CORRESPONDENCE I ..DO^) 72/J/v(~'~ TO ;/ , <, Le'I !i//!&.::, --, FROM \.)~ uj.rt;;:,-,-,,::>/J/L'.vJ- DATE: t. ,J Y Jj SUBJECT: C:;'{u' tS.LI::VA,/"..< ",-r"/1,,. ,,(.,-' A /' t1 '.....~ __f<r-- '- _;'rul"c r L;':~>/./C'l.--=:;~ t1i/'oc FOLD . ,Ij/V ') d,) /V C) IV w ,4v': I,,)!::: (iJ'Jh6i-<tC-/J'I"'" 0;'" Ok: 6~7?:.,~)vL df 17~ ;5t..tJt; t,v/L' (,= S',l/LY',/1J 0/..' -rllf:, ,4;J?lfo/.'i'" Icr:",ur 'fi1,,4. TJI,-~ CDG..::.,s .,4,17.. fl).;; t=l<7C.RN/L 0 f- me: f?(,of ,4/2:= LJErc, , ,f:, t n r1~,., S,c.hI,,,,,V oA.! ~:=. 'p6Km, r //Art-j 1""" c'v,'<,f;;-v' (',4d 1<y?D{<J~ .:JAJn~ 0<'><Y 1'75',-, PLEASE REPLY TO ~;'}C ,j SIGNED ) Ie; ,.<.,L~ REPLY DATE: SIGNED Item It F269 Grayarc, P.o. Box 2944, Hartford, CT 06104-2944 ,". Wheeler Group, Inc. 1982 - 'llI""""'" . CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @,:,;" . . (;. .- .lailing: Post Office Box 310 Boynton Beach FL 33425-0310 (407) 738-7480 100 E Boynton Beach Blvd Boynton Beach FL 33435 BUILDING DEPARTMENT' City Hall Complex West Wing Telephone: Address: November 2, 199( Currie S~hneider Associates Mr. Jose Aquila 25 Seabreeze Avenue Delray Beach, FL 33444 RE: TARGET SHOPPING CENTER: TRB SIGN-OFF File No.: 90-008 ThiE letter is to inform you th~t your project has receiv~d final sign-off on November 1, 1990 of the plans submitted for review by the Technical Re~iew Board. completing the Site Plan Review process enables you to s'ibmit work~ng drawings and construction plans for the site work and building construction to the Building Department for plan review and permitting. To initiate this process present to the plans analyst in th~ B~ilding ~e~artment the following: a) 3pp~0p~istE 3nd =cffipleted permit ap~lisation fo~c bl copy of this letter c) ~ppropr~atE plans and aEs~:iated dcc~ments d) a plan filing *permit fee The plan filing fee is made payable to the city of Boynton Beach in the amount of *** .3% *** of the valuation of the work specified on the permit application. The total permit fee is determined by the Buildin~ Department, and is due when the permit is issued. *~~:t~~~ 5-4 Permit Fees, Clty of B07~to~ Eeach =~d~ sf :~dicacces Fer infJrmation regarding permits related to the site work contact the Site Development Division (407 738-7484) and (407 738-7480) for permits related to th~ construction of the building. 1 If I c~n be of further assistance, please contact me. . Haag Site Devel'Jpment Administrator HEH:ald cc: C~~tral Files r::B File 32: Fil-E ~~ Date Applied: / @ A,E TO COMPLY WITH THE ,iANICS' LIEN LAW CAN .:iUL T IN THE PROPERTY /WNER PAYING TWICE FOR BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS" I CITY OF BOYNTON BEA BUJLDIN~ TME T r...... C'-, ~~ NOT ICE ~~ IN ADDITION TO THE REDUIREMENTS OF THIS PERMIT. TRERE MAT HE ADDITIONAL RESTRICTIONS APPLICABLE TO THIS PROPERTT THAT MAT HE FOUMD IN THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF THIS COUNTT. Permit Type: SITE Prepared by' '.(!l 0....- . . -. ~- Date Issued: 11 1"; / g.-, IMPROVEMENT Tj4,(2. C1 CI Permit No: '3'~''J~'JC:=' 7~-~ City Range Twnshp, Section Sub Dvsn, Block Lot Plat/Book/Page - 0 40; .E 19 ~ " J::'O c ,,"7 f". :t~.R~ET . " w\,: _ \.i . '-' Property Address Zoning Reviewed by N COHGFESS ~ ~, t;' 1 9 ,]1 C3 APe .",v.., . Subdivision Name Legal Address NOV , ~- uC c' - :; iJE ::F 1~-4~-43 19-4E-.l2 0' "'=7 642 FT OF !7L :~ - - - Owner's Name/Add resslT elephone Contractor's Name/ Address/LicenselT elephone :\~1ER~C.A,~'T DEV r!jOO NORT ~1 ... ':"'.1T ~ CQHS~:t'JC~:ON e,eR!' '-' _.l._. :J~ ~!CH1~:qD E BQ:.ER 2010 L :t'!DE!..L BLVD ~.rAS HU.fJ, NH 03060 DELRAY !3E.~C~ FL 0; :-44 ~ :: .' e,SG-COOO +0'7 275- S 0::;:' ...... Additional Description General! Arch itect/Eng i neer T' ,.....; r ~ ;f-.:. : Construction BFE FFE FLZ Occupancy Sq, Fl. Valuation Improvements 405 .034. 00 SITE IMPROVEMENT Schedule of Fees x~xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx~xx~xx~~x~xxxxx~x~ x TH~: PERMIT ~EE ~S N~T REF~VDA?LE ~ =--~ ~~, I ~E,[' f'; :::: f~~ f~ 1.--3"f,()OO.!.b ~ o. 10'( 101. - <Yr.:L'L..:..t.C: s 1-' 73/, ,,~ I . ~ 7;::'1. I .' V1/lA. r"'~ i 'f 0" Cl. - ~ l().JJ ~ .~~;. ~':1'1T1!": C ,\ r.!... 7 3 ~3 "7 ~ 2 3 F ': ~ ! i'l ; :' ::: C. r ! '~ ~ ~ ~ :: E F 'J rt' :: '-!:::' P ~, 17 i:lS.C'C ?~J,'_ ~T ~EE o ~:\ T::.1..TE- , , . , ~1_ : <.i~ J A ..o!\ 1.-. >( J, . L'" A.- ,~ THIS PERMIT SHAll BECOME NUll AND VOID UNLESS THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS COMMENCED WITHIN ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS AFTER ITS ISSUANCE. OR IF THE WORK AUTHORIZED IS NOT INSPECTED FOR A PERIOD OF ONE HUNDRED AND EIGHTY (180) DAYS FROM TIME WORK IS COMPLETED Any change In bUIlding plans or speCificatIons musl be recorded WIth thIS office, Any work not covered above, must have a valid permit prior to starting, In consideralton 01 the gr~nhng of lhi~ permit, the. owner and bUIlder agree to erect thiS structure 10 full complIance With thE> BUIlding and ZOning Codes 01 the City 01 Boynton Beach ./ / CITY of BOYNTON BEACH , , rl\ .~ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 (4071734,8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR October 8, 1990 Currie Schneider Associates Attn: Mr. Jose Aguila' 25 Seabreeze Avenue Delray Beach, FI 33444 Re: Target Shopping Center - site Plan - File No. 411 Dear Mr. Aguila: Please be advised that on Tuesday, october 3, 1990, the City commission voted to delete condition #24 of the Planning Department Memorandum, dated February 7, 1990, as part of the conditions of approval for the Target Shopping Center site plan. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~s.~{jl.u' 9. ;Jc{j{t~t- TAMBRI J. H~DEN Interim Planning Director TJH:frb cc: Alan Ciklin, Boose Casey Ciklin Lubitz Martens McBane & O'Connell, 19th FI-Northbridge Center, 515 North Flagler Drive, West Palm Beach, FI 33401 Technical Review Board C:Target DANIEL O'COtH:LL GENERAl.. CONTRACTOR. INC. TARGET T-644 Boynton Beach, Florida BUILDING PERMIT STATUS Present: Dan O'Connell Kyl e Kuberski Michael Haag Vincent Finizio Daniel O'Connell Daniel O'Connell City of Boynton Beach City of Boynton Beach Received copy of "BUILDING DEPARWENT I"floDRANDU'1 00. 90-260" dated June 8 1990 "Re: MASTER SITE PLAN - TARGET SHOPPING CENTER" Ijith comments that have not been addressed to date indicated on the , copy South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) has been contacted regarding the status of the "Modification of Surface Water Management Permit No. 50-01116-S" In a telephone conference call Ijith Vincent Finizio and Kyle Kuberski in Mr. Finizio's office and Pat Bomgardner of Mr, Vern Kaiser's office,' SFWMD, Ms ,Bomgardner verifed that the above referenced permit does include the Target Shopping Center, though it is not specifically referenced on the permit. Mr. Finizio requested that Mr. Kaiser's office could handwrite on a copy of the permit that the Target Shopping Center IjIIS included and to \ send him a copy for his files. '. Mr. Alex Garcia, Shalloljay, Foy, Rayman, & Nellell, Inc., IjIIS contacted and requested to respond in Ijriting as to the inclusion of the Target Shopping Center in the application for SFWMD. Mr. Garcia indicated that upon revieljing the permit, permit application and submittals he would issue correspondence to Mr. Finizio in this regard A preconstruction meeting Ijill be held betlleen the developer, OIjner, general contractor and city to coordinate activities Mr. Finizio Ijill be contacted regarding permits for the Paving and Drainage and Site lighting aspects of the project. Mr. Bob Currie, Currie Schnieder Associates, IjIIS contacted and a copy of the Master Site Plan revielj comments Ijas delivered to his office. Mr. Jess Sowards revielled the comments and indicated that documents would be ready by Tuesday, October 16, 1990 for revielj Ijith the City of Boynton Beach A meeting Ijas tenatively set for 11:00 am Tuesday October 16, 1990 Ijith the City of Boynton Beach - Zoning and Site Development, Currie Schnieder, North South Construction, Target and Daniel O'Connell General Contractor to revielj the submitted information and determine the status of the site plan revielj and permit cc: Dick Stapel berg - Target Steve Hage - Target John Taub - DO'C Bill Walsh - North South Jess SOHards - Currie Schnieder . TO: THRU: FROM: RE: BUILDING DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM NO. 90-260 June 8, 1990 Timothy P. Cannon, Interim Planning Director Don Jaeger, Building & Zoning Director ~ Michael E. Haag, zoning & Site Development Administrator MASTER SITE PLAN - TARGET SHOPPING CENTER Upon review of the above mentioned project, the following comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. All plans submitted for public record and prepared by a 71& design professional shall show original raised seal ':, -/4 -'Ie (legible) and signature of the Florida registered design ,v, - professional responsible for the drawings. l/ID, ,/" of "(I k~ A 2/J.r South Florida Water Management District permit or letter "~ ~~ exemption is required to establish the building minimum it{!\... 'i finish floor elevation. ~. \. 3 .J" ~ake Wo:th Drainage District permit or letter of exemption) k1 V l'c,,, \ ~ ~s requ~red. J , I !\.. 4. 7 Dimension the width and length of all landscape strips and islands. 5. , 6. /' /' / II 7. ! V ~ 8. Show on the plans parking space computations complying with the requirements of Section 11 H. of the Zoning Code for all uses (e.g. retail, restaurants outside storage). Dedicate the outpace I , proposed to be a restaurant and identify number of seats. Include the required parking spaces for the restaurant outparcel in your total required parking space data. Show the elevation drawings of each side of each building, identifying the exterior finish material and color. The exterior finish material and color must match color and material shown and identified on the City Commission approved color elevation drawings. r/ 9~Identify the overall height of each building. ~ identify elevation of roof line. Show and 10. ........--' II. 12. Jr-- h1t?JIe' ----- -/- Show handicapped accessibility route from Congress Avenue and Northwest 22nd Avenue public right-of-way to each building. Include spot elevation along the path or route. The handicapped accessibility walkway must comply with the AccessibilitY Requirements manual. V' Show the location of handicapped parking spaces for the 14,200 square foot retail area and identify location of handicapped accessible route to store front from handicapped parking stall. Provide a typical handicapped and regular parking stall detail drawing, showing the dimensions of both type of stall. Indicate the appropriate size, color and location of stall striping for both types of parking spaces. Show handicapped accessibility to each building and/or tenant space by showing and identifying the following:'lodition, and height of all handicapped signs, appropriate location, width, slope and length of handicapped ramp, elevation of each handicapped parking space and adjacent curb or . Memo: Timothy Cannon Re: Target Shopping Center June 8, 1990 Page Two sidewalk where handicapped ramp is located. Provide spot elevation along the handicapped accessible path leading to the entrance door of each building and/or tenant space from each handicapped parking space. All handicapped code requirements must comply with the Accessibility Requirement manual, January 1990 first edition, first printing. *~ 13. Show and identify the location, width, length and ~)~Of the level platform required at the entrance to '-building and/or tenant space. elevation each 14. Provide a detailed plan view and full section view drawing of the dumpster enclosure and pads. Identify type, size and color of material used for the sides of the enclosure. Identify the overall height, width and length. Identify the size and type of all required vertical and horizontal structural material and components for the dumpster enclosure and pad. 15. Indicate location, type, size and spacing of accent shrub landscape material required around three (3) sides of the dumpster. 16.. Show the location and identify the type of lawn grass landscape material. 17. The vehicular use area, as seen from the south property @;~ line, requires a visual screen barrier (preferably) hedge 1 ' ~ material. Identify appropriate location, type, size and - spacing of required screening material. IblJ\ ~ 8. Provide a detail section drawing of buffer wall. Identify ~ the size and location of the types of building material and structural components for the wall and wall foundation. Identify location, type and color of finish material proposed for the buffer wall. Include on the section drawing the location of the property line (min. 2' from any property line to the wall). Also, show and identify, on plan view drawing, the location of buffer wall two feet (2') in from all property lines. 19. Show location of all signs and/or signage, including directional signs and building and/or tenant advertisement signage. 20. Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space through the required site perimeter landscape strip at both sides of all ingress and egress driveways. The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning, on the site landscape plan drawing, a ten foot (IO') isosceles right angle' triangle with the right angle on the property line at the edge of the driveway and landscape strip and completing the remainder of the triangle into unobstructed landscaping stating that the vertical space within this area is clear of landscape material between thirty inches (30") and six feet (6'). 21. Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space through the required site perimeter landscaping at the corner of the property (where two adjacent public rights-of-way intersect). The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning, on the site landscape plan drawing, a thirty-five foot (35') isosceles triangle at the corner of the property line where the intersection is located and completing the remainder of the triangle into unobstructed landscaping, stating that the vertical space within this area is clear of landscape material between thirty inches (3D') and six feet (6'). Memo: Timothy Cannon Re: Target Shopping Center June 8, 1990 Page Three 22. ~Provide statement that lighting pole structures will meet the requirements of the Standard Building Code, 1988 edition, Chapter 12. 'reA- 23. Identify and show the appropriate percentage of required native landscape material. 24.0~IdentifY on site lighting plan that site lighting is , photocell activated. 25. Provide photometrics for site lighting for the entire site (light levels must comply with the requirements of the "City Engineering Department Standard for Parking Lots"). 26. Provide a detailed drawing of site lighting pole and structural base. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following information should be included within your documents submitted to the Building Department for required permits: 1. All signage must comply with Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance and/or approved sign program. 2. Secure approval from Boynton Beach Utility Department and other utility companies, including Florida Power & Light, for location and type of trees planted within utility easement areas bordering a public right-of-way. ~, k~ .i , ha I E. Haag oL ..-:/' ,I '\.1\ '\ il \, 0\ <C' " I, ).-*-'1...;;,,'1 ,\ \ ., :~ t, '. i_ meh:eaf TRGTSHOP.SDD CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @ ,.~" 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435-0310 (407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR March 30, 1990 Currie Schneider Associates Attn: Jose Aguila 25 Seabreeze Avenue Delray Beach, FI 33483 RE: Target Shopping Center - ReZoning - File No. 386 Dear Mr. Aguila: Please be advised that on Tuesday, March 20, 1990, the City Commission, after second reading of the ordinance, approved the rezoning of the property at the southwest corner of North Congress Avenue and N.W, 22nd Avenue from PUD to C-3 (Community Commercial). Copy of Ordinance No. 90-4 is enclosed for your information. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~7d--- TIMOTHY P. CANNON Interim Planning Director TPC: frb Enc ~ II., , ~ ,.. ( CITY of TRB Sign.Oiisi BOYNTON BEACH (L j7,C,. v n,', .) l, / ~ 0 .,,~JD ~ \W 100 Eo Boynton Beach Blvd. P. 0, Box 310 Boynton Beach, Florida 33435-0310 -14071 734.Bll1 ~~1F) t{' j hr; r;~o) .~~.9_. - CJ 0 y- .' .. ~ . '__L~ . . _ .~ ._. OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR February 23, 1990 Currie Schneider Associates Attn: Mr. Jose Aguila 25 Seabreeze Avenue Delray Beach, FI 33483 RE: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 Dear Mr. Aguila: please be advised that on Tuesday, February 20, 1990, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan, subject to staff comments, with the exception of the roadway link improvements to Congress Avenue between Miner Road and Hypoluxo Road, and those intersection improvements at N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue which cannot be accommodated within the existing right-of-way or right-of-way dedicated by the applicant, Copies of the staff comments are attached, These plans were approved subject to your compliance attached stipulations. After you have amended your reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies plan drawings with the changes incorporated to the Department for permitting purposes. wi th the plans to of final Building The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH .......--en-- ~;P d:~~~~~ ..." '1-/ "t".\\~ TIMOTHY P. CANNON'S' (,Cf'r II!' ~ .:\ Interim Planning Direct~L iLO MAR 0 5 1990 .. JJG:frb Encs ~ 8:J:LOING .... ,::.lJ. f';:"IC' ~ /, fI;:;J. r ..Al f'l-' ~"':'8t'.r"\V ....... , r '.::v,' ,."i \ cc: Technical Review Board " I,,1=- 2.