CORRESPONDENCE ~~\-rY.o~ OJ J:z: o (J ...", : v"" }-ON 0 The City of Boynton Beach DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING AND ZONING DIVISON 100 E. Boynton Beach Boulevard P.O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 TEL: 561.742.6260 FAX: 561-742-6259 www.boynton-beach.org July I, 2003 Mr. Jay Post Delray Awning 80 North Congress Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33484 Re: Manor Care - Awning MMSP 03-050 Dear Mr. Post: In response to your request for the administrative review and approval ofthe modification proposed to the above-referenced, approved site plan, please be informed that the proposed awning on the revised plans date stamped 06/26/03 is "minor", as defined within the Land Development Regulations, Chapter 4- Site Plan Review. This project may continue to be processed by the Building Division as a permit application. Be advised that the proposed change may require a modification to the building permit. Please contact me at (561) 742-6260 if you have additional questions. Sincerely, ~ Michael Rumpf Director of Planning & Zoning Cc: Karen Main, Plan Review Analyst S IPlanninglSHARED\ WP\PROJECTSIHeartland'IApprova! LetlCTdot /InN - {l1(J!1u(.... 24/VhjJh. y (5L~4vt (/-w -'-'~ G ('-1 fe"J$ TO l05T~<- (j) Oy(.;~#/'v /l-wM.',,"::> G ;;c.uO o L f) bil~l1-77Y1 ~,4c1.. ~~ ~45! Vlft-RAv; ~~lL~ 5{pI -27L-53S ( . ':, --;--..'--:-'.-:----;,- '~-~-_._+ :-.1 , ..' " I. 1- i ,,,; 2 6 - . 'i '._.' ; - j i J PROJECT NAME: Manor Care LOCATION: 3600 Old Boynton Road PCN: I FILE NO.: MMSP 03-050 I TYPE OF APPLICATION: Minor Modification to Site Plan AGENT/CONTACT PERSON: OWNER: Jay Post - Delray Awning PHONE: PHONE: 276-5381 FAX: FAX: ADDRESS: ADDRESS: 80 North Congress Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33484 Date of submittaVProiected meetinl!: dates: SUBMITTAL / RESUBMITT AL 6/26/03 1 ST REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A PUBLIC NOTICE: N/A TRC MEETING: N/A PROJECTED RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A ACTUAL RESUBMITTAL DATE: N/A 2ND REVIEW COMMENTS DUE: N/A LAND DEVELOPMENT SIGNS POSTED N/A (SITE PLANS): PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT BOARD N/A MEETING: COMMUNITY REDEVELOPMENT N/A AGENCY BOARD CITY COMMISSION MEETING: N/A COMMENTS: Drive Thru Awning S:\Planning\SHARED\WP\PROJECTS\Manor Care\2003 PROJECT TRACKING INFO.doc