REVIEW COMMENTS (MINUTES) ..} MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 17, 1995 r'-'" Motion Commissioner Jaskiewicz moved to approve the parking lot variance, request for relief from Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article I, Section 2.F of the Land Development Regulations to allow an increase in parking spaces which exceeds 25% of the existing stalls without upgrading the portion of the existing vehicle use area located between the south property line and the existing building subject to staff comments. Mayor Pro Tem Matson seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Motion Mayor Pro T em Matson moved to approve the request for landscape code appeal to om it the 2 ~ I wide landscape strips between the vehicle use area and the abutting property line at the southeast corner of 3800 South Congress Avenue, known as UPS Communication Data Center subject to staff comments. Commissioner Jaskiewicz seconded the motion which carried unanimously. Mr. Kilday confirmed that the motion on the landscape appeal includes the condition of substituting landscaping to the north (the additional trees on Congress) and the infill (working with the Forester). F. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRI PTION: Carrabba's Italian Grill at the Target Shopping Center Lisa A. Tropepe, P.E. - Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. American Development Corporation Southwest corner of N.W. 22nd Avenue (Gateway Boulevard) and Congress Avenue SITE PLAN - Request for site plan approval to construct a 6,238 square foot, 222 seat, one-story restaurant on a 1.617 acre outparcel at the Target Shopping Center. Lisa Tropepe, Civil Engineer, represented the applicant. This outparcel is in the northwest corner of the Target Shopping Center. The applicant has received all the necessary engineering permits including Palm Beach County Land Development Engineering Division and Palm Beach County Public Health Unit. The applicant has agreed to accept the balance of staff's comments which will be addressed at the time of building permit. All Code requirements have been met. With regard to the parking space requirements, the applicant has exceeded the requirement by 35 spaces and increased the green space area by four times the requirement. They have tripled the amount of trees required on the site. This proposed building will be compatible with the color of the adjacent buildings in the Target Shopping Center. Commissioner Jaskiewicz pointed out a discrepancy between the staff report and the applicant's request relative to the number of seats. The staff report indicates 222 seats, while the applicant indicates 225. Ms. Tropepe stated that their site plan shows 225 seats. Ms. Heyden advised that there have been concerns expressed from tenants in the shopping center. This outparcel was part of the Target Shopping Center, was preplanned, and it is considered to be vested. The proposed building will be compatible with surrounding buildings in the center. Staff recommends approval of the project subject to staff comments. 25 F"-' . , , . MINUTES REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 17, 1995 Vice Mayor Bradley questioned the reason for the additional landscaping. Ms. Tropepe explained that this outparcel is beautifully landscaped at the present time. There are existing trees and shrubs that meet the Code requirements; however, the owners of Carrabba's wish to provide additional landscaping around the restaurant and the perimeter of the parcel because they feel it is a good marketing tool. Mayor Pro Tem Matson confirmed that there will be 225 seats in the restaurant. Motion Mayor Pro Tem Matson moved to approve American Development Corporation's request for site plan approval to construct a 6,238 square foot, 225 seat, one-story restaurant on a 1.617 acre outparcel at the Target Shopping Center subject to staff comments. Vice Mayor Bradley seconded the motion which carried 4-0. G. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRI PTION: r' UPS Communication Data Center Collene W. Walter - Kilday & Associates, Inc. GR Palm Associates 3800 South Congress Avenue MAJOR SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - Request to amend the previously approved site plan to construct 486 new parking spaces and upgrade the existing vehicle use area. This item was moved up on the agenda, and addressed earlier. H. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRI PTION: UPS Communication Data Center Collene W. Walter - Kilday & Associates, Inc. GR Palm Associates 3800 South Congress Avenue PARKINC lOT VARIANCE - Request for relief from Chapter 23 - Parking Lots, Article I, Section 2.F of the Land Development Regulations to allow an increase in parking spaces which exceeds 25 % of the existing stalls without upgrading the portion of the existing vehicle use area located between the south property line and the existing building. This item was moved up on the agenda, and addressed earlier. I. PROJECT NAME: AGENT: OWNER: LOCATION: DESCRIPTION: RaceTrac Service Station at Shoppes of Woolbright PCD Anna Cottrell - Basehart & Cottrell, Inc. RaceTrac Petroleum Inc. Northwest corner of S.W. 8th Street & Woolbright Road TIME EXTENSION - Request to grant a five (5) month retroactive and a one (1) year time extension for site plan approval and concurrency exemption. 26 J, -4. MIN UTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 r""-' " Owner: Location: Center Lisa A. Tropepe, P.E. Shalloway,Foy, Rayman & Newell, Inc. American Development Corporation Southwest corner of N.W. 22nd Avenue (Gateway Boulevard) and Congress Avenue Request for site plan approval to construct a 6,238 square fOC,)t, 222 seat, one-story restaurant on a 1.617 acre outparcel at the Target Shopping Center. Agent: Description: Dan DeCarlo made the presentation. The land use designation is General Commercial, and the zoning designation is Community Commercial (G}). The surrounding land uses are N.W. 22nd Avenue and Mahogany Bay to the north; the Target Shopping Center to the south; Congress Avenue and Motorola to the east; and Savannah Lakes to the west. This property is an outparcel within the Target Shopping Center which is.an improved, lot with parking and ,~ landscaping. With regard to traffic concurrency, the Pa.,lm Beach County Traffic Division has c;'''''. reviewed the traffic generation and impact proposed by this outparcel, and has determined that there will be no net increase in trips generated than that previously approved for the center. There is currently a capacity problem with Gatevvay Boulevard. To avoid having to make improvements to Gateway Boulevard, which are scheduled.by th.eCof.:lnty for next year, traffic concurrency was met by reducing the 75,000 square feet of office use vested as part of the Catalina Centre to 68,230 square feet. Thisoutparcel does npthave access to the major public right-of-way; however, one two-way major driveway into, the existing Target parking lot offers access to the subject site. The proposedparkingfadlity ~ontajns the required spaces for commercial or restaurant use with 222 seats planned. The proposed development incl udes all minimum landscaping required by Code, and meets the requirements ofthe building and site regulations for C-3 zoning. The proposed stucco building will match the color of the adjacent Target building and includes green trim and green and white awnings. The colors are compatible with the colors of the neighboring structures. There will be signage on the facade of the building and one freestanding sign on the northeast corner of the parcel. The Planning and Zoning Department recommends approval of this site plan request subject to reflection of staff comments and all other applicable City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances on the plans submitted for building permits. -:':':":'"-~ Lisa Trop~pe.1201 Belvedere Road, West. Palm Beach; reported that all second-round comments were reviewed, and the applicant is confident that all of those comments can be addressed. 10 .......__..'II..".:8".~.....r,;r~-::.r.~.3.~_~~...:.-r.-:....,.,.-..,..,..'~,~.,"'.,"'f'"''''''''''''''"I'':''~-''''''''''"'-=':-''''r'~~=..''''''''''""""-"",.,~._""",,,__~_ ~"'"'"'"l "/.. :'~. )i ;-O;'~ ~"iio -"T_-+ <~ " MINUTES PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD BOYNTON' BEACH, FLORIDA OCTOBER 10, 1995 THEREWAS NO ONE PRESENT WHO WISHED TO SPEAK ON THIS APPLICATION. Motion Vice Chairman Golden moved to recommend approval of the site plan for Carrabba's Italian GrilLto construct a 6,238 square foot, 222 seat, one-story restaurant on a 1.617 acre outparcel at the Target ShoppirigCentersubject to all staff comments. Mr. Beasley seconded the motion which carried 6~O; (Mr.'Wische was away from the dais.) M;Jjor Site Plan Modifif;.ation 2. Project Name: Agent: UPS Communication Data Center Collene W. 'Walter Kilday & Associates, Inc. GR Palm Associates 3800 S.Congress Request to amend the previously-approved site plan to construct 486 new parking spaces and upgrade the existing vehicle use area. Owner: Location: Description: Chairman Dube acknowledged the presence in the audience of City Manager Parker. Dan DeCarlo made the presentation. He advised that the zoning is M-1 (Light Industrial) and the land use designation is Industrial. The site area is 32.89 acres, and the building square footage is 124,281 square foot of which 95,200 square feet will be used by UPS. The surrounding land uses are warehousing and industrial uses to the north; the canal to the south; 1-95 to the east; and vacant land to the west. .... . " ,I Minor changes to the exterior of the structure are proposed. The building color will remain as is. Substantial modifications will be required to the interior to achieve the required floor p!an for the 750 employees expected for the communication and customer service operations. Additionafparking spaces will be constructed on the east side of the building. .;.: ~.; , i ('; With regard to concurrency and traffic, the existing project is anticipated to be vested for traffic concurrency. Verification is forthcoming from Palm Beach County Traffic Division. ;, " .' r,.; Two entrances to the existing facility now exist off Congress Avenue. Only the one furthest south will be utilized. The north driveway will be blocked off with a chain supported by bollards. ~. , !:.! UPS needs a minimum of 750 parking spaces solely for their employee use. Therefore, 11 --"'~"~-"':''''~-''''''-;";:":~;7';'':'~~'';I"'1f''7~_"Z't;:''"-:'"''':l:"j'=':':-.''''',<' -"1=';""'''''-; ""'~-::-::""-=~.=~,,-"'~ ',...................-....-.............,'-.....-...4'._.-r--_"'!""..--- II, 1 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 16, 1992 2. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Description: Bookstop Thomas T. McMurrain American Development Corporation clo Richard Boyer 1895 North Congress Avenue Site Plan Modification: Request for site plan approval to construct an 11,772 square foot retail bookstore as an outparcel at the Target Shopping Center. Mr. Cutro said this is a request by American Development Corporation to allow the construction of an 11,772 square foot bookstore at 1895 North Congress Avenue, which is located in the Target Center. The applicant is requesting to combine two existing outparcels from the original site plan and expand the floor area to accommodate the proposed structure. Another outparcel exists on the site. It should be noted that the applicant will need to have another traffic study done in order to develop that site. He has run up his square footage to the point that what he is proposing on that site will have to berereviewed by the County. However, that does not affect this site at the present time. There is enough square footage left in the original site plan to allow this to go for- ward. Staff reviewed the proposed site plan and found that the site complies with the various codes of the City, inCluding the zoning district it is located in, the Community Design Plan, and t~e Landscaping Code. The Planning and Development Board reviewed the proPofed site plan and forwarded it the City Commission with a recommendation foriapproval. il Commissioner AgUila said at least tw~ years ago when the Target site plan was originally brought through the City, it was a project of his office. Since then his office has done no work for Target. Target is no longer a client of his office and his office has no personal gain. Mr. Cherof asked Commissioner Aguila if he has any work pending with that particular client or if he is owed money from that project that might be paid if this were approved. Commissioner Aguila answered in the negative. Mr. Cherof advised he has no conflict. Motion Commissioner Harmening moved to approve this request for site plan approval to construct a 11,772 square foot retail bookstore as an outparcel at the Target Shopping Center. Commissioner'Aguila seconded the motion which carried 5-0. c. Other 1. Request from Walter Dutch to allow a lot zoned for residential use and commerical use to be used for commercial use as allowed by Appendix A, Section 3.9 - division of lot of record (corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and N. W. 7th Court) Mr. Cutro said this is a request by Walter Dutch for an exception to allow the use of a portion of a lot that is split by a zoning boundary for a C-2 zoning use. This is allowed by Appendix A, Section 3.5.g. The subject property is located at the northwest corner of Boynton Beach Boulevard and N. W. 7th Court. The southern portion of the lot 1s zoned C-2, while the north fifty feet is - 14 - ~ :MINUTES ~PLANNING ~I) DEVELOPMENT BOARD MEETING . BOYNTON8!ACH~ FLQRIDA JUNE 9t 1992 Moti on Ms. Stevens moved to recomnend to the City Comnission that they approve the con- dnron:aluse,f'ortne g~s station oTlWinchester Park Boulevard, and Boynton Beach BoUlevardsiubje~tto'all staffconments and sUbject to the addition of the buShes-around theslgn. Dean Fleming seconded the motion which carried unani... mOlJsly. MAJOR SIJEPLAN MODIFlCATlON Bookstop Thomas T. McMurrain Ameri-,canDevelopment Corporation croRlch~rd Boyer a8'9.5:NQr~h. Congress Avenue Reqpesl(:forstte. plan g,pproval to construct an 11 t772 square:fqQt r~tall pockstore as an outparcel at the Target Shopping Center Mike Haag made the presentattQn. T~~ 2!(ming qis~rict is C-3 and the. land use plan designation isCornmerd~'l Retci1h .An overlay of the existing site plan was displayed for review by memb:~~is',of,:~he'~Q~r~.:'.~:Mr.Haag ,explained ~hat two padS have been combined and the p~ilTIk'tng" ~~s oeenma,v,ed throughout the s 1 te to accom- modate the p~rklngspaces. :The.:ahcijitecturar qesignof the proposed bull di ng will match theexistirig features of th~ 'existing. shopping center. Staff recom- mends approval subj ect to sta:(f CerMlEmts. . 2. P reject Name: Agent: OWner: Loca.ti on: De$cEr'iption: Mr. Bradleyque:stioned the var:,ance apptovalreferenced on the plans. Mr. Haag explained that-had to dowit-hTa dedication used for 22nd Avenue. When that was donet some of the parking sp~~s, had: to.,pe omitted. They applied for a variance to redUce ,fhenumber.;1io,f; req~,tred park;Mg spaces. The variance was approved. Mr. Bradley point~c;iouta. parkin9:space on the south end of the retail areawhtch is not on t~~prOPJ!rty. Mr. Haagexplalned that the applicant added the space and the:pla,n~:';i:s<ut>m1t~ed did not indicate he would be outside of hi sprope rty. He tdentifi ed~ight s\)a,cesonthe plan, but upon ft e 1 d i nspec- tiont only seven exist. Staf:fisaw~.re, of this inconsistency and will deal with it ~t permit tim.e. .Mr. Bradli~W feel} t~js site ,has a parking prOblem. There are currently two ,restaurant.s,: located: oil the ,SHe and those uses requi re a higher ratio :than 1 per 200.,tYisibil:1ty for ~he existing tenants will be a problem a 1 so. Mr. Brad;l ey w9!1d'~reclho"n5taffwQuld dea:l with the parking space which is not on the parcel.+ttorne~ C~.erofstated that it is possible to acqui re the,spac;e ,under: a 10Jl:Q:7,term !igreernent '(ind it would be acceptabl e. Mr. Cutrostatedthat the square'::fo:dtage: 'of the bUilding can be adjusted and the space eliminated. -;"c ,..~~:r:l'" Alan CtkHn;...epre$enter.lAmer1~an Develornent :Corporation. In response to Ms. Stevens' que'sUon :regatdin\J':cljlrnpHanceWi'th the Police Department's conmentst Mr. Cik1 in stated those' cOll1'iJents have been ag'reed to and added to' the revised site plan. Regarding parking~ the appHcant wtTl.make up the required parking space even i.f he must reduce, the .square 'footage. The two butl d1 ngs on the 51 te were proposed to be res.tauran't~. Th()se restaurants would generate a great deal of activityqur1ngprime hou'r$.. Tho-se restaurartts have been replaced with the bO'okstore. Jhereare rip p~al<:~oursfor such ,a)Jse and it is not anticipated that th.ebO'qkis~ore ,will cQmpe+e with 1;n{;!;othe,r reta11 uses on the site. Mr. Ciklin feels: th.e 'book s~ore'win be ar11.ntprovem~ntln the ex1stingshopping center. - 16 - *should read, "Hr. Miller..." .----,~.. -.._.,J., -, .If' UH'q::::'I; ,;,r..:'::;:..,::. : "~ :. ;.~. ;',-.: .7'!J:' .':"', :;',. -l.~',:,;:~_"'n-:':;;:_.;, 'F';:7..:r..fI.;~~'~';'~ ';:'-:":,. f-': -::;-;-"'1''' T":" ": ,~":. ;:,-~.._,.~ ~'-.l'"::--.~'~''T'' ,",- .':-;_. "_n.,_,, -;;-:nl""'C-:-:-" r- "'"'="1"--"."'"'' r." ".:1 .. II ~ MINUTES- PLANNING ANDDEVElOPMENTBOAR.D MEETING BOYNTONBEACH~' FlOR.IDA JUNE 9~ 1992 Dean Fl eming wondered whether there wi 11 be gates on the dumpster enclosure. Theappllcant is agreeable to adctinggates to the enclosure. ,t1::qJJi ~f Motion Mr. ,Collins moved to approve the request for site plan approval to construct an 1.1,772 sqt,lare foo:tr~tail .bcokstore:as an outparcel ;at the Target Shopping Center located at; 1895 North Congress Avenue, ,Projec.t Name, Bookstop, subject to all staff comments. Ms. Huck le seconded the moti on. Alt,lloggh tbere js n.o :Pupl1cd.Heartngontlllis applicatiQn,Chalrman Lehnertz affo'rded'Mr. Taub an, 'op,portuhitytt~ spea.k.' LarrY::Tal.IbLl601for'tlllPla~~~ .We$tL:Palm,.;~ea~h~ i,S an, attorney represe~ting most of th~ ':tE!.nan'ts: .;fO'.tbe' 'affecteda-rea" Wh1:ch. lncludes two restaurantswlth a seat jng,cap<i:cttyo:f 150. .Th~ trafft~ flow, l.n the shop,ping center creates intense ,'competj,:tion. W.hen. e;aChOT thet~nants ,~igned a lease, the, plan showed their~vided:,pad. They 'wol.lld not have stgn$d the lease if they knew the property would:,t)~; jO.ltle.d~ If the prd'pert1es ~re Jo~ned" the landlord wi1l:be subjected to 1,j~ti,tlitY f~ir br~acl1 'of$chof.the 1:~a~es beqau;se :each locatl,on requires i:hattnei,i cu~to~rs '~ome 'litt,O;' cJQS~; proxi,mity to the store. Each ,of the stores has' a"~Jgn vt~lbTe TrpntCon9tre~s p.yenu~~, The const,rucition, of this bui 1 di ng wi 11 obJiter~ite, th$' 'vi ew" pf .:tf,l;e' :S:,tore,s~ frQIDQongress '~",emH~~ ,Mr.. Ta!:fb- pointed out that' tll~: T~~g;~' ~P:Jp~~e$an,dT;~:rg~tcu~e-omer~, p~rkl~, toe, area intended for the retall,$itorres.:.;:Mr... ~~ijbst~te,d th~t, up ,to ,ei gn~eenspaces,wi.ll be; removed from a lbcat~pn;wMlch dbe~ not h:aiVe":~np:lJgh park; Ilg :now. ,Hi,s objection 15,: that the tenan1is;.i5ig~~, t.he.ir; leas~S:;ilWi:~n; (1' diff:~reot ~jte plran~ Mr. Taub explained that th:~ la~di~jOrd h~?o;~ pf:d~:l ~., wiJt/l. to!e. 'tenaf1ts .whi~~needsto'..l:le addressed. The ,ten~nts;b:~y~a:t~~mR,teEi~o;rH~S-9nve t:tns 1,ssuew1ththe 'landlord, but hav~ not been abllE! tQ40 s,o"T'her~e :~s ;hQstli 1.1 ty;between the' lqndlotd and the tenants. The tenafnts.aneoppo:sed to'tth1'splan. ' In respainse.., to~s. Huckl e J~;q~es;-tiQn, ,Mr. Taub stated that the tenants are all o(:cup:an~~ i9'tM ret~~il are~. Th~ire a~e two restauran!ts~ a dry cleaner, a chiropr:aJ~to!!aJ1'(i:ahalr salQn. Ih:ecll:ents accepted the original site plan and realized;, buildl)'tgs: W;o't!ld be iconstnuctedon the two pads. They were not opposed becau'se ithete ~wbuld: be vi s i'lji 1 i ty. Mike Haagaqdr~$sed:Mr. Brac;Hey's question with regard to how the parking would be ca,lcu.lated '1-f the two fhdlvtcfual pads were developed. The total site would have been ciilc4late.d lta 200. Mr. Miller pointed out that although the person designing thesnte; punt in,addi,tional parking spaces .for the restaurants, a varianc~ wa;s approv~d whlch)now,brtngs the parking below Code. Mr. Haag stated the par~ing,jsnot below the Code if you consider the total square footage, omitting. there:~taiuira:nts, aM i ncJudi ng the Bookstop. I f a restaurant i,s added in the future; :the parking'requirementsw111 have to be satisfied at that time. Chairman. Letln~rtz ,explained to Mr. Taub that the Board hasthe responsibility of considering:, all o-f the citizens and businesses in Boynton Beach. The Board can- not cons;ider t~e ec,onQmiChi!rdshtp some tenants mi,ght, experience ,when a project meetstl1~ City ~Code:s. Chatirman Lehnertz; suggested educating employees so that they will not ;park, 'inc,ustomer: parking a.reas' and thepossibi11ty of including s;gna,ge.might ib;e ofa~ststa,n,ce to the tenants in the area. He feels the problem 1s a '1 andl ordll'essee si tuation. ,rCl:..I--, - 17 - --. . .."-~." ;U_"_., ...... -1'00. ,..: :'11; :.,::0 ::1- r-~ ;f,,"..f"l"."'i'-;~-.:.,;';.J:. '$:'!~;' O.'i'".,..,,~ :.;1:, ;.;. :-.:l:f:"".' ..,,- = ;:;":;'~:~~lfl;.t.:.J.'~'.11 T":-O';;:;,,~.~;.-:.:..;; :.r~"'J':7:-;;:.r.~r:::.-:r<' --, ., :~::,-.;. :.,.:. ::-n; ~. ~.~~~._.~Ct':.:;. ~""':-:-::::~'::.=7 :."-J:::;l,r';-;:~;:...lr:.;. ,;'''"" '~.'~T.".'~'"'.;, ~:-.::".~ ;'n r;;r_.":..': -~-;::__..,;"-:;:-::r-::~"- ~,::' .. "" MINUTES - PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA /' -"', JULY 10, 1990 Mr. Ki;ldq,y responded the developer designed the building as an office building and he tried for tw() years to lease it. A portion of the:building has be~n leased and will remain Office. Mr. Kilday said the Board would not see this coming back. He informed Mr. Rosenstock the office space would becqm,e ,6,600 squCire feet. The retail would gof'.rom 24,000 to 2$,.00"squarefeet. ~~I Mr. Collins moved, seconded by Mrs. DeLong to approve the request, subject ~o .s1;.<;l.ff comment.s , with the exception of thoseqomme.nt:.s which will be deleted re;lative to restriping. Motion .carried .6.....1. Vice Chairman Lehnert!z cast the dissenting vote. r"" \,. PREAPPLICATION/MASTER PLAN/PRELIMINARY PLAT 2. Project NameJ Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: ! r', Target Shopping Center Shalloway, Foy, Rayman & Newell ,,';-.:Lnc. America,n Development Corp. North Congress Avenue at N. W. 22nd Avenue, southwest corner A portion of land ~n the SEl of Sec. 18, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 E., and be ing a part of the N! of the NEt of Sec. 19, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 E., in Palm Beach County, Florida Reques.t for approval of the preapplica- tion, master plan preliminary plat, and construction drawings Which provide for the construction of, infrastructure improvements to serve a commercial shopping cen:ter As this was a project his office was handling, Mr. Aguila submitted a Memorandum of Voting Conflict (attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk as "Addendum G") in case there would be any questions. . "':'.,,,""" Mr. Golden made the presentation. The ~RB recommended approval, subject to staff comments atta;ched to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of tihe City Clerk as Addenda g through J inclusive, and subject also to the following comments: /~"", Utilities Department "We've completed our review of the above plat and discovered - 13 - _...._~..., """'->"~'::"';""'~.;;;"7"'~'''''''~'''''F'''''=:,f;:l'':;;':,''''Il''""='':";'l:':"'':f':''-: ~':1..:::1"~..::.:;r"":"'lIT;r"""\;~";':'"r'-"~-=J:'Tl':-1. 'r,-J::::p".::~'.,.,. '=-';.-C~i:;":""-'-:-:"""~=-:"'T-~ ..~.,.cr-'C';-"'T-~_~"'~_''':~~''-:-:--::--::-'\~'-::;<:''"'''''''' ."......,,~.-u:.~=. ._-::,_~..;. ~-;-.~'"",:..T,..".>_.." ;":. ,i. ~ I; "._ ...\-,;. '.', . MINUTES -' PLANNING & ZONING BOARD BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ,(";- JULY 10, 1990 several locations 'Wher~ fire lines or water meters were 10- catedoutside, the utility ease~ents. We contacted Shalloway, Foy, Rayman &: Newell, Inc., ;who said they had also discov~red the discrepancies and that a revised plat was being prepared. .-~...-~ I I I We have, at this time, approved the developer's plans and returned them for submittal to the Health Department.." Vice Chairman Le:h,nert,z recall~d a statement that the, orientation of this shopping center was not in keepittg with the shopping center on the northeast corner. Mr. Golden explained the issue was ,raised when the site plan waS approved, but it was not acted on. Therefore, the issue is dead. , -", I' ", \ Mr. RiCl1te:i: moved to approve the request, subject to s~aff comments. Motion carried 7-0. c. SITE PLANS SITE PLAN MODIFICATION 1. Project Name: See "Addendum K" attached to the original copy of these minutes ~n the Office of the City Clerk Request for approval of an amenqed site plan to allow for the construction of a day care center for 100 children Ms. Heyden made the presentation. The TRB recommended approval, subject to staff comments attached to the qriginal copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk as Addenda L through N inClusive, and subject to the following comments: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: (('-" t" '",'q~;~~ Bethesda Memorial Hospital Child Care Center Bruce E. Mandigo, Asst. Director of Engineering Bethesda Memorial Hospital, Inc. West side of South Seacrest Boulevard south of Golf Road Engineering Department "In accordance with Chapter 5, Article X, 'Boynton Beach Parking Lot Regulations', Section 5-142(k), 'Handicap Requirements' and the Department of Community Affairs, 'Accessibility Requirements Manual', latest edition, provide ,r'''''', ..-.----. -"--'~------~'-""""",~~~=r:c'.::;';;~n~'.;::,l..~"",..,,.,......... - 14 - I ' III ---.. ......-......,.~'..r".~:. ~r.~."'..,~..."'..1O'o_".....~......,........j.:at''--...- MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 11, 1990 ,,~....., CASE U46 Location: Southwest corner of Congress Avenue and N. W. 22nd Avenue Legal Description: A portion of land in the Southeast quarter of Sec. 18, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 East, and being a part of the N~ of the NEt of Sec. 19, Twp. 45 S., Rge. 43 E., in Palm Beach County, Florida !' -, Owner: A-erican Development Corporation Request: Relief from zoning requirement of 815 parking spaces to be reduced to 784 to construct a 141,940 square foot shopping center (which includes a 8,740 square foot restaurant) Secretary Eney read the application and the letter dated May 7, 1990 from Jose Aguila, Associate, Currie Schneider Associates AlA, P.A., Architects, Planners & Interior Designers, 25 Seabreeze, D-lray Beach, FL 33483. (See Addendum A attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk.) Alan Ciklin, Esq., Boose, Casey, Ciklin, Lubitz, Martens, McBane & O'Connell, Northbridge Centre-Suite 1900, 515 North Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FL, called attention to Mr. Aguila, who was sitting in the audience. John Benditz, Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc., Traffic Engineers, West Palm Beach, FL, was also present. I""" Attorney Ciklin gave background information on the applica- tion and reasons for the request for variance, as outlined in Addendum A attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk. He showed a drawing of the shopping center and explained the right-of-way. Attorney Ciklin stated Target was satisfied with the number of park- ing spaces and believed they would be more than adequate. ,.r---; If the applicant is unable to give the right-of-way to the County, Attorney Ciklin said the County will condemn the right-of-way, pay for it, and the results will be the same. The difference will be that it will take longer for the City and County to get the right-of-way, and it will take longer for the intersection improvements to be constructed. Attorney Ciklin believed it would be an unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant because the applicant is in limbo. - 5 - /' '"" -, (' ~, /1'" MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 11, 1990 The applicant has a choice of building the shopping center "as is" but when the County condemns the addi t ional 'property it needs, it will force the County to tear out the landscap- ing, paving and restriping of the parking lot after the fact. It will cost considerably more than the right-of~way is worth becaUse there will be damage to the site itself. Attorney Ciklin stated the applicant could not tell the County to take the right-of-way because there was no adminis- trative way, except through a variance from the Board of Adjustment for the 31 parking spaces. Mr. Aguila worked a long time to make su:z;ethe 31 spaces were the minimum spaces required. Attorney Ciklin emphasized it would be less than 4;% of the overall site, and it w~s in harmony with the intent and purpose of the Code. By granting the variance, he said the. City, County ~nd taxpayers would be saving between $175,.000 .and $200~ 000 because they will be able to get the right-of-way free. Attorney Ciklin continued by saying they were in this posi- tion because they had agreed it would be a good thing to do to accommodate the City and County. The City Staff and County Staff agreed. If the full complement of parking is ever used, Attorney Ciklin stated it would be at Thanksgiving and Christmas time. Most people that deal with these issues feel it is not good to put in a lot of pavement just for those two times of the year. Mr. Uleck referred to the shopping center at the northeast corner and recalled they had to put in a right-of-way for a right-hand turn. He thought a right-hand turn would help out. Attorney Ciklin agreed but he explained on Shoppes of Boynton, it was part of their conditional approval that they dedicate the right-of-ways when they formed the improvement. It was not a condition of the applicant's approval after a thorough review by the City Staff. The applicant already has an approved site plan and could build it without these improvements, if they were to dedicate this land to the County and let them make the improvements they are looking to make, but they would be 31 spaces short. Mr. Aguila interjected that both the City and the County have requested this. Mr. Benditz emphasized that additional improvements were required as part of this development. He drew attention to the drawing and explained the improvements that were required in order for the project to go forward and said all of the improvements are able to take place within the exist- ing right-of-way. The additional right-of-way is not - 6 - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE'H, 1990 /.~" " necessary to accommodate the required improvements to the development. Mr. Benditz called attention to a letter dated May 13, 1990, written by Charles Walker, Jr., P.E., Director - Traffic Division, Department of Engineering and Public Works, Palm Beach County, recommending that the variance be approved so the dedication can go forward. (See Addendum B attac~ed to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk.) The County is considering making interim improvements over and above those required at this time. ;,'-,.. Mr. Aguila stated that one of the conditions of their approval is to do improvements to the intersection of Hypoluxo ~oad and Congress Avenue because of the impact of this development. If they are able to get the variance and dedicate this land to the County, improvements will then be made at N. W. 22nd Avenue and CongresS Avenue. Instead of spending the money they would have spent at Hypoluxo, they will be spending it in the City. Mr. Aguila explained it would be a tradeoff. He further explained they are widen- ing the road to allow traffic to travel onN. W. 22nd Avenue and Congress AVenue. <<'1-'....... I Mr. Benditz infor~ed Mr. Miriana the required improvement to this project is one additional lane on this particular approach. The right-of-way dedication would allow for the full expansion of that intersection, which would accommodate double left turns on the approach and accommodate openly three through la~es on N. W. 22nd Avenue and a right turn lane. All of those improvements are necessary at this time, but the right-of.-way dedication is to aocommodate those ultimate needs as they come on board. It is not to accommo- date any turn lanes into the site but is to accommodate additional turn lanes and through lanes at the intersection of N. W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. ~"""" Mr. Uleck asked who would pay for the right-of-way. Attorney Ciklin answered the developer owns the right-of-way and is going to give it to the County for the expansion of the intersection without cost. That was why they were seeking the variance. Attorney Ciklin explained. Discussion ensued about who should pay for paving and who would benefit. r--- If the Board denies the variance, Attorney,Ciklin said the County will have to pay for condemnation of the right-of- way. The County will also have to pay for the developer's damages. The reason the applicant does not want to wait and take the money is because of the disruption of the - 7 - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 11, 1990 /' -" shopping center in relocating landscaping and parking. Attorney Ciklin further explained. ;'" Mrs. Solomon asked how many stores there will be. A~torney Ciklin replied Target will be the major one. He stated it will depend on how big th~ stores are. There could be from 10 to 14. Mr. Aguila informed Mrs. Solomon there will be 775 parking spaces. 806 parking spaces are required. Secretary Eney read Mr. Walker's letter into the record (Addendum B) . Mrs. Solomon did not think there would be enough parking spaces. She referred to egress and ingress for the parking. Attorney Ciklin reminded her of the request. There were further comments about parking from Mrs. Solomon and Attorney Ciklin. Attorney Ciklin wished to have Mr. Benditz speak again. Mr. Benditz commented and then added if Kimley Horn felt there would be an operational problem on the site, they would not be advising the developer to make the dedication to the County. There are a lot of these types of facilities in place. They would not be coming into the site if they felt the number of spaces would be inadequate for their use. He thought the spaces were adequate. In response to other questions by Mrs. Solomon, Mr. Aguila told her to think of this as an extension of Catalina Centre. If Tim Cannon, Interim Director of Planning, had not encouraged the applicant to come before this Board Attorney Ciklin stated they would not have come. The City Staff was supportive of this. ,i " Mr.s. Solomom asked whether Mr. Newbold felt there would not be congestion and overcrowding there. Mr. Newbold replied that the applicant had Traffic Engineers. He thought the Board should consider whether this was a necessity. Mr. Newbold stated he had not heard from Mr. Cannon saying he supported this. Attorney Ciklin replied that Mr. Cannon was going to be at the meeting to speak. ,/~;"" ,r.""", Mr. Newbold asked if the stores the applicant now has would require them to go for a modification to the site plan and that some stipulations still had not been done. Mr. Benditz thought that had been resolved. Attorney Ciklin agreed and said that had nothing to do with this variance. He explained the amendment to the site plan and said he had minutes he could show to the Board. - 8 - MINUTES - BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA JUNE 11, 1990 (""" ,/'.', Discussion ensued about traffic, Target, and the taxpayers. Mr. Uleck asked why the buildings could not be made smaller. Attorney Ciklin replied they could do that, but the County and City want the applicant to give $200,000 of free real estate to them. If they shrink some of the buildings, they will lose some of their rent.als as well. Attorney Ciklin stated they agreed to give the property free of charge, but they will not agree to redUce the square footage of the shopping center because they have an approved site plan. He called attention to the letter from Mr. Walker and told Mr. Miriana 31 parking sPiices is the trade off. Attorney Ciklin stated there was also a letter from Mr. Cannon. (See Addendum C attaqhed to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk.) M~. Tompson thoUght the granting of the variance would save the City money. Secretary Eney asked if anyone wished to speak in favor of or in opposition to the granting of the variance. There was no response, and THE PUBLIC HEARING WAS CLOSED. Mr. Miriana moved to grant the variance, as it is a necessity. In response to Mr. Uleck's suggestion, Secretary Eney said it was understood the granting of the variance to mean the developer would dedicate 4/10th of an acre to the County. Vice Chairman Newton seconded the motion. The Recording Secretary took a roll call vote on the motion, as follows: /,C<"",,, Ms. Tompson Vice Chairman Newton Mr. Uleck Mrs. Solomon Mr. Miriana Secretary Eney Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Aye Motion carried 6-0. ADJOURNMENT The meeting properly adjourned at 8:20 P. M. ~~2a-.,~ Recording Secretary GI (Two Tapes) - 9 - -~,. ---"',' ..~...~ .'--' .,---... ,..... " r- Currie . Schneider Associates AlA, PA Architect~. Planners & Interior Designers 25 Seabreeze Delray Beach. fl 33483 Hay 7, 1990 407/276-4951. 737-2279 305/429,1566 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH Board of Adjustments 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, Florida 33435 Re: TARGBT SHOPPING CENTER - 89552 S.W. CORNER OF CONGRESS AVENUE & N.W. 22ND AVENUE Nembers of the Board, By means of tbis llpplicatio11, we respectfully request your consideration in gralltillg us a variance 011 tlle nl1lJlber of parking spaces required by code. First, a little backgrouud information. Earlier this year, we suwuitted applications to tlle City ot BOYlltOll Becu:ll request,ing the following: II/odification to all existing PUD, rezulling aud site platl approval. All of above applications lVere grauted by the City Cvuullission Oil Febnwcy 20, 1990. Since that lIIeeting, we lJal'e /IIet with the County Traffic Engineer at his request tv discuss the poss.ibility at our granUng additiollal dgllt-of-way all N.W. 22nd Ave/JUt' alld Congress .4vellue. If u'e wen: tv provide UJis additional right-of-way, we would thell il/JVe d shortage of 31 park illg spaces. We would like tv accoouuodate the County in their effort, however, it is not in our power to be 31 spaces slwrt and therefore, we are before this EoanJ. During yuur evaluatiun, please cunsider the folluwing; A. Americall Develop,ue11t is an approved development. Impro\'ements at the illtersectioll of CUllgress Avellue and N.W. 2211J Avenue are included in the approvI11 conditions, but do lwt require additional right-ot-way dedication to implemeut. B. Palm Beach County has requested that the developlllent dedicate right-of- way, in exce~s of wllat i~ requesttJd ill tile approval coudi tions. Dedication oi' the additional rigId-of-way will result in loss ot parking spaces, compared Lo the parkillg code requirelllelltso A total ot" 31 parking spaces wi II resul t trom ti,e rigllt-of-way dedicatioll, which is above that needed to meet the developI/Jellt conditiulls. C. Thirt.y ulle (31) p4rkillg sJXlces cousUtute less than four (4) percent of tIw loLal piwkiug awl wi 11 lloi JUIYe <wy I/Ieaniugl'ul negative effect OIl the oplJratiuw; of the site, nor on olher properties. V. 'I11t:: ruquested ,Je,liCtltioll ,uf rljJ1Jt-of-wdY will positivuly affuct the ,lllt.n'.li~f;..tlU11 ()1i<'11'<It.,lwl 4t' Cmltft^e$1I AVolnUtt dud N.W. 2211d ..h'ttlWtf, dllll will tmh<wcu tlle trattlc fIvw ai Llw illtCl'St:ctioll for illt: benefit ot all c'oad users. Page 1 of ADDENDUM A r AX: 4071,2"j~1J1U4 /' I r"', '('"", ,r"'-, CITY OF BOYNTON JlEACll Hay 7, 1990 Page Two Plea.';/' feel free to contact this office if YOIl should require any additional information. Sincerely, ~ A3S0CIATE3 AlA. PA LJ~gu~la Associate JA/apr cc: American Development Page 2 of ADDENDUM A board 0f County Commissiol Carol J. Elmquist. Chairman 'Karen To Marcus, Vicc Chair Carol Ao Roherts Ron Howard (~'-.~arole Phillips .' County Administrator Ian Winl".. May 13, 1990 ()l'partlncnt of I~nginccrihg and l'u"lie Work. Mr. Ti m Cannon Acting Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 211 S. Federal Highway Post Office box 310 Boynton Beach, Fl 33425-0310 RE: RIGHT-Of-WAY DEDICATION FROM AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT LOCATED ON S.W. CORNER OF N.W. 22ND AVENUE l CONGRESS AVENUE r---" Dear Mr. Cannon: As you know, the City recently approved the subject commercial development. It is requested that right-of-way, consistent with Palm Beach County's Thoroughfare Plan, be dedicated by this development to accommodate an expanded intersection at this development. This dedication would require 71.5 feet from the centerline of N.W. 22nd Avenue and 64 feet from the centerlfne at Congress Avenue, consistent with Palm Beach County's standard drawings for expanded intersections. It is my understanding from Mr. John Benditz with Kimley Horn, engineers for the project, that they will be able to accomplish the requested dedication if the City grants a variance for the reduction of 31 parking spaces from that required by the City code. Given the proposed interchange of N.W. 22nd and 1-95 and the extensive commercial approvals in this area, including Motorola, Boynton Beach Mall and Quantum Park, it is my feeling that it is critical that we maintain the option of providing a fully expanded intersection at this location. A fUlly expanded intersection allows for two lefts, three thrus and a right turn lane on each approach. Unless this tight-of-way is dedicated, the future cost of obtaining this right-of-way may be prohibitive,and this intersection could evolve into 'a traffic bottleneck. Based on the above, it is my recommendation that the City gtant the requested variance. ,~ \ Your is assistance is appreciated. Sincerely, .""" OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER ~alL U..iEeJ]rvTED ~"", Charles R. Walker, Jr., P.E, Director - Traffic Division CRW:te cc: John Benditz, Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. file: Intersections - N.W. 22nd AVe. & Congress Ave. Municipality - City of Boynton Beach .'tl lQ _ PLANNING DEPf! 1.- . ",,0 @ /Nin"d on ,.cycled P6Pc, "An E'Iual Opportunity - Affirmative Aetion Employer" BOX 2429 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33402":2429 (407) 684-4000 ADDEND}J1:18:'__.,..__ ,~___-~:~ tMJU- ~ ~.~ CITY of BOYN.TONBEACH ,<1"" l, _..~ r'", r" ~@ 100 E.Bornlon Beach Blvd. P.O. Bo.310 Boynlon Beeeh.'I..,ldo33435.0310 -14071734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 23, 1990 i' currie Schneider Associates Attn: Mr. Jose Aguila 2S Seabreeze Avenue Delray Beach, Fl 33483 RE: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 Dear Mr. Aguila: Please be advised that on Tuesday, February 20, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan, subject to staff comments, with the exception of the roadway link improvements to Congress Avenue between Miner Road and Hypoluxo Road, and those intersectioh improvements at N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue which cannot be acconunodated within the existing right-of-way or right-of-way dedicated by the applicant. Copies of the staff comments are attached. These plans were approved subj ect to your compliance attached stipulations. After you have amended your reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies plan drawings with the changes incorporated to the Department for permitting purposes. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. with the plans to of final Building JJG:frb Encs Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ,,_-~ ~ ~ ~ ~7~-<~' -\." .' f/' I "- '\.0'-,,\ TIMOTHY P. CANNON ~~ d~r" j!!....';:. .;. . Interim Planning Directt)itYL IlU I MAR 0 5 1990 .. cc: Technical Review ,Board " ~~ ~~!.l~:"~ ~.. . ,. "r. ~ ,.ICu/l ..~.v . . /'- :l't It" I ~'-' r'~"" . ,.' . '-, . ... . :.' . ADDENDUH C . . , . MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 BIDS None. PUBLIC HEARING Commissioner Wische asked if the site plan of Target Shopping Center could be moved up, so they could be heard together. A. project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Pevelopment Plans B. Project Name: Agent: Owner: Location: Legal Description: Description: Target Shopping Center Jose Aguila - Currie-Schneider Associates American Development Corporation North Congress Avenue at N. W. 22nd Avenue, S. W. corner See "Addendum C" attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk REZONING: Request for rezoning from PUD to C-3 (Community Commercial) to allow for the development of a 140,000 square foot shopping center Target Shopping Center Jose Aguila - Currie-Schneider Associates American Development Corporation North Congress Avenue at N. W. 22nd Avenue, S. W. corner See "Addendum B" attached to the original copy of these minutes in the Office of the City Clerk SITE PLAN: Request for site plan approval to allow for the construction of a 140,000 square foot shopping center, including a junior department store and three out parcels on 13.179 acres Jim Golden, Senior Planner, informed the Commission the P&Z Board recommended approval of the rezoning request. A staff analysis was not required for the rezoning, and he explained. Mr. Golden stated that all of the comments 10 I'! . ... > . ~, ' .' MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 ~ttached to the approval were attached to the site plan. The P&Z Board and the Technical Review Board recommended approval of the site plan, subject to staff comments. At the P&Z Board meeting, the developer expressed a desire to speak to the Commission about some of the staff comments, specifically with respect to roadway improv~ments. ~ommissioner Wische wondered if there was a disagreement ~etween Target and the City staff relative to traffic. Mr. Golden answered affirmatively and explained. ~lan Ciklin, Attorne at Law, Boose, Case , Ciklin, Lubitz, artens, McBane & O'Connell, 515 North Flagler Drive, West ~alm Beach, FL, thought they resolved all of their issues. He thought they were very close to resolving one issue they ,ere unable to resolve. That was the City's required level of service (LOS) on Congress Avenue. The reason it was ~ifficult for them was the City's Comprehensive Plan .requires a peak hour LOS liD", which they meet. It also .requires LOS "C" on an annual average basis. At peak hour, 1j:hey need LOS "C", which is the busiest time of day. They think they meet that requirement as well, but their Traffic Engineer and the City's Traffic Engineer have not been able io iron that out. ~r. Ciklin pointed out that the implementing Ordinance for traffic performance and all that has not been adopted, so he thought the City Commission had the flexibility, based on ~hat their traffic report said, to approve the project ~onight. There was assured construction from Boynton Beach ~oulevard to Miner Road. It will be bonded in the next qouple of weeks, and they agreed their approval would be ~ontingent upon the surety for that construction being ~osted. Vice Mayor Olenik asked who would construct. Mr. Ciklin replied it would be a third party developer, whose ~ame they do not know, but they were told the road plans were approved and the bond will be posted by the developer ~ithin the next couple of weeks. If it is not posted, they ~ere agreeing they cannot move ahead until it is. Vice Mayor Olenik felt part of Sears' concern was they would have ~o do all of the road construction on Congress Avenue. ~he applicant's Traffic Engineer informed Mr. Ciklin the ~oynton West development on the north side of Boynton Beach ~oulevard, west of Military Trail, is required to complete qonstruction plans for the six laning of Congress AVenue ~rom Boynton Beach Boulevard to Miner Road by April 4, 1990. ~hey are required to post the surety for that construction 11 I' , 'r: r .,..... ,"- '1 D MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 as well. If Mr. Ciklin could assure the City that Boynton West would take care of the problem he seemed to be having from the City Staff, Commissioner Wische saw no reason not to approve this. Mr. Ciklin agreed to that as a condition. He clarified that when the bond is posted, it becomes assured. Walter H. Keller Jr., PE, AICP, 10211 West Sample Road, Suite 204, Coral Springs, FL 33075-9740, stated the City tetained him to review the traffic statement submitted by this applicant. The applicant wanted to have meetings, which were outside his scope of services. Mayor Moore did not want it to happen again where the City is charged for ~onsultant fees by the City Staff without the Commission or the City Manager knowing about it. Mr. Cannon, Acting Director of Planning, explained that money was appropriated ~or the Planning Department at budget time to hire Traffic 90nsultants to review traffic impact statements. If there is to be any double checking of submissions by developers to check on their traffic impacts or anything else, Mayor Moore thought the developer should pay it. If that comes up at ~udget again, Mayor Moore said there will be a stipulation ihat those funds will not be expended unless they are ~pproved by the City Manager's Office. If something within teason needs to be double checked, it should be an addi- ~ional development cost. Mr. Cannon said an item proposing ~hat would appear later on this agenda. Vice Mayor Olenik asked whether that was the only staff ~omment the applicant had a problem with. Mr. Ciklin answered affirmatively and added that they were in agreement Jith everything else. Vincent Finizio, Acting Assistant to the City Engineer, ~larified that no bonds have been posted for the construc- ~ion of Congress Avenue from 22nd Avenue to Miner Road. ~ayor Moore responded that was a stipulation that would have ~o be taken care of. ioger Saberson, Attorney for Boynton Nurseries, ~740 Cranbrook Drive, Boynton Beach, was not appearing ~efore the Commission to object to Target. He was before 4he Commission in December of 1988 for a parcel they are ~ntending to bring in, which is on Lawrence Road. When they do the traffic analysis for the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance and the City's Comprehensive ~lan, Mr. Saberson said they look out five miles. He said ~f they do that on their project, they will have some ~raffic that will go on Congress Avenue. 12 I'. I " < .. , . ~. ~ MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING ~- BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 When the Commission approves a project like this, Mr. Saberson asked that they keep in mind that whatever they do for one project, they should do for another one, so the burdens and benefits will be shared equally. He noted Mr. Ciklin had stipulated the project would not go forward until a bond is posted for the six laning of Congress ~venue between Miner Road and Boynton Beach Boulevard. That would seem to handle that particular link. Enrico Rossi, Rossi and Malavassi Engineers, Inc., ?80 Village Boulevard, West Palm Beach, FL, Engineer for Shoppes of Boynton, said in that instance, a traffic signal was generated. The recommendation from the County Engineer's Office was that it be six laned from N. W. 22nd AvenUe to Miner Road, and the applicant accepted those recommendations. Mr. Rossi questioned what the recommen- dation from the County was concerning that sector of Congress Avenue between Miner Road and Hypoluxo Road. If he was not mistaken, the County recommended that should be constructed to six lanes, based on the traffic statement that was submitted. There was a difference of opinion as to bow those numbers were arrived at, and Mr. Rossi thought that should receive consideration in this project. He felt somebody should consider the County's recommendations. Commissioner Weiner wondered whether the County's traffic performance standards had been set, and she questioned whether the City would be opening itself up to litigation by ~nother developer. It seemed to Mr. Cannon that two issues were still outstanding. (1) was the six laning of the link ~etween Miner Road and Hypoluxo Road, which the City's traffic Consultant concluded had to be done by this developer. (2) was the issue of what constitutes assured construction. ~he application was submitted prior to February 1st, and the dounty wide Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance was not ~trictly in effect. However, the Zoning Code states when property is rezoned, they have to meet the County wide ~raffic Performance Standard Ordinance. When the plan was adopted on November 7th, the levels of service that were ~llowed were lower on some weeks, but all of the rules ~oncerning what is assured construction were in effect in the County. Commissioner Weiner asked if there will be a problem with ~he Shoppes of Boynton. Mr. Rossi answered that there ~ould be no problem because they accepted the conditions ~hat were imposed to put a six lane road in, and they will tiuild it, based on the recommendations of the County and 13 I. 11 ";. 0'1 I" , " ,', D i r . MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 what came out in the traffic study. He wanted this project to be treated the same way. If the recommendation from the County is that it should be six lanes, it should be six lanes, so no one coming along has to be faced with that ~ame problem. Vice Mayor Olenik observed Mr. Ciklin did not have a problem with the six lanes from Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road. He 9nly talked about Miner Road to Boynton Beach Boulevard. Vntil Mr. Rossi spoke about Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road, Vice Mayor Olenik noticed nobody ever mentioned that ~egment. Mr. Ciklin responded that was part of the staff comment. The staff comment was sixlaning of Congress ~venue from Boynton Beach'Boulevard to Hypoluxo Road. Their ~raffic report indicates they do not generate enough traffic on the portion of Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road to have to ,ait for the six laning of that, only if they have to wait for the six laning from Boynton Beach Boulevard to Miner Road to be assured. ~r. Ciklin said the difference between Mr. Rossi's project ~nd this project is that the City, in past history, was telying heavily on the County's analysis under the County's traffic Performance Standard of City projects. That was a +aw in the unincorporated area that did not apply to the tity, and it still does not apply in the City. What they Were dealing with now was the City's laws, as they exist, Which is the Comprehensive Plan and some limited provisions in the Zoning Code, which Mr. Ciklin believed the applicant tomplied with and which would require them on Congress +venue to have assured bonded construction from Boynton 'each Boulevard to Miner Road. They are willing to wait for ~he bonding of that construction. <tharles Walker, Palm Beach County Traffic Engineer, just ~ntered the meeting. He stated this project would have a ,ubstantial impact on the Congress Avenue segment from 'iner Road to Hypoluxo Road. That segment was projected in the traffic report turned in by the developer. Mr. Walker ~nderstood the City had a different traffic standard than ~hat the County has. Mr. Cannon advised the City's standard ~s the same on that segment. If that was the case, ~r. Walker requested that any approval of this project by ~he Commission be on the same condition the County has, ~hich would be to require that six lanes be in place on ~ongress Avenue from Miner Road up to Hypoluxo Road. That ~egment should be put beyond LOS "C" into LOS "B". Mr. Walker said even the Consultant's recommendation concerning ! 14 I'" , " '. . MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 the intersection's geometries of Hypoluxo Road and Congress Avenue indicate that geometries would have to be done with the intersection to work it to LOS liB'.. It is right on the border line of "D" and "E", so there are problems as far as traffic in this segment as far as the six lane requirement on Congress Avenue. Mr. Walker pointed out that the County just adopted a County wide Traffic Performance Standard that does not apply in the cities. After explaining the Standard, he said their bomputer projections indicate the six lane capacity on the link between Boynton Beach Boulevard and 22nd Avenue has already been given away. In other words, existing approval plus what is out there now could serve the entire six lane ~apacity of that segment of Congress Avenue, so future approvals that will impact that segment of roadway will have difficulty meeting the new Traffic Performance Standard. Discussion ensued about the implementation of the Traffic ~erformance Standards and coastal cities. After explaining what they have tried to do as far as traffic, Mr. Walker ~larified that a step down would only be one LOS, if 90ngress Avenue was exempted from the proposed Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance. If the Commission decided to approve the project, he requested that a dedication of tight-of-way be required when the intersection is expanded at Congress Avenue and 22nd Avenue. One recommendation in the traffic report was that dual left turn lanes and right turn lanes be constructed, which cannot be done in the ~xisting right-of-way. Mayor Moore asked whether staff had ~ddressed that issue. Mr. Finizio replied that staff had addressed the right turn lane. mr. Ciklin had not heard that before, and he was agreeing to what he heard before. That dedication was new to him. ~ne problem he was having was that the County wide Traffic I Performance Standard is not in effect. The County's interim ~ounty wide Traffic Performance Standard does not apply to ~his project, and Mr. Ciklin was trying to deal with what the City's Comprehensive Plan said. He believed they complied. Mr. Ciklin thought Mr. Rossi and Mr. Walker ~anted them to comply with the County's Traffic Performance $tandard, and he did not think that was the standard they ~hould be looking at. ~ayor Moore recalled the plan was approved when they were 4iscussing the Comprehensive Plan. He felt uncomfortable when he heard people telling him the City should force ~eople to comply with things that are not in place. 15 I"~ " " , - T" MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 Mr. Saberson thought it was a fine project, but there was a guestion of how the responsibility for traffic improvements would be shared and how it would impact other projects. ~e had asked what rules are now in effect in Boynton Beach ~nd was told the City adopted an Ordinance so the City, by ~eference, can adopt the County's Traffic Performance Standards. If that was so, this should be analyzed on terms pf the Traffic Performance Standards that apply by the City's brdinance. If it is not in the 'City's Zoning Ordinance, Mr. ~aberson wondered what the Standard was in the City's ~omprehensive Plan. ~r. Saberson said the report done by the City's Traffic tonsultant indicated the link between Hypoluxo Road and f. W. 22nd Avenue will be operating at LOS "F". He was fonfused, and he qu~stioned whether this project would pomply. Mr. Saberson wanted Boynton Nurseries to be treated fairlY when they come before the Commission~ ~r. Cannon informed Mr. Saberson the levels of service which ~ere in effect until February 1st were those which are in fhe Comprehensive Plan. That LOS on that particular segment of Congress Avenue is "C". Those levels of service were trrived at by the City's Traffic Consultant entirely and ndependently from any State or County requirements. They ere the levels of service the Consultant felt were tealistic through the year 1992, based on available right- c!>f-way and projected growth. The City found LOS "c" to be tealistic, independent of State and County requirements. that law was in effect when this application was submitted. , Mayor Moore inquired whether the applicant or someone else fas right. At this point, Mr. Cannon thought there was dis- agreement on a very technical level as to whether LOS "c" ~ould be exceeded. Mayor Moore did not want any decisions to be made by Consultants. The Consultants are to advise ~ity Manager Miller, and City Manager Miller will advise the ~ommission, or the Commission can be told the Consultant tade a decision that affects the property rights of people. ~ommissioner Weiner asked whether Walter Keller, the City's fraffic Consultant, had all of the information. When they tid the link for the City (22nd Avenue to Hypoluxo Road), . Keller said they found the applicant was not meeting the 'OS, so he requested additional capacity information to Substantiate that the applicant did not need to do that 16 MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 improvement in order to get approved. The applicant sub- mitted information this afternoon, but Mr. Keller was not prepared at'this time to recommend that it met the City's requirements. Another link in question which was not discussed was Boynton Beach Boulevard, west of 1-95. Those Were the.two links in his study that he found were not complying with the City's requirements. Mr. Keller said the ~pplicant had satisfactorily provided additional information on the other issues he had raised. After discussion, Vice Mayor Olenik questioned which developer would be the one that would get stuck with the ~urden of six laning Congress Avenue. The question on the table tonight was whether or not this development would push that up from LOS "c" to LOS "0". It had nothing to do with whose Ordinance was in effect because the City's Ordinance, ~dopted independent of the County's Traffic Performance $tandard, state.s that portion of the road is to be LOS "C". Discussion ensued between Mayor Moore and Vice Mayor Olenik tegarding the LOS. Vice Mayor Olenik asked Mr. Ciklin if he ~greed the City had adopted LOS "C". Mr. Ciklin answered affirmatively and commented that the City has a Comprehensive 1?lan provision that requires LOS "n", peak 'hour, peak ~eason, and LOS "C", peak hour and average annually. After ~urther commenting, he asked the applicant's Traffic ~onsultant to speak. i *teve Godfrey, Vice president, Kimley Horn & Associates, ~nc., 4431 Embarcadero Drive, West Palm Beach, FL, said ~hey recognized in their traffic impact report that the qperating cond.i tion in the peak hour in the peak season is Ij.OS "D", which is consistent with the City's Comprehensive ~lan. It is not consistent with Palm Beach County. ~hrough supplemental information provided this afternoon, ~r. Godfrey said they identified that adjusting the ~raffic from peak season to average conditions gives them OS "C" at these intersections. If the peak hour works at os "C", he said they have to conclude that the roadway ;roughout the rest of the day will also operate, at LOS nC". . Godfrey acknowledged that the volume on the road is igher than what the County recognizes as the maximum volume for LOS "c" conditions. However, looking at the lartiCUlar characteristics of the way the interse.ctions ere operate and the way the traffic flow will operate at uild out of this project, he believed LOS "c" average onditions will be met and LOS "n" peak hour conditions ,uring peak season will occur. Mr. Godfrey added that the 17 I'! . .' . MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING .~ BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 road that is projected on this link of roadway is approxi- mately 9,000 trips per day. The impact of this project is approximately 900 trips per day. Commissioner Weiner thought Mr. Rossi and Mr. Saberson were worried about the impact this development will have on traffic. They feel their projects should be treated fairly. Mr. Rossi replied there was no question about it. If some- body does not pick up this link, "the next guy on board is going to pick it up." Mayor Moore understood Mr. Rossi's position, but he thought he was in the wrong ballpark. It works with the rules and regulations that are in effect at the time the applicant comes forth. Mr. Rossi thought there were guidelines which people could follow that are equitable to everybody. Addressing Mr. Godfrey's comments, Mr. Walker stated the $tandard is LOS "c" for average daily traffic and LOS "0" #or daily peak season year-round, peak hour conditions. the traffic report indicates LOS "0" with average annual Gonditions on the segment they were speaking of between 22nd Avenue and Hypoluxo Road. Also, if the detailed traf- ~ic analysis for the intersection of Hypoluxo Road and ~ongress Avenue with the existing geometries of. LOS "E" included dual turn lanes, which were recommended in the ~tudy, it would bring the intersection to LOS 110" with that qonstruction. Mr. Walker said the part of the Standards ~hat addresses LOS "c" average annual was not met in the ~raffic study submitted by the developer's Engineer. ~s there was no other input from the public, THE PUBLIC aEARING WAS CLOSED. ~ice Mayor Olenik questioned whether Boynton Beach Boule- ~ard from 1-95 west to Congress Avenue was included in the qne comment Mr. Ciklin did not agree with. Mr. Godfrey answered that the section in question was Boynton Beach ~ulevard between Old Boynton Road and 1-95. There is a ~hort section of four lane roadway, where the rest of Boynton aeach Boulevard has six lanes. Mr. Godfrey stated that ~dditional information was submitted, based on data provided ~y Palm Beach County, which shows the peaking characteristics qf that road allow it to handle a lot more traffic than you qormally would expect. As a result, it will operate at ~OS "0", not "C", which is consistent with the Comprehensive p:lan. ~ice Mayor Olenik thought they agreed previously that by riestriping that segment, they could get six lanes. 18 + r.';. I'" , .. 1I i" I' . ' MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 Mr. Godfrey replied that the County recently completed a project at Old Boynton Road. Six laning goes through the intersection. There will also be some relief on that sec- tion by the extension of Woolbright Road. Even without that, because of the unique peaking characteristic there, Mr. Godfrey did not see a problem. ~r. Cannon informed Mayor Moore there was a question of ~hether the applicant would be required to six lane ~ongress Avenue between Miner Road and Hypoluxo Road. Mayor Moore asked whether Boynton Beach Boulevard was an issue. ~ccording to Mr. Walker, Mr. Cannon said that would be a non-issue. ~ayor Moore asked whether the right-of-way or anything addi- tional at the intersection or the turns had been discussed, I and he wondered if it was a problem. He alluded to ~r. Ciklin's claim that it never came up before tonight. ~r. Cannon answered that the applicant would have to provide tight-of-ways for whatever turn lanes are recommended in their traffic report. Mr. Ciklin responded that prior to ~onstruction, they will dedicate the right-of-ways, free of ~harge, to any turn lanes that should be accommodated on t.his.property. : Motion re Site Plan ~ommissioner Wische moved that the applicant comply with ~he City's Comprehensive Plan and that this project be ~pproved, subject to all of the statements Mr. Ciklin said ljle will comply with "to make this go". ~r~ Cannon wanted some indication as to whether the ~ommission was agreeing or not agreeing that Congress Avenue ~as to be six laned. Commissioner Wische stated his motion did not include the six laning of Congress Avenue. Vice mayor Olenik felt they should first have a motion on the tezoning before making a motion on the site plan. ,ayor Moore decided to leave Commissioner Wische's motion 9n the table. : Motion re Request for Rezoning I ~ommissioner Weiner moved to approve the request, seconded ~y Commissioner Wische. Motion carried 5-0. 19 . '. " MINUTES - REGULAR CITY COMMISSION MEETING BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA FEBRUARY 20, 1990 Mayor'Moore asked City Manager Miller to see that an Ordinance is prepared. Motion re Site Plan (Continued) ~ayor Moore thought the motion was that the applicant not ~e required to six lane from Miner Road to Hypoluxo Road ~ut they should comply with the right-of~way request on the S. W. corner and anything else set forth in the Comprehensive Plan. Mr. Cannon asked whether the motion included all 9ther staff comments concerning the site plan. Mr. Ciklin ~nswered affirmatively, and Commissioner Wische agreed that Was included in his motion. The motion was seconded by Commissioner Artis and carrried 5-0. PUBLIC HEARINGS ~. project Name: Boynton Nurseries CONTINUED TO MARCH 20, 1990 Agent: Delfin F.' Menendez & Roger G. Saberson Owner: Boynton Nurseries Location: Lawrence Road at the L.W.D.Q. L-2l Canal, NW corner Description: REZONING: Request for rezoning from AG (Agriculture) to a Planned Unit Development with a Land Use Intensity = 4 (PUD W/LUI=4) c. Project Name: Waste Management South .CONTINUED TO MARCH 20, 1990 Agent: Pruitt & Pruitt, P.A. - Dual County Surveyors Owner: Boynton industrial Venture Location: East side of High Ridge Road, between Industrial Way and Miner Road extended Description: ABANDONMENT: Request for the abandonment of a portion of Commerce Park Drive I I ID. Project Name: Waste Management South i i CONTINUED TO MARCH 20, 1990 I i Agent: Pruitt & Pruitt, P.A. - Dual County Surveyors Owner: Boynton Industrial Venture Location: East side of High Ridge Road, between Industrial Way and Miner Road extended Description: ABANDONMENT: Request for the abandonment of a 12 foot by 20 foot drainage easement 20 I 'I , ' , "'1': Jj ;~.'~. 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