APPLICATION Don Senatore, Architect Office: (954) 567-0644 Fax: (954) 567-0645 DATE: 8/26/2002 REFERENCE: SIDE WALK WAIVER AUG 2 7 2002 LOCATION: HOADLEY ROAD CHURCH FILE NUMBER: NWSP 01 008 COMPANY: CITY OF BOYNTON BCH 100 E. BOYNTON BEACH BOULEVARD BOYTON BCH, FL 33425-0310 ATTENTION: ERIC JOHNSON / CHERRIE PLEASE BE AWARE WE ARE ASKING FOR A SIDE WALK WAIVER FOR BOTH SIDES OF HOADLEY ROAD. SO WE WILL NOT HAVE TO BUILD A SIDE WALK ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF OUR PROPERTY LINE , NOR BUILD ONE ALONG THE WEST SIDE OF THE STREET RIGHT OF WAY. IF THERE ARE ANY QUESTIONS, PLEASE CALL. THANK YOU, DONALD P. SENATORE 3160 N.E. 3rd Avenue · Oakland Park, Florida 33334 . City Codes Accessed via . City Home Page .www.ci.bovnton-beach.fl.us www.amleoal.com/bovnton beach fl ( ( OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA PLANNING & ZONING DIVISION SITE PLAN REVIEW APPLICATION FOR NEW SITE PLANS & MAJOR MODIFICATIONS TO EXISTING SITE Application Acceptance Date: Fee Paid Receipt Number Has applicant attended a pre-application meeting? ,Date This application must be filled out completely, accurately and submitted as an original to the Planning and Zoning Division. TWELVE COMPLETE, sequentially numbered, ASSEMBLED AND STAPLED sets of plans including a recent survey and appropriate fee shall be submitted IMth the application for the initial process of the Site Plan Review procedure. AN INCOMPLETE SUBMITTAL WILL NOT BE PROCESSED. Please print legibly (in ink) or type all information. 1. Project;J &J /f!(,,,fr-u.- JI~a-l~ ~ I. GENERAL INFORMATION Name: 2. Applicant's name (person or business entityin whose name this application is made): o 4S e. fi1j/V\/ ~. Address: ? (). PAl jigs; 0/ h 3 3C/7IJ -I IPS- . a .. (Zip Code) Phone:Slt,(- 7'!cJ.-SZ5..:21 Fax: S-~/--7<702-6o.,;23 n:;.j ~ (- is J- -'5 0-06 uJlC~ 3. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): iJ / ~J),4,Se. Address: 4. P. 6 . /$CJl IlK, ~f/7. 55if7u <'c-' . . (Zip Code) Phone: J{p/- 79.J-5D;J Y Fax: 5~ (-79.J--S3..L-3 Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: New If!i~ ;k.t:--. ~d, Address: _ I tJ /5- ;U ~ 41.11.:5f/ I5;y ~ / h Phone: :5~/-3?~-S3 <;3 Fax: (Zip Code) 5. Correspondence to be mailed to agent only, if no agent, then to applicant unless a substitute is specified below:' 'This is the one address to 'Ahich all agendas, letters and other materials wll b d. 6. What is applicant's interest in the premises afected? contract purchaser, etc.) (~S"l\ SG1- Cl;~S ,r.~j ""\0\'{- [/'<lhc{ II. III. The following information must be filled out below and must appear, vilere applicable, on all copies of the site plan. 1. 2. 3. 4. f. 7. Street address or location of site: rha.J I e'1 /Za-<:t..d 8. Property Control #(PCN) ~) g _ C;3- <I S - 26 -() / - c'.JO (j - 0::;-7/ Legal description of site: c2 [) --'1:(- <j 3 J tJ ,250+-1. 0'+ Lds ,,5-7 ts-z 9. Intended use(s) of site: r t (!~ 10. 0, 118-r Lt!"f t1 3.3V7() Developer or Builder: /) Ils('. ~......f C9't pO. "'I 'Y1 ":,c.t) ~y<,l-<(fl..5V Architect: DcrJ1 S&u?kx...- (9.sz,t)5z' 7 -bC,<I<I . Landscape Architect: Krw< ~1... ~&,o'6 ,vc /6~,fve.. Site.Planner: ~ Se:,.Ulc!oc (I Engineer: W) II C"TM s: <';~'? e"-0'trLfSW S-0 </- <fCJ63, Surveyor: f.2&b 13~.r. ~"j) 73;2 - 7377 Traffic Engineer: )/ljl15 . Has a site plan been previously approved by the City Commission for this property? Nt5 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Estimated construction costs of proposed improvements shown on this site plan: !6'1-~ (Jot, SITE DATA I 18. Land Use Cateqory shown in the Comprehensive Plan Zoninq District / Q Area of Site ' 7 acres Land Use -- Acreaqe Breakdo'M1 53.,(, rf7/ 2V'/- sq. fl. a. Residential, including 6 acres 0 % of site surrounding lot area of grounds ;.7 J"" Recreation Areas' acres I 1% of site (excluding water area) Water Area -fy- acres ..0- % of site Commercial ---() acres .ff % of site Industrial if acres ..()- % of site Publicllnstitutional ...ff acres -(5 % of site b. c. d. e. g. Public, Private and if 1-7- Canal rights-of-way3,50o acres % of site Other (specify) tJ. /.Jm-~ acres I J /g. % of site C,~I Other (specify) -& acres P % of site h. i. j. Total area of site I,' / acres /0{) % of site 'including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 fl. by 50 fl. 5. Surface Cover Ground floor building f II ~ acres /p-,;L I % of site area ("building footprint") Water area t 0 'itJ acres cj..).). % of site a. b. c. Other impervious areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (excluding landsca'3d ~), and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic courts. ,ill acres ;?J % of site Total impervious 'area 1/3// acres 311- % of site d. e. Landscaped area j, /)1 J acres 51,3A of site f. inside of parking lots (20 sq.fl. per interior parking space required - see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code). Other landscaped areas,.(fr acres e- % of site g. Other pervious areas, including golf cour9,e, natural areas, yards, and swales, but excluding water areas ..er- acres ..k?- % of site h. Total pervious areas I 73 ~res ..? f It"% of site i. Total area of site /9 acres IOU % of site 6. Floor Area a. Residential ~ sq. fl. b. Commercial/Office -P sq. fl. c. IndustriallWarehouse .,4- sq. fl. d. Recreational -h- sq. fl. e. Publicllnstitutional -ff sq. fl. f. Other (Speci~~ 5'7) L/6sq. fl. , g. Other (specify) t!r sq. fl. h. Total floor area oS-; I t.f~ sq. fl. , 7. Number of Residential Dwellinq Units a. Single-family detached ./!r sq. fl. b. Duplex ...er sq. fl. c. Multi-Family (3 + atta<. .d ~Iling units) (1 ) Efficiency . dwelling units (2) 1 Bedroom g dwelling units (3) 2 Bedroom ~dWelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total multi-family -P dwelling units e. Total number of dwelling units 8. Gross Density (};) dwelling units per acre 9. 10. Maximum heiqht of structures on site -:< Y feet / stories Required off-street Darkinq a. Calculation of required number of off-street parking spaces b. Off-street parking spaces provided on site plan ~) ~ 6:) 'S Representative of the project must be present at all Technical Review Committee, Planning and Development and City Commission meetings held to review this project. III. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herevith become a part of the permanent records of the Planning and Zoning Division (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showngs in any papers or plans submitted herewth are true to the best of (my) (our) knowedge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, of Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Date IV. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signature of Authorized Agent Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. Signature of Owner(s) or Trustee, Date or Authorized Principa. ,Jroperty is owned by a corporation or other business entity. SPACE BELOW THIS LINE FOR OFFICE USE ONLY Review Schedule: Date Received Technical Review Committee Planning & Development Board Community Appearance Board City Commission Date Date Date Date Stipulations of Final Approval: Other Government Agencies/Persons to be contacted: Additional Remarks: A REPRESENTATIVE OF THE PROJECT MUST BE PRESENT AT ALL TRC, P&D AND CC MEETINGS HELD TO REVIEW THIS PROJECT. RIDER TO SITE PLAN APPLICATION The undersigned as applicant for Final Site Plan Approval does hereby acknowledge, represent and agree that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering, and other data submitted wth this application for review by the City of Boynton Beach shall be reviewed by the various boards, commissions, staff personnel and other parties designated, appointed or emplo~d by the City of Boynton Beach, and any such party reviewing the same shall rely upon the accuracy thereof, and any change in any item submitted shall be deemed material and substantial. The undersigned hereby agrees that all plans, specifications, drawings, engineering and other data which may be approved by the City of Boynton Beach, or its boards, commissions, staf or designees shall be constructed in strict compliance wth the form in which they are approved, and any change to the same shall be deemed material and shall place the applicant in \4olation of this application and all approvals and permits which may be granted. The applicant agrees to allow the City of Boynton Beach all rights and remedies as pro\4ded for by the applicable codes and ordinances of the City of Boynton Beach to bring any violation into compliance, and the applicant shall indemnify, reimburse and save the City of Boynton Beach harmless from any cost, expense, claim, liability or any action which may arise due to their enforcement of the same. t/; READ. ACKNOWLEDGED AND AGREED TO Ihl' .? '" d,y of kJJ fh ~~(W., Witness Applicant ,20~ i CC/) Wllo,,{2 ~ f). (y- -. , i Hetllfll To: ,I WILLIAM W. BELL, ,,110 ney at Law 1860 Old Okeecholee. .Rpad, Suite .604 West Palm Beaell, I ~ J3409 'ul-09-1999 12:09pI 99-280159 ORB 1 1 222 Pg 1 668 Con 80,000.00 Doc 560.00 IU.g.~gn,"g~.~g~'~.Wlg. This InstrulIlent Prepnrcll Oy: WILLIAM W. BELL, Allorney at Lsw 1860 Old Okeechobce Road, Sullo 504 Weat Palm Beach, FL 33409 Pnlpcrly Appraisers Puree I ldentitklllion Numher: 08'43-45-20-01-000-0571 (;rllnloo(s) 5.S. H(s): WARRANTY DEED TIllS WARRANTY DilEO, Miltlp lhis ~_ tiny of June, 1!l99, hclween , ~i~~H' ",.I, I , ! . . ; '~': ~ ; : i: ;.' ;!~:~ ,:c..-;: j ,;" , LANDCO IV, INC. and,p:~'HOR1~O~~; INC. holh \"-llrporalions clI.i1l.Iing unJer <<he laws ur Florida. Grnntors, whose post office Rduress is IInJ 3200 N. Federal Hwy., #128 Boca Raton, FL 33431 TIn: NJo.l/ HAITIAN ALLIANqg 'ClIORCIl.OrIlOYNTON BEACH, a FlQrida Non-Profit Corporation ::t. f.; ,";; ''''' i.\:;..;.41.... "~l""~.'lt;! . - ,\ :"""llll~~>_:,_",",..r,:-.__"Ii:",1~' _ ""M-" ,_, Grllnlee, whose posl ()rtic~.II.~.I-l. ,.t.~.'.' '.:I.'~';':l;...tiiJ..'.'....'......' .'....;....... ...... ..... ".'. .... ..... ii~.~.)n....~..on Beach, FL JJ!'35 '"J:J 41-1, . I ':" I'r~'l ~"~hl..,'\,'~~:k'..,,.,:.l.' ....10; '''i'<'? 1,A,." ~,.,:, li:r'~".;'., .' '. ..' WITNESSETII, Thlli ihtwj~!~l~~l~H~~~~i~;~~'il~I~;i~JfM~r~~~m'of Ten dulla" ($10.00) IInd other Vlllullhle eonsiderulions, Ihe receipt ~(~,hl~~~:I$.N!~~y:f~~.II~~~Ie.c!Il~!l>b~Y~::llr~nled, hnrglli.ncd, sold and conveyed, unlo Ihe grunloe, his/her heirs IInd IIsSlgn~ ,fQ.~ey~rp!l~fO!IQWlllg'''~rlh.JOllln'',. sllunle, IInd helng In the County of Palm Beach, Slule of rJoriutl, (0 wit: ' .. "', '" , <. Subject to easements, restrictions, ond reservotlons of record~ AND the said Grnnlor:o; do fully wnrrunllhe title to snit.! Jnnll, and will ucfcnu the SOIne ngllinsllhc lawful c1l1ims of all penaHls whomsoever. (CORPORATE SEAL) IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Ihe grunlors have cllused Ihese presenls 10 he eXeCuteu in,their names, uno their corpornte seRls 10 he henmnlo uflixcu, hy their pro~r officer(s) thercunlo uuly authorized, the tiny Rnd yellr first Ilhove written. 'r.;,\ > ;,~'I~ i' A TrEST: fi"' ~" "7) "'~,.r,1~,,\J.!':,;f~'~:'::L~t.::,'Si~~t.~i~'~-'I: s II ,~'l.lelivere" in lb.;..." ~e:of:t.;~.;, If..; ,';'\l~~",,~: .-, t " ':;: , . . . :'I?:f.'\,:_,.X",:: ' , ~~DCOIV, INC. "_"",1.' "'-.. , ,. ..", ....,..". ~_. I \ ,~"Ii ". ,I :.L g..r;.......{ . " Pr~'i cui Sigllnture \ :..,....1 r\,1 ;~'LnJ ~f) Printed NIlIllC C' I \ . ' to,!:\ J .1, \:,(yc.-l'C/ !\ L.,~b{'S, Lj) LLIAM W. BELL Prinled Nnmc (CORPORATE SEAL) f' ATTI'ST" ",,'. "<~ .' ','c, n. ft' Li''''Ilr''tI''V''l.tl'' n..,.. :l;T;...:.~ . [ '1RB 11222 Pg 1669 IHY H. WILKoN, CLERK PB COUNIY, FL STATE or FLORIDA COUNTY or PALM BEACH 1 hcrcby Ccrtify Ihllt (in this uny, hefore me, nn officer uuly authorized to numinister ollths t11ll1tnke ucknowlcugmcnts, personnlly IlppcnrcJ ROBERT D. AEBERSOLD known to l11e to he the President of LANDCO IV, INC., Ihe L'orporiltion in whose nnme the foregoing instrument WllS c~eculcd nnd thut ho scvernlly lIcknowlcdged executing the SlI1110 for slIch corporlllion, freely nnd voluntllrily, unucr lllllhority uuly ve~ited in tlwll1 hy suiJ l'orporntioll. IHlJ thllt the selll nlTixeu thereto is till) true corporale sc1I1 of slliJ corporntioll, IInu nn onllt wns not tUkt.'Il. SlIid pcrson(s) plOvidcd 1I111 following typc(s) of idcntilicntion: Personally known ", '::I'.::~ ,,' ~i j~; '" -< -,~;', ",>,"VPv.. DWIGHJ;W,"'Bj;Lj.., i'i ~., rb.-''t; COMM/SS/Oiir...i4<;.61.~09~.; ~~,:r "'C1RESAUG;12,;2P90 '.: "'1' '& .o"oto TfllU; '. ' . Of ~ {..TLN,.JTICOONbll~~~SO,~:tNC.,.. . . ELL, l'rinlc~ Npulry:Sigualurc NOlllfY Ruhher SlIlmp S.1I1 ; ; l' , '",.;.,.,i STATE or FLORIDA COUNTY or PALM BEACH I 'herehy Cor/i'lj Ihal'''n ll~is'day, helo," me, 'an officcr uuly lIulhorizeu to administer oaths undtuke acknowledgments, personnlly nppearcJ STEVEN E. GARSHELL known to me to he the President of P B HORIZONS, INC., the corpornlion in whose nllme the foregoing instrument WIIS c~ccu(ed IInd thut he sevcrnlly llcknowleugeu executing the slime for such corporation, frcely IInd voluntnrily, under llllthority duly vested in them hy said corporation, llnd (hilt the seul nlTixcu lhereto is the true corporate sell I of suid corporation, nnd nn outh wns not tuken, Suid per:mn(s) provided the following typc(s) of icJcnlificntion: Personally known i,,'" '," 'j" . " "jl"'" . /\ I ~I!"Ir" {~o{~' 'J!. "~,,} ," "I ';'!t~. .'f ill' t; ~ 'J' '. ~. ~ I j- ,1<',. 'j' _, t, . "11-, '" ! L< ~'4' - ", i\.~:iHl: ,'"ir: ,'I ' ,~," tl. .r'i.)I':1 "fl ,j ~ " ~~i~!t,'jl1lifli'<fi~i%'~r' "~~~'Wt4~~I: ,.;,~I',;J ~. r~:~~ ''''''''~'Il. I< tl"'i, ;.... ,." I' or,.: ':\,1''''- 1"'~~'~.'""~_"'~' ".':" ~ 'j' ,;'i'l '.".~_rr~'.w~~iW !','::,;y 'f ;:j:~, '"" H 'i'"L-~j.Ai'j.,""~":_,Ili':::;J.l\"J\"';!' 'l",'" H;"r"""~""'4''''"'''"' ~, . .,,_~f1);l:\I~VH~~;Lt;~~"+~t:' ~~'~' ,.'/I;'fJ'~! :,' ~ ...' " ~: ,,~'ltlrfJ.,~~:~'f'~" J~J';t,::,w:,,,, . " ""',~;~hrii ~";_:";~'d;-,I;.JNj\I';J'w', r," '~l! .,"'~.. ~';,. _,"'O;."j._,;.,""...."~...~!.....,,,J,.,. rh)~::::"~'~f,:.-j:,/: ':ir,:,',;:'::?iT'Y' .,~ Jt ,::,,\, POWER OF ATTORNEY , :\/ -h ~ 'DLJL JULJ ....- 6~_ d~( flute; go i//J;6n , &acA , [:ITY OF BOYNTON BEAl:'H BUILDING DIVISION Know all men by these presents that I, 13- u jJ; ttf 4 la /7 / . . (Qualifier) v' for N.eul lIalhaJ.'7 /l///a nee CMrc,4 o,c (Company Name - Identical to license) have appointed: Please Print Maximum of Three (3) Names: P!(:-KEj) A/bElZf-o Adl7f r ))/Jc5E I . FC3'/2/1/a /7 c/o ,-/r)sjh ~t7Irt7{mtL !?t(54y; ,;g~r lJaJID f , as true and lawful attorney(s) for me and in my name, place and stead to do, execute, sign, seal and deliver all matters relative to the securing of permits in the City of Boynton Beach that I may do if! were present and self performing without this Power of Attorney. I, therefore, authorize the Boynton Beach Building Division to all the above individual(s) to secure permits for the above referenced construction company. I certify that the above authorized person(s) is employed by the above referenced firm and understand that I am fully responsible and liable for all acts performed under said permit. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand tills mili~ Sign lure a - r:; 1-/1' day of n~ -- STATE OF FLORIDA .cOUNTY OF PALM BEACH The foregoing instnunent was acknowledged before me this ~ . "I -U; - n \ by T:)\ ~ ' . ' -f ~ who is personally known to me or who has produce~~ ~ cCJ ~f~~~)::) -C) (type qf~.dt(!l,~M;'l.!~ as identification and who did (did not) take an oath. :~~.,,_.,"~; ~~. r (S EA1.~.'" Ex",,", Septembec , O. 2001 Signature of personal taking acknowledgement \'~.J... tv'\. _J _ CJ>v ~~ /l ~ Name of officer taking acknowledgement - type , nnted or stamped. Title of rank Serial number, if any ] '5HRDA T A \Development\Pennit Application Group\power of attorney form. doc )/28/2000. 8/24/2000)/9/01 ~=~ Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. :UULV_ 302001 ", ~,I;'~ :iD November 29,2001 Me Michael Rumpf Director of Planning and Zoning City of Boynton Beach 100 East Boynton Beach Boulevard, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: New Haitian Alliance Church Boynton Beach, Florida 040972000 Dear Mr. Rumpf: Kimley-Hom and Associates, Inc. was retained to conduct a traffic impact analysis for the proposed New Haitian Alliance Church in Boynton Beach, Florida. The site is located on the east side of Hoadley Road, which is south and east of the intersection of Old Boynton Road and Congress Avenue. This letter has been prepared to address the traffic impacts resulting from the development of a 5.146 square foot church on this site. For the purposes of the traffic analysis, traffic generation, distribution and roadway conditions were analyzed using methodology in accordance with the Palm Beach County Traffic Performance Standards Ordinance. The data used in the analysis are the most current data available from Palm Beach County. Buildout of the site is assumed to occur by 2003. The results of the analysis are summarized below. Traffic Generation Traffic generation was calculated for the proposed development, which is proposed to consist of a 5,146 square foot church. The daily trip generation potential for the proposed development was estimated using the approved Palm Beach County rates. AM and PM peak hour project traffic generation potential was calculated using the methodology set forth in the Institute of Transportation Engineers' Trip Generation, 6th Edition. Table 1 presents the proposed trip generation for the site. . TEL 561 645 0665 FAX 561 863 8175 . 4431 Embarcadero Drive West Palm Beach, Florida 33407 ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Mr. Michael Rumpf, November 29, 2001, Page 2 Based on the calculations, the trip generation potential for the site is 48 daily trips. Accordingly, the Test I radius of development influence was determined to be only the directly accessed links. Because the trip generation potential is less than 50 trips, it is not necessary to address Test 2. Traffic Distribution and Assignment The external traffic distribution was developed based on a review of the existing and approved development in Palm Beach County. Consideration has been given to the arterial network with its travel time characteristics as well as existing and approved development in the area. Based on the traffic distribution, the percent assignment was determined and is presented in Figure 1. Background Traffic Background traffic was developed from existing traffic volumes. Palm Beach County Average Daily Traffic volumes for 2000/2001 were used as the basis for the analysis. To develop 2003 roadway volumes, the historical three-year growth factors were used for the appropriate links. Link Evaluation A link performance standard evaluation was undertaken for the directly accessed roadway link, which is Old Boynton Road between Congress Avenue and Boynton Beach Boulevard. This evaluation considered total traffic volumes and roadway laneage to be in place in 2003. Table 2 presents the analysis of the average daily link volumes and Table 3 presents the analysis of the average peak hour link volumes. As shown on the tables, the project traffic is less than 0.5% of the capacity on the directly accessed roadway links. The roadway links are not projected to be at or above 110% of capacity and are not designated as Hunicane Evacuation routes. Therefore, the project is considered to have a de minimus impact As stated previously, the Model Test (Test 2) is not addressed because daily traffic generation potential is less than 50 trips. ~=n Kimley-Horn and Associates, Inc. Mr. Michael Rumpf. November 29, 2001. Page 3 Conclusion The proposed New Haitian Alliance Church meets the conditions of Palm Beach County's Traffic Performance Standards. If there are any questions regarding this analysis, please do not hesitate to call. Very truly yours, JBP/CWHllem Attachments Cc: Masoud Atefi, MSCE P:\0472\81001\09180Imr.doc TABLE I NEW HAITIAN ALLIANCE CHURCH WEEKDAY TRIP GENERATION Land Use Intensity Daily AM Peak Hour PM Peak Hour Trins Total In Out Total In Out ProDosed Site Traffic Church 5.146 S.F. 48 4 2 2 3 2 I Driveway Volumes 48 4 2 2 3 2 I Net New External 48 4 2 2 3 2 1 Note: Trip generation was calculated using the following data: Daily Traffic Generation Church [P.B.C] = T = 9.32 trips per 1,000 S.F. AM Peak Hour Traffic Generation Church [ITE 560] = T = 0.72 · X ; (54%in/46%out) PM Peak Hour Traffic Generation Church [ITE 560] = T = 0.66 . X ; (54%in/46%out) p:VJ409\J2()()(}..[ nhachurch.xJ,s }trip ~en_wkday 11129120018:40 11"'1__ Kimey-Hom lIIo.J_Uan/AssociaIes,Ir<. @2001 .. If ~ II U ~ ~ ~~"E :Ul . ~ <"ISE ~~ g ~ e M ... ~ 'ti tit", 0 0 :- ! z z ~ H o. " " ~ ., " - 0 .~Ej ;;; c: , , ~... ~ ~ ~ .! ~~ ol: .t '. ~ ~ .. 11 = 0 M M ~ e Ie ~ ~ 11 ~ . 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" o . 0 ~e a l>:i ]~ 18d~ 6 ~ ~ ] , o , ~ , , , ~ o . , ~ " , ~ ~ . ! , .t t ~ , ! , ~ , ~ ~ ~ , I ~ ;; . ~ ~ - . z 0 :J: i= 0 ::> 0: m ~ ::> :J: II: .; 0 I- ~ w (/) ~.. 0.0 0 is IO .~ Z ~~ ~< 0 W < U E~ 0 0: :; :;z~ 0 ii: N ::> --' ~ Cl < LL ~ '" 0 ii: z < ~ 0 < II: II ;:: I- ;;: I- ~o :J: ~ U W w .., z 0 II: D.. ~ ~ L U ~ .... L;: m Z .... < z L.J '" I ~ .... Ii! z Cl .... z Vi U L.J ~ Vl -, < 0 '" m .... IL '3 C U L.J >- 0 -, Z ...J 0 ;;: W '" ".!! IL C o I"- <!:l .... >- IO~ w z < ('I) ...J L.J C U '" '" L.J Inl L.J L.J IL ~ I W I :::-!! I !:: I o ~ LCI)~ 10(") CO 'a~ A3l<rVOH :::-!! o ~ 10('1) CO '^V S~:)NOO w --' < 0 [;iiI rn ~ - - 0 .... I .... I 0 j z i i , - PROJECT NAME: HOAlJ....EY ROAD CHURCH LOCATION: Hoadley Road COMPUTER ID: 01-55000008 I FILE NO.: NWSP 01-008 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: CHURCH I AGENT/CONT ACT PERSON: OWNER: Alfred Daise New Alliance Haitian Church PHONE: 561-792-5024 PHONE: 561-385-5543 FAX: 561-792-5023 oJL FAX: same ~'(-Lf'S~ _"?ooo ADDRESS: . ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1185 Loxahatchee, FL 33470 1015 NW 4TH Street Boynton Beach, FL Date of submittal/Proiected meetinl!: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITTAL 08/02/01,8/27/02 1sT REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: 3rd Review 8/27/02 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 9/24/02 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 1 % 1/02 COMMENTS: Don Senatore 3160 NE 3rd Avenue, Oakland Park, FL 33334 S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\lloadley Road Church\2001 PROJECT TRACKING INFO doc PROJECT NAME: HOA SY ROAD CHURCH LOCATION: Hoadley Road COMPUTER ID: 01-55000008 I FILE NO.: NWSP 01-008 II TYPE OF APPLICATION: CHURCH I AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Alfred Daise New Alliance Haitian Church PHONE: 561-792-5024 PHONE: 561-385-5543 FAX: 561-792-5023 FAX: same ADDRESS: ADDRESS: P.O. Box 1185 Loxahatchee, FL 33470 1015 NW 4TH Street Boynton Beach, FL Date of submittal/Proiected meeting dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 08/02/01 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: 08/20/01 PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: 9/18/01 PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED 10/19/01 (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD 11/27/01 MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: 12/04/01 COMMENTS: S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Hoadley Road Church\2001 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc i,/ . )-?1fli J I/? (. / /.1'.' //j ,L r 1r~-:-; -, ~?:(;: (/41)7 Time and Date of Meeting Those attending meeting: ~;j J7lty 6 -/J J~, 1-/",1L / Applicant's Name: PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS ",-l\r /1 )' lL-tCJc 1..-- Phone: 7rl/-..5G -; - L Vlf 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO At'-<'Y STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? Yes No (IF YES, HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS BEEN SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE- APPLICATION MEETING? STAFF MEMBERS NAtYfE: 2. LOCATION OF PRO. PERTY (CRO,$S SJ'~ETS/INTERSECTIONS) ~t<l /t.J CI'L{Ik,,( I (I , .J. \VHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? / NEW PROJECT BUILDING EXPA.l'fSION OR MODIFICATION CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTL Y VACANT? V ARlANCE TYPE: POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? , 4. TllvfE At'fD DATE PREFERRED 5. HOW M.Au'lY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? Note: Tell the persoll that someolle from the Departmellt will call them to COil firm the meetillg. .................................................................................. . Pre-application meerings should be scheduled for a minimum of one (I) hour time module, and should be scheduled no less than two (2) days prior to date/time of meeting. If urgency is sensed, discuss with IYfike or Lusia, . l\-leetim!s mav be scheduled: ;\-fondayafternoons Tuesday all day W ednesda y all day Thursday mornings Note: Lusia is not available for Tuesday a.m, meetings, and Mike is not available on Mondays between II :30 a.m. and 2:30 p.m. S: \PI anning\P lanning\Pre-applicationcontactquestions.doc .' /-I,-df.j ;r.t ('J:, 1;'/_ PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG MEETING DATE: g-/2.-0L APPLICATIONS: tV ",'SP ZONING DISTRICT: (2. 1- A- PROJECT NAME: -! I . hWrDLhl L'llfb L-i.."1"l ATTENDING STAFF: [) ATTENDING AS APPLI \)ry' PHONE: {qc,'i Stei.. O(Pl(l'l NANIE OF APPLICA1'{T/CONTACT: ADDRESS: PHONE: I TIME: 11-(2- I I I I I I 2: PROJECT ADDRESS: t1OJtoI-IZY j2Clltb PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPAl'iCY: DATE SUBiHITTAL RECEIVED: I DATE DEi'UED: COlY1J.YIENTS: I FA.X: I - F,r< , F'I~'" h'lot""~~~ l'"'rUd LJ. 300 CevPA C{ft~<-t J:\SHRDATA\P1:Inning\SH..-\.H.ED\WP\PROJEcrS\PRE -\ppuc.-\.TIO:\S ~IEETL,G LOGS\Pre-Applic::ltion :'>[~l!~in~ loc:.do.: PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT M:EETING DATE: g - I 2 . OZ- TJM:E: 11-12- ATTENDING FORAPPLICAJ."fT: DLN\ SC/Y1cdy;;{'e' NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shaIl be for the staff and applicant to discuss overaIl community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not . binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual lans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attendino Staff 07h \T m\ltt4-On I ,J)J Pi-. I I I I I I I I I 8-.L.(;~ l'rX-t ME i' 1A '[/j; j..) f1 TL , J:'.sHRDATAIPL)c,IiL'iGISHAREDlWP\FOR.\ISIPRE_APPL ~IEETr.;G-S1GIi J:\' SHEET.DOC DATE: YOUR NAME: Applicant Name o o PRE-APPLICATION CONTACT QUESTIONS OCh1 ~ Phone # tJ74-;;-&, 7 - iNs 1!- 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? DYES (IF YES HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE-APP MEETING.) NAME: DNO 2. LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS) Ad. c.l3u/l/t'A 3.WHAT WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO" y~.f M !. ('71c;rt;2..cYJ DNEWPROJECT /-- i/-~/d Jj A/~ 6Y-z.Fl..Iz." D BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION. C 7 .- . D CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? D IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? D VARIANCE TYPE~ D POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE - D COMMERCLA.L PROPERTY" D RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? D INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY" D DO YOU Kl"10W THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION" D /lac;) -!IZJ1 Ii JC-::S;ck 2-,,"- . / '. } tUAVU 1-& (j-ccJ o 4. TL\1E AND DATE PREFERRED: o 5. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING" NOTE: TELL THE PERSON THAT SOMEONE FROM THE DEPARTMENT WILL CALL THEM BACK TO CONFIRM MEETING. ** PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR A MINIMU!'vI OF ONE (1) HOUR TIME MODULE. ** PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO DA TE/THvlE OF MEETING. IF AN URGENCY IS SENSED, DISCUSS WITH MIKE OR LUSIA. ** NO PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR THE FRIDAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED TRC Al'm P & D BOARD MEETIi\"G, ** LUSIA IS NOT A V AIL.A.BLE FOR i\IEETINGS ON n.'ESDA Y i\IOR'{jNGS **NO APPOINTMENTS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED ON THURSDAYS BETWEEi'.' 8:30- 10:30 A.M. (PILOTS i\IEETIi'.'G) A:>D ;\IO:>DA YS BETWEE:> 8:30-12:30 A.:\!. (lIERO'S MEETING), UPDA TED 02/07/01 J SHIlDAT,\'lL~;;"I;;G',Sl-i.',R.EDWP'S?EC?!Wr?RE ,-'o.prvc.,TO';S Lc.,\,.I:-' F'~'L:'~?_ CQ';T,\C ':;',-::~~:l~~., FOf{ -\.r'P'_lC -\.:;, s<.c ()i pA/ f( 1 :" , Q.J --U ~ "'l n 1m Ta.!.. :J! Y?r~~) n-w.v-> /I. - :wp'illfl ~u!laal\l UO!lC;)!1ddV-a~d\S90 91\:IL331\l S~!:!:V'::>l1dpV ~lId\SD3f~-!"'\~HS\~14UUgld\Y.-!--:LYVmIHS\:f l ~U\")f) ~J. Yhr?> 'q"'.J - ~'O-' rlf' "'""f OJ ~ ~"'"::) - If). '1i,QS' ~~('T"r-''''''AJ-1) Cj .~.) _ '}.o ___ - - :S.lN3:WWO:::> :G3:IN3:G 3:.lVG :G3:AI3::::>ffiI TV.l.lIWlIIlS 3:.lVG :A:::>NVdIl:::>:::>O/3:SIldO 3:dA.l G3:S0dOMd ",0 :SSffilGGV .l:::>3:fOMd :XVd hJ..OjO -Lor> h-~b :3:NOHd r>-v )V l :SSffilGav :.l:::>V.lNO:::>/.lNV:)l'lddV dO 3:WVN :3:NOHd :.lNV:::>l'lddV SV DNIaN3:.l.lV --;>f0' :ddV.lS DNIaN3:.l.lV ......,J cr,'C :3:WI.l :3:WVN .l:::>3:fOMd :.l:::>nI.lSIa DNINOZ :SNOI.lV:::>l'lddV I O//"?!90 I'! :3:.lVG DNI.l3:3:W DO,] DN1U[aW NOllV::>IlddV-IDld .. . JOO'1.33HS .1I,,!1 !\:~1S-~.'\!1l.331\: lddV'-3'Hd\SI\J'HO.'l\d:\:\ \03'HV'HS\~NINNV'ldW 1. V'mIHS\:r (iQS:::-I+IOl: ?\:2t] JJlllS u!puaHV lUllJ!lddV JOj llu!puaHV qJllag UOlUAOg jO Al!:> . A\a!A;U .I0J pan!Wqns suel Iunp" uo p.suq ~UfUlOJ HjJOj .q Amu SIU.WWOJ 11uIS Iuuo!l!PPV 's.sodJnd M.!A.J I"WJOj JOj ~U!PU!q lOll a.ln' <JJu<J.laJuoJ uonuJ!lddu-aJd aqllu ssa.ldxa SIlO!Il!dO .saJnpaJo.ld M.a!Aa.l nEld ans ssnJs!p Ol pUE luawdolaAap pasodo.ld aql 0) palulaJ sse sapoJ pUE sap!lod 'saAJpafqo 'sIeo~ Al!UnWWOJ lIUJ.AO ssnJs!p OIIUUJ!lddu PU" 11"IS .HI JOj.q lI"HS .Ju.J.jUOJ S'HljO .sodJnd .HI :3::>ILON :LNV:>I'lddV HOII DNIaN3:LL V : 3:WIL :3:LV<I DNIL3:3:W .LNnId 3SV3'Id J.:!I:!IHS Nl NDIS DNIJ.:!I:!IW NOILV:)I'lddV-IDId , PRE-APPLICATION MEETING LOG MEETING DATE: 4-19-01 TIME: 11:15 a.m. PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: Construction of a Church ZONING DISTRICT: R1AA PROJECT NAME: 1 ATTENDING STAFF: Eric, Jose, Ken Hall ATTENDING AS APPLICANT: Don Senatore, Architect PHONE: 954-567-0644 FAX: 954-567-0645 NAME OF APPLICANT/CONTACT: Don Senatore, Architect ADDRESS: 3160 NE 3rd Ave., Oakland Park 33334 PHONE: FAX: PROJECT ADDRESS: PROPOSED TYPE OF USE/OCCUPANCY: Church DATE SUBMITTAL RECEIVED: I DATE DENIED: COMMENTS: -Churches are a oermitted use; Daycares are conditional use. -Parkinl! Relluired: 4698 divided by 100 = 47 oarkinl! -240 members-faJ. 1/4 = 60 narkinl! spaces required for the church -If office was nrooosed, thev would require 2 extra oarkinl! snaces -With 240 seats and 463 Slluare foot of office relluires 62 oarkinl! so aces -The aoolicant can aonlv to abandon the Hoadlev Road R-O-W in order to minimize cost (because thev would have to extend the R-O-W to the canal to the south. J:\SHRDA T A\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\PRE APPLICATIONS MEETING LOGS\Hoadley Road Church Pre-App..doc rl "j4 --;l - .0:::; ,; L--. .;. ,---.;-- I 'C{l. L ~/ ,,([elt" PRE-APPLICATION MEETING SIGN IN SHEET PLEASE PRINT MEETING DATE: TIME: ATTENDING FOR APPLICANT: NOTICE: The purpose of this conference shall be for the staff and applicant to discuss overall community goals, objectives, policies and codes ass related to the proposed development and to discuss site plan review procedures. Opinions express at the pre-application conference are not binding for formal review purposes. Additional staff comments may be forth coming based on actual plans submitted for review. City of Boynton Beach Attending for Applicant Attending Staff to ]Z. \ c. :::r 0 t-J1-) S G tJ ---.J'DC :E.. A bFp !'to \5N {- .J:\SHRDA TA\PlANNING\SHAREDI \\'P\FOR~IS\PRL\I'PL ~IEETI:\G-SIGN 1:\ SHEET.DOC PRE-APPLICATION TRACKING LOG Meeting Date: Li -/q - 0 I PURPOSE OF APPLICATION: ~Uu... ZONE: R.1-AA PROJECT NAME: Time: II' IS Dc U~uA-, PERMIT NUMBER: Attending Staff: 'Z.-.f2-lc .3'O'S 6- < <? tJ Attending for Applicant: b8Yl S e--nC<.:foRe Phone: (<1S4 Sh7- OGlN Name of Owner: l.- ~.0.lfL{ Fax: ("'lS'-I St:, 7 - Dfo 4S Address: Phone: Name of Applicant/Contact: S 't' fcS Address: ~tloc) ~F 121> Phone: Fax: I I I I I I PROJECT ADDRESS: Phone: TYPE OF APPLICATION: TYPE OF BUSINESS: Date Submittal Received: COMMENTS: (I . oJ) .,. D Ca S av' '5 C,fa.tJ2= /<-Crw - ~ I!--o'cv Iforms\Pre-Applic:uion Meeting Log,doc J:'RE-APPLICA TION CONTACT QUES lIONS DATE:_ApriI12,2001 YOUR NAME: Blythe Williamson Applicant Name Donald Senatore Phone # 954-567-0644 [gJ 1. HAVE YOU SPOKEN TO ANY STAFF MEMBER ABOUT THE PROJECT? DYES (IF YES HAVE THOSE STAFF MEMBERS SCHEDULED FOR THE PRE-APP MEETING.) NAME: [gJ NO [gJ 2. LOCATION OF PROPERTY (CROSS STREETS/INTERSECTIONS): Hoadley Rd. between Boynton Beach Blvd., and Old Boynton Rd. [gJ 3.WHA T WOULD YOU LIKE TO DO? Bnild a church with 60 parking spaces [gJ NEW PROJECT D BUILDING EXPANSION OR MODIFICATION: D CHANGE IN PRIOR USE? D IS THE STRUCTURE CURRENTLY VACANT? Yes D VARIANCE TYPE~ D POOL OR SCREEN ENCLOSURE - [gJ COMMERCIAL PROPERTY? D RESIDENTIAL PROPERTY? D INDUSTRIAL PROPERTY? [gJ DO YOU KNOW THE ZONING CODE DESIGNATION? RIAA [gJ 4. TIME AND DATE PREFERRED: April 19, 2001 @ 11:00 a.m. [gJ 5. HOW MANY PEOPLE WILL BE AT THE PRE-APP MEETING? I NOTE: TELL THE PERSON THAT SOMEONE FROM THE DEPARTMENT WILL CALL THEM BACK TO CONFIRM MEETING. ** PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR A MINIMUM OF ONE (I) HOUR TIME MODULE. ** PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED NO LESS THAN TWO (2) DAYS PRIOR TO DATE/TIME OF MEETING. IF AN URGENCY IS SENSED, DISCUSS WITH MIKE OR LUSIA. ** NO PRE-APPLICATION MEETINGS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED FOR THE FRIDAY BEFORE A SCHEDULED TRC AND P & D BOARD MEETING. ** LUSIA IS NOT AVAILABLE FOR MEETINGS ON TUESDAY MORNINGS. **NO APPOINTMENTS SHOULD BE SCHEDULED ON THURSDAYS BETWEEN 8:30- 10:30 A.M. (PILOTS MEETING) AND MONDAYS BETWEEN 8:30-12:30 A.M. (HERO'S MEETING). UPDATED 02/07/01 \\CH\MAIN\SHRDATA\J'lANNING\SHAREDlW!'\SPECPROJ\PRE.APPLICATONS LOG-IN FOLDERIPRE.APPLlCATION MEETING WITH DONALD SENATORE OO!: