CAB APPLICATION f {'{((]-U_{~ ~/7--c;?-O~,' ( cmu.tUN IT'; r.PPEAPJ\nCE BOARD Boynton Beach, Florida ,. . // ~- ...-.., / ',~ i / . DATE: 1-4-89 APPLICATIotl: ('J) d'-) ( ) ( ) REVIEW APPROVAL PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS REQUEST FOR CHANGE SIGN APPROVAL PROJECT NAME: SAFETY KLEEN SERVICE CENTER ADDRES3': LOTS 46-B - & 46-C--;TALPHA-URiVE:QfJANTUM CORPORATE PARK. PROJECT LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (ATT!\"CRro-r-- -~--- -- ~If too lengthy to fit on application, legal MUST be on a separate sheet of paper - NOT a part of the plans). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OFFICE/WAREHOUSE & TANK FARM BLDGS. LANDSCAPE. SIGNS DAN I EL DOWLINS OHNER: SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION, ELGIN, ILL. TEL. D (312) (219) 697-8460 ARCHITECT: KEITH WISHMEIER, SOUTH BEND, IN. TEL. D 234-3433 IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE MUST BE PRESENT AT THE MEETING. DELFIN F. MENENDEZ NAME: MSM, DESIGN GROUP (SITE PLANNER) TEL. P (407) 659c5701 ADDRESS: 630 SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY, WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA 33401 Street City Zip Code IHPORTANT: Requirements for Review: 1. Technical Review Board Approval. 2. Staff comments. 3. Location Map Designating Site. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side building elevations, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. 6. $50 application fee (to City of Boynton Beach). THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR REVIEW BEFORE THE BOARD. ALL ViliETINGS OF THE COM}!UNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. SURFACE HATERIAL FASCIA GABLE ENDS PREFINISHED STEEL FRAME BLDG. PREFINISHED STEEL FRAME BLDG. METAL PREFINISHED METAL EAVE CONCRETE FLUTED BLOCK , COLOR (NAME) (NOT EXPOSED OUTSIDE) (NOT EXPOSED OUTSIDE) LI GHT BROWN NAT. GALVANIZED flETAL SAND BEIGE (1) BEAMS (1) COLUHNS DOORS GLASS 5/8" INSUL. FIXED GLASS N.A. N.A. (BRONZE/BROWN ALUM. WINDOW) GRILL PANELS INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS IJ," STEEL NATURAL METAL NAT. GALVANIZED METAL (2) ROOF 26 GA. PREFINISHED METAL ROOF PANELS SHUTTERS N.A. SOFFIT N.A. HALLS CONCRETE FLUTED BLDCK OTHERS (as required) CERArHC TILE BAND . FENCE CHAIN LINK METAL SAND BEIGE & I J GHT RROWN BLUE NAT. GALVANIZED (1) (2) /-Y~(i . 1~'53 ~ IN TANK BLDG., CONCRETE, PAINTED IN LIGHT BROWN IN TANK FARM BLDG., FLAT HETAL STD. SEAM. '() APPLICANT Date pd. Rec. D , LEGAL DESCRIPTION OF SITE LOTS 46-B AND 46-C (COLLECTIVELY THE "LOT"), ACCORDING TO THAT CERTAIN QUANTUM PARK AT BOYNTON BEACH, P.I.D. PLAT NO. 10, RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 60, PAGES 34, 35, AND 36, PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY, FLORIDA. ,. ;; "*," :. !.'> -~. ... '-. -;': "<'1'.-' "N; m ..\S' "~f: 7 !~ ,."~~ - "'1 '/? , .. .<:,:;. ; ,'.,,".'~~ . (",-. ':~t.; ~"::>: .,~~f; '.".;", :'~'(;.'''' ~~'T,~' , ~~ t .fZ :"', ,:gj:' '::~~-' '- '.~ .:" co. v j':-;::, ' ; ~,,:: ~; .0,-:' .....~: ~ " .. . '. . .. STAFF COMMENTS ~ SAFETY KLEEN AT QUANTUM PARK NEW SITE PLAN Building Department See attached memo Fire Department Memo to be distributed at meeting Engineering Department See attached memo Utilities Department See attached memo Police Department See attached memo Planning Department See attached memo Forester/Horticulturist See attached memo ~ STAFF COMMENTS SAFETY KLEEN AT QUANTUM PARK NEW SITE PLAN Building Department r.~ See attached memo Engineering Department Utilities Department Police Department Planning Department Forester/Horticulturist See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo . . yo- memorandum To: Carmen Annunziata Planning Director Date: January 3, 1989 Subject: SAFETY-KLEEN SITE PLAN APPROVAL From: Mike Haag Plans Reviewer Building Department As a condition of site plan approval, the following comments should be incorporated into the related documents by the applicant: 1. Raised seal, signature and date of architect of record for the project required on the plans. 2. Project to be reviewed by County Health Department. Provide letter of approval. 3. Require letter from South Florida Water Management District stating approved finished floor elevation of proposed building. 4. Identify on plans height of flag pole. Include detailed construction drawings of flag pole support. 5. Show on_plans elevation of door entrance stoop and slope of entrance side walk. Must comply with handicap code. 6. All signs must comply with the overall approved Quantum sign program. 7. Show on plans detailed drawings of dumpster enclosure. 8. Provide letter of approval from appropriate utilities in regards to erecting fence within easement. 9. Building and appurtenances drawings to be designed in compliance with Standard Building Code 1985 Edition and all other applicable codes and ordinances. The applicant's prompt compliance with the preceding comments will insure a tioely permitting process. ~/ .2?.~ l~e Ea~ J mh: eaf cc:E.E.Howell BD12/88 ~ TRB MEMOR.~NDUM . .' " " , " " ~. . ol. >I To: Jim Golden From: Bill Flushing RQ' safety Kleen at Quantum Par~ 1. The storm drainage inlets should not contaln wa~er so as to create a .mosquito nuisancg. A 1: i~ch mesll cover~d opening should be provlded in :~e tottom. Three cubic feet of 3,'4 inch wash roch stoul~ ~e ~laced below the opening. 71ttl1JLi' - ,., , .=,J......... Flus~ln .;, ,,;.., (.." ::::,-k -.-......... . ~ - MEMORANDUM To: Carmen Annunziato, Planning Director Cl \ John A. G~idry, Director of Utilities ltYv~ December 30, 1988 ~ From: Date: Subject: TRB Review - Safety Kleen at Quantum Park - Site Plan We can approve this project, subject to the following conditions: 1. Add a gate valve just east of the fire hydrant tee, which is to become the City's control point on the fire line. 2. Indicate utility easements over the water main to include the fire hydrant, meter, service line to the meter, and final gate valve just east of the hydrant assembly. 3. Indicate a double check valve on the building side of the City's gate valve. Double check valve shall be a Watts, Febco or Hersey model. 4. Indicate a reduced pressure backflow preventer on the domestic service line, to be a Watts 909, Febco 825Y, or pre-approved equal. 5. Specify type "K" copper on the water service line from the main to the meter. 6. All sumps within the building shall be self-contained, with no outlet. Provide sufficient details on the plans to illustrate this. dmt bc: Peter Mazzella ~L '''ir~IV3-<D' \ ~':" ; , ~' .......... -"............. ...-..J .'(' . '.\,: : i ! -l.J~_1 ~. .. , ,...:"'r - MEMORANDUM TO DATI Mr. James Golden 30 2ecember 1988 "'LI ....M SU.JI"CT Lt. Dale S. Hammack Safe:.y Kleen As per our discussion at the Technical Review Soard en 29 December 1988. I am recommending the fol1ow1ng: 1. Comply with the City's Construction Secur1ty Ordinance. /"0 JJ t!J/./ U/~~ dd Lt. ~ale S. Hammack DSH/cgm M E M 0 RAN DUM January 4, 1989 TO: CHAIRMAN AND MEMBERS PLANNING AND ZONING BOARD FROM: CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, PLANNING DIRECTOR RE: SAFETY KLEEN AT QUANTUM PARK-STAFF COMMENTS With respect to the above, please be advised of the following staff comments: 1. All applicable requirements of the document entitled "Hazardous Materials Contamination Response Plan" prepared for Quantum Park in accordance with the issuance of the Development Order must be complied with. A note should be placed on the site plan which states the above. 2. An appropriate sign should be placed on both sides of the pipe bridge which indicates the clearance for this structure. 3. Full details on all containment structures such as curbs, trenches, sump pump, etc. to be provided. 4. An Environmental Review Permit must be issued for this facility prior to the issuance of a Building Permit. 5. If the existing native growth within the Boynton Canal is removed at some future date for maintenance purposes by the South Florida Water Management District, the proposed landscaping will not be adequate to screen the-industrial development from the single-family neighborhood across the canal to the south. The proposed plantings should be modified to provide for an opaque buffer in the future, should the native vegetation be removed. The City's Comprehensive Plan recommends that maximum buffering be provided between industrial and residential uses through the site plan review procedure. 6. An additional twenty (20) feet of landscaped area must be provided within the Boynton Canal right-of-way to meet the forty (40) foot wide greenbelt required by the PID zonings regulations. ,- ~ ~~ CARMEN S. ANNUNZ 0 CSA:ro cc Central File - M E MaR AND U M TO: Carmen Annunziato, City Planner FROM: Kevin J. Hallahan, Forester/Horticulturist DATE: January 3, 1989 RE: Safety Kleen At Quantum Park - Site Plan Lot 46B The applicant should provide additional landscaping to visually buffer the site in accordance with the following: (Code of Ordinances, new subsection Page 615) 1. A vegetative buffer shall be preserved and/or planted, so as to provide a screen with not less than seventy-five percent (75%) opacity and not less than thirty (30) feet in height, within five (5) years of the date of approval of the partiCular plat or site plan. K_~,~-'~-JL.f'A~ Kevin J. allanan Forester/Horticulturist KJH:ad DOC:SKLEEN II '~I le;-' "~l ,.... .:::a ~'.H" ;""1 '::~ ,... ~. f ~ ,: .'5;' ~ ~ 't.. ,~~ ..t'g 1\ ! " .l ~""''''''' - ":'1~ I, i ' i'l I'fll\1 rl1 . ~ o ~ , \ ~, ;;fJ M :11 :jl~ , 'I 1,--:; !iil" ~ :: I ~ !..t~'":~~~.;. ~I' ..., . ,,' . ;i!~;.: ~~, 1-' il .. ............ 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":.Ir Y:':i.!< ';ft~;'l'. ~;: . \~ I, ). ~ . :~i(.1 " .. . DETAILS OF WAREHOUSE STORAGE AND OPERATIONS 1. Parts Washer Machines: A parts washer machine is II "sink atop a drum". The drum contains eight or fifteen gallons of recirculated solvent (mineral spirits) depending on the size of the machine. Safety-Kleen services its customers by providing them with a fresh drum of solvent, after removal of the dirty drum of solvent, on a one to twelve week service interval. The dirty drums of solvent are then taken back to the branch facility where it is displaced into a large dumpster which pumps it into a 15.000 gallon steel horizontal tank (12' -0" diameter x 18' -0" long). The empty drums are then lined with a visqueen bag and refilled with solvent from one of two 15,000 gallon steel horizontal tanks of clean solvent. The three tanks containing the clean and dirty products are located in a concrete diked contained area sized for the largest vessel (15,000 gallons) and displacement of all other tanks. This tank farm is designed to be in compliance with the standards established in NFPA 30, 1984 edition. The tanks are equipped with pressure/vacuum venting, internal emergency valves, and high level alarms. The tank farm system is installed over twenty feet from the property line and over five feet from the nearest important building. Additionally, the t'anks are constructed to conform with U.L. specifications and are so labeled. It should be noted that the drum return and fill operation is done on a 30" high steel grating dock over a concrete curbed area with a collection sump. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) considers our 1050 mineral spirits to be a Class II combustible liquid. In July of 1985, the Environmental Protection Agency placed Safety-K1een's dirty mineral spirits on the hazardous waste list due to the product's ignitability. , 2. Immersion Cleaner: Commonly known as carburetor cleaner, Safety- Kleen provides a service to its customers similar to the parts washer operation. On a specified service interval, a Safety-Kleen saies representative will replace the drum of dirty immersion cleaner with a drum of fresh immersion cleaner. The dirty drum is sealed, loaded on the truck and returned to the, facility. Unlike the mineral spirits which end up in an aboveground tank, the dirty immersion cleaner remains in drums. The clean material arrives in drums and the dirty material exits in drums. ~mmersion cleaner is a non-flammable, non-combustib1e but corrosive ,chlorinated solvent. Drums will be stored in a concrete curbed area with no drains. A ~~6 B1-1l! ,~;~:'"' ':-, I "r ':'j" ".,'. ;L .' f:' ". ,{ ~~,~ )f'.. ....: ~. ~,}, f,' , .- ". '" I , ; I , ~:~. :.t, ~. ;j~l '~iJ ' . ~.,+;.. ". ~: . '.~~ :j~ . oJ.:. ~, ji) ~ ,.or " , I .;.~. : ''''-1 :f I : ,~~.- I . i , .\\,. :"';'.1 " :". Page' 2 Details of Warehou~e Storage and Operations July 5, 1988 . concrete sump ,dth steel grating designed to handle 10% of the volume pf the drums stored will be installed at the entrance of the area. The dirty immersion cleaner is considered a hazardous waste. 3. Paint RefinishinR Program: Safety-Kleen provides buffing pads, abrasive pads, body fillers and rubbing compound to the paint refinishing industry. The dirty pads are br'ought back to the facility. A semi-truck will then take the dirty pads back to one of the Safety-Kleen buffing pad recycling plants where the pads will be cleaned in preparation for re-use. 4. Lacquer Thinner: Used lacquer thinners are brought back in five gallon containers and stored in a Class 18 room which will be constructed in accordance with NFPA 30 with curbing and trenches. Class I Division II lighting and heaters, and a high density sprinkler system. Clean lacquer thinner is also stored in the same room in five gallon metal containers. The lacquer thinner, dirty or clean, is considered to be a Class 1B flammable material and the dirty is considered to be a hazardous waste. The dirty material is transported to a Safety-Kleen recycle center where it is recycled into clean material for return to a service center for re-use. 5. Fluid Recovery Services: Used industrial fluids are brought back to the facility in sealed 55 gallon drums and similar to the lacquer thinner are stored in a Class 1B area. The used industrial fluids can be both flammable and combustible and are considered to be hazardous wastes. A semi-truck will remove the waste drums everyone to two weeks and take them to be recycled, incinerated or used as a supplemental fuel. 6. Waste Oil: Safety-Kleen picks up waste oil from gas stations, garages and industrial accounts in 3,000 gallon vacuum tanker trucks. The waste oil is then taken back to the facility where it is pumped into a 15,000 gallon horizontal tahk (12' -0" diameter x 18' ~09" long). The tanl~ containing the dirty product is located in a concrete diked contained area sized for the largest vessel (15,000 gallons) and displacement of all tank~. This tank farm is designed to be in compliance with the . " ;.;.: :i l.:. , , " '-, -~ : ~ " t:. I,: ~. : r~' [, P' r ;, ;-; ~.~ !i .' " 2- :J f'., " ~ . ... , ' .: ;' . Page 3 Details of Warehouse Storage and Operations July 5, 1988 standards established in NFPA 30, 1984 edition. The tanks are equipped with pressure/vacuum venting, internal emergency valves, and high level alarms. The tank farm system is installed over twenty feet from the property line and over five feet from the nearest important building. Additionally, the tanks are constructed to conform with U.L. specifications and are so labeled. Waste oil has a flash point greater than 2000 F and is considered by NFPA 30 to be a Class IIIB cor"bustible, material. 7. Dry Cleaning Program: On a specified service interval, the dry cleaning sales rep supplies the dry cleaner with fresh perchloroethylene from a drum and removes any drums of bottom oils and filter cartridges. Dirty drums of material are brought back to the facility where they are stored with the immersion cleaner. The bottom oils and dry cleaning waste is non-combustible and non- flammable, but is considered to be a hazardous ~aste. 8. Restaurant Filter Program: This program consists of supplying and installing aluminum baffle filters at restaurants. The aluminum filters are used at the entrance of the exhaust hoods to capture the grease that could build up in the hood or duct and result in a' potential fire. In addition we provide a hood and duct cleaning service. 9. Allied Products: When the parts washer sales representative is contacting a customer, an effort is made to sell allied products. This consists of the following: hand cleaner, floor soaps, spray choke cleaner, gloves, brooms, etc. NO'PROCESSING IS DONE ON THE SITE. The facility is designed for the principle use of warehoue bulk storage and distribution. Clean solvent is delivered in 7,000 gallon bulk tanker trucks everyone to two weeks or as required. The clean solvent is pumped from the tanker truck into one of the 15,000 gallon clean tanks. After the truck ha9 emptied its load of clean solvent, it proceeds to remove 7,000 gallons of dirty material. The material' is 'then taken to Elgin, Illinois where it is recycled for future use at Safety-Kleen locations. "'J...1:j 2)'/ (!,I:JO ,.,.,. ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APPLICATION Date: 7- g,38 Name: ~C\I/ Ie.... / Home Phone: '1) ot..J I,' '1j 771 '6lj 3/2. - (9'/- ;)700 r,...,6e.r tlJ; EI.1,?,::fL - 601':23 Home Address: NBUamSein: ess S /> (' L k / /' "'\ 1'e.. TI ee, n "- 0 rp' Business Address 7 7 "0 (Bay II if applicable) 7 D j 3 Business Phone: :1 1::2 -, 9 ~;)7 0 iJ (-'/1")),", Rei, E/1/".J :J:t. ( 0 ),;).] Property owner's (' A Name: ':;q~-+y rle.e/"l Co ,f Property OWner's r? lEi' 7'l. Address: 7// Bij f.,....,j(~(A(/, Jh'Phone: 3)2-(,?Y'~?OO Please explain, in detail" the type of business proposed to be conducted at this site, including square footage of area for proposed use. 5ee. Fro,-., Cn f) j S- Ot-k -f-y () -\.' I ,. -1/" 1<:1<",.) ~ '7k -/r. j -::>'1 l~ 6, /9t8 /}.'I '1 U.'l 7'-1-"'+(') , Co..-,....,,z'l , Environmental Review co~~ttee Meeting Date: 7 -;:) I "~, Time: Place: