The City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310
FAX: (561) 742-6285
April 5,2004
Schnars Engineering Corporation
951 Broken Sound Parkway, Suite 108
Boca Raton, FI 33487
Re: Serrano P.U.D. Development
Plat Review and Comments - 2nd Review
Dear :Mr. 11ahannah:
Here are the remaining comments for the subject development noted above and listed with attached
Exhibit "A". When the plat and plans have been corrected, please submit three signed and sealed
sets of construction plans, six copies of the plat and the signed and sealed mylar to Ken Hall for
The below listed items are still outstanding and must be addressed:
Receipt of all outside agency approvals/permits such as P.B.C. Health Department, LWDD,
SFW1v1D and any others necessary for your development. None received vet.
Approval by the City Forester of the Lake 11anagement Plan.
The plan shall be incorporated in the homeowner's documents as stipulated in the conditions of
approval. Please call Kevin Hallahan at 561-742-6267 for information. The lake management plan
has not been submitted to 11r. Hallahan nor has it been verified that the plan has been included in the
No certificates of occupancy shall be issued until the Utility Department has approved and accepted
the water and wastewater systems.
Upon receipt of the above items, your project will be placed on the next available City Commission
agenda. Please call Ken Hall at 561-742-6283 should you have any questions. If necessary, I am
available to meet with you as well.
Schnars Engineering Corporation, Attention: James W. Mahannah, P.E.
Re: Serrano PUD Development
April 5,2004
Page 2
H. David Kelley, Jr., P.
City Engineer
xc: Jeff Livergood, P.E., Public Works Director
Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engineer
Tim Large, Building Code Administrator
Ken Hall, Eng. Plans Analyst
Ed Breese, Senior Planner, Planning & Zoning Division
Kevin Hallahan, City Forester, Planning & Zoning Division
D.R. Horton, Inc. 1192 East Newport Center Drive, Suite 150,
Deerfield Beach, FI 33432, Attn: Mr. Carl Albertson
S:\Engineering\Kribs\Serrano PUD, Plat Review & Comments - Ltr. 4-S-04.doc
Sheet 1 of 2:
Adjacent to the "Description, Dedication and Reservation title, add the state and county.
In dedication 1, show the recording data for the Horton/Bailey ingress/egress easement.
Regarding the D.R. Horton acceptance:
Delete the words "attested by". The secretary will sign as a corporate officer.
Regarding the HOA acceptance:
Show the names and titles of the officers in the acceptance and acknowledgement.
Regarding the City of Boynton Beach approvals:
Add the words, (As to Both) next to the City Clerk's attest.
Under the title certification:
Regarding the statute, show F.S. 197.192, and the attorney's license number.
Regarding the seal blocks:
Add the letters Inc. after D.R. Horton and the words and mapper after City Surveyor.
Sheet 2 of2:
Consider extending the limits of Tract "L" southward and eastward and eliminate the five foot
wide portion of Tract "A" and the LMAE. The intent of this recommendation was to eliminate
that portion of tract "A" along the south and east portions of the lake so that direct access to the
LME is accomplished without a LMAE. If this portion of Tract "A" will remain. please re-
insert the LMAE for access purposes.
Show the recording information for the utility easement through the school property.
Prior to issuance of the land development permit, provide approvals from all outside agencies
such as the L WDD, SFWMD and P.B.C. Health Dept. Not Received.
Please note that since the cost of the proposed 6' CBS wall was not included in the engineer's
cost estimate, the permit fee shall be charged at time of permit application.
Page 1 of2
Exhibit "A"
Revise the "typical road section" to show two, eleven foot wide paved surfaces exclusive of
valley curb. Valley curb may not be used to meet lane width requirements.
In the "rear lot section" show the CBS wall two feet off the property line.
Show on the plans what appropriate signage the Baileys would prefer to deter traffic from
entering their property. .
When the plans have been approved, the surveyor is requested to "lathe and flag" all monuments
and P.C.P.s for validation (unless PCP will be set later under surety).
Provide approval from the Utility Department regarding the large canopy trees proposed within
the 10' and 25' utility easements in the N.E. comer of the project. Not received yet.
Page 2 of2
S:\Engineering\Kribs\Serrano PUD Development, Exhibit A - Ltr 4-S-04.doc
03/30/2004 13:25
PAGE 02/03
l!SSO aRIC~..1.L. e"vvreIN CE:NTAE:
so !;l.W. /!IT" STRE:E:T
Fi:J rt. I.( $V /l....
~l'k ~
Tt1."F'HONE (305) 379-18.1
'l'1l:L.ll:eC~ (3015)3"4-171.
March 30, 2004
VIa Facsimile 15611142-6357
Mr. Ken Hall
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, Florida 33435
5 S/Lfl.4nJU
Dear Mr. Hall:
There is transmitted to you with this note the Exhibit A to the Grant of Ease~nt
from D.R. Horton, Inc. to Derle B. Bailey. RQ.~tJ "..IF-V
The Original Grant was recorded in Official Records Book 16561 at Page 48.
Please advise If the legal description was inadvertently not included in the recorded
document. ThanK you for your cooperation.
Very truly yours,
--J m ft'
C>4, ~
Lewis M. ~nn r
Ju .~1. 2003 1:40PM
1orton Inc. South Flori da
No,8)]] P
IDI'R-Hi01RI ~~!liI"
.----jl,1C~~ !:~(U
1uly 31, 2003
Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd.
Boynton Beach, Fla. 33425
RE: SERRANO - Final Site PIa:l
Dear Mr. Rumpf,
In response to the discussions held at the public hearing befo:~ tb.,~ Planrting Olnd
Development Board at it's July 22.2003 meeting we here with l))nfiJ'nL t~'3 follI)VI~ng:
The west property line (adjacent t[) the Village ofGolt) will have & ;!S' total setblli)k fbm.
the property line to any dwelling unit.
Fencing will be replaced or repl:red alS necessary along this wn= WI~Bt prcIP.~ty line.
Should existing.fencing be on or ,:ast of the property line it may nllllain (lr be repacecl al
our discretion. If however, any edsting fencing is west of the :prollel'ty line (not on ;n.1f
property) then those sections will he replaced with nelV fencing.
Thank you for your assistance in this matter.. Should you have~ any ques'ions pl~:18e feel
free to call.
Karl Albertson
D. R Horton Homes
cc: F. Martin Perry. Esq.
Julian Bryan & Associates
1192 E<<tt NlIWJIOrt elmin DrIve, I Suitt: 150 I Dller.f!eld 8e.,,,h, Florfdq I 31442
toll Free 877.890.6033 I Ira. 954.0138.8312
I' '
;0/' I; ~
~f, Michael
Johnson, Eric
Wednesday, July 23, 2003 9:38 AM
Rumpf, Michael
Hudson, Dick (Orran); Breese, Ed; ''
Serrano Beach (NWSP 03-010)
I just finished speaking with Mr. Bryan regarding the above referenced project. We talked about the proposed building
setbacks and structure heights, in particular, for the lots proposed along the west property line (abutting the Village of
Mr. Bryan was reluctant to assign model types to this portion of the property for marketability reasons. He mentioned
that he is proposing five different (2)-story unit types and that these houses could placed as much as 35 feet from the
rear property. However, in striving to meet the intent of the PUD setback requirements, Mr. Bryan and I concurred that
rather than assigning specific unit types for those lots abutting the west property line, he would simply agree to move the
"building envelope" to the east by 5 feet so that the envelope would be at least 25-feet from the west property line.
Mr. Bryan,
This item is scheduled for the August 5, 2003 City Commission meeting. At your earliest convenience, please submit in
writing, your agreement to relocate the "building envelope" (for those lots abutting the Village of Golf) to the east by 5 feet
to ensure that these homes would be setback at least 25 feet from their rear property line. Without this letter, in all
likelihood, your item would be pulled off consent agenda. Thank you for your consideration in this matter.
Eric Lee Johnson, AICP
City of Boynton Beach
Planning & Zoning Division
100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
(561) 742-6260
Transportation Planners and Engineers
2324 South Congress Avenue, Suite 1 H
West Palm Beach, FL 33406
(561) 434-1644 Fax 434-1663
May 30, 2003
Mr. Michael Rumpf
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33452
Re: Serrano at Boynton Beach - #PTC03-13
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
The purpose of this letter is to provide a traffic equivalency statement for the above referenced
Approval from Palm Beach County Traffic Division showing that the Traffic Performance Standards
were met for the 98 multi family residential units is provided on Attachment 1. It is now proposed to
develop 47 single family residential units. Attachment 2 provides the trip generation comparison
between the approved and proposed development. The proposed development generates less daily,
AM and PM peak hour trips than the approved development. Therefore, the project is in
compliance with the Traffic Performance Standards.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to call.
An rea M. Troutma , P.E.
FI rid a Registration #45409
cc: Karl Albertson
Masoud Atefi
Letter Rumpf 03-13 5-30-03
May, 6, 2003 3:12Ph
O,R, Horton lnc, South Florida
~o,3J]7 p. I
May 6, 2003
Dick Hudson
Planning and Zoning Division
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, FL 33425
Dear Dick:
This letter shall serve as authorization to change the current for applications
ANEX.O~<and LUAR 03-002. The new agent on these applications should be:
Julian Bryan and Associ8ies, Inc.
756 St Albans Drive
Boca Raton, Fl 33486
(561) 338 0395
~ 'V~3-
Beth Pesch!
Property Owner
os (2,
l'.J ._
tJ1Ar - 6 2C',-'~
PLI\N"ili:C ;,,\('
ZCiiJIi\r, DEPl
.MalJ. E. 2003 3:21PM
D. Horton Inc. South Florida
No.3321 P. 1
May 6, 2003
Dick Hudson
Planning and Zoning Division
City of Boynton Beach
100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard
Boynton Beach, F1. 33425
Dear Dick:
As agent for Beth Peschl on the applications ANEX 03-001 and LUAR 03-002, I would like
to request that the above referenced applications be tabled at tonight"s City Commis!lion
meeting for a period of thirty days.
Authorized Agent
""""",, 1
ill ~ iT:; ~ .' ':!' ~:
~ I ~l' ~-. 6'. r-'rr
I I;,:.... - /1;: ,"
.. .. L. ~_
, "
~ ! ;~ , ,
cc: Beth Pesch!
; ! L: j
~ L-../
PLAr~~ljl'~G A;",:;-~
Z,J~!! NG ,,~rl
\ ,
12/29/2883 12:89 385-37A1719
Thlsln8tnJmenl wla preplU'8d
find $hou/d be returned 10:
L/llW/s M. KInner, ISsqulr. ,
SEllomon, J<l!lnner. Dam/.n & ~dNQuez, P.A.
80 S.W. 811 Stteet, Suit. 21'150
MIami, F/orld&l33130
PAGE 82/85
,_. - / --
This Grant of Easement made this .:3Q. day of
December, 2003, between D.R. Horton, Inc. ("Horlon") and
Derla B. Bailey, also known as Der/e B. Bailey, Sr. and
Cecilia ~"ey, his. wlfE;.!'Bcflcy"), whose ~I!!IJling address
is lC/$ ~A;'t,t-t( t~ kli!..- ktvfkj 4:H'. R..-, Palm Beach
County, Florida. .. I ,
Horton for and In Consideration of the Sum of One
Hundred Dollars and other good and valuable consideration, paid by Bailey, the receIpt of
which Is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to Bailey, their heirs and
assigns forever, a nonHexclusive Easement upon Country lake Trail and CountrY Lake \
Circle as reflected on the plat of recorded In Plat Book
at Page of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, such
Easement to be subject to the following terms and conditions:
1. . The Easement Is a non-exclusIve. Easement and Horton reserves the right
to grant others use uf Country Lake Trail and County Lake Circle. . .
'2. The Easement granted to Bailey shall be utilized solely for the purpose of
Ingress to ~nd egress from the Bailey Parcel more particularly '~escribed In Exhlblt"A"
attached hereto and by refsrencemade a part hereof.
3. Ingress and egress to the Bailey Parcel across Country Lake Trail and
Country lake Circle may be at any time or by any type of vehicle proVided such vehicles
are In common use by the public on public streets and are the type~ of vehicles permitted
by the FlOrida Department of Transportation for general use upon public street.
4. Horton shall cause the title to Country Lake Trail and Country Lake Circle to
be transferred to the homeowners association to be formed by Horton relating to the
Horton Parcel described In Exhibit "all allached and shall cause the homeowners
association organizational documents .to contain a prOVision that the homeqwners
association will be responsible for the medntenence of such roadways and conttlln a
prOVision that access to the Bailey Parcel will not be blocked at any time without the written
permission of Bailey.
5. Horton shall cause the homaowners association organization documents to
contain a provision that In the event the association blocks access to the Bailey Parcel as
described In exhibit "A", Bailey shall have the right to create a temporary reasonable
access across tne Horton Parcel described In Exhibit uB" to the Bailey Parcel, such access
not to exceed 20 feet In width. The cost of creating such reasonable access shall be paid
by Horton. This right shall terminate 1 B months from date hereof. In the event access Is
blocked after such 18 month period, Bailey shall have the right to seek an immedIate
mandatory Injunction to compel Horton or the homeowners:assoclatlon to cease blocking
access to the Bailey Parcel. Horton shall be responsible for the reasonable attomey's fees
and court costs Of Bailey should Bailey obtain such rmmdatory InJunction..
6. Bailey shall nollnterfere with the rights of others to uso Country Lake Trail
and Country Lake Circle.
In Witness Whereof, the undersigned have hereto set their hands and seals the day
and year first ~bovEt written. .'
D.R. Horton, Inc., a Delaware
By: A-
Name: h.. \4-~1I"'~" ~
Title: \J~~... ~~~~ .
I ,
. ,
~, .
12/29/2883 11:85
PAGE 14/26
Legal Description
West '112 of the Norfheast 1/4 of the Southwe$t 1/4 of the
Southeast 1/4 of Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43
East, PaJm Beach CountYI Florida.
03/15/2004 14:05 305-3741719
:,: '7"'"
Southcsst 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 of the SouthoQst 1/4 of Section 31,
Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida.
PAGE 02/02
12/29/2ee3 12:e9 305-3741719
PAGE e3/e5
: I
State of Florida )
) 55.
County of Palm Boach )
. Th foregoing Instruments was aCkn\rff~o~before me thl~ day of L
2003, b ~ ,as.. e. on behalf of D.R. Horton. Inc.,
who Is _ ersonally known to ma or _ produced .
as identIfication.
My Commission Expires:
~L~ Mlo"'-j
Notary Public. State of Florida
EXPIRES: Mav 8, 2rJJ1 .
BondId 1l1Iu NaIIIy,PIilIO llndIIwrtlan '
~ ~
1-~~:) .,.
~, "
,_, i"J j'
~' ,
f ,
t '..,
'.'~'. I
MAR _. , .2DU4'
12/29/2003 11:05 305-3741719
Thl91nstrument was prepared by
8,Tld should be returned to:
I.ewls M, Klmner, c*tlLdre
Salomon, Kanner, Damian & Rodriguez, P.A.
80 S.W. Sib Street, Suite 2650
MiamI, Aorlda 33130
PAGE 12/26
~ult..Clalm Deed
.J This QUIt-Claim Deed, made this J12- day of
~~ I 2003., between Darle B. Bailey also known
as Derle B. Bailey, Sr. and Cecilia Bailey, his wife. whose
mailing address IS 2-&00 &v/t;"7~f" 4?,.,; ,
~4'<'- /~Y'Va.v 2i:2l........../. /~O)~ 31t('JI-
( (
hereInafter called the Grantor unto D.R. Horton, Inc., a
Delaware corpol1:ltlufl, whose mailing address Is 1192 East
Newport Center Drive, Deerfleld Beach, Florida 33442, hereinafter called the Grantee.
That the said Grantor for and in consideration of the sum ofTen ($10.00) Dollars and other'
good and valul:1blo oonslderatlon to them In hand pgid by the saId Grantee, the receipt whereof
Is hereby aCknowledged, has hereby remised, released and quit-claimed to the said Grantee. Its
successors and assigns, forever, the following described land sItuate In the County of Palm Beach
and State of Florida, described as followFl:
Southeast 1/4 of the Southwest 1/4 ofthe Southeast 1/4 of Section
31, Township 45 South, Range t13 East, Palm Beach County,
The purpose of this Deed Is to release all of Grantor's right, title and Interest In and to the
::tbOVQ dQscrlbQd prop~rty by rA::I~nn nf EAsement dated November 6. 1978. and recorded In
Official Records Book 2988, at Page 254, and reNrecorded In Official Records Book 3118, Page
1466, PUblic Records of Palm Beach County, Florlda,and also to release all of Grantor's right, title
en(j interest In and to the above described property by reason of an undocumented road along
the west 12 feet of such property.
The above described property Is not the hometltt::)i:uJ property of Grantor, nor does It lie
adjacent to the homestead property of Grantor.
Grantor further grants to the Grantee, Its successors and aSSigns, the right to go upon the
south tar! feel uf lhe property de:!icribed In Cxhlbit 1'A" attachod for tho purpose of repairing,
maintaining and replacing a concrete privacy wall buffer along the north line of the above
described propertYl such right to be utilized SOlely for the purpose of the repair, maIntenance and .
rcplQoement of such wall buffer. This right may be exerr:IRAd by Grantee only once a year and
shall not be deemed an easement encumbering the property of Grantor as descrIbed In exhibit
"A" nor as conferring any right of title In such property.
To Have and to Hold, the same together with all and singular the appurtenances thereto
belonging or In anyWise appertainIng, and all the estate, right, title, Interest, lien, equity and ClaIm
, ",
,. '
12/29/2003 11:05
PAGE 13/26
whatsoever of the Grantor. Alther In law or In eQuity, to the only proper use, benefit and behalf of
the Grantee forever.
In Witness Whereof, Grantor has caused these presents to be executed the day and year
Signed, sealed and delivered
Print: _
Print: t7 ~/l.'t$
arle B. Bailey alSO
Derle B. Bailey, Sr.
State of Florida )
. ) SS.:
County of Palm Beach ) . ~ ()
The foregoing Instrument was acknowledged before me thlS& day o~~~
~'Oo::~ ~ DAriA B. Bailey also known as Darle B. Bailey, S ., who Is .... _ personally known to me
or -J,4 produced a Florida Driver's License as Identl t n. I
My Commission Expires:
State of Florida )
) 8S.:
County of Palm Beach )
The foregoing Instrument was aCknowlOdgod before me thls_ day of I
2003, by Cecilia Bailey, who 1$ personally known to me or _ produced a Florida Driver's
1.ICElnRA ~~ leJentlflcatlon,
Notary Public, State. uf FlurlLhf i:iL li:irge
My Commission E~plres:
03/30/2004 13:25
305-3- 719
PAGE 03/03
1~/2~/2~53 12:a9 385-3741719
PAGE El4/l3S
Legal DesCrlptlon
Woot 112 of the North east 1/4 of thGl Southwest 1/4 of the
Souiheast 1/4 of Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43
East, Palm Beact1 County, Florida.
Department of Engineering
and Public Works
P.o. Box 21229
West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229
(561) 684-4000
Palm Beach County
Board of County
Warren H. Newell. Chairman
Carol A_ Roberts. Vice Chair
Karen T. Marcus
Mary McCarty
Burt Aaronson
Tony Masilotti
Addie L Greene
County Administrator
Rob"'rt Weisman
. An Equal Opportunity
/lffirmarive /lerion Employer-
, printed on recycled paper
0---"'.: '--'--1
\; ;/,oTo.".. i'
. J
March 7, 2003
Mr. Michael W. Rumpf
Director of Planning & Zoning
Department of Development
City of Boynton Beach
P.O. Box 310
Boynton Beach. Fl 34425-0310
RE: Serrano @ Boynton Beach - Bach Property
Dear Mr. Rumpf:
The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for the project
entitled; Serrano @ Boynton Beach - Bach Property, pursuant to the Traffic
Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County land Development
Code. The project is summarized as follows:
Existing Uses:
Proposed Use:
New Daily Trips:
Build-out Year:
Hunters Golf club, Summit lane, West of Congress Ave.
Boynton Beach
98 MF Residential Units
Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the project meets the
Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County.
If you have any questions regarding this determination. please contact me at 684-4030.
!Y7 . r:~.'--
Masoud Atefi, MSCE
Sr. Engineer - T rafflc Divisio
Attachment 2
DACH Property
Trip Generation Comparison
tripgen Comp 03-13 5-29-03jo.xls
Page 1 of 1
Approved Daily
ITE Total
land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rate (1 ) Trips
Residential Multi Family 230 98 Ous 7/0U 686
Proposed Daily
ITE Total
land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rate (1) Trips
Residential Single Family 210 47 Ous 10 /OU 470
Net New Trips
Approved AM Peak Hour
ITE Total Trips
land Use Code Intensity T rip Generation Rate (2) In I Out r Total
Residential Multi Family 230 98 Dus 0.51 /OU (17/83) 91 41T 50
Proposed AM Peak Hour
ITE Total Trips
land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rate (2) In I Out I Total
Residential Single Family 210 47 Ous 0.75 /OU (25/75) 91 261 35
Net New Trips
Approved PM Peak Hour
ITE Total Trips
land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rate (2) In I Out I Total
Residential Multi Family 230 98 Ous 0.62 /OU (67/33) 411 20T 61
Proposed PM Peak Hour
ITE Total Trips
land Use Code Intensity Trip Generation Rate (2) In 1 Out I Total
Residential Single Family 210 47 Ous 1.01 /OU (64/36) 301 171 47
Net New Trips
(1) Source: Section 10.8, Fair Share Road Impact Fees, of the Palm Beach County Unified Land Development Code (ULDq.
(2) Source: Institute of Transportation Engineers (lTE), Trip Generation. 6th Edition.