LEGAL APPROVAL 200 N. Seacrest Blvd. Post Office Box 310 Boynton Bea~h, FL 33435 (305) 738-7490 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR " ;~= -- -- -.:::::. ,;~.....~;. ~ '$, .,,: d_. -."'.~;;~;;~-:;;,.~;::.. --::;~;n ~~ ,r? ~.:...- - ---""-"'=-'(":;;;..~~. .jl.!)~: .-..;..,. . ;:;;;;:: _'-"->< - ""t.",.",,, . ._..... . ~1'~' .,.-M......._ t." --::.~~ ~ ~._~~~"il_ _.~~ ----:-..~- ,-~~~- ,..;" V,- ~, -. ..-----,. CITY of BOYNTON BEACH ---. , September 22, 1987 Mr. Dennis Childs 2400 E. Commercial Blvd., Suite 808 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 Re: Best Western Motel~ Plan APpro~ Dear Mr. Childs: Please be advised that on Tuesday, September 15, 1987, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan, sUbject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. After you have amended your plans to reflect the stipulations of approval, please have the appropriate Department Heads initial the attached check-off sheet, prior to your submission to the Building Department for permits. Additionally, the Commission has required that approval from the Department of Transportation be obtained to install a No-U-Turn sign at the reconstructed median. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be ~iewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. Also, all ,capital facilities fees and road impact fees, if applicable, are ,payable at the time of permit. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Yours very truly, CSA:ro Attachments cc City Manager Technical Review Board CITY OF BOYN39N BEACH ~4Nu~~~::""(",. PLANNING DIRECTOR /0~/ ~~~~-,. PI -', 10 ,~::'..: ":".~ l _--4 \. \ Bo'tr-...:p". . ;". \ '__ '-",', _ F)':_ ~f ",. ~ FLOhl :J" "t;) f . <I ,-:,~ ... {" \(j' ''-',~ ~I/ ',: i ~ \ \ c'- \ ~ , ,J , 7/ , .' , Building Department Fire Department Engineering Department Utilities Department Police Department Public Works Department Planning Department Forester/Horticulturalist STAFF COMMENT BEST WESTERN MOTEL SITE PLAN See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo Angle of dumpster enclosure to be modified See attached memos (2 ) Memo to be distributed at meeting v/ C\~ Of l\ I( IlE"C 60'11(,0 RE'/IEW ()/ ~~:'2, '2, \9'07 ~ ~'" 1l0~~;.~\~rCl\ 0: iOl/~ -'\ ~~ MEMORANDUM " '" Carmen Annunziato Planning Director D4TIf August 4, 1987 ,".. ""OM Don Jaeger Building Department SUaJlfCT Site Plan Approval: Best Western Inn As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. The sidewalks must continue through the turn-outs on Federal Highway and must be ramped for handicapped accessibility. 2. The double striping for handicapped parking stalls in the parking area must be four feet wide. 3. An additional handicapped parking stall must be provided, bringing the total to seven. 4. South Florida Water Management District approval must be secured for the project. 5. The site lighting must be designed to withstand a 120 m.p.h. design wind load. 6. The building and amenity areas must be designed to provide handicapped accessibility. 7. Construction details on the buffer wall and dumpster enclosure must be provided. Landscaping must be provided on the exterior of the buffer wall in accordance with the City Landscaping Code. 8. Additional dimensions must be provided for the turn-out areas and the parking areas. 9. The plans should state the proposed type of construction in conformance with Section 601.1.1., Standard Building Code, 1985 Edition. State whether the building will be fully sprinkled. 10. There is a discrepancy between the drainage plans and the ground floor building plan in the loading zone area. The building plans show the loading zone four feet deep with the slope towards the building. A means for the water to be discharged must be provided if this detail is used. The following comments are for the applicant's information: In order to facilitate the building permit review process, the following information should be provided in duplicate at the time of plans submittal: 1. The pool and recreation area must have Health Department approval. The pool must be designed by a Florida registered engineer. Sewer and water flow rates by a registered engineer should be submitted in order for the Building Department to calculate capital facilities charges for the project. A turn-out permit from the D.O.T. is required for the work in the Federal Highway right-of-way. Soil borings with the soil engineer's recommendation for obtaining the necessary soil bearing values must be submitted. J 2. J 3. ~ ".-;s \ 'I'~ "-. ~-\ 1._'1 / --- - /'(v 7/ C\~ ofet7><tM y ~~€'I\~W Ut t'V' '2. Wia7 ~ S'C.?'2. eE"C\'\ G A eo~t~~~~U\)" ~,~ <:.-!. ! ~Tr'i Sil.'/ -....._-~ Memo to Carmen Annunziato RE: Site Plan Approval: Best Western Inn August 4, 1987 Page Two 4. Signed and sealed energy forms in compliance with the State Energy Code must be supplied. S. Health Department approval on the hotel and food processing area must be obtained. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a timely permitting process. I r\ 1\, '>'_ I .p_i. F? :":-. Don Jae&'i!r . -'. /.f. DJ:bh XC: E. E. Howell --~........ // '/: / ,- 1 1.- f-, I ._~-\ '\ P" , ~.\ \ ~ .\ \-'> \ .'. ," r l'{ Or \3r,,,';TOI" l''i'.~~ FLAil RE.'>J\ '.~'=. P 22 ;987 ,. 6V"NTON 6EACl\ i'~Ofl\O~ NEMORANDUM 7 August 1987 TO: Carmen S. Annunziato, Planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist RE: Best Western Motel - Site Plan 1. Fifty (50) percent of the tree species should be native species. 2. Thirty (30) percent of the shrubs and ground covers should be native species. 3. Shrubs and hedge material along the Federal Highway ROW must be 36" in height at time of planting. 4. All interior parking lot trees must have a clear trunk of five (5) feet at time of planting. 5. Hedge material abutting the north property line must be eighteen (18) inches in height at time of planting. 6. A vine plant should be planted every ten (10) foot O.c. to cover the masonry wall on the project site. 7. The site should be inspected for any protected animal species and a plan to protect them be submitted. There have been reports of gopher tortoises in the area near NE 3rd Street extended. ----~ I ~ I L )c-, ~-, . -"""'--c (. t, ~~{,; ,'-- KEVIN J. ,HALLAHAN /bks ~'-'.'P ;/. ;::;;1 .(/ ' , ~ , . 'c'I'i 0" ~!'> eoYN~O"_"E.ACH !I: f'LAN Rt.vIEJV SEP2 2 \987" I- e BOYN'OK BEACH j9. '\ / FLORiDA ^' J \0 \ .' MEMORANDUM To: Car~en Annunziato, Planning Director ~ ~\J Uti! it ies 'V' FroPl: John A. GUIdry. Director of Date: August 3, 1987 SubJect: TRB Review - Best Western Motel We can approve thIS project, subject to the followIng conditions: I. Irrigation wIll not be per~itted with city water. Z. Modify and add valves as needed. 3. Relocate or elIMInate the detector check valve. 4. Provide details of the on-sIte sanitary sewer. Due to the age of the sewer MaIn In U.S. I, we request the proposed 8" line be cut into the Manhole to the south, and an add,t,onal Manhole be con- structed on-sIte. S. SubMit calculations and flow V5. pressure curve on fire-flow. AdditIonal off-site Mains May have to be constructed. The calculations and curve should be based on an on-sIte delivery po 1 nt. 6. SUbMIt plans for off-site IMproveMents. 7. On-site water Plains and the gravIty sewer section to be ~alntalned by the City MUSt be centered withIn approprIately sized utIlity easel'lents. 8. Relocate the on-site water Main or change the proposed trees to a species suitable for easePlents. dMt ..---- ./'" I ,/, . 'C TV O' .~. eOY:\1 Tor~ :~EACH PLAN HEVIEvV SEP2 2 \987. 60YNTON BOlCH f\.ORIO/l MEMORANDUM m' CITY PLANNER OA.TF" 8-6-87 FILE -~CM W.D. CAVANAUJH FIRE DEPT., TRB REP /{}J ~ SUBJECT BEST WESTERN MYrEL S. FEDERAL HWY. City Sub-Division requirements for Hydrant Spacing and Water Supply include a specification for 1500 gallons per minute in a commercial area. Initial Flow Calculations reflect only 1200-1300 gallons per minute avail- able. FUrther information if required before this application will conform to city requirements. cc: Pete Masella Utilities /...-;::.1...-'.......... "r"', ,'- I I ,............. ,"-'/' ' \ I ._1....//", "Y , , i~' ' cln OF '.. 'I, ff" BOVNTtJN BEACH '\;; . . :PLAN ReVIEW "e \"~S[P 2 2 '1937 · E, \ '-' &QYNTOO BEACHjS" '\ ~ FLORIDA ,,' '\-0 ' . '-. ...<\c,,&l' '" . ~.!JTh.:).>;;V . M E M 0 RAN 0 U M August 4, 1987 TO: Mr. Jim Golden Senior City Planner FROM: Tom Clark City Engineer RE: Site Plans, Best Western Motel Comments: 1. Plans for the turn lane construction as recommended by the traffic study are required. 2. Site plans should show the location of street lights. Light pole foundations should be detailed. 3. What is the length of the drainage inlet structure? 4. Refer to Bill Flushing's memo of August 3, 1987. 5. R.O.W. is requested for the extension of S.E. 3rd St. as per sketch attached. ~y; T,tf/J Tom Clark TAC/ck attachment /, ,l I ~-~ ~ '/ ~. 'J,''i ')( ~""i":~ / \ , '(" \- , ,,,;-, r \ 1'- :Sc\r ~ j-- BOYN..." ",..., f- . ,',',. ,",-,...r1 I. FLC.::O;:\ ,"IJ '~\'-; I -,- _...............,\~.'1. -:"j' ~ ,..' \ .... . ~.J.,J",-,';"'r r-::Lg: 1"1 O,U K A NnnP U M Hl.~:":::: ~_. !~e7 1.~,::~,::c.Y TO: Tom Clar-k FROM: Bill Flushing RE: Best Western 1. Additional r-equir-ed details ar-e as follows: a. Cur-bing b . Detai 1 to show how r-etention ar-eas. storm run-off enters c. Par-king stall detail d. Stop Sign detail. . Bill Flushing 1 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~--;::j---:----..... /~.,>' I "__/ >- / '> " <>' ClTY OF :: 'I3O~NTON BEACH 'fit PlAN REVIEW SEP'2 2 1987 ~ M E M 0 RAN DUM August 6, 1987 TO: PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: BEST WESTERN MOTEL SHARED PARKING ALLOCATION Section 11-H (13) of the Zoning Code contains the following, recently-amended provision for shared parking: 13. Parking spaces required in this Ordinance for one use or structure may be allocated in part or in whole for the required parking spaces of another use or structure if quantitative evidence is provided showing that parking demand for the different uses or structures would occur on different days of the week or at different hours. Quantitative evidence shall include but not be limited to the fOllowing: (a) Field studies and traffic counts prepared by a traffic consultant experienced in parking studies. (b) Adjustments for seasonal variations. (c) Estimates for peak parking demand based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute or some other recognized land planning and design organization. All data furnished must be statistically valid. In addition, a minimum buffer of 10% shall be provided to ensure that a sufficient number of parking spaces are available at times of peak hour use. Said buffer is to be calculated based on the following formula: Buffer 1 = surplus shared parkinq on-site + shared parking provided 2 1 Shared parking spaces not required by the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations for the proposed use. 2 Parking spaces required for the proposed use as per the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations. Evidence for joint allocation of required space shall be submitted to the Technical Review Board, and approval of joint allocation of required parking spaces shall be made by the Commission, after review and recommendations by the Planning and Zoning Board. With respect to the above, Dennis Childs, agent for C.D.S. Associates, is requesting approval of a shared parking allocation in connection with a request for site plan approval for the construction of a new Best Western Motel. The eXisting motel is proposed to be raized. The property is located on the west side of South Federal Highway, between S.E. 18th Avenue and S.E. 20th Avenue. The shared parking allocation includes the 150 room motel and a 148 seat restaurant/lounge. The proposed site plan for the Best Western Motel provides for _--_.. ,-:"" ", 150 rooms, an 840 square foot ancilla7'Y conference room, and tIlE( ,':::! i' ;",." 148 se~t restaurant/lounge. T~e park~ng requirement for the,(!' \, "",;' "<" '> motel ~s 150 rooms x 1. 25 park~ng spaces per room = 188 parlf..ng Y;"~"'i""'J<':H v/\ spaces. The conference room does not require additional Pah;,kit "'f'" ':EViCW '(:,1 as it is a small ancillary facility to the motel, and does ~ii9t ,."'~' ,_,' ~ ;: generate significant parking, in addition to the motel, to,,\ :e,EP 2c~']u7 " \ "'1'0" BEP,C!'I , ~~Ul' \'< ,,! \' :"," fLORIDA ~ \ .c,,, <- \.'_:,')")...... U ....-,( I '~I I r~/ ... '.J (JL " warrant a separate parking requirement as a principal use. The parking requirement for the restaurant/lounge is 148 seats . 2.5 seats per parking space = 60 parking spaces. The total parking requirement for the site is 188 + 60 = 248 parking spaces. The proposed site plan provides for 210 on-site parking spaces, with an additional two parking spaces to be added prior to sign-off, as will be explained further in this memorandum. According to the shared parking analysis prepared by Kimley-Horn for C.D.S. Associates, the vehicular demand of the restaurant and lounge will be 50% of the needs shown, since 50% of the restaurant and lounge demands are generated from the hotel. This is based on data furnished by the Urban Land Institute (ULI). The peak hour parking demand for the entire site would occur on Saturdays at 8:00 P.M. during the peak season. At this time, the motel parking will be 90% utilized, while the restaurant/lounge parking (reduced by 50% as per ULI data) will be 100% occupied. Therefore, a portion of the remaining 10% of the hotel parking that is unoccupied can be applied to the buffer calculation required by the City of Boynton Beach zoning regulations for shared parking. All projections are based on statistical data furnished by the Urban Land Institute. In terms of parking space demand at the peak hour (Saturdays at 8:00 P.M.), there will be a need for only 207 of the 211 parking spaces provided on-site. This allows for the remaining statistical surplus of four parking spaces to be utilized in the calculation of the required buffer. The calculation of the required 10% buffer is as follows: Buffer = 4 x 100% = 11% 2'-3 + 14 The above formula is calculated on the basis of the restaurant/lounge sharing from the surplus of parking spaces not utilized by the motel at the peak hour. The figure 23 in the denominator represents the number of physical parking spaces provided to the restaurant/lounge that are not required by code for the motel, while the figure 14 represents the number of surplus motel parking spaces that are being shared by the restaurant/lounge. On Tuesday, August 4, 1987, the Technical Review Board met to review the plans and documents submitted, at which time they recommended approval of the shared parking allocation, subject to the addition of two parking spaces to the site plan to provide for the required 10% buffer. It was the consensus of the Technical Review Board that the proposed shared parking allocation was prepared and documented in accordance with code requirements, and that sufficient opportunity exists for shared parking to occur on-site given the mix of uses within the project. CA&i1EN S. ANlf~NZIA~' _-:T CSA:ro cc City Manager Central File 4--Ci LLJ";:~> . CITY OF -: '" \ " 8OYNTON BL!.,C;Lj \/ 'OJ PLAN kl'ViEv/ \- SEP 2 2 1987 1> .- G t: ~" BOYNTON BEACH !:i / " >... FLORICA /--.;/ 0"/ ~"/ '; ',!r-"""',-0,\9' ~L~,,, M E M 0 RAN DUM August 5, 1987 TO: PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD MEMBERS FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: BEST WESTERN MOTEL-STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments in connection with the above-referenced request for site plan approval: 1. Right-of-way to be dedicated for S.E. Third Street, as specified in the memorandum from the City Engineer, to be dedicated within forty-five (45) days of site plan approval. 2. Required dumpster screening is a six (6) foot high concrete block wall on three sides with a stucco finish-color to match building. 3. Existing drop curbs onto Federal Highway to be reconstructed to provide for a continuous sidewalk and raised curb. 4. Site and engineering plans should reflect roadway improvements recommended by Kimley-Horn prior to sign-off. 5. Roadway improvements recommended by Kimley-Horn to be constructed prior to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy. 6. Typical parking lot lighting fixture detail to be provided. 7. Plans submitted for sign-off should reflect the addition of two parking spaces at the west end of the parking lot in connection with the shared parking study. 8. The minimum 10% buffer required by the zoning regulations for shared parking must be maintained upon incorporation of all staff comments. C"" CARMEN ~ J( .d S. ANNUNZIATO,} CSA:ro cc Central File ---~-. A)'\~,:,--- '/ \)-",.. ,;..,.' " .,\.)-- " "Y CITY OF ,\' :::t BOYNTON REA':H "<> tff-f PLAN HEVIEW \;3, ~ SEP2 2 1987 ~ ;=- : " I v: BOYNTON 8[J\ci;1 ,- \ _>, FLORIDA , '\""'~' " ,I,'.~ 1- .,'"' 11 ""':Lj u MEMORANDUM '0 O..TI Planning Department Attn: J. Golden 05 August 1987 "ILl '1II0M L t. D. Thrasher SU.JIICT Best Western As per the discussion on 04 AU9. 87, the followin9 are recommendations; 1) Detai Is on photo activated pole mounted high sodium vapor lamps for exterior. 2) Proper road markings in the parking lot and on entrance/exit points. 3) Detail on left turn lane - northbound U.S. 1. DT:gg ~~j-L..,~ 'l. '---!/ CITY 01' "'/ n " v ...... BOYNTON BEACH ' /......... 'Oi. PLAN REVIEW \_,. : -:-\; ~~~N~O~ ~:::y. ~\ r 'j , FlorllDA /'- . , ',,\. /'. ' /)-.. '\' '- . I "-....., ._,' i \,,' i . ,__ '~\ \ It "':"':~I I 6~).../' MEMORI1NOUM To: Car~en Annunziato. Plann1ng Director \\ ~\J Utllitiee y Fro..: John A. GU1dry, D1rector of Date: Auguet 3. 1987 Subject: TRB Rev1eu - Be5t lIelltern Motel lie can approve th1e project. eubJect to the follou1ng conditione: 1. Irrigat10n 101111 not be per~itted u1th c1ty uater. Z. Modify and add valve5 a5 needed. 3. Relocate or e11~1nate the detector check valve. 4. Prov1de deta11e of the on-eite ean1tary ee...er. Due to the age of the eeuer ~ain 1n U.S. I. we requeet the propoeed 8" line be cut into the ~anhole to the south. and an add1t1onal ..anhole be con- etructed on-site. 5. Sub~1t calculat10ne and flow ve. prelleure curve on f1re-flo.... Add1t10nal off-e1te ..a1ne ..ay have to be conetruoted. The calculatione and curve ehould be based on an on-eite delivery point. 6. SubMit plane for off-site iMproveMente. 7. On-Site water ..ain5 and the gravity sewer eection to be ..aintained by the C1ty Muet be centered with1n appropriately e1zed utility eaSer'lent6. 8. Relocate the on-a1te ...ater Ma1n or change the propolled treell to a epec1ee euitable for eaee..ente. dOlt ~J- ~l'fOF X ~ BOYNTON BEACH 7 ;~~ R;~:; ~ -~ BOYNTON RE"CH ,'\ cLORIDA , '--:li:'>-T; T':\ " , j ,;')) . CITY of BOYNTON g~A(C{H{' COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD PLEASE PRINT ('( " ^ c.,,' J '.' ~ " . APPLICATION: ( ) REVIEW APPROVAL Date: -JL~-~~~------------ ( ) PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS ~ ~) REQUEST FOR CHANGE (Date Paid: ~c2~~ = ____) ( ) SIGN ,APPROVAL (Receipt Number: ~~ ______) ~ ~D__tLE~~nfQrL&~~------------ B5tt_.s~ ~0l" qJL__'iL.H.-I__~_R-... '0~ -&.~.~- LEGAL DESCRIPTION: ~_c;,~~+_~~%~_~.E..~~~-~';~';: ~ !ft~ ------ (If too lengthy to fit on application, legal MUST be on a separat~ ~~a# - a part of the plans.) ry BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: L~~_~_+__L_yJ.Ail.~~ ;;~;R~~~=~~-;;-~~=~~~=~====-;~~~~-~:~~~~~(~;:Ll:a~~ ARCHITEcT:~_~___________________ Phone Number: (~L~~~_~ IN_QRDER_FOB-XQ~B_Eb~~~_~Q_~~_B~YI~~~QL_~-B~EB~~~~~~~IY~_~~~~_~~_EB~~~~~_AT_~B~ ~EE~ING. NAME: ~~_tLS__~~_~_______~___________ Phone Number: (q07L~~~~~_ ADDRESS :~~_~_ljj.Q_~~_&2__~Ul(!:~!J:LllK3~.Y1:&-_--- Street City SLate Zip Code PROJECT NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IMPORTANT - Requirement for Review: I. Technical Review Board Approval. 2. Staff Comments. 3. Location Map Designating Site. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side building elevations, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. 6. Application fee of $50 (payable to "City of Boynton Beach). ALL PLANS DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, MUST BE SIGNED AND SEALED. ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SURFACE MATERIAL COLOR/NAME BEAl1S COLUMNS DOORS FASCIA GABLE ENDS GLASS GRILL PANELS INSEC;T SCREEN RAILINGS ROOF SHUTTERS SOFFIT WALLS tt.l & c:,; 0- AW'-flIo.)uH e;ilCI1W:O/Ot..> -~ ~ri OTHERS (as reqUired)~_~~;.: -I~t{)- 1'1~ ...D "I\~rl~. \~ e.op..f ~\6~S 1'-~~~5GQ..O: ~("..op~ W.~~-~~d"~ ~~~ ..Q ~" 1(1 ..0 J. .~ :T'l'~I'~$E.ID ~4a. Sign t i of Applicant ~ ~..- ~dv 5/88 . , , . DESCRIPTION (Af> FURNISHE.D BY CLIENi): All that part of Section 33, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying West of the West line of Rousseau's Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book I, Page 14, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida; East of an East Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway No. 1, and North of the Westerly extension of the South line of Lot 2, of said Rousseau's Subdivision except the Northerly 50 feet thereof taken for S.E. 15th Avenue, and also, all that part of Lots 1 and 2 of Rousseau's Subdivision as recorded in Plat Book I, Page 14, Pub 1 ic Records of Pa 1m Beach Coun ty, Fl orida, except tha t par t taken for S.E. 15th Avenue, and more particularly described as follows: ' Beginning at a point in the West line of said Lot I, distant 50 feet South of the Northwest corner thereof; thence North 89041'13" Et.st along a 1 ine parallel with and 50 feel South of the North line of said Lot I, a distance of 83.00 feet to a point; sa id line al so being the Sou th Right-of -Way 1 ine of S. E. 15th Avenue; thence South 85032'58" East, also along the South Right-of-Way line of said S.E. 15th Avenue, a distance of 320.74 t.eet to a point; thence South 00018'47" East, a distance of 105.00 feet to a point; thence South 72042'45" East a distance of 30.79 feet to a point; thence South 00018'47" East a distance of 50.00 feet to a point; thence North 89041'13" East a distance of 21.07 feet to a point; thence South 00018'47" East a distance of 298.00 feet, more or less, to an intersection with the Westerly Right-of-Way line of th. Intracoastal Waterway; thence South 07007'50" \iest along said Westerly Right-of-Way line of the Intracoastal Waterway, a distance of 35.98 feet to a point; thence South ,89041')3" West, a distance of 125.00 feet to a point; thence South 07007'50" West and parallel with the WesLcrly Right-of-Way of said Intracoastal Waterway, a distance, of 80.00 feet to a point on the South line of said Lot 2; thence South 89041 '13" Wt,st along said South line of Lot 2 and the extension Westerly thnreof, a distance of 669.33 feet, more or less, to a point on the East Right-of-Way line of U.S. Highway No. I thence North 040si' '25" East along the East Right-of-\~ay line of U.S. Highway No. I, a distance of 225.03 feet to the P. C. of a curve to the left, concave to the West, having a radius of 2914.93 feet and a central angle of 03055'10"; thence Northerly along the arc of said cu::ve a distance of 199.40 feet to the P. T. of said curve; thence continuing along the East Right-of-Way line of said U.S. Highway No. I, North 01002'15" East, a distance ,of 27.09 feet to a point; thence North 89043'15" East Ii distance, of DO.OO feet to a point; thence North 01002'15" ~:ast along a line parallel with the East Right-of-Way of said U.S. Highway No. I, a distance of 150.00 feet to a point on the South Right-of-Way of said S.E. Ijth Avenue; thence North 89043'15" East along the said South Right-of-Way line of S.E. 15th Avenue, a distance of 170.15 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING. :.TC"" :s;: , ..y;. ;;<< \ l. 4\- ,", " i5:- :~~\ '~>>-:. !" ^ -.?Y 'i'\\- I .~ ~ .. ' , , I ~.'" .. << "' ,:-.;..c.- :y :~:, 'S: ~' ~, . y w' "" .. . ~ :a =- ~ ~ . . ::a ::II :a :a q) qjI ::a ::II ~ :a ::a ::II ::II :1!1 ~ :w :a ~ :a ;II :a :a 't :11 SEE MAP NO 74 M N \/ AVE ~ w II - VE ~ SE II '" ,B( --.. 10 .\. 831 wAVE AV 'a " <Xl i12AVE ~ SW 12 VE" SE 12 .L. lrR D G ~. 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"" 1v.u,_, :~91:: 11:S:~ ,iLr:~ve~ ' I >~~,i :,~ :;;\,;~:<;:,::;:'..~.;,;{L~:~3..~:b ~~: ; ~ -~ <<' -::t ./J ~ , :' < J ~ 51 '. .. w w \( 4:< " \, $, .ix- i, , ;,~~: 0 J. '.~: y' ~ ;~f. " X" ~' ~;, jt~ ~. Y,"," J.. , .;~ " .~, , -.'~~ , ~,.. ,:1" "~ :i '. " ~{4 CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ;2..\ CHECK OFF LIST FOR ~E~ - PRECONSTRUCTION CONFERENCE ,I Meeting Location Bldo. Dent. Conf. RClClm Date 5/24/88 Time 9 A.M. Project Best Western Design Engineer Contractor(s) \V f,,!~-C? IOErr g~ tEiJ:lJ.""'" 7&f2-. 1 /), ' , M~ In,l Sd<orlf, Ju,/~, 1/ ~;tOI^,t!YL 2// A~fJle c: JY-fa: " ~ .::01-1 Hg/vdlg EMJ.&a.;AJF/6(j} . "':L. \~. p~~ =.c::cc\::- ~"'\'it'~ ~\~.::- ~ C, -':7,.e>>?1=Y-- F-"";j1?JU{'tfjy;' -I1);~.fi'l%( !:/j 7j,1J)r /2/';11" 1>5> 17 / ChlilllRI r,:r,1/lIc; C%e'/ ilUMJt't-M,u/f';Z;VS~ '~~. 'tis [uCA-!lC=C C/.I/';P' E('iS'C-TtZ/L'<~ _' uJ~. _ (1j,ut ~..d ~ ~: " f , , ,'I \ ,. c, 1 ,1. ? ! / \ I' . ,~l'! . '}.( '. V, ( ('j..,' ",; " \., I' . r A 0 F /l \ /J1, /tFo",,"";~-1 C- rcnL - It.o (L.-, ..'5n:M"r~ ///eC!'# 1 -1'-" '1....1,,, - I\1h-qo Ca..Wieir", J, ~Odr0(JeJ'P.C 'fAolA ,n<f-'tDr- 1~<--\1~/l1Z-//) J;,Atrvjp J Rof)~{Qlbl>V t( 11 ITEMS FOR DISCUSSION ' ~ l.~ ~. ~ - ~~D~ rOlLL Q1'4-[..'I-'> ;V,Q.C((c H t-IYL Cue I ( , (A) Supervision and Administration (1) Project Engineer (2 ) Inspector ( 3) Contractor's Project Manager (4 ) Contractor's Superintendent (5 ) Field Office address and phone no. " PERSONS ATTENDING: - Name \J \",r~ ~ "":'-2..:, 0 Organization Telephone No. ~~ 1'?L\-e.\\\ G<TJ~"~~L.\ ~\ 'fl,..'Z-3 '\~ F; (,).\,LI')"" c;ilnujo N2('f./ '3icf- O(,~,f"') l. 7077/''- F;l2e sf-IZ/IY/cLI5'R. a::o.eP. ? 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