CAB APPLICATION 1;; . Of )/j L/j- -c,,--co,-cJc3-r'!'M CITY of BOYNTON BEACH COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD , (/~ - L17~ Q I PLEASE PRINT 6 ( ) REVIEW APPROVAL ' Date.: ---/.d-::.:2_-8~------ ) PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS "1 (/(/ ) REQUEST FOR CHANGE (Date Paid: __~~~~:_~~____) ) SIGN APPROVAL (Receipt Number: __~3_~i2Q__) ----E71:t-N~-f!;;~L!f~gf!:!!J1;;/lf!!filz--7X~71------ ----~---------------------~~~-~~-LJP~~------ EGAL DESCRIPTION: ____~!:_~~__~______________________________~______ If too lengthy to fit on application, legal MUST be on a separate sheet of paper - NOT a part of the plans.) ~RIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: __~~~0__~~!~~~~_~~_~_____________ . .' U 'PLICATION: ( ( ( ( <OJECT NAME: ROJECT ADDRESS: ---------------------------------------------------------------~------------- WNER: ____"O..L2tL_!$J~Q[!!!!!5E!L__________ Phone Number: C_[_1J.2::..:?M2 .RCHITEcT: ~--c...!..-~?------~------- Phone Number: (~,2L::."2Z2___6.!::?? li_Q~g~~~KQ~_XQ~~_R1~~~_TQ_~~_~~YI~~~g~_~_~~f~~~~~T~TIY~_~Q~T_~~_fE~~~~T_~T_TB~ IgTl~Q . lAME: _~_fIt..~L!?.~________________ Phone Number: (ifJJ>-13 2.:::: S'7!Z_ \DDRESS: ~___~~~~_~~~_~_______________________________________ Street City State Zip Code = = = = g . . = = . . = . . . . . = . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . - . . ~ = = = = IMPORTANT - Requirement for Review: I. Technical Review Board Approval. 2. Staff Comments. 3. Location Map Desi~natin~ Site. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side building etevations, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable_ 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. 6. Application' fee of $50 (payable to "City of Boynton Beach). ALL PLANS DRAWN BY A PROFESSIONAL, REGISTERED IN THE STATE OF FLORIDA, MUST BE SIGNED AND SEALED ALL MEETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC SURFACE MATERIAL COLOR/NAME BEAl1S COLUMNS DOORS FASCIA GABLE ENDS GLASS GRILL PANELS INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS ROOF SHUTTERS SOFFIT WALLS OTHERS (as required) t2- t&ou: ~/t.s '~.s€fJ. !iJot21L IS LPt(/WC! to f),4-IZJUlJb [or ~ fA,JDl..eAp ;}. II , 5/88 Signature of Applicant ", '. ,E :X ij, I BIT " I II A II ,I i ' RCEL 00., 1: A part of' the North nl5' ,feet; of the South 370 feet of Governrrent Lot 3 ction 22, 'l'aomship 45, Sooth,' Range' '43 East, ' tia'lni 'Beach County, Florida, rrore parti~larlY scribed as fo11a.1S: . !,,' " I' " I' . "I, '!,t I 'f i ' '~' l (; f; \ ~ I' i" " '1\" ; , .," ,\,' ',I: ,'" 'j I lTtlleOCin] II>t the Northwest 'cdt:rier !df,.!ti\,e 'NOrth 185", feet of the South 370 feet of Goverrurent t 3, an:! running Eas~rl'y alcingl',t:p?' ~~,ba.lndarY' of said Governrrent Lot 3, a distance ~25.57 feet to a powtl thence,'SOutlier'ly at an angle of 90. with the preceding course distance of 110 feet to the Point 'of Beginning of the parcel to be herein described. Fran id Point of Beginnin; continue, SOutherly 75 feetl thence Easterly at an B.n3'le of 90. with e precedin; coorse a distaN:eof 80 feet 1 thence Northerly rrakin] an B.n3'le of 90. with e precedin;J coorse a distance of 75 feet 1 thence Westerly makin; an angle of 90. with the ecedin;J course a distance of 80 feet to the Point of Beginnin;.' ICEL 00. 2: A part of GovernIrent Lot 3, section 22, 'I\:JWnShip 45 SOu,th, Range 43 East, ty of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach County, Florida, /!'Ore particularly described as fo11a.1S: " nnencin; at the Northwest corner of the North 185 feet of the South 370 feet of Governrrent t 31 thence running Easterly aloog the North Boundary of said portion of Goverment Lot 3, distance of 425.57 feet to a point 1 thence Southerly at an,angle of 90. with the preceding urse a distance of 185 feet to the Point ot Beginning of the parcel herein described 1 fran id Point of Beginning cootinue Southerly 20 feetl thence Easterly at an an;Jle of 90. with e preceding COJI'se a distance of 80 feet to a point 1 thence Northerly at an angle of 90. th the preceding coorse a distance of 20 feet to a point 1 thence l'Iesterly at an angle of 90. th the precedin;J course a distance of 80 feet to the Point of Beginning. ICEL 00. 3: A tract of land lyin:j' in Goverment Lot 3, of Section 22, TownShip 45 SOuth, 1ge 43 East, in the City of Boynton Beach, Palm Beach Co.mty, Florida, being mere particularly 3Cribed as fo11a.1S: I >ject to easement for rights 9f. iilgrE;!sS a!1d egress in favor of ~S of adjoinin; parcels Park Shores Subdivision. I ! I ~'I ' ! Il R€CORD VF.RIFIED PALM BEACH COUrtTY FL~ .IOHN fl, DUNKLE CL~RK CIRCUIT COURT ,