CORRESPONDENCE Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, FL 33416~1229 (561) 684,4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Karen T. Marcus, Chair Tony Masilotti. Vice Chairman Jeff Koons Warren H. Newell Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman MAn EI[lUII Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper September 30, 2003 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: Sunbelt Hydraulics - Build-out Extension TRAFFIC P"RFCRMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Michael: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic statement for the project entitled; Sunbelt Hvdraulics, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. The project is summarized as follows: Location: Municipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: Build,out: Lot 9, West Industrial Park Boynton Beach None 10,784 SF Warehouse 51 @ 5% Pass-by 2004 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the request for build-out extension meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. No building permits are to be issued by the town, after the build-out date, specified above. The County traffic concurrency approval is subject to the Project Aggregation Rules set forth in the Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please cont'-lCI me at 684-4030. Sincerely, )Yl. Masoud Atefi, M CE Sr. Engineer - Traffic Division cc: Cunningham & Durrance Consulting engineers Inc. File: General - TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F :\TRAFF I ClmalAdmi nlApprovalsl030929 .doc Facsimile TRANSMITTAL CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD P,O. BOX 310 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33425-0310 FAX: (561) 742-6259 PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION To: Fax#: Date: From: Re: Mr. Masoud Atefi 684-4123 9/24/03 Sherie Coale Traffic Statement for Sunbelt Hydraulics ( Previously Approved) - Site Plan Time Extension Pages: 2 Including Cover Planning and Zoning Division City of Boynton Beach Boynton Beach, Florida 33425 742'6260 Fax: 742'6259 I TRANSMI%ION ~'ERIqCATIOt~~~] DATE. TIME FAX NO. /NAME DURATION PAGE(S) RESULT MODE 0'3/:,4 14: 5~' %8-4123 00:1'0:28 02 O~( STAt,DARD ECM 1I'1E: 0912'1 '200] : 4 ", ~I~MF F~X lE.. ~ER, # BR(iE:~,1409'IF' Johnson, Eric From: Sent: To: Subject: Main, Karen Tuesday, September 23, 2003 9:08 AM Johnson, Eric RE: Sun belt Hydraulics SPTE 03-003 Good Morning..Eric Permit # 03-553 for the building ,applied for 2120... extension request on 816 is good until 11/4 Permit# 03-1452 for an irrigation well applied & approved on 4125 and finaled on 717 ( this well is part of the Vermeer nightmare which I don't care to get into). Is there anything else I can do for you sir? K -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Tuesday, September 23, 2003 8:34 AM To: Main, Karen Subject: RE: Sun belt Hydraulics 5PTE 03,003 Thanks Karen, So they applied for a building permit in February? What day in February, do you know? When did they request an extension? When did we grant the extension? How long is the extension good for? 6 months? 1 year? Again, thanks for getting all these answers. The eRA Board will appreciate all the fine knowledge that you've provided us! Eric -----Original Message----- From: Main, Karen Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 4:17 PM To: Johnson, Eric Subject: RE: 5unbelt Hydraulics 5PTE 03-003 Eric They applied for their building permit in Feb. have not responded to comments. They requested an extension on the permit app so they are good with building dept until 1114 -----Original Message----- From: Johnson, Eric Sent: Monday, September 22, 2003 4:07 PM To: Main, Karen Subject: 5unbelt Hydraulics 5PTE 03-003 Karen, I am currently working on a staff report for the site plan extension for the Sunbelt Hydraulics project, which was approved on August 6, 2002. I need to know if the property owner submitted for their building permits. If so, what kind of permit did they submit for and how far long in the process are they in securing the permit? Thank you for your assistance in this matter. Eric Johnson 1 , CUNNINGHAM & DURRANCE CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. 400 EXECUTIVE CENTER DRIVE. SUITE 108 WEST PALM BEACH, FL. 33401-2919 (561) 689-5455 FAX: (561) 640-7815 E-MAIL: CD CON ENG@AOL.COM September 23, 2003 Engineering Department City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. Boynton Beach, Fl. 33425 Re: Traffic Statement Sunbelt Hydraulics Lot 9 West Industrial Park Boynton Beach, Florida SEP 2 3 I c-- Dear Sir: The proposed project consists ofa 10,784 S.F. warehouse. Total building area will be 10,784 S.F. The total property measures 62,730 S.F. ( 1.44 Acres). The project is scheduled to be completed by the end of year 2004. One owner, Sunbelt Hydraulics, will utilize the warehouse complex. This letter is to state that the highest traffic volume created by the project will not exceed 200 trips per day. Should you have any questions, please call at your convenience. Very truly yours, CUNNINGHAM & DURRANCE Consulting Engineers, Inc. Florida Registration No. EB 4502 ~ ) Stuart H. Cunningham, P.E. Florida Registration No. PE 30689 SHClmab Ot-G77traffic