TARGET rrtie City of '13oyn~()n tJ3eat/i ", ,;':.. --if' / ' ' . 100 ~ 21Dg11101I2IIam 210uUwrrf ~.O. 2101(.JI0 210!Jll101I ~ 714,"", JJ42$.OJ10 (401) 1JI.14I4 ,.~: (407) 1J1-1419 PLANNING DEPARTMENT SITE DEVELOPMENT DIVISION COMMENT SHEET . I Name of Reviewer project Title /t!tCl./kL 6. . l/4At 7}~b€;r X-=J,4IL Application No. ~ 9/-;). ;;8r; Type of Review /!IJMJil. ;t(DQ.t'(4!1o.tl Contractor's Name ~r}lI.J'/I'-1/ , The application number listed above is the reference number for your proposed construction. Prior to further processing on your project, the comments listed below must be rectified. To discuss the comments it is recommended that an appointment be set-up with the reviewer. For an appointment, call (407) 738-7484 between 8 A.M. and 5 P.M., Monday thru Friday. After amending the plan(s) to show compliance with the comment(s), return both sets of plans for re-review to the Plans Analyst on duty in the Building Department. Prior to returning the corrected plans to the Plans Analyst, identify the application number on both sets of plans. To expedite the review of the plans, the designer responsible ~or the drawings may make line Changes to the plan(s) at the Building Department (each line Change must be initialed and dated). *************************************************************************** Applicant's Name and Phone No.: Date Called: Comments Received By (Print Name): Signature: Date: Comments Only: Plans and Comments: Date Reviewed: *************************************************************************** //;.), /f/ tJL- J ~ T~& A=-,- .f,' C.:' 7IJfi: Ti 10/0 SM,w 7H~ 6,.,/i1! of 71J~ ,:iN I.;.} IJ'/A~~II( L4/V ,Ope A~ .Po.... ,4,ec ,e6-o/v6!T1,u~ 171 0,.,' r. fJ,e.ol'i>S~O to /:~n.AG~ ;(-,1,' - // .'J/>>,,- ~,kOI': f',~,,~~c C;'>I'J"c..!J!:: ~M6. /J1//Jr ~1.//~1o.J - ..s-66 MI:::4- .s~b-'~ Page I of / , - ~'''\ ~'_.~ <;. I ' , , ; ,,)<,.i,~' i j."~ , . . November 18, 1991 Mr. Mike Haag CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach, FL 33425 RE: TARGET RETAIL CENTER PERMIT # 91-2288 Dear Mr. Haag: We hereby request the following changes in our existing approvul: /'~* In order to accommodate tenant requirements, doors have been eliminated, one of which has another has been changed to a pair of doors. three storefront been relocated and IL_ ,.' 1'\ '~~ \ J-'Y' * Additionally, the northern retail has been eliminated pedestrian path connecting new local retail. most landscape area in order to provide the existing Target in front ':f the less irregular Store wi th the /--:' ,1, ,,~ ,^ We trust that you will find these changes to be acceptable. l:"", Thank you for your prompt attention in this matter. Should you have any questions, please give me a call. Sincerely, NORTH SOUTH CORPORATION License # AA C001901 -atu1iL Rhonda S. Harrell, AlA RECEIVED NOV t 8 1991 SITE DEVEL. 8OYHTCNIEACH,~ ", .,.' FJ.le: minor Mod q/~OtJf{l) AMENDMENT TO SITE PLAN Pi-oject 'hUe (f.k.a.): ---r71r-Jl':-f Address: /90/ !{, (ltJmtreSS A-vpnue. Date Received: /i/J',h/ Date Reviewed: 1~/)/9/ Bnef Description: ~ ~f" f"~ aLtxYL<Y CLrI.L Iv /r()J)1jf, ,M/l'1d/J!'t1~ t1/iQ~ WIy;/ /11;t /U".1 . f j).{'-r-h f1 (iJoJAe~, !?ela /'/ Type of Review: minOr- mcd.. Permlt No,: 11- ').;2lr TRC 1st Review Members TRC: Eng. Fire UtE. Pub.Wks. Police Forester Parks Bldg. Planning Variance Required: Date Received Amended Plans: 2nd Review: Date Reviewed: Date rec,amended plans 2nd review: Date Reviewed: ( //,JJI?/ / / Planning & Zoning Dept. Review Approved Request: Date Administrative approval letter sent: ***************************************************************** BOARD: DATE: Conditions: Date board approval letter sent to applicant: SRLOG. sdd 4/92