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200 N. Seacrest Blvd.
Post Office Box 310
Boynton Beach, FL 33435
(407) 738-7490
January 19, 1989
Mr. Daniel Dowling
Safety-Kleen Corporation
777 Big Timber Road
Elgin, Illinois 60123
Delfin Menendez, President
MSM Design Group
630 South Dixie
West Palm Beach, F~ 33401
Enrico Rossi
Rossi & Malavasi
1675 Palm Beach Lakes Blvd-suite 407
West Palm Beach, FL 33401
Re: Quantum Park-Safety Kleen-Site Plan
File No.: 196
Please be advised that on Tuesday, January 17, 1989, the City
commission denied the referenced site plan.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.
Very truly yours,
cc City Manager, Technical Review Board, Central File
I .
JANUARY 17, 1989
Comprehensive Plan. Motion was seconded by Vice Mayor
Hester and carried 5-0.
City Manager Cheney stated that these two requests were
fairly simple ones, but that in the future others could be
more complicated.
E. Amend road construction requirements for Quail Run
(Woolbright Road)
Mr. Golden stated that when Quail Run was approved they were
required to construct Woolbright Road from Congress Avenue
to Knuth Road as a two lane roadway. Construction was to
begin in the spring of 1989. Palm Beach County has
programmed the construction of Woolbright Road as a four
lane divided highway between Congress Avenue and Military
trail for the early 1990's. A problem has arisen in that
the design for Woolbright Road prepared by Quail Run for
that portion west of S.W. 26th Street became incompatible
with the future roadway alignment of Woolbright Road when
Quail Ridge was allowed to move the pavement as far north
within the right-of-way as possible. The City Commission is
being asked to request that the developer not be required to
construct that portion of Woolbright Road west of S.W. 26th
Street and that no credits against roadway impact fees be
granted. A new design will be prepared by Palm Beach County
roadway designers which will be compatible with all existing
Commissioner Weiner moved to amend the road construction
requirements for Quail Run (Woolbright Road) to relieve
Quail Run from the responsibility of construction of
Woolbright Road west of S.W. 26th Street and that no credit
for impact fees be given them. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Mann and carried 5-0.
F. Project Name:
Safety Kleen at Quantum Park
Delfin F. Menendez and Enrico Rossi
Quantum Associates
East side of Alpha Drive cul-de-sac,
south of South Park Boulevard
Lots 46-B and 46-C (Collectively the
"Lot"), according to that certain
Quantum Park at Boynton Beach, P.I.D.
Plat No. 10, recorded in Plat Book
60, pages 34, 35, and 36, public
records of Palm Beach County, Florida
SITE PLAN APPROVAL - Request for site
plan approval to construct a 14,842
square foot solvent distribution center
JANUARY 17, 1989
Commissioner Olenik moved to approve the Woolbright
Professional Center request for a six month extension of
zoning and site plan approval. Motion was seconded by
Commissioner Weiner and carried 5-0.
B. Consider sign program approval - Boynton Beach
Promenade, 901 N. Congress Avenue
Vice Mayor Hester moved to table this item as the applicant
was not present. Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weiner
and after a brief discussion about proper notification of
the applicant, the motion carried 5-0. It was noted that
there were no personnel present to represent the Building
Note: See discussion of this project later in the meeting
after the arrival of the applicant (page 21 of these
C. Consider sign program approval - Nuttin' But Ribs Take-
out Restaurant, 1017 North Federal Highway
George Davis, Architect, was present to represent Mr. and
Mrs. Brady who are owners of the restaurant. Commissioner
Weiner noted that the CAB had requested that all the letters
on the sign be in capital letters. Mr. Davis stated that
the Bradys were in agreement with this.
Vice Mayor Hester moved to approve the request for the sign
program for Nuttin' But Ribs Take-out Restuarant located at
1017 North Federal Highway subject to all staff comments.
Motion was seconded by Commissioner Weiner and carried 5-0.
D. Consider Palm Beach County Rezoning Request to
Intergovernmental Coordination Procedures
City Manager Cheney requested this be reviewed relative to
rezoing of the N.E. corner of Hypoluxo Road and High Ridge
Road, and rezoing on Old Dixie Highway (a County pocket),
and to make preparations for any testimony which the City
might want to give at the County Public Hearings scheduled
for January 23 and 26, 1989. City Manager Cheney stated
that he would recommend that the City has no new recommen-
Commissioner Weiner moved that the Commission approve the
recommendations of the Planning Department regarding the
Intergovenmental Coordination Activities as a part of the
JANUARY 17, 1989
on lots 46B and 46C (2.19 acres) at the
Quantum Park of Commerce Planned
Indusrial Development
This item was removed from the Consent Agenda for discussion
and vote.
Daniel Dowling, Safety-Kleen Corporation, 777 Big Timber
Road, Elgin, IL 60123, was present to represent
Safety-Kleen. He clarified for the Commission that the
building would be constructed of 8" split faced blocks and
not pre-fabricated materials.
Mr. Dowling explained how the process would work. Mayor
Marchese was concerned if there was a spillage when the
truck is unloading at the tank farm. Mr. Dowling explained
their procedure. The driver must be present at all times
during the transfer operation (loading or unloading).
During the transfer operation, a 16 gallon drum is placed
under the body of the tanker. The tanker connections occur
within the tank itself. There is an 8' x 8' pad where the
body of the tanker rests to catch any residual spillage which
might occur after the hose is unhooked. It is not designed
for catastrophic loss of a tanker. He referred to the type
tankers which come into any gasoline station with flammable
materials in their tankers. To put a diked area outside
would create a water retention pond and another problem
would be created. He felt that the procedure for their
solvent transfer operation would resolve 99.9 percent of the
problems. He did recognize there was a chance for a serious
accident. The drivers have absorbent pads on their trucks
in case there is a larger spillage. It would be rare for a
hose to burst. Mayor Marchese recognized the fact that a
hose could burst while the truck was driving in any area.
He questioned what would happen with the rain water. Mayor
Marchese asked about the ability to stop the pump operation
if something were to happen. Mr. Dowling stated there were
two points of connections - the body of the tanker and one
inside the tank farm. Both those areas are covered with 16
gallon drums.
Mr. Dowling stated that their plans had been reviewed by the
Florida Department of Environmental Review (DER) and deemed
them technically complete. Mayor Marchese recognized that
the preliminary plans look impressive, and he noted that a
final set of plans must be submitted. He was concerned
about the monsterous facility going up and he asked if the
best watch dog would be the fact that the City would have
its own environmental expert on staff. He asked when that
person might come onboard. City Manager Cheney stated the
JANUARY 17, 1989
proposed reorganization would be presented at the next City
Commission meeting. City Manager Cheney felt the applicant
had taken all the precautions they could to prevent a
spillage problem.
Commissioner Olenik asked about the capacity of the storage
tanks. Mr. Dowling stated that two tanks were designed for
20,000 gallon capacity (waste oil) and two were designed for
15,000 gallon capacity (mineral spirits - clean and dirty).
Commissioner Olenik asked if the closeness to the C-16 canal
would cause any concerns in the event of catastophic loss.
Mr. Dowling again referred to the design of the tank farm
and noted that it far exceeds any requirements to be able to
contain the largest vessel. Their tank farm will contain up
to 2~ times that amount. The storm water all flows away
from the canal with nothing going toward the canal. The
property abuts the canal, but there is 60-80 feet between
the property line and the canal. The tank farm is then put
on the side furtherest away from the canal. Mr. Annunziato
stated that had been a concern, but they have met all
requirements and exceeded most. Commissioner Olenik
referred to the problems in Delray Beach with Aero-Dri
Corporation. He questioned who would pay in case of an
accident, and whether any bonds could be held by the City.
Mr. Dowling stated that DER requires Safety Kleen to assume
financial responsibility. They must show DER that they have
the backing to clean up an accident. City Manager Cheney
stated that the City had not discussed the possibility of a
Commissioner Olenik asked if this was the first hazardous
material which would be allowed in the City, other than
gasoline stations, etc. City Manager Cheney stated that it
was the first that would have 100 percent of its business
dealing with this type material. Mr. Dowling stated that
any local body shop, one which uses paint thinner, dry
cleaners, etc. are all involved with hazardous materials.
Commissioner Olenik stated that in this case there was the
potential for 70,000 gallons of this type material, and the
volume would be greater than anyone else in the City. Mr.
Dowling again referred to Safety Kleen's record and the pro-
posed design. Mayor Marchese stated that the average person
who changes oil in his car might just put it in the ground.
He hoped this facility would provide a place for all this
waste oil. Mr. Dowling noted that in past years those type
materials were put into a dumpster,and then taken to the
landfill. This procedure has caused many cities problems
with their drinking water. He stated that the sandy type
soil in Boynton Beach allows material to permeate quickly.
This was the reason they had gone through great precautions
in designing their facility.
JANUARY 17, 1989
Commissioner Olenik was still concerned that this was
something new to the City and he questioned whether other
cities require some type of bond to bind these type
industries to protect the cities. Mr. Dowling stated that
the cities are protected by the State DER. Commissioner
Olenik noted that Delray Beach is in the courts now because
Aero-Dri does not want to pay. City Manager Cheney did not
have the answer, but noted that Delray Beach did not have an
agreement with anyone as no DER permit was requested. There
was further discussion regarding Aero-Dri as well as Safety
Kleen's facility in Delray Beach.
Mr. Dowling stated that the State DER has deemed their
application technically complete. They must go through a 45
day public comment period of their application. At the end
of the 45 days if there is no comment to the contrary, the
construction permit is issued. There are many contingencies
within that construction permit. After the facility is
built it must be certified by a licensed professional
engineer that it was built per the plans and must be
inspected continually. At the end of facility completion,
they must test the piping, the tanks, and prove all systems
handling hazardous waste are in top shape and will not leak.
The professional must also witness and certify the design
and completeness of the system. Then, and only then, is an
operating permit issued.
Commissioner Weiner stated that she was very unhappy with
this whole project. She asked if Mr. Dowling had gotten his
hazardous waste permit as yet. Mr. Dowling again explained
the process and noted that the application has been deemed
complete, but they must wait for the 45 day public comment
period, etc. He noted this was a lengthy process, and that
they had started the paperwork approximately a year ago.
Commissioner Weiner stated that she was uncomfortable with
the application as this was the first facility of this type
to ask to come into Boynton Beach. She was uncomfortable
with the request and would vote against it.
Mayor Marchese asked John Guidry, Utilities Director, if he
had any doubts in his mind about this request. Mr. Guidry
stated that one could always perceive problems. He felt
that the TRB review was thorough, and that the project is
probably timely. In Mr. Guidry's belief, there was a con-
siderable amount of this type material hitting the ground at
present. He felt it was a necessary service. It revolves
around the question of Quantum Park. He felt there would be
other requests which might cause concern for the City, and
the City must be prepared to meet that responsibility in
understanding the procedure as well as follow up to ensure
JANUARY 17, 1989
that things happen in accordance with the permits. He did
feel that Commissioner Olenik's question was a good one as
this is the first facility of this type, and the Ordinance
does not address bonding. He could not respond to that
question, but felt that from the designs they had reviewed,
this is a good project.
Mr. Dowling stated that if financial assurances are an
issue, Safety Kleen would supply any type assurances the
City might require. Commissioner Olenik stated that if in
his research City Manager Cheney found that other municipa-
lities accept bonds for potential hazardous waste cleanups,
and this is included in the City's Code, he asked whether
Safety Kleen would comply with that request. Mr. Dowling
stated they would if that were part of the requirement at
this time or in the future, the corporation should have no
problem in complying. They are bondable and have reputable
banks (in Chicago).
Commissioner Weiner asked if this should be pulled from the
Consent Agenda. This was removed at this point. See motion
on page 7 of these minutes.
Dee Zibelli, former Boynton Beach City Commissioner, stated
that when Quantum came in with their plans, it was to be a
nice industrial park that the people in North Boynton could
be proud of. There was no mention of hazardous waste, and
nothing was mentioned about a big Publix Warehouse either.
Hazardous waste does concern her. She worried about the
rising waters in that area. This had happened in the past
and could happen again. She felt this should be given great
Nick Cassandra, former Mayor of Boynton Beach, requested
that the Commission consider tabling or denying this
request. He reminded the Commission that when the Boynton
Commerce Center came in that it was a P.I.D. and they went
through what was allowed in permitted use and what was pro-
hibited. He did not understand how the TRB and the Planning
Department allowed the applicant to get so far. He referred
to Section 7, page 1926.1 in the Zoning which spells out
uses which are prohibited. This includes petroleum storage,
refining or transfer on this list. He felt that petroleum
storage must have been used very loosely by saying gasoline.
He noted that this applicant is a transfer station. All the
tankers will come into the City from allover the area into
the 70,000 gallon storage of which 40,000 is oil waste and
30,000 is mineral spirits. He noted that mineral spirits is
a distilate of petroleum, better known as petroleum spirits.
He noted this was a flammable petroleum area. He was con-
JANUARY 17, 1989
cerned that this prohibited use was very loosely defined,
and requested the Commission investigate it. He was not in
favor of any hazardous waste coming into the City. A P.I.D.
was made for that concern so that the City could control
what was to be built, where and how to be built. Section 7,
page 1926.2, physical Character of P.I.D. site, stated that
the site should be suitable for development in the manner
proposed without hazards to persons or property on or off
the tract. He stated that hazardous waste is a danger. He
felt that the City could decide what they would allow to
come into the City and not DER.
He suggested that the Commission look at the following con-
siderations. He works with contaminants as part of his job,
and they must contain 105 percent of full possible rupture.
He did not feel that Safety Kleen had full containment of
70,000 plus the other 5,000. He noted this is a high
electrical storm area. He stated there was no containment
around the tank farm. He was pleased there were no
underground pipes as a leak could not be detected. He
referred to the maintenance program and the fact that the
operation would not have 24 hour surveillance. He felt that
any spillage which might fall on the 8' x 8' pad would not
be absorbed and the vehicle would drive over it and it would
be spread.
Mr. Cassandra did feel that the facility was out of the
influence of the City's Eastern wells and would present no
problems. He noted that the facility is vented and that the
applicant says there are no odors. He referred to some
dangerous products which are odorless but can cause disease
without warning. He suggested this facility not be allowed,
or that the Commission consider tabling it so that all
questions could be anwered and full containment be required.
He noted this facility was a transfer station and was for
the sole purpose of bring hazardous material into the City.
He did not want this to become that type City.
Mr. Dowling stated that if they were required to do so, they
would increase the capacity so that 105 percent containment
was possible. They would raise the tank wall up by 6" or so
to bring the containment up to 105 percent of all the tanks.
He again referred to the procedure to be used by the trucks,
and the problems associated with rain water collection.
They could look at putting a permanent curb around the area
to collect the rain water. This could be periodically
sucked out. The solvent pumps are capable of pumping about
200 gallons per minute. In the worse case it might take 10
seconds to turn a pump off, 40 gallons could possibly spill.
The tanks are designed for 100 gallons for that area.
JANUARY 17, 1989
Commissioner Weiner
can or may be done,
into Boynton Beach.
did not see the problem as being what
but that it is hazardous waste coming
She would not vote for it.
Mr. Dowling again referred to the businesses which deal with
hazardous waste. He noted that in this case they were
talking dirty motor oil and mineral spirits. These are in
most people's homes and are not chemicals which would get on
the skin and burn it off. They are ordinary household type
Mayor Marchese stated that he had dealt with toxic materials
in the airline industry and he knew they were a problem as
contaminants and some of they could be real fire hazards.
He was in favor of collecting the material, but he was con-
cerned about the area being proposed to locate the plant.
This kind of facility is needed, but he did not want to
locate it in the City of Boynton Beach even though it would
provide a good tax base.
Commissioner Olenik asked if this was a permitted or prohi-
bited use in P.I.D. zoning. City Attorney Rea stated that he
did not know exactly what would fall under the definition of
petroleum. If some of the substances are petroleum pro-
ducts, they would be a prohibited use. Commissioner Olenik
was concerned that they were dealing with the spirit and
letter of the law. He felt the Ordinance could have been
written to include every petroleum byproduct and every type
of refining type material, if the intent was to not have
them in P.I.D. zoning. He questioned how the Planning
Department interpreted the zoning. Mr. Annunziato stated
the language also appears in the M-l. In 1975 when the City
wrote its zoning code it appeared as well. He understood it
related directly to gasoline - in particular the gasoline
storage facility on Industrial Avenue. It was narrowly
described as relating to gasoline. City Attorney Rea felt
if it was the desire to exclude specific type petroleum
byproducts the Code would have to be amended daily.
Commissioner Olenik noted that one gets byproducts out of a
refinery. He asked if they wanted to get specific and amend
the Ordinance to include a list of everything they did not
Vice Mayor Hester asked if City Attorney Rea stated that it
was prohibited, and City Attorney Rea stated that the term
petroleum storage, refining or transfer was used. He felt
that the word petroleum would have one concept for him and
perhaps another for others. He noted that some of the pro-
ducts were classified as Class IB Flammables. He questioned
whether they were explosive or not, but he did not know.
JANUARY 17, 1989
City Manager Cheney felt that since the P&Z Board had
approved the request, they had identified that this is a
permitted use. Commissioner Olenik asked if this question
was specifically taken up, and Mr. Annunziato stated that it
was taken up separately and went before the Board two or
three months ago.
Mr. Dowling again stated the steps they had taken. They had
worked closely with the Planning Staff, Fire Chief, and
Building Department once they find an area they would like
to be in. He noted that they are a warehouse, office,
distribution center. They had provided copies of their
Annual Report and explained to staff just how their company
operates. They then checked to be sure the site was out of
the flood plan. The site is 17' above mean sea level. He
expressed the fact that Safety Kleen is a very professional
organization and has been around for 20 years. They pride
themselves in doing things right. He further gave some of
the background regarding the establishment of Safety Kleen.
He told about the cities and countries where they have faci-
lities, noting they have 175 facilities. Mr. Dowling stated
that the use of the two 20 gallon tanks would be in the
future. It is a projected program for the next 5 years.
The two 15 gallon tanks would be used for mineral spirits.
Commissioner Olenik read from Webster's Third New
International Dictionary which defines petroleum as "an
oily, flammable, bituminous liquid that is in the crude
state and often has a very disagreeable odor and may vary
from almost colorless to black, but is usually of a dark
brown or greenish hue and sometimes florescent that occurs
in many places in the upper statra of the earth
is subjected to various refining processes for producing
useful products as gasoline, naptha, kerosene, fuel oils,
lubricants, waxes, asphalt and chemicals." He noted that
gasoline and fuel oils are included as a part of petroleum.
Mr. Dowling stated that the dictionary mentioned petroleum
as a flammable material. Commissioner Olenik stated that
the Ordinance states that the storage and/or transfer of
petroleum is prohibited. Mr. Dowling stated that mineral
spirits is not a flammable material, but is defined as com-
bustible. Commissioner Olenik felt that the Ordinance
stated that any type of a petroleum product transfer,
refining or storage would not be permitted in the P.I.D.
Mr. Dowling stated that they had been through use approval
and he could not see how the steps work in the City. He
felt they had been through all the steps necessary. If
their use was not a permissive one, he asked why they had
JANUARY 17, 1989
not been so advised. This could have saved them much time
in the review process. City Manager Cheney felt it was a
question of definition. The P&Z Board looked at petroleum
as gasoline and stated that Mr. Dowling's use would be fine.
A different judgment of what that Ordinance means has been
heard at this meeting.
Commissioner Weiner noted that the safety of the citizens
stops with this Commission. Mr. Dowling agreed but noted
those who had reviewed the application and noted they were
available and had reviewed the plans. Commissioner Olenik
pointed out their view was an interpretive one and not a
lack of expertise.
City Attorney Rea stated that the P&Z Board is directed to
make a finding that the proposed use will not be in conflict
with performance standards listed. There was further
discussion, and Commissioner Olenik stated that it is up to
the City Commission to interpret the meaning of petroleum.
There was discussion regarding flammable and combustible
Commissioner Weiner moved that the request from Safety Kleen
at Quantum Park, located on the east side of Alpha Drive
cul-de-sac, south of South Park Boulevard, for site plan
approval to construct 14,842 suqare foot solvent distribu-
tion center on Lots 46B and 56 C (2.19 acres) at the Quantum
~ Park of Commerce Planned Industrial Development be denie~. ~
~ommissioner Olenik seconded the motion which carried 5~
After a short break, the meeting resumed at 8:20 P. M.
A. Ordinances - 2nd Reading - PUBLIC HEARING
1. Proposed Ordinance No. 89-1 Re: Amend Ordinance No.
88-48 to correct scrivener's error
City Attorney Rea read proposed Ordinance No. 89-1 on
second and final reading in title only: