6.
8. If existing egress windows are replaced, the new windows shall comply with /
the requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code Sections 3401.2.1,
3401.7.2.4, 1005.4.2 to 1005.4.4.
9. Accessible parking shall be provided for all common areas (community /
center, picnic area, tot lot, volleyball court, etc.). Size and number of
accessible parking spaces shall comply with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(A) of the
2001 Florida Building Code.
10. The laundry area in the community center shall be handicap accessible per ./
the 2001 Florida Building Code Section 4-1.1 (1 )(A).
11. Indicate the square footage of each building on the site plan. ../'
12. Clearly show the dimensions of the accessible toilet rooms in the /
community center. The size of the toilet rooms shall comply with the 2001
Florida Building Code Section 11-4.22.
13. Sheet Tl notes the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" as being the /
applicable accessibility code. If this project is receiving Federal financial
assistance then the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" apply. Ifnot,
then Chapter 11 of the 2001 Florida Building Code will apply. Submit
documentation for the correct accessibility standard to be utilized.
14. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or
structure shall be determined by the provisions of Chapter 6 of ASCE 7, and
the provisions of Section 1606 (Wind Loads) of the 2001 edition of the
Florida Building Code. Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design
professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review
at the time of permit application
15. Add to each building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and
floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap
accessible entrance doors to each building. Florida Accessibility Code for
Building Construction, Section 4.1.2, 4.3.
16. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that identifies the location of
the handicap accessible parking spaces. The quantity of the spaces shall be
consistent with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. The accessible parking spaces that serve a use
shall be located on the shortest safely accessible route of travel from
adjacent parking to an accessible entrance. The Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction states that buildings with multiple accessible
entrances shall have accessible parking spaces dispersed and located closest
to the accessible entrance. Florida Accessibility Code for Building
Construction, Section 4.1.2(5),4.3,4.6.
17. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates
the path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the
accessible parking spaces and the accessible entrance doors to each
building. The symbol, required to be installed along the path, shall start at
the accessible parking spaces and terminate at the accessible entrance doors
to each building. The symbol shall represent the location of the path of
travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement
markings. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user to
travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles. Identify on
the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width
required by the code is forty-four (44) inches). Add text to the drawing that
would indicate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route
is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6
(parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review, the
applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify
that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations specified in
the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. This
documentation shall include, but not be limited to, providing finish grade
elevations along the path of travel.
18. On the drawing titled site plan, identify and label the symbol that represents
the property line.
19. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the wall
openings and wall construction comply with Table 600 of the 2001 Florida
Building Code.
20. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
ro osed construction
21. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pool/clubhouse, provide the following:
Submit a notarized affidavit on the letterhead of the property owner,
company or association. The letter shall list and contain an answer to the
following questions.
a) Will the pool/clubhouse building be restricted to the residents of the
entire project only?
b) Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfare to get
to the pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
c) Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
d) Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide
service to the site?
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will
be sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit
review, the applicant should request that the county send the City a copy of
their determination of what impact fees are required for the
pool/clubhouse/lease office building
22. Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed
perimeter wall. Identify the type of the wall material and the type of material
that supports the wall, including the typical distance between supports.
Also, provide a typical section view drawing of the wall that includes the
depth that the wall supports are below finish grade and the height that the
wall is above finish grade. The location and height of the wall shall comply
with the wall re lations s ecified in the Zonin Code.
23. Add to the drawing the calculations that were used to identify the minimum
number of required handicap accessible parking spaces. Also, state the code
section that is a licab1e to the com utations.
24. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates
the path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the
accessible units and the recreational amenities that are provided for the
project and other common area elements located at the site. The symbol
shall represent the location of the path of travel, not the location of the
detectable warning or other pavement markings required to be installed
along the path. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user
to travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles. Identify
on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width
required by the Code is 44 inches). Add text that would indicate that the
symbol represents the accessible route and the route is designed in
compliance with regulations specified in the Fair Housing Act. Please note
that at time of permit review, the applicant shall provide detailed
documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in
compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. This documentation shall include, but not be
limited to, rovidin finish ade elevations a10n the ath of travel.
25. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents
the location and erimeter of the limits of construction ro osed with the
subject request.
26. Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor /
area. The area breakdown shall specify the total area of the building,
covered are outside, covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated
for the clubhouse and other uses located within the building. Specify the
total floor area that is air-conditioned. Label the use of all rooms and floor
27. The applicant should identify all of the existinKtrees / landscape
improvements by species and caliper sizes that will be preserved, relocated
or removed / replaced on the site. This should be tabulated and included on
a landscape sheet. An additional symbol (s) should be used on the
landscape sheets to delineate these trees. [Environmental. Regulations,
Chapter. 7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
28. The applicant should indicate all newly proposed landscape / irrigation
improvements throughout the site. [Environmental. Regulations, Chapter.
7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
)1) The site plan (sheet S-I) shall indicate the .height, dimensions, and set~ks ~
of all proposed structures (Chapter 4, SectIOn 7 .B.1.). l<_fie L\ 17 ,"
~ The site plan (sheet S-l) shall show the proposed off-street parking spaces, /
driveways and sidewalks, including location, dimensions and setbacks,
.. traffic control markings, and signage (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.).
~ Provide a detail of the proposed "crash gate", security gate, and perimeter t/
wall, including its dimensions, setbacks, height, and material (Chapter 4,
Section 7.B.3.).
~ The site plan shall indicate the location of all existing and proposed outdoor ~
freestanding lighting fixtures (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.4.).
.J\. The plans must indicate the method of irrigation (Chapter 4, Section 7.C.3.). t/
j",": The site plan (sheet S-l) shall indicate the dumpster(s) location (Chapter 4, ~
Section 7.B.5.).
)( The site plan (sheet S-I) tabular data shall indicate the total gross project ~
area- by acreage and square footage (Chapter 4, Section 7.E.).
The new impervious area must be considered in a required drainage plan
(Chapter 4, Section 7.F.). The drainage plan is subject to the Engineering
Division's review and a rova1
Provide tabular data on the site plan (sheet S-I). The tabular data shall
indicate the total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open
space, vehicular use areas, paved areas, building coverage, parking
requirements (Chapter 4, Section 7.EA.). Parking information shall include
existing, required, and provided parking. The new recreation / office
building will require at least five (5) parking spaces (Chapter 2, Section
I1.H.16.e. 12).).
The elevations (for new work) shall include the manufacturer's name and
color code for all paint and exterior finishes, including the roofing material
(Chapter 4, Section 7.D.1.). Staff l:lnderstana3 that the new roots should be
the same ~'Pe / coler of the exi611ilg roofs tv be n::moveU
. I
e.e CO'
C i V\.bho.:Laf'
Provide a landscape plan and indicate the proposed landscape material. It
should clearly illustrate proposed trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation,
including the height, size and type of plant by common and botanical name
(Chapter 4, Section 7.C.). Also, show all relocated or removed landscape
material. All removed or relocated landscape material will be subject to the
Ci Forester / Environmentalist's review and a roval.
The site plan (sheet S-I) must identify and differentiate between Type A
and T e B units.
Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress
shall be used and maintained for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article
II, Section 5.C.8. .
The appearance of the buildings is very important to staff. Staff
recommends coordinating with the City's Planner / Urban Designer
(Margelly Beltran @ 742-6263) and Neighborhood Specialist (Dan DeCarlo
@ 742-6028) to finalize proposed building colors, exterior finish, and roof
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Terrace Apts\MMSP 03-007\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc. t
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Minor Modification to Site Plan
Project name: Boynton Terrace Apartments
File number: MMSP 03-007
Reference: 1 streview plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a Planning a
Department date stamp marking.
1. Please provide the following plans:
a) A current (not older than six months) signed and sealed survey (LDR,
Chapter 4, Section 7.A.);
b) Site plan including, but not limited to, proposed traffic control, handicap
parking, lighting, solid waste management (dumpster location), easements
and utilities (existing and proposed);
c) Landscape plan; and
d) Drainage plan.
2. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than
20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required.
3. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be
provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in
service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code,
(2000) Section 29-2.3.2.
4. Pursuant to City Ordinance 9-3F, the Fire Marshal has developed an
Administrative Order dated May 9,2001, that provides the minimum
performance for all security gates and emergency access.
Comments: ..... .,,,........-
5. Drawing Tl Project information. Wind load criteria shall comply with V .- ~~~-_.~- ?
2001 Florida Building Code Table 1606.1.6.1 and figure 1606. -",LA ..... .....~~.
..'-. .... ~
6. The applicable codes in effect are:
. 2001 Florida Building Code
. 1999 National Electrical Code V
. Florida Fire Prevention Code (2000 edition ofNFPA land 101)
7. Repairs and alterations of existing structures shall comply with the 2001
Florida Building Code Sections 3401.7.2 through 3401.7.3. Valuation ~
documentation that compares the ratio of percentages of the value of the
repairs to the value of the existing building (excluding the land) shall be
submitted for review. The buildings may be required to conform to the
requirements for a new building contingent upon the required
documentation. See 2001 Florida Building Code Section 3401.7.2.6.
8. If existing egress windows are replaced, the new windows shall comply with
the requirements of the 2001 Florida Building Code Sections 3401.2.1, V
3401.7.2.4, 1005.4.2 to 1005.4.4.
I 9. Accessible parking shall be provided for all common areas (community
center, picnic area, tot lot, volleyball court, etc.). Size and number of V
accessible parking spaces shall comply with Section 11-4.1.2(5)(A) of the
2001 Florida Building Code.
10. The laundry area in the community center shall be handicap accessible per V
the 2001 Florida Building Code Section 4-1.1(1)(A).
11. Indicate the square footage of each building on the site plan. i./
12. Clearly show the dimensions of the accessible toilet rooms 10 the V
community center. The size of the toilet rooms shall comply with the 2001
Florida Building Code Section 11-4.22. - "'7; I ~~V" / 1'-:;)7~'~';';T-~~ f . J I
.1)rul~' _ ~J .'~r .J
13. Sheet Tl notes the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standalds" as being the
applicable accessibility code. If this project is receiving Federal financial V
assistance then the "Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards" apply. Ifnot,
then Chapter 11 of the 2001 Florida Building Code will apply. Submit
documentation for the correct accessibility standard to be utilized.
14. Buildings, structures and parts thereof shall be designed to withstand the
minimum wind loads of 140 mph. Wind forces on every building or
structure shall be determined by the provisions of Chapter 6 of ASCE 7, and
the provisions of Section 1606 (Wind Loads) of the 2001 edition of the
Florida Building Code. Calculations that are signed and sealed by a design
professional registered in the state of Florida shall be submitted for review
at the time of permit application
15. Add to each building that is depicted on the drawing titled site plan and
floor plan a labeled symbol that identifies the location of the handicap
accessible entrance doors to each building. Florida Accessibility Code for
Building Construction, Section 4.1.2, 4.3.
16. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that identifies the location of
the handicap accessible parking spaces. The quantity of the spaces shall be
consistent with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. The accessible parking spaces that serve a use
shall be located on the shortest safely accessible route of travel from
adjacent parking to an accessible entrance. The Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction states that buildings with multiple accessible
entrances shall have accessible parking spaces dispersed and located closest
to the accessible entrance. Florida Accessibility Code for Building
Construction, Section 4.1.2(5), 4.3, 4.6.
17. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates
the path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the
accessible parking spaces and the accessible entrance doors to each
building. The symbol, required to be installed along the path, shall start at
the accessible parking spaces and terminate at the accessible entrance doors
to each building. The symbol shall represent the location of the path of
travel, not the location of the detectable warning or other pavement
markings. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user to
travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles. Identify on
the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width
required by the code is forty-four (44) inches). Add text to the drawing that
would indicate that the symbol represents the accessible route and the route
is designed in compliance with Section 4.3 (Accessible Route) and 4.6
(parking and Passenger Loading Zones) of the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. Please note that at time of permit review, the
applicant shall provide detailed documentation on the plans that will verify
that the accessible route is in compliance with the regulations specified in
the Florida Accessibility Code for Building Construction. This
documentation shall include, but not be limited to, providing finish grade
elevations along the path of travel.
18. On the drawing titled site plan, identify and label the symbol that represents
the property line.
19. Place a note on the elevation view drawings indicating that the wall
op~ni~gs and w~~ construction.. .with......T. ab1~ 600 ~~ tge 2?0 1 r~rida
BUl1dmg Code.(:J:.+. 'l~~ e-:~~{)tVtr:~f CESlJre:il!:--.tJ, )
20. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the
ro osed construction
21. To properly determine the impact fees that will be assessed for the one-story
pool/clubhouse, provide the following:
Submit a notarized affidavit on the letterhead of the property owner,
company or association. The letter shall list and contain an answer to the
following questions.
a) Will the pool/clubhouse building be restricted to the residents of the
entire project only?
b) Will the residents have to cross any major roads or thoroughfare to get
to the pool/clubhouse/recreation building?
c) Will there be any additional deliveries to the site?
d) Will there be any additional employees to maintain and provide
service to the site?
Please have the applicant provide the City with a copy of the letter that will
be sent to the impact fee coordinator. To allow for an efficient permit
review, the applicant should request that the county send the City a copy of
their determination of what impact fees are required for the
pool/clubhouse/lease office building
22. Add to the submittal a partial elevation view drawing of the proposed
perimeter wall. Identify the type of the wall material and the type of material
that supports the wall, including the typical distance between supports.
Also, provide a typical section view drawing of the wall that includes the
depth that the wall supports are below finish grade and the height that the
wall is above finish grade. The location and height of the wall shall comply
with the wall re lations s ecified in the Zonin Code.
23. Add to the drawing the calculations that were used to identify the minimum
number of required handicap accessible parking spaces. Also, state the code
section that is a licab1e to the com utations.
24. Add a labeled symbol to the site plan drawing that represents and delineates
the path of travel for the accessible route that is required between the
accessible units and the recreational amenities that are provided for the
project and other common area elements located at the site. The symbol
shall represent the location of the path of travel, not the location of the
detectable warning or other pavement markings required to be installed
along the path. The location of the accessible path shall not compel the user
to travel in a drive/lane area that is located behind parked vehicles. Identify
on the plan the width of the accessible route. (Note: The minimum width
required by the Code is 44 inches). Add text that would indicate that the
symbol represents the accessible route and the route is designed in
compliance with regulations specified in the Fair Housing Act. Please note
that at time of permit review, the applicant shall provide detailed
documentation on the plans that will verify that the accessible route is in
compliance with the regulations specified in the Florida Accessibility Code
for Building Construction. This documentation shall include, but not be
limited to, rovidin finish ade elevations a10n the ath of travel.
25. Add to all plan view drawings of the site a labeled symbol that represents
the location and erimeter of the limits of construction ro osed with the
subject request.
26. Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor
area. The area breakdown shall specify the total area of the building, V
covered are outside, covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated
for the clubhouse and other uses located within the building. Specify the
total floor area that is air-conditioned. Label the use of all rooms and floor
27. The applicant should identify all of the existinKtrees / landscape
improvements by species and caliper sizes that will be preserved, relocated
or removed / replaced on the site. This should be tabulated and included on
a landscape sheet. An additional symbol (s) should be used on the
landscape sheets to delineate these trees. [Environmental. Regulations,
Chapter. 7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
28. The applicant should indicate all newly proposed landscape / irrigation
improvements throughout the site. [Environmental. Regulations, Chapter.
7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
29. The site plan (sheet S-I) shall indicate the height, dimensions, and setbacks
of all proposed structures (Chapter 4, Section 7 .B.l.).
30. The site plan (sheet S-I) shall show the proposed off-street parking spaces,
driveways and sidewalks, including location, dimensions and setbacks,
traffic control markings, and signage (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.).
31. Provide a detail of the proposed "crash gate", security gate, and perimeter
wall, including its dimensions, setbacks, height, and material (Chapter 4,
Section 7.B.3.).
32. The site plan shall indicate the location of all existing and proposed outdoor
freestanding lighting fixtures (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.4.).
33. The plans must indicate the method of irrigation (Chapter 4, Section 7.C.3.).
34. The site plan (sheet S-I) shall indicate the dumpster(s) location (Chapter 4,
Section 7.B.5.).
35. The site plan (sheet S-I) tabular data shall indicate the total gross project
area- by acreage and square footage (Chapter 4, Section 7.E.).
36. The new impervious area must be considered in a required drainage plan
(Chapter 4, Section 7.F.). The drainage plan is subject to the Engineering .."
Division's review and approval
37. Provide tabular data on the site plan (sheet S-I). The tabular data shall
indicate the total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open
space, vehicular use areas, paved areas, building coverage, parking
requirements (Chapter 4, Section 7.EA.). Parking information shall include
existing, required, and provided parking. The new recreation / office
building will require at least five (5) parking spaces (Chapter 2, Section
38. The elevations (for new work) shall include the manufacturer's name and
color code for all paint and exterior finishes, including the roofing material
(Chapter 4, Section 7.D.1.). Staff understands that the new roofs should be
the same type / color of the existing roofs to be removed.
39. Provide a landscape plan and indicate the proposed landscape material. It
should clearly illustrate proposed trees, shrubs, grass, and other vegetation,
including the height, size and type of plant by common and botanical name
(Chapter 4, Section 7.C.). Also, show all relocated or removed landscape
material. All removed or relocated landscape material will be subject to the
City Forester / Environmentalist's review and approval.
40. The site plan (sheet S-I) must identify and differentiate between Type A
and Type B units.
41. Place a note on the landscape plan indicating that mulch other than Cypress
shall be used and maintained for landscape purposes (Chapter 7.5, Article
II, Section 5.C.8.).
42. The appearance of the buildings is very important to staff. Staff
recommends coordinating with the City's Planner / Urban Designer
(Margelly Beltran @ 742-6263) and Neighborhood Specialist (Dan DeCarlo
@ 742-6028) to finalize proposed building colors, exterior finish, and roof
S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Terrace Apts\MMSP 03-007\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS.doc
Minor Modification to Site Plan
Project name: Boynton Terrace Apartments
File number: MMSP 03-007
Reference: 1 st review plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a Planning and Zoning
Department date stamp marking
1. Please provide the following plans:
a) A current (not older than six months) signed and sealed survey (LDR, H,\, ~I ,~
Chapter 4, Section 7.A.); ',' 1
b) Site plan including, but not limited to, proposed traffic control, handicap .
parking, lighting, solid waste management (dumpster location), easements ,
and utilities (existing and proposed); ;
c) Landscape plan; and ,
d) Drainage plan.
2. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than
20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required.
3. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be
provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in
service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code,
(2000) Section 29-2.3.2.
4. Pursuant to City Ordinance 9-3F, the Fire Marshal has developed an
Administrative Order dated May 9,2001, that provides the minimum
Minor Modification to Site Plan
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Project name: Boynton Terrace Apartments
File number: MMSP 03-007
Reference: 1 streview plans identified as a Minor Modification to Site Plan with a Planning and Zoning
Deoartment date stamo marking.
.. ~
1. Please provide the following plans:
a) A current (not older than six months) signed and sealed survey (LDR,
Chapter 4, Section 7.A.);
b) Site plan including, but not limited to, proposed traffic control, handicap
parking, lighting, solid waste management (dumpster location), easements
and utilities (existing and proposed);
c) Landscape plan; and
d) Drainage plan.
A..... ,,. ,
2. In addition to domestic requirements at a residual pressure of not less than "IeJ1
20 psi, a fire flow of at least 1500 gpm is required. V
3. Design documents where underground water mains and hydrants are to be ~o1c. ,0.<
provided, must demonstrate that they will be installed, completed, and in c.~1
service prior to construction work per the Florida Fire Prevention Code, ~
(2000) Section 29-2.3.2.
4. Pursuant to City Ordinance 9-3F, the Fire Marshal has developed an A.OQ
Administrative Order dated May 9,2001, that provides the minimum ./
q ,q .OS
subject request.
26. Add to the floor plan drawing of the clubhouse a breakdown of the floor
area. The area breakdown shall specify the total area of the building,
covered are outside, covered area at the entrances, total floor area dedicated
for the clubhouse and other uses located within the building. Specify the
total floor area that is air-conditioned. Label the use of all rooms and floor
27. The applicant should identify all of the existingJrees / landscape
improvements by species and caliper sizes that will be preserved, relocated ~
or removed / replaced on the site. This should be tabulated and included on
a landscape sheet. An additional symbol (s) should be used on the
landscape sheets to delineate these trees. [Environmental. Regulations,
Chapter. 7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
28. The applicant should indicate all newly proposed landscape / irrigation v/ /
improvements throughout the site. [Environmental. Regulations, Chapter.
7.5, Article II Sec. 7.C.]
29. The site plan (sheet S-I) shall indicate the height, dimensions, and setbacks
of all proposed structures (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.1.).
30. The site plan (sheet S-l) shall show the proposed off-street parking spaces,
driveways and sidewalks, including location, dimensions and setbacks,
traffic control markings, and signage (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.2.).
31. Provide a detail of the proposed "crash gate", security gate, and perimeter
wall, including its dimensions, setbacks, height, and material (Chapter 4,
Section 7.B.3.).
32. The site plan shall indicate the location of all existing and proposed outdoor
freestanding lighting fixtures (Chapter 4, Section 7.B.4.).
33. The plans must indicate the method of irrigation (Chapter 4, Section 7.C.3.).
34. The site plan (sheet S-I) shall indicate the dumpster(s) location (Chapter 4,
Section 7.B.5.).
35. The site plan (sheet S-I) tabular data shall indicate the total gross project
area- by acreage and square footage (Chapter 4, Section 7.E.).
P A A 16
R B A 8
C C B.B 8.8
L D B 8
P C B 8
R D B 8
C E A 6
L F A 8
2 G A 6
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Eric Lee Johnson, AICP, Planner, Planning and Zoning
Review Comments
Minor Modification
Boynton Terrace Apartments
File No. MMSP 03-007
Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer
April 4, 2003
The above referenced Site Plans, forwarded on March 24, 2003, were reviewed against the requirements
outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. Although, for administrative purposes, this
project is shown as a "Minor Modification" the scope of work seems to fall in the realm of a "Major
Modification". Accordingly the applicant should provide the same information as that which would be
required for a new site plan (LOR, Chapter 4, Section 9.F.2.) Following is a list of the information this
office needs in order to make an evaluation of the proposed site improvements (with the appropriate
Code and Land Development Regulations (LOR) referenced).
o A current (not older than six months) signed and sealed survey (LOR, Chapter 4, Section 7.A.);
o Site plan including, but not limited to, proposed traffic control, handicap parking, lighting, solid waste
management (dumpster location), easements and utilities (existing and proposed);
o Landscape plan; and
o Drainage plan.
Upon receipt of the above requested information a review will be conducted and comments prepared for
the applicant.
If you have any questions or require additional information, please feel free to give me a call at x6482.
Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail)
Peter Mazzella, Deputy Utility Director, Utilities
H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./ P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
Glenda Hall, Maintenance Supervisor, Public Works/Forestry & Grounds Division
Larry Quinn, Solid Waste Manager, Public Works/Solid Waste
Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail)
S:\Engineering\Kribs\Boynton Terrace Apartment Minor Mod. Review Comments.doc