LEGAL APPROVAL f , I I 1 I I '. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435.0310 (407) 734.8111 January 17, 1990 Agape Bible Church, Inc. Attn: Rev. Arnold Thompson 3892 Cortez Lane Delray Beach, Fl 33445 RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center - Conditional Use File No. 368 Dear Mr. Thompson: Please be advised that on Tuesday, January 16, 1990, the City commission approved the referenced Conditional Use application, subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. Included in the staff comments is the requirement that the day care center connect to City's sanitary sewer system. The City Commission has instructed staff to investigate the establishment of a special assessment district in cooperation with Palm Beach County to construct a sanitary sewer line along Old Dixie Highway, In the event that the special assessment district cannot be established, the connection to the sanitary sewer service must be provided at your expense. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulat.ions. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies of final plan drawings with the changes incorporated to the Building Department for permitting purposes. The approval of the City commission entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. J Very truly yours, ~7J~~~A: TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim planning Director JJG:frb Encs cc: Technical Review Board , .1 MEMORANDUM December 5, 1989 TO: Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director FROM: Michael E. Haag, Development Compliance Administrator RE: CONDITIONAL USE FOR AGAPE BIBLE CHURCH DAY CARE CENTER Upon review of the above-mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. Show location of two (2) required handicapped parking spaces. Also show color and location of required handicapped parking space symbol. 2. Identify the color of the regular parking space striping, white lines four inches (4") wide, is required. The required handicapped parking space striping is blue lines, four inches (4") wide. 3. Show the width of the platform leading to the office building. 4. Show the location, size and elevation of the level plat- form required at the entrance to the church/day care building. 5. Show the location, slope, length and width of the handi- capped ramp starting at the handicapped parking space and leading to the edge of the level platform located at the entrance of the church/day care building. 6. Show the location, height and rail configuration of the handicapped rails that are required when a ramp is over seven feet (7') long and has a slope of one inch (1") rise to twelve inches (12") of run. 7. Indicate two foot (2') on center spacing is mandatory for all required shrub and hedge landscaping. 8. Each adjacent property shall be screened from all on- site vehicular use areas. J . , , .,;'.";' .l ~f"" . ,~ :~;~:. .-:;:}%:~.: '...,,/i:.. ."Ii .,?t!tf~~~~'T~ ~ttWfJ) 1L.Jf~y~:.T?i:L.. ',';'". h:~,j;~~~;;\ ' ......; :~::J~,; '~ii;;~.~ ',.._'(.?2~;;.." '. }<' .;'c:C .,." '_:~@;:::-::::4~~i: . t Memo to Timothy P. Cannon RE: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center December 5, 1989 Page TWo 9. The vehicular use area abutting Old Dixie Highway is required to have a minimum of one (1) tree for each forty lineal feet (40'), or fraction thereof, of exposed vehicular use area. 10. Dimension size of sight corner cross visibility area and state the dimension of the vertical clear visibility space located in this area. 11. All plans submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original raised seal and signature of a Florida registered design professional. e-- el E. Haag MEH:eaf XC: Don Jaeger AGAPE.SDD , , :(~;:;-Tz~~., I .. .~ '.!tii'- ,1 . ::. ;'..:;~Y.~.> rf ~; , '. . .. ... ..",.j,-, ,- --~...- '/';-- - :~?~'-. ~. . ~_ "-J.~":.~; Ii< .p~~ ~;':)' .; .#,,~~,,4i " ,w~ r ,I:; ;.--....." - " I. )..,..-. . "fr';; ..'t.,__,_ :0F", .:Oja. ~"'. ::::?~:'. . '",::;rc'," "~, s"~: :.'~' :~:.~~, . '~"":'--'. -. -. ':i;;.;. :'Y;' ''';1;;' :21:;;!l~- .':~?;;:g(!; ,;Iff ,??: ~ZO/ "'.',,;>?::;:? .,.. . :r-~ .,,>: ""'.:-~:.:! - ,'- oltl .. MEMORANDUM " December 7, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior City Planner FRCM: Roger Kuver Acting Assistant to the City Engineer RE: TRB Cartrents Agape Bible Church Day Care Center (conditiooal use) 1) Subnit a parking lot lighting plan consistent with Article X, Parking Lot Regulations. 2) Parking detail shall include color of striping, handicap synrol, sign location and detail. Refer to Article X. 3) Subnit a parking lot plan which includes d:inensions, elevations, intended drainage flow direction, curve radii, traffic control devices (signs and paverrent markings) and raised continuous concrete =bing adjacent to all landscaped areas in conforrrance with Article X. 4) Drainage calculations to be provided to demonstrate adequate on-site retention. 5) Turnaround area on site plan should be striped and "No Parking" signs installed to insure adequate rraneuvering room. Details required. 6) Handicap ranp detail and location required on plans. Roger Kuver RK/ck . , ~~: 'e - -~,~~~:~?~~;:?~/ "c,""',~""j.g,,.. . :7(::::~ ~''':}:;:/,~ '.: ::~;:;.;~:- ~~~:.;.~;~~j\<.'~.'" "-:~?, \::~~ ..,~., ;~..~ ):;;';1.:/.. "fffZ;;W~~::* . ~::::::'~:X':: ";:@:'~%!r."" i~~f;.i.~! ,:~.;.;.: ;" :,',',/-:, ,.',~)/':}.tt'-;';lo'b~':-;':' '/"""""!q,"" ,.~~~,. ,",','.'i'/....,,~, ,~~C~,/...::~l< :-::~~q~m:~ttj;;::./.. '.':.:4~; ~.. ''-.t;;::.. 'i' ;~:;;~~i' ~ ;';(,r.;~:?:::%1@i;;.,. \')/1 ',',lI"a" zvj ,~~:~;:;:)~~~;~,.;/11,.{ W:;jgifj'X ,i;';t:~il.4" .. .,' ":;;~W~.. 'lW:! ".,.0;'."" tI~~~ii(' "...:>;;..,... .~~" %'u~t~',:,;--:~r:1 ..~,.. #,... ;,.J ~, u 'J{'.<: t t it~ ~ 4' ,~;.u/.. :-.'::::..:' ,;::~~:-:,%,,: ',~~'Z.</;.':, .. MEMORANDUM TO: Tim Cannon Acting Planning Director DATE: December 6, 1989 FROM: Joe C. Swan. P.E, for John A, Guidry Director of Utilities obz(2)b'l1~1 ~ ~J,q& SUBJ: TRB Review Agape Bible Church Day Care Center Conditional Use We can approve this project. subject to the following conditions: 1, Provide 6" VCP cleanouts on the sanitary services at the property line. 2. Relocate the sewer wyes and add fittings as needed to allow for a shallower slope at the main line wye fitting. Wyes installed with a near vertical pitch lead to deposition of solids in the mains, and also are more subject to breakage. 3, We have no objection to the site obtaining building permits and certificat~ of occupancy for the church use only at this time. However. operation of the day care center is not compatible with the existing septic tank system. and will require the installation of sanitary sewers, We request that permits for the day care center not be issued until the off-site gravity sewer main is installed and inspected. 4, Show the existing septic tank and drainfield on the site plan, dmt bc: Peter Mazzella RECEIVED DEe ? 1S89 PLANNING DEPT. . ! - - , . 7.0" .... '~t1.~:~~:;.. . ?rm... ..9'..<<. ',' .. . ;.$%;'", i:JiX)~&t%?~:., t!.., ';R~I"~~!%' ;J. >f~r f;ilJ_(:{'i.;f, . z:z..W;lJ~u".,.,....,,,,..... . :r~:':.:''''I,F.~~;~/f.':, ,<i.:'; ::;?~;::~ ','.i;::~ :~ . .r.r.~': 'Kl~ r,-:v ,;~~::: :J: . MEMORANDUM January 4, 1990 THRU: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board Timothy P. Cannon TC Interim Planning Director TO: RE: Tambri J. Heyden Assistant City Planner Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center Conditional Use File No. 368 FROM: Please be advised of the following Planning Department comments with respect to the above-referenced request for conditional use approval: 1. Dimension required. access aisle; 27 feet is Article X, Section 5-l42(i). the minimum width 2, Stripe and sign required drop-off and turn-around areas to discourage use of these areas for parking or standing. 3. Provide details on the proposed sign; setback from right-of-way line, size, height, advertising, materials, color and letter size and style. If this information cannot be provided by the time of final sign-'off, a future site plan approval will be needed. Chapter 21, Section 21-9. 4. Indicate the height of the fence around the property. Chapter 19, Article II, Section 19-17(f). 5. Provide verification that existing lighting meets the City's minimum, average illumination level of one footcandle per square foot of paved area. Building-mounted lighting that shines outward from a building rather than towards it poses a glare problem for security patrol. Chapter 5, Section 5-142 (d) . Also, pole-mounted parking lot lights should be shielded and directed away from the residential use to the south (mobile home park). Appendix A, Section 4(N)7. 6. Unless a sidewalk is provided within the Old Dixie Highway right-of-way along the property frontage as required by Chapter 22, Article II, Section 22-25, a sidewalk variance request must be submitted and approved by the Technical Review Board. . . 7. As per Appendix A-Zoning, Section 11. 2 (E) 1, it is recommended that a one year time limit, from the date of City commission approval, be established within which the day care must be developed consistent with Appendix A. 8. No fixed seating in the church is proposed as shown on the floor plans submitted and verified by the applicant to allow for dual use of the existing warehouse building for church and day care center purposes. Therefore, ,the requirement of 26 parking spaces has been calculated based on the rate of 1 parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area for the office building and 1 parking space for every 4 seats, but not less than 1 space every 100 square feet of gross floor area, for the church/day care center building. (Because the church/day care center building floor plan is not designated according to use, the parking rate for churches must be applied to the entire building rather than the less stringent day care center parking rate.) Should the uses within these buildings ch.mge or shift or should interior changes, such as fixed se,3.ting, be made, parking will have to be reevaluated. . . TO: Chairman & Members, Planning & Zoning Board SUBJECT: Agape Bible Church/Day Care Center Conditional Use - File No. 368, Page 2 January 4, 1990 9. This request for conditional use approval for a day care center includes site plan approval for a church and office building. Should the conditional use approval not be approved, it is recommended that site plan approval for the church and office building be granted, subject to staff comments. It is recommended that the applicant be allowed to secure a certificate of occupancy for the church use first, if desired, without having to extend and connect to the City's sanitary sewer, due to the time needed to satisfy this additional requirement for sanitary sewer prior to establishing the day care center. ~/ZJPk '~~~ TAMBRI J. HlfiDEN TJH:frb cc: Central File Agbible , . . . Grayare. P.O. Box 2944 Hartford CT 06104.2G4" L CALL TOLL FREE: 1-800.243.5250 . . -.-.------.. - ---.- REPLY MESSAGE fold AI (.>> To fit Or.yare Window [nv.lop. , EW10P REORDER ITEM' F21 TOr J~€.s. ~....~ ..., se-.-.. ~ IL- e 'r<-1 tl--LC\/V""I:i~ FROM ~~~:t\c...I40~T "-- ftc-rl'-.la. PvaL.I<'" LJOe.K.rPl1i2 SUBJECf: ~PE: 21'$~ P"<;C.H , DATE: 1-"2~ POLO. Gr~/V.c> ,4/\/C> t:V ,.c:> ~rJ /wR"v /'94?o,//vO AAJ.o -....L-e ;' ,4-?"~f ) s:;;gCAJ ::::Oq- /V?/-" oS .r-z:;F/C -- eA/C.LOS"V'Z e- PLEASE REPLY TO . SIGNED / (/ REPLY DATE: SIGNED ~ . F26St ~8IC. P.o. Box 290U, Hanlord CT 08104.2Q<< ... Wheeler GrouP. Inc. 1962 . THIS COPY FOR PERSON ADDRESSED , ,~ .