APPLICATION ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Memorandum To: City of Boynton Beach From: Erik Wilczek, P.E. Date: February 7, 2003 Subject: Master Plan Modification NATURE OF REQUEST Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. is requesting to modify the Master Plan for Catalina Center. This development is located on the southwest comer of Gateway Boulevard and Congress Avenue (see exhibit "A" - Location Map). The specific request is to construct a single lane drive-thru on an existing 11, 786-sf retail building (currently occupied by Rack Room Shoes) and decorative canopy over the existing entrance. Parcel "A" was approved for retail development. The master plan modification is required for the conditional use of a drive-thru retail pharmacy. . Suite 157 5100 NW, 33rd Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, Florida 33309 rn~(nu~m 1 ::.', I ~ I 'OJ' ~ l_ . , L ,_.J . TEL 954 739 2233 FAX 954 739 2247 ~, (i \ ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. rn I? (~ ~ n \~ [~ ill L~ II li !:T8 I 4 It. February 6, 2003 PLANNING AND ZONING DEPT . 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 Mr. Michael Rumpf Planning Director City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach, Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL. 33425 Re: Traffic Impact Statement for the Redevelopment of Out Parcel 'B' Southwest Corner of Congress Ave and Gateway Boulevard 044628000 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inco was retained to prepare a traffic impact statement for the above mentioned project as part of the requirement for a conditional use application to the City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division. The proposed project is part of an existing 142,224 square foot shopping center that is located in the southwest corner of the intersection of Congress A venue and Gateway Boulevard in Boynton Beach, Florida. The project includes the redevelopment of the existing 11,786 square foot retail out parcel to the east, which is to be replaced with a drive through pharmacy of the same size. Modifications to the building will include the addition of a drive through lane and window as shown on the site pIano The incremental traffic impacts associated with this change were evaluated according to Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standardso Traffic generation was first determined for the existing 142,224 square foot shopping center using the Palm Beach County daily trip rates and ITE Trip Generation rates for AM and PM peak hour rateso The out parcel to the west comprising the 6,238 square foot restaurant was analyzed as a high turn over sit down restaurant and the remaining uses as general retail. Pass-by and internal traffic were removed from the total trip generation to obtain the existing number of net trips generated by the shopping center. The trip generation for the existing uses on the site using the aforementioned methodology is 5,363 daily trips, 154 AM peak hour trips and 491 PM peak hour trips. (See attached table.) A similar method was used to determine the traffic generation associated with the proposed redevelopment of the 11,786 square foot retail out parcel to a pharmacy with drive through. Pass-by traffic and internal capture rates were applied to the total trip generation to obtain the number of new trips generated by the proposed project. The resulting trip generation for the shopping center due to the proposed . TEL 561 845 0665 FAX 561 863 8175 .. . .........--n ........ - ,. ~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Mr. Michael Rumpf, February 6, 2003. Page 2 redevelopment of the 11,786 square foot out parcel would be 5,728 daily trips, 166 AM peak hour trips and 533 PM peak hour trips. (See attached table.) The net change in external trips due the proposed project were determined by subtracting the number of net trips already generated by the existing shopping center from the number of new trips generated by the shopping center with the 11,786 square retail out parcel remodeled as a pharmacy with drive througho The proposed project was found to generate 365 additional new daily tripso The total proposed traffic volume is 107 % of the existing site traffic. Pursuant to Section 15.(1) C Subsection 2 (B) of Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards, an urban redevelopment project is not subject to the traffic performance standard for up to 110% of the traffic generation of the previously existing development. Therefore, based on the percentage increase in traffic over the existing traffic generation, the proposed development will satisfy this provision in the code. In conclusion, the foregoing analysis shows that the proposed redevelopment the 11,786 square foot out parcel in the subject shopping center will not be subject to concurrency based on Section 150(1) C Subsection 2 (B) of Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards since the increase in traffic does not exceed 110% of the existing site traffic. Sincerely, 7Y-HORN AND ASSOCIATES,INC. liy" ~ ~' ~ ~: l/~ 'tf\ Lorin R.C dsett, . Transpor '.' n ~gineer Floricd t~ts~tion NumbeJ56S46 Engineering Bminess Numhe. 696 LRCB/gib Attachments P:I04461280001020603mf,doc TABLE OUT PARCEL 'B' - GA TEW A Y BOULEVARD & CONGRESS A VENUE TRIP GENERATION Land Use Intensity Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Trios Total In Out Total In Out Existinl! Site Traffic Commercial Retail 135,986 s,f 8,306 192 117 75 769 369 400 Restaurant ~ s,f 813 58 30 28 68 41 27 Subtotal 142,224 9,119 250 147 103 837 4/0 427 Internal Capture Commercial Retail 1.05% 87 2 I I 8 4 4 Restaurant 10,07% 82 6 3 3 7 4 3 Subtotal 169 8 4 4 15 8 7 Pass-By Traffic Commercial Retail 42.04% 3,477 80 49 31 322 154 168 Restaurant 15.00% 110 8 4 4 9 6 4 Subtotal 3,587 88 53 35 331 160 172 Net External 5,363 154 90 64 491 242 248 Proposed Site Traffic Commercial Retail 124,200 s.f 7,836 182 III 71 724 348 376 Drugstore (Out Parcel 'B') 11,786 s.f. 1,146 31 18 13 123 60 63 Restaurant ~ s.f. 813 58 30 28 68 41 27 Subtotal 142,224 9,795 271 159 112 915 449 466 Internal Capture Commercial Retail 1.15% 90 2 1 I 8 4 4 Drugstore (Out Parcel 'B') 8.55% 98 3 2 1 11 5 5 Restaurant 8.85% 72 5 3 2 6 4 2 Subtotal 260 10 6 4 25 13 11 Pass-By Traffic Commercial Retail 42.31 % 3,277 76 47 30 303 146 157 Drugstore (Out Parcel'B') 40.00% 419 11 6 5 45 22 23 Restaurant 15.00% III 8 4 4 9 6 4 Subtotal 3,807 95 57 39 357 174 184 Net External 5,728 166 96 69 533 262 271 Net d Change in Traffic % Change in Daily Traffic 365 I 12 5 I 42 I 20 I 23 6 107% Note: Trip generation was calculated using the following data: Daily Traffic Generation Commercial Retail Drugstore High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurant AM Peak Hour Traffic Generation Commercial Retail Drugstore High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurant PM Peak Hour Traffic Generation Commercial Retail Drugstore High-Turnover Sit-Down Restaurant [P.B.C.] [P.B.c.] [P.B.C.] [ITE 820] [ITE 881] [ITE 832] [ITE 820] [ITE 881] [ITE 832] p: 10446\2800\[equiv _0203,xls Jtgen Ln(T) = 0.643 * Ln(X) + 5.866 T = 97.2 Trips per 1,000 s.f. T = 130.34 Trips per 1,000 s.f Ln(T) = 0.596 * Ln(X) + 2.329; (61% in, 39% out) T = 2.66 Trips per 1,000 s.f.; (57% in, 43% out) T = 9.27 Trips per 1,000 s.f.; (52% in, 48% out) Ln(T) = 0.660 * Ln(X) + 3.403 (48% in, 52% out) T = 10.40 Trips per 1,000 s.f.; (49% in, 51% out) T = 10.86 Trips per 1,000 s.f.; (60% in, 40% out) 2/6/2003 7:32 Copyright @2003, Kimley-Horn and Associates, lnc, lMAGEOl FL-O~-iUU~~-~ U~/04/LUU~ iL:i~:~Cpm .," ,', ~toa< ./ "'I<u:UId B. C\ - t tLoL.I :./ ~~ 01UH I:o-!l -....t IOoa BaW'a. rk>aaa ~ {(T-05-19&7 1YI:0VII f!.7-2.4476 no. ____ - ,..,.....I br- Richard H. Cr1teaf1eld Ifarrantg -.eJWtD H. CAITCHf1aD, ..... I2IlI ....... -.. __ ....'Ia"- ROM" au_ lleed (UAtuTOl't' fOIM-SKflIJ. taU! H 1 IIrb J~. 'Z1 !.t ...,~ O~ 5441 P!l 0264 S!ptembllr 1987 . .thDrrtl ~...1lIIt c.& ~. D~veloper$. Inc.. i Con~~cticut corpetat1on ef ,1Ia Cow"", of . s..... '" Conuct'icvt ,1/0__. end New Hallen Ame,'cen Devel0pmen~ Corporation. a New wlla.. POlt oIlb d~,...1s c/o pic:hard E. Soyer 4 Water Street. ~asbv,. olllleeo..",,'" tt111sborollgh .s...e...I Ha~p$htre corpor.t1o~ New Ilampsh1 re 03060 N~" HalllPsh f TII! . CJr....'.. .ttu..nq. 1"'" ...;.1 ,,,,.\Qr, fDI oNl in COllt4d.,CIli,," '" tIur """ oj Teft Ind 140/100 _______.--_________._______________________.__________----..(SlO.OO)~, ..lid olN, cood OfId ....luall\e CO'HId_a:o-. ... lIIi~ pilla, ill hind poid by IOid GflI-, .... ...-.r wlIfnof it. ...",. "dnowl,cfQed. hen aronlWel. b...-Qo;..... olld toW 10 ,_ ..HI 9'''''.... om! g_'l to.;., 0fI4 o<a/gM fa_. ... 'o~ J.""ibnd lalld. litvo... Iyi", ond beinG '" Pal 11 lie I c h ColHltr. flnftcIs. _. SEE rXH121T "Ak ~liA~KED HERETO AftO MADE A PAPT ~EP.EOF. T~e sole consfdel"i.tion 10t t.hls CQn,,~y.n[;1! B t.he partial assumpt.ion "y the Grantee of that certll In 1R0rtgilge in fevor of Uttco OevelOplllent Corporation dated DeCUlbel" 18. 1984 and recorded Oecetbl!r 26. l!lU 111 Offie1111 Records 300k 44~!i at f>age 508 (the ."ortglgI!"M). which lCort!age WIIS aS51gn~d to V~l bOY-II DevelDpment Corp.. II Nlaflle corlloratioll by 1t11"tul! of ttl,t certtill hHT'ua:ent recorded April 1. Ua6 in OHi c1l 1 ll(cOT'd~ ~oClk 4834 It Ptge lSS5. whlcn Mortgage was coll&terally ill55fgnl!"d to hnc8ostoI'J Rul ~stat.e CIP1ul Corporlltfon. II ",as5ic/lusetts c~rpDration. by "f..tlll! of tPllllt lCeru'fn IllstrullIent I"tCOl"oet1 APril 1. 1986 in Official Rteords Ilool: 41134 at Page 1592. III of th@ Public Record5 of Palm Belch Cou~ty. florUI. The 6rtntee hereby ISSI.lIlU lInd "STees to pay that portion of th oUUUI\dfn9 prHll::fplll b.hllc;e of tile "ortg~gf aquiYllent to th~ product Ifhitll resulu from ..ult1plying the outstanding principiI balance of tile Hartg.ge tilll~s Ii fractIon. the nU~~rator of whfch is 13.179 and t.he denominator of which 1s 49.31. C1nd ICIfIl ,..._ ....,. ....by hINt __ tIN ~ III tood Icuo<!, "" "'. ...... .. _ .,tIiMl the Iowlul (~ 01 ..n P""'.' """,""_. .. "Gru.-" of\d "QtOn1M~ 0... "'" fDI lirl;olllll' or p\lItat II _ roquir1ll. In ISUlQIU Ifbrr'Pllf. OIan1lir ""I ,,"_0 MII11lO1llol"l lloIld lIftd _ tile IIay and _ Ii... ..r.."." "'""'"'. ~1l"d. t<>aJ.d anrl daii--.d ia ewe ",__.. ~.~~ ~~r- "~'*")t ... ~ ~;..~Otr ~.! R. Dr~[~'ERS. IH:~. ~ /' ~ // ~ ~l b: Its 1>reS14ent Con Q-~7Q , . JC)ft 8 ~0U9!fe 'Doc ' ""'11ll.CIClfBK - Fa "/lJ-2.H5.z:; 'V\II11 h Fl. lStotl /SHIl /So.OlII StAT( Of CQlllUCTICllT CO\JNT'I' Of NEil HAVEN I HU!llT CEIflp;y \IIaI 011 IhI. d"7 bJv.o -. ..~ oIt_ dul7 tjUOIjl;.d 10 ... ....~ ............, ~ Christoph,r Errichettt. as PreS1dent of C.A R. Oevelopers. Inc.~!.' CO'l.n..e!,t1cut. COI"IlQl"IlUan. .....,> , .:,-. 10 1M "'1M... "...an d.~ lit ..1l4 ...... u",vtId lht .....~ iN"""''''' -' ..J.",,/1.,~~ ~1rr,Jt.o, he _AId 11M 10m.. 4~~;,.r'" ::::~'?(. , Wll'f\I!SS lilY heM end ~l ~ in -. COvIIfl' a".! S_ lell' ,"'-lei akl, ~. .., tf,;~~t"j ;~71 1987. . ,,:t~5;'-.~.~ ,",' c.'.;." . ~""'A -4 ~ M-1-_........' ,. .... .~~ '.. ~fW.'tl llECOaDga;SW2io:'~bl.iitJ ':.:i:: ... ~. <,~, olWld1bC, ~ori'Mlb! ~f&"".Jiatit~ ~~--_.-.. Z"Ci.gu .L OJ. '" I "1 r:-' I~ U6 :~ II IVi l~ , '~~; ,i i ,i J ' I .. I I 1 -~3 I 4"1 i' L PlANr:lt':G AND ZONING DEfL__ J:MAGEOl .0_'" ,-' I jo I' I FL-03-10035-2 02/04 ~03 12:19:56pm - ~ ,.. J =---- ~, ORB 5~~1 Pt 0265 Utl18n~ A- A portIon of lllld ill till SOKtlll!Ut Qllal'tl!r of Sect1011 18. TO~ftsh1p 45 So~th, Ring. 43 Elst, and befng i plrt of the North half of the MOl'tbeast 1/4 of 5ect1ol1 19. TO"ftsh1p 4S South, Rlngm 43 Eut, 1n Pllm Scaetl County, F10ddl and befnll 1I0re part1cular1y described as fol'aw~: tOllloencfng i1t tile East 1/4 cor"e!" of Section 18. t"enc~ South 89'OS'09j1 West. 50.05 feet. 11aa9 pert of tile Itortb Unc of t~e Southeast 1/4 of Section 18. to . point an the West R19ht-of-~IY lhe of Congress A"eDue IS duc.rtbed in Off1c111 Reeol"ds BoOk 129C .t Page 519. thence South at8os'OS. We5t. 1301.41 feet along plrt of the North line af the Southeast 1/4 of S.ctton 18. to the East line of' I tract IS deseri bed fn i d..d 1'roll II. R. field to S~n~y South Estates. Inc.. re~orded 1n Offici.l l.cOrdS BObk 3206 at Page 1070, thtl"c~, South 01.44'21" West, 1370.28 feet, alollQ put of said East line to the South ligllt-of'-Wllt of lIortllw@st 2Zqd A.~Due, 15 deset1bed in Offici.l Reeo'd~ look 1785 at Pig! Hi&!. tbellce Hort.h 811.5915'. East, 30D.U fe!t. alallg '!!lid South R1!1l1t-llf..Way Hne to, the Point of Be!linn1n~. thellce caaHllllhll Nortll 888S!l'56~ E&St, 991.00 fei!t .10ng S4icl South RI9Ilt.of-Wey Hne to the lien line of the 120 foot CoagnS$ Avenue R'igllt-of-lIay. H per Off1cial Ilecords lIook 3560 It rlges IllS through IUO, thence along ufd West Rigbt-of.W.y Hne South 01".4'218 lIut. 64Z.00 feH. thence South 46.441218 West. 35.35 h!t, thence lIorth 811"15'39" West. 199.34 ftet. tD II point of carve tD the right hav'ng , radIus of 600.00 feet, tbellce along tald curve to tht r~ght, an .rc dtstllce of 75.05 feet, Slid arc IInin!i I delta ong1e Of C7"lO'02..,-ttteIltt- SOIf1:/l--t8"'"5-.'22N Wnt. 65.Z1 feet, tbence NOl'th 88C1513'" II'tst. 25..01 feet. thellce Ndrtll Ol"U'21- West, 60.00 teet. thencl North SS.U'''.. West. 3liO.OC feet, thence North 3t847'U" fast. 140.00 feet, Harth 58'12'44" Wut, Uti.OS feet. thelltt 1I0rUI 01c44'Z1. ~est, ZI0.QO feet to t~e South Rfqht-of~W~y line of Nortllw!!t 22nd AYenue Dnd the PDlnt of Be9'nntrt~. aECoiiD"------ _0 GtW~r:B:Ss.KQ!O;.~ ~. Pibit.blg -~~Dl.w.~ o~~~__ _ IlElXlllD VBIIflQl NI.M IIEACII COUI/f'I. fIA .QfH 8.1XJJ14E ..........-............ Pa~ 2 of 2 TOTAL P. 03 POWER OF ATTORNEY To Whom It May Concern: This will authorize Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., whose specimen signature appears below, to act as agent and attorney-in-fact for and on behalf of American Development Corporation, a New Hampshire corporation, in all matters pertaining to the permit applications completed in connection with the development of an Eckerd Drug store at 1901 N. Congress Avenue in the City of Boynton Beach, Florida. SPECIMEN SIGNATURE: b L a // .> .~ CRIK.~W~ AMERICAN DEVELOPMENT CORPORATION, a New Hampshire corporation By: STATE OF FLORIDA COUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instrument was acknowledged before me this 30th day of January, 2003, by Andrew Berger, as President of American Development Corporation, a New Hampshire corporation, on behalf of the corporation. He is personally known to me and did not take an oatho DEBORAH HOWARD ?J!Y COMMISSION # 00046403 . EXPIRES; July 31, 2005 bonded Thru Nolary Public Underwriters /-~~ Pnnt or Type Name: . Notary Public, State of Florida Commission Noo My Commission Expires: 7 - 3(- .2. 00 ~ (SEAm....~;Ji~f;;;;... f';~I.:f...,. "~;: )'J ",\~" .,l. '1 '<r:o"':.f\.<?~~l ,ft,,,,....,..:'".I\. .. ~.,...~ [0) ~ @ ~ ~ W ~ I~ l~ I. i 4 c ! llU L-- ,._-_._~ PLAN~IiNG AND ZONING DEPT PROJECT NAME: ~ker't:""@ CataUnp Ji'C kf'n () fJ R./)c~ ~ IA ei LOCATION: 1895 N. Congress Avenue fkt PCN: 08-43-45-18-15-001-0000 I FILE NO.: MP~ O~~2. .~ I TYPE OF APPLICATION: ,('/?p ,!"l . -OJ::> Master Plan Modification AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Andrew Berger Erik Wilczek, P .E. American Development Corp. Kimley Horn & Assoc. Inc. PHONE: PHONE: 954-739-2233 FAX: FAX: 954-739-2247 ADDRESS: 1100 Linton Blvd. Ste C9 ADDRESS: Suite 157 Delray Beach, FL 33444-1146 5100 NW 33rd Avenue Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Date of submittal/Proiected meetin2 dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 2/14/03 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 3/3/03 PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: 4/1/03 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 4/22/03 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 5/6/03 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Eckerd Drugs Projects\MPMD 03-002 @ Catalina\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO,doc