PLANS CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING & ZONING TITLE FORM DATE: 7- otu''r-02.oo 7 oS- - 'f~-<.\~.~{ ~ 3~. OO~. oo2.Q PCN PROJECT # ZNCt/ 0(- O~.2. STATUS: Appe.o~e.'b PROJECT NAME: /JIt'/lJtLLAAI #KJON4L UJ47r~C.e4"rsTATUS DATE: O.:l.-lCC~;Leo z.. PROJECT TYPE: 201JlAJb.. ('n/')~ ~~(,4..ucE DESTRUCTION DATE: ;<I ADDRESS: 110$- llo&t l,YFi.DE.AAl- ~Wj ~mmercial 0 Residential D New D Miscellaneous o Addition 0 Renovation 0 Revision _ INDEX OF DRAWINGS: SHEET # SHEET TITLE (PLEASE PRINT LEGIBLY) (ex: Sheet A-I) (ex: Floor Plan) 1.~ Sv,etl~ X---Lq. .;Leo f -P~pos~ ~ f3Lb (,.. K.Et1'\.c;blS/ P2- s.rnmp {2-~-.;tOCI .[ ,/ 20. S:\Planning\File Iists.fiIe procedures\Procedures\FILING PROCEDURES\p&z TITLE FORM.doc Nonh is rap hie ~)c a I e zeJ' I 10' 10' A., - Built ":Jw"vey VICinity '7ketch / ~ 1f1 N in' I ~ ~l ~ I uJ Qc I I 0 5 North Feder.. Hwy t' t: O:~/' :: ~~"/ eOy"to;3~;:,h, Flor,d. /:; ~ / '> I MC1t"tlrl Luther" king Jr r' N E 10th Ave -/ Boulev~ - ~"--I I \Jot to '7GUl e ""'\...... Floor Elevl.1tlon'? f'rovlded by Client Elevl.1tlon'? 'jhown Thu'? 101 IS\ N Found 5/0' 0 Iron Rod "f^ C B '? Wall", On L-ine 11:o,Q 0'2001 CB~" , "'2j o. / (I C D FI 'd On a EaCjt c O?!Cjt 108,<10' 04 ",'0 . v R ?!i/w?!y ~ C) c) 0\ 11Yr 110 One Cjtory Commercl{l1 Building 04' IT Concrete ri\ Pl.1d LViO V) '0 . Found 5/8' Rod ",0 .'( 4300' Wire Few~ ' c.. ,,,p of"^< ----- CommercIAl f;,uilding '" L <os > Q) ::i C) cD ~~ <[~ '" ..Y S ~cD cD"<S ;::; ~ L Q) ~. E C) E -..i C) o lS\ CJ C) <::D <i\ N '..5) C) One Cjt ory CommercIG11 Building Floor' EleVAtion 122' I 1-40' ~ W",lk ,''\- ---- a -- C) <t ri\ '..5) Ale aD C) <'\ Floor Elevation 12 Z' ZZ' ZOIO' ~ L ::l \.) ---- c\'> ",'V . - 'h ''\-' ---Si .,\.fb Floor EleVAtion 124' -'" " '" . as Li\ _ <:()N ~J '5 ':::> ..1 - " c .J +-' <:os lL ,,() . I I .;B.' I ~ ~ . ,,\0 ,v I,I Power Pole 611 6'3 o I '2- ~. On. F'ound 5 '. . 2UI3 C",lc . Del a '" 1017'58' / Rod 202M . . "I\.. Arc '" 03 7 ' e(lSured Ramp ~Radfl.J'?J a 28/1,Cf3' _________ Pole 0 - ------- cO --________! 't' _ Ib --- -----J <:-..J lS\ N Q , +- == C) L .1'1 +-' :J ....\ Planter 430' i: " Z / i>~~/ Antenna NQ) C).J <::';') L Q . ,,'b ...L +-' L Z '" Q) +-' +-' "" 0;- LL- L "'J c += ~, L E 't' 'Y' cs \.) N" . 2 L_~~7[ GtJ_ 3 ",j ,(,0 0") N 'Jign Found :X; Cu~ 'Jldewali< .~ant,) 45.0<1' z~ ~~mp E t::: -- ~~kA c '" ,5' Concrete W .Ik AsphiAlt PArking . ,,<6 .p C) Z ,I\..":i . ' A'?phAlt PClrklng (i\ <:() 'I N 070 -- -- -- L\\ 't' c::i lI' ~------ -- U Cj H'ghwUlY -- No, I (i\ Cl lS\ LEGAL DECjCRIPTION: 'I ----._ l ~ -=---==---. Is> ,vledl"i1 -----.:::-==::::::.=______. ----.....-L -=--.. ,-, ----= =========-- . ~--=======- Lot Z (lnd 3) BlOCK A) LAKE ADDITION) {lccordlng to the PI{lt ~~ thereof on file WI the Office of the Cler'k of the C!r'CUlt Cour't In {md for P {llm Be{lch County, Florld{l, recorded In PI{lt Book II. P {lge 71 (lnd th{lt portion of the f"Jorth 20 feet of the South 185 feet of Government Lot 3) Section ZZ) T own'7h,p 45 South) Rimge 4~) Ftl'7t, l~Ylng Etl'7t of the EC/btedy nght-of-wilY of the F!ondc;l ECl':Jt COC;1'7t RC:lllr'oC1d tlnd We'7t of the We'7ter'ly rlght-of-w{ly of St{lte RO{ld 5) (US Hlghw{lY # !) ___ - --- -J St{Jte RO{;jd 5 :=-- 'jouth BOUi1d L eJi1e ---- North FederClI ____ Highw(;1Y Subject to EC1'7ement'7) Re0trlctlon'? (lnL1 right'? of wo.y of record If i~ny. <, 5 LOO! Dw g# 0 8 I 7 0 i PREPARED By: Bob Buggee l!~ II jurveyor PO Box 2438(57 Boynton BeC-lch) FlondGl) 33424-3887 ~/I- 1'~/'7 - 78/7 ./ Ie::) I~' L / I CERTIFICA TION I Her'eby Cer'tlfy Th",t Thl'? '?urvey W",,? Prep",red Under My Re'?pon'?lble h",rg6 and Meet':> the Minimum Technical '?tandard':> a,:> '?et Forth by the OAR: ^t , FE'?":>IONAL- ":>URVEYOR"J and MAPPER,? AUOU"7t ZL1) ZOOI I.1pper No. 3302, DAte ot t,eld survey. PrepArec1 in the Office at the "?urveyor' 002 Buttonwood LeAnG) Boynton Beach) Florida 33430 THE SlJRVEYOR h.. not .17.tr.ctd th;, ,wrvev for e.,emont, IlI1d nght, of ..y' of record; leg.. de%nption prOVided l7y client or c.kcl1t"J rept'e,,>ent&tt!V\";~ ~et"lI"I9 tJll'7e \<:.0 (:cnterul1e f.1t rOlik e1eVtftlOI1? [4t'e t1lltl<mlll geo!Y''fhk dlftum; pr(;openy cot'nero:. at'e 1/2 Inch iron rod .,th c"f'. .M d"tonce, are pk.t or record, ",wrvey ;'" not vobd .,thout . ral?ed ",eal. lJNl-E<j'j NOTED OTHERWI'?E.