APPLICATION 11111'111111'1111'~r~ SHULTZ ARCHITECTlJRE October 17.2003 Planning and Zoning Department City of Boynton Beach City Hall, West Wing 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, P,O, Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: Height Exception Request Boynton Beach City Library As a supplement to our current site plan application we are requesting approval of a height exception to the height limitations of the Public Use zoning district for the addition to the Boynton Beach City Library, The Public Use zoning district permits a maximum building height of 45 feet. The proposed library expansion has a maximum height on the main building of 40' -4", with additions to the existing building at a maximum height of 24' -0", The proposed addition also includes an atrium tower which has a maximum height of 53' -8" and a height to the centerline of the peaked roof at 52' -2". Attached is a justification statement and response to the criteria found in chapter 2, section 3, F of the City's Land Development Code. Please review this information and provide comments, We ask that this be processed with the site plan application so they can be addressed before the CRA and the City Commission at the same tIme, Sincerely, dlA- SCHENEKELSHUL TZ Choli Lightfoot Attachment Cc: Virginia Farace, Library Director 0320802/ owner outgoing 1\, ( \\.,,: f'. 1)\1, HIL' ';';r, ~h i . .;, I ~: !) ( I -- ""': i I \,i' \, i SHULTZ A R \ HIT f 1... T I! R F Justification Statement a. Whether the height exception will have an adverse effect on the existing and proposed land uses. The majority of the proposed library expansion and renovated are below the height limit for the property, The Atrium tower that is above the height limit is centered on the entry of the Library and is designed to attract attention to the Library and help define the Library as an important part of the fabric of Boynton Beach, It is our belief that the proposed height of the Atrium tower will be an asset to the Library and will help define the Library as part of the Gateway to the downtown Ocean A venue renovation, b. Whether the height exception is necessary. The height exception is necessary to alleviate the very long lovv profile of the e"istll1g LIbrary. The height of the tower adds vIsual relief to the Seacrest Avenue elevation and helps draw the attention to the Library thus helping to define the role of the Library to the City of Boynton Beach. c. Whether the height exception will severely reduce light and air in adjacent areas. The proposed Atrium tower is located at the center of the building and is a very small area in comparison to the remainder of the building which acts as a buffer so that the proposed tower will not negatively impact air or light on adjacent properties. d. Whether the height exception will be a deterrent to the improvement or development of adjacent property in accord with existing regulations. The proposed Library and Atrium Tower addition to the existing Library will Slgl1l fieantly ill1prO\ e the faee of the Library and make the Library a better gateway into the Ocean Avenue redevelopment. In addition, the proposed atrium tower will draw more attention to the Library which is already a prominent feature in the community. e. Whether the height exception will adversely affect property values in adjacent areas. The new expansion and Atrium tower will update the look of the existing Library and become a strong focal point of the community. It is our belief that the Library expansion will not adversely affect the adjacent property values and will be of significant benefit to the Community. f. Whether the height exception will adversely influence living conditions in the neighborhood. The existing Library is a great asset to the surround community, the new additIon to the lIbrary vvlllll10re than double the size of the Library and allow for increased commumty functions and an increased stack size. The Atrium tower is the focal point of the new Entry to the Library, The height of the Atrium Tower helps draw focus to the entry of the new Library. g. Whether the height exception will constitute a grant of a special privilege to an individual owner as contrasted with the public welfare. The Library is a public building that is for the enjoyment and use of all members of the community, This will not constitute a granting of special privileges to an individual owner. h. Whether sufficient evidence has been presented to justify the need for a height exception. A Pre-application meeting was held on July 22, 2003, At that meeting the planning department staff reviewed this project and expressed their desire for increased height of the atrium tower to that which we are proposing. This increase in height was requested to help bring more attention to such an important part of the Boynton Beach Community and to function as a Gateway to the Ocean A venue Redevelopment. ,\ ,"." \, \\ '~ ,1 : I: I 1('1 ,;O,! . 1:1\ :::" _1,-1- ',\ l il..,1 PROJECT NAME: City Library LOCATION: 208 S. Seacrest Blvd. PCN: 08-43-45-28-05-016-0010 I FILE NO.: HTEX 03-007 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: ChoU Lightfoot - SchenkelShultz ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 1300 N. Congress Avenue PHONE: West Palm Beach, FL 33409 FAX: PHONE: 697-3451 FAX: 697-5210 Date of submittal/Proiected meetine: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 10/17/03 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT 1/13/04 AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 1/20/04 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\City Library\HTEX 03-007\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc