Department of Engineering
and Public works
P.O. Box 21229
West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229
(561) 684-4000
Palm Beach County
Board of County
Karen T. Marcus. Chair
Tony Masilotti. Vice Chairman
Jeff Koons
Warren H. Newell
Mary McCarty
Burt Aaronson
Addie L. Greene
County Administrator
Robert Weisman
"An Equal Opportunity
Affirmative Action Employer-
@ printed on recycled paper
February 19, 2004
Mr. Michael Rumpf
Director Planning & Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310
RE: Fire Station # 4
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic generation statement for
the project entitled; Fire Station # 4, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in
Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is
summarized as follows:
Existing Use:
Proposed Uses:
New Daily Trips:
New PH Trips:
SW Quadrant of SW 18th Avenue and US-1 intersection.
Boynton Beach
8,179 SF Fire Station.
10 AM and 12 PM
Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the proposed project meets
the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits are to be
issued by the town, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic
concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the Traffic
Performance Standards Ordinance.
If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030.
/l'/}. .
Masoud Atefi, SC
Sr. Engineer - T IC Division
cc: Pinder Troutman Consulting, Inc.
File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review
F :\TRAFF IC\ma\Admin\Approvals\040128 .doc
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
From: Mike Flattery
Attn: David Stump
Date: December 16, 2003
Re: Boynton Beach Fire Rescue # 4 - TRC Comments
We Are Sending You:
Attached X
Under separate cover via Delivered
Shop Drawings
Copy of letter
10 Sets of TRC Plans signed and sealed
7 Sets of Comments
Set of 8-1/2 x 11" TRC Plans
If material received is not as listed, please notify us at once
Copy To: David Liu
TO: Sherie Coale, Senior Office Assistant
FROM: Ed Breese, Principal Planner
DATE: November 20,2003
SUBJECT: Fire Station #4 ---- 1 SI Review Comments
Please include the following comments in the TRC reVIew of the above-mentioned
1. Since the overhead bay doors must be oriented towards Federal Highway, these
doors should not be the typical industrial style product. They should be
architecturally enhanced, aesthetically pleasing, painted to blend with the building
and accent the architecture of the building. Additionally, a Community Design
Plan Appeal (CDP A) application must be submitted by the applicant concurrent
with the site plan. The appeal should indicate the necessity to orient the bay doors
as proposed and how the applicant is attempting to mitigate their appearance
through design, landscaping or other measures. Site plan approval shall be
contingent upon Commission approval of the CDPA.
2. All equipment placed on the walls of the structure shall be painted to match the
3. The parking calculations depicted in the Parking Requirements Table on Sheet
C 1.1 indicate a requirement for 5 parking spaces. The requirement is 1 parking
space per 300 square feet of office area and 1 parking space for each bunk.
With 7 general bunks and 2 officer bunks, and a calculation of 1 parking space per
each bunk (dormitory unit), a total of 9 parking spaces would be required. Then
estimating approximately 600 square feet of office space at 1 parking space per
300 square feet, an additional 2 parking spaces would be required for a total of 11.
Additionally, the Parking Requirements Table indicates a total of parking
provided of 22 spaces and 1 HIC space. The plans however depict 20 parking
spaces, plus 1 HIC space and 1 loading space. Please make these corrections and
amend the numeral "5" in the parking aisle containing the loading space to reflect
the numeral "4".
4. Update Mayor And Commissioner names on the title sheet.
5. The "No Right Turn" sign at the exit of the rear parking spaces should be "No
Left Turn".
6. Place a "Do Not Enter" sign at the backside of the "Stop" sign at Federal
Highway to provide adequate notification on both sides of the apparatus bay exit
7. Consider a concrete apron completely to the connection to Federal Highway from
the apparatus bays, rather then matching asphalt up to a partial concrete apron.
8. What consideration is being given to properly closing off the two (2) cross access
drives connecting the property to the north?
9. Indicate the height of the Coconut Palms on the plans.
10. On the landscape plan, ensure that the plant quantities match between the tabular
data and the graphic illustration. It would appear incorrect relative to the Yellow
Tabs, Indian Hawthorne and Fak. Grass. If indeed incorrect, ensure any
modification results in maintaining the 50% native requirement.
11. Crown-of- Thoms are depicted on the drawing, but not accounted for on the Plant
12. No mitigation plan has been submitted for the trees currently located on the site.