ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW ~ . #' , ~; , CITY of BOYNTON BEACH @.... .~. 100 E. Boynlon Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynlon Beach. Florida 33435-0310 1407) 734.8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR 13 October 1989 Safety-Kleen Corporation Attention: Kevin Schmuggerow 777 Big Timber Road Elginr IL 60123 ! I' ! Re: Safety-Kleen Service Center Environmental Rev~ew Permit Dear Mr. Schmuggerow: Please be advised that this letter constitutes an Environmental Review Permit as required in Section 8A3 of Appendix Ar City of Boynton Beach Code of Ordinances. This permit allows for the establishment of a so"lvent distribution facility to be located on lots 46Br 46Cr 47D, and a portion of lot 47B at the Quantum Park of Commerce Planned Industrial Development. The conditions of issuance of this permit include the following: 1) Requests for review dated July 8, 1988 and September 14, 1988. 2) Environmental Review Permit application and attachments thereto. 3) Staff comments from City Commission site plan approval dated May 2, 1989. 4) Staff comments from City Commission site plan modification approval dated September 19, 1989. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH CSA/cmc xc: Delfin F. Menendez Environmental Review Board Administrator of Plans Review and Permitting Central File c..~~~ Carmen S. Annunziato, A.I.C.P. Planning Director ~,' .u; 7.... -',;<X<<", n;,.WNN. -., ----"""77f(l':- . DATE OF SUFFICIENCY: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE MEETING DATE: ACTION TAKEN: Planning Department - January 1984 i. 'i;'::,:.~:,:;: " ,::;I':';>"\I,c.~'",,,,,,,, ~'r"4't,:1 '.", l~"""'i'~"i/.'.' Ili~J; ~ t.~i" ~ !ri-i.. Ji ;.;~(. ~ ~ ":"Sc'l 1:l.C r r,'''-''''f~''''.'' ~~~.i~i::r: :!~I~i;~i :'.'~..' .~~~ 'lffi. ,'.. ~~-';';.,~:~ .,:.;' -.~~,..;lJr.' ,.- :1': .~. 'ti.J'. -'~' .~ t', -' -:--:t:/ .)i. f ./". (.!~. ~ ." ,~t.i,\t~l.+ tl' '~~J'~:~ : r '.~,?~k: j~l ~lj~..;:t ~!}J~';J.:'.fl/' :::t.. ~ ':-'!l',_i '~~ ~'i . ~,~\: .J-.. .1.1: ,;)~~ ~ :r-~.~ ~"'. .'. Jl '-',,-1 '~{;,k':" ,~,. '\ ., :'1. :, ,I ;~ ';'; . I' , .';. ,',,': ;,.,:;. '. ~; '. . ~~j '" .'\"., i" .~~ ,,' : 1 DETAILS OF WAREHOUSE STORAGE AND OPERATIONS 1. Parts Washer Machines: A parts washer machine is a "sink atop a drum". The drum contains eight or fifteen gallons of recirculated solvent (mineral spirits) depending on the size of the machine. Safety-Kleen services its customers by providing them with a fresh drum of solvent, after removal of the dirty drum of solvent, on a one to twelve week service interval. The dirty drums of solvent are then taken back to the branch facility where it is displaced into a large dumpster which pumps it into a 15,000 gallon steel horizontal tank (12' -0" diameter x 18' -0" long). The empty drums are then lined with a visqueen bag and refilled with solvent from one of two 15,000 gallon steel horizontal tanks of clean solvent. The three tanks containing the clean and dirty products are located in a concrete diked contained area sized for the largest vessel (15,000 gallons) and displacement of all other tanks. This tanl< farm is designed to be in compliance \iith the standards established in NFPA 30, 1984 edition. The tanks are equipped with pressure/vacuum venting, internal emergency valves, and high level alarms. The tank farm system is ins tal1ed over twenty feet from the property line and over five feet from the nearest important building. Additionally, the t'anks are constructed to conform with U.L. specifications and are so labeled. It should be noted that the drum return and fill operation is done on a 30" high steel grating dock over a concrete curbed area with a collection sump. The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) considers our 1050 mineral spirits to be a Class II combustible liquid. In July of 1985, the Environmental Protection Agency placed Safety-Kleen's dirty mineral spirits on the hazardous waste list due to the product's ignitability. 2. Immersion Cleaner: Commonly known as carburetor cleaner, Safety- Kleen provides a service to its customers similar to the parts washer operation. On a specified service interval, a Safety-Kleen saies representative will replace the drum of dirty immersion cleaner with a drum of fresh immersion cleaner. The dirty drum is sealed, loaded on the truck and returned to the, facility. Unlike the mineral spirits which end up in an aboveground tank, the dirty immersion cleaner remains in drums. The clean material arrives in drums and the dirty material exits in drums. ~mmersion cleaner is a non-flarrunable, non-combustible but corrosive .chlorinated solvent. Drums will be stored in a concrete curbed area with no drains. A " ;,:, '( .~,~ , \f',. T:, ~.~-;} . < > " ' 'I:' ;1~9 . ,:h:/ ~r:. '1'.=' .;1;:' ,J..! ;iJ;, "I., i";r ...1' i'1 , , , ! .~. i , .It, :"-:.j :1 ,- .\" .~' ,>>.....,... Page' 2 Details of Harehouse Storage and Operations July 5, 1988 , concrete sump lIith steel grating designed to handle 107. of the volume pf the drums stored will be installed at the entrance of the area. The dirty immersion cleaner is considered a hazardous waste. 3. Paint Refinishing Program: Safety-Kleen provides buffing pads, abrasive pads, body fillers and rubbing compound to the paint refinishing industry. The dirty pads are br'ought back to the facility. A semi-truck will then take the dirty pads back to one of the Safety-Kleen buffing pad recycling plants where the pads will be cleaned in preparation for re-use. 4. Lacquer Thinner: Used lacquer thinners are brought back in five gallon containers and stored in a Class IE room which will be constructed in accordance \dth NFPA 30 with curbing and trenches, Class I Division II lighting and heaters, and a high density sprinkler system. Clean lacquer thinner is also stored in the same room in five gallon metal containers. The lacquer thinner, dirty or clean, is considered to be a Class lB flammable material and the dirty is considered to be a hazardous waste. The dirty material is transported to a Safety-Kleen recycle center where it is recycled into clean material for return to a service center for re-use. 5. Fluid Recovery Services: Used industrial fluids are brought back to the facility in sealed 55 gallon drums and similar to the lacquer thinner are stored in a Class IB area. The used industrial fluids can be both flammable and combustible and are considered to be hazardous wastes. A semi-truck will remove the waste drums everyone to two weeks and take them to be recycled, incinerated or used as a supplemental fuel. 6. Waste Oil: Safety-Kleen picks up waste oil from gas stations, garages and industrial accounts in 3,000 gallon vacuum tanker trucks. The waste oil is then taken back to the facility where it is pumped into a 15,000 gallon horizontal tank (12' -0" diameter x 18'-09" long). The tank containing the dirty product is located in a concrete diked contained area sized for the largest vessel (15,000 gallons) and displacement of all tank~. This tank farm is designed to be in compliance with the :i ',' -~ " i: !;,: rr' t V ,. , ;, ..f ~,~ L . tr' , , !J.. !,i' .l, ,. ," .""l~.-.- - €" .pr,,-, :.:d.... . Page 3 Details of Warehouse Storage and Operations July 5, 1988 standards established in NFPA 30, 1984 edition. The tanks are equipped with pressure/vacuum venting, internal emergency valves, and high level alarms. The tank farm system is installed over twenty feet from the property line and over five feet from the nearest important building. Additionally, the tanks are constructed to conform with U.L. specifications and are so labeled. Waste oil has a flash point greater than 2000 F and is considered by NFPA 30 to be a Class IIIB cor"bustible, material. 7. Dry Cleaning Prog~ On a specified service interval, the dry cleaning sales rep supplies the dry cleaner with fresh perchloroethylene from a drum and removes any drums of bottom oils and filter cartridges. Dirty drums of material are brought back to the facility where they are stored with the immersion cleaner. The bottom oils and dry cleaning waste is non-combustible and non- flammable, but is considered to be a hazardous waste. 8. Restaurant Filter Program: This program consists of supplying and installing aluminum baffle filters at restaurants. The aluminum filters are used at the entrance of the exhaust hoods to capture the grease that could build up in the hood or duct and result in a' potential fire. In addition we provide a hood and duct cleaning service. 9. Allied Products: When the parts washer sales representative is contacting a customer, an effort is made to sell allied products. This consists of the following: hand cleaner, floor soaps, spray choke cleaner, gloves, brooms, etc. NO'PROCESSING IS DONE ON THE SITE. The facility is designed for the principle use of warehoue bulk storage and distribution. Clean solvent is delivered in 7,000 gallon bulk tanker trucks everyone to two weeks or as required. The clean solvent is pumped from the tanker truck into one of the 15,000 gallon clean tanks. After the truck has emptied its load of clean solvent, it proceeds to remove 7,000 gallons of dirty material. The material is then taken to Elgin, Illinois where it is recycled for future use at Safety-Kleen locations. J'" / j 2 I ~ (!_): 1 0 (-,,- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APPLICATION Date: 7 8~g8 Name: ~o" ;e_-I Home Address: Dac-J 1115 777 6/j 3 12 - { 9 L/- ') 70 0 7:/h6~r tlJ.; CI.1'0;fL - GO 1:23 Home Phone: Business Name: S a. ~-ty k Ie-e.n c::: 0 rf Business Address 77 7 J3 (Bay # if applicable) l J3 Business Phone: :1 I.J -, 9 ~;)7 0 i) (;'m),~r /(J/ E/1/"'.J::j:t. (; 0 );:2.] Property Owner's (' Name: :;Q4e--t-Y /(/e-e.n Co rf Property OWner's ) / EJ ' 71. Address: 77; B'j ;;....,j(_Pd, ~J.'J Phone: 3)2-(,?Y~~/{)O Please explain, in detail, the type of business proposed to be conducted at this site, including square footage of area for proposed use. .s~ F;-. '" ,..,., c,,;:J,~ S'<,-+~-f-'y o -\ I <' -II, _ 7)cr -/r. J J"l l~ 6, /988 /J.~., v/'J 7'-1 "'+cJ . ('\It'f',) -- ("""0 Co /'~""" Environmental Review co~~ttee Meeting Date: 7 - ;) : ) Time: Place: ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE APPLICATION Date: SEPT. 14, 1988 Name: DAN! EL D. DmJLIllG Home Address: SEE [JELOW Home Phone: SEE BELOW Business Name: SAFETY - KLEEN CORPORATIDrI Business Address (Bay # if applicable) 777 BIG TIM[JER ROAD, ELGHl, ILLINOIS 60123 Business Phone: 312/697-8460 Property OWner's Name: SAFETY KLWl CORPORATI ON (CONTRACT TO PURCHASE) Property OWner's Address: 777 BIG TH1BER ROAb, ELGIN, ILLINOIS 60123 Phone: 312/697-8460 Please explain, in detail, the type of business proposed to be conducted at this site, including square footage of area for proposed use. CONSTRUCT BUILDING vJITH STORAGE FACILITIES FOR HANDLING MID STORAGE OF WASTE CLEANING FLUIDS COLLECTED mm1 AUTO REPAIR SHOPS, FLEET OPERATORS, ~1ANUFACTURERS AND DRY CLEMlERS. BUILDING TO CONTAIN 10,000 S.F. Ofl LOTS 46B AND 46C OF QUANTU~1 PARK. SEE ATTACHED "DETAILS OF WAREHOUSE STORAGE AND OPERATIDrJS". Environmental Review Committee Meeting Date: Time: Place: ..r. .~-~.__.... - '-~ ., '~~~~--. :~;;'.'H'~ .. ''/ ' I . . ,. I,"'> 1- ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW PERMIT APPLICATION City of Boynton Beach, Flo~ida Environmental Review Committee This application must be filled out completely and mitted in one (I) copy to the Planning Department. ~lill not be p,rocessed. accurately and sub- Incomplete applications Please Print Legibly or Type all Information. I. GENERAL INFORMATION 1. Project Name: S~FET'i ~~e.N. Se:lb.II/'P c:..1i!.N.'TcJil. 2. Date this Application is Accepted: (to be filled out by Planning Department) 3. Applicant's Name (person or business entity in whose name this application is made) : .. Phone: SA.I:'~ K~En-.l (.c II. P, . --=rJ', @ut''"I iiM'f.R ~Cl...t> _\:", ~'t-l :I:\"" 160\'L~ ~I'Z.- ~~"..@.*100 Address: - 4. Agent's Name (person, if any, representing applicant): Delfin F. Menendez Address: 630 South Dixie Highway West Palm Beach, Florida 33401 Phone: (407) 659-5701 5. Property Owner's (or Trustee's) Name: Phone: eo~e:N ~,~ c.c~. "'\""\i 'Ole, -r,......@ol!:1!.. ~AO S\.AlN. 'I:1.. l.O\~~ <"~\'1.:~l.4lI\".~~loO Address: 6 . Correspondence Address (if different than applicant or agent) * A.~ : \:( S\I "oJ. ~t...loh~\I/,,(',.C'D' I"\W * This is the address to which all agendas, letters, and other materials will be mailed. Planning Department - J"n,lI"" 19S4 -=-"'-- --, ~::-'.' -~'::~':~~'~".":~:::;:.:::'" 'r"-'! -~::-"""'f""'-~""; ,0 " Page 'il'wo , 7. What is applicant's interest in the premises affected? OWN s:1l.. (Owner, Buyer, Lessee, Builder, Developer, Contract Purchaser, etc.) 8. Street Address or Location of Site: West side of Cul-de-sac at Alpha Drive, Quantum Corporate Park, Boynton Beach, Florida 9. Legal Description of Site: Lots 46-B, 46-C, 47-C, 47-D and the southerly 71.5~ feet of Lot 4J_-B, accordlng to that certain Quantum Park at Boynton Beach P.I.D., Plat No. 10, recorded in Plat Book 60, Pages 34, 35 and 36, Public Records of Palm Beach County, Florida 10. Developer or Builder: QUillooNTUM ~*f,.O~. II. Architect: Paul Linney & Associates, Marietta, Georgia 12. Landscape Architect: The ,Land Stewardship Co., West Palm Beach, Florida 13. Site Planner: M.S.M. Design Group, West Palm Beach, Florida 14. Engineer: Rossi and 11alavasi, Engineers, Inc., West Palm Beach, Florida IS. Surveyor: FRS and Associates, West Palm Beach, Florida 16. Traffic Engineer: N/A 17. Mechanical & Environmental Control Engineer(s):, N/A 18. Other persons involved in the preparation of this application: Danel D. Dowling, Safety Kleen Project Engineer. Planning Depa~tment - January 1984 '.. Page Three 19. Intended Use(s) of site. When completing this section of the application, refer'to pages 23, 24, and 25 of the attached Ordinance No. 83-38 entitled FACTORS A~D STANDARDS TO BE CONSIDERED BY THE ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE IN THE REVIEW OF PERMIT APPLICATIONS, and the Performance Standards listed on pages 3, 4, and 5. These factors, standards, and performance standards should be addressed either in the description below or in plans accompanying the application. Your response to this question should be as complete and accurate as is practical. If you cannot complete your description on this page, attach an addendum entitled INTENDED USES OF SITE. SEE 'ATTACHED !:OPY OF "OETAILS OF WAREHOUSE STORAGE AND OPERATIONS" DATED 7-5-88, PREPARED BY DANIEL D. DOWLING. SAFETY-KLEEN PROJECT ENGINEER A. M,,>,,'Io1Ut'1 o. -eo _t-1PLo~E:&c; Abl~ AI'-rtC.,PA-rf!E.'CJ A.-or 11&\<" F.6.c::.f,-,-ry A.."r ",(,\oUt. """1:' It"I::""I..I or '"T""""-;- $-). \u-n.-l:c; , Planning Department - January 1984 Ju3nt!_~JlII .-.".....~_r:r,ll-~";.u.~::~c~-' .- ___.....-- _____~..::.:.,;.__u~..:.21~2Zf ),.,' 11r.;:~'~~~-::?""-':!"}>'<'~~~'~~#~~~:'f,~-' ,n', "'l""'~:(:!tf.nllliJBW-r~~~~:'."f''' ::s;.;! , Page Four II. SITE DATA The following information must be filled out below and must appear where applicable, on the plans which accompany this application. I. Zoning District: P .1.0. 2. Area of Site: 6.12 acres 266,439 (4.15 Acres if canal R/W is excluded) sqare feet 3. Floor Area a. Residential: 0 square feet b. Display Area/Retail Floorspace: square feet c. Office: 8000 square feet (4000 is for future use) d. Manufacturi~g/Shop Areas: 0 square feet f. Loading: 10,836 528 square feet e. Storage: square feet g. Recreational: o square feet h. Public/Institutional: o square feet (Included in Etc.: Offi ce Use) square feet i. Hallways, Stairways, Elevators, j. Other (specify): o square feet k. Other (specify) : 0 square feet TOTAL FLOOR AREA: 19,364 square feet 4. Maximum Height of Structures on Site: 29+ feet - 1 & 2 stories 5. Required Off-Street Parking a. Calculation of Required Number of Off-Street Parking Spaces Storage & Loading b. Off-Street Parking Spaces Provided on Site Plan 61 Total (47 for cars (1 Per 800 S.F.) 15 & 14 for Service Trucks) Office (1 per 300 S.F.) 27 TOTAL 42 Planning Department - January 1984 .~W_ :t~~~_ ___ . - -..-..........--. :~li..'i!NJlNP','. ;.. :~~_'S::~.~; ~~. ':'.:':':~~.;l . ~... Page Five III. PLAN REQUIREMENTS The information required in Section 11.3.C.2.a. through 11.3.C.2.z. on pages 16 and 17 of attached Ordinance No. 83-38 shall be pro- vided on six (6) copies of plans and/or documents which are to accompany this application. IV. APPLICATION FEE An application fee in the amount specified in Section 11.3.C.3.a. through 11.3.C.3.c on pages 17 and 18 of attached Ordinance No. 83-38, must be paid at the time the application is submitted, by check, payable to the City of Boynton Beach. V. CERTIFICATION (I) (We) understand that this application and all papers and plans submitted herewith become a part of the permanent records of the City of Boynton Beach. (I) (We) hereby certify that the above statements and any statements or showings in any papers or plans submitted herewtih are true to the best of (my) (our) knowledge and belief. This application will not be accepted unless signed according to the instructions below. q Ill-I ~ Date Signature of Owner (s)- or Authorized Princip I if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. VI. AUTHORIZATION OF AGENT Signatu e of Authorized Agent _10/" /8' Date (I) (We) hereby designate the above-signed person as (my) (our) authorized agent in regard to this application. Q, { rz.. l'8j Date S gnature of Owner(s or Trustee, or Authorized Principal if property is owned by a corporation or other business entity. Planning Department -January 1984 {":t,..h J '-'-, r ,~ CITY of BOYNTON BEACH i " @ 100 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. P. O. Box 310 Boynton Beach. Florida 33435-0310 14071 734-8111 OFFICE OF THE PLANNING DIRECTOR September 20, 1989 safety-Kleen corporation Attn: Mr. Daniel Dowling 777 Big Timber Road Elgin, Illinois 60123 RE: Safety-Kleen - site Plan Modification - File No. 297 Dear Mr. Dowling: Please be advised that on Tuesday, september 19, 1989, the City Commission approved the referenced site plan subject to staff comments, copies of which are attached. These plans were approved subject to your compliance with the attached stipulations. After you have amended your plans to reflect these stipulations, please submit two copies of final plan drawings with the changes incorporated to the Building Department for permitting purposes. The approval of the City entitles you to construct only the improvements shown on the site plan. The site plan will be viewed procedurally as an as-built or record drawing. If you have any questions concerning this matter, please do not hesitate to contact me. Very truly yours, CITY OF BOYNTON BEACH (' ,." 12--~T CARMEN S. ANNUNZIATO, AICP Planning Director CSA:frb Encs. cc: Delfin F. Menendez, MSM Design Group Enrico Rossi, Rossi & Malavasi Engr., Inc. Interim City Manager Technical Review Board central File