APPLICATION , . . . PROJECT NAME: SAFETY KLEEN CorU,tUNlTY APPEARANCE BOARD Boynton Beach, Florida APPLICATION: (';Z) REVIEW APPROVAL ( ) PREVIOUSLY DENIED PLANS ( ) REQUEST FOR CHANGE ( ) SIGN APPROVAL SERVICE CENTER ,REVISED PLANS DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 1989 PROJECT ADDRESS: LOT 46-B AT ALPHA DRIVE, QUANTUM CORPORATE PARK LEGAL DESCRIPTION: (ATTACHED) (If too lengthy to fit on application, legal HUST be on a separate sheet of paper - NOT,a part of the plans). BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OFFICE/WAREHOUSE & TANK FAR~1 BLDGS., LANDSCAPE OllliER: SAFETY-KLEEN CORPORATION, ELGIN, ILL, ARCHITECT: PAUL LINNEY & ASSOC., ~lARI ETTA, GA, TEL. # (312) 697-8460 TEL. U (404) 952-0761 IN ORDER FOR YOUR PLANS TO BE REVIEWED, A REPRESENTATIVE HUST BE PRESENT AT THE HEETING. DELFIN F. MENENDEZ NAME:t1 S M DESIGN GRO'UP ADDRESS: 630'SOUTH DIXIE HIGHWAY, Street TEL. # (407) 659-5701 33401 WEST PALM BEACH, FLORIDA City Zip Code IHPORTANT: Requirements for Review: 1. Technical'Review Board Approval. 2. Staff comments. 3. Location Map Designating Site. 4. Three (3) sets of plans to include ONLY those items pertinent for CAB review. This includes a site plan, a landscape plan, front and side building elevations, site signage, and an existing tree survey, if applicable. 5. Application filled out completely and legibly. 6. '$50 application fee (to City of Boynton Beach). THERE WILL BE NO EXCEPTIONS TO THE REQUIREMENTS FOR REVIEW BEFORE THE BOARD. ALL VillETINGS OF THE COMMUNITY APPEARANCE BOARD ARE OPEN TO THE PUBLIC. SURFACE (1) BEAMS . (1) COLUMNS DOORS FASCIA GABLE ENDS GLASS GRILL PANELS MATERIAL PREFINISHED STEEL FRAME BLDG, PREFINISHED STEEL FRAME BLDG, ~1ETAL N.A. N.A. 5/8" INSUL. FIXED GLASS N.A. COLOR (NAME) (NOT EXPOSED OUTSIDE) (NOT EXPOSED OUTSIDE) I1ED lUM GRA Y " TINTED INSECT SCREEN RAILINGS N.A. ly,' STEEL NA TURAL ~lETAL (2)ROOF 26 GA. PREFINISHED METAL ROOF PANELS NAT. GALVANIZED METAL SHUTTERS N.A. N.A. CONCRETE SPLIT FACE BLOCK SMOOTH STUCCO (FRONT PARAPET) CERAMIC TILE BAND CHAIN LINK t1ETAL SOFFIT WALLS SAND GRAY OFF-WHITE BLUE NAT. GALVANIZED OTHERS (as required) . FENCE Date pd. ~I)t, ?J (CiWi I Rec. 0 1104/ i (1) IN TANK FA Rr.1 BLDG., PAINTED IN rlEDlU~1 GRAY i (2) IN TANK FARt1 BLDG., FLAT METAL STD. SEAN. SIG~OF - 0 APPLICANT , . L '. " ,i lj, . "~ LEGAL DESCRIPTION LOTS 46-8. 46-C. 47-D. 47-C AND SOUTH 71.53 FEET OF LOT 47-8. ACCORDING TO THAT CERTAIN QUANTUM PARK AT BOYNTON BEACH. P.I.D.. PLAT NO. 10 RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 60. PAGES 34. 35 AND 36. PUBLIC RECORDS OF PALM BEACH COUNTY. " '".:/;,:~"}f::,:",; ::, :;j. ,'~";'I' /,,-J,'"/., ,~- ,l:-.j,," ..h...'tf..;,.rrrr..)' v-' 0;.", X~"U';;'1~fi0; 1f " ';',I~I', ;!F:~it{f .~.... ~'I..:<<J~ 'if.' ,',. ,', ..~t,:~,0.' ..'~/l.', ,'.. fl' if ~~~/i?~* "'" I ;~t' it, Wi"" ,~c' ',' !,( _~f.' .u,' ,. :(j::" ~)/ .;~ - .-:::r:~~:;' "~,i; _', ...fl," ",,/, ;~;I" ~W/,[~,ii ,,' .~ .,'. .- },""" ." .-, .', STAFF COMMENTS SAFETY KLEEN AT QUANTUM PARK SITE PLAN MODIFICATION BUILDING DEPARTMENT: FIRE DEPARTMENT: ENGINEERING DEPARTMENT: UTILITIES DEPARTMENT: PLANNING DEPARTMENT: See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo See attached memo .,,:,.:;,>,?!- " ",~(.;: " ,.' " ",(: ,,' \ ",1':. ":~;,. ~{ ,:",:"., '>;':Z', :'~~-9,,~:,;, ", ,,//) ..... ,:.;,' .. ':~.:i~~:~;.:' ::-:.l~ ... ':r:i;~f, ,:1,~~'; ...Jjr {",.,:::.:;;t.,"/./;, .. ~;;itt } ,"", '::'~ ',Ji" <~~ . , 11'1: ._~ -~~. ._-_::.:~' .~ , '. .' ( ~_~:r;'l'~,; , .lst!I"':fJt, '~\:~~:':: ,,:.:.;......:. .;;~ :.' ;; . (:'~:; '. "r .;,~,~JJ~f;1i,>jr~ ,'T ~1: .~ f- I';.." ' :. ;.t "_''- ",~~;::~;~~ ' ...~'.-:;.:.:..;J.i..:- MEMORANDUM September 6, 1989 TO: Carmen Annunziato Planning Director FROM: Mike Haag Plans Reviewer RE: SITE PLAN MODIFICATION - SAFETY KLEEN The following comments must be satisfied by correcting and/or clarifying existing drawings: 1. Show on plans a full section dra~ing of the site wall. Drawing should include a description of all materials, type, sizes and spacing required for structural integrity (include finish material and color). . 2. Show dimensions of the site wall from all adjoining property lines (min. 2 feet). 3. show on the plans the finish floor elevation measurement of the entrance door to meet Handicap Code requirements of 1/2" maximum difference. 4. Show the dimension of the proposed free-standing sign with a minimum setback from the property line of 10 feet. Sign must not encroach into easements. 5. Show on the plans the 40 foot peripheral green belt in compliance with the overall required P.I.D. perimeter green belt. 6. Show on the plans that the future expansion area will meet the Landscape Code requirements for lawn grass and irrigation. 'J /tt."~/~ 4~/c ~'Vv.po/1" 6.~.i~{. n n.- f(Ev/~<-t/ r~C'-1.' ---/~ p/io (like Haag MH:bh XC: Don Jaeger SFTY. TRB ':-:-'1"; ;~ '~ ..,I ", W:." "~"~' ",:,~.:.: "I~':t_:~;ft." , I'if .. ..,','<.....,....",.I.7f,..,~" " ,1~t~ji:,~:,tJ}~;?~;., TO: FROM: RE: " .~.': .. ";,~ "4..':' ,.1:/_ _. )\r:~, 1';irf(/:,\:;~[" ....,.:i;~{; ,..' X;,::};;" "!', ,~:.' J;~:;:;A~~t:.. .c" .~e, '.,." ~",," -- ...~:~:.~i;:::/'II iJ~J~)t:~tji;~1;!/;"Ub," , ..! ",-}.:~.;J)""'~"'{" :I-S""\' i'!'f~rf::, ' ~, ,\":/ :~ ~/:':~.' ,)i ~~::" ";." -" " ');: :,'" "'/. ''';''::: \-.,'\F , ~.,.,.,:~/' , '. . ~ :r:':-: :::4~i.;.. 1 i;;:'~, . ~ .~;~ ):.:: .... s,,;ptember' 7, 1989 MEMORANDUM Jim Golden, Planning Department Rep.~ 1- Move fire hydrant, shown next to the building, at least 20' away from th@ building. W. D. C,3vanau'~iI~, Fi r'e Dept. -TRG Safety Kleen Ht Quantum p18ce 2- Since 'iafety Kleen owns the lots .;1nd connects between Alpha and Beta Dr'; ves, .7.1 pi" i 'va te f i t'e 1 i ne sh",ll be constl"ucted to connect with f i r'e 1 i nes c)n those two 3tr'eets. 3- standar'd Should Safety Kleen requir~ security for security gates shall apply: gatss the folll.ing 1- Gates shall be openable by telephone, with a call from Central Dispatch Center. 2- When the gate Dispatch, it shall over; at which time Officer in charge, is open~d by the call from Central remain open until the emergency is Centr',3l Of sp.3tch wi 11 be tal d, by to close the gate. 3- In case of a power failure the gate shall open alltomat i Cilll y, 4" Appropl"i ate "Hal d H,31"ml ess" agr'eement r'e: damage to gates equipment, etc. :.: ~ '.... ,. "? "'.); l:. ~ ... -, ~~-:. . '.~';; ",,,,^', '. "',. ~*.. . ~;p.- .':~~i 'i":,/~: ..' ". : I j I"~ I I J ~ '.', "', ; 'i~ "J ;'~~~3 ,"r, ':~~ ;..; ..j." '...;.... . " " .;~~ , .... . , ."M'", ..~ "-"'-- _...-- M E MaR AND U M September 6, 1989 TO: Jim Golden Senior City Planner VIA:: Ann Toney Acting Engineering Administrator , FROM: Roger Kuver Engineering Inspector RE: TRB Comments Safety Kleen at Quantum Park 1. Parking lot light poles need an imbedme~t detail and an Engineer's note certifying the structures will withstand 120 MPH winds per Article X, Section 5-142, 5-144. 2. Revise handicap striping detail by replacing the letter "H" with a standard wheelchair symbol. 3. Handicap ramp detail is required. 4. Provide a signed Surveyor that is and sealed survey from a registered Florida Land no older than six months. Section 5-144(b) , 5. Driveway approach radii are not indicated on plan. Minimum standard is 25 feet' and must be shown on plan. Section 5-142(h) 6. Provide drainage calculations by a Florida registered Engineer that meet the requirements of article X. 7. South Florida Water Management District permits or exemptions are required. ~~ RK/ck ~; ;~z .' I,~~0" ,~' ;~::/~~;:;Zr-r:{ \ :'~f: , , . :":;t~~~.?t~1.~ 1'.' ?:i_. ~~:: l~<;?:JXMt;~I.~ ~~'; ~9:~:'fi{~'::P.:~~9.t~'.jc~~: . .~~ ".Ii. v..r.-!o'~!'':{J'tr.:V';J.~~'' ;Y~J~M~t~fk:ii ;; ',f :1;, .ti"W'""(l,~~r"'" ':,:;r.- :$}~::'I;':::ll1%~~tZ?I.' -:~., .... ':>>.w,,,.l.IY,l::\f :A" ,{::. ~:(~~/~}.~.i~ ,;:" ,,",,,,,,::.,s,:,,.,w,,::; .,,:,,' ~'.~-.:]"m""'r!.\.~,z...'l. '":::tr~l'}tl~~ " ,t::J~~~~ti:';~ ';';?:::'::(I,;';:)j;":::::!Atl:'~ ."" .'7..;}t;:/-, ,1:"iX':':7,fIIi:',.~.__ :,~':.. "~~"':,':~"'?~"""U,0:.''''';$: ..' ,~:::,:}'i,~>. ;.~?':f.l~?2!.;:::!.~1 .~~ "'J;' _J,,;,'~:': .:-:;A,u~~.:~f~. ~ '~~<~t:I~I' ~ ,c_'! ," " , ; "l~ f)' ."c '" ;~:~ " MEMORANDUM FROM: Carmen Annunziato, Director of Planningc John A. Guidry" \ Director of utilities r"-k DATE: september 6, 1989 TO: SUBJ: safety sion TRB Review - Kleen Site Expan- We can approve this proje9t subject to the following conditions: 1. Provide fire flow calculations~ including an allowance for domestic usage at park build-out, in support of the water distribution system design. , 2. Relocate the fire hydrant away from the building, preferably to the grassed island in front of the b~ilding. 3. Relocate the double check valve assembly to a point downstream of the City's control gate valve on the fire line. 4. Relocate the water meter to a point closer to the water main, in a grassed area. cmd xc: Peter Mazzella r MEMORANDUM september 7, 1989 TO: Chairman and Members Planning and Zoning Board FROM: 'Carmen S. Annunziato Planning Director Safety-Kleen Site Plan Modification Staff Comments - File No. 297 RE: With respect to the above-referenced request, please be advised of the following: 1. Since a final sign-off for the original site plan approval has not yet been received, previous staff comments not addressed with this submittal shall remain outstanding. 2. This use has been reviewed by the Environmental Review Committee, but the environmental review permit has not been applied for through the Planning Department and will need to be issued prior to issuance of a building permit. Once the environmental review permit has been issued, any changes to the use, such as the future expansion, will necessitate an amendment to the environmental review permit. Appendix A, Section 11.3(C)15. 3. Label the colors of all structures, including the buffer wall, on page A-3 of the elevations. 4. Add a note to the plans that the parking lot lights along the buffer wall shall be shielded,from the residents on the south side of the canal so as not to create a nuisance. Appendix A, Section 4(N)7. 5. The building coverage indicated on page 3 of the site plan application and sheet SP-l should be amended to reflect the gross floor area of the building footprint of 17,008 square feet. Appendix A, Section 7-H(7). 6. The total industrial square footage is 11,344 square feet and the total office square footage is 8,100 square feet based on the floor plans submitted. The gross floor area of all the buildings and structures is 19,444 square feet. These figures should be corrected on sheet sp-1 and page 4 of the site plan application. Appendix A, Section 7-H(7). 7. Based on the square footages in item 6 above and the parking requirements established for combined distribution/ware- house/office uses at the Boynton Commerce Center P.I.D., this use would require 41 parking spaces calculated at the rate of one (1) parking space for every 800 square feet qf gross floor area for distribution use and one (1) parking space for every 300 square feet of gross floor area for office use. The parking rate applicable to this use has changed since the original approval as the percentage of floor area for office use has increased above 25%. The parking calculation should be amended on sheet SP-1 and page 4 of the site plan application. 8. Provide details of the curb containment area adjacent to the tank farm building where trucks unload and load their contents. Appendix A, section 11.3(C)2. 9. The percent containment of the diked wall surrounding the storage tanks should be indicated on the plans. Appendix A, Section ll.3(C)2. C~ !'AN~=C:/fJL TJH:frb SKleen i./ "'],," " 'f K ~ ,~ ,~ :K ',': l,~ ~' ~L "',1 illj'll co 'f I ~, WI,:1l .. I! Ill! I 1 , '8 It ~~ 2., q'" ~ , .'" .. " II. ,'" ,III. ,. II; ~ .. I II ,\ -\ . .1!1 i _..~ j. ~" ,I j. !. I II ,I :h'l 'ill;\I.\1 " ~I II I' l:li':1 i1ih ii'l Iii ~~I. Iii! 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