CORRESPONDENCE CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @...", '~""" . .. ,,- ,'" .1. 211 South Federal Highway P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33425.0310 (4071 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE DIRECTOR OF UTILITIES February 12, 1990 CERTIFIED MhIL Mr. James Melville, Vice President Connor Group of Florida, Inc. 2419 East Commercial Blvd., Suite 304 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 Dear Mr. Melville: SUBJECT: Ramada Inn of Boynton Beach Please be advised that this office has still not received proper easement dedications for the completed water and sewer mains on the Ramada Inn site, as required by the approved plans. Although a partial easement was dedicated last year, said easement did not include the water meter, entire fire line with hydrants and sani- tary sewer main. We request that you satisfactorily address this issue within thirty days by providing the necessary dedications. Please address any questions you may have on this matter to Peter Mazzella of this office. Sincerely yours, C TY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~drY ctor of Utilities dmt bc: xc: Peter Mazzella Mike Haag, Building Dept. --=-- /~11'EL-l/~ IffVV, \\UYNIII.y ~~ & i'.." ';) j'f[I\'E .~~. ';' <.,' ~tLLI t b''} .- ~1 FEB 1 3 1990 · 21 ...-\ (,.) tHm.!JtNft :'t';- / ,<,(\ o~v. :;;:nC!At ^~~ " ~. .tJ., r.\,.'>l / I .) L'~"'f."'" / ~G:!~j~'~ ~~\', ~'__'~'/ --~ - . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @Mailing: Post Office Box 310 ~G~ . Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 'f, - "Telephone: (407) 738-7480 '. 200 North Seacrest Boulevard -...-- Boynton Beach FL 33435 BUILDING DEPARTMENT May 31, 1989 James Melville Connor Group Florida, Inc. 2929 E. Commercial Blvd" Ste. 205 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33308 RE: Ramada Inn 1935 S. Federal Hwy. Permit 1188-0241 Dear Mr. Melville: Per this letter, your temporary certificate of occupancy for the above described building is extended for sixty (60) days from today, until July 31, 1989. This temporary certificate of occupancy is contingent upon receiving final sign-off from Kevin Hallahan, Urban Forester, for landscaping improvements to the right-of-way and sign-off from the Utilities Department (see attached memorandum). Sincerely, Don Ja Buildin DJ:bh Attachment XC: Permit file Central files . 0~~ MEMORANDUM To: Med Kopczynski, Deputy Building Official fll!:J./ Peter V. Mazzella,-otility Inspector~J~ John A. Guidry, Director of UtilitiesFjf April 12, 1989 From: Through: Date: Subject: Ramada Inn Please be advised that this department has no objection to the issuance of a temporary certificate of occupancy for the subject property at this time, We still need to .obtain permanent utility easements, release of lien from the contractor(s) and a one year warranty on the system. We must also conduct a final walk-through inspection once all surface improvements are completed. Thank you for your cooperation in this matter. dmt ~.~ ~ ~~'1"TON ~ ~. t ~ttn~tb~~~~ F: ~~R 1. 0\ fa'a9 ", ~1I" ,. _,un $ '" lIn\C\~l ,\~:.' .,~ /'<~~'> i_........: SHE .... ~\ /q--! DE'iEL. '(\: \ ":::t ",\'I 1 0 iSE9 ...tll ~ ~,. 49 ..-"""1 8\JIllli"';G Il.f ,.00 L'trl -i~~ z.......... '- 1;'11.0'1 _ ell ~\.\: r<, '- ~ /' Bt!,\..., '- -;/'-..' ,;) - May 10, 1989 City of Boy ton Beach 120 E. Boy ton Beach Blvd. P.O. Box 310 Boy ton Beach, Fl. 33425-0310 Attn: Building Department RE: Boynton Beach Inn Please be advised of the following revision to the above mentioned project: Landscape material specified as Cocoplum 2'x2' and Hawthorne 18"x18" may be substituted with smaller material since the specified size is not available at this time due to severe weather conditions. Very Truly Yours ~~. IIII' (:J JILl ,,( ,j" )11'. 1\(. .\WIIITI-II' 1'1.-1\\1''', ',~~\\, .11 ;l!III!I:,lr,Lr<.k'll"[!"'Llk'\Jrd "llitl'!II(1 [\"<.,L!{,ll(lll.II"t-ilLI \\'j;~ 111- ~'11111" 7?ovmach ~~ CONNOR GROUP FLORIDA, INC. BROKE~S AND CEVELOPERS 2:419 EA$T COMME~CIAL aoULI!:V A~D . SUITE 3CJ.4 . FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA )3~ 'Tel..Ef>toIONE SOS1772~eo FAX 772:-7571 May 10, 1989 Mr. Don Jaeger Site Development Administrator City of Boynton Beach 120 E. Boynton Beach Blvd, Boynton Beach, Florida 33425-0310 Re: DOT Permit Application - Seaforthia Palms Plantings Dear Sir: Regards to the above plantings in the median strip, as soon as we receive approval from the DOT, we intend to put them in. Please advise us as to your requirements if the DOT turn& down the application. Thank you in advance for your cooperation and attention to this matter. JAM:rn {Jff 5-/(- C07 OONNOR GROUP FLORIDA, INC. BROKERS AND DEVELOPERS 241$1 EAST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD . SUITE3O-e . FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA,333OB TE:LE:PHONE 3OS177Z-ogeQ FAX 772.7571 April 21, 1989 Florida Department of Transportation 780 S,W. 24th Street Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33315-2696 R~da I~oynton Beach, Inc. Dear Sirs: Please find enclosed four copies of our permit application, with plans, to furnish and plant eight Seaforthia Palms in the median strip of u.S. I opposite our property at 1935 S. Federal Highway, Boynton Beach. We submit this application with the understanding that the City of Boynton Beach shall be responsible both for maintenance of these plants and for public liability. In case of any claims, the Connor Group Florida, Inc. and Ramada Inn Boynton Beach, Inc, shall be held harmless. We trust this meets your approval and we look forward to hearing from you at your earliest co~nience. /. ;; Sinc!,rely, v>--';./ --. /~f~4fft ;l Vice pn!s~ent JAM:rn encls. cc: Mr. Kevin Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist Mr. Med Kopczynski, Acting Building Official Mr. Don Jaeger, Site Development Administrator . . ".....__"'i' ~_.--..... . STAn: or F:'ORlDh DErhRTY.El'l Of TRANSPORT/,TlO~ D-4 (\I) (S) 7-86 PERMIT DATE 4-:1f)-B'it Permit No. SUBJECT: Section StAte Roae County PERMITTEE CCNNDR. o,Rt:ltJP #1t>JI2J_ IHL Requesting permission fro~ th~ State of Florioa ~epartment of lran5port~- tion. hereinafter called th~ Department, to construct., BPIr.'1 aJl. "l.F1t.!l.lr. ~:S~~~~t(~{Z~~7fEE:~t~~~'O.c. from MY ~ation to MP Station 1. Propos~d work is within the corporate limits of a municipality. Yes( V) No( ) Name of Municipali ~y eoVNTOt.l BEAC.H 2. Applicant declares that prior to submitting th,S application he has ascertained the location of all existing utilities, both aerial and underground. A letter of notification and plan of improvement was mailed or. to the following utilities/ municipalities. CITY Of- BotJN."TO).J BEAC-tt UnL.lTlg~ :D~ 3. Is Interstate or Toll Road right-of-way involved? Yes ( ) No()() 4. It is expressly stipulated that this permit is a license for per- missive use only and that the placing of facilities upon public property pursuant to this permit shall not operate to create or vest any property right in said holder. 5. Whenever it is determined by the Department that it is necessary for the construction, repair, improvement, maintenance, safe and efficient operation, alteration, or relocation of all, or any portion of such highway, or that it is necessary for the public transportation facility, eny snd all facilities shall be immediately removed from said highway or reset or relocated thereon as required by the Department, all at the expense of the permittee unless reimbursement is authorized. 6. The construction and maintenance of such facility shall not interfere with the property and rights of a prior permittee. 7. The nermit holder understands and a~rees that the rights and privileges herein ~et out are granted only to the extent of the state's right. title anc interest in the land to be used by the permit holder. The permit holder will at all times assume all risk of and indemnify, defend, and save harmless the State of Florida and the Department from and against all l6ss, damage, cost or expense arising in any manner on account of the exercise or attempted exercises by said permit holder of the aforesaid rights and privileges recardless of the apDortionment of negligence of the parties involveG. THE PE~~IT HOLDER, THEREFORE. AGREES TO Ih~EMNIFY THE DEPARTMENT FOR ITS OWl' NEGLIGENCE. !hepermit holder shall observe all Department safety regulations during construction. Tne oermit holder must safely conduct the public through the project area In accordance with the Manual on traffic Controls and Sare Practices for Strett and Highway Construction, Maintenance and Utility Operation by displaying necessa~. safety devices and taking whatever other measures are required or appropriate. 8. In case the permit holder fails to meet any of the Department requirements, the permit holder will be BARRED from preforming further work under this permit and will be required to bring the permitted work into compliance or remove ssid work from the right-of-way at no cost to the Department, AND THE PERMIT HOLDEt WILL STILL BE BOUND BY THE INDEMNITY PROVISION OF PARAGRAPH 7. 9. All work shall meet the Depsrtment. Standards and be certified by THE ENGINEER OF RECORD, thet the vork has been substantially completed in accord with the Departmant Standard Specification for Road and Bridge Construction, and in accord with all rules, regulation, policy, plans, special provision, and safety standards pertaining to this type work. The Engineer of kecord i5 .;;;[QACilU'~_~O,[Hl.lC!l-L''Fo~ m:. P. E l.ocatecl at ~9 NoW ~_Av. of.::z~~.;1 !AIJI)J;;1U>Jllu:: ,noridL. Telephone h<'l~->- 7"~~J\~r . . - -~~";- [,-I. (\,) (, 7-8f J C. 1-.1: materialt ane equipment Illll)' be subject to inspectioIl by the hRintenanCE or .esident En~lneer, All lier>artment propert'. shall be restored to its original condition as far as practical, in keeping with Department ~pecifications. and in a manner satisfactory to the Department. Tn. attached sketch anc special provision coverin~ details of this cn~t~llBtoan shall be mad. a part of this permi~. The perrojrtee shall commence actual construction in good fait~ ,.'1 thu fbO days fron the day of said permit approval and shall be completed within +~ days. If the beginn~ng date i. more thar, 60 days from date of permit approval, then permittee must revie~ tne permit with the D.O.!. Maintenance Engineer to make Bure no changes have occurred in the highway that would affect the permitted construction. The Office of W. P. e Maintenance -er-Res1de'll-t Engineer located at OIl&CA40BEE 1!ololl ,Florida, telephone number e:t4-l!>'-2.\ will be notified twenty-four(24) hours in advance of the preconstruct ion meeting and again immediately before beginninf work. Speciel Instructions: -PERklTE.2: W,., c:.oNTPc.."T C.1"r'f l~ W~ITING WMEN ,A....'T1'I~~OD I!.ooGOMPLETE-' TO INIT,,4"rE ~~'::.:N :;:;.o~l.~ OZ .c.!;'d~~~~~ ANI> M"'~TI!M.....,r --= TV 1 ~ . ,- 15. 16. Special Condition:. rl>NWDSt GAlJOIP ~J. IN~ 6M..LL e.E"" TME ;~~~~~:=~:~ :.~~~,::~~~~~.., J,JQBU-\TV A~ ~"I"'TJ;::fJIIl-NCE E,"~~-:rIYE .M'T'eR. ~nMPJ.E:TtNJ ~ TIlE> IN~r~' -;~J() 17. Effective July I, 1986, according to the State Statue (14-65 Section 336.0') the Permittee must notify the local Law Enforcement Agencies prior tc the closing of one (I) or mar lanes of the State Highwa" for a period that exceeds two (2) or more hours for repair, reconstruction or alterstion of he Submit t ed by: Place Corporate Seal ,-) I '-- \ , . \\\, _______-.J-'><.. ; , --i: _ =-...... II . \ i I' . 'Ii' C__, , . . :" -- , ',' Attested "Waiver of Corporate Seal" on file Io'ith General Counsel, State of Florida Department of Transportation, Tallahassee, Florida, Yes( ) No( ) \ R~adway Construction is proposed underway. Yes( ) Job Number No ( ) Recommended for approval Title Date Approved by: District Permit Engineer or Authorized Repraaantative f'AG!: Z OF _ ':~tJ --- ~--- .... +NORTH BOVNOR,/<J --- - - - - - ..... : ' IYl '" I . " - .. 'rj;, [.J, - , SITE I ! (- - -L_~_ _ ___ ----, , , --+- j -+-- ) ~OU-rH 8CJUNPRY i J i i I ,: / /-/ ,:/ / ..('----/ ~ , ) ",,- "\ ',~ " f ^ ~ ? ~ ~q ~hl lU-'\! , ~ ~C) () t ~il; '-'~ SlU ~I :() :- l\J1~ -- ~Q i1Jiu ':-4, <<, f} q , \l \)t <:' ~~ ;; "J f~ 1-: ~! 4j / ~ -----.--/ , / / / I , /~ \) If) \ - -~ --------... / --/',~ " '.. /\ ,ll( , ~ \ \ ~' ! , --'I- ~ \ ,~ - , ,: <<) , , ' : " , ' , , [' ';:~--t-/---- ----1 \ ~ ~ - \{' ~ ! \ "--; ,,_~\S '~ ~! / - ~ ' - ___~~--+ '_ Il)~:' I~: ; i~';o 8 i I ~ " ! +- ,~~ ~--------- I \f) ~ , : t ~ i::;:' RAMADA INN BOYNTON - ----I~--_ ; BEACH / -- 'T 1~35 SOUTH fEDf:RAL HI&HWA,/ I I ! \ , \ :0) Ji, j ~ ! i \, , : '>J '~: ;r ~, '" \: i0 f(/ t; "/ ~, , 0; ..~ It '~ i I .', ~ " 6 ~ ~ J'l .: "--! -./ , I , / ,// / / ~ '/ ,lV :/ i? Ii / f)l- ----_ , " n /.'/ - -~ ------\_ , 1./ . J j, i If ' Il, ~'/ ' .11 if /: ~ t IIi\ I \\ ! '0' ~I t Q ~ ~ & ~ ~ o ~ !~ , ------L-./' -----.c , , ~ ----:~ , , , , 10' 7~" 'ni~ ~;Q -.., ''t /"- .4 - --f , ------.,.,-- i ! : , , I liJ It' " (j () " -~ ~ I l- I \)) ,< ~ & , , , -.. < ~ ;:l ~, ~' iJ f : -- ~- ,-- ----\r- .... Q, ~! 'f ~ N i I ROADWAY PLAN SCALE 1"=30' l'1sJ'1,Pf\.A.NPlJ.I.'1 To: Med Kopczynski Acting Building Offielal , . u4/u'//U9 From: Roger Kuver Engineering InspectcJr Subject: Ramada Inn - Final Inspec.tiorl 19~5 South Federal Highway The Engineering Departnlerlt has COfldLlc'led a i:irlal ins~)ection at the above refer"anced pl~ojectR OUI~ 'filldings are as folloW5~ 1~ Stop signs and handicap sigrls aV"e fl(Jt grouted specified on ttlS origina:l approved plansR in pli:~cf..? as 2. Cc)ncl,..€~t:[? 6' >: 611 \;'JhE~Cll !~~t,ClP!::; ;:'\I"'~:.:! r"jut yr:.::.\t :i,I'..I....placE\" Wl"lef?l stoP!; c:~t E\i1Ch !:~talJ. i:ll'-E':' !:::'Pl.::\ci f.i.E~!d on pli.;n c:lC)cumt::::'nt:,:-::~. ''::'. Par'kin~~ lut: liqht:.inC] ~::;yst,E.~m :i.~::; :i,n(:Cimpll.:-;:,t(:.: ;::I)""'lcI not "f'unctiDnaJ... 4. Draiflage !6ysterll is c:losed ot.f at al:l in],et 5strlJctLlr'es and Sfl inspectiorl (lamping) of the Systein t13S no't ye't been cor'ldlJctedn 5. Eight solitair'e palms al~e t(J be planted withir\ the mediarl strip of Federal t~igtlway (Wittl a 0.0.1". per-Rlit, irl lieu of 'the eight sabal palms to be plantelj or1--5ite if1 aecor"dance with a promissory letter- obtairlsd tJY ttlS sflqirleer"ing departmerlt i:rom the developer, when he cleared Br, eql,lal rlulnber of sabal palms from the site wit~lout benefit of per/nits fr'om the Ci'ty Forester. 6. Grassy swaled r'sterltion/drairlage areas at inle't structures, are not yet COllstructeej in aCCCJrdarlce wittl plarl5 docLlments. Developer should take pr"eCautiof15 to verify c:ompliarlce prior' to placing sod and landscaping at tllPse ar"eas. Please inclLJde (developers 'fl.lll completilJr, of) OUI~ PUflct,list as a condition of ttle temporary certificate of (JCCLJpancy~ Respectfully submitted~ .'----~~~_"""""mm_ F:ogel'"j1<U\lf:-:,lrH cc: Kevin Hallat'2n~ City f"or-ester" Don Jaeger~ Site Development Adfnillis;tr"ator CONNOR GROUP FLORIDA, INC. BROKERS AND DEVELOPERS 2419 EAST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD . SUITE304. FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33308 TELEPHONE 305/772-0980 FAX 772-7571 March 17, 1989 Mr. Don Jeager City of Boynton Beach Building Department 200 N. Sea Crest Blvd. Boynton Beach, FL 33425 Re: Ramada Inn Boynton Beach, Inc. 1935 S. Federal Highway Dear Mr. Jeager: Please be advised that the owners of the Ramada Inn Boynton Beach, Inc. have decided to build the shuffle board courts and the tennis court shelter at a later date. JAM:rn TO: CONNOR GROUP FLORIDA, INC. FROM: C.D.S. ASSOCIATES DATE: MARCH 9, 1989 SUBJECT: RAMADA INN BOYNTON BEACH, INC. ----------------------------------------------------------------------- We the owners of the Ramada Inn Boynton Beach, Inc. have decided to build the shuffle board courts and tennis court shelter in the future. TO: JAMES A. MELVILLE FROM: CONNOR GROUP FLORIDA, INC. DATE: MARCH 9, 1989 SUBJECT: RAMADA INN BOYNTON BEACH, INC. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The owners of the Ramada Inn Boynton Beach, Inc. (C.D.S. Associates) have decided to build the shuffle board courts and the tennis court shelter at a later date. ""DC!""'" - Cc,u \d- ~~ ~c.o, f~ --t::L.:... do C,>>-'. -..... 'i L-A.~ ~ ~f-R.ac;{ ~ (e)~k*--~ ~ I....... , .l. ~ -\0 C~. 1=. .:..~ ~v'\ CONNOR 8~~~~: D~~~o?E~IDA, INC.~~ 2929 EAST COMMERCIAL BOULEVARD. SUITE 205. FORT LAUDERDALE. FLORIDA 33308 ,,1 TmPHQN< 3o'pL~~o TELEX 514395 MRI FTL CABLE MAN RES Ma y 9, 1988 City of Boynton Beach 120 E, Boynton Beach Blvd ATTN: Mr. Vince Finizio Boynton Beach, Fl 33425 RE: ~~ Boynton Beach Inn 1925 S. Federal Hwy, Dear Mr. Finizio: Connor Group Florida Inc., hereby agrees to add to its landscape for the above referenced, 8 sabal palms with a 10 to 12 foot clear trunk in exchange for the trees already removed. JAM/emv h , 7/ ?f 7-c?b ~ '. JAMES MELVILLE VICE PRE5IO(NT TO: PERMIT APPLICl,!IT \ FROM: BUILDING DEPART:'lENT SLlBJECT: SUBMITTAL OF PL_~S GRon FLORIOA._ JNC CONNOR 5UlTE 20'5 M[RCI......L BLVD 2929 {; CO.MO"LE:: .L 33308 n L,A,UO[ . TE.LEPHONE 305/772-0980 PROJECT NAME: EEST LJSSTEJ2--N Prior to submitting plans and specifications to the Building Department, it will be necessary that the staff's comments made during the preliminary review and approved oy the City Council of Boynton Beach be properly addressed and rectified. Each department must be visited and the provisios corrected to the satisfaction of the department. In order for the Building Department to accept permits, this sign-off sheet must be presented off, without any provisios. This is necessary confusion and speed-up the permitting process. APPROVED TECHNICAL COMMITTEE FOR SITE PLAN REVIEW applicatio properl ~J/ to eli te:ITY OF '/p;\ BOYNTON REACH ...__\ BUflDJNG (,cc, ',' .... \ .. . ."" IG, JAN221988 ,-I ~ r~~,...\.c::.~ 1;0" ":""(UlBuilding Department . Police Department w , I 'Y!ct) , i-t#/y/lgf /1.,.!'lo,(n /2./2-/ In , , 'J -.29--/7 . I/JS/gg' I I . I)\U- F . t ,~'''''NJ;.VLi' ~re Departmen -,-,~\c-JA~LEngineering Department Utility Department ~. Public Works Department ),~ ~\ Planning Department Recreation Department CO"uudl',i ty Rcdcvclopll1el'.,t ^gCI,C;y Forester/Horticulturist ---~ 7-25-157 Note: Because the Building Department will accept plans providing all changes, it should be the last department to review them. ed___ .., January 19, 1988 : ,;,;tril:i' / ~\ !)'~ I .pA v~ c{j~ V,e ' ..... \ / ',' .) J / ! . . , ( j \' , 1 . i'--_.L ,(/,. r . - -'" \ ,J' i' CERTIFIED MAIL NO. P 533 029 640 Resource Control Department Application No.: 11197-B S33/T45S/R43E \ \~\JJ CPt/ (9'" 1"'\ ,.- CITY OF ;~J ......... '), BOYNl i :i J :_^CH /' /' ~1 _\ 'Si--! BUILDiC<G I, I I;"L ~\ -:j JI\N 251988-1 ~~' BOYN1Of: ReAe,: ,'.II' \ FLliRiLJ.;, / ~/--17:-- <,~~' ~\y C.D.S. Associates 29292 E Commerical Blvd., Fort Lauderdale, Florida Suite 205 33308 Dear Sir or Madam: Subject: Notice of Intent to Construct General Permit No: 50-01636-S Permittee: C.D.S. Associates Project Best Western Hotel Location: Palm Beach County, Works This letter is to notify you of the District's agency action concerning your Notice of Intent to Construct Works. This action is taken pursuant to Rule 40E.l.606 and Chapter 40E-40, Florida Administrative Code. Based on the information provided, District rules have been adhered to and a General Permit is in effect for this project subject to: 1. Not receiving a filed request for a Chapter administrative hearing, 2. the attached 12 Standard Limiting Conditions, and 3. 7 Special Conditions of the attached staff report. 120, Florida Statutes, Should you object to these Conditions, please refer to the attached "Notice of Rights" which addresses the procedures to be followed if you desire a public hearing or other review to the proposed agency action. Please contact this office if you have any questions concerning this matter. If we do not hear from you in accordance with the "Notice of Rights," we will assume that you concur with the District's action. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I HEREBY CERTIFY that a "Notice of Rights" has been mailed to the addressee (and the persons listed in the attached distribution list) not later that 5:00 P.M., this 19th day of January, 1988, in accordance with Section 120.60(3), F.S. Sincerely, ~~/L.. . ~ James T. Show, p.~rector . Water Management Division JTS/ks Enclosures N2ncy H Ro"r' Chalrm8n - PI'mtatlon "'i l,"e \l11~e Cf'2'rrn,l!1 Fil'~ L"j',1 N<llhi1nl"l P RN!d Hr,hL,Sound US2!H M Corbin ;, fl Mvers Ar,;f:!rllr}f,1,11:11- MI8rDI "'IlL: ~';I I James r Garn"r F-1. Myrrs r.~!",,:, Stout \",""~t'rm,:,n-' QG~Ci';. -"S("-' Key S:c",-,,o [j'-="!t.("i'v!>' .. ~... GENERAL PERMIT DUE BY: February 26, 1988 SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT EVALUATION APPLICATION NUMBER: lII97-B DATE: December 30, 1987 PROJECT NAME: BEST WESTERN HOTEL LOCATION: PALM BEACH COUNTY SECTION 33, TOWNSHIP 45 SOUTH, RANGE 43 EAST PROJECT AREA: 4.5 ACRES FACILITIES: DRAINAGE AREA: 4.5 ACRES 1. EXISTING: A 75-room motel and associated parking facilities with site grades sloping from west to east toward Federal Highway. There are no existing drainage facilities. 2. PROPOSED: A l50-room hotel and associated parking facilities served by a system of dry retention areas and exfiltration trenches. Sheetflow to Federal Highway will result during the design storm event. DRAINAGE BASIN C-I5 RECEIVING BODY Federal Hiahwav drainaae svstem RUN OFF FORMULA PRE vs. POST CFS ALLOWABLE DISCHARGE N/A REQUIRED DETENTION DETENTION METHOD DETENTION PROVIDED 0.6 AC-FT drv retention 0.9 AC-FT FLOOD PROTECTION LOCAL ROAD CRITERIA FLOOD CONTOUR MINIMUM ROAD GRADE PARKING LOT CRITERIA FLOOD CONTOUR MINIMUM PARKING LOT GRADE BASIN DESIGN FREQUENCY FLOOD CONTOUR DESIGN DISCHARGE 100 YEAR FLOOD FLOOD CONTOUR MINIMUM FLOOR ELEVATION FIA FLOOD ELEVATION 3 * YEAR, -Z!- HOUR STORM FEET NGVD FEET NGVD YEAR, -Z!- HOUR STORM FEET NGVD FEET NGVD YEAR, -11- HOUR STORM FEET NGVD CFS ~~~ CITY OF '1// BOYNTPN : (/I,... ,~ ~ BUllDIr ".' fi ,- -...; , "-'l '" :j JA ..\0 V~l N 2 5 1988 -: ~ 8r ~ ,..; .21'! \{"> . ' '/ --"'/ '/ ',..:./". -- ..- ~~,y,y N/A 3 * 8.4 25 * * 13.2 13.6 Zone FEET NGVD FEET NGVD B -----7 *The site has been designed with individual retention areas providing storage fDr runoff from segments of the parking areas as indicated on Exhibit . Minor flooding may be experienced in some parking areas during the 3 year - 1 day storm event. Calculations were submitted by the engineer demonstrating that less runoff during the design storm event will result from the proposed project than is produced from the existing site. .. - lJ bs 06Z'BB ~ lJ bs 06Z'BB Le~~lsnpUI/Le~J~awwoJ Sl ~ un If/N ~sHun If/N 6uH LaMO sa~Je O'E ~sa~Je O'E snO~^~adWI sa~Je 9"0 ~sa~Je 9'0 luawa6euew ~aleM sa~Je S'v ~sa~Je S'V LelO1 uO~lJn~lsuoJ ase4d pa~o~d V3HV ONVl 31BVJIlddlf 'al~s a4l JO SUO~l~od awos u~ lUa^a W~OlS Aep 1 - ~eaA E a4l 6u~~np paJua~~adxa aq ^ew 6u~POOLJ lOL 6u~~~ed ~ou~W 'al~s 6u~ls~xa a4l ue4l sa6els pooLJ u6~sap ~aMoL saJnpo~d lJaro~d pasodo~d a4l le4l 6u~leJ~pu~ ~aau~6ua lJaro~d a4l Aq pall~wqns uaaq a^e4 sUO~leLnJLeJ 'lJaro~d s~4l ol aLqeL~e^e lOU a~e a6~e4Js~p a^~l~sod ~oJ sa~l~L~Je~ :SlN3HWOJ llfNOllIOOIf 4JeaB UOlU^OS JO ^l~J :lN3W1lf3H1 H31lfM31SlfM O~W lOO.O O~W E9.6 O~W 99.01 ONlfW30 031J3rOHd llfMlfHOH1IM 1N3S3Hd NOI1lfJOlllf 0311IWH3d 4Jeas UOluAoS )0 Al~J : H31V" 31SlflOd 'v'/no If/no L e p~aWWOJ S3A :31SI1lfdWOJ 3Sn mSOdOHd If/N A1ISN30 03S0dOHd' If/N A1ISN30 03MOll'v" Le~J~aWWOJ ~NINOZ 1N3S3Hd 3sn ONlfl auou :SlN3WWOJ 'S ON :031J3dX3 SlJlfdWI 3SH3^OIf 1NlfJI~IN~IS .If lVlN3WNOHUN3 'al~s lJaro~d a4l ~a^o ssausno~^~adw~ JO a6elUaJ~ad a4l saw~l sa4Ju~ S'Z )0 ssaJxa u~ pap~^o~d uO~luala~ ^~O :03ZI1I1n S3JI1JlfHd 1N3W3~lfNlfW lS3S .S ON :031J3dX3 SlJ'v'dWI 3SH3^O'v' . 'v' AlIllfnb H31lfM Location: West of Federal Highway, between SE 18th Ave. and SE 20th Ave. City: Boynton Beach Special District: N/A SFWMD Basin: C-I5 County: Palm Beach Operation Entity: C.D.S. Associates The Staff recommends that the following be issued: ~General Permit _____Construction and Operation Permit _____Construction Permit _____Operation Permit _____Letter of Conceptual Approval _____Right-of-Way Occupancy Permit APPLICATION REVIEWER: SUPERVISOR/CHECKER: TECHNICAL: A. Waterhouse C. deRoias D. Watt W. Helfferich DIVISION DIRECTOR: r ~~f1 James T. Show, P.E. Water Management Division Resource Control Department DATE: II/vllt Subject to the following 12 Standard Limiting and -1- Special conceptual approvals only, these conditions as a minimum will construction permitting). Conditions (for apply to subse uent ~ ..f, C/TY OF v ?l BOYNYO"I 'Tf\CH " .............. BUIW:' -. --i ~ J/dl:] 5 1988'~ \- , I" ./ . . / ~9/ r ,~ ~ - \0 'NOI1"'011dd... 11V'l~3d 3Sn ~31"'M 3H1 ~O NOIl...~30ISNOO ~O~ 03~ln03~ 3B A"'V'l SH1NOV'l 1"'~3^3S l't'H1 03N011n...0 SI33lllV'l~3d 3H103~ln03~ 3B A "'V'l11V'l~3d 3Sn ~31"'M '...nOI^IONI N'" 'lN301^3 3~'" SlO"'dV'l13S~3^0'" 31IS.~~0 ~O '03S0dO~d 51 3D~"HOSI0 31IS-~~0 ~I dV'lnd HO...3 ~O~ NOIl"'~3dO ~O S~nOH ON'" SN011...001 'S3ZIS dV'lnd 'V'lnV'lINIV'l ... S... 30mONI 1WHS NOIl't'V'l~O~NI -W^O~dd" ~O~ 101~lS10 3HJ. OJ. 03lllV'lBnS 3B 11...HS SN...1d 'D~I~3J."',',\30 OJ. ~Ol~d '~. 'NOI10n~J.SNOO DNI~nO ~nooo J.ON 00 SlO...dV'l1 03J....,3~ 30~nOS3~ ~3J."'M 3J.IS-~~0 3S~3^0"'1"'H13~nSNI 0133lllV'l~3d 3HJ. ~O AJ.I1IBISNOdS3~ 3H1 OS1... 51 J.I'AJ.I^IJ.O'" J.1V'l~3d 03131dV'l00 3HJ. AB 03Sn...0 3B J.ON 111M SJ.O"'dV'l1 031"'13~ 30~nOS3~ ~3J."'M 3J.IS-~~0 3S~3^0'" J....H1 S3l't'~J.SNOV'l30 A 1B"'NOS"'3~ HOIHM NOIJ....V'l~O~NI 03J.11V'lBnS S.J.N...Ol1dd... 3HJ. NO 03S...B 03rtSSI 51 J.1V'l~3d SIH1 'LL 'J.IV'l~3d 3HJ. AB 03ZI~OH1n... AJ.1110"'~ AN'" ~O 3sn ~O 30N...N31NI...V'l 'NOI1"'~3dO 'NOI10n~lSNOO 3HJ. ~O NOS't'3~ AB 3SI~'" A"'V'l HOIHM S31J.I1IB...11 ~O 'SV'lI"'10 'S3D"V'l"'0 11" ON'" AN'" V'l0~~ SS31V'l~"'H J.OI~J.SIO 3H1 3^"'S :IN''' 010H 11...HS 33J.J.1V'l~3d 3H101 'O"'~ '0-300 tl3J.d'tHO ON";' 11V'l~3d 3Hl NI C31~I03dS 3S0HJ. N\lI-IJ. tl3H10 S3D311^ltld ~O SJ.HDltl AN\I ~ON 1HDltl AJ.tl3dOtld AN\I 33lllV'l~3d 3HJ. OJ. A3^NOO J.ON S300 J.1V'ltl3d 3Hi6 'NOllon~lSNOO 30N3V'lV'l00 01 NOI1...2ItlOHin... N\I 3nSSI 111M iOltl1SI0 3HJ. 'NOIlIONOO SIHi ~O NOliO"'~Sli"'S 3HJ. ~O 30N301^3 N311ltlM ~O J.dI303~ NOdn 'NI3tl3H 03ZltlOHJ.n... S3IiI110"'~ J.N3V'l3D\lN"V'l tl3i...M 11'" tl3^0 10tlJ.NOO S\lH JJ l...HJ. OS dlHStl3NMO 1N3101~~nS HilM 0301^Otld 3B iSnV'l AillN3 3H1'V'l31SAS 3HJ. NI'" lNI...V'l ON'" 3l...tl3dO Ol 033tlD... S...H ON'" 03HSI1B" lS3 N33B S\lH J.01tl1S10 3HJ. Oi 31B\I ld300\l AJ.IJ.N3 31BISNOdS3tl... 11J.Nn 30N3V'lV'l00 1WHS NI3tl3H 03ZI~OH1n" NOliOn~lSNOO ON '9 J.OltllSIO 3HJ. OJ. AtlOiO\l~SIl\lS S31n03HOS DNIJ....tl3dO OiJ.03rBnS 3B A\lV'l S3D\lJ.SS3D...1S tl31\lM V'l\l3tliSdn DNli\l1nD3~ ~O~ 31B\lilnS V'lSIN\lH03V'l \I DNI^...H S3tlnJ.On~lS HDnO~HJ. 3B 11\1HS i03rO~d 3Hi V'lOtl~ 03D~\lHOSI0 tl3i \lMS\l3~\I NOIlN3J.30 ON\I 3tlnJ.OntlJ.s 3Dtl\lHOSIO 03J.l1V'l~3d 3HJ. ~O NOIJ.31dV'l00 11lNn 3J.IS-NO 30N3V'lV'l0011\1I-1S NOI10n~J.SNOO DNI011nB tlO A...MO"'Otl ON J.1V'l~3d SIHJ. AS 03ZI~OH1n\l S31l1110\l~ 3Hi HDnOtlHJ. A1NO 30...V'l 3B 1WHS J.N3V'ld013^30 ON\I NOliOn~J.SNOO DNI~nO S3Dtl\lHOSI0 3J.IS-~~0 'L iN3V'lNtl3^OD WOOl 31B\l0I1dd\l 3H1'Ol 31B...id300... SNOIJ....^313 3^OB\I tlO 1'" J.3S 3B 1WI-IS S~001~ DNI01lnB'W '9 "'1~3J.ltlO OOO'~ iN3V'lNtl3^OD ''''00' 3'B...0I1dd\l 3H1 AB 03~ln03tl SNOli\l^3'3 3^OB\I tlO i\l J.3S 3S 1WHSSO\lOtl "\1 '5 iOI~J.SIO 3Hi AB 03^0~dd'" AJ.IJ.N3 31SISNOdS3tl3Hi Oi11V'l~3d 3H.l:lO ~3:1SN"\:;I.L.lS3n03Hl''VHS 33l...lIV'>H::l3d 31-U '~3.lSAS .lN3VoC3DVNVVIII::!3.l'dM 3:>V:H::lnS 03.l31dVIIO:) 3HJ. ~O ""^O~dd" NOdn "\I^Otldd\l ON" NOIJ.03dSNI ~O~ AO\l3~ 3~\I S3IiI110\l~ 3HJ. i...Hi J.OI~iSIO 3H.L A:lI.lON ONV NOIl."t:>I:H.il::t3:l3H.L .l1V"lSnS 1'VHS 33l..1lVf~3d 3H.l 'VIl13l.SAS .LN3V'11=DVNVVII H3.l'VM 3:>'tf:::ll:lnS 3Hi ~O NOliOn~iSNOO ~O NOIJ.3'dV'lOO tl3i~\I SA\lO DC NIHilM 'J.:>ltlJ.SIO 3Hi A8 03^Otldd\l NDIS30 3Hi HilM 30N\lOtlO:>0\l NI 03J,OndiSNOO N33B 3^\lH S31l1110\l, 1W J.\lHi S31~Ii~3:J d33NIDN3 '\lNOISS3,0~d 03\::l3.LSID3l::1 '0'01\:;101:1 V 11.l.Nn 3^1l.:J3:l::l3 3V\10::>38 .lON 'TvHS .1IV"H~3d SiH.l:lO 3S'(Hd NOll VH3dO ?H.L .'" J.IV'ld3d SIHi AB 03ZI~OHin... S~dOM ~O NOIl\l~3i 1\1 ~O NOIJ.OntlJ.SNOO AN\I ~O i~\liS 3Hi Oi dOI~d SNOli\lZI~Ol-lin\l i:JltlJ.SIO WI03dS ON\f 1'1:>01 '3.l'V.LS 'l\ft:l303::1 AH\fSS3:>3N lTtf NIV.LSO ,,\fHS 33.11.IVIII:Hd 3Hl NOl.1I0aV Nt 'Sl.N3V\13l:::IIn03H 1\1:J01 d3HiO ON\I SNOli\l,nD3tl NOISI^IOBnS '...:J01 31B\I:Jl1dd\l "\1 HilM A1dV'l0:J 1WHS 33lllV'ltl3d 3HJ. 'C '3i\liS 3Hi ~O S~3i\lM 30\l,dns OiNI ~O Ai~3dOdd 3H1 V'lOtl~ S3Dtl\lH:JSI0 A 1HiNOV'l WJ.OJ. ON\I DNI1dV'l\lS ~O SA\lO 3Hi DNI~nc 03Dtl\lHOSI0 3V'lmo^ WJ.Oi DNlomONI '03Dd\lHOSIO ~3i\lM ~O S3V'1mO^ NO '03~ln03~ S\I \lJ.\l0 30l^Otld 1WHS 33J.J.IV'I~3d 3Hi '03tlln03d SI \li\lO AJ.I1...no tl3i\lM ~I (-H ~3id\lHO NI 03iSI13S0H130mONI A"'V'l 03~OiINOV'l3B Oi S~3i3V'1\1~\ld 03~ln03tl S\I i:JldJ.SIO 3Hi Oi 03J.J.IV'lBns 38 1WHS 3i\liS 3Hi ~O Sd3i...M 30\l~tlnS OiNI tlO Aitl3dO~d S,33lllV'ltl3d 3H1 V'lOtl~ C3D~\lH:JSIO tl3i...M 3Hi tlO, \li\lO Ailwno tl3i\lM '~ 'Stl3J.\lM DNI^I3:J3tl3Hi NI NOIl\liN3V'1I03S ON\I DNIO\101 iN31tlWN 'AiIOIBtlni 'NOISOd3 3:Jn03~ Oi 'S3tlni:Jn~J.S 031'''iSNI A 1M3N ONnOd\l 03:J\l1d Wld3i\lV'l 11," AN\I,O NOliO\ldV'lOO ,'n~ DNlomONI 'OOld3d NOIJ.:>ndiSNOO 3H1 DNldno S3tlnS\l3V'l A~"'SS303N 3WiliSNI 1'''HS 33lllV'ld3d 3Hi Ailwno tl31\lM ON\I 'S3nW^ WiN3V'1NOtll^N3 Wdni\lN '3,11011M 'HS," NO S~dOM 3Hi ,0 J.O"dV'l1 3S~3^0" AN\I 3ZIV'lINIV'l Oi S\I OS d3NN\lV'I \I NI 03ZldOHW\I ~dOM 3Hi 3in:J3S0tld 1WHS 33J.J.IV'I~3d 3Hi · SNOI!IONOO DNlilWI1 . SPECIAL CONDITIONS 1. MINIMUM BUILDING FLOOR ELEVATION 13.6 FEET NGVD. 2. DRAINAGE FACILITIES: DESCRIPTION: 0.6 ACRES OF DRY RETENTION AREAS AND 370 FEET OF 4'X 4' EXFILTRATION TRENCH RECEIVING WATER: FEDERAL HIGHWAY DRAINAGE SYSTEM CONTROL ELEVATION: 5,5 FEET NGVD 3. THE PERMITTEE SHALL BE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE CORRECTION OF ANY WATER QUALITY, EROSION, OR SHOALING PROBLEMS THAT RESULT FROM THE CONSTRUCTION OR OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM. 4. MEASURES SHALL BE TAKEN DURING CONSTRUCTION TO INSURE THAT SEDIMENTATION AND/OR TURBIDITY PROBLEMS ARE NOT CREATED IN THE RECEIVING WATER. 5. THE DISTRICT RESERVES THE RIGHT TO REQUIRE THAT WATER QUALITY TREATMENT METHODS BE INCORPORATED INTO THE DRAINAGE SYSTEM IF SUCH MEASURES ARE SHOWN TO BE NECESSARY. 6. OPERATION OF THE SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT SYSTEM SHALL BE THE RESPONSIBILITY OF C.D,S. ASSOCIATES.. 7. PRIOR TO THE INITIATION OF ANY WITHDRAWAL OF WATER (IRRIGATION, DEWATERING, PUBLIC WATER SUPPLY, ETC.), IT WILL BE NECESSARY TO APPLY FOR A WATER USE PERMIT. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT A MINIMUM OF 90 DAYS IS REQUIRED FOR CONSIDERATION OF THE WATER USE PERMIT APPLICATION. THE PERMITTEE IS CAUTIONED THAT THE ISSUANCE OF A SURFACE WATER MANAGEMENT PERMIT SHALL NOT BE CONSTRUED TO BE A GUARANTEE THAT WATER WILL BE AVAILABLE. [9 0 ~r;-HI 'Plj 0>;; CITY OF "/~~ '!;'':j B~OYNTON BEACH '" BUILDING OFFICIAL -::: "01 J AN 2 5 1988 <' , I-I BOYNTON BEACH lli, ~ FLORIDA /,' .' \4~'/ -~ I ..1.1911-1)(3 . " c7/?'ff ftO/~t:/iJc?7 3M' ~ ~ lE 3M' ~OE '" S9H ssH Pll leJoJ 9 a^'f/ Ue3 S ptj taat:t " 3J!ew..uS t el dOJ4au!M Z ANI1l8 ctJJ(' , uo ~.3^'V ~ ~I 1 I J ! ' : I i ':r I "~ -' I' . lh. :-- , - 'I tt 'll ~.' tl'l - 4:ff' '.' i ~ ':":r'IIFhltt.i rl-rli:' '. is. a 1.'11;111111011 III III '.' ~ ~ L~' I ~lll ~ II. ,'\' <.i . cr; fl!. e ~ y. 'i"'('t~....~~.," : lid I @ Idli~ ~t. !I!:~ ! ~, ~~K')':! il,',,~,' ',I i!~ Hr.!!!'!1 ;I'~ i1f!'I!!!!l;'lul! I~ !!II I.; .!.- I I lID II' r.' II Pi I Ie ~ . :.,' : Ii!ii I! I ~!i !!!'lllill;li fiej'k! ,II ill I ::. ~ I Iqill i III! I' l!III'I,llli U~'I~~'llirml!tP. ~ t,~ ~! I ~'I:I~I :,1" ~'IIII 1!lII' II- ~ ---- ~, mr drlll"lllllli~ ~!;I SlId ii' <il l~',l / ~i!. ~hJ II:, . !iil' ii - lit i' ., 4 II :~ I' \"" I .; . !"ir-~- . v~ I 1 ':-.:~V . I., 'i....... ' , . D"'.' ---" ~' .. , ' ~, , '.. .~ :-1 -- ~, .L~~.~~ ~_fI,f" I Jj (.I a '.' :t=::. ;.. ~~~ '. - . - T UBIHX] 4Ji!aB WLi!d lsaK X aassi!4i! L L i!1 a pnl 0 lS l"lOd OPUi!L.lO s.la^w 'l:l :NOI1\fln~ml 1\f1N]WNO~I^N] :10 'ldJO NOIlnBIH1SIO l\fN~]lX] L~JunOj 6u~li!U~P.lOOj .Ia^~H aaww~ss~~ U~Si!B ssa.ld^j 6~B 'sazp~^ pa.l:l H]H10 .uaWl.li!daO saJ.lnosa~ .Iali!K- 6u~UUi!Ld lUi!Ld 'P.lB L004JS- P.li!OB 6u~UUi!Ld i!a.l\f- lUaWl.li!daO 6u~PL~nB- 6u~uoZ PUi! 6u~UUi!Ld- 'S'dO]- LO.llUOj ol~nbsow- 6u~UUi!Ld a6ui!~ 6uOl- W~]O- lUa6\f Li!.InlLnJ~.I6\f- UO~S~^~O lw6W .Iali!K '.I~O- 'I LOd 'I.lOA 'o'r '.IW lnolS a'l~W '.IW u~alS Zl~.I:1 '.IW X uao~ 'H ^JUi!N 'sw paa~ 'd La~ui!4li!N '.IW Ui!~L~W o~uas.l\f '.IW uos~r '\f ue.lCO '.IW .Iau.li!9 ':1 SaWi!r '.IW u~q.lOj 'w .Ii!JSO '.IW SH]BH]H OH\fOB 9NINH]^09 4naB WLi!d U~l.li!W aal api!O .Ia~LLoj P.li!IoIO.lB AlNnOJ aU:I HW.lad X Lasunoj jO aJ~jjO X aaww~ss~~ uo~padsuI X s.la^w 'l:l uni!A 'J X i!'ISi!.IPOK 'r .Ia'lLi!K 'd LLasun '0 X Lawwns 'K PLa~j^LS '0 X UOl^i!LS 'w IoI04S or X SSOL4JS 'H SPi!04~ 0 d X i!.Iapi!d OJ X uosual.low 'W X ueo.low Of' .IeLUW Od ^i!.IjJW 'j X qWi!l os X snHne~ O^ X UOSU40r OW X IoIa.lO 'j uOS'lJ~O .~ Si! fO~ ap . j X 0~4JJa^i!Loj 'S X 4naB WLi!d lsaK i!lSanba1 4Ji!aB WLi!d Li!^OH 4Jea8 UO.U^08 UOli!H i!JOB 9NINOZ ON\f 9NIOlIn8 :lJ~.IlS~O a6eu~i!.I0 Li!JOl X 4naB UOlU^08 :jO ^l~j '.Iaau~6u] X 4nas WLi!d :jO ^lUnOj '.Iaau~6u] X OJUI 'sale~JOSS\f i SPL~4j s~uuao :lUi!lLnsuoj S,lUi!J~Ldd\f X sale~JOSS\f 'S'O'j :lUi!JHddlf X O]nNI1NOj NOI1n8IH1SIO l\fNH]lX] S-L6[[[ :~]SWnN NOI1\fjIlddlf asn04.1ali!K '\f :.Ialola~^aH X NOIln8IH1SIO 1\fNH31NI LalOH u.lalsaK lsas :lj3rOHd lSll NOI1n8IH1SIO 1~Od3H :I:I\f1S M E M 0 RAN DUM September 18, 1987 TO: BUD HOWELL, BUILDING OFFICIAL FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: TRANSMITTAL OF RENDERINGS Accompanying this memorandum, you will find colored elevations or photographs and/or color chips for the following projects which were approved by the City commission at the september 15, 1987 meeting: 1. Best Western: Motel Colored photographs of adjacent buildings, elevations, and color chips. 2. Coral Industries: Warehouse Building Colored photographs of adjacent buildings, elevations, and color chips. 3, Quail Run: Single-Family and Multi-Family P.U.D, Colored elevations and color chips. 4, publix Distribution Facility: Warehouse and Distribution Building Colored elevations and color chips. The name of the project and the date of Commission approval have been placed on the elevations and photographs. ,/7 . .--, / -dhn-M<.- ~/ 'u-jf- ctR-rv TAMERI J. HE EN TJH:ro Attachments cc Central File ff~-' ~ \ \t.lJ ",-, '" ......... ' "Y 61 lEY " ~l;~i;~)- . t -- ')/' ,'. (--I ".1) --, \_. 0>0. ,",', . '\ " - . " -- . , -' \' " ~ j,' 11 S ::3F, 1- _~. 1- 'rr 'i 1 /'7, 1/' I ' III!', I..... \-..." L, / 'j \ /} /,.;," This Notice of Rights IS In~d'ced to Inform the reCipient of the administrative and jL;C clal 'f';.18/</ ......,ch~~!-~:: .'1. ~-,,;;:<~9 "TlandJteC by section ';206013 Florida Statutes Be advised that although tr s notice IS Irtendec tJ 8e =2mp'N~tl~}llf\ ~~~ procedures set furth ~lerelr have been the subject of judicial construction and Interpretation WhIC" rna. alfeet ""8 J~"'7' - judiCial review available ReCipients are therefore advised to become familiar with Chapters 120 ard 3-':: Flar ,::a 5:~- ~:es judlC:JI :nterpretatlon of the provIsions of these chapters South Florida Water Management District GENERAL PERMIT NOTICE OF RIGHTS \~ . 10) (9," IT[' () ,~ "- .........../ 8, "1; r;--:/ BL' ~ (' I i e :',\. I L .- \Il If a substantially affected person objects to the staffs recommendation, that persor ras the rlgrl:': ,equest 3"' ~=......., r ~- hearing on the pl"Oposed agency action The substantially affected person may request either a fc~r-~al or 3", ,rf:"~2 -. as set forth below Failure to comply with the prescribed time periods shall constitute a waiver of the r!g....t to :3; -e3' -; 2 If a substantially affected person believes a genume issue of material fact IS in dispute. that person [""',ay reauest 3' :',,"2. pursuant to section 12057(1), Florida Statutes, by filing a petition not later than. a, IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS PUBLISHED BY THE APPLICANT, within fourteen I'", daiS 3't8' mailing of the proposed agency action or b IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS NOT PUBLISHED, w,thln fourteen days aiter receipt of a::ua, notice. The request for a section 12057(1), FS" formal hearing must comply with the requirements of Rule 40E.- 52- -..-, Administrative Code, a copy of which is attached Petitions are deemed filed upon receIpt by the Oistr .:t Fa - -;:.: substantially comply with the provIsions of Rule40E-1.521, Florida Administrative Code, shall constitute a walve~ of tre. ;r:.: a 1205711) hearing, If a petition for administrative hearing is not timely filed, the staff's proposed agency WI:' auto~o':3 ' mature into final agency action. 3. If a substantIally affected person beiieves that no issues of material fact are in dispute, that person may reqUEst ar ,...:,.....3- hearing pursuant to section 120,57(2), F,S" by filing a petition for hearing not later than: a, IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS PUBLISHED BY THE APPLICANT, Within fourteen (14) days after mailing of the proposed agency action or b IF NOTICE OF THE APPLICATION WAS NOT PUBLISHED, Within fourteen days after receipt of actual notice A request for Informal hearing shall be considered as a waiver of the rightto request a formal section 120.57(1 L F S ,hea- ~g .:. request for a section 120,57(1), F,S" formal heanng not in substantial compliance With the proviSions of rule 40E-1.52- = A C may be conSidered by the District as a request for informal hearing. If a petition for administrative hearing IS not tImely f; -=d .~.::. staffs proposed agency action will automatically mature into final agency action. 4 Pursuant to section 373.114, Florida Statutes, a party tothe proceeding below may seek review of a Final Order renderec on t;---= permit application before the Land and Water.Adjudicatory Commission, as provided therein. Review under this se;:!lor ~ Initiated byfiling a request for review with the Land and Water Adjudicatory Commission and serving a copy on the Departme:-: of EnVIronmental Regulation and any person named in the Order within 20 days after rendering of the District's Orce- However. when the order to be reviewed has statewide or regional significance, as determined by the Land al"lc Water Adjudicatory Commission within 60 days after receipt of a request for review, the commission may accept a request for reVle... from any affected person Within 30 days after the rendering of the order Review under section 373.114, FlOrida StaL..Jtes 5 limIted solely to a determination of consistency with the provisions and purposes of Chapter 373, Florida Statutes. ThiS relJle'N is appellate in nature and limited to the record below 5. A party who is adversely affected by final agency action on the permit application is entitled to judicial review in the Distr::: Court of Appeal pursuant to section 120.68, Florida Statu~s, as provided therein. Review under section 120.68, Florida Statutes in the District Court of Appeal is initiated by filing a petition in the appropriate District Court of Appeal in accordance w::ll Flonda rule of appellate Procedure 9,110, The Notice of Appeal must be filed within 30 days of the final agency action 6, Section 373,617(2), FlOrida Statutes, provides: Any person substantially affected by a final action of any agency with respect to a permit may seek review within 90 days of the rendering of such decision and request monetary damages and other relief in the circuit court in the judicial circuit in which the affected property is located; however, cirCUIt court review shall be confined solely to determining whether final agency action is an unreasonable exercise of the state's police power constituting a taking without Just compensatIOn. Review of final agency action for the purpose of determining whether the action IS In accordance with eXisting statutes or rules and based on component substantial eVIdence shall proceed In accordance with Chapter 120. 7 Please be advised that exhaustion of administrative remedies is generally a prerequisite to appeal to the District Court of Appeal or the seeking of Circuit Court review of final agency action by the District on the permit application. There are, however, exceptions to the exhaustion requirement. The applicant is advised to consult the case law as to the requirements of exhaustion exceptions.