LEGAL APPROVAL The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561-742-6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 June 9, 2003 www.boynton-beach.org Mr. Alfred Daise Post Office Box 1185 Loxahatchee, FL 33470 Re: File No.: Location: Dear Mr. Daise: New Alliance Haitian Church NWSP 01-008 Hoadley Road Enclosed is the City of Boynton Beach Development Order granting a request for site plan approval for a one-story (240 seat) church on a lo9-acre parcel. The City Commission approved this on June 3, 2003. Site plan approval is valid for one year from the date of final approval. In order to maintain vested status, a building permit must be secured or an extension granted within one year of final site plan approval. To continue this project through the development process, please revise relevant pages of your approved site plan to incorporate all conditions of approval as applicable. The full rectified site plan set is to be submitted as part of your permit package to the Building Division. The person managing your permit application should be made aware of any documents and third party letters listed in the conditions of approval that need to be submitted with your permit package. The Building Division is committed to speedy and efficient completion of the building permit process for your project. However, please note that failure to meet all applicable development order conditions in the submitted rectified plan set may produce unnecessary delays in permit insurance. Feel free to contact any TRC member for additional clarification of comments. Imoortant: If you plan to introduce any changes to your approved site plan over and above those required by conditions of approval, please contact our staff before submitting a permit package to the Building Division. All modifications to the site plan must be evaluated by our staff and processed accordingly. Should you have any questions regarding this matter, please feel free to contact this office at (561) 754- 6260. Sincerely, ~)Lj//UL Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning S:\Plannlng\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\New Alliance Haitian Church\NWSP01-008.rtf DEVELOP.....:NT ORDER OF THE CITY COMMI~.,ION OF THE CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ){Q ~ ])z iJ- ~l(1 vf f -:z Zr ;j d APPliCANT: PROJECT NAME: New Haitian Alliance Church Alfred Daise with Daise Management Corporation APPliCANTS ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1185, Loxahatchee, FL 33470 DATE OF HEARING RATIFICATION BEFORE CITY COMMISSION: June 3, 2003 TYPE OF REliEF SOUGHT: Request new site plan for a church LOCATION OF PROPERTY: East side of Hoadley Road, approximately 850 feet south of Old Boynton Road DRAWING(S): SEE EXHIBIT "B" ATTACHED HERETO. X THIS MATTER came before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida appearing on the Consent Agenda on the date above. The City Commission hereby adopts the findings and recommendation of the Planning and Development Board, which Board found as follows: OR THIS MATTER came on to be heard before the City Commission of the City of Boynton Beach, Florida on the date of hearing stated above. The City Commission having considered the relief sought by the applicant and heard testimony from the applicant, members of city administrative staff and the public finds as follows: DATED: 1. Application for the relief sought was made by the Applicant In a manner consistent with the requirements of the City's Land Development Regulations. 2. The APPV9clnt A HAS HAS NOT estabiish",J by substantiai co,Tlpelent evidence a basis for the relief requested. 3. The conditions for development requested by the Applicant, administrative staff, or suggested by the public and supported by substantial competent evidence are as set forth on Exhibit "C" with notation "Included". 4. The AP~~nt's application for relief is hereby GRANTED sUbject to the conditions referenced in paragraph 3 hereof. DENIED 5. This Order shall take effect immediately upon issuance by the City Clerk. 6. All further development on the property shall be made in accordance with the terms and conditions of this order. 7. Other -~ S:\Plannlng\Shared\Wp\Prajects\New Alliance Haitian Church\DO.doc PCD ~I C3 ~D SITE I I \ \) 'COUTO il ~ ~\ . .,l '~ft " ~; Location Map ! ,:1 EXHIBIT "A" \ !! HOADLEY ROAD CHURCH " It :g 3~ ~ 'I",'. . ~ R1AA 181 I , ~ 1 ... , " J. . ~} ':t. '- ",l ., :,/- .. ~ .p. r ,of JI :!li ''{i ;lI. .;J: 11 '+f ~ '\:: ~( '::J ti ";'1 ? ~; () R3 PCD l /R--3 / r I '--'-I " " "-". '0 ~:,l ,~ w4-. .:~I~. s '. I !) I '. ~ 1~ r:r ,-. J'I ,~ ''''. . ,f "f ; ~ : ::i ~]i ;!! iF ,j ;i!:,. ': ',: .); ild:lld!j1~ l!;~li~h( ( '3 .. . I'~!' ,',1111" 1 .~ '~ : ;::i"~' i ;l~~~:~1 '~:'\'; ,-j . \,:1(,'1 l , , ','~l . l ,I, " :! !!1;:r,!!!::,!;ij;1] ;1 . l(~~' -'1~;l:~( :! 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CD ~~ , ,\" ~I~ ;'11 ~ U---t \ ~ ." /! ~~ "~ 2 1 ~ ;:: ! i~ " Ii , EXHIBIT "B" ,,'.~ ~'-!>' 'Z~lO' - '2..~~T'1I"". X t''!o'I''lIN. ~iii~ ',,=<h~' ~ It II~t.". - ~\ ~ ,~ll: \ go \'; '..' ~,t-'~'" , :r: I ~,' fi 1 ) i'. I'Z'~' ~ii ji-oJ.-_ 1< ~ ~'.o' \,_, .~~; I ,p 1'" ....>'" "m , ~f ,; '1 { ~~ 1: " ~ ~. !! Il! ;~! j\l\ !; i\j lil II I~! !~ Ii 5., j,! "i, ,. .\! ". " ii' Ii ~; ;;; 13 ~~~~ i; E; !~~ ~~ ii; ~s 0" '" I" ,. ,- I' "\. ". i~ 'fl I ;;\1 ,; ., i,' ,ii" ~:.:: ~~ g;e 5; i; ~i ~ ~S.. .. ; .~~ !~ .'. ~ .~ ~.: ~~~ ~ ~ i~E ;~ ~!2 ~~ p =~ ~ Hi Z '. -;,~ :~i ~5~1 t .~ Dog. ~ L ~ , -, ii,".. ,. " . I 'f .....,', '.,""':'/ ,~~ ~ ,~ ,I ~ ~ :::.. I !~ , I~ ~ I l..' o , DON SENATORE ARCHITECT DIIIUIID 3160 N.E 3.d AIlE OAK-LAND PARK, (9S4\ 567.0044 FLORIDA ::- , =' i t ~ ~ I ,. . . ,e . , :, 1 / , ~I= \ .~,~ e' ",-1-\ '. -I ~ G Ie, "'- , !, i~- i, ~~ 1:, <I,!, 1:',\ 1'~' :1;f~'I, I I,!' I,! 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" ;:!i I" Ii 1'1; Ii: , 'j, i ,J--J : '" Ltwl..:..L.... IBIT "B" ,: EXHtBIT "B" Hi jil' F il il I FilWH UH!!' 1 If'IWH" , ". , l' " , "i" 111, "ur' l, ,.1 ,II / l,nj lip I; 'I tUIII'" I , , r~JJ ,l[ !l III I I " . I I ';"Ii 'r"l"lljl , ~ ;!!:! ~.. ~ f , II l Ill:!;"! iwll i II! 'r~' , ! .'tij jt. : II I'l '::I!J ! , , 1111,!!! it"li- I, ! , lhli ,lli"I I , , , ta .ill i i i ~ I: IlhJl~l: ,lflff l' [' i 1"'1' Q~Q~~"''' . \ .Hi .t,f . 'hl Itl ! ~~,~ Hr, ~ ~::~~=> ,., ' , IHr !" . '. ~~ h ~~ ~ ! ~~i ;~ . !' " .' ~i ! ' i E;: ~ E 5 ~ ~ - I ~ , - l ,. ! ~ '5.._ n: t: H~ imlm ! IH' Ii; i ~..~ ~ ~~;" ; i~~ ~ ~; l! ~~: ~ ;j~ ~~~~~~~ I;; I;! ii ~~ :~; -. ~ ~~ II h ~~ ;] Ii . ;:;. .,. , 6 v " 1'. >'\r~~ I"' - . I~.;~ ,,,! I II e! i~ i: ~~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ i ~ i = ,. ~ i " i~i~ " ; i e p ! ~. ~ ! ; , ~-~t:<- "~.....~ ~~:~i~ S-~i5; Ci;5!5 =;a!'if Iii,.: i~, !'e i;!::~: ':~~ t- Eia~i: ~i:: ~~~ ~:~ H i: ;:~ ~i i~!! ::~ i~ "i ti ;;~;~ 5~~" -... .", ;2 ~~ ~!~:~ Ii: ~~ ..:;- H et~. ", I. 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I \,j . 'i 'li,l " :1 :':i 'li't :I:!!i: 11" : ': I; , , , , "i:- I' ii '1 ~ I _I 'C"" I, ,II :! i!1 ..:1'[ ,I j, , i I I I I .,j- i -. I \ I i I I , :::1;;1' , , "I' " [ '~r: i ,U _l I ! 1 . I I I , ' @ (I\ltl ,os) ::L\[}fQ ltll\'13.\ 1/ J i-'" I i ;'! 1 , , ." ,,-0:'. ! ~ EXHI BIT 'I'B" 00 + I) -\'.15 Il(~ + I) -'1'ts on .... ! "\'IS 0'; + ( 'V1.S r)(] + '_ "VIS OS + > 'VIS ::: ::: =-- ::: ou + 8 'ns ,... ." -C os + r. "VIS -;: ::: =-- ::: 00 + > '''.IS OS + I 'V IS UO + V1S OS + '.: "\'1':> 00 + f) "V.lS -j' , . r I 1 ; , \ :'$ lc ! 1 1 ~ ; I d r' \ ! ~ ~ ! [J ',I', :-1.\1' ,11:\1',\ :\1 I I I "., J ,'rl'\!!II') I,'OW " 'li'llll 1/'''. n :."" " " .1' ::~ . ~ 1 t ~ t. f, J , , 1 1 ,~ :'i .~ ~- -r '"'. ~ '1 ~ 1- t t " '2' ~_ "~ t' ~ .... ~ '~ 1 1.]} , ~ 1 i 1 ; r ~ = ~ .,.:,," ''>>f'', .... ." ~<~ " > ~"'o.-'; :':,-"'" 0 I , , , , I',. ~ ~ ~ ~"', ~';' 'J' ..: -.,----1 ~ - ~: ;o! 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'''''~~-L E ,~ --_./ '~~~-, e _.__-------..:L.._~_~M -~" (< 0(., '\ ,(,: 'r, \.\\/H .O~J ].\rHG 3HIY13A l/J./' ~~. , --"', /e I -----------._,- <-- '~\ >' . / '.., :i; -j;r\..;{:~ ~~;, ; ;....<j . , j ,/ ;) '~_(I"'-..g;: I, " 'i i 1 ,( - I''': ~;";.. ::_' ~'l,;~ . ~ ' ~,,; " --,,, , ~ ~ .; ~ Globe: Engmeering. inc. '";"'..__ "'-0 ,'.__"_ __"0.- '" - ,,,...., ._'_'M"'_ '-" "Z:-';':; ';;-n=. OS + ;:; ',>'15 00 + I.: 'VI.S ,. ~i DC; + B 'ns ~ 00 + ~ 'VlS " ~C; + I' 'vIS " ,; -'~ ,,,^ 00 + <; 'ns 0<; + <; V.LS ,..,. ../ ",0 00 + 9 ViS ::: ::; > ::; :- --< '" ::; > ::; HOADLEY ROAD WIDENING, FROM VELAIRE DRIVE SOUTH BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA ROAD WIDENING PLAN EXHIBIT "B" H f ~~-f :Jj1" ;i" i",: I ., I,d, ' Q " -;~l ~ ~ ;, '. , ~ ~ , . ,; , '. , , , , , , .. , , - , , - , j rffiim:; ;; ~ "Ii <- I{;; 16 i ~: ' - 0 " ; ~I 8 ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ;:0 : ~ ~ lid I:I~ '; > I; ,:::s 1;'llil~ L:..llJ " EXHIBIT "C" Conditions of Aooroval Project name: New Alliance Haitian Church (a.k.a. Hoadley Road ChUICh) File number: NWSP 01-008 Reference: 4th review plans identified as NWSP 01-008 with an April 29, 2003 Planning and Zoning Department date stamp marking. DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PUBLIC WORKS - General Comments: None X PUBLIC WORKS - Traffic Comments: 1. Place standard end of roadway markers at the southerly end (terminus) of X Hoadley Road, These maIkers must be in compliance with the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices. 2. Staff recommends rejecting the Planning & Development Board condition X that states the following: "The City shall upgrade the southern portion of Hoadley Road, which , 0', L _,.L.3 :0 t~ ,,;:..;.t.;..J.:1Ql~~d rebj';e t'J t:-:e r.unht;m ponlon of the ro;::d, and pIovide turn-a-round and other deficient infrastructure". Staff requires that all developers fund off-site improvements that are necessary to accommodate the private improvements, Such off-site improvements can include water mains, storm sewers, sanitary sewers, streets, and traffic signals. The developer should bear the cost of upgrading the street. UTILITIES Comments: None X FIRE Comments: None X POLICE Comments: None X ENGINEERING DIVISION Comments: 3. At the time of permitting, revise the plans to indicate that the color of the stop X bar (proposed at the north drivewav) will be white. COA2 06/04/03 2 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT 4. At the time of permitting, show all existing utilities and connections on Site X Characteristics Map (survey) and site nlan (LOR, Chapter 4, Section A.3). 5. Full drainage plans in accordance with the ChapteI 6, Article IV, Section 5 X will be required at the time of oermitting. 6. At the time of permitting, provide a signed and sealed survey, not older than X six (6) months in conformance with the Chapter 23, Article I, Section 5.B.2. The surveyor shall dimension the remaining portion of a lot(s) when part of a lot is not included within the description, The adjoining property to the north shall read "West 250 feet of Tract 59", not the "East 250 feet as shown" (fOI consistency with Legal Description.) Show the north right-of-way of Canal L, 24 in relation to the south orooertv line. 7. The import of any fill will require both a tree survey and an excavation/fill X oermit. BUILDING DIVISION Comments: 8. Idennty within the site data the fimsh lloor elevanon (lowest f1uo, c". "Clon) X that i5 proposed for the building. Verify that the proposed elevation is in compliance with regulations of the code by adding specifications to the site data that address the following issues [Section 3107.1.2, Chapter 31 of the Boynton Beach amendments to the 1997 edition of the Standard Building Code]:The design professional-of-record for the project shall add the following text to the site data. "The pIoposed finish floor elevation _' _ NG\iD IS above the hlghcs. IOC-year base flood elevaticc, c...., ,"' ''1~ building site, as determined by the South Florida Water Management District's surface water management construction development regulations. "From the FIRM map, identify in the site data the title of the flood zone that the building is located within. WheIe applicable, specify the base flood elevation. If there is no base flood elevation, indicate that on the plans.Identify the floor elevation that the design professional has established for the building within the footprint of the building that is shown on the drawings titled site olan, floor olan and pavingJ drainage (civil olans). 9. At time of permit review, provide a completed and executed City unity of title X form. The form shall describe all lots, parcels or tracts combined as one lot. A copy of the recorded deed with legal descriptions of each property that is being unified is required to be submitted to process the form. The property owner that is identified on each deed shall match. 10. At time of permit review, submit signed and sealed working drawings of the X proposed construction. 11. At time of permit review, submit for review an addressing plan for the X oroiect. COA2 06/04/03 3 DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT PARKS AND RECREATION Comments: None X FORESTER/ENVIRONMENT ALIST Comments: 12. The applicant should indicate on the landscape plans the specific, existing X desirable trees that will be pIeserved, relocated on site, or removed and replaced on the site. PLANNING AND ZONING Comments: 13. All hedge material (Schefflera arbicola "Trinette") shall be installed at least X 24 inches in height, 24 inches in spread, with tip-to-tip spacing. I I --. 14. Staff recommends that all windows be made of dark glass since the building X will be light in color. Staff also recommends including two (2) long and narrow windows into the design of the east elevation and incorporating architectural accents (such as score lines) into the oveIall design as well. PREVIOUS PLAN:'-lI:"iG & DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS: Comments: 15. The City shall upgrade the southern portion of Hoadley Road, which appears X to be substandard Ielative to the northern portion of the road, and provide tum-a-round and otheI deficient infrastructure, PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD COMMENTS FOR 5-27-03 X 16. The City shall upgrade the southern portion of Hoadley Road ending at the subject property leaving the developer responsible for the reminder of the road, the tumaIound, and other deficient infrastructure. Road shall be improved in accordance with plans submitted to staff and provided in back-up. , COA2 06/04/03 4 , DEPARTMENTS INCLUDE REJECT ADDITIONAL CITY COMMISSION COMMENTS: Comments: 16. The applicant shall at its expense construct or reconstruct Hoadley Road from X Velaire Drive south, to meet safe and efficient standards established by the City Engineer. MWRJelj s IJ'lanning\Shared\Wp\Proj=\N~ Alliance Haitian ChurchlCOAl doc gr:.:r~_o,;,:'1 ~ -" "l ,."\ ')X lllO' ..'.l>.',/ (, Qi c7.. . -'-ON '0 . ----.~-.- ...-< (Q)rg[pJw The City of Boynton Beach PO. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT FAX (561) 742'6285 www.boymon-beach.org OFFICE OF THE CITY ENGINEER April 25, 2003 Donald P. Senatore Don Senatore, Architect 3160 NE 3rd Ave. Oakland Park, Florida 33334 RE: Request for Administrative Waiver Sidewalk Hoadley Road (NWSP 01-008) Dear Mr. Senatore: Per your correspondence dated August 26, 2002 and received in this office April 21, 2003, this letter is to serve as approval for your request to waive the requirement for sidewalk along both sides of Hoadley Road. If you have questions or need additional information, please feel free to contact me at (561) 742-6488 or Laurinda Logan, P,E., Senior Engineer, at (561) 742-6482. Sincerely, HDK:LL/ck Xc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E" Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, Jr., P.E./P.S.M" City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Michael Rumpf, Director, Planning & Zoning/Department of Development File " -.--' -....---.. ,j ,...,""........'''' I:..I-L>n,,," f.... ,1,,,, 1"!..lf",t-.-oo..., October 1, 2002 New Alliance Haitian Church (NWSP 01-008), Hoadley Road (east side, south end) - Request for site plan approval for a one-story (240 seat) church on a 1.9-acre parcel Commissioner Ferguson asked staff to report on the road problems. Mike Rumpf, Planning and Zoning Director, clarified certain information that may not have been disclosed to the Planning and Development Board when they heard the item. The road is deficient and narrow and needs to be improved. The road is a 30' right-of-way, but there is a power pole in the road. Mr. Rumpf eXplained that when the Planning and Development Board heard the item, Condition #8 was to have required that the roadway be upgraded to minimum standards and that the remainder of the road would have to be improved with infrastructure improvements. Mr. Rumpf further stated that it was never agreed to that the City would perform this work and that it would have to be a condition of approval of the project, which was clearly communicated to the applicant. Mr. Rumpf reiterated that Condition #8 was to include the entire segment of the road and requested that the Commission support staffs original conditions by eliminating Condition #24. Commissioner Fisher inquired if this was a private road, and Mr. Rumpf stated it was a public road, For clarification, Commissioner Fisher inquired if staff was requesting that the applicant pay for the remainder of the road improvements and Mr. Rumpf confirmed this because the project would result in an increase and demand on the road. Mr. Rumpf stated that the 30' right-of-way could accommodate safe access and drainage requirements. Commissioner Fisher inquired about the cost of the improvements. Mr. Rumpf stated that City staff has not done any cost estimates. Mayor Broening asked if the road could be a shellrock road and Mr. Rumpfresponded that the road must be paved. Vice Mayor Weiland pointed out that the applicant is a non-profit church and the road is a public road. Tn many instances when a business opens up that would generate additional traffic, some businesses were required to pay various fees or make street improvements. He felt this would be a burden on the church to improve a public road. Vice Mayor Weiland would like the City to assist the applicant. Alfred Daise, the general contractor for the Church, said that at no point in time did they agree to include and expand Hoadley Road. He stated that the Planning and Development Board felt it was the City's responsibility to fix the problem that the residents had been complaining about for years. Mr. Daise was under the impression that the City would be making the repairs to the road. Commissioner Fisher asked why the City was asking the applicant to pay for repairs to a public road, regardless of the type of business. Mr. Hawkins responded that it is not unusual for the City to require these types of improvements because the additional traffic that would be generated was the result of the applicant's church. J! IUll~IIddll ;lql p:DjSIl uosnj'll;l:ll;lUO!SS!llilliO;) 'OOO'O~9$ APIllllilXOlddll SIlM I! P;llUlOJUI SIlM pUll p;lfOld ;lql]O ISO~ ;lql SIlM IllqM IUIl~llddll ;lql P;l)[SIl uosnj'll;l:ll;lUOISS!llilliO;) ',ZZJO llinlli!Ullli Il 01 [PM SIl AIlMpllOllllql]O qIP!M ;lql ;lAOldllil 01 ;ljqlllIS;lp ;lq pjnOM I! P!IlS POOj'll;lAI1 'lW ')[lOM P;l;lU OSjll pllOl ;lql]O UOIP;lS S!ql S;lOP pUll S;llliOq ;lql P;lp;lJJIl PIl01IU;lllm ;lql MOq p;llmbu! PUIlI!;lMlOAIlW ;l~I^ 'p;ljqlll ;ll;lM ;lSIl~ ;lql]! lli;lql 01 IIlIU;lUlUPP ;lq pjnOM I! 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Motion seconded by Commissioner McCray and unanimously carried, Commissioner Fisher requested that staff have available at the next meeting what the costs would be to repair and resurface the road. Mr. Hawkins also said that they would bring back some recommendations on budgeting. Commissioner Fisher also asked what the costs for a 22' and a 30' road would be, as well as shellrock versus pavement. Mr. Rumpfreported that he had been informed that the applicant had been told by staff several times that it would be a condition of approval that the improvements would be an obligation of the applicant. He was not sure, however, if they had agreed to this. October 15, 2002 New Alliance Haitian Church (NWSP 01-008), Hoadley Road (east side, south end) - Request for site plan approval for a one- story (240 seat) church on a 1.9-acre parcel (Tabled I-lotion Commissioner McCray moved to remove item D,2 from the table. by Commissioner Ferguson and carried unanimously. Motion was seconded City Manager Bressner explained that at the last Commission meeting, the issue of roadway improvements to Hoadley Road was discussed and there was no determination by the Commission so the item was tabled. Staffs position was that the applicant was responsible for making certain improvements to the roadway leading to the church and the applicant objected to participating in some of that cost. Hoadley Road runs approximately 600' from Old Boynton Beach Boulevard to the terminus. The current pavement is substandard. The property immediately to the west is a shopping center. There is a wall with Seagrapes and some trees that provide some visual buffering. In order to install the water main improvements to serve the subject property, the water main would have to be constructed along the west side of the roadway and pavement would have to be put on top of it. Staff is recommending that the pavement be approximately 22 feet wide. The difficulty is that the overall right-of- way is only 30 feet. The combination of constructing the water main and bringing the pavement to 22 feet would mean that the landscaping would have to be removed. order to provide adequate ingress and egress to the church requires that the roadway be upgraded. Staff has some alternatives to deal with the roadway and ways to deal with the cost sharing. .Jeffrey Livergood, Director of Public Works, explained that in order to provide a supply of potable water, the water main is proposed to be placed on the west edge of the 30- foot right-of-way. In doing this, trees must be removed and the Seagrapes might not surv1ve. He said that staff continues to believe that improvements to support development are the responsibility of the developer. However, the homeowners in the area have expressed concern regarding storm drainage in the area. Staff does not believe that the developer should be responsible to fund the drainage improvements. The City should fund these. However, staff continues to believe that it is the responsibility of the developer to at least provide an asphalt surface widening in order to accommodate the additional traffic that will be generated. Mr. Livergood does not believe that it is necessary at this time to resurface the entire width of the road. Staff believes that the resurfacing could be done by the City as part of the drainage improvement. Staff is recommending that the City resurface the street within the next few years as part of storm water improvements and that the City quickly evaluate the storm water conditions in the entire neighborhood. Staff is offering a shared approach. In answer to Commissioner Fisher's concern regarding the loss of the Seagrapes, Mr. Livergood thought that there were other landscaping options. Commissioner McCray had concerns regarding the time line and Mr. Livergood thought that the City's construction would occur approximately the same time as the church construction. Vice Mayor Weiland believes that it is the responsibility of the City to bear the entire cost of the road improvements whether there is a church being built there or more single-family homes. The residents need to have a proper buffer. His other concern is that if the church has overflow parking on the street, this might affect emergency vehicle access, City Manager Bressner explained that the land use determines the width of the roadway. If four or five homes were to be constructed at the end of Hoadley Road, the roadway would not have to be widened to the degree that it would for the church. Staff believes that there should be cost participation by the church to widen the street. It would set a precedent if the City assumes the responsibility to pave the street instead of requiring the church to participate in the cost. Parking on the street presents some problems for the City and neighbors in the form of enforcement. There would need to be some type of parking regulations posted. The best way would be to provide all parking on the parking lot. The City is recommending that the church participate in the cost since there is an impact on the neighborhood. In answer to a question regarding the cost to the church, Mr. Livergood stated that staff is suggesting that the church be responsible for placing the asphalt widening and the approximate cost would be $5,700. Staff also recommends that as part of the storm project in the area, the City resurface the road. The City's share would be considerably more. Alfred Daise, developer and general contractor for the project, stated that they would not have any problem with this. He asked for clarification on the footage for the amount of asphalt. Mr. Livergood said that it would be desirable to have a 22-foot roadway, but the City would work with them on the width when they come in for final site plan approval. Mr. Daise would be opposed to that. There is a problem with the drainage in that area and the water drains back onto the church's property. He said that they had already agreed to two feet and if staff is asking them to provide $5,700, which is the shared cost, they would not have a problem with that. However, he wanted to make it clear that they would be willing to issue the check for $5,700 to the City because the church had received two bids, one for $]57,000 and $]27,000 for the other. Mr. Livergood stated that the $5,700 is the cost for the I" surface that is placed on top of the water main trench. The City is assuming that the applicant is going to have to place a water main in the west right-of-way. Mayor Broening asked what the applicant is prepared to do. Mr. Daise stated that they are prepared to install the water line and will remove the trees along the edge of the wa]1. Donald Senatore, architect for the project, said that they had agreed to install the water line and fire hydrants along Ve]aire Drive and Hoad]ey Road. His contention was that the road should already be 22 feet wide. They are willing to install the portion of the road along their property. Mr. Daise said that he would be willing to work with staff and attempt some sort of compromise so that maybe this would all be resolved by the next Commission meeting. Motion Commissioner McCray moved to table this item. Fisher and carried unanimously. Motion was seconded by Commissioner A recess was declared at 9 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 9:10 p.m. November 6, 2002 New Alliance Haitian Church (NWSP 0:-008), Hoadley Road (east side, south end) - Request for site plan approval for a one- story (240 seat) church on a :-.9-acre parcel (Tabled,) Motion Commissioner Ferguson moved to remove item D.1 seconded by Commissioner Fisher and carried 5 to O. from the table, Motion was Mayor Broening announced that he had received cards from three people who wished to speak on behalf of the community and there were many more cards from people wishing to speak. He explained that the Commission had three options: Remand the item back to the Planning & Development Board for questions regarding traffic and use. Set a time certain for a public hearing before the Commission. Hear it tonight. was the consensus of the Commission to hear the item tonight. City Attorney Cherof declared that since this was pulled from the consent agenda, the process now resumes as a quasi-judicial proceeding. He swore in everyone who wished to testify. Mike Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning, presented the item. This is a request for new site plan approval. This parcel is located at the eastern terminus of Hoadley Road, which is accessed off of Old Boynton Road east of Congress Avenue. The property is zoned R-l-AA, which is a single family zoning district and allows churches as permitted uses. :It is currently vacant. As a condition of approval, the roadway would have to be improved as it is deficient. Parking and landscaping would be provided in accordance with our code. There are some additional conditions of approval. -[ n particular, infrastructure would have to be brought to the parcel down Hoadley Road and the roadway would have to be widened to a minimum standard acceptable to the City to provide access to the parcel. lfred Daise, representing the church, explained that the applicant has complied with all codes and ordinances in the City. They are going to put the road in. He did not believe that the item should be sent back to the Planning & Development Board because they have resolved all of the issues. They met with staff and he reported that staff was wonderful to work with. Don Senatore, architect for the project, reviewed his proposal for the road, which included saving some ofthe landscaping and providing a swale on the westerly side. In response to a question from the Commission, Mr. Senatore stated that the distance from the west edge of the pavement to the wall is 9 feet 6 inches. .]eft Livergood, Public Works Director, responded to questions from the Commission. Regarding options for the power pole, he stated that it could be located anywhere in a public right-of-way, I-n this case, they will place it as close to the property line as possible. According to Mr. Livergood, a 22-foot roadway is desirable; however, staff believes that a 20-foot road would reasonably accommodate traffic. Regarding overflow parking on the road allowing room for emergency vehicle access, he did not believe it would be appropriate to park on Hoadley Road. The City could consider parking restrictions in the future if it becomes problematic. ]-f a vehicle is parked on the edge of the roadway, there should still be room for emergency vehicle access. Mayor Broening requested that the three people who were representing the community speak at this time. Eric Peterson, 430 Hoadley Road, stated that there were many concerns by the residents concerning this project. They do not believe that it fits into the neighborhood. There are concerns regarding the width of road and who pays for the road improvements. Many variances would be required and there are too many issues of concern. Mr. Peterson quoted various passages from Chapter 1.5, Section 4 ofthe Land Development Regulations, stating that the applicant is not in compliance with Chapter 1.5. This 240-seat church would generate excessive noise and traffic; is not compatible with the area; and is not the most appropriate use of the land. in the 1980s and 1990s, rezoning for commercial and townhomes was denied. The best use of the land is for single- family residences. Mr. Peterson was concerned that this project would be disruptive to the character of the neighborhood. Staff performed a traffic study and came up with 162 trips, which equates to 81 cars, There are only 63 parking spaces. The Church has stated that they wanted a day care and a pre-school, it needs to be made clear that they cannot have these because they are conditional uses and must be on an arterial road, which Hoadley Road is not. This request needs to be sent back to the Planning & Development Board to address the outstanding issues. Brian Fischer, 1268 Gondola Court, lives in Treasure Island. He read from an original sales brochure when Treasure Tsland was developed which stressed safety and security. He felt that this is too small a piece of property for so much congestion. His main concern is traffic congestion. Kirk Orlovsky, 410 Hoadley Road, had concerns regarding the traMc volume. The zoning does allow churches but it assumes that the roads are adequate. Mr. Orlovslo/ was concerned that there would not be enough room for adequate drainage or for sidewalks for pedestrian traMc. He was also concerned regarding landscaping since this road runs along the rear of a shopping center. He suggested a complete new 22- foot road with a sidewalk on one side and curbs and gutters on both sides and underground drainage. A large road is needed for this project. He felt that this item should be remanded to the Planning & Development Board for consideration. Mayor Broening stated that there are some issues that relate to rights permitted under zoning and a church is permitted as a right under zoning, Any ancillary use is a conditional use. He had seen some evidence that it is to be used only as a church and he had seen some evidence that there is an intention to use it as a day care center or youth center, This Commission has an obligation to look at legal rights but also to look at other issues that have been voiced this evening. It was the consensus of the Commission to hear from other people in the audience who had submitted cards and wished to speak so that if the Commission decides to send this item back to the Planning & Development Board, the Board would be aware of all concerns. There was no time limit set for the speakers; however, they were requested to limit their comments to new information. Tina Smith, 15 Velaire Drive, had concerns regarding traffic from this project also affecting Velaire Drive. She was very concerned regarding strangers in the neighborhood and disruption to their small community. Kathy Silverio, 10 Velaire Drive, was concerned regarding other uses at the church. She had seen plans for a commercial kitchen, a day care, and a sports center. She was concerned with the traffic volume and wants a family community. Gene Seng, I Velaire Drive, was concerned regarding creating a bottleneck. His concern was that this was a large church going into a small neighborhood. Scott McCracken, 1221 :-sles Court, felt that a goal of all churches was to grow. He had concerns regarding the growth of the church in the future and that there could be more than one service on a Sunday. 3ames Wilson, 1224 J:sles Court, felt that there would be services on other days besides Sundays and that there would not only be cars coming in and out but school buses bringing people to the services. He knows that the surrounding farmland would some day be sold and built on and that would create even more traffic. Debra Brenner, 1:3 Velaire Drive, had recently purchased her house and was concerned regarding the traffic volwne and decreasing property values. Rod Silverio, 10 Velaire Drive, stated that traffic had increased tremendously on Old Boynton Road and it is only a two-lane highway. Anyone turning into Velaire Drive backs up traffic on Old Boynton Road. If the church is built, traffic lights would be needed. His concern is that the neighborhood cannot handle this project. Denise Edwards, 18 Velaire Drive, purchased her home because it was a quiet and safe neighborhood. She was concerned that the landscape buffer abutting the shopping center might be removed and it helps shield the noise from that property. Anne Smith, 4 Velaire Drive, had been living there for 27 years. She read a portion of the Planning & Development Board minutes of September 24,th where the Board approved the request with the provision that the City Commission address the upgrading of the road leading into the church, the sewer system, the turn-around, and whatever is required to make this project feasible. She felt that the Planning & Development Board was leaving everything up to the Commission and she thought that the proj ect should be sent back to the Board, Commissioner Ferguson did not think that the church should have been approved because of the traffic situation. He suggested that the only compromise would be to obtain access from Boynton Beach Boulevard or the west end of the shopping center. Commissioner Fisher asked and received clarification that the wall is on the adjacent property that belongs to the shopping center. When asked regarding the slope of the road, Mr. Livergood stated that without engineering diagrams, it was hard to comment on this. In reference to the number of daily trips and the number of parking spaces, Mr. Livergood stated that the trip generation standards and the parking standards are two separate entities and there is no correlation between the two. The applicant has met code regarding the number of parking spaces. Vice Mayor Weiland wanted to correct a statement he made at a previous Commission meeting where he said that it was the City's responsibility to provide adequate access to the property. He said that it is the developer who is responsible to provide roads and infrastructure and not the City. Vice Mayor Weiland asked the City Attorney if the church was approved tonight, could the applicant come back to the Commission and ask for conditional use approval for a day care or sports program. City Attorney responded that they could; but the issue before the Commission now is for a site plan for the church. However, to assist the Commission in making a decision, it was the Commission's desire to pose the following questions: City Attorney Cherof - "Does the church intend to use the property for either a day care or a preschool facility?" Mr. Daise - "No, they do not." City Attorney Cherof - "Does the applicant understand that the church cannot operate either of those two types of operations or any other type of accessory use under the application pending before the Commission?" Mr. Daise- "Yes," In response to Commissioner McCray regarding whether there was any room on the site for expansion, Mr. Rumpfreplied that there was. Mayor Broening asked that it be clarified, for the record, who pays for the road and the swale. Mr. Rumpf explained that currently, there is a condition of approval that came from the Planning & Development Board that would make the City responsible. However, it is staffs recommendation that it would be the applicant's obligation, according to our code, to provide needed infrastructure. City Attorney Cherofread Planning & Development Board's Condition #24 and suggested that if the Commission were to adopt the request with that condition, they further define that condition relative to what is the northern portion and the southern portion. Mayor Broening asked the residents whether they wished to make a rebuttal. Kirk Orlovsky hoped that the Commission insists on a correct size road and requires a sidewalk and proper drainage. Eric Peterson said that the Planning & Development Board minutes show that there was to be a day care, a preschool, and a sports program, He commented that variances would be needed to put in this road and they would grant special privileges to the applicant. He recommended that this item go back to the Planning & Development Board to address the issues and come up with solutions. Brian Fischer explained that Old Boynton Road is a Palm Beach County road and he wondered whether the County had been notified regarding the church. Alfred Daise stated that the church has a legal right to build on this property. The day care item was misquoted. The New Alliance Association out of Colorado intends to create a day care center at a larger site. All members of the church live in the City and would not be bused to the church. All concerns were addressed by staff and all issues have been resolved. The Commission agreed that the applicant has the legal right to build a church. The question is whether they can meet the road and infrastructure needs. ]:t was believed that this item should not have come to the Commission without a final version of the roadway resolved at the Planning & Development Board meeting. Motion Commission Fisher moved to send this item back to the Planning & Development Board with specific instructions to focus on the issues of the road, the traffic, the easements, and the right-of-ways. Vice Mayor Weiland seconded the motion. City Manager Bressner requested that the Commission stipulate what requests they are 'pBO~ A:JIPBOHJO liB :JpnpU! 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