CORRESPONDENCE " DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment May 21,2001 Chris Hair, Project Manager Anderson Architecture Inc. 399 West Camino Gardens Drive, suite 202 Boca Raton, FL 33432 Re: Curt G. Joa - Parking Lot MMSP 01-034 Dear Mr. Hair: In response to your request for the administrative review and approval of the modifications proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the parking lot changes as shown on the revised plans date stamped 05/16/01 are "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review. This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application subject to the following condition(s): 1. lfthe scope of the project demands removal of plant material then such plant material must be relocated to an area subject to approval ofthe City Forester. Be advised that the proposed changes may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. ~:OrelY, Ofu~iA /!dc.v Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner Cc: Jose Alfaro, Planner \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\ WP\PROlECTS\Curl G loa - MMSP\ApprovalLetter.doc ? City of Boynton Beach . 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425'{)310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.f1.us architecture, inc. 27 March 2001 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Zoning Division RE: Curt G. Joa - Site Demolition COMM.: 99-073 Dear Sir or Madam: The attached plans indicate proposed changes to the property located at 1500 North High Ridge Road in Boynton Beach. The scope of work to the site includes: . Removal of a portion of concrete sidewalk and removal of a small amount of asphalt and curbing with the intent of reconfiguring three existing parking spaces. There shall be new asphalt and curbing to replace as a result. There shall be no reduction in parking. . One space shall be made hand i-cap accessible to comply with current codes. . There shall be new concrete walkways to connect the parking to the new building entry. . A new masonry planter is proposed. We are not increasing the building square footage as a result of the proposed work. This letter is a request for determination that the proposed work is 'minor' and not required to be submitted through the complete site plan review process. Project Manager w[~~~ I b/UO~ i\ ' z" ",,~:'; Sincerely, a ,:) - ?./.--- Chris Hair 399 W. CAMINO GARDENS BLVD. . SUITE 202 · BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 . V: 561.362.0220 . F: 561.362.0224 . www.andersonarchitecture.com AA C001997 399 W CAMINO GARDENS BLVD, SUITE 202 BOCA RATON, FLORIDA 33432 V: 561,362.0220 architecture, inc. F: 561.362.0224 www.andersonarchitecture.com TRANSMITTAL DATE: :0. -z.'.f:' \ COMM: -9~.o13 TO: ~r~,A~ Gt,.l,J MA-ti- U~ RE: UJ~",\ ~.. ~~ WE ARE SENDING YOU: ~TTACHED / VIA ~INTS o SPECIFICATIONS o FAX (_PAGES) _HARD COPY TO FOllOW o REPRODUCABlES o SHOP DRAWINGS / SUBMITTALS o CD'S/DISKS o COPIES SETS SIZE DATE REV DESCRIPTION 2- 4- <:;.. ~ REMARKS: /' i\ Zl COPIES: SIGNED: ~\~ ~Pd 12- PROJECT NAME: Curt G Joa - Parking Lot LOCATION: 1500 High Ridge Road, Boynton Beach, Florida 33426 COMPUTER ID: 01-85000034 PERMIT #: I FILE NO.: MMSP 01-034 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Minor site plan modification. AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER/APPLICANT: Curt G Joa Chris Hair, Project Manager PHONE: (561 732-7177 PHONE: 561-362-0220 FAX: N/A FAX: 561-362-0224 ADDRESS: 1500 High Ridge Road Boynton ADDRESS: 399 West Camino Gardens Beach, FL 33426 Blvd. Boca Raton, Florida 33432 Date of submittal/Projected meetin~ dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 05-16-01 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD: CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: \\CH\MAIN\SHRDA T A \Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Curl G loa - MMSP\200I PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc