CORRESPONDENCE -- The following proposed ordinance that is published by caption only was read on First Reading at the Regular City Commission meeting of the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, JULY 15, 2003 at 7:00 p.m. This ordinance shall be presented for proposed enactment by the City Commission at the Regular City Commission meeting to be held at City Hall, in the Commission Chambers, 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, Florida on Tuesday, AUGUST 5, 2003. ORDINANCE NO. 003 - 03 S- AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA. A UTHORIZING ABANDONMENT OF A PORTION OF A 20 FOOT WIDE ALLEY, LYING EAST OF AND ADJACENT TO LOTS 4, 25 AND 26, BLOC 4, LAKE ADDITION TO BOYNTON, SUBJECT TO STAFF COMMENTS; AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF A DISCLAIMER, WHICH SHALL BE RECORDED IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. iO) G' 1-;:1 ,- n f',) , 12" I~' I 'i ! 0 r-'~:-'~:'- ,,'.-- I \! \ n l. ! Ii ,: JUL ! 8 ~ ',-" . \ , ~ i L----....-----, \ C [T',-' qT'lJ~~,:"T (".r nr'Jrl nf"1~,lf ~, I Interested parties may appear at said meeting and be heard with respect to this proposed ordinance. Subject ordinance may be inspected by the public at the Office of the City Clerk at City Hall, 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd., Boynton Beach, Florida 33435. Pursuant to F.5. 286.0105, please be advised that if a person decides to appeal any decision made by the City Commission with respect to any matter considered at this meeting, he will need a record of this proceeding, and for such purpose, he may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceeding is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal. is to be based. CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH JANET M. PRAINITO, CMC, CITY CLERK PUBUSH: PALM BEACH POST JULY 18, 2003 . . June 6,"2003 5~ 18 PM From: Beril Kruger Fax f.I" "er: 561..26~-4611 Page 1 of 4 ... - BERIL KRUGER Planning & Zoning Consultant U Northeast 16th Street Delray Beach, Florida, 33444 Tele hone: (~a1) 285-4983 - Fa~: (561) 265-4IU!... _I I FAX 1"RANSMITTAL SHEET II _. -, To: Maxime Ducoste-Am Fal( !\Io,: 561-742-6259 AM_PM~ Compan)': ~mton Beac:t"L..E!!mning [)ept. _.. _._~_' Transmitted bv: bk _.. ___.. [)ate Trsl1Smined: June 6 _, ;;DO: 'rotal panes (including trnnsrnittiSl shaat): ~!.___, Phone No.: Time "ransmitted: 5:17 .. II 1- .-- __II 1111111I1 MESSAGE: " -- -- If you do not recelv. all of irre peg.., DI.... call 1'581 J z8s~ii1 ~ soon all 11 Do.slbl.. :1 II .. __ __ i THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN T'.t1S FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS INTENDEr> ONLY FOR THE USE I OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY J\BOVE. IF THE READER elF THIS ME:S.SA~iE IS NOT THE, I INTENDED RECIPIENT. YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ANY DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION I OR COPY OF THIS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF you: HAVE RECEIVED THIS . COMMINICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US AT (/581) 2(15-01983, ANI) RETURN ' THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA UNITED ST(~TES POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU. ,,- -------- June 6;2003 5:18 PM From: Beril Kruger Fax~' 'Ier: 561-26[,-4611 Page 2 of 4 ROBERT ~IARC SCHWARTZ, P. A. Al,.ORNEV AT LAW ItOBERT M. SCHWARTZ n.oRltl^ B^I\ BOARD Cal\Tlll1l!D Il!".L :BSTATB LAWYliR 102 North Swll.ton A'" ITIIU' Delray Beaoeh, FL 33444.; (5;1~ OF COUNSt:L TO: 'n:NliR& ARONSON. P.A. June 4,2003 prlone:(S6~) 165.Z666 :~:'l.' Fu: (561) 272.~ 83] [-Mail: tIWYlr~R.I.;.ne.: Mr. Jim Cherof. City Attorney City of Boynton Beach I 00 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach. FL 3342~ RE:: DiLorenzo Road ^bandonment/R~:versionnry Rights 'Deal' Mr. Chcrof: Please be advised that I have been !pecially retained by Nicholas DiLorenzo and Carmela Di ~oret: :0, nusbnnd and wife. the owners of Lots 24. 25. and 26 of Block 4. LAKE ADDITION (to Boynton. Ploridl), ,:onc:erning the abandonment of the 20 foot alley lying adjacent to Lots 21 throLlgh 26, inclusive, in Bloc ,; 4, You ha.ve expressed a concern as t'J the reserva.tion, in favor of Boynton Final1c~ Company, that ,'.L'l contained in the original 1925 Plat of LAKE ADDITION as recorded in Plat Book II, Page 71, of tile Pu :Ik Rc:'cords of Palm Beach County, Florida. This concern in unwarranted. Pursuant to Florida Statutes Section t 77.085 (a copy of which is attached), sU(:h reverE ions c ontail'c::d in plats recorded prior to July I, 1972 wer.e extinguished unless it was instituted to establish or enforce stch rights on or before July 1, 1973. I have eXllmined title ~o the subject property and 110 such action wB:l brml; :l1t within the required time frame, or subsequently. Therefore, the reversionary interest goes to the tillc ho' !I:r IlS to each lot upon the completion of the lIbandonment. Mr. and Mrs. DiLorenzo have ahio requested that I provide the City of Boyoton Beach wi' h fur, ler assurance that, in the event that a future '.itle issue a.rises from tho ubandonmlln':, a~ it relatl~s to the ah ve described reversionary interest, the proPC:lty owner has undertokcn to provide any re~uired defense: of s,rtNl Ilt it,~ sole C05lt and expense. Should you have any questions concerning the above. 01' the enclosed, p,eflse reel free: lu tuh ise m~ .;)f same. R\1S/cjb Enclosure as noted. /l7l:Yj~' Robert M. Sc~wartl cc,; Berit Kruger, Planning & Zoning ConsultMt via mail :md fa" to 561-255-4611 L .\I't ,11 iN'rl\l'lil,nrc:rw>\IlnYll~,"^IIY nc/J4(l3, WJId . June 6, 21103 5:18 PM From: Berti Kruger Fax' "er: 561-26!,-4611 Page 3 of 4 " ,itu.tutes->Vicw Statutcs->2002->Ch0177->Scction OgS; flscna.tc.gov Pa ~c 1 (I . I flsenate.goy Vle"V._$t,,~y.t.,!!t Search Statutes select Year: ''iiori2'~~1m c~ The 2002 Florida Statutes -- IIlII...XII Chapter 17 7 MUNICIPAUTIES LAND BOUNDARIES 177.08' PI.tted streets, reversionary c1auses.-- VIew entire Chapter (1) When any owner of land subdivides the land and dedicates streets, othl!r roadways, alleys c r similar strips on the map or plat, anel the dedication contains a provision that the reverslon~ry interest in the street, roadway, alley or other similar strip IS reserved unto thE: de'~lcator or his c r her heirs, successors, assigns, or legi!1 representative, or similar language, .,nd ttereafter COnVEYS abutting lots or tracts, the conveyanCi! shall carry the reversionary interest in the abutting street to the centerline or other appropriate boundary, unless the owner- c1el!rly provldeE; otherwise In 1 he conveyance. (2) As to all plilts of su bdivlded lots j' eretofore recorded In the public records of E!ach county, tt e holder of any Interest In any rever5ionary rights in streets in such pllltS, oth!r then the owners cf abutting lot!!, !!hall hl'lve 1 year from july 1, 1972, to Institute suit in a court of competent Jurisdiction In this state to establish c:.- enforce the right, and failure to Institute the action wlthlr the time shall bar any rIght, title or Interest, and all right o'r forfeiture or reversior shall thereup'm cease and determine, and become un;1nforceable. Hlstory.~-S5. 1,2, ch. 72-257; s. 50" ch. 73-333; $.936, ch. 95..147. ~e · Session · Committees · :5.enato.[s · Infaana.tl.cnJ::enter · Statu:eu and Constl~:utlon · LQ~b:M InfOrrn$tlor: Disclaimer; The Information on this system Is unverlned. The Journe:s or printed bills of thtl respective chamber! should be consulted for offiCIal plJrposes. Copyright 1t:l2000-2003 State of Florida Contact us. Privacy !!~~~fTle[1,~ http://www.flsenate.gov/Statutes/index.clin? App _ mode=Display _ Statute&Search _ String=... 3/ I 7/2 ( 1113 June 6: 2003 5:18 PM From: Benl Kruger Fax~' "er: 561.26f,-4611 Page 4 of 4 -..' (~ -g ~ I!'.~I lIeU"f IV~'5I~'5., Ii IS, ru i'l) C) n ~ B:a....~ ri !~ll~11 ~; ) ~; :Ii Ii .. .- :a ~ I- . .r;.B 0 J~JI~ c~~cS :: 0 ,) " &OS " ~, ... ti 1'~~1:r .-i-S::li'- ... ~, ~ ~i 'g Z ihtl r I~ ~ ~ ~I j! li t;LF ~R ~!or-~ ~ '1- 1 1i'.3 t- .! i f~'! 1~ \I " ~, :!i lP~ l '.s.l :~.:~1 ~SfJ)j lfii II )18 :1 ~'l c: ii lEE .!If '-l; IS! iJl I_ I 15 :;; ll'5 ~, ,.: :B J:~J It' ~. ~"i " '~~I g ~~ Ji1;i i~ <11 n !~ji811 .. - ~ :n s ~~!!~~ .~ e, <, lJ 'II: :g.t -l'\li III oi ,- ~: H ~! (~ ''lip ~ B r 'l'~ II ~ ; iz j .1Il H ~, I :.. m .... c: 'liB 2'!I:::: f= G) '1"" .f!l~ l f! ~2 1- II .:c~'" ".. ~ 111 ~ ~ ,~ '.. II II ~;l j! S) ~J! :Ei ,,- .. i 11 ~ liS :H~ or-~ ~c I =S' !.~ I: 1:1 1 .:: .., J5 ... I) ~l li H 1! ~ .a.c 11 i 'E b ," N S l8 ...... Og'l;l It I III ~~ = IllS I: C'Il C' .~ J:l ~~ . .12 ';I n II: ~llZJ iH~~8~~ j! ~~ III j III := b. ~ r u = :~ ~ : ~~j If; :I 1';; III ~= ~ I ~ ~ C~I'~ ii m~ c I) g .~; W 21 l~ ~ .i .e l!! a.!:i~ .rGi. '! -- f ~, ~g '''1 '5 E II a> sl'll.!!lll~ ~~ d18. ,~ r.: 'I 'ill all' IV Ql-,~ I~mi m J~ i1i ~ ~) '" .5 :a '2'" I. id' .5: I = 1! u.. i ~ g; !~"~ ~ ~ l!!-: B~ ~~ ti 'J i :!f~i ,,- ) 2: ;P' ~ ~ U .." l8 . " OJ'11. 11I:= f e) I) '~';i ~ ! ~.o '" I 11I01,:20 .-11I -LL J~ 5 III C :'" c) l adl ~!j' . iCCIIJ~li l:l~' .1 f =, . .'eiftl!g '!il~~~j 1j&~~ n f!d ~s ..: gl H l~ r ~I IBA'E /II . llJt -,! . ,I. 'C Son i i~ c iG ~i! \:i C llli ~ I ~IVi ~ 'i :D ~ if: ~ i e!i~cCIllCD 1:'b:I!S '~ CD . ~1:-~~tii:5 I" g 'tij i~ 2: n: :r ~ ' It 8 ~111;il ~ " e_ J ;.t~ ~ CD j:o.15'C f19 J e ~i 'G I) ~ ~ ; I!l =- ~I 1 ~ J: 01 G) all' "mj c:ieil-,:)Ce t. CI I.. . ra._' 11 . ! . - i. .... C") - '0 ,~ ! i '0 e') 32 '" ... ~~ '1I ~ C -,:)~J.UI }II i(J)Q) . 8 a~ U ! as = I~ ... .... I() .c :s R . CD P. d ':j I ~l{ j I: Hi ii :5 J~ .r fti fti ~ ; Ii ; i ') .;1 IV :=~ ~:>CDcEGlG) ~) :! ' ~ ,!Q 'CI u. _ 15'~!! l'II!;!; Iii ui!!-S~m== U) ~) :~ 'C ."~. '-" April 22, 2003 5:46 PM From: Beril Kruger Fax NUIT 561-265-4611 Page 2 of 2 'teril kr....er planning and zoning consultants April 22, 2003 Maxime Ducoste-Am, Planner Boynton Beach Planning Dept. 1 00 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: N.D. AUTO ALLEY ABANDONMENT PETITION Dear Maxime: This letter is in answer to your request for an intended easement within the 20 foot alley we are requesting to be abandoned. I have spoken with each of tho Utilities as well as Pater Mazella of the Cities Water Utilities Department. W'9 have agreed that my client will give a 20 foot utility easement to the City. We have also agreed upon the accepted language to be used and have sent a sample easement document to each of the Public Utilities for their approval. Once the alley is abandoned, I will have my client execute the easement document. I hope this satisfies your req\,lest. If you have any additional questions or comments please feel free to cllntact me. ~ SENT BY FACSIMILE ONLY 9 northeast 16th street II delray beach, florlda 33444 (661) 285-4983 * fax (581) 266.4611 · e-mail: bkrugerObtll.outh.net I'$ZQrl ir g C;:Qrll:urr~ru:y cl)l,dltionill lIn. S:JI'I~ia eH:eptlc,"s ORe ,"pprClVlJ s;ite plallS an rI9)(~tl()fle C (Imp plcl" ame: ndnwnts ~'arl.lnl:lle (county,5tate rn unlcllllll; aband :mlnElnt! plllm IJf!al;~ bmwlI"c da:le 8 all COIJllllllf 8. c:ililu n fkn Idl April 22, 2003 5:46 PM From: Beril Kruger Fax Nur 561.265-4611 Page 1 of 2 - BERIL KRUGER Planning & Zoning Consultant 9 Northeast 16th Street Dekay Beach, Florida 33444 Tele hone: (561) 265-4983 - Fax: (5e~65-4612.... - I FAX TRANSMITTAL SHEI:T -- _I To: Maxime Ducoste-Am Fax No.: 561-742-6259 Company: ~rnton Beach Planning Dept. _,,__ Transmitted by: bk Date Transmitted: April 22, , ~:003 AM_~)M~ Total pages (including transmitt~1 sheet): --2.._ Phone No.: Time Transmitted: 5:44 - -- _nlIDIIIII MESSAGE: - -- - j "1"""""'f _ If you do not receive all of the pagN, Dlease call (681 J 286-49.3 as soon aJ! Dosslbl.. - THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FACSIMILE MESSAGE IS INTENDED ONLY FOR THE USE OF THE INDIVIDUAl OR ENTITY ABOVE, IF THE READER OF THIS MESSAGE IS NOT THE: INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE HEREBY NOTIFIED THAT ~Y DISSEMINATION, DISTRIBUTION OR COPY OF THIS COMMUNICATION ,IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED. IF YOU HAVE RECEIVED THIS COMMINICATION IN ERROR, PLEASE IMMEDIATELY NOTIFY US AT (661) 26s..t983, AND RETURN THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO US AT THE ABOVE ADDRESS VIA UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE. THANK YOU, - -- -