CAB APPLICATION \ II \ \ \ \ .. AemCAT"'U ( ()<o) ( ) CITY of 30YNTOf\.; ?E,~C~ COMMUI'~lT,( APPEARA.NC::: BOARD ~LEASE PRINT I REVIEW APPROVAL PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS REQUEST FOR CHANGE SIGN APPROVAL Date: __~_~~~__~:_L~~~~______ (Date Paid: __~~_L~~i~~i~~2__) (Receipt Number: ~~~~:~{_~ Technical Review Board Approval. Staff Comments. Location Map Designating Site. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, ~l~nd~cape plan, front and side building etevations, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. - 6. Application fee of $50 (payable to "City of Boynton Beach). ALL PLANS DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, MUST BE SIGNED AND SEALED. ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SURFACE MATERIAL COLOR/NAME BEAMS COLUMNS (A..,-t L.otU.-L Lo>.J C/l.L--t<- (.\.,\1....., ~ .t 4,,",-~ r ~i\-~P,"v._ DOORS FASCIA It itrnn N Mvu..Q. GABLE ENDS GLASS --\t.....\."'.Q. -r"'-M. fer<-.o.... fa..;:.. ~,,-Q -k IJIA\..L-- p>,,\ \ .Q;'i-~ GRILL PANELS INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS ROOF l2, A('\~l.- -t\ \~ ~ (LA( SHUTTERS SOFFIT _Pi1 ~....... W Sh.-L<.O ?c::L~" h.J. skc..o c s~o (~I bQ.) ( ,,+. (~loR) 10 go", loKo1 WALLS lobGlc:.. 101"0"1 5/88 Sfec.:~,-"_e -\<> jV'IA-4ch. Rewl)eQ~r0S ort. ~b: ",~~=j~" , .' ;{-. Slgna1ure of Appllcant OTHERS (as required) ALL- (n(nrz-", No-t NDiE: ALL Goloe.s (.!J;~l ~ '. . r II I " ' LEGAL DESCRIPTION ^ .Portion of land in the Southeast quarter of Section 18, TowI\'lij:T 45 South, Ronge 43 East, alld being a port of the North hol f o[ .ho NOl'lheasl 1/4 of Section 19, Township 45 South, Ronge 43 East, in PlIlm Beach COUllty, Florida and Deillg more parliculorly descrii,ed' liS followl;: Commencing at the East 1/4 corller- of Section 18, thence S 89 05 '09" 11', 50.05 feet, along port of llie North line of' the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, to 0 point on the West Right-ot-Way line of Congress Ave'lIue as described in Ot!lcial Records Book 1290 at Page 519, lhflllce S 6905'09" 11',1301.41 feet olollg part of the North line of the Southeast 1/4 of Section 16, 10 the Eost line of a tract as dp'll.:ribed in 0 deed [rom N.R. Field to Sunny South Estates, Inc., I'ecorded in Official Records Dook 3:206 at Poge 1070, thence S 01 4/,'21" W, 1370.:28 feet. olong part of said East line of the South.... Right-of-Way of Northwest 2211d Avenue, dS described in Officiol . Rp.cords Dook 1785 at Page 1569, thence N 88 59'56" E, 300,43 feet alollg said South Right-of-Way 1 ille to the Point of Deginnlng, .thelll:e continuing N 00 59'56" E, 991.00 feel along soid South Rig-ht.-of-Way line to the Wqllt IllIe oC the 1:20 foot Congress Avenue Rlght-of-Way,as per Officiol Records Book 3560 al Pages 1115 through 1'120, thence along slIid West Right-of-Way line S 01 1,1,'2i" ... Ii, 6112',00 fe&t;\thenctl S 46 44'21" W, 35.35 feet, thellce 86 15'39" ~t" i99,34 feet, to Q (loint iOe curve to the right having 0 radius oC' 600.09 feet, .,tlll!fl'CI <11.1111{ sllld curve to the ri,ght, 011 IIrc dlll,tcnceOf 75."~' feet, 'said arc having a delto angle of 07 10'02", .thence S'08 54'22" W, 65.21 'feel, thence N 80 15'39" 11', 254.oi teet, thence N 01 1,4'21" 1::, 6(l.00 feet, thence N 58 12'4/," W, 360.00 feet, thence N 31 47'16"- Il, 140.00 feet. N 58 12'4/," W, ~i6.05 feet, thenoe N bl 44'2." W, 2'0.00 feet to the South Righl- cif-Way' 1 ine of Northwest 22nd Avenue ond the Point of Beginning. , SITE DATA CURRENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING TYPE OF DEVELOP~NT . . . . CONGRESS . LAX~s pun COHHUNITY. 'COI1l1ERC rAL . . . i SHOPPING CBN'l'ER C-3 ........ - . SITE AREA . 574,077S.F..,.(13,'17 AC.) BUILDING. FOOTPRINT 14:1,500;' S.F. '(:24 .1I2X,j PAV.En,','.nEA &DRIV2S 2'6:2 ,.lt82,';'S.F. (45. ';21) WALKWAY ARE.AS' . 26,2!JO;s.J>.. c- 4.57X.) GREEN AREA 14:2j"84S'S.F. (24.09'%.) ..;' .' ~ ;.1". ..~~: ~ ,. .: . PARKING f RETAIL' @ 1'2~)(i:s.:p. ,'. ,,-..;, RESTAURANT @ !1'/~~~ SRA~ TOTAl. R1ITAII.,"~^. :.., 133~:lOO 's,P;i-~OO "',666 srACES TOTAL RESTAURANTARBA. ,.~ ". q'30n.,~11" '.a ~n.~-.1.-5-~[lJL_ c<: .:l( .'.'.'..$. ~,.::' f: . i;. / ..\..;-'; -:\ ~.t; :. '" ./l; ~. '<<' .lI,:, '~:. --,-.. ~ r ~ .< j' q ~ <- t ~. I ~ " .. ~ Y. ,) ~:r;' '-'-' ',' . "' ,',' . ? I ~:..:' ,: : .~:.. '~f ., \''''. .(,1:: ~.. ~., .. . r: ,: , . " :~tt .i~..:. . ~~: . :: .''l;:;~.j,.' :~:. N.~'r', . ,'F., i? .':~I~:;":':" ?}, ~:~t. ~.'. "::',r. 't,',;r '. .;:. ~ .;:- .~t ..~T,. .. ... . ~\' ~ .; .\. 't' ... , . """.t~."'~' . 10;~ . ''',of ~~.' Yv ", ':;EAi - I . ~ r~'H TAl SH CE BOY SEAl FlLE ~ CUENT REVlSI( '''d~ 'I~ ,." 'I 'I:' "" '''1 ""=...; '1-.:\ J ~". ,/~_/ LU\..."A IIUl\J IVIAr': . /~ (: 0 N ~ 0 r.= ::::, .~~ j ;::~ ~~ ~ ~ P UI n ' . .....,. ..., '-". 1 ~ "'."d'._ .''''~ _ 'to l "'-'-:lIl'! \....).. ~....--. q>8:~~::: :+!,J~!i'\',!_\",\~~;->~Ii 1/ ~fi!''':~~I','!~\~i~(i}liJ['l[iJ,::'; [ - II~...'''' iii :,', ~ ('U. . j t;?',,'~ ij"j~.li..t:::~:: i i Pl .': .: f,::.'" U J.I f-. f-. J.---<-\ L.U I ( \. .;i~ 'fL ~ ~ ;t\;Jf-. '- ~ \ \ r~ \ t~ -=:. '-~;-},"I' ~<:>V'I'1'Jn""", "MELt'''.... ~"'tttf~TY". ~~ ~ j-Tr 1 ~. ~I~ .c,,~ .'___ .. .. '~7f J ,~"- ''---77; " .,:.V "=' -.. G ,:,~ ."7 .~ '- )-- ~ tf'S 1- -.' I --- ,. , .V -. r-...... . , . " rr ~ \.r\ - . -.., ,." I J] ".-1') wY T " .' i ~ () \\? )(( ''\''\~., \\.: '; . :.;' . ( I 1 . , . i ...' \\ \.".. ..i.. ,...;., .: I """"-.,d' ~__\..... <,: \~., ~.. f- :....iJ \"'" .~~~~ ~ i.....~ \ ".~.:~~~ .-1 II" \: ;/:"~ k 1\.1: ...flAM E R'rd' i f>.l .. ( :. V ~EVEL01 1Et\ : '~a'r CORPOR, ~r"I() f.J PA~ft:i _.. ,_~IP'""\ .' ," '''''U .- ....... II\,) f- Jl ~ ::: I ~ /. F= ~ ~ f= ~ E :; ::! = .1 - ., .. IIi .....e ~' I If . ~~. ~K:N~ I. ,........ ~ 1?2 ~'~" "",- I I I\.~x ... ~'\.~ I "". ."". ~ I n:;:;:;:u: .:u: ~"M'~~' \.. I _.11 "" ~ 'V" '.~ ,~. ..'" JIII,JV' ~" ~ ~, ,,'\. ).:' I\~. ~~~ d'2..C ~~ == ~rJ~ _t ~-~"' ~? I .......:..... .......-.. ..........':':'TTI-r 1\'\.'Sf -:,~-'. . ~~- 1IIII'oc1 ;1 '0 . .: "./' ;,: L 11111', {__, \(j '" j~ , :-'\,... 3 . j ~ LL I, il....i \q - ~ .- ~ lrr ~C2 ',----., ~ "l: ,. ILl.. "BOY TON, BEA.....CH 11 , . In." I . V) . . '1r.y.-(; /-" . '""^' ,! ~ . ~ ~~' JI u~ 1:1 tv ~ \1f~ I ..J L ~,~<; I l ..."" ~~~~, I ~ UoJ]~~= ___ . -; - -----. tbHB, tHt9j : IBI81 J ., I' '0 , . jf:3 ,-. ,- 1 "MaTa,~aL,'~) . ~ L1/ ~"t~'~ ,'\.I. ~ :~ . ~. . , . , '4. I l- " .' .. .. ., . . . . .. . . - ". ~ f: .... . ....... .\:: I Ilf Illrn~" ., , , ',.... ~ ~_ II II T I' .. .... r :' If- ; ,..,",. - I Ii- I r-"I I . I '\- \.-' E : : J, " : ~ \ '% -\ "\;~'Cu! ". '~Y-). ~1AA '.' ''9- ., '\ 'V. , . ! I\IV : : t: ~ 1/8 , . 1/4 MIL:ES ; '..6.: . V, " , , , .. ., '. ~m rn ~] lJ;: " rll :;; v {J l/.} T I ~ ; IFI 'T ;;,,~ r'\...; Fi.{ ~'" I IT'- ,:Jj ~. ~......... '. " T \I11fir::t! J Lll I Ii \ J i'1i \~ I I I ". r--I , ,-I ri,-- :.- . :c:: c:: J:l3 I '. .'0 AOO. '800 . 1600 FEE;T PI.A NNIN ~ f)[;.p 1"0 ~, /9" ..... ..........., !' ....:V .....- ., :~ Jr. ..~. '. . " '-- CITY of BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD PLEASE PRINT APPLICATION: ( ( ) ( )<0) ( ) REVIEW APPROVAL PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS REQUEST FOR CHANGE SIGN APPROVAL Da te: _ -.J~b____~=_L~~~------ ( Da te P ai d: _~~_L~=-ltl:=.L'i'3.~-- ) (Receipt Number: Jt-7~~~L-~ " PROJECT NAME: __lL~~~~J:---_~-~_f?i~~-~--r~-~------------------- PROJECT ADDRESS: _j~uJ~_~~~_~~__~~~~-~~--&---~~uL~_~1~~~------ LEGAL DESCRIPTION: __~~__~~~~r_~~_-------------------------------------- (If too lengthy to fit on application, legal MUST be on a separate sheet of paper - NOT a part of the plans.) BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: _~c:..-t!h7-~-"-~--..:'.\_.J--LL<2..-~-~-S.:,,,(::::...--~f?:..~.:l----- ____~_~L__~lJu~_~--~-1~~19~-~~f~-~-~-~~~3--~~-------~----------" OWNER: _~Q~~--~~~~~~------------ Phone Number: (~~L~~~~L__ ARCH I TECT : ~ 0,) ;:rl.~5~~!:..~__4:i.~I1~_~.-k.~_..A~~..e.~-- Pho ne Numb e r: ~'lL_1o.1.\!.:...~Sl-- l~-9B~~B_IQB_XQ~B_R~~~~_!Q_~~_B~Yl~~~~L_~_B~RB~~~~!~!lY~_M~~!_~~_RB~~~~!-~!-!H~ M~~!l~g. NAME: _-:J.P_~~__-1=-'-~I.!';'l~____C~~~_.6l-~j~~J Phone Number: (~1L1-:L~:_-,4:~~L- ADDRESS: __~~___5_~~~~~-~~~---O~~-~1L~~---~2~J[2-_-------- Street City State Zip Code = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - IMPORTANT - Requirement for Review: I. Technical Review Board Approval, 2. Staff Comments. 3. Location Map Designating Si~. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, 0~ndscape plan, f~.t.. and s ide build ing e tevat ions, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. .. 6. Application fee of $50 (p"yable to "City of Boynton Beach). ALL PLANS DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, MUST BE SIGNED AND SEALED. ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SURF ACE MATERIAL COLOR/NAME BEAl1S DOORS CA..,-t LotU.-L Lo>.JC/l.L--k_ \"\.,\1....., ~ ~ 4,,",-~ r ~ i\--M.c.-t. P,,, \-} _ COLUMNS FASCIA \ l irYnn 14 A-I-vv.. " GABLE ENDS GRILL PANELS --\t.....\."'.Q. -r"'-M. ((-er<-.P..... fa..;:,. ~,,-Q --b IJIA\.../r... P>\T\\.Q;'i-~ GLASS INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS ROOF l2,A('\~l.- -t\ \... ~ (LA( SHUTTERS NDiE: _Pi1 ~....... W Sh.-L<.O C S-tn <..>( tJQ. ) 10 s.... l 0" 0 , . ?c::L~"h.J. skc..o (,,+0 <'<lloR) 1060" 10".' ALL- ((')((")rz-", /1.10-\- Sfec.:~,-",e -\<> IV'A-4cctr... tzel-JI)~'fJ5 ort. ~b! ALL ~l.~s \!l;ll",~ (AW>~ ~/.'! " ~ ~ ;(- -< / Signajure of Applicant SOFFIT WALLS OTHERS (as required) 5/88 o '<"",-". t.~~// L U V A I I U I\J IVI Ar'~ . ~. // , CONGRESS LAKES PUO' I:j I I I I 'l=CI i'1I1111111 \ }-\\-~mll E3m ~t' in- miHJ/; . '-VIII II \\\Mm ~~.,. ~ f - - II~_~/II ::. \f;.QL ~) ',L' J, 'fr.x ; J ~~ ~..'~~ r!f(0~.~~1= . [IlRl1i '.. ~ ~ ~ ~I- ~ I ~ ~ "MELt :"r-J raJ:~ \~'RTY' . ~~ {2' 1 ~~ -E~ ~ ~I~.. . =_ r='I ..J :, '- ~ ',_ '1' ,,: \-- ,i' =, ~ r')V' - .' -- . ,'. ,: ... IIIII'.I~'" .;; rr /,f- .:.f'\ 1 - s'--. -.....; ~: ~ = ._~ . ,..~ IJ.!:..'.-t'/W 'II f'.. ' : I 1/." , ... ~ ''',N ~~ . .. '. \~ I ~..... "', ~~~~. ,~~ fj \,', "A I !- ~W l~" · ~B~ ~~~~ ~:3 (i\~ \\c,,Y~\:~ \ 'II !. FI .:u:: ~ '.. ,....... r- <: \~.." \. ...~\ ./ .. ~"'-..'" '" I- :: :.\11. ~ ~ ~']I .,j'L' ~~ '\ ""~~ ;:u . J..../ooJ! ft\\' ,.,...~ . - ~ ~': '. : '-CiiClV. I( 'i1~ ! ~ ~ ~:= CORPOR, ~ 'Ir P~~~';5j: ~~' C!:!l~= --- ~ ~ tr- -.. ,-.....- .' ,<( rrr-m~ ---- ~~~~'~~~ "~C1~:RClLA%/,)\j ~.: r::DJ::I::!:] ~ . .:rrTw . '\" t T11l1ll, l I 1'0.: '~l L ,'.... r ./. ", j .- IIIl=:tJ I. '. ~~ :.'cJ~ ":' 1lTT1I' " ~~ ,:~. "t- :r:m::t::J : --''-\ \;i.- I ,: .~ r . [~, ' !::....,:..:..... ....................~ .~~ _n' "'_ ,'.. ;...\/ / - ", -... - ~-_ . ....,. . . '. :f' .. ....-._. D""', ",,';' ,', 1 III IITli"I'IT . ~ 1 ~ II ,"J...! , . ~ ~'~ -.-.-... - ,/ I : r-. , "" I \_ I ,.., I ,. 'r- ' E : - - : -\ '. : f-: \ '~'\v\i.C_.: . I- - , \ '}t').-..1. I I I ,. C G fJ I 1,1 I I: I ,'l I" , , ~ , : ..3 , n L : ill I: ~ ,t..oJ < .:.-....! '<l " ~ ~ "': , 111 ! 1'1 '~. .. . , .II. I ~ -') 1 r" . ---..:.:. '. ~'BOY TON' BEACH , irl~ I '. .. . II"; /-'" .~ " . II) I/) II .. ~'1AA ~"~U - , , , , \ . ': II I : 1'\Il/ : ~ f\. , , , I , , ' : ! I- , :: : II :- !::c . ~rTTT '0 1/8 n d . -I) ... :-......- r-- !:; :/~ !' ":~....- .. R3 I 'll I 'f...... ,Ih .. II"". 11 I ! 'u H: .,.......; )~~.' l 1 I I II '::[! ~l L-- ~ ~L'1'\IJ'j!. "~ I T .I r '. '0 400, '800 -. 1600 FEET PI-A NNIN /: op-p r. "'/9<:> ...... I. .,._-, ". .:r . " " "I ", LEGAL DESCRIPTION A ,portion of lond in the Southeast quorter of Section 18, Towl1<;:lil1 45 South, Range 43 East. alld being a part of the North half o[ '_he NOl'lheasl i/4 of Section 19, Township 45 South, Ronge 43 East, in Palm Beach County, Florida ond being more particularly described' liS followl;: Commencing at the East 1/4 corner- of Section 16, thence S 69 05'09" W, 50.05 feet, along part of the North I ine of' the Southeost 1/4 of Section 16, to 0 point on the West Right-of-Way line of Congress AVe'nul! as described in OUicial Records Book 1290 lit Page 519, lhellce S 69 05'09" W, 1301.41 feet along part of the North line of the Southeost 1/4 of Section 10, to the East I ine of 0 tract os described in a deed from N,R. Field to Sunny South Estates, Inc., r-ecorded ill Official Recor-ds Book 3206 at Page 1070, thence S 01 .., 44'21" W, 1370.26 feet, along part of said East line of the South Right-of-Way of Northwest 2211d Avenue, as described in Officiol 'heuor-dB Book 1765 at Poge 1569, thence N 68 59'56" E, 300.43 feet olong said South Right-of-Way I ille to the Point of Beginning, lhelH:e continuing N 08 59'56" E. 991.00 feel along said South Rlil'ht,-Of-Woy I ine to the WqRt I inc of the 120 foot Congress Avenue Rlght-of-Way,as per Offlcilll Records Book 3560 at Pages illS through 1'120, thence along soid West Right-of-Woy line S 01 1,1,'21" W, 61,2'.00 feet, thence S 46 44'21" W, 35.35 feet, thence 86 15'39" ~t i99.34 feet, to a point of curve to the right having a radius of' 600.00 feet, thence along slllcl curve to the ri,ght, an arc distance of 75.05 feet, said arc having 0 delta angle of 07 10' 02", ,thence S 08 54'22" W. 65.21 \feel, thence N 80 15'39" W, 254.01 feet, thence N 01 1.4'21" E, 60.00 feet, thence N 58 12'4/," W, 360,00 feet, thence N 31 47'16'" E, 140.00 feet. N 58 12'4/," W, ,:l16.05 !eet. thenoe N III 1,4'21" W, 2\0.00 feet to the South Rlght- (j't-Way' I ine of Northwest 22nd Avenue ond the Point of Beginning. , SITE DATA CURRENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING , , TYPE OF DEVELOP~NT ,CONGRESS LAXI;:S pun COHHVNITY'CO~RCIAL "iSHOPPING CBNTER C-3 SITE AREA , BUILDING ,FOOTPRINT PAVED,,aJmA & DRIVES WAl.~WAY AREA-S GREEn, /\REA ' '''lI.... 574,077 S.F.~(IJ,~7 AC,) 142,500;' S.F. ',(24 .1I2t.) 262,.8~;..~. (45.~2~) 26,250:8.,. ("4.57t.) J4~;..t'B,F.(24.09~) .' ~;J ~/., ~ . .,: : RETAIl. '@ 1/290<8.'1." '",,; RESTAURANT @ :1;/~~~ SBAT$ TOTAl,. RETAIL '''AIu:A " 133,200.S.p;..~OO ..666 SPACES TOTAL RBSTAUIWIT AREA '," " Q.30~~ "n,"_.:r_--5-~!'!L_ ';i/t ,;",";- {: . ~'.',f .,"" 'r :J~'X, PARKING: -r-. ~ -; i ,( \\ ,- ~ ~, ~ ~ ? f t t t ~ " ~ ", ~, :(': "" , /, ~' " ^ '~,' ?' ~" , , ,'.'l'..t~_l,'.' \ , ->;." 01..., .. Y'" f--" .,.:/ '~~ SEAl - I ";_ F~CH TAl SH CE SOY SEAl F1LE ~ CUENT REVlSI( >":I~ '"1'1 't;' ;" " I::... I- : i I 'II' I I" Ii ...,! Ci-j"" or 6U Y N i U~ COM."UNITY APPEARANCE PLEASE PRINT w t:," ....,-, o_ARD ,... APPLICATION: (x ( ( ( REVIEW APPROVAL PREVIOUSLY DENIED ,PLANS REQUEST FOR CHANGE SIGN APPROVAL Date: Februarv 8... 1990 (Date Paid: _~~]:-2~____) (Receipt Number: _7iL8L3~___) PROJECT NAHE: TARGET SH.9.!'.!'..!]!9' CENTER PROJECT ADDRESS: J.LJ-,_.Q9..r11~..r-1:l..:-l'I..:_12nd l'~..:-1<_,fonqress Ave. LEGAL DESCRIPTION: _ .s..e.e..~.b~.Q.~lU'!;>.i..L..:.:.a:'-,___ (If too lengthy to fit on applicatio~, legal MUST b~ on a separate .heet of paper - NOr a part of the plans.) BRIEF' DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ronc,trllrt; on of 142. 50.lL..s...E _ of "hopp; n<;l I and_ retail area. - OWNER: ARCHITECT: American Development ~~_ Curri<> Schn<>ider Associates Phone Number: ( ) Phone Number: (407) 276-4951 IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A E~PRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT THE I1EETING. NAME: Jose Aguila, Currie schn~E~~ociate'l'hone Number: (407'L~76-4951 ADDRESS: 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483 Street ---------------City-----------S~~---Zip-C~d;--- - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ~ . . . . ~ . . UIPORTANT - Requirement for Review! I. Technical Review Board Approval. 2. Staff Comments. 3. Location Map Desi~natin~ Site. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAR review. This includes a .ite plan, a landscape plan, front and side building elevntion., site aignage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 5. Application filled out completely and legibl~. 6. Application fee of S50 (payable to "City of Boynton Beach). ALL PLA:IS DRA\iII BY A PROFESSIONAL , REGISTERED III THE STATE OF I:;'ORIDA, MUST BE SIGNED AND SEALE! ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SURFACE MATERI,xL COLOR/NAME BEAUS ~ COLUMNS CAST CDRAL CDNCREl'E NATURAL BUFF TEMPERED GLASS & HOLLCM METAL I I DOORS FASCIA WOOD NATURAL GABLE ENDS GLASS TINTED TEMPERED I GRILL PANELS PAINTED TO MATal BUILDING IllSECT SCREEN RAILINGS ROOF BARREL TILE SIIU,TERS ~ I I - - . I SOFFIT PAINTED S'IUCCO HALLS PAINTED S'IUCCO . OTHERS (as required) ,4 WN IN I:> 5/68 t;....~._ '~ """d:O<J!"-..~~,..'~~:::~. :~~~.,. ~~l .:.1;1,_ )Q;"I~ - ~,~ ".>~;":,J~ .!'~~~.~r,~ L,~!.~~5! , 't -- ":.1 . CI-i-" or dUYN,Ui'-. c,t:' .....i-, COMn,UN1TY APPEARANCE 5 _ARD PLEASE PRINT / " 'Ie j ~\\., . APPLICATION: (x) REVIEW APPROVAL ( ) PREVIOUSLY DENIED ,PLANS ( ) REQUEST FOR CHANGE ( ) SIGN APPROVAL Date: Februarv 8.1990 (Date Paid: _-2:']': 'l{) (Receipt Number: _2:' c.; ,"'l'" PROJECT NAl-IE: PROJECT ADDRESS: LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (If too lengthy to fi~ on \of the plans.) BRIEF'DESCRIPTION OF WORK: " I TARGET SH.9l'PING" CENTER ~....~.ll$.!"-R:J..:-]..?Eli..bve. &-Sonqress Ave. ~ atta~hed -------- -f applicatio~, legal MUST b~ 9n a separate sheet 0 paper- NOT a part ("nl1c:::t-T"l1("'ripn of 142,500 J~_F- of ~hnpvj..oQ' and ~tail area. 91'/N.ER : ARCHITECT: American Develooment ~rp. ~llrrip !=;~hnAider Associates Phone Number: ( ) Phone Number: (407L276-4951_ B~PR~SE~ATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT THE IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A MEETING. NAl-IE: . . . . . - . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Jose Aguila, Currie Schneider Associate~hone 25 Seabreeze Avenue, Delray Beach, Florida 33483 Street -city Number: (~L~76-4951 ADDRESS: State Zip Code '1\' " IHPORTANT - Requirement for Reviewl I. Technical Review Board Approval. 2. Staff Comments, 3. Location Map DesiRnatinR ~. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, a landscspe plan, front and side building elevations, I site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 1 5. Application filled out completely and legibl~. l, 6. Application fee of $50 (payable to "City of Boynton Beach). ,ALL PLANS DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF F"~ORIDA, MUST BE SIGNED ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC AND SEALE 1 SURFACE MATERII\L COLOR/NAME ( BEAI1S rCOLUMllS , IDOORS {FASCIA CAST cnRAL OJNCREI'E NA'IURAL BUFF Tfl1PERED GLASS & HOLLCM MEI'AL WOOD NA'IURAL 'GABLE ENDS GLASS , GRILL PAi!ELS TINTED Tfl1PERED IIlSECT SCREEN PAINTED 'ro MATQI BUILDING RAILINGS ROOF BARREL TILE SHUTTERS SOFFIT PAINTED SWCX:O PAINTED SWCX:O HALLS , OTHERS (as required) ,'* 5/88 '" " . ," pplicant . " 1 I'" LEGAL DESCRIPTION A ,portion of land in the Southeast quarter of Section 18, Towll.~ij:T 45 South, Range 43 East, alld being a part of the North half otche NOl'lheosl 1/4 of Section 19, Township 45 South, Ronge 43 East, in Palm Beach COUllty, Florida ond beillg more particularly described' ilS follow,;: r:ommenCing at the East 1/4 corller' of Section 18, thence S 89 05'09" 11', 50.05 feet, along part of the North line of' lhe Southeast 1/4 of Section 18, to a point on the West Right-of-Way line of Congress Ave'llue as described ill Official Records Book 1290 at Page 519, thence S 89 05'09" 11', 1301.41 feet along part of the North line of the Southeast 1/4 of Sect iOll IS, to the Eost 1 ine of a tract as described in a deed from N.R, Field to Sunny South Estates, Inc., recorded in Officiol Records Book 3206 at Page 1070, thence S 01 44'21" 11', 1370.28 feet, along part of said East line of the South~ Right-of-Way of Northwest 2211d Avenue, as described in Official . ~ecords Book 1785 at Page 1569, thence N 88 59'56" E, 300.43 feet olollg said South Right-of-Way I ille to the Point of Beginnillg, thenl:e continuing N 08 59'56" E, 99J .00 feet along said South Riil'ht,-of-Way 1 ine to the W~st I inc of the 120 foot Congress Avenue Rlght-of-Way,as per Official Records Book 3560 ot Pages 1115 through 1'120, thence along snid West Right-of-Way line S 01 1,1,'21" W, 61.2.00 feet, thence S 46 44'21" 11',35.35 feet, thence 88 15'39" I, 199.34 feet, to a point of curve to the right having j radius of' 600.00 feet, thence olong sllirl curve to the ri,ght, all arc distance of 75.05 feet, said arc hoving 0 delto angle of 07 10'02", .thence S 08 54'22" 11', 65.21 'feel, thence N 88 15'39" 11', 254.01 feet, thence N 01 1,4'21" E, 60.00 feet, thence N 58 12'4/," 11', 360.00 feet, t.hence N 31 47'16'" E, 140.00 feet, N 58 12'41." 11', ~16.05 feet, thenoe N 01 44'21" 11', 2\0.00 feet to the South Right- (if-Way' line of Nort.hwest 22nd Avenue ond the Point of Beginning. t SITE DATA CURRENT ZONING PROPOSED ZONING TYPE OF DEVELOPMENT . CONGRESS LAX~S pun COMnUNITYCOMMERcIAL , iSHOPPING CBNTER C-3 SITE AREA BUILDING. FOOTPRINT PAVED.,4.RBA & DRIV2S WALKWAY AREAS GREBH. AREA ' ........ 574,077 S.P.. (13.17 AC.) 142,500; S.F. .(24.112'%.) 262,48~:..F. (45.~2~) 26,250;S.F.. (4.57'1.) J42,~4$ S.F. (24.09~) . '. '1. ~' . .:~ ~ ~.: . RETAIL @ 1/2~W a,'F.' '. '~ RESTAURANT @ ~1;/.2~5 SEATS, TOTAL RBTAIL."An.tA' ." 133.200'S.P.+200 ",666 SPACES TOTAL RESTAUWT AREA .~ '. q.30n,.t'P~...:l!! "'O,..._-"_----5-~!lr:L,_ >,1 .;..'''' {' . ~:.,' PARKING: :> -r.... ~ 1 ~ ,( ~~, :.; , g: ~ ~ * ,~ t t } l , " ,: ~ y ~, r , .t. .',' " " i " '::. ':':, ~.: ,. . ~. ~" ,'"". ".~.: -(",.'~ 'i , ?:,' ,~. ~ v_ 1" J;,},,: , .... ,.. fi.;Of\ . - SEA: - J ' ~ F~q~ TAl SH CE SOy SEAl FILE ~ CUENT REVlSI( f'::I~ r I~ , I':. . i- ~ \ ~ ii ~' . , . ' STAFF COMMENTS TARGET SHOPPING CENTER .' BUILDING DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: POLICE DEPARTMENT: PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: FORESTER/HORTICULTURIST: , FIRE DEPARTMENT: . .. SITE PLAN ':- See attached memorandum (1) See attached memorandum (2) Subject to successful rep1atting See attached memorandum See attached memorandum I See attached memorandum, See attached memorandum' See attached memorandum See attached memorandum ,\ MEMORANDUM February 6, 1990 TO: Timothy Cannon, Acting City Planner FROM: Michael E. Haag, Zoning & Site Development Administrator RE: TARGET - NEW SHOPPING CENTER WITH MiCHOR TENANT (Target) upon review of the above mentioned project, the following' comments must be addressed in order to conform with Boynton Beach City Codes: 1. All plans submitted for public record and prepared by a design professional shall show original raised seal (legible) and signature of the Florida registered design professional responsible for the drawings. 2. South Florida Water Management District permit or letter of exemption is required to establish the building minimum finish floor ~levation. 3. Lake Worth Drainage District permit or letter of exemption is required. 4. Proposed property use will require rezoning of property. , , 5. Dedicate the outparcel, proposed to be a restaurant and identify number of seats. Include the required parking spaces for the restaurant outparcel in your total required parking spaces data. 6. Show the elevation drawings of each outparcel building, identifying the exterior finish material and color. 7. Identify the color of the exterior finish material shown on the drawings submitted. 8. Identify the overall height of each building, show and identify elevation of roof line. 9. route from public Include spot elevation along Show handicapped accessibility right-of-way to each building. the path or route. 10. Show the location of handicapped parking spaces for the 14,200 square foot retail area and identify location of handicapped accessible route to store front from handicapped parking stall, I~l.{- @ Memo to: Timothy I Re: Target February 6, 1990 Page Two 11. Cannon 1 ~l Provide a typical'handicapped and regular parking stall detail drawin~, showing the aimensions of both type of stalls and the appropriate size, color and location of stall striping. For handicapped accessibility, for each building, show and identify the following: location and height o~ all handicapped signs, appropriate location, width, slope and length of handicapped ramp, elevation of each handicapped parking space and adjacent curb or sidewalk where handicapped ramp is located. Provide spot elevation along the handicapped accessible path leading to the entrance door of each building from each handicapped parking space. All handicapped code requirements must comply with the Accessibility Requirement Manual, January 1990 First Edition, first printing, 12. Show and identify the location, width, length and elevation of the level platform required at the entrance to each building. 13. , , Provide plan view and detail section drawing of dumpster pad and enclosure, Identify overall size of dumpster enclosure, including the 'clear opening minimum width dimension of ten feet (10'). Include type of building materials and structural components. Also, identify the location, color and type of the finish material proposed for the dumpster enclosure. 14. Indicate location, type, size and spacing of accent shrub landscape material required around three (3) sides of all dumpsters. 15. 16. 17. Show the location and identify the type of lawn grass landscape 'material. The vehicular,use area, as seen from the south property line, requires a visual screen barrier (preferably) hedge material. Identify appropriate location, type, size and spacing of required screening material. Provide a detail section drawing of buffer wall. Identify types of building material and struct',;ral components. Identify location, type and color of finish material proposed for the buffer wall. Includ' on .the section drawing the location of the property ~.ne (minimum two foot [2] from wall). Also, show and identi 'y, on plan view drawing, the location of buffer wall t 0 feet (2') in from the property line. z.c>&Lf @ Memo to: Timothy Cannon I Re: Target February 6, 1990 Page Three 18. Show location of all signs and/or signage, including directional signs and building and/or tenant advertisement signage. 19. Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space through the required site perimeter landscape strip at both sides of all ingress and egress driveways. The cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning, on the site landscape plan drawing, a ten foot (10') isosceles right angle triangle with the right angle on the property line at the edge of the driveway and landscape strip and completing the remainder of the triangle into unobstructed landscaping stating that the vertical space within this area is clear of landscape material between thirty inches (30") and six feet (6') . 20. Show unobstructed cross visibility area and space through the required site perimeter landscaping at the corner of the property (where two adjacent public right-of-ways intersect). ~he cross visibility area and space is shown by placing and dimensioning, on the site landscape plan drawing, a thtrty-five foot (35') isosceles triangle at the corner of the property line where the intersection is located and completing the remainder of the triangle into unobstructed landscaping, stating that the vertical space within this area is clear of landscape material between thirty inches (30") and six feet (6'). , , 21. Provide statement that site lighting pole structures will meet the requirements of the Standard Building Code, 1988 edition, Chapter 12. 22. Both public rights-of-way are considered front of lot. Show a minimum of twenty feet (20') from property line to 9,300 square foot outparcel building. 23. Identify and show the appropriate percentage of required native landscape material. In order to facilitate the permitting process, the following 'information should be included within your documents submitted to the Building Department for required permits: 1. All signage must comply with Boynton Beach Sign Ordinance and/or approved sign program. 3oe\f @ Memo to: Timothy Cannon I Re: Target February 6, 1990 Page Four 2. Secure approval from Boynton Beach Utility Department and other utility 'companies, including Florida Power & Light, for location and type of trees planted within utility easement areas bordering on public rights-of-way. , , meh:eaf cc: Don Jaeger &.{~~ TARGET:SDD @ , i; " w,... t / ~ ,( :' <} ~ ~ ~ . .; ., " , .~" " @"}:" " "":"" u ",t. f 1" ,~, ';),"" .. I" " :t< '. 'ft; f~:"~" '~ ...,y.. :Sf.:' .'} ...... " ~>. .'.', ',' ~ , :w" ~, " ~,:~:( 1" 1:HH " ~I " i , ~,~ :)'. ~ "'-- j ~ " 9 -~ MEMORANDUM ~ ~ February 5, 1990 'ro: Jim Golden senior City Planner FRCM: Vinoent A~ Finizio ActiD;J Assistant to the City Engineer RE: T.R.B. Cam-ents for "Target Shopping Center" CUrrie Schneider Associates AIA, P.A. Architects Planner & Interior Designers Jerry Turner and Associates of Florida Inc. , Shalloway Inc., Engineer, Planners & Surveyors, \ I. '.~.. t ~ . 1. Locate all inlet structures within grassy areas in confornance with Boynton Beach ParkiD;J Lot Regulations, Article X, Sectioo 5-142 (g) "Drainage Standards". lInlets are prohibited in paved areas) 2. Revise Engineer's parking lqt striping detail to indicate parking stall double striping in confornance with Section 5-142 (g) "Striping Standards". Suggestion: It may be /lOre econanical for the owners to apply D.O.T. type quick drying paint at parking stalls, instead of the costly thernoplastic j paint specified in the Parking Lot Striping Detail. The City of Boynton Beach minimum standards, does not require thermoplastic paint within parking facilities. 3. Concrete pedestrian sidewalks within the public R.O.W. and along the access driveway are not shown on the Engineer's drawing. Chapter 22 "Sidewalks" and ' Section 5-141 (a) ,(e) "To provide for parking lots which are constructed in such a manner that the physically handicapped are not discriminated against". Indicate on plans the required sidewalk along access driveway which shall continue throught the ingres$, egress approach in confornance with Section 5-142 (g) "Standards". Indicate on plan sidewalks within the abutting pubic R.O.W. 's. 4. Provide grassy swale details for the grassy swale areas along N.W. 22nd Avenue and Congress Avenue. 5. Clarify on plans that the dark blue lines on Engineer's drawing Sheet 2 of 8 are in fact raised continuous concrete curbing, Section 5-142 (e) '''CUrbs''. Note: Typically dark blue lines as shown on the above rrentioned plans indicates raised curbing. Plan view of Section A-A at driveway intersecting N.W. 22nd Avenue has dark blue lines along the outside edge of traffic lanes. The A-A Section detail on Sheet 5 of 8 does not indicate curbing at this location. Clarify all conflicts between plan views and construction details. 6. Indicate on plans that the fire lanes will contain the paverrent markings "Fire Lane" at intervals of 50 feet with signage at intervals of 50 ft. Pavarent markings to be white and the face of the curb along building frontage shall be painted in reflective yellow paint. Section 5-142 (m) "Fire Lanes" and Section 5-142 (g) "Fire Lane Standards" cont'd ...... ) 0 ,- ,. 1: l 1 f " , " j , i ? ~ ~ , .-t, ,~<~ *i<5i :v'-:"\( '\" I\:~ '-'.:..:F ..;::~ .>', . :;.>;~, '" "~~ - "'('l' ,":y.~) ',;:\j'~~;',i'" I" '::~. , ,,~ . " tJ' *1 >;{" '~: '('l S ' " '". ~ ::,J:"\ ; .~~'" ..,;x:' , , {~ '::t ,;r; ",:., . -(.~' ','J 'J" .,' ~1k - ; '" i< ,. ii' {o,. .' il~ " \' ." l' "" .~:. . c. .. ,.:: .~ ,-~'. ',v ;'r:>., ,:,:m. , t~ ":j; ..... " To: Jim Golden, Senior City Planner I Re: T.R.B. Canrents for "Target Shopping Center" February 5, 1990 Page Ii 2 7. Parking lot lighting standards within paved areas diminish vehicle overhanging distance at wheel stops, thereby diminishing required stall lengths, Section 5-142 (g) "Stall Standards". 8. Indicate on Paving & Drainage plans that wheel stops will be utilized at parking stalls in confornance with Section 5-142 (el "CUrbs", "No more than two (2) access aisles may be traversed without interruption which shall be accomplished by the placement of wheel stops or the installation of a raised continuous curb". 9. Provide sui table funding to cover the 'cost of installing street lights within the public R.O.W. 'so VAF/ck cc: J. Scott Miller, City Manager -',. It .. :< ~ > , J j. {. t l r n-L. ~":::I;" ,\.~ ,,~# :k"c' '~~;>;'; 't',a , ,~v ,;:t" . .,~ ..~j~ ,~.'~' .'.. .-..." ..,,' \':::/ " " ' ....'..,., '~ 'n~,:, '';:J', ~,XI ", ~'!:.,: 'l:'I:"~~>,~, f, _.' Ii'," ';;... ';!~!w :)~Z; ~ JR;~ <:~i~i J:, _7'4: c" j " ,;f1 { , : .~ .~.. ,,' ," : MEMORANDUM Utilities ~90-086 ~ ~ TO: Timothy Cannen Actin~ Planning Director FROM:' John A. Guidry \~ Director of Utilit~es ~ ' DATE: February 7, 1990 SUBJECT: TRB Review - Ta=ge~ ShoPPing Center 3ite plan We can approve this proje:t subject to the fol:owing con~itions: Show the loc5ti~n of the exist1ng 16" sewage force caln along Congress Avenue, 2. Add gate valves on a~l l1ydrant lin~s over 20' long ~nd near the hydrant located on the north ~ide of the Target building. 3. please replace the single detector check valve on the fire line with a double detector check valve located above finished gl'ade, 4, All water services with either end under pavement are to be of type K copper, Provide reduced pl'essure backflow pre'fentors em the building,." side of all water meters, We recommend dual units in parallel for those services where water is essential for operation cf the business, 5, "I, . ,. ,i. shorten water ~ervices to the out parcels and retail stores to a maxim\lm of 60' in length by re-aligning the water mains and placing meters in l~ndscaped areas. ;5 . 7, Show all utilit~ easements, Large trees are not permitted within easement~, 8. Add a note that the city will own and maintain main line sewers only, 9, Provide calculations on the site's an:lc:pated domest1c water demanc:, " , " .; i'I ,~ '.'~, , " ',/"', ~.. :. :% ~". J..._ \," "#I.;'" , I. 'J '-"1'9 ;." .~',' ," ~' :\'{;t.1 ~ , ....,'<:,. .:'~';r~/ :/'::.,1',-:-:':':17',.;111"1' "'~I."'J~~' : ':I.r;l;~?_~" , , ,2 '\; ,', :::,1' .::: ':o:;i " Y: ,,;} : '1> " ...., ., ,I:, ,,' , .. . .. .:' ..h _ ~ '. Timothy Cannon Page 2 February 7', 1990 Memorandum #90-086 . ~ ~ 10. Irrigation is not to be supplied by city water. Use either the neighboring lake or a well as the irrigation water " source. 11. Re-align the sewer line from manhole 1 to manhole 5 further away from t~e building to allow for safe excavation and repair. 12. Justify the need for two meters to serve the Target store. 13. Relocat~ the water main out of the loading zone for the Target store and away from parking spaces where ever possible. 14. sanitary services shall have cleanouts at a maximum spacing of 75' 3S required by the plumbing code. We recommend access covers for cleanouts in paved areas and the use of APC markers under all cleanouts. 15, Rectify the apparent conflict between sanitary sewer services and storm drainage for the out parcels on the east side of the site, 16. Add a n~te that all water mains must be cleaned with a soft sided swab before pressure testing. Also add an 8" x 8" blind tee pointlng upward near the connection point to allow s\~ab insert ion, ,I" , ~ 17. Please provide a construction schedule that indicates when potable water capacity will be needed, so as to allow this department to make a determination that reserve capacity wi1llwi11 not be available for the project, clw bc: Petel' 1~3zzeL,,1 x W } \ .~ ',~.. ',J1 . ~"r"-' ,~~"(' . I~ 't"" . '~,l.-\'. . . ,~,):-;. . .. '.. ,," :1(: " ~;'I :'. ~~If ,~. ',"'. .~". @ "_'~l . N . 'J,:t ",',>,i. *;-, '. :W .,<;>" '" \;..\ ..' ~.: }~N: ::~t: ., ^ " t '~'R> -, ;;;':7 \ ",., >:i ~;, . ~ is:' .' '.>.." ~. J:. ,'. '- ',;"::::,. ;'." 0, ~. ::~-1;: J- ", , ., ~ M';~ ~ ,/ , .-......- - ", '. MEMORANDUM -..,. TO: Mr. James Golden FROM: Lt. Dale Hammack RE: Target DATE: February 7, 1990 In regards to this project, I am recommending the following: 1. Interior traffic pattern does not flow smoothly. (Public Safety) 2. Parking lot designed with several parking spaces backing out into through traffic lanes. (Public Safety) 3. North entrance has a blind spot created by the 9,300 s.f. out parcel. Vehicles East bound to of this out parcel would have to pull into the lane to see oncoming traffic. (Public Safety) Parking lot lighting to be photocell activated. proposed the rear through 4. (Ord. 5-138) 5. Any A, E, or E-1 lighting fixtures attached to the building must be directed downward. (Ord. 5-138) 6. Stop signs and stop bars at the ends of parking isles. (Ord. 5-142C) 'I' I,':' 7. Comply with security construction code. (Ord. 5-8G) ~Oall~-/:- . Dale Hammack DH/cm RECEIVED > r-I::u 0 ' ,,'".'1 PLAN"i ' J.ol..l :.. ..,.JT ,~ " , G'~yarc. P.O. BOll 2944 Hartlord, CT 06104.2944 CALL TOLL FREE: 1.800.243.5250 REPLY MESSAGE FOld AI (.) To Fll Orayare Window Envelope fI EW10P ~EOROER ITEM' F2 :;r I" I -;SO"",-'=- ~ TO C\ .) 6 t-J 110 12.. ~';><:ir---.) --, Q,.-.,. t-"'t-P-,r-..l,.J c:o;:~ FROM K oBIE'r---r- 57 c..;.--,:=z...>~ -H:-TIJ-.J G ~8t..-lC Woe.K~l SUBJECT: 'SITtS A-u - /~G>E::\ '-------I;~ "P..-(...;~ (fNn~fL. r., ~-0 -9_ _____.______. """_,___",_,,,..__,,__,,___,_,,__...,___'_'___"___'___'_"",m",,_' ,,_,_-=uA T ~. --~ ----/__ "OLD + Vu.>~1 S=Ho<......:> ~ IV'\.p,>-r~,<- 012... c.o~<A.-<:.-7DtZ- L=C-A-110 '0.> - v-.:l' -rl-\- ~ \ l..---s, ~ PLEASE REPLY TO ~ . SI REPLY DATE: SIGNED lIem fI F269 OrllYllrc, P.O. BOll 294.4, HlIf11ord, CT 06104.2944 @ Wheele, GrOlJp, Inc. 1962 ;..1". JI'l FO,~ IJt::HSOI~ .-~'_ _l.:."; p~R"nN dn()RF""Fn RFTlIRN THIS :OPY TO SENDER ;' '>>.....;I.'~,'~.u 'Ie' -, .~ . . .~,'," , ~X; \ '~! ? , .::.'-:: :~, : .~. ;.:. ~: , , '?-: .;.:- L' '..' " )': e, "'d. ~..., . :i!"'lMt"'~'I!,.' :, . , ..' f , . . ~': \. '," ." Y', I .;.:..~. t , .j,.:. ,i'~ :;'-r~ .:;ll ~'. ~ 3 ~ , ~, ~ ~, ~, % ? i ^ & I~ '* ~ , e e ~ ~ ~ MEMORANDUM TO: Chairman and Members Pl~~ning and Zoning Board THRT.': Timothy P. Cannon r-C Interim Planning Director FROM: James J. Golden Senior City Planner DATE: February 7, 1990 SUBJECT: Tarqet Shoppinq Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 If it is the decision of the Planning and Zoning Board to recommend approval or the City Commission to approve this application, compliance with the following conditions is~ necessary for consistency with the City's Code of Ordinances and Comprehensive Plan: 1. Loading zones have not been provided to serve outparcels (section 11.J of Appendix A-Zoning). 2. The design of the internal intersections at the southeast and northwest corners of the Target Store result in poor traffic flow and turning movements and create potentially hazardous situations. In addition, there is a visability problem at the intersection at the northwest corner of the Target Store that results from the design of the outparcel at this location. Vehicles turning left on the south side of the outparcel cannot see around the corner of the building. It is strongly recommended that the site be redesigned in these two areas to eliminate these problems (Objective 2.5 of the Comprehensive Plan). 3. Exterior mechanical equipment at the rear of the shopping center should have proper screening and noise mitigation incorporated in the design of the center (Policy 1.17.7 of the Comprehensive Plan). A note should be added to the plans to reflect this requirement. , i 4. Due to the close proximity at the rear of the shopping center to the planned unit development, it is recommended that the rear design of the center be similar to the front design of the center (Policy 1.17.7 of the Comprehensive Plan). 5. The design of the stormwater drainage system does not provide for the pre-treatment of the first one-half inch of stormwater runoff in grassy swales or other landscaped areas (Policy 1.11.7 and 4.2.9 of the Comprehensive plan and the drainage design requirements of Articlle X-Parking Lots). Redesign of the on-site drainage system will be required. 6. The color scheme of the shopping center has not been indicated on the blueprint elevations (see item #14 on site plan application check list). 7. Typical floor plans and elevations have not been submitted for outparcel buildings. Therefore, a site plan modification will be required for the outparcel buildings (Section 19-18 of the Code of Ordinances). 8. Platting is required pursuant to Objective 1.20 of the Comprehensive Plan, as the portion of the original Congress Lakes planned unit development which lies south of N.W. 22nd Avenue has been divided into more than 3 parcels since 1978. 9. Lighting poles should not encroach parking spaces and should be relocated to landscaped islands (Section 5-142(i)(2) of Article X-Parking Lots). Giayarc. PO. BOll 2944 Hartlord. CT 06104.2944 CAll TOll FREE: 1.&lQ.24J.5250 REPLY MESSAGE FOld A1ltl To Fit Gr.yare Window En....lop.. EW10P ,EOROER ITEM' F; ;:t I'" I '3'Ol""""\-c ~ TO C\ .:>6t-.lIO~ ~"",<:r---.) I Q-,-,. t-"'",--p"....;,,J ea:r<:.... FROM . KoB..:r--"-- 5"7c....-=z..>'"'T +=k:-T/t--J C;; ~8'--\.C- Woe.K~l SUBJECf:,.3> 1.~,.,'.'.m~.~n=,~~,"'=:Cn~_~n~C~,~,G" , F:!!.nH!:DA TE:_::,_.~? ~OLD . --,...... rv\1.> ~ I S=H= <......:> ..L.^-' ",,-p '> TC!S'""'<- ora.. C.OM..P<A--C.-70~ L= C-A-II 0 "0.> - ~I-r;--\r ~\,-...s" ~ PLEASE REPLY TO SI . ED ~ ~ REPLY DATE: SIGNED II.m . F269 Grayatc. P.O. BOll 2944. Hartlord. CT 06104.2944 C) Wheeler GrouP. Inc. 1962 ;. .1'.:. ";1", FO.lIJt:RSOI~ ..~ ._L:.J DI'R<::OIll 6n"RF<::~Fn RFTIIRN THIS. :OPY TO SENDER .. ~.('I"'" '. .' /,. .~ . . ;....., .: ~'" ?' '~ .~ ! . . .;..";: .~. ~ ;<. ., ,.. ~;. .#~.. .;.... .. ). ~. ~ " _."":il"':MI"''''I''-'' . .' . , . ~'.. \ . y :-1 Y', I "':i..... t r , 1, t .~ ~, ~ z ~,. i n ~ r- " ? , <- ) i TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - site Plan - File No. 411 February 7, 1990, Page 2 10. Approval of the site plan is contingent upon approval of the rezoning to C-3. 11. Review of the developer's traffic impact analysis is based on a maximum 140,000 square foot shopping center. The square footage proposed on the site plan.is 142,500 square feet. The square footage of the shopping center must be reduced by 2,500 square feet to comply with the square footage anticipated in the traffic report submitted by Kimley-Horn. 12. The adjacent medians on congress Avenue and N.W. 22nd Avenue should be landscaped in accordance with policy 2.9.4 of the~ Comprehensive Plan. 13. Turn lane improvements recommended by Kimley-Horn for the project driveway onto N.W. 22nd Avenue have not been incorporated into the set of plans. These improvements must be shown on all of the site drawings at the time of sign-off. 14. The additional right turn-in/right turn-out driveway onto N.W. 22nd Avenue should be removed from the plans, as this driveway has not been included in the Kimley-Horn traffic analysis. ~5.) ~ Restaurant floor area should be indicated on the site plan, including the maximum seating proposed, to determine the specific number of parking spaces required. 16. The orientation of the shopping center to the intersection is significantly different than that which exists at the southeast (Motorola) and northwest (Mahogany Bay) corners and that proposed at the northeast corner (Shoppes of Boynton). The visual impact of rhe ~~~~osed design with respect to the other corners at this intersection should be taken into consideration. (With respect to 17.-19. below, see attached excerpts from the Future Land Use Element support Documents in Exhibit "A"). 17. Since this is a commercial proj ect, no residents would be added as a re~ult of the construction of the project. Therefore, parks and recreations facilities would not be needed and the levels of service for these facilities would not be affected. 18. Sanitary sewer capacity is available for the project, consistent with the adopted level of service, as evidenced by the analysis un pages 9-10 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents. 19. Drainage and solid waste facilities are available for the project, consistent with the adopted level of service, as evidenced by the analysis on pages 11-13 of the Future Land Use Element Support Documents. TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - site Plan - File No. 411 February 7, 1990, Page 3 20. Roadway Improvements The following roadway improvements are required: o Site Access on N.W. 22nd Avenue .. Northbound through/left-turn lane Separate northbound right-turn lane o N.W. 22nd Avenue and Conqress Avenue Separate northbound right-turn lane Second northbound left-turn lane by restriping Separate southbound right-turn lane Separate eastbound right-turn lane Second westbound through lane o Hypoluxo Road and Conqress Avenue .. Second westbound left-turn lane o Six-laning of congress Avenue from Hypoluxo Road to Boynton Beach Boulevard. o Six-laning of Boynton Beach Boulevard from Old Boynton Road to 1-95. Based on Palm Beach County standards, assurance of roadway improvement would require the project to be scheduled for construction in the County Transportation Improvement Program, the State Five Year Work Program or part of a Municipal Capital Improvement Program. The project may also be considered assured if it is part of a developer agreement and has been secured through bonding with the City or County. In order to meet City requirements, the Applicant should provide an analysis of impacts to N.W. 22nd Avenue, support the historical traffic growth rates and provide the City with assurance of improvements. If the applicant provides information acceptable to the City, the project may be approved but may not commence until such time as construction of required roadway improvements has been assured, meaning that a building permit cannot be issued for the proposed shopping center until the roadway improvements listed above have either been included in the State, County, or City transportation improvements program, or have been bonded or are under contract. Pursuant to policy 2.6.2 of the Comprehensive Plan, the City can recommend to Palm Beach County that the developer's road impact fee payment be credited toward any of the roadway improvements listed above, subject to approval by Palm Beach County. The traffic analysis submitted by the developer was reviewed by Walter H. Keller, Jr., Inc., the City's traffic consultant, to determine consistency with the 1989 City of Boynton Beach Compre- hensive Plan (Ordinance 89-39) and section 9.c.4.h(5) of Appendix A-Zoning. A 'copy of Mr. Keller's report can be found in Exhibit "B" of this memorandum. 21. Potable Water Since the proposed project would consist of commercial uses and would not bring additional residents into the City, construction of the project would not affect the adopted Level of Service (!.OS) . TO: Chairman and Members, Planning and Zoning Board SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan - File No. 411 February 7, 1990, Page 4 However, connection to the City's water system may be prohibited by DER, through the County Health Department, under the regula- tions administered by those agencies. Furthermore, since it ~3 very likely that the level of service for water is not currently being met, it is possible that vesting of this project with respect to this LOS may be a potential problem, if construction does not begin immediately. The City commission will need to adopt a concurrency management ordinance by June 1, 1990. This ordinance will need to include specific rules for determining whether a project is vested. 22. All of the statements wn.i.~h nave been made in items 17. through 21. concerning availability of public facilities will be subject to the vesting rules which will be~ incorporated into the concurrency management regulations that the City must adopt by June 1, 1990. In addition to the requirements necessary pursuant: r~ '::h:; Cude and Comprehensive Plan, the following recommendations should also be considered: 23. Additional buffering should be required between the shopping center and the planned unit development through the use of natural features such as lakes, dense landscaping, architectural treatment to rear building elevations, screening of exterior mechanical equipment, and mitigation of noise generated by exterior mechanical equipment. 24. The applicant should be required to construct the addi- tional median/turn lane improvements outlined in items no. 5 and 7 of the correspondence from the Palm Beach County Tri":':fiw Division that appears in Exhibit "c" of this memorandum. ~f-~ ES fiJ. GOLDEN JJG:frb Encs Targetsp , . '! ^ .~' -. c :~;t~~ ,6.:_".1' ' ! .,,:.o,Hi,1<- ;,~Q'1" , ' , _.L ---.I .: 46 ,~ .,.. 'I't .) _(i{ . . - :-~' il.'.'::" .:'.- :::.;.., (1;':/::' "~-%r''-.'. ~,' ,'. .. Yr. : '~I<: : ,.:::F~: " -~~.'. . ~ )::,::':'1 '1/: Jt.h_'. ~ ' RECREATION & PARK MEMORANDUM #90-068 ~ TO: Tim Cannon, Interim planning Director FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist SUBJECT: Target Shopping Center - Site Plan DATE: February 6, 1990 The following comments pertain to the landscaping at the above site: 1. 30% of the shrubs/bushes must be native species. 2. The hedge along Congress Avenue & NW 22nd Avenue must be 36" in height at the time of planting. 3. Trees which will be planted under overhead power lines should be reviewed for future tree trimming requirements. 4. It is recommended that a landscaped island be installed wherever'10-12 adjacent parking stalls are located to break up the expanse of parking. 5. It is recommended that additional landscape materials be installed at the rear of the target building to visually screen the future residential properties. 6. The applicant must apply to the Palm Beach County Engineering Department to landscape and irrigate the medians of Congress Avenue and NW 22nd Avenue. 7. All road R.O.W. areas must receive irrigation. ~/"f'd: ~'r!!:t1/~h-;b Kevin J. lla an Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad " MEMORANDIJIN DATE: FI' [,RUAF:'! 7, 1990 T'~' . JIM GOLDEN. PLANNING DEPARTMENT FF\OM: W, 0, (~VANAUGH, FIRE DEPARTMENT R E : T~RGET DEPARTMENT STORE PROVIDE FIRE HYDRANTS TO COMPLY WITH sua DIVISION REqUIREMENTS FOR ALL PARCELS ~:HOWN. i ,e.; NO PORTION OF ANY BUILDING SHALL BE OVER 200' FROM A FIRE HYDRANT. ~l~~( FIRE PREVENTION OFFICER I xc: Deputy Chief Crockett F i 1 e WDC/p'~ ~ ~ .., " , ," .,( %' , ~ ,y 0: ~, " '~ .- f ~" t ,i ~:'~ ~: t: " , I, '$, ~ ~ ,~: ,;t r ,~ ",F , " " F " .. , . \ \ \ ~ i ~ * ~. i i ~ * , J,IJ,("'.f# __~:~i,_ ~. I I a ~'Il W~ V1.."l P \oJ9:S "~.~ _wg .J - ~ ",c:::z <~~Q :r. Q.'- c ~u~<c.'5 c.~ UV1<A".2 'II ~~ <( a.. ~ 7- , ~ , ,W I" '" ~ 11or.~r. <! ~ ;.~ 1 t I' J 1~ 1 l . I I II Jl!: ,m I ~~~ I ~ti "6~ ~ l! H~l . (". , J'i' ': l;'~I"I"ii'I'" :Jj cn.!I. ~.-J :?~Hr::".: ~17.. !!;i:=ij!P!. .1:1,~!iiH .: ii .l,'l;:....!lJi!,-S. .i ,;.,;,:1 i; j;ll. !!:!!I:ii!~'Ii,jHi,;;;J~ ~ ,'!i ~~: ,-I :l""!"- :~..J' Q. _:1. iJiI'llIiililjl jjJ!/il";! 2. 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