AGENDA DOCUMENTS - .'- J'i3 NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Planning & Zoning Board of the CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, shall meet at 7:30 P M. on July 11, 1989, in the City Commission Chambers, Boynton Beach, to consider an app.lication for a parking lot variance on the following described property: Owner/Applicant: City of Boynton Beach Legal Description: The South Two-Thirds (2/3) of the East 500.00' of the West 750.00' of the Northeast One-Quarter, (NEt) of the Northeast One-Quarter of Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East., subject to the Right-Of-Way of the South 50.00' of the North One-Half (Ni) of the Northeast One-Quarter . (NEt) of said Section 16 as described in Deed Book 947, Page 367 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County. , TOGETHER WITH: ., I The South 50' of the North One-Half (1) of the Northeast One-Quarter (1) and the North 50' of the South One Half (i) of the Northeast One Quarter (1) in Section 16, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, Less the West 250' thereof. . Location: NE 26th Avenue and NE 3rd Court Requested Variance: Section 5-142 (f) DRAINAGE. Storm water shall be contained on site. Contain- ment capacity shall be designated for a minimum of two and one-half (2.5) inches of rainfall in one (1) hour. Drainage structures and French drains shall comply with minimum city stan- dards established by the city engineer. For impervious areas exceeding twenty- five thousand (25,000) square feet, the design of the parking lot and facilities shall be done by an engineer registered in the State of Florida, and the plans submitted shall be sealed. Maximum storage capacity of soil shall be considered at the rate of one (1) inch of water for each six (6) inches of soil above the water table. r} ~ Proposed Request: ,proposed Use: Drainage calculations are required in all instances. The hydraulic conduc- tivity of soil shall be determined with tests made at the site using test procedures reco~~ended by the South Florida Water Management District or other procedures which have been approved by the city engineer. Request variance to drain 2/3 of the parking lot to City R.O.W. (Median between parking lot and NE 26th Avenue) and 1/3 of the parking lot to the park site which is leased by the City from the School Board Public Park All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearing in person or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board with respect to any matter considered at this m~eting will need a record of the proceedings and for such purpose may need to ensur~ that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence' upon which .the appeal is to be based. BETTY 'S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH ~ ~, . . PUBLISH: BOYNTON BEACH NEWS 'June 22, 1989 & June 29, 1989 p/variance1 J~ o