CORRESPONDENCE ^(rt'j, (\~<~' DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS ENGINEERING DIVISION MEMORANDUM NO. 03-071 1'....'\ r; r: ~ i c; "~ ., '. I ! ' FROM: Quintus Greene, Director, Department of Development Laurinda Logan, P.E., Senior Engine,er:\' Ap~ 15, 2003 ( , '-...... --- TO: DATE: RE: Review Comments Road Widening Plan Hoadley Road Church The above referenced Site Plan, received on April 10, 2003, was reviewed for consistency with the requirements outlined in the City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. We find the current plan to be far superior to the plan previously submitted. The applicant has provided Staff with a plan prepared by an engineering firm that depicts the physical and visual impacts of the road widening on the public right- of-way. The Applicant has advised Staff that they are prepared to fund and construct the road improvements illustrated on the plan. Staff finds that the plan provides for a roadway that will satisfactorily accommodate the additional traffic volume on Hoadley Road, projected to be generated by the Church. Engineering has addressed only those matters that pertain to the engineering design of the roadwork. Issues related to the impact of the road widening on the surrounding neighborhood have not been addressed by Engineering as these matters are beyond the scope of our technical review. Following are our comments: 1. Mailbox relocation shall be performed in accordance with all United States Postal Service specifications. 2. Only those trees so designated on the Road Widening plan shall be removed. The Seagrape visual barrier along the west right-of-way line is considered critical. The Seagrape hedge and all other landscaping shall be protected during construction to prevent any damage. The contractor shall submit a Landscape Preservation Plan for review and approval during the permitting process. 3. Utility pole relocation shall be coordinated with the pertinent utility companies. 4. The proposed road widening shall be complete and accepted prior to issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for the Church. If you have any questions or concerns regarding these comments please feel free to give me a call at x6482. LUck Cc: Jeffrey R. Livergood, P.E., Director, Public Works (via e-mail) H. David Kelley, Jr., PEl P.S.M., City Engineer, Public Works/Engineering (via e-mail) Ken Hall, Engineering Plans Analyst, Public WorkslEngineering (via e-mail) File ; S:\Engineering\Kribs\Hoadley Road Church, Road Widening Plan Comments.doc jJe.....,) ;J( (;Ur< C r.,-",O.-{:, ~ Rumpf, Michael From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Byrne, Nancy Tuesday, June 03, 2003 5:22 PM Bressner, Kurt Rumpf, Michael; Livergood, Jeffrey; Costello, Joyce Off site improvements Kurt, The following are some very recent examples of the City holding to code and requiring developers to make required off site improvements. At Mike Rumpfs urging, I also checked with Mary Munro in finance to see if there have been any past precedents where the City has paid for the improvement of right-of-way required by private development outside of the CRA. She could find no indications that the City has partnered with developers to assist in underwriting the cost of this type of improvement. Nancy Belmont (Knnth Rd) Per the Knuth Road Construction Surety Escrow Agreement: (Agreement between the City, Kodesi & Eisenstein, P.A., EB Developers) "A. City has mandated that Knuth Road be constructed from its present terminus south of Boynton beach Blvd so as to connect with Woolbright Rd. B. Developer is the owner of a parcel ofland which fronts on the proposed extension of Knuth Rd and on which the developer is constructing a rental apartment project to be know as "Belmont" .... C. the City of Boynton Beach has imposed upon the Developer Property the obligation to construct Knuth Road from the south side of the Lake Worth Drainage District L25 Canal to and connect with Woolbright Rd. " The Harbors Gatewa & Federal I. In accordance with Cha ter 6, Article III, Sections II, 12 14, and 16, widen L s Palmas Park from Federal Highway (U.S. I) approximately 240 feet east (to the intersection of the roadway centerline with the extension of the subject parcel property line. Roadway configuration will consist of 3 lanes, of width as determined by the Director of Public Works (one eastbound lane, one dedicated left turn lane, and one westbound through lane), Type "F" curb and utter and two' four (4) foot wide sidewalks one on each side of the roadwa ). 2. Reconfi ure si alization at the intersection of Las Palmas Park and Federal ighway to add a left turn arrow to the signal head(s) for westbound Las Palmas Park traffic (Chapter 6, Article III, Section 16). The developer has coordinated with Palm Beach County Traffic Division. The rephasing of the signal shall be completed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. Jefferson (Ill Bovnton Beach (S, ConQress near Hunter's Runl I. The developer shall provide additional signal heads and modify signals as necessary for traffic utilizing development entrance onto Congress Avenue. Construction of the traffic signal will be required prior to full build-out of the proj ect. 2. Provide complete details for construction of the proposed southbound left-turn lane shown by note on Sheet 3 of 3 (Conceptual Paving, Drainage, Water and Wastewater Plans). 3. Staff strongly recommends construction of a secondary access to the development. The secondary access should be placed in the southwest corner of the subject property (for access from Congress Avenue). A curb cut will be needed. The access may be constructed as a stabilized sod roadway, a minimum of 12 foot in width, and could tie into the closest parking area. The stabilized sod section (a minimum of 12 inches of stabilized subgrade, overlain with sod) and curb cut shall be capable of supporting emergency vehicles (fire trucks). A gate preventing access by non-emergency traffic shall have a Knox box or other means of access for emergency services. 4. Permits will be required from Palm Beach County for work performed within the Congress Avenue right'of-way and shall be required prior to issuance of any building permits issued by the City of Boynton Beach. 1 Lowes (Corporate Park Dr & Woolbriahtl The construction of the improvements specified in the traffic study and any additional requirements required by Palm Beach County Engineers shall be completed prior to issuance of any temporary certificate of occupancy. 2 Motion for Alliance Church Motion Mr. Hay moved to approve the site plan, subject to the comments provided with respect to the conflict between comments #2 and #15 clarifying that the City improve the road up to the developer's property, at which point in time they will improve the roadway to provide for the turnaround and that the road will be constructed in accordance with the plans submitted to staff and proVided in your backup this evening. Motion seconded by Mr, Casaine and carried 6-1 (Mr. Myott dissenting). CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH AGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET AND CHECKLIST This completed cover sheet .m,yg accompany all agenda item requests. Please place check marks in the boxes as indicated. Initiating department must prepare Agenda Item Request Form, Submit original agenda request (with back up) and one CODY of aQenda request (with back UD) to the City Clerk's office. Items must be submitted by the deadlines indicated below, Incomplete or late items will be returned to originating department. Requested City Deadline for Submittal to City P 8r. D/CRA Requests Deadline Commission Meeting Clerk's Office Dates Au ust 20 2002 Se tember 3 2002 Se tember 17 2002 October 1 2002 October 15 2002 November 6,2002 October 14, 2002 *Due to holiday on September 2nd Departments are responsible for securing the following si natures on attached A enda Ruest Form: De artment Head Wilfred Hawkins for de artments under Administrative Services Finance De artment for items that involve ex enditure of funds All back u material is attached All exhibits are attached & marked e. . Exhibit "A' \\\}~ Department Head's initials: New Alliance Haitian Church (NWSP 01-008) Please do not write in the shaded area below. Legal Department signature 0 City Manager's signature o ITEM RETURNED FOR THE FOLLOWING REASON(S): Signature(s) missing 0 Incomplete submittal 0 Missed deadline 0 Other 0 Reason: Person contacted to pick up rejected request by on (Date) bg - 7/19/02 S:\Planning\Planning TemplaleslAGENDA ITEM COVER SHEET CHECKUST.doc KIRK T. ORLOVSKY 410 Hoadley Road Boynton Beach, FL 33426 Phone (561) 737-8762 737 - i57{;'Z- 1'1 V! _, / II .. I, September 24, 2002 Boynton Beach Planning and Development Board RE: Proposed Church on Hoadley Road To Whom it may concern, I have some concerns regarding the proposed construction of a church at the end of Hoadley Road as outlined in this letter. I would like to comment on Hoadley Road, specifically from the North property line of the proposed church. I found the site plan at this location some what misleading. It states that both Hoadley Road, and the sewer line, end at the North church property line, Actually, both Hoadley Road and the sewer line end approximately 45 feet to the North of the property line. Also, the site plan dimensions assumed Hoadley Road at a width of 20 feet, and centered on the 30 foot easement. Again, Hoadley Road does not have a width of20 feet, In fact, you have to go North from the proposed church's property line at least 350 feet before you can find existing pavement approaching the 20 foot width. Hoadley Road, as it exists today is anything but continuous, straight or appearing well though out in its entirety, Rather, in my opinion, it has a visually disturbing meandering appearance. On two points on Hoadley Road, I have measured the width at just over II feet. Public Services such as garbage trucks, refuse trucks, delivery trucks, maintenance vehicles, and simply any other vehicle dominate and exacerbate the condition. Public safety vehicles are extremely important to consider. How wide is a fire truck? You know, just one never shows up. Now roll out some hoses and related equipment and how is EMS going to get by that? Someone like me or my family, or someone else on Hoadley, or maybe even the 240+ people in the church are out ofluck (the 240+ are all the way at the end too!) Not only is Hoadley Road mis-configured, it floods, A LOT, and often I have personally had 4inches of standing water in my garage, and it all flowed south on Hoadley Road to get to me. Underground drainage exists on a small portion of Hoadley Road (West side). And it still floods, If, and when, Hoadley Road is widened to 20 feet, and no additional under group drainage is added, the flooding will get worse. It is already really bad. At this time I would like to ask if an actoal survey of Hoadley Road, as it is today, is available? If not, I think we need one complete with power and phone poles, existing trees, and drainage grates and fields located, as well as comprehensive elevation sufficient to correct these conditions. The time to address Hoadley Road in its entirety is now. We are talking about over 1,000 feet of roadway and related infrastructure, In my opinion, that's more than sufficient a reason to develop a comprehensive plan to address Public Safety, Public Services, and quality of life issues to the 20 + families that already live and use Hoadley Road, as well as the 240+ part-time users potentially accessing their church at the end of Hoadley Road, Sincerely, Kirk T. Orlovsky DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION · Building - Planning & Zoning · Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment November 8, 2002 Mr. Donald Senatore 3160 NE 3'd Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 RE: New Alliance Haitian Church (NWSP 01-008) Hoadley Road and return to Planning & Development Board Dear Mr. Senatore: The purpose of this letter is to document the determination ofthe City Commission regarding the continued processing of the above-referenced site plan application, and direct you through this unscheduled portion of the review process. As you know, the City Commission has directed this project back to the Planning & Development Board to specifically review the proposed expansion of Hoadley Road and the related design challenges, and consider current issues being raised by local residents. To initiate this process, please prepare scaled drawings, including a cross-section of the proposed road improvements or improvement options, and provide them to stafffor review by the City's Technical Review Committee (TRC) at its scheduled meeting on November 19, 2002. The scale of your drawings should be suitable to identifY the road's location within the 30-foot right-of-way (10 scale is preferable, 20 scale is acceptable). Please denote on the plans all trees, bushes, mail boxes, power poles, etc., and identifY the impacts of the road alignment on same. A total of 12 sets of drawings should be provided to stafffor this review. Staff will complete its review and present the additional information to the Planning & Development Board at its December 19th meeting. You may take additional time necessary to properly prepare for this review, which could occur at a subsequent meeting of the TRC. However, if the TRC review is not conducted by December 3'", the project will not be forwarded to the Board until January 28,2003. Please contact us should you have any questions on this process, or if you will need additional time to prepare for the mc review. Sincerely, ~jC Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR:pat cc: Alfred Daise 5 '.Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\\iew Alliance Hmllan Church',New Alliance Haitian Church ilr ll-M-O;c.dut City of Boynton Beach · 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . www.cLboynton,beach.or I\\~'( \:bsc:' 0 ~ 7"'c? C '-...: ,:) P,'-'-ICy--C Ie. H~\,~c..."" C. 'v-"";,,Cl-, lC-3 \-O'L. 'N~ o ,~c)(( SJi-&~9/ l~ O("e.s.~ It) //J!//U/!.2 !J2-0~:' 11 \"c-~L-t(i~t'- D.(:: /1 t'L>t. -j-,,2c-- D K- t- (, I,,, ,< \ C.C ~_( : I 5/!.... /C.-I /~I,;'\::I\I cL/2Ar;c-iH UADuc-rJ , ---- ",.,.."-1-1 ' -;"c. '-' I., } , ~e~<:';\.' ) r: $. J./'_ 3(/ ' " - .;(d r t:.rc f../,:; ~ r /)...,ij ~ CC '/Oc[?-C/ /.,). C / G C ,0 ch 10 G r 11-~4 /S Ie .Crt I ;; 'I s ~ ;r-,L;; ;...,.) i J... '-( ,) C c, ~, 6c (fc. {. "-' 4Jj . VO,.l. <1 I,,~,~ /'1C1U ":'1 i . \:." :\. . ;h,'j"I'-'l\..J..-'t\\ \.k ,;)h~<l1 L <<'\.(e,,/ ]';'" vY\ ~ +- 18.. t- \ C:::so NQ oL.A. (0- sT ~<!..L G4-1''''A. -. /?:3 co "J!&. @~h R i:.. - \r\:..O,\ou.5\) 4\0 ~~\!eLj ~\ :az: f!)~ .5 !/~ ~'- ~~ Q~-v $" ~_ c;B.~- ~ t3r,U~US 7G-o ~~~ ;(>d, Dc)/ L,,' OrndflS 9::20 tJ-c~jJe.! !2) (1 i/)-.., { l/itL, p.J f-,t-J l? '" I /J Ve L-Y'1-1 ;1..6 I;; t2. ' )Q b\2.<S rJ-e v,j c,L-'Yr-'-... I L ')Y ~c\ ':> 16 c-t, \ \ \ I)J Q,vJ")~ \J..-)'-{ ~t- cq:--- p4Atd()PO!lfldIJ /J.70 Go,vdo//1 li4rVe.. :.b((G\ CeO.5>SlAto.t6 1257 (ruc>oLI'( L'l/' Q.}.)ecl- ,,f?,;:rAS b Ye)a;/Z.e 'p ~ :o~ 't(a-6ie tEll "./ g'f Z! c.. f?r1C/1Uo4 '1.)11 ~4c1/d ~ \-., \) Ne..- & JlrI;J; 7 pi -I;: L?"'I 73'~1 -~'~ -s~ '1t r -05-1 C 7/?~ 7/'?Y ] G 7 - ! '7 J -i- 757 -I,:' t:,:f<.,' j')j ('C\'\:::> j-bl 7J:7 61 Y/ ~ (gq - l'1 'S ':::> 7~7-87G Z. ?3Y-Ljgt,;z... 7.1'-/- c;?G;2" 73'1 ?LSY? 73lf- Cf3C/7 3c),j-- J..-l alo ,.., <~ ~ ~..,_C' r , s- d-d..T~ 1-S)~J-J-70 3~ (../ - / i!b 13 r- . 3:(, 77 d 75 - 7<;; I r /J?S.2. -..56/t Rt'ck'fT.'~ Si'>o.--I-,-> JSYdal'~e OK. 737-08fJ<{ d}; j<..I.. r!lO>1,^""'-~v'\ 5Ud Ik~; c..e.... Dc-. 7 3 ~ - 3 Q~'f- Ue'f'\iSe. E'JvJczY'd.;S \~ Ve.JQivcVr--. 73S-?!'13~ A (\'\,€ "S rf\-~ L-\ -0 ~ De {3{-'?;,"7?~ &/1/,/1cv /Ue/?ff-A<V t//c-e- /Y1.-f/OA 7J'/-6??--.J To: Honorable Mayor City Commissioners City Manager From: Concerned Residences Date: October 25,2002 Re: Hoadley Road Church Neighborhood Meeting Minutes Regarding Proposed Church October 23, 2002 - 6:00pm Meeting Place -19 Velaire Drive Neil!:hborhood Residences that Attended: Elizabeth Cadden 19 Velaire 734-8534 Neil Kilburn 19 Velaire 734-8534 Kirk Orlovsky41O Hoadley Road 737-8762 Denise Edwards 18 Velaire Drive 733-8136 Gene Seng I Velaire Drive 734-4060 cell. #632-9107 Scott Caudell 1253 Gondola Court 364-4209 Richard Smith 15 Velaire Drive 737-0884 cell, #436-3780 Debi Brenner 13 Velaire Drive 302-5121 Tex Calvin Knight Jr. 13 Velaire Drive 302-5121 Anne Smith 4 Velaire Drive 737-8795 Tina Smith 15 Velaire Drive 737-0884 Eric G, Peterson 430 Hoadley Road 252-3616 Kathy & Rod Silverio 10 Velaire Drive 731-4371 Val & Bob Sorenson II Velaire Drive 364-1876 Jill & Joe Horger 1222 Isles Court 369-3425 Fritz Jarosz 9 Velaire Drive 737-7199 Ernest & Madeline Rojas 6 Velaire Drive 375-7811 Bob & Betty Osika 5 Velaire Drive 734-4862 I. Discussion on the loan amount of $600,000, How will a small congregration pay this? Are they planning on increasing their membership? How will this effect the quality of life in our small quiet neighborhood? 2, Need to notify more neighbors concerning this matter. Discussion on making flyers, passing them out and placing some on the bulletin board at the condominiums, Need to call the T.V. Stations and newspapers. . , 3, Discussion on the Traffic Study, Residences were unclear what exactly did this study tell us and the City Commissioners. Does it take into consideration all the proposed church's activities (i,e, daycare services, special events, athletic programs, and likelihood ofthe church's member growth rate...), 4. Who is responsible for paying for the road (Hoadley)? Why do we lose our Landscape Buffer? We already live with the Shopping Center!!! What is up with ALL the VARIANCES being granted? 5, Discussion on the TRC Meeting years ago concerning the property concerned regarding the decline to approve it for commercial usage and stated that it was BEST SUITED FOR RESIDENCE USAGE. 6, Discussion on creating a Petition. Neil will work on this item, 7. We will invite each of the Commissioners to meet with us in our quiet small neighborhood, 8. Why were the residences not taken into consideration regarding the Consent Agenda? Discussion on NOT being heard at the any of the Commissioners' meetings. Discussion on hiring a lawyer. 9, Meet with Vice Commissioner Weiland tomorrow, Thursday, October 24, 2002, 6:00pm at Kirk Orlovsky's Home, Discuss pulling the Consent Agenda item at hand so that our concems can be addressed, 10, The following concerns were discussed by the residences and should be addressed by our City Commissioners: CONCERNS Decrease Quality of Life Property Value Landscape Buffer Removal Noise Cost of Hoadley Road ($130,00+) , VARIANCES MAJOR PARKING CONCERNS Safety of Pedestrian Traffic & Increased Foot Traffic Safety for Children & Animals Amount of Non-Residence Increased Emergency Vehicle True Maneuverability on Hoadley Road Underground Utilities currently support three residences Impact of 50% increase in impervious road surface regarding storm water drainage Beyond Church Service - Ultimate U sage( s) (Daycare, Soup Kitchen/Commercial Kitchen, Athletic Programs..,) 30 feet of easement 800 feet from Velaire Street south on Hoadley to canal Increased traffic on Old Boynton (which is more than overcrowding at this point!!!) Attached: Comments from Individual Residences NEXT CITY COMISSIONERS MEETING will be Wednesday, November 6, 2002 - 6:30pm. Be there at 6:15 pm and fill out a green card. Name I:J7<dJe.h....CJd~ 7 ~1-85 31- Address /9 Vdo...: r€ Drrve"-ED 0,~4dl~ Comments ~ ~,/ & ( - ~~eJJa.+5'e-r -rfv..!;-"i;-, C!- ' Name K\r-~ D..\oUS ~ AddressAID ~\~ ~ . 7-Sl-87G;; 2.- Comments--Bu,.. 'M=e.r ~(J(J~, (J...\+Iw..r# u...~O~l r {&W c - Name be.n,'U 'E;..(lA,avd.S {<;? ~Cltve '73?,-RJ?J{:, fAslllas iV\('fea"u:L~c.} pa....l::..t~MIJ {,OY'lC--€..vt\.lJ Co;~r~~?~:tf';a "l"~,1,~~"< Name (}-rJ.J~:; I":'A 14" 1 cI II C ~u..1f- Address.1.. V&LAIR.e PR.. 3 ,-,000 &3;J.-Q({)7 Comments No! A- P/2..6fEf?" t-oCA110J-' F~12 !J..AlF TYfe c:>P L.H-U';:'C-If- ,dZ .Ql1-/.Jl" I.<-"JD oF' l.ll>1.M.rR>C,AL u-=:c' Name s...-tt-{l ^~ Address ~ Comments - ...\IS Name Address I SUe.It'\-I~ i)l'h 30 CC€<V' ~~ 012- v"dl\~ b Name----i} '^ '^ e 0"'" *"'n Address L\ ~ ~\~,~e 73 7---~5-- 3~- I Name J c. - .J7Z1 ::Jo 2 - '5(2 ( (;, J Address I~ fd",Jd. .Dr/ore. ("R't'P'lve' m'l /W~4 . \ Comments ) V , ,& lISi!.- ' ;.r.lJ'.' Ie' I 7 u /; -I- ,Jj . s Jrll!JS q fh:( ~lj- f{('9/1lx:>rJUf'u! H~ .1'/1'1, f/C,(1c1I"7 k /1"h7'l'U-',hs?h,'sIJ1~, Nam ~ ) C_ Lv IIV )t..f.:)11"T ~(t ....,-;w. ,e. Address / j V t/,OI/ 'rt( a/v( Comments T Otf/)CI/- W;fn~ ~ tlf!v41t/e. 1nfT. .h/Pr~. ~f)~o:isf I./JAu-rm,/ blbl/C ALcd:. -r P"'dp'-f W)4ct;~ (A,l fhlf,{C- Name Ellie... 6- Prlzr/'l&M/ 2",;> 2,-'3(0 \6:> . d Address '1:3tJ ffifld'/d'Y /Z. Comments ~d W,fl" ~~c A-/1JcI Nt-<"91!-",f/iJ' I;~I % /U/f&.V(/I_~/ 1'd",1 /'/i!d/'< .v".., "Y'C'. , , ~4fhlZ~~~~~~)~~;';~M;;:t::~;: --zi'" /?1{j(1 q ~.1 A 1/ dc/!/cC Name "'Y d -t /3~ ~~ A_ Address 1/ yP jJ /) (A -., LJ/U.-::.e ~ ~ If - \%,1 to comme19qH~~fk~ A~. Name Address Comments Name -:rt \ \ ~ --=t \'Ie Address =ts\e...S C--\:.- commentsY~ I"J oJ' ^ I.. U ~Y~ef ~Coq- 5~~ t-~ ~~ Name 'F r : --\-7 ~ ~ If' C> <::; "2.- Address q \}f.'\o.iveb-c ;\J'<'- ph~* Comments'---\y o..~ <'... t "'-C V"~'CXf' cCJV\.OPJY t'\ Name EfLf.J<<!.~ -Ie; M....'bEGIJE t< n'"SAS, Address CO ye..-\ 0.\ Q.e 'b'R.- Comments~I'c.... - ~~~\Je...- fo...~k."",}q 5C9\ 1>75 - 75r 11 '"{ Name ,tBd r- .R~ 10-<7_~_ Address S~/~hJ.a.~_~ ~~/-7.}~- S/.PI:? Comments _~j7/7l/a.L/ _ y...... j7o.../.;~ Name ----1'l eu... ~ L.!?U I:N Address-1.9 VcLAt~ D~, ,1:)tJ/-7.?~-f?~~q commen~s ICPJ>t1k:'ry \JA-\t..i8S' - T~/10(',c. -5:A-a-ifv - <:n1l..<1.IJ'fy o-f> I .. . / / r 6-' 6 Name Address Comments z o S. -< ~. CD ~ r.Fl o a P'" -< ~. CD ~ CFJ ~ ~ o ~ ~ ~ 00 Ro ~ e. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ > & . ~ () (D a ~ (D ~. (1Q g: o 1-1 r.n ~ o ~ ~e: ~(t) <~ ~. ?O (t) 0 ~ ~ r.J1 ~ r:FJ o I '.;'",.;.,-,.. "\ \ , n.':. ;:\ , ,,:'\ '\ ,.,','", \ ' ,,;t,, \, 'i',' ,.',", \ .... ...." '. '.~, ,,' \..:<' ';~' .;. - ,~ '0 ~ 0.. ~ CD ~ ~ o ~ e:: (:) S ~ (:) :=r ~ ~ o ~ CD q DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building - Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment November 8, 2002 Mr. Donald Senatore 3160 NE 3'd Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 RE: New Alliance Haitian Church (NWSP 01-008) Hoadley Road and return to Planning & Development Board Dear Mr. Senatore: The purpose of this letter is to document the determination of the City Commission regarding the continued processing of the above-referenced site plan application, and direct you through this unscheduled portion of the review process. As you know, the City Commission has dIrected this project back to the Planning & Development Board to specifically review the proposed expansion of Hoadley Road and the related design challenges, and consider current issues being raised by local residents, To initiate this process, please prepare scaled drawings, including a cross-section of the proposed road improvements or improvement options, and provide them to staff forreview by the City's Technical Review Committee (TRC) at its scheduled meeting on November 19,2002. The scale of your drawings should be suitable to identifY the road's location within the 30-foot nght-of-way (10 scale is preferable, 20 scale is acceptable). Please denote on the plans all trees, bushes, mail boxes, power poles, etc., and identifY the impacts of the road alignment on same. A total of 12 sets of drawings should be provided to staff for this review. Staff will complete its review and present the additional information to the Planning & Development Board at its December 19"' meeting. You may take additional time necessary to properly prepare for this review, which could occur at a subsequent meeting of the TRC. However, if the TRC review is not conducted by December 3'd, the project will not be forwarded to the Board until January 28,2003. Please contact us should you have any questions on this process, or if you will need additional time to prepare for the TRC review. Sincerely, /f-<-fJC Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR:pat cc: Alfred Daise S\Planning"SH:\REDIWp\PROJECTS\New .\lIiancc Haitian ChurchlNcw Allian~c Haitian Church Ilf 1 1.3.02 Jot City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742~350 . www.ci.boynton.beach.or DE::. ARTMENT OF DEVELOF-'l/tENT Planning and Zoning Division Memorandum PZ 03..Q64 TO: Alfred Daise, Donald Senatore FROM: Ed Breese, Principal Planner ~ J DATE: March 8, 2004 RE: New Alliance Haitian Church Please be advised that site plan approval for the above referenced project will expire on June 3. 2004. The City Commission granted site plan approval on June 3. 2003, To date, no building permit has been issued for this project, A building permit must be secured within one year of site plan approval in order to maintain the vested status, The Land Development Regulations Chapter 4, Section 5, provides for a one-year extension for site plan approval if the application is submitted before the expiration date. Please call the Planning and Zoning Division at (561) 742-6260 for more information regarding the site plan time extension procedure. DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION · Building . Planning & Zoning - Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment September II, 2002 Mr. Don Senatore 3160 N.E.3rd Avenue Oakland Park, FL. 33334 Re: Hoadley Road Church NWSP 01-008 Dear Mr. Senatore, The above referenced project Ieceived a 3rd TRC staff review on August 27, 2002. The hourly rate plus benefits charged by staff for this review was $140.66. Please remit this amount to the Planning and Zoning Department prior to your scheduled Planning & Development Board meeting. Make your check payable to the '"City Of Boynton Beach". Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, ,....) J' O{~,h.1A kJJL' Lusia Galav, AICP Principal Planner CC: Michael W. Rumpf, Director of Planning and Zoning LG/sc S \Planning\SHAREDlWI'\PROJECTS\Hoadley Road ChllfchlJrd review chargc2dot City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 Phone: 1561\742-6350 . www.ci.bovnton-beach.or DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02- 175 TO: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, park~S I' Michael W. Rumpf' J v Planning and Zoni ' etor FROM: DATE: August 27, 2002 SUBJECT: 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road Church Location: Hoadley Road Agent: Donald Senatore File No.-NWSP 01- 008 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'. review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29, 2002. MWR: sc S:\PlanningISHAREDIWPIPROJECTS\Hoadley Road ChurchIJrd Review Memo,doc /J I. /3 cl'3 . Cf 3 11 0 t, (c; DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02- 175 FROM: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, F oresterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Michael W. Rumpf }jf 4."v Planning and Zoni~eJtor AUG 2 7 Lro2 TO: DATE: August 27,2002 SUBJECT: 3'. Review- New Site Plan r'R)G ere \ "-vSc-v'1 Project- Hoadley Road Church Location: Hoadley Road :}pIC; Agent: Donald Senatore File No.-NWSP 01- 008 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'. review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29, 2002. MWR: sc S'IPlanmngISHAREDlWPIPROJECTS\Hoadley Road Omrch\3rd Review MelTO;)doc 'IRe Memorandum Page I of I Coale, Sherie From: Hallahan, Kevin Sent: Tuesday, August 27,200210:51 AM To: Coale, Sherie Cc: Galav, Lusia Subject: 02-Planbill.doc Planning Memorandum: Forester IE.nyir9Junentalist To: Lusia Galav, Principal Planner From: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester / Environmentalist Subject: Hoadley Road Church 3rd Review-New Site Plan Review time fee Date: August 27, 2002 Review time: I hour @ 35% benefits $27,25 per hour 9.54 $36.79 total cost Kjh File 8/27/2002 DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02- 175 TO: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, F oresterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks FROM: Michael W. Rumpf Planning and Zoning Director DATE: August 27, 2002 SUBJECT: 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road Church Location: Hoadley Road Agent: Donald Senatore File No.-NWSP 01- 008 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'" review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29, 2002. I hr "\210', ri"'.> ' i 2E' ii", \ Ch.l\lWl(., W\/ f:iL'llo2- \ \ \ \ MWR: sc S IPlanning\SHAREDlWPIPROJECTS\Hoadley Road Church\3rd Review Memo doc ~ DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 02- 175 TO: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, FiIe Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, F oresterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, GeneIal Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Michael W. RumPf)~ kv Planning and Zoni~ecbtor FROM: DATE: August 27,2002 SUBJECT: 3'd Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road Church Location: Hoadley Road Agent: Donald Senatore File No.-NWSP 01, 008 AlJG 2 , 2002 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3 ,d review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29, 2002. t=:l,jC(;> \ \J\.:Xi 12 J II/' C; (:L\;;U'll::: Lv - "'CS<c.. \:- t\GuQ \.. '( ~M,T\=:J " .J.3'~'( 12i'=v q<>r[ U- " ti ')?, / u_ MWR: sc S:\P\anning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Hoadley Road Church\3rd Review Memo doc .(-/E; l; ( DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 02- 175 FROM: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks ~n Michael W. Rumpf - tv Planning and Zoni . e~or AUG 2 7 ~ TO: DATE: August 27, 2002 SUBJECT: 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road Church Location: Hoadley Road Agent: Donald Senatore File No.-NWSP 01- 008 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'. review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29, 2002. -r\~~ / l ,4t2( 11 'l-1r '2/' J\+' MWR: sc SIPIal1l1lOg\SHAREDI WP\PROJECTS\Hoadley Road ChurchIJrd Review Memo doc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 02- 175 FROM: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, GeneIal Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Michael W. RumPf)~.Lv Planning and Zoni~eJtor 'I/f": ') > on """J 'L.:. f12 TO: DATE: August 27, 2002 SUBJECT: 3'd Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road Church Location: Hoadley Road Agent: Donald Senatore FIRE File No.-NWSP 01- 008 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'd review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29,2002. MWR: sc S:\PlanningISHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Hoadley RoadChurchlJrd Review Maoodoc >Z5 ;t;1/ }J uk::; DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 02- 175 FROM: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, F orester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Michael W. RUmPf)~ .Lv Planning and zoni~ecbtor AUG 2 7 trol TO: DATE: August 27, 2002 SUBJECT: 3'" Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road Church Location: Hoadley Road ~llce File No.'NWSP 01- 008 N I ft Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the )'" review on the above referenced proj ect. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29,2002. Agent: Donald Senatore MWR: sc S-\Planning\sHARED\WPIPROJECTS\Hoadley Road ChurchlJrd Review .\femo.doc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. PZ 02- 175 FROM: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Environmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, park~S ~ Michael W. Rumpf ,), V Planning and Zoni W . etor AUG 2 7 2002 TO: DATE: August 27, 2002 Location: Hoadley Road fu~'(;' uJoe t:-:G Njfr SUBJECT: 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road Church Agent: Donald Senatore File No.-NWSP 01- 008 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'. review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29,2002. MWR: sc S\P!annmgISHAREDlWPIPROJECTSIHoadley Road CburchDrd Review Memo_doc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 02- 175 FROM: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, Traffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Michael W. RumPf)~ 17/ Planning and Zoni~eJtor AU6 2 7 llXl2 TO: DATE: August 27, 2002 SUBJECT: 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road Church p(~'K ~S Location: Hoadley Road Agent: Donald Senatore tJlk File No.-NWSP 01- 008 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3"' review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29,2002. MWR: sc S'\Pla11ningISHAREDlWP\PROJECTS\Hoadley Road Church\Jrd Review ~effi<l doc DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO, PZ 02- 175 TO: TRC MEMBERS Rodger Kemmer, Fire Plans Review Analyst Kevin Hallahan, ForesterlEnvironmentalist John Huntington, Police Department H. David Kelley, Utilities Department Timothy Large, Building Department Jeff Livergood, Public Works, TIaffic Ken Hall, Public Works, General Laurinda Logan, Engineering LusiaGalav, Planning & Zoning John Wildner, Parks Michael W. RumPf)ft kv Planning and Zoni~eJtor FROM: DATE: August 27, 2002 SUBJECT: 3'. Review- New Site Plan Project- Hoadley Road ChUICh Location: Hoadley Road Agent: Donald Senatore File No.'NWSP 01- 008 AUG '1 > i. , 2002 Please document your review time and calculated cost based on your hourly rate plus benefits, for the 3'" review on the above referenced project. Please provide me with this documentation no later than Thursday, August 29,2002. MWR: sc S'\Planning\sHAREDlWPlPR01ECTS\Hoadley Road ChurchIJrd ReVlew Memo,doe t\U\ ',~A~. ,'\,( q~~ _" t i-~ ~":. I' i -j.... , "~ <.-- ~;",~ . ,I /~....., " / !-' ' ..--," ~ '- ~ ! .-' \ " / ~ '1 :"'1 I ' I I r ; I , . . @BELLS_Ju~'. fD~ - BellSouth Telecommunications, Inc. ENGINEERING DEPT.. RM. 107 2021 SO, MILITARY TRAIL WEST PALM BEACH, fL 33415 September 13, 2001 Mr, Donald p, Senatore Don Senatore, Architect 3160N,E, 3n1 Avenue Oakland p~ Florida 33334 '. " . \:"~;", "il,11.:' ,,".::r;(~'~"., - U~j~ .~, - -"""'liE: Sou.:ce'of Supply for"llo~:ffi;j:~o~';i'~hurch AUG 2 7 ~2 ',,- Dear Mr, Senatore: ',',In response to your request, tl#~~nfirtn that B~llSouth Telecommunications wilJ ;,," source of supply for telephoneserVfc-e:With adequate capacity to the above referenced pfClject, provided we are granted a means for our facilities to get to each individual unit (by recorde;: easement or conduit), It should be noted that BellSouth Telecommunications may require exclusive easements for structures that house electronic switching equipment (SLC-96 or substantially similar equipment), The recorded easements will be without restrictive conditions furnished in a reasonable time to meet service requirements at no cost, cleared of trees, t:,~e stumps, paving and other obstructions, In addition each applicant shall cooperate with Be";:,, Telecommunications to keep the cost of construction and installation of the underground telephone distribution system as low as possible, Where there are obstructions in the easement or road crossings, the contractor will provide conduit suitable to BellSouth Telecommunications. However, the company shall have no responsibility to provide service unless these cor.dit;cn, ,. met. If you have any questions please call me at (561) 439-9118, Y7;-1 ~ d"t / L. F, Mayernik - Project Manager r Outside Plant Engineering LFM:dn .. ,a.;\it, " ,;,~~~~\,~:;\-,:::"",< ' ~' Florida Public i Utilities Company ~PI'fI/JIJII&d. .... P.O. Box 3395 West PaL" "",.n FL 334(':' ~(: (561)83 7_"-1 Septe'_ "'[ .., -,-' '. J Mr. Donald P. Senatore Don Senatore Architect 3160 N.E. 3rd Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 AI'~ 2 7 ~-:) ,-,,'J L -,,,_ RE: Hoadley Road Church Dear Mr. Senatore: Per your request, we have reviewed referenced project and have deteml' .,eu ..! ciS . available and that the project will not interfere with our existing facilities, Our Marketing Department will be happy to provide information about L 'v[\ilabil:,' and advantages of using natural gas. You may contact them directly by calling (561)838-1796. Sincerely, ~~~ Engineering Aide cc: D.E. Pellico C.C. Canino FPUC Marketing -Adelphia 1401 Northpoint Parkway West Palm Beach, Fl33407 Monday, September 17, 2001 Donald P. Senatore Donald P. Senatore, Architect 3130 N.E. 3rd Ave Oakland Park, Fl33334 AI_'S 2 7 ~u, ~ RE: Letter of Service Availability i.e. : Hoadley Road Church Boynton Beach I PBCounty K & A File No. 1540.2 Dear Mr. Senatore: In reviewing your proposed development plans on the above ref project, Comeas! I Adelphia (WPB System) has no objections nor conflicts with your proposed pial" ..' would not encroach onto our easements or otherwise interfere with the provision of service to our customers. The proposed Hoadley Road Church site will be within the Comeast I Adelphia ( '\1, i' ,J System) service area. Please contact our Engineering and or Business Developmen' Departments for further coordination of service as needed. Should you have any other questions, please feel free to call me at 1-561-227-434:, Numbers - 1-561-686-8507 IE-mail leonardmaxwell01adclohia.nct Sincerely, ~U\~P Leonard Maxwell Permit Adjustor 9/17/019:51:58 AM -L.-A cc: Don Roberts - Project Manager Construction Coordination West Palm Beach Draw File G FPL . September 24, 2001 Don Senatore 3160 N,E, 3rd Avenue Oakland Park, Fl. 33334 AUG27~ ? Re: Hoadly Road Church Dear Mr, Senatore: Thank you for contacting FPL early in your planning process, This will help you i' achieve your desired schedule for your project at (property location), At the present l FPL has sufficient capacity to provide electric service to your property, " Please fill out the notification of new construction form enclosed with this letter.,." information will help us to provide you with the best service in accordance with applicable rates, rules and regulations. You may also respond to us through. www.fpl.com. Once we have received the new construction form, I will be contaci..lg you to schedule a predesign meeting. Enclosed is my business card if you should h",'" any questions about your project. I look forward to developing a good working relationship with you. /'\ Sincerely, rl.. ' , ~ I ( \ iV~'i1u,w} ~JJ...\....- Manuel SaJldinas I Customer Project Manager (561) 742-2010 . FPL Aorida P~"Y.r & light Company 9329 S. Mil.." Trail BoyntOn Booch, Fl 33436 561,742-21110 Fox: 561-742,2016 Coli: 561,704-5859 1-800-447-243311939 manuel_Slrdinls@fpl.com an fPL Brobp companr IIM:rcIHP.. Manua' Sardina. ~ Projact Manager Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Cc: Subject: Logan, Laurinda Monday, August 26, 2002 11 :03 AM Coale, Sherie Kelley, David; Hall, Ken RE: Hoadley Road Church sherk I h~ve ~vc EOxceL cl~ss scheC>lA.lec> foy ~ll C>~tI tOV1-lonow. I will h~ve D~ve ~vcc>/o,' Kevc yeview the COV1-lV1-levcts. If there ~re ~vctl ite~As which yeqlA.iye V1-ltl 'PeY<;Dvc~l ~ttevctiovc I will ~c>vlyes.s t~,eV1-l fiyst thivcg wec>vcesc>~tI Vvt,Oyv\,[V\.,g. 1._Civn,,'\,7:~',1 -~---Original Message---.. From: Coale, Sherie Sent: Monday, August 26, 2002 9:31 AM To: Galav, Lusia; Hall, Ken; Hallahan, Kevin; Huntington, John; Kelley, David; Kemmer, Rodger; Large, Tim; Logan, Laurinda; Wildner, John Borden, Bob; Byrne, Nancy; Gage, Marshall; Gale, Steven; Guidry, John; Johnson, Don; Livergood, Jeffrey; Quinn, Larry Hoadley Road Church Ce: Subject: Don Senatore from the old (last year) Hoadley Road Church will be here tomorrow for a third review. 2nd review comments will be distributed along with new plans which have supposedly addressed those comments. As this is a third review, please record your time at the meeting. Thanks, Sherie << File: 8-27-02 TRC Meeting Agenda.doc>> 1 Coale, Sherie From: Sent: To: Subject: Wildner, John Monday, August 26, 2002 9:31 AM Coale, Sherie Out of Office AutoReply: Hoadley Road Church I will be out of the office Monday, August 26. If you need immediate assistance please contact Vicki Rogerson at ext. 6225. 1 Aut 22 02 05:221" SENATORE ARCHITECTURAL 954 5670645 I",} Don Senatore, Architect Office: (9: 4) 567-0644 Fax: (9: 4) 567-0645 DATE: 8/22/2002 REFERENCE: SCHEDULING OF MEETING SCHEDULED FOR LOCATION: HOADLEY ROAD CIroRCH FILE NUMBER: NWSP 01 008 COMPANY: CITY OF BOYNTON BCH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD BOYTON BCR, FL 33425-0310 ATTENTION: ERIC JOHNSON / CHERRIE ~LEASE SCH~DULE THE: 1. THC MEETING SCHEDULED FOR AUG 27, 2002 2. PLANNING ANO ZONING MEETINGSEPTEMaER 24, 2002 3. CITY COMMISSION MEETING OCTOBER 1, 2002 IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL. /-~I .~ '/,/ I~I "AU'~ 1/ ~ ."JA;..e,..e.c'#!''tf!.e-.t' " ........_~...,,,.,. ~i I,. - ' l: l ..22m 3160 N.E. 3rd Avenue · Oakland Park, Florida 33334 DEPARTMENT OF DEVELOPMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISION . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Licenses . Community Redevelopment October 25, 2001 Mr. Don Senatore 3160 Northeast 3'd Avenue Oakland Park, FL 33334 Re: HOADLEY ROAD CHURCH - NWSP 01-008 Dear Mr. Senatore: The City of Boynton Beach prides itself in providing the best in customer service to our residents and business community. As your informal liaison to the Department of Development, I just wanted to keep in close contact with you since several weeks have passed since our last meeting. As you can recall, you represented the above referenced project at the Technical Review Committee (TRe) meeting on September 18,2001. At that TRC meeting, staff reviewed your revised plans and discovered that your site plan still contained enough outstanding issues to warrant a 3'd review. As a consequence of a 3'd review, the scheduled Planning & Development Board (P&D) meeting date had to be postponed one (I) month from October 23'd to November 27th Enclosed with this letter you will find 2nd review comments. The plans need to adequately address these comments before we can allow the project to proceed to the next phase, the Planning & Development Board meeting. Staff at the 3rd review TRC meeting will determine the plans' compliance with the 2nd review comments as well as all applicable codes. First, let me remind you that a 3rd TRC review will require you to pay for the review. The total cost will be based upon the hourly rate of each Department representative present at the TRC meeting. Second, staff cannot delay the project any further than the November 6th TRC date. Tuesday, November 6th is the latest possible TRC meeting for the 3'd review to occur in order for the project to be eligible for the November P&D meeting. Third, please notify staff no later than a week trior to the November 6th TRC meeting (October 30,2001) that you want to attend the 3' review. In conclusion, the following summarizes the project's timeline: 1. Revise your plans so that your plans adequately address the 2nd review comments (as well as the 1 st review comments); 2. Notify staff no later than October 30th that you wish to attend the November 6th TRC meeting; City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-6350 . WoNW.ci.boynton-beach.fl.us Page 2 10125101 3. Attend the November 6th TRC meeting; 4. Attend the November 27th P&D meeting; 5, Attend the December 4th City Commission meeting. Should you have any questions or comments please feel free to contact Lusia Galav or me anytime at (561) 742-6260. I look forward to working with you again. Sincerely, Sue ~ Jif1~ Eric Lee Johnson Planner Cc: Michael W. Rumpf, Director of Planning & Zoning Lusia Galav, Principal Planner S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTSlHoadley Road Church\Senalore Leuer,doc Department of Engineering and Public Works P.o. Box 21229 West Palm Beach. FL 33416-1229 (561) 684-4000 www.pbcgov.com . Palm Beach County Board of County Commissioners Warren H. Newell, Chairman Carol A. Roberts. Vice Chair Karen T. Marcus Mary McCarty Burt Aaronson Tony MasiloW Addie L. Greene County Administrator Robert Weisman ~An Equal Opportunity Affirmative Action Employer" @ printed on recycled paper December 18, 2001 Mr. Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Department of Development City of Boynton Beach P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, FL 34425-0310 RE: New Haitian Alliance Church TRAFFIC PERFORMANCE STANDARDS REVIEW Dear Mr. Rumpf: The Palm Beach County Traffic Division has reviewed the traffic study for this project, pursuant to the Traffic Performance Standards in Article 15 of the Palm Beach County Land Development Code. This project is summarized as follows: Location: MuniCipality: Existing Uses: Proposed Uses: New Daily Trips: Build-out Year: East side of Hoadley Road, south of Old Boynton Road Boynton Beach None 5,146 SF Church 48 2003 Based on our review, the Traffic Division has determined that the project generates less than 200 new daily trips, and therefore meets the Traffic Performance Standards of Palm Beach County. If you have any questions regarding this determination, please contact me at 684-4030. Sincerely, OFFICE OF THE COUNTY ENGINEER /i / . ()/:1J Masoud Atefi, MSCE / Sr. Engineer - Tra~vision cc: Joseph B Pollock Jr. PE., Kimley-Horn & Associates Inc. ---~.- ~-~-._-- , 1.- I" , '" , File: General- TPS - Mun - Traffic Study Review F'\TRAFFIClmalAdminlApprovals\011207.doc : 2 0 2001 i t ,: ~::; I~T C.r: _:.:. --_~..:..:.J ~.".'.....\.."......Y'....O.."". :' .~c--.-:!2" ./ ,. t ",'" ,. ! " . 131'\"'[ :';r o ..' CJ J- ..,. . '" / ~ ~ .,.O~'(? DEPA RTM EN T 0 F DEV 8..0 Av1 EN T Ranning and Zoning Divison . Building . Planning & Zoning . Occupational Ucenses . Community Redevelopment November 30, 2001 Mr. Masoud Atefi MSCE, Senior Traffic Engineer Palm Beach County Traffic Division Department of Engineering and Public Works P.O. Box 21229 West Palm Beach, Florida 33416 Re: Traffic Study: Hoadley Road Church Our Reference Number NWSP 01-008 Dear Mr. Atefi: The enclosed traffic generation statement, prepared by Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc., was recently received by Planning and Zoning for the above-referenced application. Please review the enclosed information for conformance with the County's Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance, and provide Tim Large, Building Code Administrator and I with your written response. If you have questions regarding this matter, please call me at (561) 742-6260. Sincerely, dw dJ~v ~ Michael W. Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning MWR/sc S,\PIanning\SHAREDIWP\PROJECTS\HoadJey Road Church\Trnffic lena-to Palm Beach County.doc City of Boynton Beach. 100 East Boynton Beach Blvd., P.O. Box 310 . Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Phone: (561) 742-li350 . www.ci.boynton-beach.fl.us \ SE'po 05 01 De, 25po SENATORE ARCHITECTURAL 95" 5670645 po.l Office (954) 567-0644 Fax: (954) 567-0645 Don Senatore, Architect DATE; 9{5{2U01 REFERENCE: RE SCHEDULING OF TIl.C MEETING GCH!';OULED FOR SEPTEMBER 11, 2000 FOR HOADLEY ROAD CHURCH LOCATION; HOADLEY R01\D CHURCH PLEASE FIND FAXED: 2 PAGES INCLUDING COVER SHEET COMPANY: CITY OF BOYNTON BCH 100 E. BOYNTO~ BEACH BOULEVARD BOYTON BCH, FJ. 33425-0310 ATTENTION: LUSIA GALAV WE IHLL NOT BE READY FOR THE TRe MEErING SCHEDULED FOR SEPTEMBER 1:, 2000 ?OR HOADLEY ROAD CHURCH SITE PLAN _ NWSP 01-008 I WILL RESCHEDULE WITH BLYTHE WILLIAMSON. :F THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, PLRII.'>E CALL. 3~~. DONALD P. SENATORE 3160 NeE. 3ra Avenue. Oakland Park, Flonda 33334. > Se~ 05 01 OB:25~ OB/24/2001 17: 40 SENATORE ARCHITECTURAL SO' '5'5~ 854 5670645 EOYNTCN 3!;ACH P ~.2 PAGE 0 I Factsimile TRANSMITTAL I CITY l BOYNION BEACH 100 f.. OYNION BEACH 80UI EVI\RD P.O. B. X 310 BOYN10N 8(^CH, FLORIDA 3!I4Z5-0310 rAX: (5161) 741.l;2S9 I pLANNING AND ZONING [,'MSION I to: ! Pon :)enalore fu#: ' (954) 567-0645 dlte; : 0812d/OI froml LllSia Galav ..~. re: I First revi~w comments: for Hoadley Road CIulrch SIte plan-NWSP 01-008 ~ =:=j i I PI~ast find allached the first. review comments for your project. To stay on the c\1lT~Th review s<:hedule, ple~ se do the following STeps listed below, and brinil all dOCUrnts 10 the IRe sched~ led fo~teml:ier 11, 200~"" ~' (~<!T I , Revise your plans incorpo~ uing ilIl "OIlUu""' Ii.ted herein. including tho additIon of i nC)~es on plans to confU1tl r' :sp<lnse to general 51,terncnti! comments, and bring 10 cuples ! to !be TRC review rh""tin!' (full sets irn;luding all pages originally subm,tted); , : Submit the additional infOtmation as requested within the attached comments; ( ie. traffic i analysis, en2inecting eertll italion, elc ) , . 1 ! Prqlare a ",otten respon~c (7 COpies) consisting of a list briefly summarizing how each ; conunent hi. been .ddte9<'e.d nn lh. revised plans or with the !lUpplemenlal infc-rmalion ~ including location on the Ilans ( tbis promotes an expeditiou~ 2'" review by staff and your project repre.entatlV<' s during the TRC me.:ting );and 4. Submit redllctions (8 !/, X 11) for lhe proposed Slle plans, elevations and lands' aping pl.n , (this is required fur the ti~lJ report alld public : presentatlon). The JPliCallt should not attend a. TRC (2" review) until all doj:urnents 11."e been revised: ,"d copied for starr , Plannine and Zorunc Divi~ion City of Boynton BEa~h Boynton Bl2'och, Florida 33425 74Z~260 Fu: 742"6259 February 26, 1999 - BulldJng Planmn,4 Zonln, t;nllnurlng Occ'lpaJional L1un.u Co",nw~"lty R~J..-v..lop_"1 1-" , t".' Rev. Dieugrand Jacques The New Haitian Alliance Church of Boynton PO Box 4064 . .... '. '.w"" '. .' Boynton Beach, Hi ~~42~h,:;;;Jlil')U~;~4';'i~lt'i" ,.;:,~;,,'~}l!.l'/}H; lit, ,'", "~~>t":'J, " ;'d~h:(~~~:c~'i r,!' ::::~'r,~::t 'J Dear Rev. Jacques "'i'...i~j.:\.:;i~.".';.;.i.'.i.'l.:~..'~".' .t.'m".;~:: +\l"'r"'~~;"'~II!i ~, 'I,i' , '~r.,l;~:I,.; ;,'1:;H.'1 ~~J )', ~,; - ,,~, ~ \f Please be a~vise~ tha~ thc:'p~~~r!,; :,,",.tl~~!i:i'llel1, ,c:.,(,'. . ".~4'5-~OI~o'i~~boo-O.571 is zoned RJ AA, Resldentml Sl;Jgl:.F@\\~t;idlStP9~;.;~I;l\,~)~~,~.\!1)\\p)~'~I~,9~}tv ot 5.40;1welltng units per acre, according to the OfllClaIZQ!lIng Map forthe (ity 'ItBp~ihl!Jl\Beach. '.' ,. " ~ . . Also, please be ;)~j"L~J ~h"t ,1 H'::~J';:" ~~J ,qh:..'i- ,:,:~,..,.., .,( \\'(.r',;1ir dre pemlitted uses in the RIAA zoning district. ir.cluding Jell' (",He and pre,'",:'."': le,'.I1\les ,ubject to conditional us~s application. Finally, plea;c be advlsed that ilctclrJint! ;" eit:. "I' fk:<"n~) lk~\L"h code compliance's office records there are no Yiola}ics.~ of an)' nature p~lldi:lt 2\;,,;rl:;[ ,aid jlrop~rty, ",';!:;':'}f:,.:H:;,':;;'f~fii.'> ':" '~!":,::;},,c;! , ,"' ' If I can be of further!he.l :p' ...." tm~4~;;::, MWR:jma ;~',;!,~i.,i,;':;' I \!.HRDATA\PlANN:NC/SHAR[U,w;.,ro '.. I....; ,c. .l':;~:<'J'" '!: ''1 ;, ' I il . II II