CORRESPONDENCE ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Beril Kruger [bkruger@bellsouth.net] Friday, October 03, 2003 2: 14 PM Rumpf, Michael RE: Administrative Appeal ~ EJ 2. 09-26-03 Rumpf Sidewk Waive... Please read the letter attached and especially notice the RE: at the top. Beril -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael [mailto:RumpfM@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Friday, October 03, 2003 12:19 PM To: 'bkruger@bellsouth.net' Cc: Breese, Ed Subject: RE: Administrative Appeal Beril, I was told that the correspondence to date regard solely the Car Wash site and not the Texaco site. Perhaps this is due to the timing of the TRC reviews which triggered the Car Wash project first. Although I assume you intend to request a waiver for both sidewalk segments, and intend to request the appeal to apply to both parcels/projects, the correspondence does not reflect this. This really doesn't impact the review and process but for the accuracy of documents and files, you should clarify through either separate letters for each segment or a single letter stating both. I was asked by the reviewers to communicate this situation and request clarification. Please contact should you have any questions. Thank you, Mike Rumpf Planning & Zoning Director City of Boynton Beach 742-6260 -----Original Message----- From: Beril Kruger [mailto:bkruger@bellsouth.net] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 5:11 PM To: Rumpf, Michael Subject: RE: Administrative Appeal Mike: I will be bringing in the $400 dollars, $200 for the additional variances and $200 for the appeal. I do not think it should take any additional time for the staff report for the appeal as I notified the Engineering Department and Eric the day of the TRC meeting. I told Eric that I would be appealing the Engineering Departments decision of denying my "sidewalk waiver." They were discussing it at the TRC meeting and it was supposed to be a comment or something at the City Commission meeting when the petition is heard. I had already written a request for the sidewalk to be waived prior to the TRC meeting. The only reason I sent you a seperate request was I thought you might have wanted one. Thanks, Beril 1 -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael [mailto:RumpfM@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 10:18 AM To: 'Beril Kruger' Cc: Breese, Edj Coale, Sherie Subject: Administrative Appeal Beril, I reviewed your filing of the administrative appeal and have directed staff to establish the file. Please include an application fee of $200 which you can submit with the outstanding additional amount for the variances. I understand that Max has contacted you regarding the variance fee tabulation and additional owed. Let me know if you have not been informed. As for scheduling, having just received the appeal notice last week, our schedule would place this on the November meeting. Although we have an extra week this month to prepare, and it is not a complex item, it will depend on staff load in determining whether we can add an additional report to the current agenda knocking of a month of the review time. Let me know if you have any questions and I will keep you informed. Mike 2 ~~~~\Y 0,,' ,': .....\ (~~ ~i" "/'0>1 ' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 03-190 TO: FROM: Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer ~-~,..-::> October 3, 2003 ~ ( DATE: RE: Sidewalk Waiver Request Maroufs Carwash Ed, As you know Engineering received a request for an administrative waiver from Beril Kruger regarding placement of sidewalk for the above referenced project. They request that they be relieved of the requirement to place sidewalk along the property line fronting Las Palmas Drive. This requirement was placed on the site plan for this project, and the Gateway Texaco project, as a condition of approval. This request is for Marouf's Carwash only. The Engineering Division has denied this request for the following reasons: · It IS a requirement, as stated in the LDR, Chapter 22, Article I, Section 5, Engineering Design Handbook & Construction Standards Chapter 3, and as shown on Standard Details P-1 through P-4. · This property, as well as the Gateway Texaco, is located between Federal Highway and a residential area. Additionally a new residential subdivision, The Harbors, is under construction immediately across the street from these properties. Given the traffic increases created by the new carwash, as well as surrounding properties, it is critical that pedestrian paths be provided. If you have any questions or need additional information please feel free to give me a call at x6482. Either Jeff Livergood or myself will be available to discuss this at the Commission meeting. LUck Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, P.E./P.S.M., City Engineer (via e-mail) File S:\Engineering\Kribs\Maroufs Carwash, Sidewalk Waiver Request.doc ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Beril Kruger [bkruger@bellsouth.net] Monday, September 29,20035:11 PM Rumpf, Michael RE: Administrative Appeal Mike: I will be bringing in the $400 dollars, $200 for the additional variances and $200 for the appeal. I do not think it should take any additional time for the staff report for the appeal as I notified the Engineering Department and Eric the day of the TRC meeting. I told Eric that I would be appealing the Engineering Departments decision of denying my "sidewalk waiver." They were discussing it at the TRC meeting and it was supposed to be a comment or something at the City commission meeting when the petition is heard. I had already written a request for the sidewalk to be waived prior to the TRC meeting. The only reason I sent you a seperate request was I thought you might have wanted one. Thanks, Beril -----Original Message----- From: Rumpf, Michael [mailto:RumpfM@ci.boynton-beach.fl.us] Sent: Monday, September 29, 2003 10:18 AM To: 'Beril Kruger' Cc: Breese, Edj Coale, Sherie Subject: Administrative Appeal Beril, I reviewed your filing of the administrative appeal and have directed staff to establish the file. Please include an application fee of $200 which you can submit with the outstanding additional amount for the variances. I understand that Max has contacted you regarding the variance fee tabulation and additional owed. Let me know if you have not been informed. As for scheduling, having just received the appeal notice last week, our schedule would place this on the November meeting. Although we have an extra week this month to prepare, and it is not a complex item, it will depend on staff load in determining whether we can add an additional report to the current agenda knocking of a month of the review time. Let me know if you have any questions and I will keep you informed. Mike 1 Iff F--( -hk ( ~f, Michael From: Sent: To: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Monday, September 29,200311 :35 AM 'Beril Kruger' Gateway Texaco project Beril, I was just reminded by staff working on your items that the administrative appeal awarded previously for the Texaco expansion (of a non-conforming use) involved the request specifically for 600 feet. Your files should reflect this as well as the approval letter which limits the approval/expansion to a maximum of 600 feet. Staff will be contacting you but I wanted to give you a "heads up". Mike 1 :eptemblr 23,!003 2:29 PM From: Beril Kruger r..~ Number: 561.265.4611 Page 1 of 2 ~.-l.__...._.,__-."_ ",,,':Ift fit BE~ILKRlIGE1Y. l' - Planning ~l Zoning CI)naulf:all1t i~ Northeast 16th Sl:reet Dedray 8.each, Floridr 334'~4 Tele hone: (fi61 2,95-4983 - Fa:c: (SEi1) 2SS..4lJ11 , I _1_____.__1__1 '_1_""." II FAX '"RA~'ISMITTAI_ S'.II:I:T I~ _1_........_.,I_I.ij,JO 1'0: l~chael Rumpf, Director Fu ,~Cl.: 742-6259 AM_PM X Compan,': Bo'mt:OllBe:E~l..:~~___ ._._._ Transmiued by: _l~____.___._._ ......._ Date Tn 'smi1te~: _ SEE~~~.____ .___..' ::1): Total palJ8S linc:ludinn tmns'nittal 811 lI,tl: _:L ..._. Fhore No.: lirne Transmitted: 2:28 ... 11_1 _1_.......II_.II_I.mUIUUfII MESSAGE: ~ .l__._...I_.II_I.~iJI 1.-, _f___.__...._....,_.....,...,.--....-:-1f.~ If yoU do not receive all of the pillS", Dlea.,e, call r'5Ittllf~~ I~ !..IIJUZ(lll!!) Do.slbl.. '~, '1.1 .1_........'__II_Jlf'Inri'. THE INFORMATION CONTAINED IN THIS FP,CSIMILE MES:iiAGE IS INTENDED O'~LY FOI~ THE UJI: ~ OF THE INDIVIDUAL OR ENTITY ,~BOV1I:. IF THE REA:)ER elF THI:S Mr:S3~,(iE IS UCl THE !If INTENDED RECIPIENT, YOU ARE Hi::REBY NOTIFIED TH.:\T ANI( [)le;~iEMINi\TI()N, 01 S1FIBUTIC N i OR COPY OF ~IS COMMUNICATION IS STRICTLY PFlOI,IIBITE:O. w veiL loA"': RECEI'J ::0 T.il ; COMMINICATION IN ERROR, PLEAS!: IMMEOIATEL Y N011FY US AT (58'1) 2115-4i183, ~.NI) I~ET Jfl/ THE ORIGINAL MESSAGE TO WI AT THE ABOVE .A.D[lRESS ViA UNITI:C SPITES PO iTAL, SER\I'CE. THAN~: y,;)u. ~I II_II _I______.'__'__I'_'_'ID.,. ':eptembl r 23, !003 2:29 PM From: Beril Kruger ,...~ Number: 561.26~~1611 Page 2 (If 2 l.t~lrill kr....er planning and zoning cl;)nSultcllnls September 26, 2003 Mr. Michael Rumpf, Director Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Dept. 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: Request for Administra1ive Waiver Sidewi:lk Marouf's Car Wash/Gat'~lway Texaco Dear Mr. Rumph: I received a letter from H. Da',dd Kelly, Jr., City Engilleer da":ed SeCltembf! 23 2003 denying my request for 3 sidewalk waive' for ooth th, GatEway Tr~ (act) and Marouf's Carwash. I W,;IS infr:>rmed in thi!l letter tlHt I C )lll:1 appe; thf: Engineering Department's denial to:he 13oynton Beac h City C'Jrlr1 :5sioll. Please let this letter serve as notic', of my app =:al t<) 'thl3 B:) fr t<lr I Bee ell Cit\' Commission, the decision of the Boyrton Bea:h Engineer ng [IE l)artrnE:llt t(1 deny my request for a sidewEI k weiver. I requl;!st that this v/Eiver be br~ lAgh: before the Commission at OUt Publi:: HE!aring orl October 21,20')3. I wi:,h t(l address the Commission on th s ma tter. 9 northeast 16th stfilet .. delray bE ~ch. florldll 334~4 (5611 265.4983 * fu 15611 ;Z65-461' * Q.nail: bkrugar@b }1I10U :~.net - B Z III I' I ::1 1: ~ I '1'1:' / ;'I,i iir I \J1 , I If'.l: I t :.~ a ~ I" ~ . , >I~!f I/'I \ ,I liit I :Ii ~. ; I~' 'IO::i '1:' c '~~ ,;", I J ,t"' "If 1'1:. ,; r ':' I liI!'i 1Il:~''l (;," "It),;,'" , '1111 ::I"! I a: ill j ;'1 I' '" I ,llr JI.':1 1""",,11 j 11.11 : (,r ,nti; I , .c:! i! l , I ,: r -: I - ~ft.~ - I-~ , ~,V~"r",.J The City of Boynton Beach p.D. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PUBLIC WORKS DEPART11/IENT FAX: (561) 742-6285 www.boynton-beach.org OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER September 23,2003 Beril Kruger Beril Kruger Planning & Zoning Consultants 9 NE 16th Street Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE: Request for Administrative Waiver Sidewalk Marouf's Car Wash Dear Mr. Kruger: We are in receipt of your request for an Administrative Waiver for sidewalk placement. Upon consideration and review of the plans we find we cannot approve your request. If desired, you may appeal this request to the City Commission. If you have questions or need additional information please feel free to contact Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer, at (561) 742-6482_ Sincerely, 16.lHtv~U. '~ 06t'. H. David kelley, Jr., .E./P.S.M. City Engi~~r--- LUck Xc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) Michael W, Rumpf, Director, Planning & Zoning Ed Breese, Principal Planner, Planning & Zoning File Americas Gateway:o tiN, Gulfstream Duncan, Arlette From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Rumpf, Michael Monday, September 29,200310:01 AM Duncan, Arlette Tucker, Patricia pull two files Arlette, please researcjytWo files processed in the past. One is maybe 1 to 2 years old, the other is less than 1 year old. They are both ADAP.s which are administrative appeals. One was for the Boynton Landings banners, the other for the Gateway Texaco gas station. Thanks, MR. v /Jo1JjvCU( ~CLlj; I+DfJ (J tJ:< ~ rJ(J/ rJ:ttCl- ~ L (J~ >1 CW~ ft7) 11- P ()o- ()tJ I oJbJ-iL.e ~ 1 Iteril kr..tler pic ,ing and zoning consult lts August26,2003 Mr. Michael Rumph, Director Boynton Beach Planning & Zoning Dept. 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33435 RE: MAROUF CAR WASH - SIDEWALK WAIVER LAS PALMAS AVENUE, BOYNTON BEACH Dear Mr. Rumph: I am requesting a Sidewalk Waiver from the requirement to construct a sidewalk along the front of the proposed Maroufs Car Wash on Las Palmas Ave. There are no sidewalks on either side of Las Palmas Avenue from the intercoastal waterway west to U.S. Highway 1. If and when sidewalks are constructed on this street, the owner will then construct a sidewalk. CC: Zuhair Marouf 9 northeast 16th street * delray beach, florida 33444 (561) 265-4983 * fax (561) 265-4611 * e-mail: bkruger@bellsouth.net rezonirJ concurrency conditional use, special exceptions, ORe approval site plans annexations comp plan amendments, variances (county, state, municipal) abandonments palm beach broward dade & all counties & cities in florida ,""-,,,~-" PROJECT NAME: MaroutJs Car Wash & Gateway Texaco LOCATION: 2360 North Federal Highway PCN: I FILE NO.: ADAP 03-001 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Beril Kruger ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 9 NE 16th Street PHONE: Delray Beach, FL 33444 FAX: PHONE: 265-4983 FAX: 265-4611 Date of submittal/Proiected meetin2 dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 9/26/03 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Gateway Texaco\ADAP 03-001 \2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION - Building - Planning & Zoning - Occupational Licenses _ Community Redevelopment October 23. ,2002 Mr. Beril Kruger 9 NE 16th Street Delray Beach, Florida 33444 Re: For: File No. Location: Gateway Texaco Administrative Appeal File No. ADAP 02-001 2360 North Federal Highway Dear Mr. Kruger: Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order for application item ADAP 02-001, which represents approval for the appeal of administrative determination, therefore allowing the proposed expansion of the Gateway Texaco station by no more than(600 square feet)for dry storage of retail merchandise. The City Commission approved this appeal on October 15,2002. Please contact this office at (561) 742-6260 to discuss the process for proceeding with the desired improvements. Sincerely, '~G Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning MRW:AD Attachment: Development Order S:IPlanntng\SHAREDIWPIPROJECTS'Gateway TexacolApproval t'orm ktter after CC.doc City of Boynton Beach · 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-<>310 Phnn".' 1<;~1\ 7A,) c"'en . "_u.. _', r , DEVELOPMt.':. ORDER OF THE CITY COM MIS .oN OF THE , CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA /lw. vP ~ 7...; ~ ~~. PROJECT NAME: GATEWAY TEXACO (ADAP 02-001) APPLICANT'S AGENT: Beril Kruger APPLICANT'S ADDRESS: 9 NE 16th Street., Delray Beach, FL 33444 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: September 17, 2002 TYPE OF RELIEF SOUGHT: Administrative Appeal LOCATION OF PROPERTY: 2360 North Federal Highway DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "A", "B", "C", "0", "E" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant in a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The Applicant ~HAS HAS NOT established by substantial competent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The Applicant's application for relief is hereby X- GRANTED subject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the prope~\IWi'ffll)1 be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. ~,\\\\\\ '-( NT 0 IIII////. ~ 600 ~:.z ~ v ......... ~ 'l -..;<< ";"I'Ot) A'.. ~ ~ Other ~ 0 ....0'('" . ...,~:. - ~ - '(j ""e' , S - .>- ;~ . (.1 _ ::::- i -:r. = -~: : = ~ \ .- !O-/5'-()a... ~ '. 7. DATED: J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHAREO\WP\FORMS\B Revised.doc , .... . I 'l\ ~ !'- ~il kr....cr plan'lllng and zoning consultaflLS EXHIBIT 0 July 31,2002 - - - - iVlr, i'vlichael vV. Ru mpf, Director Planning and Zoning Department City of BO'/nton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd. P.Q,Box310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425.0310 RE: Expansion of Texaco Gas Station at 2360 N. Federal Highwa'l Dear Mr. Rumpf: Please let this letter serve as a request to appeal your decisions to the Cit,! Commission regarding an addition at Gateway Texaco, 2360 N. Federal Highway, A. Expansion of the Texaco Convenience Store (with Fuel Pumps) for dry storage; 1. The expansion of the convenience store (by an addition to rear of 600 sq. ft.) for dry storace only does not increase the non-conformity of the existing facility and or its current use. The sale of gasoline (non-conforming use according to the Boynton Beach Zoning Code) at this location will not be increased. Many people shop at this convenience store that do not purchase gasoline. We are ready to show the difference in sales between the customers just purchasing gas, just purchasing groceries and purchasing gas and groceries. The closest grocery store to this location is the Winn Dixie at Hypoluxo Road and U ,So Highway 1, which is over a mile away. This convenience store is located within a short distance to numerous residential subdivisions along the east and west side of N. Federal Highway between the C-15 Canal and Hypoluxo Road. The location of this convenience store makes it very convenient for these people to shop at this store who do not need gasoline. Many people just shop in this store to purchase milk, cigarettes, soda, and other products where if this convenience store were not here, they would have to drive up to Hypoluxo Road to the Winn Dixie, using unnecessary gas, putting additional traffic on the roads, and polluting the air needlessly. Many people living in this area come to the convenience store by bicycle, It would be doing a disservice not to aI/ow the addition on the rear of this building for dry storage only. Building an addition on the rear of the convenience store just for dry storage is not only a necessity for Mr. Marouf, but it may possibly cause him to go out of business if it is not allowed. Mr. Marouf had purchased a trailer, which is parked adjacent to 9 northeast 16th street · delray beach, florida 33444 (5611265.4983. fax (561) 265-41311 · e-mail: bkruaer(a)hp/l<:n"rh not re.::: - ~::g conc~r,ency conditional use, special exceptions, ORC approval site plans annexations comp plan amendments. variances (county, state, municipal) abandonments palm beach broward dade & all counties & cities in Florida I 1\o1,r. I\olic3el IN, Rumpf, Director ,:Ja',jc 2 J I... ! '! 3 1 , :2 I'] C 2 the parking area south of the buiicing. The only purpose for this trailer is to store sodas (An existing Code Enforcement Violation described below), There is not enough room in the "building to store tr:e soda and that is the reason the addition is being requested, vVithout this additional square footage to store soda, a lar~e par: of the bUSiness will be lost. Gas sales ma'! not be discontinued but the convenience store ma'! be forced to cease operation, Along vvith tr,e addition for storage on the rear of the convenience store, Mr, r,larouf will be renovating the exterior of the building to better fit in INlth the character of t::e residential neighborhoods surrounding this propeny Our Architect is current:'! working on the elevations for the building, VIOLATION: I'v1r, Marouf currently has a violation be rare the Code Enforcement Board, Case:; 1- 1450, Notice Date: June 18, 2001, with a running fine. The violation is for: PT- LDR.CH2. SEC. 6.C.6. (.3 / EXTERIOR DISPLAY / STORAGE; "STORAGE OF MERCHANDISE IN THE TRAILER IS NOT PERMITTED." "TRAILER MUST BE REMOVED." The trailer is being used to store soda. It is not plugged in to electricity nor does it have an operating refrigeration unit. The enclosed site plan illustrates where the addition will be located and how the additional parking spaces will be laid out. Therefore, the Texaco Convenience Store will not lose parking spaces but gain spaces with the addition for dry storage on the rear of the building The only other alternative to allow the expansion of the convenience store for dry storage and change the convenience store with gas sales to conforming would be to change the Zoning Code to allow gasoline sales on intersections with other than just four (4) lanes in both directions. We do not want to do this because of the ramifications to the entire city by allowing of all of the other gasoline selling establishments to become conforming. By allowing the convenience store to expand for dry storage only will not Increase gas sales and therefore will not increase the non conformity of this use. Sincerely, /"" -; // " L- /'-:-::~ Ber:1 K'Ll!ger oJ / SENT BY FACSIMILE AND U.S. MAIL