APPLICATION City Cod~s Accessed Via Website ':!!:;yw .bovnton-beach.on!: 'WW\V .amlegaI.comlboynton _beach _ fl CI. . OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PlANNING &ZONING DMSION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION . FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SI /0) r~ Appll""O" A".p""" D,.. 9/19/01 UU I SIP I 9 100 Fee Paid Receipt Number ~----._' Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? Yes ,Date 9/17/01 This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted with the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: MOBIL- WooIBRIGHT ROAD & CONGrESS AVENUE 2. Applicant's name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made): ~10BIL OIL CORPORATION Address: P.O. Box 290, Dallas Texas 75221-0290 (Zip Code) Phone: Fax: 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): ANNA S. COTI'llEIL Address: ,19 (:1=1:;" Sl:r"f>t:, Sll;l:" fiOO "),,,,1: P"lm R""c-h Florin" ii4{) 1 (Zip Code) Phone: 561-832-4600 Fax: 561-832-Lf626 4. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: MOBIL OIL CORPOPATION, Address: P.O. Box 290, ;;allas. Texas 75221-0290 (Zip Code) Phone: Fax: 5. Correspondence to be mailed to agent only; if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute n is specified below:* To Agent *This is the one address to which all agendas; letters and other materials will be mailed. 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? (owner, buyer, lessee, builder, developer, contract purchaser, etc.) Q.mer LU W ~ b-r-~V\ f2..o,e. 7. Street address of location of site: 2605 3W-lSd, Av"uU$ 8. Property Control #(PCN) 08-43-45-31-17-001-0020 Legal description of site: Please see attached Survev 1. Intended use(s) of site: Gas Sales & Convenience Store 10. Developer or Builder: 'I'r= 1 (;r= (',oTTlpATlY 11. Architect: Holfgan'!, Doerschlag 12: Landscape Architect: Urban Resource Grow 13. Site Planner: Kimlev-Horn & Associates Inc. 14. Engineer: Kimley-Horn & Associates Inc. 15. Surveyor: Pulice L3nd Surveyors, Inc 16. Traffic Engineer: Kiroley-Horn & Associates Inc Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? Yes 17. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: +/- $800,000 18. II. SITE PLAN The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Cateqorv shown in the Comprehensive Plan: local Retail (LRC) 2. 3. 4. Zoning District: CorTuri.ty Carrrnercial (C-3) Area of Site .879 acres Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown: 38.303 sq. ft. a. Residential, including surrounding lot area of grounds acres % of site d. Commercial .379 acres % of site acres % of site acres 100 % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of site b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) c. Water Area e. Industrial f. Publicllnstitutional g. Public. Private and Canal rights-of-way h. Other (specify) i. Other (specify) j. Total area of site acres % of site *including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground floor building n7g acres g area ("building footprint") % of site b. Water area acres % of site c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets. paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landscaped areas), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. ~ acres 54.5 % of site d. Total impervious area .251 acres 28.6 % of site e. Landscaped area .251 acres 28.6 % of site inside of parking lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5.35(g) of Landscape Code). f Other landscaped areas,_ acres % of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf course, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas acres % of site h. Total pervious areas acres % of site I. Total area of site .879 acres 100 % of site 6.. Floor Area a. Residential sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office 2,800 sq. ft. c. IndustrialIWarehouse sq. ft. d. Recreational sq. ft. e. Public/Institutional sq. ft. f. Other (specify) Cae Hash 648 sq. ft. g. Other (specify) sq. ft. h. Total floor area 3 , LfL~8 sq. ft. 7. Number of Residential Dwellinq Units a. Single-family detached sq. ft. b. Duplex sq. ft. c. Multi-Family (3 + attached dwelling units) (1) Efficiency dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total multi-family dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units 8. Gross Densitv dwelling units per acre 9. . h f . 21' - 3" Maximum helq t 0 structures on site feet 1 stories 2. Required off-street parkinq a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces 1/250 square feet 12 b. Off-street parking spaces provided on-site plan 11 Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted with this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or employed by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staff or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance with the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in violation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as provided for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. Iqct:.~&~ Applicant ' ,20tL READ, ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO this r--- --. NOTICE TO APPLICANTS FOR APPROVAL OF LAND DEVELOPMENT ORDERS OR PERMITS Please be advised that all applications for the following land development orders and permits which are submitted on or after June 1, 1990 will be subject to the City's Concurrency Management Ordinance, and cannot be approved unless public facilities (potable water, sanitary sewer, drainage, solid waste, recreation, park, and road facilities) would be available to serve the project, consistent with the levels of service which are adopted in the City's Comprehensive Plan: Building permit applications for the construction of improvements, which, in and by themselves, would create demand for public facilities. Applications for site plan approval. Applications for conditional use approval. Applications for subdivision master plan approval. Applications for preliminary plat approval. Applications for final plat approval. Applications for rezoning to planned zoning districts. Applications for revisions to any of the applications listed above, which would increase the demand for any public facility. Any other application, which, in and by itself, would establish the density or intensity of use of land, or a maximum density or intensity of use of land. . Applications for development orders and permits submitted after February 1, 1990 and which generate more than 500 net vehicle trips per day, must comply with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, unless exempt from that ordinance. Please be advised, however, that the following applications will be exempt from the Concurrency Management Ordinance, pending final approval of this ordinance by the City Commission: Applications for the development of property which was platted on or after January 13, 1978 and either the final plat or the preliminary plat and Palm Beach County Health Department permit applications were submitted or approved prior to June 1, 1990, and the use of the property is consistent with the general use which was intended for the property at the time of platting. Applications for the development of property, which was platted prior to January 13, 1978, the area of the platted lots does not exceed 2 acres, and the proposed use would not generate more than 500 net vehicle trips per day. Applications for building permit, if a site plan or conditional use application was submitted prior to June 1, 1990 and subsequently approved and the site plan or conditional use has not expired. Applications for the development of property within an approved Development of Regional Impact, and which are consistent with the approved DR!. Applications for approval of final plats, if the preliminary plat and application for Palm Beach county Health Department permits for utilities have been submitted prior to June 1, 1990. Applications for revisions to previously approved development orders or permits, which do not increase the demand for any public facility. Please be advised that these exemption rules are tentative and will be subject to final approval by the City Commission. If you have any questions concerning the proposed Boynton Beach Concurrency Management Ordinance, please contact the Boynton Beach Planning Division at (561) 742-6260. CHAPTER 4 SITE PLAN REVIEW Section 7. Submission Requirements. Each applicant shall submit to the Planning and Zoning Division the following plans and exhibits in the number of copies specified by the Planning and Zoning Division, together with a Site Plan Review application and a fee adopted by resolution by the City Commission. 12 ASSEMBLED COPIES REQUIRED A. Existinq site characteristics map: A sealed survey, not older than six months, showing all adjacent streets, alleys and driveways, and also illustrating: 1. Existing natural features, including but not limited to lakes, trees and other vegetation and soils and topography. 2. Existing buildings, building elevations, other structures, including use, height, dimensions and setbacks. 3. Existing utility lines and all easements. 4. Existing elevations (corner, street and finished floor) B. Site development plan: 1. A scaled drawing clearly illustrating proposed buildings and other structures, and any existing buildings and structures, which are to be retained, including use, height, dimensions and setbacks. 2. Proposed off-street parking spaces, driveways and sidewalks, including location, dimensions and setbacks, traffic control markings and signage. 3. Proposed fences and walls, including location, dimensions, setbacks, height and material. 4. Proposed location of lighting on site. 5. Proposed dumpster location. C. Landscape plan: 1. A separate scaled drawing (at the same scale as the site development plan) prepared as required by state law clearly illustrating proposed trees, shrubs, grass and 2. Proposed berms, watercourses and other topographic features. 3. A notation on method of irrigation. C~;.9/2C01 10:24 18132410049 e'?/l~,t~t:ll!Il e9:~:p S6l6~ 25 ~,'OB:L JIL CORP COTTRELL PAGE 01 PAGE e1 III CiiRTlFICATlON fov" ~ -;> (I) (W.) underwlllnd that thi. .pplic'ltion and .11 papers and pllna IUllmltt'd "elfwiltl becorr. I part of the permanll"l recordS 01 thu Pllnning and Zoning Olvla/Of" (I) (Ne) hllreb~ certify thaI the ebove Itlatllmll1ts end ilny .tatem".'t. or tMowinga in ilny papel'll or "'linS submitted ~_with .. true to the best 01 (my) (our) knowll"dge Ind belief TIli, application will not be eccepted untess slgne< lICCQrding to the instruction. below. rJ~ l~ ~_ () ) / -} ,.-=1 Oal'I Signature of Owner(s) or Truatee, o' A\Jtilorlzed Pri~ipal if property II OY 'ned by a corpor.tlo" c>r other bUliness enl~ f. IV. ^"TH~_NTGw: ~ Slgnatur. of A4lthoril:ed Agenl q, 1C1, 0\ . 0;.; 1""~.J"\f~ Si;n.lure of Owner(s) or Trust.., or Authorized Pnncip.,lf property Is :. wned by . corpc~1QfI or elher bU$ine" en aty. Oet. SPACE BELOw THIS liNE FO~ OFFICE USE ONLY Revtew Sehedule: Date Receivf.d Technical Review Comrllttee PlllMing J Developmenl 8Q'rd Commu"ity Appq"nce ao.rd City Commi'Glon Dale Oele Dete Ollte__ StlplJllllonl of Finel ApP!'Qvei: Olll" Goverrment Agenoie.IP....OrllJ to be wnl8ct..l; Mdltlonal Rel1'1arks; A. REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJEC', MUST BE PRESENT AT Al.L TRC. pac AND CC MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEWrHIS PROJECT. Planning III1d ZQnlng Oiv~ion - Rev. 10/18/19V8 ,:_04 T"'IJ'\.ANNI~\$I1AA'\)\Wl'II'OIWS""P~'C!\TIOI\'5INWSP\$lr~PV.N DOC A~chitectural plan: 1. 2. A scaled drawing clearly illustrating proposed building floor plan and elevations, including height, exterior dimensions, exterior color and materials. A colored elevation drawing (not mounted) showing all elevations of the building. (This submittal can be waived by the Planning and Zoning Director when not applicable.) E. Tabular Summary Containin~: 1. Total gross project area by acreage and square footage and net buildable land area in acres and square feet. 2. Total number of proposed residential units, including characteristics by number of bedrooms and bathrooms and gross square footage of each typical unit. 3. Proposed nonresidential floor type of use and total gross square footage. 4. Square footage and percentage distribution of the total project site, including areas proposed for landscaped open space, vehicular use areas, other paved areas, and building coverage and total coverage. 5. Number and ratio of required and provided off-street parking spaces and number of loading spaces. 6. Water bodies in acres and square feet. 7. Height of buildings. F. Drainaqe plan: 1. A separate scaled drawing (at the same scale as the site development plan) showing elevations, flow arrows, proposed drainage structures, proposed treatment facilities, etc. 2. An engineer's certification in writing that drainage will conform with all rules, regulations, codes, etc. including, but not limited to, Chapter 6, Article IV, Section 5 of these Land Development Regulations. Revised 8/9/0 1 J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\FORMS\APPLlCATIONS\NWSP\Revised Site Plan with Pre~application date.doc on ,. ,- IE Cl ... .!~ :if 3~t' .00 1 " 13~ ' ~, W',." cr (,,0 = = = -----.- WUU.HTTDflO nOM INDI'l"IDU"'L fO (OO'OlAflO" RAMee) FORM 3A This ijjarranty llttd M,d. I~' JOSEPH COGEN , AS TRUSTEE AND INDIVIDUALLY hf!'~lna/ter called Ih. 9'(1"'01', to MOBIL OIL CORPORATION a corporal/on ('x/sling under ,,,& lowI 0/ IIUf SIal. 0/ NEW YORK IIclJrru 01 3225 Gallows Road, Fairfax, Virginia h('~efnafler calledlh" granleft: 1st Jay of December A. D. 19 82 b, . wuh "S,f1"OT"""poJIQmce 22037 . (Wh.....".' ....eI Mr.i.. Ii,. lO,m. "In~lor" ."cl ",nn'.." hocl..... .11 the ,..tieo 10, d.iI 1""",,aIOftt ...01 .he hOlM. 1.~.1 "~n..li,," .ad ""1'" 0' j"di.id".I., ..-4 lhe _...... aM. llJ"I1'" 01 ~Iioll'l ttJitnesseth: That II.. gron'c.l', for aRef," con.leIerollon of ,h. Jum of $10.. 00 valuable COnJiJN,,/ions..Ncelpl wh.,ftO!ls her.b, ac,,."wl.Jg,J. he",b, gronb. bargoln., refl" alien., mIni. nrl.o..... conv~>,' ond con/InN unlo Ih. g;-ont... on Ihol cerloln fond ,Uuol. In Palm Beach Counly. Florida. vi:: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF. Subject to conditions, restrictions, limitations and easements of record, if any and taxes for the year 1982 and subsequent years. ~ ., ~ Together wHh all II", Icnt"m!"nh. hprpdilamcnl' and oppurlcnance, Iher.lo belonging or in any- wilCl' appertalnlno, 10 <<aue and to }told, I~, <om. '" {.. "mpl. {"..... Rnd Ihe grontor hCl'rehy covenan" will. 'old gran lee Ihal 11.. gronlor " lawfully ,elud of ,aid land In ff'(' ,impl(l; thai Ihe granlor hns good rlghl and low/ul oulhorll1 10 ,elf ond convey soid wnd; 11.01 11.. gronlor h(lrel)y fully warrant, Ihe lid. to sold land ond wJlI de/end the someo agolnsl the bw/ul clolm, of all perron. whOm.O(lI.er; and ,1.01 ,old lond " /ree of all encumbrance.. U'cepl taxe. accruing ,ub.~u"nl 10 Decemh(lr 31. 10 82. This property' is not the homestead of the grantor herein who resides at: 2622 N.W. 23rd Way, Boca Raton, Fl. 33431 N.B. THIS DEED IS BEING RE-RECORDED TO SHOW GRANTORS ADDRESS WHICH WAS OMITTED IN ORIGINAL RECORDING, Ihe ,old granfor has 1.ereunlo .eol his hond and .eal Ih" day ond y"o.r :!iTATE OF FLORIDA c.: COUNTY OF PALM .... V> ex:> ...., -I'm HtR.!JlY CER.TIFY th.I Oft thl. d.y, before me, .n onkrr duly .uthorind in the Sllle .rorn.id .nd In the County .r_Id 10 lah Icknowledrmenti, puMln.lly .ppe.~d JOSEPH COGEN, AS TRUSTEE AND INDIVIDUALLY 10 mf known to be Ihl: ~non d~Kribed in .nd who fXfculd Ihf foreSoinl lnllrumrftt .nd _before mt that he execulcd the lime. WIT:-OESS my hand and official ft.1 in the County and St'le tan aforesaid thl. ,A. D, 19. 82 he IcknowledllCd I d.J'ol ~~"""...."."., ~ ~-. .~,'~ ' . ':. :;,,~:'~ . . ..~_ .____. .. ''''''''' t -, . 1.."'Y'_: NotIIY S~. of FtodclI.a\~,..: <.!.: My ~~i>>''IIlD', . ....... ... M..... ~. t9tJ'S t,\ ". ~~, ". ./ ..:,~.:I.I.' ()~";';'~'~~~t;o. ", " ~~ \. , REccnn ~.~.. !"'..........--~.I ~O "t' . .. ~ a_ .L I V,is InJIrun/(II/ prqMrrtI hy!( L R~~IN t. n~i!.llN~llllt. P A j ~ a,r-c,;",t;:\'. .....A ,!JJrr:s.r ... "I"ll ~o:) C~r,~" . . :~" j 2.:5.)H:.I:WJo'.": (', '.1., J-l,.::.......;.:.J. F:ll~;I.:f 'Jj(,;;:'J "e~,~.. 1; "".,,' ~, '- !:;' I en ~ ~ en '" c:o .., ,0 = ....., C> = "'" <0 ..... .<0 = Cl.. - ... .., CD - ., LEGAL DESCR:PT~ON East 200 feet of Tract "An "Wool.BRIGHT PUZA", according to the Plat thereof, as recorded in Plat BOOK 38 at pages 63 and 64 of th~ public records of Palm Beach County, Florida, lying in Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, being mere particularly described as follows: Commence at the Northeast corner of Section 31, Township 45 South, Range 43 East and run on an assumed hearing of 589018' 10"W along the North line gf said Section 31 for a distance of 60 feet; thence run SOO Ol'07"W 410n9 a line parallel with and 60.00 feet West of as measured at right angles to the East line Of said Section 31, said section line b~ing coin- cident with the centerline of Congress ~venue as shown' on that cert8.in plat "Woolbright Plaza" according to the Plat thereof recorded in Plat BOOK 38 at pages 63 and 64 of the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida,. for a distance of 40600 feet, to the point of beginning: thence continue slang the last described cnurse for 168.36 feet~ thence run 544 39' 3B"W for 35.13 feet, thence run SB9 lB'lO"W along the North right-of-way line of Woolbright Road as shown on said Plat "'lOOLBRIGHT PLAZ1I." for a distance of 175,33 feet, said last three mentioned courses being coincident with the boundary lings of Tract "A" of said plat "WOOLBRIGHT PLAZA" th~nce run NOO 01' 07"E for 193.04 feet to a point on the North .line of said Tract "A": thence run N89018110''E along said North line of Tract "A" for 200.02 feet to the point-of beginning. Said lands lying in Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida. C> C> '0= t- In 'CQ . .., "a:! f-t; RECORD VElllRED PALM BEACH COUNTY, FU JOHN B. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT RECORD VERlm'C ." P,'.lM REACH COUNTY FI.J\ JOHN B. DUNKLE' CLERK CIRCUIT COURT .", ".\ ,- / " ./ iJ /r":.. POWER OF A lTORNEY SEP I 9 ?nm MOC PIA No. ~t/.~ 'X KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That MOBIL OIL CORPORATION, a=- corporation organized and existing under the laws of the State of New York, does hereby make, constitute and appoint H. ALLGA YER, T. A. CASEY, R. J, CICCOTB.Ll. M, J, D'AMICO, A, L GLAESER, F. r.- GRASSO, A. J. GIAQUINTO, W. J. HELFRICH, D, W. HEALD, F. J. UNDHJEM, J. J. LOYKA, S. E. MALONE. Go L MARTlNIE. S. P. MEST1-IOS, I. MORGANO, V, H, RANKIN, D. H. STEPHL:-lS, W. VALENCIA, R. J. WOLFF, ERNEST A, ROSSI and each of them, its true and lawful attomeys for it and in its name, place and stead, to do or r-erform any or all of the following: 1 . To discharge any mortgage or other lien, having an unpaid princir:al balance not- exceeding $10,000, now or hereafter owned by the Company, and to give- acquittances, satisfaction pieces or releases therefore, and to institute and. prosecute proceedings for the foreclosure of any such mortgage or lien in its name or othelWise; 2. To discharge any judgment, not exceeding the sum of $10,000, now or hereafter owed by the Company, and to execute and deliver such satisfaction pieces or releases therefore as may be necessary to effectually discharge the same; 3. To release from the lien of any mortgage, having an unpaid principal balance not exceeding $10,000, that may now or hereafter be owed by the Company, any portion of the premises covered thereby, snd to make, execute. acknowledge. and deliver all instruments necessary for that purpose, and to accept for any such' releases a nominal consideration; 4. To lease, as landlord, any lands, tenements or hereditaments that may belong to the Company or which it may hereafter acquire, and to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver any such lease, and thereafter to receive the rent stipulated thereunder, and to renew, modify, change or terminate such leases and to take any and all proceedings for the recovery of said lands for any cause whatsoever; pro'/ided. however, that any such lease to be enteCed into shall have a firm period not over five years and an annual rental not exceeding $10,000; 5. To purchase, to lease for the Company as tenant, or otherwise to acquire and hold. real estate and personal property, and to make, execute and deliver all instruments necessary for such purposes; also to sign, execute, acknowledge and deliver instruments terminating or modifying such leases as may now or hereafter be in ~~r'~~~",,'''''' ',. . r.. farce and effect with respect to lands. tenements, or hereditaments 'occupied by the:- Company as tenant, and to surrender the premises therein demised: provided. however, that any such purchase shall be for a price not exceeding $200,000, and any such lease to be entered into shall have a firm period of not over fifteen years and an annual rental not exceeding $15,000; c 6. To make, execute, and deliver contracts for the sale of personal property, having a value of not more than $15,000, ather than merchandise held for sale irr the- ordinary course of business, an behalf of the Company; 7. To make, execute and deliver contracts for the construction, repair and maintenance of properties of the Company at a cost not exceeding $100,000; 8. To make, execute, deliver and file proofs of claim and debt in insolvency, assignment far benefit of creditors, bankruptcy, receivership and reorganization matters involving indebtedness to this Company; - 9. To execute and file any and all instruments, documents, farms, reports and applications necessary or proper for filing before administrative or executive officers; boards, and agencies, whether federal, state, or municipal; and to procure any authorization, permit or license from any officer, board or agency, whetherfederal, state or municipal; I \ 10. To verify an behalf of the Company all pleadings, responses to interrogatories and other documents which are required in judicial. administrative or arbitration proceedings pursuant to the California Code of Civil Procedure or the code of civil procedure or rules of procedure of any ather state or agency; and 11. To execute on behalf of the Company indemnification agreements for third party costs, expenses and damages arising out of environmental conditions caused by the. Company's operation of its facilities. Each and every power, discretionary or otherwise, herein granted to the aforesaid attorneys shall be deemed as granted to them in severalty, as of the one exercising any power hereunder has alone been appointed and named as attorney herein. This power is given in accordance with authority duly granted by the Board of Directors of the Company, HEREBY REVOKING the following Powers of Attorney heretofore granted: MOC PIA No. 2394 granted to H. ALLGAYER, T. A. CASEY, R. J. CICCOTEW. M. J, _,.. ..~_ . _ _'-, I "'..,,= ^ I ~I ^<=c:<=C <:: T r::CLl.c:c:n Ll. I r::1Ll.nIIlNTO. W. J. / / / ~ r-. / IN WITNESS WHEREOF; said MOBILOILCORPORATION has caused these presents=- to be signed by a Vice President, and its corporate seal to be hereunto affixed and attested by an Assistant Secretary the 20 t h day of November, 1996. MOBil OIL CORPORATION 8~ Ff (L . Vice President R. F. Amrhei.n ~. ATTEST: G.O.~. " Sr. Assistant Secretary P. A. Stevenson COMMONWEALTH OF VIRGINIA ) ) 55,: ) COUNTY OF FAIRFAX On the 20th day of November, 1996, before me personally came ;{J. 7. /) ~w ..(... .~ ) , to me known, who being by me duly swom did. depose and say that he resides at 3225 Gallows Road. Fairfax. VA 22037. that hais.a: VICE PRESIDENT of MOBil Oil CORPORATION, the corporation described in and which executed the foregoing instrument; that he knows the seal of said corporation; that the seal. affixed to said instrument is such corporate seal; that it was so affixed by order of-the'- Board of Directors of said corporation, and that he signed his name thereto by like order. dja JI.4.- Notary Public My Commission Expires: LIadIIlGCIlI. I/ItIrr Pabflc Coall.__aUll 01 Ylrcln~~ My Colla....... ft1lira J'1IIIIrJ 31. 1999 ROSSl.POA ~=~ f- I Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. SFP 1 n September 18, 2001 047281001 11042700 Via Hand Delivery . Suite 400 60121,t Street Vero Beach, Florida 32960 City of Boynton Beach Utility Department 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard Boynton Beach, FL 33425 561/742-6260 RE: Water Flows for Pipe Sizing Mobil 02-AL5, NW Comer of Congress and Woolbright Dear Sirs: This letter will serve as an evaluation of the flows required for this property to determine the adequacy of the pipe sizing. Below are the criteria: Anticipated flows' = 1,950 gpd Maximum anticipated flow = 2.5 x Average = 2.5 x 1,950 ~ 4,875 gpd = 3.4 gpm Minimum pipe size based on Design Criteria' = 0.75 inches at 4.16' head loss per 100' Pipe proposed = 1.5 inches at head loss of 0.166 per 100' Notes: I) Based 2 water closets for convenience store operating greater than 16 hour s per day as determined in Table 1 and Footnote 2 of F AC 1 OD-6.048(1)(b), Table I) 2) Design criteria will be to size pipe based on less than 5' of head loss per 100 feet of pipe for maximum flow - (Pipe data from Cameron Hydraulic Data, Ingersoll-Dresser Pumps, 1998) As is noted above a 1.5 inch diameter water pipe will be utilized which is a standard in the industry for this type of application. Please call me at 561-794-4073 with any questions, comments. Of requests for additional information. CERTIFIED THIS 18TH DAY OF SEPTEMBER, 2001 KIMLEY-HORN AND ASSOCIATES, INe. pefft/!::: Florida Registration No. 55553 Engineering Business No. 696 Attachment cc: Herman Steinberg . TEL 561 562 7961 FAX 561 562 9689 G:\47281001\WP\AppsIWaterFlow.doc DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT Division of Planning and Zoning Building Planning & Zoning Engineering Occupational License Community Redevelopment September 27, 2001 Mr. Masoud Atefi, MSCE, Sr. Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Mobil Woolbright & Congress Dear Mr. Atefi: The enclosed letter dated September 18, 2001 from Kimley Horn and Associates, Inc. was received by Planning and Zoning recently for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed additional information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standard Ordinance, and provide Timothy Large, Building Code Administrator, and I with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, ~ - jlLC Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWRfsc S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Quantum-Gateway Crossing\TRAFFIC MEMO,doc America's Gateway to the Gulfstream 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6260 FAX: (561) 742-6259 ........_n ........_r ~ Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. ~_._~.. SFP \ _ c i \. September 18, 2001 Mr. Michael Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: Mobil Site 02-AL5 Boynton Beach, Florida 047281001 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. was retained to conduct a traffic impact analysis for the proposed redevelopment of Mobil Site 02-AL5 in Boynton Beach, Florida. The site is located in the northwest quadrant of Woolbright Road and Congress Avenue. Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. previously performed a traffic study for this site, dated August 21, 2000. It was approved by Masoud Atefi, Senior Traffic Engineer at Palm Beach County, on August 24, 2000. This letter has been prepared to address the traffic impacts for the site based on a new site plan and also to address an inadvertent discrepancy regarding the number of fueling positions as considered in the previous study. For the purposes of the traffic analysis, traffic generation, distribution and roadway conditions were analyzed using methodology in accordance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. The data used in the analysis are the most current data available from Palm Beach County. Buildout of the site is assumed to occur in 2002. The results of the analysis are summarized below. Traffic Generation Traffic generation was first calculated for the existing development, which has been built for over 5 years and consists of the following uses and intensities: . Gas Station with 8 fueling positions . 2,415 square foot convenience store Traffic generation was calculated for the proposed development, which is proposed to consist of the following land uses and intensities: . TEL 561 645 0665 FAX 561 663 6175 : '. \ . I' . 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach,Florida 33407 ~=~ Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. Mr. Michael Rumpf. September 18, 2001, Page 2 . Gas Station with 12 fueling positions . 2,800 square foot convenience store . Car Wash with one stall The daily trip generation potential for both the existing and proposed sites was estimated using the approved Palm Beach County rates. AM and PM peak hour traffic were estimated using the methodology set forth in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation, 6th Edition. Table 1 presents the existing and proposed trip generation for the site. Based on the net new trip generation at the site, the Test 1 radius of development influence was determined to be 1 mile. The Test 2 radius of development influence was determined to be the directly accessed links. Traffic Distribution and Assignment The external traffic distribution was developed based on a review of the existing and approved development in Palm Beach County. Consideration has been given to the arterial network with its travel time characteristics as well as existing and approved development in the area. Based on the traffic distribution, the percent assignment was determined and is presented in Figure L Background Traffic Background traffic was developed from existing traffic volumes. Palm Beach County Average Daily Traffic volumes for 2000 were used as the basis for the analysis. To develop 2002 roadway volumes, the historical three-year growth factors were used for the appropriate links. Link Evaluation A link performance standard evaluation was undertaken for all of the major roadway links within 1 mile of the site, considering the total traffic volumes and roadway laneage to be in place in 2002. Table 2 presents the analysis of the average daily link volumes and Table 3 presents the analysis of the average peak hour link volumes. As shown on the tables, the project traffic is less than 0.5% of the capacity on each of the roadway links within 0.5 miles of the site and less than 1 % of the capacity of all roadway segments between 0.5 and LO miles from the site. None of the roadway links are projected to be at or above 110% of capacity and none are designated as Hurricane Evacuation routes. Therefore, the project is considered to have a de minimus impact. A review of the Model TestfTest 2 conditions indicated that the proposed development does not significantly impact any roadway links that fail the Model TestfTest 2 standard. ~=~ Kimley.Horn and Associates, Inc. Mr. Michael Rumpf. September 18.2001, Page 3 Conclusion The proposed redevelopment at Mobil Site 02-AL5 meets the conditions of Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. If there are any questions regarding this analysis, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly Y0IJrS, KTh1LEY-H('JRN AND ASSOCIATES, INC. /~ {'\~ . '~ '\4C . l;' . Lmn R. Uris ell, ?E. Transpor'iatio\1 ",n~ineer ~I i~~l Florida Rtgi~thit\on Number 56846 Engineering Business Number 696 LRCB/CWHllem Attachments Cc: Masoud Atefi, MSCE Peter Van Rens P:\0472\810011lJ91801mr.doc ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. TABLE! MOBIL SITE OZ.ALS TRIP GENERA nON Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Land US(' Intensitv Trios Total In Onl Total In Onl Existiot! Site Trnffic Gas Station/CODY. Store/Car Wash Gas Station 8 F.P. 1,398 98 50 48 116 59 57 Convenience Store 2,415 S.F 1,782 158 79 79 130 65 65 Car Wash 0 stall - - - - - Subtotal 3,180 256 129 127 246 124 122 Internal Capture between Gas Station and Convenience Store 32% 570 51 25 25 42 21 21 Pass-By Traffic Gas Statloo/Convenience Store 60% 1,566 123 62 61 122 62 61 TOTAL 1,044 82 42 41 82 41 40 Prooosed Site Traffic Gas StatiOn/CODV. Store/Car Wash Gas Station 12 F.P 2,097 147 75 72 175 89 86 Convenience Store 2,800 S.F. 2.066 183 92 91 150 75 75 Car Wash 1 ,wi 166 13 7 6 13 7 6 Subtotal 4,329 343 174 169 338 171 167 Internal Captun' between Gas Station and Convenience Store 32% 661 59 29 29 48 24 24 Pass-By Traffic Gas StatiOn/Convenience Store 60% 2,101 163 83 80 166 84 82 TOTAL 1,567 121 62 60 124 63 61 NET CHANGE IN SITE TRAFFIC 523 39 20 19 42 22 21 Notes: Trip generation was calculated using the following data: Daily Traffic Generation Gasoline/Service Station IP.B.C.l = T = 174.71 trips per fueling position CODvenienceStore IP.B.C.] = T = 737.99 nips per 1,000 S.F ""W,"" [P.B.C] = T = 166 external nips per site AM Peak Hour Traffic Generation Gasoline/Service Station lITE 844J = T = 12.27 trips per fueling position; (51%in/49%out) Convenience Store lITE 851] = T = 65.39 trips per 1,000 s.!.; (5O%in/50%out) ""W'"" = . PM Peak Hour Traffic Generation GasolinelService Station lITE 844] = T = 14.56 nips per fueling position; (51 %inl49%ou1) Convenience Store lITE 851] = T = 53.73 trips per 1,000 s.f.; (50%inl5Q%out) ""w,"" = . , Ptnk Mllr trip &ourution for car wash 1IW allculaJ~d acconlin& 10 1M joUowi1l& ralio: { (peakbour: Gas Station + Cony. Store) . (daily: Car Wash) } ; (50% in/50% out) (daily: Gas Station + Conv. Store) p:'VJ47Z18JOON"",";I2.J:JJJlripJ~" 911712001J8:46 C200J Kimlry-HorJI d: ILnodoUJ. IN:. ~ 0 III 5% ... 50/0 BOYNTON BEACH Bl. e ~ w :::. u z '" w '" ~ w ~ ~ :5 <> z 0 u ~ ~ 0 0 III III C\I SITEI--i I I I I 25% WOOLBRIGHT RD. 30% L .J 25% - ~ 0 0 C\I 23rd AV. 2% 3% ~ 0 III ... ~ LEGEND 30% PERCENT PROJECT ASSIGNMENT IiilJ FIGURE 1 J MOBIL SITE 02-AL5 PERCENT PROJECT ASSIGNMENT ~_~ Kimley.Hom NOT TO SCALE _ and Associates, Inc. . 047281001 p_", .,"'""" _I".' ,~ - .. ~ ~ i t - :; ~ :! 00 lilN <i E ~ ~ ...... ~ e ~ J~' ;;; c .. :s on QI ~ = 'S - 0 :;: E "S . ~ i: ;:;- ~ ~ '~.I .:t: Q., ~ f-< '" i>l t:- oo ~ <.J t;j 8 ~ ~ ~ N.II: .. ....:l ~.... -< " ooZ ..;1-< ~:::t: .c M Z 1:' ~ M 0 _ ~ ":: f;il ~ ~.. OIl ~~U0~ = En- ~=t:8l5 lQ i::i N < Of-< < '">0 ..;I 3@~~ _ tIl li ii ~S~e " i::i ~ 0 . i>l = i ~ ~]z~ fH ~ . ~ ~ ! ~ 00 _ ~ - oo~ ;;:~ O~. ~~~ 000 ..;..;~ NN~ ~ ~ ~ - ~ 0 3M c c Z Z ~ ;.": s ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~8 ~~ ~ ~ :;2 ~ - - .N ~~ ~'"' 0;-= Hi 1.1. 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DATE: YOUR NAME: Applicant Name [8J L [8J 2. D 4. or I r1- Lf-.s PRE.APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS o~ ('~ ":)10 / - ?,3 J-.- '-f '" au Phone # HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? DYES (IF YES HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE-APP MEETING.) NAME: ~O LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) 3.WHA T WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? ~NEW PROJECT D BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION: D CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? D IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? D VARIANCE TYPE~ D POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE - D COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? tv ~ )<- D RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? ~~:..." ~ D INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? - 0 -- - - , D DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? d-. fo oS- :5 tv I.)~ ~ . !:::Jr~ eM; /\.L--" t~~' e,{ !\.JW ~ TIME AND DATE PREFERRED: ** PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR A MININIUM OF ONE (I) HOUR TIME MODULE. ** PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO DA TErrIME OF MEETING. IF AN URGENCY IS SENSED, DISCUSS WITH MIKE OR LUSIA. ** NO PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR THE FRIDAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED TRC At'lD P & D BOARD MEETING. ** LUSIA IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR MEETIl'IGS Ol'l TUESDAY MORl'IIl'IGS. ~A. /:30 **l'IO APPOINTMENTS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED Ol'l THURSDAYS .B.ETV;EEN~- JA.36 A.M. (pILOTS MEETING) At,D MO'iDA YS BET\VEE'i 8:30-12:30 A.M. (HERO'S MEETING). _ UPDATED 01/07/01 j'SHROATA'PLA.'lNfl'G\SHA1l.ED\1,1"SI'ECl'ROIlPRE ,>,J'I'UC.~TO~S LOG.[}; FOLDEll:COST.\CT OL::ST[O~S FOR .-\PI'UC.""'''T Dee ~/~//~/~ . PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG MEETING DATE: q-Il-o I APPLICATIONS: .~ ZONING DISTRICT: e. PROJECT NAME: Tlv. ATTENDING STAFF: ATTENDING AS APPLIC TIME: G.R ( UJLJS T: fY/o/u; I C'Y1 n", Ku.v FAX: PHONE: NAME OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: ADDRESS: wot '2/St Sf Ft.O PHONE: (C;iR I) 5bZ- n'lS I PROJECT ADDRESS: 2{p05 ~ i'; tv- /Tv't? PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPANCY: DATE SUBMITTAL RECEIVED: DATE DENIED: COMMENTS: (: (',11 , J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\PRE APPLICATIONS i\IEETL'iG LOGS\Pre-Applic~tion Meeting Log.doc PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: q!I'.l-!OI TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendin Staff Vlt~ '---- y~;; ~.4~ K" ~ GI\" '10 J:\SHRDATA\PLAL~NING\SHARED\WP\FOR'IS\PRE-APPL MEETrnG.sIGN L"I SHEET.DOC PROJECT NAME: Mobil Woolbright & Cong' .. , LOCATION: 2605 W. Woolbright Rd COMPUTER ID: 01 2100005 I FILE NO.: COUS 01-006 I TYPE OF APPLICATION:Conditional Use/New Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Mobil Oil Corp, Anna Cottrell PHONE: PHONE: 561-832-4600 FAX: FAX: 561-832-4626 ADDRESS: P.O, 290 Dallas, Texas ADDRESS: 319 Clematis Street Suite 600 75221-0290 West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Date of submittal/Proiected meeting dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 9/19/01 1ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 10/8/01 PUBLIC NOTICE: 11/17/01 TRC MEETING: 10/30/01 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED 11/21/01 (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 11/27/01 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 12/4/01 COMMENTS: J:\SHRDATA\Planning\SHARED\WP\FORMS\BJanks forms foldcr\2001 PROJECT TRACKING INfO.doc