APPLICATION PROJECT NAME: Boynton Terrace LOCATION: N. Seacrest Blvd PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 03-007 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Minor Modification to Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: PBC Housing Authority Jeffrey Kammerude PHONE: PHONE: 321799-4090 FAX: FAX: 321-799-0233 ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 5505 N. Atlantic Avenue #115 Cocoa Beach, FL 32931 Date of submittal/Projected meetin2 dates: SUBMITTAL I RESUBMITTAL 3/21/03 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: S:\Plannmg\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Boynton Terrace Apts\MMSP 03-007\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc _. .' !30~ T~ hr$. ~~ 7/Z9/o 1> t:(X) fZ&P7U~enm~ ~ IleNe o;JL NI(((.G 6 ~$tE ~~ ~ ~AJ'rHtJ t~z, 5/,/..- 74z-~z~ , " . /3:,:zIG ;JD ht0SDt0 PIANUtu6-t- 2D<1LDG Sfpl- 742-{PzL ~;;;I~Jt- ~~~~~ ~:~;:;:;: Yr'-k. H-uo$e>,J P~11i1 ~ lo~INl1 BoI- 74-2 -~2(pi . ~V\\~~ve~ -oo4~"\1 1- ~e01eq. Alfohde>c\;.. b5"o. G::>5l'- 52>z;> l Ar-Ikr &-f'; J ;0 tie It ~hi4).J;,c. /t'er-/. (56 i) 1"1/,3Si- -r III ' 77&-116~ Uor U..eyaCIO~ If/a{J/CO 8~ ~. .. ----1-7-..... L/ A" /"""' "'_. /! /~~ ~..."" ./ {""-\:).~""1 \"':'. .-iL.,....>rf/{f ~L~,/'"./ ;rr-/J:J. L.z::..";'':f.)f:';,. ~/~ -0"> tT-:....~D LtV-1 \l:~\" A.,"'-:r:~~. L,,~. <;b( Z7br;;o'iiO c:s: ~ \-P 1'W-'--/t>'1 C v-e e ~L, ~'lVl-t't>l..S> ~ -1'1 c1' -z..~ 3 - (4- L kJO- LQ.O (wd Cre.JLLVl G'ntt l.[) ~~ '117- ~~ -I'-i '-: ""1\MdH:'(. ~ ~'{tttt,u ~ 1ife1-14~- le~'5 u J'TIKL~" 1:'\)'1= 9 I~" r., :J ..... 20 " ':.J S0!' /t,,? (.2';0 ,. - -.- 80~ - I~ hr$. ~€E17'%" r/Z9/o 3 1:0':) NIf((,G. ~~enm~ , HcN€ "f/IL - G ~~e ~'r!1 ~ ~AJ'rrr<lJ t 4 z, .sr,/... 74z -~ z~o ~ ,'-, {3:,.z, G JD h t0SD 10 PII\-.vuu8 i- 2D-n u,JG ~ {- 74 z.-CvzL:D ~;;; f~Jt- ~~~~~ ~~:::: '-"])r'-k- /+uoso,J P~I~ ~ ~~INli ~/- 74-2 ~~"2fp~ ~V\\<=7~ve1- -oo4~"\:\ 1- ~et\J~ A\["ohr\c.c~ ~r:;o. ~5o. S-Z;Z;> { ,4r-1l11( fC... {'; c( ;0 tie I1t /".roh~,kj;t.,ff~' C 56 i) ?1/- 35!'O -r- ,/ /1/ ' 77(;-1160(... 00r Ve~yac 10'--- ;Vc:lf'C 0 po3) ~ - 7'D /;>< C-""" ~~j --' ~-.-JC- .;.--:.., .--- ~~~-"-""......-'} ~.~..;~...... - -- .' r1 r ./.'-- .,r//f . /' .~r.: ~-,' ,- ". ~.- ,. ,,~- ~:.,.;. . E ~.r L ...."{q/"- . /"',....'// ",__..{~_-I>" , , .: .' c.,.-:' /<=:~ <-(:_...> ) '.- D "7 ct~"T \~II\~~ A~:r.~~. LQ~~. t;b( 2.7b ~o'60 <S'~\.p 1~v1c'-'1 CY't'e~~ ~'lV1-t'~ ~ -tl2--{ -z..~ 3 - (<\-\'3 L~ uwrcu-d CreJLL'v) G"nt(i.[) ~~ '117- 'Ze::>-IL-H~ -1\Mdt4-'( ~ ~'{~IJ ~ ~/-141..- te~0- lA~'PJ~ Cflf;~2c^':J )~(. nd - ~.2~C 5&1-71f2{cZi,3 Clear Day Page 1 of 1 Coale, Sherie From: Galav, Lusia Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11 :57 AM To: Coale, Sherie Subject: FW: Boynton Terrace/Heritage Project Finally. Please log in the Minor Mod and give it to me. Thanks. Lusia -----Original Message----- From: Greene, Quintus Sent: Friday, March 21, 2003 11:07 AM To: Galav, Lusia Subject: FW: Boynton Terrace/Heritage Project -----Original Message----- From: Weise, Carisse ~~'..~tr21, 2003 10:47 AM To: Greene, Quintus Cc: Reese, Diane; Hawkins, Wilfred Subject: Boynton Terrace/Heritage Project Per Wilfred, here is the account that the $100 fee can be taken from for the Boynton Terrace/Heritage project. Please let me know if you have any questions. Thank you. Economic Development Incentives: Account # 401-2822-536-9904 6~ CW'el.6a, cII~cII~ City of Boynton Beach, City Manager's Office 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Ph: 561-742-6012 Fx: 561-742-6011 weisec@ci.boynton-beach.f1.us 3/21/2003 \' 1=.V"'. y~ ~'( r- . <. IT ( / . V ...-('""; c (:r- /~ r It. ~ c,{~ ,...(\\'" \ ' '^, ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: DeCarlo, Dan Monday, February 24, 2003 11 :01 AM Hawkins, Wilfred; Weise, Carisse Rumpf, Michael FW: Boynton Terrace review Carisse: I am unsure as to how to follow up at this point.. Dan -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael Sent: Monday, February 24, 2003 10:59 AM To: DeCarlo, Dan . Subject: RE: Boynton Terrace review Dan, the issue still remains the proper documentation of those promises (commitments to pay the different fees and expenses). I don't have discretionary funds/accounts from which extra dollars can be withdrawn so I rely on others to supply accordingly. This confirms the importance of a team meeting to discuss and confirm these promises. Is Carisse still trying to assemble this meeting (I've forgotten if it has already been arranged). MR. -----Original Message----- From: DeCarlo, Dan Sent: Friday, February 21, 20034:54 PM To: Coale, Sherie; Hawkins, Wilfred Cc: Galav, Lusia; Rumpf, Michael; Greene, Quintus; Lyons, Thelma Subject: RE: Boynton Terrace review Sherie: Wilfred has the fourth set of plans for Boynton Terrace. It can be returned as soon as it is needed. We still need to clarify the fee situation. Lusia tells me the $100 fee will not be waived and the review will not begin until the fee is received. However, it is my understanding the fees were waived as a part of the city's contribution to the project. As an example, I am paying $50,000 out of my budget for landscaping for this project. Several departments approved contributing to the project including the Development Dept. (permitting, etc...) Obviously, we need to reach an understanding. Hopefully, it will be done on Monday. They hope to begin within thirty days. We are hoping they can begin this important project as soon as possible. Dan -----Original Message----- From: Coale, Sherie Sent: Friday, February 21, 2003 3:45 PM To: DeCarlo, Dan Cc: Galav, Lusia SUbject: Boynton Terrace Dan, I haven't received any $$ for the minor mod to Boynton Terrace. Do you have any idea when that will be? Also, there are only 3 sets of plans, do you have a set? I know there were 4 originally but now there are 3. Let me know as I don't want to be the one holding anything up. Thanks, Sherie 1 FEB-06-2003 THU 01:51 PM FAX NO. P. 02 ~ THE HERITAGE COMPANIES . . ~@~~w~ ill FEB 7 2003 ill PLANNING AND ZONING OEPT Fcbru:uy 3, 2003 Mr. Michael Rumph Neighborhood Project Specialist City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton neach Florida 33425-0310 RE: Boynton Terrace Ap;Utments, Minor Modification Request Dear Mr. Rumph, We appreciate;lil the effons by everyone at the city ill facilitating the rehabilitation of the above referenced project. By this lel ter we hereby request review illl,d COlllo1enrs on the site plans .recendy submitted. The following narn\tivc will overview the scope of work intended to be performed: The site shall receive a welded metal fence with periodic decorative concrete colunms. Access to the site will bc limited to one drive lane on both the east and west parcels. Vehicular access sh~l be controlled using remote operJ.ted motorized gates allowing resident and authorized guest access only. New asphalt drive lanes will be installed to connect e:"\isting parking lots and certain areas of existing paving removed to allow for additional landscape zones. Upon conlpletioll all existing parking lots will be resurfaced .....ith asphalt to provide new traffic surfaces and like-new appearance throughout. The site shoUl be fully inig.lted upon completion to allow vitality to entirely new St. Augustine sod and several lumdrcd new phul1:ings of various sizes a.nd types. New drive lanes will be installed to connect existing parking lots and certain areas of existing paving remo-ved t:O allow for additional landscape zones. A new cOl1UllUnity center shall be constrLlcted on the east parcel incorporating arc-as for exercise equipment, computer laboratolj',librmy and meeting room for use by all residents. Each of the e'xisting buildings shall be re-roofcd using metal roofing approved. by the City of Boynton Beach. All f-,usting wood siding will be covered in vInyl, all f.lscia ;l.l1d soffit shall be-dad using :'lluminum or vinyl, All exterior stucco shall be restored as needed and painted. Existing b<llconics shalL be rebuilt using new pressure rreated lumber. Stairs .md handrails shall be rescored and pa.inrcd. 5505 N. A1"t.,'.N'fIcAvENUE. #115. CocoABMClI, FLORIDA 32931 · (321) 799-4090 . F....x (321) 799-0233 FEB-06-2003 THU 01:52 PM FAX NO. P. 03 Residenti.ll unit interiors will receive new kitchen and bath cabinetry, ceiling fans in all living and sleeping rooms, new dishwashers and garbage disposals (not currently installed) and all appliances shall be new. All Flooring shall be replaced with carpet in the bedrooms iUld vinyl tile in rhe living room, kitchen, hallway and bathroom. All existing toilets and vanities shall bo replaced and tub/shower/tile assemblies repaired or replaced as nceded. A new water heater with. 97 energy coefficients will be in every apartrnent along with a 12 SEER split system air conditioning system to replace the aged systems now employed. Should YOll require additional information please don't hesitate to ask. Sincerely, ~ ~~ ~ \3D'fJJtO 0 -ref r ~ '\k' PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG :MEETING DATE: 1"'2-' l<6rOZ--- APPLICATIONS: Nw5P ZONING DISTRICT: PROJECT NAME: I TIME: , . 3 a - 2-: >0 i ~ '-) L.au~q PHONE: (-:;;2 I ,cyq - 400,02...10 NA1VIE OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: PROJECT ADDRESS: I FAX: I PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPAJ.'iCY: A M ~ DATE SUBIVIITTAL RECEIVED: I DATE D ~l:ED: . y .,r-- ",r-."....--- ,.~',,,....---, ---- V---' .~ : P..e e EXHIBIT" C" e Conditions of Approval Project name: Boynton Terrace File number: ZNCV 00-020 (parking reduction) Rfi Z' Cd V' A r ti dtdN b 16 2000 e erence: onmll o e anance lDD.lca on ae ovem er DEP AR1MENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None X UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DMSION Comments: None X BUILDING DMSION Comments: None X PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTERlENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: None X PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None- X ADDmONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDmONS 1. The applicant being awarded a grant from the state tax credit program for the purposes of upgrading the subiect property. X 2. Site improvements shall include: a) Site landscaping be brought up to code; b) A perimeter/security fence or wall be constructed with decorative features such as columns and landscape. c) All remaining parking areas be resurfaced; d) Add quality outdoor recreation/playground area to the project; and e) All multi-family unit buildings shall be renovated; at a minimum, to provide a replacement of materials in disrepair, and a new coat of paint. X f) Provide a guard gate and security cameras. Page 2 Boynton Terrace Apts. File No.: ZNCV 00-020 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS 1. The developer shall include the adjacent vacant parcel within any fencing X or walls, if the parcel is purchased or conveyed for the project. Said vacant parcel is to be "land banked" for additional parking, should the need arise in the future. 2. The developer shall coordinate with residents of Boynton Terrace X Apartments and adjoining neighbors to adequately inform them of the proposed project and to reasonably attempt to address relevant concerns. (provide city with copies of correspondence exchanged with subject parties and documentation of meetings held and agreements made.) 3. The variance granted is for a 0.7 space reduction in the required parking X ratio, from 2.0 spaces per unit to 1.3 spaces per unit. MWR:dh J:ISHRDATAIPI.ANNINGISHAREDlWPlPROIECTSIBOYNTON TERRACE APTS. (WCV)\COND OF APPR 2.00C PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT 1VIEETING DATE: , 2.... \'t;...o 2:. TIl\1E: \'" ~ [> Z '50 ATTENDING FOR APPLICA1'{T: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass rebted to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not . binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attending Staff ~R.lv ([7) lVr1 L3{) /J 'Zhu<- tiu H.D"'''D@ ~<. go1'e,.~ 4P OJ ~ I I F"'\ I <- T:: u "","~ ({){l ~f1 v': f1 ~' 14 &~~<? I "! "" ' . . I , ~~e> . ~L4AJL II. . Shi'"...~o~e,',h4.'''I'"H~' P"rT''''I..{' 's ~ ~ l '5""\:>\. 1 4- '2 - b 0 '- " 17 ~Q G~o~ (0:\) C\. \-.~,,,b,....-~(\.,,~< ~ I I I I J:\SHRDA T A\PLA.'1i'iI:\G\SHAREDI WPIFOR.\ISIPRE-.-\PPL ;\IEETf:'iG-SIGi'i ['; SHEET.DOC PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG Time: / /,".!:)? ~ ~&2~ ~ Attending for Applicant: Phone: Ju '7,2-/- Name of Owner: '1 '2../- "qe..... CJZ'J 3 Address: Phone: Fax: Name of Applicant/Contact: Address: Phone: Fax: PROJECT ADDRESS: Phone: TYPE OF APPLICATION: TYPE OF BUSINESS: Date Submittal Received: COMMENTS: PCN: Fax: Date Denied: \forms\Pre-Applic;Irion Meering Log.doc <.. ~ ~jI~r . .p . . tJ :::;:;..- 1Jo'" ~ / ./1, g. Zo 4 (. . '23"-' .z z. ~\~ r.. 11J-J )7 ~~ Il. ~ ~ 2,-'< I '1 . 2'1 /i1:tb_~,-3 q _':;'10 ~(JdGv1 ~ C 1]<1 ) iT '1 (/"'" 1>= i 83 0\-,",''''- ~ .~ r::::"~.fl~;?'Yl:" ...' LI(=--> z-1f:r~::>Sr= ,~r- ~~ (~~~, ~.,.._~_. -UJO ~- <?fO;'r o~CP- -0 >rcl....;y I J;.,~ ~~~. PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: II/Oq/oO TIME: 11,',:)rJ (l.-..-.. ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth corning based on actual plans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attending Staff ...T€FF /C4frJ m612t/06 , .Jo-S<- AL-~ #&217446 <::Pv'57lli/Cllc/v a/7;# '/&?dM,iS "'-1/~ fC,v r-tf' ~ jJ6~)1.t!66 CoN "'71 /L./C; /IOyJ J:\SHRDA T A\PLANNING\SHARED\WP\FORi\IS\PRE-.-\PPL "EETI:\IG-SIGN 1:\1 SHEET.DOC