CAB APPLICATION . . CO;'[}lUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD Boynton Beach, Florida DATE: / /~ 4-f /L.'./ ,,-;"/ c1/ ~ REVIEW APPROVAL PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS REQUEST FOR CHANGE SIGN APPROVAL APPLICATION: ( ) ( ) (vi .y '1 ( ) PROJECT NAME: f-::"-//;<~(A' .G":>~.c?//;,/C':' (/Jh0~ c~ PROJECT ADDRESS: /f!;:73'tJZ?;n 4/." "1 6L,Vcr' 4",". LEGAL DESCRIPTION: 5 e ;{ C{> ({C k ~~' (If too lengthy to fit on application, legal MUST be on a separate sheet of paper - NOT a part of the plans). llKlt:F DESCRIPTION OF HORK: ,~r~{i(;1).Y7 O\.JNER: ,:'. ///:-.4 z,.:;-~ L/ ---;;;:-vS/;- G . /~ / .?' .--L,j#I',";" ARCHITECT: LL// (' !/L>/ c' /1 (i. f . m 06'( tietZ" orl TEL. If .5',;/::;---,y V t/ - .a~ c> ,; ,fv~0-.J' y. ./ TEL, # IN ORDER FOR "OUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A R',PRESI:NTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT THE MEETE,C. NAME: ADDRESS: ""--" }<'~ /;/ ./:/>h? // D'7-:_<C"/./ 7;7 E 5L.?'E ,h",E>,,7C/,V ~?L;/.J'. Street TEL. # :k'_" -,(' ,/v-S'S'crV -;? / r .~- ' pvc')-;' D?///" , /-4'1. 5':;5/0-;/ City / Zip Code IMPORTANT: Requirements for Review: 1, Technical Review Board Approval, 2. Staff comments, 3. Location Map Designating Site. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side building elevations, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. 6. $50 application fee (to City of Boynton Beach). THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR REVIEH BEFORE THE BOARD. ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. SURFACE MATERIAL COLOR (NAME) BEAMS COLill1NS DOORS FASCIA GABLE ENDS GLASS GRILL PANELS INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS ROOF SHUTTERS SOFFIT HALLS OTHERS (as required) t7 Date pd. Rec. # h~ '" II "i h -' : (/f A'a;;e nzL OC=.:7 {!;;? I ,orl t') /11': A na~cel of land in Section 29, Township 45 South, Rar~e 43 EasL, city of Boynton o~ach, ,1oriJa. b~inq mo~e ra~ticul~~ly desc~ib~d as follows: · f~om the Northwest corner of Section 29. Township 45 South, Ran0e 43 East. p~lm Beach county. Florida, ~un N.37043'4S"E.. along the ~o~th line of said Section 29 (for convenience the cente~line of State Road 5-304 acco~Jing to the plat thereof, recorded in ~oad Plat Book 2, ~ayes 217 throuqh 220, Public Reco~Js Palm Beach County. rlo~ida. bears N.S7o 54'06"E. and all bea~inys ~ecited herein are relative th~retO) a ,Iistance of 60 01 feet to a point on a line rarallel to anJ 60.0 feet E3ste~ly and ne3sured at ri0ht angles to the centerline of Conq~ess ^venU2; thence alcng said parallAl line 5.00S8'29"E. a distance of 41.19 feet; t~ence N.e7043'43"E. a distance of 277.85 feet; thence S.2005'54"E. a distance of lS.82 feet to the Northweste~ly co~ner and Point of Beginnine of the described ~arcel of land; thence N.37043'4adp- a distance of 447.33 feet to the No~iheaste~ly ccrne~: thence S.200S'54"E. ; distance of IJJ.i5 feet to 1~1e Southeaste~l~' "~rner being a point all thc Nort!,erly :i'.Jht- of-way li[:e of State ~oaJ 5-304; thence S.37054'06"W. and alony the NO~- therl'1 P./"lline of State Road 5-804, a distance of ,147.33 feet. :"o~e or less,"to tfie Southweste~ly co~ne~; thence N.2005'S4"W. a distance of 157.02 feet to the point of Be'Jinning. conL.inl"g 1.62 acres of L,[,d. mo~e o~ less and being subJect to an~ and all easem~nts 3nJ!0~ ~i~ht-of- ',-:3:' of r~c0rj.