CORRESPONDENCE :1/21;2001 16:05 5613324626 COTTRELL PAGE 01 illJ 1. 61{l1 -TrCil n ~ m i ttClI Annv' S, Cottrell ~ As-,ocicrtes, Inc, The Comea" Building, '!"9 Clemat;, Sheet, Sciie 600 P,O Bex '9058, We<+; Palm Beach, +=!o,.ida .!o3416 (561) 637-4600 Fax (561) 83'2,46,6 !5 u v'" , NaIl'.' '~l . r~:""iNGP, ;' "\~ :,[f -..- -_.--- o .f=ax OM""I o f"p""" t"lad o l-janJ De!.ve,.y Df;ma:1 D pck UP Tot.", I page" 2-. Dat.a /zru.-1.), J.oo I Compony t:t; ^i lZ,r-('L 1l1.1.-1 Add_<<' ~ LOr'ip<,nyo To, _k~ .4J.- Phoce '742- ,4, :J-b 0 ( \__C .f="x # 7'12.,I,~)"1 Reo Comment~. a (, ~iJ 372.. Y f~ ~. r~ , rL-Qt~ ~, 1E:e.- ~ 11.'21/2001 15:05 5518324525 COTTRELL PAGE 02 Anne! S. Cottrell ~ A....cx:ie!te<;, Inc. The Come"u BuilJing, 319 Ck.""'tlS Street Suite txx' PO 80x IQ058, \Wert POll", 8""J" p~ Wl16 (~61) 8~?4600 f",. (561) en,4&?6 November 21, 2001 nv 26 c Lusia Galav City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard PoBol\310 Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 Vi. Facsimile Transmission (742-62119) BE: MobO StationlNortbwest Corner oftbe Intenec:tion of Woolbright Road and Conerns Annue Application. for Conditional Use and Site Plan Approval Dear Ms. Ga1av Please accept this letter as our request that the referenced Conditional Use and Site Plan applications be placed on the TRe agenda for its December 4, 2001 meeting It is our understanding that review by the TRe of these applications on the 41b will allow the appliCiltions to be reviewed by the City Planning and Development Board at its meeting on December 26, 2001. Should you have any questions, please feel free to contact me, ~~~ Anna S, Cottrell 11/21/2661 15:35 5618324626 COTTRELL PAGE 61 T rClnsmitt~1 Ann~ S, CoHi'ell fr Associates, Inc. The Co",.,," Building, :'119 Clem,,";' S":T'eet. Suite 600 p,O, Bo. 19058, 'We,'" P"lctl B8"~h.1=lo,..id,,, :;:;416 (561) 831,4600 f". (561) 831,46';16 NOV 2 6 2llOI Vi"" 2 t=",. T 01:",1 Page" OM",;I o j:;:;.p,...." Mail o l-iand Delive"4 ofm",1 o Pick UP 2.- D"'te: /u-v-.J,J. J.~ol Company: Add"",,, Company: (l. t1 ^i g~ ft~_~ To f~L.. .JiL~ P~Or.6 741..'-11-60 CC C"X #; 7'12'~l)'j 1<" /"'" \.....ommer.h; u. // 1+ l,' CdO 372- 'il V f ~ u....(././ ' I - D ;- _ 6 ~, , , 71' ,1/21/2001 15:35 5518324525 COTTRELL PAGE 02 Anna S, Coi:t-rell ~ Associates. Inc, The C""""," Building, 31Q C1emab St.noet, SVlte (xx) PO 80x 19058 'We>t p..lm B....J" +=I.,..,J.. ~~p6 (561) 831.4600 Fax (561) &'74676 NOV !.. 6 2001 November 7,2001 Lusia Galav Principal Planner City of Boynton Beach 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard PO Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 HE: APPLICATION FOR CONDmONAL USE AND SITE PLAN APPROVAL MOBIL STATlONINORTBWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF CONGRESS AVENUE AND WOOLBRIGHT ROAD Dear Lusia: PI~e accept thIS letter as our request that the hearing by the Planmng and Zoning Board for the referenced application be postponed We are requesting the application be heard in December, 2001 rather than November, to allow sufficient time for Mobil Oil to evaluate the recommendations of the TRC relative to site and architectural design, Your assistance in this matter is appreciated. u::,~ Anna Cottrell cc' Hennan Steinberg, Trammel Crow ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc, October 25, 200 I 047281001 . Suile400 6012151S1reel VeroBeach, Florida 32960 Laurinda Logan City of Boynton Beach Engineering Department 100 E, Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425-0310 (561) 742-6285 Re: Administrative Waiver Request Mobil 02-ALS Woolbright & Congress File #COUS 01-006 Dear Laurinda: We are requesting the waiver for the above referenced project white pavement striping on the project which differs from the City of Boynton Beach Standard Drawing B-9800 I, note 9, which indicates white striping on asphalt and btack striping on concrete, Due to the parking lot consisting of the both asphalt and concrete pavement the standards would dictate two colors of striping, This request will maintain continuity of the striping and the site, Thc revised Paving, Grading and Drainage Plan and Site Plan has been revised adding a note to indicate only white striping is to he utilized for parking stall marking, We appreciate your consideration of this waiver. You can reach me at (561) 794 4073 with any additional questions. comments, or requests for additional infoffilation. Sincerely. KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. pef:f!=t; cc: Herman Steinberg Anna Cottrell Wallace Perkins (i\.-47~81001\WP\rOIlf{FSP\AdmWai\'er 2do<; . TEL 561 562 7981 FAX 561 562 9689 1~!24!2~~1 15:00 5513547382 FIRE LIFE SAFETY PAGE Al City of Boynton Beach Fire Rescue Department i FIRE & LIFE AF~TY DIVISION 100 E. BOY ON /3EACH BLVD. BOYNTON B ACIj/, FL 33435 TELEPHONE (561) 742-6600 FAX: (561) 3 ; -73t 1 I Fai 1 ! , To: Fe.tet Van Rens From: Fire & Life Safety Fax: ~ 61-~62-9689 ! , Re.: H Test Ourge+t IOFor Review I I - I · coimerts: 1 I' j I 1 I I I I I I I The informaUon tairted in this facsimile transmission is privileged and confidential information intended only for use of the individual na ed albove. If the reader of this message is nollhe intended recipient. you are hereby notified that any dissemination, di lributlon or copying of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you have received this communication in error, please n lity l.1~ immediately by lelephone and retum the originallransmisosion to us al the above address VIa the US Postal Servic . Firs! Class Mail. Thank you, Phon.: Pag.., 2 including cover Date: 10/24/01 cc: OPlease Comment OPlease Reply DPlease Recycle Per your request, attached is flow test for 2605 SW 15th Avenue. Original to follow by mail with receipt for check. 10/24/01 WED 16:00 [TX/RX NO 6266J ~~ &"J. f.:".,. R.t .(.4C FLOW TEST , ! Request Date[ I , Requested Frbm: i Peter Van Rens j I , ; I ' Telephone Nymb~r: 561-794-4073 ; i Facsimile Nutberj 561-562-9689 j : , I , , Location: 2'05 ~W 15th Avenue (Woolbright Road) 1 j 10/16/01 Company: Kimley-Horn 601 21st Street #400 Vera Beach, FL 32960 ! nCiu~e direction, street names, hydrant locations, intersections and main sizes) I i i I s. 1 , C I i 0 N I ! 2609 Quail , I N I 2605 G I i Ridge Plaza J R ! i E I H#o H#O s ) S JvOdLBRIGHT ROAD (SW 15TH AVE) A i ~ i V i : E , ; , .. DIAGRAM .. , Hydrant 1: ,tati4 Reading: 66 psi Hydrant 2: flow IReading: 46 psi -= 1141 gpm Assign Date: I. 1~/17/01 Tested By: --4F III!Woznick AVAILABLf OfM AT 20 PSI RESIDUAL: I I I Residual Reading: 58 psi Test Date: 10/17/01 Time Tested: 16:00 hours 2,9409J!!!1 10/24/01 WED 16:00 [TX/RX NO 6266] '-'''1''/' i::"-"'- t&~ ~b 0 ,C1C> -" STATEMENT OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MOBIL SITE 02-ALS BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ..,. ...... Ardaman & Associates, Inc. OFFICES .::_1 '..:::..1 Orlando, ::CeOa S Orange Avenue. Orlando FlOrida 32809, Phone (407) 855-3860 Bartow. ,525 Centennial Drive, Bar1ow. FlOrida 33831, Phorle (813) 533-0858 Cocoa. ~ 300 N, Cocoa Blvd.. Cocoa, FlOrida 32922. Phone (407) 632.2503 =ort Lauderdale, 3665 P2r': Central Boulevard. Nor1h. Pompano Beach, FlOrida 33064. Phone (305) 969-8788 Fort Myers. :9(1) Bavaria Road, FOr1 Mvers, FlOrida 33913. Phone 1813) 768-6600 Miami, 2608 W. 84th Street. Hialeah, FlOrida 33016. Phone (305) 825,2683 . --.-- ._, .. !,o_rt Char!()l1e,_7";O Tamiaml Trail. Unit 3. POr1 Charlotte. Florida 33954, Phone (813) 624-3393 - ,- - . ~ - 4 52--Phi:me4'407 -337-~-200:"';--_," '---Sarasota. ie'oo"Bee Ridge 'Roa'd, 'Sarasota~ Florida 34239.T'hone 81 922~3-526- Tallahassee. 3175 West Tharpe Street. Tallahassee, FlOrida 32303. Phone (904) 576-6131 Tampa. 1-l06 Tech Boulevard. Tampa, Florida 33619. Phone (813) 620-3389 West Palm Beach, 2511 Westgate Avenue. Suite 10, West Palm Beach. Florida 33409, Phone (407) 687.8200 MEMBERS: AS FE. American Concrete Institute American Society lor Testing and Malenals American Consuhrng Engineers Council Florida Ins1rtUle of Consuhina Enaineers ~. ...... Ardaman & Associates, Inc. File No, 97-2115 June 9, 1997 GeOlec,,~,lco; ~nvJronmen1aJ and Materiels C~:lsultants Bovis Construction Corp, c/o Mobil Oil Corp. 2255 Glades Road, Suite 444W Boca Raton, Florida 33431 Attn: Mike Campbell STATEMENT OF SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS MOBIL SITE 02-AL5 BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ,-" Ardaman & Associates, Inc, has completed subsurface explorations and studies of the above captioned project site requested and authorized by you. We explored the general subsurface conditions in order to evaluate their suitability for the proposed gasoline service station and carwash facility, to obtain a measure of pertinent engineering properties of subsurface materials, and to provide ::-ecommendations for site preparation and foundation design, Our work included Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings, auger borings and probes, a field permeability test and engineering analyses, This report describes our explorations and tests, reports their findings, and summarizes our conclusions and recommendations. -_.; In summary, based on our explorations and studies, we conclude that the soils on this site are adequate to support the proposed construction on conventional spread foundations, provided that the site is prepared as recommended in this report. Footings may be proportioned for a maximum bearing stress of 2500 pounds per square foot, They may bear either on the existing ground or on fill or backfill, properly compacted, as described herein, For foundations designed and constructed as recommended, we expect maximum settlements less than ~ an inch. The settlements due to the dead load of the structure should occur rapidly as it is erected and should have virtually ceased by the time construction is completed. Our report has been prepared specifically for this project, It is intended for the exclusive use of Bovis Construction Corp" Mobil Oil Corp, and their representatives, Our work has used methods and procedures consistent with local foundation engineering practices, No other warranty, expressed or implied, is made, We "- --~o--not -<Juaranj::ee .-proj~!:_t_.PerfDrmance_ in_any_respecti'-only..that. "__.__,~__ :11' - ~- ....-.&~..lftn:~~Oiil1"a~t:anaards-:QFProfessl.Onal~care--:'- ~~ _ .__~_-, ". :'~"''- ~, . ; oJ ..~ 2S" Westgate Avenue. Suite 10. Wesl Palm Beach. Florida 33409 Phone (561) 687.8200 FAX (561) 640-7375 ':'~lces in: Bartow. Cocoa. Fort lauderi::ale i=ort Myers. MIamI. Ortando. Pon Chartone. Port St. Lucie. Sarasola. Tallahassee. Tampa, W Palm Beach Page 2 -:-'";. ,J ,: PROJECT DESCRIPTION We have examined a site plan provided by you.. This plan shows the proposed facility arranged on the site approximately as shown on our Boring Location Plan, Figure 1, We understand that these structures will have a combination of weight-bearing masonry walls and isolated columns, For construction of this type, we expect maximum wall loads on the order of 2 to 3 kips per lineal foot and maximum column loads of about 75 kips, We expect that finish grades on the ground floor will be within 1 to 2 feet of the existing ground surface, SITE SURFACE CONDITIONS The subject site is currently occupied by a Mobil gasoline service station, We understand that the existing structures will be razed and replaced with the proposed facility. FIELD EXPLORATION ~;..:.,."# To explore subsurface conditions at the site, two Standard Penetration Test (SPT) borings were performed at the locations shown on the Boring Location Plan, Figure 1, The SPT borings were completed at depths of 15 feet below the existing ground surface, This work was performed on June 4, 1997, The work was performed in accordance with the procedures recommended in ASTM D-1586, The boring logs and a description of our drilling and testing procedures are included in the Appendix, In addition to the SPT borings, three auger borings were performed at the locations shown on Figure 1. Descriptions of the soils encountered in the auger borings are given in the Appendix, The boring locations were laid out by our field crew by tape measurements from existing site features, We estimate that the actual boring locations are within about 5 feet of the locations shown in Figure 1. If you need to know the boring locations more accurately, we recommend that you retain a surveyor, Our drillers examined the soil recovered from the SPT sampler and maintained a log for each boring. The soil samples were taken to our laboratory where they were inspected and classified using nomenclature consistent with the Unified Soil Classification .,c.:.::._Sy~~~m:-(J'.S~._}2:....:?~.a2L:c"-- The soil classifications and other " ,",'~~~ - pert:":hlent:'""daLc.".-....bta-:in~;::,-;."'~our>-__exp lora t i <>ng--.and~-labor a tory;';;,"~::;;" --::--~ "~,;,.~ examinations and tests are reported on the boring logs in the . " Appendix, ,:2) c J Page 3 The soil samples recovered from our explorations will be kept in our laboratory for 60 days, then discarded unless you request otherwise. EXFILTRATION TESTS In order to estimate the hydraulic conductivity of the upper soils, a constant head exfiltration test was performed at the location shown on Figure 1. The test was performed in accordance with methods described in the South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) Permit Information Manual, Volume IV. Descriptions of the soils observed in the exfiltration test boreholes and the test results are presented in the Appendix. SUBSURFACE CONDITIONS The boring logs in the Appendix present'a detailed description of the soils encountered at the locations and the depths explored. The soil stratification shown on the boring logs is based on examination of recovered soil samples and interpretation of the driller's field logs. It indicates only the approximate boundaries between soil types. The actual transitions between adjacent soil strata may be gradual and indistinct. As shown by the boring logs in the Appendix, the soils on the site at the locations and the depths explored consist generally of loose to medi~m dense fine silica sands to the termination depths of our deepest borings at depth 15.0 feet. GROUNDWATER CONDITIONS Our drillers observed groundwater in the boreholes at depths that ranged from 4.0 to 6.0 feet below the ground surface, as noted on the boring logs in the Appendix. Fluctuations in groundwater level on this site should be anticipated throughout the year due to seasonal variations in rainfall, and other factors. We expect that groundwater conditions are controlled by rainfall events. Groundwater levels somewhat above the present levels should be expected after periods of heavy rains. DISCUSSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS GENERAL Based on the findings of our site exploration, our evaluation of subsurface conditions, and judgment based on our experience with -- -c-_","similar__projects~_we"conclude:.J:haLthe:..soils_=derlying this site "-"'''=:- '- ciu-:"9ene-ral1Y-' sat~-sractVl.!Ii l:O~supj5orrt1ie--propo-se'd."E6i1stru'ct ~-on--~~-- "~ on conventional spread foundations. However, in our opinion, the bearing capacity of the loose near-surface sands should be improved in order to reduce the risk of unsatisfactory foundation performance. The general soil improvement we recommend can be accomplished simply by proofrolling the site with a heavy .. ..:-/ , . , A P PEN D I X STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOGS Our borings describe subsurface conditions only at the locations drilled and at the time drilled. They provide no information about subsurface conditions below the bottom of the bo~eholes. At locations not explored, surface conditions that dif:er from those observed in the borings may exist and should be anticipated. The information reported on our boring logs is based on our drillers' logs and on visual examination in our laboratory of disturbed soil samples recovered from the borings. The distinction shown on the logs between soil types is app~oximate only. The actual transition from One soil to anothe~ may be gradual and indistinct. .' The g~oLL~dwater depth shown on our boring logs is the water level the driller observed in the borehole when it was drilled. These water levels may have been influenced by the drilling procedures, especially'in borings made by rotary drilling with bentonitic drilling mud. An accurate determination of groundwater level requires long-term observation of suitable monitoring wells. Fluctuations in groundwater levels throughout the year should be anticipated. The absence of a groundwater level on certain logs indicates that no groundwater data is available. It does not mean that no groundwater will be encountered at that boring location. -., '....:..-" STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING B-1 PROJECT: MOBIL SITE 02-AL5 FILE NO. 97-2115 BORING B-1 . ELEV: NI A DRILLER: DG/SE DA TE DRI LLED: 6/4/97 BORING LOCATION: S~E LOCATION MAP WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 4.0 FEET o...EVATIDN SOIL SYJoCBQ'...S SAIoPLER SYN8QLS DEPTH A.NO FIELD TEST DATA SOIL DESCRIPTION SA.t-PLE '" N VALUE o ASPHALT 3" BASE 10~ LIGHT BROWN FINE SAND ~ 6/6 i;i:l..-y F-rNE ,.,.., 2 6/6 5 6/6 7/6 12 5/5 6/6 G~AYlSH BRO~ FINE SAND 6/6 3 12 7/E ~/5 SAME </6 '/5 A 9 6/6 10 IS tiS 6/6 6/5 DA;::iK -J:€DDISH BRQwk FINE siND . 5 12 BORING COMPLETED AT DEPTH 15 FEET. FIELD TEST DATA AlE -BLOWS- /"IHCHES DRIVEN-. 140-l.B HAHI-ER. 30-INCH F.4LL. Arc:laman Ii: Associ'.ates. .Inc. STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG PROJECT: MOBIL SITE 02-AL5 BORING B-2 BORING LOCATION SEE LOCATION MAP WATER DB SERVED AT DEPTH 4.0 FEET ELEVATION SOIL SYMBOLS SAMPLER SYN80LS DEPTH AND FIELD TEST 0.... H. o SOIL DESCRIPTION ASPHALT 2. BAsE io. LIGHl BROWN FINE SAND bARK BROWN SLIGHTLY ORGANiC FINE SAND GRAYFINESANj ---.. . . ~ 4/6 4/6 GRAYISH 8RO~ FINE SAND 5 6/6 6/6 4/6 SAME 4/6 5/6 4/6 4/6 SAME 4/6 4/5 5/5 10 ,. _ _ i 15 :.;: 4/6 6/6 7/6 bARK FEObIS"H BROWN FINE SAND BORING COMPLETED AT DEPTH 15 FEET. FIELD TEST DATA ARE "a.OWS. /"INCHE9 DRIVEN". HO~B HAHl'ER. 3D-INCH FALL. Ardaman' 0: Associates. Inc. FILE NO. 97-2115 BORING B-2 .ELEV: NI A DRI LLER: DG/SE DATE DRILLED: 6/4/97 SA).fJLE '" N VALUE 2 3 4 10 5 9 6 B 7 13 ,~ .- STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING A-I PRO-JECT: MOBIL SITE 02-AL5 FILE NO. 97-21 J5 BORING A-1 .ELEV. N/A DAl LLER DG/SE DATE DRILLED: 6/4/97 BORING LOCATION: SEE LOCATION MAP WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 5.0 FEET .,'. ELEVATION I SOIL SYMBOLS SAJoPLE N S~ SYMBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION DEPTH I AND FIELD TEST DATA '" VALUE .-0 i ASPHALt .~..... .. BASE .... BROWN FINE SAND wITH SLIGHl PETRtx...EUM ODORS. .... ... Gi:lAYISH 8i::10~ FiNE SA,ND 0-5 ~ ... SAME .... ...... HUU '-10 .1 BORING COMPLETED AT DEPTH 10 FEET. FIELD lEST DATA ARE -EIl.OWS-rIHCHES DRIVEN-. 140-1..8 IiAHtoER. 30-INOi FALl. Ardaman 6: Assoc i ates, Inc. .:~ ~~.;.~~~ ~.~ STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING A-2 PROJECT: MOBIL SITE 02-AL5 FILE NO. 97-2115 BORING A-2 . ELEV: N/ A DRILLER DG/SE DATE DRILLED: 6/4/97 BORING LOCATION: SEE LOCATION MAP WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 5.0 FEET - -.-." ELEVA.TION SOIL SYMBOLS SAtoPLE N SAtoPLEA $YNBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION '" VALUE DEPTH AND fIELD TEST DATA ...0 'i: A.SPHAL i ":~J! BAst ... - . .. ~ - BROWN F I HE sANti WITH SLlGHl PETRo....EUM ODORS ..... ~ .... .... .... .. -5 ~ . - BROWN FINE SAND WITH VERY SLIGHT PETROLEuM ODORS L 10 T <:; BORING COMPLETED AT DEPTH 10 FEET. FIELD lEST DATA ARE -BLOWS-'-INCHES DRIVEN-. J-40-LB HA'*'ER. 30-INOi F.ALL. Ardaman Ii: ASSOciates. Inc. > .~ ... STANDARD PENETRATION TEST BORING LOG BORING A-3 PRO-JECT: MOBIL SITE 02-AL5 FILE NO. 97-2115 BORING A-3 . ELEV. N/ A ORILLER OG/SE DATE DRILLED: 6/4/97 BORING LOCATION: SEE LOCATION MAP WATER OBSERVED AT DEPTH 6.0 FEET ELEVATICli SOIL SYMBOLS I SA)of)'lE N SA.,pLER S YNBOLS SOIL DESCRIPTION '" VALUE DEPTH AND tIELD TEST DATA -0 GRASS "AND TOP "SOil <0/.......; v - BROWN FINE SAND. .. f- t- . .. . 1-5 T ... ..... ~10 ., ;' '.:.;:! BORING COMPLETED AT DEPTH 10 FEET. FIELD TE9T DATA ARE "'El..OWS.rINCHE9 DRIVEN"'. HO-LB HA'*ER. 30-INOi FALL. ArOaman &: Associates. Inc'. ,- , 96 SFWMD USUAL OPEN-HOLE TEST o Soil Deseri bon 0.0-0.2 Asphalt 0.2-0.8 Base 0.8-6.0 Brown Fine Sand I I J I J J J J J I I L-d-.J I I J J I J J J J J I J I ,', ., !/ .; K= 40 rrd(2H2 2+4H2Ds +H2d) K. HYDRAUl,lC CONDUCT IVIT Y (CFS/FT.:1 _ FT. HEAD) Q = "STABILIZED" FLOW RATE (CFS) 2.1,,10-3 d = DIAMETER OF TEST HOLE (FEET) Hz = DEPTH TO WATER TABLE (FEED DS= SATURATED HOLE DEPTH (FEET) 0.5 4,0 1.5 NOTES: 1) BOREHOLE COLLAPSED FROM 6,0' TO 5,5' DURING TEST, 2) WATERTABLE ENCOUNTERED AT DEPTH 4.0'. -5 9.2x10 ",- H2 , Waler Table Os , ...... Ardaman & Associates, Inc. __ - .A GeOI.e,,",ce'. En""o"m.".al ....., ~ .. ...1....1. Conlvllanll SUBSURFACE EXPLORATIONS MOBIL SITE 02-AL5 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA ~,_r . . . ~ i' TEST LOCATIOH: AS PER PLAN. .,.,..-.. ....000 97 2115 .- 2 c..c... ,. Page 6 File Name: ABC Fine Wines & Spirits File No.: NWSP 99-007 preserved in place, or removed and replaced on the landscape plan. 38. The applicant will have to complete the land-clearing permit prior to requesting the first building permit. The project should continue in normal review process. FORESTER/ENVIRONMENTALIST Comments: 39. The applicant should indicate if the two existing Slash Pin ees will be preserved in place, or removed and replaced on the la cape plan. 40. The applicant will have to complete the requesting the first building permi PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 41. \\CH\MAIN\S ATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\ABC FINE WINE & SPIR1TS\1ST REVIEW COMMENTS NWSP.doc \ , 1./07/2001 14:54 %16324626 COTTRELL P;.\GE 02 ./ Anna S. CoH:rell &-< Associates, Inc. The C""""" 8u,IJ;"9' ~IQ CIe"",b, Shvet:, Su,te (XX) PO 80x 19055, 'Wan palm g",.och.1=l.mJ. =,16 (561) 5~(4600 fox (561) 83'(4&16 :"lovember 7, 2001 LUSII Galav Principal Pl8Illler City of Boynton Beach 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard PO Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33425-0310 RE: APPUCA TION FOR CONDITIONAL (lSE AND SUE PLAN APPROVAL MOBIL STA ]'IONINORTHWEST CORNER OF THE INTERSECTION OF CONGRESS A VENUE AND WOOLBRIGHT ROAD Dear Lus1a: Please accept this letter as our request that the hearing by the Planning and Zoning Board for the referen<:ed application be postponed. We are requesting the application be heard in December. 200 I rather than November. to allow sufficient time for Mobil Oil to evaluate the rC{;ommendations of the TRC relative to Site and aI"hitectural design. Your assistance In this matter is appreciated. c:r::~ Annll Cottrell cc: Herman Steinberg. Trammel Crow 11(07/2001 14:54 5519324626 COTTRELL PAGE 01 ^ 319 Clemollo StrQt Sob eoo W.._lletdI,FIoItdll~t8 ("")832_ (t581)832-<482e "'" Fax , .. .. I '. L .. ; ,,-.,'~ \'"1:1 "\', l)llc, ,1 Ii I,...."'", '>, '.~ '\~ ~ \L~sY ; \'.--.-.- .. Lusi8 GIIIIIY P..... s.rgio MederII ,.., 7.2~59 ....... 2 ...... 742-4200 .... , 1 Kl712OO1 ... Mcl:>il S1Iltion CD WooIbI V1t Road & eorv-- Avenue cc:. H SleinberO 630-3728 o UI'(IMt Ii!! .or....... 0 ....... Canll'" 0 ....... ....., [J ..... "C'J,dl PIeue find ltle atIlIc:t\ed t8l18r requMling ~ of ltle P&D meeting lIlIil o--.Iber ShOuld yQU ~ IIrtI qLMIlItionI rwga-ding lhis matIIIr, ~ fwl free 10 call US at yo.s oonvenienc:e \~~'n'-rn (l6 ~. D ~~ _t... \-n'\"\ I, . [~..- \. . I I ' , I,d ';\, n NOV _ .1. 20..01 '. \~~1' ,dl ) ,. ; __~.,.-.-.J : -- PL\i,':M'Gt'::'.-\ . \_----1,6~~'~~G-.:.f.?), --'". ~--.- ,.-