REVIEW COMMENTS 6.A.l KERVERN SWIMMING POOL VARIANCE DEVE'lOPMENT SERVICES DEPARTME'lrt PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION MEMORANDUM #01-014 Staff Report for Planning and Development Board and City Commission Meeting Date: August 28, 2001 Location: ZNCV 01-018 - Pool rear setback from property line 2522 SW 1 ih Street (Lot #25, Block 19, Golfview Harbour 2nd Section) File No: Owner: George P. and Colette M. Kervern Project: Pool addition to a single-family house zoned R-1-M Request: Request for a variance from the City of Boynton Beach Land Development Regulations, Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11, E., to allow a swimming pool at four (4) feet from the rear property line in lieu of the eight (8) feet required by code for a single-family residential dwelling zoned R-1-M. BACKGROUND The subject property and neighborhood are currently zoned R-1-M, single-family residential. The property is located between SW 1 ih Street to the west and the canal known as Lazy Lake to the east, where the canal widens resembling a lake (see Exhibit "A" - location map). The house built on the property in 1985 was constructed with a rear setback of twenty (20) feet, therefore limiting the possibilities for the construction of accessory structures. The twenty (20) foot rear setback was achieved through avariance granted in 1971. The applicant has requested relief from the above-referenced code requirements to allow for the construction of a pool addition in the rear yard (see Exhibit liB" - survey). ANAL YSIS The code states that the zoning code variance can not be approved unless the board finds the following: a. That special conditions and circumstances exist which are peculiar to the land, structure, or building involved and which are not applicable to other lands, structures or buildings in the same zoning district. b. That the special conditions and circumstances do not result from the actions of the applicant. c. That granting the variance requested will not confer on the applicant any special privilege that is denied by this ordinance to other lands, buildings, or structures in the same zoning district. d. That literal interpretation of the provisions of this ordinance would deprive the applicant of rights commonly enjoyed by other properties in the same zoning district under the terms of the ordinance and would work unnecessary and undue hardship on the applicant. e. That the variance granted is the minimum variance that will make possible the reasonable use of the land, building, or structure. Page 2 File No. ZNCV 01-018 f. That the grant of the variance will be in harmony with the general intent and purpose of this chapter [ordinance] and that such variance will not be injurious to the area involved or otherwise detrimental to the public welfare. The analysis of this request is focused on the applicant's response to the above criteria contained in Exhibit "C". As stated by the applicant there are special conditions and circumstances attributed to building design. As a result, the building rear setback was permitted to be placed at the distance of twenty (20) feet from the property line as opposed to the twenty-five (25) feet required by code, therefore limiting the applicant possibilities for further improvements (see Exhibit "B" - survey). The twenty (20) foot rear setback was the subject of a variance request approved on August 23, 1971. Staff acknowledges the potential for creating certain hardships by the City permitting such setback, and concludes that criteria "b" above is met. Applicant has stated that the granting of this variance request will not confer any special privilege. City records indicate that out of 336 parcels on the Plat of Golfview Harbour, Section 2, ninety (90) lots have been the subject of variance approval since 1970, 88 of them for rear setbacks; it was not possible to determine whether the approved rear setbacks were to allow structural additions or to allow the construction of swimming pools (see Exhibit liD" - variances map). Based on the previous reasoning, staff concurs with the applicant that the approval of this variance request will not confer any special privilege that has not been granted to others, and that doing otherwise, would deprive the applicant of rights enjoyed by others in the same area and same zoning district. Lastly, staff believes that granting this variance will have minimal impacts upon the neighborhood considering that the rear of the subject property, similar to the locations where 42 similar variances were approved, fronts the canal known as Lazy Lake. Staff inspected the area and it was noted that most of the properties fronting the canal have a seawall plus a small dock constructed along the water line. Also, it was noted that some of the properties include swimming pools; however, the lack of records prevented the determination of other setbacks, but it was noted an ample green area between the canal waters' edge and the building's lines or the pools water's edge. It seemed that the ample green area was a combination of the properties rear yard and the canal right-of-way, as it can be seen in the survey for the subject property. Obviously, the extra space provided by the canal right-of-way minimizes any negative impacts upon the neighborhood. Therefore, staff concludes that granting the variance request will not be injurious nor detrimental to the public welfare. RECOMMENDATION Staff concludes that the approval of the requested variance will allow a more reasonable use of the property while beautifying the canal-lake area, while allowing the applicant a better enjoyment of his property. Furthermore, staff believes that the applicant has met hardship criteria above, as 1) the applicant inherited the current situation; 2) no special privilege will be confer to the applicant other than the ones already confered to others; 3) negative impacts upon the neighborhood will be minimized by the natural separation existing between rear properties provided by the lake; and 4) Two (2) adjacent property owners support the subject request, including the owner of the property located nearest to the proposed pool location (no objections to this application have been received by staff). . Therefore, staff recommends that the request for relief from Chapter 2, Zoning, Section 11 ,E., to allow a swimming pool located at four (4) feet from the rear property line in lieu of the eight (8) feet required by code, be approved. No conditions of approval are recommended; however, any conditions of approval added by the Planning and Development Board or City Commission will be placed in Exhibit "E ". MR/JA Attachments S:IPlanningISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIKervern VariancelStaff Report,doc ,..... ~ o LOCATION MAP Kervern Property EXHIBIT "A" -V;~~:~.I? :'~~_':.~;~,:i:t:';~f;~~)/~.':,I; M;;:;=~~r/).~~ . ';}$; :- i~.':;~k.::~;~.!' ~~\1\~1~~~\ " >~\. ~, , ~ !~ ~'~;~~~;~:~~:~~: P-~~'~~~~1I"::::; :~'~~:~~{'~~I" r~- ~~]' ~~!~ ~ ~ \~ ~~ ~~' ",,' ~.\..\!,.. I:..~')t~K-Els-:~o.,-F:q,..': ',~ ~Lb I!\~~;i~ ;:' ; - , ~'1t~~.::~~;-,~. S.c~:~:~':'~i::"r ,;' ~~~~I: ~ 1-~, ~"'.' ..' ~I '\'~ ~I ~ "':t".;l;"'> ,. ..-.11".,.' '....0. ...' ~ ' ',' M.. 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V ..; 0 <:!: ~ :J ; ~ o ) 0 Q. ~ y.c. ,'U 3 1: III 7 , ~ ~ -~ ~ 1 ?; J ..w rJ 't. 7 \- 7 _ 0 ... -u_3a-"d: ~l-oo.4 -JJ <:J .,... 0 " ~ ~~~:!~i I~€~-;-3 u - € 0" f' ll- 0 ) . J I) :z t$J ;t ~ l.!,j ~ Ct::: ~~ 'l:!l.!,j <.~ ~ ,:::-,Ct::: ~a ~~ \.)~ '0 "" "" ...., ...., ~ h '~ ~;-- ~..... " r:: ::t;:' ~C'J\.) ~ ;r:: 2:i ~f..,.;Q:l -.;::::::<; c.::: 0 "- C'J f.,;. ~"" ~ ~""a cl::~Q:l ...... "" '0 '0 '" :::: <:; -c E: ~ ~ co ~ ~ L.\ (- r '\ _\O\)..:::}v .------- -" -..-.,-.------.----.------------------- r)r?,ee 0 1(\ ..~ v' ~ ,#r'. ~ !. - .; : ' . :, \ i:l : ,',' " \ ~? ! / 7Q.S"'( EXHIBIT "B" . \r1{(l L .t.J,c,-A LA. L.. 'i // l ~ \l.--t: ~ ~... ,- L.~~F.E. ( r EXHIBIT "e" July 2, 2001 City of Boynton Beach Planning and Development Board Dear Sir or Madam: /B) In response to the six questions A-F in section 5. A) The special condition and circumstance that exist is the amount of property available behind my house to build a swimming pool. The total distance from the back of my house to the seawall is 35 ft. The survey of my property shows that there is 20 ft available to build a pool (distance from house to actual property lineO. Chapter 2 Section 11.E building code requires that the pool is 8 ft from the rear property line. I am requesting a 4 ft variance that would allow for a 12 ft wide pool with a 4 ft deck between screened porch and the water line of the pool an the west side and a 4 ft deck between the sea wall and the property line on the east side. This variance would not affect any property or neighbor behind me as my property is located on a small lake. I am not the original owner or builder of the house and therefore did not have the opportunity to leave the required distance as indicated by the code above. C) This variance will not affect any other property owner, as there are no other properties located directly behind my parcel of land. The rear portion of this parcel has a seawall separating the land from the lake, There are numerous homes in Golf view Harbor that appear to have pools in the rear area of the property that do not meet the strict distance of the building code above. I have included photographs and addresses of these properties for review. D) As stated in "c" above, there are numerous homes in the neighborhood that appear to have pools in the rear area of the property that do not meet the strict distance of the building code above. These families enjoy the pleasure of having a pool directly located in their backyard. I would like the opportunity for my family to enjoy the use of a pool in my backyard. In addition, a pool will increase the overall value of my house and property. E) The 4 ft variance requested is the minimum variance that will make it possible for me to build a pool. This variance would allow me to build a pool that is 12 ft wide (smaller than the average 15 ft wide pool size). F) This request for a variance is solely for the purpose of building a pool in the rear portion of my property, In no way would this variance be injurious to the area involved or to the public welfare of the Golfview Harbor neighborhood, G) Sincerely, 2522SW 12TH ST . BOYNT PHONE: 369-0634 . FAX: 622-2005 ~ '~ARIANCES MAP ;SW23-'RD-"~\~E- ~~ ~ I~ ~ It! J ~11~1~ .1 E1'XIH/',l...,l]S' '''T'";'D'' '1 ~ ~D 7, I"" I ,;', -;;- ,,' / If. ,~ IJ !!-r!J .~-I!-: i~ .~Zj. .~ ,J.!<. [ 1': oil .: 'W ~24 ~~FI ~.'~ ,1- ~, /0 2.- I1,T ~ r' 1.. J- z,- ' Ie ......... ,- ........ 1\'......~ - . ,/ ,~..... . ' LAKE" t c ~ 2.'3 ::;.'" fR if 551,,;)2- ~ , Q , " <<' VARIANCES APPROVED I' () : UAZY LAKE zi1-- 4;s~ <: / / ~ ~ j, ~ ;, 7$" " II zi 36 :;....- ...- 1-- 3..' b j., " 7S- 9. ~'?J.. ,~ 7'" ~_I '3;: 33' 'J4 -- - =-- " I. -" ....... 7r I !!-- ,~ ~.' ~ 3J .9. ' \... l\'J I;" :} , , Yl I!$. I" 1(,' 'Y y,:'-- ~~-~. ~ ~ /-.4"'-'28 5'vV -1 Ie. 1, u 1,s- >/ Ilepr. 08/01 i:' !.!, 10 , - -,.~ EXHIBIT "E" Conditions of Approval Project name: George P. and Colette M. Kervem residence File number: ZNCV-01-018 (swimming pool rear setback) R fi Z' C d V' A l' t' d t d J I 18 2001 e erence: OlllnQ" o e anance \.nnl1ca IOn a e UlV DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS Comments: None UTILITIES Comments: None FIRE Comments: None POLICE Comments: None ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: None BUILDING DIVISION Comments: None PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: None PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: None ADDITIONAL PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT BOARD CONDITIONS Comments: To be determined. ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION CONDITIONS Comments: To be determined. S:IPLANNINGISHARED\WPIPROJECTSIKERVERN VARIANCEICOND, OF APPR P&D SIDE SETBACK.DOC