APPLICATION " .. .' ~/J?J : '- v- .=:2 l ""'..' ot " " ; ---=.- ......... , .... ~ I";. , .... BOYNTON BEACH PLANNING DEPARTMENT . APPLICATION INFORMATION FO~l " - NOTE: This form must be -filled out completely and accurately' and must accompany all applications submitted to the Planning Dept~ (2 copies of application required) --' " . " " ....... , :..' " . ,. PROJECT NAME: ~'. 't:'- . 1- . ~. ~ . ...:". .""~'.',.' . AGENT' 5 NAME: F:}';::'. ::: ~"f . , .' ~.- ~ I.; " ~,. , ADDRESS: iff9F2.0";e;I.(t1lrs,I('fI~u..' ~7t2r~1 j /JJC . iEoft,LC ~ ~16' . t I f)jy G, HY~ ~ U'!Y 6p(v tiJAi 1b:p.A1~f} r:UJ ~ 3'1;'- 'to 7 . 7'37... - b / ( 4 . . . .. . . PHONE: . PHONE . QeAl /!J 1.6:5 GiJ {):;!2F et? .. / / W rJ'l P/?-/.:Jr:~~A.c... 1fW--1 I Ibo-; /../ ~Ai /f:.;E:A C.# , ~ :3 iJ~b.f I . 7~7- ~e87 OWNER' 5 NAME: (or trustee's) ADDRESS: PROJECT LOCATION: flU N J ~t2AL t4-wf (~ legal description) ~ .' CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS:* (if different than agent or owner) .~ * This is the address 'to which all agendas, letters and other materials will be forwarded. : /02 . P-age 9' ~-'7o I\!. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear, where applicable, on all six (6) copies of the site plan. 1. Land Use Cateqory shown in the Comprehensive Plan 2. Zoning District (2,3 3. Area of Site .f)~ 41g acres /B /2ob sq. ft. 4. Land Use -- Acreage Breakdown a. Residential, including 0, 4/0 surrounding lot area or gr~)Unds b. Recreation Areas * (excluding water area) I c. Water Area d. Conunercial e. Industrial f. Public/In- stitutional' g. Public ,Private, and Canal .. ."~ Rights-of-Way '" h. Other (specify) I. ":" / {)"O % of site acres % of site acres -% of site acres % of site acres % of site acres % of site acres acres % of site acres % of site i. Other (specify) acres % of site j. Total Area of Site 0, 4-1 ~ 100 % of site * Including open space suitable for outdoor recreation, and having a minimum dimension of 50 ft. by 50 ft. 5. Surface Cover a. Ground Floor Building6- (~) 1- t7 (p~ sq.ft. ~. 14-- % of site Area ("building footprint') b. Water Area c::> sq~ft. 0 % of site c. Other Impervious Areas, including paved area of public & private streets, paved area of parking lots & driveways (ex- cluding landscaped areas) , and sidewalks, patios, decks, and athletic -'1.41") courts. {~ '" sq.ft. 0,4.\ % of site e. Landscaped Area Inside of Parking Lots (20 sq.ft. per interior parking space required-- see Sec. 7.5-35(g) of Landscape Code) . lO,vOb tJ~ sq. ft. t//~ % of site d. Total Impervious Area sq.ft. % of site Planning Dept. 10/82 Pl~nnin~ D~~t. lO/~2 /-3 \ / , , Page 10 ~c:PO f. Other Landscaped Areas, 8 200 sq. ft. If!:? . % of site " excluding Water Area ~ g. Other Pervious Areas, including Golf Courses, Natural Areas, Yards, and Swales, but excluding of site Water Areas sq. ft. % h. Total Pervious Areas g2C? () sq.ft. '.4f5 % of site i. Total Area of Site II L/ ;;... r- ldq.ft. 100 % of site ... 6. Floor Area a. Residential 2(Z;fo sq. ft. b. Commercial/Office sq. ft. c. Industrial/Warehouse sq.ft. d. Recreational sq.ft. e. Publici Institutional sq.ft. f. Other (specify) sq.ft. g. Other ( specify) sq. ft. ,. "- ;2..ah ~ h. Total Floor Area sq.ft. - ~ Number of Residential Dwelling Units ., '7. a. Single-Family Detached 2 dwelling units b. Duplex dwelling units c. MUlti-Family (3 + attached dwelling units (1) Efficiency dwelling units (2) I Bedroom dwelling units ( 3) 2 Bedroom dwelling units (4) 3+ Bedroom dwelling units d. Total Multi-Family dwelling units e. Total Number of Dwelling 2- Units 8. Gross Density rJ4 Dwelling Units per Acre 9. Maximum Height of Structures on Site )3 feet / stories lO; Required Off-Street Parking a~ Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces 13J\(";"';' (.) ()tJ fA tx... "'I MtJV\. 1) r.::: <'.-? I~, \= v'': b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan ~- ~ ....... '; , I z.. Planning Dept. lO/82 /~ , . ' . Fee , ,. Applicant i "~~,' . .... ',. J , . CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION " Date Submitted. Applicant Name: Pv S7tC f2e.'ttzi=A~" I~ A~Plicant Address: /12~.1J I -Pet:Je./2AL- ~'.' -Ph,one: 1)37- ~1 site Address: ,. ~.5D i ~'!;I MA+JZjR. Cl;?JJlE '.,. " , Legal Description: ~ .,A~-CH6L:? ~J,ftEE-r: . .~ . ," .' .~ -. eo Pro~ect Description: E "x:TEJJD '/2E'Z/ll!eJ..1EJ..lT va=- To ~A- UEm- ~ ~/.,t-DII~~' t ~~IUltJUJ) fill -=': - _. ~~/J~-'-~ S~grrature 0 OWNER ' . "~'., . i~~~~ The Owner has hereby de- signated the ~bove signed person to act as his agent in regard to this petition. (To be executed when Owner designates another to act on his behalf.) .. (2) . , J . . lanning Department 9/83 " /s- '~ . I' .. .. ! Exl611 tJb -A, c,.. 1-. F, ~o J...1AtJo~ Pl2-. &,s J ~ (),:!,. .D12, ..- "". ~/;;~, . ' " ~5~A'/~r/pAl: A tract or land lying in aovar~nt Lot J of Ieotlen 22, Townahip .,., louth, Range 43. Za.t, in the Town of Ioynton ...ch, Florida, being ~or. particularly de.cribed a. rollow.. llOINNIWO at a point which i. the inter.ection or the North line ot the South 370 r.et of Gov.rn- ..nt Lot J, ot .aid Section 22, and the aa.t right-ot-way lIne of V... a. it pre.antl\' l1e.., thancp "roc..ding in an Zaat.r,ly directJe-n alonq thp .aid North l&n., a diatane. ot l~l,Dl f..t to a puint, thanc. 'ou~h. at an anql. ot 90 d.gr.ea to the atoraaaid lIne, a dl.tanee ot 56.01 .- r.et to a point; thence We.t.rly parallal -to afor...ld North I1n., . dl.tance of 30.07 feet to a point: thanc. Southerly at an angle of 90 d.gre.. to the afor..aid lln., . di.tanc. of 12.50 r..t to a poInt, thence W..terly parallel to the afor..aid North line, a di.tence of 21,90 reet to a point' thence South.rly at an angle or 90 d.gr.e. to the .fore.aid line, a dl.tanc. of 5].50 feet to a point, thence We.ter- ly parallel to .aid North lIne, a dl.tance ot 152,61 f.et to a point, th.nce Northerly with an Int.rior angl. of ..039'JO., a dJ.tance of 122.75 t.et ~or. or 1... to a point, thi.-polnt being the point of BEGINNING. CONTAINING ,485 acr.. ~re nr 1.... '4.- ./,:;' !, AICtl A tract or land lyine in GovernDent Lot 3, Section 22, Townahlp 45 South, Rana. 43 East, In the Town of 8oynLon 8eaoh, Florid., belna 80re p.rtloularly descrJbed as rollows: c:cmn,.,ndng 8t a point Wlloh is the lnteraectlon' of the North line of the South 370 fed of Goverment Lot 3 of I18ld SecUon 22 and the [ast right-of-way line of U.S. 1 as It presently liesl thence proc&edlng [a.terly .long aald North line, a dlstanee of 191.01 reet to a point, thi. point beln. the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.); thence eontlnulng Eas~ly alona aald North line, a dlatane~ of 69.80 reet to a point; thence South .t an angle or goo to the .foresald 11n., . distance or 75.08 feet to a point; thence W.at par.ll.l to the aforeaald North line, a distance or 69,80 rNt to a point; thence Marth at an anale "f 90" to the aroresald line, a distance of 75,08 feet 8Ior. ar less to . point i this point being the Point of Beelnning I',O.B.). Contalnina 0.123 acr.. ..".e or leaa and lIUbJe<:t to easemenLa, re..rutlons and ri8hta-or-ay or racord, AICtl A tract or land lylna in Government Lot 3 or Section 27, Township 4~ South, Ranae 113 East, In the Town or 8oynLon Beach, Palll Peech Ccunty, floridA. ~ln8 more partleularly d~scribed aa rollow.: CallMnelng at the NorU_st corner of the :-......th 370.00 feet of Goverrnent Lot 3; thence Easterly, along the North Une or thl! aforementioned South 370,00 reet or Government Lot 3, ..ld line being alao the South line of Wllma Way SID as recorded in Plat Book 2), page 110 or the Public: Recorda of Palm Peach County, florida, a dlstanc~ or 1129.62 feet to. P'11nt; thence Southerly at ~o, a dlalance or 56,08 feet to the Point or BqI".,lng; thenee conti rue along Ule aror_ntl~ ecurse, a dlstancp or 18.9<' r...t to a point; thenee Easterly 8t goo, 8 distance or 69,80 reet to a point; thence Southerly .t goo, a <lllItanee of )5.00 reet to a point; thence Easterly at '1:)0, a distance or 6.15 feet to a point; thence StJUtherly at goo, a distance of 95.08 reet to a point, aaid point being on the North Une or Lake Addition SID, as recorded in Plat Book II, page 71 of the '.1111 a...ch Ccunty Recorda; ~c:e Westerly at goo, along th.. , afor_ntloned North line or Lake Addition SID, a dhtance or 75,00 reet to a point; thence NlJI'therly at go , a distance of 83.00 r.et to a point; thence Westerly 8t.goo, a dlatance or 52.92 reet to 8 point; thence Northerly at goo, . distance or 51.50 feet to a point; thenee Easterly at 900, a dlatanee or'21.9O reet to a point; th~nce Northerly ..t Wo, . distance or 12.50 rtH!t to a point; thence Easterly at goo, a dlstanee of 30.07 f..t MOre or less to the Polnt of Be&lmlng, Said parcel lIUbJflCt to an eas_nt ror r08<1 purposes, beln& IIDre partl~ularly described as roll0W3: IleglMlng at the Point of BeKlnnlng or the above deacribed parcel; thence Southerly, 8 distance or 18.92 feet to 8 point; thenee Easterly at goo, a diatance or 69,80 feet to a point; th..nce Southerly at 900, . dl.tance or 1).(~, reet to a pnlnt; thenee Westerly at 900, a distance of 68.85,reet to a point; thence Sou~rly at go., a d.ltan~ of 12.08 reet t..J 8 point; thenee Westerly at go., a distance of 52,92 feet to a point; thence Northerly at goo, 8 distance of 53.50 feet to 8 point; th~n~e Easterly at goo, a distance or 21.go reet; thence Northerly, a dl.tanee or 12.50 feet to a point; thenee Easterly at 900, a distance or ]0,07 feet IInre or l"lIs to the Point or BeglMlna. , Said pared eontainlng 0.295 ac:re" IIlOl"8 or leaa and aubJect to other _.-nLa and riahta-of-way or record. ., /b "5 0 46-1\ D r- ()r- , (,$ I ~~O r- 'lA". ,. ~" .. ,. ~. A tract of bnd lrlne 11'1 Gow~t Lot 3, lSeoUon 22, Townahlp 115 South, lance 1i3 i..t, 11'1 the TONI'I ot Boynton 8eaah, Flori.., belrllllOl". perUoulllT'ly deaoribed .. tollowsl ec:..enelnc at. a point ..tllah is the lnhrNOtlon of the IIorth 11ne 0{ the South 310 teet ot Gov_t. Lot. 3 ot Mid s.oUon 22 and the E..t rl&ht.-ot-wy 11ne or U,S. 1 as lt pr.aently 11a41 tMnoe Jlf"OO"di~ !.uterl)' alonl .ald North 11na, a di.t8OOe or 193.01 t..t to a point, thll point bei", the Polnt or Becimlng 11',0.8.); tnenee oontlfLIlnc Euterl, alone ..ld lIorth 11ne. a cUatanoe ot 69,80 tMlt to a polntl thence South at an -&1- of go- to the ator.ntd 111'1.. a dlataMe 0{ 75.08 teet to . polntl U- INtIt penUel to the afore..ld Iforth 11ne, a dl.lance or 69.80 tHt to a point., thenoe IIorth at an anll. of 90" to the arorellald 11ne, a dlat.anee 0{ 75.08 t..t .or. or l..a to a polnt, thh point bell11 the Point or Beclnnlnl 11',0.8.), . Contalnlnc 0.123 eorea _. or le.. -.ld eubJeet to __ta, re..,.vation. and rl8hu-of-w8Y of reGord, IIlD A lnel or lend lylne 11'1 GoYer_t. Lot. 3 or Sectlon 27, TCllIMhlp 115 South, lance 113 E..t, 11'1 the Town ot Iloynton Beach, hll1 IIMoh C<unty, Florida, beln& aore partleularl, described .. rollowal . ea-nelnc at the lIorU--at eorner of the Sauth 310.00 teet. of CooternMnt Lot 3, thence EMterly, .lone tha North 11ne 0{ -the ator_ntlOMd South 370,00 teet or GoYer,..nt. Lot 3. .ald 11/lC1 beinc a180 the South 11ne 0{ W11_ Wa, SID .. recorded in Plat eoo.c 23. paae 110 of tha Publlo leoorda of Pal_ Beech Coooty, florida, a d1etance or 1129.62 reet to a polntl ~ Southerly at 900, a dlat.anoe of 56.08 t..t to the Point or Beet""in" thence oontlfL1e alone the et'or.-ntloned courH, a di.tance of 18.92 t..t to a polnt.1 thence tasterly at 90", a distanoe ot 69,80 teet. to a polntl thence Southerl)' at 90-, a dlatanoe or 35.00 fHt to . pointl thenee Easterly at 90-, a dlat.anoe 0{ 6,15 teet. to . point, then<< Southerly at 900, a dlalance or 95,08 teet to a potnt, sald point belnc on the IIorth 11ne ot LaIc. Addi tlon S/I), a. ~ 11'1 Plat Book 11, p81_ 71 or the Pal_ BHeh Coonty Ileeorda, thence Weaurly .t. 90-, alone the .ror~t.1oned North line d L~ Acldttlon SID, . di.~ or 75,00 r..t. to . polntl thenoe IIortherly at go , . dlstMee or 8],00 r..t to a point; theooe Wellterly at goo, a dlatance or 52.92 teet to, polnt, theltee "ortherly at 900, a dbt.anoe or 53.50 r_t to a paint, ~ Eaaurly at. 90-, a dl.tanee or 21,90 t..t to a point, thence 1I000therl)' at 900. a dlatanee 0{ 12.50 t..t to . point, thenc. Eutarly at goo, a dl.t,nee of 30.07 rNt _a or 1... to the Point or ~IMlnc, . Sald parcotl albject to III ea_nt tor road purpoee., belnc __ particul.rly deaoribed .., tollowsl BeglMllII at the Poll'll. of Bellmlnc or the .boYe dell<:ribed parcel, thence Southerly, . distance ot 18.92 reet to. polntl thence Eeet.erly at goo, a cU.tance 0{ 69,80 raet to a point; thence Southerly .t. 90", a diatanoe ot 3~.OO t..t to a polnt.; thence We.t..rly at goo, a eliatance ot 68.85 teet. to a point, thence Southerly .t. 90'", . daltane. or 12.08 rNt w a point; th~ W..1t.erly at goo, a d1atance or 52.92 teet to. point; thence NOl'therly at 900, a d1.tance cr 53.50 teet. to a polnt, thence Ea.5terly at goo, a distance 0{ 21.90 teet; thence lIortherly, a d1atanee of 12.50 reel. to. point, thence Eaatarl, at goo, . dilltance of 30.07 reet ..".e or less to the Point ot Beglmlnc. Seld p8rc.l contalnln. 0.295 ecr.. ~ or leu and subject to other _ta 8nd rllhta-ot-way of record. ~1( tf/iJJ:r "A w ~~ /7 '--- ..!._. --:-- -....,-..-:---...... ..._.,.-...: :' ~d MEMORANDUM TO: Mr. Carmen Annunziato City Planner FROM: Betty Boroni City Clerk DATE: November 28, 1988 RE: Planning & Zoning Board Meeting of 12/13/88 Attached please find a copy of the following advertisement scheduled to be published in The Post on December 2, 1988. for the Planning & Zoning Board meeting of December 13, 1988: NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING: Conditional Use ACLF - Rustic Retreat ~ d. Bi~~' .. - .... pc.s~ Attachments cc: City Manager D TIcnr't' n."-'~ .II. \...C ..t..J.... V < - '. .u......_.. NOV \) \J 198t) I:~~~NNING Di::Pf. - ~-_. ... , /J> 'i' .h . ;.;;:- -. /- " fT ..... fT. ..D :t- ru :::t". co to IJ') th ::IF oc:: co I :> c:>. ~ .- '~ rn -4 c- o CL -4 ,a- rn ::t- ~ ::t- ee */00 lliI'arranty Jaeed , This instrument was prepared by: C;RETURN TO: J, k MICHAEL P. SMODISH, Esq. 3452 W, Boynton Beach Blvd. , P,O, Box 642 (STATUTORY FORM-SECTION 689.02 F,S.) IOYNTON BrACH, FLORIDA 33425.0642 aUTis lnbrnturr. Made this ! 1984 , IJrlwrrn 200 day of Noverrber . IROOERT A. PCWERS am GIENDORA M. PamRS, his wife, of th~ County of Palm Beach , State of Florida , grantor"', and STEVE 'FREED whose post office address is '05/ lJ1alJoy Drive) B..'YJ1~ of the County of Palm Beach , State of , Florida Bea~JL 33L/35" , grantee"', JIIitnrssrtl1. That said grantor, for a'nd in consideration of the sum of --------~~ TEN AND NO/lOO ($10.00)----------- ------ ---Dollars. and other good and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand paid by said grantee. the receipt whereof is hereby acknowledged, has granted, bargained and sold to the said grantee, and grantee's heirs and assigns forever, the following described land, situate, lying and being in Palm Beach County, Florida. to-wit: SEE ATmCHEo LEGAL DESCRIPTION SUBJEX::T TO easements, reservations and restrictions of record, if any; zoning regulations of applicable go;rernrnental authority; real property taxes for 1984 am subsequent years; a purchase mooey second mortgage of even date herewith from Grantee herein to Grantors herein; and that certain mortgQ3e in favor of Midwest Mortgage Carpany recorded in Official Record Book 2557, at Page 1273, of i;Pe Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, which Mortgage the Grantee herein ::- hereby assurres am expressly agrees to P=lY. -' '7:?,q::P Cf~~ 9~O l)~;:a1).~r.rC"7 ':'C;"I N ~..2 <f O,7.f I II\U1tglbh 'reS! N, C1Q~~FIOrl4a and said grantor does hereby fully warrant the title to said land, and will defend the same against the lawful, claims of all persons 'whomsoever. '" "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires, 1In lDitnrss ml1rrrnf. Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written, ?ff::-..;I.d~ d~n 0"' ."'''J''' /~ ,"-:;... . ~ ~t~Lj ,:/{-;'-li: '/ /; -11'1/ 't(,~/ (Seal) A" A /' ROBERT A. PCMERS / ' /C./.:'t.tA.. I /' /'"./1- It ;' ,.../"J -.. -/. (Seal) ,(LiIe-rLCltHLL ~ GLENDORA M. POOERS {J~~-" . (Seal) (Seal) STATE OF FLORIllZ\. COUNTY OF PAIM BEACH I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to toke acknowledgments, personally appeared ROBERT A. roVERS and GIENDORA M. PCWERS, his wife, to me known to be the person S described in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that t he yexecuted the some. . WITNESS ,~y '~~~~ l~~q..,~.fficial seal in' the County and State ~ast a re~aid th~iS /~ day of 'Noverrber 1984.;.' '...',."....'/..'" ./_ /r..tJ /)I' A // .::::. ,:~;. ~~.~."';u,.".... "..:}", .pv~ .' ~ ~t1.t:<- My co:mmi,,~ion;expires::'.:'::.~, I Notary Public H ~/ ,.~'..: " 'J '~OTA.RY PUBLIC STATE OFrLORIDA AT tARCE . 7:, =7i ~ -~ [;' ~.I ~tX'.COMM'SSION EXPIRES FES 12 1985 '\ ,:::;. ", .. ." ' .::..~~ED THRU GENERAL I NS I UNDERWRITERS :~...'c.:'. '~". "~ ..~'I. t~ . ~~: ."....' i //' ..:.:'.... . .. '';,. ~...... /.',. : .:, ( \' ;", ",,0. f " J I' Jl; I! . . \ ~ ~,,\ ..' .,"'1 ... " /J ~ \, . ....- ,f..,. // ./'?/J"() .' /' ~. ,":'. -. ~,:,.. -;// PARCEL NO.1: A part of the North 185 feet of the South 370 feet of Govenment Lot 3, Section 22, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, nore particularly described as follows: Ccmnencing Bit the Northwest corner of the North 185 feet of the South 370 feet of Government -Lot 3, and running Easterly along the North boundary of said GoverJ'1l'rent Lot 3, a distance of 425.57 feet to a point; thence Southerly at an angle of 900 with the preceding course a distance of llO feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel to be herein described. Fran . said Point of Beginning continue Southerly 75 feet; thence Easterly at an angle of 900 with the preceding course.a distance of 80 feet; thence Northerly making an angle of 900 with the preceding coorse a distance of 75 feet; thence Westerly making an angle of 900 with the preceding course a distance of 80 feet to the Point of Beginning. PAR:EL'NO. 2: A part of Government Lot 3, Section 22, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, more particularly described as fo1lCM's: Carmmcing at the Northwest corner of the North 185 feet of the South 370 feet of Governrrent Lot 3; thence rurnting Easterly along the North Boundary of said portion of Government Lot 3, a distance of 425.57 feet to a point; thence Southerly at an.angle of 900 with the preceding course a distance of 185 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein described; fran said Point of Beginning continue Southerly 20 feet; thence Easterly at an angle of 900 with the preceding crorse a distance of 80 feet to a point; thence Northerly at an angle of 900 with the preceding course a distance of 20 feet to a point; thence Westerly at an angle of 900 with the preceding course a distance of 80 feet to the Point of Beginning. PAOCEL NO.3: A tract of land'lying in Government Lot 3, of Section 22, Township 45 South, Ran9~ .A3 East, in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, being mere particularly described as follows: Carmen6ing at the Northwest corner of'the Sooth 370 feet of Government Lot 3; thence with a bearing of South 89022'Ol" East, along the North line of the aforerrentioned South 370 feet of Government Lot 3,said line being also the South line of tvilrns Way, Subdivision as recorded in. Plat Book 23, Page 110, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 429.62 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" West, a distance of 56.08 feet to a Point of Beginning; thence with a bearing South 0037'59" West, a distance of 18.92 feet; thence with a bearing of South 89022'01" East, a distance of 69.80 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" West, a distance of 35 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of North 89022'Ol" West, a distance of 68.85 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" West, a distance of 12.08 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of North 89022'01" West, a'distance of 52.92 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of North 0037'59" East, a distance of 53.50 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of 89022'Ol" East, a distance of 21.90 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of North 0037' 59" East, a distance of 12.50 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 89022'Ol" East, a distance of 30.07 feet mere or less to the Point of Beginning. Subject to easerrent for rights of ingress and egress in favor of owners of adjoining parcels in Park Shores SubdiVision. :t- -f 0- o 0-. -t 0- fT) ::t- m RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COU~TY FLA ,JOHN B. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COURT \: . . -. 0(>0 MEMORANDUM November 28, 1988 TO: BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FROM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: REQUIRED DOCUMENTATION FOR RUSTIC RETREAT RETIREMENT HOME (R-3 EXPANSION) - CONDITIONAL USE APPLICATION Accompanying this memo are copies of the warranty deeds for 650 and 651 Manor Drive, Certificates of Title for same, and page 2 of the Conditional Use Application for the above referenced project as referenced in my November 21, 1988 memo to you. All required documentation for this request has been received and is complete. lot -J~. ~ ;./e ~ TAMBRI J. HEYD ~ " - TJH:ro Attachments iL '! ! :., #/?l> c.2) ~ ,~',:~.' . "..., ." ,I' ~ ;J ~, .:.'. .~,., ,: .:<'s". :':~..:;\~.'l.,. ~ /d"D TELEPHONE: 407.734.2424 TELECOPIER: 407-734.2497 · . .. GENE MOc5liJJ(1)1"" ,:>.. . LAWYER V'./].[j tfOi.y -2 tfJl~ '^"'^ I [) .1988 . ~~, ~4J1('tw/~~ D .. - . ---. , '!::p'!: "'-........ . OFFICE LOCATION FIRST FINANCIAL PLAZA. SUITE 409 639 EAST OCEAN AVENUE BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA 33435 MAIUNG ADDRESS P.O, BOX 910 BOYNTON BEACH. FLORIDA 33425-910 , EXECUTIVE STAFF ARLENE V. MARSH BARBARA A. RANTA MARIE MATALLANA DEBORAH M, ALTIIOUSE JUNE DEGEORGE November 29 1988 City of Boynton ,Beach Attention: James'Golden Seacrest Blvd Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 Re: Biesendorfer from Mallory To whom it may concern: ~ ~ The undersigned agent for Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund hereby certifies that title to subject property is vested in Delbert Neale Mallory arid Billie June Mallory, his wife, e. and is free and clear of any liens or encumberances. Property is subject to Contract for Purchase and Sale between Dalbert Neale Mallory and Billie June Mallory, his wife, and Donald Biesendorfer and Sue Biesendorfer, his wife. -'. Gene Moore Agent Attorneys Title Insurance Fund GM/bar 0<:2.. .~- ,-:) r"'~ v (;;'. v " .., -:: - CD , ;-.t::> "f . , MEMORANDUM .. . " #/k~ ./(. :, .~ .... .-' ',' 'I -,. . . . ....,. ~ ." ,.,-;\ ~'. : . ~;: .~... .... lr.' . '~". ~ . ~~:. . ,., '.: ," .~ . ,'. 'c23 .". . '~. Accompanying this memorandum you will find a copy.,"of a Conditional Use application and related documents;;'for the R-3 expansion of the Rustic Retreat Retirement Home 'submitted by George Davis, applicant and agent. . 'Also 'enclosed::,is a check for $600.00 to cover the review and processing,'of ,thi's' application. ,'; '<~ .' ,': :~:~ ~, . ~~~::~~'ff?:~.' .1 . ..' . The applicant has not yet submitted :;copies of the'::-last 'recorded ': :. warranty deed for both properties:,' a';:certificate~''fr6m an attorney at law or title insurance company, certifying who'!\the current fee simple title holders are and page 2-, of the application. These items will be forwarded upon submission to",our:o~,fice. ./ ::~:; ,-'. . ,.- ':.\.~1.Y~ / \ ' Please advertise this request for a public hearihg before the Planning and Zoning Board at the December 13, 1988 meeting/and before the City Commission at the December' 20,:'19.88 meeting. ,~ .~ .}~:~. . '-. ";::"j:~:. , ';1::: - ..~:: . . : ..... " .' 'j1 :~ ,J~;'-; J~~~.". TAMBRI J., HE EN:~.-: . <.i -t:./ ~l . t., November 21, 1988,'. " " TO:' BETTY BORONI, CITY CLERK FRbM: TAMBRI J. HEYDEN, ASSISTANT CITY PLANNER RE: RUSTIC RETREAT RETIREMENT HOME R-3 EXPANSION - CONDITIONAL USE '.;," I . I TJH:ro Attachments )~\1 ... (i ' J:S~}Y, .' .', . ;.~,iw~' 'r.~.:t"r,. .... J~6~ . r'~ .. ....,II , , . . , ,,-.. ... ., . . >. . .. . '~ ---- Yfr./ ?D , . " '. ., ,,' A F F I D A V I T '~"l STATE OF FLORIDA) ) ss. COUNTY OF PALM .BEACH. ) .' . .. BEFORE ME THIS DAY PERSONALLY APPEARED ~~~& C. {)Athf. o.., WHO BEING DULY SWORN, ,. , ,.. ... DEPOSES AND SAYS: to ., . That the accompanying Property OWners List is, to the best of his knowledge, a complete and accurate list of all property owners, mailing addresses and legal descriptions as recorded in the latest offi~ cial tax roles in the'County Courthouse for all property within Four Hundred .(400) feet of. the below described parcel of land. The property in question is legally aescribed as follows: . . SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT "A" FURTHER AFFIANT SAYETH NOT. " subscribed before me this 2:JytJt A.D. 19 5'8 day of a at Large , ; lJOTARV PUBLIC, STATE OF FLORIDA /.' f.1YCOMMISSJON EXPlRESJUNE 3 1991 OONDEDTHRU FIDELITY 80 DEPOSIT CO ()~ MARYI ~Mr; My Commission Expires: ~ e>c? ~--- -a ? ~ '~. , .' .) , . 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"' North Cono,... ...w...... . .o,"'on a.och, florid. 33436 734-6666 CERTIFICATE OF TITLE STATE'OF FLORIDA) COUNTY OF PALM BEACH ) Gateway Title and Abstract Company, Inc., a Florida Corporation, hereby certifies that it has searched the public records of Palm Beach County, Florida and finds as of the record title to the following described , . land in Palm Beach County, Florida, to-W1t: SEE EXHIBIT "A" A'ITACHED HEREIO FOR DESCRIPI'ION AS 'IO PARCEL NO.1, PARCEL NO. 2 and PAR~ NO. 3 is vested in: STEVE FREED 1 ) following mortgages and liens, showing the above legal description, on record and no satisfactions or releases thereof are recorded: MJrtgage in favor of Midwest MJrtgage Canpany reoorded in OR Bc:xJk. 2557 Page 1273 in the original amount of $28,500.00 refiled in OR Book 2583 Page 265 as assigned to National MJrtgage Canpany in OR Book 3272 Page 389, all of the Public Reoords of Palm Beach County, Florida. Purchase Money Second MJr1=gage fran Steve Freed to Robert A. Pcwers and Glendora M. Powers, his wife, in the original principal amount of $17,500.00, recorded in OR Book 4391 Page 915 of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida. The . · are 2) Taxes: Taxes for the year 1988 are $296.05 and are unpaid. No financial responsibility is assumed for this search. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, Gateway Title and Abstract this certificate to be signed by an authorized the corporate seal this 7th day of November search, at eight o'clock A.H. Company, Inc. has caused officer and sealed with , 19 88 , the date of this GATEWAY TITLE AND ABSTRACT COMPANY, INC. BY . -' ..... . ..:- - - ..... - ... .... " . S() #$0 EXHIBIT "An / PAR:EL OO~ 1: A part of the North 185: feet of the South 370 feet of Government IDt 3 Section 22, To.mship 45 South, Ra.nge 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, rrore partiduarly described as follOo\lS: Ccmnencing at the Northwest corner of the North 185 feet of the South 370 feet of Governrrent Lot 3, and running Easterly along the North bo.1ndary of said Governnent IDt 3, a distance of 425.57 feet to a point; thence Southerly at an angle of 900 with the preceding course a distarx:e of 110 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel to be herein described. Fran said Point of Beginnin; continue Southerly 75 feet; thence Easterly at an angle of 900 with the preceding course a dist:a.rx:e of 80 feet; thence Northerly making an arqle of 900 with the precedin; course a distance of 75 feet; then::e Westerly making an an;le of 900 with the preceding course a dist:a.rx:e of 80 feet to the Point of Beginnin; ~ PAICEL 00. 2: A part of Government IDt 3, section 22, Township 45 Sou,th, Range 43 East, City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, rrore particularly described as follcws: . ~ Carmenci.n; at the Northwest corner of the Nori:h 185 feet of the South 370 feet of Govemrrent IDt 3, thence running Easterly aloog the North Boundary of said portion of Governnent IDt 3, a distance of 425.57 feet to a point; thence Southerly at an''BllCJle of 900 with the preceding course a distance of 185 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein described, fran said Point of Beginning cootinue Southerly 20 feet; thence Easterly at an iID3'le of 900 with the preceding Co.1I'se a distance of 80 feet to a point; thence Northerly at an angle of 900 with the preceding Ca.1I'se a distance of 20 feet to a point; thence liesterly at an angle of 900 with the preceding course a distance of 80 feet to the Point of Beginning. PAICEL W. 3: A tract of land ly.in;J in GoJernrrent IDt 3, of Section 22, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Ca.1nty, Florida, being mere particularly described as follOo\lS: . . Carmencing at the Northwest corner of the Sooth 370 feet of Goverrrnent IDt 3; thence with a beari~ of South 89022'01" East, along the North line of the aforementioned South 370 feet of GoVemnent Lot 3,said line being aloo the South line of liilll\s Way, Subdivision as recOrded in Plat Book 23, Page 110, of thejPublic Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 429.62 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" West, a distance of 56.08 feet to a Point of Begi..nr1in3; thence with a bearing South 0037'59" West, a distance of 18.92 feet; thence with a bearing of SoUth 89022'01" East, a distance of 69.80 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" West, a distance of 35 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of North 89022'01" West, a dist:.anCe of 68.85 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" West, a distance of 12.08 feet to a point; then::e with a bearing of North 89022'01" West, a distance of 52.92 feet tola point; thence with a bearing of North 0037'59" East, a distance of 53.50 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of 89022'Ol" East, a distance of 21.90 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of North 0037'59" East, a distance of 12.50 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 89022'01" East, a distance of 30.07 feet mere or less to the Point of Beginnin;. Subject to easement far rights of ingress and egress in favor of owners of adjoinin; parcels in Park Shores Subdivision. . t . RECORD VERIFIED PALM BEACH COUNTY FlA ,JOHN 8. DUNKLE CLERK CIRCUIT COUfU . , . Sj ) " ". SIgned, ..,,/,,! ....l tI.I......J '" 0'" ",n_c., _..?(&tlkif'~,",:)-;' _",;(...H.~,., . /, 'C/." ' ::0:x.,((.,~, .....'.. ..:.~..fJ..._, ..,.. .:.. STAn OF norida I CD I COUKTY OF Palm B~ , ~ I~ "IUIY CERTifY 'h., .... ,hot d.y. ""on ..... .. 011.... d~'. C:) OY........ I. .Ite s.... .'o....id .nd i. ,Ite C-.', oIorn." 10 .... :: II ...~.... ..........11, .1'1>'"..... :: ,,~:,~~':..Ce::'.:. ::::: ~~. ...... ... ("'r) ....I'. .1:;" fOft,1Hn. UUIIUfMnt ."d she aranowwJc.ct lMfo<< ... .hat she ~; c. ... I~.. ~C"V('"wdl ,h~ lIo&I'fte ::-<: h ..~, :. W'lN['~ "" hond .nd .,W....I ..., i., ,he c.....,' .nd . ~:, '.~':." .St.,.. l.... ...,,,~.....! .hle 9th .tle.. .f , 0, l1" ,. , ': Scptanbcr ^ . A.. D ., 81 ..,.. "'11 ,I.I c !,,: . " I' "...., f ~'../J ' , ; . <t'.~ :'.; ~ (/-/li..:"'~A~h';;,$:.. ,!.'..~ ,,~.:.. - ,. '. " ~. .. ,./ .. .",...uu CUD4LC ...;:.;~~~i:J.:""(i.",,~/ "~ '''.>: ~i I :;,... I .'S~ w.... !~.~ ~. ~o.i;r.1 .= ;~ ~ ~: ...; '8 ; I :l< .. L t ti &: .~ 6==:-L ~~~ f "CO ~.:::; ~r:!;~ ~;: :! ~ .-....... ". ,~ ': ~ ~. .. ~.i .... <' 'f;. .... ...: c: &.: >-.. t:;; r. c; ~-:.! n ...-..., u -. e .. C -_~fii .~... ~ c t:~::: .t'," I I ~B 1 ~~ . f'., e' ... ~ .. ~' I ' ~ .: ;'j '~ ~.::,,", :- C' ~ .: . C; 5 .... :~ 7' ,y t: X :>u.. ~ ~ .. '.~r:.~~'.;..:...t ..::'..:: t..~..:, , .' ......,.. - ~J'D 1b1s .rTr'tg Bttd "-(..I,..... 9th J., ., S""l~ A 1>. .v ~H h Evelyn (;0>5011, an a.ramrdPd ,,;lcnv .........,_ ..&J ,I.. ,-,,_, .. D.!lbert NeAle H.lllol')" and 811 t..7o.a'1e MaUcxy. hi. vir", _"- "....,,~ .u.... " ~ ~ 0 "In "'--'" ~ 'A.....__... ::).::;..- ........,.., ,..IIH 0.... ........, ' -1.;1.k' .--.... ..... ...... .. .... .........- - ................... ....... .. ... -.-... ... ... ...... -.. .............. .... .-... .. ...."...... .... .... --..-. ...a ...... .. ............t 1fItatsUtJa: TI.., .1.. .....,.., I-."J ... r......J_'_ .., ,,,. ...... o!. 10.00 .,.J ...... ..'-'Ie .....141-1....., .....,,,, .."....., .. ~y ...& "... I.cIrd. "--I., ".. .'t, '....-, ..Do. .11...... t.- ""...., ..r...... ~t ...J ~.,,'" ...... ,.... .....!_, .u ,I.., ....".." "',..1, ...'.. '" Pal,., Beach C-I7. FJ..tJ., ...., ~, :i""\~ ;; A pert of the lbrth 18~ feee of the South 3)0 feet of Cow:t'tDmt lot 3, ~tion 22, TOIoaShip 45 South, ~c 43 F..ast, Pc.lm Bf-ach C<lunty. n~Ja, lII:71'e particularly described as follows: C<r!Irelc:i.r1t at the tbrttweat CDn1e%' of tre lbrth 185 feet cr the South 170 feet of said f'CVt'%TIIIeI1t lot 3, an! nrnl~ Easterly along the lbrth bo.ndary of said portion of C'n.rerrmcnt ' lot 3, a distance of 425.57 feet to the Point of ~inn.1re of the parcel to be herein describW, fran said Point: of ~g~ continue Southerly' . 75 feet; thence Easterly at an 8lltle of 90 dt>gTel'S with the precPd~ . CXJUrIl.:! a dbtancf' of 7S feet; thence tbrtherly 1Tf'~ lUl angle of 90 . ., degrees with the preced~ course a dbt&lCp. of 75 fc('t; thtince Westerly IM~ an angle of 90 ~ees with the preced~ course a dbtance of 75 feet LO the Point of Beginning, LESS the East 1.67 feet and the 1kst 3.53 feet treroof. I. ";': ~:...\ '.~ t ';';". ", . \ :: ~:. . ~ .~'? I i~ : : " ~ I I ", '.' T Pgtlhtr ...""./1 ,,,. '...-.n',. ~lI........,. ,.,.J ."p..ri.........., ,"-to ...~ or '" _p_ ..100 ........../rWog. TD IUvt and to ltDld, ,1.. ___ 'n I.. "-'- 1--, Ilnd ,,,. ...n.Of' 1...."7 ............h ..."" ..,.1 .....,.. ,,,.. ,I.. .....,... .. .....I../ly ......, .f...., &....I 'n 1.. .,...pl.: ,J.., ,,,, ,....,Of' I.... ';00.1 rI.'" """ 1...,(../ ...'''orl.y .0 NI/ .nd ~..., 1IMlI.rwI, ,,,-, ,I.. "......10f' "-", f..lly I&IGInInh .". /ill. '0 ..,J I.nd ....1 ...,f( d.I,,,rl,1w ..,,'. ...,"', ,,,. '-,'" cW- 01 .11 ,....,.,... ....""_.....: .n" '''01 .o/d ...." .. 1- .( .11 ."......"..nc... .".,.1 ...... M'EfttI... .u~, 10 D_'- ]I. '080; and subject to restrictions. reservations, easenents and COVEIl8I'Its of record, if any. In 1Ifitncss lffhtrtDr, ,,,. ....,.1 '....'0' "a, ,'.n..l """ ...1,.1 ."... .......... ,.... Jay.nd .,.. '1"' .1>0... ","",n. .. ,[~:~~-~~... ,..,..,.....,....'..,... ."....,............,..,..-.............,.......- I . -..---.- I I I I I ..eC~D ~RtAlo PAW lIUcti COUf1T A.4 JOHN I, tNf<<.U. _ I C\ERK cma.r CO\M? S~ .l"'.-\ _a.,'" . . ';":f~)~;: ";'7;....:......... .'izji.:. ~T\ ....';- " ',:,::e~1{itf~,i.,.. . .,~ ,.. ~' ""~ .......-.: ',"; .....' '-0.; :;J/cPb t-~'- S.)el/r DII~=:~:'~~~)~~~:~4INc. 1105349 , " -....--- -_. - - -. -- _.- --.,- - .-- ...- -.-. - - .-- -- -. - -.- -- ..-. ....-- CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE PARTIES: Stephen A. Freed and Susan E. Freed, his wife ,(.~"l, of 651 Manor Drive, Boynton Beach, FI 33435 (Phone 736-7296 I, and Donald E. Biesendorfer and Sue Biesendorfer ' ,("Buyer"), .' of 829' Ocean Inlet Drive, Boynton Beach, F J. ;:jj4j~ (Phone 737-9898 ), hereby agree thot the Seller shall sell and Buyer shall buy the following real property ("Real Property") and personal property ("Pcrsonalty") (collectively "Property") upon the following terms and conditions which INCLUDE the Standords for Real Estote Tronsactions printed on the reverse or attoched ("Standord(sl") and any addendum to this instrument. ' I:," "i.. .":. '.", I, DESCRIPTION: (a) Legal description of Real Property located in Pa 1m Beach ~pp lpgdl description attached hereto County. Florida: (b) Street address, city, zip, of the Prope~ty is: (c) Pcrsonalty: floor b s: ~c:JO 0.- S 'I t I") 11 [) ~..e: 0 1 II, PURCtlASE PRiCE""..,.."..."..""..,..""..,..",.."..",.."".."",.."".."",.,..,..""""..."",..,..,..""..""",..".."" ",'.. ,$ PAYMENT: (a) Deposit(s) to be held in escrow by GeElu . ~oore 1 ~aw6eI t t. irLlheeam~unt of .$ d. .1. .l.Ulld. ep S UPUll d.(.;(.;t;;P dllel " . ~ (b) Subject to AND assumption of mortgoge in good standing In favor of . . having an approximate present principal balonce of $ (c) Purchase money mortgage and mortgoge note bearing annuol interest at % on terms set forth herein, in amount of ......,..,$ (d) Other: $ (e) Balonce to close (U,S. cash, LOCALLY DRAWN certified or cashier's check), subject to adjustments and p,?rations .......,.......,......' $ III. 'rlME FOR ACCEPTANCE; EFFECTIVE DATE: If 'this offer is not executed by and delivered to all parties OR FACT OF EXECUTION communicated In writing between the parties on or before Au gu s t 5, 19 8 8 , the deposit(s) will, at Buyer's option, be returned' t~ Buyer and the offer withdrawn: The date of this Contract ("Effective Date") will be the date when the last one of the Buyer and the Seller hils signed this offer. .,. IV, FINANCING: (a) If the purchase price or any ~r.L of it is to be financed by a third porty loon, this Ccntmct for Sole and Purchose ("Contract") is conditi:3~ on'the Buyer (;btoining 0 written commitment for the loan within ~ days from Effective Date, at an initial interest rate not to exceed pre~r %; term of _ years; and In the principal amount of $ 4 8 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 , Buyer will make application within 1 0 days from Effective Dote, and use roosonable diligence to cbtain the loan com- mitent and, thereafter, to meet the terms and conditions of the commitiment and to close the loon, Buyer shall poy all loon expenses. If Buyer fails to obtain the loon commitment and, promptly notifies Seller in writing, or after diligent effort fails to meet the terms and conditions of the commilment or to waive Buyer's rights under this subparagraph within the time stated for obtaining the commitment. then either porty may cancel the Contract and Buyer sholl be refunded the deposit(s). . " . . '.'. (b) The existing mortgoge described in Paragraph lI(b) above has (CHECK (1) OR (2)): (1) 0 a variable interest rate OR (2) 0 a fixed interest rate of . , 'l'o p~r' annum. At time of title transfer some fixed interest rates are subject to increase. If increased, the mte shall not exceed % per annum, 'Seller shall, within doys frcm Effective Dote, furnish a statement from all mortgagees stating principol bolonces, method of payment, interest rate and status of mortgoges. II Buyer hos agreed to assume a mortgage which requires approval of Buyer by the mortgagee for assumption, then Buyer shall promptly obtoin all required applications and will diligently complete and return them to the l'nortgagee. Any mortgagee charge(s) not to exceed S shall be poid by (if not filled in, equally divided), If the Buyer Is not accepted by mcrtgagee or the requirements for assumption are not in accorc!ance with the terms of the Contract or mortgagee makes a charge in excess of the stated amount, Seller or ." Buyer moy re, -:ind this Contract by prompt written notice to the other party unless either elects to poy the increose in interest rate or excess mortgogee charges, V, TITLE EVIDENCE: At I.east --3.1L. ~ay~ before closing. date, Seller shall, at Seller's expense, deliver to Buyer or Buyer's attorney, in accordance with Standard A, (Check (1) or (2)): (') EJ abstract of lit Ie OR (2) Gtltle Insurance commltmenl. * see' addendum' '.. VI. CLOSING DATE: This transaction shall be closed and the deed and other closing popers delivered on 1- 3 - 8 9 ", 'unless extended by other provisions of Contract., VII. RESTRICTIONS: EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: Buyer shall toke title subject to: zoning, restrictions, prohibilions and other requirements imposeO by governmental authority; restrictions and motters appearing on the plot or otherwise common to the subdivision; public utility eosements of record (easements are to be located contiguous to Fleal Property lines and not more troan 10 feet in width as to the rear or front lines and 7'h feet in width as to the side lines, unless otherwise specified herein); taxes for yeor of closing and subsequent years: assumed mortgoges and purchase money mortgages, if any; other: h f d '. t ose 0 recur 1,000.00 2,000.00 48,000.00 8,900.00 . .... ;. .- " ~. provided, thot there exists at closing no violotion of the foregoing and none of them prevents use of Real Property for purpose(s), VIII, OCCUPANCY: Seller warrants that there are no parties in occuponcy other thon Seller, but if Property Is intended to be rented or occupied beyond closing, the fact and terms thereof shall be staled herein, and the tenant(s) or occupants disclosed pursuant to Standord F, Seller agrees to deliver occupancy of Property at time of closing unless otherwise slated herein. If occupancy is to be delivered before closing. Buyer assumes all risk of loss to Preperty from date of occuponcy, shall be responsible and lioble for maintenance from that dote, and shall be deemed to have accepted Property in their existing condition as of time of toking occupancy unless otherwise stated herein or in a separate writing. . .'. IX, TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions sholl control all printed provisions of Contract in conmct v/ith them: X, INSULATION RIDER: If Contract i~ utilized for the sale of a new residence, the Insulotion Rider or equivalent may be attoched. XI. COASTAL CONSTRUCTION CONTROL LINE ("CCCL") RIDER: II Contract is utilized for the sale of Property affected by the CCCL. .Chapter 161, F,S,. (1985), as)~rnended, sholl apply and the CCCL Rider or equivolent may be attached to this Contract. ., . '. . ,', , ., ,. . . XII, FOREIGN INVESTMENT IN REAL PROPERTY TAX ACT.("FIRPTA") RIDER: The porties shall comply with the provisions of FIRPTA'and applicable rogulotions which could require Seller to provide additional cash at Closing to meet withholding reQUIrements, and the FIRPTA Rider or equi~olent may ~e attoched to this Contract. - .,' ., XIII, ASSIGNABILITY: (CHECK (1) or (2)): Buyer (1) GJ may assign OR (2) 0 moy not assign Controct. XIV, SPECIAL CLAUSES: (CHECK (1) or (2)): Addendum (1) 0 IS,attachedOR (2)0 is not applicable. .l. ~. THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. . '... . IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. .. . I,' ..' THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR,' . , Approval docs not constitute an opinion that ai1y o( the terms and conditions in this Contract should be accepted by the parties in a particular tronsaction Terms . ! " . Dr?d conditions should be ncgotiated based upon the rCspCctive intelests. objectives and bargaining positions o( all interested pers"'?s.." " ...,: " ." Q . - COPYRIGHT 1988 BY THE F:?~A.!A~ A!::D 2.H,:!L~R~A ~S~CIATION OF, REALTORS, INC, . 0, . ..~. " " , ~_('U'~LZ.~~~ ' Dote S"-~....q ?" ~~ . P-'j...rPAt<; Donald E. Bf&ff '~er Stephen A. (~eller)' Freed :'" """- ' . ..: ~CiaIS uritYOrTa~tD... . .' 'So';"~T~IA.~P~<;GV.:,.. .,. .~ . .ljJZ-,.._. '?~.I!//(~ dP..-/J.......) D",.'~"'.e fl ~<-8Ci'",~ . Sue Biesen Y.Yrbr " ~ ~ -7 -<<0 . . Susan E.. Fr ~ ~,' , -,' Social Security or Tax 1.0. # Social Security or Tax 1.0. II: -5c:;-7 -~ ......g..s;-/(j' -'. -..'~ '0,' Deposit(s) under Paragraph II received; IF OTHER THAN CASH, THEN SUBJECT TO CLEARANCE, . 1 BROKER'S FEE: (CHECK & COMPLETE THE ONE APPUCABLE) By: o IF A LISTING AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT: , ,', , ,. '. sener agrees to pay t~e Broker named below, Including coopemhng sub-agents named, according to tm: terms of an eXisting, sepamle listing agreement: OR o '.!~s::row Agent) \": . ~ IF NO LISTING AGREEMENT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT: Seller sholl pay the Broker named below, at time of ClOSing, from the disbursements of the proceeds of the sale, compensation in the amount. of (COMPLETE. ONLY ONE) _ % of gross purchase price OR $ , for Broker's services In effecting the sale by iinding the Buyer ready, willing and able to purchase pursuant to the foregoing' Contmct. If Buyer fails to perform and deposit(s) is rotoined. 50% thereof, but not exceeding the Broker's fee above provided, shall be paid Broker, as full consideration for Broker's services including costs expended by Broker, and the balance shall be paid to Seller. If the tmnsaction shall not close because of refusal or failure of Seller to perform, Seller thaI! poy the fuU fee to Broker on demand. In any litigotio,n arising cur of the Contract concerning the Brokers fee. the prevailing party shall recover reasonable ~ltorney fees and. costs, S3., (firm name of Broker) . (name of cooperating SUb-agent) (Seller) o/i /~ ~ ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT FOR PURCHASE AND' SALE SELLER: Stephen A. and Susan E. Freed, his wife BUYER: Donald E. Biesendorfer and Sue Biesendorfer, his wife PROPERTY: Legal Description attached hereto. 1.) This contract is contingent upon the purchaser obtaining approval from the City of Boynton Beach, to use subject property as an A.e.L.F. which is a conditional use under current zoning. Application for said. conditional use approval, together with all required support information and expenses related thereto, shall be the responsibility of the Purchaser. Application shall be made within 30 days of contract acceptance and Purchaser shall' use reasonable diligence in obtaining approval and ~eeting terms and con- ditions related to approval. Seller agrees to co-operate with Purchaser by ,execution of forms necessary for appli- cation processing. . ... 2.) Seller and Purchaser mutually agree to (1) one automatic (30) thirty day contract extension: applicable soley to delays in obtaining approval by the City of Boynton Beach provided Purchaser has shown reasonable diligence in obtaining approval. 3.) Title Insurance to be issued by Gene Moore, Agent for Attorneys Title Insurance Fund. APPROVED, ~ ~~d?-~. Stephen A. Freed (Selle) ~=-- ~<?O-- an .E. Freed , (Seller) APPROVED: ~ OJ. onald E. Biesendorfer er) jZf;~~ Dated this~day of August, 1988 Dated this $ day of August, 1988 .. S)f . .....,. .... ADDENDUM TO CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE 9"l3c) - .. io reference to contract dated 7-2-88 between " .... -'---x.. Don.ald Eo and Susan Biesendorfer, hI", Stephen Alan and Susan Elizabeth Freed, hlw the Seller, it is further AGREED as FOLLOWS: the Buyer and '. i '. \ReEL NO.1: A part of the North 185 feet of the South 370 feet of Governn)3nt Lot 3, :=ction 22, Township 45 South, Rcmge 43 East, Palm Beach County, Florida, rrore particularly escribed as follows: crnnencing llJt the Northwest corner of the North 185 feet of the South 370 feet of Governrrent at 3, and running Easterly along the Ncrth boundary of said Govcrnn-ent Lot 3, a distance f 425.57 feet to a point; thence Southerly at an angle of 900 \.,ith the preceding course distance of 110 feet at the Point of Beginning of the p;lrcel to be herein described. Fran aid Point of Beginning continue Southerly 75 feet: thence Easterly at an angle of 900 with he preceding course a distance of 80 feet; thence Northerly Iroking an a~le of 900 with he preceding coorse a distance of 75 feet:, 'thence Westerly making an angle of 900 with the lreceding course a distance of 80 feet to the Point of Beginning" )AR:EL NO.2: A part of Governrrent Lot 3, Section 22, Tovmship 45 South, Range 43 East, :ity of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County I Florida, IT'Ore particularly described as follows: :01TC'encing at the North......"'est corner of the North 185 feet of the South 37::> feet of Governrrent :.at 3: thence runnign Easterly along the North Boundary of said portion of Government Lot 3, :l. distance of 425.57 feet ,to a point; thence Southerly at an.ungle of 900 with the preceding ~ourse a distance of 185 feet to the Point of Beginning of the parcel herein described; fram 3aid Point of Beginning continue Southerly 20 feet; thence Easterly at an angle of 900 with the preceding ccurse a distance of 80 feet to a point; thence Northerly at an angle of 900 Ni~l ~e.preceding course a distance of 20 feet to a pointl thence ~~esterly at an angle of 900 Nith the preceding course a distance of 80 feet to the Point of Beginning. PAPCEL -l\U. 3: A tract of land lying in Government Lot 3,. of Section 22, Township 45 South, :~ge 43 East, in the City of BO'.Inton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, being mere particularly described as foll~.,s: . CCiilTCncing at the Northwest corner of tJle Scuth 370 feet of Government Lot 3; thence \.,.ith a be.aring of South 89022'01" East, along the North line of the aforerrentioned South 370 feet of Government Lot 3, and line being also the South line of t~ilms Way, Subdivision as recorded in Plat "Book 23, Page 110, of the Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 429.62 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" West, a distance of 56.08 feet to a Point of Beginning; thence \-lith a bearing South 0037'59" West, a distance of 18.92 feet; thence with a bearing of Sou'.:h 89022'0111 East, a distance of 69.80 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" West, a distance of 35 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of North 89022' 01" \'lest, a distance of 68.85 feet to a Point; thence with a bearing of South 0037'59" \'1est, a distance of 12.08 feet to a point; thence with a beari.ng of North 89022'01" West, a distance of 52.92 feet to a point; thence \-lith a bearing of North 0037'59" East, a distaz;1ce of 53.50 feet to a point; thence with a bearing of 89022'01" East, a distance of 21.90 feet to a point; thence \-lith a bearing of North 0037'59" East, a distance of l2.50 feet toa point; thence with a bearing of South 89022'0111 East, a distance of 30.07 feetma:-e or less to the Point of Begiruring. Subject to easement for rights of ingress and egress in favor of owners of adjoining parcels in Park Shores Sul::division.' This addendum, upon its execution by both parties, is herewith made an inte9:al part of. the aforementioned contrac~~ ~%~~a7A- i Seller ' iJhC~e/~~ Buyer Q ~xecuted by Buyer ~yer df~fl~/A Da~ecuted by Seller Q,.. 'l.. ~d'rJ- - 'y ~~2/Le.6 e 11 er ss- ,,' ~.~ J. .~ .- CONTRACT FOR SALE AND PURCHASE $J?J /d7J PARTIES: NEP.TJE NI"l.LLOR" and B IL'" II: I'.m '?v hi r; T.,Ji f p , ("Seller"), of 650 r1anor--D~~ :3QyntD..n-I1~i'l~~, T.'~. 1~",;!:i (Phone ), and DO!'JALD B IES:6~'-TbORFER i'l nn [.;iJ P F.rn~ ;nnnr..:-::p. 1,,, <':~"anfl "" 'I1r~ n; 4="" , ("Buyer"), of 829 Ocean Inlet Drive, '1nyntnn R("i'l~h, 'FT. 1-=1411'; (Phone 737-9898 ), hereby agree that the Seller shall sell and Buyer sholl buy the fOllowing property ("Property") upon the following terms and conditions whieh INCLUDE the Standard~ For Real Estote Transactions set forth on the reverse side hereof or attached hereto ("Standard(s)"), I. DESCRIPTION: (a) Legal description of Property located in Palm Beach County, Florido: SEE LEGAL DESCRIPTION ATTACHED HERETO AND HADE A P,ART HEREOF. ~ " o. " (b) Street address, If any. of the Property being conveyed Is G 5 0 l-~a nor Drive, 3o'!n ton Beach r FL 33435 (c) Personal property ("Perso~aIty") included: ;,';a,sher; Dryer; ~efri::gerator,; ALL a~'lnin9s and' ceiling fans. Sal~ doe~ KOT include stove and does'NOT include microwave oven or 'mi,crouavecaI:>i::net. ,. ,", II, ' PURCHASE PRICE: , . ,S.J)~~X: ,J:: J;V~, ,~IfOP.s,1\r:iD. P,QLL.l\J:\~ PAYMENT: (a) Deposit(s) to be held in escrow by ~.~ichae1 P. Smodish r , . , , . ,$-95 I 000 . 00 ~'0 Trust Account 3,000.00 fP in the amount of . . , , . , , . , , , ,S ~(;95.'C:{);~Xl:Ox: 7 (b) Subject to AN 0 assumption of Mortgoge in favor of ) ~ \J> having an .approximate present principal balance of . , . . . . . . , , ; ,$ '!'K)\D:~~j?I~uB::'Ol'!>IH...1l<: (c) Purch:lse money mortgage and note beoring inlerest at % on terms set forth herein below, in the ' '.' tf7 , , f '$ '''U'.m"",nnf,;r.-- 3l~..\~ prmclpol amount 0 .,.""",.",..."".,."""",.",..,.",..".,..,..., 4'''''.....~.Ul..=~''''~u'~. (d) Other * $ 5 8 f 000 . 0 0 ',.~S n xtQeol'illBIXL~""gl4n1 (e) Bal:lnce to close, (U,S, cash, LOCALLY DRAWN certified or cashier's check) subject to :ldjustments and prO,r:llions .f)!::;'~ }fifl:9fiOfP'...ifiD. 4 . O~ III. TIME FOR ACCEP,TANCE; EFFECTIV~lDATE~Hlf thi~ ~Jrot executed by all parties. and the,FACT OF EXECUTION communicoted in writing or telegr:lphically between the parties on or befoX 8/5 ~y: ~ 1988 . the aforesaid deposit(s) shall be, at oPtion of Buyer. returned to Ouyer 'llnd t',e offer withdrawn and null and void, The dote of Contract ("Effective Date") sh:lll be the date when the l:lst ol1e of Seller and Ouyer h:ls signed lhis offer, IV. FINANCING: ~H5i&mh'mR~t~13r~~~tl~Ht~1t1i~~'m]\'nQillQr~'~;: This paraqraoh is a oart: of c'ontra f~urchose pnce or any part tfIC~COr.S 't"ci'lJ,f'ftilill(c!"l!d'''y. tl'trlii'i1')jlll'c'f'1tf.nt, this Contract for S;fle ana Purch:lse ("Col'ttr:lct"J Is con~po~1 . ~1'r the Buy;;:Obtaining a firm commitment for said loan within 45 doys from Ellective Date, atan interest rate not to excee~reV. --'l(,:term of 30 1\1 --" l:: -- "\..'<1' r, \,C:lrs; ..nd in the princi;Jcliimoun:.,o!:;--3 8 . 000 . n n ,Guyer will make applicatiun withil1---",,_days f'U,LU-Errcctive Date. alld use reasonalAe \j 1.;)\1 diligence to obtain said loan. Should Buyer.Ja~~_i,n same or to woive Buyer's rights hereund~id,tinie;- either party may cancel Contr:lct, (b) The existing mortgage described in Parograph II (b) above has (CHE.CK (1) or (2)): (1) 0 a ~able Interest rale OR (2) 0 a fixed interest rate of ' '% per annum, At time of title transfer some fixed interest rates are s~bj~ci to inCtcosl!:1iincreased, the rate shall not exceed' % per onnum, Seller sholl, within_ days from Effective Dote. furnish a state!llent-i~ mo;;~-;gccs'statillg.'principal bolances, method of poyment, Interest role and status of mortgages, If Buyer has agreed to assum~..a-mcirt90ge which requires approval of l3u)1er- bY-!b..e mortg:lgee for assumplion, then ,Seller shall promptly obt:lin and deliver to Buye~quirea-applications and Buyer shall diligently complete and return-same to the mortgagee, Any mortgagee charge not to exceed S ~ shall be paid 1/2 by Seller :lnd 1/2 by Buyer. If the Buyer is not acce~ttgagee,orthe require~ents for assumption ~Ot"'1il accordance with the terms of the Controct or mortgogee makes a charge in excess of the staled amount, Scller-or_BI,l'yer may rescind tttis.-CClfltract by prompt written notice to t~H) other partY unless either party elects to pay any increase in interest rate or excess mortgage'chorga, .Jbe'1ll'iiOunt of any, escrow deposits held by mortgagee shall ba credited to Seller at closing./. I.) d} '; , ; . . ' 12Q BUy'ers '. B~v""rs I ~t I ' V. TITLE EVIDENCE: Within_doys from Effective Dat!1, k1l.s{'s!lall,. a.t . ..ru.xs expePse, deliver to Buyer or Buyer's attorney, in ac,=ord:lnce with Stondard A, (CHECK (1) or (2)): (1) 0 abstruct of title OR (2) !31.itle insurilnce"COrTl itmcnt wilh fee owner's title policy premium to be paid b~~r:aCrr ./lLclosing. . .uuyer:s VI. CLOSI NG DATE: This tronsaction shall be closed and the deed and other closing papers delivered on the 3 ra day of .:[a n _ 19 ~, unless extended by olher provisions of the Controct: . VII, RESTRICTIONS; EASEMENTS; LIMITATIONS: The Buyer shall take title subject to: zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposed b'l governmental authority; restrictions and matters appearing on the plat or otherwise common to the subdivision; public utility easements of record (easemenls ue to be located contiguous to the Property lines and are not more than 10 feet in width as to the reur or front lines and 7Y> feet in width as to the side lines, unless othe~wise specified herein); taxes for year of closing and subsequent years; assumed morlgages and purchase money mortgages, if any; ot,her: tho se of record :J;tJts::.l); provided, however, that. lh.;re exists at clqsing no violation of the foregoing and same does not prevent use of the Properfr'f3UP~i~~L)lt~~f'cn:r:k1::y: '-e s i dence purpose(s), . VIII.OCCUPANCY: Seller represenls that there are no parties in occup:lncy other than Seller, but if PropertY is intended to be rented or occupied beyond closing, the fact and terms thereof shall be stated herein, ond the tenant(s) shall be disclosed pursuant to Standard F. Seller agrees to deliver occu;:.ancy of Property at tima of closing unless otherwise stated herein, II occup:lncy is to be delivered prior to closing, BUYl1r assumes all risk of loss to Property and Person:llty from date of c:cupancy, shall ba re~ponsible and liuble for maintenunce thereof from s()id d:lte, and shall be cecmed to hove eccepted the Prcporty and Person,;l:y in their existing CO:iOj~:...Hl uS ot time of tiJkinr: occupo:-:cy ~.':es~ cti"It::'/V:$C st3~~d hcrc;n cr in 3eparatc ~",(hil1g. ' .~. ....--..-.- .-... ~-." IX, ASSIGNABiliTY: (CHECK (1) or (2)): Buyer (1) 0 may assign OR (2) ICJ may not a:sign, Contract, X, TYPEWRITTEN OR HANDWRITTEN PROVISIONS: Typewritten or handwritten provisions Inserted herein or attached hereto as llddenda shall control all printed provisions of Contract in conflict therewith, , . :,' XI, INSULATION RIDER: If Contract is utilized for the sale of a new residence, the Insulotion Rider shall be attached hereto and made part hereof, XII, SPECIAL CLAUSES: (utilize space below) '-, I THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A LEGALLY BINDING CONTRACT. IF NOT FULLY UNDERSTOOD, SEEK TilE ADVICE'OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. THIS FORM HAS BEEN APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS AND THE FLORIDA BAR, Approval does not constitute an opinion tflat any of the terms and conditions in this Contract should be acccpred by the parties in a partiCUlar transaction, Terms and conditions sho!l'd be negotiated based upon the respective interests. objectives and bargaining positions of off interested persons, . ' Copyright 1985 by The Florida Bar and the Florida Associution of REALTORS, Inc,. .'. \ I, ------'--~-- - '~~, " S, Executed by Buyer on ~14~~ 8/2/, 1988 WITNESSES: (Two recommended but NOT required) fl ~~'~~~~' -- DOl~ /? (Bu~~>b~':DORFER ....... //'\ ,f',~_. /<;',?.... .~~r7_~~ per annulll. At tir1ltl 01 1Itl<:1131151e) SOllltlllXCU 1I"~It;H rilles "r~..ULJJt;(;t to'~., ';", II Illcn:aseu, thd riltl! shall not exceed % per annum. ~ellcJ ,.,.i., ,t., i'shall"within days from Effective Date. furnish a state rom all mortgagees rincipal balances, method of payment, interest rate and "",I.", ~l,: status of m~, If Buyer has agreed to assum . rtgage which ,requires approval. of .Bu he mortgagee for assumption, then Selle.r shall ;;..;'..,~. . ,promptl~ obtain and deliver to Buyer.all . " applications and Buyer..shall diligently complete .and re e to th~ ~o.rtgagee, Any mortgagee iJi'1 ;~:":"":Ch'arge not to'ex'ceed $ ':. 'f' "~shall be 'paid 1/2 by Seller and 1/2 by Buyer:'lf the' Buyer is not" accepted by mo or the requirements :;:0 I'''".,:''fo.r assumption ar II accordance with the: terms of the Contract or mortgagee makes a charge in exces~ of the stated amount; Se er may ,:1 .r:: to, I:'.: rescind t ' ,tract by p.rompt ,wriiten notice to the other partY l!nless either party el,ects t ay any incr~~* lYJterest rate or excess mortgage c ,;:;.~,':~~, ;~::'::. ,.' ,. .~~nt of ,~ny.~scroYJ deposl~~ ~e!.d ,~.y "1o~~gagee.sh.alkbe credlted,to Selle.r at,closlr' '. '7f)Jf)? -:--tI:~(r"\. . .';, ' :,..:..'. . .: ,V,,,: TITLE EVlt1ENCE: Withi~ l20 days from' Effective DatEl. }!~;h~II,.aPHK~F~p . se; deliver to Buyer'or Buyer's attorney; in accordance with '. Standard A; (CHECK (~) or (2)): .~1,1'~ abstra~t o~ ti.:le ~R (2) IX title Insurance commitment with ~~.e..~~ner's.ti,tle. ~olicy prellliu.m ~o be paid ~~rkCIOSing, ,VI, CLOSING DATE: : This transaction shall be closed and the deed and othElrclosingpapers delivered on the ':l rd day of.' Ja n.' ' . .' 19 ~. unless : extended bJ'i other provisions of the Contract.. 0',"\ ,:', ,\:,. , '. '.;' , .' . . , .. ,. ; . ~ . VII, RESTRICTIONS: EASEMENTS: liMITATIONS: The Buyer shall take title subject to: zoning, restrictions, prohibitions and other requirements imposer:! by , governmental authority;;restrictions and matters appearing on the plat' or otherwise common to the subdivision; public utility easements of,record (easements are ,to, be .lo~ated' contig.uous.to the ,Property lines, an~. are not ~ore ~l:1an 10 feet il). width as to ther.ear or front lines and 7% .fe,~t_ in wi~th as to .the side lines: unless 'otherv:',is~.~~ecified herein); taxes for,year'of closing and subsequent years; assumed mortgages and purchas e~~mortg..a~s,.if anY} ot,her,: '." ..'. . '. . . ,.' .,.,."..\tho ';."'( It."!,,,,,,,,, :..,:. "", :';', .:. . .,.... ..",..,... ,. ,."" I:" _ ((;,.\1 I~ovlded,however;thatthere exists at. cl.osin~ no'violation of ~h.~ foregoing and same does not prevent use of the ProperfJlT09UPH.il::!:' .' purpose(s), :VIII:OCCUPANCY(Seller"represilnts that there are no partieS,in occupancy other than Seller, but if Property is intended to be rented or occupiEld beyond closing; the fact and'ierm's thereof shal,l be stated herein;'and'the tenarit(s) shall be disclosed pursuant to Standard F" Seller agrees' to" deliVer occupanc'/of'Prop'erty'a't time 'of closing 'unless'otherwise stated herein:'J("occupancy Is .'to be delivered prior 'to closing, 'BuYE1r 'assumes:all risk'of loss to Property'and Personalty from 'date of " occupancy;' shall 'be 'responsible and liable' for maintenance thereof from said 'date, 'and shall be deemed to have accepted the 'Property and Personalty in their ;eXi~t.ir.9,~2.!J.~~~io,ll:es,of,tln1!Fof.takrriifbt;eap'ali~:le!S;~t~!i~1:r!:sJil1~,~,,:!~.!~i!!;51.~;!,:\~~Pil.ra~te,V':'riting, '." '..' . .....,.' .",.. . '.. . '." . 1" ,., .;" ;~~~;;il'~::,t'~~.r\;'lr:f1~~~~l~r~,;;r1~~~~?~r~:~~Wr~~t;:~:1'7::;~:t;'~q.r;~~J~:~11~~{1~::~~~r::7;~~;~;&-5;~tYf~~fr.j7o:-~;~p~~ :'::~.~~ '.'IX': :' ASSIGNABllITY:'(CHECK 11 )'01'-(211: Buye~l(1) 0 mavassign..OR 121121 may hot assign..Contract,i'~':' "":li r:., ....H' ": ,.: 'll' :.", ;,., I ..... ,: . ''':!, ";"".';1,' '::X',~: !'TYPEWRITTEN O'R HANDWRITTEN PRovisIONS::Typewritten 'or'handwritten provisi~ns' i'rislirtecrh:crcin' or attached' hereto 'as adde~da shall'~i:iri'tro('all 'p!,i~'tecfp~ovisicins ~f Contract in conflict therewith: ." '.,.::.. ,! ":"~ . ". " .. 'L. "~,'''' .....:. , . "" .. !..' J ...':' ".,: ." , , I,' . .. .1 ' . . . .... '. ;. '.' ',.:. : . . . . 01 .' . iI" ~ lI'l . : '- ' '. . , '. \ I . , Ii'. . .... .' \.1 ' .. t1.. I. . :.. r .J I '. ~'I.' , . ,..'.: ~ ~" '. : I;" '. r;' , ('..:: XL INSUl~ TI9N RIDER: If Contract IS utllrz.ed for the sale,of a new reSidence, the Insulation Rider shall be attached hereto and made part hereof, ., .~. XII: SPEC'IAL:. CLAUSES: (utilize s~ac; bel~wl ,';, ~',: : ;:~: ~:<,~: "J' ", ',,';:.. ,,--:'.. c ' I; i:: "~';I. ". ~< ;., .'';' ,,;;~~~j ':~ ,:, '....: . ,'. ,.1, .,: (. ,..'- /. ::: ;.. " .1 ___________ THIS IS INTENDED TO BE A lEGAllY BINDING CONTRACT. '.h:')'~(.' u,.. :;..j I.~(...,..,,: q;, ~ IF: NO~ FUllY UNDE.RSTOOD, SEEK THE ADVICE OF AN ATTORNEY PRIOR TO SIGNING. ...',;'. u. Ii:' ',: to 2"'THIS FORM HAS BEEN 'APPROVED BY THE FLORIDA ASSOCIATioN OF REALTORS AND THE Fl:ORIDA BAR:" L .. ", , ,.,', . ~':"':l : :',/:>;."1: ('jl. ~ _ .:' .;:..:" . '. e' 1 .. '...11.':.. '. .' . . -".~' I .1 . '. .. . . i.' . . .... "'~;';'" . I Approval does not constitute 'an opinion that any of the terms and conditions in this Contract should be accepted by 'the parties in'a p~rticula; t;ansaction.' T'Jrms - jJnd conditions should be negotiated based upon the respectiva interests, objectives and bargaining positions of all interested persons, , ::~I;"~'.:~,; :"j f::':,',:>, ~:'\:~I.:::"'\:"""':C'opyright1985bYThe'Florida BaiandJhk'Florida Associatio'ri~of R ,.thnRS','lnc,. ....:, ',' < ,;: '.c.{ ..."0,:",,,..,.....,,; , ..'. . :'.. .,. . --.---"------ ...'ilr.- 'h~b":' ,.., .'.' ." ,:., 1:'"'':',''''' 'J.;, ' , ExecutJ~bYBUyerOn "JJ1:y Sf?.'. 1988 WI!NESSES:.(T"ip. recommended but'NOT required),: :', ..1 ;",'~l':" .-', " ; ',":': ;"., .,. " .....: "~' '" ~" , .. :'.' _".' '1; " II~t::r:'lr('t .1.:':", ...'.I.lf~!1.:.I-<lI.!..;..i. ../..'.1...\:.'.:,....1:.:. ~(. ~"';..r.' ' .,.r ",t. . \' " . .1'.'. -..,~,... .... .'. ~~~.., ;NDORFER ~ ..... l:: .:::.;,;,..::::::;;\~~_~jl,:,:, '~J,:;; :>;'J;::;:l:.~ll: ;~,::'"'~ l:~,,',;;'; ;, '-;;". ::<i,. '.... ,,,,..,.. ,., "';;: :"':'!"'_.,(BUye~,~ESEN?ORF~R. 1.,(' ",;'.1",~~.L'-II':Jl:;JI.jt"b "':\l' ~0\(-.l~tl'd\<".,il"':II:..I.\IJ!tf"",!",, ;_d..ExecutedbySeller~on .iTll:.l..y. ~ '1988' .'. '1;{".'~:~'~l\JI)~.''':'1l.qJ'.l...i:;~:''!~: ::.t....l~/.l!.I.~~.I"OC.:..... :.-:. ~1":.L .r.,:~i" :1', :I...~i~.....':.(~"..,.........t ::'~l" .....:..t1 :".1. '.:.... .....,'.: . ':'.:"~.' WITNESSES:'lTwo recomm~nded but /'JOT requlr~dl.... ,'~:! . .' \ - ., ...;;. ',- .,.<:;. 'f. .. 'f', >'7"1.,.~: '7//.~"" ".' ;'" I" ,. .,.<.,.!,,: .,. "'" ,'I........ " 'j - , " " ,', :/'"" 'i(' '7 ./ ,; '" ..;' ..t::. J' ,/~';" , -.r"'....~"'7 ;. " c':.. """, ., ",' '. :.'! .'. '!::"':.i c' .,.....: '::;~ ,vJ~EAL/fl . ~Ll'.Q.~Y() (I ,- ~S~lIer)~ . .-.... .,.<' "111.'-,. :"'. ...... I .:. ..~... 0:.. .~u.JC...~'"'-"'.."7"".l....P-'-t~ ~ ," BILLIE, MALLORY, (Seiter) .' 1'- , , 'o.t; ,.),;.1.... .',..f; ',"":"1 ....,.!1I ',,1 ... :;'.!. I..... :... .' . ;: ': ~i_~,; v::"'. Y'. ..'.. !... ':. :.::' 'l; Depositlsl. ,under Para'gi-apli'lI received; if 'other than cash, then subject to clearance, r~~':":Hf':l; \..lJ.r: ~\.~H~',:,,, .:', ,1.'.. ....~...~ i..j..,.,..:.... :li:...:IoI'irO;::~lj.~o ~ ~ ~:;: '. ! ; . .. ..,.'.- ..;. \: \),~ I '1' : I". ~~ _ .: . I' ~. " , ~:~f;.,.~-.:1~CHAEL;'~IP' ~~:}.~l-10~;SH..li';i ': .' in, " ':"i.' J; <.: ,.,:'...,": ~,I.' ~.(ES.~~~~:~~~nl:)':;:~:.'.;: '.:: ~,..l;':';~' i,.:':,!.:' ..: "r.':I.'IIl~f' '.: .. ,,:-"',: ~:::::.'::: BROKER'~..~EE'~:(CHEC~.'&.c"O~P,~~-r:ET~E QNE APPl!CABlEi,. .., ':',':' " ,'", 1:; ;..,... ". , , .'. ,^ o "(iF'A LJST,ING AGREEMr:NT IS CURFlENTlY IN EFFECTI:' ~I, .,.,NO . BROKERS J INVOLVED. :.q L~'!v,'W.,lI' ' ......:," ,;.: I.' ;d'::.'I.:'! .'~.~i Seller agrees to b'ay the Erokernamed below, Including cc;oper~ii~~ ~~b.'hgents na'med, acc'ording'j.t~ the terms ~f ,~'~: ~~r'sti~g' ~~p'~~~te' Iisti'ng~'gre~'~~:~;':',.."" ,. . . ' , .' ,... ,... " " . , . .'.. , . " j \,,' ,', ,. '. " , , " OR.~! !':' '.~.i.I; ~~ IF''~I;' f.'t hd' ,;1'/ ""..."".2.. I':.'.;.'.} :'l'':{'' ..,..':::,; ,..).,~~" .,. :;. ". ::', "..{~".. ~.~ . ..,,"~' '. ..,!, j';( "'(, t.1!"".,: !''' o (IF NO LISTING AGREEME'NT IS CURRENTLY IN EFFECT): , ':':Seller"agree~..to' pay the Broker named below, at time of closing, from the disbursements of the proceeds of sale, compensation in the amount of (COMPLETE ON L'v 6N'E)~% 'ohird;s pu'~ct1~se p~'ic~ cm. $ ,'~ " ~... ,: '. ", ,fO~' Bro'ker's s~r~ices in' effecting the 'sal;"by findl~g ~', Buyer ready ~illing a~'d able to ; purchase pursuar)t to the foreg'Oing Contract, In 'the event Buyer fails to perform and depositlsl is retained, 50% thereof, but n'ot exceeding the Broker's fee above' provided; shall be paid to the Broker, as full consideration for Broker's services Including costs expended by Broker, and the balance shall be paid to Seller. If the transaction shall not be closed because of rafusal or .fallure of Seller to perform. the Seller shall pay said fee In full to Broker on demand, In any litigation arising out ?~,thls ,Sont~a~~..conce~nlng the,Bro~er,:s,fee, .the:prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney fees and costs, .' '.' "':~.('I" '. ..d :.t.:;rt.I,.; ~i: Lq.'; p' Jt :':.' 1._.. ,',':, ,~~i'.:~ ,.' ",:. I .. ~:J "..: ,'w"! 1r'NO:iBROKERS ,'INVOLVED' :'1"";.: ."'~I ,..:" :",:"'<l!=l' '" .(,';, :",!(fjJm,nam~of~rokerl ~'...'l<, ....' ~\,'~:< -,' '~.'..'-,'._. '. I'J..... .... ;.,.. :' .~ I.' .r,. I','..:;~ i'l,'/,'r.!.'" .~ I:~" J ~:l~.; d...\ 'H.. . 1 By: ., \ ',''': ...~4 1/1 ,.::- ' ,....1..:. '.J.', I. '. ....r .......!'. ...i" (authorized signatory) . . \.41, . ~ .' .. " , ..:~f , ~ . " :. :'.1'.:" : . ~~":f' '. .'.... :..': , : t '.~ , . ~ . , . - - '. ' . . . .1 ~.; I :' .... \ :.' . .1....\.. . '1-. I ~J'I" ~d. <." ~ I .;,: ;.. r 'I I :t' '.. .', . ':-;' "~.. ~ . , . .,;.1' "~ :, . ;\. ; . . .."t. . ~.. ., II'; .: ~......'. ~ ,'r! , .:..'.... J . - ~ ~ .' :, ..': ": "'!,' ',. . .'. I. .' ;1';(. (Seller) h: t.h:..,....~ :~'.' C^ :!,.. ;; t'.~~" ~'; .,..~O. L ':'. ,. ;-, I (J. \., J. ,:., ~."".. . ~ : " ;:o;t, I : I . '; ..(name of cooperating sub,agent) ,'.:,; ," '." '... !: : '..., :'~I ;:':ti,.:. '.::. ,"'''It'' .;. '.'~ :..~ ~~. )lr!LA.:: P )f, '.iU.' ;:u:F'; ":"l .~ ,!J..l ~I~.t;::.., :!' .: '. l~.~,. ,,'! ";1 !:) .1;:., L 't'l ~J. t.",.'-;".":'I /\.'tJl..'"jJ i:~.'.' "U..J:" . "1..# .,;.':', SPEciALClAUSE:S: , , : ,( , ..': '. . ~t' i' ~t .. !, .' . .;!. . 1"'1 j .. , , (Seller) 'll.,': J f'. .-. . I. '.' '.; .' ..':' I ,'...iJ: t l' :'.. ~ t.... . ,',' ';. .'t' .!. :.".,.,..1(1". .~'q ,,", ';", r~..':~ :;':;,!..l ;.~ ,.,,::,l~.::t'c-..~,q Il) i \...-:,'.1'.. '1 '.. ~: .... t .:".. \ . ; , .;J . i ' . ,\~~' . . .: ,. :. I.' . ~. '~"" .,' ....,,~d?i;i.:". , , .'.. ~ . .J'..{';" .~.j&:.'rl{\'."';,,";j. ,.., \. ,..., :.~"'.,,'~,,':" ".~. ':' ., ,.,': .... ", " '.' .~.\ . ',. . ~. : ,. ." '\-"0 ',:; I. :,:,*:~'- '.; ,SEE. 'ATTACHED'lAIDDENDUM .WITH, SPECIAL CLAUSES; **, ..'1\.111)f..'...;l;e.:....~...": .1.;.:.,..-.IL:,J.,~.'....li:.':",.....i.t"'.. ":'., ''-I '~#I"'." d.1.r.d.; ""i'.':~':~~' ." . ,.. \1 . J 'J' t. 't '1_ -0." "f .,..h'l ,~';"I ""~::"!;'.Jq:I'; ..;!;I!:'-'~I.:, _"_""':" :"..,;),'~.: :~ .I..~t.~.;,;.., ';,:.., ;:.:.:.: ~;:R':~:'::,;:,:;'.-:: .i:l'.,i._',:.~:;:.h.:':,.:.:\~ f.... ',.1::''''';'.:. .:'...., :,,;.1"...':', ;,.... ., ,':, '...:: ..,. 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',..... . ,: " . .IJjl: ~.' :" I': . ,',', ,,',,::. \",:' ':,;-'~:i:;'}~';~ t.. . .....~) /1'. :!J.. :1"" .!, . I .: .f ".-: ,,'~\"..:t)\.lj:~,. ~..; ~: :.: '.1 : 'l : . ,'. ~ ~ STANDARDS FOR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTIONS .! A. EVIDENCE OF TITL.E: (1) An abstract of title prepared or brought current by a reputable and existing abstract firm (if not existing then certified as correct by '1m existing ~irm) purporting to be an accurate synopsis of the instruments affecting title to the Property recorded In the public records of the county whorein the Pr"operty Is located, through Effective Date and which shall commence with the earliest pUblic records. or such later date as may be customary In the county, Seller shall convey a marketable title, subject only to liens, encumbrances. exceptions or qualificDtions set forth in this Contract llnd those which shall be discharged by Seller at or before closing, Marketable title shall be determined according to applicable Title Standards adopted by aUlhority of The Florida Bar and in accordance with law, Upon closing of this transaction the abstract shall become the property of Buyer, subject to the right of retention thereof by first mortgagee until fully paid; or (2) a title insurance commitment issued by a Florida licensed title insuror agreeing to issue to Buyer, upon recording of the deed to Buyer, an owner's policy of title insurance in the amount of the purchase price. insuring Buyer's ti1le to the Property, subject only to liens, encumbrances, exceptions or qualifications set forth in this Contract and those which shall be discharged by Seller at or before closing, Buyer shall have 30 days, if abstract, or 5 days. if title commitment, from date of receiving evidunce of title to ,examine .same, If title is found defective, Buyer shall within, three (3) days thereafter, notify Seller in writing specifying do/ecds), If said defect(s) render title'"unmarketable;as t'o i"tem (1) hereinabove or unlnsurabl~ asto item (21.'Seller wiil.have 120 days from receipt of notice within which to remove said defect(s), and if Seller is unsuccessful in removing them within said time, Buyer shall have the option of either accepting the title as it then is, or demanding a refund of all monies paid hereunder which shall forthwith be returned to Buyer and thereupon Buyer and Seller shall be released. as to one another, of all further obligations under this Contract; however, Seller agrees that Seller will, if title is found to be unmarketable or uninsurable. use diligent effort to correct the defect(s) in title within the time provided therefor, including the bringing of necessary suits, If a title policy is being furnished, Buyer has the right to require the Seller to deliver an owner's marketability title policy'provided Buyer pays any additional charges and makes request therefor within seven (7) days after Effective .- Date, ("" . ., ~J:"'" : ; ~::u.) B,~" -PURCHASE MONEY MORTGAGE; SECURITY AGREEMENT; TO SE LLER: The purchase money note and mortgage, if"any, shall. provide for 830 day'- grace period in the event of default if it Is a first mortgage and a 15 day grace period if 8 second or lesser mortgage; shall provide for right of prepayment in whole or in part without penalty; shall not permit acceleration or Interest adjustment in event of resale of the PropertY; and the mortgage, note and security agreement shall be otheiwise in form and content required by Seller's attorney; provided, however, Seller may only require clauses customarily found in mortgagl?S. mortgage notes. and security agreements 'generally,utilized by savings and loan institutions. or slate or national banks located in the county wherein the Property is located, The mortgage shall require all prior liens and encumbrances to be kept in good standing and forbid modifications of or future advances under prior mortgage(s), All Pe[so."alt~ ,b,eing conveyed will, ~.t l?~tion.of S~I~er, ~e subject tC?,the li~n, pf.a securiw, a~reeme':l,t,and eviden,c~d ~YJ,r.ecord.ed f!n~f!cin,>J statements, . "f"': t.. ,.,. ;-~:'.' a 1""'..,;(. 'I. ~.....!~ !~..'..:.l'-.. 'i :_".Ii:.":'.':'~' ....:.I..Il;I.:::.l!"'!;.l~..r,l.':..~...,~...tt ;jl.,.,,'.:II!;J~q()U"l:;~P:: C," '. SURVEY: Buyer;- at Buyer's 'expense. within'time 'allowed for delivery'of evidence of title and examination thereof/may tiiive'the Propert,'; surveyed anclP'; . :. . . . . . . ,. . " , . . ~. . , . " .. . .... .. . , ... "; certifier:! by a registere~ F/or,ld~ ~urveyor: If the'surl(ey shows any encroachment on the ~roperty C?r ,that Impr~ve.ments In~en?ed to :be I~cated on t~e ,P.rop~rty i.n p, fact encroach on setback lines;' easements, lands of others, or violate any restrictions, Contract covenants or applicable goverrimental regulations, the same shall be treated as a'title defect:. 'f a' -'. . . I~! f!. . .': : I' ;. II j' . '11: ":it: . .:~. ;" . ,':01<- 'J ~'I. <'I . '.;: c....! ; ::il' '.f.,;'.,: 'f.1 ..~.~.. II 'I' :'1. Ul..:.J"',~.:I; _I fG():.v,. r~r: 1E ';-:"";.:.:',lil;; '. ':,~'."r'l'''f'''':~ r: 0, TERMITES: Buyer, at Buyer's expense, within time allowed to deliver evidence of title and examination thereof, may have the Property Inspected by 8 Florida Certified Pest Control Operator. to determine whe~her there Is any visible active termite Infestation or visible existing damage from termite infestation In the improvements, If Buyer is'informed of either or both of the foregoing,Eiuyer,~iU ~ave fC!l!r.(4) days from d_ue ot'written notice thereof or two (2) days after selection of a contractor, whichever" occurs first; within which to have all damages, whether visible or not, Inspected and estimated by a licensed building or general contractor. Seller shall pay valid costs of treatment and repair of all,damage up to 2% of purchase price, Should such costs exceed that amount. Buyer shall have the optio-n' of canceliing Contract' with'in five (5) days after 'receiPt of contractor's repair estimate by giving written notice to Seller or Buyer may elect to proceed with the transaction, in whjch ,event Buyer shall receive a credit at closing of an amount equal to the total of the treatment and repair estimate not 'In excess of two (2%) pe,rcent of the purchase p~ice/'Termites" sl)all bedeemed to Include all wood d~stroying organisms required to be reported under the Florida Pest Control Act, '" - . E, INGRESS AND EGRESS: Seller warrants that there is ingress and egress to the Property sufficient for the intended use as described in Paragraph VII hereof, title to which is In accordance with Standard A," ',' '.1 .:. I. 1; ,', '1.':"';" .., F, LEASES: Seller shall, not less than 15 days prior to closing, furnish to Buyer copies of aILwritten leases a'nd estoppel letters from each tenant specifying the nature aQd duration of the tenant's occupancy,- rental rates; advanced rent and security deposits' paid by tenant, In the event Seller Is unable to obtain such letter- from each tenant, the same information shall be furnished by Seller to Buyer within said ,time .period In the form of a Sell.er's.affidavit, and Buyer may thereafter contact tell~nts to confirm such, inf.ormatipn, ScUer shall., a~ closing, deliver and assign all,originalleases id Buyer,"':' _ _ ,.":">' ~~' _'~__ __~ :._ _ ,.. ___,. . ,,_, ___________ G,', ! .LI'i;NS:,Seller shall, both as to the Property and Personalty being sold hereunder, furnish to Buyer at time of closing an affidavit attesting to the absence. unless otherwise provided for herein, of any fhencing st::toman:., cldims of lien or potential Iienors known to Seller and further attesting that there have been no improvements or repairs to the Property for 90 days immediately preceding date of closing, If the Property has been Improved; or'repaired within said time, Seller-' shall deliver releases or waivers of mechanic's liens, executed by all general contractors, subcontractors, suppliers, and materialmen; in addition to Seller's iien affidavit setting forth the names of all such general contractors. subcontractors, suppliers and materialmen and further reciting that in fact all bills for work to the Property or, PersonaltY..which could serye as a basis.for a mechanJc'sJien .or a.claim_ for damages have been paid Qr, will be paid lit clpsing,:: _:~.. ':_::,:.,:::~~:,::,'_____ .' ... : ....._.'...,.~ 0 .0' .. ........ PLACE OF CLOSING: Closing shall be held in county wherein Property is located;'at 'the .~.ifice of the attorney or other closing.~ge~t.desig'n'8ted' by Seller. , ...__..-~._-", ._._.........._-~~_... ..._.............-_........-.-.--...... ._- ......- .......-...------......---#- ........ -...........--......- ........... H, . . "', , . I, TIME: Time is of the essence of this Contract, Any reference herein to time periods of I~ss than six (6) days 'shall In the computation thereof exclude Saturdays, Sundays and legal holidays, and 'any time period 'provided for herein which shall end on .a Saturday, Sunday or.legal holiday shall extend to 5:00 p,m. of the next full business day, : .~~.l":i\t.:,.1 r.... ....:1.\.-, t-~I .._.~-.~~:.tj'~r~~- ;}\-~-\ '--J d "1~; --..... .------ J, DOCUMENTS FOR CL.OSING: Seller shall furnish deed, bill of sale. mechanic's-lien affidavit;-assignments of leases, and any corrective instruments that may' be required in connection with perfecting the titie::Buyershilll furnish c/osfrig sta'te'meriCmortgage; moriga'ge note;-security'agreement, and finanCing statements. ~.., .... ........~~.~.;l..~.::... .:.1 .::..~':I\.... \~'..~~~....t ..... '::'" .~~b\:': f.~::'I"~?".~'::,=-~',:' .~".\ .'....:I.\.,..\.~.~...f..~~~.t::.,.:~:..~.:~:~r,~/:\:~;~~~:.\.i:~~..~:.~,J.~~.~\~:.;.~.\~;..~~,):>:.~,":~\:::~~?~'l"'.jt"~'~" ,'.,\e'.' K, EXPENSES: State documentary stamps which are required to be afiixed to the instrument of conveyance, intangible tax on and recording of purchase money mortgage to Seller; 'and -cost of recording any 'corrective Instruments. shall be paid by Seller. Documentary"stamps'to be' affixed'to"the purchase money mortgage. cost of recording the deed and financing, ~ta~~r!~n,~s.sh~1I be pa,id by. Buyer, 'r:~, '.:'1- , ,; '~,~J. '_'1.11,::- I . ~, I, :~; .!.'; ;'>'IJ~lIW." .~ Hi'" !:. !..'Ll;::::,t!I::i~ t:) ~,.;-~~ '; ,': (.o,t ',". f. ....l'..:"f~'! .:....~;" ~ 'i(',':1.' L, " PR,ORA T/ONS: Taxes, ,assessments, rl':nt~"interest, insurance and other expenses and'revenue of the Property shall be prorated through day prior to closing, Buyer shail have the ~Ptio~ of taki!!~ 9vei a'!y e?<,i.s~ing policies .9f insuranc~..on ~he ,Property, if assumable..I~ ~h.ic~, ev~~t.p.~e.~iur:as .s~a!'.~e .pro~~ted. Cash at Closing shall be Increased or.decreased as m'ay be required by said prorations, All prorations will be made .through 'day prior 'to .occupancylf 'occupancy occurs before closing, Taxes 'shall be prorated based on the' current year's tax with due allowance made for maximum allowable discount and homestead or other exemp- tions if allowed' for said year.'1f cfosing occurs at'li date when the current year's'millage Is not fixed, arid cu'r'ient year's as'sessm'e'ni'-Is;aihiliciblil;taxes iNili'b'li'prorated,,11 based upon such asse~sf(lent,and the prior year's millage, If current. year's assessment Is not available, then taxes will be prorated on the prior year's tax; provided, !,. :, ;:.t. ':'~" ,":~'.'" ~.:.::,:-...... '1':~ ;. .:.;....:~..\.\" ~._,~,_.;;;.;:..~~.Io~.. however, If there are 'completed Improvements .on .the Property .by' January 1 st of year of closing, which improvements were not in existence on January 1st of the prior year, 'then"taxes .sha/l'be prorated'based upon the prior year's' millage and at an equitable assessment to'be agreed upon between the parties, failing which:' requ'est iNiII'be'made 'to thii Coun'ty'Prciperty App'raiser for ari'iniormlll assessment taking into' consideration homestead'exempii6rl; if any.'However; any tax pro.'l nition based on'an' estimate may at request of eitherBi.lVer orSelier be' subseiiuently readjusted upon'receiPt'oftax bill'o'ri condition. that a statem-ent to thin effect'; iSc~~t/~rth in ih,~~I~Sing stateme~t. '~,.'l " , , " 'I '.',',',' .:::: ':~', ::,:"~:~,": '"~.',,, " :.':', ,~, '7: . ~-;:: ,;;.,~:/,~:,;,:..:,::,.,:l.~:::,~~~,:'; :;,~',~;~;;';;;{ (.':~~ ;:~:~~i ~::.'~;;'~~:;~:~;:;' M: . SPECIAL ASSESSMENT LIENS: Certified, confirmed and ratified special 'assessment liens as of date-~f closing land not'aiiof Effective Date) are'to:be'paid" by Seller. Pending liens as of date of closing shall be assumed by Buyer, provided, however, that if the improvement has been substantially,completed 8S of Effective- Date: such penqing ~ie.n shall be c~~~idered 8S certifil;d. fo~f1r":l_ed~~,ral!~i~?_ a~? Sel!e.~ ~.~al" f:~,CIOSi~9~ P~,~~?,r~~d a.~, a,~~ur~ ,~~~~I~ t,? :trf.,l~~,t. ~st:i~~,~~b'(~~e. public body .o! ass~ssrpe:nt fo~ ,th.e 'rl)pr~ov~l'!1.ef!l..,. ..": ,"!!; '. ".1 ~'.l.' .. 1.. " ~.:~ ". f 'P.'lo!. .....i.. : ,;. ~ ; J:" .:.,,: l' It;. ~. ,"q I,',' "!~'. ': ! HIl .;?,:, '"' r Il' ~ \ " ,. J 'I): lJf! O! t....c ',:.q r ..;:(~:t'.'i! It! ':& ~ hI;' _~: _' i ~ , : :; I :. , ~ 1.": ;-... ;s;: . ...:',t!..; ..' ~ rOo j. ; I " ! t /. . i~.: ';. '. ,:. oJ f~t. ,"'I, ~ I; r')'1 '; (!'!h :0:' ,.i ''', ~ c;,' ." I: ""." t' .t.,r ':!~lt I~' t:...,:: J I r: r. !". !'.J' ~ l' ~ .' ':~. '~-'l, I! l b'.. .~.. r~ !i" I .t; ...~t, p^ .". : ; '..'. .' . ~ ~ ~: . . . ~!;. :~.";,,: ",,' ~.:. , i .:,.'" .. ,.... ...... ..,.".... ~l"."'l!, u," l.lI""Ilt.:d all amount equal to,t/1e las.t,estimate by, , ' .. .... "', ._ . . '" .' ~..!~j..l ~'.. .L'~',~ oj (.' :,..' ./t... .!, . ...,.!'....... '.' . J~ :"". ....-..'.J.~:"I.. ,..IH.:l~".ll~" ..':?':tJJ'".l)r~olL"Cclqr"':2r::L."'i'l .! 0.: j.... , il.:{-j ~11'1' ".~ ~:,' .' 1" ," I' .:'r :!"~'~' ~, :;':u:?t::"I:' . ...Iq U!iJ~:' l~rid!lb'J..:filtll !:I!I.t;~I'" IJUU;IC Uo<.Jy ,ot assessment for lhe im;>rovomen.r, "',.': .' N... ,(NSPECTION; REPAIR AND MAINTENANCE: Seller represents that. as of ten (10) days prior to closing, the roof, (including the fascia and sOffits),1 . wjllls all n9~ ,ha~e :an~,'visible e'vidence 'OfJeaks or. damage, and that .the septic ,tank; pool, all (Tlajor ,lIppliance~:' heating..cooling, electi'lcal;'plumblng. systems I , ffiolchincry lire in working condition, Buyer may. lit Buyer's eXP~l)serhave.inspectionmade'of said items by an appropriately licensed person dealing in' the c' structio'n,' repair and' maintenin\(:e thereof'and shall reporHn' writing to Seller such' items'.'that' do"n'ot m'eet-the' 'above 'representa't1ons,!togethe'r'wlth the cost correcting 'same'; prior to occupancy or ,not'less than ten (10) days prior to'cfosing; whichever 'occurs first~;Unless 'Buyer reports'such de'fidencie's within'sald peri Buyer shall be deemed to have waived Seller~s representations as to deficiencies not reported;,!n ,the event repairs or replacements are required, Seller shall pay up 3% of the purchase 'price for such :repairs or. replacements by'an appropriately licensed ,person', However~'i.f .tl1e cost for sL!ch. repairs or, replacemElnts exceed 3% the purchase price. Buyer or'Sellermay 'elect to pay such excess, failing which either party,'may cancel.this Contract;',/n.the event Seller:is.tlnable to correct 1 deficiencies prior to closing';'Ihe cost thereof shall be paid Into escrow at closing: Seller 'agrees to 'provide utilities servIce for inspections'upon reasonable noti Between the Effective Date and the closing, Seller shall maintain the Property and Personalty.including.but not, limited to the Jawn,and shrubbery, in the conditi . . . I .. .' . . I . . . . .. ~. . >. . ... . .. i . , . ) ". , herein represented,ordinary,wea~. a~d tear ,excepted, Buyer,shall be permitted a.cc~ss ,for).nspection. o! ~.~e PrC?perty prior.,to ~losl~gti!\ ord~r,JC?, !=9I'f~r.~,pc:~~I!ar with the foregoing. '. ...... f'(' . .' :; :; l .' .'. I . ...) , :;".. ":" _/'::' ~"",.....r ',~ !"{",,~".',~ ~,'.:J.I. ~.:,,:: .'."..~!';,", :',' t"... ~..'-' .:: 1'" :; ': t ~"l;' 'l~ - " i. I! .1" :,1"1 r. t ~'l~ !.II:':u;' IlJ! 0' ti~r t "'S\: ...." .:. ..... . 1".:4' ... :~, f ... ~ .:',' ".<'. "'" .! 1"'j. ,"r. ,r,... .. ...._._~ :.' 1:01 ~:".:'I" r'" 0, :RISK ,OF .LOSS: If ,the improvements are damaged, by fire or other casual,ty prior '0 closing, and costs of restoring same does not exceed 3% of the assess valuation of the 'improvement's so damaged. cost of' restoration shall be an obligation of the Seller and closing shall proceed pursuant to"the ierm's of Contract wi cost therefor, escrowed 8t'closing; In the event the cost of repair, or restoration exceeds 3% of the assessed valuation of.the ,improvements so damaged. Buyer sh have'the option of eithenaking .the Property 'as :is, together' with either the said 3%or any'insurance proceeds payable by virtue of such los$ or damage; or ,of cc ceiling Contract a~~ re,ceiving ~eturn ot ~eposit(s! ~~de ~'ireunde~"" ". ":;:- - ':,',' ,.,',' ,-' """,t... (0", ,;':[ ~'I,: w;,'....>c '.,r;, '...701 V, f,~:,"r.,r ':;' ~~~~,~-..l(': (('; '!'.~Il -]';: P, :PROCE~'DS'O F SA LE; C LOSI N G PR OCE DU RE:The' a~ed 's'hall:'be reco'r8~d 'up~~' ~I~~r~r\ce' 'o'(tunej! and' evidence Qf"iitie fco'ntlnu'ed et 'Buyerii ~~~~n': to show 'title in 'Buyer. without any en'cumbrances or ch~~ge\'IIhich' would render Seller's title 'unmarketable from the date of the last evidence, and the procee of the sale'sliall be. h~ld 'in escro~ b.v S:"er's. attorney or.bY such oth,eC'escrow agen,t as !':1av:b'o '!n!ltiJallX ~9reedupo~ fo~ 'a p~~i,~~:~f-!1o~ ,16nge":th8n'fi~~'~(5),da from and after closing date, If 'Seller's title Is rendered unmarketable, :Buyer shall wIthin sald1flve (5) day perIod, notify Sallei' In'wrltlng of the defect and Sell shall have 30 days from date of receipt of such notification to cure said defect,'.!n tile event Seller falls to tImely cure said defect, all monies plIld'hereunder,sha upon written dam and tharefor,and within five (5) day, thereafter, be returned to Buyer and, simultaneously with such re'paymel1t, Buyer,shall.vacate the Proper and reconvey' same to tha Seller,'by special warranty d'eed and return the perso'naliy. In the 'event" Bu'y'e'r falls to make tlmely:'d~mand for reflib'd, Buyer .hall tal title as Is, waiving all rights against Saller as to such Intervening defect except as may be available to Buverby'vlrtue ofworra'nties, H an;:, 'contained in'the dee In the event a portion of the purchase price Is to be derived from institutIonal financing or refinancing. tile requirements of the lending Instl~utlon'as'to place;t1n of day and procedures for closing, and .for ,disbursement .of mortgage proceeds, shall control, anything In tills COr'ltract to the contrary notwithstanding, Provide however, tl1at the Seller shall have the right to req'ulrli'from such lending instltutlon"at Closing a commItment that"lt will not withhold disbursement of mortgal proceed. 115 a result of Dny title defect attributable to Buyer.mortgagor!T/1e'i!scrow and 'closing procedure re'qulred 'by 'this Standard 'rnay'-tiii ~Blveifln' the eve: the attorney, title agent or Closing agent insures against'adverse matters pursuant to Section 627,7841, F ,S, (1983), as amended. . I,' '-lIt.'I...ll ':; --'..~.:~~~'~~.~.:.:~.r:;.-_L_''''_: Q, ESCROW: ,Any escrow agent receiVing fun~s,!Jr e,qlJi~ale~tois a,uthorize~.and\agrees .by. acceptance ,tMreof to deposit promptly:and t? hold same In escro: and subject to clearance thereof to disburse same in accordance'with terms and conditions of the Contract. Failure of clearance of funds shall not excuse perfo mance by the' Buyer. In the event of doubt as to escrow agent's duties or liabilities under the provisions of this Contract, the escrow agent may in agent's sole di cretion; continuo'to hoid the sU.l?ject matter of this escrovv Ul1tll the parties mutually agree to the dIsbursement thereof, or until a judgment 'of '8 'courfof competer jurisdiction shall determine the rights of the parties thereto, or escrow agent may deposit .ame with the clerk of the circuit court having jurisdiction of the disputl and upon notifying all parties concerned of such action, all liability on the part of the escrow agent shall fully terminate, except to the extent of accounting for an items theretofore ,delivered out of ,escrow, If a-licensed real estate broker, the escrow,agent will comply with proviSions of Chapter 475, F,S, (1983), as amended, ! the event of any suit be'tween Buyer and Sellerwherein'iflli' escrow iigen't is made a party by virtue of acting as an escrow agent hereunder, or In the event of any su wherein escrow 'agent' interpleads the 'subject matter o(tl1is escrow, .the 'agent shall be entitled io'recover'reasonable atto'rney's fee and costs incurred; said fees an costs to be ~harged.and assessed as court costs in favor of thl1 prevailing party. AII.parties agr.ee..,that'the esc:roliv.agel)t :shall not.be liable:to any partY or perso whomsoever for misdelivery to Buyer or Seller of items subject to this escrow. unless such miSdelivery shall be due to willful breach of this Contract or gross negl genceon the part of the'agent:" ,,~.,r........ It.'. ;,~",.:,;"......::.\t"'i -~~~':"':' :~~.j;r;:~- ".:' "i..J.7':"'.'1~,,,,''=-.:~-:-;-~::::'.''f:-'f;.~~~C!i\ ':\::~' . ....:r.:r\fJ;:?--....._.. .,R, . ATTORNEY FEES; COSTS: In connection with any litigation arising outof this Contract, the prevailing party shall be entitled to recover reasonable attorney' fees and costs, S, FAILURE OF PERFORMANCE: If Buyer fails to perform this Contract within the time specified, !including payment of all deposits hereunder!, the de p~sJt's) paid by the Buyer may,be retained by or for the account of Seller as liquidated damages, consideration for the execution of this Contract'and In full settle ment of any cla'ims: whereupon' Buyer llnd Seller sh:l!l be reHeved Of .ill obli9;;tions 'undllr the Contract; or Seller, at Seiler's OPtion, may proceed at law or in equit1 to enforce Seller's legal rights under this Contract, If. for any reason other than failure of Seller to make Seller's title marketable after diligent effort, Seller fails neglects or refuses to perform this Contract. the Buyer may seek specific performance or elect to receive the return of Buyer's deposit(s) .without thereby waivin! any actionf~r damages resulting from Seller's breach,... - ,;",:}, J' ,'-;'.::,:-;; ,... '''-', .,J';'"," Lt,);"'I" 'J', ,..'.t I T, " .,' CONTRACT NOT RECORDABLE; PERSONS' BOUND;' NOTICE:' Neither this Contract nor any notice thereof shall be recorded in any publiC records, Tl1il Contract shall bind 'and Inure to the benefit of the parties'hereto 'and their successors in interest':Whenever:the'context permlts:slngular shall Include plural'and o'nE gender shall'lnclude BII::NOtice giv~,n b.y or'to l!le attorney for any party shall be as e~fective as'lf give(1: b.y'pr)o said party ,--_... -', I,l'/": - -.:: J ;\....):;';}:~ --- j ;. , ,- '" -.-.:. ~...:.~~:: :.~;:' . ;~J .~ .~....;-~ ~ '; .)~; q .~.~. ':r; -::.. j.:t"J -~ :r..~" .. :rJ.": '. ';.:.~.. ! ~ ')1';'.: ~..: .~:;:. ,- ~ J."r', ;::'~~h:.~.l.!..JtJ"" i~ ";: I.t .f.,,..::- '~l;"'- - ....--.... -- --' (..r.: ..\1 I ..l U" . CONV.EY ANCE: .Sell9r shall. convey.title ,to'. the 'PropertY., by ,statUtory warrantY ,'trustee, personal representative or guardian deed;' as-appropriate ,to the status, of Sell or. subject cinfy'.\o.l'I1iltiers contained jn Panignlph VII hereQfand those otheiw;"se' accepted by,Buyer, Personalty shall, at request of Buyer, be conveyed by'an absolute'bill of sale'with warranty oftitl6, sUbject,to such matters in may be otherwise provided for herein, I...,' ;""'..1 V, OTHER AGREEMENTS: No prior or present agreements or representations shall be binding upon Buyer or Seller 'unless included In this' Contract, No modification or change in this Contract shall be valid or binding upon tile parties unless In writing and executed by the party or parties to be bound thereby. Rev, 1185 ~::j~.;}:r",,\'...( t~i.:;:: .<~; " ':-\'~I;fJ l~!1~;C::fv'~:1: _._ ..,.._t.__.. .~.... -.__... ....... _._--- -- . .... ,.-- ~ - - -'. ..-..... .... . ..' . ,'{:.~ , '. '.I ~ .~ . ~.' . .. . ........ '. '.\:.:' :'.-: '. '.1 . '.:. \l. ,..,..::.:.::l~;)...,.. ... ... ........>:ill}i::.;. . '. :..~::~?:.... . ,,'. ., ..."., ..',ycPd "..,.',.,., .'. " ....::~~j{~... ... .' ....... .....:::. ..; /.c ')g)7.~;J;f:ir;.j,)':8; . ".~': . .;\" . .':~' . ....;.. " .... . '.' . ":-fr.. : ." ~://: .::>U... . :: :>~~~.~:. ..:.~:~~.~.: ......:,. ~ :~:5/::'; .: .:..:'~::. . }}?'. . '::~:::',,::' . , , ' - .,:~ '..:'. . '~~FY,:, ':~,:S;~',. I.. _, . ......, '. . ".? -=::\ . . . .; ~ . ....1... .. . ..... ". : ~"~. . '. ' . '." ..':.1:' . ~1'. . ~;':::-J.;~~:. .' '<\1\ '. '.'~... ::~:.":. ..' ,,'Y(}\:'. ' . :.:?.If.:.: ~I , , ..J' ~~.~: '.'. :. . . !'. - ,'. . ,~ '. . . .'~. . ::i;;'}~:.'... '. , ,,'i~D . ~;'t . ~\l~:'.'" ': ' ~ . , . )#/I7J ' AQP.~flD~~-1~_~QNT.Rb-~T-fQB_SA~E AND PURCHASE ~~,IJ,6%! ;:~gusq~15 THIS ADDEHDUM, made and entered into this ~ day of ~yc,.i190B, by and between NEALE MALLORY and BILLIE MALLORY, his wife, as Sellers, and DONALD BIESENDORF'ER and SUE BIESENDORFER, his wife, as Buyers, to that ccrtc1.in Contract for Sale. and Purchase between said parties for the sale of the home located at 650 Manor Drive, Boynton Beach, Florida; for a purchase price of $65,000.00, is to add the following Special Clauses.: 1. Transaction is contingent upon City of Boynton Beach granting a conditional use 'appr.ova1 to use the subject property as an extension of the existing adult congregate living facility, Rustic Retreat, Inc~ Retirelnent Home. Buyers agree to apply for the conditional use within 10 days after execution of this contract and to diligently pursue that application, all at Buyers' expense. If the conditional use has not been obtained by December 1, 1988, Sellers may cancel contract and Buyers shall be entitled to refund of deposit, unless failure to obtain conditional use is due to Buyers' failure to apply for same or failure to diligently pursue the same. 2, Home being sold in llaule to pay for any repairs. AS IS condition and Sellers will Paragraphs D and N are DELETED, not be 3. Buyers are to pay all closing costs ~a~ on deed and title insurance premium. payoff of their existing lnortgage, property Sellers' own attorney's fee if they have an P~~agraph K is DELETED. including documentary stamp Sellers shall bear only the tax proration credit, and attorney represe~t them~ IJ. 'l'here is a Final Judgment against Neale Hal1or}' Qil.1Y, in favor of Sealtite Roofing & Construction, Inc. Said judgment does not cons t i tU~'~?.:l,\;4 i en agn i nst the subj ect property, shall not be pa Id of f at c 1 os i ng ,/~~sa...':XX!:!::~X<}:IXX~IxX~lXl:;::kC{ttcxl:l::kocxtd:l4ke:xd:e::Re::<x~, Buyer I s Attorney to' , review Judgment, and if objectionable, Buyer has right to withdraw from con tr ac t. (~:&1l~~X~X~~~~~€~x:wJtW1~}f~:W2Ck.~2i~x:e~~~H.X{9hXK1)~1)~)f.X)f25X}r~:S13X:at,,:tS.XX lVXX.X.X~J:IS~li~~~X~~~XX~4~~) ~?cVj;!/;~-::1-~.," " .,. 5. Title insurance ,to be issued by Gene Moore, Agent for Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund. , Witnesses: WHEREOF, the, ,pa~ties day of ~~x~~l 08, Aug:u:~ ~;-fY"I, , ~P{'~?' :. U,) ~)" It/ J.' v have hereunto set their hands and IN vlITNESS seals this ~ //~ ~. ",4 )~77 R~~__- ~EAr:;E -HALl.ORY ,{,.... ~ "Seller" .--; . dY~--n1ailt9-Lvy " BILLIE MALLORY U "Seller" <-~ R-L2/88 "Buyerll 8/2/88 "Buyer" '. ~() '- " * /d'o \ \ \ \ \ .I . , ! , I I I A ~ ~f -;~ tbrth 18~ feee of the South :))0 fHt of Covr:rmlmt Lot 3, .. ~I St-ctim 22, TCNUh1p 45 South, ~e 43 F.ast, Pdm ~ach County, nor..l1a, I llDre particularly dcsc:rlbed .., follows: C<r.zncrci~ at the tbrt~t comer , of too tbrth IB5 feet cf the South '70 feet of said C'.ovt"IT'I'nent Lot 3, am ~ Easterly along the tbrth bc:urlary of said partim of r.overr1llalt ' Lot 3, a dllltance of 425.57 feet to the Point of B<>e~ of the parcel to be herein describW, frem said Poinl: of Bt>g1rn1ne continue Southerly 75 fHt; thence Easterly at an 8T6le of 90 d4.-gt'ecs with the precedill; c:ouru a dbtancr. oC 75 Ceet; thence tbt~herly ""~ 1m ~le of 90 . , degrees with the prccedlre course. d1at&'lCp. oC '5 feet: thmce Westerly an arele of 90 devees vlth the precedirl: course 8 distance oC ' 75 f to the Point of Beginning, LESS the East 1.67 Ceet nnd the J-kst 3,53 eet theroof, -';' r~' : ~ '. ...., '. .. . . . .. , .. \ ., , r " (", . - oj. " ....-, ~ :t~~~ . ~hPb " , . ,;,~ :( :::.:~ :.~ :~. , ,~:: ;{f> /.;, ):: :0; .. . ).;~ ':~:;. ";5-.'.. u. TElEPHONE: 407-734.2424 TELECOPIER: 407.734.2497 GEl'ffi Mo6/lJJClJ~~ 1J LAWYER V l?,., ......... ' ~~ ',hi. 9 J98. /j, ~ '-FiNI),'1 . .\ '8 '~L(\::'r, .. - ., '-~" (J}f:."Pr.' , -, . ~ OFFICE LOCATION FIRST FINANCIAL PLAZA, SUITE 409 639 EAST OCEAN AVENUE BOYNTON BEA.CH, FlORIDA 334n MAIUNG ADDRESS i P,O, BOX 910 j BOYNTON BEACH, FlORIDA 33425.910 EXECUTIVE STAFF ARlENE V, MARSH BARBARA A. RANTA MARIE MATALL\NA DEBORAH M, Al.rnOUSE JUNE DEGEORGE November 29 1988 '" j I i City of Boynton Beach Attention: James Golden Seacrest Blvd Boynton Beach, Fl 33435 ... Re: Biesendorfer from Mallory To whom it may concern: The undersigned agent for Attorneys' Title Insurance Fund hereby certifies that title to subject property is vested in Delbert Neale Mallory and Billie June Mallory, his wife, and is free and clear of any liens or encurnberances. Property is subject to Contract for Purchase and Sale between Dalbert Neale Mallory and Billie June Mallory, his wife, and Donald Blesendorfer and Sue Biesendorfer, his wife. ! Gene Moore Agent Attorneys Title Insurance Fund GM/bar (,/ ?'/ hP~ NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Mr. George C. Davis, agent for Mr. Don Biesendorfer, appli- cant, requested the following;parcel be considered for CONDITIONAL USE for an Adult Congregate Living Facility (ACLF) to extend the existing facility, Rustic Retreat, Inc. Retirement Home, at the following location: Legal Description: " . ., \ \, A tract of land lying in Government Lot 3 of Section 22, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at a point which is the intersection of the North line of the South 370 feet of Government Lot 3, of said Section 22, and the East right-of-way line of U. S. 1 as it presently lies: thence proceeding in an Easterly direction along the said North line, a distance of 193.01 feet to a point: thence South at an angle of 90 degrees to the aforesaid line, a distance of 56.08 feet to a point: thence Westerly parallel to aforesaid North line, a distance of 30.07 feet to a point: thence Southerly at an angle of 90 degrees to the aforesaid line, a distance of 12.50 feet to a point: thence Westerly parallel to the aforesaid North line, a distance of 21.90 feet to a point: thence Southerly at an angle of 90 degrees to the aforesaid line, a distance of 53.50 feet to a point: thence Westerly parallel to said North line, a distance of 152.61 feet to a point: thence Northerly with an interior angle of 84039'30", a distance of 122.75 feet more or less to a point, this point being the point of BEGINNING. CONTAINING .485 acres more or less. AND A tract of land lying in Government Lot 3, Section 22, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in the Town of Boynton Beach, Florida~ being more particularly described as follows: Commencing at a point which is the inter- section of the North line of the South 370 feet of Government, Lot 3 of said Section 22 and the East right-of-way line of U.S. 1 as it presently lies: thence proceeding easterly along said North line, a distance of 193.01 feet to a point, this point being the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.); thence continuing Easterly along said North line, a distance of 69.80 feet to a point: thence South at an angle of 900 to the aforesaid line, a distance of 75.08 feet to a point: thence West parallel to the afore- said North line, a distance of 69.80 feet to a point: thence North at an angle of 900 to the aforesaid line, a distance of 75.08 feet more oi less to a point: this point being the Point of Beginning (P.O.B.). Containing 0.123 acres more or less and subject to easements, reservations and rights-of-way of record. AND c,z "'.r'. ~/J>(j A tract of land lying in Government Lot 3 of Section 27, Township 45 South, Range 43 East, in the Town of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: - Commencing at the Northwest corner of the South 370.00 feet of Government Lot 3: thence Easterly, along the North line of the aforementioned South 370.00 feet of Government Lot 3, said line being also the South line of Wilms Way SID as recorded in Plat Book 23, Page 110, of the Public Records of, Palm Beach County, Florida, a distance of 429.62 feet to a point: thence Southerly at 900 a distance of 56.08 feet to the Point of Beginning: thence continue along the aforementioned course, a distance of 18.92 feet to a' point: thence Easterly at 900, a distance of 69.80 feet to a point: thence Southerly at 900, a distance of 35.00 feet to a point: thence Easterly at 900, a distance of 6.15 feet to a point: thence Southerly at 900, a distance of 95.08 feet to a point, said point being on the North line of Lake Addition SID, as recorded in Plat Book 11, Page 71, of the Palm Beach County Records: thence Westerly at 900, along the aforementioned North line of Lake Addition SID, a distance of 75.00 feet to a point: thence Northerly at 900, a distance of 83.00 feet to a point: thence Westerly at 900, a distance of 52.92 feet to a point: thence Northerly at 900, a distance of 53.50 feet to a point: thence Easterly at 900, a distance of 21.90 feet to a point: thence Northerly at 900, a distance of 12.50 feet to a point: thence Easterly at 900, a distance of 30.07 feet more or less to the Point of Beginning. I co Said parcel subject to an easement for road purposes, being more particularly described as follows: Beginning at the Point of Beginning of the above described parcel: thence Southerly, a distance of 18.92 feet to a point; thence Easterly at 900, a distance of 69.80 feet to a point: thence Southerly at 900, a distance of 35.00 feet to a point: thence Westerly at 900, a distance of 68.85 feet to a point: thence Southeily at 900, a distance of 12.08 feet to a point: thence Westerly at 900, a distance of 52.92 feet to a point: thence Northerly at 900, a distance of 53.50 feet to a point: thence Easterly at 900, a distance of 21.90 feet: thence Northerly, a distance of 12.50 feet to a point: thence Easterly at 900, a distance of 30.07 feet more or less to the Point of Beginning. Said parcel containing 0.295 acres more or less and subject to other easements and rights-of-way of record. (,..; '. 9!J'.a:'b , Address: 650 & 651 Manor Drive Boynton Beach, FL (R-3 Multi-Family Residential Zoning) .~ Agent: George C. Davis, A.I.A., Architect 1100 South Federal Highway . Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Applicant: Don Biesendorfer, President Rustic Retreat, Inc. 1120 North Federal Highway Boynton Beach, FL 33435 , Owners: Delbert Neale Mallory and Billie June Mallory/Steve Freed Project: Extend retirement use to adjacent two buildings ,(eastward). A HEARING BEFORE THE PLANNING & ZONING BOARD WILL BE HELD AT CITY HALL, 211 SOUTH FEDE~ HIGHWAY, COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 13, 1988 at 7:30 P.M. ALSO ~: A PUBLIC HEARING IS SCHEDULED BEFORE THE CITY COMMISSION, CITY HALL, 211 SOUTH FEDERAL HIGHWAY, COMMISSION CHAMBERS, ON TUESDAY, DECEMBER 20, 1988 AT 7:00 P.M. OR AS SOON THERE- AFTER AS THE AGENDA PERMITS, ON THE ABOVE REQUEST. . All interested parties are notified to appear at said hearings in perso~ or by attorney and be heard. Any person who decides to appeal any decision of the Planning & Zoning Board or City Commission with respect .to any matter con- sidered at these meetings will need a record of the pro- ceedings, and for such purpose, may need to ensure that a verbatim record of the proceedings is made, which record includes the testimony and evidence upon which the appeal is to be based. So " BETTY S. BORONI, CITY CLERK CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH smk Publish: THE POST December 2, 1988 cc: Mayor and City Commissioners City Manager City Attorney .City Manager's Secretary Recording Secretary .. '1' :l!(~L: ' : !I~~ I i 'I- t fll r -t...J1 ----.-: .. ~'r II , . j: i jJ 11 -I -f' , , I I I. ] 2 4 I . , , . . ..o:"~. .' : . - .. . 'C r 1'\ "'ci i , " ,to 9, .. . .... /.' I, " ., ~t .Jt ., ~ ~ . -, ~ .......- .', I " ., ; , " .. J,": ~' " . ~~: ..... , .' " , .... " " . ~ r ':~\- ,I,' :t 4 ~ s: 11 " "i .' I~: - .. -',! , :'~, ~ .0 '" .. , . 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