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APPLICATION /ft CITY of BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD, or""! 3 --'/{1- ()-'---;-cO - OVV - 7090 f9~/l13 , ' " PLEASE PRINT U APPLICATION: (J) REVIEW APPROVAL (~) PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS ( ) REQUEST FOR CHANGE ( ) SIGN APPROVAL Date: ------------------------ (Date Paid: ' ) (Receipt Number:-============) PROJECT NAME: li~LU~~~~iQ~I~_Qf_E1Qrj~a~J]r~~~~Q~-aWUliWL1~-~~i~bl~--- PROJECT ADDRESS: l~W_ll~~n~_DSjy~~]gYQt9n_~~a~h~J~--~~~Q------------------------ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: SEE ATTACHED (If too lengthy to fi t o;-;p-PliZ;cio;~-Ceg-;;l-l';ljsT-be-o;-;-s~p;~;c~-;-h~t-;"fp-;'p;~-:-NOT-;-P;~t- of the plans.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF W~RK: _~djjli~-Qf~~~-La~2r~toSj~~~~Q-~1jl~Y_Qftli~-~~~~------ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OWNER: _J2~~3~_~~~~______________________________ Phone Number: ~~_LZ~~32~~____ ARCHITECT: _~~Qy~sji~~~-~~~h-~~2~~021~~~E~~~----- phone Number: ~W_~l~~l]~~----- 1~_QgDEg_IQg_XQ~g_R~~~~_!Q_E~_g~~I~~~~L_~_E~~E~~~~!~!l~~_~~~!_E~_Rg~~~~!_~!_!H~ ~g!I~Q. NAME: _~~~-~~lLi~2~------------------------- Phone Number: (iW_L_Vl~l~~____ ADDRESS: ~~S~~~~~2!~3l~~-~~~~t~~~~~-~~----~~~~--------------------------------- Street City State Zip Code = a a _ _ . . _ _ . . . a _ a a D = C = = c . ~ ~ D . a = a . . . . a - . . . - . . . . . = C I IMPORTANT - Requirement for Review: I. Technical Review Board Approval. 2. Staff Comments, 3. Location Map Designating Site. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to inClude ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This inCludes a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side building e~evations, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable', 5. Application filled out completelY and legibly. 6. Application' fee of $50 (payable to "City of BoyntOn Beach). ALL PLANS DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, MUST BE SIGNED AND SEAL ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SURF ACE COLOR/NAME MATERIAL BEAl1S PORTER PAINT Go 1 den ~Jhite COLUMNS stucco DOORS aluminum & qlass FASCIA stucco PGORTdER PA1NT 91 en Whlte PORTER PAINT Golden White GABLE ENDS stucco GLASS GRILL PANELS N/A INSECT SCREEN N/A RAILINGS N/A ROOF Existinq asphalt shinqle and flat built UP Hickory Shinales SOFFIT N/A N/A SHUTTERS YALLS f{ecess on w'all OTHERS (as required) SIGN stucco ~OP.TER PAINtT ""oTcten Whl e ~3!ue Porter Fair.t Black agate b I U(e 11 '" h-... \ ~R I ' () / - . .. , OWNER: JACK ROUSE 1310 NEPTUNE DRIVE BOYNTON BEACH, FL 33426 LEGAL DESCRIPTION (PARCEL "B-I") (B-1 INDUSTRIAL DISTR) All that part of the North 1023.0 feet of the Northeast Quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 5, Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, lying West of the West right of way line of the Seaboard Coastline Railway, less the North 610.5 feet thereof, and less the South 150.0 feet thereof, and less the East 190.0 feet thereof as measured at right angles to the said West right of way line of the Seaboard Coastline Railway and less the West 299.94 feet thereof. Containing 1.577 Acres, mbre' or less. DESCRIPTION (ACCESS TRACT) Beginning at the intersection of the South line of the South 217.5 feet of the NOrth 610.5 feet of the Northeast Quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 5 with the East line of the South 281.50 feet of the North 873.0 feet of the West 299.94 feet (as measured at right angles) of the said Northeast Quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 5; thence S.-~ -02'-45"-E., along the said East line of the South 281.50 feet of the North 873.0 feet of the West 299.94 feet (as measured at right angles) of the said Northeast Quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the said Southwest Quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 5, a distance of 7.55 feet; thence N.-430 -38'-11"-W., a distance of 71.64 feet to an intersection with a curve concave to the Northwest, said curve being the Southeasterly right of way line of Neptune Drive and Thor Drive; thence Northeasterly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 100.0 feet, a central angle of 2~-34'-41" and a chord bearing of N.-3~ -34'-28"-E., a distance of 41.15 feet; thence S.-4Y -38'-11"-E., a distance of 106.39 feet to an intersection with the said South line of the South 217.5 feet of the North 610.5 feet (as measured at right angles) of the Northeast Quarter (N.E. 1/4) of the Southwest Quarter (S.W. 1/4) of Section 5; thence S.-8~-51'-45"- W., along said South line, a distance of 47.19 feet to the Point of Beginning. Lying and being in said Section 5 of Township 46 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida. STAFF COMMENTS ROUSE BUILDING SITE PLAN MODIFICATION Building Department See attached memo Engineering Department See attached memo Utilities Department See attached memo Police Department See attached memo Planning Department See attached memo TO: FROM: DATE: RE: 'I .~ \1 0 ;\. ,\ ~: 1) U ~l \ Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Don Jaeger. Site Development - Building Department March 7, 1989 SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - ROUSE BUILDING As a condition of site plan modification, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the appli- J cant: II. Indicate on the site plan the location of the handicap stalls. Two (2) handicap stalls are required. J2. Handicap striping must be four (4) feet wide and painted blue in conformance with City codes. 3 Handicap parking signs, in conformance with State Department ~ of Transportation standards, must be provided at each handi- /; cap parking stall. J All buildings must be accessible to the handicapped. Provide spot elevations on the site plan indicating accessibility. / ,: All plans submitted for public record by a design profes- s ional, regis tered in .the State of Florida, mus t be signed and sealed. LPJ' , Details of the light poles must be provided. Light poles must be designed, in accordance with Chapter 12 of the Stan- dard Building Code, to withstand 120 miles per hour windloads. 1 9 . l r r. VIS. A landscape buffer must be provided along the driveway area to the east of the building. A six (6) foot on three (3) Dumpster enclosure details must be provided. high stuccoed concrete block wall is required sides of the dumpster. Supply details on the proposed colors for the free standing sign. The existing hedge must be in good condition in order to comply with the landscape code. The Australian pine trees must be removed from the site. South Florida Water Management approval is required. f) Lake orth Drainage District approval is required. /7 Reconstruct the existing sidewalk on Thor Drive to match the sidewalk on Neptune Drive. Curbing must be provided around all landscape areas adjacent to parking stalls and along all curvilinear driveways where vehicular encroachment is likely. '.~~ Tnp pxisr~unde~ound fuel t~k must comply with City and State codes. IjVO t.A-. . The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding will insure a timely permitting process. comments \J DO~Jwr- DJ:eaf cc:TRB file ~ TRB MEMORANGUH To: ,Ji:n Golden F:-o:n: Bill ?lushinq ~~. "''=- ?:YJse Bui_ -:.i::; CC:1MENTS: ,",r. e~.1-:::..n-=r=r5 2.e\.~l 0: ,:~1e theI: :::: :1.i-.d~e net? th~ ~lg~:ll:g "':l:e r:3.:-k:-n'1 :::'.C::: .,'lll~ \ 1.; ::.:'.:-.01 =- :;>::~';e2..-, a:-.:i -..l. :..... .o;:c_Ld (~17drly st3.tE- -:l:a t :' 0':; J I -:. . -, ~ '::'-':-::7-=G :l '~r'!h-t- ::l-. ~-:- dr?~ ~lll be 1~6H pC'..;~l- . ~, Tl-;':2 e:-:ls~::..n; t:'Jn-::r::::l ']::,t2 7l7'~3::-:-:-. ,~.... ~dde.j t.C- ~h_ . 1........ ::::1,,;:0. " :'::-:t.:-",:::"..e.:: s....!!..:: 3. -:.2 -:-::rt::..::::r -.::.r-' _......::..-: "- '- - .-, - - '-. ~ , . .~ t anda :.-j .--. e-: ~,l_L ::nl~t ~9 3::,Q~C: , 4. ~~e ?3rki~g ~umrer5 _ h:::ul'i : .:.C:;"D. - -- - - ..- " . - ., -...' , .... '.; C.:: :-'_C<..i..i.. ,; pal-}:.:'il:;:J s'.lripe:.: ;jet5.::"~ -~ ~_ -;0 :"'::CT"l':"l-ec:.. - -: ::'.:: :: 1. ,: :.. ~ :.- ::- ,.~'.: ~ 1;: -= ::~:7 r: 1- ~ . + ?aJlp :-e::plir2d . ? :.::';';11 ::-==::".:..:..r,:;:.6 T Et:'-:'Pl:-.;, ::2 ::2 '-.1 ~'C . The site plan Sh~'l:~ E::C~ ~je harldicdp ~arklng lccat:;'OllS. ThO' iTil:-:c:ali';nrnent c.: the " :;.dO"'loL: ~ , .~.~-- 'IO'rt._ln= D:-l..e shoald .t~ ::':rl~2cted. M c~py ~~ =he L.W.D.D. P~=~l~ :3 r~~~r:=?d. n ~~=p ~lJJ1 tst3l1 15 req~:.r~j. ;/;1li4; ~ MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director ~\.A Uti 1 it i e s ~I From: John A. Guidry, Director of Date: March 8, 1989 Subject: TRB Review - Rouse Building - Site Plan We can approve this project. subject to the following conditions: 1. The building addition on the north side will overlap the existing water service and backflow preventer. Indicate the proposed relocation for these facilities. 2. Indicate the minimum distance of the existing water main from the proposed construction. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella , ~ MEMORANDUM '0 Mr. J. Golden DIIlTIt 08 March 1989 FIl.1I "OM Lt. Dale S. Hamnack 5U.JItCT Rouse Building As per our discussion at the Technical Review Board rreeting of 7 March 1989, I am requesting the following: I) Rerrove new exterior wall Il'()unted lights and replace with phot=ell activated pole Il'()unted perimeter lighting. 2) Ccrnply with Construction Security Ordinance. Respectfully submitted, ~~~ DSH/lav M E M 0 RAN DUM ~larch 8, 1989 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO. PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: ROUSE BUILDING STAFF COMMENTS Please be advised of the Planning Department's comments with respect to the above-referenced request for an amended site plan. 1. Any proposed freestanding sign will require future site plan approval. 2. A six foot high CBS wall is needed to enclose the dumpster on three sides. The inside dimension of the enclosure shall be 10 feet by 10 feet. Provide a wall detail. 3. No invert elevations have been provided for the existing catch basins in the paved areas or the control gate, This information is needed to determine whether this system meets the comprehensive plan policy regarding pretreatment of storm water prior to discharge into the adjacent L.W.D.D. L-29 canal. 4. This use, a soil testing laboratory, may need environmental review if hazardous waste is used, stored, handled, displayed or generated as defined by 40 Code of Federal Regulations, Part 261. (~ CARMEN S. ~/L ...1.'::& ANNUNZIATO c:t CSA:ck cc: Central File , - I.." ., ~ g , '" "- '-- , ., , ".J'-" 'd(.'.' f;1P\" ::~'r. ~~:~;. . :'(J' f '~~'I . " I j . , n p , ~ [ : II " . : ;. . " u r .t. ;THoR DRIVI WAl1lHOUse RENTAL ; l f j ! = I!. :!j : H ~ , '), ..,- ~ .1". n ,. \ F: ---<.-- ~, '" (' ~ '" ' , Z ., '" ~ f' <n ! ~ ... 1 ~ ,~ !".~ u " i1 . L. I...,}g..",. .roo. m~C.- ......... "lIlll"IIIJr. I)> '. . . . .,. I'j 1'1 "I. t .... 1l.1/,li'j ; ~ .. 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