CORRESPONDENCE DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment July 17,2002 Mr. A.M.Abdallah Malek & Associates, Inc. 253/257 NE 2nd Avenue Delray Beach, FL. 33444 Re: Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach-Handicap Space Relocation MMSP 02-053 Dear Mr. Abdallah: In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of the modification proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the relocation of handicap parking stalls as shown on the revised plans date stamped 07/10/02 is "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review. This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subject to the following conditions: 1. On the plans, indicate by note that the handicap parking and striping shall be placed In accordance with City Standard Drawing B-9800l. 2. Provide elevation at the handicap ramps and provide a detail showing compliance with the Florida Accessibility Code. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. ~~lY, ;1-/J C=>(U~~ 6ldav Lusia Ga1av, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Jose Alfaro, Planner S:IPlanninglSHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIOutpatient Center of Boynton BeachIMMSP 02-053 Handicap Parking Re-locationlApproval Leller.doc City of Boynton Beach . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phnntll. 1~1\ 7.4'~.1~ . \AI\MN r:i .......vntnn.N:a.arh flue. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT BUILDING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-202 TO: Technical Review Committee Members FROM Marshall Gage, Police Chief Jeff Livergood, Public Works Director John Wildner, Parks Director John Guidry, Utilities Director Mike Rumpf, Planning & Zoning Director Steve Gale, Deputy Fire Chief Don Johnson, Building Officialt!){} September 19,2002 DATE: RE: ISSUANCE OF CERTIFICATE OF OCCUPANCY PROJECT NAME: BOYNTON OUTPATIENT CENTER ADDRESS: 2401 SOUTH SEACREST BLVD. PERMIT #: 01-2841 CONTRACTOR: PETRA BUILDERS, INC. The above referenced project is nearing completion. Prior to the Building Division issuing the Certificate of Occupancy, I would like to ensure that you do not have any outstanding or pending conditions concerning this site that must be rectified (excluding issues that are covered entirely with a City approved surety). If any outstanding conditions are related to permits issued by the Building Division, please provide this division a memorandum containing a description of the unresolved conditions. If the unresolved conditions are not permit related, please notify the owner or the owner's agent to ensure that the matters are rectified. Please respond to me, within ten (10) days, in order that we may proceed in a timely manner to issue the Certificate of Occupancy. No response is necessary if your department is satisfied with the current state of the above referenced site. Thank you for your cooperation. DJ:rs XC: Timothy K. Large, Building Code Administrator Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist Frantz LaFontant, Engineering Inspector II Permit File # 01-2841 S:\Development\BUILDING\Building Code Administrator\TRC lO DAY MEMOS\l 0 Day Memo-Boynton Outpatient Cntr.dot DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING MEMORANDUM NO PZ 02-139 TO: Laurinda Logan Senior Engineer FROM: Lusia Galav j J . Principal Pl~ DATE: July 12,2002 SUBJECT: Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach MMSP 02-053 Please review the attached Minor Modification application and provide your comments to me by Tuesday, July 16, 2002. Thank you for your cooperation DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 02-149 TO: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning FROM: Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer DATE: July 16, 2002 RE: Outpatient Center of Boynton Beac Minor Site Plan Modification MMSP 02-053 Lusia, At your request I reviewed the requested relocation of the handicap parking stalls modification on the above referenced site plan. The proposed relocation site is acceptable. I also offer the following comments: o On the plans, indicate by note that the handicap parking and striping shall be placed in accordance with City Standard Drawing 8-98001. o The engineer needs to provide elevations at the handicap ramps and provide a detail showing compliance with the Florida Accessibility Code. Please let me know if you have any questions regarding my comments or if I can be of further assistance. You can reach me at extension 6482. LUck xc: Jeff Livergood, P.E, Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, P.E./P.S.M., Utility Engineer, Engineering (via e-mail) Eric Johnson, Planner, Planning & Zoning File i~~i'~ - . :' 1//1' . JlJl I ,~ iJ ""'''''''- J:\SHRDATA\Engineering\Logan\Plan Reviews\Outpatient Center Minor Mod.doc . - .- PROJECT NAME: Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach LOCA TION: 2401 South Seacrest Blvd. PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 02-053 I TYPE OF APPLlCATION:Minor Modification to Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: A.M. Abdallah PHONE: Malek & Associates, Inc. FAX: PHONE: 561-272-1800 ADDRESS: FAX: 561-272-0008 ADDRESS: 253/257 NE 2nd A venue Delray Beach, FL. 33444 Date of submittaVProiected meetine: dates: SUBMITTAL/RESUBMITTAL 7/10/02 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Outpatient Center of Boynton Beach\MMSP 02-053 Handicap Parking Re-Iocation\2002 PROJECT TRACKING IN FO.doc Malek & Associates, Inc. Consulting Engineer~___ Tel (:'61) 272-1X()() Fa.\. (:,() I) 272-()()()X 253/257 NE 2nd, Avenue __j2cJr~ 8~;Jch~fJ :n14-i Established 1977 Allthorization # 2:' I X Michael Rumpf, Director City of Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FI 33425-0310 July 9th, 2002 Re: Minor Site Plan modification The Outpatient Project 2401 South Seacrest Blvd. Boynton Beach, Florida File # 01-794L36 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Enclosed for your review and/or approval, please find 4 sets of minor modified site plan of the above referenced project, including $100 processing fee. The requested changes are to relocate the two- (2) handicap parking spaces from the east side of the building, facing the entrance driveway, to the north side of the building for safety. Ramp and hand railing shall be provided to the new location. The subject matter was discussed on 7/3/2002 with Lusia Galav, AICP & Eric Lee Johnson, Planner of the City of Boynton Beach. Your attention to this matter shall be greatly appreciated. Sincerely yours, Malek & Associates, Inc. ~/ ., B l!v'j/4/~ ~ -~ =:::::=::;A;tvt.;--; lr;~- -~-- J'5 ,., " ------ -. ille ~~~ :-:~ml ~~ I . 1::;' -. . . - '. , . I'-'=""","-n'''~__., .c,; ...,.'?/) c~ , ,;;xr'~ Time and Date of Meeting .;> 713. ~ 2- Those attending meeting: .. C/1..U . --:1 ~ C{\ /' PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS Applicant's Name: :>? f~- Phone: ,2 '72 ./Cr)O 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? . STAFF MEMBERS NAME: 2. LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) I1LttJia-:h'~~ (~~ /1 8.8. .--4'1_ S';.::-> ? ~ 3. WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION. CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? VARIANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? ll{DUSTRlALPROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? " 4. TIME AL'ID DATE PREFERRED 5. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the persoll that someone from the Department will call them to confirm the meeting. .................................................................................. . Pre-application meetings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (1) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with Mike or Lusia. . Meetinl!s may be scheduled: Monday afternoons Tuesday all day Wednesday all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m. meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between 11:30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. S:\P I ann ing\Plann ing\Pre-app licationcontactquestions.doc C"''' .{ I (> A" \ f tV \ C '\fL 0 ~ f{S.~ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG l\JEETING DATE: 7-? '-0 Z-- APPLICATIONS: (Y\ ZONING DISTRICT: PROJECT NA1\1E: T'he' L ATTENDING STAFF: 'L ATTENDING AS APPLICANT: PHONE: NA1"IE OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: I TIlYIE: j " (/ D ~ l t;. ~ 0 0 I~ Met I ct I FAX: C?f. bt1q Jl qJ PROJECT ADDRESS: SEN:-R-S PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPA1'{CY: DATE SUBMITTAL RECEIVED: DATE DEl'11ED: COMl\1ENTS: Need ~ i I M- 1~ I FA...X: I ~ I" Q ~'\tVV) ('2 ~ VY\Ct.-t A he o I ~ J:\SHRDATA\Pl:Jnning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\.PRE APPLIC.-\TIO:-;S ~lEETL'\;G LOGS\Pre-Applic:ltion ~(cctin;: Log.do.: : ( PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: ;, {- ~-oZ- TIME: t4~DD ~ t~: PO ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: M. A-W tAtltl h NOTICE: The purpose of this conf~rence shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-applic:ltion conference are not . binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on :lctual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendincr Staff /LJ IlfJfl{ I I I I I I I I I I ~J~~ ., J;\SHRDA T A\.PLA.."Ii'lL'iG\SHARED\ WP\FOR.\IS\PRE-APPL i\lEETf.'iG-SIGN L"o'SHEET.DOC